News from Cathcart Trinity Church · PDF fileTrinity. Anne & James McDiarmid have recently...

Post on 20-Mar-2018

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Transcript of News from Cathcart Trinity Church · PDF fileTrinity. Anne & James McDiarmid have recently... Page 1

November Worship: Sunday 5 November: 11.00am and 6.30pm Sunday 12 November: Remembrance Sunday 10.45 and 6.30pm Sunday 19 and Sunday 26 November 11.00am and 6.30pm

A word from our Minister: On 31st October 1517 a German monk and teacher, Martin Luther, nailed his 95 objections to the indulgence system on Wittenberg Castle Church’s door in an attempt to initiate an academic discussion. (indulgences allowed people to sin, pay a financial penalty and receive assurance from the Church that they would receive a heavenly welcome from God when they died). 500 years later we’re still living the consequences of Luther’s actions.

Martin Luther was a man who had always struggled with the guilt of his sin, but as he read the Bible and wrestled with the words he found in it, he became convinced that nothing he paid financially and nothing he did in terms of good works would pay the penalty of his sin. Instead, he returned again and again to the words of scripture that announced that our salvation depends entirely on Jesus Christ. All that was needed on our part, was faith in Jesus – ‘faith alone.’ This radical, Biblical idea changed the Church, changed Europe and changed the course of history as Protestant Churches came into being (including our own denomination in 1560) and as the Roman Catholic Church reformed some of their practices too.

News from Cathcart Trinity Church November 2017 Page 2

Much has changed in the intervening 500 years, but the need for the Church of God to be testing her practices and assumptions against what we discover in the Word of God has not.

This side of eternity we are all ‘works in progress,’ dependent on the grace, love and strength of God. It is God, through His Word, and by His Spirit who leads us, encourages us and equips us to live for Him. Martin Luther was so committed to this idea that he translated the Bible into German so that the people around him could read it for themselves, which they did, and they and the world was changed. Today when the Bible is the best-selling book ever, available in English (though still not in every language) it’s easy to lose sight of the privilege we have in drawing close to God

through it as we learn about Him, ourselves and the world. However, I want to use this opportunity to say take the Bible – either in book form or electronically – read it, ask what God’s saying to you through it and let it continue to change you and the world. With love,

Alasdair Ephesians 2:8-10 ‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Church Family news We were saddened to learn of the passing of Nancy Robb recently and we give thanks for her life and pray that she is now at ease in glorious Heaven. We welcome in to our fellowship, Christine Penney (by resolution) and Dianne Livie (by certificate) and pray that they will feel blessed by God’s love and work at Cathcart Trinity. Anne & James McDiarmid have recently moved to Aberdeen and have been removed from the Church Roll by certificate to transfer there. Just a word of appreciation for the new format of the Church news magazine and particular thanks to Gary for his editing of t. With grateful thanks for an interesting and thought provoking magazine Blessings to all of you, Sheila and Alex Gowans Page 3

Updates on our Community Ministry Work around Cathcart: Railway bridge clean up We’re looking for a team of volunteers to help clean the railway bridge between Elrig Road and Linwood Court on Saturday 11th November between 1.30-3.30pm. Clearing litter and leaves is the main task. If the team is large enough we’ll clean around Linwood Court and Bowling Green Road as well. Community Safety Glasgow will provide bags, gloves and litter pickers. One or two shovels and brushes would be useful.

Women’s prayer time A time of quiet, reflective prayer might be just what’s needed; no shopping lists of prayer, just a chance to be still, listen and share a few words or thoughts with God. If you’d like to ‘Be still’ with others there’s an opportunity on Saturday 18th November from 9.15-10.30am in the small hall of the UF church. Praying for the community Praying for the streets of Cathcart continues. There are a few streets not yet being prayed for by a specific person, if you’d like to adopt a street please let Wilma know. A get together for those already praying and those who’d like to start is taking place on Wednesday 22nd November from 7.30-9.00pm in the UF Church.

This is a time for feedback about what we’ve seen in the streets as well as a time for considering how this prayer ministry can be developed. Cathcart & District Community Council There are a number of vacancies on the community council. Candidates must be over 16, on the electoral register or supplementary list and live within the community council area. A proposer and seconder who also live within the area are required. Nominations require to be submitted to Glasgow City Council by 12 noon on 20th November. This is an opportunity to become more involved in the life and work of the community.

I’d like to thank the Guild and all my friends who’ve prayed, sent cards, flowers and visited since I moved to Cartvale.

Milly Isaacs Page 4

Nomination forms and a map of the community council area are available at the church door. Thanks to Wilma Pearson for the community updates.

Introducing Scripture Union to Castlemilk Primary School Last January I started a Scripture Union Group in my school. I had no idea how it would be received by the children in the school, and was really pleased when 11 came regularly. They enjoyed meeting together on a Thursday lunchtime, playing games, eating donuts and exploring the character of God. The club has started back again this year, now with 17 primary 6 and 7s.

We will be covering Christian Foundations, exploring big questions like ‘Who is God?’ and ‘What is Church?’ I have been supported by Ross Murray within the Reachout Trust and am working with one of the current SU gap year. Prayer Points • Give thanks for the

large number of children who are attending the club on a weekly basis. Pray that they will continue to come and for them to have fun exploring the Bible and responding to the significance of Jesus.

• Please pray for a

permanent volunteer from the Reachout Trust to support the group on a weekly basis and help with some of the preparation.

• Pray for one particular child who has come along once. He has said that he doesn’t believe and that he will never believe. Pray that he will come back again.

• Pray for the

continued work of SU groups in schools across the country, in particular pray for Ross Murray as he supports a growing number of SU groups in Rutherglen and Cambuslang.

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers. Mhairi McLay Page 5

The Guild The Guild session was opened with a rousing evening's music from Karen Girvan's Accordion Band. Judging by the foot tapping from the audience, they were much appreciated. The following week Yvonne Waring entertained us with excerpts of the various parts she had played in the many amateur dramatics in which she has taken part. We enjoyed a fascinating evening on 17th November, when Jean MacDonald told us of life Upstairs and Downstairs at Holmwood House, and this was followed on 24th with a return visit

from Wendy Sandiford who continued her story of Queen Victoria's children, this time concentrating on the four sons. November sees Alasdair MacMillan conducting our Dedication Service with Communion on the 7th followed by: 14th - Letters from a Desert Rat - Ms. L. MacIntyre-Allan 21st - Nostalgic Slide Show - Mr. K. Smith 28th - Tales of the Classroom - Mrs. A. Walker.

Margaret Brough Page 6

Celebrating the importance of The Bible Two apparently completely unrelated things have led to the choice of topic for this month’s Newsletter. North Korea, with its nuclear threat, has been very much in the news in recent months. Regularly it tops the list of countries where it is dangerous to be a Christian - and yet it was there that Christianity first took hold and the majority of Christians were to be found. The second factor is the current celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of Luther’s challenge to the established Church of his time which sparked off the Reformation. Luther’s great discovery, after ten years of careful study of the Bible, was, of course, that our salvation is dependent completely on God’s

grace, freely given, and that we can’t work or buy our way into heaven. He also saw how vital it is that people should have access to the Bible in their mother tongue and what amazing results can come about when that happens. So our focus this month is on the man who gave Korea its first New Testament in Korean. Rev John Ross was born in Easter Ross in 1842 and so Gaelic was his mother tongue. After serving as minister in Portree, he sailed for China in 1872 and founded a Church at Mukden which, after many ups and downs, is still in use as a Church today.

Christianity in Korea had had challenging beginnings. From its introduction in 1603 through a French Jesuit, and for the next two and a half centuries, it was opposed by the Government, and Roman Catholic missionaries and Korean converts were severely persecuted, culminating in 1866 with a massacre of eight thousand Koreans and missionaries. Although Ross was not allowed to enter Korea, he met many Korean traders and migrants on the border and learned the language so well that he was able to translate the New Testament, which he completed in 1877. It was welcomed with great joy by the Korean Christians, who had previously had to use a Chinese version. Seven years later, when the first Protestant Page 7

missionary was allowed into Korea, his work was greatly facilitated by having the New Testament available in the heart language of the people. And so began the amazing growth of the South Korean Church which, in recent years, has sent out more missionaries than any other country apart from USA. Because of poor health, Dr Ross returned to Scotland, where he died in 1915 and is buried in Newington cemetery, Edinburgh - another example of the zeal of so many Scots to obey Jesus’ command, ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.

Bill Seaman

Safeguarding at Cathcart Trinity The Church of Scotland aims to have all volunteers trained. A number of our volunteers completed their training earlier in the year – thank you for taking time to do this. Others have done training prior to this. If you are a volunteer working with children, young people or vulnerable adults and have not attended Church of Scotland training, please look at the dates below and decide on a date which suits you. To book a place, please contact me by email or in person. • Thursday 9

November – Merrylea Parish Church 7 – 9.30pm

• Friday 10 November – Newlands South Church 7 – 9.30pm

• Wednesday 25 April – Croftfoot Parish Church 7 – 9.30pm

• Tuesday 1 May – Cardonald Parish Church 7 – 9.30pm

• Monday 4 June – Sandyford Henderson Memorial Church 7 – 9.30pm

It is important that we continue to work together, as volunteers and as members of the congregation, to keep our church a safe place for everyone. Please do not hesitate to speak to Donald if you have a safeguarding query or concern.

Linda Burke

The foodbank is experiencing a significant rise in its referrals at the moment and is particularly short of certain items. They continue to have a surplus of pasta and soup but really require UHT/dried milk, tinned rice/custard, tinned potatoes/instant mash and tinned fruit. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

Anne & Norma. Page 8

Gifts for Others Sunday 10 December Once again we have the opportunity to reach out to children and young people in Glasgow who’s Christmas may not be the happiest: situations affected by poverty, broken relationships etc. Our gifts have been well received in past years and have shown that people do care. Gifts for Church House (for children aged 8 – 12) – games, toy, puzzles, construction toys, stationery, selection boxes, annuals etc. Gifts for Barnardo’s ( for young people 16+) – make up, after shave, hair gel, stationery, fashion jewellery, purse, photoframe, nice mug, fluffy blanket, chocolate, gift vouchers, small electrical gadgets etc. Perhaps ask our young people for ideas? Please do not wrap your gift, but include a gift bag or wrapping paper. Thank you.

Linda Burke

Christmas at the Foodbank I know this title must seem very early to all of you but we have been thinking about Christmas at the Foodbank for some time now as much planning requires to be done. We need to have gift items in by the last Sunday in November as we wrap the following week. Our aim is to give everyone a Christmas gift in addition to their food and Christmas meal ingredients and to that end I would like to ask you to help us collect some nice items for people. We try to give something attractive as well as being functional and we would therefore ask you to donate ladies and gents toiletries, socks, scarfs and gloves. People who come into the Foodbank in the winter months are often very cold and have been known to put on the hat or whatever whilst still with us! We had a gentleman in last week who was so cold in his flat that he was walking the streets with his possessions as it was warmer outside and he was afraid to leave his things at home in case they were stolen. I would also be grateful if you had any Christmas paper that you were finished with, at the end of a roll for example, and that you were willing to donate. Many thanks for considering this request.

Anne and Norma. Page 9

Prayer Breakfast Saturday 2nd December 08:30 - 10:00am United Free Church, Struan Road Please note the date of our next prayer breakfast is the 2nd December. This is our last meeting for 2017 and we will resume at the end of January as usual. At this time of year our prayers will be about our Churches as we reach out to the community and the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. Come and join with us and enjoy a time of fellowship round the breakfast table before praying. All welcome. ‘Be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.’ 1 Samuel 12 v 24 News from Kirk Session Kirk Session met on Monday 30 October. We discussed the new Worship arrangements which commence on Sunday 5 November. From that date we will have a single service of morning Worship at 11.00, 10.45 on the 12th to allow for our act of Remembrance.

Tea and Coffee will be available in the mid-Hall prior to and following worship to allow for fellowship. Christmas services were agreed and details of these will be included in next month’s Newsletter. We were sad to hear that one of our Elders, Betty Chalmers, is to stand down from membership of Kirk Session. Betty’s dedication and Christian witness were acknowledged and she has been thanked for her Service to the Congregation. Prior to the Session meeting, the Trustees met to get an update on the sale of the Manse and to discuss our financial situation. Alasdair advised that, as a result of a number of people’s generosity, the projected shortfall for the current year has been dealt with. This generosity was gratefully acknowledged however there remains a long term funding issue for the Congregation. Accordingly a small group will be established to consider how this can be addressed. In the meantime everyone is being asked to prayerfully consider their contribution towards to work of the Congregation.

Iain Duff Session Clerk Page 10 Page 11

November at a Glance

Sunday 5th November 11.00am Morning Worship

6.30pm Evening Worship

Monday 6th November 2pm Moments Cafe

Tuesday 7th November 6.15pm Snowdrops (currently full)

7.30pm The Guild

Thursday 9th November 12.45pm Lunchtime Service

Friday 10th November 6.30pm Radar

Saturday 11th November 1.30pm Railway Bridge Clean Up

Sunday 12th November 10.45am Morning Worship

6.30pm Evening Worship

Tuesday 14th November 6.15pm Snowdrops (currently full)

7.30pm The Guild

Thursday 16th November 12.45pm Lunchtime Service

Friday 17th November 6.30pm Radar

Saturday 18th November 9.15am Ladies Prayer Time (UF Church)

4pm Messy Church

Sunday 19th November 11.00am Morning Worship

6.30pm Evening Worship

Monday 20th November 2pm Moments Cafe

Tuesday 21st November 6.15pm Snowdrops (currently full)

7.30pm The Guild

Wednesday 22nd November 7.30pm Praying for the Community (UF Church)

Thursday 23rd November 12.45pm Lunchtime Service

Friday 24th November 6.30pm Radar

Sunday 26th November 11.00am Morning Worship

6.30pm Evening Worship

Tuesday 28th November 6.15pm Snowdrops (currently full)

7.30pm The Guild

Thursday 30th November 12.45pm Lunchtime Service

Friday 1st December 6.30pm Radar

Saturday 2nd December 8.30am Prayer Breakfast (UF Church) Page 12

Manse Members will be aware that it was agreed some time ago to try and replace the Church Manse. The main reasons for this were the potential future high maintenance costs of the existing building and the fact that the cost of heating the building were considered to be excessive for the current and future ministers. We have accepted an offer for the Manse and have also had our offer for a 7 apartment detached bungalow in Muirhill Avenue accepted. Both of these require to be formalised however if all goes to plan we would hope that the move will take place in January 2018. This process should result in a surplus in the region of £60,000 which will be held by the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland for use by our Congregation for approved fabric works. The Trustees recorded their thanks to the team who led the process on their behalf. Iain Duff Session Clerk

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Cathcart Trinity Church, 90 Clarkston Rd, Glasgow G44 3DA

Cathcart Trinity Church is a registered Scottish Charity, SC011353

Key Church Contacts: Minister: Rev Alasdair MacMillan 0141 633 3744 Associate Minister: Rev Wilma Pearson 0141 632 2491 Session Clerk: Iain Duff 0141 586 0544

As you may know, Cathcart Trinity provide a short service each month in Cartvale Care Centre and we are needing some volunteers to help out with the services. The service lasts about 20 minutes and consists of 5 or 6 old, well known hymns with a sentence or 2 about each, a short prayer and the Lord’s Prayer. Alistair McDonald provides guitar accompaniment. If you think this is part of God’s work that you could help with come along to Cartvale on the third Sunday of the month. We meet at the Gate at 2.45pm or speak to me or call me on 0141 639 7029. Alison McMillan.