NewFood Sorting

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of NewFood Sorting

Learning About Food

By Ms. Bo’s Bubbles

First, we looked at a pile of food.

Then we each picked 4 pieces of food.

Next we wondered what the foods had in common. We wanted to put them into groups that made sense.

These are the groups that we came up with……..

A fruit group,

a dairy group,

a meat group,

a vegetable group,

a healthy food group,

and a junk food group.

Next, we took our foods and put them into the groups.

Some of the foods made us think..….

and in the end we didn’t know where to put some of the foods.

So then we went back to look at each group again. We wanted to see if the unknown foods had anything in common.

After switching some foods around we noticed we had some problems.

After that we made a new group.

Next we realized some of those foods had something in common!!!

So then we added a new group!

Finally we agreed on 6 groups, but decided they could change as we learned more.