New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-09. · 2017. 12. 26. · r-TPt-uieiil. Ilke Mr. Balley....

Post on 19-Jan-2021

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Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-09. · 2017. 12. 26. · r-TPt-uieiil. Ilke Mr. Balley....

amehi, av TH_AT«~ *> RoeeaiCABIXO- « YanVa.. iv>~lle llandxDaLTB TH-ATRK « '.. A «?""V\_-l,rl and Clne.EDEY Ml'BKK Wa* WorkB, ttrand

iriet*«r»r»t,. m . m

KMl'ini-. THBATRB BrSO Ba<rrel BenOARRICK TMKATRJE B:l» J. in .¦¦ >«

ORAN'l> OPBRA IM' ^'V C V .' 1BARUUfl OPKR8 HOtSE ** 2" wn "

K VI'TrYh- ICKER TIIF.ATRf. * ¦»*. V*,^* ".-"XoaTr.n * uiAi.s roop' <VJ*Dr»w-eViiirT ..r liiflrLTOttM THFATSE-018 -The Adveniure

Oliata. ...... s.m « v Qreel N»-''BIAnisov BQltARC OARDEN ::8C ¦

MArBgAX BQ1 1RR THBATRB B*0 x Braea af Barmriaee , H_Mrt'i Band

BAWMATTAN BBAOI 0:00--! \.'. p ,Irrv. pala a Manlle ind hjeroafca n i

MANHATTAN THKATRK . The Tuitle.WrtRAY H1I.1. THEATT.l 2 I W The r-« <*"

BAM T JACK'fl T1IBATRB « 4 '..'

W_I.tJtrg'fl TH.4TTU:- s .- Nl

invft io _i>BCTt»»gjBy»WB..*~-~ F-irs^



£2eea*antl U ^*^-r- ;.,j Hl<r,ri tnd W .¦ in« IS ? '" »« v

iaIliiPlnae,. i*hai. . '.' 4 ' " '

II«nunin I' anl .>' . .. .

- N M.#. II J ' '..}., 4 ',i..., an. xx-.r-.i ij ,'. : n. i "it- ..


.re-mamea '- } :'' "."^ /' j :<

i'i.;|"' "* !" 7!"' .:', Li," io i.¦ ire Balei ...l" .. .*" imt

F,.,,n->. ll .; Bummei IteemTor S»«1e II ¦¦' T""1'*"'...,, || i| b immer ln*»l- 10 :i T»a, henWante I.... 18 VTt.e TnrflotgU vi H Trltrime Fi

..-t wi i- ' ¦¦.Raie*

!*.» Brl i l-' *¦ " '

Haln Wanted.18 VTt.e Tnrf.

nn Hoteli II 1 Trltaine BuberrlBllon _

Inavirt r,i> \2 1 "

^V»^ffrkl3iiil« a&rib«wrPBItlAT, SKPTCMIU'.lt D, l»§.

7///. .V/.U> ril/o BOBVfXO.

FOP.KICV A dlapatch froin Athi na aaya lhat

the warahlpa ai Candla, laland of Crete a«

Hl<*lv to rvnew the bornbardment of Ihe ity.

;J,W,'rf,r,,,,,iri..-,,.l.l::al,am inSpainhas,,,.. n Ith;.*'"»""^^ofaeTeral Madrld papeea The ""Preaedon *»re

Ulnliir, .-ix -ases nf yellow I-xt mn

SSeSSd i'i the ..-!. Immune RfB^ent a| >;.;>;tiago de Cuba: the other reglmenta are in airi>LXS heallh The Bpanlah Evaeua lon

CommlBBlonera for PorM Bl. o aho- a dbapoieiUon. deiMv the .neeilng -rf «be OommlealoivThc greal ete-irk erorha In Oeneva wera d-

mr. v-d hv flre.DOMKBT1C Oeneral Mllea arrlved In «>-''-

ween th? tnauVnla under Agulnaldo and the

Amerlcan forcea In Ihe M^rwa.^MBiventlona of .he lvm... -i-ati. .¦ ' !'"'.Blver Bepubllcan parilea were held ln « a\ona>

Th.' Orand Army of ihe Bepub'U encamp-ment at Clnctnnatl etocted C«««"*'jftT\;£jBnaton. of Chk-ggo. Coromander-ln-Chlef. anu

dar-id-.l lo meet next vear In Phllfidel.ihi...Bdward Lauterbach called upon Ooxern

BlaTk bul decllned to make publlc the purpoee-eiha'vl.l The laat of the volunleei regtttBalW^^^JJJ;tauk man. exDrenalonB of aynipaihy "l'l '."1-

arall Vcheeler on tha loea of hla aon were made__U- The jlth and 14th Sew-Torh Vohinteerahave lieen ordered ta their nrmorlea to ba mua-

taia.] o-.:t.

CITT. Th« Bth Beglment. of %*Tirt ^i oi-

¦nteera. arrlvad from Ita camp ln Chlc'hama^uga.- Oeneral Mllea lefl the rlu foi »¦.*."«:t.n Th- Iai llllnola Volunteera paaaedIhrough the clty <.n thei,- xxax home._ .-; xne

hnaptial ahlp MtaflK^h bri_aght^«. con^j.Gdd Sminl'n. from Norfolk. broughi lo porfixe ofBrer.s nnd many wounded Beennen ... tne

Ppanlsh fleel on th-ir way home to Bpain.Oeneral T'ando. nf tha Spanish Armv. ealled on

tha ataamshtp Aoguete Vlctorla. ,,''''men xx-era kllled in a Hr.- following an exploalontn the ,-eiiar of a wholeeele llquor-houee lnVeaey-et .i-'aaph Chamberlaln. EngllahColonlal BeereUry. left ihli rlty for Boaton-.luaiira Boohataver. In the Bupreme . ourt,der'ined tr, ord-M- the releaae of Mi*-? BettlnaOlrard, the aetreee, from 'he aahltaiium ..f Bt.

Bavlour. under th- proceedlnga begun <.n hr--- ne-

half .lohn R. Oranti Henim memtur orthe nrm ..f i.rant Urotheia. ..f Boaton, whlch hns.the contracl for maklnc the Blrltajra lo ralaethe rt'st ibal Colon. waa found dead in bed In a

hotel Th* rhlef Englneer of the DorhBoard after mqulrlng int» the Wtlaon I.ine plerdiaantar. found that It xvaa rauned by llghtning,and that the .r.ntractors were blameleaa.Tlir: WBATHBB -lroreeaal for lo-day: Fan,

with coatlnued lon temperature. The tempera-tur» yeaterday: HiRhest. 77 deui-eas; loweat, <>'i:geerage, 71V

licnr 09 THF 9ICARAGVA VAXAL.No rap,,rt on the Nionrncim <'.' nuitt' hBfl

reg been mmle hjr Ihe (VMnmlaaloa aenl <>nt to

inTfBiigate the BBgtter, <>f arhlch AdmlralAVnlkor is ntaaUarnl ntnl i^ofeaant llniipi .nml

Oeneral Hains are membere. Bul lha laailmonjot tho gBjgghiia lri-fnr.*- lha Saiiale -.dnct rom-

mlttee. on Jiino 15-17, haa l>ee:i luintnil. nml ln-dlratns rlenrly eomo of the reaulta of ihe Inn-.-¦

tigfltlon. Th* ("omniissi.ui waaenKaged BBoal offmir gaoolba in pernoaal examlnatlou, barlngwtth lt a pgrtjr of ahout two hundred aml flftymen. nf xvhiun ghotil Ighljr arere uglueertt,wlth n hiciily coinpeienl (joologlgl and liydrogra-pher aml the beal InKirumenti for artantlflr in-

vestic.ition. in.'!*.-' !en hnrlng initi;'-. antlih.* work is wtll] in pragresB. Bul ihe Inreatlga-tlon. whk-h neerna t.> be Ibe moal Ibomngh oftba niauy arhleh have been made In that* glffllj a-t.iiti ritK'il tha n.'.'.iv.'i.'x «,f tba Mi'tiocal Hiirvey BO 1 :ir a< II Wrtlt. Bnd of iniu h i:i-

fnrmntion abtalned by tater Inijiilrii-B, whllc ithns brtaaghl tu llghl tat4**eBtlaig and Iai poriurtpoints >vii!c!i appeair hlghly fgraenhle to the

proj"x.*rlt ia found by gceunate exgmlnatioii lhal tu.*

rockv forninti.ui whkrh bad b«e_ auiinoaed tn

ninke niM*C!«snrv an egtegjarrc nnd toallj hraak-wfitcr. ln oidiT to form a aacufg Imrbor alBrito. dors imt r_lg4. Adnilrnl Walket leallfli d,nn* other BgemherB Bfreetag, lhal a aafe amlampie )iarb«.r codM ha cuaatruetad bjr m4»ro

drertBiiig of Ihe gBawgroTa awamp bekrw IbaBrito liaadlnn.l. with :i t*onip.iiitlvi*ly flhorlJetty rBBBlBf OBl from it. NeBt, as to tbe Whlcvarintion in tiie depth of Idlka Nii-nragiiu. fur

incrly saul lo b* as ninrh a* IfteeB faaM, wni.-h

fonu»Nl an iiuportnnt dtflculty ln I'lmis heretivfore ronailrroil. tiie CgmuiaaloB Bnda RO evi-

denco that Ihe rariatloa |g go .,-rr-at, :iti<i Itaooiniiotont men at thc work ajapcar t" belle-athit tiio tnsk -if mgaallRg lha tb»w of wat.-r

wlll lm mucfc dlinlnlsliod. ::i parl 1 »y CORtrolllBgtho eonni'i-tlon with Lake llnMflCal and poaal-bly by oontrollinB a htroatn whinli <an hc dl-Ycrteil into It.More Important silll |g thr* I'liiiclti-iun. lu

whleh the roniniisiioii appearn to be naanl-tnoua. llint tln> gn-at rlsk and roal of nnnsn.illyhljjh d.vms mi PBCh tdde i:in ln- gToMetl. * »n

tlii* W4-BI Blde tlu' I'liinlxui sceiiis iu favor u dlrertrannl noi ci.anected wlth lha r:\i-r, on thoeaat aiili* therf is BOggeated a daai at Macbucodroppinj: soiiic twenty tivo feet at Ihnt polot,nnd tlnis tii-lmrln^r within u nioderate betghl th"uaiii ui <)<'b">n. Barhkgg liavo eleared away .tu

iiiiponant I'leuient oi .lnuUi iiy reTeaMag BOtkli«H'k irottoni al both polntg whore the iinpor-taai dains ar. n*i|ii!ri*d. and alao al the Sanl-'ian-isivi r-iul'inknii'iit, HiomcIi It may he fotJBdBgore dcsiniMi* to gToM that exiieiisive imn oftlu* work intin*ly ba m deeper cirt arroaa thedl-Tixle. No tlnnl <-oni*ltiaituia have beea reachednor lia*< all tiie Rpeded infoinuition haan <d>-taitinl I'ti theae polnta, hoi tlu* CoaamlseJoaH'OU'.s to he onMrely ^ntlnti.-d Ihe work

can ba roiiipleied wlth le?s risk nnd probalilylera coat than priVBOBfl ggtlOMtea hare ir.ili-vated.The i]iiest!.>n af barbora BB Ihe !ako xvas 'n-

restir-atoil. with ihe dlacorerjr thal a lrottor lo-catlnn ran bo chOBfn on iho enst side. riiivlnfrtwo or three mllea' ¦IIb.bp'.'v-. At (ircytown thodlfflcnltlea can only be surmounted by n Jetty ofabout three thouaand feet. wlth a shortor one

an the opposlte Blde, and by more or less con-

Btnnr drodginz. Biidi aa is found Baeaaaarj al

the harbor of nalreatc-u, tb-* bbmiUi of tbe Mla.i-aippi aod r.-n Baid. boi ''.'" C!<wmlB8.oahol.l* it perfeetly praetlcable lo make eafe har-

boea nt nll poiata needed. So deflnlt* eatlBUltenf ,,.: hna yel been rearebed. bal Profea .¦

llnniil expreieed rrtrodgly lhe pwaenl bellel-.... work ronW be i-ompleted far *""¦'

OWi whlle Ihe other CaWnnilaaloner* apoke ol

$1 _.-....'m...nmi and >-iio.i*.-..i*-i na tba poaalblei.nxlmmu. im* H l« Intereatlng lo oole tbnl nliof ibem .".¦- :¦'¦'¦ nny poaalble dlfferei. in lhe

eoal pveu if li ahould nnMurat to fmiMMNin,.,.¦... |n*ljfnlfli'nni rornpaml arllb II.aormona

value of ll.nnal to lhaa rauntry nnd lo Ita


1//,'. BAILET 18 BOPEFVL.M- Balley. of Texaa, la hoiiafnl. In aplte of

hia r.'Xvi.ri'. in Texaa be la galaf lo Indlana ln

,,,.,..,. nn aatl-expaaakm manpatga, nn.l be lella.Tl,.. Rflltlmore Bun" lhal be tbe Deui-

,,-,K i.i eleel n majorlty of Ibe lloaaae of Rep-rcaentatlrea and lhal be looka lo a ir...i,.Mi.1..nsr,.u.Ni..n of feellng agalnal Ibe AdnHulatratlouHiai abowa a dlBpoalilon lo regard arhal Mr.

Balley admlta lo be Ibe r***"*' |BU-ittlar dealreronrernlng ranquered tmltorlea. He aeeuiB to

ihink thai whal ibe people wanl la m bare tlie

r-TPt-uieiil. Ilke Mr. Balley. t**ll ibem Ibal tbeyare llngo Idiota wlth more eBthiialaain Iban

.ober aenae And bo aeetna lo belleTc Ibal II

lhe rrealdPBi adopted lhal poUry tbey aronld)..,<,,.. to vote lhe RepuMleau th-kel Inatead ol

..|urning ilown" Ibe man arbo Btood ln IbHrv.-iv aa tlie Texaa Denaoxratn turix-l dawnI'.nil.'v wben li.- Ti-i.-.l lo atand In Ibelr way. A1

],.,..'\ir Balley thlnka Ibal lo glra tbe people. Hai nn..' waat la to Invlte defeal. Tliorofi.r.-

H iuiikI be Ibal to tbwarl Ibtdr wlll ls lo pre-

p,re fo? rletory. only Mr. Ballej dldn'l findibal it arorked ibal way ln Texaa ,

Btlll Mr. Balley is bopefnl. Hope laa bleaaedihinc. |f Balley were not of a Batujmlne '«''"

IH-miiM-ni the Texaa Btate roBveBtlon mlgblhave Mlghted bla yonng llfe-. Bul happlly be H¦Me, nt nlmoa! Ibe momenl a*hen bo <'\i>»'r;

enreii.-. polltbian aa Benator Caffery, of Laynlel-nm, la telllng "Th.- Baltlmore Bun" Ibal "tbe

..Iha'iiioeratB na n party arlll bardly prore a fac

-mr ln llie Coogl-eaalonal eleotBMlB," to predlctihrougb tbe name paper lhal Ihe nexl rongreaawlll be ii.'iiii..T:iii.' and, alaora all, antl-expan-aionlsi. Now. H reqnlrea rxtremc _»pefuln--a,atteb ns ran oaly belong to extreme yonth, to

«llHi>over *i ii antl-expanalon lieaHSacratle major-.ti in.i Houae whleh. cren If lt alionld ba D«n-w-ratli*. wonM be made up of a ctycwdderaWepriiportlon .'f De-Borrnta nomlnated by 'Imnenallatrc" (*onrentloBa, and owlng thelr ek-ctlontn expan*roalat, noi aBU-Mpanakmlat, rotea.Hut Mr. Balloy haa ¦ j-'ront n-viiisinn of fedlngn, !iis eleeve. Jual bow he ls xroinir to i""'*-'' ,r

effecilve on tbe n-xt Congraag. Inaamuch ns IbeDominationa wlll all be made ln a few weekajiiirl tha Pentorrata are afrlrlng lo oiildo tb"

Republleana '" _k*_Mndlng rt-tentlon of all con

quered terrltory, it la dlflk-uH lo _*c, and beilnea nei explaln. Of eonrae. Ibe rok.f Mr

Itfliioy ln Indlnna and etoewhere may work n

rernlaloti of feellng. He may eonrliare eren n

mnjorlty of tbe votera lhal we BbonKI triv.- upPorto iilco nn.l wltbilraw from Manlla. r.n'

a-hen be sh.-ill hare geeured bla voter tbe

clianrea are nl»oiit eren lhal i>" "iil atmply baretonrlneed the roter thal he rannol __q>porl Hn*

liemocratlc randldate In liis dlatrlet. If Mr.Balley'fl rernlalon meana lhal be 1« golng to

rraeh the laenrrexrata of Texaa not lo atand byiholr own Btate I onrentten bla propagandaninnot »»'2in any loo aoon for Repflblk-aBa.They wouM natnrally Ilke an "era of cnn.i foei

Ing" ln aetlllnf Ibe forelfn polley foreed by thewar. bul if rk^eniocrata raw to add lo ibelr dlaui)i..n. wblcb ls already aocb lhal BenatorI'nffery aaya tbey rould nr.t eleel n lYaaddentiMii If lli" Republleanfl forsot to make ,i nomi

i:.iti..u. eertalnly Ihe RepobHeana cnnnnT foin-

plaln,Mr. Balley a\<* thlnka he hn* fnun.l a srrcnt

iBBoe in Ihe fallure of tne Repnblleana lo nae

ibe proeeeda of tl"" bonda aold lo earry rm tbawar He aayB ibe l*emoerata w.-r,. ligbl In ob

jei-lhig to tbe I...H.I- Tbnl la, beeanae Ibe Ad-mlnlalratlon iiaeeeeded ln con.iiifi-lni. Spningooner than anyhody dared to expeet, and eon-

s.'Miuniiy lms noi gpent bo much money n*<

there *a:i>4 reaaon lo f.-nr it mlgbl apend, popobirIndlgnatlim wlll be vlalted upon lt. lf M badirrnlimged Ihe war IHI all the proeeeda <.f tho

bonda bad been apent, lhal wonld Uava i.oon allrlpbt. Bul alnce it flnlahed np Ihe atruggjle In 'i

hiii-i \. wlth money atlll ln Ihe Natlonai poeket,it ia erldenl ibal it waa moBt wleked lo pui bo

nineh money In Ihe |iorki'l to Btarl wllh Tlialis nnothor of Mr. Hnlley** pnradotea, .iu>t aa

ibe I'r-si.l'm would pleaae Ibe |Kopli better if

lie ih.i whal tii.v didn't Ilke. bh he wonld haveI,....n more Kiirecssful In Ibe war if he had I.n;. fallure. By .'i!l ii)..'m** lei Mr. Balley liantento Indiana. If Ibere art' other Biatea more

tlnnlrtful b't him neek llieni. Tbe rffeeta of

hopefnlneaa r< Brlna lhe DemocrnUc bearlriL'.'ilti-t "l",'|<-.".n IradeneleB Iu expanalou"ulioubl iu.' lie ..'iiiincl tn Texa*

VAU 1. "1 TBE SPAXIS/I I.I I \'DR.ln niiial dlat'iiaalonH reganllng lhe prohable

rnlue of lhe lately Bimniab lalanda lo Amerlvani ..iii'i'.i'.'.' n f:.i-- Impreaalon la unlntentkinally-'^..n by ixniMtanl and aatnral refewnee i<> ala-Mi-- of tl-ir l'.'i**' Irade. Thongh no sii.ii

tbliift may boatated ordlreclly Iniplli-d. lhe ImI r. -sl.ui ia iiii.' giren lo moBl renderalhal Ibe iraflle a'hleh may la? reanonahly ex-

i.ied la al li-aal lo aome over.! meaaurcd byreturna "f paal eommeri". if ihi*- were linethe lalanda uoupl be .»f greai value, Indeed, buin.ii.ii b»BB valimble Iban iu nll iirobablllty iheywlll be. Yi'i Ibere exbtta uo other reeord t"

wli ii ii is ]n.ssi!.i.' t.i refer, aad Ihe only im-isof Judglng wii.ii Inti ranl <>r exterual traffle may!,e pxpeeted ln Ibe future is tlie reaull of alml-tor iranafera fr.-mi Bpanlah nuthniity elgewhere.'j'u tboee who have nerer reallaed bow luduatrynnd <oniinc*r« r- have li""ii auppreaiied by Bpan-ish iiiNrnh*. or by iii" Boml-barbaroua rulewhleh long pperaliod in Ibe Hawallan lalanda,nml bow ;;r,*.'iil\ ili" b_wl_Br*a8 <>f a coootrj de-[ upon eertalnly <>f proteetloa for llfe an.l

property In tbe unur... all im-i recorda ara

lurcaanrllj mlaleadlng.Buppoae ono had irl»'.l lojudgc whal Ibe im*-i-

ti, ss .ih.i prodikttlre Induatry ">f Callfornlan-ould i.4,in<' iiii.l.'r Amerlean atorernmenl altbe tiii.' ii waa tranaferred from Mexlean au-

*botity. (>f !".aaliy any eatlmate wonld barelrfi wbolly "iit of algh! tho mst devetopmenlwhleh folloared a- aooa. .ns AB-erlcaaa arere freatu rxiiiort' Ibe rountry wlth aafety nnd wlthrertalnty lhal tbey would ba fuiiy proteeted Inlhe reaulta of ibelr Induatry and raterpriee.i:.,).l had not I-*'*" uii!;n.i**ii to Un? aaraeaa, iorhe M«'\i. nns. nor lo tlie BratBlarda .lnrlnp theirceeupallon <>f Ibal eountry. bul n<> auehexplora*ii.ui **:is iban poaalbto ns araa _a?eaaaary ta an*corer iiu* raal dcpoalta **iii.-li bare sin.*.. ...n-

trlbuted ao greatly to tbe weaMh of tiii« <-.>mh-

trjr, Nm- i-.Hiiii aaybody Ibcn hnre Imagtaediha prodOetlveneae in graln nn.l frulis nn.l «<iii.>rl*rodue*ta whleh ima foOowed Amenean oeeupa-tlon.

li ls iti tho atiieteat aenae neeeaaary t<> anyrraaonable aatlmate <>f the future of toiaada*vlii.*li Spnln wlll no**- rallaqulah ihat tho ln-fluonec of Anifi-ionn iBMBlgmtloa, oxplornilunnnd aetlrlty in nll tarmsebea >.f Induatrlal do-volopmonT shonl.i bo tnken Into ncr-rmnt. Wekno*v only *vhnt hns l>ecn produced nnd aoldnnd pnrejiasert bv populntloris pnrtly Bavrage,jyertly of tho most atngnant tompcr ln the wnrl'lic-iycctliig iBduatrlal progrcsa aad under da-

praealng condltlona whlch cannol bo fnlly raal- |izo.i in iboM who liave never ¦.xperlenrwl thcBfTerti nf Kpnnlah tyranny. ll ha* been the

Jwlgroeul of r.i.'iix Intelllgent luveatlgatora tbnlIheae Fpanish lalanda aroiiW enally hare donhledthetr prtrdtietron and oinit erce Imt for ibe,;,,. ,-t influon.r Brarnl lt laxatlno and px-

tortkBi, vvh.-ti fhe-aiiinnhia nf ArnerlcnB enter-... , nildoil tl ii spai "; renaonably

pgpectcil imni Btlll gd nterH ia not nn xtrarngaro ¦¦ ' :i;'' '<"¦*''' :'":"

,.,,,,!,.,. ;.;,. ,:.,!,:,. \: ,,.,¦ in a irernment. wlthrertalnt.1 tbnl itn .-- mlnl ; rli ¦:¦'. -¦ innlltyof rl_hi> .iini full proln-lloB .Itlw"" *'f :,n

elaaeea wlll 1"- perpi'tunlMl In ony ftiture goe-i-rnniint whlch Ihla Katli n wlll permlt, fl bodjof Amerlcan plllaena itrong enough to Bhnpej,ll ihe inii'i-tiii-. the Internnl Irafllc and tberomineVcc of Iheae lawnd.4 wlll aoon make thelrirakkmce there. Bnough of rontrol lo toflitretbe futui.' wlll aoon be ln their banda. Thcrapltal of the whole worhl wlll be al lbl.ninrui'l ot" thelr di relrrplng rnergy. The rolneraldepoalta of tlieac lalanda. of whlcb llttle Ifl y»'itrtnally known. thongh Ibcy Inive been so longInhablted hy EuropeoDa, wlll for tho tirst timebeayatemAterallyand aclentlfJcally Inveetlgatatl.The ramurcea of Ibe foreata, whlcb, fl.rdlngtO all anouiiis. mu*t I.- of .-ii-iriiioiw valin*. wlllim examined In the anmi" wny. Bul tha grcnt-ist ebangc of nll wlll be In agrlcolture, fr.,m

Ibe Bhlftleea and wn«leful melhoda .>( the pnat,la Ihe maln Iwlonging, Indeed, lo a rery dla-i:iiii paat, iii ihe moal tbrifly and Bttrlentlficmetboda of ihla age. ii'.xx greatly lhal ehnngealonc will add to Ibe prndndlon "i Ibe latandano man enn paletilate, nnd yel iu> one ran donbtlhal iln* Increaae wlll ba pnnngii lo bHpt all coa

,-,-|.ii,.n- of Ihe ralne of Iheae lahindfl to thcworld.

I WI8R ORDER.The order recentlj laaued by Iba Becretarj of

War requlrlng thal ¦ record of tha pbyakal con¬

dltlon "f erary rolnnteer aoldier at lha noteof his dlacharge Irom the mllltgry Berrlce ofthe Cnlted Btatea Bhall be mnnv nnd preaerredamong tho permanent reeorda of the War Department is an <-\.tdlngly Important one, lharalue of whirh. botli t,» tba aoldier and IbeGorornment, wlll hereafter ne fully recognlxednn.l gppreclated. Tbe llgl of cbiimfl for pen-tlong nn Bcconni of deatb or dlaabllltlea In-enrred In Ihe aerrlca by rolunteerfl In Ibe war

agalnal Spaln wlll be g long one. About twohundred nnd hfty mk-Ii clalma bare Blreadyliei-n recelred by Ibe Commlaaloner of Pensions. of wblch forty-flre p t eent btc for in

ralid penaiona nnd Ibe retnslnder deatb clalmalilrd in hehalf of WrdoWB, initi.M' chlldren nndother dependent relatlrea. Experlence Blncethe c.vii War. and eepecially durlng Ibe last

twenty yeara, haa ahown thal Ibe numbar of

pen«ion clalma an aeeounl of deatha In IbaBervlce nnd of aoldlera diaeharged therefrom on

sur^enns' cerllficatea of dlaabillty conatitutea a

relatlTaly sni.ill proporti.m «f tiie total nf siicli

Haima. nnd Indleate* thal fl meadj stronm of

nppllcatlona for penaiona wlll llow Into thePenelon Bnreau f.>r yeara lo i'iuiip in hehalf nfthe BurrlTon of the reeenl war and tin-irwldowa, chlldren and dependent relatt~ea.

Already, even before tbe flrat regimeni of

tbe rolnnteer army ban been muatered oui "f

ibe Berrlce, penalon attorneya, arhoaa aympa-thies ln hehalf of tbe natrlotfl who compoaa it

nro qutckened bh.1 allmuUled by n llrely ei

pectatlon of fees, are buay rolleetlng Informa¬tlon tn lay th-* foundatlon for clalma. The -

elrcnlgra are found In erery milltary eampgmong thr* reglmonte thnt are aoon to he mtia

tore.l riut. nn-l thelr agenta ir.> IndnatrlonalycompUIng list« of men who ha~e been tragtedln ramp and general boapltala, ns xvell as ot .

tha nanwa and homa pootofnee addreaaeg afmemheri of volunteer organlxatkmfl generally.A llrely penalon rampalgn I0 Impendlng, «nd tt

rioems xtIsp for the Ooremtnent la he preparedfnr lt. both in lt« own Intereai nnd lhal ofthe vr.lunteer who haa hoen honor.ihly dl0rbarged from lts BerTlee ri"f en n.**',iint of

pbyalcal dlaahfllty Thal many aoldlera arlll hattm- diaeharged whoee heaMh has |i«*,.ma ffflpnlrod ln the milltary aerrlca th.-re oeed .<**. BO

donbt, and ln aome casea thla Irapalrment wlllreaull In permanent nnd. penalonablg d:aah:iitle«-. Thla makea It ali the more Ihe exflot phyalral rondlflon of the soMlerwhen be learea the Army ahould he aacertalnedan.i fl recnni nf it preaerredTbe order of the Beeretary <>f War preacrlbefl

thal Ihlii record ahnll ronalBt, flr-nt, r.f thedler's ..wn declaratlon ns tn hia phyalcnl con

dltlon rmd of nny renaonfl why. ln hli oplnlon,it hns become Impalred aa a resull of hla mllllaiy Berrloe; aei.I, of the Btatpmenl nnd

eertlfleale <>f his rompany or other Immeil itpommander reBpectlng tbe mar. and, thlrd, ofIhi.rtlflPBte nf n Brrrgeon who la to make :.

tbornngh pbyslcal pxamlnnt n. if ;i phyalcnlilinnliillty ls rlalmotl whlch Ibr inrgoon rnnnolAnd, ..!¦ whlch, belng round. dld noi lo hisopjni-.rlglnale In ihe bpitIpp In llne nf duty.tbe aoldier wlll not tl nntll after in*

aball h.'ive been pxamlneil bj n board nf thrreother medlcal offlrpra, who ihnll make n fullre*|rOii ... Ihe r-aae. The reponla thua nbtalnetlnml pr -,im -1 a lll gt flllj far lltnte Hip bpIIIi'ment of penalon pbilms nn aivonni ..r th

reeenl war and ;il*-" provlde lha liorernmentwlth au ndditlonal nafegnard ngalnal fratidnloni pwlrafl. if flurh refonlfl hnil lieen made .¦'

the aoldlen who were dlsoharged from ihevire otbenrlae llini. Biirgwinfl' i»eiilfleate0 ofillanbllltj durlng nml flft«*r the I'lvll War thnInKl penalon clnlm flleil on .ipcminl of lhat wnr

mlghl and wouW han ln-en ndJudl«Mte<l yi-araggn, aml nt .1 n enormoua uviug both t., ibe(;,,x prnmenl nnd penalon cbilmantB.

TBE ll li 1:1: UF BPAIX.The Bpnnlflh presa lifl he n dli inuiing from

rarioux imjIuIb of rlew Ibe cuudltion Ip whh-litbe p1o«m< of ili" wnr learea Ihe Ilierlau Klngdom and the proapecl aml Im il meana of lt elc\ ni mn io hlglter proaperllj Ihan ii la now en-

joyiiiir. The "<'.ii'i'i-o." wblrb la regarded bb

fljefior Bngaata'a ..tii.'i.i! organ, gnve dlrertlon t.<

tlu* dNi'isdiin bj openlj oaklng for pxpreaalonsnf pnblk* oplnlon aa lo Ibe llne Ihe Oorernmenlshoiiid foiiixx in aettllng tbe laeuea of Ibe argraml in ahaplng Ihe futun* pourae of the moraorer, deplored Iba apparenl apatby <>fa large Bhare of tbe natlon and Ibe IndlfTereneexx ith whii'h Ibe lo<*< af all tlu* I'liloiiirs wouldprohnMy i»' regarded, To ihis the "Narional"replled llml it na*- r plere of aarcaam for n

Covirnnu'iii organ to .isk for pxprtaalona ofpiihlie oplnlon when that Oorernmenl bad Jnnlbeen dolng its ntmoal lo prrrenl not only theexpreaalon bnl Ibe rery forrootlon of pnbllcoplnlon on Ihe anbjecta named; and II addedlhal .'is for Ihe polonlea they are already loat,aml Ibe loaa of them is by n.» meana an nnmlll-ggted vii tn Bpaln.

'rhe «irirt ot ti'i* iii'iii*-inii fnrtber nnd Ibageneral Irend of Informed thought are s< t fortbby .1 Madrld correBpondenl "i "The IxmdonI'ost" Three greal refonna, be telbi n<. ara

nrgently demanded. The llwl is pnrifleation ofIbe Jndientnre. IVhen iba Jmlgea of Hpain are

men of hich eharacter and Intlepeodence, wellpiiid aml IrrerooTable, xviiii )nrladk*tion orer

dlBpntaa as m thc ralldlty of alectlona, iialf theevilfl frnm whleh the coontry now anffera arllldlaanpaar. There will then ba ona law for rkhnnd poor allke. nnd tho xx lll of tlu* people, nndnot tim power of rorruptlon. will prevail ln eler-tlnns. nnd conRoi|uently ln the t.nvernnient.The lndlctment of tho preaenl ludleature nnd ofthe ndinlntstratlou of law and the conduct of

ete-tlona Implled In rhla demand is n moal seri-

oua ..ii". if ll be warranted tbare ran b,, 1,-1 lon "f Ihe ni '-d of aueh r. form.ti,.luentlon of Ihe people I" '-*' "¦'""",1 '¦,'-

rnand. 1' la a matter of deplorable reeord tbnlnbnul 7" pei.nt ..!' Ibe Bpanlah people eanuoi,. .,i nor wrlfe. Thal la n Bad Btate of ii,.1 only |.r.M ui'- .'." hare exUtenee of bik-IiIntelllgenl publlc nplnl ra na thal whleh th..rorreo" Beek*. bul ll rrtllli itea .;:. :.-n-..u-'yagaln t Ihe mnlertol progrei ¦ ind proaia-rlty "."

ihe eountry. Through laek of ednenikm. and.|..,.i.-'i!y of teehnleal Inatrueilon and Iralnlng,BpnntonlB are unable ln derelop lhe r - "if"-

nf tbe land, Bpnln'M toteni wenliii la enori

li,u i; remaln* latent. Bo far na ll la rouglrl iu

.n.l eajoyed it la eblefly by forell,;).,.,, m her i.ple the Intelllgwnce. InduatrjBnd ihrlfl of Ibelr nelghbora north of lhe Pyreoeea, Bpaln mlgbl readlly rtral If not aetuallyMirpaaa Pranec la tbe proaperlty and rirhi-e Ihathare made tbe totter eountry one. of lha w"1

il, ra of tbe world.The thlrd and laal demand reported by ihla

r.irrtw|>.>ii<i<-ni la Ibal lhe natlonai rapltalahould I"- ratnored frotn Madrld io Bnreelona.Thal ls .-i change lo whleb atrong objeettona, on

gevtlmeutal and other ground*, woukl neaurodlyii». made. fcl Ibe arguroenta ln faror ..f II barenndentoble force. Madrld la an artldetol capl-mi. whleh glme nothlng to Bpaln and baa n<>

InduBtrlea bul polltiea; whlle Bareelona is tne

natural rapltal, tbe metropolla, Ibe eentre ofI roputaiion, Induatry and commeree. Al lhe for-ni.t tbe Gorirnmenl la gtirronnded by purely|i, influencea, and i- domlnated by lhe

Bonlhem fondneaa for rbelorlr; whlle al Ihe tot¬ter ll *...ui.l be in immeiltote toneh wlth the ln-dustriai and progreaalre ek-tnent* of lhe natlon.and woukl be eontrolled tnow hy lhe aetlee,worklng >"rtn. Tbe rbange wooW ni-" proba¬bly deereaae Ihe aetlrlty and poarer »f ih. So-

ctaliata, Carllata and otber rcroltitloBary -*e*menta, arho now Ronrtoh moal In Ibe North, laIbelr wMe aeparatlon from Ibe aeat of gorerntoent.Theae are tho phlef reforraa demanded, ns

ootllned i>y thla cwreeimndent. They are of ln-tor.'st to nil wiu) bare regard for lhe future,. of tho moat anol.'iii nnd once moal aplendldof Ihiropean klngdoma. lt la agreeabto lo be-lior,- lhal Ihe Iboughta <>f ihe men who haveIne deallnlea of Bpaln ln thelr keeplng ara bc-

gtnnlng t" dwell upon Btieh praetleal mntlere,nnd are ronalderlng wnj - and meana >.f Improv-in^- wbat la l. fi lo Bpaln, rather thnn brnodlngover and Inmentlng whal ahe haa loat. "Woe ls

Me, Alhama!" Ib a minrnful nn.l moring ballad,bui it la noi lo l.i lo the mualc of n natlon'*man h t.« greatni aa.

i OTTOS Ylll n 1 KD < OXSI UPTtOX.Aecordlng ln lhe anntial Btatemenl of Mr.

Heater, .-.¦¦ retary of tbe Nea Orleana f'otton

Rxoliange, ibe prodnetlon of eotton laat

year waa very mueh larger than et-en the un-

prreeilented jrbHd repreaented by flgnrea nf tharomnii relal rrnp. Ile mnk. lhe aetnal growthn.485.non balea, and utaie- thai .'..h.ih*. Imle*\.. i- -r-'.M n hnl noi mark. .. il dui Ing Ihi j nr

jual oloai 'l Thla api* nra lo menn ei-tl >n In Ihehanda "f netual prmluceri or ihelr fa'tora, nndnnl oarned bj mllla. Bui theold dlttlenlty wlthatl th.'*.' returna now preaenla llarlf m aggrnrated form; ll la no! rmealhlc lhal Boufhcni >i

lon mllla rloae ihe eotton year witli nlwolntelyno Btock. or wlth exnetly the aame qunni ty

-,, h year, nor la anything erer allowi d for ."'-

toii vi lil.ii they may ba*- rontrncted lo take, but-;,. t 'ii.- lefi in the handa f gn ¦¦.. ra or

rartora until it la wnnted. Preeuroald* parl '

ihe :'..".o."hni haleal rbay hare i.n marketi«d In

lhal aenae, thoogh noi na *... ahlpped. Mr Ib ¦-¦

i,r alao makea Bmithern rooeumptlon, aald to

he "aetual flgiirea reporfeil by ii." mllla," no

leaa lhan i._.".i.Mi Imlea, a greal Increaae.Mr Heater maki i tbe Inrraaaa In Boutbern eon-

aumpilou .".7.s.."..*ii Itatoe aloee i**i" '..'.. or ii pareeal In threa yeara, a hik* he atatea laal <>f lak-Inga by Northern aplnnera 412.000 remnlnad Inmlli *t...*ii<>, agalnal 75'**' a year ago, whlehwonld make Northern mlli eonaumptlon 1>."»Ti'. balea, agalnal £0+0,000 ln I8W ''...'. a de

.. 0f lor,,200 halee, or 8 per eent, ln tr b

yeara. if tiii-41- true, the t.»1.»1 oonatimption laal

year waa 8.10BJWI balea. of whleh 0O_M pereenlwaa Northern, agalnal _>:.:;.:¦.:._ m IBIM 1», ofwhleh70.51 pereenl waa Northern,

It |a noi alfogetber Ineredlhle lhal n* nvi<*ii rb

a aeventh r.f tbe Northern prpductlon haa beentrnnsr.'rr. .1 to Boutbern milto for ¦ alngte year,or. mor.- atrietly. ¦ tenth ->f the entlre produetinii In aplte of nm.*!: atoppagc of worl a an 1

irraaament dnrbig tb.*- Inal year, Ibe Northem n lla nppear tn hare marketed 01 Ifl

itlon a nrked Inlo Ihnn Ihey .11.! Inlhe year of grenleal produotloq In ihe po l, auilbh ihey are fonataiitl) worklng loarord lli.'.,,,,t .,1 lighter and ttuer, ln whleh lhes.uitii. rn mllla do noi yel rompete, ll 1- n.>t Im¦Miaaible lhal tlie amaller qunntity ol eotton uaeilni ihe North maj ¦¦ .1 ir rer outpul in

varito nnd ln vnlne, though thal do< - noi yel nppear. rhe i-irrular of Mr, Heater nl 0 glven tbeliiformntion. obtalm .1 rnrn Mr, Klllm.ii 1..* rable,ilint l'.iir..n.*:in mlli Btia*kB "ii Beptemlar 1 were

771 i.imh 1,,'ii.s. ngnlnal IBt«.oon n year ngo Tho,,,.11 loi-kH ..ii itoth ihi - a-oulil Ihen lie, on Mr.

lIcBter'a retnrna. 1.182.0110 balea, agninat I7JI.U ''

n *¦. nr .iv. :i*i.i :!¦.nmerelal iloeki I.I 1.1.001),hgalnal 807,000 -i year ago. I'lii'm*, dcilucteilfrom the erop reported by Mr. Heater, ll.100.IBEMImbm, V..11M leave for lhe year-* eonaumptlon:»*-i.".".< rrm, i !i'.r..j'<in Btoeka >.f other thanAnnri. an .'"ti"u beln : ri-ry amall and preanmn-lily nnl iiim-i-.¦.¦inl.l.v ehnngeil Klnee :i year ngo.Tbe world hna never yel eonaumeil anythingHi,,- F" irr.'.-ii n njimntlty of Amerlean eotton, bullf ii haa duiing Ihe laa! ayenr there la mueli more

warranl 'bun Ima hitherto appeared for the

rapld Ineream' ln produetlon\i u further aurprlalng Inereaae In eousnmp-

llon nm l be realli tl Ihla yenr, if onotlier eropnearly aa large aa Ibal of 1807 la lo 1.mrk< if.i <in aattofaetor* lerm* Mr, Heater, II i\iil

be ii..:i.'.-d. makea lhe netual growth laM yi*ar11.485.000 balea, or l,6S0,000 more than hia n.

i'its leave f.-i- eonaumptlon, Bul th*re la al-ready on hand Iu t: 11 nnd eommerrlal Btoekai»,lCr>.000 1 in.l. -, liealibfl Ihe .".'K'..? reported ns

"grown bul ""' nmrketed." w 11 ii l'.h.v.,imiiiluii.s on hand, another erop of llAW.000 baleawould make the <ii|.iii* exeeed eren toal yenr'arf-ported r*onaumptron by 4.100,000 balea, whkiils more than ls eoromerelally earrled **ii.'ii ..nil

nary prleea exlat.

Tho Coroner la golng to try t,, nnd oul whowaa to I'hiin" for lhe dleaeter at Cohoea, i.ut itnecda no Coroner t" tell " thal a grade <*

hag is n nalaanea a'bleh cannol i.e abottehed too

. ?

Mr. Andrew Lang, dlaeuaalng rhymee ln "TheLondon DaUy Newa," turna for an lllaatratlonto thoae tantaltolag veraea, begtnnlng

Piiiuti. brothera, wlth ..-ir,',Puncb in tbe ptveenee of th.* paaaenjalrel

nnd eredlta iliem t.« Mark Twaln, Thia l« netnnnaturat, alaee tbey urc moal eommoBly'l wlth th" Hinri whleh Mark Twaln wrote

nboiit the effeel whleh they hn.l on him in <-nm-

tii.m aith everybody -is.' who once hnd ibelrjiiikI.. ilx"d ln min.l. But Mark Twaln is not thoaiitiior ..f the veraea Tbey wera wrttten by thelr,to laaac H, Bromley, aad waca flral pubUabedln Tha Tribune. Tlieir orifrln waa ilue to a

guggaatlon from a colleague of Mr. Bromley,who, ln tha ,1m> h of horaeiT.ra, bcll poacheaand varloaa eolored trip allpa, had liia nt-

tentlon attracted ono nlght as he was makinga lonely Journey Aowntown to the elgn Inthe car Infomlng the pablle that the con¬

ductor would "i.ur.rh ln tha presanco of the pns-

aenger." Tha BOUnd drummed Itaelf Into his

braln and lha reaull araa so curloua that he

copled the phraaefl of tim not;.- and i.anded

Mi.-m to Mr. Bromley aa Bomethlng whioh

P...::....i t hlm funny. s-> tbey aaemed to hfr,.,,,.,; .. .,,,,, from them he evotved th- much-

,r::,, ,| .. , Thelr publlcatlon in Tho Trihune

hroughl them to tbe .I.t Mark Twaln. whn

found in them a teat, aa ba hlmaelf snxs ln hla

atorj Ita truth belng ao much Btranger man

flction that his reodera hava |..*rslsted in reca..:-

Ing it ns Actlon and bellevlng thal he wrote the

jinKle for th- aake of the tale, ar.d not tiie tale

i., .,,,»,. he waa tormented by tha jiniric

-Ia ,t eool enough for >..uv" ls u plaaaantvarlatlon of the old and exaaperatlng formola,

Th- aympathy nf 'he \vh..h' .-ountry xxiil go

nU| t<. Oeneral Wheeler ln the dreadful gffllcttonwhlch he haa I.n called '.n to endure. Th.*

death by drownlng of hla gallnnl yonng s..n.

whoae charactei gava promlaa nf an bonorablerarecr in the aervlce <>f the Unlted stfit.*s. la a

cauae for unlveroal regret. Tn his father. for

uhom the Amertenn people chrrisli sentinn ntfl

of pecullar affecUon and reepect, the lo«s la Ir-

reparable, bul wa bopa that the aaauranca ol

thelr eompaaalon may help hlm to bear lt

Popular falth In tha tneory that New-Tork :*:

thc Bneal aummer resort in the country may

poaalbly hava been ihaken durlng the laal two

. ontha, but nothlng ahall deter ua from aaeert-

Ing thal aa an autumn reaort the matropoluihaa undlaputed cbilma m dtatlnctlon.


The Blrdar of tha Bgyptlan Armv. Baya nn Bng-hah peper, onca had i very eatraardlnary .«-*«.,,.,. havlng awallowad a bullel wlth whlcb hc

had been wounded. nnd whlch he now preaerveahv a memento. Durlng the campalgn nf I8M MajorKltchener waa hll in the Bkta of ihe face hy a

hullet d.idti- .1 .-kirmish naar Buaklm, a"'' *as

taken down th- Bile, and thenca to the CltadelI tai at .: ro. xx n-re. .,. .¦»¦*- ¦¦ -¦.¦ ------

,-',:,':: .o- th. hullel COUld noi Im lOCAted. .x,iiiii,i waa :, healthi ...... and booii heeJe.. ¦;.he medlc.i1 offlcera came to the concluelon .,,,

Kdlet had work. Ita .y o"t. »-^ *£?«,p,...,.,!. ,., th pa* aaje down Ihe Nlle. ie Major a

nurse one di >. lempted hla patlent a appetlte wlthheofetenk. vhh-h the Major had n aoonar

attncked than he nul his hand to hla throat. e»-

... imlng: "IWHon. If there waa no bona ln tha

...,!, i've BW.illowed that bullet. I Mt n -°

down." Thla proved to ba the caae.

,:.. ,., ;...r, ting eoincldence Oeneral Wh< h

wh0 ,. .. tha head <>r tha encampment at

Mo tauk and who, almoal from the tlma the war

ha, h.i promlnently before tha pub.legaae, recelved hli appolntmani nnd owe* hl* miii-

ran ..i,, ,t.,,i, to John Wheeler. of New\orK,ui bnek ln he flftle* wa i Bepn .< -tatlva ln

T'angrotm from thla clty. Th" two men bvar no

..,. h,p' ,0 Meh other. Thc Oeneral at the,,,,,, viie ., x.iullK fe. i.xx workinK BB B il'lK iu

'., .,'n. here! and applled far ti... appolntmentt ¦¦. ive ! lt.

,, P.,| ifugovon Wlnterfeld. who dled In Berlln,,;.,,.,., !,.' .' II ¦.¦¦ W8B tllfl BOO-ln-laWlate .1 IV. fl hmldt, wbo waa at ona tlma.;., aral of Pruaal In Ihla clly. A nun",.... i li iv. hera, Thetloneral wai for a time';.;,.;,,,.,!,-,.. tiuarda nt Uerlin and i generalbM ... Bmperor Kred. rlck.

it, v .¦,.>.,' i.. Paddock, of Claveland, has

deellned ine offlca of archdeacon of lha ProteeUnlDI .' Ohlo, made vacanl hy the

,f i;.. W 111)8m M Brown bb Blflhon

1',.1,'edrai ... thli clty! offered to Blahop P tter

rtutland Vi Bepi 1 Commodore Phlllp. eorn-- th. Morth AHantlc B-iuadron. arrlved

rHay. end wlll ipend Beveral da»aI,,', Dr A T Woodwarrl


Tv. flahtlng power of rhe newly formed repiinlted Btmea of Central Amerlca. li noi I

.rm> ef 4.000 men. wlth a mllltla

,,f ,s,... Ita navj lata ' b latom-houae,t., ,r,, nn* nn army of 500 men. wllh

., mllltla nnd no navy whaterer. Klearagua

haaan army ofXOOOmen, wlth B.00O In Ita reeerva

guarda..How ,nd tha Bra atart?" ».,_--« ,,f iha..[. ihe haberdaenera store. The theory ol ine

...',...|ae B IhBt rxnn of the new ,.11

fgaMai mngagat <«»Bed.,, 'hlcago Trlhum\,-, Rmrllah paper tella thla atory nt the expat *

of _ , .1 .-Mnn: Not h>ng I

thai hroughl hei daughtar I. hlm

..,n btbb Btifferlng from what la known ir I

people ii b neral lowneea There arai

..... matter rlth her, bul ahe aIand dld -.ot eara aboul eatlng or dolng

. rhedocl ir, .' ;,''"n' _**', for her a guuw of elaret threa nmei

eaii Tha mathar waa aomewhal deaf,.Iy aard all ha aald. and bora .-fr her

.... determlned to earry oul the pt.. very letter In tan daya' tlma thay wera

tha rn looked n dlfferent ereaturend the plctui '

Tha doctor eongratulated hlI dlaplayed In I

,,f ti,. "1 im alad a thal

lalmi a ei ' mother;ta md .1 ¦¦' I

...... ,.,.,.-1 ., ,i,-.- atnee wa¦. I onca

j_,,.,. ¦¦.,. her!"

.\,, ii, rberl .im Borry, it ai ura wc

not \* happi f»i "h.r i'« u knoa I a >'i.¦

n aa an wantai.. i wi xv .. n i.i (Tlt-BIt

v ,, ,:. irarlii morala hi ¦

I ,'ated by n well known citlti n ot *

a ili..' each..... lanuary 1 ol year who tho woi t

ounty ta, and that Ihe m n rei alvlngthe hlgheal number of voti ahall on the enaulugi-, iary 1 be hanged. lt la clalmed f »r lha planthal ir xx ili lm ¦¦¦ id n en to emlgrate, andthal lha "compUmentarj vote" recelved bywho had Juat begun to ba bad bul were w

aralty recognlaed ns auch. would tend to create \

wlthln them to be rolled ¦.¦ ng tl xx. ;:-

l,. ti.ix.-d.

Mary had hei n to h iva her tortu ie told ai iwhi-n mn '-¦¦ ¦¦ har mlatreiB xx,, nithei i ¦' ".. tha daround In a m at al u uctlv. m_n rr.

\s ,.. ... hni ih, i, ¦..¦ r M u 1 ihe querh dpraaently. Dldn lu u II ¦"' .> flood fortun -.

.Otl VCI ll xs i- .,., .-i: .1,1 II. Ifanapped Marj but l don'l belh ve In them

:.:. i-i\,, ,. ,,,, ¦.;¦ t .,n. hul xx. t.t Into .i trniiHome, an,,,, n when .'..' ih. re . ha bauli out two dlrty,i, hi nnd naver a tran om< doea she have Bho,in tell ili Ihe good fortun.I Iwouldn'l 1- llei xx r,l OUI ol n." moulii i. x dnnd I'laln Dean

An iri.ii correapondent of 'Tha London DolljTelegraph" Baya thal a coantryman of hla waa

badly wounded In battle, nnd, ;¦* ha laj. aa thaf;:,,,111,1. :i wounded romrada near hlm Kept up a

eontlnual bowllng Irom paln. 'What lha duii ara

>e Bheutln' llke thal far," aald Pat: d<> y ttiiiirt,thal nobody'a k:it bul yaraelf?" A Bergaanl ln a

rentananl >.f iiKht horaa waa both my t..ii nnd reryrorpulent, and often |oked wlth nn.' .>' bla meaan Irlehman ns lo the praneneaa of hla country*

men t«> make bulla In the courai of ordlnary con*

veraatlon. "Ba ma aowl." *^..i.i lha Irlehman, "tre-land never made BUCH B t.ull :i» Ktiprlund <tld xvh.-ti

Bba uiadi- a Ughl horaeman of you."L'NAPPRBCIATBt) KIMML

ll.. naver sunk a .*oiiiarTo bottla up « lleel,

Hut the praitv maldena klas hlmAn.i eacUtlm: "Ohi atn't t.** axve,::"

Ile nex.r «,',,ffe,l ;it dntiKar,Nor made B port slriK.

II.. haa ii'.var done a slngleKxtraordlnary thi.'...

Stlll the vxiimrn. when they aae hlm.i*it.i worda of xvild dallgbt,

.x (ni at onca baglu lo ki^» hlm,Bach of tham wlth ..ll her miKhf.

Hut it haan'l Bwellad bla head up.rlaan'l ipoBed tha llttle chap

lle la three weeka old and doean'li 'ara a caatlnantal rai>

.(f'levelund l.eader.

Jamee Tutfe. of Atlanta. lll., Meiuir.d nr-atlxtwenty yaara nso a promlaa of b funaral aratloafrnm Itohert O. IngaraalL Mr. Tuttla Is nuxxiiitii-tx-nx-o yeara old. and haa Just draam up 0win In whleh $1,000 i* gel aalda "ta dafray tha 01penaea of Coloml lageraoH'a Journay."Pependa on Ctrcumatancaa -Mrs. Chugwater.¦

Jnslnh, I see 1 Roml deal ln the papers ahout In-femai machlnaa. A'hai ls an Infarnal macblne?Mr Chugwater.WelL aomatlmaa l thlnk It'a a

lawn movxer nnd »unieilmea I thlnk It'a a plano(Chlcago Trihune.




A POET-LAUBEATELLondon. Auguat 31.

A royal Idyl dlverta attention. at least for aday. frnm tbe aerioua polemics over natlonai tr-mameata nnd ratlonal penre with which Eng-land -ind Eurojai are fllledt Queen Wnhebntggeomplatea har elgbteenth to*day, and bytiif. lawa <>f tba IVatherlanda is inveated with fui;riphts nf aovereigaiy. The Queen K"p«>nt isauedyeaterday her fina' proclamatlon annnune|ng t^%olnso ..f th.*- R'-Ron- y, thanklng: her "ubjecta forth"lr lova nnd BA llty, nnd endlttg wlth thaptoua hop<> ;hat tho eountry may "l"~-eome greatIn everytblng in whirh a small naiion can bej,-reat." The ao.»Bslon of th» young Queen lsharalded to-day t-tftroghout har dominlons athom,' and abmad. and sneolat serv|<*e« are heldnot only in the Roformad bur ln all rhurch**in Holland. Motbar and daugbter are attentj.Ing "na of theae servlees In the I'reat Churchnr Th" HaKtio and llstenlng to a sermon bythe Cotirt Proacher. Karly In the e*>nlng th*young Que.->n holds her flrst Mlnlsterial CouncllIn her palare. and sisins a decrea <*onf*rrlngbonora and rlacoratlons upon har mothar's mostuaeful aupportara in this r-uiet waj opena th*relgn of olmost the last d-scendant of the hla-torl.' houae <.f .Vasr-au-Orange.Loyalty to 'hat house Is tha golden thread

whlch blnds u.gether all the best ar.1 noblejtchaptera of Dtttch htotory, and oonserjuentiythe Orange colora wlll be the eon«t*tant andlotrlcml tone of the apprnaohlnir fortnlght«' featlvtty. Tha royal famlly tracea lt*decant from CoUBt Walram In fhe eiev.r-nth eentury, when the Kataaau house nr*tbecanie promlnent, and waa at onca divid-rd into two branchea, tho ,,i<]ar Mentlfied wlthQermany and tho younger transplanted t0 theMetheiianda. Hy a rerles of marrlages wlthhelreaaaa the Netherland Kaaaaua increas*dtheir eatatea an.l authortty By ona of the**matchea tho barony of m-ada was aecnral, andby nn.-.thar a rlch provlnee ln tha south ofPranee. The moat Important of the** royalmarriagea waa that whleh traaaferrei th*crown of England to an Orange Prino*. Butwhlle the Xasaau-Orang* houae haa heen con-

¦pd uoua for eenturlea foe its buaineaa talents,aaaracrlty in oommer-inl lnv*Ftrr,*nls and good.-".nae In niahlng rultal lo marriaRes. these ar*r,"t Its maln clatma upon I)ut< h affertion andloyalty, lt haa ht-en assoelated from tha tim*ao' the dukea of f'uerires and Willlam the Stlentwlth the c,ni?e of Dutch Independenca and clvlland rolisinus llberty. Tho leadera of the herolcatrugglea agalnal tyranny and opprr><s!on hav*been trie patrlotic Btadtholdera and Klngs ofthis fatnoua llne. ^ hos» nwmorteo are r*ver-

eneed by the Duteii p*op|a. Tha exhibition ofKaaaaUaOrBBga rellca wlll naturally b* one ofthe rnoat popnlar features of the approao-hinif.-.e-

ii'iilaid. lir\o Denmark, I. a little eountry ata tlme when 'he utlllty of amall and weak na-

tlora in the world ls cynloa!',*- o,iie*tion*d. TTn-

Hke Daanaark. It ha* an outiylng emrire ofI- pnloiie end viluabie coinniaa. and M ha* an

< gtenatvB roinmeree mnd'ieted with a'.l coun-

tr:"i Th" vo.ippr 'jiieen haa mor" cnlrr-.lal sub-

je.-La under h-r gway Iban any ntn*r Eurapeaaaaterelgli ex-ept the Qt:een raf Enplar.d Thesa

eu!»>>eia tnu-t ba well g-vyeined. B'.nre ihey se'.-,1-m rlee ln revell agalaat their ro:onial gov-

Whare*->r D-.iteh eofonlota and fradershilve «one ther". has been flrm, tf BOI erw*.ysflexible and intelllgent goeeraaient When to*dapendenca waa aron under the Houae nf orar.g*

gpaln had a world-wlda emplre. Thnt eatp-B)hn« heen loai through mlsgovernment and folly,but ibe <*e.i,,|«-ert pro*inces of the Netherland*,although aurraaaded by powarfal ar.d enviouaSia'-s. hav rer-iln"d ar.d even ea.aa*ga*| «*h«!r

ol<.n!al emplre.Tha Dutch peoole h.ive n. fina ta!*nt for

rentring their atfentlon upon thelr own affalrsnnd keeplng out of evurythlng *.*h!rh doan not

rorteern then. This trait has ^ecn thelr beit

reaouree In ivaldlng eompllcatlona wlth larggrnn.l more poarerfal eauatrlea Blnea tbe sepa-

ratlon of Relglura from Bottand fhe Dutebharahad .1 .|*. uneventful aatloaal hlatoty, wltk*ui i alngle dramatle passage. Caajy °nre ln

th- courae of the laat alxty yeara hava theyl.e.-n start',e.l by a revlatlon of Fur^pean la*trlgue. Thla was eariy ln 18*0, a-han the treaty

rtitl a pr poaed by Benedettl and taken lata

leratlon by Blamarck waa rrade pabllc.Thla waa the apecloua achetne f r Ineori ratinc

Reiglum wlth Fronea ar.d H illand wlth Fruailaent of elther of l Bag**

md of Eun ¦'.' .**.

i Franc-e foughl i Itheoifl .. .- Up b bo H a«

I a' 7.- tten Thiy

llng Qeru s-ble... ga m reallty an au:.. lntr*aai

111 Tl. :ia*e COBtlnw I -J -15-

tnd to forecaai -__#¦.. .,..;....,.. | rna for tha acqui*

' H illand wlth Ita eolonl i «5-

Th. ie conald **¦ a*'

t, rmlntng tl e laraeter of tha t 4-ala ahk* ¦ira

r, ... ompany the > iung Queen'a a eeaelea to

BOV, r| ¦..;! i- * III be i Dul rh featlval, appaa-*- tralta and local prlde Tha Q-*«

m iu take her \>n. * gmong the maeeea of h-*r own

li n and recHi'e trlbuta froni',,,(>'

K-itti hlatorlcal coatume pageanta repreaeatlagtha herole parl da 11 aaa i... n h iha N*f'

Bau*Orange llne, wltb tbe moat notabl xnibl-

ti.Mis ef Bembrandta ever hald, wlth a yimpiaand almoel rerubllcan eerem nj m_«ara*tloa nn,' wlth ;i aerlea of varled t. ¦. Bhowato

tam and The Hague for tl.tartalB*of the p< ople. Thi re » » e -'e'

ii Bcenea In lhe palacea v. .. iltb aad aoblao wlll noi be aii gted it for claaa rtM-rhe Queen wlll bold court anwng h»r aubjecta .-.ii.i com Ince ttofected almpllclty and homely araya that, ahaa

Bh may ba young In yeara, ahe la M-Msin ¦n«'l

aad patrlotic in feellng a eharaetertatlc DutrhBoverelgn, wltb a glatnour of romance eaal *»'ber fciritfah inexperi.'ti.-.- aad eaeeptloaal F'3*1"tlon.There aill aa royal guests durlag the f*****_*v

tbe Naaaau-t-aranga famlly is eonnected w|t-

some ..f the Importaat houaea of th- CcottaaBtamong theae retotlrea who wlll be preaaal ara

the E-rtnee aad Prlncaaa Waldeek Pyrraoot «.

Pr-aeVaa PaulbM and tha Pucbaaa af aJbaW.who an- the Qaeen'a naela and aaala; ;h.* I'rtncei

.ind I'rin.'i'ss au.. rt of Pruaala aad th. h****tha Prinee and PTlncaaa of aVlad, tba <;r*n "

duke of S:ix,.-\v. Imar aad hta B^adaaaa Ftmmwilllam an.l Prlnce Bernard; the .;rand-dul4eand <;raiid-duiiieas of i.uxemi.utg. aad otn

ronneetkma. other gaeaia wlll be th- KM ana

Queen of WOmmberg, tb- Prtaee aad rrino*

of Reuae, taa i»ukc and Pacheaa of M',l'K'

barg-aVhweria, Priaca and Prtacaaa I'hriat.

nml Priaca llarold af n.'iin.aik. and ,,rlnoe

Prluceaa iTbariaa of Bwadea. Aaaaag thr-

gueeta wlll ba at leaai thi.*.* ara_avala ttmm

dataa for tbe poaltlon of Prtaee Coaaart one

Danlab atock. Waca Ba-rala, and taro i^rmaj i,., the voung

Prlncea, wlth Oraafa Nood: aui *'.

Queen la to no imat.- for n-arrlaga, and m«

maklng is prematun, The Dutch paapla aaaaa

be la a i.ed bu-Bor for tha aauWaal °r "

retaa IC thev ragpaetad that thelr Queen aaa

Inapeetlng crltlcally two of the young oaraa>-

Prlncea In waltlng nnd tryang her Maaa-.r.etl* at fllrtation. A Panlsh alllavBCa -"

be ln oloser aoootd wlth thelr *> mP-,h,'*tof tr.The Rembrandt exhibition wlll be the cniei

ttotto faatura of the ftt_a m addttlaa af m

masteridcccs fam!!lar io oil vlalto-a to kw.