New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-07-24 [p 11]....tion from Kad Mountain City, iVcr I^o.!. "The...

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Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-07-24 [p 11]....tion from Kad Mountain City, iVcr I^o.!. "The...

TEnUANTEPEO.( In.iu Sri-ond Pa«f.

rope ; tu\\ <d* romantic aoeoorj, ir i* higlily at-tractive, and will, iu prograaso. time. whcn iu-Imbitcd 1».\ an entcrprising nnd lalxirioua pop-tilatioti, boeoma one of thc most bvautiful apotflztn earth." This outiro region, for its anlubrity, cannot

be iiirpaBBod by any country frbaterer. *

Last comefl tl.e plainof Tehuantepee, nearly aalicalthy as the hillv regktt, ulihotigh warmer,

rating all the cl.uracteristicB of a licalthyropical climate. All these regions togethcr

forni a brond anrfac. ol country, from the Gulfof Mexico to the Coaal of tlie Facific. of a greatrariety ol teaooroea an.l of remarkablo liealth-fulness.a featurc pcculiar to tl.e Isthinus, aatbe land? on both of its si.les are very un-

beaitby. . . * Thin pecoliai and exclusive salu-nrity of the lstlmiua, in my opiuion, is chieflyliue to its coiitignration. which lonns, as itbvcic, a gatc, wallfll. OB both *ides by heavyluaaaes of mooatain, through which paas cui-

renta of air that pi.v.iil only within the limitsof thc Isthi.itiB, aml under tba couutry theyttaverae permancntl. sab.brions."

It will l»e seeu that very nearly tho cntiroregion is snsceptible of being subjected to theusca of agriculture, with far lcss of vrastcland, from the niountuiiiouB fonnation, than-would naturully ba suppoeed. Nor can it bodoubted that one ol tha carly consequencea ofthc construction ot the Tehuantepee Kailwaywill be the iutrodiutiou of a new population,attraeted by the mt climate and productionsof this favorcd re^ou ; and population is alltliat ia BB-BwOwb. when onee ineatis of transport-etion and mteTcnniioitniewtion nre auppliod.


Soflflion of July 2U. Mfc K. C. Ely, Chairman JohnW. Chauibers, Secretarv.While the ilog fltflt ragea and frequent sbowers

catch unrak.d h;iv aud graiu not atacked. wheu theborer i9 near the aurface of the trees he attacks, aodthe curculio is at the hight of hia tuiachievous caraex,while the niarkct gardencr is industrious in his ce'erv

beda, and careful over his late cabbagea. therr are a

few etnpty aeats iu tbe Club-room. But tht- llood ofoorreapondenta contiuuca unabatcd. and it is all wel-eome. Oue requeat we have to make of Ihaai wholike to aee their idea. aet up in the solid unniou oftheeo columna. lt botbera a comnositor mightily t©have both aidos of a piece of paper wntten on.

Therefore, you who would be shocked t»> bear thethird conmiaudmcnt broken acroaa yourcompoaition,trrtfc only on tke odd paoae.Conckknino C.'>ckete..Mr. J. B. Tattersbali of

ITamiltoii. Culdwall County, Mo.. aaka aln.tit theh'.iildmg of concrete walls of water-liuie; hew totnix tho mortar, _.c. Iu hia section there are ueltherbricka nor stone: ccmsequcntly. the qucation BflkadIk-couios uu nuaoiUut ouo to hiwsclf aud hia ueigh-bota,

N. C. Ely--There waa a book pubiished in this citya y.*ar or tiiore a_<> whicli coutainshve thonsan.l goaathings, more or le*s, and among them, a* I remeniber¦w»il. a ch-t'tt-r devoted eaaeeially *o thia very eub-jeet, luutle ia''T(Kl<.l'a Country li.rn.b." I adviaetho Kaotlea-BBto MaiiC'iMMF.iiciAL FKKTII.I7EHS .Mr. Alfred L. II.

Zerega. lxmdon County. Va., wrutc as bUoflrs: "1au, UAatnuriug asu.all pioce of n.eadow Land- aajr tw aai..' a quarter acr.-.with alK.nt 15o ox-cart lmwla «.f¦ table niannre, aml I inteml plowing it up thia Fall.ln the SpruiK 1 propose to piant corn on thix held.and I want to nae some poudrett.. uf the Lodi Co.with th*> corn. I shotild like to hear from nuii.Kraof tho Club their expenence with touaa it aud how much to the acrefJ lt Lvman.Ihave tried the Lodi pondrettc. nnd

couat aay that its effect on grain aml potato. i baa, M.aotiie cxtent. diaappoiut-nl me. lt d<»t<e4 not m>i»ear tob. a h_stiug uianure. lu May and Juiie it worksqitite actively. but lator in the wAaon. whcti .... n

4Bars are fortiied. it haa loat ita vigor. After a RakxImauv experimeuts 1 bavfl conieto tneconclusmn thatco fertilucr begiua to compare with grouud b«itie.Those advertized BlUturea are valuable in pition a» bone i.* ma4le an ingrtrfient. Thfl Ivo.lipauy makflfl _ev.ral vaneties of commercial m.i

The cheatieHt ia New-York lilth drii-.l. Anothiia this driad tilth mixad with of Blaiighter-hooses. Still anotbox haa iu it a good Ueai of ciuahed

E. D. Brnen.Mv exnerlence haa been aimilar totbatdctailed bv tho laat sjieaker. Even eroabfld bouea-lrdnot prove airood thing. aa it killetlmy strawberryxilauts. Poaaibly-1 iwd too Bvaah.H. T. Wilhamir-l apphed nt,ndrette totonintoea,

ai.'l found that it advanced th. ir ripenrnafuUiara.wceks. However. I <l" not eonanler it worth $1 80 orf. per barrt-1. I used Iwiie-nieal upon strawlieiT-ea,nuti fotuid it the l>«at uianureobtaiuable r :s particnlarlv Bflod on aautly »*oilri ou l.¬land stable niannre mnst be esteemed aa much more

valuable, aud iufa'-t uusnmaased.MOTB-I nbOJfl Md.m ina.-Mi'. Joflcph J. B

fonuerly of Wefltcheater. l'n.. but f<>r the pastfiveyears B resident of difterent parte of tht'Jt:abt^ve naniwl, f.ittaril».«l ,ed comuiunica-tion from Kad Mountain City, iVcr I^o.!."The seaiioiis are too short. and the nighu* ar.

*_old h' re for corn; but wheat u> produccd in -HQP

Suaiitities: in fact nearly enough to supply theefuai.'l There are aevoral Hounnir milw v, hirb make

sn excellent quality of llour. fotatoe*. aml snlen-liid om-. are raised in abundatice. In fact all©omniori vegetablea, with tbfl txaeption of tomata*e.that flouriHti in the States. flre prodnoed here; tbati^ wheii the gra-shopjierB let them alone. But thereia the rub. 1- or the t wo preoding aeanons th. yiu awari.ia, and made aad havoc with the crope. Thkaeaaon they are not ho l.rvl. You can go through the<'onv '.y of j/'khI farming land vacatednow. NVhy is thia? Bflaauae tho placer tuinea liave.workt-d out. the nuners have lelt. aml tharc boing bomanufit'turiii^. lit«r__y. or artiatic moutba to f.4©d.tbe fanne-ni have to l.ave alao. Thin vaoubl Im a

jrlorioun flOBBtfl ** folks would only eonie ttere toaTtay. lt could be uiaue & w"Wo could rfliae all the ceruals excetrt corn; aiyegetabiea thal would bo uexMsaaary ; iu fact, Blthing excepl flOffflO, t«-a, and aoiueof tbe lu_lf wc had a permanent populatiou manufactot;cdl kind* would pay. But tbe foJks won'?thev -"it ooine here to atay. They come here toxou/fl ,t; tf) make BBOBey aud take it to tba Mates,_,Xthen. enjoy th'-rnselveu. Yon meet JobnaaM_Uy. ' Well, John, wbfla are you koiuk home t'J'.hn. 'Obl aa aoon aa 1 make my pile.' Well, theJahaa ail make their pilee, and instead of settlmg«i .wa and goiug to farming, or ioto aome busineaaliere, tbey take their mouey to tbe StaUsfl ttj aquau-der it, thereby enricbing tbat already fat ,K>rtion of

Ie Saui's doinaui, aud lmpovenshinK the gallantlittle Territory that waa ao generous to tbem.Hearcely a tuau coiubh here w ith the expectatiou ofntayi.ig, and the n.oat of them tbat you aee here aretoo poor to leave. Tbe aure way to make money ber-,or at leaat oue of tbe aure ways, ib to go into thetrtock biisineas. If two or three men had a couple ofthousand dollare each. or even leaa. and would inveatit in yearlinga at f_o per head, in three yeara' timethey could increaae their origmal eapital e.Kht-fold.Tney could, if ahrewd, energetio, wiber, and e.i.Ui-rriauiK. go into several kiuda of business. such aavaiHiiiK poultryaud stilliiigegga. producing trout a_tt-fleially, aml aeudiua thorn to market. Tbere are acresop4»n acrea of loita oottorn graaa along tbe rivera that4_ould be cut for bay. aud milea npou n.ilea e_t-uncb and buffalo grass upon tbe nplands and that ifl all nutiin.ent, fat ten ing stock in aJmoflt miraculousiy, atid aumciently ni.tri-cioum iu the Winter for them to retaiu tlie lieehgaiued iu Summer."A CtKK foa Buut or IIoviN..Mr. Johri Ilodgca

kdale, (rawford County, Ba.: Iaaw in my jour-il this morningthat 20 cows h;ul recentlv diedatBBBB Pavenport. lowa, by being bloated from eat-g tlover. and 1 baaBBB u> lnform you of au iufal-

cure if applied fiftcen minutes before the aniuial.lil'l otherwiae die. Take half a pint of salt aud

it with water and lay iton the animal's baeker tbe k.dneys, uud havo tha akiu thoroughly im-

ytflfnated with the bnne, partieularlv where theEinth adheren hi the nleura. OB the left side, tuat

k of the laat long rib. I bave followed the cattieib for more than twenty years. and I leai;i»;d

tbi. fron. a brother drover. I once turned a drove of'CBttlfl into liuah feexl ou the 8usquehanua, and a

euing; a little afteraunaet a very line yonngoa came to me with n.s tongue as far out aa he could.Bt it. tu cathuigao that he might be heard twenty rodsor itii.r. I aent njy _>oy ioto the houae for a tih oupaalf fuli of aalt, coveu-d with water. 'Ibe old Dutcb-tmt »ajd I might calcuiate to take his hide ofl iu tbe.jriii'ig- 1 told him I ahould do uo such thi.JK- Hejaia i;e would die m h-M than oue hour; that thereCafl more than a dozen difld OB hi?> farm just w., and

ar oue cured. Ho waa ao bad I attempted to atabj. out did uot, and aaid 1 would wait hve miuuhix

S*y " the briue would cure. In leaa than ten22_U5" 1mB ivrngue waa la hi« mooth, aud ho w_«TjT'ugbiacud before. o'"""6 ..«« FkMciNO.- M. b. li. Buie. of Shoc H2JJJMOD Couuty, Korih Caroliua, made Inqniry-_ra.^,ndo'*billfTVof tm» matenal for .ucloaiugTTr vi

' w^'th kmd of wire is preferable.**fll'a i'i ""^ 'BW wr«-'ka aj(o one of our memhern

3iHat s<.m(, g,Ka,i bBflbaffldBlBB ln I'ennaylvaida '

JJ*»U Obllgf.,! ,., iliepiiipor,,. JIl

^wThk«u1*T ,,4rti..i!a.i> hursofl »_n«jy to hijure theaaeltBa by raahing opoo

at^CaJT'"'-9hBa__ i." .I... hut h"~~ *- v*-vjaiOa ui ova La\Lt m au.. muel

giape-grriwera tind wire letas expensive tlinn wood,uii.l much more laating. The kind _old for trelJia iagalTanlnd aad anaaaled.A. s. Fulli-r.If. is all very wall ftrr oa to diafarorthc aae u «ire, bnl I feel ;. reaaonable dagrae ol ot

tamty iliitt if wp wntn .nu on the great prairiee oltbe ten milea away from tiniber. wc migbtbe dlapoeed to make trinl even <>f tin-* material.CUBB I Ol! A, llol.tiji AM) K)K A Sl'ltAIX.

.Mr. Daniol Williuma of Vly O.-ek I " Take twooa. each of nquillrt, liqnorioe, poudered. tur, utidh.'iH-v niiikc into eigttl pillfl give ona pill aday fortlirci daya; then omit ureedivja; tlu-n ibi-i-c morepijle aa before ; tkt n omit three daya then rivo theother two, one at a time. lioll tbe pillh in lloui tokc-ji them from atukitig.''" To make a linitnent, tlie best I ever nsod on ahorae for apraina, w.miida of all kmds it is tw.nallygood for bnmans, for apraine, bunaneaa, rheiimat-__.ii:one pint aleohol, one |oiinre oii onranntn, ono otinceammonia, one onnee camphor pum, half otinre oiiainlter. Hathe tbe part allecte.l with the liuiment.Fot humana, use half ounce more of ammoniu.llRooK TaorT..Mr. iThoniaa lirush of Hrooklyn.

New-York, wrotc tbat be haaaapring from whi.hllowa a two-inch atream of eold, clear wator. " WillBome of your membera wbo bave tbe reo,ui_ite axpe-rit*nrfa iiiform me bow many brook-trout tt will bosafe for me to bat. h and rear T"

J. M. Crowel.Thia gentleman baa omitted an im¬portant pouit. It all dcMadfl on the temperature oftlie water. For example: Water at 40 oi ks degretviwill aupport a great many more of the finnytribt.than water at V5 or 80, IM him be explicit, aud Ican give him almoat exact rigurra-Taoaa " Kitrn-FBBauviNa I'owdf.hs.''.Mra. .7.

Smith of Saugertiea, N. Y., makes inquiry conccm-iiik tbe prepartion aaid to keepfrnits in fair condiliouwithont beini; hermetioally aealed.N C. Ely.lf thia lady will think a nioment. nho

may rememher tbat. a y___r or two ago a oommltteeinveatigatod thia aflbjacl tlioruughlv, an.l pronoiitiocdagainst the nostrum ln tennn not to be nnsuiider-BtOOdallenry C Williania.I mny not be nsing tho Boine

powdera examin. _1 anl eoudemned by the emumit-tee, Miue work admirabjj. We bave baaa catingfniita tbui preserved for a year or more, and uoue olua are poisoued.Hasty PCDWKa AM> S<>metiun<. T.ia Theaame

<v>rreepondent wrota ar. loUewa : lf any of your ladyroadere ahould wish for aoaaetbing for adeeaert whentbev haverompanv uno-pec-edly and not preMred,tlie following disb will be found exccllent und thediah wholceoiiie and very quickly matle : One pint ofunlk aud half pint of Ilonr. two effira, pinrb of aalt.tlav.rr v\ ith ntitmeg. bahw in aqttare tin paaa iu a tiot

-..ut av. hour. ax it is qnicklj made andr.ui beput in the orea inst b.fnrc aittingdown t<>

'iiuner, aod be just ruady when wauted. Serve withbutter nnd ragar.

I can gire jron anotbe. IW ipe for a mufl'm aa d.-li-eatC a-. it iaexcellent One pint of niP.k. on.' pint oflloiir. two egirx. und one piu. h of salt. Thej vtill I.eV'T.v liulit. aml abonld W bakad in amall tm oora. or

iron com-cake p;ius in a Imt oven. Tbere la BCtaalBratnRnsed. which n. uot lit to pnl in the Moiiiach olauv umLlME-WATrit AM< laOKO WOOL..D. 1-

Northlield. Vt.. had " r,-ad in our rtporta and «-.i..-

wlsere that linie-water apj.lie.l to roota is a iirewerva-

Bve\* niid he wouiil like lnfurTtintioii Ba to tne mudifoptr'andtt Alao, " which, ln yoar opiDion. all tlniinKeotuidarad, would in- ihe moat pc__tab_e bmadellong-woole.l aheep l"t Central Vennont, wbere thepninary ol.j.ei ia to rail* early latnlw for lnarkct, the

-1 oi tbe Cotawohla fiiMld.ln IBfdy t.» question li.inih.i one, I

would bbt he abonld i!1-.' ntrong v\ l.itewaali, tn ratbeimake antr.nik' rxt.liitioii of liliie and aralil theshin-jk\min llb-wraaafiag Hient. It roakeatbepooreat

Lo the beit, and n roof ol good' thu. treated will la.-it ull .vei> ni.ui tliatworked on it ib gathered in.

N. C. Eli .Toucbing the othermattci be inii-hf nnd.Taaymfght I flna iiill information in Dr.1; indeU'r. .xrellfiit w.-rk oa " .slntp Iluabaodrj."

iw. be vvon'l raias it mtiob if be geta L_eii ->t. ii.

Imk <>! '1 rr.vii -. Mr. N;^ !i.i' BoBl -1 Bilmiiiifliain. Ene Connty, >lno. baa " a loi oi tnrnipawbich atood ikll Winter in tbe gronnd, aod are now

Hpa tO seed. (.eiitkiiu:i. is thia aeed vvorth an.v-thinpT"

\ B liiller. No. n<>t a eeut. exoept to atdl Im to belp bitn t<> thc lattii.

poor eectl.'Iw.. Eoofl a Dat..lfr.A.W rigbt of Pedri

R. J..panwiraled this eonondrnm: "Doea it oftenoi- ui tliat a h.'ii will l.iv two egga ]>. t

anv iiuiiilier ol daya iit aucceaaion '" and then hebia etate.Bt " Mra. Bamoel Htanley of tlu-

plac.-. lias now a baa which ha< bo.«n lavim. Iper dav for tbe paat toti ila.vH. aml at tbe aatue time.

fthem ia larger than an tardii md theotlier aboat tbe sixe of a qo

.1. W. lir.-ttoty -1 teearil this *m Bdinary hen. Howerar, 1 rernembar in claaaic aongthat old Orlmea had nulL another. "and on Hnedayehllr" lill.l th:-

niBT..Mr. ('. V. Bhor-\\<<id of Lak.- Couio. N. V.. vMott- to mi T'-irari! tothe growiog of blaoBcapa, atraw.

Ac. The . haiiman rentnn d to angg. »t thatbe btty and ren.i the book v\ !.. bat .. plao. ilut th'.. heiiil ofthia Mragraph. All thr wbila Iba

authoi Mr. 1 'ull.-i l.luahiniIhmii l.iiiir If.isr: ln stimyki:.. Mi- N O.Da I

of Williamatown, Maaa., hi manj inquineaf'tjui Hiibbj ilinaa flen ...lliv tbt rnaealtu'. anrlaa t<> aay tbat aada of ln- aoarp wili do it if it

UOUgb. 1 "'ll« <] ! vtitli no BU.t '.i runeh auap. I_aat

<i tb. tn entiri'Iy with one applicatfon.ukling ltill-d tboae. .Make a v.-i v itronganda,

put in r->o«' nml.' ymp, xiumkle tlie l.uahcaiiighly. at niKht. ar.eo tba ilojp ar. mi |1m ap

rnnaBiB- i^> K«v-.--Mr. c. H.Toroingof¦v.-i. iHn oue bi rl ii lotirfti acraa. Tbe j u IdtlnLig near 150 i.ii-ii. i-.. Hefartber aaya

hnv. it. !c moutha- iu lie adaptation of aoil

an.l cliitf.ife t"r mairr kirrda of fruit. Tbf .'

la witb Wilaoti. I Imd Ihe Ju. undit. h i.'.m><1 Ix-.-ire-r h.te, lutf roo ^uft for i-lii|>

r* (ur lulile. I III .'I

.i. rn lilni" .mtiiii il. Qand.bettei tlavored. buta aby b*_arai <iur

.aoil-deep. black clay tenrreiotta th .'

_,i.. aUiaad ap like

iu- \S :iii ul UKiT-B, bill I"ir hiittti'l.

IninnvnittorilaU WBl

,.,,1 rvoavna,l.i.lliV ul

:.-lli UlodeU. ' IkU.ate di-ltal,;.-, W llthau I h ..w ti

.;,.-. ol roarali. aad the nndn

j in Illinois an.l Indiaitn. _______ dwuuuitl l n

id tu n'iiia-1 ao. 'I ii-- firatun ui \\ ln ..t -¦ .¦¦: tbe

li. T. Willii.aa.Tlie reoord ol strav. lieiry vantnreio ruhiij aeinetbhn, I h> durinii u raoant

tofjiellnu. Well, it appaan tbere i ..m ahul) ln tl iu miIiii'.Iih. v.orth thu' oi fuiii ti

whieh ik Ith Btruwlxirii ¦.,.

..¦Ul waa rt,3U0 tjnartrt, wbieb aohl foi t:,'**>.the latif.-^t rrop 1 ii.ivc evei kuown. The

of the HaiapaTB-kD Pi_ainb. The Cbainnan ealled

utti-ntiu;. tothe l.ict thata wall-knowfl nverchanlMr. A. T. Htowart, bad jtt^t become a aitl*>

aaalk farmer. Iie liad aana ont to L_n_g labtntl imdiMitik'ht a hitii' patcb tlieii- vsiiuii iu propoaea to iti

II- Chairiiiaii then ahktd l>r. Feak to makerton .- remai ka appropi iate to the oc. at ion. Jn reply.Dr. Peck gave aome aeoonnt of tbe Baethlatorj n_the I'lains. He aaid there bad been greal miaapgre-WeBBiou on tl.e part of thc pnblic reapecting them.Tbev are nol haneii, neitber ar<- they ¦ dregllerel. bnt more like prairie. land. Tbey araBoore tide-water. Tbey wereaettled two aud a qaar-ler oentariefl ago. aod beld by the town alnee then,and the Butbohtiea ha<I atubixirnlv rafnaad toaell.Tbe soil ia dark ami lUlnchea thick. TheaatnralgraAB oftf li growa flve feet bigb. Thia ih the kin.l ofcountrv now brOOgbl proinilietitlv before tlie pulilie.Mi.Stewart'h purenaae Locludea aoane 8,000 aerea. Ih-ptaraoaea ta heautity it ai.<l eonverl it into ;i ralnahlaand populotiB tract. Theic ai<. iminv tbonaand anreaou the laland nearly an itimmI fla tttfafor which Mi.Htewart baagiveu$tib nuMic. Home ol the plainaare buahy. and ootoi jiaatjr. Tba iahabitanta, wttba perveraity. und abort-aight^.liieew imt eejaaled inany part ot thia .'ontinent, bave 00 ayataa and loi a

generation nm down their landa an.l Tbey didn't want a railroad beeaaaa ther-ta«e eat tbeir OBla. I hey hate to *«'. tliemiddle of tbe inland aetfled, hecamae it will druvvtrade from tbe little hamleta aloiiji the ooaat Hnt

dd of u merchant prinoa among thoae Uift winbreak up their littb* peck mett>-ure .ayatem. un.1 latdavligbt into their fliBIBB-BJ 'i hey muM havo tail-roatia, and ateeplea. and marjurea. and Btnooth Ibwiih,aud big Bchool-honaea, afghaua. abiny cainaKeH andfat horaee forced BBOB them. '1 hey are too near thometrojiolia to ait there in blindueafl, and bow downto wood aml atoue any kmgar. l_oae IlempHtoiidpeople might bavegot $iia»»n aereftorthatplainilaome New-Vorker bud manaffrtd for them. and Bpanlthe value ol ten aerc. ia _nlvertiaiiig. Mr. M.vtartbaa a hiu tbiiiK m that purebaae. we may he aure.

N. C. Ely.1 look upon Mr. Ktewait h aoterptiae iw

tbe opening of a new era for I-ong laland. uud formany people in New-York aa w.ll. Mr. Btawart ia a

niore llberal man hy far than he has eredil for, aad Ifeel an re be will «)r> an excellent tliini. for themaiwes.A. M. I'owell.] have no tlouhl that I^ing laland

la/Hiia are valuable. Tbay bara baaa too looff om-look-.l hy farm era, and eapecially by jieraonH in popu-loua rity ptint, wbo bigh loi theap boiibe* ia tbe open

' v-. . , , a T

.1 M. Crowell.Tbe tbing whieh hrw k.-nt LoagIwiitn.l im. k baa iie.-ti tbe miaerly and miaerable m.-m

ivgeiuetit whicb bitberto ha« charaoterited h.I ut my part, 1 ha-l iathi-i

Moi Diotith Conntv, Ni '-h<-i. _uai

II tbal h«i :,i. it,.,...ii i.,i.i. hi.- «... il...... I j.»i/ laland iBBOa,

Tbfl moiI ia rnther hiilit but kindlv. and uiav l>e niatloVel V Villllitlil...

1 P. Tiiinl.l..- I aiu infotiii .1 thfll the fiOBBBhaiBI'"'ii|.:ili\ have ¦ acbeme lu view foi Bflndiogtbia iiiiiti.iis ,r,-ri li/cr to tlu- regiou iu queetion.liave tlu i ate tlu-

wastoraaoea. tiniy >. iterdaj I Uvanl ol a man whoWeni Monmoiuii I oantj to 1 il ¦.¦ -flTflon ..iitb.' Iflbuid. aml cotrtinned tbere lb« t-'.""l practice oftuingmarl, uf rourae be found II m.-st Taluable,and h<- haa reci ntlv ordered a tbird cargo

\\iiai ifl 11 T.Mr. W. W. I'titih oi AnMini|i'i..hPoflt-Of-rce, aaaoBiplloii I'liritdi, La., breloeedaweed,niitl wrote thfl foflowing accotiut of it: "Ii baamade itsapi earauee iu some of our witlnnthe last eigni>*, au.l im auppaaad ta have baaa in-troduoed with thc cane imported l.v tholb.vcnitn.iit.It attaiiis a hiuht of from three to six feet. depend-ing ou ita local ity, aud from the youug «talk, wheni.ii'keii, exndefl a flobfltanee resembliriiy milk.henceU is known here as tho milk weed. While \ouug itis very tender aud bnttle aud easily destroyed. lle-tweentho rowa of cauo it c-oniee up very tbickly(aln.oBt like the hairs on a dog"H bark). and Bttaiaa ahiKht of three feet; on the rane ridgo, supported bythe cane, it will attain a hight of aix feet. It has atap root, and B stalk by itself. will put forth liuilwlike a eotton stalk. It doea not materially intorfereWitb the cultivation before Jone. from tiiorapiilityof its growth and dcnsity it Offliahadowa aud checkstbfl growth of tiio eoeo gTasH, and eflectuallv inter-fereawttb the growth of the cow pca. which weplant aa a fertihzer. At imiturity it beare a pod ofseed of which tba 'especiaflv thodoves) are fond. aud through their instrnnientalitythe weed is being gradually spread over the country.We \\ to know if it eau be considered a fertilizerif ti.ruwl under iu a irreen 8tat<>, whleh wonld l»o dif-ticult. as it inutiireH aud the «talk becouie* bard !>..-fore the plow can be used. Tlie greal ol.jortion to itis thal it ih ao aa to tl 11 «i> tbo upaoe betweentl.e cane, rowa aml exclnde the air and buu, which areneoesHory to make the cane maturu.

A. S. r nllol The ipedmeo is not very pcrfeet, butit looks like ui. uacirpias. If Mr. l'u_li can an¬other HiimpU', eitli.i io tlower or when the seed 18ripe, we niav be itble to rlassifv tho plant aml decideft* to whother it could bo u.sud to advautage an a fer¬tilizer. S. Im »««.' ran iudi.e now it i« a fertilizeriiti.l a very Mflaj ot..>, but thin varu-tv dflCfl not BOflOlwitb us. and wa rantiot judge ho well as tbo iilauterwho ia familiar with it.

DIBGOVBBIBa, DEVBLOTMaieTB, AM' BUBBIBB,ProfeBBOt P, H. VaB Derwevde nhowed a sji... ini* n

of Bbreni plant. fnrwBided frea. Califoruia tbeilalva or Mallt.w. Tlm ilowcr iaesaflllanl flfladye-Btnff. Tl.e Itliei would Jl.ake tl tt.M.'l OordaflB, or Bilt'ii.t mighl b« advautageoaalv oaed f..r matting, amlthe root, whao polvariaad and aiizad with puiater,Baakeaaapeoiaaof Baaarac.bqbb, from wbien pipeaBBd other thinaa may be eairad. He think-i tlnnmixtiirc of the powdered r.iot wltbplaatei B_B. jtrovcof inuili bnpottanea Ln Um uria, and ifivi- us disheaas rlir.'H' an t h« v aro to.ivrb. Mr. r'ulh-i BBld tbfl plflBlis nlinml.iiil in tl.e Newark u.arxhi_; but refliovfldtoblcbgrDanditgrowa moab better,a f;wt atJuebgoe* t<> show a plant is not alw.ivs 0-BBBI b_ HB"tnre in th" Mituati.'ii be.t Miiitol foi it.

Ifr. C. P. ATery of Old Mlflfdon, Mich., aent aaam-

ploofgraaa which Mi. T...I.I prouoonced the tall./r*t'i..i ../.il,..ri. Mr.M. S. of

MiH.ii.l_.'. Ile. wr-.t.' thal bfl ha* half nn BCrfl wlmlil.e B iflbflfl t- »i t out fl ith Ituit and Con ll treflfl. " ltla oMiiuii w.tii what wa tenn wtldnreei witob

i> 1«- of wbiflfa 1 ni'.'l.wM'.' Mr. ..r.'.orysaitl lt \. ..¦.!.<> tliiiip. The plant is oftfln flown

nd i.s wellkiiuiMi a_a varifltyol « I ..'ii cattlfl nr.' loii.l.Mi. 1. (.. 1 lani.r-r. of (Vntrevillo. Allegnnv ConntT,

N. T., aolieited a onre for chilblaina, witb whicli, ithc ia aorely afHicted, Hfl baa had five phy-,i;nl vet flfltfl lio I.ll. t. Bfl s-.vs he kuowa

that a"' luii.p of bl...' vittu.l Bfl latRi- a*. fl sbefltUUt.ed in b pint >.f and flpplied

fil^t stiiK.'s oftbe fl nl pmeralh rea owe tho

imi borningsetiaation. 11 naed tobelpme,but doea not i,. .- [I ihoBld nol ba is lii..keii.' 1 lion Mr. Tanner crflTflda pi- aoriptaoa lr..m the doctora "f Iha Vannerweyde adviaed bim lo keepawaj (roaithc medicine men f..r a m bila and ¦*. if kiml ..aturew..uld ii..t come t« hia relu I Ib anageata thal <"m-

t um clii.i.. i.;.- have been a tboaaaod time* eured bya plttatei >.f ."itin. Dt IhiB case. which h.u.pOiV.lcd ul! tha facultj. hc would uot pieaunia tottrat.

i.i: t BEMII ALL. I IN8ID1BI i4vi> 4 wiirrvrv, PBOI

. iu K1STBT "i nn: amikh \n iss;

butlei ia ©OA >.f tbfl Il.ilf iiiili/i.l ii.i' BflflM it only aa a

iii\ur.. iiu.iaaaBBBi ttiaaa bbbbbB bb__b it at all. It¦in. oofl <>' Importanl among agri-

of nii-

trition.s food foi all aaliftrtfltH

..I intareatin BBB*y ara atand-jM,int f... th nire ..( btitter ndireetlydo-pendflnl nol <>nl\ uimim b il u|w>n

jraiolocical priueipl ithut ...uti... th*bealthoftbaa ¦ whoaa berretioueit ia primarilyd.ii\..i;.ii its aoBBoetion ^ith d lor tbeaapaiBtioii .>f tba bettei gkaba-lflfl -raaa '.'..¦ aai

nn: Said ia a.BMta tbaa all aa eonoflrn ihi aavaenltanifll to I

tba araitfl <>t its aale folBMbiwbeautbtandbarnaanddw. Itopoi Uhnb.l b. baaiiuga koowladii opoooeaeea of bnttei making, of flaaabaaiea] app

o{ tbe f tisti.tti- aad :¦¦

pl i,nII, ra -.ith ragard ta th-\a!ile of UM st.l .nt tiititl.I ..1 f.u. ,,

Knila(.?r..,i| I.-atlll fuiand tha wat. r of al 1 "i Iheol tb.' dairj ihe '

iiiarlnii"- f.u Iraufltnutiiig suo. ulenl »...«- into nulk.It ia t.l-i.u that theq lantii y and «|iiHiitj >.f th- milk, «a lii'tiUuab.anUial luickly

and liav. tinie i" cuil tboro.ighl ¦. fl liiu.-.. tb. ni Iba

lu :u "i 'io- day fl biK) lh« »l "i.;tsli.-o wat

.-.iii, tlnr>'U.attel

milV in ii, be Biippliod, and m Ii. ii th*rd to tbeiB bfl. !i loi i.'. I-., -.

tbe pro. '"-' ibell ¦ iii |.i a :':

.li ol Natun s operatlona * ln

yman'a urottta amallj. itui.

I.. Ihr !...» siiii. oi iiihiitii. ti U4 v ol Mal. i 01

i,..ii-fiii.j.r. >'i -.iii fll trighl and ¦. froni..| Illlil-rtt. wll

ind nn ii.if.nm <l coudition ol tbe lu alUflninial,_au.l mtvi al one. upou ibe uualityid Ih.,iii:. Th. nn, |. uli -1-.ui from the browaing of

.ml other weeda fl hB h, !

aliurt, in.- aomethnea eateo .¦'- owa. althi..Uu r tiiiit- ih.) v. iii imi t"U. h :ln ii.: ii..iii ii.'it,j. ,,i : an i. which iu n.i Aulunb.'i ti know ii t,> prodnea the bi ill tn

ffloifl Ibe ii .iu ..i 1...-.I. i- i"i inatauee, lurnol tltese laat, il la aaid. may i» avoided bj liaalting, bnl u la donbtful lt lti.s.n ....I.-1.\ tbia ui- ona. 'I b< betUr .

vegbtablea, wbicb, wheu fed raw, coiumnuibadtafltoto Hi<- milk. Imring H:'«h<- montli

more or !¦ aa b. on bi Aan.itii. H graaa Iom ll cnleiil t| unleaaotbei ii> 1.1- ...V....1 vMtl. tluiii.v clorer bflflflbeenproviiled for grazing. it ia ol coui ry to re-aorl t>. t.'.sini:' v. ith green corn foddi. and iba iil>.';

ii it-, iii.iur.i naOflt cloaety raflcniblii.l.nt.-i. when ve>;. t.ition ni this kiml ii uippou withiiust-., iweel i.iots like tii sugai l>.. i >.i maiurelw.iit/.l are tha most availahle, alwaya axoKptlugthai eheapeat and baal im Aatamn feediug, ih.-pampkin, wbicb aiak-a tbe milk ricb an.l the bnt t.r

ycllow, hut th.¦ «.. .1- <>t wbleb ahould alwaya be re- befoN feedjug, a* th. n pflculiai aaadirinaJ..llcet ia not re.|i.irod l.v heiilthv Tbeflflttiiistns, known toflTery fannet. imt too oftenira.iieit iu mora than oo* r.p>flt, iadieaae tbe nr^t

principleaol aucoeaaful butui makiug.Uood milk in r lial preroguisito of good

bnttei, and to M'fiire this tl.e milk macbine mnal Im'kept in tbfl befll worklng order, Tbere baflcriptor-a! i.ijiiiiction agaiuat maaflUngthomouthol tneo*tbat trea.leth ..ut theVoni. A pantv ol reaannhigwillapplj the aame doctrine t«. tbi femal. ol tlu-bovitif race, an.l probably no one. is more BB1P-3 ie

varded for being "meniful to bia beaat than wh'.w paetun* are tenanted bv will-lnl,Wfl-T-watered, wall-tendad, aad«ontentod oovra.

MII.KIN'i. ANH MII.KIM. M U IIIM BlThe trratmeiit of milk lor dairy purfoseH mav !..¦

ver.v pro|Hiiiy h:tid loeoaBBBBBM vifii it* extrm tioi.from the ii.ider. foi this baa adireetbearingonlyaaoood tothe aanaea prflrioaaly apecified, both u\*>utbe qnantlty and thfl goalttyof thr, for if aeow he roi.ifhlv bandle«l ahn will withhold a portiouof the tiflld. No. to<i, if in the niilkii.K ppatration tlu-la-it diopri are not li.H.V withdrann. m.t only will tho" BtrippiUga" oi labesf iH.rtl.m of tbe milk f.r want.-d,but tlie qnantitv left ia th»> t»»th w.H i^.itabieto. oagul-te and iiijure thc utlder, aud, as li well un.U'iHtotid, shrink tho DTOdBflt <-l BttBBBQBaOt milk.ngN.Heveral milk maebinea bava fron. time to tiaafl bo. nliivented, hut have pfOTfld objectiouabU ttit OBfl 01the other of tbfl CiiUHi-H B-OVfl indicit.-d. Olm oithe*.- exhibited l.t the Fau of Ib. Ain.-I ican Iust.-tatfl iw.i paan aga was ln its wa- a eorioaa lUnatra-tiouof ln.w nol to do it. lt rraa rnmj.ost'd of twu

corrugated rollem geared to.. tb.. like th.- rvllfl "f a

writifling maehine, bnt phite.l about a (|.iuri.i,1( I, .l(,ait 'ib' cow'a teata wen to h. placed be-tween ibi ae roUera, iad tba rotatiou ol tbe latter

to ..UU'iii ii radhdlr P ,;' 'i-i

[.aratiiB olLhitiA butBaaaaliBbl intaraal aaoaa ..i tha ra-

giinea of invention. A morepractirnl. nnd for thatreaaoa, a More miaehie.viuia nulking deviee i* a Littletobe to be Ihrnet i»i» tha to allowthe nulk to runotit l>v its own WBIgbt. Tht.H im Kiniply an lnn'iliuriot tlu- BBoae qBtll which lazy milkeraan aometinieail ui iaaertinfl ia tn.- tee&e for Uie oetoo ewr-

ii-- pracl ice rannol fail to uiateud tbe eruiceelnuii wbieb tbe milk is drawn, tlm-. 1. .nlmg to aniuvolotarylopa, longoontiaued, tolocal mflammatron or indnrattrm ofthe rfntnediate anrfaceoftbeparta. Tbe famous con milkera, abonl wbieb aoiiiiieh baa h.-eti saiil during thepaatten yeara, are.made witb four oooieal india-raober eapa, dr4aaa>boldera, whieh are plaoad apon Iha teata; tba oapaure toiinert.d with h pnmji, whieh may be oiieraU'deither bj powei or hy a le.ver woiked hy haml. Thisputup diuws the milk froin all four teata at ouce, theni 1 Ik llow in- through a apout to the pail. The writ.rbaving witneaeed the practieal use of the macbinofaela compelled to aay tliat aa far aa ita uiechaiiicaloperation is concerned it. ia a eucceaa. It canno* in-jurn the teata: the milk is drawn iu a emooth currentand niuch ..tiickor than on the avcrage it aan bedonebyhana. Am drawbaoka to theae advatltageH,the machine is. _____ the iiuture of the caae,aoinowbat expensive just a little likely Ut be de-rauged by use: requirea aome skill in ita manipula-tion, and doea not milk aa clean aa ia done by the or-diuary meana, ao tbat it ia neceaaary to "etrin' bybaad. I ui t baae reaecna, while it deeerves a trial inlarge dairies it is not likely to come into extendeduae where only a few cowa are kept. Milking uiu-chinea miiat. therefore.npon the whole, he claraedwiththe wlf liintler for harvesterB, and tbe aelf-lnaderafor hay-r;ggiug«. aa thitiga uot yet fally wrought outto moet tha rigid reqtiirementa of erdinary farm ex-aetienee. In falling hack from the eontemplation ofingeniona milking inachinery to that of tbe good oldway. it iiiav he well for tbe milker to reprooau- oue<>r two l.ohhicri aciuioccaaionally put iu practice,aa. for lnstance, the wetting of tbe teata witb milk,which fonna a greasy varuith upou them, tbat, toaay tlm laaati MBB uo good and tlie practice of Baaeptng tha "strippinga'' liaek to mingle withtho cream, nn'er the miatakcn uotion that the in-cruaau iu the i|iiantity of buttt.' will pay for thetroublu of doiug it.

( ..MrOSITION OP MII.K.Praafa tnilk has been freqnently analyied bv ebem-

ints. wuh Honi.»what varying reaulta. due. it mav bepreanmed, to difterenceq in thn fnading aiio M-iwitbItlii ifr of the aniinals. Tlius, the pronortiou of< a-iin or cbueey uiattar, ia frotu .'5 1-5 to 4. peCeent;ol btitt-er, from M to 4 1-10 per cent: of milk migar.oi lactioe, ., t<> u i-io pet oettt; of aaliuo matter,froin 1 -.".th to .'(-">ths of ono per oeot* and of wateralmiit s; jier coiiU Kach one of theee eonst itaentaplay.s nn iiii|Hirtiiiit jmrt ui thechemical ebangae tli.ittake place iu the milk prclimiuary to and during tbofoniiation of the btitter. Tbe aualysi* of milk toileteiiiiitii- the relative proportiona of it*. cor.atitu.ntparts i- a . omparatively sitnple matter to the rhcut-l-t. ami, being cap.iii.i- ut more Inold »n_anat_aathan many other prueeeeea of a slB-_l*__ iiatiirc, aluief aketch of a _-<x>d m.thod bbbj aot be witboutirit.'ust to thoaewbt. like to andeiatand aumethuigol |he BBaam hy wluch tbe fucU of practieal st ietrae

ituin.'.l. Tba portion of milk to U« aualy/etlls ciir.fullv weighed, after which a few drojw ofaretic aud-the aana ti« the acitl trf Tinegar iaa.lui'.l to it. 'lli.b will cauae coagul.ittou. aad tbev. - -a. 1 oontainlng tbe milk abonld then he set ia an-other %.-hhi'1 tilbwl with hoiling water. nnd kept Imtiinii! ail theliqnld lntbe intteroraillk-holdingveaaella evaporated. lf wenow waigh ttedry taaMtnun oftiie milk. au.l atibtruet tlie w.ight froie that of tbeorigiua] qnautity, vm obtaia tho weight of watercontaiued therein. The aolid maaa, or reaidnnai. ttth-ii taken nml digeated foi a h*ngth ol time m ..tharwbieb disMolvee out tbe tratter. Tbeetherealeotn*tiou 1-. baated t<> it.s boiling point, is lUtered throughporona paper, and evaporated to drrneaa. tbna leav"-niir tbe liiittet aa it r.aidue. which may then ho

ii. Th. hufter will of cnur«*» have im peciiliarcolor, wbieb willbe foundaotnotlmeedarhar,aaa-wtiuiea ligbtar, aoourdinf to tbe lood on wluch tbouiiiiiuil haa f«*d.

Harthfl tbaa awertaincd the proj^rtions of waterand oi tha imttei, n i3 next inotdertodetanninetin.-,. ui th.- eaeein tbe miikwaaaar, and tbeaalinematter '1 o <L> thia, tbe aondna left an the Mter aJu-rflltering the atberead aolatloo above naentlened, is

J with Uot aat.T. Tbnt diaaolvea tbe ntigar|i irt ol thr saita. The ivi|iieons Bolutlen

't.itn.d is weparated hy liltratimi, c-. apyrattdtu ilryneas, aml th- nto.'.int ia weigbecl. The latteria tin i. Iiurutd. aud tue weight of the ash, eoin|aai.adot tutmral artjn, it sulilra. tcl tmni the w.ight of

inat; thc difleie.iice nidicalc.-. Ibeweigbl ol tho whicb waa cout.iiiiio.1 inii... iiiiriniifc.'. Wbatraaaatoala oaaeia airngiedwttb

.ii of the aaJta. In order lo aepwrata thei-. ln tbe material i» barned. By taking tbe vY.igiit

..1 tbe aah fiuin ot tlie iiiinenil we h.ivi theweigbl of Ibe eaeein, and hy adding togntbfl the

l We have tiitstin iiioigatili -aalLa or Mtlintf lliattel.

a futty atilml.iiirr, eoiitaming no

ii. exiala in milk in the foitn of niiiint.)giobtiiea. wbieb are not npaoae, aa miuht h.« _-.ip-

rurenl taiohtt-obaita banrroondadrerini <>r akin befta~ed to ooi

it..!. inatead of being of .pberical fona, Ihel.iwabaped. Thia givoe them Um

pruperlk ol dieperaing light in all direetiona, aud, unb Imnenae umniHTH tlns ditperBion of

eeawbite color to the milk. Bomeiilltiaiiully yellow milk.

h e >-.. from an nnaatnral aflaaakAcconltllgtO aotiHlliNr-atlcatorh. lnun tlie |i|esiii.e of

upi. vrgctatioii tbat urawa ita auatea_MMBfrui'i tli. nuik :i- utihiiuri planta do th.'ira liom thoaoil . ulii'ta, nwsert that llo« al-tionnal tttita are duetO aiitinalciilis, atul havc giveQ tlicin liunl I.atin found iu tin blue in11k being tea_nedt'lnuvma*. and thal in the iell..w pArie

^- to tiif raaeta wa have Beaa that aul ii ii nroliahly comprlaed in tha ooverinfla

of ihe 1 -utt.'i globuiee. Uie areatar part of it, bow-.iiliitioti tn coiuTiinatii.ti witb tbe soila,

ibe provinceol this alkaline >.tlt being to tbna boldiU tbe pn.pair couditiOU. '1 he milk-ttiKar

i- aimpl) dianolvi .1 ui tlu ln|inil, tt is not v.-rv BwetB..tnpiir... vi itn ui.iin.ii \ atigar. altbongb it give> tbe^.,.,.,,;, fr< >b milk. lt-. great charat,,.,,-(,. th whi.-b it in oonverted mto

,, i,i. wlnub aenree a aae t iinfanrtaiit part inthn pioiltt. lo tr! the 'mitier. tt'. will prtacutly be

ii..n of the nulk augar is

.; 1,-. th.- in. i|. , ut deoontpaeition<»i th«Wben milk IBB.M away at ot.lin.irv lempetaturPI

the Imtter gtobnl. -. b. | the llghteet, riae io tlutl couatittite tbe ornam. At

liuin ._ i>¦¦'¦' ti" nnik I- nml.' hmpidthau wlien ofa ,,. , th.-1 ii am i)-"-m"r.'n-.a.iil.v.

the iucipiuiit d<ilnli haeleued; tb

,ui, oi tne M.ifi.i mto la. tir aeid..,, neuirali-.a ibe m..|» thut bolda in enmbina

|i ||| ..1 || the l.nii-r toI, nt Miui oi luMn i> .i milk, audthe nulk prevrnta tba furtbei

I. mii.I la, be.ti..tiie.l wben tl"- milk haa a depth ol from um and

thr pana /-'i"mi,:,, prupertj <»t rutarding tbe "ounnfi of,.:,i luui to ii\e btHini ..-> eouinared with that

i. i,i iu im "t waw-bn :'' ""' ahaeiice oflt, ..,,, np 'ti the matter tbe reatwai of

,i t,i be tiiat Ibe laotie aoid bralfoi.I iBiietitraliaedhi .-omiiinatioii with tb.irtjil on ti" Ike metal. The nae

f,. this mtuKirvc ia, liowever bignly reprebeiialbla ,».-

ii,- polaouotuiuabighikuown wberr peraona who bave

.>.,l lnitt.'i itiiele from nulk kepl in

ave Miti.'i'l aevcrr and nanaeatinK attarka rrnm thia,,,-¦. ulaaaand lin. whit b ara |M y ticalli mrtwro-

gjV( and Vaood, ivben kept perfectly cle*u,are theInnt material -»" <¦».»* ".»« °J '".''l'1' "Jt,. be hei.l 11" <f im h-'iiig skimnic! aml collecteilii, BulUcicnl qiiantiti ia read> l.nveniitin into

,. [ull ...iiiiii.-iaiioiioi wbichafeato

Of .in i-mm;

We bave is*hi thal huttei axiatein milk in tha tarniol miutite ghibulea. tsadi enveloned m a.ininnl

.,.,, ,,f ehurning epiisiata, flrat, tn

18 iheac a-irka to lll>orate tbe butter; aud.,,! in eauainii Ibe blltter particlea loadBere to-

L., ,',,, .Imt (be pioduct »»y aaetifliecoiiaiBtem > antl

Boliditv Tlie mpiure <>| the globtilea ia aecutetl bv,Mrii,,., parimiiv bj their nibbliig agaiuat eacbotlii-l aud p.tltiallvby th, I ul.hlllg ll|ioi. them of t he

Buifaeeaol tbe cburuiugmecbanlanv rhekneiulng,, ., d.. iiiierated hntteria done by briughiK

it'icii.m ii i.iu",i "". ¦¦» -¦!|_lln,iUg dcpell.U vsliully oi, me. llgelirl.-.v milk o« .ream wh^tojugaai-

,,,,,,, t.dioiis. Nibio vears ago a.UUe

l,!111;;;; idid afdmrnhic ...whi.hi.e;;::.J'dV;oi,n... n-H.r .ll .,.t ofthe nulk under

° ' '" '',!1 , hual.ualkownbj aarai-llyf»t'Ulied tbe m Id ol buttel ia

'i'1'"'1 '. uuu wban n.tba aa_rnemee*-Ull 1>CI tOllt l_Ua»lli -"

nre of milk the cream only ia employed. The reasoumay, bowever, und probably iioea, exist in this, thatwhile yet in tbe tians tho«ourinjr and toagulati.-n oithe milk takes place before tbe whole of the creambaa i.-"!, to the Borfaoe, tbfl tfaickening of -he milkl.r.-v.-ntintaT ¦ riainir ot a stnall proportion of thflcream. Aa addendum to this it may l»e noted thattha Bareentaga of cream from unlk m in a dagfee de-pendent npon its relative llui.lity, inasinuch aa theQuantity of cream i. perceptibly increafled by thead-.iiii.ui of-fater. In this oonnection it may not bewii liont interestto bnellv n.ention aconpleof experi-fl.eiits related iu an old fciughsh work. and made forthe purpofluof deterniining the resnltsof chiirningal .Iiii'.ritit tumperaturca. ln oue of those the creamat the start wa*at50dogree_,at theclofle rXj, the timeof rhuming four hnnrn. The butter waa of the n-i JItest, flrm and well tasted. ln the other experimenttho teinperaturo ranged from 60 to 7. detrrees, andthe < Imi iiing contiuuod for two hours and a half.1 hc product was iufe.rior in every resiiect, iiimI le*squantity than iu the formcr, iu thfl pioportmn of 10Jto l'.i, the dellcient portions being dispersed aa agreasy constitnent of the huttermilk. Tho time oc-cupied in chuniing WMtineonscionably in bothcaaea. The anparatua euiploye.1 may havo been nn-aarfaati bnt tha proceea was undoubtedly hindon-d tuthe ono caso by the low temperature, and in tl.eotherby the ununiform rupture and agglouieration of tlieunduly BOBtad butter moleculeB. Let us now turuto the meehanical aspect of the butter qneation, andeoi.Bi.lor the history, varioties, aud deairable charaeteristics of

CgBpnM A-TABATUfl.In the veracious narrative of t'apt. James Kiley,

whose vessel, tho bng Commcrou, wa*. wreckod outhe I'oaat of Africa, aud who, in, wa_taken prisoner by the Arabs, more than half a een-tury ago, is an of the manner in wbicbtboae people made butter from camels' milk. Tbiawas probably the old nnpinal methoii by wbicb tbeurtule was prodiiced iu prunitivo ages, and eon-si-ttxl simply in pntting thfl milk in a skin. and lash-iii_. the latter fast ou the baek of a camel at thocommeucement of a day's journcy. When the tentawere pitchedat night the skin waflopeiied.andapatoffresh butter the size of a man's denohed hand takenout.the agitation of the milk by the rolling gait ofthe camel having snmcod to chtirn it. The writer has.oflBflwbarfl seen a statement that among some of theIn.liau tribes in tho southern part of our owu coiin-trv, it wus cuatomary to fill a akm with milk, hangit up by a striug, and subj<<ct it to amotion from twope.rnous who puehed it aiteruately from one to tbeOther. These rude methods, by providiug for theagitationof tbe milk, would of conree proveButbcientto bring tho butter, but it is bardiy to be Bupposedthat the pr.Mluct would be very tirm in textare, or

very tinely flavored. tven the crude ingenuity ofanctent times umst have early fonnd a substitute forsuch imperfect mcans. bnt of their nature we haveno certain knowledge. It is very likely, howevor,that some of tho eaaeutial principles of coustructionlound iu our luudem apparutu* may bave been BBB_many uges since. It ia rommonly aoppoaed thatn.tary cuurna um a ncent but in Tasso'sJemtaltm Deiwered. written moro than three hun.lredyeara, is mentiuued a wanderiuir l'rincAias, who tooknpon lierself tho ofJice of a choerful dairymaid. andwho. tho poet says, waa accustomed to siiiK tbowhile" The rlulrrt cream in ehunte remlrmg rolled

'lill llrui tbo tluiU tlxeUaud took tho tlnge of gold."This shows that the Yankees cannot claim the creditof originating this clasa of dairy appliances, but jwtrintia.ii we may paraphraso Hulwcr's lme, "Whothat huth lived know« uot thetuiider tnitlr' that thebonny uiilkmauls of our Northeru land may vie inrhaiuis with tbe royal beauty who, by llio ntreamaofauniiy Italy, sighed f»r the absent Tanervd.The lirst patent urnnted on an American churnwm granttft t<> one Isaae Baker, donbrlesa bmg sincelaid to reat under tho tnrt of hisnative for bia letten were dated l*eb. 20, IMB. Of theperuiiatities of the iiiv.uition we know nothing, andprebabai cau learn nothing. tho hurning of thei'at-iit-Ortie.0 in \K9< having destroyed immt of theaartter recorda. We do know. bowever, thal frotn the.lale of Haker's appnratus down to the £Hh day ofMay lti'lusive not 1cm than ono thousand and f.rtv-.evan patents liave bceu granted iu this countrv oneburns alone. l'robahly in no other dcparmciit ofinventioa baa so araeh inge.iu.ty been expended toao littlo pflUrpflflfl. Any will bear witneaathat,*iiotaillintaiidi.igall themnltiMidinoiismoditica-tioiis and attempfed improveinents, there isnochuruao good in practice as the oId-fa«hioued dasber. audwith one tiuiililiration, which we will presontly pointout, this opinion in is BBdoabtodly correct. BUU of these in Minionsiawoll wortb while aisshow-iriic tbe manlfold meehanical devicea that may bfl to aaeara il mea resnlt. an.l «« illustratiugbow futile a tbinf nabYfl gen(91 is when kept auartfrotn pructical knowledge and a common aense wayof Uslujj it. In April of l^tf two Connecticnt in-vei.tnrs txutouted a churn that waa rocked like acluld's eradlfl. Kivo years later John lievotieofVenion. N Y., took a alaa forward in doing theBfl-M with a co.nbined churn and wwdiingm.t. btn. leit wbether he proponed to do the waehiugbefore Ihe chuniing, or vict versa, dooa uot Bppear.Ia Angnat, 1813, Cyrna Hitcbcock, aJso of Vernon,br...i_ht out a j.eiidulniu ehiirn. e\ idontiy mtaJeledto w.ukatter tbe method to which allu-mioii has h. .ii BBflda. In April, ISIh, one Antbo.iy/ii-rnan of New-York hroughf the pfOBliaaof labor,miaery, and atni?«'s t<> the eanine race. by taking oota pate'nt on the tirst American dog powcr for drfvlngchunis-and three years afterward two other b-vent-orsof tbfl aame Btatemadeaa additiooal onoiau_htoi, l bfl idle babit.-. of |K»or Towser bv de> uiiiK unothurchurn.oporaling apparatus which beiouavt] totbfl tnad-wheel var.ety. In 1-tl, proteetion oo a

"Method of Cbarnini Cream bjr Atmoflphetic Alr."wa« granti-d to Klias V. <'<>e of Warwick. N. \., anrtin l<tf> Alflbfll Haker oi Windsor, in the aame State,pat.-nteda ulan of oropelling chnrna bj weigbto a

principle bas sinee been embodimi in qiliteatiiiinbei of ihuruinc inaehines, but which. DO matterhow nucetiiotihlv Applied. ia. in practice, not wortb a

i.tit. Tlie dealructiou of the Patent Offlce, aa aborealluded to, baa left ua m tbe dark a» to thr precraenature .-f most or ..11 of theae apparatua. lt ia likely.bowever tbat their most Important featurefl baflflwinre been r.-invei:ted and flpplied in manj .litl.i-ent wavs 1'bis is eapeeially tiue witb n-ganl t«.tba aunoapberie procaee, the moat Lmporlaut >.fall improvflmeatfl in the churn. aa flrlHniitiirally Ik> iiiierrcd f.oiu what Baa alreailc I- Dn:,i(i toi.riniiit tl.e admiaaioa ef nir to tbfl .r.aiuwhile beingehnmed. Allefb.init formaof atoioa-pin'i.e < hnrns havecombtned aomedevtee lor lor. ingtlu- air into tbe cream, with aome , daaher,eiiher rotaryor otherwiflfl. fcjome sixcl.iiin w.i.s ailowed on ccriaii. deneea f<>r ohnmrngb\ the UB4. oi a.r ai.Uie. wl.Klilt was pflopflflrd »"

ij.n into BB tolloWr. : Aata!i.»mrv Itelliiwaf.inv.l aciiireiit of air thronuh a liexlbletulie nir-

ii.slii'.l \rilti a no//le fll tbfl eti.l. This... //Ie w .ks UI-strted heltvw the aiirface ol tbe milk, contaimanitable veasid, and thc agitfltiou caus.d b> waa prcaamed U. be luipahle ol briiimaB f'',.

butter. AWout tbfl IBBBI time or a liltle later,a'l.itli.i churuiug apparatoa with a lorei-

r-blaal araa hnnigbl otii, but thia was

ie,d ... oouneetion witb beatiBi meebaniam. A.b.nbli' actiiig beli.'ws. .ii.ven by flcTankandpitman.w.s t-mplorad to force the air into a bollowahanan n.i'.'i rcutrally wlthin tbechorp. Inisshaft car-

bcatera, wbicb w.-u-formed with uumeroMsmall h..:.s. thioiiBh wbicb ib.- au paaaed Uom tbealiaft itilo thc cream. Wedoimt consider either of

i,l nmeh coBaeaioenca. An utmo.phcricdiuni without beaten or t-flflbflffl w.ll el.urn v.-rytlowly an.l will .»'t b« able to gatbeT tte bntter,while 'one tbal has beaten and is properly wa-

Btructed will force »ii ruouah into tba cream with-oui b llows >>i blowlng uiachiuery.

'Ihe csM'l.tUll featille lll il gO«d chllTll-ls OapjlCltViiigaalflflid) and uniform agitatioa to ita aon-.,,.. t... doilig Ib.s at. ll.e most raiml rate BDB-

aible without raifliug the temperature pl tbe eraaamore tbaa IflB degioea laa tha praeaaa. l niformity ia,n. Bgiution oa.iaefl tha butter globnlee u> bur«t

di at tb* aamfl time, while the avoidaoce <.tundue he .t liistnesii t.iin. bard textare to the butter.i hese te.iiiisit.'.s ara v..v w.-il w.-nrwl la aaveral rery,1 ,: renl Liadaol otmrea t«r instanee. ... tbe in common use in the Lugliah dairy diatrictafor ni it:\ yeara, and formed <>i a barrel uiado to

,.,at.i a abafl pflflfled obli'i'ieiv through tt. A_»o,in the ..i.i hemiai obarn, io wamb Ititernal rotary!.,-,i¦-. workiugona boruontalaila,aaaaaaa, Theniotion'of acrank turned '.> hand ia not. bowever, as

ate uly ua the regular up-and-down movoineiit ot thoordiuari daah churn, which has the further advan-t.i-e ol heiufl mora aaiaUv worked hy ordinarv churn.Hiwem than anv t'oiui ot rotary chui u. ludeed, thocommon daah-cbnrn only r.iiien to be providedw.lh some coiunion and ertielent mean. of ap-nlvingtl.e atmoflpherie principle to bo as Rflarper-leciion ;us woaie ltkely to ulUin wilh this IllflBB ofapparatoa.

.roajxtaa anp coania bcttbb.IJutter undoiibte.llv conti.ius a amall proi.ortion of

aaeeiuoreheaflj mattor.of whichnrtrageu laacou-stitiient aud tbe praflflncfl <»f tlus mtrtigeuiaeumatter ia oue of the great caoaea of thetondeney totuu To obviate this te.tdeney. recourae luiisl

be' acuring praeaaa. whi.b forms tluiaoc»iid¦ten in the |.r. paratmn of the artich. for market. thotirst being tha expojalon of tho hutteruida whioh,when tba butter is taken from tbe churn. amountai. about 10 per cent of ita woightv Butter, in a

i.leie acid is rapable of oxyiren iromtu-

a.idby thia meana forms very smellmgliiHiuuds. another eauae ol **%&&£**utter. The mill. OBBMb bowever, bflfl in £«.fortna-,.i of butyrio uc.d by the ^^S^Ltnltjio caaein ouibracod iu the atticle aa above raeii-


..._,"r^s ¦:;«'_hl bi'll.K CO.lM'll

globulea, eiraply adharing together, into a maaa otlioae ortiaiied aod nierged into each oiber. end tbueminguig the wlmln to a ni-eaev eonaiateney, wluchii.. Miii--'.|ii."iir trrHttne>nt eau r.-muv... Tlu., baa un-duiihf.iil.v been tbe reaaou whjr the uumerooa batter-working macluuuB brought out from time to 111110bave f.uli-d.1 I'i> totbepreaent date no leea thaaS8 of theae de-victje have be*Mi invetited and patcnted in Unscountry. S.ine of tbem bave been deaiKuedupon the butter with working bladee innutiug.though r»nly in a alight degree, tne actiaO of tbe coui-liion Iadlc. Otbera havo beeu uiaile with rollera b»opcrutod aa to be rolled ov.-r the butter, or to paea i|lietween th.-m. One, an Kugh-ah tnvention, foreedthe butter through bolerv iu tlm bottom of a veaaellike a colander, the water droppiug out of the suiiatance aa it pa_v*ed through. Rone of them have beeaable U> do th.- work aa well aa a baud ladle op.-r.ii, <|to expel the Ii.piids by preaaore akillinlly applu <i toIha maaa. Hutter nroperly worked ahould not con-taiu moro than live per cent of water. but it oftencoutaina mtiuh more, aa very fraqueutly it doee ofsalt. Casea bave he. n known iu which theae. thowater aud aalt.bave ronatiiul.-.l one third of thoweigbt of the wbole. Such undue proportioua m_ybe readily detected hy melting a Kampte in a glaaavial, when the coiiatituenta will ¦upfltraaa, tbe aalt attlie bottom, above this tbe water, aud at the tap thehutter. Tbe ellow color of bttttavr ia dependeiil u|>onthe natiire of tbo food of tbe uniuial, aud ia d<iu proportiou to thehchneea of the paaturo. bome-trmea artilicial coloring is reaorted to. aaoatto In-iugtbe material coiniiioiily naed. altbough iu rare 111ataueea tbe juice of carrota ia umxl bm an lnferior aub-atitute.Tbe butter baving beeu pmuerly worked and

aaltod iu thu usual uiaunei, ii.miU only to bu placfdiu good oak taeeolaelue, nud kept tovcred with < 1< arhrine, in order to remaiu good for an iulefiniteperiod. Witb regard to the packiug : aeveral .orm* oftuba bavo been patentcd Croaa tuue to time, Imtwliether they poeeeee any advantagee over tlie ordi-uary firkin ia donbtful. One of tbow pateated a fewyeara aiuce hada central nrificoformed iu the bottom,and apon the latter a talae botton waa placed. tboontice lieirtg atopoed witb a plug. When it waa.le-deaired to reiuove tbe butter from the tuh tlm plugwaa lemoved, the tnb iuvcrted, aud the wbole fosvedout by a stick iuaerted through tbe ontice, aud pre**'ing against the f.tlse Imtlom. In auotlier the ullegediiiiproveinent contaisted siinplv in ooatiag the inatdaof the tnb with para-Hne, which is iini>erviouat.)briueaud water.


As prodticte Homewhat differcnt from ordiiiarv but¬ter.nlw) diflenug froin each otb.-i -may l» im-ntioned the Devouabire clouted crcam ao called. au.lthe whey butter made from tbe reaidtial wln-v »fcheeae making. Tbe former ia made ia this nianner :

Milk iantraiued iuto pana, preferthiv of eartbenware, iuto each of wbich a little uitt.-rh._s previouslybeeu placed, the obiect of tbia being to prevent thetvlhenng of the miik to the pana during the auh-acpuentproceaeofaualding. Tue milk afteretaud-iug about twelve houra is hcated to about lf*' amltheti allowed to ataud for tlie creui 1 to tiae. 1 Uoheating fncilitatea the rising of tlu* creain. and ala<aaaista ita converaion iuto butter. Thc cr.-itm ia tbeflworked by tbe band or witb a ladle or dat piaaa ofwood, formiug atuickened 01° clouted uiaaa ot hallmade butter which baa a rich color and loutlisom*tlavor. It containa a much largei peroi ataga ofcaMein than ordinary butter, aud is consc«.iientlymuch more llable to tnrn raneitl.Even wben the proceaa of cbceae-making is con-

ducted iu tbe muet, akilltul uiauuer. tbere ka alwaya a

proportiou of butU'r reinaimug iu the wh-y, wbieb itis the practice, both iu thia aud other couatrirecover by a v.ry aimple proceaa, The m.tbod pur-auwl in Kngliab cheeso datriee is to beat thc wh'V tnone himdred and eighty degroea, then atir into il amoderate proportiou of aour butternnlk, wbich cauaeatbe bnttcry pa-rtiulee toriae and aggregate at the stu-face. Tbia Jb akuunib.1 ot.. kept foi tbree or four daya,until it thickt-iia, and then chnntad li'...- onliu.rycream. Tbe quantity of butter obtai&ed by tlu*meaua is not great, tbe geueral avenu-c berngaboalball a pouiid per cow pi;r week. Ita v ihat ouly about aeveuty _ive per cent of that of ordi¬nary butter. So far aa iue writur ia awui<-; only ta a

patenta ou the making of butter fi.un whc.v barebeen granted in tbia country. iloth of thaaaara re-

cent, and. judging from the information at baad, uonot appcar aupenor. either in tllicicncy or ctieupueee,to the old (lencribed.The habibty of hutter to tnrn rancid, aml tha

objection in aome regioiia to th<- uae ol a ilt u* a pie-aervative agent. has led to tbe use ol other Bieatn. of

freparation wiii.h t hange aouiewhatthecharact^r ofho article, and thus produce wbat may al«o boproperly termert distinct krnda of batter. Oftbefe.lathebotter 'rronght to t onafantiuopie frotu tbeCnmea an.l tbi Kuhan .>_. the ahofW ol tbe IllackSea. Tbiaia kept Ly tlie foliowing treatim :.t:It ia meltedovel' a alow tire. tlie achiu ls ikunmed offand a little salt ie mixed with it. Battei thus pre-_pared, it ia aaid, may be kept for two years witboutthe aligliteat change. The ebemiat Tbenard recom-mends a aiflrtlar plan witlj the entire pmission of tbeaalt. liis direetions are. to nielr the btirter at a beatc_.c_»--diug 140 degree*). 1 his >h..uUl he k< |>t ap uutilthe cheeay mattur han btttl.-d to the bottom Thabutter will then ho perfeetlg traiispareut. and afterlieing strained throagb a cJoth must l>e c.Miled withiee or eold cnnti^ water, i:i tbia COOditioB it may bekept sweer for six flMN-tha or more. hnt 111 foreaiorv to 11 the taate of freah hutter it must l»fuliy worked witb one-M.\Ui its wnght of cheeaymatter prerkma to u--.. Tbe bauie antboi asaurts tbalthe had t.iste and otlorof rancid hutu-rmav !«. inagreat meaaure rem^ved hy lucltuig and it iuthia iiiiuiiierAnother. bnt vor>' differeut modeof eurinp hutter,

is to make a uiixture of oue part stigar, oue of uii.-r,aud two oi tbe beat rock ealt. rolled toiccthei to a

line powdac, aud incoiporaLed 111 tbe freoh batter, 111

tbe proportion of one ounce to 10. This butter doesimt tustc well until it has Btood for tbree or foaiweeka, aft.-r wluch it aoejuilta a rich uiarrowy flavor.

It: closnig ttieai-. remarka on tbe prepuratiuti otbutter, Ui*. uaowMiity may be^ioted ot kevpiuijc itaway froin all bad aiuelLs or foul ga«eti, which it ia

vrry llable to aheorb. Care should therefore betaken that no taint.d nicat, dt _¦. '..ihlee,>t:u!tiant water. or oth.-r Boam nt fRnvia. t»' tolar*ated where tho goldeu-coloivd is storcd awuiting day..N..ii..-1'l.ia cxcellent and thoroueb easuy will b.'ful-

lutvetl uext week by a eondetwed practieal p.ipur ou tlitmarketingof butter..I/.'. J»*.


i'Iii) effet i" uot a, beaii, doea Uot gro*/ iu as ia

i..-!ii'riili) tuppoM'il. but 11 la ii fnut, grows ou u t ea, tweki ikni ictna e.icii otnor, ai.. when rip.-. tbe cofll,!iwa aot look unllke tlie «>|.\ Bed Morella rberry. Al tlieend ot tba graui ls a little frmty aukaBtance called the"ciftiiie" TU.' tiriitiil otooffee we uaa the moat of iaptille.l hrfon-it ls njw, ni wLucli .iiii.Iii.'uu it d.iea notwoirh ao uiueti, tlM-refore If I- put lu tnla cylloder, ai.d.'iiiei- ttelag ..-.^ure.1, ia, b«»uig unxed wiUi otbera. wortliti BL I*. und ?¦' iH'i liuabcl. uud tlie uii_.luli) »"ld at'iii.- of the eoffee, wben rtpe, la placed on Iffraie.irtli. him! wbonruiuadoti. little partielea of tbe .'.puuhed utN.ti it. and, owlug to tlie peeuhai- toll, il w witli little re.l .jMita, Btwtti on sotue ol tue aniiui

very frvnuently. AnotBer eoffee bo called "ArtOa. tai.ut-nt ooffee, eaoaed bv (tae frmty eml feirueatlng. l ..--ia

are '_.» aaekera iu Braiil. whop-aet-all tlieir lower Rradeaof coffee tocetBer. aad after i__ixiu>c, tell Uie wbole torUu- prtoe ot tlie iH>»t.Thc re.>ult» of Uns .liiHtluRof the coffee t» to eloae up tu«

little poreiin the irralii, which can 1..-a<-eu with th. mi

CTOMOpe.lB which re*t* ttl. -..itlin.', Ol

whiih glvea lt ita arouia. Thi. auaiity of th<atrnve.1 I.v .luattn^ lt. A rood i-offee could not .>¦ ui *..! builiior-the beat ctir* iroea ap in amell to tbe foiirtliatoryoftbe bou»e-aiul people browu ai

tbelx own ooffee. Tbere la ao wbjt for t .,.lw.-aitoKtt K»od coflee except to aak for the, ti..lden Iti.,, ot

(iol.nvitabed Bio. audwBeu tht-v aake4 for tliat. tn.yv, 111 K.-t wbat tliey want. CofTec ahould be browutylmder evenly. and uot burued. it aimuld be aroundubout like corn lneal. and then one table-aiMH.nful put mthe pot for everv cnp. oue . ui> ot w.irer everjr t«"i»

eups of coiTee. ls euough. It ahould not Im UoiWlutlior la the only Ctinstiau wajr to tiiukti eoBee. B__iloue. pour otii«-uuarter ol a CUjn of tlie decootiou n a < '»\

audflU upwltlilMiB-tlnillk. fty CUib pi»?fO'i;»»' **j£*ilrluk wortl.y of the «,)da. Water and «»«_**"'l5" *mUitv f..r eaol. other. lx)ll«l roi'k only «h?u',1.,^,r^a;I_ th.Them wen» grown In the couutriee tn tnt

yeare im-'tf: .wU

^ctiezuela._"B_ff. ¦_._»!

' '-vlon.- o,,^,< nalaBicu. h...ii»i< .tiateuiaU.aa__a_taaWhlle .-uBraail were nm-u....-.«a_.ta_u

/.. _i,, i. i iue .wo aacka caiue tothe fnlfed 8tatea. It nOf ^''''^.V.^^i^Kof "ur fustoui llouaea ahoa tlie;.,-., 2S_i^#%t_fve^aeaB0f Moeha from Afn.a lu the

1! _!',"! ven ciIT The BbSobi of th.-«offee ptaot u Bka¥0?_rhi_? k-a-a-alae. aaid eahalea au wortli. ol

_____7 At lChti.1 w-'eiH of Uie La 1'lau I a«w a ttretci.

, ' ffe .1iUardS 18 atllM lu extent. One plauter. out ol

i'. ui-1-.a ..f fcToun.1, made, cloar of all eipeusea, With-,, ..». -i_k-j^ »4e.t»<io i.i gold.,i> _Mrhi«t<s ygr- M_ J.-luiolM.r Ul iu.ilauapollB Jourual.

.AVI Rl MAKIN,. IN J.IM.IKR.There I* no work ou tlie fanu * hieli paya better la any

M-.atuer than thut devotcd to mcreaaltig tbe uiauuio

'"li'ta dealrable ln all ea-** N prot.-et maaure froui thewcttber. iu ebuda or baneimute, if irDaaitBe. If expoaedU. auu and raiu. >u upctu )-itrda. mueh of »«« **_,u« Jf1 *"_lu the forui of volaUle Kttae* which jaiae off u. Uie aur-amo.

note vet lt leatlied away. autl tloate along ».» roadai lo

S22JV£Sr»« ».' Bo.- turever So ¦*_-**.Wluter'a ucfuuialatioria a_ reiualii. aUould. be BaO^M^aud mlxed wlih nitiek loam. JodoMeavea. o*°"ffg£if ooailble and worked overoecanltKially.U) uutXe lt " ¦

an_Tiard wraluai I.aa by exee_alve t*rm*ui*w..*lu__lurea wheie oowa ara yarded at »>tlhtl***.£and tha |.i_ >ard thould be pk_tilaJly .'I'l^,* lh,'"*o leuT. of aome kmd. Th-re ^ B^lag BjM^-J; "

Lta. The dacoiupc-in* roata. '";,,rtb'.<Lr>or an cn'.aolld exereuientN make a eapttal ferllllae»'for* J eropaatauk vai-da ahould bo ao »"»"»«* ^J__T r-*','" «^»B^aaona will not leach through tb* «"_^ "'"J,.^*"'^wny Itatolabla part*. The beat y**"^*.??*u dialtlug forui with a bard IwttoBi.Jmi*~^«'«f-

a_E«.t»a^!_taon If t tik H-foiiatruoted. or a hall Uogatead.andmi 'Iv'fllledvv [¦ a...n.-u.l, frou. the aluk

luLwia mu of ahtcU at-u naually worae thau watn <¦

ii un-d *v t ." .l.'ilv. aml -'nnd will a

SUtSSS! . uBual.v a uuiaaace