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Transcript of New York Public Library MANUSCRIPTS AND ARCHIVES...


Surveys of materials by or relating to prominent individuals T-Z Surveys list all of the materials (which we happen to have located) by or relating to a specific individual throughout the Division’s collections. Surveys have been compiled in a variety of formats and to different levels of detail. At minimum a survey provides the names of the collections containing correspondence or other material by or about an individual. Surveys are not guides to complete collections of an individual’s papers. The materials listed are, in most cases, not filed or shelved together, but are scattered throughout the Division’s collections. The surveys are not comprehensive: they are meant to serve as a time-saving device. Researchers are encouraged to check the guides to other collections that may prove fruitful for their research as the survey files have not been rigorously updated in recent years; researchers are also encouraged to ask Division staff, in person or via, for reference assistance. To request material listed in a survey it will usually be necessary to consult the guides to the collections listed in order to identify the box number or volumes that contain the material by or relating to the subject of the survey. Some finding aids are available on the Division’s website, but many are only available in paper format in the division’s reading room. Division staff will be able to assist readers translate the information in a survey into a request for material. In many cases the surveys were compiled in order to complete a microfilm order of all the material by or relating to an individual. In these cases copies of the microfilm (or paper copies made from film) can be ordered. This file contains surveys for the following individuals: T Tabb, John B. (1845-1909) Taft, William Howard (1857-1930) Tait, Arthur (1819-1905) Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, Prince de

Benevent (1754-1838) Tallmadge, Benjamin (1754-1835) Tarbell, Ida M. (Ida Minerva) (1857-1944) Tarkington, Booth (1869-1946) Taylor, Bayard (1825-1878) Tazewell, Littleton Waller (1774-1860) Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933) Tenniel, John, Sir (1820-1914) Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron (1809-1892) Terhune, Mary Virginia Hawes (1830-1922) Tesla, Nikola (1857-1943) Thaxter, Celia (1835-1894) Thayer, Eli (1819-1899) Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford (1753-1814) Thompson, James Maurice (1844-1901) Thompson, John R. Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) Thornton, William (1759-1828) Thurman, Allen G. (1813-1895) Tilton, Theodore (1835-1907) Todd, John Payne (1792-1858) Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich (1828-1910) Totten, Joseph Gilbert (1788-1864) Train, George Francis (1829-1904)

Trowbridge, John Townsend (1827-1916) Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972) Trumbull, Benjamin (1735-1820) Tucker, St. George (1752-1827) Tuckerman, Henry T. (Henry Theodore) (1813-1871) Turner, Joseph M. (1775-1851) U Underwood, John Curtiss (1809-1873) Upshur, Abel Parker (1791-1844) V Van Buren, John (1810-1866) Van Buren, Martin (1782-1862) Van Ness, John P. (1770-1846) Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold (1851-1934) Vaughan, Benjamin (1751-1835) Veblen, Thorstein B. (1857-1929) Very, Jones (1813-1880) Viereck, George Sylvester (1884-1962) Voltaire (1694-1778) W Wallace, Lewis (1827-1905) Walpole, Horace (1717-1797) Walpole, Hugh, Sir (1884-1941) Walpole, Robert, Sir (1676-1745)



Walton, George (1741-1804) Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1911) Ward, Henry Dana (1797-1884) Ward, Mary Augusta (1851-1920) Warner, Charles Dudley (1829-1900) Warren, James (1726-1808) Washington, Booker Taliaferro (1856-1915) Washington, Bushrod (1762-1829) Watson, John B. (John Broadus) (1878-1958) Watterson, Henry (1840-1921) Wayne, James Moore (1790-1867) Webb, Charles Henry (1834-1905) Webster, Daniel (1782-1852) Weedon, George (1734-1793) Weir, Robert Walter (1803-1889) Wells, Herbert George (1866-1946) Wendell, Barrett (1855-1921) West, Rebecca (1892-1983) Wharton, Edith (1862-1937) Wheelock, John Hall (1886-1978) Whistler, James McNeill (1834-1903) White, Andrew (1832-1918) White, Elwyn Brooks (1899- ) White, Stanford (1853-1906) White, Stewart Edward (1873-1946) Whitlock, Brand (1869-1934) Whitman, Sarah Helen (1803-1878) Whitman, Walt (1819-1892) Whittier, John Greenleaf (1809-1892) Whittredge, Worthington (1820-1910) Wilberforce, William (1759-1833) Wilde, Oscar (1856-1900) Wilde, Richard Henry (1789-1847) Wilkes, John (1727-1797) Wilkinson, James (1757-1825) Williams, Jonathan (1750-1815) Williams, Tennessee (1911-1983) Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806-1867) Wilson, Edmund (1895-1972) Wilson, Henry (1812-1875) Wilson, James (1742-1798) Wilson, James Harrison (1837-1925) Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924) Wirt, William (1772-1834) Wister, Owen (1860-1938) Witherspoon, John (1723-1794) Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. (1760-1833) Wolcott, Oliver, Sr. (1726-1797) Wolfe, Thomas (1900-1938) Woolson, Constance Fenimore (1840-1894) Wordsworth, William (1770-1850) Wright, Elizur (1804-1885) Wright, Silas (1795-1847) Wright, James, Sir (1714-1785) Wythe, George (1726-1806) Y Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939) Youmans, Edward Livingston (1821-1887) Young, Stark (1881-1963)

Z Zangwill, Israel (1864-1926) Zola, Emile (1840-1902)


John B. Tabb HSS. in Ms. Div. NYPL

Anthony Collection 1903, May 12, A.L.S. at Ellicott City, Md . to &of. W. P. Rent, lp . 1906, 0ct. 26, A.L.S. at Ellioott city, Md., to fir. Rood, l p . 1 photograph

Century Collection 1890, May 31, A.L.S. at Ellicott City, Md. t o R.Y. Gilder, 2p. - -

1900, M& 17, A.L.S. . II I I " to R.U. Johnson, lp , 1900, May 24, postcard, II 11 11 (I (I II !I

1900, Hay 29, I t 11 I t 1t I I 1t 11 I f ( I

1900, A u ~ . 18, A.L.S. at Mattoax, Va., t o Mr. Editor, l p . 1901, Oct, 7, A.L.S. to Mr. R o u e Johnson, lp . 1902, July 18, A.L.S. at Mattoax, Va., to Editor of the Century, lp. nod,, A.L.S. at Ellicott City, Mdo, t o R . U . Johnson, 2 p

Miscellaneous Papers 5 pages of clippings from sales catalogs

Hers& Johnson Papers 3 autographed mas.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 3

_ ---.." - . W i l l i a m Howard r A

Anthony Collection 1916, July 29, L.S. t o

Taft Mss. i n Ms, Div. of NYPL

'dm. George Jordan, lp . 1916, Dec. 11, L.S. t o Dr. A.W. Anthony, l p . 1916, Dec. 3, L.S. to Fleming H. Revel1 Cpr lpr 1918, Mar. 3, L.S. t o Dr. A . J . Anthony, lp . 1920, July 23, A.L.S. t o D r . A, W. Anthony, lp .

Ll922, Aug. 26, L.S. t o Fred B. Smith, lp . Carbon copy of l e t t e r t o Taft from Smith, Aug. 21, 1922, lp .

Carnegie Collection 1922, May 29, A.L.S. t o Mrs, Carnegie, 2pp. 1924, Jan. 30, L.S. t o Mrs. Carnegie, 2pp. 1924, Feb. 7, L.S. t o Hrs. Carnegie, 2pp. 1926, Dec. 23, A.L.S. t o Mrs. Carnegie, 2pp. 1928, Dec, 24, A . U . t o Mrs. Carnegie, 3pp, From Mrs. Wm. H. Taft

1912, NOV. 7, A.L.S. 2pp* 1913, Feb. 25, A.L.S. 2pp.

Harkness Collection No. 17: Excerpt, from St. Patr ick 's Day speech, 1968, with l e t t e r of t ransmit ta l signed by Fred W. Carpenter, private secretsry, dated July 12, 1908, lp. 1914, April 13, A.L.S. t o I*. Ridaing?, lp.

Ordway, Ed. W. , Papers 1905, Oct. 12, t o David J. Doherty, copy, lp . 1906, Oct. 20, L.S. t o Horace White, lp. 1906, NOV. 21, L.S. " I t " l p , 1987, March 22, L.S. " 11 " lp .

I 1 I 1 I f I t I t " copy, l p * .. .

1907, Aug. 14, L.S. " " " lp .

Presidential Folder 1904, Aug. 16, LA. t o M r s . John M. Gitterman, lp. 1904, Sept. 26, L.S. t o Gen. E.A. Carman, lp . 1907, May 16, t o Lt. Col. George W..Goethals, 2pp. glossy photogra~bi 1908, July 30, L.S. t o R.M. Easley, lp. (From XCF5aPrs) 1908, A U ~ , 10, L.S. " " " I I lp. (Removed from NCF papers) 1908, Nov. 24, L.S. t o John M. Taylor, lp. 1909, June 4, L.S. t o 2 ~ 1 ~ h M. Easley, lp. !Removed NCF Papers)

1910, April 16, L.S. t o " " t t lp. (&moved from NCF ~ a p s r s )

1911, Jan. 13, Ties. to Hen Isaac Ste?hecson, ~ P L ~ ~ ~ ~ w c h 21, ~ - 5 . to G.L. Rives, lp. 1912. June 29. L.S. t o D r . Herman T. Radin, lp . i - - 1913; March 8; L.S. to Joseph F. Foise, lp . 1915, Xarch 14, L.S. t o Frarx Allaben, lp . 1918, Gct. 26, A.L.S. t o i-ienrg W. T ~ f t , 4pp.(also l e t t a of Hecry 4. Taft, Oct. 31, 1918, t o E.2. hderson, enalosing the W.3. Taft l e t t c . r > 1919, May 31, L.S. t o R.H. Easley, lp. (2emoved from SCF p a p ~ r s ) 1919, July I-, L.5. to " " 11 lp. (Removed from KC?' papers) 1919, April 8, L.S. t o D.R. 3ilson, lp. 1927, April 1, L.S. t o Gretchen Dick, 12. 3 undated l e t t e r of Helen Taft(i+s. 'h. Howzrd aft)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 4

Shaw, Albert, Papers (Personal i t ies File, box 15) b -

3 Ls.S., 1910, June 25, Aug. 6 & 13, signed by Charles Norton, sec. t o Pres. Taft a t Wash, D.C., t o Albert Shaw at N.Y., 1 page each. T.L.S., ToLoSa


Wheeler, T.L.S.,

1911, Dec. 29 a t Wash. D.C. t o Akbert Shaw at N a y . , lp . 1

1918, April 22 at New

James S. Papers: see

Everett P., Papers m a y 16, t o E.P. Wheeler, lp. (1n

Williams, W i l l i a m , Papers T.L.S., 1912, Nov. 25, Charles D. Hilles, sec. N.Y., lp.

Albert Shaw at N.Y., lp.


Wheeler Papers, box 1, folder 59 M 65)

t o Taft , a t Wash. D.C. Wm. W i l l i a m s a t

10/14/63 JRMc

Addenda : Margaret McKim Maloney Collection (box 22) - Extract from speech before the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, "arch 17, 1908. Holograph signed, Augusta, Ga. March 28, 1913, lp.

Forster, Henry, Papers (N.Y. B a r Association secfion) T.L.S., 1916, Jan. 11, at New Haven, Conno t o Henry A. Forster a t Nay., lp. T.L.S., 1917, Jan. 7, " " " 1 t 11 I I 11 tt t l I 1 11 IP

Depew , Chauncex, Pa e r s T.L.S., 1908, June -8 2 , at Wash.D.C. to Chauncey Depew a t U.S. Senate, lp. T.L.S., 1910, Senate, Wash. T0L.S. , 1917, T.L.S., 1911, Senate, Wash.

June 23 a t White House, Wash. D.C. t o Chauncey Depew a t U ~ S . D.C., lp. b c h 19 at New Haven, COM. t o Chauncey Depew a t Feb. 4 at The White ,House, Wash. D.C. t o Chauncey DOC., lp.

U/65 JRMc

Addenda : Bowker, R.B,,Papers Carbon copy, 1910, March 3, Bowker t o Taft, lp. Carson coptqs, 1900, March 5, 1911, Feb. 16, Taf t t o ~ o w k e r , l ~ . ( b o t h on 1 T.L.S., 1910, Rarch 5, Taft at Wash. D.C. t o Bowker at N.Y., lp. Cebon copy, 1910, June 24, Bowker t o T a f t, lp , Carbon copy, 1910, Dec. 13, Bowker to Taft, lp. T.L.S., 1910, Dec. 15, Charles Norton, sec. t o Taft, a t Wash.D.C. t o Bowker a t N.Y., lp . Carbon copy, 1911, Feb. 15, Ewker t o Taft, IP. T.L.S., 1911, Feb. 16, Taf t a t Wash. D.C. to Bowker a t N.Y. , lp. Carbon copy, 1912, Nov. 11, Bowker to T a f t , lp. Carbon copy, 19l-2, Nov. 13 r t I I t IP T.L.S., 1912, Nov. 16, T. Erahavey, chief c lerk, f o r T a f t a t Wash. D.C. to Bowker a t NY., lp. Carbon copy, 1929, June 12, Bowker t o Taf t at Murray Bay, Canada, lpe

U,f18/68 J R M c

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 5

Addenda : Century Collection T.L.S., 1906, Sept. 17, F. Carpenter, sec. to Taft a t #ash. D.C. to R.U. Johnson a t Century Nag., N . L , lp. T.L.S., 1907, May 31, F. Carpenter, sec. to Taft, a t Wash. D.C. to R.Y.Gilder a t Century Co., N.Y., lp . Telegram, 1907, May 29, Carpenter, sec. to Taft, a t Wash. 3.C. to R.W.&ilder a t Century Co., Noyo, T.L.S., 1908, Nov. 13, F. Carpenter, sec. to Taft at Hot Springs, Va. to R.U. Johnson a t Century Mag., N.Y. 2p. T.L.S., 1909, Oct. 22, F. Carpenter, sec. to Taft at Wash. D.C., to B o U o Johnson a t N.Y., lp. Telegram, 1909, Dec. 4, Carpenter, ~ e c . to Taft a t Wash. 3.C. to R.U. Johnson at. M.Y. Telegram, 1911, Mar. 14, Charles Norton, sec. to Taft a t Augusta, Ga. to R.U. Johnson at Century Ma$., N.Y. T.L.S., 1911, Sept. 22, Chas. Hilles, sec. to Taft a t Peoria, Ill. to R.U. Johnson at Cent. Mag., N.Y., lp* T.L.S., 1911, Nov. 25, Chas. Hilles, sec. to Taft a t Wash. D,C. to R.U. Johnson at Cent. Mag., N.Y., lp. T.L.S., 1912, Ju ly 30, Chas. Hilles, a t N.Y.C. to RoU. Johnson at Pointe-au- Pic, Canada, lp. T.L.S., 1912, Hug. 22, Chas. Rilles a t N.Y. to C.C. Buel at Cent. Mag., N.Y., lp. T.L.S., l9V, Sept. 4, M o K o Yoakumat N.Y. to C.C. Bue l a t Cent. Mag., N . , lp. T.L.S., 1912, Dec. 18, Chas. Hilles, sec. to Taft at Wash. D.C. to R.U. Johnson a t Cent. Mag., N.Y., lp. T.L.S., 1913, Feb. 1, R. Forster, Executive Clerk a t Wash. D.C. to R.U. Johbon at. N.Y,, lp. Telegram, nod. Taft to R,U. Johnson a t Century Co., N.Y.

Gilder, Richard I., Papers ~ . ~ . ~ . , 1 9 0 8 , ~ e ~ t . 9, a t Cincinnati, Ohio, to R.W. Gilder, Century Mag., N O Y O ,lpe T.L.S., 1908, Sept. 16, a t Cincinnati, Ohio, t o R.W. Gilder a t Century k g . , N O Y O , lpo T.L.S., 1908, Oct. 1, on Missouri-Pacific R.R:, to Row. Gilder, Century Mag., N O Y O , l p o T.L.S., 1908, Nov. 24, at Hot Springs, Va. to R.W. Gilder, Century Ma$. , N.Y.,

TeLeS*, 1909, Jan. 9, tt t tt ft 11 tt t t 1) tt tt lp.

T.L.S., 1909, Feb. 18, F. Carpenter, sec. to Taft at Wash. D.C. to R.W.

Gilder, Richard We, Lettep-books 1908, Sept. 1, p. 44- C1908, Sept. 21?l p. 66 (verso)

N.Y. t o R.W. Gilder a t Ceht. Mag., N.Y., lp. DOC. to R.W. Gilder a t " 11 ) I o

19 (I 19 tr It t8 Wt 11 It 1111 IP.

t t 11 f1 1191 i t 11 1tIt 1) 11 IP. IP.

, v. 21 (Gilder t o Taft)

1908, sect. 26, 75 1908, Nov. 13, p. 154 1908, Dec. 5, T. 178 1909, Feb* 15, p* 352 1909, 31, p* 429 1909, AprU 7, p. 450 1909, A ril 28, p. 494 P

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 6

Addenda continued: Glider, Richard We, Letter-books, v. 21(~ilder to ~ a ~ t ) 1909, July 17, P.--

? P I 1 ; d B & q , L Tog" Horbsrbae no. 10

T.L.S. , 1- 2Q at Cincinnati, Ohio, to T. Reed at C e n t q Publbh- Co., Chicago, 111. Ip. T.L.S., 1928, Aug. 3, at ~ointe-aukpic, Canada, to Russell Lee Jackson a t Salem, Mass*, lp.

!%zz!E * n, no. 269 T.L.S., eY 5, at Mash. D.C., to Hon. be H. Moody at Wash. D.C., lp.


Letters 5 Taft Gribeschock, hil, Corres. 1909, J ~ Y 17 1911, Dec. a6

Addenda :

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 7


Letters of W i l l i a m H. T a f t in the Sherman Papers.

19108 Apr. 30

19CB M a y 19

1908 ?

June 1

1908 July 18

1908 Aug* 25

19-09 Jan. 5

1909 Apr. 26

1909 June 19

1909 July 26

1910 Mar. 11

1910 Nay 10

1910 July 2

T a f t , Win. H . War Department, Wcrehington. L e t t e r t o H. C . Lodge, U. S. Senate. Is just leaving for Panama; approves amendment to Sundry Civil b i l l in regard t o purchase of two ehipe for the Panama trade, and for preference f o r Axnerioan bottoms. Typewritten, - La S. 1 'p*

T s f t , Wm. II. War Department, Washington. Letter t o James S. Sherman, Houae of Repreaentatives. In re. U. S . part ic ipat ion i n International Exposition t o be held at Tokyo i n 1912. Typewritten, L. S. 1 p a See Lemorandum about the Tokyo Exposition, dated Jan. 25, 1909.

T a f t , Wm. H. War Department, Washington, Dm C . Letter t o Professor Irving Fisher, President Committee of One Hundred, New Haven, Conn. 19.pewritten carbon. 1 p .


T d t , P'm. H. Hot spring^, Va. Letter to James S. Sherman, Utica, N. Yo Typewritten, L. S o 2 pp.

Taft, Em. H. Hot Sgringe, Va. Letter t o James Pa [efc] Shemap, Utica, H o Y. Yypewritten, La 8. 1 p a

. . . aft, Wm. H. duguata, Georgia. Letter t o Henry Riteenberg, '

Indianapolis, Ind. Typewritten, S. 1 pa

T d t , Win. H. Augusta, Georgia. Letter t o James S. Gherman, In. re. appointment vith Lombard. Typewritten, L. S. 1 p.

Taft, Wn. H . ' - ~ a s h i n g t o n , [ ~ . C.] Letter t o Jarnee S. Sheman. A .L*S* 2 p p * /

T d t , Wm. H. ~ ~ ' h i n g t o n . Latter t o J . S. ~hexkan. Y'ypavritten,

Taft , Il'm. R! Washington. L * S . 1 p.

T s f t , W1. H. Washington. La S. .1 p .

Taft , Bhn. H. Washington written, L. S. 1 p .

Taft, Wm. H. Waehington. written, L. S. 1 p.

Letter t o J. S . .Sherman. %ypewritten,

Letter t o J. .S . Sherman. Typewritten,

Letter t o Jamea S. Sherman. zype - Letter t o Jamea S. Sherman. &pe -

T a P t , Vm. H. Beverly, %ass. Letter t o James S. Sherman, Typewritten, L. S. 1 g .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 8



L; '

" 1910 July 1

1911 June 19

19U. July 20

1911 Sept. 17

1912 June 29

1912 July 8

1912 . Sept. 3

T a f t , Win. H. Beverly, Mass. Letter t o James S. Sherman. Typewritten, L. 5. 1 p.

T a f t , W h . H. Washington, D. C. Letter t o James S. Sherman, Typewritten, L. S. 1 p e

T a f t , Win. H. Washington. Letter t o "37$ dear Young Friends. Printed. Piled with letter of Howard He Russell t o James S. Sherman, Sept. 27, 1911.

Taft, lh. H. Washington. Letter t o James S. Sherman. Type - written, L. S. 1 p. .

Taft, Helen H. (ldra. We He aft). Washington. Letter to the Vice-Preeident [James S. Sherman]. Thank8 t o membsra o f the Senate f o r silver tea service as a remembrance of her 25th wedding anniversary. A.L.S. 4 pp. On blue paper.

T a f t , Win. H. Waehington. Letter t o Jemee S. Sherman. Type - written, L. S. 1 p.

T d t , Wm. H. Brie, Penna. Letter t o James S. Sherman, L. S. 1 p. . -

Taft, Win. H. Waehington. Letter t o James S. Sherman, Utica, IT. Y. .'igpewritten, L. 5 . 1 p.

T a f t , Wm. He Washington. Letter to James S. Sherman. wpe - written, L. S. ' 2 pp. '

T a f t , me H. Washington. Letter t o Jamea S. Sherman. Type - written, 5. 5. 2 ppe - -

. r

T a f t . Mn. H. d h i n g t o n . Let ter t o Jamea S. Sherman. Type - written, L. S. 1 p. - -

. .

raft, an. a / L i n g i o n . letter t o [ ~ e n e s S. ~hennin]; A.L.S. - 2 p . In re. Bul l Pome Party..

T a f ' t , Win. .d. Beverly, as* Letter t o James S. Shedman. ~ypewrikten, L. S. 1 p .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 9

Arthur Fi t zwi l l i am T a i t , 1819-1905

Miscellaneous Papers :

A.L.S., 1867 June 3, A.F.Tait, at "Morrisaniatr, t o Jn. F. McCoy, at ---? 2p. 1867 Feb. 15, Printed circular of the Brooklyn Art A~sociat ion, with holograph pencil notes. lp.

A.L.S., 1873 March 13, A.F.Tait, a t New York City, t o Gordon L. Ford, at Brooklyn, lp .

A.L.S., 1882 Nov. 1 , A.F.Tait, a t N.Y .C., t o Theo. E. Smith, Sec. Brooklyn Art Association, lp.

A.L.S . , 1883 Dec. 14, A.F.Tait , a t N.Y. C., t o the "Treasurer of the Brooklyn Art A S S O C ~ " ~ l p e

A.N.S., 1883 Dec. 22, A.F.Tait, a t New York, t o Gordon L, Ford, a t [New ~ o r k l . l p nod., Two (2) printed Brooklyn Art Association forms, with holograph additions.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 10

M s . Div., NYPL DecOq67 hs

Charles Maurice & Talleyrand-PCri ord, - Prince de Sn6vent - 1754-1 + 3

Emmet Collection #zit2140 - L.S., [1806 Nov. 261, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, at Vienna, t o Monsieur

l e Marquis de Monfredini, at Lintz. 1 p.

Lee Hohns Memorial Collection 7-

L.S., 1803 April 17, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, at Par i s , t o (20bert R. 1 Livingston. 1 p.

L.S., 1814 Sept. 11, l e Prince de Sngvent , a t Par is , t o "Monsieur". 1 P*

L.S., 1830 Aug. U, l e Prince de Talleyrand, at Paris, t o Dupertuis, a t [Valenqay]. 1 p .

Miscellaneous Papers (TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, Charles Maurice de , R i n c e of Benevento fo lder )

L.S., 1795 March 24, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, a t Philadelphia, t o Messrs. LeRoy & Bayard, a t New York. 1 p.

L.S., C1802 Oct. 271, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, a t Par is , t o Monsieur [Robert R. 1 Livingston, a t [Paris]. 1 p.

L.S., 1807 Aug. 10, Ch. b u r . Talleyrand, Prince de B&n(vent, a t Paris, t o M. l e G G i a l CJohnl Armstrong, a t [~arisl. 1 p.

A.L.S., 1817 June, Talleyrand, a t Valenqay, t o [?I, on the occasion w...du mariage de votre fille.. . . lf 2 p.

L.S., 1 8 ~ Aug. 22, le Prince dg Talleyrand, a t Par is , t o Messjams LeRoy, Bayard, Cpie., a t New York. 1 p.

A.L.S., [1826?1, l e R i n c e de f d l e y r ind, a t Valen ay, t o [?I : "Jf a i &e requ, Monshr, vot re l e t t r e du 13 7 .... 2 p.

A.L., uncertain date, [Talleyrandl, t o "Mon cher Charlesw. 2 p.

James Monroe Papers - Let te r [copy], C1803 March 101, Ch. Maw. Talleyrand, a t Paris, t o

€Robert R. 1 Livingston, a t [Paris] . 4 p. Le t t e r [cow], C1803 March 2a ~ a l l e y r a n d l , at CParis], t o [Robert

R. Livingston], at [Paris]. 2 p. Let te r ex t r ac t [copy], C1803 April 131, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, a t

[Paris], t o [Robert R. Livingston], a t [ P a r i d . 1 p. Let te r [copy], C1805 March 261, Ch. Maw. Talleyrand, a t Paris, t o

M. l e Chevalier de Sautivaiies. 2 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 11

Montaffue Collection A.L.S.. 1794 ler CJanuary?]

a t Leeds, 1 L.S., 1799 Aug. 11, Ch. Maw, Talleyrand, a t Par is , t o le Ministre;

Pl6nipotentiare de l'Envoy6 extraordinaire de S. M le Roi de P r u s s pr6s l a R6publique frmsaise. 1 p.

L e t t e r [copy], [1800 March 101, 1' Anbassadeur de la ~ g ~ u b l i ~ u e ffangaise en Espagne, a t Madrid, t o Ministre des Relations b t e r i e u r e s , signed Ch. Maur. Talleyrand. 1 p.

L.S., [1800 h g . 243, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, at Par is , t o Ministre des Finances. 2 p.

L.S., [1800 Aug. 273, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, at Paris, t o Citoyen Pe t ie t , Conseil ler d tE ta t , Ministre extraordinaire de l a ~ g ~ u b l i ~ u e f ransaise , at Milan. 1 p.

D.S., C1802 June 201 ext rac t of a r t i c l e s from Bonaparte. 1 p. L.S., [1803 Mamh 251, Ch. Yaur. Talleyrand, a t Par is , t o C i t . Areambal (?I ,

Commissaire des Relations commerciales, a t Baltimore. 2 p. L.S., 1506 May 28, Ch. Maw. Talleyrand, Prince de &;vent, a t Paris,

t o M e Fel ix Beaujour. 2 p. L.S., 1806 Aug. 29, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, Prince de ~&n;vent, a t Paris ,

t o Me ~ e r v i l l e - ~ i a l i c h a r d , char& d' Affafres, a t Vdlais. 1 p. L.S., 1806 7bre 9, Ch. Maur. Talleyrand, Prince de Gnevent, a t Paris ,

t o M. Delavalette, Conseil ler dl E t a t , Directeur g&n&ral des Postes, a t Paris. t p .

L.S., 181.4 March 2 (?), l e Prince de Senevent, at Par is , t o Me l e Comte Dam (?), l a Guerre. 1 p.

L.S., 1815 Sept. 2, l e Prince de Talleyrand, at Paris , t o Monsieur le Baron Louis. 1 p.

L.S., 1819 Dec. 16, l e Prince de Talleyrand, at Paris, t o M~~ LeRoy e t Bayard, at [ ~ e w York]. 3 p .

D.S., 1831 Nov. 17, l e Prince de W l e y r a n d , c e r t i f i c a t e of sa t i s fac tory service f o r l e Sieur Ndel. 1 p.

L.S., 1832 Jan. 20, l e Prince de Talleyrand, at London, t o %on cher Dupertuis", a t Valen~ay. 3 p.

L e t t e r unsigned, 1833 June 2, l e Prince de Talleyrand, a t Hanover square' ondo don], t o Me ~ [ e o r g e ] Fox. 1 p.

L.S., 1834 Apr i l 28, le Prince de Talleyrand, a t London, t o Me Dupertuis, a t Valenqay. 2 p.

L.S., 1835 April 10, le Prince de Talleyrand, a t Chateau de 2ochecotte par Langeais, t o "Monsieur l e Directeur". 1 p.

L.S., 1836 Jan. 5, l e Prince de Talleyrand, a t Par is , t o Dupertuis, a t [~alengay]. 2 p.

L.S., 1836 May 9, l e Prince de Talleyrand, a t Paris, t o M. h p e r t u i s , IC at Valsnqay. 3 p.

Pos ta l expense account, 1837 Nov. 3, with note signed le Prince de Talleyrand. 3 p.

L.S., 1838 Feb. 26, le Prince de Talleyrand, at Paris, t o Dupertuis, a t [~alenpay]. 1 p.

A.L.S., n.y. Oct. 10, Talleyrand, t o %her l e Ministre de Prusset'. 1 p. A.L.S., n.d., Talleyrand t o Lord Palmerston. 2 p.

* L.S., 1836 May 13, l e Prince de Talleyrand, st Paris, t o Dupertuis, at [~alenqay]. 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 12

Theodorus Baile Myers Collection R627 L.S., +March $1, Ch. Maw. Talleyrand, at Paris, to M. fiochot,

~rgfet Dept. de la Seine. 1 p.

Addenda Jaouary 10, 1968

Hontague Collection &om bntague #17, Autograph Album, p. 129

A.L.S., nod., ~ [ a l l e ~ a n d ] : 'Iloici le b i l l e t do & dame blanche...r' 1 p. A.L.S., n.d., ~all[eyrandl, to "Dear ltHollandW. 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 13

Ms. Div, NYPL Feb, '70

Ben jarnin Tallmadqe , 1754r1835 b -

Connecticut Box ( Litchf i e l d folder) :

Document, 1803 Dec. 22, r e c e i ~ t f o r a recovered judgment. Endorsed by Tallmadqe. Zp.

Emmet Collection: - A. L.S . , 177 J J u l y 9, Benj. Tallmadge, a t Weathersf i e l d , [corn. 1 , t o Nathan

Hale, Yale College [ ~ e w Haven, ~onn .1 3p. Em. 6985 A. L .S . , 1779 June 14, Ben j . Tallmadge , a t Camp Crompond , CN . Y .I , t o Gov.

George Clinton of New York. 3p. Em. 7030 Aug. 27, Ben j . Tallmadge, a t Newtown, C~onn, 1, t o John Jef ferys, ---? lp. E,. 437

Emmet Collection: 7

( ~ t r s . to )

A.L.S., 1779 April 30, 7eorge !{ashington, a t Headquarters, Middle Brook, t o Major Tallmadqe, a t ---? 19, h. 9241,

A.L.S., 1809 J u l y 15, Jonas P l a t t , a t iJhitestown?, t o Genl. Tallmadge, a t L i tchf ie ld , Conn. lp. &I. 11401.

Miscellaneous Papers:

A.L.S., 1777 Dec. 24, Benj. Tallmadge, a t Chestnut B i l l , t o Col. jladsworth, a t ---? bp.

A.L.S., 1781 May 8, Benj. Tallmadge, a t Wethersfield, L~onn.1, t o Col. Timothy Pickering, a t New Nindsor. 3p.

A.L.S., 1787 Jan. 9, Benj. Tallmadge, a t Li tchf ie ld , C~onn.1, t o J. V. Renfellar , a t ---? IP*

A.L.S., 1790 May 18, Senj. Tallmadge, a t Li tchf ie ld , konn. l , t o Cant. Nehemiah Hubbard, a t Middletown. lp.

A.L.S., 1801 Harch 15, Senj. Ta lhadge , a t Li tchf ie ld , [corn.], t o J u s t i n Elg, at ---? 4p.

A.L.S., 1808 May 9, Benj. Tallmadge, a t New York, t o ' J i rg i l Yaxey, a t Baltimore. Ip. A . L. S . , 1815 Oc t . 31, Ben j . Tallmadge , a t Litchf ield , t o J u s t i n 'dly , a t !?es t

Spr ingf ie ld , A.L.S., 1820 Apri l ll, A.L.S., 1825 Apri l 21,


Miscellaneous P a ~ e r s : (Ltrs. t o )

Mass Benj. Tallmadge, a t Li tchf ie ld , t o James Bayard, a t N.Y. lp. Benj. Tallmadge, a t Li tchf ie ld , t o Abraham Bradley, a t 3p.

Joseph Lyman, a t Northampton, t o Sen jamin Talmadge , a t Li tchf ie ld . 2p.

Myers Collection:

A.L.S., 1816 Jan. 5, Benj. Tallmadge, at Washington, t o William C r o s l e ~ , a t New York. 2p. Myers 1402. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-Z

Manuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 14

Benjamin Tallmadue, 1754-1835

Myers Collection: e en ti on)

A.L.S., 1 8 ~ Sept. 19, Daniel D. Tompkins, at Albany, to C. Be Tdlmadge, a t Poughkeepsie, [New York]. 2p. Myers 119. Mentions Tallmadge.

Stauf fer Collection (o f f i cers of the American Revolution) :

A. L. S . , 1799 Oct . 9, Ben j. Tallmadge, at Litchf i e l d , [~onn. 1, t o Ephmain ~ o o t , at Hartford. lp .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 15

Hrnnuecripts of Ida Tarbel l i n Ms. Div. of NYPL

All i n the Day's Work. Typescript with corrections by the ddibor. Po r t r a i t s --- of the author used aa i l l u s t r a t i ons . 567p. . Pub. Macmillan Co. R .I. 1939 (Typeecript 193)

Anthony Col lect ion 1900, Jan. 4, L.S. t o Ernest Ingersoll , lp. 1909, Jan. 8, L.S. t o Un. Dutcher, lp.

Bo&er, R . R . , Papers (American Magazine f i l e ) 1907, Jan. 23, carbon, B o b &-?to John M. W l i p s , American bgaz ine , r e Kda Tarbe l l ' s work, lp . 1907, Jan. 25, T.L.S. John Phi l l ips , American &gazine t o R.2. Bowker, a t N.Y. re Ida T a r b e l l g ~ work, lp . 1907, Jan. 28, T.L.S. a t American Magazine, Ida Tarbell t o R.R. Bowker at N. Y. , LP* 1907, Feb. 6, T.L.S. John Phi l l ips , American Magazine t o R.R. Bowker at N.Y., lp. 1911, Apri l 26, T.L.S. Ida Tarbell a t American Magazine, t o R.R. Bowker at N.Y., lp. 1922, Sept. 16, T.L.S. Ida Tarbell at N.Y. t o R.R. Bowker at N.Y., lp .

Century Col lect ion C1907, April 221, A.L.S. to M r . Gilder, 2p. 1908, March 7, T.L.S. at American Magazine, N.Y. t o R.V. Gilder a t Century Mag., lp. 1912, June 4, A.L.S. a t H.Y. t o [Robert U.! John a t [Century Mag. 1, ip.

Col l ie r E d i t o r i a l Comes. 1940 1940, Jan. 16, T.L.S. t o Gertrude Lane a t N.Y., l p . 1940, Jan. 22, Inter-Office Memo, Miss Roberts t o Miss Lane re: Miss Tarbell, lg. 1940, Jan. P, Crowell Publishing Co. t o Ida Terbell a t N.Y., l p . carbori 1940, Feb. 5, T.L.S. Paul Reynolds t o G. Lane, woman's Home Companion, lp. 1940, Feb. 8, carhon copy t o Mr. Reynolds, lp. ( r e Miss ~ a r b ~ 2 1 ) 1940, Feb. 26, T.L.S. Paul Reynolds to Albert Benjanin, American &,azine, 1p. 1940, %rch 25, carbon, t o Paul Reynolds r e Miss Tarbell, lp.

Davis, Robert A., Papers 1904, April U, T.L.S. a t N.Y. t o R.3. Davis a t N.P., lp. 2 photographs of Ida Tzrbell , 1 of her study

Finley, John, Papers 1915, Aug. 16, A.L.S. a t Bethel, Conn. t o Finley, lp. (BOX 29)

Aug. 18, carbon, F in l ey t s reply, lp. (Box 29) BOX c-13

Sept. 22, carbon, Finley t o %arbell, lp . Oct. 22, T.L.S. a t N.Y., Tarbell to Firjley, lp. Ju ly 16, cabon , Finley t o Tarbell , 13. Ju ly 17, A.L.S. a t N.Y., Tarbel l t o F i A e y a t W.Y., 2p. Aug. 19, T L S . a t N.Y. I I 11 11 I( tt ( I

f I t IP-

Sept. 3.3.. A.L.S. a t N.Y. 2p. Apri l 14, T.L.S. at I' . " 11 ' !tp. April 17, carbon, Finley t o Tarbell , lp . Jul . 9, carbon copy, Firiley a t N.Y. t o Tarbell at N.Y., lp. June 12, A.L.S. at N.Y., Tarbell t o Finkey, a t N.Y., lp. Nov. 6, carbon copy, Finlihn to Tarbell a t N.Y., lp . April 20, T.L.S. Tarbell a t N.Y. t o Finley at N.Y., Ip. April 24, carbon, Finley t o Tarbell a t N.Y., lp.

Ju ly 30, carbon. FirLley t o Tarbell a t N.Y. , ip. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 16

Finley, John He, Papers, coi-t imed 1934, Nov. 1, carbon, Finley t o Tarbell a t N O Y O , l p . 1936, Feb. 10. T.L.S. Tarbell st NoY. t o Finley a t NoY. lp. with reply of FidLey, M a r . 30, 19% on same l e t t e r . 1936, A p r ~ l 14, AoLoSo Tarbell a t FLY. t o F i d e y a t f ~ ; . ~ . ] , l p . 1936, June 26, carbon, Finley t o Parbel!l a t Bethel, Conn., lp. 1939, Oct. 17, ToLoSo Tarbel l at N.Y. t o F M e y at N.Y. , lp. . J u ~ e 9, carbon, Finley t o Tarbell a t N.Y., lp. nod. Extract from a speech "Youth Today," lp.

Jordan, Elizabeth, Papera 1900, AprQ 9, A*LoSo t o Elizabeth Jordan, lp. . -

nod. AoLmSo to Elizabeth Jordan, 2p.

Macmillan Co. Record. (Subject t o r e s t r i c t ions ) ~~~d nod.

appror. 163 l e t t e r s between Miss Tarbell and kcmi l l an Co. plus one folder of clipp%ngso

Miscellaneous Papers 1 9 , March 17, T.L.S. at N.Y. t o Mabel O.WJeks a t N.Y., l p

March 15, T.LoS* at FLY. t o Frank Allaben a t N.Y., lp. Aug. 5, T.L.S. a t N.Y t o t t ~t ~t 11 tt 1 ~ . Mwch 28, carbon, H.L; Lydenberg a t NYPL t o Tarbell a t N.Y., lp. Mzch 31, T.L.S. at N.Y. Tarbell t o Lydenberg a t NYPL, lp. April 5, carbon, Lydenberg a t NYPL t o Tarbell at N . Y . , lp. April 12, T.L.S. Tarbell a t N.Y. t o Lydenberg a t NYPL, lp.

C o ~ i e s from Drake Memorial. Mvseum, Titusvi l le , Penria.

April 11, T.L.S. Francis Clevelan t o A.A. Boyden a t N.Y., lp. pos. stat. Dee. 20, [ h y &island] A.L.S. a t N.Y. to Ida Tarbell, 2p. pos. s t a t . Nov. 19, T.L.S. a t N.Y., Ida Tarbell t o J.M. Sidall . lp. pos. s t a t . July 7, A.L.S., Mary &island a t London t o r Ida ~ a r b e l l h t - 1, 8p. pos. stat.

1 nod. Tarbell t o M r . Ph i l l ips , 4p. p a . s t z t . 5 undated l e t t e r s AoA. Boyden to I&a Twbell , posi t ive a ta t s .

Wald, Lillian, Papers - bt t e x i v e d telegrams from Ida Tarbell, 1919, Oct. 9 , 22, 23, 24

Letters Sent 1919, O c t . 9, copy, Wald to T a b e l l , 1~.

Art and Architecture (~oxes) Rueff, A.E. Corres. -- 1931, April 24, T.L.S. at NOT. t o A.E. Rueff at Broowyn, lp.

JR&, April 5 , 1968

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 17

Manuecripts of Ida Tarbell in k. Div. of NYPL - 3 -

John 8. Finley Papem - Addenda 4/13/83 T.L.S., 1901 hj 14, a t %W York, to J.H. Finlay, lp. on ltrhd S.9. McClure T.L.S . , 1901 ~ u t 2, at N ~ W YO^&, to J.H. ~ i n l e ~ , 1 p. on i t r ~ s .s. n a c i ~ e T.L.S., 1901 ELr 25, at New York, to JOB. Finley, 1 p. On ltrhd S.S. kClure T.L.S., 1902 Jan. 16, at New York, to J.H. Flnley, 1 p. On ltrhd S.S. McCluro

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 18

Newton Booth Tarkington Manuscripts in M s . MY. of NPPL

Anthony Collection C1905, Aug. 29 J , 1922, Jan. 24,

A.L.S. TN.Y.1, t o e . h o d , lp . .L.S. at Indianapolis, Indo, bo &nest Ingersoll, lp.

Century Collection 1911, May 30, A.L.3. a t , t o R.U. Johnson, 2p.

Crane Family Papers ( A .B . Crane C0rres ) 1895, NOV. 11, A.L.S. t o A.B. Crane, 2p.

Ford, Hugh, Let terdTheatre BOX)

1917, Julg 28, at Kennebunkport , Maine, A.L.S . t o Hugh Ford, 2p. 1921, July 9, A t t t " A.L.S. ' " l t 2 ~ . 1921, ~ u g . 21 11 I f A0L.S. rr w I t 2p. 1921, A U ~ . 24, l1 tt 11 A.L.S. " " l p , 1921, Sept. 6, t t It t t A.L.S. tt rn l1 2p. 1927, March 29, f f Indianamlis , W., L.S. t o Miss Jean Ford, lp. nod., A.L.S. at Indianapolis, Ind. A.L.S. t o Eugh Ford, 4p. nod. A.L.S. at P r i u e t o n , N.3. A.L.S. 11 11 " 3 ~ 0

Fkomptgbook of Mister Antonio i n Drga

Radio Sc r ip t of Maud .nd B i l l , reproduced from a typewritten copy with l e t t e r of presentation from Booth Tarkington, Jan. 26, 1933, t o 8.14. Lydenberg,lp.

Miscellaneous Papers- 1 calling card signed

Addenda : Kester, Paul, Papers

3 l e t t e r s , 1910

Theatre: Eugh Ford

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 19

jds Feb. '80 Bayard Tay lo r , 1825-78 Traveller, translator

Anthony Collection

A.m. poem, Wotuo Ignoto, dtd. hc. 31, 1868, 3 p. Signed w/ initials

A.m. poelp, vXecrentions of a Rainy Dayf1, 4 p. (unsigned)

;P.m. poem,. 'The Quaker Widowt1, 4 p. Signed.

Ro1.W. poem [by Bayard Taylor?], "To Awes / On a %dding Xing of the 18th Century", 1 p. Unsigned.

clipped autograph

A.L.S. , 1862, Jun. 15, Emma [ ~ a y l o r ? ] at "Cedar croftw, t o "Mr. Stoddardn, 3 p. A.L.S., 1863 Jul. 14, Annie Taylor, at Cedarcroft, to Wr. $$oddard, 2 p. L . S . , 1874 Jan. 15, ROW. Taylor, at Cedarcroft, to Alfred W; Anthony, 1 p.

Bryant-Godwin Collection

A.L.S., 1847 Oct. 19, J. hayard %@or, at Phoenixville, Pa., to W.C. Dryant, 1 p. w/ holograph notbs by Dryant on verso and recto.

A .I,.S. [1850?], Bayard Taylor at ? to W.C. Bryant, 1 p.

A.L.S., 1861 kr. 26, Ilayard Taylor, at Clean, N.P., to "l-!y i)enr Sirv, 3 p.

A.L.S.? 1862 June 20, Bayard Taylor. at St . Petersburg, to W.C. Bryant, 4 p.

A.L.S. 1877 Dec. 17, Bayard Taylor, at CNCW Y O ~ ~ J , to Mr. Bryant, 1 p.

The Century Collection - --- -=a:*= From --1- --.-. - .--- ~ e t t e d (=I in pencil ~ayard ~ a y l o fD

and William E. Sewarc? d a l 3 & 6 2 @k&#. 29- and sent from the U.S. Legation at dt. Petersburg. 5 p.

William Conant Church (Galaxy Nagazine)

A.L.S.,1866 Feb. '24, bJrard Taylor, at [ ~ e w ~ o r k ] , to Wy Dear S i r v , 1 p.

A.L.S., 1866 Aug. 13, Rayard Taylor, at Kennett Square, Pa., t o "My Dear Sir*", 1 p

A.L.S., 1866 Sept. 13, Hayard Taylor, at Kennett Square, Pa., to "My Dear Sirw, 1 p

A.T,.S., 1866 Oct. 27, Bayard Taylor, at Kennett Square, Pa., t o W.C. Chumh, 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 20

- Survey - - 2 -

&zz W i l l i a m Conant Church (cont ' d. ) - - ---.. .. -.-

A.L.s., 1869 May 10, at [-yard Taylor - signatuse clipped], at Kennett Square, Fa., to Editor of frOalaxyfl, 1 p. Bottom of page clipped off,

A.L.S., 1876 Mar. 30, Bayard Taylor, at [ ~ e w ~ o r k ] , to W.C. Church, 4 p.

Duyckinck Fam5ly Papers (Li torary Correspondence )

A.L.S., 1847 Nar. 24, 3. Bayard Taylor, at Phoenixville, Pa., to E.A. Duyckinck, 3 P.

A.L.S., nod., Bayard Taylor, at - ? to Charles Scribner, at - 1 2 p.

A.L.S., nod., Rayard Taylor, at - ? tp Nr. Wckinck , at - - ? 1 p.

A.lE., "Sketch of My Late Tourfr, 2 p. Undated.

poem, Titeyernark", 2 p. Signed

A.Y?. poem, Yl%a Return of the Godesav, 2 pa Signed.

Horace Greeley Papers

A.L.S., 1851 Jul. 30, a t Tribune Office, 4 p. A.L.S., 1851 Ilea. 3. at "Upper Egypt, near KennehTt, 4 p. AWLS. , 1852 May 27, at rnyymuth. Syria. 3 p. A.L.S., 185[7?] Nov. 17, at "Gizoh (Egypt)", 2 p. A.L.S.,, 1860 June 2, at Kennett Square, Pa., 3 p. A.L. S.., 1860 NOV. 10, at Kennett Square, Pa., 3 p. A.L.S., 1862 July 5 , st St. Petersburg, 4 p. A.L.S., 1867 Feb. 5 , a t Sorrento, 4 p. A.L.Sm, 1867 Dec. 19, at Casa Ouidi, Florence, 4 p. A.L.S., 1868 June 21, at Gotha, aennany, 4 p. A.L.s.. 1868 D~c. 6, a t Cedarcroft, Pa.. 1 p. A.L.S., 1869 b. 16, at Kennett Sq., Pa., 2 p. A.L.S., 1869 June 14, at 1 f f t t 1 , 4 p. A.L.S., 1 8 6 9 ~ u n e 1 8 , a t I t ~t " 9 3 ~ - A.N.S., 1870 May 4, at - ? 1 p.

Personal ~JIiacellaneous

Thirty autograph letters sienod, Oct. 1856 - Dec. 1857 sent to the New York Tribune by &yard Taylor while he was traveling i n Northern Europe.

A.L.S., 1855 kr. 4, ~[ayard] ~[aylor] , at J)etroit, to "My Dear DickH, 4 p.

A.N.S. . 1865 Jan 6 , &yard Taylor, at New York, to - ? 1 p.

A.L.S., 1865~0~. 15, ByardTaylor, atKonnettSquare, Pa., to ? 1 p .

A .L.S., 1867 k c . 14, Bayard Taylor, at "Assouan, Upper Egypt", to "Ry Dear D a n a u , at ? 4 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 21

Personal Mi~cellaneous (contld,)

A.N.S., 1869 Dee. 30, Drryard Taylor, at Cedarcroft [pa.], 1 p.

A.L.S., 1870 Sept. 8, Lhyard Taylor , at Konnett Square, Pa., to "My Dear Sir", 1 P*

A.L.S., 1870 Oct. 16, ~[ayard] ~[aylor l , at - 7 to ttMyDearReidlt, 1 p.

A.L.S., 1870 Dec. 7, %yard Taylor, at Kennett Square, a , to f1t4y Dear SinclairtI, 1 P.

Copy of letter, 1875 July 5 , Boyard Taylor to tho K.Y. Tribune, 1 p.

A.L.S., 1875 Nov. 12, George Iiannah, a$ Brooklyn, N.Y., t o Gordon L. Ford, 2 p. in re Bayard Taylor

A.L.S., ~ 8 n N o v . 15, Bayard Taylor, at [ ~ e w ~ork], to Gordon L. Ford, 2 p.

A.L.S., 1875 Nov. 18, George Hannah, at Bmoklyn, N.Y., to Gordon L. Ford, 2 p. in re Bayard Taylor --

A.L.S., 1875 Dec. 17, Bayard Taylor, at *[~ew York], to "Dear Sir1@, 1 p. 'I'

A.L.S., 1876 June 22, Bayerd Taylor, at [New ~ o r k ] , t o "My Dear Osgoodu, 2 p.

A.L.S., 1878 Aug. 6 , Bayard Taylor, at Berlin, (lermany, to "Dear [...?], 1 p.

A.L.. n.d. [center of ltr clipped out], t o N.Y. ~ribune.'gi~nature clipped. A.V., nod. Signed.

Doc. S., 1877 ikr. 5, &yard Taylor at el. Agraament G specifications for repair of the country seat of hyard Taylor near Cedarcroft, Pa. 8 p.

Cancelled checks, 1865-72 (40 items)

A.m. poem "The Obsequies M Romev, p. (incomplete. Dated Jan. 17, 1878 A.MS. [incomplete] e n t i t l e d "Thus Far and no Fartherff 1 p. At top of page

which is marked "20" is water color sketch showing rustic scene.

Stauffer Collection

A.L.S., 1866 Nov. 12, Bayard Taylor, at Kennett Square, Pa., to ? 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 22

he, of Litteltoa Uqllar T-eU in Div, of NPPI; . * . '..b , . . . .'.

Lee Kohns Memorial Collection D.S, as governor of Virginia, 1834, k v , 10

Miscellaneow papers -> .

1 , A L to Unidentified person, lp. i

Letter written from Sept, 20€ Sept. 26, 1806, to Benjamin CL Ualler 2 , .L,S, to Charles Nicholas, lp.

" ~ 4 m e b . 22, A.L.S. to Chevalier de Bernabeu 1 p . 1825, June 9, A.L.S .If Uddmstif'ied person, lp.

J-a &born ppwra: (Addenda: Oct , 1971) - b bout ~aaewell) A.L.S. C18129 Jan. 27, P. P. Barbour, at W a s h . , to James CBarboutl, at -? 7pa

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 23

w: lhmh 24, 1979

Ti& Mencken papers

From Teasdale, 23 letters, 1913-1920

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 24

TEIPHIEL, sir Job, 1820-1914

6ee a b : -w - - ' .,- . ; g - I r

,< ru. : - .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 25

Alfred Lord Ternyson hiss. i n M s . Div. of NYEL

Hwkness Collect5on (3istorLcal Mes. vol. 1, p. 27) ,;.Pi. s i g e d , nod.

Kohns Collec t ion 7 - msigned, undated, 3 l i n e note t o ivir. Fie lds

- z . nilscellar,eous Fapers - approx. 25-30 clip9L;lgs silowing loems o r drafts ir- fsscimile.

Ijontague Col lec t ion 1870, Apr i l 9 , =. i .S t o G . T . Krmvles , l p . 1875, Dec. 20, i .L .2 . to miident i f ied persor., 1p. 1378, Kov. 6, A.L.S. t o Zdward Coleridge, 1p. 1851, Feb. 26, A.L.S. to [ i l l o n Terry!, 2p . with rLote a t end by h i s SOL,

E d l a m Tencyson.

JaMc Jan. 19, 1965

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 26

Hary Virginia Hawerr Terhrma, 180-1922

Antheny Collect ion:

A.L.S., 1887, Aug. 27, Terhtllle a t Smnybank Pompton, N.J., to Mr. EutcLLin~

Carnegie Collect ion:

T.L.S., 1909, DM. 20, Terhune a t New Pork City to Mrs. Carnegie

The Century Collect ion:

A.L.S., 1 8 Apr, 12, Terhune at RrooWJltt4, N.Y., t o Mr, Gilder

a t - ? 2ppo A.L.S., 8 8 Uay 22, Terhuna a t Brook--, N.Y., to M r . Gilder

_. Joseph Beneon Gi lde r Papcrs:

A.L.S., 1 8 , Hay 6 . T ~ h u n e in N.Y., to " Mias Gilder "

Miscellaneous Papers:




R e l a t i n g

1865, Sept, 17, Terhune in Pompton, B.J., to &IS. ~ ~ & e r at

~ P P - - -. _ ..F

l.860, Sept. 8, Terhrme'at Newark, N.J., ~ n B a r I m & *.&& ; 8 , Sept, 12, Terhauta a t Pompta~n, W.J., signed '' W o n Earlad " I+ to Terhune: B. Spencer to HeJ . P i tk in , January 21, 1866 2pp.


Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 27

Ms.Div, NYPL Jun, '67 prr

Nikola Tosla , 1857-1943

R. R. Bowker Papers: ( ~ d i s o n Electr io Illuminating Co. of N. Y.) - - 1898 c.30 items relat ing t o infringements on Tesla patonts.

Century Collection:

i834-1~jl0 2:t i t e m , ci i-ei ly l e t t e r s and telegrams a +ressed to f \ Robert Underwood Johnson ( p, . r y . . A! -

Richard Watson Gilder Letterbooks:

T.L.S. ( le t te rpress . c o g ) , 1898 Jan. 26, R. W. Gilder, at ---? 9

t o Nikola Tesla, a t New York. 1 p. A\ro 7 itas* I- e y p ~ , ; ~ t h r c r : p ,

Miscellaneous Papers : ( fe 5 , 1

T.L.S , A.L.S , T.L.S.,



T.L.S. , . T.L.S.,

T.L.S. ,

1895 Mar. 25, N. Tesla, at New Pork, t o William J. A. Boucher, at Hoboken, N.J. 1 p.

l9OO May 1, N. Tesla, at New York, t o "My dear Mrs. Gloverw, at ---? 4 p.

1901 Aug. 28, N. Tesl,, at New York, t o Stanford White, at New York. 1 p.

1901 Aug. 3, N. Tesla, at New York, t o Stanford White, at New Pork, 1 p.

1901 Sep. 13, N. Tesl*, at New York, to Stanford White, at New York, 1 p.

1915 Sep. 29, N. T e s h , at New York, to B e n j d n F. Mies- sner, a t Lafayette, Ind. 3 p.

1915 Oct. 8, N. Tesla, a t New York, t o Benjamin F. Kes- sner, a t Lafayette, Ind, 2 p.

1915 Nov. 8, N. Tesla, a t New York, t o Benjamin F. Mies- sner, at Lafayette, Ind. 1 p,

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 28

DeCoursey Fales Collection:

A',Ms.S., n.d. , ItBergettat s Misfortune, A True Storg*, 8 ~ . A,Ms.S., nod., ItO P i l g r i m , Comes the Night so Fast." Poem. lp. [Cow] L,Ms.S., n.d., wBeethoven.n Poem. Ip.

Richard Watson Gilder Papers: -- Sixteen (16) l e t t e r s from Celia Thaxter t o Richard Watson Gilder as editor

of - The Century, 1873-92.

Hiscellaneous Papers:

A,N.S,, 1870 Aug. 30, C2dLa Thaxter, a t the "Shoalsw, t o I*. Myerstt, a t -? l p A'&,S., 1872 Oct. 14, Celia Thaxter, at Newtonville, t o "Mr. Wardw; at -7 lp.

A.MS.S,, [1879] Sept. U, Celia Thaxter, [ " W i l l i a m H. Hunt's Last Days13 , t o the [Editor of the Tribune]. 4p.

A.L.S., 1884 June lo, Celia Thaxter, at Maine, t o ''Dear Cora", a t -2 2p. [With newspaper clipping of her poem, "Watching"', pasted in.]

Y L.N.S., [1887J, Celia Thayer, a t -?, t o The Cri t ic Company, a t New York. lp. [On the back of the original l e t t e r t o her.]

A.N.S.., 1888 Zdy 20, Celia Thaxter, at Appledore, t o -?, a t -? lp. + A.L.S.., 1893 April 24, Celia M e r , at N.H.., t o the Editors of "the Criticn, a t [Nev York]. lp.

& Tnnsferred to: Joaeph Benaon Gilder Papen,

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 29

Ms. Div, NYPL Feb, '70 pmr

The Centurv Collection:

A.L.S., 1886 Dee. 6, Eli Thayer, at IJorcester, Mass., to Roswell Smith, a t the Century Co., C ~ e w ~ o r k . 1 413.

A.L.S., 1887 May 13, Eli Thayer, a t ~orceste;, Mass. to R. W. Gilder, at the Century Magazine, C~ew ~ork .1 lp.

Miscellaneous Papers:

A.L.S., 1861 Oct. 15, E. Thayer, a t 'doreester, Mass., to S i l a s Seymour, a t Washington, DOC. 2p0

A.L.S., 1861 Nov. 22, E o Thayer, a t Norwich, to Si las Sepour, at ---? IP.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 30

Ben jamin Thornpeon, Count Rumf ord 1753-1814

Miscellaneous Papers (Thompson, Ben jamin folder)

A.L.S., 1813 Jan. 17, -ford, at Auteuil, t o armin Didot, at Paris. .' 1 P o

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 31

TBlDMPSOEI, James Maurice, 1844-1901

Century Collection: 47 ltrs, , 1886-1901 (incl. 2 from his


Richard Yatson Gilder Papers: 5 ltrs.,

~oeeph %mon Gilder ~ a p ~ . r . - Z ltm. 1893,1&96

Note: At Charles Hamilton Galleries, Inc,,

Auction # S, 5 Aug, 1971, a large

"archive" of letters addressed to

Thompson, including such names as

Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Edgar Fawcett,

Paul Hamilton Hayne, 'rtilliam Dean

Howells, Edmund C, Stedman, and others,

were offered for sale,

p m 28/7/71

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 32

John R. Thsm~soq

ComDanv Records (Box 101)

Ms. 1864 Lampoon on Maj. Gen. John Pope

~illiam Conant Church P a ~ e r s

AeL-Sa, 27 March 1868 to Frank B. Church A.L.S. bl September 1866, Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie letter of

introduction for SRT

Miscellaneous Pamrs

Note: re a letter stating R.H. Stoddard was Thompson's literary executor

Note: for letters to JRT see Author's Club Mananuscripts

A.Ms. Vrawford's Equestrian Statue o f Washington1@ A.L.S., 4 September 1852 to Louis Gist A.L.S., 30 October 1847 to Louis Gist A.L.S., 31 May 1856 to Oscar T. Keeler

Page from Henkelfs sale catalog listing Thompson's diary 2 envelopes addressed to JRT

A.L,S., 16 November 1848 to Mssrs. Duyckinck A.L.S., 15 January 1849 to E.A. and G.L. Duyckinck A.L.S., 21 December 1849 to Evert A. Duyckinck [encloses mss. "A

Retrospect ... described below] A.L.S., 22 August 1851 to Evert A. Duyckinck [bound in

Cvclo~edia, Vol. 50, item #14511] A.L.S., 13 March 1855 to Evert A. Duyckinck A.L.S., 1 December 1855 to Evert A. Duyckinck A.L.S., 4 February 1856 to Evert A. Duyckinck A.L.S., 23 February 1857 to Evert A. Duyckinck

A.Ms. Biographical sketch, n.d. A.Ms.S. @'A Retrospect of 1849, Being an Ode to the Departing

Year1@ [enclosed in letter of 21 December 18491 A.Ms. IIThe Quarterly vs. Tom Mooret@ n. d. A.Ms. "Sonnets on the Death of WebsterV@ October 24, 1852 A.Ms. "The Greek Slave of Powers@' n.d.

clippings of published poetry envelope

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 33

D.M. Stauffer PaDers

A.L.S., 30 August 1853 to Louis J. Gist

A u t m a ~ h Verses and Photoara~hs of Confederate Poe t s of the Civil War [l volume]

carte-de-visite signed photograph A. Ms. S . 'lAshbyw A.Ms.S.[fragnent?] Begins: The combat raged not long .... 2pp.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 34

IXlvid Thoreau, 1817-1862 Henry- --


A.L.S., 1847 May 28, at Concord, t o Eo A. Duyckinck, a t New York. 2 Po

A.L.S., 1847 Jul. 3, a t Concord, t o [E.A.Duyckinck, a t New York]. 1 P.

Horace Greeley Papers: - A.LoSo, 1860 Sep. 29, a t Concord, t o Horace Greeley, a t ---? 1 P o

A.L.S., 18533 Jul. 26, a t Concord, t o W i l l i a m H. Sweetser, a t Charlestotm, Mass. 1 p.

A.Envelope (front only) addressed t o C. N. Tracy, Lynn, Mass. 1 p.


A.Ms., from Wape Cod: V The Wellfleet Oysterman", 2 p. on 1 leaf. [ Removed from: "The Writings of Henry David ThoreauN,

G-: - - Nanuscript Edition (Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1 9 0 6 ) ~ 8-NE 3

A o M s o , poem, "1 w i l l obey the s t r i c t e s t l a w of love1', 2 p. on 1 leaf. C Recto page nimbered 387 from Thoreauls journal of 1 8 6 18501

A o M s . , w...make nothing of it. T h i ~ ~ o o " , from tlNight Sights and Soundsw, 2 p. on 1 leaf.

A o M s o , t i t l e page of "The Moontt, a later version of Thoreau1s lecture vMoonlightw. 8 p. on 4 leaves. (Harkness Collection # 21 )

Addendum: 8/21/84

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 35

'7- THORNTON, William, 'I' ~ 1 8 2 8 her. a rch i t ec t and superintendant of

U.S. Patent Office

D i s t r i c t of Columbia (box) ( f o ldeF- Commissioners, Land & Personal ' rs ) L.S. 1794 Oct 27, '&I. Thornton and Daniel Carroll, a t hjbington, t o

James ureenleaf, 4 p. L.S., 1794 Oct 29, '&I. Thornton and Daniel Carroll , at "lashington, t o

James Greenleaf, a t ? 1 p. L.S., 1794 Oct 30, 'dm. Thornton and Daniel Carroll , a t 'ashirigton, t o


James Greenleaf, at New York, 2 p. L.S., 1794 Oct. 31, '&I. Thornton and bid Carroll , a t Washington, t o

James Greenleaf, a t New York, 2 p. L.S., 1794 Nov. 3, .;m. Thornton and Daniel Carroll , at 'kshington, t o

james Greenleaf, a t New York, 1 p. L.S., 1794 Nov. 20, Urn. Thornton, Daniel Carroll, G. Scot t , at Xashington, t o

James Greenleaf, a t ? 2 p. L.S., 1797 ihr. 14, vm. Thornton and Alex. &ite , at vashington, t o

James Greenleaf, a t Philadelphia, 1 p. D.S., 1797 May 4, Wm. Thornton, Gustavus Scott , and Alex. White, 9 p. D:S., 1797 Aug. 7, Wm. Thornton, Gustavus Scot t , and Alex. 'dhite, a t Washington, 1 L.S. ,? 3798 Sept 8, Wm. Thornton, Gustavus Scott , and Alex. k i t e , a t Washington,

t o James Greedleaf; at ? 1 p. L.S., 1798 sept 12, Wm. Thornton, Gustavus Scot t , and Alex. I n l h i t e , at Washington,

t o James Greenleaf, at ? 2 p. L.S., 1799 Jun. 3 , Wm. Thornton, Gustavus Scott , and Alex. ' f i i t e , a t Washington,

to Henry hatt, e t d, at Thiladelphia, 1 p. L.S., 1798 Hay 18, Wm. Thornton, Gustavus Scot t , and Alex. White, a t '%ashinton,

to Nn. H. hrsey, at Georgetown, L p.

P!!scellaneoue Papers

Promissory note signed by '&I. Thornton, a t xashington, 14 May 1803 Copies of l e t t e r s f r o m urn. Thornton at %tent Office to: John Xeid dtd.

9 Jun, 1803; to John h i d dtd. 4 Aug. 1.807 (w/ reply from Reid dtd. Aug. U 1807) ; t o John b i d dtd. 18 Aug. 1807.

L.S.,1817 3ec 6 , 'h. Thornton, a t Washington, t o ? a t ? 1 p.

Stauffer Collection - P o l i t i c a l file

xxtracts fmm Wm. Thornton's d b k y , 1780-81 i n the Library of Congress W/

l e t t e r of t ransmit ta l from 'LC. Ford ( ~ u n 1, 1904) and t ranscr ip t of obituary notice.

U.S. Navy (box) - Autograph memorandum, 1798 Jun 28, by %I. Thornton a t &&+ton, t o the

Secretary ibf the Navy 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 36

Letters by Oeorge Waehington mentioning Thornton: 1794, Aug. 28, to T. Lear (Wash. 17 1799, Aug. 7, to G. Walker ( tt 154) 1799, Aug. 10, to C.C. Pinckney ' (wmh. 155)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 37

Allen G. Thurman

h t h o n ~ Collection 1879, Dee. 17, A.L.S. a t Wash. D.C. t o The Hon. Attorney General, lp.

1880, April 23, A.L.S. at >:ash., DOC. t o Son. Ch,a.r~es Devens, lp.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 38

M s s . Div. %y, '69 p=

Theodore Ti1 ton, 1835-1907

Anthony Collection:

A.L.S., 1861 Jan. 21, Theodore Tilton, a t "The Independent", to Mr. Benjamin, a t ---? 3p.

A.L.S., 1863 Aug. 30, Theodore Tilton, a t The Independent, New York, t o the "Editor of the Commonwealthr1, a t ---? 2p.

A.N.S., 1869 March 17, Theodore Tilton, a t ---?, t o ---?, a t --? IP* A.N.S., n.d., Theodore Tilton, a t ---?, t o "the Editorw, a t -? lp. A.L.S., n.d., Theodore Ti l ton, a t --?, t o ---?, a t ---? 4p. IncornpJete.

Bryant-Godwin Collection:.

A.L.S., 1868 Nov. 16, Theodore Tilton, a t The Independent, t o W i l l i a m C, Bryant, a t ---? 4 ~ *

A.L.S., 1866 Ju ly 30, Theodore Tilton, a t The Independent, New York, to W i l l i a m Cullen Bryant, a t ---? 4 ~ .

A.L.S., 1870 June 28, Theodore Tilton, a t "The Brooklyn Union", t o [parkel Godwin, a t -? 2p.

A.L.S . , 1871 June 15, Theodore Tilton, a t The Golden Age, to [parkel Godwin, at -? 4p.

The Galaxy Correspondence of the William Conant Church Papers: - -- A.L.S., 1866 May 26, Theodore Tilton, at The Independent, t o M r . Church

at ---? lp.

Horace Greeley Papers:

A.L.S., 1861 April 9, Theodore Tilton, a t Office of the Independent, t o &. Greeley, a t -3 2pe

A.L.S., 1864 Dec. 10, Theodore Tilton, a t The Independent, t o M r . Greeley, at --3 2p.

A.L.S., 1865 Jan. 6, Theodore Tilton, a t Chicago, t o M r . Greeley, a t ---?

4p* A.L.S., 1868 April 13, Theodore Tilton, a t The Independent, New York, to

Mr. Greeley, at -3 lp. A.L.S.% nay. Jan. 9, Theodore Tilton, a t Cincinnati, to Mr. Greeley,

at --? 4~ A.L.S., n.d., Theodore Tilton, a t -a?, to Mr. Greeley, at --? lp. A.L.S., n.y. Feb. 21, Theodore Tilton, a t The Independent, t o M r . Greeley,

a t --? 4p.

Miscellaneous Papers:

Twenty-two (22 ) l e t t e r s and two (2) fragments, 185701875, nod. Six ( 6 ) l e t t e r s t o Theodore Tilton, 1870, 1875.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 39

James Hadison P a ~ e r s

1614, O c t . 9, A,L.S. to JL .ms ..iadisa, 3pp. L816, patent for priming a gun, 3pp. ( In Bench)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 40

M s s . Div, NYPL O c t , '70 p m

Count Leo Nikolayevi ch Tols toy, 1828-1910 --

Henry George Papers:

A.L.S., 1896 Apri l 8, Leo Tolstoy, i n Russia, t o Henry George, at N.Y, lp. [With negative photostat]

Y X u h j r a f l r , LZG '&+ f i H ~ ~ = - - J , 6 x I s abe l Hapgaod Papers: -

A,Ms,S,, nod,, "The Church and the Empireefl In Russian. l3p. This article is signed by Tolstoy, but is otherwise, apparently,sot i n his hand.

Seven (7) letters from Leo Tolatoy, a t Russia, t o Gabel Hapgood, at [New York], 1892-93. [This Collection a l so contains photographs of Tolstoy, as well as letters from members of Tolstoy's family.] Im English and Russian as w e l l as French..

Miscellaneous Papers

2 cl ippings

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 41


Letter dated [89202.04 February 4,1892 Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: Leo Tolstoy

Description: Size: 8vo,2.3 pp.; Language: English, Russian Summary: Acknowledges receipt of duplicate draft and letter, contribution to peasant relief, with thanks

to bretheren in America. Refuses to send autograph as "no use to anyone" (Rus) and could not ascribe any importance to himself or his autograph

Possibly listed among the unknown as No. 51 in PSS 66:460 and dated 1892.01.22 Published:

Letter dated [89204.21] Moscow 21 March/2 April, (1892 in M's hand) Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: L. Tolstoy

Description: Size: 8v0,l p.; Language: English and Russian Summary: Acknowledges draft for L38 5s7 ($186.70), with thanks. Everyone in Moscow, returning in

April. Regards to mother (in Russian). Ref. as unknown in PSS 71:461 No. 85.


Letter dated [89205.08] May 8,1892 Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: Leo Tolstoy (although body of letter in another hand,

apparently Tat'jana L'vovna's) Description:

Size: 8v0,O.S p.; Language: English Summary: Acknowledges receipt of two letters of 25 April and 2 May with drafts for L20 14s and L65 l3s

10d. Very busy. IH notes that body written by Tanya Tolstoy

Published: PSS 66:212-213. No. 269. Photocopy of Chertkov's copy.

Letter dated [89206.27] Undated, but IH noted: received July 23,1893 Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: L. Tolstoy

Description: Size: 8 ~ 0 ~ 1 . 2 pp.; Language: English Summary: Received letter with draft of L5 18s 6d. Received translation of his article on "our work and

"admired correctness" of it. Crops as bad this year as last. Which article is unclear: one of the "otchety" on how the contributed money was spent, per-

haps of 1892, maybe of 1893, since it appeared early that year Published: PSS 66:232-233. No. 306. Photocopy of Chertkov's copy, which has the date 1892.06.27.

Letter dated [89209.04] 4/16 September 1892, Yasnaya Polyana Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: L. Tolstoi

Description: Size: 8 ~ 0 ~ 1 . 5 p.; Language: Russian, only English salutation Summary: Money received, request to pass on a letter to Sarah Little (?), thanks for work, mention of

Birjukov, will send a copy of the report he will write on contributions Reference to the 1893 "otchet"

Published: PSS 66:256. No. 335. Photocopy of Chertkov copy.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 42

L. N. Tolstoi, Letters to I. Hapgood, p. 2

Letter dated [89303.12] 12 March 189(3)? Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: L. Tolstoy

Description: Size: 2 x 3", one side; Language: Russian Summary: Introduction of Prof. Iv. Iv. Yanshil (Jamchill), who brings clothes and the MS copy of

"Church and the State" (no. 009). Possibly 1892, mentioned as unknown in PSS 66:462, no. 98.


Letter dated [89303.16] 28/16 March, Moscow (1893, by M?) Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: L. Tolstoy

Description: Size: Bvo, 4 pp.; Language: Russian, salutation and signature in English Summary: Unable to answer her telegram since he was in Riazan. Cannot write for money or on com-

mand, and so he cannot fulfii her wish. To spend two weeks in Moscow. To write impressions fo the famine and of his struggle with it, and will send the article to her. His activity goes well, about 8000 r. needed, and new contributions awaited him in Moscow, of which hers were significant.


Letter dated [89305.06] 6/18 May 1893, Yasnaya polyana Addressed to Isabel Hapgood, New York, signed: Lev Tolstoi

Description: Size: 8vo,2 pp.; Language: Russian, salutation in English Summary: Received letter, sorry IH will not translate his book, but pleased at her recommendation of a

good translator to I. I. Yanzhul'. He will redo the ending, but does not have I. I. Yanzhul's address, and requests her to send him this enclosed ending.

IH noted that the book in question was "The Kingdom of God" (1890-93). 133's letter of 1893.04.28 (published in Literaturnoe nasledstvo vol. 75, bk. 1) explains her refusal to translate -

'Tsarstvo Bozhee vnutri vas" because it is not in accord with her views. Published: PSS 66:314-315. No. 447. Photocopy.

Compiled by R. Whittaker (January 9,1988)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 43

TOTmN, Joseph Gilbert

See also:

See also:

Horace GR- Papers : - - 1841 Apr. 8

U.S. A r q Miscellany: (bm) - 1850-57

Misc. Prs.: 3 ALS


Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 44

George Francis Train Mss. in Ms. Div. of NYPL

Gr;;l;y Papers 1 7 F&. 13, 4.L.S. at N.Y. to Horace Greeley at Tribune Office, lp.

Miscellaneous Papers 1860, Dec. 27, A.L.S. at [London, Eng.1 to Mr. Ticknor, lp. 1861, Feb. 27, A.L.S. at [London, Eng.1 to Mr. Ticknor, lp. 1862, Aprul 12, A.L.S. at [Iondon,Eng.?l to Mr. Geo. P. Putmm at N.Y., 4p. 1864, March 1, A.L.S. at N.Y. to "bar Alice of Monnouth Steddman, lp. 1865, April 7, A.L.S. at N.Y. to Charles A. Blauvelt, lp . 1865, May 2, A.L.S. at N.Y. "An Ctograph for Miss Catherine Gordan Ford, lp , 1870, Jan. 21, a.n.s. at Newburgh,[N.Y.l, lp. 2 autographed photographs 15 misc . autographs, clippings etc .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 45

John Townsend Trowbridge, 1827-1916 -

- Survey -

Anthony Collection

A.L.S., 1857 Apr 13, John Townsend Trowbridge, a t - ? t o R. He Stoddard, at ? 3 p. I

A.L.S., 1857, Aug 27, J. We Tmwbridge, at Boston, t o "Dear Richardt1, a t ?. 6 p.

A.L.S., 1860 Mar 23, J. W. Trowbridge, a t Somerville, Mass., t o "My Dear S toddard t ' , a t ? 3 p e

A.L.s., 1881 Dec 'CJ. We Tmwbridge, at Arlington, bss., t o "Dear Mr. Wardt1,. at ? 2 p.

A.L.S., n,y, Far. 22, J. W e Trowbridge, a t Arlington, Mass., t o 'Wear Richardt', a t ? 2 p.

A.M. , poem, ttOur Ladyt1, 4 p. Signed

William Conant Church Papers A . L . s ~ ~ Jul . 20, J. W. Tmwbridge, at West Cambridge, Mass., t o Msrs.

Bruce and Huntington, a t ? 1 p. A.L.S., 1866 Jul. 28, J. W. Trowbridge, a t ~ [ e s t ] Cambridge, Mass., t o W. C.

Church a t ? 2 p.

- Miscellaneous Papers

A.L.S., 1877 Nov. 21, J. T. Trowbridge, a t Arlington, Mass., t o Grey F i s k e , a t ? 4 p .

A.L.S. I 1880 Mar. 17, J. T; Tmwbridge, at Arlington, Mass., t o 'The Tribune", at ? 3 p.

w A.L.S., 1887 May 17, J. T. Tmwbridge, a t Arlington, Mass., t o "Editors of t he ? 1 p. Cri t ic t1 , at

a A.L.S., 1.893 Apr 24, J. T. Trowbridge, a t Arlington, Mass., t o "Editors of the Critic", at - ? 3 p .

A.L.S., 1898 Mar. 19, John Tcwnsend Trowbridge, a t Arlington, Mass., t o Dr . W. P. Grif f i ths , at ? I. p.

A.MS,verse, two lines, signed and dated Dee. 1879, 1 p. three autographs (one, apparently clipped)

!kanaferrsd t o Joseph Benson Gilder Papera

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 46


* W r y S. Truman Survey

Bloom, Sol

T.L.S., 1945, .4ug. 11, fiarry Truman a t ?Ihite House t o Sol 3loom at House of IZepresentatives, lp.

T.L.S., 1945, Dec. 21, Harry Truman at White &use t o Sol 3loorn at !louse of iiepresentatives, 3p.

Telegr., 1946, PIar. 7, Harry Truman a t 'dhite House t o Sol 3loom at House of Representatiues, lp .

T.L.S., 1946, Mar. 9, h r r y Truman a t hhite House t o Sol Slocm a t House of Representatives, lp.

T.L.S., 1946, July 18, -%rry Truman at White !Youse t o Sol Bloom a t House of Representatives, lp.

T.L.S., 1946, July 23, Harry Truman at 'slhite House t o Sol Bloom a t House of gepresentatives, lp.

T.L.S., 1947, JuQj 2, Harry Truman at hWte IIouse t o Sol 3locm a t House of Representatives, lp .

T.L.S., 1947, July 9, Harry Truman a t White House t o Sol Bloom at House of Representatives, l p .

T.L.S., 1948, May 15, Harry Truman at l M t e House t o Sol 9loom at House 6f Representatives, lp .

A.L.S., 19C481, [June], Margaret Truman a t White b u s e t o Sol Bloom at House of Zepresentatives, 23,

T.LS., 1948, June 23, Bess Truman at White House t o Sol 3loom at House of Representatives, la.


T.L.S., 1948, July 3, Harry Truman at White House t o Sol 3loom at House of Representatives, Ip.

Telegr., 1949, Mar. 7, Harry Truman a t Key West, Fla. t o X. Sloom at House of Eqpresentatives, l p .

MacMillan Compaq

T.L.S., 1959, iXar. 11, Harry Truman at Independence, Missouri t o Bruce Brett a t New York City, lp.

T.L.S., 1959, June 15, Harry man a t Independence,,Missouri t o Cecil Scott at New York City, 1p.

m I.L.S., 1959, Sezt. 10, Tkry Truman at Independence, Missouri t o 3ruce 3 r e t t

a t Xew Pork C i t j - , lp.


m .L.S., l9b5, Dec. 3, ??:.rry Truman a t Vhite Ffouse to Vito I!arca-tonio a t Xouse 3f Iepreszatatives, 19.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 47

0.-. \r". - .... Y . .. . .-u "I m . N.Y.P.L.

S. Truman - Survey (conttd.)

Hamy L. Hopkins Papers - T.L.S., 1945 Oct. 1, Harry Truman, at the White House, t o Harry L. Hopkine,

at New York City, 1 p. (Roosevelt National Memorial Committee folder)

President ia l Papers

T.L.s:, 1945 Ergy 29, Harry Truman at the White House, t o Annie Padding Meade, at Huntington, Long Island, 1 pa

T.L.S., 1952 Jan. 18, W i l l i a m D. Eiassett (secly t o Pres. Truman), at the White House, t o Mrs. Anna Grif f i ths , at Brooklyn, New York, 1 p.

T.L.S., 1952 Jun. 9, idilliam Do Hassett (secly t o Pres. nuna an), at the White Hoouse, t o M r s . Anna Grif f i ths , at Brooklyn, New York, 1 p,

T.L.S., 1953 Jan. 2, M r s . Beth Short (secly t o Pres. nun an), at the &ite House, t o Gr i f f i ths , at Brooklyn, New York, 1 p.

Mimeograph press release dtd. Jan. 15, 1953, 6 p. Signed: hrrg Thnan.

T.L.S., 1953 Jan. 15, M r s . Joseph Short (secly t o Pres. Truman), at the White House, t o Gertrude Heyman, at New York City, 1 p.

A.L.S. ( ~ a c s i m i l e ) 1953 Nov 30, brry Truman, a t Kansas City, thanking correspondent f o r "your message i n support of t he Constitution,,," 1 p. Another facsimile bearing same message dtd. k c . 14, 1953.

T.L.S. (Facsimile), nod., Harry Truman, at the White House, t o xric Johnston, at New York City, 1 p. .

Photograph of Margaret Truman Daniels taken Nov. 20, 1972 at the New York Public Library at a reception i n her honor.

Addenda - Sol Bloom Papers

Report t o the President on the ilesults of the San Francisco Conference by the Chainnan of the United S ta tes Delegation.. .June 26, 1945. Sol Bloom's copy autographed by Barry 3. Truman, Aug. 22, 1945.

Eight glossy photographs of Truman among photographs of Bloom, etc. take2i a t the United Nations Conference on International Organization a t San Francisco, 1945

Addenda - Presidential Papers

T.L.S., 1973 Feb. 7, Bess Truman, at Independence, ho., t o Richard Couper, a t NaYePeLa, 1 p.

Photographic por t ra i t of Harry S. Truman inscribed t o Reinald Werrenrath, Filed i n oversize documents (Case 20)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 48

Norman Thomas Papers 1944 Feb. 11

Sep. 14 1949 Feb. 2 1950 Aug. 10, 30

Sep. 28 act, 28 Nov, 3

1951 Jan. 6 Feb, 6 Mar, 10 Apr. 18 May 17 July 5, 19 A w e 9 Sep. 26 Oct, 17 Nov. 6

1952 Apr, 10 July 31 Sep, 25

1953 Octe 23 1954 May 3 1955 Mar, 14 1957 July 24 1959 June 1

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 49

Ben jamin Trumbull ( 1735-1820)

Emrnet Co l l ec t ion

1768, Jan. 28. NLorth] Haven [~onn.]. To Joshua Chandler. A L S 1 p. Gmmet # 4562

J e d i d i a h Morse Papers

3 PP*

3 PP*

4 PP* Note: the t e x t of the l e t t e r is fol-lowed by a witnessed statement

by Ben jamin Trumbull , which rcques ts t h a t Jedidiah Norse completes the IIistory of the United S t a t e s f o r him, s ince he is unable to,

l e t t e r s i n J . M . a r e t r a n s c r i p t s .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 50

L i s t of S t . George Tucker letters i n the Hew York Publ ic L i b r a r y .

/ [17801 Tucker, St. George. L e t t e r to ~rederick Bland, Delegate in / Dec. 21 Congress, P h i l a d e l p h i a . A.L. S . 3 pp. ( ~ i s c e l l a n e o u s papers? .

/ 1782 'Xay 10 Tucker, S t . George. Richmond, rVa.1 Letter t o Theodorick

Bland, Delegate in Congress, [Phi ladelphia ' . A.L.S. 1 p . e bed tk l v l ~ c , & ~ ~ ~ C - h e t 9379

P r i n t e d i n The Bland Papers ( ~ e t e r s b u r ~ , 1843) , vole 2, p,. 81.

/ 1786 Tucker, S. G. Xatoax. Letter to --- Brown. P . L . S . 3 pp. ,, mr.15 (~iscellaneous papers ) .

Tucker, S. G - Williamsburg. Letter t o Samuel M$ers, Peters - Jan. 25 burg. A . L . 1 p . (~iscellaneous papers) V

/1809 Tucker, S. G. Pilliamsburg. Letter t o Thomas Taylor, Richmond. Beb. 5 A.L. S . 1 p . (~iscellaneous papers).

1788 Randolph, John. Xew kork. L e t t e r t o St. George %cker, llatoax, July 30 Va. A.L.S . 3 pp. h e t 9582.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 51

p-t- Benry Theodore Tuckerman Manuscri2ts i n 19s. Qiv. NYPL -. 0 4:-. -;.. 4-

Anthony Col lec t ion 3 I.tsL3 ,i;,,

1853, Cct. 17, i.L.S. t o "My dear Thompson," l p . 1854, Jan. 19, A.L.S. t o B.J. Lossing, 2pp. 1858, Qril 15, ?.L& " 11 ~PP. 1862, March 20, 4.L.S. " G.Y. Childs, Zpp. 1864, Nov. 17, A.L.S. I f B.J. Lossing, 3pp. 1867, Apri l 2, A.L.S. " I f ~t ~ P P 1870, u g . 20, A.L.S. "Dear 'rhornpson," 4 p p n;d. A.L.S. t o un idec t i f i ed person, eccloses a menora~dum, l p . n.d.A.L.S. t o B.J. L o s s i q , l p .

Bryant-Godwin Collec t ion 1855, Apri l 11, -4.L.S. t o [~ulisl Bryant, 3pp. - -

1.861, ~ & h 27, A.I.S. t o '4.C. &yant, 3 p p 1864, Dec. 2, A.L.S. t o I' + I 11 ~ P P 1866, June 27, A.L.S. u%.C.!Bryant, 2pp. 1866, .kg. 13, A.L.S. " C'd.C.1 Bryant, 2pp. 1867, Dec. 23, A.L.S. " 4.C. Bryant, 3pp. 1868, 14arch 27, ? . N . . G . t o . nFwke 1 Godvin, lp . 1870, Feb. 25, A.L.S. t o Parke Godwio, 3pp. nod., A.L.s: t o [KC.] Bryant, lp . n.d., 1.L.S. " [;J .C. j Bryant, l p . o.d., A.L.S. I f Chrkel Godwiz, lp . n.B., 4 . L . S . " [d.C.]Bryant, l p . 3.870, Juiiee.7,".LL.S. to.C'J.C.1 Bryant, la.

Emmet Collec t ion 1864, May 10, A.L.S. t o un iden t i f i ed person, Zpp. Em. 12068

~ a l a x y ( C h m c h Call. )

&, March 22, A.L.S. t o [CJ.C. Church?!, lp . 1866, June 22, A.L.S. to . W.C. Church, l p . 1866, July 14, -4.L.S t o Y.C. Church, l p . 1866, J u l y 21, X.L.S: t o Y.C. Church, lp . 1866, Ju ly 31, A.L.S. " " " If lp . 1866, Sept . 15, -4 .LOSO " l p . 1867, Jsn. 1.1, L L . ~ . " I 1 " 12. 1867, J U ~ Y 10, A.L.S. " r1 l1 l p . 1870, Dec. 6, A.L.S. " I ' " " lp . nos., M3y 19, A.L.S. t o [Y.C. Church], lp . n.y,, June 4, A.L.S. t o [W.C. !~burch, l p . nay. June 9, A.L.S. ta 'd.C. Church, l p . n.y. kc. 21, A CW.C.3 Church, lp . n,d., -4.L.S. tc [Y.C.? Church, l p . n,d,, A.L.S. " 1Y.C. Church], l p .

Duyckinck CcLlection 1845, Sept. 24, A.L.S. t o E.A. Duyckinck, 2pp. 1846, 14, A.L.S. t o D r . Gemal laso , l p . 1848, kc. 14, A.L.3. t o 2.A. Duyckinck, 3pp. 1849, June 7, A.L.S. t o I t 1 I

r 1 IP

1850, Sept. 13, A.L.S. " " I' I 1

3pI' 5 0 0 . 'I " I' IP. 1854, Aug. 28, i.L.3. " " " 1 I ~ P F 1855, Feb. 2 , -2-.L.S. t o John S. Wallace, l p . 1855, Feb. 2, A.L.3. " Prof. krt , l p . 1855, Feb. 2, A.L.S. r f George ii. Boker, l p .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 52

Duyckinck Collection 1855, July 20, A.L.S. t o E.A. Duyckinck, 3pp. 1855, July 27, X.L.S. l1 'I " I I

11 ~ P P

1855, Aug. 3, A.L.S. I1 " " I1

~ P P 1855, Aug. 13, A.L.S. l1 l1 l1

I f ~ P P

, 1855, Sept. 25, A.L.S. " 1 1 " ~ P F - 1857, Jan. 19, A.L.S. " G.L. Duyckinck, 3pp. 1859, April5,'A.L.S. " CE.~.lDuyckinck, lp. 1859, Aug. 25, A.L.S. " E.A. Duyckinck, lp. 1861, ~ m . 17, A.L.S. 'I l1 )I

11 1P

1861, Feb. 15, A.L.S. l1 " " 11

IP. 1861, March 20, A.L.S, It

" l'


1864, Feb. 26, A.L.S. " " l1 11

1P 1865, Aug. 18, A.L.S. " l1 lt

11 ~ P P

1867, Nov. 12, A.L.S. " " 11

1P- 1867, Dec. 14, A.L.S. " " I'

I I 1 ~ -

1868, ~ a y 12, A.L.S. I1 l1

11 32P

1870, Feb. 23, A.L.S. to. "

I f 1P

1871, Aug. 26, A.L.S. l1 " " ~ P P 15 undated l e t t e r s to E.A. Duyckinck Sketch of George 8. Calvert, 3pp. manuscript

11 l1 Henry Tuckerman, 5p7. ms. Poem, llAlleghania:' lp . msl 4 misc. unidentified ms_s. 1 l e t t e r of h i s s i s t e r 1

Miscellaneous Papers 1839, Aug. 1, A.L.S. t o S. Colmzn, lp. 1840, June 8, A.L.S. t o LeW J. Cest, l p - 1842, Dec . 22, A. L .So t o Collins, Brother & Co. (addressed on verso t o t Carey and k t ) , lp. 1846, Jan. 26, A.L.3. t o D. ~ u x f t i n ~ t o n , 2pp. 1849, Oct. 3, A.L.S. t o w e y a d Hart, lp. 1850, Sept. 30, A.L.S. t o Oeo. P. Put-, lp. 6 ?*'ma* 'OQC~' 1851, Jan. 10, A.L.S. t o James T. Fields, lp. (Original too f ragi le for use) 1852, Feb. 18, A.L.S. t o Geo, P. Putnam, 3pp. 4-0 9-A- Pkp*ys 1855, May 23, A.L.S. t o O.H. Peck, lp. 1857, June 19, A.L.S. to Geo. Livermore, 3pp. 1857, Au&.Llg, A.L.S. t o F. Saunders, 3pp. a

1859, Sept. 14, A.L.S. t o George Livermore, 3pp. 1862, Jan, 17, A.L.S. lp. t o Johnson, Fryy and Co. 1865, May 23, A.L.S. t o F. Saunders, 2pp. 1866, M . i y 31, A.L.S. t o T. Bailey Mysrs, lp. 1867, Nov. 23, X.L.S. (signature portion torn of f ) t o unidentified person, 3pp. 1870, April 11, A.L.S., t o Geo, G. Patham,(?), 3pp.

?$ updated l e t t e r s PfimAf ? 1 fragment of a l e t t e r

Stauffer Coll. (Litermy) 1850, Oct. 3, 4.L.S. t o 3.2. Thompson, lp. 1858, b y 17, A.L.S. t o II)~= &. ~ h i l d s + ' 3pp.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 53

Jose-h Mo:J. Turner, 1775 - i ~ ~ i

Fales Col lec t ion: - Y

A o L o S o , n.d., J.M.Y. Turner, at C London, ~nglandl , to ----? at --? 9 IP*


s e l ~ a a Collection - of Irvingiaca? "Autogrzphs of A ~ e r i c a n acd English Authors."

5 A.L.S., k c h 25, 1.846: J o W . w . Turner, at [London, Ekglzrdl, to J. Alonson

st I s l i ~ g t o n , rlondon, , ~ n g l a d , l p .

Miscellaneous Pa~ers

1 A.L.S.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 54

+ : , . , . , See : Horace t Greeley Papers - "Ietters to

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 55

UPSWR, Abel Parker, 1791-18Wl

" M.sceUaneous Papers

l&l. Oct. U., A.P.U. to Gordon L. Fad. 1 P* 18u A p e 12, A.P.U. t o Smith Thompson,' 1 P*

tt Nm. a, A.P.U. to Mr. h.eneau (?) 1 P o

nod., A .P.U. endoksemnt as e x 4 f i c i o director of National Institute to i m i t a t i o n bg Bancis Markoe, Jr., Sew. of &t.bst. t o St. George Tucker, dtd 20 Feb, 1844, t o deliver address or paper. 2 P o

nod., fragmnt of letter t o Judge Wayne, U.S. Supreme Court.

3 envelop& w i t h signature as frank

US. Rvy (box): - - - -

n n

" Sep* * O c t .


A.P.U. to A, Partridge. A.P.U. to Oscar T. Keeler. John McKean to A.P.U. A.P.U. to F. kllory. Sanford Bell t o A.P.U. Thorns W, W r to A.P.U. Lt. Raphael Senmes to A.P.U., ex-

plaining to- Upshur -charges- against Commodore Dallas, with other documents, including rough drdft af Dallas * charges against Semmes, endorsed by Upshur. 30, Thomas D. Arndd to A.P.U. 1, A.P.U. t o George C. Read.

21, A.P.U. to Z h n k l i n Dexter. 21, A.P.U. t o Dr. Dunkr. 20, erdorsement to charges Lt. Tansill os. Midshipman E.R. Neilson, 31, A.P.U. to Thcmzs W. Gilmer. 21, A.P.U. to E.R. kilson. 8, A.P.U. to C.T.B. Guillm (cow)

5 , A.P.U. to Caleb Gaskill dr Charles Atherton. 30, S.P.V. to Edward Blankman. 10, Circular letter signed bg AP.U. 29, 4.P.U. to Gordon L. Fad.

U.S. State Department (box) : -- - - 18&3 Jun. 3C, A.P.U. to Gov. of %w Rampshire.

* Aug. 9, A.P.U. t o S i l a s M a Stilwell. n t, ", document signed by A.P.V.

kv. 21, A.P.U. to (?) Dec. 1, A.P.U. to Thomas Allen. * 18, A.P.U. to Gales 3r Seaton.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 56

UPSHUR, Abel Parker

Lee Kohms Collection: -- 1822 Nw. 30, A.P.U. to Ste~hen North. 18b Nov. 24, Hem M. Morfit t o A.P.U., vith

endorsemnt & A A U . 1842 Mar. 23, A.P.U. to L& (?)a

tt Dec. 12, A.P.U. t o J.??. -s(?). 1843 Jul. Kt., A.P.U. to Joseph 3. Hedges.

h e t Collection: - 18b2 Jnn. 21, h. Rnfus King t o A.P.U. EM

Jackson#Iewis Correspondence : - 1 S u &re 22, Andrew Jackson t o W.B. h w i s , nrsntions

U p ~ h ~ r e 18&4 Apr. 8, Andrew Jackson to V.9. Lewis, mntions

Ups hur . Stauffer Collection ( ~ o l i t i c s l ) :

1 envelope with si-ture as frank.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 57

John Van Buren (1810-18661, Mss . in Mg . MV of NYPL

- - ,Anthon Cqllection '&Feb, 15, A.L.S. a t N.Y. to Mr. Barrows, lp.

Tilden, Samuel J., Papers, Corres. ( ~ i s t e d March 1953) ' e 1 le t ter t o J. Van Buren from %Po C h a s e 1850, nod. 1851, Oct. 3 1853, Jan. 4 1853, Jan. 14, le t ter t o J.V. B. from George Hastings 1853, March 2 1853, &rch 8 1853, March a 1855, NOV. 22, le t ter t o J.V.B. from Benry D o Rich 1856, Dec. 20 1857, Jan. 9 1857, NOV. 25 1857, NOV. 26 1859, &Y 4 1859, Dee. 1860, Jan. 7 1860, 13arch 28 1.860, Ju ly U 1861, Oct. 30 1862, ~%y 5, Ls.) 1863, Sept. 4

-1869, M & T ~ O 1864, June 29, (receipt) 1865, Dec. 1l 1865, nod. 3.866, Feb, 1 1866, April u 1866, Aug. J1

(Evening Post BOX) from John Van Buren t o the meeting of those opposed

to f i x a t i v e slave laws, in Boston,FE&st published in :"Evcnirg lost;' A p r i l 9 , 18X.(&aft in V a n Buren's hand, 1 f o l d d

** Transferred to Van Buren (Miscellaneous). 1/30/73 m s

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 58

Kar t in Van 9uren 1782-1862 - --' - -

James Barbour Papers: - A. L.S . , 1823, Oc t. 9 , ' H. Van 3uren,at Albany CN.Y. I t o James ?arbour

at Barbxrsv i l l e , Va., 2p. L.S. , 1829, Nay V, M . Van Buren, at :'lashinq4on, P.C. , t o

James Earbour a t, fnr land, 3p.

Bryant-Godwin Collect ion:

A.L.S., 1841, Oct. 8, M e Van Burer, a t fKinderhook, N.Y. ?I, t o Y.C. Bryant a t ~ N . Y . ? ] , 4p.

A.L.S., 1845, Apr i l 23, M. Van Buren,at Lindenwald, [N.Y.~ t o Parke Godwin, at N . Y . , lp .

A.L.S., 1848, March 27, M. Van Buren, zt Phi ladelphia [Pa. 3 t o W.C. Bryant a t [N.Y.?], lp .

A.L.S., 1848, Apri l 14, M e Vzn Buren, at Lindenwald[~.Y.!, t o W.C. Bryant, a t [N.Y.?], l p .

A .L .So , 1847, Jan. 13, M. Var. Buren at Lindenwald, [N. Y. 1 t o 1% jor Les l i e a t New Orleans, [La.], l p .

Emmet Col lec t ion, 1:o. 1419 - A .L.S . , 18 35, March 5, M. Van Buren, a t 'dashingtor;, [D. C. I t o L.H.

Young, st hew Haven, Corin., lp .

A.L.S . , 1834, Feb. 25, M e Van Buren a t ---?, t o M r . President at---?, l p .

Gsnsevoort-Lansing Collect ion, Leonard Gansevoort PipLrs:

A.L.S., 1850, Dec. 14, M. Van Buren .it Lindewald, 'N.Y.] t o [May A. Gansevaort at---?!, 3p.

B.L.S., nod., M . Vm Buren, at ---?, t o Mrs. [H .ryl A . Gansevoort, at ---? 9 2~.

Harkness Col lec t ion: no. 17

A .La S., 1851, Ju ly 26, M. Vnr. Buren nt Lidenwald '1;. 1,1 t o N. Liebamc?, at ---? 9 IP*

Lee KoFns Memorial Collect ion: -- . .L .S . , 1824, M2y 6, M. Vin Bure;., a t ; Jashi r .g tn , 3 . . J t o [Ste~henl

Van B e n ~ s e l ~ e r a t ---?, 4 ~ . A.; .So, 1833, Nov. 18, n. Van Burer., it ---?, t o i. Yoodb~xlry a t

---?, 2p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 59

2. V n ~ i Burer, M. *

Lee Kohns Memorial Collect ion: -- A.L.S., 1846, Jan. 19, M. Van Buren, at Lindenwald, [N . Y o 1 t o 3en jamin

F, !I!hornpson, a t Hempstead, F.Y., 2p. A.:.S., 1848, J u l y 15, M. Vu. Buren, at Lindenwald, rFi.Y. ] to Eaward

Anthony, t o K . Y . , 1~ A.L.S., 1857, Oct. 22, 1 . Vsn Buren, at Lintlenwald, [ N . Y . ! t o Mr. Olcott

a t ---? 9 b e

D.S. , 1839, Sept. 3 pass signed by M. Van Buren, lp .

Jacksar-Lewis P a ~ e r s : v. 4

A.L.S. , 1859, Apri l 10, M o Van Buren, a t Lindenwald, [N.Y. 1, t o W.B. Lewis a t Nashville, Term., 5p.

A.L.S., 1859, >fay 5, M. Van Euren, a t Lindenwald, [N.Y.], t o W.B. L e w i s , at Nashville, Tenc., 8p.

A.L.S., 1859, Sept. 14, M. V a n Buren, at Lindenwald, [s.Y.] t o W.3. Lewis, at Nashville, Tenn., 12p.

A.L.S., 1859, Sept. 19, M. Van Buren, a t Li~denwald, [N.Y.] t o W. B. Lewis, a t Nashville, Tenn., 7p.

A.L.S., 1856, Jsn. 17 1i.e. 18601, 11. Van Buren, a t Lindenwald, [ R . Y . I t o M.3. L e w i s , a t Nashville, TenL., 7p.

A.L.S., 1860, M-sch 4, M. V:n Buren, a t Lirdenwald, T L Y . ! , t o X.B. Lewis, at Nashville, Term., 4p.

A.L.S., 1859, Nov. 7, M. Van Buren, ~t Li~denwald, C L Y . 1, t o W.5. Lewis, a t Nashville, Tenn., 7p.

A.L.T., 1815, Oct. 24, M. Van Buren, at---?, t o B. F. Butler , a t Alban:?, N.P., 3p.

A.L.: . , 1825, Jan. 1, Y. Van Buren, a t y a s h i ~ g t o n [D.c.], t o 'dm. C. Yoopham, at---?, 39. (with t ~ e d t r a n s c r b t ) .

A .L.3 . , 1844, Jan. 4 (? ) , H. Van Suren a t ~indezwa: d , C?J.Y. 1, to T. Jones Xumford, a t ---?, Z P ~

D.S., 1819, Nov. 5 , an account

Morrell, T.H. Presidents' Let ters : - , 1856, Narch 9, M. Van 3 u ~ e n , a t Lindenwald, Cx.y.1, t o

----? at---?, lp .

Myers Collect ion, no. 1969.

A.L.Z., 1813, July 18, 3:. Van Euren, at---?, t o ?.:?.Ye Gra'lan,

P res iden t s ' Fay1 rs :

Eiqhteen ! 18) l e t t w s and docments, l ~ l ~ - 1 8 ~ .

John Bigelow Papers - 3 A .L .S . , 1848, Oetober 2, M. Van hren , a t Lindenwald, [N .v.] t o

Edward Crandal, a t Bradford City, Pennsylvania, lp . Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 60

Van % r e p , M.

Presidents ' Paners:

sixty-nibe (69) l e t t e r s , Van Euren t o James A. A a ~ i l t o n , 1820-1837

Let te rs to Martin Van Buren - -- Slaqq Papers:

A.L.S., 1834, Feb. 16, John Dix, a t Albany, [N.v.], t o U. van Sure.1, at ---?, 4p.

A.L.S., 1840, July 16, J. H a l l , a t Philadel-hia, ka .3 , ts I.(. Van Suren, a t gashineton n.C., lp.

I rvinc, x., Papers: John T. I r v i n , ~ fo lder , box 2

A.L.S., 1835, Feb. 15, J o h ~ 7'. Irving, a t N.Y. , N.Y. t o He 'Jan Buren, a t . ['4asfii~$.on?l, In.

Jackson-Lewis Papers: v. 4

A. L. 3.. A p r i l 1859, --V. 3. Lewis- . at ~ a ~ 2 f i e l d :>ear. Nashville, [~enn . ] , to C?!. Van Buren, at---?] , 8 ~ .

President ' s Paners:

A.L.S., 1816, July 29, M. S t e r l i n g a t 'datertain, [ N . Y . ~ , t o !?artin Van Buren, a t Albany, N.Y., 1p.

A.L.Z., 1827, Feb. 21, Sarwe!. L. Southard, a t Navy Degt., ash. DL], t o M. Van Buren a t [*dashington LC.], lp.

Hamilton, Jmes A. Pa e r s * * T & = r . 6&~., Jackon to Van Buren, 2pp. P o r t r a i t s of Van Buren

&met no. 1414

Morrell, T.H., "Letters of the f&esidentseN

To Van Bu~en: Y

A.L.S., 1827, Feb. 19, 2 . K . Johnson, a t 'Aashinqton, t o Martin 'Jan Buren, at h la sh in~ ton , 2pp. (In Misc. Papers, Jomson.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 61

See 00: Mstrict of Columbia Miscelhw (bod

D.S.,, 1831 Sul.. 8, Indenture for. had , aigned a8 Mayor.. 1 p.-

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 62

Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer, 1851-1934

Anthony 6ol lect ion - 1 lettek , 1880, Dec. 20

Century Col l ec t ion - l 2 O l e t t e r s , 1886-1910 ( largely undated)

Gilder, R . W . , Papers- 43 l e t t e r s , 1884-1906 *

See a l so : entries i n Mss. & Archives Div. catalog

N o Miscellaneous F i le

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 63

Anthony Collection:

A.L.S., 1834 Feb. 24, Benj. Vaughan, at Hallowell, t o Hon. Gen. H.A.S. Dearborn, at Roxbur~ M [ a s s .I. 3p.

Parker Cleaveland Letters ( In Science Box 1) :. 7

A.L.S., c18124 Feb. 27, B.V., a t m o w e l l , t o hofassor Cleaveland, at B[owdoin~ CL: :allege]. 2p.

A.L.S., 1824 March 3, B.V., a t Hallowell, t o Professor Cleave-, at ~[owdoinl C[ollegel, Brunswick. 4p.

A.L.S., C18124 May 24, B.V., at Hallowell, to Professor Cleaveland, at Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 2p.

A.L.S., C18124 Oct. 12, B.V., at Hallowell, t o Rofessor Cleave-d, at Bowdoin College, Brunswick. 2p.

Miscellaneous Papers :

Monroe Papers: -

at -? 2p. A.L., ..la17 Apri l 17, [Ben j. ~aue;hanl, at Boston, Massachusetts, t o

the Hone C.= [Christopher ore?], at -7 34p. f o r a Professorship of Architecture at Harvard ~ o l l e ~ e ]

A.L.., 1817 Nov. 21, [ ~ e n j . ~ a u ~ h a n l , a t -7, t o --?, at --? 4p. A.L.S . , [18]17 Dec. 19, Ben j . Vaughan, at -? , t o ---? 9 at ---? 2p. A , 1817, Dec. 31, B.V.9 a t Hallowell, t o James k n r o e , a t --?

J [ ~ u t i l a t e d ; some words missing] A,LS*, ~ d i 8 J an. 17, B.V., a t -?, t o [James onr roe], at --? lp. A.L.S., C18119 Dec. 24, B.V., a t -?, t o President Monroe, at

Washington. lp . A.L.S., 1820 May 4, B.V., a t Hallowell, t o James Monroe, President,

at Washington. lp. A&., 1 8 ~ k c . 24, [Benj. vaughan] at Hallowell, to[~ames ~ o n r o e l ,

at Washington. 3p. A,L.S., 1828 June 23, Benj. Vaughan, at Ballowell, w e , t o James

Itonroe, at -? 7p. 1830 A=. 25, Benjamin Vaughan, at Hallowell, Maine. lp. [ ~ n c o m ~ l e t e l

h,lk., vl&tracts from Zvelyn's Sylva respecting the Mulberry t r e e & silk worm i n Virginia, n.d..

A*&. , "Of a Botanical Garden", nod. 16p. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 64

Benjamin Vau~han

AdYs., "Of Collections of Livinq . ' b i ~ a l s ~ ~ , n.d. 26p. A,&. , "Of a National Library, a Yational Elusem, a National Botanical

Garden, and other e s t a b l i s h e n t s , t o be placed at Washington", nod. 4p. I

A.Xs., Itfiemarks on the Proposal f o r i n s t i t u t i n g a National University at Washington", nod. 8p.

A,!&., Wxamination of some au tho r i t i e s c i t e d by M r . Clay i n favor of h i s t a r i f f bill;-showing M r . Clay's mistakes respecting t hed l , nod. 4p.

A.Ys., n.d. 8p. [papers on an eventual war with the Mahornedan power. Apparently incomple t e l .

A.Ms., . 2Abs t rac t of the proceedings . . . of -bmard College re la t ing t o l i t e r a r y & re l ig ious ins t ruc t ion of the Indians of New Zngland . . .", nod. 8 p [Of i n t e r e s t 1

[The above e igh t (8) items a r e placed i n -4.L.S., n.d., Benj. Vaughan, a t ---?, t o Autograph fragment, node, no place, lp.

probable Segjamin Vaughn

the November 21, 1817 folder] --?, at --? 3p. [ ~ n c o m ~ l e t e ]

[T'he above two (2) items a r e placed i n the Undated l e t t e r s , T-V] (To Ben jamin Vaughan) Sea: A.L., 1795, [~ames onr roe], at Paris. 2p. ( t o vaughan) (lientions ) A.L.S .., 1784 Aug. 15, Jas. Monroe, at Albany, t o Ma j .Gene [ ~ o r a t i o ]

Gates, at N.Y. Jp. (mentions Ben jamin ~ a u ~ h a n ) T

Stauf fer Collect ion (Li terary) t

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 65

Thorstein B. Veblen, 1857-1929

American economis 1. and social theorist

Macmillan Co. Records

From Veblen t o Maemillan, 25 letters, 1897-1918

From k c m i l l a n to Veblen, 9 l e t t er s , 1897-1918

about 10 l e t t e r s about Veblen

Other Veblen Collections

University of Chica~o

Viking press PubLishing Co., N . Y . C.

SMte Histmfcal Society of gisconsin 53 items, 1916-1926

NOTE: No Miscellaneous Papers

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 66

Jones Very, 1813-1880, -

B~aat -Oodwin Collection:

Two A.Poeme, n.d+. "EnochN and 'The Living GodTT 1 p.

Duyckinck Collection:

( *KZ 15286, p.522)

A.Poem, dtd March, 1848. wSalemfl 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 67


- SURVEY - VIERECK, George Sylvester, 1884- American author and publicist.

Poultney Bigelow Papers

Box 10. 72 items of correspondence and related materials relating to Viereck's prosecution.

Victor Francis Calverton Pa~ers

One item (1928) of correspondence.

Century Company

Box 106. 13 items of correspondence (1906-14) from Viereck to the editors, Richard Watson Gilder and Robert Underwood Johnson.

Richard Watson Gilder Papers

Box 17. 6 items of correspondence (1906-07) from Viereck.

Hudson Maxim Papers

Box 5. 14 items of correspondence (1925). Box 45. 14 items of correspondence (1922). Box 56. 2 items of correspondence (1924).

Personal Miscellaneous Papers (Viereck)

Glossy photograph of Viereck. Sales catalogs (1949-59) of George A. Van Nosdall (126 East 123 St., New York, N.Y. ) in which letters by Viereck are offered for sale .

Schwimmer-Lloyd Collection

Box N115. Clippings (1927-43) relating to Viereck.

Scrapbooks and Papers on Positive Microfilm Positive microfilm copy of 28 vols. of scrapbooks (1903-42) filmed from originals in the possession of the Viereck Estate is available in Microforms Division (Room 315M) under classmark *Z-170; and in Room 324. A positive microfim copy of papers relating to Viereckls 70th birthday is available in Room 324.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 68

The New York Public Library Manuscripts & Archives Section

Viereck, George Sylvester, 1884- (cont8d)

H. L. Mencken Pa~ers To HLM from Viereck: 1919-41 (61 items) From HLM to Viereck: 1933-41 (10 items)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 69

NPPL, Ms,Div. Jun, '69 prr

VOLTAIRE, 1694-1778

(Assumed name of: Frayois Marie ARODGT )

Kohns Collection: - A.N.S., 1750 Aug. 4, Voltaire, at "dglices p& de Genevew, to ---? 9

at -0-3 1 P o

Miscellaneous Papers:

A.N.S., 1762 Feb. 6, "Vn, at --?, to ---? 1 p. ,

Two (2) address sheets, undated:

1. To: Wo~onsieus ~'abb; Boudotl & Parist9 2. To : Wonsieur de la TO^. .a Parisw

Montague Collection:

A.N., 1752 Oct. 23, to [JohannH. ~onneyl. 1 p. A.N.S . , n.7. Jul. 15, "Vn, ' at Sans Souci, to [~ohann Ha orm me^ 1. 1 p.

Addenda: (Jun, '69) prr

Alfred J. Liebmann ~ o l l e c t i o n :

A.L.S., 1760 Feb. M, Voltaire, at Delices, to M. [ A ~ J Camp,, at Lyon. 1p. ( # 9)

SOUTH Sea Corn -- A.L.S., l7;Sct 3, voltaire, at ~ ~ o n e to his ~ o h ~ , 2 p* ~ ~ t e r n NO* 3341

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 70

Lewis h l l a c e , 1827-1905 -

Anthony Collection :

A.L.S., 1864 July 24, Lew. Wallace, a t Baltimore, t o B. 3. h s s i n g , at ---? 2~ A.L.S., 1864 May 20, Lew Idallace, a t Baltimore, t o B. J. h s s i n g , a t ---? 4~ A.L.S., 1882 Nov. 15, Lew W., a t Solomons Fools, t o ---?, a t --? lp. A.L.S., 1903 ,Hay 30, Lew. itallace, at Crawfordsville, Ind., t o the Coma. of

Pensions, a t dashington, D.C. Zp,

The Century Collection: J -

\ Three (3) l e t t e r s and,,telegram# f r m Len > l d a c e t o R. U. Johnson, Century

Magazine Co, , 1890, 1901, [Also, s i x (6) l e t t e r s from Susan E. Wallace t o the Century Magazine, 1890-1904. I

COUCH, Darius Nash, CODY-book: - Copy-book 1863 Dec . 21-1864 Nov. 16, containing copies of telegrams sent

by him while i n command of the Cept. of Susquehacna, t o President Lincoln, Generals Lew 'dallace, Dix, 'Halleck, and others. 351p.

J Zichard Yatson Gilder Letter-Press Book ljc7 (1892-93) : - 7 o : J a l l a c e )

--- T.L.S., 1892 Dec. 15, R.-id. Gilder, a t [N.Y..], t o Gen. Lew Yallace, a t Crawford-

s v i l l e , Indiana. lp . .Letter-press copy.

. - Merle Johnson Collection:

Four (4) s ignatures and two (2) notes from Lewis Mallace, ca. 1885-97. 1

Mfscellaneous Papers:

A.L.S., 1889 Jan. 17, Lew. Nallace, a t Indianapolis, t o Mr. Andrew Melrose; Artist, a t ---? IP

Addenda : R, 2 . Bowker Papers: - - -

A.L.S., 1887 Jan. 29, Lew. 'dallace, at Winona, Mim., t o 2. Re Bowker, at New York City, 2p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 71

Licr ! of Horace Blalpole m a t e r i a l i n t he Hs. D i v i s i o n

* New P o r k P u b l i c L i b r a r y .

O r i g i n a l manusc l ip t s

Autograph p e d i g r e e of Horace I fa lpo le , E a r l o f O r f o rd , w i th p o r t r a i t s , v iews o f Strawberry H i l l , &c . , c o l l e c t e d [ i n ] 1907. [London:, 1907. 13 l., 16 p l . 32 p o r t . f O .


Two l e a v e s i n -pole t s handwr i t i ng - Bound i n f u l l - - g r e e n l e v a n t morocco, w i t h t o p . p r i n t e d at t h e Eer ry - mount P r e s s . '

Conta ins book-p la te of H o r a t i o Walpole. C a t ~ i o g u e s o f r a r e books . . . p r i n t e d a t Stzawberry H i l l , t ype-wr i t t en l e t t e r , e t c . i n s e r t e d . C o r t l a n d t Palmer Pernorial C o l l e c t i o n .

d e s c r i p t i o n of t n e v i l l a of Horace I fa lpo le , youngest son cf S i r Robert lflalpole E a r l of Orford , a t S t rawber ry- I i i l l , n e a r Twickenham. With an i n v e n t o r y of t h e f u r n i t u r e , p i c t u r e s , c u r i o s i t i e s , &c. Strawberry-Ri l l ; 1774- W p o l e f s copy with his m s s . n o t e s , c o r r e c t i o n s and a d d i t i o n s . ,

I l l u s t r a t i o n s : extra i l l u s t r a t e d copy; with f r o n t i s p i e c e , t h e arms o f S i r Rober t Walaole , i l l u m i n a t e d on vel lum, engraved p o r t r a i t of Horace Walpole, engrcived p l a t e s and v i g n e t t e s , penc i l and pen-and-ink ske tches of f r i e n d s and views, mss. . f o l d e d p l a n s , l e t t e r s , , n o t e s , newspzper c l i p p - - .J * i n g s , e t c . . . .. '

% 7 . 7 ~ ,- -.. ,

Spencer C o l l e c t i o n . I

Zbcaimi le

note book of Rorace m l p o l e . Hew York : William Edwin Rudge, 1927- Z p . 1.. 54 p. faca ime. (22~1) 32'- Contains facsimile of the o r i g i n a l m s . n o t e book- I n Reserve Room.&

1754 July 15

1761 Mar- 17

1761 Apr- 10

A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l . . 1 Valpola , Horace wooherton. L e t t e r t o R. ~ i n v i d d i a ,: govk-nor

of V i r g i n i a . [ 'P r in ted e x c e r p t i n ca t a logue of Hagga Brow.- Miec- Papers) - ,. .

% a l p o l e ] , H[ orace ] . L e t t e r t o Henry Pox- ( P r i n t e d excerp t i n c a t a l o g u e o f Am. A r t Assn., March 4, 1926 - Xisc . 9ape r s ) .

Walpole, Horace - L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Mann. (Excerp ts i n B a n c r o f t T r a n s c r i p t s , American Pape r s , Vol. 1,- p. 401-403 .)

'Walpole, H. E e t t e r t o S i r -H. Mann. ( 3 x c e r p t by George Ban - c r o f t i n Bancrof t T r a n s c r i p t s , Colden Pape r s , Ral. 2,' g.. 162) - .- *.

, . . , , ' - 4 , * .-

W d p o l e , Horace- A r l i n g t o n S t r e e t . L e t t e r t o Sir Horace IBann. ( 3 x c e r p t i n Banc ro f t T r a n s c r i p t s , American P a p e r s , Vol. 1, p . 407.)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 72

1761 -Xov. 1 4


1761 Dec. 12

1762 Aug* 29

1762 Oct. 20

5762 Nov* 9

1763 Apr. 30

1763 Sep t* I

1764 Peb. 20

1769 Mar- 28

f - 2- . - .

- 4

' P Walpole, Horace Ar l ing ton S t r e e t . L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Xann. (Zxcerpt i n Sancrof t T r a n s c r i p t s , American Papers , Vol. 1, p . 409 .)

Ufalpole, Horace. Strawberry H i l l + L e t t e r t o S i r Horsce Mann-. (Excer t i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , American Papers , Vol. 1, P p . 411, . 8

Walpole, Horace. Strawberry H i l l - L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Hann. (5xcerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , American Papers , V o 1 . l ~ . 417)

Walpole, Horace. Strawberry H i l l . L e t t e r t o Sir- Horace Xann. (Excerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , b e r i c a n Papers , Vol. 1,

. . p . 427.429.)

Walpole, Horace- Ar l ington S t r e e t . L e t t e r to S i r Horace Xann. (Excerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , American Papers , Vol. 1, p. 431.433 * )

Plalpole, Horace. Strawberry H i l l . L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Hann. (Excerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , American f apers , Val. 1 ,


Walpole, Horace- Strawberry H i l l . L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Mann. (Excerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , American. Papers , Vol. 1, p o 463.465.)

'1Ralpole, Horace. Ar l ington S t r e e t . Le t t e r - t o Sir Horace Mann. (Xxcerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , American Papers , Vol. 1, p . 471.)

Walpole, Horace. d r l i n g t o n S t r e e t . L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Mann. (Xxcerpt i n Bancrof t T r a n s c r i p t s , America, 1765 ,, p. 409. )

Welpole, H o r a c e Ar l ington S t r e e t . L e t t e r t o Sir Horace Xann. (Excerpt i n Bancroft T r a n s c r i p t s , America, p. 416.)

W a k p ~ l s , Horace. L e t t e r t o S i r Horace Ham. . .. b

A b s t r a c t by George Bancroft in Bancrof t Transcr ip t9 ,. Colden Pspers, Vol. 3, p. 388.)

Walpole, Horace. Ar l ington S t r e e t . L e t t e r t o the [Duke & ~ r a f ton] (copy i n Bancrof t T r a n s c r i p t s , Grafton1 s Memoirs, Vol. 2, p. 209-215.) xi a . . .

Walpole, Horace. Ar l ington S t r e e t L e t t e r t o Thomas Chatter ton. ( p r i n t e d exce rp t i n catalogue of Paggs Broe. ,-no. 388, Spring 1920 - Xisc . f apera. )

W p o l e , Horace. L e t t e r t o S i r Edward Walpole. ( p r i n t e d excerpt i n ca ta lgoue of 3. Pearson & Co , - UIisc papera -)

Walpole, Horace. L e t t e r t o ;ireymouth. - -0 Thia ent ry qppenra i n the chronolog- ic33 ~ n d e x t c Bsncroft ' T ransc r ip t s without g iv ing e i t h e r w l u n e o r page reference.~)T'm-

~ 3 1 K" d h I*s.%, y d * ~ . fiy i -7

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 73


1777 - - - -

Apr. 21

1778 O c t . 5

17% 2 Oct 22

178 9 Peb. 11

walgole, Horace Strawberry H i l l Letter t o S i r W i l l i a m Hamilton. ( p r i n t ed excerpt i n catalogue of Haggs Bras., no. 394, 1920 - Misc. Papers .)

C .

Walpofe, R o r a c ~ o ~ ~ ~ s bXXsi;-Fu-~ir Edward W a l ~ o l e . (printed excerpt i n catalogpe of J . Pearson & Co., - Misc . gapers . )

Valpole , Horace. E r i swe l l Letter t o Sir- Edward Walpole . ( ~ r i n t e d excerpt i n ca ta logue o f J?., h a r s o n & co., - lKiac. . Papers . ) . -

--- --- Another l e t t e r under the same date . *

Walpole, Horace- Barton lills* fretter t o S i r Edward Walpole. ( P r i n t e d excerpt in catqlogue of T. Pearson & Go., - Yisc - Papers .)

Key of Walpole Cypher I n the hand of W i l l i a m Eden. ( In Auckland Blanuscripts at Kings College, Cambridgep . Bacaimile in 9. B. Stevens ' s Pacaimilea of' Manuscripts in European A m h i ves r e l a t i n g ta- America - . . no. 3.39 )

Wellpole, Horace* Letter t o Sir" Xdward Walpole. (P r i n t ed ex - c e r p t in ca ta logue of 3. Pearson & Co. ,, - Xisc. Papers..)

- , - . 'r ." . + '. , I r . -\

walpole, Horace- Arl ington Street *tt& .to Lord ~ o z t h . (Printed excerpt in catalogue of J. Pearson & Ca .. - Hisc - Papers . )

W a l ole, Horace. Strawberry Hill. L e t t e r t o the EarL o f Orford. !Printed excerpt in cata logue of I. Paarson L - C o . - Piso . Papers. )

Valpole, Horace. Strawberry Hi13.. Letter t o X r s . ElizsbeJ* Pope. (nee Younge) ( p r i n t e d excerpt in catalogue of Paggs B r a s - - Pisc- Papers. ) .

. - a 5 .& *' . . 4

I - .";,.sx; . . * t 117

4, . ,.. Walpole, Horace- Berkeley Square. b e t t e r t o Mrs. Horace Church-

ill. (Printed excerpt i n catalogue o f Maggs Broa- , no. 394, 1920 - Misc. papers.)

' . i . ,. ,

v - , , - . , \


Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 74

f I r e l a n d f o r g e r i e s . f

Tdlpo le , Horace Strawberry H i l l . L e t t e r t o --- ( p r i n t e d exce rp t i n ca t a logue o f Eaggs %os. , no. 388, Sp r ing 1920 - Misc. P a p e r s . )

Walpole , Horace. S t r axbe r ry H i l l . L e t t e r to a young f r i e n d . ( 2 r i n t e d exce rp t i n ca te logue of Yaggs Bros . , no. 388, Spr ing 1920 - E i s c . papers . !

?Yalpole, Horace. Strawberry R i l l . L e t t e r t o --- ( P r i n t e d excerp t i n ct i talogue o f Maggs Sros . , no. 388, Sp r ing 1920 - Elisc. P a p e r s . )

Ch lpo le , Horace Strawberry R i l l . L e t t e r t o --- ( P r i n t e d exce rp t i n ca ta logue of Eaggs S r o s . , no . 388, Spr ing 1920 - E i s c . 2 a ? e r s . )

There is i n t h e S t a u f f e r C o l l e c t i o n a document r e l a t i n g t o t h e e s t a t e of Cha r l e s C h u r c h i l l which b e a r s a s i g n z t u r e thzt has been a t t r i b u t e d t o Horace -pole . The document i s da ted March 12 , 1746 and is f i l e d wi th m a n u s c r i p t s o f Colonia l Governors.

There. a r e numerous do cuments s igned bp S i r Robert Walpole, f a t h e r of Horace Ts lpo le , i n E i s c e l l a n e o u s Pape r s of Great B r i t a i n .

I n the Hardwicke C o l l e c t ion S r e l e t t e r s of Horace Valpole, diplomat and u n c l e of Rorace illfalpole- The second Lord Hardwicke =s t h e awthor of * W a l p o l i a n a w ~ a c o l l e c t i o n Q& m e c d o t e s r e l a t i n g t o t h e Walpole fami ly .

Hay 22, 1956

BPalpole,-Horace, 4 t h earl of Or fo rd , 1717-1797. C a r i c a t u r e s c o l l e c t e d by Horace Walpole 1770-1784. 39 1. f O


B i n d e r t s t i t l e . 137 mounted c a r i c a t u r e s w i th a n n o t a t i o n s i n t h e hand of Walpole. Manuscr ip t n o t e : "Here follows a fea of the b e s t p r i n t s , s e l e c t e d

from z vast number, t h a t were prrbliskred on the:-changes a f , admin i s t r a - t ian i n 1782, 1783 & 1784, on the c o a l i t i o n between Mr. Box & Lord Vor th , on M r . Fox's E a s t I n d i a b i l l i n 1783 and on t h e Westminster e l e c t i o n i n 1784.

& the P r i n t Room. Class mark : U Z Y +

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 75

Hugh Walpole Mss. i n M s . Div. of NYPL

Miscellaneous Papers 1923, Feb. 20, A.L.S. a t N.Y. CN.Y.1 t o "My dear Allen, 2p. 1 9 q 9 Jan, 28, A .L.S . at [Londoc, Eng. 1, '"Dear 1% + Allen, "Zp, 1928, 'sept. 5, A.L.S., London, [Eng. I , t o "Dear Mr. Allen, " 2p. 1938, Sept. 30, A.L.S , ~eswick , [Eng. 1, to Wear &. Allen",2pe 1930, Jan, 18, A.L.S. , N.Y.[N.Y.I, t o "Dear Allen," a. 1930, Jan. 23, A.L.S. , N.Y.[N.Y.I , t o "My dear Allen," 2p. 1930, April 17, A.L.S., Keswick,[Eng.l, toL1!My dear Allen," lp ,

,Van Dresser-Norman Coil. (folder 14)

1921-1938, 41 l e t t e r s and cards t o Gertrude Norman and Marcia Van Dresser.

*Bestricted Collection-Access to collection subject t o approval of Keeper of Manuscripts or Chief of Theatre Div.


A; ~1 C i 6 ~ 4 3 ~ ~ 5 4 , 10 *'- L, l l z l U*RCIA VAN DRTSSER -GERTRUDE NORMAN


Theatre Div. Lincoln Center

JBMc 11/22/65 Reported t o Mrs. n i z . Steele, Toledo, Ohio

Addenda Mills, &ma, Corres. 1922, Aug. 6, A.L.S., at Copenhagen~~enmarkl to h a Mills, 2p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 76

Ns. Div, PYPL J u l y , '70 pmr


. S i r 2obert l.rlalaole, 1676-1745 - - Hardwicke Collection:

Twelve (12) l e t t e r s from S i r Bobert Walpole, a t London, t o S i r Luke Schaub, 1722-1723. 18p. [1n volume 671

Miscellaneous Papers:

D.S., 1715 June 21, R. Walpole. Money necessary f o r t he King's forces. lp. D.S., 1738 Aug. 13, R. !Upole , t o Lord George, Ear l of Halifax. Money t o

be paid t o the E a r l of Wilrnington. lp. D.S., 1742 April 14 , 2. 'dalpole and others. Receipt of H i & Majesty's &chequere

lp . [Incomplete; to$ half missing] D.S., nod., 2 . W p o l e . Receipt. lp.

Montague Collection:

D.S., 1708/9 !,larch 17, R. 'dalpole, t o Councellour John Howe. lp . D.S., 1721 Oct., R. idalpole and others. lp.

Addenda : - Hardwicke Col lect ion (volume 134) : T u t 'rlalpole ) :

Inddy l inana , Or ancedotes'of Sir Robert 'dalpole" (No. #21), 16p. [With dupl icate , 33p. 1

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 77

jb May '75

WALTON, George, 1741-1804, h e r . lawyer & j u r i s t

- Survey -

Enmet Col lect ion

A.L.S., 1776 Mar. 28, George Walton, at % j o r f s Quarters", t o the Treasurers, ? I. p. f0 [~m.#16611 a t -

A.D.S., 1781 Jan 1, George Walton. Signed a l s o by Richard Howley and W i l l i a m Few. Endorsed: "Georgia, Observations on the S ta te , by her Delegatestt. 5 p. f0 [Em. #16621

A.L.S., 1778 Apr. 26, George Walton, at Savannah, Ga.,oto Robert Morris, at Congress [York, pa.] Lithograph facsimile, 2 p. f [~m. k831

A S 1801 Mar. 2* George Walton, at Meadow-Garden C~a.1, t o h i s son, George, at ? 2 pe 4 t C&.#5794I

D.S., [1783, S e ~ t 231. ~&mons t o [ ~ o ~ r t Bonner and Archibald &ale] defendants i n an ac t ion of trespass. 1 pa 4 t C~m.ilc66951

D.S., 1784 Sept 2, Richmond Co., Ga. Writ ordering ilichard C a l l and Thomag Washington t o appear before the jus t ices of t he Superior Court, 1 p. f [&#6697:

D.S., 1775 Eec. 11, Savannah. Ce r t i f i c a t e t o the claim of Dr. George Wells f o r r6 from the Public. Signe& by George v a l t o ~ and ~Sdward Languorthy ; and receiptec by Geo. Houstoun. Narrow s t r i p [~m.#7154]

D:S., 1754 Dec. 18, Richmond Co., Ga, W r i t t o the s h e r i f f s to go l lec t damages and c o s t s on the goods and c h a t t e l s of Isaac Lockhart, 1 p. f [~m.#7399]

To Walton:

Le t t e r , 1801 Jan. 12, Abraham Baldwin, at Washington, D.C., t o George Yalton, a t ? I p. f CEm.iQ2771

Mentions Walton:

A.L.S., 1787 Jan. 14, W i l l i a m Pierce, at, New York, t o [ ~ ~ l l i a m ? ] Washington, ? 3 p. at - f 0 [~;m.#1%61

A.L.S., 1779 Oct. 13, A a q t i n e Prevmt, at Savannah C~a.1, t o Haj.-Gen. [~en jan in] Lincoln, a t ? 1 p. f CW67311

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 78

E m e t Collection (cont ' d)

Mentions Walton: Y

A.L.S., 1779 Jul. 8, Arthur Mekrthur, at Beaufort CS-C.j, t o Maj. Cl3-masl Pinckney, at ? 2 p. 4 t C~m.#76591

A.L.S., 1728 k. 15, James GUM, at Phila., t o Seaborn Jones, a t Augusta, G a , 1 p. 4 t [Ern.#79841

D.S. C17831. Pe t i t ign endorsed by Geo. Wlaton i n r e summons t o Chisley Bostwick, 3 p. f

D.S. [178 3, Sept 231, endorsedoby Geo. walton. Pet i t ion i n r e Robert Bomer and Archibald Beale, 2p. 4t

D.S., 1784 Sept 2. Pe t i t ion t o Geo. Malton, Chief JusAice, i n r e Richard C a l l and Thomas 'dashington, Endorsed by Malton. 1 p. f

D.S., 1785 Jul. 29, S,,mons t o Alexander Alligon t o appear before Jus t ices of the Superior Court, Chatham Co. C~a.1, 1 p. 4t Endorsed by %lton.

D.S., nod. "The Sta t e of Georgb, t o Robert Greer", 2 p. f0 Endorsed by Walton. [Torn i n half]. Another document, same hand and t i t le , 2 p. f 0 [Torn in half]

/Personal Miscellaneous

A.L.S., 17g6 Feb. 16, Geo. Walton, a t Phila., t o Seaborn Jones, at Augusta, Ga., SF. f

Myers Collection

D.S., 1784 Dec., S t a t e of Georgia, Richmond Co., 1 p. f 0 Endorsed by walton. [ ~ ~ e r s f 19251

D.S., 1789 Aug 25, agreeaont beween Walton and A.H. Brigg. Signed by both, 1 p, 4t0 [Myers #22121

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 79

Elizabeth S tuar t Phelps Ward, 1844-1911 (Mrs. Herbert Dickinson Ward)

Anthony Collection /-

A.L.S., 1891 Feb. I, at New Eaven, Co-, t o W.S. Bales, 1 p. i Q L ) t* , 1891Har. 2, a t II 9 'I , t o - ? 1 p.

m L.S., 1891 Sep 19, at Burlington, Vt. , t o M.S. Roberts, 1 p. QIJ e bps, ) &L.S., 1892 May 15, at New Haven, Conn., t o - ? 3 ~ -

8 6 i -L (- A.M., 'The Reverend k l a c h i Matthew", n. do 36 p.

The Century Collection - 1886 Feb. 25, E.S. Phelps, at Andover, Mass., t o Mr. Gilder, 2 p. 1886 Sep 14, E.S. Phelps, at E t Gloucester, Mass., t o Mr. Gilder, 1 p. 1886 Sep 29, E.S. Phelps, a t Eastern Point, Gloucester, Mass., t o M r . Gilder

2 P* 1886 O c t . 2, E.S. Phelps, at East Gloucester, Mass., t o Editor of The Century

1 P* 1886 O c t . 7, E.S. Phelps, at " I' 9 11 9 t o - ? 1 p. [at bottom

of note f r o m Editor, Century Magazine] 1886 Oct. 20, E.S. Phelps, at Andover, k s . , t o M r . Gilder, 3 p. 1887, Jan. 2, Else Phelps, at Bpston, t o M r . Gilder, 1 p. 1887 Mar. 19, E.S. Phelps, at Andover, kss., t o M r . Gilder [ ~ i c t a t e d l 1887 Mar. 6, E.S. Phelps, at Andover, Mass,, t o M r . Gilder, 4 p. 1887 May 7, E.S. Phelps, at Gloucester, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 3 p, 1887 Jnn 22, E-S. Phelps, at Eastern Point, Gloucester, t o M r . Gilder, 4 p. 1888 Jan [-?I, E-S, Phelps, at Andwer, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 2 p. 1888 Feb. 7, E.S. Phelps, at Andover, kss., t o M r . Gilder, 4 p, [Dictated] 1888 Feb, 10, E-S- Phelps, at Andover, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 3 p. 1888 Apr 20, E.S. Phelps, a t hdover , Mass, , t o M r . Gilder, 4 p. 1888 Apr, 27, E.S. Phelps, at Andover, Mass., t o M r . GBlder, 2 p, 1891 Jan 2, EeS.Pe Ward, at Newton Highlands, bs., t o R-W. Gilder, 1 p, 1891 Feb 8, E,S.P. Ward, at Newton Highlands, Mass., t o M r . Gilder,. 4 p. 1892 O c t 7, E.S.P. Ward, a t k t Gloucester, Wass., t o M r . Gilder, 4 p, 1892 Nov. [42], E.S.P. Ward, at Newton Highlands, Nass., t o Hr . Gilder, 2 p. [1892?] Dee 31, E.S.P. wadd ( s i c ) , a t Newton Centre, Mass., t o R.W. G i l d e r 1 : 1893 Feb 24, E.S.P. Ward, a t Newton Highlands, b s , , t o M r . Gilder, 3 p. 1893 May 13, E.S.P. Ward, at Nevton Highlands, Mass,, t o M r . Gilder, 2 p~ 1893,Jun 20, E.S.P. Ward, at East Gloucester, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 4 pe 1894 Jan, 12, E.S,P. Ward, at Newton Centre, Mase., t o Mr. Gilder, 2 p. 1894 Jan. 19, E,S,P. ward, at Newton Centre, Mass,, t o M r . Gilder, 1 pa t1894 Jan. 313 writ ten on verso of ltr. from Editors of The Centulg Magazine 1895 Dee. 14, E.S.P. Ward, at Newton Centre, hiss., t o M r . Gilder, 2 p. 1895 Dec, 30, Ward, q t London, t o The Century "agazine, 1 p, 1896 Jan. 10, Mrs. &rd, at Aldbury, t o the Editors of Century, 1 p. 1896 Jan. 22, Ward, at London, t o Century hgaz ine , 1 p. 1897 Nov, 9, E.S.P. Ward, at Newton Centre,Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 4 p. . 1898 Dec. 6, E,S.P. Ugrd, at Brookline, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 1 pe 1899 Mar. 27, E.S , P. Ward, a t Newton Centre, Mass., t o Mr. Gilder, 2 p 1 9 0 Mag , E,S.P, Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass,, t o M r . G i ldeq 2 p-

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 80

Elizabeth Stuar t Phelps Ward. -.. - 2 -

The Century Collection (contl do ) - Cable, lgOO Jun. 1, E.S.P.. Ward, at Newton Centre, b s , , t o ROO. Johnson, 1 p,

* A.L.S., 1900 Jul, 3, EeSePe Ward, a t E. Gloucester, Mass., t o M r . Johnson, 2 p,. '1 , lgOO Aug. 4, E.S.P. ward, a t 9 ,. t o M r . Gilder, 5 p.

A.N.S.., [on verso of ltr. 1900 Sept 29 f r o m R - U - J O ~ U ~ , 1 PO A.L.S., 1900 Oct. 1, E.S.P. Ward, a t Newton Centre, Mass., t o Mr. Gilder, 1 p,

II 1900 Oct. 5, E.S.P. Ward, at 11 IV I* , t o 11 * 9 11 11 11

r 3 P. 9 l9OODec. 6, E.S,P. Ward, at I' 9 , t o "

n 11 11 ~t , 3 P.

1 1903 Nov. 13, E.SeP*Wo , at 9 " , t o 9 1 P. L.Z.., 1904 Feb. 26, H,F. Hurley , secly, at Newton Centre, Mass, t o R.U. Johnson, 1 p,

A.L.S., 1904 Mar, 12, E-SeP* Ward, a t Newton Centre, Mass., t o Mr. Johnson, 2 p. 1' , lq04 Plov. 6, EeS,PeW., a t Newton Centre, Mass,, t o Mr. Gilder, 8 p.

T.LS,, 1906 Apr, 26, E.S.P. Ward, at Newton Centre, Hass., t o R.W. Gilder, 1 p. A.L.S., 1906 Apr. 30, E.S.P. W., at Newton Centre, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 1 p.

n , 1906 Jul. 20, E.S.P, Ward, at E. Gloucester, b s , , t o e. Gilder, 3 p* " , 1907 Jun. 22, E.S.P. Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass., t o M r . Gilder, 2 p, A.L.S., 1908 Xmas , EISePeWo, at Newton Centre, Mass., t o Mr. Gilder, 2 p,

II , 1908 Nov. 8, E.S.P.W., at Newton Centre, Mass., t o Mr. Gilder, 4 p, I*

9 1910 Memorial Day, E.S.P. Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass,, t o R.U. Johnson, 1 p, T.L,S., 1910 Jun, 1, E.S .P. Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass,, t o R,U. Johnson, 1 p, T.L.S., l9lO Jlm. 3, E.S .Pa Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass,, t o RoUo Johnson, 2 pa T.L,S., 1910Jun. 7, EeSePe Ward, at " II t rn , t o w n

I t I1 I1 9 2 P o

A.L,S,, 1910 Jun. 17, E-S-P* Ward, at 9 If , t o I t It I1

9 1 Pa A.N.S*, Cl910I ~ u n 23, E-S-P*W* at 9 f t , t o "

I t 11 , 1 P.

A.L.S., 1910 Jun. 24, EoS*P* Ward, at It 9 * , t o Il 9 1 Po A,IP.S., [written on ltr f r o m ROO. Johnson, Jul. 1, 19101, 3 p, A&&, 1910 Jd , 5, E.S.P. Ward, -at Newton Centre, Mass., t o M r . Johnson, 2 p.

" 9 1910 JUI. 9, E,S*P,U., at 11 11 , Y. , t o rr 11

n 9 2 P-

n , 1910 Jul, 26, E.S.P. Ward, a t E, Gloucester, Mass,, to " , 3 P.

Letter f r o m Editor, New Pork Observer, t o Editor, Century k m z i n e , dtd. 1887 Jun 9, encloses llprotesttl of M r s . ward's manuscript printed i n Century Mamine, l1Jack", 2 p.

A - L S . , n,y. Jun. 30, E.S.P, Ward, at Newton Centre, #ass,, t o M r . Johnson,, 1 p, Cable, nay. Oct. 29, E.S.P. Ward, at II 9 , t o R A Gilder, 1 p. A,L.s,, n.d, E.S.P.W., at -7, t o "Leatern, 4 PO w/ post s c r ip t , 3 PO


Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 81

Elizabeth S tua r t Phelps Ward, ,. - 3 -

Richard Watson Gilder Papers (contt d. ) A.L.S., 1m Nov. 1, E.S.P.W., a t Newton Centre, kss., t o M r . Gilder, 13 p,

* b ~ . I* , 1904 Dec, [31?] E.S .P,W,., at Newton Centre, &so, t o Mr. Gilder, 3 p, A.L.S,, 1905 Apr 7, E-S.P.W., at Is , , t o It , 2 p- A0L,S., 1907 Jan. 12, E-S.P. Ward, a t " II 9 H , t o tt

' n tt , 3 P.

I8 , 1907Jan.30, F.S.P.W., at " 9 It , t o , 4 p* A.L.S., 1907 Feb. 6, ES-P-W*, at I' + n , t o "

It It It It , Q P .

9 1907 Feb. 9, E.S.P.Y., at , " , t o 18 , 1907 Feb. 23, E.S.P, Ward, at " 18 n

" , 2 ~ * 9 , t o

tt 1907 NOV. 7, E.S.P.W., at tt It , t o 11 11

" r 2~ 9 9

n , 1907 Xmas, EoSoP* Ward, at r t 11 11

, 4 P. 9 It , t o

It t* I1 I8 9 3 P.

lt w 1908 NOV. 5, E.99.P.W0, at t " , t o 18 tt n

9 5 P. tt , 1908 Apr. 17, E.S.P.W., at t a , t o It

It 11 18 , 1 P.

w 9 1908 N O V ~ 13, E.S-P.W., a t It 9 ll , t o 9

11 , 1 9 0 8 ~ 0 ~ . 19, ES.P..W-, a t It 18 9 It , t o I' tt 6 P.

, 4 Po

t f r a g m e n t of ltr., f i r s t l ine : tt...great book. ,." , 2 p.

A,poem, Whose Sha l l the Welcome Be?", 2 p. A, poem, 'rCireat It , 1 Po

H,meslorarrdum in unident i f ied hand, "Most of the Sonnetsw, 2 p.

C a l l i n g card of M r s . Ward bearing autograph note by her t o Mr. G i l d e r calling carti of Herbert D. Ward.

Elizabeth Jordan Papers - T.L.S., 1900 Feb. 5, Ease Phelpe Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass., t o Eo Jordan, 1 p. A.L.S., 1900 Mar. 3, E S O P o Ward, at tt 11 9 lr , t o tt, I* , 2 p. A,L,S,, 1900 b r 22, E.S.P. -Ward, at tt tt 8 t8 , t o If , 2 p,

w 1900 Mar. 29, E.S.P. Ward, at o n 9 9 * , t o "

n n tt " , 1 P .

9 1900 Mar. 30, 6oS.P. Ward, a t 9 I* , t o It , 1 PO n , 1900 Apr 9, E.S*P. Ward, at II

Ir 9 , t o w " , 6 p . tt , 1 A , E.S.P. Ward, a t 11 , t o I* , 4 p.


It , 1900 Apr 23, E*S.Po Ward, at I( n ' , t o * It , 4 p - I I? , 1900 May 8, E-S-Po Ward, at tt tt I' , t o la , 2 PO

9 I8 , 1900 May 21, E.S.P. ward, at ~t n

Y ' , t o n It 18

, 3 P . , 1902 Jun. 18, E-SoPe ward, a t 9 , t o Harper's Bazaar, 4p.

" , 1903 Jun 22, E.S.P. ward, at w 18 9 , t o E. Jordan, '4 p I8 , 1905 Jun 30, E.S.P. Ward, a t 11 II , t o It , 3 P O

9 18 B 1904 J u l 0 10, E-S.P. Ward, at E, GloUcester, &is-, t o E, Jordan, 3 p.

T.L.S., 1906 Jan. 28, E.S.P. Ward, a t Newton Centre, be,, to1? n 9 1 P o

A,L.S,, 1906 Oct, 3, E.S,P. Waa, at Boston, t o E, Jordan, 2 p. 11 9 1907 Feb, 1, E0S.P. Ward, at Newton Centre, Mass., t o E, Jordan, 2 p.

T.L.S,, 19W Feb. 18, E-SoP. Ward, at " tt 9 Is , t o It 11 11 It It

, 4 P- A,LIS,, 1907 Feb, 23, E.S.P. Ward, at I I' , t o tl

18 , 1907 Mar. 18, E,S.P.W,, a t tt 11 r 4 P.

9 ( t o " n 11

, 3 P o ,1907Mar.20,E.S.P.W0, at It 9 , t o I?

I8 It , 2 P*

T,L,S,, 1907 May 22, E.S.P. ward, at " 9 , t o I' 11 n

, 1 P- A.L.S., 1907 Jun 6, E.S.P. Ward, at , , t o It

It 1 P . .

I: , 1907 Dec, 10, E.S.P. Ward, at 9 9 to I' " , 3 P o IS , n.d., E.SoPoUo, a t ? t o Eo Jordan, 1 p.

Hiscellaneous Papers

A.N.S., nod. wri t ten on l e t t e r dtd. 1898 Sep 28. from G i n a & Co.. Boston t o HFlES bra , 2 pt

Autograpg (clxpped) , dtd. 1872 Dec. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 82

%idendurn - The Century Collection - "w Admsn folder - 9/15/78

12 let ters , telegram addreeeed to R. W. Gilder, 1901-02 f m a 94ary Adam#*, at -ton, ' Haoa. These lettera are most l ike ly by Mrs. ward who is using her peeudonp to protest her identity.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 83

Henry Dana k r d

Diary of Herxy Dana ~ard,1850-57, while recbbr of St. Jtlde's P.E. Church N.Y.City. Diaries Case, 15

'Miscellaneous Papers 1831, act. 15, A.L.S.(~acsimile) at N . Y . , to John L. Shriver, a$.Baltimore, Md.,

3p 1873, O c t . 15, A.L.S. a t Hartford, [Conn.j to the Publisher of the Tribune,


Tilden, S .z., Papers, Tweed 2ing Corres. (box 33) 18711 N&. 9, A.L.S. at Phila., Pa. to s .J.T., lp .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 84

Ma Div, NYPL Sept. '69 pmr

Mary Augusta Ward (Mrs. Humvhrey Ward), 1851-1920 . - - - --

Anthony Collection: I

A.L.S. , 1900 Nov. 18, Mary A. Ward, a t [Londod , t o H. E. Rood, a t Harper's Magazine, New York. 3p.

R. R. Bowker Papers: - - A.L.S., 1889 April 6, Mary A. Ward, a t Rome, t o R.R.Bowker, a t ---? 3 ~ .

The Century Collection: - Eight (8 ) telegrams and l e t t e r s from Mary A. Ward t o the ed i to rs of The

Century Magazine, 1896-1913, with two (2) replies. Also, a memorandum from The Century Magazine concerning a s e r i a l from Mrs. Ward, 1905, and a proof of an a r t i c l e by Mrs. Ward, with her corrections, 1913.

The De Coursey Fales Collection: -- 1900 June 23, noted i n th i rd Derson, t o Mme, Antoinette Ster l ing, lp. A.L.S., 1906 May 16, Mary A, Ward, a t London, to [Six ~ e n r ~ l Lucy, a t ---? 2~

Richard Watson Gilder Papers:

A.L.S., 1895 Ju ly 26, Mary A. Ward, a t "Stocks, Tring.", to Richard Watson Gilder, a t [New Yorkl. 4p.

A.L.S., 1895 Aug. 27, Mary A. Ward, a t Stocks, Tring., to Richard Watson Gilder, at New York. 3p.

A.L.S., l 9 O l June 7, Mary A. Ward, a t Stocks, Tring, to 9ichard Watson Gilder, a t New York. 7p.

A.L.S., nod. ,- A. Ward, at New York, t o Richard Watson Gilder, a t [ N . Y . ~ 2p.

Elizabeth Jordan Papers:

A.L.s., 1908 W c h 7, Mary A. Ward, a t London, t o [Elizabeth] Jordan, a t ? 4p.

The Lee Kohns Memorial Collection: --- A.L.S., 1908 April 5, Mary A. Ward, a t Philadelphia, t o " D e a r Madam", a t -? 1p.

Madh~ Company Records :

A.L.S., 1896 Nov. 20, Mary A. Ward, a t London, to [George P.] Bret t a t -? 4 ~ . A.L.S., 1896 Dec. 30, Mary A. Ward, a t Stocks, Tring, t o [ ~ e o r ~ e ~ . j Brett, -


a t ---? 4p. A,L.S., 1898June25 , MaryA. Ward, atLondon, t o C ~ e o r ~ e p . 1 Brett , at---? A.L.S., 1898 Oct. 19, Mary A. 'dard, a t London, to [George P,] Brett , a t ---? A,L.S,, 1899 Feb. 8,. Mary A. Nard, a t London, to [George P.] Brett , a t ---? 8 ~ .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 85

Mary Augusta Ward -

Macmillan Records : ( L t r s . about)

Fifteen (15) l e t t e r s , including carbon copies and repl ies , from MacMillan & Co., Smith Elder & Co., and Doubleday Page & Co., primarily to George P. Brett, 1893-1908.

Albert Sterner Papers :

Twenty-nine (29) l e t t er s from Mary A. gard to Albert Sterner, a r t i s t and member of the f i r m of Harper & Brothers, 1899-1908.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 86

Charles Dudley Warner letters in the Blew Pork Public Library: Hanuscript Division,

Six l e t t e r s betureen 1892-1899, (A. W. Anthony c o l l e c t ion)

One l e t t e r , iil 1854, to Iiorace Greeloy. ((Ireshy Pagers)

9 ~ s le",ter a d a telegrax, bot'r? in 1900, ta Robert U, J o h l o o n , e d i t o r o f " ~ : ? s Century Magazine." (Century ~011. )

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 87

A g r . 2 June 16

:.. Aug* 9 . . ,

. . . . ... . .- -. : .<; , . :.... . . .

Jan, .20. 3 w . e ~ Warren to Harrf aon Bray. act. . a. N 9v tt * 1)

X oat. 10- * Eactor I b a s i X

. . - - -. . .-- . . '. ' . I.: C . . . % - - . .

.t::;.: . ? - , ;?. ,. .: . . . . . . * . . . . .d.--. .-.. . ;; < . :.- ' 1. - r: ' ........ .. .... i .... . ;;:. 2;. .?, . . . . , . . . . : . . . .- . . . . : 2 . . '

. . . .:. ~- . - . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .i. - .- .. . . . .... , : . . -

. . . . . .

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 88

Ms.Div., NYPL Nov,'67 prr

Booker Taliaf err0 Glashington, 1856-1915

Anthony Collection:

T.L.S., 1904 Oct. 3, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ala., to William Betcher, at New York. 1 p.

T.L.S., l9O8 Mar. 10, Booker T. Washington, a$ Tuskegee, Ala., to William G. Jordan, at New York. 1 p.

T.L.S., 1.908 Nov. 6, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ala., to Payson Smith, at Augusta, Me. 1 p.

L.S., 1912 Nay 6, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ala., to Sigmund H. Rosenbaltt, at New York. 1 p.

T.L.S., 1913 May 3, Booker T. Washington, at New York, to John Wesley Hill, at New York. 1 p.

L.S., 1913 Oct. 25, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ua., to Alfred W. Anthony, at Lewiston, Me. 1 p.

T.L. [s?], 1915 Feb. 19, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ala., to Alfred W. Anthony, at Lewi ston, Ne. 1 p.

Carnegie Collection:

T.L.S., 1912 Ncv. 18, Booker T. Washington, at T,skegee, Ala., to Margaret 5. Wilson, at New York. 1 p.

Century Collection:

Forty-nine (49) T.L.S., Booker T. Washington, to Robert Underwood Johnson and Richard Watson Gilder, editors of the Century Magazine, 1896-1913.

John H. Finley Papers (Box 6) : -- L.S., 1899 Sep. 26, Booker T. Washington, at Atlanta, Ga., to

"Dear Mr. Finley", at ---? 1 P* A.L.S., 1899 Sep. 28, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ala., to

"My dear Mr. ?inleyU, at ---? 2 P.

Bichard Watson Gilder Letterbooks:

Vol. 20, p. 668. T.L.S., 1908 Juh. 25, Richard Watson Gilder, at ---? 9

to Sooker T. Washington, at New Pork. 1 p. p. 669. A.L.S., 1908 Jun. 25, Richard Watson Gilder, at 2--2.

to Wy dear &Ir. Washingtonn, at [~ew ~ork]. 1 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 89


Kohns Collection: - L.S., 1905

T.L.S., 1906

L.S., 1907

T.L.S., 1910

Apr. 22, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, Ala., t o Oscar S. St raus , a t New York. 1 p.

Mar. 1, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, A l a . , t o Oscar Straus , a t New York. 1 p.

Oct. 12, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, Ala., t o Lee Kohns, a t New York. 1 p.

i 2, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, A l a . , t o Lee Kohns, at New York. 2 p.

Miscellaneous Pa>ers ( '~JASHINGTON, Booker T. folder) :

T.L.S., 1901 Jan. 11, Booker T, Yashington, a t Tuskegee, Ala., t o John Kendrick Bangs, a t New York. 1 p.

T.L.S., 1901 May 28, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, A l a . , t o 'The A r t Editors, Youth's Companion", a t Boston. 1 ?.

T.L.S., 1902 Aug, 12, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, A l a . , t o J. B. Gilder, at London. 1 P. j Transferredto: Joseph Benson

Gilder P' rs Albert Shaw Pauers:

Thirty-one (31) A.L.S. and T.L.S., etc., Booker T. Washington, t o Albert Shaw, 1893-1915

J o e l E. Spingarn Papers: -- T.L.S., 1912 Feb. 17, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, Ala., t o

J. E. Spingarn, a t New York. 1 p. T.L.S., 1914 Y i y 23, Booker T. Washington, at Tuskegee, Ala., t o

J. E. Spingarn, a t New York. 1 p.

Addenda: Apr.,'68 p r r

Crane Family Parers :

L.S., 1901 Apr. 9, Booker T. Washington, a t Tuskegee, Ala., t o A. B. Crane, a t New Yo&. I p.

L.S., 1901 A p , 26, -Booker T. washington, at Tuskegee, Ala,, t o

Addenda : 4 ~ 3 / & 3. Crme, a t New York. 2 p.

3.5. Cockran 'apers, Sen. Corres. - L.S., 1903, May 12, Booker T. Jashic-ton, a t Tuskegee, Ala., to

4.3. Cockran, a t New York, 2pp, L.S., 190\?, 'by 19, Booker T. Vashinton, a t Tuskepee, Ala., t o

,i. 3. Cockran, a t N. P. , lp. L.S., l9Cl, ;an. 22, 3ooker T. dashindon, a t N. Y. , 8 . Y. to

, - .. .i .;. nockran, a t N . Y . , I.?. , I n .

L.;., 1921, Jan. 31, Booker T. Vashincton, a h s k e ~ e c , A!a., to 2.3. Cockran, a t N.P., N.Y. lp.

Committee of 14 %x 10 (Correspondenctl, i n Mrs. Baldwin folder)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 90

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 91

M s . Div. , NYPL Nov., '71 hsm

Bushrod Yash in~ ton , -- 1762-1829

Lee. Kohns Collect ion: -- A.N.S., 1805 Apri l 1, Bushrod Washirqton "To the Cashier of the

bank of the United States." lp. A.L.S., 1808 Dec. 30, 3ush. Washington, a t M t . Vernon, t o Sam.

Greenhow. lp. A.D.S., 1826 J u l y 25, Bush. Washington. lp .

Miscellaneous Pa9ers:

Fourteen (14) l e t t e r s and one (1) document from aushrod Washington t o various correspondents, 1785-1826 and n. d.

Montaque Collec t i c n :

A.L.S., 1794 J u l y 13, Bushrod Washington, a t Richmond, t o Messrs. Hodgson and Nicolson, a t Alexandria. lp. Montague 286.

A.L.S., 1826 June 17, Bushrod Washington, a t M t . Vernon, t o "Dear Sir." lp. Montague 269.

Myers Col lec t ion:

A.L.S., 1793 Dec. 15, Bushd Washington, a t Richmond, t o Mrs. Hannah Washington, a t Bushfielde. 3 p. Meyers 1933.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 92

J R P Feb. '71

John B. Watson Le t t r s --

V F Calverton Papers -*-•

T.L.S., 2 Jan. 1924, john B. Watson at N.Y. t o V.F. Calverton a t Baltimore, Md., lp.

T.L.S., 25 Jan. 1924, John B. Watson at F.Y. t o V,F. Calverton at Baltimore, Md., l p

T.L.S., 11 Mar. 1924, John B. Watson at N.Y. t o V.F. Calverton at Baltimore, Md., 2~

T,L.S., 6 Jan. 1928, John B, Watson at N.Y. t o V.F. Calverton at Baltimore, Md., lp ,

T.L., 28 Aug. 1929, John B. Watson a t N.Y. t o V.F. Calverton a t N.Y., lp.

Century Collection

,, T. ' .a., 2 Aug,, 1907, J . B . Jatson a t Chica<~o, I l l . t o The Century Zap;azine,ly.

T.L.S., 4 Oct., 1908, J.3. Xatson a- Baltimore , Xd. to The Centu-sy, 1 ~ .

Note: No Miscellaneous Papers

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 93

See alsot Horace GiEEUY Papers: H.W., at I V a s ~ t o k e l e y , 2k 1864. 1 p.

BRYANT-Corn Papers: H.W. to Parke Golfwin, Feb, 1871 (2 p* ) and

31 May, l.076 (2 p.)

C m Y Coll. - 18 item 1903-a

David A, WEfS;S Papers: H.W. to Wells, dtd l m , 1894. 1 p.

Don C, SEfTZ Papers - 4 items 19U-18

DAVIS, Robert 8.. Corres, 1908 (1); 1912 (1) Letters to D~vis

Miscellaneous Papers J

2 itmes

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 94

me P e r ~ ~ s c r i p t G i v f sian of The New York Publie LYorary has the f o l l o w l ~ amnuseripts of J~.Rw Eb. Vajme:

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 95

m y 1973 JRMc

Charles #emy #ebb, 1834-1905

Anthonx Collection : .

A.L.S., 9ec. 25, 1901, Nebb at Nantucket, to Iiossiter C~ohnsod, a t --? r IP*

Century Collection:

24 le t ters , 1887-1897 including 14 undated ones, to 2.V. Gilder and R.U. Joilnson.

Miscellaneous Papers :

12 l e t ters , 1869-1880, includes 6 undated letters , to G.L. Brd ; 1 ms. of a le t ter to the Tribune, dated Oct. 5, 1874, 6pp.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 96

Ns. Dive-N.Y.2.L. hpr, '66 p r r

Daniel Qebster, 1782-1852 '(Bddenda)

James Barbour Papers :

A.L.S., 1830 May 24, Daniel Nebster, a t dashington, t o James Barbour, a t ---? 2~


A.D.S., 1830 Ju l . 21. Beceipt f o r balance of dowry from Heman Le Roy, f a tne r o f Caroline Le Roy Bebster. 1 p.

D.S., 1843 &re 20. ~ u t h o r i t y as devisee i n l a s t w i l l and tes taaent of iierman Le Roy t o executors t o mortgage property f o r settlement of debts of t h s e s t a t e . 3 p.

( i k t r a - i l l u s t r a t i o n itams from: *&. N . and I - 1839"):

A.L.S., [1839] Sep. 21, J. Duer, a t ---3, t o [Daniel debster], a t [London/], 1 p d c c e ~ t s inv i t a t ion t o daughter J u l i a ' s wedding. (Item #5 )

A.D.S., 1837 Feb. 11, Daniel Nebster, a t ~asn ing ton , t o =ward A. Le Roy, a t N e w York- Order t o pay $5,000 t o D.'dl . 's account. 1 p. (Item #3)

Emmet Collection:

A.L.S., 1829 Aug. 21, Natnan Dane, a t Beverly, %ass., t o Daniel Xabster, a t Boston, Em. 7156.

Jackson-Lewis Papers:

(Aentions of Da.$el debster) A.L.S., Jan 15, A n d r e w Jackson, a t "Hersitage", t o

R i l l i a B. Lewis, a t dashin$ion. 4p, A.L.S., 1842 S & ? ' l ~ ~ A n d r e w Jackson, a t :liIermitagen,

t o d i l l i a m 8. Lewis, a t ga~hington. 3 p. B . L . S . , 1844 Sep. 17, Andrew Jackson, a t Wermitage",

t o k i l l i a i n B. Lewis, a t #ashington. 3 p.

Personal ( ~ s c e l l a n e o u s ) - (Daniel debster f ~ l d e r ) :

A.L.S., N .y . Dec. 2, ila,?iel Nebster, a t "Tremont ilouse", t o "idr. HaIUUCK, a t ---? 2 P=

Afonta ue Collection: 13 A.L.S., dtd. 1817-52, f r m 3aniel Xebster, t o various _q7

persons. 43 A.L.S., ~ t d . 1834-52, f roa Daniel Gebstzr, t o Caleb

Cusning 45 A.L.S., dtd. 1840-52, f r m Danial Nebster, t o award

Curtis , U.3- Congressxan froa N.Y. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 97

Daniel #ebster - Acidenda

Montague Collection (Con' t 'd) :

4 l e t t e r s t o o r about Daniel Jliebster

c.65 niscellaneous items including: Autogra2hed envelopes, checks, r ece ip t s , pnotostats and f a c s i n i l e s , t r ansc r ip t s , p o r t r a i t s , pr inted and processed mater ia l , e tc .

Addenda : (Jan, ' 69 prr) - Myers Collection:

A.L.S . , 1850 May 1, Dad. Webster, at Boston, to "Mr. Mangum", at ---? 2 p. My. 2049.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 98

Fi~fty-six le t ters by ' r l e ?x t~ r , about fifiecn frrrnked envelopes ( w i t h o u t contents), checks m d cut s i~cturcs .

Si-utcen holograph manuscri$x of cantribztions to "The h t iona l n InteUigenc?r, R o t a t i o n as to d ~ t e of apearance and its

subsequent publicp~tioa hi QJ 1903 ' Wtj11gs 8 Speeches,.." on each,

P:io h t t e r s tp_ Webster.

R i a ? lz t ters of Webster, 1823-1851 and n.d,

Henry J, Raynond E-pcrs:

Letter to S. Drqer, N.d. Ap~rc:;hataly 60 w e 6 of notes 9.nd memorad% (scum? in kbster 's

hmd, 805~ : in R ~ ~ ~ d ' s (?) hand), on Mexican W u topics and an the Door case and o-kker matters,

L?e Kohns &mrial Collection:

A .L ,S . , ' to Hon. W.. #cLnse, 25 Feb. 18% (eAq~~&4~&&1)

Bioah Webster B p ~ r e :

&ry S. Itarkness Bequest:

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 99

t . m O N , George, 17s1793

[ Revolutionary War General ]

See a l s o : -Collect+ -n

U.S. Army &O?S - 1777, Feb. 27, A.L.S., 19.


1781, Aaril 1, A.L.S. a t Uilliamaburg, to 30v. Jefferson, a t Richmond CVa.1 , 3pp.

1781, April 3 , A.L.S. a t VilliamsSurg, to Gov. defferson, a t Xichmond, CVa. 1, 3pp.

1781, Apq. 18, A.L.S., a t Fredericksburg, CVa.1, t o [Nelson?l a t ---? 9 3 ~ ~ 0

1781, Sept. 5, A.L.S., a t Fredericksburg, C~a.1, to [Nelson?] , at---?, 2p.

Society of the C i n c i n ~ a t u s (Societ ies &x) --

Miscellaneous Pa~ers

1 item

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 100

Robert Walter Weir, 1803-1889

Anthong Collection:

A.L.S., 1870 Apr. 29, Robt. W. Y e i r , a t West Point, t o B. J. Lossing, at -? 1 p,

Bryant-Godwin Collection:

A.L.S., 1851 Mar. 18, Robt. V. Weir, at West Point, t o William Cullen Bryant, at New Pork. 1 p.

A.L.S., 1863 Mar. 17, Bobt. W, Weir, at West Point, t o William Cullen Bryant , at -7 3 p.

A.L.S., 1865 Aug. 22, Robt. W, Weir, at West Point, t o Wm. C, Bryant, at ---7 1 p .

A.L.S., 1873 Dec. 16, Bobt. W, Weir, at West Point, t o "'My dear Mr . KembleU, at ---7 5 p,

Asher B. Durand Papers: ("Picnic honoring A-B-Durand, 1872" folder) -- A.L.S., 1872 Jun. 5, Robt.-W. Weir, at West Point, t o '%y dear

M r . &&tee1', at -? 1 p.

John Durand Papers: - A.L.S., 1857 Dec. 17, Robt. W. Weik, at West Point, t o F. W. .

Christian, at -7 1 p,

Miscellaneous Papers:

A.L.S. , 1846 Mar. 10, Bobt , W. Weir, at West Point, t o C. Edwards Lester, at ttClinton Hotel, New Yo* 1 p. .& 40

A.L.S., 1851(?) Apr. ll, Robt. W. Weir, at West Point, t o G. P. Rc@ Putnam, at ---? 1 p. 3 A.L.S., 1857 Apr. 22, Bobt. W: Weir, at West Point, t o G. P. Putman, at -? 1 p.

A.L.S., 1870 Mar, 23, Robto W. Weir, at West Point , t o nEfg dear M r . Hubbard", at -? 1 p.

A.L.S., 1876 Mar. 9 , Robt, W. Weir, at West Point, t o ''Mr. G. Randw, at ---? 1 p.

Tvo (2) f o r m of the Brooklyn A r t Association, nod., l i s t i n g pictures of Robt. W. Weir going on exhibit ion o r f o r sale.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 101

Addenda : Ibcrnillan Co. Records

17 folders, 1907-1925, approx. 500 items

JRMC June 13, 1961

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 102

%,Div., NYPL Jan. '68 hs

Barre t t Wendell, 1855-1921

Miscellaneous Papers ('WENDEIL, Barret t folder)

A.L.S., 1887 Dec. 14, Barrett Wendell, at Cambridge, Mass., t o Wm. 8. Til l inghast , a t Cambridge, Mass. 4 p.

D .So, 1898 July l3, questionnaire fo r Appleton' s Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 2 p.

A,L.S., 1900 Nov. 22, Barrett Wendell, at Boston, Mass., t o E, C. Stedman, a t Bronxville, N.Y. 1 p .

A.L.S., n,y. May 7, Barrett Wendell, a t Cambridge, Mass., t o "My dear M r , Ward," on a review of Wendell's h i s t o r i c a l novel, 4 P*

Addenda 1/18/73 JRk

Kester, a, Papers

A.L.S . , l&9, $ec. 18, Barrett 'dendell, a t Cambridge, [Mass -1 t o Paul Kester a t ---? 9 ZP*

A.LIS . , 1900, Jan. 22, Barret t Wendell, a t [Cambridge, Mass. ?I to Paul Kester at---?, 2pp.

~ o r d U.C. Papers J

-* ,-

88 let&= from Yendell t o Ford, 1909-1920, 1 l e t t e r from his wife, Edith,

E.A. Robinson Papers ( Lewis M. Isaacs Collection) - A.L.S., 1915, March 17, Barrett Wendell a t C~oston] to- E.A.R. a t

, ? , 4m*

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 103


Miscellaneous Papers

Lloyd Morris Papers

A.L.S. Rebecca West to Lloyd Morris, n.d. [postmarked Aug. 17, 19441 1 P- A.L.S. Rebecca West to Lloyd Morris, n.d. [postmarked Feb. 28, 19471 1 P* T.L.S. Rebecca West to Ll;oyd Morris, June 20, 1947 1 Po Autographed Note, Rebecca West to Lloyd Morris [I9471 1 P o

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 104

Arrthony Collection:

Carnegie Collection: Andrew

A . L S . s 1916 Oct. 4 t o ba./Carnegiem Receipt, 1916 Oct. t.

Century Collection:

Telegram, 1909 Jul. 9, to Century COO T,LSos 1 9 ~ Feb, 8, to Robert U. Jo-n. Ak'LoSos " A p . I . 2 , to " *

LS*, la " . U , t o " * * 0

: 2 L.S., 1 9 f i June 4, to Centnrg Coo Calling card w i t h autograph address,

A l b s r t Sterner Papers: - A,L,S ,, 1901 Feb, 28, to Albert Sterner,

Elizabeth Jordan Papers: - AmLoSm, WOO Feb, 27, t o E3izabeth Jordan,

A,L.S,, %dm, to Annie Russell A.L.S., node, &o " n

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 105

WrIARMN, Fdith (Con' t rd )

Addenda: Oct,t& p?r

.. James H. HPDE Persona l Correspondence: -- - A.L.S., 1916 Jun. 12, E; mrton, at P a r i s , to wear m* 1 p. A.L.S., #Saturday 7th" Edith Wharton, at Paris, to %ar

w. qVIen I p.* A .L.S., nod., E. Wharton, at Psris, to "Dear Mr. W e * 1 p.

Addenda: July 1966, j m c

Macmillan Co, Records 1901-1903. 14 letters about sublication of "The Valley of Decision ,"

Addenda: h@y '75 jnnc - R . V . G i l d e r Papers: -

16 letters, 1902-1908 i i a n +) about 'dhaeton, 2 letters, 1902, 1904

P a u l Keater Papers: - 3 letters, l9OO

Maloney Coll. Charles McWim Papers, box 33 A.L.S., nod., at N . Y . ? Edith Wharton to Charles McKim, 3pp.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 106

my 12/96

John Hall Wheelock survey file • Century Company Records

ALS, to Robert Underwood Johnson 9/19/11 10/1/11 10/6/11 10/27/11 12/26/11 11/5/12 ALS, to William Rose Benet 3/1/13 6/12/14 ALS, to Robert Sterling Yard 7/10/13 11/16/13 3/12/14 ALS, to Editor, Century Magazine 9/9/14

• Babette Deutsch Papers

A.N.S., to Babette Deutsch 3/5/69 9/14/76 6/12/69 (photocopy)

• Foster-Murphy Collection

T.L.S., to Jeanne Foster 2/28/52

• Anne Marx Papers

A.N.S., to Anne Marx 11/14/66 12/11/66 1/1/71 12/24/72 Clipping with portrait

• Miscellaneous Papers (John Hall Wheelock)

T.L.S., to Augusta Markowitz of The New York Public Library 2/16/18 2/13/19

• Poetry Society of America Collection

T.L.S., to Gustav Davidson 3/8/51 with two enclosures: T.Ms.S, “Silence” and “Symphony: First Movement” and T.Ms.S, “Earth” A.Ms.S. “Amnetta” 1903

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 107

Ms. Div. Feb. '88, rms

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 1834-1903 --

Fdward Guthrie Kennedy Papers

Letters, postcards, and telegrams, 1887-1902, from James Abbott McNeill Whistler to Edward Guthrie Kennedy. Letters to Kennedy on behalf of Whistler from his wife Ekatrix, and aunt, Ethel Whibley .

Whistler Patxrs

ALS, 1894, Sep. 30, at Paris, James McMeill Whistler to Gleason White, 3p. ALS, n.d. (incomplete) 2p. w/ "Wztterfly" signature Diary, Nov. 28, 1843 t6 Sept. 1848, kept in St. Petersburg, Russia, by Anna M. Whistler. (Xerox copies of the Diary w t be used. Permission to see the original must be given by the Curator of Manuscripts.) Photostat and typewritten copies of a report on the guage of Russian railways prepared in 1842 by George Washington Whistler, 1842. Ds, 1830 U.S. Army Cdsion Of George Washington Whistler signed by Andrew Jackson, Copyprints of photcgraphs and portraits of members of the Whistler family. Copies of articles about James McNeill Whistler.

Montaque Collection

ALS [1886, Apr. 271 Butterfly signature, to Phlcolm C. Salaman, 2p. ALS [1888, Jan. 131 Wltterfly signature, to " I! It 2p ALS [1892, Jan. 7 ] Butterfly signature, to It It 2p A I S , n.y., Jan. 11, to "Dear Lady Meux" , 2p ANSI n .d., Butterfly signature to "Dear Madam Caronio", lp

DeCoursey Fales Collection,

Autograph, 1883

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 108

Andrew Dickson White Manuscript i n M s . Div. NYPL

Anthon~r Collection 1890, Aug. 18, A.L.S. a t Ithaca, N.Y. t o "Gentlemen," lp . 1911, Nov. 27, T.L*S* a t " " w t o Alfred Rossiter a t N.Y.C., [N.Y. 1, 3p. 1915, April 13, T.L.S. a t Atlantic City, N.J. t o R.U. Johnson a t ?, lp . 1917, Kov. 23, autographed note on an Authors' Club printed from l e t t e r .

Century Coliection c. 102 items, correspondence t o the various ed i to r s of Century ~Yagazine, 1888-1908.

Finleg, John I. Papers 1900, Oct. 1, T.L.S. a t Ithaca, N.Y. t o Prof. John H. Finley a t N.=, 3p. 1900, Aug. 18, T.L.S. " " 1 1 1 1 11 11 If I1 II I l 11 11 2 ~ - 1900, Nov. 19, T.L.S. I f Embassy of U.S. Xn Berlin, Germany, t o Prof. John H. F i ~ l e y a t N.Y., 2p., an ou t l ine of some of h i s l ec tures is enclosed.

Gi lder , i3 - .a. Letter-Sooks (Gilder t o 'ulhite) v. 17, p. 462 - 1903, July 2% v. 17, p. 480 - 1903, Sept. 4 v. 19, p. 60 - 1 9 6 , May 24 v 1 , p 2 3 - 1.906, Oct. 23 v. 20, p. 672 - 1908, June 28

K&& Collection m3, Feb. 12, A.L.S. a t Ithaca, N.Y. t o The Editor of "The Independent," a t N.Y. , 2p. 1889, Nov. 11, T.L.S. at Ithaca, N.Y. John ElJiot Bowen, N.Y., l p . 1891, Sept. 15, A.L.S. at Magnolia, Mass. t o Oscar S. Straus a t ?, 3 ~ .

Miscellaneous Papers A

1867, Dec. 6, A.L.S. a t Syracuse, N.Y. t o Theodore Ti l ton at[N.Y .I, 6p. 1882, May 19, A.LS. a t Ithaca, N.Y. " R.L. Dugdae, a t N.Y., 2p. 1884, Jan. 15, L.S. a t " II 11 " Dr. S. Sustin Allibone a t N.Y., 2p.

1911; May ~o,-E.L.s . " tv 11 11 " Dr. J.S. Bi l l ings , a t N.Y. , lp .

Shaw, Albert, Pa e r s (Personal i t ies & Groups) 1 , April *S. at Ithaca, N.Y. t o Albert Shaw a t N.Y., a. 1891, Sept. 15, A.L.S. a$ Magnolia, Mass. t o Aibert Shaw at[^.^ .I, lp. 1892, Ju ly 4, A.L.S. at Ithaca, N.Y. t o [ U b e r t l Shaw a t N.Y., 2p. 1893, Jan. 10, L.S. a t Legation of U.S. St . Petersburg, [Russial, t o Albert Shaw at N.Y., 4p. 1896, Dec. 10, T.L.S- at Ithaca, N.Y. t o Albert Shaw a t N.P., lp. 1900, Nov. 13, A.L.S. a t N.Y., t o Albert Shaw a t N.Y., lp. from aorace dhibe. 1902, Oct. 6, T.L.S. Wolf von Schierbrand t o Shkw reW&kw, lp . 1 9 ~ 3 , Uov. 24, F. C o c h r a n , ~ ~ . t o White, Ithaca, N.Y. t o Shaw, N.Y., lp. 1909, Dec. 1, T.L.S. at Ithaca, N.Y. t o Shaw a t N.Y., 2p. 1914, Nov. m8, A.L.S. a t N.Y. t o Shaw a t N.Y., 2p. 1914, T.L.S. by ~ h e o , W. Harris, sec, t o Uhite, at Tthaca, N.Y. t o Shaw a t E.Y., lp . 1914, Dec. 8, T.L.S. by Theo. W. Harris, sec. t o White, at Ithaca, N.3 . t o Shaw at N.Y., 2p. 1917, Nov. 22, T-L.S. a t Ithaca, N.Y. t o Shaw at N.Y., 2p. 1917, Dec. 29, T.L.S- a t I I I1 11 I1 I1 ?I 19 11 5p

Shaw, Albert, Papers (Personal i t ies and &.ups, Frederick W. Holls folders) - An exchange of correqondence between Holls and 'rlhite, 1884-1903, (Holls t o White only) . Given t o Shaw by 'nlhite(see l e t t e r of May &9, 1905 i n Holls f i l e s ) apparently f o r purpods of ed i t iog them. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-Z

Manuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 109

Wells, David A., Papers -- 1882, Oct. 31, L.S. at Ithaca, N . Y . to David A . Weils, 3p.

Addendum (Aprl 21, 1975)

Gildey,R.W. - Letters Received, 6 items, 1400-08 (Box 13)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 110


Miscellaneoue Papers A.L.S., n.7. Doc. 13, E.B. White, at North Brooklln, m e , to "fear

M r . Paine, at -7 2 pa

MOORE Ann Carroll -9 T.L.s., 1939 Feb. 15, E.B. White, at North Brooklin, Maine, to C a r r o l l Moore, at N.Y., 1 p.

A.L.S., 1939 Apr. 25, E.B. White, a t North Brooklin, Maine, to AM Carroll Moore, a t -? 2 p.

A,L,S., 1941 Mar. 2, E.B. White, a t Sarasota, Fla., to Ann Carroll Hoore, ? 2 p . at -

T.L .S . , [19391 Nov. 26, Katharine S. White (MF~. E.B.) , at North Brooklin, kine, to Ann Carroll Moore, a t -7 5 p.

A.L .So, 1942 Feb 7, Katharine S. White (Mrs. E.B. 1, a t North Brooklln, Haine, to Ann Carroll Moore, at -7 3 p.

A.L.S., [1943] Jan. 13, Katharine S. Uhite ( ~ r s . E.B. 1, at North Bmoklin, W e , to Ann C a r r o l l Moore, at -7 4 p~ ...'

A.L.S., ('19443 Hay 31, ~athaxdne'~. b i t e (Mrs. E.B.), a t ' ~ o r t h Bmoklln, Maine, to Ann C a r r o l l Hoore, at -1 . 2 p.

: A , C19453 J& 1, Katharine' S. ~ t e (Mm. E.B.), ar korth B ~ o & , 5 3 w e , t o Ann C a r r o ~ . ~ . Hoore, at - ? 6 p.


Ral h Thorn on Pa rs ' - - '83&B316 , E.B. U t e , at [N.X.C.], to "&itor of the New Yorh

Times", 2 p. (added Nov, 17, 1973)

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 111

Stanford White, 1853-1906

R. R. Bowker Papers: - - T.L., 1892 March 25, Stanford White, at ---?, t o "Miss I)unhamf', a t ---?

2p. Copy; with 2 pages of m a t e r i a l about t h e Woman's Apartment and Lodging House Associat ion a t tached ,

Richard Watson Gi lde r Papers :

T.L.S., 1891 Rov. 10, Stanford White, a t Kew York, t o [R. w.1 Gi lder , a t CN.Y.1. lp .

A.M., 1895 Kwch 28, S t m f o r d 'dhite, a t N.Y. Ip. In t h e t h i r d person. A.M.S . , n.d., Stanford m i t e , a t M.Y.C., t o r ~ . d. ]Gilder, a t [N.Y. I. l p . A.L.S., n.d., Stanford d h i t e , a t Borne, t o [R.W. I Gi lder , a t ---? This

l e t t e r w a s o r i g i n 3 l l y 6 pages, bu t i t has l i t e r a l l y been t o r n i n h a l f ,

The P l a y e r s Papers: - T.L.S., 1897 March 19, Stanford White, a t N.Y.C. , t o Charles E. Car r ry l ,

S e c r e t a r y , a t K.Y.C. l p . A.K.S., 1897 Kov. 14, S t sn fo rd IJhite, s t N.Y.C., t o Laurence Eutton, Sec-

r e t a r y , a t K.Y.C. lp . T.L.S., 1904 Sept . 2, Stanford White, a t N.Y.C., t o t he Comm, on L i t e r a t u r e

and Art. 1p.

NOTE: No Miscellaneous Papers

Gertrude Kgsebier Personal Miscellaneous Papers

T.L.S., 1904 J u l y 8, Stanford White t o Gertrude KBsebier

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 112

S tewar t Edward #hi te , 1873-1946

Century Collection

A ; , 1899, Jan. 14, xh i t e a t Grand Ra-ids, Michiqan, t o Ed. Century Co, a t N.Y. , lp.

A.L.S., 1899, Nov. 19, white a t Paris, France, t o R.U. Johnson, a t N.Y., 2p.

T.L.S., 1905, Feb. 11, White a t Santa Barbara, C a l . , to . [R.u.] Johnson a t . N.Y. , lp.

T.L.S., 1910, March 28, White a t Santa Barbara, C a l . t o Robert U. Johnson, a t N . Y . , lp.

Miscellaneous papers

T.L.S., 1908, Jan. 2, White a t Santa Barbsra, Cal, , t o A . J . Qlmores, Y.D., a t N.Y., lp .

D.S., n.d. ~ i v i n g 3ermissihn t o the New York $orld Syndicate to publish a rd syndic.3 te nis t o r y "Free, Wide and Handso~e'!

Merle Johnson C ~ l l e c t i o n - c u t signature, 1906, July 25 T.L.S., 1909, Sept, 16, White at Carpinteria, C a l . , t o M r . Davis a t ---? 9 IP. T.L.S., 1920, Auq. 18, White a t Burlingame, Cal., t o M r . Mche, a t ---? 3

T.L.S., 1922, Nov. 15, Yhite a t Burlingame, C a l . , t o M r . McGee a t ---? 9 IP* A.L.S., nod., Hhite a t ---? , t.o CMerle 1 Johnson a t --?, lp.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 113

Ms.Div, NYPL Jan. '72, PMR

Brand Whitlock, 1869-1934 - Anthony Collection:

T.Z.S .-, 1908 July 30, Srand Whitlock, at Toledo [ ~ h i o l , t o W i l l i a m George Jordan, at New York City. lp.

A.N.S., 1918 Feb. ll, Brand mi t lock , a t . [Belgiunl, t o -?, at ---? 3 lines.

H. L. Mencken Papers: - -.

Five ( 5 ) l e t t e r s from Brand 'Whitlock t o H. L. Mencken, 1913-16; and one (1) l e t t e r [copy] from Mencken t o Xhitlock, 1914.

I4iscellzneous Papers:

T.L.S., 1909 A p r i l 2, Brand idhitlock, at Toledo [Ohio], t o J. L. Bill ings, at The New York Public Library. lp.

Benjamin 5. Tucker Collection:

Five (5) l e t t e r s from Brand Whitlock t o B. R. Tucker, 1907, 1929-30.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 114

Sarah Helen (Power) Whitman, 1803-1878 -- --

Anthong Collection:

A.L.S., 1872 Sep, 18, Sarah Helen 'hitman, at Providence, to R, H. Stoddard, at New York, 4 p.

A.L.S., 1872 Sep. 21, Sarah Helen Whitman, at Providence, to R, H. Stoddard, at New York, 3 p.

A.L.S . , 1872 Sep, 30, Sarah H, Whitman, at Providence, to R. H. Stoddard, at New York. 17 p.

A.L.S., 1872 Nov, 5, S, H, Whitman, at Providence, to R, H. Stoddard, at New York, 4 p.

A.Note S,, n. d, Endorsement of some verses by Prof. Bailey (?) to be forwarded to an editor. 1 p.

NOTE: No Misc. Prs,

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 115


Walt Whitman Materials in The New York Public Library Rare Books & Manuscripts Division

Manuscripts & Archives Section

Anthony Collection [18--] Mar. 13 A.L.S. to John Burroughs, signed W.W. 2p. with envelope. n.d. A.Ms. draft with holograph corrections. 16 lines. n.d. Printed page of verse with holograph corrections. 1926 May 31 Invitation to a Whitman birthday party sponsored by the Walt Whitman

Anniversary Committee at the Hotel Walt Whitman Authors Club Collection n.d. A.D.S. (negative photostat). Whitman's poem, "A Child's Reminiscence."

Accompanied by his notes advertising the poem in daily newspapers. 9 pieces. Clara Barrus Papers 1913-1931 Letters from Elizabeth Dowden relating to personal and literary matters, especially the writings of her husband, Edward Dowden (1843-1913), Irish editor and critic, John Burroughs, and Walt Whitman. ca. 80 items. Carnegie Autograph Collection 1887 Apr. 20 A.L.S. to Richard Watson Gilder. 1p. 1888 Feb. 1 Post card to Andrew Carnegie. Century Company Records 1888-1914 About 60 letters from Horace Traubel to the editors of Century Magazine, relating largely to Walt Whitman. William Conant Church Papers 1867 Sept. 7 A.L.S. to Messrs. Church 1867 Oct. 13 A.L.S. to W.C. and F.P. Church, 2p. 1868 Nov. 2 A.L. to [?]. Signature and possibly part of letter lacking. 1/2 p. Babette Deutsch Papers 1941 Typescript of Deutsch's Walt Whitman, Builder of America with author's corrections. 170pp. Sadakichi Hartmann Personal Miscellaneous Papers 1924-1943 Letters and cards to Thomas Ollive Mabbott, relating to his interest in Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, and other literary subjects. About 45 pieces.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 116


Josiah Gilbert Holland Papers [1876?] Dec. 12 A.L.S. to Josiah Gilbert Holland, 1p. Oscar Lion Papers 1914-1955 Correspondence with Anne Montgomerie Traubel relating to their interest in Walt Whitman, Lion's collection of Whitmaniana, and other matters.

3 boxes. Masters-Davis Collection 1938 Mar. 18 T.L.S. to Mrs. Gwendolen E. Cone concerning omission of his reference to Trowbridge in his biographical portrait of Whitman. 1p. Poetry Society of America n.d. A.Ms. "The Old Man himself." 17 lines.

Photogravure of Whitman portrait photograph by G.C. Cox. Joel E. Spingarn Papers

Privately printed broadside (or proofsheet) of Whitman's poem, "Whispers of Heavenly Death," with signature pasted at the bottom. Horace Traubel Miscellaneous Papers 1910 Aug. 28 A.L.S. Horace Traubel to D.R. Browne. Mentions Whitman. 1p. Benjamin R. Tucker Papers 1882 July 23 Portrait photograph of Walt Whitman, signed and dated. Walt Whitman Personal Miscellaneous Papers 1867 Aug. 13 A.D. Bill to French and Richardson. 1p. 1871 Nov. 3 Two facsimiles A.L.S. from Whitman to "Dear Friend." [1880?] June 3 A.N. to New York Tribune, signed W.W. 1p. 1881 Aug. 3 A.N.S. to [New York Tribune?]. 1p. 1887 Sept. Portrait Photograph signed and dated by Whitman. [1888?] May 24 A. postcard to John Burroughs. Signed W.W. [1890 Sept. 4?] A.N. Whitman's views on National Literature on the back of an envelope. n.d. Draft for a titlepage, "for Sequella for the future editions..." on cardboard. 1p. n.d. A.N.S. on "Oh Captain! My Captain!" page torn from a copy of Passage to India (1871) used by Whitman for printer's copy. n.d. A.N. on card to [New York Tribune?]. n.d. A.N. to [New York Tribune?] 1p. n.d. Photographic reproduction of a carte-de-visite portrait of Whitman -- Flyer "A Plan to Purchase and Preserve Walt Whitman's Birthplace. 4p. -- Three letters re Whitman by William E. Davenport. 1947 Aug. 25 Mimeographed T.L. from Mrs. Frank J. Sprague re Henry S. Saunders' work on Whitman.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 117


? Typescript "Walt Whitman on Osler: 'He is a Great Man'" by William White.

Newspaper clippings on Whitman Two halftones of portraits of Whitman Clippings from auction and sales catalogs

1935 Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of Important Letters, Manuscripts and Books by or relating to Walt Whitman. The property of his intimate friend, biographer and literary executor, the late Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke of London, Ontario. Sale date May 13, 1935. 1936 American Art Association, Anderson Galleries, Inc. Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, First Editions and Portraits of Walt Whitman. Purchased at the Bucke sale by the Ulysses Bookshop, Ltd., London. To be sold April 15-16, 1936. Accompanied by "Conditions of Sale" booklet annotated with the sale prices and occasionally the name of the purchaser. 1917 Stan V. Henkels, Philadelphia. Valuable Library of Thomas B. Harned, Esq., one of the Literary Executors of Walt Whitman. Sale held May 8, 1917.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 118

John Greenleaf WHXTTIER -

Anthony Collection:

A.L.S., 1862 Jan. ?, John GI Whittier, a t Amesburg, Mass., t o dear f r i e s ' , a t ? 1 p. -

A.L.S., 1872 Dec. 18, John G. Whit.';ier, a t A~abury, Mass., t o John R. Thompson, a t New York, 1 p, w/envelop.

A.L.S., 1874(?) Jun. 13, John G, Whittier, at Amesbury, Mass,, t o '9ear FriemYt, a t - 3 3 PO

A .L.S., 1876 Nay 17, John G. Whittier, a t Xmsbury, Mass., t o "Dr friendn, a t ? 1 p.

A,L.S., 1878 ~ a n . x John G. Whittier, a t Danvers, Mass., t o "My dear &iendH, a t ? 2 p.

A.L.S., 1878 Apr. 20, John G. Whittier, a t Danvers, Mass., t o R. H. Stoddard, a t N.Y. 2 p. w/envelope.

A.L.S., 1878 Xay 1, John G. Whittier, a t Dan-~ers, Mass., t o R. H. Stod&rd, a t N.Y.(?) 2

A.L.S., 1878 29, JO&I Go

R. H. Stoddard, a t N.Y. A.L.S., 1878 Oct. 17, John G o

R. Ha Stoddard, a t N. Y. A.Envelope, 1879 Jun. 12 A.L.S., 1879 Jun. 15, John G.

R. Ha Stoddard, a t NoP; A.L.S., 1881(?) Mar. 20, John

P Whittier, a t Damrers, Mass., to 3 p. w/envelop=

Whittier, a t Danvers, Mass., t o 1 p. w/envelopz.

Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., to 2 p, w/envelope.

G. WQittier, a t Danvers, Mass., t o ? 3 pa n% dear friendn, a t

A.L.s., 1882(?) Apro 5, J O ~ ~ G . Whittier, a t Danvers, ass., to "Dear frdn, a t ? 2 p. -

A.L.S ., 1882 Apr. 20, John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o R. H, Stoddard, a t N.Y. -1 p. w/envelope.

A.L.S., 1891 Mar. 9, John O. W t t i e r , at Amesbury, Fass,, t o Rev. Charles H. Sheldon, a t Topeka, Kansas,

A.L.S., n-d., John G. Whittier, a t -* 7 9 t o 1 , a t - 2 Horace Greelev Pa~ers :

A.L.S., 1868 May 16, John G. Whittier, a t - 3, t o Borace a t - ? 2 p. ( ~ t t a c h e d t o A.L.S. of George Osgood Horace Qreeley)

Harkness Collection:

1 Po

Greeley, t 0

(~01. 11, p. 66) A .L.S., nod., J. G. Whittier, at Salem, Mass. (?), t o

B. Whittier, a t E. Ha~erh i l l , Mass. 1 p. (vol. 24)

U unidentified fragmentary poetry l ines or notes i n hand.

Fragment, from nRevisited", 2 p. ESrapnent, "The Cyprus Tree of Ceylonw, 2 p, + Fragmnt, "The Sisters" (1st draft?), 1 p. F ' r a ~ ~ e n t , "Mabel Martin1*, 1 p.


Whittier s

F'ra_pent, "Lines i n view- of the moment erected i n memory of Bwnstt, 2 p.

Amomwnent af W i l l i a m L. Wrism lecture, [2S Sun, 1869 1, i n Sard of Whittier. 1 p. Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-Z

Manuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 119

A.L.S., 1875 May(?) 25, John G. Whittier, a t Boston, t o A. G. Brown, Esq.,at ? 3 p .

B.L.S., 1882 Mar. 13, M a t t h a . Whittier, a t Harlem(?), t o dear Brothern, a t ? 2 p.

A.L.S., 1883 Feb, 22, John G. m t t i e r , a t bston, t o - 1, a t ? 1 p .

A .L.S,, m1 Nov. 27, Lord Aberdeen, a t Nar York, t o John G, Whittier, a t ? 3 p.

(vol. 25) -

A.Poem, *A LegacyR, 2 p, A.L.S,, 1887 Nov. 3, J o b G. Whittier, a t Danvers, Nass,, t o

'9v dear F r i e d n , a t ? 1 p, - Josiah G. Holland Letters: -

A.L.S., 1870 Jul.(?) 8, John G. M t t i e r , at Amesbury, Fkms,, t o "I(y dear fd.lm [Josiah G. Holland?], a t 7 2 p.

A.L.S., n.d., "J.G.W.", a t - ?, tonDearDr-at - ? 1 p .

Kohns Collection: - A.L.S., 1875 Dec. 22, John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o I. A,

Riggs, a t 7 2 p. L.S., [ 1 8 5 3 ? l ~ ~ . ~ . ~ . * ( ? ) , a t - 3, b W d e a f r d T r u d Y 1 ' ( ? ) ,

a t ? 3 p. robab ably not i n Whittier's h n d ] D.S., l&? Apr, 30, deed w i t ~ e s s e d by John G. Whittier. 2 p.

J a m s Miller McKim Papers (Maloney Collection): - -

Montague Collection:

A.L.S., 1857 Sep. 24, 3. G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o Qzr Friend*, a t ? 1 p.

A.L.S., 1876 J u n . x John G, Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o nm DearF'riendn,at - ? 3 p .

A.L.S., 1890 Jan, 28, John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass,, t o William T. Stead, a t London. 1 p, w/envelop.

Mgar Parker Papers(*): - A.L.S., 1884 Yay 3, John G. Whittier, a t Danvers, Mass., t o Qear

F r i e ~ d " [3dgar Parker?], a t ? 1 p. -

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 120

Personal ( ~ t s c e l l a ~ e o u s ) : ( ~ o n t t 'd )

A.L.S., 1867 Jan. -*, 3 mJ.G.W.n, t o "My ckar Fieldstt, a t ? , with *...the prelude t o the poem1*(?) 2 p.

A.L.S., 1872 ?JOT. 21, John G. Vhitt ier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o "Dear Frdn a t ? 1 p.

A.Verse S., 1871 X ~ I - 3 , J o b G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass. 1 p. A.L.S., 1874 Oct. 22, John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o "Dear

F r i endW,a t ? 1 p . A.L.S., 1884 ~ u n . x , John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o %ar

Miss &tonm, a t ? 1 p. A.L.S., [1857 Dec. 1 2 r John G. Whittier, a t Danvers, Mass., t o

[ ~ o s e ~ h B. Gilder??, a t ? 1 p. 4 Transferred to: Joseph Bam~n Gildel A. L.S ., 1890 Jan. 28, John ~ . m i t t i e r , a t Amesbury, Massy t o P'I

[ ~ i l l i a m T. Stead, a t hrdon?] 1 p. A,Poem, The Vaxishersn, 3 p.

(Mrs. Simon Gug@~heim ~ i f t ): ~ x ~ . , 1 8 5 3 Sep. 23, J ~ G . Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o

ltGentlemen* (3. A. Stansbury Minthurn Tompkins, M. B. Brynt, W. M. Mcsemot, Geo. W. ~ o s e b , a t [New ~ o r k ? ] 7 p.

A.L.S., [1854?] Seventh day, John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, Mass., t o [James T. ] f ie lds , a t ? 3 p. -

A.L.s., 1860(?) ~ c t . 4, J. G. Whittier, a t Amesbmy, Mass., t o "Dear Hil lerw (James Miller ~cKim?), a t ? 1 p.

A.L.S., [Is65?], John G. Whittier, a t - 7, t o Dr. A. M. Ross, a t ? 1 p.

A. k r s e S., 1865 Jun. 26, John G. Whittier, a t P,mesbury, kss., to

- ? 4 l ines, untit led. A.L.S., 1869 Oct. 8, John G. Whittier, a t Amesbury, llass., t o [ ~ h o m s

FJentworth]Higqinson, a t ? 2 p , A.L.S., 1870 Mar. 26, John G. whit t ier , a t Amesbury, Mass., t o "Dear

Colonel", a t [N.Y.?]. 2 p. A.L.S., 1882 Jun. 30, John G. Whittier, a t I s l e s of Shoals, off Ports-

mouth, N.H., t o [~aul Hamilton] &yne, a t ? 3 p. A.L.S., 1884 ?eb. 6, Jolh G. Whittier, at Danvers, Mass., t o [ ~ u l

Hamilton] %me, a t ? 4 p.

Poetry Collection:

A.Poem S., "What of the Da?, signed John G. WNttier. 2 p.

Stauffer Collectionl

A.L.S., 1878 ?.far. U, John G. Wbittier, a t D~cnvers, Mass., t o "Dear Friendn, a t ? $ p. -

R. H. Stoddard Letters: (*) - - A.L.S., 11382 h. I, John G. Tdhittier, a t Danvers, Ikss., t o R. H.

Stddard, a t ? 3 p. A.L.S., 1888 Nov. John G. Whittier, a t ?. to R. H Stoddard, -

a t - ? w/poem, 3 p . Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 121

John f reenleaf 'ryhittier - Addenda: (Jan. 26, '71) Personal (Miscell?neous ) :

A.L.S., 1872 Dec. 30, Johr. G. Whittier, at Bcston, M ~ S S . , to "Dear Friend", st ---? 3 ~ -

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 122

Ms. Mv., NYPL March '68 hs

Worthington Whittredge 1820-1.910 *

Bryant-Godwin Collection

A.D.S., [18]65 July 1, W. Whittredge, a t New York, t o Id. Hatfield, a t [?I 1 P*

A.L.S., 1866 [?I 7, W. Whittredge, at [?I, t o Miss [Minnie] Godwin, at [?I 4 P.

A.L.S., 1 8 7 6 h e 8, W. Whittredge, a t New York, t o Parke Godwin, at [?I. 1 P*

A.L.S., 1877 March 3, W. Whittredge, a t [New ~ o r k ] , t o Mrs. Godwin, a t [New York?] 1 p.

A.L.S., 1883 March 12, W. Whittredge, at New York, t o Mrs. Goddard, a t [ ~ e w York?] 1 p.

A.L.S., 1883 March 17, W. Whittredge, a t Summit, New Jersey, t o Mrs. Goddard, at [New York?] 1 p-

A.L.S., nod., W. Whittredge, a t [?I, t o Mrs. Godwin, at f?1 1 p.

A.L.S., nod., W. IJhittredge, at [?I, t o Miss Maria, at [?I. 1 p.

Miscellaneous Papers

A.L.S., 1908 Aug. 2, ~ o r t h i & o n Whittredge, at Summit, New Jersey, t o Mrs. Gilder, a t [? 1 2 p. I ) Transferred t o :Joseph Gibson Gilder Papers -

Frank Weitenkam~f Papers - A.L.S., 1888 Aug. 29, W. Whittredge, at Sharon Spring, N. J., t o

F. Weitenkampf, a t [?I 3 p.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 123


JAHES MONROE PAPEBS --- A. L .So, 1804. June 6, at Old Palace Yard t o C James onr roe] a t ? 4 p, - A.L.S., 1804 June 7, at Old Palace Yard t o [Jams ~onroel a t 7 3. p. LS., 1806~ug . 21, at w e to James Honroe, at - 7 S P . A,L.S,, 1807 Feb, 10, at O l d Palace Yard, t o James Monroe, at -? 4 p. A.L.S., 1808 Sept 5, at EPst Bourne, Suseex, to Jmeu Monroe, a t ? 8 p. L.S., 1808 Sept, a t East aourne, Sussex, &o [James Monroe], at -7 17 p.


A.L.S., 1 8 ~ Aug 31, at Heretmanceux CEaa-LSu~eerl, t o "My Dear [R?lyder, at ? 3 p.

A.L.S. . T 1 6 Sept 16, at Loreatoft [Eut ~ ~ f o l k l , to Jomph Jobn G u r ~ 1 ~ . -

at-Ear-,- omr rich, 6 p. A.L.s., 1818 ~ p r 28, at "No. 8C.. . ?I, t o Wy Dear GO$", at - ? 4 p . A.L,S. , 1821 Feb, 9 , at I 21, t o 2. Martin, at -? 2 p. Motes, at London, 1821 Jul. 13 A.L.S., 1826 Feb ll, at Beekenh8m [Kent], t o Chss. hvieon, a t 7 1 p;

&.. A.L.S., &ye Feb. 13, at r ? 1, to "My Dear Sir", at -? 2p.

A.L,S. , lm7 Oct 10, at Bath, to Well. & Davies, a t hndoo 2 pa


JUJ. 8, a t Wkaa Court, t o W. Walker, at ? 4 p. h c 24, at Hastinge, t o Sir Robert kunrigg , 6 p.

A.L,S. 1822 Jun 30, at bnnpton CIondonl, to If& Dear [illegible: Hewes?, ? 1p. Kent?], a t -

Item 17: A.L.S,, 1832 Jul. 10, at [...?J, to Lord Skelmersdale, at London, 1. p.

October 10, at Bath, to Mslrarlt Cadell and Davis, London, a,.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 124

t Miscellaneous Papers :

Poem, nAmpPfignrostt, 5 s t anz~s , not in Wildest hand? 2 p,

fst ter , nod,, O s c a r Wilde, a t London, t o W. Clement Scott, 2 p. Tstter, nod., Oscar Wilde, a t London, t o We Clement Scott, 1 p. Letter, nod., Oscar, a t New York, t o Dear Uncle Samtt, 1 p, Utter, nod., Oscar, a t London, t o %ar Robert". 1 p, h t t e r , nod,, Oscar Wilde, a t London, t o "Dear Galtonle. 2 p, Letter, nod,, Oscar Wilde, a t London, t o Lawrence &nett. 8 p. Ie t t e r , nod,, Oscar Wilde, a t Chicago, t o Col. Morse, 2 p, Ie t ter , nod., Oscar Yilde, a t London, t o - ? 4 p . Ietter, nod,, Oscar Wilde, a t London, to ? 2 p . Letter, nodo, Oscar Wilde, a t London, t o m Going. 3 p, lk t ter , n.d., Oscar W i l d e , a t London, to M r , Wood. 3 p, Letter, m823,~pr, 17, Oscar IKIde, a t &mas City, to J.M.

Stoddart, 1 p.

J.J. Robbins Papers: - - Article, noscar Wildetr, by Jacob Robbins, Typescript, 26 p.

Annie Russell Paperst - ktter, nod,, Oscar Wilde, a t Babbacombe BY, Englmd, to "W

Dear Osrraldn.. & p. C~robably Oswald Yorke, Miss Rqssel lvs hus band2

John Bigelow Papers -

Mitchell Kennerly Papers:

George Arliss folder - seven (7) items re la t ive t o the sa l e of the inamscript of "Dutchess of PaduaH, 1927

Frank Ifarris folder - l e t t e r t o Kennerly re la t ive t o report by Charles Vale on his biography of Oecar X l d e , 1913 - original Znglish prospectus for ltOscar Ii,ldett by iiarris w/ ltr, cf Don J. Rider gidng history of the book i n England, 19% - report by Charles Vale on lst s e t of page proofs received by K e ~ e r l y - two l e t t e r s from Thomas 3. Mosher & T p p l e Scott r e l a t ive t o the biography,

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 125

1817 B i l d e , Richsr* Henry. Wwhington City. To Semuel 33n. 8 I?, Bond, Saosnndh, Gs. Relsttva t o sum due f o r

subsistsnce o f late 3r. Gislain snd servant. A.L.S. 2 gages. Xfac, P ~ ~ p e r b 2 negs.

1817 g i l i e , 8ichsr.i Rmry. To John I. Flilde, Augusta, Bsb. 3 an, U.S.Bank and speois payraents. A.L.3, 2 p.' .

Misc, Papers. 2 negs.

1820 B i l d e , 3ichsr.i Henry. Augusta. To D.B.'Xitchell or Ju3e 3 . Col. ao'oert Rutherfor?, ' f i l ledgepil le , Ba. Relative

t o trrking certain depoeitfonm an? testimo?ly. A.L. S. 2 P a Tisc. Pipers. 2 negs.

1829 T i l i e , Rich-9 Henry. Augusta. To George Glen, Xss.27 Legsl rnstters. A.L.S. 1 p.

Yisc.. Pspers. 1 neg. . . >. 1830 vi13e. R i c ~ r & Hbnry. ' : Augusta. . 'TO (ient [lema]a, :.

June 27 Specifies, certain carrecticsns to be made- in his :--; .:. . . . . - , speech &out. t o be. published. in nsnspsperr and .fit."-' ' '

s e p s a t e form. A.L.3. 3 p. r I f. U s o . Papers. 2 n e w ,

EOT3:- The manueo&t of his speech is not found mong his papers in Wew Pprk Publfa Librsry..

1832 &evenson, A. [Speaker. Rouse o f ~ a ~ r s a e n t a t i r e a .,I July 13 '8ashington. Check Ira- in fsvor of Richard

Henry Wilde for $369.00: . Bncioraed by Vflde. 3 .5 . 1 p. Yisc, Papers, 1 ne&

1834 Rolt , R i l l f nm X. To R . H. l i l d e . Relntive to 73sy 3 - npeneion claim. A . L . S . 2 p .

Duyckinck Papers 2 negs,

1835 t i l3e , Richnrd Henry. To Col. Peter Force. Fltlsr. 9 aeturns books and rnsnus crfpts borrowed for law case.

A.L.S. L pa - A _- list. Pspers-

4 1 neg.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 126

7 ' . . . , ' . , + , .

,. 1842 W d e . ~ i c h a r t B&. '' Auguatr. .: To i ! = f ~ . G i l m o r t ~ - ' ; : ,30 +. , . . Doc.' 4 - 8-8 ,' Bogs.. to 800 9-8- 800n; .end8 8 ctipt, . :

' , " nthat would be more oc aptable fa your resderm - + , than rr:chapber f r o m i ' b ~ t e - . ~ -A.L.S; I p. .

Usc. Papers. . Lneg.

1855 Wflde, John Pc New OrLeans. To W i l l i a m G.. Simns. Xsr.20 Xust lixn%t requested biographical sketch o f his

fsther because of proposed publicstfcn of biog- , 5 7 raphy s n i poe t i c a l rcrk8 edited by hi 8 brotber

Pi l l i sm C. Pi lde ; prslses hie brother's litermy ab i l i ty , A.L.3, II p.

;)uyokinck Papers .. 2 negs.

1855 Pil5e. John P. Xew Orleans. To qillinm 0 . Simms. 4 5 3 Apr . 4 Xnclosea b i o g r s p h i c d sketch of h i s fsther an4

adds data in letter.. A.L, S, 3 p. 3orwarded with brief note by to Xvert A.

Duyckinck. 3uyckinck Papers. 2 negm .

6 P o * * . # . '5, v - ,. 3 # *

. - - . . W B i n b k . Papers; 4 nqgr - ..., ' ., L 6 *

s , . ' .. . : : -

t87~ kildd,. t i ~ i a m ~ l t r r m i n g . ~em ~ t i e a n s . TO ~re;;.* I., Xqy 4 3uyckinck. Offers to write st biography of his ,

fsther for Duyckinok; s of hi8 Pzther by Birsm Powers; short notice i n Cyolapedi a ofAmeri caa Litersture i s incorrect in severe particulwe. a,L.s, 2 p,.'

r)riyckinck Pspers . 2 negs.

Supplementary listing, 1956:

U?18? or 1816: Wilde, Richard Henry, Washington City, To April 19 Jno. Wilde, Augusta, Movements in near fu-

ture, directions given f o r m a i l , 1 neg, Stauff er, Coll,

1838, ' W116te, Richard Henry, To John CummLng. 1 neg, Mar, 8 , Misc, Papers,

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 127

NYFL Mss. & Archives 5/20/75 JEMc

John Wilkes, 1727-1797 -

Samuel Adams p a ~ e r s : -- /f A.L.S., March 30, 1769, dilkes at Kins's Heoch ?rison,[~o~don, %I?.]

to i e Gentlemen of the Comittee of the Sons or Liberty i n the Town of Bos ron, C~ass .I , lp.

Enmet Collectim, no. 5128 - 0

A.L.s&'!)F&. 4, 1769, dilkes a t King's h c h Prison C~ondon, Eng.] to the freeholders e tc . ~f Mid?lesex, 2pp.

Myers Collection, no. 2421

X.L.3 ., Oct. 24, n.7. jli lkes at Prince's C o w t C~o~don , EX. ?I, to unidentified person, 2pp.

Myers - 2420 portrait.

Surveys of materials by and relating to prominent individuals T-ZManuscripts and Archives Division. NYPL 128

r: 0

; 1p rcb . 8

1796 ' ;iilkir?son, J m e s . Heed C;iu.;~.ter.s, ~ r e e n e v i i l ' e . Le t t e r to Licut . - iig 27 Col- Engftind. Copy. 2 11. Eisceilsneous lJzpers.

1766 t';ilkiiison, James. G i r t y f s Tovm. Letter to Cept. Ed.-.;rrd Butler. June 20 Cops 4 p. 1C.f scell~.xous Pbijers.

v 1756 'iJiUinson, Jr;mes. C ~ i p f o o t of the Rapids of the Ei~rnis- Letter 3 ~ c c 30 to Lt. Col. h t r a n c k . Ca2y. 3 y - &ti scelleneous f'apers . 1795' WiI.kir.son, Ja~eo. T o r t Faahin,-ton. Letter b 3ajor John ' ';- X. ' Eay 10 Bue1l1 Greeneville. L. S . 2 p.

1758 Yilkinsor:, Jm~cs Head &artem, Fcrt Xasliington. L e t t e r to Jzcob June 24 Reed. A . J , . S . 4 p. Miscellaneous Fkpers . 18C5 ;?ilkineon, Janes- Hwd &,uarters, l;j'&ahington. .. Letter to John C.

Peb. 27 9p~~t .s . L . 2 . 1 p . Ef scclluneous h i p e r s

. 1806 " Wili;innon. James- liead ;wa ters , U;itchitochee. ~ . k t t e r t o Capt. Oct. i3er:j ; ? j Lockwcod, Ratchitoches. LS. ' 2 Bi?

XisckLlt;neous kkpers.

,,/ 1812 :Ti&inson, J z ~ ~ e s - Raw Orlenns- Letter to *His EX&' Gov Xolrzes. . ~ c p t . 9 A . L . 5 . 2 p . Eiscellaneous Payers. :

- ' [1777 --. ialkinson, Janes. Announcing, as messenger from Gen. Gztes t o - nor. 3j Congress, the c a p i t u k t i o n o f Gen . 3urgo;rne. .

W e t 5508 I

L e t t e r t o Jilkirisor,


This l is t cf Sums Bilkinson Papers i r i $he N e w Yo& h b l i c . L i b r k r y is not e x l a i a t i v e - Ekere are doubtless other ietters i n collections that b v e no t be en analu zed


1776 Wilkinson , Jzmes . Kount Pleasmt . Letter t o Capt . Richzrd Aug. 5 Varick, Head Guarters, Albhny, r N . Y . ] A.L.S. 2 p .

( T o r ~ l i n s o n Coll.! 1776 Yilkinson, James. b!ount P l e a s a t . Letter t o rRichard Varickl . iiug. 6 A . L . S . 1 p . -(Tornlinson Coll.)

/y'x.d p, c-. 1. 1776 4 W i l k i ~ s o n , J. Tycond ];&ag&etter t o Richard Varickj

J u l y 27 .A .L.S. 1 p. '(I'omlinson C o l l . )

P r o c e e d i n g s of *a General C o u r t - K a r t i a l held at Albany on Tuesdtiy t h e first of Oc tober 1776 by order of the Honor- able L%j or General Philip Schuyler , Cornwader in ehief o f tne my of t he American States i n the Northern Depar tmen t and c o n t i n u e d by s e v e r a l adj ournrnents u n t i l Tuesday t he 8th of s a i d I n s t a n t " Golon&l Goose Van Schzick, President. D. S . 38 p . (I* Richard Varick Papers - Tomlinson ~011.) Gcn. J a e s ' t i i l k i n s o n %as a meraber of t;r~i:i c o u r t rnartizl *ich t r i e d SF embezzlc:iientb-rb$,* ,


James Wilkinson i n Peter Gansevoort Military .. - Pa~ers

13 letters, Jan. 2, 1808-NOV. 14, 1811,

1 printed parnnhlet, Feb, 19, 1812 and Dec, 25, 1811

for description see: Index to Damrs

PERSONAL (~1sc.l

. ..

TranscrP?t of entries under the n a e o f Gen. Junes <;ilkinson in culendar of the m i l l t a r 3 p c p e r s of Gen. Peter CJ;r,sevoort Jr.

5 % I l k i n s o n , J z ~ e s en.) , t o Gen. Ccnsevoort. Desires nss i s t znce i n correct - ing h i s m e u . i rs , m d w k e s i a q ~ i r i e s socut Jam XcCr@t;. JL .L. 6. 2 pr-cges fclie dkted %aehington, Aug. 24, lelC),(.

';ilbinocr:, 3;zto en*), to @en. C~nsevoort , mrrked duylict- . tc= " I t i s y o u dutj: and your rigkt t o take your s t m d ahere your judgmnt x;i2 d i r e c t . I m t f l ~ t t e r e d b,v your favorable construction of riy f'ecble defence ; uhen you sncd.1 peruse the cornpletioh, go^ w i l l then c r i l y \;a c S l e to fonn a cor- rect j u d e c n t o f tsy irjuries and c;y vrongs for tke best s e n i c e of EY l i f e L* S. 3 pages qutrto , dated Oashington, A p r i l 20, 1811.

7 Zi lk lcrona J m e s ( c E ~ . ) , letter referkfng t o him unfkvorkbly , written by Joseph Hsaster t o Gen. Gmsevoort. ti.XI.1. 1 page folio, d ~ t e d R e ~ d i n g , PC-, S E I , ~ . 16, 1811.

/ c F i B l n s o n , J m e s ( ~ ~ n * ) , l e t t e r r e f e r r i , ~ to birr , unfavorrbly , written by John lkLui to Gen. Garsevoort. A . I p&ge f o l i o , dated i.~orr3stciumJ Segt. 2C, 1811.

/ YfSi(;ir,son, Jarr,es en .) , l e t t e r referring t o him unf&vorr;bQ, written by Peter L i t t l z t o Gene G:.nsevoort- "He is riathing hut L nuisznce to our c c u ~ l r j bnc1 h ~ a been for yezrs-" A-L-S. 1 pbge qutrto, cirted j?altiziore,

' Get. LO, 1911-

' y f 'Ailkinson, Jzier ; ( ~ $ n . ) , ccpy of h i s iddress delivered "to the Won. Brig. Gen. Gansevocrt P r e s i d e n t and the reffibers of the G e n e r ~ l Cour t =rtirt l ,


Q befsre a.ho:~ f b e plead t o specific charges set forth ufider the Authorit of the p r e s i d e n t o f the United Stktes ." 4 pzges q w r t o , di*ted reCerick town, Gct. 13, 1011. -

;:'ilkinson, Jae3 (Gen. ) , to Gen. Gansevoortl Asking i'cr wri tter, peraission 3- 101- CL- l t . k3c-herscn t o renbin z t th is plzce u c t i l the l ~ s t cf the 8ucct.e

- \

i n g r - o n t h . L. 3 . 1 pLge quarto, dated Frederick 'l'ocn, 3uv. 14, 18-1. 1

Addenda. Purchased f r o m the Gansevoort-Lasing Fund.

18 11 Gansevoort, Brig--Genl. Pe t e r . Stbtement of account against Sept. 2- the United States o f America for expenses incurred b3- h i m D e e . 25 as P r e s i d e n t of the General Court Wartial convened at

~ r s d e r i c k t o d ; BLaryland for the traal of Brigadier Gen - era1 James Wilk inson- Certified by Vi. Jones Jr. as Judge A d v o c ~ t e , Fredericktown, Dee. 25, 1811. Receipted by B r i g . -GenL. Gansevoort at Albmy , H. Y . , Feb. 18, 1812. A*D-S* 2 p *

P i l e d with Gen. P e t e r Gansevoort's N i l i t z r y Papers in the s t e e l case .


1807, June 10, A0L.S. 1 p. (Stauffer Coll.) now in Hisc. 1809, June 3 , A.L.S. lp. to Capt. Geo. FetedSta6ffer Coll.) now in Misc 0

- ,+-

Jonathan W i l l i a m s Bdss, in a, Div. of NYPL

Eiassler Papers 1807, r'eb . 1i o;.. ~ s q , & $ a 3

4 r s cj' to tv.- ?J 1809, Dec, 25 1811, 6

Miscellaneous Papers 7 letters 1762 - 1806

, .,- Stauffer Coll. (Officers of Aner. Rev. )

'78, k ' e b . 7 l e t ter t o John Langdon ::count of h.. C a l l with Jona. W i l l l a m s

0.8. &m (box) U.S. Military Academy folder dn. 8, form letter to Lt, John ITippe 1807, ~ u l y 3l,(engraved l e t ter )

The Research Libraries, The New York Public Library Manuscripts & Archives Section


WILLIAMS, Tennessee, American playwright

Antaeus / The Ecco Press [unprocessed collection]

-T.L.S., 1973 Sept. 27, to [Daniel Halpern]. On letterhead of "Hotel Elysee" in New York. Enclosure: Typed note signed on letterhead of "Hotel Elyseett requesting financial support for Antaeus.

-T.L.S., nod., TW, at Key West, Florida to "Dear Dan" [Daniel Halpern] , 1 p.

-T.L.S., 1973 Oct. 7, TW to Daniel Halpern. On letterhead of ''Hotel Elysee" in New York.

- Poem (untitled). First line: "Miss Puma was popular barely". Typescript draft w/ manuscript corrections. Signed in pencil "TW" . 3 leaves. Top right side of 2nd leaf torn away.

-Typescript drafts of five literary manuscripts: -"Das Wasser 1st Kalt", 31 leaves (no pagination) w/

numerous corrections and emendations by TW; -"Quelques Verbes Fran~aise", 1 leaf; -"The man in the Overstuffed Chair". Carbon typescript

signed, 19 p. w/ photocopy of same; -"Happy August the Tenth", 20 p. dated "Key West, 1971tt

w/ numerous corrections and emendations by TW; -"What Odds are Offered by the Greek in Vegas?", 2


Jamake Hiqhwater Papers

Interview (in period c1970-72) with TW. Audiocassette (BOX T-5)

International Gay Information Center - Audio Visual Section

A00629 - Intergay News Service, 8/17/83. Contains (in part) : an autopsy conducted on the body of TW; and a review of the movie "One Deadly Summer". Audiocassette. Time: 30~20

A00581 - Intergay Report, 3/2/83. Contains (in part) news on the death of TW. Audiocassette. Time: 29:55

Herbert Mitgang Papers

Papers (Box #42) relating to TW compiled by Herbert Mitgang for his book Dangerous Dossiers

The N e w Yorker Records

Correspondence files relating to TW for the following years: -1948 (Box #68) -1944 (Box #414) -1946 (Box #442) -1952 (Box #717) -1964 (BOX #811) -1968 (Box #839) -1969 (Box #846) -1970 (Box #852) -1973 (BOX #869) -1979 (Box #920)

N.B. The records contain several files for Liebling-Woods (agents of TW) which may contain papers relating to TW.

Alec Wilder Papers

Letter, Feb. 24, 1970 from TW to Wilder

Mar. ' 86 Nathaniel Parker W i l l i s , 1806-67 American poet & author

- Survey - Anthony Collection

A.L.S., 1850 Mar. 19, N e P o W o , a t N . Y 4 , t o J.R. Thompson, 2 p.

3 p. Mutilated - signature has been clipped away. A.L.S., 1856 May 31, "Don't Signifyw ("pen name" of NPW), a t Idlewild, to R.H.

Stoddard, 2 p. With holograph t ranscr ip t copy, lp. A.L.S4, 1863 Apr. 25, N.P.W., a t "52 East 20th St.", t o R o H . Stoddard, 1 p. A.L.S. ( i n i t i a l e ) , nod., "Saturday ev'gw, a t Boston, t o ? 2 p. A.L.S., n.y,.Nov. 1, N.P.W., a t Boston, t o W i l l i s O. Clark, a t Phila. , Penna.,lp. ~.MS.~oem'si~ned, "LiIgc a Spell", and Vhe Serenade", 1 leaf (2 p.)

Bryant-Godwin Collection A.L.S., nod., & . P . ~ . , , ' e t - . ? toParke Godwin, a t Evening Post, 1 p. -

Duyckinck Family Papere A.1 MS. Poem, "A l a Louise1', 1 p. (#14459 (438))

Goddard-Roslyn Collec-", AiL.S., 1861,-'to:Pa?& Godwin, 1 p. A.L.S., 1862 Sept. 13, t o W.C. Bryan*, 1 p* A.L.S., n.y. June 5, t o W.C. Bryant, 1 p.

Matrligan Collection ? t o Greeley, 1 p. A.L.S., nod., Nopow., a t -

- - - - - - - -

H & s e d b ~ e e u e s ~ s r s f k P . W y l ; t i s k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A.L.S., nod. (183611, N.P.W., a t 31 Atkinson St., t o M r . Colman, a t "Literary Rooma,

Uashington, St., 2 p. A.L.S., (1843 Nov. 27 -date of rece ip t ) , "Monday Noontt, NoPoWa, t o "Jo. ~ a l e d ? ) ,

a t Wash., DOC. 2 p. ? to M r . Hart, a t Phila., Pa., 2 p. A.L.S., 1847 Mar. 1, NoPeWo, a t

AoLmS.,- 1849 Jun. 11, a t New York, t o S.C. B(...?) A.L.S., 185(0?) June 27, NOPOW., .at "ew York, t o Shirley W, Prescott, a t h s t o n ,

Mass., 2 p. A.L.S., 1854 Sept. 22, NrnPeW., a t Idlewild, t o POT. Barnua, 2 p.

A.L.S., 1856 Nor. 29, N.P.W., a t Idlewild, to "My Dear Sir", 2 p. A.L.S., 1857 Feb. 5, NOPOW., a t Idlewild, t o Rev. Dr. Sprague, 3 p, A.L.S., 1860 May 30, N.P.W., a t Idlcwild, te "My Dear B-", 1 p. Printed Latter Signed, 1861 Mar. 20, N o P o W o , a t Idlewild, t o "Dear SirN, 1 p. w/

cl ipping of poem pasted on verso. A.L.S., 1862 Mar. 29, N.P.W., a t vWillardal', t o Mrs. Charles Daly, 3 p.


A.L.S. ( ~ ~ a g r n e n t ) , 1864 Dec. 21, N.P.W., a t Idlewild, to "My Dear Genera lU(~ie le ) . Second and signature page (8) miesing.

Nathaniel Parker illi is, 1806-67.. . . Sumtey

Miscellaneous gapera (N.P. w i l l i s ) cont ' d. ) A.L.S., n.d. "Thursday morningw, N.P.W., a t ? t o George R. Graham, 4 p. A.L.S., nod., N.P.W., at - ? t o "Dear Sir", 1 p. A.N.,, to , ? 1 A.N.S. ("L'ami W lliM), t o Miss Van Wyck, 1 p. A.L.S., nod., Mrs. N.P. Willia, a t "9 West 22 St.", . t o "WrnE.D,", 2 p, A.N.(third nod., Count D'Orsay a t - ? t o Lord Valdgrave, 1 p. Requests

t h a t the "celebrated American poet" be allowed t o oee Strawberry Hill.

Miscellaneous Paper8 (Blessinaton, Margaret) L e t t e r t o N.P. W i l l i s from AuAargaret Blessington commenting upon her l i t e r a r y

a b i l i t y ,etc.

Monta~ue Collection AmLoS., 1830 Nov. 18, to Col. John B. Van Schaick, 4 p. A.L.S., n.y. Oct., to Col. John Be Van Schaick, 3 p.

Stauf fe r Collection A.L.S., n.d., t o "Dear Mrs. Readu, 2 p.

William Greenlead Webster Papers A.L.S., 1857 Apr. 9, to William Greenleaf Webster

Miscellaneous Papers: (Sdmund ' ihlson f o l d e r )

T.L.S., 1944 Jan. 3, Edmund il,lson, at Nev York, to Gustavus Swift Paine, at New York. 1 p. [ ~ r i e f note of thanks]

T O L O S O , 1944 Mar. 7, Edmund Yilson, a t Ney York, to Xchard araun, at New York. 1 p. [~rief note of thanks]

h l ~ h Thompson Papers: - T.L.S., 1933 Seep. 6, Edmund :iilson, at Provincetown, Mass., to

"Dear Johnn [~hamberlain] , at ---? 1 p. [ John Chamberlain was Kr. Thompson's predecessor at the N.Y. Tines as daily book reviewer.] -

Addenda :

Nencken, 2.I;. Papers :

32 letters, LJilson to EILY, 1921-1946 10 copies, Mencken t o u i l son, i934-1946 misce ! laneous c l i 7pinsc;s

Calver ton, V. 7 . . Papers : - - - i k +

13 letters, 1 posbl, kiilson to Calvertm, 13jq-36

- Surrey - t

hthony Collection

A.L.S., 1856 June 26, H. W b n , at *Senate Chamberw, t o Jo8eph Sheldon, JF., at ? 1 p.

A.L.S., l86b Nor. U, 8. Vjlrron, at Natick [kma,], to Beneon J. Louuiag, at ? 2 p. -

A.L.S., l@2 July U), 8. U s o n , at Natick [Maas.], k, -? 1 p. - one f&d envelope; engraoing & photographic portmit (miniature)

A.L.S., 1868 Aug, 19, B. Wilson, at NatAck [msel, t o 'me Bomnt', at ? 1 P o

Ms.Div, NYPL

* Dee, '66 p r r

James Wilson, 1742-1798 - --

Anthony Collection:

D.S., 1791 Jan. 25, a t Philadelphia. Bond between James Wilson and Right Rev. Wi l l i am White, for 280. 1 p.

Emrnet Collect ion: - D.S., 1775 Jul. 6, John Dickinson (& others, inc l . James 'dilson),

a t Philadelphia, t o George Washington, a t [cambridge, Mass.] I. p. (Em.# 849)

facsimile), 1775 Sep. 14, Jarres Wilson, a t Pit tsburgh, t o John Montgomery, a t Philadelphia. 2 p. (~m.#5120)

A.L.S., 1776 Ju l . 25, James Wilson, a t Philadelphia, t o Jasper Yeates & John Montgomery, Commissioners f o r Indian Affai rs f o r the Middle Dept. 1 p. (Em.#l609)

L. S., 1776 Nov. 11, James Wilson (& others) , at [philadelphial , t o Pennsylvania Council of Safety. 1 p. (~m.#~648)

A.L.S., 1779 Sep. 30, James Wilson, st [ ~ h i l a d e l ~ h i a ] , t o Cole Thomas Bradford, Commissary of Prisoners. 1 p. (~m.#3121) -

D.S., 1780 Mar. 22, James Wilson (& others) . Diploma of member- sh ip i n American Philosophical Society f o r Francis ~ a r b 6 - ~ a r b o i s . 1 p. (m.83686)

A.L.S., 1786 Sep. 18, James 'nlilson, a t S e l l v i l l , [~enna.?], t o I t M r . L i t leI t , a t ---? 1 p. (~rn.#5783)

A.L.S., 1788 Jan. 22, James Wilson, a t Philadelphia, t o Samuel !dallis, a t Muncy, Penna. 1 p. (Em.#9473)

A.L.S., 1793 Aug. 28, James Wilson, a t Princeton, t o Samuel Wallis, - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

- a% ---? I p. (&;n;iW627 ) A .L.S . , 1793 Sep. 8, James K l s o n , a t [philadelphial, t o [~homas

~ i f f l i n ] , Governor of Penns@vania. 1 p. (Ern.# 922)

(Le t t e r s t o )

A.L.S., 1772 Nov. 17, Joseph Reed, a t Philadelphia, t o James Wilson, a t Car l i s l e . 3 p. (~m.#k204)

A.L.S., 1775 J111. 14, Edward Biddle, a t [ ~ h i l a d e l ~ h i a ] , t o James Wilson, a t ---? 1 p. (~m.# 393)

A.L.S., 1775 Oct. 9, John Kontgomery, a t Car l i s l e , t o James Wilson, a t Pittsburgh. 1 p. (Ern.# 867)

A.L.S., 1777 Jul. 14, Arthur S t .Clair, a t Ft. Edward, [N.Y. 1, t o James Wilson, i n Congress [at ~ h i l a d e l ~ h i a ] . 2 9. (&.&452)

A.L.S., 1785 Jan. 20, John Dickinson, i n Council [at ~ h i l a d e l ~ h i a ] , t o James Wilson, at ---3 1 p. (Em.#9-86)

James Wilson, 1742-1798 - Emmet Collection (Con' t ' d) : - . .L.S., 1786 Aug. 13, John Paul Jones, at Paris, to James Wilson

and John Ross, at Philadelghia. 1 p, (Em. H~'i) A.L.S., 1787 Apr. 12, Robert Lettice Hooper, at Belleville, N.J.,

to James Wilson, at [~hiladel~hia]. 1 p. (Em.#3427) A.L.S., 1795 Sep. 18, Patrick Henry, at Red Hill, Charlotte Co.,

[va,] , to James Wilson, at [Philadelphia]. 2 p, ( ~m . #3637)

Miscellaneous Papers (WILSON, James) :

A.Receipt S., 1768 Jun. 28. 1 p,

A.L.S. (POS. ?hotostat), 1779 Feb, 3, James Wilson, at kmcaster, [perma. 1, to John Pollock, at ---? 1 P.

Seven (7) land grants f rorn the Land Office of Pennsylvania, dtd

A.L.S., n.d.

Myers Collection:

1393 & 1795, signed by James Wilson. [Also : Five (5) fragments of land grant%, 1793 & 1794, signed by James wilson.] "Monday Morningt1, James \Uson, at [~hiladel~hia? 1, to President, Council of Safety [of ~annsylvania?] 1 P,

A.L.S., 1776 Jul. 4, Jarnes Wilson, at Philadelphia, to Council af Safety of Pannsylvania. 1 p. (My,# 720) . . .

..., - : k: . -Jd 7\3 X(.k < +-- - . . ! - , ..-.. - ~tauf fer ~oll&tik (Political) : -

A.3eceipt S., 1782 Oct. 18, from Jasper yeates. 1 p.

WILSON, James Harrison, 1837-1925 -

See also: Horace Greeley Papers - 19 Sep, 1867

See also: David A. Wells Papers

16 Jan, 1882 Zl Jan, 1882

See also : Caraan Papers (Qatt les f l box)

WILSON, James Harrison

Lett er-copy book, 1881-82

Miscellaneous Papers: 2 items

.h . -- A . -* -1 .- , . @ -

Yoodrow Vilson Mss. In M s . Div. of KYFL 4

Anthocy Collec t ion 1906, Oct. 24, L.S. t o Henry 2. Rood, l p . 1911, Sept. 5 , L.3. t o W i l l i a m Jordan, l p . 1911, Oct. 13, L.S. t o Alfred Ross i ter , l p . 1920, Feb. 28, June 15, l e t t e r s signed by Yilson, t o Charles F e r p s o n , 1 page each. 1922, Feb. 4, l e t t e r signed by John R. Bolling, sec. t o Nilso;., t o Charles Ferguson, l p . 1923, June 2, l e t t e r s igned by John 8. Bolling, sec. t o d i l son, t o Charles Ferguson, l p .

Carnegie Col lec t ion 1908, Aug. 7, A.L.S. t o Andrew Carnegie, 2pp. 190:', Aug. 19, A.L.S. " Mrs. Cmsegie, 2pp. 1909, Kov. 17, A.L.S. t o Nrs. Carcegie, 2pp. 1918, #arch 18, L . t o firs. Carr.;gie, lp . 9efusa.l of a n i n v i t a t i o n i n Wilson's hand, a.d., l p . 1914, May, Zleanor di lson, A.L.S0 t o Mrs. Carnegie, 2pp.

a 9 1 8 , Nov. 18;. J e s s i 6 'd. Wilson, A.L.S. t o N r s . Carnegie, 2 p ~ .

Gilder , R ichwd 3. Papers box l(Fc1der: Grover Cleveland, corres. r e : his @$h b i r t h - 1906, h r c h 5. L.S. t o 3.J. Gilder, lp . day )

Harkness Col lec t ion Ex t rac t from a speech a s governor of N . J . , nod. signed by 'illilsol-, lp .

Merle Johnson Col lec t icn 1911, Jan. 27, L.S. t o Thomas Hwvey, lp . 1916, June 17, L.S. t o John ivi. Riehle, lp . 1922, May 12, L.S. t o J.T.3. Proctor, lp . 1 autogra2h 1 aatogrsphed p h o t o ~ r s p h

Gsnsevoort-Lansing Coll. , Papers of Mrs. Abraham Lansing 1906, May 23, L.S. t o Mrs. Abraham &sir.g, lp .

[~ontague Collect ion]- TRANSFXREED TO PRESIDENTIAL FOLDEX2 1907, May 8, L.S. t o 'd. 13. Farker, lp . 1908, May 9 , L.S. to Aenry Jones Ford, l p . 1912, Aug. 16, L.S. t o T.E. Morgan, l p . 1917, Mzy 16, L.S. t o Adrien 3. Herzog, l p .

- Ordway, Adward W., Pacers

1904, Feb. 20, L.S. t o E.d. Ordway, l p . 1904, May 7, L.S. t o Z.J. Ordway, l p .

P r e s i d e z t i a l Folder 1298, Nov. 18, t o Henry M e Leipziger, pos i t ive photostat , 2pp. 1904, Sept. 2E, L.S. t o 'nlilliLun d . ala tchford , l p . 1908, Feb. 17, L.S. t o Seth Low, l p . (Xenoved from KCF rapers) 1910, Dec. 9, L..?. t o Theodore S. I I u ~ t i q d o n , 12. 1911, Feb. 16, L.3. t o so l ton f ial l , ID. (Jernoved from 3. 5211 2spers) 1911, S e ~ t . 7, i.5. t n ?iary d . Dennett, l p . 1912, Cct. 2, s igned Sy J..<. Tumulty, sec. t o :Usor. , t o G . .i. h i t h , 17. (renoved from 5.2 . T i l d e c f u ~ c s )


' . UP *I

-*. I . \ - Presidential fo lde r 1910, Kov. 15, L.S. t o George 5 . Smith, l p . (rencved faom S.J. Tilden Papers) 1912, J U ~ Y 17, L.S. If ~ p . It I( I I

I 1 I 1 II

1916, June 16, L.S. t o Eduin M e Xoyle, lp . 1921, Mmch 8, L e t t t s signed by 3.3. Bolling, sec. t o Wilson, lp . t o F r s r i Maters 1921, May 14 11 11 ~t 11 I I I f t I " l p , " Frank Allaben 1922, Dec. 26, typed copy, unsigned, l p . t o Herbert S. Houston

P r e s i d e c t i a l Pzi~ers(bot torn case 10) 1915-1920, corres , with Frank L. Polk, about 3O piece-5, neg. photos ta ts , 1 vol.

Spingarn Ccl lec t ion 1911, Feb. 21, L.S. t o J . E . Spingarn, l p ,

S t e r ne , Simon, Papers 1904, Way 26, Le t t e r t o Mrs. Simon Sterne, l p . , t r a r s c r i p t

Welling, 2 -A .G. , papers (Scrapbooks, Pers. Miscellanems, vol . 1 ) 1896, May 7, t o Yelling

Addenda : Finley, John H. Papers

1899, ~ u g . 22, x.L.S., Zpp. (BOX 6 ) 1902, Aug. 8, A.L.S. PPP.(BOX 6 ) 1902, Sept. 6, A.L.S. I~ . (BOX 3 )

Albert Shaw Papers(Personal i t ies F i l e , box 16 1907, Aug. 5 , L.S. t o Albert Shaw, 2pp.

Reported t o the uloodrow d i l son t apers , 'rinceton, N. J., Jan. 17, 1964

JaYc 10/15/63


copy t o di lson, I?., f i l e d under Bandever-tzr, (Box 40) copy to 'dil O L , i. (Box 4 0 ) F r i l sor . t o i+s&&:')l.s., ~ p . (dox 40) ~ i l s o ~ . t o Pinley , 1 ~ . 1. s . , (3ox 40)

1917, ; lpr i l 25, c o ~ y t o dilso.., 11.. (Cox 48: 1917, June 5, telegrnm t o nil so^, (sox 48) 1917, .-tug. 29, copy t o J i l son, 1;. (-ox 48) 1918, Jm. 4, tuilson t o PiL l e y , s i g ~ ~ e d by 3 . hm- t y , lg . (cox 48)

Walsh, F.P., Paptrs 1920, k c h 29, l e t ::er from Wilson signed by Joseph 'hmulty.

- 2

*DAVIS, Robert H., Corres. 1917, Jan, 2, T.L.S. a t The Nhite House, Vash. DOC: signed J. Tumulty, Sec.

'Although these 1 e t t : r s are typed on Yhite House s tq t ionery and two of them are signed as Sec. to the =res ident , they apPear t o be pt-rso~ial letters from Tumulty t o Davis.

COCKRAN, . B; , Papers, box 40 (nooney Cad) 1918, kug. 22, T.L.S. s i g e d by Joseph 'hmulty, 'rihite ilouse, l p . to N i s s

Lucy Robbins

DWm, Chauncey g. , 2apers - 1902, Feb. 20, T.L.5. signed by Geo. Cortelyou, sec. t o Wilson, lp . to Chuancey Uepew.

Addenda: Sep, 1966 prr

C a r r i e Chapman C a t t Papers:

15 ltrs t o & from, 1916-18

A d 2 e n h : Dec. 1968

G I L T X , R . : I . , Fzpers I _ -

A;L.B., 1896, S e ~ t . 10, a t Primetog, K . J . t o 2 . a . Gi lder ~ ~ T c . Y . I , 2p. pose photostst, (oriSinzl at A u t ~ e r s Un. ) A.L.S., 1897, A ~ r i l 5 a t F r i r ce ton , N . J . t o R . J . Gi lder zt 'N.Y.1, lp. T.L.S., 1901, Feb. 1, a t I I 7 1 t t 11 I( 11 I t t t 11 I!

11 11 I t 11 I 1 I f 1 I t 1 11 I t IP*

A. L. S . , 1902, Jun: 16 'I IP*

Addenda: 7 e k . 1373

T.L.',. , 1906, licv. 29, 'Ailson at "rincet n, N.J. to C?-estcr S. Lord at N . Y . , 13.

Addenda : *

Copy, 1932, Jme iO, :iider to ' i i ~ s o n , (Xl9er Letterbook, no. 17, y ~ . 1


d 0


rl . r-i 3


3 0


"d 0






. +4 . 7. 4


Carbon co-y, 1918, Gct. 24, "wkar a t [N.Y., ?!.?.I t o -Tcse.lrh 7. T.. .n.illt.y, at dashington 3.C., 13.

Tele.=ya~, copy, 1916, J d y 3 , 8. ?. Sowkcr, CM .Y. , Y.Y. t o a e President , a t Yashincton 3.S.

Addenda: Sune 1972


*. - - Addenda :

at Princeton to Finleg 2 p. (??em $1 106)

25, a t [Trenton, N . J . 1 , t o Alfred Emerson, a t Emerson Farnilx Panera

T.L.S., 1911, April Chicam, 111. lp.

John Huston Finlay Payre T.L.S,, 1914 L~~ ,S~-B tood rou Wilson a t Whfte House, to JoBo Finley, at Albany, 1 p/ T.L.S., 1914Atag. 16, J. Tumulty, a t Whit. liouee, to JoH. Finlag., at Albaay, 1 p. T,L,S., 1914 Sept. 9, Woodrow WiLson, at White How., to J.H. Finlag, a t Albany, 1 p. T.L.S, , 1914 Nor, 26, Woodrow Wileon, at White House, to J.H. Finlor, atc~lbanyl, 1 p T,L.S., 1917 Aug. 31, Woodrow Wilson, at White Houee, to J,H. Fipley, at Albany, $ pa ToLeSo, 1917 M a r , 21, Woodrow Wlleon, at White House, to JoH. Finley, at Albaw, 1 p. T.L.S., 19x7 Mar. 21 Woodrow Wilson, a t White House to J.H. Finley, at Warrh., D.C, lp T.L.S., 1917 A*. 19, Woodrwo Wileon, at IJfjlte House, to JOB. Ffnleym at Albany, 1 p. T.L.S., 1917 A=, 8, Woodrow Wilson, a t White House, to J o H m Finleym a t Albany, 1 p.

Addendum :

Stauf fe r , David McNeely -- Personal Papers & Autograph Collection * T.L.S., 1909, March 15, Woodrow Wilson, President, Princeton TTniversi ty,

Princeton, N J to Georae F. Parker, 1 p. ( seet'Aut ogra?hs : Educators, e t a l . '*)

W i l l i a m g i r t Mss. i n ms, Div. of NYFL

Lee Kohns Memorial Coll. 1824, Juae 28, A.L.S. t o Capt. 2 . 2 . Wormeley, 3pp.

+Miscel laneous Papers 1810, June 4, A.L.S. t o Alexander Wallace, 5pp. 6 , p i 0 A.L.S. t o "My dear Coalton," l p . 1818, Jan. 14, draft of a l e t t e r ? , s igced, t o Lewis rJill iams, 2pp. 1819, May 9, A.L.S. t o Smith tho map so^, 2pp. 1820, Nov. 1 , A.L.S. t o Henry Thompson, Jpp. 1832, Feb. 14, A.L.S. " I I 11 1 ~ - 1832, May 25, A.L.S. t o Ezekiel Chambers, 2pp. Check da ted Oct. 3, 1829 Brief or l e g a l notes on Clarke vs. Eden, 3pp.

11 t l I t 11 " Chapeline adv. Hays, 4pp.

1 c u t s igna tu re

Mm, A.L.S. t o James Monroe, 4pp. bzdly damaged 1818, Apr i l 13, L . t o Jmes Honroe, 2pp., damaged 1820, May 29, A.L.S. t o James Norroe, 6 ~ ~ . 1820, Aug . 4, . L . S . ? t o James Monroe, ( p s s i b l y an 1s. ) 7pp. 1822, April 15, A.L.S. t o [James onr roe], 4 ~ ~ . 1823, May 5, A.L.S. t o James Monroe, 7pp. 1824, i4ay 16, A.L.S . t o James Monroe, 4pp. 1825, Dec. 4, A.L.S. t o Samuel L. Gouvernuer, Jpp.

Jackson-Lewis Papers : (7/21/7l) T e n t i o n )

A.L.S., 1830 Aug. 25, Andrew Jackson, a t Franklin, t o &jor U. B. Lewis, at 'dashington, 7p- Mentions g i r t .

Myers Col lec t ion:

A.L.S., 1805 Jan. 5, Xm. g i r t , a t Norfolk, t o Anthony Robinson, a t 'dilliamsburg . 2p. Myers $2051.

Oven Wister Xse. in Ma, ?iv. of NYPL EGO - 19 39

Carnegie Collection 1904, Feb. 10, A.L.S. to Archibald BPrrow, lp . n.d. Nov. 7, A.L.s. to Xndrew Carnegie,

Century Collection -1909, Feb. 5, L.S. signed by H.H. kNeil,

CO., lp. 1909, Feb. 9, L.S. a w e d by W.H. HcNiel, 1909, Mar. 10. L A {' 11 1t 11 rt

1910, H a r e 4, " " tt t t rr t r t t

&sterBs secretary, to 2.J. Gilder, l p . I I t t " Ed* of h n t ~ y Co.,lpe 11 t~ " B.4. Jotwon, Ip.

t o Robert Sterling, 1p.

Clayton Hamilton Papers 1929, NOV. 4, A.L.S. Owen Vister to Clayton liemiltoni lp .

hrle ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ C013ection undated Lett r to unidentified person, lug. piiotostat, lp .

Spinffarn Collection 1911, May 20, A.L& t o unidentified person,lp.

- -

XLster, Owen see: 1


lr12 Addenda

M i l l s , Znrma, Coll. 1923, Feb. T.L.S. signed by Z l i z . %land, sec., to Emma M i l l s , fp,

Addenda: Eec. 1968 GIUEII R. W, , Papers -9

A.L.S., 1902; Oct. 29, at Avon-+mesea A.L.S., 1908, Jan. lo, at PhiladLPphia, A.L.3.. 1908, July 14 at Meredith, N .Hi, A.L.S. ; n. y ., arch 28, at Philadelphia,

/ q & +. Addenda: Mar, 1979

MITCEELL, Langdon Elwgn

., N.J. Pa., to to R O W

Pa. to

to R.W, Gilder R,Y, Gilder a '. Gilder at CN I i2,;u'. Gilder a

John Hueton Finley Paper6 A.L.S., 1923 Feb. 16, at Phila,, to J o H o Finley, 1 p. With enclosure: typed copy . - - -

of speech 'tIntroducing Clsmenceauw, 12 p. T.L.S:, 1922 June 6, at F'hila,, to J,H, F i n l q , 1 p, T,MS,Copy of epeeoh by Wieter, ttAmerica's Mouth", given at Moliera Dinner,

A p r , 24 Cn.j.1, 26 p. ( f i r s t three pages i n French)

t See also: o m US. Congress (continental) ( b o d - Camn. on Foreign dff a i r s :

D.S., 1778, Jan. 12

Ehet Collection: -

wers Collection: - Draft, 1778 Jun. 17 9. 590 ~.~.~.(facs.), 1783, J d . 4 l8 698 A.L.S., 1785, Aug. 16 My. 699

Mentions :

A.L.S., 1776, 30 (9 i t e m missing, although calendared in 189)

Miscallaneous Papers

I itern

OLIVER WOLCOTT jr. ( 1760-1833)

Account book - N e w York City. Letterbook of Ol iver Wolcott & Co. 1803-1808, N.Y. commission merchant & agent f o r purchase ... 1 vol.

( index is avahlable of correspondants )

Emmet C o l l e c t i o n

1777, May 13. L i t c h f i e l d [~onn . ] To W i l l i a m El lery. ALS 2 pp. Ernmet # 14355 - - .-

1792, Jan. 13. Treasury Dept. Comptrollers Office [Phil.]. To. Joseph Howell. L.S. Emmet # 14355

see : J e d i d i a h Hrhntington Papers

Personal Miscellaneous

Morse, Jedidiah. Papers

1792, May 6 . Phi l . To Jedidiah Morse (copy) 2 pp.

June 11. 1 Po

1!?954 . Sept.. 26;.

1797 ,. . June 150-

1798, A p r i l 9.

Theodorus Bai ley Myers Col lec t ion

1796, Sept. 13. Treasury Dept. To Henry. Glen. ALS 1 p. Myers # 2053 -. mutilated.

blolcot t , O l i v e r (1726-1797) Papers 1789-1848. 56 items -_ Governor of Connecticut. Correspondence of Wolcott and h i s son Ol iver Wolcott I.

(1760-18331, - 0 . .

Emmet C o l l e c t i o n

1776, kar. 27. Phi lade lphia . To ---- . 2 pp. facsimile . W e t # 2434

Nov. 29. Philadelphia. To Timothy Edwards. AT& 3 pp. Emmet f 1570

1777, May 13. ~itchfield,[Conn.]. To William Ellery. ALS 2 pp. Emmet # 2435

1780, Dec. 27. Phi lade lphia . To John Laurens. ALS 4 pp. %met # 643

Memoirs of t h e admin i s t r a t ion of' Washington & John Adams. 4 v.

(note : e x t r a i l l u s t r a t e d i tems have been removed t o blue buckram s l ipcase ) .

Theodorus Bailey Kyers Co l l ec t ion

1776, Mar. 27. Philadelphia. To --- . facsimile . 2 pp. Myers # 657

1796, Feb. 5.. L i t c h f i e l d [Conn.]. To H. Brooks. ALS 1 p. !!yers 667

see Pe r sona l Miscellaneous Papers

O l i v e r ~ o l c o t t (172601797) Fapers1789-1848. 56 it ens. s e e card cata! o p e f o r complete descript ion.

Thomas 'dolfe MSG. in Ms. D i v r of NYFL 1900-1938

herican Hercury Magazine Typescripts "Portrait of a L i t e r s y Critic"by Thoaas golfe, 14p.

~ d & r t o n , V.F. Corres. 1934, Oct. 17, A.L.S . , bottom part of l e t t e r missing, 2p. Attributed to Thomas ~o~olfe by .indrew ~rnbull, Jan. 26. 1965- (neg. photostat in Misc. Papers) 1936, Apri l 3 , T.L.S. at N.Y. to V.F. Cdlverton, 2p. 1936, April 9, T.L.S. a t N . Y . " " If " 2~. 1936, May 4, T.L.S. at N.Y. It I f t f It lp.

1936, Oct. 28, T.L.S. at H.Y. " " " " lp. Carbon copies, V.F.C. t o T. j0lfe 1936, AprA 9, at %.Yo, 3 ~ . 1936, April 11, at ? to "Dear Tom," lp.

Miscellaneous Papers

Negative photostats

Transferred t o Joseph Benson Gilder papem

Church co3j*( ) 3.871. lih.-X=S, t, F.P. Qhunh. lp.

l@s~e&laneousr Pampa n.y., June 10, X.L.S* Co JA U d e r , 2pp.

Ms. Mv., 7/19/68 hs

W i l l i a m Wordsworth 1770-1850

Authors Club Manuscripts, Stoddard Collection

A.L.S. (photostat 1, nod., ~[illiaml W[ordsworthl, a t [?I, t o ~ [ o b e r t ] Southey, a t [?I. 2 p.

Harkness Collection

Harkness # 12, p. 28 A.L.S., [18]45 Jan. 30, Wm. Wordsworth, at Rydal Mount, t o

Sergeant Talf ourd [? 1, at [? 1. 3 p.

Miscellaneous Papers (Wordsworth, William folder)

2 autographs, 1820 Nov. and 1837 Aug. 16

A.L.S., nay. Sep 12, Dora Quillinan [granddaughter of M J l i a m ~ordsworth], a t Rydal Mount, t o M r . Moxon, a t [?I. 3 p.

Clippings and photostats, including holograph poem 'lstanzas sent t o a girl of thirteen....", 5 p.

Montague Collection

Montague #300 A.L.S., n.y. June 6, 'dm. Wordsworth, at Rydal Mount, t o [?I, at

[?I. 2 p.

Holograph poem, signed, nod., %corn not the onn net....^^, William 'dordsworth, a t Rydal Mount, "Written f o r Mrs. Dunlopfl. 1 p.

Mantague #3& vol. 2, p. 585 Autograph, W m . Wordsworth / Rydal Mount / March 1843"

Elizur Wright, 1804-1885

Anthony Collection:

A.L.S., 1865 Apr. 5 , Elizur Wright, at Boston, to 'Wy dear friend [Moncure D.] Conway, at --? 3 p.

Duyckincb Collection :

A.L.S., 1849 Dec. 12, Elizur Wright, at Boston, t o "The Editors of the Literal -g Worldw, at P ( I X 1 p.

A.L.S., 1854 Mag 19, Elizur uright, at Boston, t o Charles Scrlbner, ,t -0-3 1 P*

Miscelleneous Papers:

A.L.S., 1836 Sep. 1, E. Wright, Jr., at [ ~ e w York?] , to George Storss, at Concord, New b p s h i r e , with Anerican AntiSlavery Society coutraission $printed form, f i l l e d i n a n d signed.) 2 p.

A.L.S., 1836 Dec. 8, E. Wright, Jr., at Ant iS laveq Office, at New York, to George Storrs, at Utica, N.Y. 3 p.

A.L.S., 1859 Mar. 30, Elizur Wright, at Boston, t o Etichard S. Spofford, a t --? 1 p.

A.L.S., 1873 Feb. 10, EZizur Wright, a t Boston, t o Gordon L. Ford, at -? 1 p.

A.L.S., 1873 Nov. 6, Rizur Mright, a t Boston, t o Gordon L. Ford, at ---? 2 P o

A.L.S., 1873 Mar. 14, Elizur Wright, at Boston, t o Wm. C. Wyckoff, at -? 1 p.

A.L.S ., 1873 Nov. 8, Elizurdright, at Boston, t o Gordon L. Ford, at [New Yorkll, with three (3) enclosures. 5 p.

A.L.S., 1874 Mar. 14, Elizure Wright, at Boston, to "Editor Tri- bune", at [New YorkJ. 1 p.

A.L.S., n.d., Em Wright, a t -?, t o '%re ---?", at -7 l p .

jds 5/97 New York Public Library MANUSCRIPTS & ARCHIVES DIVISION


WRIGHT. Jr.. Silas

John Jacob Astor Papers Letter, 1830 July 17, John Jacob Astor at Albany, to Silas

Wright, Jr. , at Albany, 1 p.

~ryant-Godwin Papers A.L.S., 1839 Dec. 16, to W.C. Bryant, 1 p. A.L.S., 1844 Jan. 21, to W.C. Bryant, 2 p.

A. C. Flass Papers Correspondence (1823-47). On master negative microfilm ( *ZZ-


~ansevoort-Lansins Family Letter, 1845 Sept. 24, to Peter Gansevoort re application for

pardon of Jeremiah Luther convicted of assault and battery (In Correspondence of Peter Gansevoort)

Theodorus Bailey Myers Collection A.L.S., 1841 Dec. 5, to Major M. Myers (MY #154)

New York - Governor (Box) Message to the legislature. Autograph draft (incomplete), 24

leaves folio I

New York State. Comptroller.- Canal Records Correspondence -fP-&&he-Comptro1-l.e-r' s Off ice .-"Includes

correspondence received by Silas Wright, Jr. in the period 1829-32

Personal Miscellaneous Miscellaneous correspondence (1828; 1838; 1840; 1842-44; 1846

(12 items)

Silas Wrisht Letters Letters (1827-46) to Benjamin F. Butler (54 items).

Sir James Wright, 1-85 -- ( ~ o l o n i d governor of Georgia)

Chalmers Collection - Georgia [this vol. on film:: * 2 2 - 1 5 w *

1765, Nor. 9, Extract of. ltr. by .Got. Wright to Lords of Trade, 2 p. [f . 411 1767, Apr 6, Copy of ltr. by Gov. Wright to Lord Shelburne, 13 p. Cf 4-93 1767 ~ a f 15, Cow of ltr. fmm Gov. Wright to Lor& of Trade, 1 p. [f.51] 1767 June 15, Goo. Wright to Lords of Trade, 2 p. Extracts. Cf. 533 1768 Aug. 6, Cbgp of ltr. by Gov. Wright to Lord ~ i ~ a b r ' , 4 p. Cf. 551 1768 ~ e c , 13, Gov. Wright to Lord Hilbbr", 1 p. Extracts. Cf. 573 1769 Jan. 30, t 1t I ) tt , 2 p. mracts. [I. 613

1769 Aug. 15, Copy of ltr. by Gov. Wright t o Lord IIilbbr", 5 p. Cfe 633 1769 Sept. 20, GOV. Wright to Lord HiI.bbro, J p. Extracts. Cf* 671 1763 Nov. 10, Extract from Proceedings of a Congreee with the Indian6

held at Augusta. Certified copy, 2 p. C f . 691

1774, '8Sabwf G e o r g i a by Sir James Wright. An estimate of the annual loes of the revenue by illicit trade.,., 2 p. Copy Cfe 793

Miscel3aneoue Papers ( w r i g h t ) .

DJ. (prbted) , 1m W. l.2, James Wright, 1 pe Certificate of probate of the will of Clement Martin (Ford Coll.)

E.S. (printed), 1766 July 16, Elizabeth Smith a t al , lp. Offical document in re estate of W i l l j n m Smith binding signers to Gov. Wright for two thouaand pounds, -

A.L.S., 1779 No*. 4, Jarnee Wrtght, at Savannah, to M~ers. Clarke & Mflligan, 2 p. ( m t )

A.L.S., 178[2?3 July 7, Jamas Wright, at Charlee Town to [Ale-dcr] Leelie, 2 p.

ES,, 1766 Oct. 30, Ja: W r i g h t aa Governor of Georgia, 1 p. Warrant t o Lachlan HcIntosh (Emmet #7591)

* - Survey - Emmet Collection (conttd) -

D,S,, 1770 Nov. 19, J. Wright, as governor, 1 p t Certificate of probate of w i l l of Thomas Cuthbert @met #%088)

D.S., 1771 M a r 6, James Wright, as Governor of Georgia, 2 p. Warrant of appraisement on property of Michael Bohrnran ( m e t 86656)

D.S., 1774 Sept 30, Jam Wright as Goernor of Georgia, 2 p.. Warrant of appraieement on the property of Andrew H i l l ( m t #7415)

A.L.S., 1782 Nay 15, Sir James Wright, at Savannah [~a.], to Lieut. Gcn. [Alexander b e l i e ] , 1 p. (Emmct #6682)

setters t o Wright :. L.S.(transcript), 1781 May 4, Nisbet Balfour, a t Charleetown [s.c.],

to S i r James Wright, at Savannah, 2 p. 9-t fl5,515)

L.S. e ran script) , 1781 May a, Nisbet Balfoar, at Charleetown [s.C .], to S i r &uxwa Wright, at kmmah] , 2 p. (Emmet #15,519)

L.S. e ran script) , 1781 Aug. 1, Nisbet Balfour, at Charlee Town [ss.], to Sir James Wright, at [savannah], 3 p. (Emmet #l5,5255)

L.S. (transcript), 1781 Aug. 24, N i s b e t Balfour, a t Chadestown [S .c..], to Sir James Wright, at [savannah], 1 p. (Emmet fl5,528)'

~etter(copy), 1782 May 25, Alexander Leslie, at Charles Town [s.c.], to S i r James Wright, 2 p. (-t fl5,588)

Letter (copy), 1782 June 4, Alexander Leelie, to Sir James Wright, 2 p. (-t R59591)

Letter (copy), 1782 June 20, Alexander Lemlie, at CharlesY?oun, to S ir James Wright, 2 p. (-t fi5,597)

Utter (copy), 1782 June 21, Alexander Leslie, at Charlee Town, to Sir James Wrfght, 2 p. (-t f l5 ,599)

Letter mentioning Wright: A.L.s., 1781 ~ u n e 2, atr rick TO-, at st. ~ugust ine la.], to ~ i b l .

Nesbit Raffour, 2 p. ( m e t 6704) ~etter(copy), 1782 July 6, Alexander Leslie, at Charlee TO=, to apt.

sviney, 2 p. #I.5,60%

Samuel Adams Papers:

A.L.S., 1778 ilugust 1, G.;Jo, a t :iilliamsburg, Va., t o Samuel Adams, at Philadelphiab lp .

%met Col lec t ion: - A.D.S., 1763, Go Wythe, a t S l izabeth Ci ty , Va., County Court. En. 5786 iZ.L.:I., 1772 1ky 29, G. *:iythe, a t '4illiarnsburg, [~a.!, t o aobert Carter ,

a t Nomoni, Va. l p . Em. ilk? L.S., 1776 Oct. 7, U.S. Congress, a t Thiladelphia, t o New York Convention.

~ p . Zn. 1655 L . , 1776 Nov. 18, G. ' iythe, at Thiladelphia, t o Zdmund Pendleton, Speaker

of the Virginia Aouse o i aelegates. l p . 3m. 1627 . . . , 1787 June 16, G. biythe, a t Jilliamsburgh, [~a. 1, t o Zdnund Randolph, a t P h i l a d e l ~ h i a . lp . ~II. 9542

A.L.S . , 1789 June, G. IJythe, at [~ichnond"~la., 1 t o Janes Hercer 2nd other judges of the genera l court . lp . Em. 3748

i).S., 178-, G. 'iythe. 1 Co&rns ' l : i l l ian and Y a r y College. Printed. 'rn. 3762 D.5 . , 1799 June 17, G. '+the as* Judge of the High Court of Chancer, Cornon-

wealth of Virginia. lp . Zn. 14847

A.L.Y., 1776 July 16, Frances Lightfoot Lee , a t Philadelphia, t o 3. H o Lee, a t -? 2p. Kentions Xythe. Zm. 1099

Ivers Collec t ion : Y

A.D.S. , 1789 May 4, G o 'dythe. Last paragraph of a decree i n equity. Ip. Myers 772

A. lI ,S . , n, d., G. 3ythe. "The proceedhgs of kJilliamsburg and the county within 5 miles round respect ing t h e j u r i s d i c t i o n they a r e willing t o give Congress .If 3p. Myers 773 [ ~ o n t e m ~ o r r r y copy 1

William Butler Yeats Survey

Miscellaneous Papers Yeats, William Butler

n.d. (“Tuesday”), Dublin. To Mr. B. Idon [sp?] Payne. A.l.s., 1p. (Transferred from Maloney Collection, Box 22) n.d., Venice. To Mr. Payne. A.l.s., 2p. (Transferred from Maloney Collection, Box 22) n.y., Jan. 13, London. Recipient unknown. A.l.s., 3p. (Transferred from Maloney Collection, Box 22) 1906 March 25, London. To Mabel Thatcher Washburn. Ms.l.s., 1p. 1933 Jan. 19. To Dr. Maloney. T.l.s., 1p. (Transferred from Maloney Collection, Box 20) 1933 Jan. 19. To Mr. Shaw. T.l.s., 1p. (Transferred from Maloney Collection, Box 20) 1933 Jan. 25, aboard “Bremen” en route to Cherbourg. To ?? . T.l.s., 1p. n.y. [ca. 1936] June 24, Steyning (Sussex, U.K.). To [Dr. Patrick] McCartan. A.l.s., 1p.

Moeller, Philip. Excerpt from diary re meeting Yeats on a train in Ireland, September 1907., ?? p. John Quinn Memorial Collection Yeats, William Butler, to John Quinn, 1901-1924. 118 letters Quinn, John, to William Butler Yeats, 1902-1923. 85 typed copies, 11 telegrams, 6 enclosures Macmillan Company Records Yeats, William Butler and Mrs. Yeats, 1904-1936. 19 letters Quinn, John, to Macmillan Co. re Yeats, 1903-1908, 20 letters Editorial Correspondence, 1896-1942, 3 folders Foster-Murphy Collection Yeats, William Butler

To J.B. Yeats, Jeanne Foster, John Quinn and Florence Farr, 1903-1927. 19 letters Typescripts of 1 poem, 2 plays, 1 scenario, and notes for lectures

Yeats, William Butler. A Selection from the Poetry of W.B. Yeats. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1913. With author’s annotations. April 18, 2000

Poster-Murphy Collection

Yeats, William Eut!er To J.E. Y e q Jeanne Fcster, b h n Quinn and Florence Fan; 1903-1927. 19 letters Typescripts of 1 poem, 2 plays. ! scenuic, a d notes far lectures

Yeats, William Butler. A Selection from the Poetry of M E Yeas. Leipzig, B . Tauchnitz, 1 9 s . With author's snnotations.

April 18, 2000

Mg,&A.Div, NYPL Oct,*72 psr

Stark Young, 1881-1963 --

Century Collection:

A.L.S., 1910 Oct. 28, A t Austin, Texas, to C~obert Underwood] Johnson, a t New York. 2 p,

Clayton Hamilton Papers:

A.L.S., 1946 Sep. 24, a t New York, to Claykon Hamiltod, at C ~ e w York?] 3 p.

A.L.S., 1946 Oct. 8, a t New York, t o ~ layCton Harniltonl, at C ~ e w York?] 2 p.

Isaacs Collection of E. 4. Robinson:


T.L,S., 1929 Oct, 1, a t New York, to "Re J. Menckentr, at Baltiatore. 1 p.

T.L.S., nod. C19367, a t New York, t o R e L. Mencken, a t Baltimore. I P o

T.L.S., 1936 Feb. 25, at New York, t o B. L. Mencken, a t Balti- more, 2 p,

T.L.(CO~~), 1936 Feb. 27, He L. Hencken, - - - - - - - a t Baltintore(?), - - to- - -

- - Stari-Yaung, atpNewpYork. 1- p. T.L.(CO~~), 2936 Feb. 28, H e L o Mencken, a t Baltimore(?), t o

Stark Young, at New York, 1 p. T.L.S., 1936 Mar. 19, at New York, t o H. L. Mencken, at Balti-

more(?) 1 p.

Miscellaneous Pa~ers:

T.L.S., 1 9 3 May 25, a t New York, to [ ~ d w i n ~ l d e d Jewell, a t [New York?] 1 p.

A.L.S.. 1943 Jun. 2. a t New York. to [Edwin Alded Jewell, a t C N ~ ~ Y O ~ ~ ? I k p .

A.L.S., 1944 Jul. 19, a t Bedford, N.Y., to New Pork. 3 P o

AeLeSI, nod. "Tuesday", a t Waco, Texas, to c ~ e w York?] 3 p.

A,LS., nd, "Saturday", at Bedford, N.Y., [ ~ e v ~ o r k ? ] 2 p.

Edwin Alden Jewell, at

Edwin Alden Jewell, at

to Edwin Alden Jewell,

* YOUNG, Stark 7

Charles Hanson Towne Papers :

A .L,S . , 1935 Feb. 1, at New York, t o "Charlie", at New Pork. 2 P a

Lil l ian Wald Papers: 4

T.L. (Carbon), 1932 Jan. 27, &llian ~ a l d l , at CNW ~ork?] , e to Sta r1 Young, at New York. 1 p.

Israel Zangwill Mss. in Ms. Div. of NYPL

AEthony Collection 1903, postcard to H.G. Rood 1924; kil a t Sussex, Eng. to [Alfred d. 1 Anthony, A.L.S. lp. 1924, May 7, T.L.S. at Sussex, Eng. to [Alfred W. 1 Anthony, lp. (@so carbon copy) 1924, Dec. 9 , T.L.S. at Sussex, Eng. to [Alfred W.1 Anthony, Jp. 1925, Jan. 20, T - L S * " " 11 I? ' I I 1 t t t IP.

Century Collection 1906, Feb. 10, postcard from i. & a n g w i l l to Century Co. 1912, Nay 29, T.L.S. signed by R . P h i l l i j s , Sec., at Sussex, Eng. to . R . U . Johnson, l p . 19L2, July 10, T.L.3. II

11 l t I ? 11 11 f l t ? I I I I ? I ? IP .

Macmillan &. Becords 1899-1920, 121 items, ( 3 folders)

Miscellaneous papers nod. ar;n.s. at London to ? , Ipe

Russell, Annie, P ~ i ~ e r s 1906, Jan. 14, A.L.S. at Goodall, Florida, to . Annie Russell, 2p.

Jan. 3, AeL.3. at " 1t 11 11 I I r t 1 I 1 I 11 ? I

IP* J=. 23, A.L.S.

1 t I ? I I 4 ~ .

Feb. 20, A.L.S. at Boston, Mass. f I 11 1 t

IP. Feb. 28, A.L.S. a t N.Y., 4 ~ * ~pil 12, A.L.S. at [London, Eng.1 to. Mrs. COswdd] Yorke, 4 ~ . April 20, T.L,S. a t " 11 Miss A i d s Russell, 2p. June 22, T.L& " tt I t " Oswald Yorke, lp . July 22, A.LoS0 at 11 19 t t t t ~t .

t l t t 2 ~ .

Aug. U, at Switzerland, to 3 ~ - Jan. 5, T.L.S. at[London, Eng. 1 to Miss Annie Russell, lp. Jan. 3, T.L.S. at St . Margaret's Dover,[sng.l t o ks. [ ~ s w d l d l ~ o r ~ e , 2p. - -

n.d. A.L.S. at Goodall, Florida, to Mss[Anni.el Russell, 3p.

Bussell, Annie, Papers (Edith Zangnill) 25 letters to Anue Russell, 1905-1918 3 1923; 1933-3

Sterner, Albert, Papers 1923, NOV.~,A.L.S., a t N.Y. to N r s . Sterner, lp .

Anthony hllectiorr 1893, June 24, X.L.S. to unidentified parson, lp . . .-

1894, Hay 22, A.L.S. to unidentified pmon, l p . t

Do Courses Falea Coll, rol. labellad "Enejlish Authors, '' p, 1 1892, Narch 28, A.L.S. t o unidentified ;ereon, 2pp.

b e Kohnir Heraotial Coll. 1900, Aug. 25, AeLeSo to unidantified person, 2pp. 1900, Sept. 5, A.L.S. to Rev. Dr. A, Blum, 3pp. 1 &pad photogr8ph

hatague Collection 1867. Juns 6, A.L.5. to unidentified person, lp.

a i l e k l a , La Joie de Vivre, '+iginal proofs with corredtions in hand of the author. 2 vols. P a r i s , 1883. (40 M 135) (Uterature Case)

Addenda: k y , '66 p

ZOLA, "Homage i Zola", Tributes to Zola by ~rominen t French p p p p p p - - - - - -

peoqle, ,. ,1897-98 .- Inc ludes-a letter- o f P m i h Z o ~ a - - - - dtd U Jun, 1898. 1 vol. (39 3 100) (~iterzture case) Jmc July 26,1962

* &omillan Co. Xeaords r Three (3 ) ltrs. of Zola* 1899-1900, one (1) ltr. h. Zola. 18983 snd, thirty-three (33) ltrs. of Ernest A. 'Jizetelly, 1896-1900. English translator of Zola.

J' *'_"tb aunears t o be the only ?ortion of our 501a holdings on a aster negative *ZZ-7997