New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-07-28 [p...

Post on 27-May-2018

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Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-07-28 [p...

CT\U*1 to ALL PARTF «f tTRBAT flRTTAfV,Or«»1*lw'»» I'lanA-THE «il<»*T«-rr tri» r-A*-

siut rF'wrrn t«i:»M »»! BOBC#t> P».« *a hi____,J Of ¦ -rf'ljl 0.0.1* »f|..l .-..p <** wbBlb 104

MmthrTMY* r.*ri\f, it.- indiai m'l'i'; .<¦« tb»»

¦kiri^lEMP'H K an tK * -vib-.Ij, TV ".>« t-pa/tae. I* aa

ST. T*» »* '* ataVr* «# the *»..*>» 1»»""»» '...>


* a>r «' I« <»..»»»¦

?*.."' «' - " '¦.<-» f<" hytben.nO rvli-ad lvit#»

2 S -al H . 7 ''*» P" .?il Bt >*. Bttaaatl V'fcB-**"K 1 s* is» -l-i i. r... *ü. i tmh a .BW

AB». a> raV '»'¦ » aril i .» p-nided MM k. -J ;-.«...

mt that ^iaa*oa*-i>b'r» to

Bat ».......«»' nHr.ei.iar«. i»P ' to* hit a rtal.k 4. ' -.. N> rlft.Ktkrt.

rriii. vandkrbilt klropfan link^iWK H II IE too BREMEN, trill sakt aa BaaVaara*, tb*Uj;» a Ha* t Malhi __

|*rw lork *J» ¦ .¦rtbanip'oo »f» 'fan* «»»* bVntbvan I Htm vm** r\ TerA

aniri' atao., aa"1«». .* "»' I .VaoAaaAaj.a ». II

.ANkit ABUT. Batuay. A.«. llf Wronrada»..^..^.^-. 1

yaaw Tert frr Son'b B~"^*n> for I kV»ajM"JZZml l.avar.d Brerue I »>u» Sara »ton rf"t <V-» -o-t

mttvU^tT ' t ,H»ttt-pt. IM S*fA .

Jg.XL. aai. tVpt tltenroaty,Ott J'Mfad..OetoWfl4 -*.¦."« 1 kkkyfl kara - M« I '.««*'. ojU(>art~i''..i J. and tarry

^1* ir.rruKfnr* f paaaa** fei Va- ftnt eaMi. %Y* m~A

Breast MTv- ai.d p» i N .rth r4t..i, .*. nwra auiArfci- oabvi. »t «I I; kfcfck A*''; tni»l oatla, A^M.aWtrfratta '-r Baaa*** rratj Auioaa.awl. - .i !. ) tn n i J Par*

D TOrUtANCE, Aa'ut. N.i 6 Bowltr.» 9r*fov ft T.

BCVkL ttklL BPaUIIMDMfr.iioN.a-t ¦! .. v- ,. .1

f/JM CaAtafa*Jk|.fWiar> -><. Cai.:a Paaaa**. ¦>*

from BmUtd to iirarpooiltTl-yl OMM Paaaa.". .'.».tV*- . i i Psa j«. *»

«v '¦¦ fro h «j] n ]i,:-.'txPi ft^tt Ca . ) » ' CAN \DA, t ant. Lani.Afl a K1A toot J BlOM, AMEEtl t. tajrt W,.k-nMi,a .* . . t 0 . it. NtAOAaVA,Cast Rir--,APRK \ Faft tali IH. Kt HUP A, tarr. J. Ottflk,

tlia. ti »»»:a arry i. 'k »/ 'vtH* Iffet at man: brad; ».-»-« 0«

rtataard t< » .¦ ¦ < t«'t v m.ANaDA Lan».LraTi-a rWton... W»vtn*aday. J .:y2tA*»»K;i a, u. kmi .UtlW N. York.. Wrtiaeaday, K.i f

EFRtil'A. L< t ..;. L.a? i Boa'orj..W'dnra..ay, .. 11EKRf'IA, )i,< i li . ...Uaaeorl. TofA«.WmiiA»y, ¦«

ElaiiAliA h .- .* Bottoa ..w d-aa.a.f .. 25aVAArii A. Bt .l..a%-a N. r.rk..W..i>«.3a, S- pt 1.alk*i \ Lai .LaaaeaBoatoa...TTiBantay.AEEICA, Snani n.Uav*» W. Tark..WfaiAiiliT, .. 15IIIPOPA UHab.Laaaaa noata»...WaA>aaaaay, .« 2.EBIBL&, Ju6lhM..LamN. Turk.. V»eOnr*a»y, ¦« SJBrrtoa BOAaaaaffad ¦ tti paw] for.Ai. *at« > Bonao» *a BoejElit rrram at thin attyi *iTi not ba eerawt.v».* tat

¦Wat, Bal .. H-/». la, traraby, Pi^-Ww* RaM ir tfetala¦air** Mlii of tacit.4 «r* r^-ned 'Jwi for and in* raja* IBBBBfl¦Maa'n «ipi>a**d 9m U : > .pf i .-.

E CI'varj). nw 4P>/wi:iar*aa.

)R h -. \ ..n N Ml ANJ) FLORIDA..»t. Ä..aai:, UV -Ta. ttaortt* jpaatoatrty tCABAMA Capt.

«». A Braataa, »lu laatM on IaTI'I' I>a V, July 31, a*. I p Wm,Win flrr n I No.-Ut Rtaat, (aoin Pa*.v|h to Savunnab


¦ Ii Sil.a r.f L»4,r.a aipn -d "tity or. Ixard ¥ >r Pn-ittrt or P»aaafaayafy to * nUXl : MtTcfULL u BOB. ttn, tt :tr-.aj-

any atj-wii*" *--r fin','a aoaaaat »: Hat* Dab, I*tIb| laarybt. rcay. KfrioadAy aod frio>y. Tb» KLIMtillA. Oaat, laaatCt. f*t. adIIa - *A aadl***e ¦ BATVEDAf, baa 7.

I.'OR t^VAjNNAH an.j FLORIDA..Tibs Aab9fS>can At'ai ' Se.r.» Staat tfcbj Ol mpaoy a imar ai.d I -'-BmM

aVMbablP HI NT8VILLH I. A l'.'»t i>Tiinaoori, ani! Vav.i«o«r No. 1* M H on r tTTJBDAT, Joiy SL »' 4 .>.-<« p m.

fa**a** htSataaaab, taitu Maa>vaBMaooaaMaaattaaa, at,,.Tbroiipk tr-ti . n, *'. 'I <¦ i.i-ry, ai.» itt, A' i. if -.

and Col- to'> d K Baeb !. aa 'tiao I » ai rat-<.'it .»

aaati par foot, aabil fortbar not] tn****. e* ,., b*'f p-r^ut.Apply to & B i RDMwell A Ov,

No. Hl> Weit-at ..irci-r A iact.

Iff rTlftTni ftrON Tho lawraliay M BM-PIII.s tarriu. <.. w Waraoa, wUtaatajaBi No '2N. R..

aa BaTI'KiiaV, lot] i at 4 B/atbat p b, haaaai, arttb* b-aaoaV'iit ¦¦ « «. 1 |bt Iaaaaiaatftat aaBl furu*iawoc*. luairaarxi, oaaoalf . .u. ..'.ja <!>.««.Aaplyta Ii. H. CROMwKLL A Oo.,

Nu I« H'..t,rt.. mraw Albaay.

Btcamboals an5 ü jiiicaua.

C*AF£GUARDBCm> TRAYBL F.RS.-Tis thmk ngp. bli«- ai'J Uli M »Li 'rav-1 aif ri r}oaata4 to uo*m t M h'Ikd-

an; at CREAitERS BBaEI OPRBATOBS ta taal art of¦.¦>*. I tu. Ii« ir. o,at aAd aal'rrad li » ai tli- o,i,try II-, tainIn« Qaaalanaai iftl In,Tatra JIaata and Rb boaoad, vl cb-¦a Caabta, Ac. Tbc'bjaet of Od* aaateafcib abtaa Ibaaoioaat all tu* braki-a b. Iba baut . oi UM adkjBMH or att.-ndnita ul u«brain |. r n Maat na* in aaaa «t danp- r

BAprrb . tl.nt ll - d- «ti *-tiv« rftW** of ,ill»llnid an idi i.t* aria* fioui Uif noux-ntuiu of tiw iiifi ol u.*;-tri ia rapio atBtlmTa* hat aattd* paa^aattoa fin* * d*»-.»- of »,<.uii y t-iiif«

an«! ppiB*rtt b>rallraadeata¦.tu.n.b aby aaot -r kr...»-.IU»n«a«.ll an aboB*g**l ;tta o-m. are racrpjot xn tb« Ifaata?aoho.ii I-, itu m. It la w«'caii*4-d to anaa't tf.« (*#'>' t r.-i

aaaa Prlea BISA .«.-h, auvp'ate. Eor raataei p.-i.-uia-a *d-dr*ta\A 0. CBKAMKR, ^ei .. .! I'i .. 'i. i

1"j^XCI R610N8 to ELIZAHETIU'ORT, N.J..J fba .'.r ob ».. RP.l) JA« RBT, WVUMIM I, at Kit*

ban KILL, kmi Pt>rMo.2 N«rb Rrver,daily lilandayi \-

aratad), at It a. aa., Ü aa 4 aad Af p. m R» totnimr laa*aBBaa>brlbpor- .1 { n m ,1:15 a Bl ii Bp B TtakaU baMauc r,iinn taa atjur day, So ¦ «Lt. to EliaabalA Cxy, 1« SBBl aar

dl iura*

ARK ri-tita..j-Vr 811 RfcWN IiVRY, LONGBHaNI II Iii.Ii-and. O BBS BoaBa, Port U .um', i. M,->

dlalaat. Kai; ilaaeuand Keo' Ba,m Tbo urt* and awiriAllf'P PKH'E, Ji fen 8 irdnn, t'i niLuandrr, will run aa ioln><*aBaa. Rt-Lui.v I at., NR.

Lkav:: R. :. Ba*k ||B BkMiiHLi a* Mi * Vaai Pot r

Taaaday. Juiy 'SI. S p, m P7*db« '-Iry, July i."'.. SI K tn.

W.diHa.ia% Jah 1 |'. in laaaaaaa, /ah £.1. oiaiu.Thunday dal)It. 4 p ta riut>, 'o!» 'to. .tj \ tn

TL« ai.-in.ri LEABEI IWaiBBIlIt Wtth MBB boat lot PieMUr*Bay *u.' Lotj| Bra h tU mt

t LIAS BAIOBI*! f .".;aa»a fM llBBil fini-<ts arlthtbia b<- t Btpa *it«»e» ti all pBTti of lip coimtiy.

111\A\ I IÜRS hMtiiif* tbeeitji ihuuid BiooBra tbskut ro.tiou I APPLETOVB BAILWAT OUIOBv It

aaclal. * Tbronrb Rontra. Ttata Tablr* of all Iba Batlroada, Aajrt rial Map prttaf ba Raatala aataaloaaiBMaa, Maty Maya t..-.,a Touiia'.' u.iido ' the Hiimlr 1'i.vra. ard a tboaaaud otbatttcaaaot Bdstaaattta for the tmi. I.r Prtra36eaat*.

l). tuVt LBV >N L (.:. Pubttabira,ti'o> SMI and SM Broadway.

TATEN ISLAND FKKRV.-NoriOi:..Oka» BaaatMiat tat Six Ceata -B batra IfATEJI

kHLAMl > V BRT II . R 'air t a at to bp m

L**»e U I! ITFIIall fiom7h tu. to 7 p u. lor Quarattin*,Atap-t. kal » a. o.i! ,).'. L».

f \A\ BOAT ir.r ALBANY Aod INTEKMEDI-MJ a'lE l.AMMMiti. Tbaatraeaor AEMEN I b from foot ofAta»ray at AIUNDaV. Vt BaMEbDAT iLd KkU!> t,Y, 7* ¦

F~*\7MT)j>iO RAU^KOAD^l^Vea i^itonlaRTtrt Wharf by attawer IOI \Hat d:15, 7 50 and If a m. and

1, t and t p BV Tli* oara Maaja Kinatuiia L. I., at tt *\ » and IIa aa., and 1. 4 at d t) p. m nie, tt. a and . . am* tu*-uii.nvtth tb* U«'at tluoUrc ¦ Pidi-t. farooab in '*¦ n p. ..¦» Far*

BboestaU M. M. BAtlTB, He- elveiIt B Pi PJlr aud K.»^.ir»Wn p»r;i-a tahi'd at reduced ra'.ea.

ÖNi; I8LAND RAlUföAD.Lmtm BoataJ Parry at kt a/- ta OiaauBeat,aad oa sati'RKaVri,

ai*a. at.. w p. «". Bap»*a*Tt*Aafa*Errat M*ad at j:3o p b.|By**a*t al « 'i v.u« r M -t »d a: d Ja.

F~OK KiSTOV anrt rKC'VLDENCB TiB NEW-POR1 » d KAi.i KiVr.K. Tl.* ayasttlM a^d *np*A«

atran.ei MK.TbOPtH.l.-*. Capt. l;r,.». l.-.v, a NfBJ Tofk rvarytVBBOAl THI RSUAVa.d HATI'RLiA V, at I B*Bb> k p m

sad tb* KMPIRK t<TAi-: tapt r.-atton im MONDAY, it tCi»-MFIOAY a:.d KRIUaY. alAo'olwk p. ni Pb r V,o SN H.¦UsBaB** oo aoaaa* art*] laaaidrat aa to to acy BJBB

saat nati' Iba mbbj ab*l. hata aaaa i<« i r

i*Tri»iit la Bat > ia t rttat o*d itvoiiau arim pn! dlapatob >yaa tarr->. Fi. i«ii* Tn.'

V-M ii lllirN «.trat. Not 7<! ar>d 71 W*,' at


BJMJ GHANOEDl o, dx-Od at.! aftar TUE9DAI Jdi.e 1,BbtSaraaaari I'LYMOI TII ROCK and C VANDEEBILT olbait Hoc a>HJ .-are P. r No. I N. life River tua: wljuf abortBarer- p-a^-e ilaLly. ea -jtt Bjndava at 8 p. l.,., L atead of 1 p. ntOBWv ito. HtBtBtiaj pue.


and alt- bA'l K iaY, .. I. : ., .: ISLAND CHI(Cast- Jaana* i raltt oui. baihn b,^>i. retitu-d wuh a * ba .-

*»». 4r a i. . :. .! ., ,,o Il.i lupbt '. wir . aauw no. m tataBDAILY 1 r . t p aaaa tbs aboae-Bwoaa.ta-esi. f..( ._. ». of i ... . a-.d <¦. ..- ..av.'.fB»ua<.b Motet I p. ia.i i-, .i i ,.*ve* ManMrnoavbaiTa m.. N-w RoobaUe, I 10 a m. Cry at T:tt a *

Fare tata ...'... i kai. i Maaaaroi ¦ i n '^^.tMew Y, ,....¦» r . - y lala H mti ea o ».»».

BMaLt n.toai re on N ir « '- no* of «. ,i.j|,


Bbe al ,t . MaU.rr. -. .... t. I YVoi TI c: uh, . apt, J 11 Strata, . 1 B

TAMI'KRlil'.r W M is o meetion wit: i.t

SJPONlNfJTON. I PBOV1D SC*JTONaBdl »VI-Dl.-v - RAILBOaDS i-.ti-.. ..v V -it ay (»ata i -j

a*s»edi fi Plat M . N art ibatrt rtdaVe. a-.k p m a- d . ti | j ta*BBT-va r nail -ral-.i nrLVb Wave* . j a- 5.*' p. i i

Ti-i raraDEBBILI h a H f rb Moaday \v...:-idajaad tu-»?. -.- ii ,i >> .i ay.

TK PL> Ml>» Til sl> a !: > t I I.lay 1 ,.-.^ , i - .- r-uy. M'adaaaday aad Friday

Paaarni i»pn dl frosa 9» Ina p aBraad to Erratawaaba*"1Baa ipr**a at . hay mtU püx-»t ia alaaar» <^ -.v*. t-% ix.,.t, rtat . | aaaai tfaaa Rat ail tb*> aaitj

"»'"" ' Paaai eraJkat] .

r- . .1 '. . » a 1,1 le,. -u .« '/"*~ tn* » a ta. traft

anomal.. "> I . .»-. e ». -.P a S train Fat axt -

a,r-». .. k i,.i atd-.raia'xaar«> a

^Ma?BaaaBBkj tmm ,.-, m.. . t m % ^ ferarl BklCS !- AÄBlaat, .t


j ...i... if MonDaT ti,, ii, ta-ai'.WMmt i*ai* D p.-i «_.'-.¦-' iVbtkaaa. iCaata .-.a ilev-Torb atB:l5p. m..White Pi»>.iatra.i. at-pp'i r »i al1 S-ILi 7TtaiBi ka.e li. p. i r n , .! .. Md «.j, . N, w.yori ^..«*aa,. W lUtdae trmtu, »«'-PjpiaB ataU aaaliaata,»:»a. m..M.o> t aiu atopptri| at VA RaaaaaVU»« aod a.I Ba»

tb .1 i. .rta." *a ¦ W laaaabridfa tk-r^'a*' all Statt na11 »an, U *ladr,.pp t ,t all StaAh-n*.a

p"'- " l*B»al.rit i L-«i .- » ;.io» at all St*-,, j..baa pa n j.^,,, M BtrajBii » .t tU .iu ba a

BB4a>M..:taaa, ft, . ttala, » ffrtaf .. «.i MaaVM»bv»*WiitKjo. a,

Tv F- - "Hf-p., ....^y,. ¦ at all »ta-l -»a

PJ3 :. «n. .* an.. . pat $ at kB BtaM aabIU»'..m« l r*aCb*4Aa*a F«i Cuaaara:

¦MBi ;«. ."... -a .. .aa.tiidfe v>njlt* Tain»aad*-. -aa»a -rtv

',ve4. J CAtfaWL* SayafUMaaVBA

THB Li8T RAILROAD DI«IA«TER.-Ajvttmrt mi ua> *e ee>**'.eeJ *ae» »e» Ii« ,',,,» a ., wtear

»* '. .» i. k- aa 8 '.»*» »f tV tiaealbjf t«r".| tad «»fc »t »i »)

ik« Ii»», >u «u« «iiii<I. awl ate Mad a a> *U .«>« w*

ltil,llt«| W» TITrl kr *u ll CtUMH |»W'a «*»»<»ii»ii« fintiu . I . fan tbey ate *>.; eia

*¦eared i>« fc>r ¦**<.. »>..*, ..« r Kkjawaj an iBjejasaitee iaa ' i. .,. I' . a.-.! ?(-..'. ' . «;t um ti»« i r arlia;»' mti teaBake a i.. ... T v .».- ,p luet time. .el J r ¦¦

,11.. i «!"..» 'hit r M i a an rat tea. « V» aaa » aa .-» urn- «e

u aaaea*paM evade w»e>. a, la It ikai s ta m dte-e -.etae»>.».. at ...a,. i.|M<o/H.'>'jl '*a Ul>'l,u.»al!«l>.;,ltl» |<l rt

CONTROL OF THE TRAIN*t »'i tkaaa,deeaa a af «a»! r. .. iit.f tad . ie-'e ¦ ar.e n pa'atee. Wratw t »kat ptewaeef aarjaUranYeleeaBi i* aaa aef aeateViial rvbel aaa at t .ir-i 11 N*a-H>»»i.t i'i 1.1 m> ft«i,.ar ki.)(f ti fiaiaik 1 Wka* »a »

"l>4 ia tka cart r a a' BakJaka Bated al fao»a at ba Rar'.»'«Thal "aa r thst jh.i ), r tern f.'a* art- a iae C It »1 »a

. le u.titU.1;! a- Siav ...) Wbet w»a i tiaat

.ke i ai it I ah ef :L» New To-k Ce »r«J ia-. CMe) aat«t'iailie aku a »i t mi tat kt '». And an are Baant j a i>r- .,-b Aa> .i>a«i, ami i»» au rer ea re Ml i i..y be, the

M <) M II ?J T ö Mf U>e .»» i t ii M «> Im .. no. Waat ia ibe fe->e Ij i it ah**»'i.i'»..«. r r*. -ir ataa 1 Waattbary | ¦¦ athi'tBVare ailretBeetaaatedeta pitvut nr,ven w rate,uni Preheat,I heat bifid eei iee a. a rev¦/« t.*i»«e aaagnra. aea a>e p-et.»-~dt«u ii.ii. Baaaaaaat etil dar»' a-Til immp bWiryeeead tarelathe at, aaU aae*tap ¦<) y a, i.'a .m ». 'y ». »

bat ae ;n. im . . m"', ji<J l»«il-a are era la.-, S .ayaron'o'Lir n a ai ) '."¦;..,¦,'* wnki': l.'i .t *a '.aee

atiaa«afa*t>*aaaf at ad . a" aa aap aa, It aaaa aaaaa at I -.u:.

F»i!m a.« » if »ra L> | ;o fri I I:.- Ir co!> ai-d r*»p- aaaMaVa ¦ mo

ibao n.Lty .i ütaaa d "^--j Utasa «e aaafataeaa»t»»t p, ar.d a .-h r, «,v l'. V. a*f (.«'¦.; M«» -a.

ialtaoad Ul aia, Uaara >« aal i aaaaaaj an»-.« y«, sottlat aaaaada la wi.rta cf omt ii aajaaaa] i. I a

, aid aj'.i «»ti ra in n..-o.ry M I .mkl at*a*al M<i aWe aweak and a a ail ef eraioa la liajet,n i. I. ».,..... T ii ' .. v .

- , »

t4ffit' ai. nit) .,,». .ir traica. aiid a h h | ,n wo ihf lea laflfl -itf jait 'Wd kB r»r»»oth » tl>an ia .. r.,i«>'. .n 11 !i <i BBI .*. ;»r

hataaeaajaaf aeeail >,eeaeaia ... *r«i«a Tee loteaeaiaaatl mi aiiiinai ifc« eaaaaei aa train". ¦ ... a afaeaaef. aeeie ead eaVi ej mm, tea c -i-i-as to .at *

11.», o »j d u if j.. r i. .i ti'i. m.y l»a,«* »»er «a*' IVaLew }*. ta »Ii w r. tu Hi. i.ia* rai'- 11 ii.a»*i-r rnv.-han.; « i '

I at ana kt hia aaaaaltaVd , ia aa eaaaaaal* ¦ mpie ia"latinc.ian |v.iwiiinl in aaadiaaaaaa, 'I*' .:a et7ii.".m ojle

aaai .- to ta-ki oatto b» epp'». i '»d. Ii i.a« airra1> i- - ia'.i'I »ial cemi -rie t toe ba-at a mWM, aud .. >.¦ j^r«a t.y

a* -..ra! oiiVrai |eaaw erlag aald at one I .**.b i'« t«- .a &a mm haaa eaaeed

fat he ayaedf aauad ekea la-.-Mi- itrmtof p»yai»i.t Me aiaurs*«tdjadtl lhaaa Wha Itad, aad mo ikak af nBarareaary nc-aela tatamd b) aiy aaa pn > r>*»' even "o anw of u«e

tbieat el « in flu Ulatfad Statea ai.d tbaaix "a r, ». y>n*m-lraen eeaa er aa aaia Bad tkia laapreaaaeaeat been .a-aa'.aa.

tine, *! r Ni.rwail Bn' n t'nn or Siui BlUnT tl|-ti'**r~~t "*t*'dBate keeB aakbowa PttSa af thua Meeetrea ai26tara. t i

im .. .1-. a-.oi -a WM ü CKK*MKal S»,N... ii i'ini> a*.. Hair 1 nk.

IA K L SIH'EIUOR LINE. .1*8.J roocaua aT

*. poiLti brtwea.-jtLi:v>.i.A».rj D/'.TROJT ead 8LTKM0BntTi

The r.'w and tr!r-<,'4 .w : .reurK at'emr-i CIT7 OFCJ.>.\FLANU. J. M. Laody, Matte,; ILLINOIS. J-hii Tra-aar. Beertet,

HAVtM cLtvri.aeo ar $ r at.

TMT'llaip\f. Api.. ai Jat'lNDAy. AerfllB.MONO«T, Hai3. Tin R.SDAV .4prti 2a.TM p>nAV tlay Ii MUNOAT, May Idat"N I) .. V May St T'll H.c0AY May?'.TJII'bf.i'A f Am* MOItDaT. Mat SLMONDAY, Jaae lA THOMDAT. 1^THOatSOiY, ln:«:i MONDAY, J'isa «1.ItOh DaY, Jaiy S. TillMt^DAY, laiy LmOleDAT, lore IS. MOM day, Jury liMOKDAT, JaaHSi, THUR80AT, laljÄTMI'RSDAY. AutnatV HUMDAT, Ac? let 1MONDAY, KV THURSDAY. Auttii! IiTROBBDiT, Aaiuat JH. MII^DaV, A r.1.MONDAY, rleeteaaaet 6. TrlUMDAl ^ejteuiNr7.tin kmiay, kVptemberM. MONDAY. S-pVaioir 1MONOA Y, «ept.-i.riei n. TUI'R-iD.VY. Sept< ...aa r iXrUUhBDAY, Datober7. MOniia», Octiuart.MOMi.av or'r n TODMDAI, Oataaaa iLrbDKSDAT, Omnbei %X MONDAY October 3SMONDAY Noeaaaber I TOUMOAT N ember AAI i t.ewly fitted op Paea»l»er arid Kr- i*rr. Bataw S- .. ft

IhuS I'lTY. J I Tar:,-', alvra-rMINBAAL BOCI J P. BYder, vlaaaer.UK.N TAYLUE, Oea L Hu^, :Maater.

Mai three bcata .eaving l.'ieeeiai id rpij we«k ätin a a

¦aaaaaTO" a'eameia make the ro.irit trip In aaM .a. A ..-.a

Bay of the tupe caa. be teemed by aodieaaictBUaoET a MaBBJDE,

TarwaTdici and Cuamiatiou *l r. hanta.Oeraalaall Ohio,

fa B -Mark ali Parka*-". "Care cf liueoey A MaBilde. Carte,and, Oada "

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..From Juna.1 IBM Tra:r.i w.'l) i.av.- GaMB era at SUHon aa MlBBJBI

. lieiiTralri 'a c ei^^p ra Altaviyand Trty Paaaeafet Traiu, IlläWf Di. aoe 1":* p m ;foi LV.bha' Perry. <¦ e at

and "j p nr.; tf.r Tmttt« er., a ¦ e. m.; for Sirrg Biut. in 15 a aa

and a) p. aa>J for Pont'itea inte 'a m., ip ro. aad J 10 p aa.

lor Pe< tetill l:M p. id. 1 lie Po :»bk. epeie, Peekakill. BlB| Sing,fanyta an m d Dobra' Pi rry Traina roe at the Wey ritatlPC*Paaai L«era a. at t'liaoibera. « .. a> .itt-;.- -i end Jilt tt»Praloa ha New Y nk leave Trr y at 4:50 and l":i> a m., anda-d A'-f in.; and Albany at 4 15 ai.o lt»:a* am., ead t Vand S: 15 p. na on Bnndata, et S tS p. m.

A af. B.MITFI. t

1 '.ay' MOAT f.-r a LHANY and INTER V1EDIJ " ATE baJUeiNOfl -The u'eaun r METAMOBA fr. a t

ol Jay »t-, <n Tl'fcdDAYS, THL'itsDAYa end ßATCttU.V 7 a. a».

I^ARE REDUCED to IVO (TENTS fr-.m NEWTOBE t" Nl.W MA\K.N. ht fiamer ELM . ITV. iiv. ry

day at I a in. Hy auaroi^ TEA VE l. Kit er, ry wi .n *; 11. Sochart, lor t»rtha Hit HARD PECK, Agewft

CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY-Ooaaeetaaj at New-Hamplcr, BUh the Delaware Ia ta

aaaaa pad U e.terc Bailroed, aa a al Eaetac with the L'.aahValley Rai roea.BUMMKR ARRANOEMENT. aaaBBBBBkw>| April «8. DAS..

brave New-Yi.rk for Eaaton and inU'ncedlate piaoea f.oni PleiNo. 2, North River, at 71 a in la na., and 4 p. ra.; fur BoaiervlUtby i.1-, -, t aim. and at 5.30 p. m.The abate traUia oonneot at EiltaWlh with tralm on Die N*a>

Jeraey P.taioed, w.... b leave New-York from the faaat of tourbtendt-et. at 7| and U a aa., end 4 aod I p. m.

Paeeei.f.ra for the Deiawaie, 1 «. ,. i. ..a end Weiten. Kall,roed will'. are at 7a a n. . « p. . f» Mrh Valley Ranr ad el7| a bd. a d U a>. JOHN O. KTT.RN8. Bu|vrluteiiJi^it.

VLW -TOBK AND EH IE RAILROAD..OnLa ai.d afer MONDAY, Mat 10, IAM and UDtil fur'her BOBbba,Paaan «. r f ri.ina will iea\e l'ii r foa.t of D aaoe a a aa f,.U< v.-a rialDITiKlKK KXPBEifl at Ca mu, f t Dni.titk aud prhj ipel br

i. ii late Sta'mna.MAIL TH A IN a: I a in., Raj D..Lk,rk and Büflilo and Interme¬

diate flta ioraBOCK I. a. ND PABBENOEI a' 3 p m., fmai fv^ Chambetttt.,

eta lv rwaocrt h.r BaBerea ao l Irterim diKt,. Brettoaa.WAY PASSI riliKR at 4 p. m., for NeHburfii, MiddleVoam and

inl. rrraoiate «'atione.RIOMT EXPREBB at t p. m A.r Dunkirk aual Balalo.

'J ar above Traiu» run dally, Suud'i at pt>"LTl eae Kaprea- Train» aetBBeat at Elniüa wBa tee Elmtra

<.. .<. 'a., a BBd N .v» Palia Railroad, f.-r Niaraia Palla; at

BraAjhaBitaB trBa the «>m. «ae and Birithamf a Railrcad, Rajriyieei;.' etCitiit with tbo B..: .k>, f. tainf and N w V I

K" Itcad, Ii r Rotharttet a' On at I!« nd with tie- l> a*

Lai'tawai i.a end ^'((ta<m Railuaad. Ra Scrant.n; at HiratlllVaUa WBA Ik I ah ar..: S. w I -k Guy Rtilr<aed, for Buäalo;et Bi flalo. Bwabhrh >. I. the Lak. sbore Railroed. A-r Cieeeaanl,CuAanata.t, To'.ealo, Detroit Ch'rafo. it.

b P Hl a.Hi.KY AaariaV-M Preai.1.. ii>_

Ol tu r Ntat-Yoat a en Kaia PUiLaoari Co., )New York, June 11 IBBB 1

NIW-TOSK AND ERIE RAILROAD..TheNev York ai.d Erie Railroad '"ompaay Lave eanieetly ra

Baaraied Jmiua the part tm Bealha to ea»*r .., andiuaintaiaa kf in. aad rea.uii' iatiee rat-a of traii*'. by to- f. ur treat linetahlehi iineit Bit bthaitli aitiat an th-Wrat, Bataaj laiiedMblria a belle i Ina Ii ta b.. lajodleaaaa BBd ieaptaper to iaAe>aroe trafl e by Uie iaane tf Kieo P»aaea. Ly tee rmpirryinent olrukiit ra bädael Ibaia,C4 by ai y vtl- -<r' ar a 1 a.- M.a '.be

Coirpiet, rather than reaon lo »iiei> n.-ana, h've de*eTB.".ed Mr. tf fsia-a. on and after Ml üdaj Beat, Itlh luat, at aollowet5. > m Sew-Torh ead Deshira, hi .#« It»-.»-.¦1. N. w Teal and BaBelo, to. b at

Be weea New-Terl end a Eaila, or BuaprnaloaBrut. M. tt*



OwaaatafItipj Maj BI. IBPeai. f r S-j ia Nea I'otk, vi-.i »*\o at. and tth tt. |

eaaa-aa'e , u ITlh rt.TP trNs ij-.w r. NKW TO".K.

FiitS.e Him 7 Ham fexjl IT:45. B:46 lea » aal6. * p 1 ri *tt .' .. m lea.): II IA M 4:J»tea>»i d ( ;i n. ui V i Millbrd. Bbelfora, PaaiaWld. Sjualiaiit andWeetport, 7 a. i It: 15,3i l&eed 5:9Bp aa. Par N .-w^h, 7,"» i. U IV 8:45. 4 ... in i v* . *ti ., ... K<-tD»-.-na. I * .1 a au.| 18:46,8:4)8.4:45,1 ..'bip. an. B.a. ii I .. 7, i> i. i i 'i a. in., :. ;. i a" key 1. 4:4V 5:38,t bj rot Pert Cheater aud Itttmiaiaaai ataaieaet 7, B a aa. i18) 14. a. 15, |s4B .' I 0 o aa.

alNFaXlT .11 TRAIN*K. r r. .ton. »et, na IlM i n. lex Paa Henfotd and

t; ¦¦. aai. i:t\ p aalte.) n Coaa>ect> a B-ae,Railroad I heeolrtal la, ea. iaa.1 rat Oaaei RaUread ipjorth-am..-, t »ici. (ra «r,i ittiS at aa I r Ntw Ht ¦. audN'fc J., ¦n It. r. td - I|8Bp m t'<>t Hoiiaetarniel'a. ad, I a 4:A v m let Si jar .» R,i.r--r am;!- p. aa. for Decbr-yasilN laa'k EM.raad. 7. Be.Ba,|

t . , JAAIEb ii. IIOYT. BopeaMenatriat.

J> SNM! V A M A SAILBOA D..1 Thal rM| e STRAL TI'-VT'', e«r.: -»nj v*. Atlardef a wr . et. N.l'S t>, .. T| atJ N ... \\ irr.. V lea

i' f ... fsn i; a- a>a ¦ etaea .* atKit. r. a .tb Uu< a f tt< t inert to all port a oa ta.' aVeat-e-a Ii 1 a- via e .a ? \ -tlT tattb Ute At :--..:$ t.»

aiprrrtentreNartB>Watlara Le>' a.aaaBBBj Bha Moata^wäatoheaa e* . r. "ety wtich riealOail ta-he la.wa l-Jb ¦. ai Ua* aa>. a: W.-ai

I r .:.N r,ii-.\!V . ritiA ar,: PlTTSüI-RtllLTil .Beete, Batea. Hatt etat Papa Beeha, ) ,


dhaleeL PeaBBaaaJ era,A. S iMa-in i. U I- .ii' .:.i« atiri.f *-d

I (t i il: f.,I. .) Pr. f. ..a ITi,d- I BeOfBjtedbLaether Iii tollt er baseo), Woed aaA bwawp j kM b

Petta tetarajd A<-.....'.jT.".: ,.>a-« eflji <re^ ChabM Beahah I aa . ¦

Tt .« aBb 'a j.eA-ntl bran 11' v. I ll"a-

1 ra O-tea.- e. |... i. j 4..,.I kftaeaaka. , . y,t'v,. . -., ) a. . !; r-.-t,ä»U s . Bode Aaa Oenae:. i. .V iv ¥- ... MBM.ka.a.».. ac.jPi a. it i- ithi(.n1 »*!.». i.:.I I rthet I . re.

t .¦ i»- r haea. a.', ra eeat.-.r B) w- «V, r*:ll f-rt-aetpjaJBajla ij p.**. <3a 'r m a: y pa.rt -aaa'. rf ."jllarl. ''pita, V> par-

H i. ir tn BevB the pa< trfe'! Via I" .coealveuia V j.'r ^ .1" ACte. It etball d to the Ac nta ol I bit lv' . n - a "i

V, k r|h a. ii be fciwarcrd wlüi a.t deu-niljal.i BBT ABBBTB IIbMH, M a v V .: , ¦. T-r a

K r r-aei Sa IVa, 8t. l*Miia )'. I» O la-Uy a a aVSaawaWwla,Fat., Daaa auill, B<ilA('-a, BBd CalUl k Jee.'U. Lea un lite,ha HI MlHiaei Madia.-n. It, 11 W ii ,,,i. aadIrialu b Co Ciarteea/1. N W. Oraha-n A Co., /aaearttlle, Ohrte i

t>i.l. A c lea, M Killt at, H ..on I... a '. t . S- a i

Beoaa !». a.T« ah. aid Ra I S- atb Wiuivo eL, New-Vnrb, E.J. r-0-.-.. i Phil...aiDaiei hlaaaaw A It . aa, Baitvaiaurei D. A.Btfaart. P t'abairth

IL II HDl hTON, Ow rtal PV-btbt Arent, l^lait.lphla.T. A. It'COVr. i*,.p.-*-:. :i'S, AJtocaa, Ta,

AprU I, Uta.

N1W-JB18EV RAILBOAD.Par PlIiLA-r ' L«'ll» «« u» -.":)( . 4 «r>I n, IRA-M

CM T.- ».»' aad i:if» » ¦ 1,<i at ., j ii t, a

u« i *ao if 4» . '.>* at fi' :mak *V.»»* i>m fat Qirtvrtä, d tPr Wxt.Mt t-» By>kr»»te. V. *¦>!tbt ..15 haart** '»."..' to a*»»l'ar,r>» nlta aad .>*,«*,baft a i». *OO0RP(ir 'wrut +.» raieaarol,

ra* baarwr* wt 1 ..'."»¦ Ra any tra.c tali m *Vtr*».«d aadawi>' I aaaa ¦'¦ bAm'd h u. <.*-ae Mm viBaataa


the Paxranrracki Railroad ynie. *¦ t*. f its*- -ih wth »a-atad* ' as .1 ft a. L a v: n. a* ai 1 ' to u.

iaaaM it. LaBtl .> a.. I L-'uir-nj *. By.; Terra Hatte Ma ika. a,* a 4 t-caja-. a I * Cc'.tar. art Dayaaa. aprta*teid Bvr»fvrt*ii>* baidaak; T -d.v iVnau« OalänkaaCaeenuK M***t : ant H ratet, ..',<.. aiao wfb tb* itaas)

?akal "x .'. and tt N*%>1> r*2*, St. Incit, i*/tua«wa a><¦atntsJT. ii tviattfrt tar. aaa> bad at any cf tJ*rabxrr*.raaav

tacnj pVet ri tea '.VrtcPa»«*»«'it . til lini (SU tb* rtv .rtcat. mat ajptataVStJ mm

ma fortab » freit* be* a »er. :h» Raa- «¦ o

FRt'M ireW-TORS Ttl HM iNH>TI Pi »> BOOaaTaFROM N> vt-To*/ r».^Atrt") * »ci «t«.rSdll Nl'Vr YORK TO TT LÖHS I» » KOOftaVFar* k* r» aa aij other ' .».>.Be* tat dbi !. b tb* Ik. -i» f Bw> -fry.Thr.- it TVke't or fura.r BMarnaltM, mal be bad at tat

afto* of »I NNSTL'-A.HiA ?.A'L-.Gft.V- ilm d-tH Bioadtr»«.

farnary 1.IBM. . L '.,1. 'T" «j it

CDotti Xr.rt

DB. K. J. LO'rVKNTH AL" W tTF-R-CVRE abJ©y Ml *.! vw. B»rae il/.-a Ne;.ia»j , r a .-. <

.vb»r it» II.'1* b»" ii l«r»»y «"f*j v *. j by r»i >:». .!..: -a.

MOI NT PROSPK'.T WATER-CURE, Rin-baciroa, K. Y i> j »in fr iro tre uy tiy S Y. b F.ri«

SaiUoad bMaaaaaral keaai raaaaaa .;» uty by &o ivila Ui» 1'r.lPL T«-mia #loper »». l *^r i. ;»ra, a<3dr»a»J H KOHTri U 3 orM\aT5!A fH?:io>l. M Ü.

TBE SARATOGA IVATEI CUBE m ttwpla< » »l»r» lrira;;di go to r-rirn baaRb, toil wcer- toe

wait ro to rea*. ftom th. ir lab-T« L. He and airy rooma art1 brre, aiid a I d "tal »W . m- ; l I (rat aMab

A l#i*M N B EDÖRTHA. M 0. Sara* »» ''drntt. N. T.

iTlcbifol.IMPORTANT t. KJ MAI.KS.-Ur. CHEESE-I Van ! ClLI IRATE > PIL.'.- Thr loajbbaadoaaf ta>I aAVall biHira Tib). :^ler'^J, of a i-or. bbAaataajataayaaa>lies aid IM . |> . »¦ I N I ri l Lioae di»-aae« ia<-4dent t j tö»fc rj »I» onti,v * 11 T!.-y are t rtaia U>-emrv-all ob.ti j.-Sma,a ibriBf. at rt to taorper 'haiiDei. ,3^-jdrwt ariiti '.-rtaiatjpaikcVai tapolariry Eva tell d:-»-::->'.a, «ra»--i iboiid be read.

( a pat J i a. b t> i. I*rv «-I per kca. Sold, wt I- -a- a. d!' t b'll ber»

\0 MORE BHAKING..TBS OLIVE FEVER1* and A',1 V Pll.I.Sanll eure hi i.i» w., k » ii ne toe woratt» «f !. in at d atoe lf>at . tlata, 1>- m:t'- I yon htdUkaaaacatoara BaaaBMBa r..r v -. i- ., u...,.» a.»s «u ,u»e>a*e|i aa traaa, I %rruieaa in their artino, and will i«av i the tyacacn*tr ; and healtiyFol aale ,t the Blbulail I>r ii *U**4. F:'.-a |LULI» iaie I,. . tio. Iii (.Hiiiiacdt rt

tcqr.l Nfatirts.

] N CHANCERY «\ NEW-JERSEY.. In tl>^1 maitei at -arbea: ».f iarrflr of J tCOB U'oRrMAN. Baaaaaa L

i.ate in the 1 owMup I CaaB*ar, in the Couuty ol Morria, ui<ito,e «.f N- w J. r-' y..lbarkai n relv i'»en tha' by vir*. '-' of «

will.#saAaWBAjlast o o B of «a.d Crart, dir. tr i to Wri. II.aaaViBaa, lawlS af Bald tern . / aa IpfalalfApa ana lalaa baaWlhii. at t-.e C o r: h .. at M »'. wn. "aaid eoonty, ou tne,

t, aal of Ap'i. A. I» ItSR i ^,«:.t la Um art in . .rJi BBBBn.ade aid pro lilted, «i ,.. by anil by Ibe i>t.,rn wie-» -if I

by the oi l St url a:. BMBJl "i»-d, it «|ip»ar«I'.tthi aaiS Jacob Wattsasi d ti » tiaaai f l>« atatb. vu aeii,<ll an eqi, j bbiIiibV S »Bja IbllB part of Ilia thrae aavarai traolai :u!.d aaal ptraabaa beretaaflar parti dart) lea -ibed.The tint iot BRBaAt in 'He l BTaSl 'P at Leiter, la the Obi ity

of afofria and Stala t V. w beritiriup at a red oaktree nail'd f. r » ».- rtai tin.' n ihr ea»- nJe i^ Blark Ri7»r,aaar iba aaalal n. abl I r.e. aaa naaa Btam |l) down IBB .».«

itvaTIbaaaaaralaaaaara laataaC ba » mapi*- tri* mark -d f inminer aaal tie Falla; a (I) Baatb Ibart] -i<li J. rre-a e-»ttwetfv an ehaina to a Btaraa heap; fAaraaa fa) north i Tty-foarSiJBBkBBad Ibalta Bkbaataaiaat t>ii c.Miua lo a hw.k"ry toenre

f/ljasttA li.hty fioi lafTT '«u>t Ira rbuna »nd oiantr-'U licki'<.» cfe«Unit tree tl.' j( i.-irth rifty a-ren i 'ft*-1 eatt tenBbabBfBadfavrtaaa lioba to a hickory tne, tnenee 'ti) aoutbU'irty-op* ¦ier',» . ard IfbreB mfarrt* ¦ e»«t twenty three ehiitia

BjSulrty two Ijikato IVtei V\ofi:,aoa Line (7) tbon-'e LorlbBjrt] «ne d-rre»a and IbbTty niiutei rant tbararaa ri.aiaa -ndtwenty twi. hi it to a e* ie b- ap, the:,,-¦ »<<i uor.h Airlj ...»htiayjaaaaattcbjataaaraa to a »'.>:.* h'ap, ti.enr* i9>ajotufnty.iabt dearri < aiot IraaaB n.ioutea baraaay ihre.- rhaiuaai.d thiity aaa a- to > tb BBaal tree. (10) narUi fvrty-Sva den», aaaataaaai rAaaaa t» a n-a aaki SbBaaaOl) untilj rt) >'i aapaaa wi»i laraaryala eaabaaj "iieivw \%ti bbbHai.'v i me dofl»ra 1 Bt Iwoak] r,' baiBB and unkitobbaakabaiB] is :. ILPJ Boatb farbj4oaa dearee* intutueoebaiaa at"! thirty two hula t a Btoaa heap, Irr nerly a ho korya.'mup, thei >> |I4| rionh iiaty-two decree. a>a >,» chain*)kbaam (13) aorta a«**aty-üirr* dek-, aa aad tAarly uiiuute* w atfiveri.aiL. tin fe Ilk) *.nth euLte «labt de«r».-a west .. vea

¦BabM u U i i Laa at kaadaBbaa, Btabataa ttas /omdred and >'u*

at ii a, aas biiii nil i a tdradraa BBtsaara,lue Baaaadlat attaat* in tb* l * .«uip i t'.ieatnr. bs the

loaatyad MotrWaad Stat*affaaw-Jaraay, k*arbaflBaa atbUeA-ury tieo. babaa » Barl »r tn landa fjprer'y oi 11 .in Runyon, andrt,"i.<- <¦' .I-:" >¦ le w--.' i.rty ma--rhaln*and baTty 'BBI ii"k». in a »tal>- H '1 BBBf of «t BB1 in tu* pa'-dithie, it,: fSJ IBBjrA tort) -rtan oejr-e§ w,-it irUat laai.J

Bi i eipbty Baa linki, to a »take ti j (9) BBftfe thirty thn e da-.lira Braatli ii bat]ii aod ,i^bty aia, to i rUiu>-ueapn,-ar a

ditcb tbenre '4) nmtb fifty saftaa* Weal it irty live ehabu andBimty-iiTe iinkr, to the middle of the road; theure iS) aliaic tbomad aoi'b tblrty^tarB aVfraaa. rut b|8*SS1 cbaiua and tuirtytfnka tht-pi e ft] aoulh forty-e,«bt diVBBB i-aat twenty rAt rbaicaaid tiirtyiia ItaJw, to iba and(B| tJbtaoo (T) bbbab avBBBily/Sa*rrmrait thirty tao ijrini aid ktXtydbaa link«, to a bi< lory.r> II) BBrtklbJrt] ....»r,ea ai.d forty tire nü. ,te*

»..t twrr.ty lor.i (.«.-.. ai .1 lafci to taafdsMOtui r. oLtMi r laro hundr. Hkl Rtttj nine arrra, and forty ;'ourba r tl 11 I aa a*re, itM t in* BBBTaThe tliitd lot. aituat- i:i C*> Mat 'nwothlp, llorri* Co'inty,

New Ji. y. brail i.ii ; at i katall ad Ba !. v in a f"Ut« a; lat aEn a.)«, wr.tniy fn mi tie bcinae n raid farm irom tl.-ru e by91 ..- i ? :r I, i art . fta thirty ihfM Jerrrei at.d a bal **»t

forty Sa* ebain* to a blaeb o»k t. baba] » o-irier aK> l»eobEmriia' ianl; IfcaajMBOfth t jj v nur <:.. ¦ and a bill raat

Itdity-fiT* cbaiaa and e)abljr*Bi|bt Unka Ii arton* b'-ap. alao a< Jaroli K.i- -o»' ifui.i BI tt.e mea 1 ,w; theo M ao'itb lUrty-

i\> aadahaifaaRVBeaaaat ei dtabat and ..i.y Itaka x>i tneand >» It- ». ei rt 'i ., tv a-v,:. Jegi-i i v..l a half

aaal bM ikaaat ait rill) tBtaa lick. u> a «aiail Backoffr; rat * *'i"t ti.'T" n«'rth t'tirty Btt aad I half Sapaai araatBma ekalSBBcd alarty litk» to wo-n Aru.erly atv> i ibe-Ntrie. »In eI Ik rt) .i . s katf d-ttt -a an «'. k a . uaaa* *. 1twrr t) Sat fcaba to »atara t af, by »;;. bait between th < two

rr.eatow», and'Li-tie y pjj.jji trat, i . B&B Bortb !i:l .y el(|bldrain a and t- rt y nur' *.i . v. > at turniT >ix i-haiD. and htty lioka

abaai afataaaaaiatkaaiaoda,aaaaaaBof Jacob t.-naaa' atbatart; thmre I» !«. Sat BBBAfc t rty-eijht da/n-ea weat n-veai

ahafa I to a ni&jr.rd <.., »ti.i.t trat. thrnt'e nwlh Si y Beytree* andab... an .'. twenty tbr-e ibalaa Bad tbirty Hakl t-< a comer of111* ftfaaa a hue of aaid (. ..i a baBBBB aouth foity elrht i. VMMand lt'y |yi n.iiiUUa wr't iHr.ji liau.a and tilty Lina» by :b«ban. tbete* aouth BtllJ IbllB d-neea »oJ a bäaf we*t 'wrjlv«akalM aibi ataty Rakabatkafiaeo at benianuia. ronumr.x on*

buiidted and f-ity a> na aad (It r» ): .i.jr.Hp'r., of ai Bi«* itUnd. Ttat tue aaid Jae..L U'nrtu all oaii an ¦.atal.- of i> 'letltaaeaii f.,.. n.;te ti. ai.d to the aaaal ladlridad na» talrdpart at* ikaaaid land*, taceuieott, and b*r»dit lOient*. That tbo Mi.'. JaookWortaan died la tb* laoetb t \ia a. light* a bandiat aadfn^y two I'l a' e ujidr no d, vi«. ..f tbe .ail laoda. t. ie* le^U,or lien lUtati ei ¦« bi any cl tbaaa. That as, tLr aaid ix oh tVorb>map, did i. t 1< ate ar. v t>>r acd that »a« < lev yiarty »alae of tn*»no»l oi uivid-a i.e third part of tb* aa>i tra t* af taadwhen tba laidJarakTI rtaaai w iaatsadat Ika tiaar wt* biadeath, ia the bbbi « f two h-'ed doliaia

Ail prrx da tkert iaf Bay lat raat hi thi '.audad*-arr- akfaaa bjajaWBoa, IN r< fy r tiaad and rva'.ired to

ajpaearaad tiasaaat laaaa I taaraialihat trbtala larcaty aaaaaaaajf. Ith day of Nor. rrt, ti. '.. le kofy .ted for

1 Ji.t i >., p .m .ai: to tie italule ia ijrh ra*e pi .^Dale* Tr iitoL. N J., May i 1''«.

UM. L. DAYTOM,m>121*»f W Attotary Oeaatal of R. X

N\. SUPREME COl RT..RICHARD B,» l.Alli ...» .. I'.'.y. bl' >N ".. A !. I.I'rIIEH CC H

i'any iiiu-.mon. lor iu< ley d. maul on contrart .it'-m. aot. i,..1 tb* aboT* aaaaad D.faaJaata faa aaa beraby no

n Baad §rd IBtyattBd tuai«» er the ramr't I in t..n aHaiti wbfrha ill b* Hid in a aSata d tneCie.k of toe ouuoly or" New-y. k, at ika CRT Hatl ta tt < t,. . n. w ... < mm . -ert* s

i opt ot yutr at»i». r to the aaid e^mrdatut ou t';e iub"ii">-r atklfotVet, N.. Btaadaray, bi aaid city, wtthir: twenty utyaa'trrtbi aeiyi,-r of thia atmmoaa oa yo.. e,, ruajye ot the ii ¦.

.r;\. . tt.. f you failb aisa« -r tv- .ud -o aaiaaal artti.uthe tux* afi r, raid, tb" p.. itf in tbi< i..i n arill take ju<1.:3ynta tat j a for tt» i Bkt '. w> Ian, artia bmfrtni the twenty «oorih dty tl ' bm en- tb- tiaaad ei;hr bn^lr. Iand i.I.y . iff., Uadr Ik* a<*-.< .¦' tbta a.'.:: ja.Hated Ju'.y >,

1 8. D t\'//ENS FWatiri AttBTawy.It. BlSraJst .'o'e^.j aaa bird in the aaiiotT..- : aa t

t'Nt. i '.cl-tj llilit, '.Vr . » . . 'b i.\ f Jt r.l^JLi..|i«t»li S D CO/7ER8, I'iUEtitl » A*-a»y.


CtiMPAll I ia r ^ a)*yaaraaado%i atnat |^>aact aar.V.T lb* abort tainrd dafoadaati: T- I aia hanhi BBB>aaaaad a*d r*a|Bla»d ti aaaarat Lb* a .mpUuit la Una a' i< u. '-. airb»I ba Wad Ii I e t il ( k of tb* C >.ty f Ne a-Eo-kat Ika ( . » Ha.. tba I ty *t St * \ or! an. to BBTOB a a /J> < of». i i «wi r Iw ire laid »j r ai. i. tb* aub*l t. ei rt bat | U

Ra adtaay la raiS fity, a-itbta taaaary Saya a^brr tba aartue , I 'ii.a ,- i ai r.» cut . .. 1* of tau i«i if j e-r-»i. 'iBtd If yea .i: 11 arrwei Um «nd «inp utA wtthin taa ta.

..... -.t.a a : ml ua* -dsxi-nt 4f<-.iu ' r -. . af B»»»a r-.-Ldr. i tad .-'cb'y-t'ir** c Ian

i' .»i..:. * _.t t j ..». oe- tao^aaad eitht c aakradat tit-" U'ta. . .... 'i ia action.-tt'.-d J ly .1,

S I' i (i. r. «8 Baa ,: a At) -a. y.Ii tart latbataBtaaaawBfaaVCfotäi

HntdtP^ am Wallaadty tbr S%h day afJaiy, IRAla '.' 9. I). COZaU N>. !' a.u:u a Aiwrry.

CUPREHE COURT.City si Osssiti a*New«k~ ,.. >ra I i Klt^Mt-ilE jt JO.iN W. PI*R-RAMOI t > . -Tt Iba d rr- iant alV-%* aaua-i: YonI'al : tl ni'll. .tl I .1, e C i.-'. .» u ... i '. .: -a^-

i >'.t :'A..t:.' Kvr .r. e :l- - y- .'¦ j. d pi_iu?.T. whr-h> d hl tb* «Hat af Iba *t rt af tb* C.ty and

(t s- i a at S< I .' j i' JI, Nr j Y .:k Cty. o Jl'e-L J.t *f Jul 1 -, and U. a.[\ e a r < i t y at wer en tu*

.-. t... nkaniUf tt If nV-. Na J.7 Lr.'a l«*ay. N-m 1>rkir- wbbln ta> jI» daya af er taa »cyie* ot tei* rimn.-Ki* tm

)< nckarir*oftmmday »eiv<e; aad :i (»titoariawer aMi'< T v . a r.l y .. .. ' w »p; "T t the ( l irti tbt ..Le-i w»u.a: d-d in lb* i| ^.t "vr-d Joiy tt, lbiA.

J. C k'AR '.' '¦, .- tl « Af r ib,ry. byatSarW* hii. J^l t>roadway. New Yoit

DfBTtRB b IA! -A MkaanTaW of fit Tro,'gtt, ttht) rttkaTB tt CIX> o' iJlB Dawtl".rTa tN'OLtada

trf Tau», nnperda ti a ba:rrf(i§ eM'iffo that papr,&om Cftrar U !1. Daitv CoULty, July 16, aojKj

ttat rrcrta of §*r*ral in'.are*a lave ba-. a bQatiDfT iLtlaaoa f'jr twa

They L Irtd tao latriiL' a of my OeuXtlr.fe, acd tacublrvd rriif) dai'y f.r r-vorga. My ci(Kri*n fa<i Iraa too old to so alter It.diaoia. 1 aaal 1 *"Bt of rJaarichtBiaMTpi J koo« botr tn » na*. Wakiirad7t, mid c-a . off tvV-rion*. Wa It at aojg oiaq m.j ctlä

focQdra 1^ raa. 1 bos Fl jatn t trot a jaA."



.> tbe 3d day mt mUi*K 1807, wa# tjmirrti aa mmtt < <..?"".» f- r '.tefoulu Unui üv« Heam »1 «p*-.' »ar, eil 0/ which iMiov is .-*,« promm i inut

Or*. Lt.« Hertford .» b» b« ai the Bj*ton N nyT*rJ, the U;M«»'f1,1ii..-^!,i..:i;'-'' »i-y.,K »-; Yard; * Kathiivj&d. us pn%tttt*»x »t 11« NavyYard j- Noruik and rc* iv-,.v. »1 at la« IVstv-SyUia

Jlavy Yard. Tb« coccract kr th* cm'trs.-'ion o: 00»

01 the tnmber. bm Iircok'yo, tu awarded to % Ne»-

Yaik i'iBT,bu«.'er, with the riew to teet tbe raiatti««bvmU of pr-vete aad eoterpn««, \-1 thwj fajtre fuaner kae dirtttcel the r. at « -V *.

thetpeei of ooastru-r a onierre^. Tu« c «tra*?*.v«> awarJed öd *.1k I7tb oi Kcrvember l*< :j s epbea0 Bogtrr. pNWeattOf cf tb« Wcstrrvelt Blip JSjaj olwirb tj Mayor .IvH)b A Westerve'.r wy üie founder,and ef wfciob ba i» »tili at the bead 0: tbd) 0 «a</vtin

cpn'r.til <>n the -7th of I>-cember the keel wy»

laid, and je<«rday\ea rr.-jein* af-er it

aaa .v.r.rr« i amid tbe plaadi.a of ;.>. ja >f .>.iee

and cJuans abo bad aev rubied to witr.«*aü.e evedt.

Toe rapMity a.tb Vbiok the BtWaktJfl h*e b**D ad-raiced in ifi UQAW-laatteOB ia af itae';* a pra-ieal ar^r.-n- rt io'avi.r it irj'jir JnaJ enterprise as apaaat tMilow wo'krrtM of exfetttive ability whan prvsd in

rnbcrd.satiotj t.» boar.ta and ecurK'.e, and thai, .>

whc d K ia tot often expected that private ahjp-b't ide*..will be rnpp.rtd at all tinvs with ail the r- to

juaatitice and «s of Uaber for M great aa aa-

deitakug.Toe U10 k'rjn if on6 ef the c'a« of atui.vary screw

a'saners, which have proved n»t m~ceeef.»l id tie

naval leTffcB ;!erere"y. l»he ia 'J 17 feet '<on^ on deck,i'\ f«tt brrad b tt bt'to, and tl feet .Dch<*r deep.Ihrfiarne laentirely cf Ut« oak, iBclu.imr' the Imlinibera and th« föifir^-'n timber», which rxcaVitüte

a »o'id live-oak laVBaTfli the ab p, 17 io- be« deep,rair.ed out tu ibe seeoud futtfck-uevia. riulked andaa.U water: 4\\Tb« krel, ketla mt, baWI and outer eo\*nr.g, are

of the) wejrj \*tt ij'iality of whita oak, aele. 'ad aedr«if fu':y »awed tc i)im*n.'=r.)DH 03 tV. premieea. Thek»el \* 17 by »11 inrbee. maio k^-l-.-.-r, 17 by :W) inchee.aiatat i,t it by Ii inche?, aud Mise keelaonalti by 18 atd II by II tncbte. T e or-'.'kle plaxkvary frtm j to 7 halaaM tbi<-k. at.J the incer or ajaj¦r g plaßk fTfm H to I inrhe*.all ui^rou^nly tlirou*jb-lateced with one-half )ocu*t t.>*nv.'« aud one-ial:

< j per bo!ta to tbe II loot hr.e, axd ron bolta aniU -uet tr<traiie ab^ve. The "hip in thoro.i^hJy ironbrs> ed on the beide of the HlHf w th 1^ by \ iron,well r-ecured to the frame.

I>« deck beam', oarüne-« and ledc.-«-», a§ weil ma'l the d« ck plai k, are of the finwt <j la.ity QejaYjIl\< Ilow pine. The deck fraurie ia eeeured with 7 and£-11 rh oak k.viacd lap kneea, and 10, 11 and I .'.

n haigag kceea.The rhip j) alao provided with three WaWr>tfghI

bulkheadr, boilt upon an improved pt.i p!e, anJ ba>BtTad to add great Btrngth to the ve-wel, aa well aa

r«< Bbtj in cae« of aocident. Thia ia the firnt veaeel ia

our navy arrar^ed in thia maoner and thi<adiu."0wae propoaed after the contract waa awv>led.

Tfie arrariferoenta cm de:-k are for twelve 9 inch nheflKuna aid two H itch pi\ot t'.r.t, which may be ia>cnaatd to tweuty-'our tl-isrli junr, aa that ia the 111btroi her portn. r n.trr_ a aranod the hattliea.fcuttlea and niai-ta, a« it,'.', aa the p.n ra.>, A ., are of

mahogany, and ad'l mach to the general appearano ofthe vi-are!. 8he will be fully rigged aa a »loop-of-war iobont the eame aa an ordinary '.- «m. and will

have the auxi iary power of two hori/antal CMdaa »ingriorehcad rrginea ol IS inchea diameter of cylinderand M Kchea rtrohe. apphi'd to a propeller of OOSBOWetion 0 14 feet »i inches diameter an l M feet pitvh. Tfia

pioptllor ia to be Arrant'ed to Loiat np when the shipia tinder fall awl In fat t ahe ia intended for a f.iüy-r i ard 1'iuipped bailing ehip, with thai a-i«i at4t fliciect steam-jiowcr, to be iwed whenever o<*casionn.ayi all for it, thua eLdeavoring to combine the ai-vaitt>£c» of tteim and rail with .. ajhdBtj to carry a

heavy battery on a light dranyht of water.T;.i ertire macbinery, aWaatfl and Attac'imentA, are

htaWf ccmtrutHtd at tlie Fulton Iron-Wotkg, bfIfaajtTa, .lamea Mjrphy A f'o., un ier the auporn-tendtnee of I >ati«l it. Maitii, e«q., late l.cgicoer-in-Vlit f of the eavy. The bu l, spare, .\ ., are naWihm kipaotaOB ot 8eWsaa« M. I'ook, esq., (,'oL-itn..torat the W'aehic^loti N'.tvy Van! and the arinam^t-.tstcit -1, A wi'.i be at ranged and Ittaal out tinder the

diicc'i.iL of Capt. bu-phen C. Kowan, . »rdnani e 1 >t'i-

c»-r of Mtvohlya Navy Yari.The lauicb of the Krooklyn waa advertised to take

p'aca at 10 o'clock. Byt'o iloak over 'ijm p«rc ajj

bad tfremt itd within the Westarvelt elip yard at thefoot of Ilouttcn etrtrt, Hint Itiver. I ae venael was

cn the waya, and shipwri^hta were acui .ely engtpedin prrparationa for the '.aecch. Varioaa OnatOH tt the

navy wtre preeent and view* ! ths ec^ne with greatinterest. A ternporarj |k*jhj pf steps enabled one or twu

hundred of the ateeinhly favor-i with tkketnto ae;euifrtm the ground to the dech of the venae!. Aavjo>;« ware abcat II ladies. Hhelton I band added in-

terert to the scare by the perforinance of vv.oaiap-'p.-opriafe coB-pontiocs. The must? were far enoughhiivanced to have rWOaiTttl the truss tree? at tne main¬

top, and !..-»» s were Hyi- g trai'y in the breeze. In theriter wcte two sma 1 barbir steamer* loa led withpetsrr.s who had cor. e to witners thn luunih. Hy 1"o'clock nit leea than I'per-on-ßaU taben poai-tiots on the \esatl. in the yard, on housetop*, .. win¬dows, or ships al- e and below, ac l or. - v» an JstTkil beats in the r. \ r. where the event couM l>e wit-rraeed. Tbe hammock tettmgr of the ve**el wsia

fihed aith ladies aid ^entlsnwn. The work of ream-up tba biccka waa m'tiv. ly i»i J, at.d at 1"t'ekmk the vea<el movd s'owly d >wnthe waystowvdthe nver. amid the loud cheer* of tba people a: l Ibaditebarge of a brace 1 Mason ]>lac«d on the dock. Shepai-ed uently intotLe water, trie nntvjn »>.-iDg tf-jlyprrreptible t» these on board. Aa bor bow rea-hedthe wattr, IOm l .iza M. Weatvrralt and Mise JuliaMacktv, n accordance with tradi'ional u«a.'e, cliria-t>ned tne ve«e«l the Hrocklyn, and i"jl;e aaäh a hX-tlo tf wine over the bjw, pcUttrinir t3e bag "snts ofttUr- on the Vfiwel wd thi tv!ce on lw.-:r drej*ei » Aadrrirab'«' pneisier and aDplea«ar.t lff< t.The bee. iway of the vessel tiarred her towaid the

WlIliMabargh -hore, %».d the port iMitM was

droppa.: to s'.p b. r. A Haw in one of *he bwkl of taecable caused it to stiaji a^andir. Bad the veseel BWA>fjt.tia to tear tka shore BWAal tne idatBAWal-'s A>v uTmtarc Ilm tft- ins r.lcr^-sde an-1 towed he' to P(J»«evV Mujp'.y'i! (1-ck. linen the f>ot of (Irani street,E I.., where stta at; Uad op to receive her naa-

tAtBary.After tie launch, afcian. BagBlt I We t-rve!. in-

\ '' .1 abtut a turdred acd tifty tru««t* mto a lonjccm »..ense'ed w ; the yard, to pat: ike tt a e .1-

n wlii 'i hui btm pre-if d for the 0 » The'«cm had teen appropriately dec.-rated with atupB1ü«!.'» and bunting.

klr. «. '.m 1, (hi propr.-ior of the yard. pre«i(?<d.Seat a 1 near h m w»n- tb- N'ava! Contrac'-'ra aj tee. i v.rtmtnt, ex Mayor W.'Urrelt, Cap-tun Ward,t:d . t .tr taval' i*iier<.

VN h-n tre 1 llafioo had */een partaken Bfj Mr. Bo-e-' ar »aid that tbey bad mot together at a cUn-tecic,

bja'thayhBdc.'rw-t-iied the go-id flip B"rjkiya; 10

. tctr words, tt.y had laut. be.1 her uato tl ? elOBBflarttow-.T»i ah« bsbbM k-r. \.rth b-lcmir, *od tt waa

hopt.l she arculd do h-r d j:y BffJd b« an hoccr to her. ct.ttij'a flag. ThaBhi|) waa alaray »te *jact oftb« p- et tri;. But it »rts the aailm-T *J?X()>1wa» cuct.ixti Of the ahKe-winged tuevat: ". whiclxWBft ft'ti Watt joy. yet me ia;d it-p Ml 0 so

blarra.iird bv the poet'e pen aa " the b rd ^f theair. tie stran'-,, ;, seemed loo anoch ef a aternreality;taaj wae'Le wutk of nataia, th- work ad jo o'h.-r :nan

Gcala creative aval. For while w^ \c*X ¦*» th« «Auingstip, ip-roirg on ia her irace and b^autf over thewev.a. »» .<m k at the Meamabip goina- ...r»»r<l, ap.partt.-!y w.iLo it any mrtire power; nal -here waa 4

mot re pawar wrthia h-r.aye, a heart tvad luaga,and a sp t.aad that spiht wa* tie vtfft, who,BTtth tie firger on the ergioe, wlWd, tw* M WM d..v.. Vre wcrd mere. He aaw men of the I -rfed ivta'aa

.Navy arrnaa bun.naeu wao ownaci bo ».uatry hatore, 'and tüat a uni'ed cne. To day be pre^riied utt

BrxlKB aa aa emblam of tSees State*, for r». waa a

L'aioc tbip. Loaaaiaua and Ffenda, Obw and Nortb,eiD New Yoik, rave tretr oaka for kar «-«>atroA.ttoB;lha tioea fioja hfatoe, Oeorgva, and Wa Ctrohaaa arere

U«re, ir.B Pa»ia*aJar Stale of Caat aear. f >rtb aarairj.

..? am, T*** .mt b*»rweee, aaadi»*V' r-ir»e

»Bwsttaa i f tem Vt mm mmt bad .»»*.» rmsr*.**** n mm

'«M«') trltr» rf thie *.*. »i, ,|*,.m'f tlH* «M u tri A

» Ua 'eJ »< t*l i Hr. B. «-vV*! b,nennt LaagfeNow . ¦>»¦» tf ».».» «ot» -d "»VaSe.Tb« PaBWbtBBt lien announced I .« ricUl.^ I

Wiewitg Uil Krwi m i * Ihaw* .»».«-' Pfjo»rji lArrlawae. |J. T>.e P».e.e» .: f UM l IMCapt. bayadere r-epo!d*d. M -» t ^»j ,><a PtmmV

¦*at ff tv- h't«»ty!«od mt*fi¥j «J mmmt%3UwmmmS'l)httf n b * .--j'«« wvfl reiea..o»> to K v- vv Utah,m .i ute i ght ot a-a-oa; nut i* hoped tau tb»*» bMIlet* wctJJ b» alV'wed W drop, BA1 the lijy-r..,--.otd^r..; t» af W#J mi nMu.r», mt p-eserve Um tauoaUkf n- r.1 T-- brawl J t -i-n. :»»». T. .» ".-.vur»^ thatWev,Mr f. >. u s «. sh »«¦. p '-«pcndel. M» -%id

that k« bad btes. pu d >wb to espoad to aoo'her toaat,bat at eoa d «peak to one ae tmtü a* aaotae*; .. ; U«-Dtrr.rc h pj h e*je J to «1*»* *¦) at «.h:,e»eral, th« Brv.rkijn in partial*/, and pretty mi':

..epithitgtie*pttlM Hoo. I*aec loa.-aty, cse- e'a ytfIM Naty Ut t k «d t Blibaaft Bi BM QTmi.cfri-fttt» tbd «fc p- Ol - N*vy ahou'ii b«s ev

drawl, frtm iko iftiOBB c >**C t")*t n*y no loa^r BA>

aJbtlbetyrai'Great It-ttair. :« .t-t'«t*»pt<-.i wntarnay.»cd, when withdrawn, .t»t t. ey bf Baad to * ifl Bf>

etytbirg ob thai eon Ject IM i''n I .OkMtlBdgBrtaeef .a r&r^rtf hlmreat I)«at cy. and bbObbi It bfyti i>; n? Sm th * S--> to Cap« Uuru.4 Tie C : etcf N*» Yo. » \ J B «

Ceot^ilBiBoC'i. .»« r«epopd'>d. H«pra.*edts«c«1u'*etf th« Govrraaent ia («>eter r.^ ltjiividail «n;?t;';L!<jin ihU ii bSaoeo.b Tb» Sv j aj (mt V: ?-d st*: «

t>pr. V\ \r r. of kbc Na%y re.-por.Je.J. H. d thattbe »oo<vb* of the Brook');'. » E i mwm an io f\rt« rbake th« prejodi, e :h*t bad ev »lad BBjBJtaOt tt.ideWgatKn f -he' con-'.ruc.i ti ' wa! .....«..«.:.« to lad .

tKaal »:.trr,.->ti,e. HacOBNthBBBai byc:V«jnnk: tau fo!-lcwiar bat :The Baptlnu tf tL» » V,Tt.!<V ^r, ev^tt.iK-^ h*

BabVd 'ii r» bataaaab . kuBbutinnda the it'.- baaaa ... u» Ifcaebeal Maraaa af mt Bad

8:ar<a.Ilr HkBBI V. OR mwi L ""v'e abntt -evrvia**.T bjaabiiiwa and the lb»«Bai.,1 V* 1 :t.

t'-pt ti' i\ ibj BtruM- reap'T.ieo.W hen t..e toa»ta were ooLO.uded, the company Baf'

p«rf»d.r.4l£ COLLEGE.


Krcni Obi Owa Rerr* -r.

NirvHaTtB, M >r.ö.ay, .1 iff*, ItSt,Tbe eiet-;*e8 of Civmmenoemect w««k begin wtth

tbe delivery'.'.f the ltarcaiaureata aermor, yesterdayafteriocn. rree'.dent \\ ooleey p» rioruved |hi| -ervice

in the »1« .; .. of 1'rof. Kiaher, whoae health ia not

yrt eititfiy tOllOflii Hji tett waa Tuu*. ii., Si"Nour^ urn bkawiao aakait tu ba aobBr^thaaaaVScbrtety of mind, it was aaid. imp'.ea that coc-iltion in

which heahhy \:< w* of toinga IN taken, in wb^h no

partcf l.i' nature ia *;tber iaope-ative or undulydeveloped. It inch.Jea dbasB yaai viewa of Ibat ap-ptreiaticn ol the value tf e'j'vment a-< oompvedwitü Ou'y and tt«- hIghi r hfeoi tM *ou!, ViUbOai thel**y cf etl.ich in the eon] it anuot ex^rci*« eontiuen. .>

Of 11 It dees not coti*rn merely toe een*u*l

spp» titea, but ban to do wi'a vle-ir^n bav.^k. little re¬

lation to the rx dy, at the denre of wealth, of CabBB,and mi MM(hBli«Wi Till bObjBlty oim ud is t<> !».« Jiitirgui- beu from a native -IngtfLsucenr, or c\'itiousne«e,which may i BBfjlfB with it mt prevent etcee*. It ia

alpo to be C'l'inguiahed from that «t If-oontrol wbu-n

spiu;.» from votklly p'udam a and nbrewd 0*JoaJa>bcaaB ofBBOOtBB lfl I'fm. tobtiaiv of miod istuat which is eustaired by C'rir-tiaii pnociplea, andaajhaaail ha ChllBtlBl bbUMtb). It involves an eati-

a.ate of earthly pleasure aud * k1 formed under the

power of faith, A yourc man, IfM bTBbM bt» eolier-h.ilCi d, must form lor hit sell ru!" n ol living that hemav be prepared |0 reamt the allureuieottct tbe trondwhen tha{ BrbrBa It is a hopeful taek to exhort youcrfn-en to db S'lber-miDded, however the levity aidiic .»-r<" of youth may make it a dim -alt one.

Thty are ea-ily IBaoaptibkl to imprea-ioin from raoraibeauty aid Uarnior.y. They l ave ai+o an unwor'dlycharacter, their rtit, iioeea na\iiig aa yet taaeo onlythe fi rm ol pannuiar acta of exuberant l.». o/ or

ix.i ii x paaaion, latlmr than that of fixed, Cowo-

Wdad-loohlBg parTwee-. A ynuoit man who has lak'anupon bimse t'the bab.ts of tjnriet^tu nobriety lied- a

mcral tnate srrtr^ing up within bim whic'i u botb a

beantilisr ar'i a conservator of enaraoter. A atmng"ttastn for eiborting joung men to be sober-minded ta

'oulo ia the ttcdeucy of our utoee aad coua*

try. In tLese Ja^» feeüug haj become wort inter.-.,aid action mete hurried, whether in reli^ioi» p-jhtics,i r in ordinary life. In this oountry, e*pe«'ially, thereia more of thM spii.t tiian in the root of the world. Bycur :..!: . er..i: Lt we ure r.: .. d rapid and .. t ;. '.

We ar« utirt'ered in a<'ion, and our grenttucceia has »,c> i forco, curare and/sal. To toiabtuatstobe atctibed Hie recetit great < muten J

cisasfer, whu h waa produced by the insane d»*ire ofle-i.'Q leading to speculation, overtradiog, frand andbatkiop cy. In con:hi"ior, the preMBBf Bxbortedthe your^' BMB whoii he aediea-ed to c»r/y in theirmina*', BB tl ey went out into tbe world, tbe realities ofepiritual life, to a?t,»is«'ly and ttiou^htfully, that theyu.ight nret agiiia in heuv»nly pla<es to keep a virtu-cua frllowship forever. Tne jrr iduatin^- e| ia* werj sop ucb pleased aitb Iba diecoure« ae to solicit a copyibf publication. I'r-e dent Woolaey oonpliad witnthe re<]ueit, and the sermon will immediately t>e isauedfrom tbe pioat.A rat) intereatin^ adJree» was deliv«red in tbe- C)I-

jogs t'bapel < n Sntunlay evcric^ by Prof A. I>.Mt bite of the I uivereitv of Michigan. It waa one ofthe series cf lectures g.ven in ciunection with the ax-

bibifiM of paiatmgit noticed ia a previous letter, andhaa b«en >»" a -ed by none of the preo-iling in rich-r.«sa and biiiiiancy. rrof. Winte a auoji ct was. " ( a-

thedral BuihUrs and lhdieval .Sculptor'.' Ha aaidthat it wa* bard to apeak of Si ulpture without begin-betg with Aic|..teiton>, for aichitci tore, wlietoe-rrcuph or smooth, whether atout or lithe, is tbo trui.kor -talk from which sculpture bud* and a andsheds perfume. In all ait which i* gn><l and nobla,br-t giowa tte worthy temple, next loo/ne tbe w>rthvetiatue. Abbob| a!! bbm of worthy cultare to-dav,ailtheir fketctts and plan* are mainly wrought aocoriin^to one cf two treat models, which are popularlykrown(a* the clae*,c and tbe QottthB. In tbe bbbbOMtrmmj «the CL-.taeuisbirg cbaracteriatic i* unity. Atol» walk* op tte broad marble slope of steps lead Lt:into aaflBB graai Qp> tk ttmple, he n?tei far above, intbe podfaBMBt, great spreading noups ol atataary,great (rjstall'/htioni! of tbe biiithtest ideae, struck outin the natu ¦'¦ ftiuggle, plant reprtsenutiona of what labngrte-l in the nation I hietory or BbOBt beauteoas inber Poatry or lordli- *t in her mythoi«vy. Within theteirpi«, yon scon ts me to *ee and know that one tocoatd one peivadea ail, that tue teonpl«, in e«iiditiuetnre crd in the overlaying tf ornament, in ei-.tricr and in interior sculpture, in the bu'^.op; mo^cli-tturdy < entau/b and in tbe itgnt furma of gracefulgirls, in a.l is, the manife*titioo of one aimpie; amg.eep:r.\ Of elOBaid r^!e ti^areatha distjuguiahing feutute rolit"y. In the worthy clas«.<: etataee, intheir p< bathBB and !¦* k and garnering op of drapery,thari ut poM a certaui unm^tabeabie Iotuness, a car¬ts.n u.jally wi b b'^ee them in PfOBB \oo, a eartaineopencriiy which aoula forbid you to put them in dimtail . -teal r.. i tt, which detraods nob'*- pederta'- intp«B UonyiflB. V\'r.etl.'>r the statue bi Japitor or

ApcUOaOT tte pitched face of Deno'henee, or thelayaaaa 'aie cf hoc rate.-, IhefO at hi it, njt auiett perfect l.-. Le ith n of wuat u liest .u tne hamtn,hnt a i ha-tity atd h f.inera WhiM a* tnore UtM hu-naa.All eart'y paaeiona teem strained out of tboa« elaeaicn arb.'es. Tha kager you tUu.d before them, tba morettey i,u:ally ohjve ycu and I rl it uvtr yoj. InreaptcOIB crnamect, the main charactertetic of pJaaal:ar. n.tacture ir BPMI «aa/aaW<«*i. The foliage of fries**eid ca; tn-e, < i. lets aivtl garland-, thoagh diaplayicga vast daptn ot life and beauty, are by uo uxaoa re.

prt due'.i.LS of catutal braocbteucd leaves and I er«.

The «rauh or leaf of Gta« k ecniptare m ooly by tradi-ticn the actintbtu Itaf of nature. <; thic art ia th«

oppa-8'ta of the elaaatc. in respect to tbe threr .trv.

ttiictiea abeve conaidered, aad oppaaite aiao V> tbawLcle c,jurte of it* braccamg axa hlorituing. Sevenhnndr;d year* ago Europe was deep y farrowed afterwara of-teat racer, fierea-ly harrowed byforaireaof pet-t; tyranta tt< r"U^i..y watt ltd with the baPOO aa l teara»irrest btb th a field, thu* :.:.< ..-u, had be. n

rdsnted e rir b. fore certain seed-idea.ideas of Kotnaalegali'v, of German maalueee, but etpe-ciaJy of Chria-

¦t n eari > r.-»*. Over this fiel 1 neenaed to a to rpreada new ieiigicua warmth, aad straightway BBBBB up tha> chert growth of rebgiouaarttha world haa ever e.

1 rem tl e mitist of every goodiy toaTi bloomed grwatcathedral ioofit, tbcotieg out tower* v.d aptraa aad dy-itg buttreraea and piotvaokia. AlonK highroade. grawop «hrinea and cnapele, growucg tmcklp aad BBUtraiiy.haa elacs ala-t.- water-oonraei». On el.rT* aud heeu-ianda, far aern by waniora, towered gorgeouaehnriLea of atooy fretwoik, to ' Oar Lsdyof Gx>d"Help." A wondeifnl pexflbarity of this «vcb>tactnre ia tbe aaoDaaeaa which prevailed fromtea «rd of Hurooe to tha other.a aatnaceaswh'ch ia ft -ud act ooly ia general tose, bat in eac>rr-arrat" features. Aad not ooly ia there tha aanie

birth, but aiao everywhere tbe earn growtb. Tne

2read of every saw bright "lea in aj^iiitoctdie ia

jhtaag 1'ke. Kvery new dieoorery dartat over Alpeand aercaa atraita ti l x&vmih'w: fttrea*. Ta« grm%taget cy to t»a wondorfuJ spread ef Gotan: art was tbaergaaizatioB of tba eat&edral bn'h>rs, wa> fonnaJggdj of tha atiocpa-at Batacag all tha gnr'ldja. Tbey

,-a.J'd tV*ir* frT> »Sf. S, V .-. *-d pi.f«Oi l'e i - n. v Ta«lr or*- j ». » a . .v.ry p* t n r .r-p« a k- v,. i w w«|

|*AwBa*d rfirJ their gt*e* to>,i a «... m.«w,:»n; o uiauaHy kwW ptlvfltyrm !*«.-,,. r- . «i iaht*N 11 'r-eir art »i i .a attaa-tii far r.e eataedralif 'be Uta centt-ry. aa f f-.- a the baarta ea-ttands af Ikw »>*rt. ¦* tbf nxxt » ciaifil era«rtb to

Hi tbe world baa jet «.»:» K* y n »aa.-ave.-i %ciIrak to ita txir:a)» sdc towers, Ikara at apread baiaet.n a er« at aou ptararJ i*p'tr af .iwai***, heewasrd ft »td halt and a«t> rate*-.-. >(.*>». s.taernee nar tre zrtit twte towera -I oat, >t\f, aaraaat

n g< ta i'rr.^t grab fat ia all *powers greatkJrdlM*l M -eat vail* <'f »Unis laca-aro/li batr a|fjkrajh oVrwi II . a'e»t »'J«s. oh tarsiaoiifej loatogry balh*a at all batl Mi Ifta ..a.rA»»«i» in iVm I watta'nottl-* ronavi .* lb* brat* v.oa twiaa* aboatBtardyaak. .*-td tre oM boltVi nave mad« Umtower* kaafaBtVbtaV9JmekogtnwM enfold . weaJta< anaaa: acuip'ur». II K-o up .a teeir lordly bMim« to i! .. :,.a i.« t a j*>' ¦>«¦'« a"* <''"». «wo**

[grett .. | .ui.,iT«. >a*T4#arra,BPd !i/*rd« c'arut^r up all p.ou* ltB, wr*aU* a*d«rIabb a, ano ttH-QaaaWaa .c -not'i, paltyh oa d.aa^*w*rea,proal or dar ?*, gl are ouc t aaa mae>ea ol toll**:*,toowl at you aria at yae. A. tha**. aud aatva, IMgeot I» old to»»r« -ft bi,{h aV>ve to* Ubara aid .¦*.»--tal ol tbe ci'y below, ho'cusg tie a-. u> io via«: cave uraiat<tttry to Certtry.Pn f. "White pi.veaded ti give % nvrritJ-wn*. da-

arrip^oi {et ih". reveml part* ut tu« oataavt. a, tb*>iifeat ceiL-a! jralli ry wier » 4-aad a «t c« «< at*Tt i\<St}9, and in tlitfta lore r.oa* »t c*pa/tad kiag«,x- b r»; t: »¦ ,t ¦¦ . a., t c trMrady Bad trwjk-«ry ot tte city, tie great loa* «'Udo», it* widtü(jietT tban IM ti^ut aiaAJ aa cur -a arcbaa.ard tbagira*. avtad; wted« i» w:.-r«*tam3 pr.'^iau MMl-^ara't'.'at* and kpnatkaB, tha.r T^^f B-org«->«'m miltre rich colora of tie old gl**« «ta'aar*. tb*ir tmttm ra-

ciant, tteir h'o'.ra *¦ w. u I'^t bead* bltaiikg tu tbfjIUD' la." r.*.Tbr iTv r' 111%\ U tli I I tn ;\» v i«' .Tiv of eUkodral

aculpture M ta oH oaa to the pa^pU aa a graat r*dbj'«i ua book, it a Uwti when t! a * rtptorab ***tra ttH ao-coMible totbatiu In Iba rbarv») and cliovr of NotnaI'ame t: I'ar.- b.t *<-uif>tur«.d tx'ob may b-j saaa ta ltdpetttrtiori. TbarB. ia pwkaVkl 94» *¦ ty a*i/a'y m%mviry ¦aaaiatnlillfllljtaw) tYbjtibl. t a lk* *ihifjl attre- PraphtU, 'ifn tba BfAlgatiata ara :n» ArMaaaa»'n the o idat o: all rnna tba'.-11 of t' r-.t. abvrw i ia da-taJ< rf it* pru >tuiBti >ti in ihe> «>d T* ta » n', aotl ila

« t'-.-rrn »t.'<B ia the New. Tna e M iu Laeao raaee-

a«-ttotioLa, it ,a tine, r h f vi aril <. Vau aaty-i n<! i c rt>e a priapao' V ao tuaua^ed mat aa

Apiwtl« h»a tr.a toot baitl bj tii" r-mi» .> io «*rii*a'a*aaid the ctr.t Bratty pltbtUd n T it M ""T * " "~"

(to, too, ti:* Ckildraimt lara*! t * *< noMinea r*pr»vletfid aa ilmi.- from K^yf iu »!a«iod i*rkuw and]with tnatrb licit". Jaahuii a.a y atidott* et>'aabpa>ltcfora Jirfcho, act >u y a Lh bu'ti t>la*iaa;, bill wiubcraa for , ,iti>ewiiar. T.i.' a.'u a'nr wi« a pr**acheraa well a« a tea her. The Brat otj hi* biayp'd aeriBtjo*i- tba: at; h, in ciaa out oi ten if the I v.aaalrajB oiKtUt jw, II ,. .. p| .red i. tiller that rii ... UM fßM9% Oao- p» ttal ii mil viea <.f ai: ah >. >;t*r ...!,.> ia. Itertoioa 'b- d>>,'ri'ie oi r-*wvda ail putiaihtiiBala.a^ait -t t. » ix gtMw itir-d* iu t ia othar; Aiti&Ltn^ 1011,'t.ny ot tbe h eatod aa« '.. I by aa

anttel to tie ifcjhjj hand a Weeptoi; ¦¦.«ia»<iot OOawiawtEad at" r»¦ -. tiy taot Ml toward lhaca dtona atd iaaatM ot the .baad. I >>o the fnaaaot tliet'ld town ball at Krerlau ia *> <u»;'ii out a kit atITrMl l tt i |ybtAi t >..¦:<. ia a atoll pttMi tatos, aad ikeii air litfute In it ia tho davi', in biiti giaa traad.i id offa -i'olcii i; wVnaa in a whaeilurr >*. Ttra pi?>'ul*eaa¦ t9oihbl aru'ptuti, though tttea very br >ad ia itait ate, pivts Itk) to areat niaatra a| nw« aoaakwr Moia-tstv. It a ft*a eatiri/ta thaea ve'y men and taiAga»hieb fat rem ..p n».n.-val !i'.*»,iry .* w ahad to aaalatin/td. Tlmn, at Ucnen I'atbt Inl, wao Hkad tbairr« at lull hyt'<n« of the charch at d i'.|ik . I p a.*a byptt BJ| ha.- eculpturtil a pia plajtnif ibe vmIm; aad at( tartrea f'athnlral an am piajnta on t ia harp. Atan tt er a hit at tbe atato of eoct'ty ta '.»I* to a aoolp-tcie of tbe wot d guverntd by rat*. Worldly oha o I-ti.i'O are ea'tti^i'd in a aculpttired ftfahap b aadiatnaira fool'e haul I-, and Ariftill'*, tan idol a] taa a< boobj,if MM a ali louie, atddlati and budlod aad iiddea bya writ-an.A moat wordornil f hint; in OatMf *rt id aioaadiatr

fuiluerB ct lite and tbe wordeiful t«al ty of tt. AalliU-tratiOD et la in Inn in llio i>ld 1 u.,.i«'.h atlxtdm. Ibtrt uiarow of pMBM, 1« tirtato taaadai.f n wbirh ia wrci/l.t every piaailile ahavla ofBAartvl or grin, of primäre or amirk. Hat theat uiptt r r w Uitxt in tbia very varei'y tnnra waald aaonbd n.ctotcny. Aa a n aa tlua tdaa aeiaed bioa h»leahbtwad a Mftkl u^'y ... which craala oat frotntbe ati;ce l.r .¦ i/.ea in it* tooth oa> aar of A headar.d bitra witti all its Batata* That braika tha mo¬ot tccy, lor ti e whoV fai e u drawn a* 1*, every ataa-clf ia ret avke a, evi ry feature takt* a oew aapeet, aadtM IVfraM f the benoid*r at tbe lovaation is aa aad*.'. t ft* of tbe aculpture at tbe paia. Anotharrtnkii g ebarnrteri'tio in tbe medieval * aipture ia iUa cLdariui eamcitceaa. IV. may be noted ia tba frtvjumt e.|uaJ ly ot Saiak batweeo the parte which¦ lay - i a:.d perta wbicb f * »ee. Hy elunhiaa; apt'eibtni- Htairildrg öftre rool-iepaif ra. ana mayoft«n diecover - in- aamMy figure, bearbjfj ia hsr rabaati ker..~ ol the attiat a ttioit lovica* pitieaoe, hawiag kjbi r face tho ügbt of liia n,.*t « brriahed tboaght, aaiaaay n ton e oicbe, deap-thaded, high piiaaelad,ntverto be MM of (Lern wtijlook op fiom aarth, oalytu be tefn of IkoM who look down Cratn he» ten. Hotim i)oa;lty in the woik cf t-ie middla agaa aotorn Ml tbe heart u t .e twent repoat of Ibaix< runiettBl MvlBttSw. <->: tbia many illaetra-t:<>ra were K'.vin. Ia conda-ion, fie let-tare/i'beerved tint a) three great art world*, <*ojbb,.'¦!-. t-\ a. lie 11'. .tl of Ait and klodera, have ooa groattWbMI MtXaT fnm wdi. b they pru< ead, aed arouad

whicb they levolve. That ei-ot«r i* the lovo of troth.All art cbaoa haa aleo it * liotla caater, which M »vaof »ff«ct. Iff ver wan a land developing' aoeh thaaaaafor a grsat growth in art a tbia land. Tba Bealptorflare fa*t riaioa; already, the patrooa are aora to use ifwe do our duty Tbat old medieval city groarth traiehao fottarrd art, wa> aa nothtog to what ours shall he.The emnlatioB b».tn «. n cities whi^h is now dirwated tatiraman's aniPirmsand soldieis' toatbers, may yal haiLade to tear coble town bails, with bsea of mcms foretatuta. Tbe MMificai Ha- male by reliiriood aaaiatisi to cuabioD aeata with darnach, and urtaio thatpitiful ttrori/hold cf discard, lha choir, withailk, Uicover tire floor with trifled rarptts, and baild palp-talike soda louetaica, this r.Tainmata u\criitm aaay barartet* into a mai.l) «atnfioe. We may take part mtt' »t upbt latery tnonBy to build nob,e snirea of at m» iapkkM of cor pritseot abiurd p*pp*>r-box towara arhtag shingle apirea, or pis. a sweat obimas of hells tofilter iweet HkM tbroogb our elm trees. Letttkaaawho stand at tbe ctnti-ra Ir in which IddMM aad faatbioaadait tbrocfrh tbe lard, rr r upon thsae qtialltias ofracnnoo and p-nerosity, and direct them ta Dattartcda.

I>t every mac Kokk''. **'f developiag the h-.artatid acul wbicb I iod bai giveo btm. kaapisg hitasalf hietrotg Ilmtal of lift- >t.ranrrtbeniii|( hiuaasif ia hire ottrutr>, BaTwcaaBl i-very tUugbt to act with oa/ttaftaaaa.Tteo rball he rill himself with the sp'rit of art aad Mtool* tbna curturtd tba love of ar cornea sarafy.Mr. William Hutcbioson, who hid boaa for taa paartyear a tutor in roll*ge, was l**t Rtbbath svaaiaw or-

dau«j aa a miarioaary to Northern Ariaiota. Tbasermon was preached by rha Ii* Dr. Uaaoa, frotaActa xv: .'i, hs aobjeef being "The VaJaa af tha" Mianmary W .rk to all who ar* .-rga^edia it. ThaKev Dr. MtM gave tba charge, aad tba Ktrv. Mr.Srmrg tbe ngbt tacJ of ftllowioip.Tee annual regatta cf tbe Coli*»« Nary.'wlsicb

rsgularly b. a plAca opoo tbe prograiosna for f/'ora-c er<en.etit week, took plana tout morniag. Osiy a

small cnixrar of the clob >oat* tock part ia tk* coav

t« at. Tbe ojtaffcaT was very ftvoraHe.aod tha araera

was Lined with laterea'ed »:*.rt*'or«. Tba ywiaea of¬fered wort-To a--.i boat a aot of oara, M rlab-hoatf.aattof tilk colon. :: -i«Je 'h-.e a pair sf baat-booka. silver mooatad, waa offeind to tbat <-raw waiekpassed toe bett dri II. Tne ' cbampton flag " waa oaatof tie obi-' .« 'o 6* cr>ti'ernJ-d tor. liag wh.c*. tM tatCM keawMw! bytr^ Yale Boat Club is to

Ltlorg to tba boat tbat make* the fastest tiata, bot ifinkject to tba'l't^a at any time dar M tba f^Low

easoo. Tbe " X rona,' a kota of ait oars, BMaaadfirm tba 0mm of l*a)f came ta finrt, bariog aaaaVi taaCour»« of tbree in minotas and iti aaStada.ITte'^NVreid mactysd fro-t tba "las* of laVL o*«sj

rr. about three mmntes lafcsr. The re# and faataatboataof Ibe .als Navy did rot taCe part, ta thai ra.

gatta. Tbe pr. for e.-eietve ia diac.i ia* waa

awarrjed to the " O'ympia, aho-e craw is compoaadcf u.omber* cf rha S«-ient;6c rkl tol. It ia bat iustioat -u:.- trat tbe ">ere.d EAtt wift a MtdVrtaaaornaftar tte ttart, ' v gettio}{ bar oara tatatSoedtadwith tbora^f a'erth*' I oat, io coTjaavjaaoaa af wh*ek>tbs lost several iiiibaiea. The Yai* Nary atyw eaa-

tirts of f< r. i -t>, aod iadudea ia taa aaroralcrewi caarty two bdcdrad mati.The AD*uftvm bar of tba Yaia Literary

ioet aob.iabad, e.catxtvi a sew and sxcnliaBtjj*«**Mof rtofeateor Olmtttd. Thia forms oas of a senna raatpobliafitd by liia*. H. Faara, which baalarlaa, akw,porUaita ot I'reaidant vV'^iasy, aad PratiasaaM fiawd-rich. Porter aed Thacher a -o, ot of Profsaaaf Osm.wbcae face bow for tba drat time appears "la prtnt. '

Tbaee saw Mgrsviaga »er* txecutad by fcUaa* aadButtre of N»w-Vuk, and *r» al'ot-ttaar aapanortotba old oaas, c t oaly in sty la of warkataasliTa, hadmbo a* fs/aiakiag to MMJkt trradaataa fatTkawl rap*a>s« Dtatioas cf tbo familiar taass wbaoh tkay wars a»

atjawoated to lock npea rr. tke Isctura r<- ra.

Maayof yotrr readers wtfj ba trsdiaed kr tt* an

scancsmeet tbat tbe work - of tt a lata Dt. TayJor are

to taa kand* of a New York pabUaaar. aad wdl taottrvappear. A volame of aarmoas aril trat ba baraai.wbrh will be followed by bis Ijtttnj. aaaa Itaaltsdi naj Plukiopby, aad tbora npoa Moral OarrwoiMaV