New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-03-28 [p 3]. · CITY OP CINCINNATI ti Pcent Bond*. o...

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Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-03-28 [p 3]. · CITY OP CINCINNATI ti Pcent Bond*. o...

sAdria*U Willi». Ao-ttotseei. caja


tbr» u»h to Ann-**.. *nd known *e H«. .D oil thet rtreet.Nein*a k*i Isaebaeea» Tuit'ei-et., ^ f"*t A"r-. IW fe-at 10

beak**** the eesterlj **de, and ISA fe«-t »1 >r.rb»f

eriv .«!*. P" M*|a, fte., eppiy to Uta Aacfieneer. No Wtv ells'- '1^»)


THE SEMI-ANNEAL INTEREST doe and¦eyabl 1. |*A11 CITY Die J*t of APRIL NKXT, on the

fallowing mentioned r'eeuritiea. vLi:MILWAHKEE AND MISSI<S1PPI K4ILROAD COM¬




lic BiuidlLH, 7 Per Cents.CITY o> /AM.S\ILLE 'Ohio) BOND.«, Issued for S ;kool

ymrpeeee. 7 Per Cent*.Will be paid on pretenutxt. of tbe proper Coupon* »t cur of

See, No. b Wallet., on and art' r the Iff proximo,ATWOOD a C'.

ADIVIDEND of FIVE PER CENT baa beendeclared-J! on lite capital »tuk <f tie CHICAGO AND


after tbe i2ü1 day of Arnl. at tee Office of the Company No. IWiliiam et. Tbe Treuster Book« w ii be eloeed from the let to

the L?rh of April A. C. PLAOO, Nt:w Yean Railroad Company. 4

DIVIDEND NOTICE..The; Treat**. KiveNelke Iba! tlie October Interest of II >V on MORPOd II

HtlNl't of tbe Northern N< . York Railroad Company, will be

yarn at Metropolitan Baak April 1, 1856.W A. WHEELER, EireutlveCommittee Trustees.

OFFICE of theGROCERS' FIRE INSURANCECOMPANY, No II Wall st ear. Pearl at, New-York

Marth 1, 1856. A HKS, I-ANNUAL »IV II)USD of KIOHTPER CENT haa thi* das teen declared, payable to tbe Stoofc-Baldara at this office on demand.

THOMAS OREENLEAP, SecretaryChicago, March 18, 1IV5.

TkJOTICE ia HEREBY GIVEN that COUPON'SIT. Bayhate*eat ob el bonds-f-be CENTRAL MILITARYTRACT II All.loa D COMPANY will I« paid hereafter atthe office of Meaera. DUNCAN. SHERMAN A Ca.ia New-YorkCity. AMOS T. hall. Treasurer.

Chicago, March 18,18V?.NOTICE ia hereby «iven that COUPONS for11 UrnREST aa ell Beäea ad* the CHICAOO AND au-I OCA (now Cbiceeo, Burlington end Quincy) RAILROADCOMPANY will be faul hereefier et tbe Office of MeasraDUNCAN, SHERMAN A Co., in Nitt York Cita.

_AMOS T. HALL, Treaaarer.


No 111 E TO BONDHOLDERS..Helderaof 7 fER CENTBONDS of Ihia Co..i|iaiiy ere hereby uotifie.l ?hit in p irfnenca

at an Bet of tne O.-nerel Assembly of the State of CoimecMcue.Peased at its last May session, the Treasurer M authorized andprepared toeacbenge lor the outstanding Bonds bearing 7 peraeatlnt-rea-.A.Noj NOl BECURED BY MOKTOAOE. Bo-idaaatboriaed I y the at tore BM Otl 'Ue.l a. t bearing 6 per cent lotet¬est and SM Rl D BY AN 0NL1 MOK I'tiAOK on the Cjm-pany'e Roed, Pranrhleaa. It ti Said . v -ha- gr will be made at taiaOffice until Inrrfaer notice. By order ot the Directora.New Y01 k, .March IS, l*'»,. W.\l. BKMJ NT, Treaaarer.

OfatCB Morris CABAL amd Bo. Co., tit:*»r.v City, March 15, I85tj. J

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the AN¬NUAL ELECTION will he held at the office of the Corn-

aaiiy in Jersey City on MONDAY, tbt dey of April neat,for the rhoic* of THREE DIRECTORS in place ot ClassNo. 1 a hose tent of aervice will then expire, andONE DIRECTOR of Clss* No. 5, to fill a vacancy. The pollWill bo aaaa ir. in 12 o clock m., ontil 1 o'clock p. m. TheTrineter Books w ill be closed on and from the lath met untilthe 8th dey ot April. L. N. COND1T, Secretary.

AST RIVER NAVINOS BANkTNo. 3 Chal¬bere St., two fama from Chstbetn..In It res* at the rate of

¦ oer cent pei snnum on sums of 4-5 und less than -fValj and5 |< r cent. auine ot -.-v., and upvard. All sums deposited onar bi-lore Uie 1st dey of April next will draw interest from thatday. Be .k open daily from 10 .. in. to 2 a m and on Thurs¬days from 9 to 7 a m. PETER II. TITUS, President

C. A. Whitmi.v, Secretary.Orrict or rut Miciiicam Souther*; and Northf-rbT"

la lii an a RaiLaoeo Comukvv. No. 18 Wii.liavmt., Jifaw. York, Marek 15, isv; y


ol tbie Company and for Three Iusp.-ctors of tbe succeediugElection will be hi lf at the Ofl'ue of the Company at Adrian,tu the Bute of Michigan, on baa fourth WrEDNESDAV ofApril neat. Tbe t>oll will be opened el 12 e*i k at noon, andeontiiiae open until 1 o'clock p. uu, end es much longer ee theInspectors mey find neoeeeary to receive the voice of ele»-.tore,hut tot beyond »uniet on tliat day. The Ttanefer Bnoke willelaae on Use Uth of April, and tyt the day after tbe ei< | rat,

_JOHN M HOPKINS, Secretary.

vWAVLMlS BANK.-MAIÜNKES' SAVINGSJO INSTITUTION, corner of 3d-ev. r-id Mb-et, for aha b'«ebt of all clesece of pvreone. Intr-eet allowed at 'be rate of 6pet cent on turns of $500 and under, and 5 per cent on turns

above t>500.AU »»mt drpoittd o» vr btjor* tk* l,t tj Aj'til ir-V irate t»-

tereil /ton, ikat iau.Bank niieii DAIi V, from9i m io3p. m.endon WEDNES¬

DAYS and SATURDAYS from 5 to 8 o'clock p.*tn.THOMAS B B I'lLL.MAN, Prealdent.

P. W. Fuel, Pitet Vica-Preeidi t.

least T. Smith, Secretary.Omca or the KvicKraiiocKra lea CoMrssT,!

No. 1SJ Canal sr., Nr.w-YoRk, March 12, |H5fi )

ltJOTICE..Ab ELECTION for NINE TRUS-Xa ll.F.s c( tint Company will he held at tbe.r Office ou

1 I'USDaY, tbe ktb day of April nrvt. I'olbj open from 12 in.

to 1 o'clock p. m. Tranaftr booke will he closed from ZSfth lu-atal.t till Apnl k>. By order of the Board,

U. T CO.MITON. President.W. J. WILCOX, Secretary.

IRVING SAVINGS INs 11TOTION, No. 96*A errrn at , one doot from Oreenwich. Open Pally, from 10

a ai. to V p. m . end from 4 to 7 p. at, on MONDAYS, THURS¬DAYS and SATURDAY S. Interest nt ü f> cent per annumaat turns from fj I -. * .-. All money depoMted on or beforetbe 1st of April wi.l draw Ii terest from the first.

VANDBEB1LTL. BUXTON. Secretary.Bank DarABTMKNT, Albany, July II, 1855.

NOTICE I- HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant tothe Sturute in each case Baaste and pro. i.led, that ell tbe

ahcalatinj notes i».ued to S L BANKS, eu individual Hanker,(PliCKNIX BANK OK 11 AI NUR IDA E ) mnat be pretented et

the Office of tbe Superintendent of Ihr Btiikmg Departme ofUse State of New York for payment v» Hhha, two years from theSate hereof, or Ibe fund. di-]h..ited lor 'be l--.lcmplni.iol theCirculeting notes iseued lo the eald Henker will lie given up.I jylS lew2yK M S( HOON'MAKER, SaperintendenL

OHIO an MISSISSIPPI aUILROADBONDS.A fitst clssr. desirable HOUSE,M Henry ti., Brooklyn,

Will be hi banged lor the above Bonds on lei me will makeIt an obje, t for env parti koldbag Lbam ii linu.edisteepplicatuuie uiede, to daviV a Maine, No n Wdllaaaat_DBEXEL, SATHEB A CHURCH, BANK-

KhS BAN I- it ANt ItR O, i aL, drew Bills of Excheaaaam OEEXEL A Co., PHILADELPHIA, payable et the pria-erpeU cities af 'he Dinted Stai -s.

t ollectio'.a i- tde at San Krtncieco, tnd In the Interior of tb*State, arid priceeda pnmptlv remltfsl Collections may haBent di-cct ti t>. s. a C.,oi Qareeah DltEXEL a Co., Pblla-ealphia. or 1. BATHER, No. lbt Naeeau-et. New lurk.

Exchange oa Sen PraasthaM toi sale. In aaaat to suit byDHEXKL A Co. Pbilad.dt and P. BATHER, New York.

N SALE..-(TTY OF CLEVELAND 7cen: Bonds i\\ eter I.oen)t I i i OK DETROIT 7 A>cent lionds (Water Loan).CITY OP CINCINNATI ti P cent Bond*.

oAll V OK ( HICAtlO et* cent Bond*.CITY Of MM."A AUKEE 7 f> cent Knud*.CITY l>" SACRAMENTO It't^ceni Bo..d*.


\V ANTED-f*i,5U0, at sercn per cent, on firatTi bond and uioitgage, on uueucumbere.i Bret eiaei llreal estate, won i *7,(t0. A[ i>ly to S. E. C Hi. lit II, Attorneyat Law No 5| st.

Copntncroqip iVoticre.

DISS(»LUTB NofPARTNERSHH'.-J06IAHJ LE i OUNT hevlng puiche«ed the entire Interest of

CHARLI s I STK-iM.i.itbefiruiofLECOUSTkSTRONvi,aabl In in is ibie ghjj disaiiived.

J. J LE COUNT ia tu'ly authorised to se-tie ell bnelr.CM oteaid Kim. J I LE COUNT.Swn Krai cieco Feb 2. ItSS CHARLES L. STRONO.J. J. LE COUNT will continae the Booh. Steriouery. Neava

paper and, al bnum «s apon b t individual eccount. al

iheeid e-and . I LE t Ot NT A 8 I RONO, Moiiteomerv-sL, Sarraaxciaco. J .'. U COTJNT.

Paper Qangings, &rc.

REMOVAL..FRANCIS PARES ft Co. haveremoved fiuan No. be Chamber»-et to

No 3db BROADWAY,roaNKB or worth utrblt.

Where n.av V. t u: d the largest sre' bee' ass..rtai ent ofDtCtiRAl'l\ K PAPER .lANHlNOS,

*airt«Me for evviy «'vir ot lloute Arca.tactur* Ai»o, *veryartkle in the nu t lite tor

CITY AND COUNTRY DEALERS,aaiUeBiett Bi:*to.\a8lb Ttiaaa

jjiipr. CUarriiansce.PAPER WAREHOUSE..J. I DERRICK-

SON A Co., No. 80 Deekiiieu el.. eb'er for eele ce tbehvweat leim».U ruin. P.i|Nsre. Priglltb, French end American.Neva Paper, ail eiaee. weighi* ai.d v|avl"iee.BiH-k Paper all ri*'*, weigh:* ami qualities.Tissue Pej< r, :eicv rolor« t d wbite of the best quality.Mar ging Pej VMM Bti d, ditf.-rer.t wrdtbaRatter*' Pater, thin and of the beat qoallty.Cloth Paper, btafd ard ¥xVK.»,aii#l iUrcvv sie r « v «' tmeti* »r «'4.Bhoaibing P.prr rf '.he q .al:l.JA racp.i.g Tsp. r nt,a,. Reg and ManillaE&P ^»a*artal *iieaTar Ro.aS- g Paver. *nital >. >-r -oefs ir rolla

^pHAI'<, t haÜMt BtXMk, TlElirriTat, PtaaTialfta,aVi-n-'s!1"!'SV.-!"'¦ .a... i-aitlve.'e rated ~y

It : si',ti Meduti.d )' ." -'oh* > eh.:troai low f .ref adr o-a-r | a 111" <be t.< v ».."¦I. l. |o I¦Ma. Lily W i. H ..r D».. a.. n. .-tat. t .* 'd.-.-.l,w» tttte,,ur. araaa Biaadway;. - I'b Ui..».».Ba'ea.L« Uaehig' -.-r. ,Bta« «I.. i wefaJyi

C'tT, t5coöo.


0. BRODlF.No. ". Canil at, aid No. «4 Luvr.aria.d-tt aril]MM TI ESDAY, AprU 1,c rloi "f Pi r -ANTILI Y eitrl tv*»*r M AS'TTLL AS

fiat buyer ku jttft returned from Europe wit (An veryle'< tt toveitiee, ai.d kit eaaxriu.i tt > bear the lergeat end mostccmple ta uj tie a sty

g A £ t i l l yLACE



April X

LEACHED GOODS.A f-onipl<-te ..Mrtment,eoaaanrVtinp ererr wl Ith and quality.

NK M. rri A, Co No. 71 Broadway.IiD O N OT BUY


Wr.DsiiDir,_April 2._

LANEETH..200 eaiei ribbon-bound familyBLANKES, from cradle lUe to 14-4. and of rarioua qua i

ie».together wvh Negro, lade.:, and Horae Ii.anbete, trom the)ItoAcal* aid feeds Mills Will t>e sold k>w.

RE8M1TH A Co., Areola. No. 71 Broadway.

G ü I V U r eLACE



(1 O M I N 1' A T I O N of HA L EJ op LEADBEATER A Co.'a stock,

At No. 147 Broadway.Comprising numerous recent arrivala tuna Europe of ordert u*

NEW SFRIN4* goods,given bv the above firm, all ol wbieb must be sold at an Kamen**reduction to cloee tLe ettieiuuent acco m e.



OLOVES. IAll .> tLe aame lew j r -ee tbat hare gvined for thia tele ao large

letety O. B. WILLIAMS A Co.

H n i t 0LAC I

MANTILLAS,Wi.osrtiM v,

April 3.

1MXE I.I.ANKETS..Ereeb inY.ict-g of fhe be#tquaii'iee. turtaleby NESMIPH A Co.,

No. 71 Broadway.

1 A D I E s ,


XJ Doi t I rj MANTILLASuntil


I^INE BROWN GOHDS^500 t>alea Koeknig-bam, Liepe and otber make*, fur tale br

NE. Ml I H A Co., No. 71 Broedwar.


comer cd EKriugeat.W KT QUILTS. U. for 10 wor t, MW KT LINE.. * Worth4 &WET LINEN SHEETING II 1,11/4.(4 b»5/«,ea*aa.WET PlllNI S, I yd. wide and line, at 1'.WET DAMASK NAPKINS. » and If per do/WET TOWELING, vert cheap,WI T SHEETINGS atviSB1HTINGS, very low.

All i f tb<- al«>e gia>d> are warranted perfect, having been but.lightly wet, a'd will be offered at great bargain*.N. If .WET SILKS in treat variety and at gr at bargain'.ANDREW O < OLD Y, N» . (fraud a'., -o-. Eldridge.





Calll particular attention to the following lot* M dea tableOoodt:

.¦*¦«' riieaaea Foulard "ilkt R* ¥1, worth #8.'Ml pieret bctl ;nili'y Scotch Gingham., 1 , worth 1 9.HOC piecrt ort' natality French Oiugbau a, i d, worth .'«00 piei et heal quality French C»lico, 1 worth 2,.1< 0 i laaa* line Detainer, 1 worth 1 Ü.Mi pieces Tamartine, (a new article.)Together with * luperh ttork of MOURNING SILKS,

including Klick Grot de Rhine. Orot de drain, Barathea andArmour. Also a Second or Hall Mourning, In every style andquality , tt auch price* at mutt defy coinpc ition.

\\ M. JACKSON,ISaccessor to ('. F. liartboloinew,)

No. XI Broadway,Between Spring a id I'ti'ire-ate.

~ö ü r m I n gMANTILLAS,

Wi raaaoav,Apnl A

ames A~. hear nHa* ore.* cd his


loa itit city riiDt,AT HIS NEW STORK,

No. 774 BROADWAY,Abire Ninth atieet



oaWr nst tpav,

April 3.

IA C E S and embroideries.J llr EKMAN A Co..

No. 41.1 Broadway. .i Btoome a-.d Grand it..Have received, by lite importaliort,


VALLIKNt ISSaad CAMBRIC, Kre..W,wnkid,




CHIEFKEMBROIDI RED SKIRTS,INFANTS' ROBES aid w aists,RK H BLAi K LACE V ail<. kc be.Also, just received from sVacttoa aatwial job Iota ot EM-

BROIDERIES, rka, SLEEVES, BANDS aud COLLARS,w inch anil be told very low.

Alto, aame GENTLEMEN'S II ANDKKRCIIIEFS for Idetch, slightly usmaged. worth Si.

Also, some LADIES1 HANDKERCHIEFS fir 10 pertoaakV a great largalu.

E W E 8 1 E A S H I O N SIN





OI the tbove-i.amed arlitle-a, ordered by the 1*1« firm ofLKADBKATER A Co.,

from ti e lent expensive to the costly de cripCont, at 40per cent below cost of importation, will be- ottered I r taue thisweek to cliae attlsTaataal aecoanU.

O. It. WILLIAMS A Co.. No 317 Broadway.~v 1: i is g d a "t


Wr;>w.*Dtv,_A nnl t_

~A N T 1 L L s ..


t VPRESSLY kok oi it fRADE,At Whidesale oulr.

BiMN I N Nl. N LMEE a I ....Not. 112 and 114 Broadway



cphingk> and



New babege and tissue B0BE<..Being a tortion of the o let* d w.ta Earopeau mauu-

tai tarrrs by tie late £ru. of Lea I beater A Co.. aui pare iate<lwith thru gei.eral a ditvoiiut of 40 per cent frous. cott

w ... be eps nr to.- tale Mas we. and w .1 lie eiSered » ire

mrndool I* .tit

Par' it alat attention it requeued to tl»*e toodt.G. B. Wll LIAMSA Co., No *47 Brotdway



WEDNESDAY. Aprilt_1\> ALL who rm SEWING Machines. rss1 , ,rd '>. - niREAD from J. h ui v

c M - End, islsagc.w n sp-v s contammg tjßt yard*,a... laiiieri. tor sale in qua.- titi-s to amt, byW .V. \V HITEWRIGHT, avle Agent, Nj. M Maiden lane.

\\*M. JACKSON, (late Bartholouiew'i) NEWYf MOl'RNINO STORE No IM Bros.iwav ha.i g coin-

ple'ed the neceeaerv alt*r»tiont I r the comlOrt . f bsjeuatomers.retpeclfaiiv toi.fils the atte- tiou aj Ltdiet to b.- >pni i P»

!>-iMiois of BONNK1S a I M ANTILLAS, wjuc.i wi beton. d to far snr].ast anvtbing be'ore introi'teed iu n ui

c. u t. l.n.g elesance and crti- ett of style, and »ppropriat« forsvny itage t>t a.ourLii t.

Tb. e iut|wrtant departntert* arill a* eeadt vy Mra.JACKSON, under wbe<*e t'lpenuteudance hi'.ncrui 'J:* efsb.-s. n:<-. t 1st Sfjuir. d sc nr. :i r- .. .<'.

Wal J VCK^OS.Succetaaor to C f. rttrth. 1- n.-w.

No. V>1 Broadway bitwetn t] r^g aa 1 r'n -ce-t:*


i.()(><l PIE< ES of ENGLISH MOUSELINEWti: at OH S I .' . n IVJ DNESD4T Mar .i ti

A. T. STEWAR r fc Ca.B'.aiiw .» Cbambi i \i deale tu.

1:5 K a 111. w o oi - >:<-u r ,, -:!jazi;WO >D (int- ik) tiai iat* ,»ei.i I . .» v

-11 ''.-( RJ ,ni tt '¦' Uu. Re ...p- aiaaj.

Älilün/rp, ÄTc.

JÄHES TITKER, Importer and DeaJer inrechercha

PARIS FLOWER*.I« low prt part d »i h t large aeeortioeiil for caak, «Sa. ifBreedwey i,.«r «'(,.>*.


IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS,Lave op*ned in tbe*r rew et tt.

Um. .1U4 BROADWAY, corner of Fnr.kiir. etthe atrgttt em* meet attractive eaaorunant lo be leotvi la the

»i'y te wt.rr. thrv :- -.-.» Bat »fentioo ofMILLINERS end DEALERS.

Ertreh 5'rtw e;.d Pe-t#r-! BONNETSArtiuctivl »LOW KRS. RIBBON«. SILKS, Ae

C PK 1 R G M ILL] N ERY Gt>0 D8.fO HOB 20 AND 9-1 J )HN.»T.Tie * kt. .li eite o» i tin dunenaicm* of be* vrere-

room» hy the addition if en.-t her etore, ui now prepared to ofertethi trade ttt *jrA*aavrve ttoci of t od* kt oath of the tevtreidepartment* of l ie boemeaa.

TBE BILE (rOODS DEPARTMENTrcaprUea R.blor a. Sdke. LetVBB, ar.d ill trtirn« tie'nr.gir.g fo

that l.rtirhot the Omit mtt ¦. -onatantly bring rep.euiehed byin.portetk.Lt end Ban. l.e»ei et ewt.on.

IN 1 HI STRAW GOODS DEPARTMENTn tv he fMD d ti»:y leBWfMil n f |tt..e I, Er> ¦ h tad En*..«1'.Strew Bmnefe, Leehorn Me'e. N'eepoii'en uid Strew L*."ei.Edgtaaa, TrianMaaj be., tngetb»r with e «piendid etock ofhr»nrb Kiowert if new e-.d anuenelly ri-h and beaut.lei.leanest.

IN THF SILK BOVNFT SHOW-ROOMSere exhibited the moat ¦tjgaMeaad Prath P*it»ru Bonnet* offie ewL iin porter 10: a a* well et e very lerie aeeonmeot fromhit two manufactory. ULequaled in the variety and elegance offtjle ar.d ni -ah.

IHK DRE"<S CAP DFPtRTMENT,jntt added, it a new and attractive feeture of the eetahlwhmei,'.tad the ajfktlai exhibited caoLo* be eurpatted il the beauty eadfaetelali ett if tn» ir patten* ti.d deangne.All the above goo.'* e-a offered to the trade a* n-iojegete

tiric.e, and a rail reepe< Ifally tolirited.

_R T WILDE. Noe. 3» ecd X lohn-et.



MATERIALS FOR FLORISTS. tedi ced pi.cea for CA.-H.

HOMER k KETCTIEMNee. 64 and 66 John it. (corner of Willnm.)

SPRING RIBBONS and MILLINERY 0<X)DSat WHOLESALE..The tubacriber bat j ut opened 5,000

hole* of elegant Spring Ribbon*, end an exteneive variety ofall kinde of Mlllir.ery üood*. wbirh be wll offer much belowthe regular pnre*. Alao, an (exteneive etock of Ladi**' Drei*Trimnir.g*. M. iL LICHTENSTEIN, No. 9<> Bowery, cornerfltalBf tt

Clothing.1ADIES and CHILDREN*1 CLOTHING.AJ eplenriid aeeortment of the i.ewe«t and woet approved

atylea. received hy the last arrival.are now i;eu ami for »einbj B, t HA.MBKRS, aagaaaigt to Bredbroot, No 2»7 Broad¬way nearly oppoaite Stewart'*, between R-edr and Diane at.


CI.OTIMNI) W A R I H O D I ENoe. 122 end lf> Fulton-el.

Ti e prir* if marked on all the goo>le in |''eia »\-nre*.No deviation in price*.

SMITH BROTHERS.No*. jfl and lV> ..

SPRING FASH IONS..The moat aplendid HATSever ottered to tbe public at the low price of *VJ, dually

told et +4. Neat 11et«. BS At, BROWN No. 210 Canal at,

1"^ 0 THE PI R F. D E PART M EXT.SMITH BROTHERB, 121 er. 1 it" Eul- >n-»t., N. Y.

Mauufarfiirer« of tire clo-he*,Cell ti e etter.lion of fir-n.en to tli'ir lar,.. *tock efdrabanl1.11 e bearer, pilot and felt rlo'be which they have Bete on bend,Sanipleeoi their fire co*t* can be eeen at their (tor**,

*MfYlf BRffTilERS l?a*nd 110 Fm-. ,

CDotchee, Jemclrrt. &t."IEWELRY and DIAMONDS VERY The p'.herriber, for the la.t eigbte-n y.-are in b'i«ir-e* ia\\ alI-st.. ia aeUing all devription* of HneOnld. Diemond. andall other k ml* of Jewelry, at whole«ale and reiail. At mach leathan the uanel t rice*.Ltdiet' beantitul (. id. Cnmeo, Mottic, Carbuncle and

P -tri tet Ear-ring*, Pin* and Bracelet* iu eaeh.boxee.?» 00 to #100 110

I.ediea' Pin*, Ould, Canieo, Moaaic, Pearl «nd Cerhun-de.ft vt to * jo Maaak

Ltdiea' Ftr ru ga, (iold, t emeu, M. -aic, Pearl, Cerbun-rle. kc.#2 .50 to #Z5 00 a r.air.

Geld Guard t ham*, Chat lain* Che.i.a, Fob Cheine end VealChaint.<>0 to *M on ee. h.

Turr Oold Wedding Hing*.+? 50 to «9 00 emrh.I.ediee' Ootd Bracel.-e.+7 00 to *M 00 mm b.Plain ar.d > b**ed (loid Ring*.75rente tu #S 0o each.Uentlruiei.'e Seal Run*.? i on to #^0 00tiarn-1. Oial.Pearl ai I other ReM Rinaa*.' 5» to AW 00 each.Fine Gold Tbiinhlea.*>2 VI to *U 00 each.Oold Guaid Keva. lob Kev. and S. alt... .*¦ 1 V> to «25 OOea-bGold Pel . end Pencil*.? 1 C" to * 15 On each.GoldPemila.+ 1 '"0 to *>7*' Porte inoineio-.*l M to e 15 00 each.Gobi Crnaeea and Necklacea. At B0 Be mil M each.Gold *nd s-<" .- Sleavi Battaaeaad Stada.01 nn t., e It on t eet.

fiald Spectacle* and Fye filae.ea.el 75 to *>10 00Diemi lid Ear-Rit r«. Pine Fm*er-Rlaga 4 Croaae*. *>t 00 to * 500Gi Id Armlet*. Scarf l'i:.» end Sdvei I Limbie. J7 et*, to Alt 00

01 OROE C A LLPS. Importer,Ol Watchaa end Jewelry, wbo'eaele and letail, No. II Wall

it.. er*end floor, near Broadwey. up ataira.

QILVER WARE MANUFACTURERS for thek3 llt.M'I ANN A DI NN, No*. !tl and int Jey at.,Breehlja Pitcher* Weitere. T»a ai«l ('..:ice lei tita*, Re.,frtm derigu« ongictl tnd t> 1-1 ted, ancient and modern.

Cnilbing Hlotcriala.

IENCAUSTIC TILES.For Veatibnlea, Hnlla,J Hearthe, Dining r'-oni*. Cor.*erv*torie*, Ac. OARNKIRd

CHIMNEY-TOPS. [RAIN PIPES ke. For Bate byMILLER, I OA i ES 4 \ol |.E, No. T.) Pearl it., N. Y.

RO< iFS.ROOFS.ROOFS.The cheam-at andLett trtieie ttt ro-eiing r.-.fa it TAR ROOKING PAPER

which wi keep mi (tar.riy on bend and will well in large or ime.1eoajitiueatto auit pnrrhaerre.

JAS T. IO HUM kSON' a To.. No. 3rt Beekmanef.

lionnin Cun5 CDauanto.DOUNTY LAND-WARRANT OFFICE, No.DdS W*J .: New Yoik -The b-*. n-t price paidlor LAND WARRANTS; end all Wamnre aold by me ire

guerenlted end tor* anted by mad or otherwiae upou receipt ofn ii If'enree.Lend U err«i t* procured ttt Soldier* and other* entitle I ta

Bounty Lande, upon epplicetioti torVTCOLKMAH, He. tt Walt-**,


No M Wall et. New York.We will »upplv order* promptly. Warrente alway* on band.

LAND WARRANTS IU»I giit at the bieheii,rath pr ee.and* for BOUNTY LANB, PRNSIONB.

A. promptly attenJed to. (JEOROE WOODMAN, No. 49Wlllleai at.



completed tbeir Railroad trom the Leckawanne Coei he.d of

r*BBejl»BBBt, teetwerd toward* New-York, are njw preparedto receive ordert and routraet lor the deliverv of their SUI'E-RIOR BCRANTON (Antbrarfte) COAL aeetw of ve*«ei* *tEli/ebeth Tort, N. J.. (12 mile* from New York.) during tbeentiling aeaeou, after 15th April. Saniulee of the different t.aea

ol thit COAL, tnd all Information deair-d reapecuug i'. will lagiver en apt licet on *t the Ofhce ot tbe Company, Ne 31 \\ ALL-If NF%\ >OKK (Inmranee Baildir.g, aecoiid etury erbere( lit v.: era van alto be procured. UEO D. PHELPB. Ptiaflavaf.A J. Ori ll, Sec'v. WM. E. WARREN. Tr-uaurer

tPccun Öieanur«, £*c.

~i\ POUNDS BAGGAGE FREE.10 SBBtiI 9\ t pe-pci-.nd on axee**.. For.i ti ur* f'oru i .een to at

by Paneasa BiUfnad Tbr...i«b br CavJJAarBie vbt Paaaane Bait-rt.ed. Tlc United St-.tea Mui Stetaithlp Coin-an y w.ll d.«|atchfo.' on .- , H KDAY, Apr.! j, at I u't oet ^ m.

¦BtBaaly fr. :n Pier ttmX mtWtiTBa tt. worth River,aha waB-an v.l. end lagt eteamehip ILLINOIS, Cept. Cberlee S. Bogg*I. S N.P.**e. "-a Bad Mana wilt Ke forwarded by rename Radroed.

ei.d ronnrct *t Panaram wita the Pacific Mail Steaunabip t'ompa-oy'* wacuitVeit *teani*hrp JOHN L. STEPHENS. R. H.

laraai aaaaaaadar. wn-ch wui be ia nn'lnaa* and leave

iuiit edietelv let Sen r ran, i H i t IBIBl ton the P. M. R Co. alwave have

ONI ¦. MORI EXTRA STEAMERS lying at rename rea.iyto* *ee, to ev. id arv poaeille dereotiran ot paenengrrt or mailtPar aaaargi amly ta L W, RAYMOND, at the caiy oBee of

the cm wi No. 177 W-at «t.. corner Warran-et.New-Y'ork.Irei/ht to Aipuiwall. 7v rent* per cub'c foot, or one and a

Laif je; paead, (.-. ^.11 and Lo freight received efter:.' o'click ta the day of failing.


ma: Je» will aafl from ibe e*reem with the Mt..* asi Pa**a: gar*lor V un e. in U > DNESDAY. Afr.I iA rteeaei will leave the Comfeny't Duke: JtraryCi'r.

with the ptaeergera lor tbe PERSIA, at 12 o'cljck'uoouf aadI o'».eck jrecuelv

E. CUNARD No 4 Bowii..g gre>eti.The Ai IA will i-.cceed the PEK-lt tnd uil >n tde Iii i


new tnd talaaaUd ai-w- anin ORI/ABt. E. !- T. '. r-

I *i:gh. t on -i ander, w .«% .«J at t>.-ve ou TL'EiDA\ ,

Ai ril t, a*, j a, at. Fot tr. ia .'. or r"Mag-- t~- v toCHA>. A. WHITNi.Y. No. iBowltorreeiL

I;«'K NEWaaQRANADA. via KINGSTON, Jametre..Tbe Steai. ahip OSPP.Li w.ll tail on -he fib of

April, fmt raaaaae, awaly at Wll K. R'M.LO b <'o N* *>Wit. a-at. V : 1 .-. ^ at ply * AIUSiiLLlLA fe Co.. No. M|Rr:»dw»v. _


March 4, ito« .Noili E to PASSENGERS acl IMPORT¬ERS-Tl «5fe*ni* CITY OP B.VLT1M- )BE. 11*4 taia.

J** kor»«-i« wer. i apt. Rv-b*rt Leib b. a* a*eaal I at r**auta

thettStltftfroa*LlV"TE*POOL tot PHIL YDFL-'fl V lsr-i*.. Mmm mt Irl*.trat attat ataaM a .-gi .-.ei iherrtrxk

.. .e'i,u.eut. * 'b wk ir lata pe' A*J atrri « rw aar . /

A*»ive- a* thv preria» tf eu ikgrac r>.< rl**d. f a i ap>tea; . .jo Advtrtttau«. i«. . i J» . 'taa-i*.

IT S. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY-For_/_* HAVANA a. d N E '.V -<.R[.F.A X" .Od WEDNES¬DAY April J. »t 2 p. a*., frram m>i M rf Werven-et. B. R,the Ava« and favorite il laiMi* EMPIRE CITY, tat«. By.w ndla. win Mil 4« above.Paaaage ran im eecarrg at the faassaaav's aatravFreight ta New Oriean* SO cento far ib« foot.

. Snipper* will at roppCed with Mask kill* af avitrg ef thefcnu ngned hy the Company, an aaviirarion at tbetr caV*. Moother forma signed, and r»o bill of lading will be rra«d alter it*t of **ultr*g.,_f "3 frtiaji: or -^eesag. appl* at th* oflk* of the fosnparw No.1T> Waat at., corner of W erven. M. O. ROBERT«.


.The low and man iScen'. .teenaahip N'a HVILLE.M. Berrv,'«mn.ardar. will iesve FVr Na 4, North River, on SATUR¬day Marek 2», at 4 o'clock p. oa. precsely. Far Freight, so-

P'T «. aomrd. where all aSI* nf lading will ha toned, aa-l forP«- sage ar the ofJU* .f >ipoFFORli, TILF.STON a Co , N IJl Bri.dwav rsbm passage #25. The tplandid .teamed.p-MAIi.ON. W. Fneter. Commander, wiil eiev-eed. and leave

itva rSr)AV' A,rI k The favorite Steamer CARO-1 iV m*k** "f"'»' tnp* to the varvooe landing* on the MaJohi 'a R.rer. F,orvla. connecting with the .'e.roth p* fromNaw.jork, and leering Charleston EVERY TUES.>\Y a'2 e clcck p. m. Paaaei.geri for Ker W eat and Havana, by tak?.V£lif,*b,,1,*-'»';' **amet With tka D S Mad ereaanahip.^BKL. <^*pt Wuuem Rniiiue, letting on the tin af Apr!


amu ria. tpad.Ue-whaei).Cept. Brownie**.Taetf cahia ae..oiniuo.'»tion* Bad atata^. om* for Rrtt elas*

(eeferrer* are eqaal to thoee of anr steamer afl at.Pa***^. Money. First Cabin.'.S100

Prmiaioca ard S'ewerd'e Fee Included; Wine* ai d Liq erreextra, to be procured on board.lor freight, paiaage. or anr other in format W>a applr to

_E. CUNARD, N.k 4 B rwliDg grJwn.


in* are the following.:ATLANTIC, Capt. Weet. FACFFIC. Capt. EldriJg*,Baltic, ( apt. niainith Adriatic.

There atitpe karinf been bniit by ontract *ipre*el* for theGovernment service, erery rare baa been taken In their con-

rtrariior., aa aleo In their engnnee. to insure strength and rpeed,and their accommodation* (or passenger* are aneqnaled for ele¬gance and cmfort. Price of paaaaga from New.York ta Liver¬pool, In Crtt ilaaa cabin, Öfae, inaeconddo.. S75j eacliuivaare if eitra tire efate room*. 4)335; from Liverpool to New-York, 30 and Jo guinea*. An experienced Surged, attached t*. ach tbip. No berth aeenred until paid for.

PROPOSED DATES OF SAILINO.raoat itw Toti, raokt Livaaroot.

SATITtl)AY....Jaa. S, IMn'SATTRnAY_Dae 2*. 1A*SATI KI)ay....Jan. IB, i1m SATURDAY.Jan. 12.1 Ü«bATI'KPAT. E.h. 2, 11» WEHNESDAY.. Jan. 23,1*«SATl RDAY....Feb. 16, is.w WKDNF.4DAY..Feh. «, 1«BATT'BI)ay....m*r. 1, It* WEDNESDAY..Feb. 20,14«SAirRI)AY.....Mar Is. |AM WEDNESDAY..M*r. S, laidSATURDAY... .Mar. 2», last, WEDNESDAY.. Mar. 19. ism.ATURDAT....April 12, iavt WEDNESDAY..April LtaajSATURDAY....April X, lAlaj WEDNESDAY. April Iti.latat

WEDN1 SDAY.. April »Mtö«WEDNESDAY..May 14, ISM

ft : Fre rh' or Paaaage aprlv tokdwd R rfLLINS, No. W Wall et. N. Y.BROWN. SHIPLEY A Co., Liverpo..;.STEPHEN EKNNARD A Co..

No. 27 Auren Friar*. London.B O WAINWRIOHT k Co., Paria.

The owaera of tfceae ahipe will net he accoontabl* tm g. ld,t lver, ballint, i(ei .e, jewelry, precinur alone* or rtvtala, are

lea* bill 1 . 1 a ntned therefor, end the value thereoftherein expreaaed.Sbippera will pleaie 'ake notice that the *hife rf thi* line can|

Bot rar.y any good* r.mtraband af war.

I^HE BRITISH And NORTH AMi;UK ANroyal mail stkamships.raoat aiw-roaa to tiv;:arocL.

Chief Cabin Ca..age.f a

Second Cabin Paaaage.. 75

Va«m ioito* re LivgarooL.aaaag.i .

Second ( abln Paaaage. *AThe abipa froai call at Halifax,

I v RS1A, Capt. Jadklaa CANADA, c*pt. r.ang.ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone. amf.RIC «., Capt. W. kn^n.AeHA, Cajt. E. O Lott >N|AOARA, Capt, Ryrie.AFRICA, C»pt. Sh*tinon. lEUROPA, Capt J. LeiVh.

Theae veaaela carry a clear white lafbi at axaat kaad| green oa

rtarnoerd-bow | red oa p- .< .»

CANADA. Lang.leave* Boetaa Wadneeday, Fek 77, 1*58.ASIA. Lett.leave* N.York Wedneaday, M'b b, I8SAAMERICA, Ryrie....leave* Roeton Wednesday, M'h 12, «t

ill li A, V i. .man. leave* N.York WeanaeeHav. *fh I*. 1*3*.ARABIA, fiton*.Iaav*a B. .ion W*dne*dny, M'h 28. 1AM.PEF.SIA,Jre1klii*....leeve*N York Wednesday, Ap'l 2, 19*1.CANADA. Lang.leave* Boeton Wedneaday, Ap'l », is'*),ASIA. Lott. leave* N.York Wednesday, Ap*i Id. IB***,AJarERJCA.WkkBxanJeava* Besten Wsdi s*day, Ap'l 23, ltAtl.Berths not secured ontti paid for.An azparlaMad *urgeou at board.Tb* owr.era of theae *hip* will ttet k* aeroor.tebl* for Oold,

Silver Ruthen, Sparta, Jewelry, Precious StOD** or Metal*, Bk>leaa Mils of g ar* (igneaf tAarefor, ai d tba vtla* tb*r*oftbereiu exrreased!Far freight or Pesvege arpW ta

e. cmDNARD, No. 4 BowllB| gr*eB.

PATRIOTIC LINE.RtTwLtae miMEW-YOKE»nd 1.1% ERPOOL PACKETS. Tins Iba* will be com¬

posed of ti e follow ii.g new and splrunid ship*, vis:CAI.HOI N.^,i<0 tnns burd.r. ....Cspt. D H. Tainan.H. < LAY.I.V» tuna burden... .Cspt. David Caulkm*.WEBSTER.I.tfttaaahariaa Coat J. J. L*w.eUc**i ruu iaflia....Caj*t O-o. S. Hill.Th* a . »r vessels hsve been reeeutly kuilt, and are the larg¬

est Slid tuest SutiStSUtlsi 111 the liv e.

nay are aaaanaeasTsj*] by araa af *»perienee and ability. Tliaacc'.u.ii.odati. iis are Very sup.nor, and every eiertiou will bemade ti. aarati am ronifort of passenger* and the conveniencecl si, pp.i g K r Fre gbt or Pae«a«e spjly to

SrOFFORD TILE8TON A Co No. 29 Broadway.Agent* is Liverpool-T. UR1MSHAW A t o., No. 1» Uore


Öunmboat« and BaUroaof.

F'OR BCrSTXiN^n^^PORT aad FAI L RIVER.-The avilendid and sap. rior

Mewkwet BA1 S TATE. Cat t. T O 'e.ues Naw-i urk

every 11 RSDA1 IIIURSDAY and IATURDAY. *t 'lo'clockP avi and EMPIRE STATE,Capt, B. BraTton.laava*Near.\irk etery MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aad FRIDAY, at Io'clock ¦ ¦ tr. in Ptoe N* t, S. H., aaa* tba Baturyjbotbtout bit.g at Newport **. h wsy.Her, eft. r tu. room* will be regarded a* ierare.1 to any spptl-

¦aal until the same ahall have been paid for.F laAl tu I sti u i* ferwarded 'hronsb with great dispatrh,

by s\B 1 iprr«s Fr, ight Train.w M. BORDEN, Aget t, No* TotLd 71 Wfittt.


and TACNTON. .Inland route, without delay, change of car*

or baggage, carrying tb* Fa-tern Mail.Th* M. vmer 'C \ AND! 1RBILT, Captain W. H. Frew*,

and COMMODORE, Capt. J. K. Pendleton, In conoectiou

with the S'oTiiiigtou and Providence, and Bn«tou an I Provi-laaaa llailna.!«, leaving New-York daily. Sundays excepted,fn.m Pi. r No. 2 Norh River, fir»t wharf above Battery '. o". k ti.. and Stata agtaa at H:30 p. m., or on the arrivalof tfce n ail train wbiih lea r* Boston at Stp. in.

T'e foMMoDoUE fr..m New-York Monday. Wedres'.ayKad Friday, From >tu:..ngt«u Tuesday, IhursUsy and Sat¬urday.The C. VANDERHI1.T from New York Tuetd»y, rhnrwUy

at.I Sat-, uay. hr. a Stonington Monday, Wednerd.iy andFriday.Paaaengera proceed fr un Stoolngti'i per Railroad to Frort-

laxai a, Boat, i Tau- ton ai d New-BedKord in the Express MailTrain, reaming said places several honra in advance *f thiwe byother root/ *. a::d in ample time for all the early morning line*connecting North and East. Passengers that p.-. tcr it

an hoard the tteanu r,enjoy a night's re*t in.list .rbed. br. ak-fiit if desired, and leave Stoo nglou in tb* 7:30 *. m. train forProvidence.A Barrage Maitrr accompanie* the Steamer and Train

through i-eeb way.For rassage bertha. *t*re.rooms or freight, apply at Pier No.

2 North Rivet or at the office No. 10 Dsttery pisce._


Maaad t* Mau.h Cbnnk.Winter arrangement* commen. m*Nov. 19, liVA. Le»ve New-York for Ma icb Chunk and inter¬mediate place* from Pier No. 2 Nr rth River at 7 jo a. m. forFaston, at 7:30 a. m. and 3:13 p. m.; lor SomcrviJte, at 7:* and10:45 a. m .o 15 and 4:10 n. m. The abive trains ^ : .t

Elisabeth with train* on the New-Jeraey Railroad, leaving New-^ .. k t.-vm foot wf t'ourtUndt t(. *t 7.*) and 11 ». m.,J an* |4

p m.JOHN O. STERNS..Superintendent.

CAMDEN and AMBOY RAILROAD LLNESfir PHILADELPHIA.WiU ont.l further notlc. leav*

T i No. 1 N. R.,at I« o'clock, a. ai. Fare «2 29. Th« b a.

m. and 2 p. m. Line* »re diseontisued. Emtgrant Line* at 1a. 4-VI. , k p n... as usnsl IRA BLISS, Agent.

I^U slTlMil RAILROAD..The .teAtnb«*tISLAND CITY leaves Fulton Ferry wharf, north aide, at

. s. t and 10 a m. i 1.4 and « p bi. daily, meeting and exchang¬ing passetgera with th* CARS at Hunter's, (opposite Ha¬lt) which leave Flushing at the aame boors. Pereon* ran ro to

Fiuabing by a: y of the** trains, aad return by the next or anyMet* »ding train. Throvigh in .5* minute*. Far* iS cento.

GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE..The Through Ticket and Freight OtTke of th*


A: '. :i-r R a. road and Steamboat Connection* to Cblcage,Milarai baa, Geleaa, Buriiusrtun, SL Lou*. Cairo, and all point*t\ st ai d Sou'h weet.\.,kl SFEJISION BR1DOE. BI'FFA f.O, or OSWEOO, 1* at

No. 1TJ BROADWAY N. Y.Corner of Com.aidt st. DARIER c'LARK. Agent.

10NG IBUVND RAILROAD.(Sundaya ex-ä repted). Leave Brooklyn for Oreonpor» 10 a. m. i for

tapbank. 10 a an, and Saturday 5:45 p. m.; for Famnagdal*. esr-t. 10 a. m and J:tS p m.; for Hempataa.1. 1« a. m.,ttaa., ar .l 3:45 and 5 p. m -, for Jamaica. 10 a m.. 12 m. 3:45,i leal I .0 p. m. Leave l/reeuport tor BneAlyu. 10 a. m. Y»p-ca. k. lit .1 a. tr.. ci. Mot,, sis. r- ]A a. aa,; Lakeland, U:0Spm., on Mon.iets. 6:'« a. m; Fanriiaadale, 7:30 a. in. *.wl 1 p.rr.; Syoaret, t. JA a m. and 1 p. m. ;t!*mp*t*ed. <:36 a. aa. and3:V> p. ¦ fmm a v.a 5:40, 7:40 aad »:40 a. m. and 2:10 and4:10 p. m.



all rwtxiia « rat ai.d South wr*t, can obtain Through fWReto,»tel ai. information r u'es. fare. Ac., either by 'as

NEW-iORK AND ERIE RAILROAD, or NEWyOKK\L RAILROAD, by arplicautiu at vba Ovinpany * Of

£.*, No. 1*3 Br. adwav, corner D*y-*«.JOHN F. PoRTER, General Agett M. 8. R R

NEW wfi.!:.(. \rr.E H< iÜ FE tnm NEW-YOFR to R'li'i" STER.-Th* ROCHESTER and

.-' K \ a:.i KV ül'btiOAU* now ap:a. and. in eoo«

<* i:h the B af *l i. Coming and New- Yar*,and New- York. ¦' Erie |.a_: ay. ,- ... a r- . r .'-. fro'b N-.-v i'^.-k 'o

RaK-hester.The dir-^tre.s of t. '.' -e. .ng.'b.r w-h'he nperlor . irn-

RrnaSarded by the wide .rs, renders H by fa.- :b* rrit-: daw.ra-bi» between the aha e n-.i 1 afcl e*.

Tirketscan be preen.-. I *; toe New Y. »k and Erie RailroadT.^ket tlffi. e, f^ *. D.l- Uad No. l u Broadway alsoJe-.ey Cry.baatsge beck-d .breagb. _ _

Fr- ig'.ts w.:. be-rai «t- ttad 'r-veer. N.w V rk atad Re. b»a-t. : wttb .i.epa'r h. A: y i »' n lenret in regard theretncaa ha oatained becalii * . tba IseaeieJ Fp .u*. A*et.t rt tl*N< Y«rk ar. I E 1* Ka.'road. Ere Hbü laug». - j C S. TAFFAN,t. i .e.s .-. ; io. lieboavlsav

- ..e L ..'*> » em.c.g atvl N. w Turk RaürW. *a

fjodaj. J. A.REJFiI.r-1 kei .toodaa-t.

HiTW)N BTVRR RAILBO A.I.» .On mmi i/Vrmonday Jtm. j. tbe TrtM miß ImChant-Vr.

.* (en<w, Expreea 7>%U>, Tai-., withNorthern tad Wewitm TVeia. Throngd. *V«y Trabt, lti Kx

tcrPeaktk.1.5 M f« Stag Sing t r. «. Tha !La-SVg and Peekik.U Tra.n* atop it 'ha Wat RtaeMaa, Pi*. us*-»nken at Chamber*. Canal, l LrWicDUr end 3l**«ta. NuTRAIN ON SUNDAY, ""wpwr ana ji» aa» .tu

I _M. L. STREB, Ja., 9aparlata«aaut

KEW-YORK tod NE^-IUVENlttlA*R» )ADSfRINO ARRANGEMENT Cotej», ,,, . Me chS let*,PeMetvger StaU u* I Coa-:** 8r <a>lwa. aodfutl-a.

ui New Yorl-< Cmer JSib-a*. ei.J 4thTatiM Litre NrwYoaa F.r New II«*«.,, T t a. am

<Ex.)( !Ja».|3,|Ex.l3:ja, and 4 p. ax Eoi Brviga-.r: 7 4a. an.. (Ex.) 12 m., 1 (Ex.). 3:2", 4 pa For MUforJ StratfordFahrgeld, Soutkpnrt and Weetport; 7 a ¦ U ua i. jn 4 n. ai'For NurweJh: 7 a. m.; 12 tu, ; i »Ex.,) litt, 4,6:13 p. B f9tDerlen end Greenwich: 7 a. in. ; l.Vi M 1 V > p. at, ForStamford: 7 I a. m. (Ex.); 12 m . 3 1;jb, 4. 5:15 p.For Port Cheater and internvediite Station«: 7 a m., liav.i .' 4. ., I p. m.CaaaiCraa Tttiaa-Jcif Boetnr: Jam (Ex I; Ja, a

(Ei.) For Hartford and Springtie d: t a in. (Ex I; If m.,3p. m tl x I ri.; ataret I rat Railroad to M.« ."real: .am. (Ex.) For Canal Raliroad: 12 m. to Weetaei.j. PorNew-London Railroad: 8 a. m.; 3 p m. For Uouaatoijc Rail¬road: 1a.m. For Naaxat'ct Ratt-o-ul St a; Ip. a lEx.)For Danhnra and NorwaJk 7 a m.. 4 p. m.

Taaits rot Nkw-Yeaa.1 rota New-Haven: 5:30, 7, irtia tn.: 2:50 (Ex.); 4:4" 9:38 p. m. (Ex.) from nrilgepc-rt:4:16. 7 44, 10:* a. m.; J:3P Ex.). 5:30 if -.U a ru (Ex.) ProatNorwalA: «, 0:52,1:21. II :C7 a m.; 3:59 lEx ). 8:08. 10:11 p. m.Oil From Pert Cheater: 5:30. S.-4I. 7:17. 9:01. Iflita:<: 4>r- rn-_JAMES II. UOYT. SnporintendantVEW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD..ObAN ar;d after MONDAY, Dee. 31.1*55 and an til fanner no¬

tice, ro»ip-r Train» will leere Pier foot of Dean* at. aa Hoi.low a. »i j:BUFFALO FXPRFSS. «17..«. ft,, Buffalo dire*, withaat

chanta ofheggate or iere At Hovuenevtlle thie tra.n rawataaaalwith * waj trabi for Dunkirk and ail ratioia on 'he WeeturnBfa^tttaa,MAIL, at 1:13 a. m. f-r Dunkirk and Buffalo and informed!

ate *fetirr«. Pea*errer« by thie tr*ui will remtin oarer night atOwegn, aj d rana eed the next morning.NEWBUKOH FAPRE8S. at 4 p. m. for Newbnrgh direct,

wi«lioBt change of c»r».ROCKLAND PABSENOER, at 4 p. m. Tit Suffon.'*, for

Plenroiit and intern ediate etation*.W AY PABBRMOXE, at 4 p. aa. for Ouanlla and intermedi¬

ate I'iriora,NIGHT EXPRESS, Ufa, m. for Dunxirk and Buffalo.I .Mil.RANT, atip tu. for Dunkirk and Bu4a.o and lutat-

mediate «letiore.No Train will leave on SUNDAY.The** Exi.rre* Train* eonoert at Elaalra with the Elraira and

Niagara Fall« Railroad for Niagara Falle, at Buffalo and Dun¬kirk with the Lake Shore Railroad for Cleveland. Peariliaafl,Toledo, Deiroit, Chi. tro. Ae.

D. C V. CALM'M. Oeterel SirperiataaajajakVhW-JERSEY RAILROAD.For PHILÄ^II DELPHI A. and the SOUTH and WE4T, via JERSEY( IT> .Mail and Exjrea Line*: Leave New \ rk « eud 11a. m. and 4 and (i p. m Ureaj; l2rn.»-2; itaanlaa at allweyetetiore. Through Ticketa eold tor '"ineiniian ( * 17 andBit >') and the vYeat, and for Baltimore. Weehi .gton, Norfolk he, and throogk*ha(iate ehateked '<> »>¦ aahiutton inttui.and « p. m. J. W. WOODRUFF. Aea.alant Sup't.

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD..Tb* GREATCENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the Atlen lc citn-a with

Weatern, North wceteru end Simth-weeteni State«, by a cob-

tincoue Railway direct. The Road alao con nee te et Pittahuighwith dally line of Steaniere to all pore In the Weattwa Rivera,and at Clevi iau.l and Sandiieky willi et earner* to all porte ou

the Noitb-wc«:i rn I.ak.¦. making the mint direct, che*pr«t andreliable toute hv wkkek FREIGHT can he forwarded to andtrolli ihe lieat V"e«t.It tTVIB 111 rWEEN PHILADELPHIA a id PITTSBURGH.Pta*T Cl.xit .B.-ot*. Shoe», Dry Good*, (in ) «.__. Inn Ä

boxe.,) Fur., Pe«th«r*. lie.......}*>c- P*r U* ¦laeeaa i labb..Baak*aad stationery, Dry i

Coort«, (in bxlea,) Hardware, Leather, > 75c. per 100 IBWool, *c.)

TlMBD CLA-« Anviia. Bagging, Bacon an.: 1Pork. Ii-: kalk Men p,Ac.,eic- »«r 100 "

FoftTii t .1--».-i ortee, Hab, B*con and ) ^ IM

Pork, (peeked,) Lard and Lard Oil.I4"* p'r 100 n

In (hipping Good* from any point e**t ol Philadelphia, he par.tlcular to inarL the package " V ia Priinaylvenia Radroa I." AllHindi at l ¦ p I to the Agent* of thi* R.>ad et Philadelphia or

1'itteburgh, will be forwarded without dotonti ui.

1......., AfcK*T».iierrie, Worailav a <ta, Memphle,Tenn.;II. F. Staa a Co.,6t. Loaia; J. S. Mitcholl a Sou, Eian»villa.Ina». Dumemil Bell A Mnnlo-k ami Carter A Jewelt, l.out*-viile, Ky.; B. C. .Meldmm, Mediana, Ind. Sprigraan a Brown,and Irwin k Co i'incitn.eti, N. W. Graham a Co Zaueavilla,Ohio; Le.cb A Co., No. 54 Kilbv *t. B.veton; Leech a Co Na.2 Aator tlouar, New York, No. 1 VVUliam al., and No * o .....

ry-plece, New Yi rV E J. S-ee.l«r. Phila lelpina; Mtgrtw fcEoaaa. Baltimore; Geo. C. Kranci'eu*, I'lttehu-th.For farther particilira or hill* of lading, epplv to

LEECH v Co.. Agent* Penn. Railroad Ca,Na 2A*tor Hon*e, New-York.

H. H Hol'STflN General Freight Agent. Philadelphia.H. J. LQMBAEB l', S-.ipern-.tei..ieur, Alljona, Pa.


DELPHIA and PITTSBURGH..Tha MORNING KAILTRAIN letvet PhUulelihu for Pittiburgh at 71 a. m., andleavee Pittsburgh for Philmlelphia Th< FAB V LINKk evee Pbili-.itel) ble lor Pittaliurgh at 12 (0 p. n. and I'm n «hfor Pbila.l.lphia at 2:3(1 p. a*. THE NIiiriT EXPRESSTit." IN laBTBB 1' lpbie for Pittahurgb at II p. m., andPftttburah for rbiladrlphia at 9:20 p. ni.

The above linee eonneet at Pittehingh with the reilroaii* lo

tad from St. Lou it, Mo Alton. Gtleua, and i mi ago, Bliault|Frankfort. Lexington, and Loni*ville. Ry. i Teire Haute, M»dl-eon, La Feyette, end Iiidianapidie, lud.: flineinnaii, Dayton,Bptvt gtitdd" Bellrfimteiiie, Seuduaky, Toleiln. Cleveland. ( o-

Inbbiie, /eneeville, Maiwilon em) Wwaiar, < ihio; elao with thaSi. en. Peck et >M>a'i from and tu New-Orleane, St. Louie, Louie-ville end Chll IliaaH

For further particular* eee hand bille In tbe botela of thie city.Peaaengera will And thla thaahottaafJ oa' expedition! tnd com¬

fortable n a'e between the Eeatand W»>(,Throegh ticket* can be bad at either of tbe ebove-mentioood

place* In the We*f. or ofJ. IL BUTTS. Agenr, New Jertey Railrned Co. foot of

Courtteridt .t., New York.J. L. ELLIOTT. Agent, Penneylvenia Railroad Co.,

No. 2 Aetor Houee, Broavlway, New-York.THOM.vS MOOR hl, Agent, cor. 11 th and Merket eta.

New tart, J in., ir-58. Philtdelpbie.

ll)atcr-(irnre.R. E. J. I.f>EWENTIIAFj's WATER-Cl'RE

Bergen Hight*. Hudeon County, New-J*r»ey.- Th* an-

deraigned, formerly Pbvalcian in the Ilvdrupathic lurtltatiou atBraltleboro', \ L. hea now opened thia e«t*bliaUu.ent. It la eit-

nated OB ona af tha laatt *;iit* on New-York Bay, providedwith a remarkable abnndence of aclt wtter, tad rontaiia a coin-

flete Gynu.a*ium. which It tleo coiuidered an eeeential oart ofiydropathie Appeiatue.The eeteblial.uient cen be reached from New York In lee*

thai Lall an hoar, by either tbe Hohokenor )er*ey f'ity Perriea,from wbe ce ata^e* run by and near the bouae. Duect letloreto No. 4 Hanover-at,, New-York.


WATER-fERE and EEE( TRO-CIIEM-y I I8TR1 -Dr. TRAXL. No. r> Lughtat., hea in-reduced

tie VAPOR BATH lu eo-inectton with tbe ELECTRICALI I RRr NT at the moat economical, end. iu many cavac* thei.I effii lent metb< d f. r ridding the lyetem of miuerel orugtand other morbid mattere.


tpI.OVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS.V> The exerntlttir t rorrreut* of TiWlierha ran be epee lilyrelieved by tin* remedy, without injery to th* gum 0T teeth, it

siting eotely npon the Eminent MM have a hi.-h

opinion of if, and eonttar.tly recommend it to their patn nt*.

Prtparad and f. raele by A. B. k D. SANDS, drugßi.t». No. lot)lultou tt., N. Y. Sold by drugrit.« geuertlly.

DR. C. MiUxNE " Improved LIVr.R Pll.Lfeend Improved Vermifuge, and Dr. j S»-«tt'« eelebratei

WhllaflrraaalM I lalaiiat. BARNB k PARE «4 Bdway.

P~HILA DELPHI A, sic.(»eorgö 11 \U-myRoger*, being dulv "worn, d .th depo** and aav: I wta

lerelyxed in my wri*t end band eo bad a* cot tn be able tOBaoajajor ci* it. I took but two bottle* of tbe Magnetic Siran, and mywutt ti.d hand were immeuietely cured. I tin now able to u*e

it. and work the aen.e e* before paralj/ation.GEO. HcHENRY ROGERS, Net M| Sourh Fruutat

Swoni tnd «ubaenbed before me.JofL Co.iK. Al.lern.en, No. 1*9 Cheitautet.


procured et tie Agei ct No 34 I Bna.lwey, up etai^. .WcenUa

|mck and Al a huiile.'

H- ure from 10 a m 'u 4 p. m._

VERGMES*1 EE EC I RO-OHEMICALBArHB.Pn-f. \ ERONE8, the diecorarer of tlie or.Xo** for ex¬

tracting Metala from the Human Body It at No. 710 Broadway.Tbeae Bathe net only «xti«ct metallic uie.lii.uia* from boa ba>a in lyitem, but are peculiarly efEcaciou* in relieving

loSi ring froui Rheuuiatiem, Goat, Neuralgic Peina. Weak new*

er Oaxtraitioaa oftha Liuibe.Spraiae.Spirul Affection*. L'tertavtJbatruetioni and Eroptione on the Skia. Tue Profeawur himtalltivet hie andivided *treniu«r. :o uatirnta Soecu1 LtavattataaMfor L*.lba*. Theory explaintyl to ktadeut* at No. 710 Broadway.

Legal Kotiere.

IN PURSUANCE of an order ti the Surro+ratoof the t «,-;nrv of New-5'orb. notice i« hereby given ui all

[i r.ote bevine cla.ui aaanat DENNIS MULL1*S. lata of tbe

City of Nea York, Ae.. a^.1. to preaent the eeme with voncbet*tl.eraot to ibe aub*enbera, at tb* reeidenceof Auu Mal me. No.

8 Bebwwk-it in the ( It] nt New York, on or before the tenth

.lav of Septa-nbrr next.-De'ed N'w Yoik, rb* *ixtb d«y of

Meaah IBM. DANIEL IPCgNOR. Eaecntor.BihTItw* P« ANN MULLINS. Executrix.

IV PrKM'ANCE ».f an order of the StirroEate;if the CoiiLtT of New-York, notice U h-rebr g.ven to all

perwrt Lern a > ein.« taainet JEREMIaYB ( ÜET, laU

of tb* Cltv of N*W-Terk, deceatad, to p.e«.-t.t tbeeeaae Withv-ou. bi ia '.hereof, iu tbe aabeenber, at theuOv e oi Ja-neeWhite No. 51 LR-ertvat.. la the City of New r.rk. aa or be

fere ih* tenth dar «vf Detohsf i DateaL .. w-1 erfc, he 27th

Jeyof March, is«. WILLIAM PoWER, Executor, Ac.b.b2t Itw 'itna

I N PURSUANCE of an order of the BWfttgBtBel tbe Ctuiity ot New York, notice ii herebvgivea to all paw-

.or.^ Lu teg liiuu egaiuet HENRY S. FARLEY, leteof lAe Cityat Kaw-^orfc. decaaaed. to preaent tha same, with vouch.**ahaaaafj to tha «nbarnber*. at the oflke al We'more k B.iwne,Ne. f| Wa.. .t li. tbe < ity of New '.ort, on or before Ibatwentieth dey of July text..Dated New Yo>< the rwe.rh day*#Je. uaiy IVA. OEOBOE HENDERSON,

ELI/.A FARLEY, .Vdininietrrote, ke..jail lewfn.P of Henry 8. farley, deref-d.

»gji PRElfE COURT..JOHN LIDDLE Plai»ijt>n wii liaM HILLYER, Daaa laat ^»no*!. r n et»v >a.« -l .>>¦ n-ntra.t. (torn, n ,t. ?.-r.) Toll.*IVi daatacc.veran.ed: Toa «eher by lunn- i-u-1 amirtxjairaa ;«ai »wer the er:;.p a nt in ec'im, wbicS baa Ui^daybe r, "J.din tl . oflee ,f tb. « lerk of the Comry of New-York. «t 'he fSr*H*ll in tba City of New- York and la aerv* a copy of ^O'tf a .-

ewer to the (aid complaint on the aahM Ibar, tt n>* orRve, fa OAMercbantV Erchana*. lu ta d e.t-r wit; ;n tw -. 'f day* altertr.e »er e oi '.-.a* t .iti'.i nt on ibb tnlatvlM "i 'be d«y of «uebic'tc a; d :: y 11 tail to a -a' r 'ha lael complirr.t w.n..n tb*taaxie atoreaeid. tie pUji tiü miü tat* j .-la^e .( for tne a im oftwo bardred a-.d eixty aev. n d- Her* ere! ffrty-«aren ceuf*. wtthr. tercet t'rori tat 2-itk day (/ N- vemla'. <¦<-e 'hootaaJ etgut'. ndi-d ti d riff, Ot i.i i :L* ' !. * **"¦ i -r>*tadFekratry It). letV: i iS

nt.aa twTuif Ma .2'aAUorn.y.

" *

IN the matter of the .SALE of the REAL ES¬TATE et HERMAN KATTENHORN, Arum, »t the

r«»n «i.i ki hw «ebte. KxeratetV 8a)«. .In taarvoee'e W aaoraVr *( rite 8um>f*ti> of ttre C*anty vT New-Vera- daated 'V>w>

and JOHN F Kl.S'flTKiäaatar. et the lest wiR aaa teer,

mect et' H) RAIAS KATTENHORN tnraatal. wvRaaat tt nb-Lw aaction, by Marax*. Baker A " iiii. m haiiaäi. ai Vr-Mrrrtaat*' Kit Lange, in 'ba i Uy of Nea-Taft,**».«<.>*< *a*of Afril next, at I2o*rtvrt.a' otn. Um fi iniljaggli11 1 11'

luu !u ll.e City cf N«w York, namely: Alt tb* *a*AI u*JTiitcd ot.e h*,'f pert of til ..bate t ..itaia 7*u, ntam* tt Beiaeto ofiai d iitai», Irk« icd beui* In tb* Twelfth Waag ef Cbm Cityor New York. beanded aad described aa Mtiaa, vU: Uwe et*said UubxatDtLf tt Ur^uu.t whcr* the «Uvision Ks«twecn tb« Naw-Y'oih and HauL_..'....'<. . .> «V.-.. . r>iL.-..:.a'h<i.c*e»*t»:tjre;oi.atbr wrthrrly tide 0f y :.k i,-tb street euty feet Rra haah**.tketc. s. u-eerlv tu a Iii.« persJlsl to tba weeterfy side *f th*

.at. i:e lor v six biet r.<h< iwbe* to faWeU-lauou übecf the Ncv.-Y.ik and Harieem rotwavu«. rAsas*Barak ****** riy

. Lij« ..,.,,[. ,lM , ,.t axrd ah* mtii w tb*pedal at flee* et haajnataf,Od» ,-ih. r of said L«4« roateaanetBi at « antat la the aeatberly

*d» ol Kight.eth-e'ieet, dietaut two hundred aud three feet eadh.., westerly from be m*ilie westerly career «f Seceatd

»'»i ar at d r'Ub'a>'W'f»t rr.oti' « th*i<a westerly gloatg Iba*°"ib»:iT .«> a/ EVbtWtb^tfaa« twaaaW|r»a' *aa*~aa/ Avaii . Lt. i0 i, , »«,».(, «*«.,, ,,| , he u* eea*V **aarl>i4, thesste*owb»riy ui a liea pereil»! ta Iba wartest» *A*a at «aoaaid-svet.o» fnrij .i, «V«t ami sight ir enee tu tba dWiaraa IIa* ef tbav" '' f* H»rla»oi Comm, . thence eoauherly e -ag seidditssiot, liiic-tMt»j.r»ote««aiid three iaeaaa, thersee msrOserlyin ¦ .it.» paiaiWtoiha westerly ab** atf aha twA 11 u it.Let y . x u itftr» hache. ta tba rlaca ot *»«»>. io(.Vmt oth»r cf the «ai* La«. coo m»ucui» at law «Ith eaitlili

c. ri »r et tb, La* la*t above a»-cnbo4, rancia. taaa** Beathart*In . lire rajall-i to lb* wratcrl, «i4e0t tbaaWcrardevenae «titran irrt bve tLcbea to tba drvunoa Raa ef tbaNatealath *nd Harlaeaa t'ocuaaoaa. taaoea aoatb «aMart vai, t a a*id *ui«loa line thirtv twa faat Ibra* lacaa*.the i. i.'tcrly in a line |<*r*ll«l ta Iba* WaatartjMaeeftl 9t < av»rne «uthtv ata fert ai.d tau n cbaa ta tbaactheriy »id» cf Kt*ht*atb atrret, tbeoce wawavly alouat Ibaaouttulr «ideef Kiarhtieth «trvet twenty Ave faat Raa Uiabeato tb* rlai» ol beginning.Oueethi ' I aaid Lot«, couniaiK :n*V a point k* the aoatbarig

..'tb «rrrat, diatant in« buoatiad aat Afit two tVata «tat aaeia** araaaajn ft on. he acailav weetarly eoriiar ef flee¬ted atrnue aocl Ki«burtb airret, iitnniu* liawre aaatbartyin a in, parallel to the westerly aide af tba fccimd avaaaa*cne haaataad ami two feat and two Inches to Iba aaiaUte Hue

ttie i..,» k Uiween i.iuthaad k.igbtiotb atrwata, tban««t and ii.i..die Uim live tWt and half an lurk, t* taM sRvtaaea

111* of tbr New Yoik and Hailariu Cotnaeoa*i tk«i aa nurab-avesterly alsasgMaddlalstoa lkaa t»^n y Are faat eight iuebaela -ur raaterly line of the lot sat above deaciibadt Ibaiace in .

Iii.» parallel io the westerly aide of Second avaaaa aagbty at*feel and two iirbeetathe southerly sad* of Eightieth atraet,

-iy sicng <n* soutbarly sule of Elshtietb streettwe- iy n .e tret Ave Inches to the place of awginiTug. A.ictaar

Lo's, commencing at a point in the eo*lae*tv *td* ofi Meat t. distant one bur .'.red and tweuty eeveu leet and

an* inch wtgtrrl* ftotn the »outb-we*t*r!y comer of Eigbttethstreet a:.A S, ,oud averoe, ranaiag thai ce acutherly la a Ibiapail lb Ui the westerly ai.'.e ef Second aveuue on* baudrad andtw, Let and ta o inches, to tb* center hue of the block betweenB«vei tv-mntb and Eightieth streets ; thence westerly along said<t: lai In e twenty.fitt f et and 6vs ircb**; tueaca aortAverly iualine parallel te tba we.tertv able of Second avaaaa oaa baavdre,l 1*4 t« o tret and two bar bea to the wutheriv aade ef Rigat'eth street; tbet re easterly along the soutbarly side af Kkghbeth.tri et tw»: i. five let t tit e in, lies to the place uf begl.iid. t

At other id an.d Lets, oinnn iiciiig at the soatb eaeter.y *or

ritt tie 1< t laat above described, rnnniig theo easterly alangthe terlrr line al the bleck between Seveuly-nlnth aud Kaghrbrtk streets twenty-five feet Ave iueb.eej thence eoatr.erly m a

line i stall. I to the weaterlr side of Second avenae forty threetret three lies to the divl'biu line of the New York and Har-laem t'etrtret a: thence north-westerly along saMdiviikwa line

aevant] feet and lea hathea to the ceuter Rae of tjja bteck betwrre. S. vinty and E'.ighrietb street*) thence easterlyslei g said renter line thirty feet At* and aaa half inches to tbaI lace ot brail ulng.Another it raid Lot*, commercing at the north westerly earner

ri tee Sm o. davenne and Seventy ninth street running thenceDettkerly alcigthe westerly side i f the Second aveauotweatyIn e (tt t ail a. d ore half inches ; thence weetartjr In a line aar.

allel t. the northerly able of Set enty ninth Street Arty eight featai d nil e ii rb. s tt the dnisioit line of the New-York aad HagInetu t'.u iixusi thence south easterly aloag said aUvasaan Unaforty-one f«et *igan liu hes to the uortb westerly aide of Sev

ea'J-nhrith atraet: thence easterly along the aertberly side ef

Hevealy-rtnth atrret twenty Ute leet teu inehee to Use piaoa efbegianing.

Anott er of said Lola, eeininenciii* »t a potnt wi the westerly>i. e t Secnnd-avenae distant taeuty-fiv* feet sis asad easy.

bail lawbaa naraberiy frota the uorth-irinrerty eornar ef Raraa-tv-nirth *frrrt and Racoti Jravauae; rai ning tbawe* s.wrAeriy,s). us rbe wesSeHy saee at* ssariaad aeawae, twawte-Ave feet auand erte half itiche*; tbanre westerly, in a liae aaaattal to ibanortherly aide of Kaveaty-ulnrb meat, alaaey aaa Beet sightit eke* to tue divwion Hue of the New York aad Matteta Cam

line, fort;nioi.s; ihenee south e«at«rlv. alons aaid sttvteion line, forty amafert eight iisches i th. uaa aastaria ia a Una parallel ta tba aertke

art) aiue of Seieutvninth street, fitty-algst ftet atsM kaeha* kathe place i t L.-gn t ing.

Anotl.t 11 said Lots,,g at a point ia tba weetarlyaide of Bar n..' stenur distant UOy-une feat and oaa inch nertb

arty ST**a tba north westerly corn, r of tba rtec.iud-avaaaa andBaäaaty hith-atieet, running thence northerly, along tit* wast-erh Ilde af S. < oud avenue, twenty Ave faat eta and aaa halfInil,. a; then e weetarly in a line parallel to tba northerly sideof Srveilt th-stree one hum red and on* leet and eighttarhe* i Ihme« southerly, ia ai line peraftai to the westerly stda

ReakV <1 steuue, eeventeen feet eight and one half lor lane te

the Irish nie i t 'he New York and Hariaam Commons, thenalong said Alt s on line twelve leet and all Inchest thence east . slue parsliel to the nor'lierlv aide ot Seventy ninthrtret t, l inety one fret eight inches to the place ut beginning.

JOHN A. AI.1..T,. l-

i, TlawfwE JOHN E. EINCK, ) r-

1N purtiiRnce of an order of the SurTngate of1 th, l .unit ol New York NOTICE ia hereby given la allpets, na bating laiu.a against LOOK BAKER, late of Iba Cityof New-York, deceased, to present the same with voucherstl.eteul ti. te aBbacriba*, attbeofllcaol Hophlaa b < NoAI Metihai t»' Eacliaiige, iu the City of New-York, on or beforetl - 12th day rt August neat,.Dated, New-York, the 7th dsy of»ebrnsry, litt. WILLIAM C. BAKER,itb» law I nI" * Ado mist a tor.

NEW-YORK SUPREME COURT.-OBOaWEll ASRTOM and HERCULES E. OILLILAN agalaat Tbauii ii.brrsot the Arm of O. L. AOAIIKO A Ca., ot Canton, lai

China, dea.gnalsd a* OKOKOK L. AOABKO and JOHNHOI-:." tl.rir real nausea baling unknown..Summon* for uionee

demand on contract..(Cotn. not acr.) To the above dasiguaiedP. fendsi t.- Y en are herel y suiiuooried and reouired to answerthe ,. n la tbktaation, wi u-h will be fllad In Ibe «Blee afthe I .. ik Iba i i'v and < oiinly f New-York, at Ibas Cty Mallin tl ( ut of New-York, end to «erve a copy of yo«r answer i*

Hie said . on.i la in r ,,n the sulascrlliar, »t hi* office, No. S4 Waitstreet, in the City at New Y ork, within twmily days altar tbaservice of this snmmnus ou yon, eaelustve of the say of eaah

vnu ta 1 to answer the said complaint triIbra theIm e an .. said, the plaintISs iu tin* ac'lou will take judgment

Ü «ni ot Thirteen .lumlred end Twenty-twoDollar* and Twenty-three Cents, v I'd inten et from the seven

teenthipvo* Ajnl. One Thousand Ktgbt Hundred and Kiftyfite, besti!* the coat of this action, -listed New-Yerk, JanaaryMl-.IV*. V. V. MAHIU'RY, t'lan.tlrla' AttorneyTit " mi lalnt In the above action was filed In tba oAVe of tlm

t lets tt ihr City and County of N*w-York, oa the 14th day oftt' ruary,luvt.. t»l» UwlJwf.

CA El. ui HEAL I > IATEi^y^rirtue ofaa or-sT der uftl.r I OBOtJ Court ef Suftolk County.salt resiiae'e lhaInterest of HELEN M. HALHKY, au lnf»nt-*»d with the ae

nt of all tl." ,w tiers or pei.ons interested iu the propthi i " riber offers for sale a I the following deacrtbad

rea it e, Ute lha property f Luther Ha'sey, deceased, sita-ste.i |>r dgi bamptcn, In said Cooi ty of Srifltilk, to wit: Th*HOMEhTEAD, roatalnlng aheiit seventeen sera* of choicaland, with a large double twoetory nwrlling bouae, nearly newlarg* barn and conrenltnt out building*, in good repair, pleasantly gitaafrd, altoat one mile weat ut tba church, oa the mainroad to -'in.'A a piece of cleared land of aboat **van acre*, called

Spti: ifeld.Also, a pkee ofcleared land, tailed Kdli* Pond Lot, of about

.ix acre*.Also, a piece of wood land of about thirty acre*Tb. sale a HI be n.adr u,on condition that the Court eaaAim

the tale aalt respects the internet of said infan I, and that allether fs't e. Lev. g any interest exeeai* propar dead* in ibe>Bare] as*I* D being the intent to sell all the estate which Lath*r Ilabey bad u. the pren ises st tba lime ef ha* death, iaelad-li.» kieaj ioew'a rlih' of dower. If the said pramiaa* are not addan or he'ore the all el .'.ay ol April next, the aaaae will baaeTeradat Public Arciioii on lb*r oay, at 2 o'clock p. Be,,at tbadwelling boiii* aforesaid, in Bndgehamptoo. Tsmis af sals madeki wr (.i apt Itestion to Iheaubscnber..Bridgaheasptoa, March

IIA JAMKrj M HALSEY,dLI law IwF* Fpacial Onardian of Helen M. Halaay.

SUPREME C0lTRT.City aad County of Now-YorL.»-William srainst Anna Maria Beyd, Eg-

trntrix «'f tbe last Will, A*.,ot SsxbmI Beyd, Aa«»sse*; Annablsrn. II. yd, in her own right; John Boyd and Helao, bis wits ,

Bsvird Bevd and Menette, bis * ifbi Hejnual Beyd and riopbla.hi* a te Jit. C< Cowrie awl Elisabeth, hi* wife; EdwardBovd, Mary Moore, TTieotlnre U. Dwlght and Elim, hi* wife,Wüllen I t ry Moor* aad D.bells draham, hi* wif*i H.'er

Clay Hi;l uni and Anna Msiia, ' is wllaij » Maua** andFMia Jat e bis wife; Agnes hoyd. John Bayard Hary l, AndrewA -: \ .ri <f. Iii« wile Kdward S Boyd aad Lucy,hi*wile Jan ei Jim'' B and Ann* Hsna, ha* wite; and Henriettait B'td -Hammoaafa* ralief.|Coib. i.ots«r.).T* the Defenda. ta .'El \\ A D B01 D, Ml NOEK anal P.LI/A JANE,bis w '. and AONK.4 BOYD \ oa era saareby sammoned aadrrnu.rcd to *l v. i r tt* eorord* i t m ibis sat.on, which has bean

I. e of th* Clerk of tba f"kty aad Coanty of New-Y otk. a: d to errve a eoar of y-tr aaawri tu the aaid oo-upUint

..l,er, at hi* OiTua, No IA Wall st., New Y.rk

City, a ill hi tttei iy day. sfter the service of thi* saMaanaa oa

, ....... r 11 the day id si« h servka anat if yo* fail to an¬

swer ibr .... Ur within 'ler lime aforeaairl, th* piaiutlfTin ibis art n will sppty ta the Coarf lor Iba fasfefasMaaävsasd IuUlt eoa.ldl .:. I'st. d Deeeu.lrer U. ItaB.

J R. KLANAoAN, PlaiatHFs Attorney.The rri. fisii.l in this art.i.ri was Altd ia the ektiiis of tba

< I. ik . f t. ¦ City am4 County of New-York, ea the lath affJB law*wF a

.Jl 1 E1..ME COURT-Citv Rud Couotr of NewKJ M r.K -IlICHAni) L. CROOK . .4 DAVID BARRF.Rig atJOHN HOLDEN and JOHN W. HE MRT. Saunaoua

..nt's< rvest.) Ts the Defend-

ai s in V \ HOLDK.'v and JOHN W. HKNKT: Yaaereliembyi1 b*wei las) roinplaint IB this aeifea,

. d,r« uf lha Clark af the Ctys. ol New-Yoik, at the City Hall af th* City at

ursnswer to tbe said eosa-

ritat .' 'a oAVe, N*x 74 Broadway,ii.-t..-< v N w Yo-tE, -«itbin twenty day* after tb* servtea

101 lesreaef fn* day of awsb aervice;and ti n :.. l to answer the said complaint within tba timeattn sa.d, ibe pleii.tiat In thj artiiai will lake Ja*g»aiaf «aarai

sam *f als :.y... fcaad/od and six daalier*¦v three eer.U, with interest troro tbsy Ualrty Ars', dar of

Drcsmbei, - thoaeand e »hl hur.dr. 1 and Arty sear, basada*the eeetf of tbU aetiora-Dst.-.l Aeguat ii, IRiV

r MATHER, yUmuW't A'taKoayTbr Maswlalaf iu tfce shove eetton w*a filed ia tha esTk* of ibe

,, .ei i'y uju Co«.nty ti New-York ou tba IJth day »fFrbt »rv, Itag. F. K. MATHKR.

i. .aaf.wli _


u I un oi.tract.('"oaa. neti. lehaAaatl Yrva are hereby eaK]it>ii>ed and

a*r the er mi a-u'. la thi* action, which will h*fjteel In 1 e r fi ^a el the t lerb nf tb* SripasTVo* Coaul sf the Cilytbe Superior I

. i Hi v V« ik. st liieCiiy Hail la iba City of N*w York, and¦¦ of vci r ei *» er lo lb* real eoraplaiat en tbe ««,.. N.. II« Broadway, in th- t'i'y of New

ktrk.wi bli twaaty days a»vr 'Ea at-rviceof this anatajansen .. e; and if you tail la

a> «Wer iL»«... Ii «Jor aael, the plaintiffLa this action v I. »«wir.«» yo* Car tRe sosa .ft :fc»>. -f. -.r 'lollsis *.* .1 > at* wPa inlereat from lha

lre.i . At jkite, besli'.es -Ee n-l 11 'bat ar lot -Drtad W»a*a*kar I, UV5.

I.VI Mi it t.Mil. EWS. PtaitatiaT** AlUjraeyaTE.eeri r . w it ö'»d In taWeyaV* eftb . Clerk

i .ei" if New- York m. vna) swih stay1 ,ar t'A fA laf/Cae'