New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-09-30 [p...

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Transcript of New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-09-30 [p...

7117ANTED.A young Man with ß ??? 1W character and «ooia Ingenuity, to repair clock«. «

uidstore. A« A trustworthy peieoa will e«c»r« ajtaaaj·.tEEBlliiB Oood relarence raaniied. Apply « No- 71 ? aa


WANTED-At Ño. 114 Nassau st..

K.leeanea, 8*1**! Tew bars, Ur.|? Çterta. ? -"<

rbEiiin Men oa Raiiroadt l-arms, and Stea¦ .re, c yi

WANTED.A Tinman, to _o South.Us mn« andei-aad bit b_oeew U oroughly.m he

aise te« to a:t aa foremaa in tbe «hop. Ad-.;· ? TIN,früKtaa OaVa._WANTEO..As Clerk, a young man

Bboat Htm« of Eg·, at W.N JOHNSON'« Looa-iBfWawWmróoen, No 5M Bread «ray Salary first year,Sanaa aadr-V__________

ANTED.A Journeyman Confec-W tlooor. who oade-taaai the basine« la ail Its,__*. to go to Philadelphia. To Bach an one, permaient

eaalOTtoeat anil be given. Apply. M oday if'^rnvjr, bs-twaea.'aed S o'clock, at the Cake Batery. Cba. .er«-r

opposite the living lioaee._ -_

.Ì? GRANITE S G??EC'CTTERSws_f waat'd at Ra.tpo, oa toe New York aad Er.s

Mu__ »*-·*»D niKp t ^

fili itiMl .WANTED.A Partner»|f l\"a^MI", _»<^m:*«ionbu«lne«awltheîe»boaaital of |1&.?*ß, on which a large pro'.t can be made TheSE«etseaíeand well established In this city. Caairc-moot· ta the a»ourrt of il< ".' '*> per acnam san be Mcoredtor èva years. Andrea» O. II. L-Astoi Hobm.

Cost «nò /ennfe./CAUTION·.iV>»t or stolen, a Draft\y drawn by A TUFTS, accepted and Indorsed by M.MINOR, datad July 16, 1852. it four months, for SUIPaymecí baring been stopped, all per«eas are cautionediiEisat oeEottatlng the mom.ip-mnaa-l. ?. ? ?Gß, Ko 19 ·*»« «.

LOBT.On Saturday, JSeptT.'), 1852, inthe woods above Ball's Ferry, e OOLD WATCH,

white face very thin. La Rov à Sobs, Pans, make a withao_ base·-hook %od chain attached Whoever will return.Ae eaasa at the ottica ci tni· paper ih»;, oc baadsone y re¬


SHAWL FOUND.In Greenwich st..Jd !·«. Apply at No. m Hearv «, New Ytrk.

4_CL REWARD, end no questions sviked.f _* -Ta aoy on* wko will ret'irn a rlece of Wor'tedEMBROIDKRV WOBK, rsprf testing a aian aitttng, gjr.end aaarf by bis aide, takea pr * ... » ? · o.·· .. it¬

ilo« ©er «enee yeeseide), between » ind loeleek.MORAVA | ALLENDORPH. No 45} Broadway

«fíjame· Cm infinti· Al«.

NEW-JERSEY DYE and PRINTWORKS .The above woik· will be offered at aneti jr.

by tbe SheiltJ, peremptory sale, oa SATCKOAY, the /id daysf October neat between th« b» uri of and 2 and '· o'clo k,? M. They are loc»tad opoe the Bab »ay Ri er, In Iba town(,f Rah way, New Jertey. It milM from New York City,.seuaonieatlag by ratlwa· eight time« a day. V. ¡ -oa* oft ra*«pot«t' ? o' Irrigf »is reati pei bundred ?···.n li. Toewoik« are m capital older, and ready fo. Immedla-e ase

Tbe ¦rechme'-y conilitsof « four-ooloied Printing Masiiloe,with'»» copper «bel«; . thiee-bowl Filelian Calenden,Hydro Eitiactor : 1 taro-boeri and I three-bow! 81/.ng Men-gle« 1 Washing Machine; I slide Lathe, with a completeMt of Tool·; ? ? ynr mus Pre«; I «et of Dying Can«. ;

Oye ng Machine«; DyeTub«; Of rara, te Souring and Che¬mie Tub«. Boiling Klrre, aad all reo. «U·« far carjlngonthe fen y UyetngTbe Steam Engine ?» feet «robs. ?? Inch Cyl'rd»r. wit

S flue bollai« Theie ooiler· were made to oi.le in G A andare each 93 feet lot;. I f*et In d aainier, Id in h 1 jes. Tii-reti alan water pi.?. si available (or a lave portion ot the yen.The main building 1« ol l.rKk. 10 lee. long li feet wide, t

«orisi high. There aie taro Dry Siedi wpon th· premile«,«Hurdle« faillit.· « '¦ d.ylng b»*> pie·· daily. The Si -

Uye ???µ contaibs^t vati and 3 .«««.··· a, ail in first isteordir.TI« e are «la aeica <.f land attached, nena which there are

Ihr»· dwellloghuii.r«. >ne barn aad at'Me, «¡a;·· bouM, Ear·pint« »hi ? at.d black- lib atiip, w.l'i a oomple'.e Ml oftool« The prêtent dally cape-Il vol ? a work« I« for the pro¬duction cf M peci i..a/-d (ionie Vi plebei of Vi.emiand)4n piece« ladigo blue and arhlte ? n'< Kor furt «r infjr-m«!on addreMl. Y ItoUr.KS. Bad Rahway, New-Jersey.? ?.If BESlrad IRS· of th« BuKhaaa mon·)· an re-

oiain on bond and moilgage.

EV»R SALE-The Stock und Fixture«M. o< aiutili Boot aud Hhje Stole, now d Inge goolKuiu'eta Hettifactwy reason· |1?·ß for telllnl oit Applyto J K.QirrtNS, No 130 Orami tt, Wtlliantburgh.

f^OR SALE.The LfM··, Fi-turo«, nnlStcek af a firm e'ae» Eatleg Saloon, doarn toan, in the

¦?. itt of «aratali«« >< «met», h>. Its th· 'unuf the finrt-danjf a> «»nniei» LtBO ihres \»er». Hen· ver, k>«T, and trillb« d>«pu»ed of al · great «¦ .«In, I y ape ylng to

KM LOl.u A. Kli:»v \M, So ÍI ? .rib VV:I in, ··

OK SALE ??»· La·»·»« ami FixturesC^OIG sf ·


m m usât I.i'iiiir M re. wt b ait 1' g I Oini lad cellar,.ilval.d in a good aeigi oih.i.. \\, 'y n the previ«·«,Ma U1Mi.!berr} «

t^oR SALE al · ? ? K< ¡ ?I ?.TheM7 I e ne, Slock ant FlxtarM ¦>' a It k ·· ? Siatvmery

eJtjrsii: Broadway. ToeciiMpete»' | ·,« m, poaMEiln^«oiue>japt'»l. thi· 1« a ft'it r»te chance.

TRACÏ t CIliTTi HI s *· IttBraaaWET.

"A ^LTRE F(HIT(:NE-F.»r Sale, theJTB-Si··, eteri ? te. of ssrf tnaeUe« I'a4srtakar'iritaMUf menti in tt · ? 1 - ·¦· art« ? to retne

¦ nlW, '.* the | ?- s i· a >¦. I tddtefe invriuarut. |s\(NM «riti «? ? .MCaeenaker, T

"TPRIN'J EKS.A RÀRL « HANCKil §m lai·, li' ' · '·??·!?>? tan

New ,'eiwv Matiruli ?·?!· :; »» t.a» (urne.! o .t fr u

tjl.t«t u Bl,i aysai G reárala oae er twoyear« Reason f .r sentn», W h-«'(h In me for UOWNKR,at SA\ ERk t CU ANIU.KKd, ? '.: Sect uta il, M i .

aelwt>a 1. and 1 o\!. g|

&A tííííí THÉ StOCK »ed ??\HF^a'Ptnr. t?t,?'? (( t ORNTLMETI ?? ¡tFISH N(i STOKE tji ?«?.!>' r.veiy tiUete il the «J tliMlaWe Th» ??ß'? m la goad !*,(«· in cmìi will be ra·ini.daidtl balai ce la 'ß iddlEEl W. ?, altnWi'ff'ee. »lem.g »·· .i «id »bere e iteniea ? babai.

WANTED-A Pai Wt vvi·!. |6,000, tolei eat lu the ? - fe PotEot Maebtaa f_

Buaipg ted lead, aTyiBa whl ? tea I tad miau M all Hiid«,Arytrgdtatp doui ? ·

log ard ball g Taro ttu ¦,.·¦.! del'ar» will be rciuired im-mediately for paiabeMng .r.e-t.'il|rd ol the r-eht »..,,.aeeewg the BiaaBBailara. the kalaajate baadvaae>»da·needed M tie .. .. N. e ·,·,- ,

aad dem ¡? «.. ?. ? task ,'ne·«, need apply. Addi -«ROASTtR »I theilh.e ?? '.' t\ -.paid»

Uoûïô ano fioomi.A (H11F.G HUME for SLNtiLÈTtËN·

XA. TLKMt N.-A miai; ? wiib no aautllMhddroa. EtEBfjl g ÜM n ? ?«Boeeutwooi thiee«ti:;!ü geui.« ? u :.? al troom· ·:? tatù if t. >?.?, atttaot b v.l, « eiebave »ilttiaoulet of ahrina and tù. .. » ;.· µ- ito Th»y baroa Bailo «if one ai.»:! »'.!·. ag roe ? »ad»»une, beaji.l.-lly «i'uati Jouili« it .r hiednivsiHilaird. »i d ». e,.à f. r the ^ .ii ol ? .

.reatfta rr. wl o woul« tu i a «i 'lr,( no·, o hMparal: bidu.o. .· riiecenlr-l t>eallty· f K· ni «r, iti cityace·«· by MEfaE MénUroadEftoM evwy pari oitmstbai ai:h i.« cha.acici.i la au e Basa, r.eko« r. poculia>ly heaNssta ratMaoaa \ ? «dJre«»ed il Bjv '

Bioadway P»'»t-Odic«», nul mot w.tli promet acendón, «par:*a auay ce!, al the h ·_*, ai « BUM eoaroaiaot

GENTl.EMAMi'sn ite BCOQ ninuJa' tbe hoase of · piUete, re« d ngat apleaiant

'.«ac» t ? loan, and u·. 'et: th.· Ai aa>paB0O eewa«·tmtt%, wtlh a baad«»me ? aM I ··'«. on se-OLd Imusa of tatb, and with partial Beard Te »ay Oantlen »uabo arairei to have the iui«t and coiuon- of bom«, tbeorvwut cnpuriuaitt v> ili to lavorasi*. Add.esa ?. ? .Ml'aioapval' « Oft >·

FRONT ROOM, ou t' · ·? »ad ilo*·,TO LET-to one or two ·'nils trentièmes, witbom

No. 7» Whut*. third door from Brrs 1 way.

A UENTLEMAN and WIFE and fouli»i ?|·____! vHatlaeaa een be ae«o__odated w'_J^píb*^'*"* *°^·??ß « *·"·»*, «·µ »?

GENTLEMAN _¿l bis win·, m two



^S??_?_??G1?????VXZ^» · * ?:-? Ob*.!«., cerceta »VbXis ·,*_¦;.*·* ^"·**««*?, a« ?.

A GENTLEMAN and hit Wife, or one¦_*«4 rsa-a, « ?·. 17??_? :tu^J_?___»Ì7 î«tvtsbealwUb b«bs, Wt air, gaa, La

^ *· bo_a fi f»

A GENTLEMAN and hÍ7!¿7Íñr7rJX. two or tbre* tingU Oeo/Jeioea, can be _v._a,__e!_ij£f5^tadj pea__« Roo-a. b, awl^SÄ^A MER1C..N HOTEL, Panama. N. GJ% -t_* Hotal at by av Uo «scat airy. n%* u aad ·«·-Jo-MM bows ta ebs Clrt oí reaema


A FURNISHED BEDR0O>Tfi>r^^ï7-Ébj Ooaüe-an to let, with or with-ut B.-eekfce., .

a iMBiatalls private ___y. Induira at No. U4 Uraad «,-tar Ea« BsBEEway.ACCOMMODATION for FAMILIES£%. aao BINÓLE OCNTLRMEN. eaaaow besscorodatf» . 1 it· Bleeekar « Too sxtsaat\s aldri·? to the beüdiagte-Bj »«Mplatea, it.· bo_a wui ba ready n>: tbe rtoeptloe olèoarlareeo «rJ-DAY. Oat A

AN ELEGANT SlXXiND-STORYXB. eVaat Parlar, and laaVaom adiolalna to Let. win»loara. taaitMt'eesaaand ha Wife at tw« stagi« Ueata-euea AswratN·) :ì. W»« ¡Hh-r.oear f_ t<.


A DELIGHTFUL SITTE of ROOMSopon the »eeond floor cr-j^itirg c'» frtct eej back

Parlor eoe a Bedroom, leedri oit of eaah lnar.oee» t.»»lBga'llbe n. <lero improvement*, end !» every way d<*. »

e genteel family, or e few er.gia Gen*.lernen.with or with-nlBoard. Aleo, «ingle Rrorc.» p?/·? to· tr 'd floor. Staaei at» Icari pee» the door. Appiy »' No «7 4ta-av frja» . o'e^ckG. M. toß.____ASUÌTE- of handsomely furnished

Apcrtmecta with Board, ean he obu*aed ta a prlve»ef.iet-cUa» home. A front room < a id tow far a »-agi» Q«tlcmca Appiy at No 44 Wer. S3d et

A PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM.on the eecond floor, with Board, ean be aarired by a

Gentleman, in a private ramily wb*-e tftere ere no other'«arder». The hon«* 1« pleaaantlj dtoated et No «» I2»h-r,bctweea 6th ar.d 7th-eva Befanaiai «jrea ani reared.

?OARD-Ga Gentleman an I hie Wife, or

twïcr the* angle Oetlejaeeeaa be ecco»aiMatedwith roll or aait-al Boari tad pleacaat RílJfMiatNo i*>HadecD-at. _______¦

"DOARD- . Elegant suites and singlel_ Boom« mey he obtained In the firet -dace brown «tone

«Caaav N-437 Wert «d »t. near itn-e» Hooae new, er.'Ji

ali )mprovee.ent« Reference· raggirai. a_

BOARD.A Gentleman and Wife andtwo or three <dn«le Gentlemen, en be ee- ommodeled

w th fornUhed or nnfomieiieo apartment« on the eee >od or

third «taeSaj w.-b B'-ird.) by a pr »»te famiìy reaUriegin e

re-deor/i» free «lone bo'iae, with ai. injiero improvement·App.y at No S4 Weet _uJ-et.

BOARDING.Elegsnt «tiitei of Parlorsand Bedroom« ; aleo «Ingle Boom* aewly and richly

rarefate*, now ready to let for the winter. ·G.^.«ß*. <ba*ha,he-, la the firet-clat« brown «tone tooec. Uri To v» cot Jo-o*.

BOARDING.Two young Meo, or a and hfa Wife, een n» accommodet-d with

a «avloo· Room "ß the »eccnd floor, Board, in »»ri¬vale family, in tbe eelghb whood of Grand ft. ·?· the ? iw

ery where the comfort« of e home can be onoyed Refer¬en ee «xcheng»d. Addree» S. H, Trimme OtBee.

¦pOARK.wlth FRENCH LESSONS.-J_B One or two young Gentlemen can have Board, fall or

te/ria', in a gent· el booee, with t<e«*oo«, withoeteTtra chai.«. Inquire for Mia» WATERBURY, «a>a»,ldoer» eeat from M av. Reference· required._

BOARD.Two Gentlemen can beaccom-'.i oda'.ed with bandaomely farcied room«, erlth ot

w-.thent partial Board. In a private fatally, at No. 234 4th-evtear Union-equare Bath In hoace._?OARD1NG DOWN TOWN.A»CHAMBER-INS North R:vw Hook, No. »41

.'»*b'r,g-cr.-*t, near Weehtngto« Market A few perrne·.eet Bcaraer» can be accommodated with Board at t» «

Seracck kM>. ferai·-«· Eoe/m« lo lai with or w*thoe»


BOARD-.Good Rooms and Roard atNo. ·* fulton-ft for Uanreat, day aad permanent


BO A R D..Large Rooms with r>l-R.·. n;» · .Italie for Gent emen end their WlvMOf

rtncle Geti'lemaa ; hath In tbe hmite dagee pa*« the door.Apply at N« ^St Mark»-place. «thr-at


BOARDINii..A plea*«nt Piulen, withbedroom In tbe eecond «tory, ? let with Board, at No

1/> Orchard ft. Refer«nee· exchanged.

BOAR D.French..Pieasant Room·.fon iabed or uafurnlebed. m»y be obtained near Mad

leoc-eiuer·. in a new booee, with ali modern Improvement«French, will be taught at borne or at pr·. ate rendanoci. Aaomciboe and railroad route i* near the door. Re'erenoa«.i lurri"! at No. 1' Weet .1*0 »t., near the Mh-av ?. ?A to board for e few gentlemen.

"OOARD-.In the large commodiousJLJ beeje No 197 Fulton-·» Good board fron» $3 ?) ?

BOARD in EAST BROADWAY..AGentleman and Wife and ? few» orle Gentlemen, ean

be accorrilo ¡dated with pleatant Room», rnNhed or unfuri.iihed. alili foil or partial Board, a' No loo Keel Broadway Hot end cold cold water hath In the hotiM

BO A KDIN (¿.A Ontfenuin ami hi·Wife, cr *in;ie Gentlemen, can be ecaotnmodited

with pieaaant room« ata board a*. No. ill Eeet BroadwayRetertnce» exchanged.

BOARDING..i'lessaii! Rooms, withBoard, fornlihed or aafurniihed, in e flret elea» hooae,

frith hath*, ga», he, at No. £11 Weet liti. «t. Re 1er »otee¦U anted

"~ÒARD la JERSEY CITY..Di î rLile tiiard can he ohtaioed at No 41 '.rand at, Jen»

City, about I mlnutM' walk from tbe fen y

BOARD..A QoDtlotaaoa muí LhiIj or¦«veril iientlemee may have a pieaaant Room, with

Staid, at the centrally located dwelling, No. W ov-ler -t.

Meat*· CCI aOeAvafkJM

BOARD NEAK UNION SQUARE.-?«.· p ihre* Gentlemen aea ->htam full or partial

Iti -re, with a Parlor end Bedroom c'.iointn.·. and one or t»oother fneaaa t'Khied ky »at, lo · new houae, with a faintlywho will have no other bo«rf>r» A party deming -uperur» NH ·'.!· may addri »< KIEI'EE.NTH-Sr Pal u-

»:nate I'oat

BOARD.. \ few single Genttomoo, nl-·>< one e« tuo ? .rnlleeien ano iheir >\ i\ ··, would fiod

\..\ plf« ant I.'·« io·, fui ? »tied or i.nfumiihed, at No. ?Si llark»' alaaa,? th «t, where the cjnifjrt* of e heme?' ? I« enured end »hcieth-re are but few boarder»,

·- afhal «ndcold bath. Ales two line» <>r «tangpeeaing tl»e loci laj If· ailaiiln i!e»t of reieieneeigtv-ea end re

BOARDING .A GentleroBB Bad Wifecae o! tin pleit nt room», fumlelied oi tiafnrmhed,

u-ub Bi ri ?. Al»<, two ot thru- no/i'e «ent:»inen fan havelu, or pell. »I board, uitl, the,freen<e »ft he hatli, oi. aeuoua-i·,· t-mi», hv aafhfatjal Nt IMGraataMt near aiti it? bri ne- .e nd

BOARDING..A tei ? (h'eliiblf. frontIt "? a'.d He.''.? :n. on the a-coud floor, are vacant at

? t., Barclay-«A, tunable for a fau '.ly, oi a party of th;*eJt fo .'.teL'.h.-aien

BOARD..Gentlemen and theü Wife·,and ¦ tew »Intla (¡ei tlernen, may hnd rleatant room»,

w.ih Boid, by applji.ig at No 11 Leroy plac», Bleicher it.

(ìAiil) in SECOND-AV_A mite of? ???,'? tbe Moiri I'.o^r, fi.M'»h»d, fn.lSoa-d

A· leierc-. x.l.aoged Aj-ply »· No '-^ Zd »\ periooalj orty lei

BOARD.No. 1^.. blur ifth-st- aeayt:njTe»a'i( park, ia a pi;-ate family, «:;·? Hgaaai

4..ut»u!tc« r.f apartu.ei.U aultid t.. fami fir« ?%. tml'ree ReefJ Ifct ? rale Geotiem·« T'«e Houae t«a»w, Wi.|at, aairu a.d nld bett », I *

BOARDING.Al Nos. 45 Bad 47 BoatBr-Mi'way, oae pleasant teca· »rn pantry for a i)mi»

Ban ard V\ -r« Alio pieaaant r.<o-n» for «lugte Gent.-.uieet -? d ^n.fta. Refaren-ei exchanged.

BOARD.Rooms fur families and single«-r. tea, ai No IM Ea»: ISUi ·: H um new, wlU

all ihe ir. dei ? lniprovein-nt« R-Sr-i.-'tetc'-angel

BOARD..That spm imi« and elevHatnev»·henee'frnithed with aew furaJtnre throurhont; N»

»4 li'ih-*t .near lit av 1· now ready for the rroeptlon ·boarder» Famiiiaior dogle «eatleuien aoootuiDodaied wllkiBlteecr ringle roonaa. fuiaii*-.ed or anfamUhed, with fol.rpar. ai bxad. The b.vuae umU niodara lm»riveneatc¦a».tatha la

BOARD. AGtntlc so and his Wife,or two aiuti« Gentleman eaa aa very pieatent Rooma,

>· ' r pa ua' Board. ,>r K'jori, wit ut Board, at ? j.Euti'thit. Tlie boo«· i« pltatantiy k. »:«d, aad hat a

gvH-d bath rrvin.

BOARDING..A Gentleman and hisNX tie. or tara «ingle Oeotleinea, wtehing Board for the

>."·:. e ti ail quiet tainily. where there era but fewoihat boardc.a, aad v, hai e tìie eoo. forte ol e home mo ee

Mi i-iaj erenre e pleaaa't inern, by making traioediatea, ? llreulon at No. r:J Henry-M given and re


BOARD.With Rooms sBhaïdelôrmBr-ried end do-?ß aeraooa. can be obUined at No» H

ana SI Eu: .'-d»; The l.^ute« have the modera i-.¡prove-txecta



BOARD WANTED.-A small fur-r.iíbed Room In a pi ivate boa-dm |-bcuM up town, fef

. m r; l.ady Term« Bfa*t not exceed B> ft week. Ad-Éreei E. At. W, ??bone ('tri ce.

BOARD WANTED-By a Lady io afiivttc family, or wOsN there ar· few boardei»

a»na*a prater «eat of Ühav, he t ween 14th ead -Atra et a

S ferea.e· e>..baited. Aag-ee»W E . Tnaaue OhVe.

BOARDWANTED.A furniihed frontFailv.-, arò Bcdaorn ».loining on tbe Mcoad Ijor. fo

« Genileaian »cd \\ He. I. «aucnm EaM-Broadway o: l-n-u>ei.»:e \ :cie: > pieferrcd. ThcM bsvicu each ace jcnn>>da-;··?» u»y addree» ? L at th« elice ot tr.t paper, etalailfo-.y tuna, Igcatloa, ae, B*«arnKC· excWangW.

|>OARD WANTED.-A younj Man ofS£JS& J hàbl" wi^«a permacevt Roard in a pi-»uj prlaVrrÍK-?"»? ?Ur· 2** "re »«; h* ao»fl*fa. Loce'.ionl^an ^d.ei.STrrfjv^"*·' f'^mi. Oodreferenae.

5^5?.-*· · loopoetabi;I¡î..mfjftahu ??1.G«?1?& w6« »a could haveDi>^.-«C*ur^r*lt iot. *aaC ???±^t*?*^ dicter, o:ari teraia. . »G5 ^'-Ì2rtT5' w;ta ···' -«-e

BOARD WAJNTEDl^riuT^riiMM airh board, « aajal ky tw. li. ÍUrnl»hedp. vale ?ai»».r.1h·,ae;*¿,2^rl|:?!r,,,^«ani* above Bteeak·: el, III __ latl?4?,r*!rn»e- ·*>M.4VP»a^e>S»jSn^fSr>oR*?tS^ f**»aai

! ROARD in BRCfOKLx^TZpe^o;;^:IJcatitf for t.-e water kvjl 6aJ are, »a. »¦'


JBota-aaithBaarAatN^ r SacAiet ra* ',.«-G»?G???.irta-ly ?·'»·!·, wtrh ce y · i oanoer of h~îîita» \tn-.% a >erv. t. . . ,. ., nta^Á"^"*·

BOARD in BROOKLYN" .Person»-l ? v-n»r.t. f r Ibi «rir.rere«- od ·?>·.»-·

r-o ««*_. with smaller or.« «tacneJ. w-.-n g»*i board,«No !*-BU'e-it oppoette 0»-den*t fi | pi ate, w,ta

tdy Blew otter bpardei«______


trr·· -·?.:· Oe.nU-nten ean cb'aln baada>tnVy far

?_>? Roon_ with partial invd it t»m»ll pria·.·Location desirable Hoc·« new and replete with uV-ra

l_prov«_» Arpl» »t Rtv. 3 Debevone-pUae, «oeoodcoor from faltón ·?. Hall.

BOARD in SOUTH BROOKLYN.O^-tleinee and their VVire« or atngle Oautleniea may

ohtair pleasant rooena with iarge arached, in a

fint t.'«a» bouse, and «rher- there are but few hoarders. Ref¬erence· . lEbaaawd Apply « No. _?-lets-»-_

BOARDS BROOKLYN for the winter.- A Gentlemen and Wl*a and thr-e Sisgle OaaUamsa

ß obtain B. ard. with »teasaat Rooms, 'a a fciul« w-wre

there are bat few boardara la a <xavealer.t tocetioa, fiveniinBtee' walk frcm roitOB Ferry Apply « No. j7 Hlptt

BOARD in BROOKLYN.A GeMttíw-traa and Wi:ean be ecootnmcdeied wita a ? eaaant

,00m. urfcrclehed. oa the Mcond rlotr, with Marries, la·r¦_isf W.1CCKL-V. ? ¦¦ if! J«y-et, Brooslya._

F~~-LjRÑIsHEDIiOOMS near Washing-ton P-iuare A gentleman and hi« «nfe (without enti-

reni cea obeain elegant, fu miai ed r >_·, «rtth bm ot toa

kitchen, or a few single gentleman te.ken. w'tn or wuiioot

breaa'wt, in eflistclew pr.vate ho·:«·» Eng. .ah and Ger¬man «pokea No. 11 St Clement'i-plece, Mecdoogal-«.betareen Waverly place tad Cliitoe place_TTÛRNISHED ROOM*.A frw Geo-Jl tienen can be accorrimodatad with r'urr__-d Rosa«by app!)lng at No. 4" V esej-«:.__

EURNHHED ROOMS to LET.Toringle gentlemen, with or without partial board, at6 Chamber·-« _^^

FRENCH TEACHERr.Mr. "ELIECHARL1KR, G U P.. »on of a n.U:iter of the Pot·

. «tant Church of Franto, ?· deetroui to tiod for hi«2> year» old, v»ry weil edeeaud board and lo glee in ?

aari rvepeetable faeily in BBBBMMbNeb ¦>( Preach. Ciancaer Mstli-me'ic ».«??ß«. Tbe best of reterenoa« given. Af-ply at Bo. ?? ? anek-*t.

_ _

GRAMMERCY HOUSE:.No. 908Breedwey, «orear of2r_i-«., N»w-Yorb-I« thi« day

ipen-d fcr Ute receptioa of gOMt·- It contains two Boa-

¡red room«, replet· «ritb every modern ermvenience, and Ufurnlahed throughout in a etjle of eiersnse. « least, not Mr·

pasted by any Botel in the City of New-York. It will bekept or, the American and European plan« combined, andthe restaurant and table d'hote will be of tbe mo« wperloltharacier The locatine of the House Is In the center of theBio« fashionable portion of the eity, aad the proprietor» will

«pert no exertion to make tneir boose one of the tintola«of Family Hotels, while, « the «ame time, they «nil behappy to a« guests thoM who may temporarily vi«»the city? B -Famille« ard pertlM «applied with meal« «the

.borte« notice..New- York. June M '<·'DONADI A CO.. Proprietor·.

GENTLEMEN'S FURNlStíED1IOOMS m Batel cuinerof Wiliia-n and Fr«nkfort-«tl.

'¿béent« tlehtly, |IM weekly. Saperi,t ventilation ra«

light*. Croton water, and w«er BaSEM on each flj it. OtticeMfgvclwsi·

H~TÑ DSOM ELY~F U RN IS ? EDROOMS (I r gentlemen only at N.< Ml Hotlati-E-it..

three or four door· from Broadway.

PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMSto LET.With or without Breakfa»t aad T-a. al No

139 Greene-«., between Clinton an VV,veney-p'aea Taoboeae ha· all twB modera Improvement·

ROOMS to LET..A prira'H fiunllj*Bear Uth-et ard the 5th av will rent until the first

ef May next, a frost perl,t and one cr two contiguous bed·rooms, eitler furnished or unfnrnlth'd, to on· or two sin·

tie Gent lernen Oat and bath la the boise« AN·?????. et Min office.


ROOMS to LET with BOARD.Onelarge front Parlor on the ?? tVxtr with I'antnea and

It.drtom Tin· room it well \entile'-d A few voue* gen-tienten can be accommodated. Apply« No 63 Eait Srua.!-»»y

ROOMS in WASHINGTON-PLACE..Seveial very pletMnt Rooir« to let to «lnzle «enale-

men. without Hoard,« NoJlW'een.ngWn plans,overloeklngWashington -equa re.

ROOMS ?mi laitM if ROOMS, withBeard, at tie elejant letldence N· .11 P: nee It

\.e»ttf ar<d dim Br'«Kl««y. ? ?.? n> b.i:k Parla,and l'.edrt< in on fint ll ot \ also, a «inali, «eat Bedroom fort » ? g!· rei lie·· «n

CT. JOHN S PARK.-Two or three·_¦ Gtitlemrn een be a*soniniud»ted with Board for the*> Ir.tet. at No '·>, \ «rick «t, next di ¦ to Laightet-, and op-poaiw· the Paik Gaa bath, a.c

TO PHYSICIANS_An OFFICE toLR .A Ierre, lui,:, tt.d an. front R«»»meut. lalttMe

In DErter's ('ilice, to lei. with partial bo.ud. If dMired.Intuire at No. Ill· Woorter-at.

TO LET WITH BOARD.A largefront rsrlor and . R.^tc« for tírele Gentlemen, at No.

IV> lltidaei-«, uppoate St. John'· Park. Refcreocei ex·


I^WO PARLORS, ?.·..?>·-front. In Iflr« «laaa hooM, No M 14th-«t, between 1'tli and »th-

tv«, to let »lib board. Al*·, »mall rooms Tbe ho_e ·_»baths Le

WaNTM)· .?? unfurnished R'»>in for« leo-lemtn e-d a-1fe. with r«rtial ? >«rd A privare

fen ? ? fai e.-l « u ea ex ha: ? ii Te mi ns'iit bemodeii:e. Add:«· t I MMINOS. Tiuui, Ortk· for threelaya

MI'SIC.WantnUiy ayonnj» Ain»»ricnntlemao, who ha· had «Ix \- m Sfperlsoaa in

»eaclntg the Piero, tingiog and Ih roogh Baie, Beard In.cme pinate ftiily. whe.e Ll« pru'etlijral «errtce« will be.c.eptfd it fully or li r ine mott put e ,H .lent :j hi·board.Andre«· Ml SIC TEA! II KB. Tub ne Office.

WANTED.By ¦ geiitiwman ami «rift*,a plaiBly fmm»!.rd Room and Bedroo« w«« Md-

ci »owe, «ni not iiler n;· ihwi Caiia'«·. T·· mi mu«t berpodnale Rtfe-crce« exchanged Add.-··« ?. ?., TribuneOffce

Y\TINTER HOARDING. -'Hie adrer-Tv llurliM takeu -ine if the heat «fid lare«·· kBBMg

It W l.lin.ii'buiih No ·. «: car t..- .---

ard Kevin« a small fan ,, tnd .te ioati than be «rea'«,a.iLid tek-? tien'.leoi·· and Lady, or a fe* G- :

with ?? Board.

a3oaet· ta Ce.

B KSI' BUSINESS STORÉÏqCmsUirear B: iju.i. IH Lï.Tir LE.iS.ItM E Une

S ·<·. f.'octii.g n t.< ...Kinew,Paly Ht *eetwa*tal tfioad.tay aid a very rareoppit'u

: locate .advantaseiuti» for tsraat, applyM Nu t·? Baalol

D^IRÂIÎLË OFK1CES ?.» be LET..La-e« aid beai.;:f.:l »?··.ß? f R ,n,t m l'i» Si '

h| WO IdfllteBB lEll El. tor the UM ? ·??|··?|??|houset p of aane.r· in evt'Lttv· pract'ee; alto, nuleIt.ciii will K« let v.l. rea. ¦ c «c teati >n on 'hag *r tu JOBXPB J. COOKE 4 CO,

Burnished bouse · portM RlCHMdN'J BTATEM IBLttlO.-VoL« .

o» M«y neit. (onla'olng ,

tiakl« attached I'leaiaatly tlu.i-J m Broadway BBETtb«. r*qn«re. «cd wthis · v« rr'r .·-·' wa't ol the Ferry to New

^ tk. Ap?y. CSAftLBf E.TUWMBEND, bum -


FOI R HOUSES tor RENT.OnPtaVEL, ".reea 'thard if. a·.·«, I new rhrae-«tv'v.

» ut»·, » ,th wod»ni int .jvt'i -en at erom ???,?·-ret.t le.,une ..f Ui, rî'U\"N No Wt. G *·'¦ I BKOV adwi

HOlSE ?. LET. ll CLHTO.V S..A piratant end deal's ieC.:·**·- »· ? ??ßß,?t??

Itiai.d. ui.h ilardeuaed Sia · -t · L EBBIreutet, and (t:y bii»u'·« trovaiOmb W«! ?. Said ? ??-eoata.i.ia furnace, a weUof gaud aaur. a:d U agood ari?tei a· well m.tom«: reeldence. and Will be rented for»>·-«'. ,r ¡or.-er, e« ui«y be det ,ed « «a thewilh « Kt>d lloree. VNagor, \c, w.. e e .1 M a barg«n,tt applied I,r wiilis a week : - . given di¬luì lull pa: licolaii tddraas LOX Bo. UM« ?o« Orlioa. N. V.

HOÜ8I t.. LET and FURNITUREf.rSAI.K.An0_BMtM is» :a a rsod toc«l>n,

t. l-f. wiib .MBESlata pcetewioa It :· newly fu.-aisheuard tbe fun. nur» wiii be acid tT ti e teñan'. t :« ho««e wilbe 1st without lbs furciture. AddiMi St ili t L-R, bo«¿V) fon C'tLce

DART of a HuüSE to LET.TheJL Soeeod cr Third Picor, eontj n.r ?G ÍJ«r R ???» tndProni Beeen-ei t ot II use N¦ t%

n· ail qui« ftn.üy. The second tiosi w... batyitt, and theU'rri floor «W.

OOMS with STEAM POWER :oR LIT. f*J>* Brht Roonsa, with gvod «aady Power, tvlet la the neo Depot Btj-idlr ». o m cf Ceelre aad Prank·llaou. Apply to W. A. A__UN. .at ? »-uuBm, l««nd.oor. frooi 9 to in gaily

STEAM POWER ind ROOMS to LET..Three ipieodid rooms. Ü ot 57, eoraer cf Bisecket

and Bank itTee_, «nitab!· for aov macu _itur_g pj-p »es,« good Ktady power, «roll lighted oa t-OsaW la·«aire of DlDLEYk BKL. oti tfco premlssa.

S:T0RE to LET.No. 191 West st.? V , Tpoilu tbe New-York ind Erie Raihoad Pier.

la one of _¦ MEt Lcation« in New York. ApalytoCHAS. LYNCH. No 3»Wiinlck «.

STORES to LET..Three Stores to let·_· laCenrt-st Brooklyn, nitable h: Funiltara Stono.DryOoodeur Shoe »i'l not ba rented ht L: ¡uar.Una. Rest, »00 far log« $Ut% >.l« for ara·'! ano !·>«.^J*_ ».t TOW«,END.

CTORE and BACK ROOM to LEt7o_^7^,c__, tar... at No MS OrtaawiEbot. the.e

T.«o_»!Ì:'Iìro Loft·· -5 b7 70 feet, withto^s/V ,H"lraafT0Urie,aCv.TrE*,HJ



?? RENT-Cortege In J7t_t-Ot n-»arBrri-iw'V *· -G¬

? .- g th »· ?»···'G-. a- »· *

Hoote In >Ui-»t nee: Brc_wa» at §5*Hoa«» tr. *-:n-et. eeir t. «? at 54«"'Hooae :n *5tb-e·. Beat Broadway »' %¦Heme t ""·' tù »: rear «tf· a» at S "" .

Larie Bia-meet at "»o. 1.1*4 Broadway at <¦ » Ap¬ply to aVO P.'KRC*·. Na 1.1*4 Broadway, near 3; at

»O be LET.Tlie Dr te Store north·. weat eo-ner Aveno. A end Ith-M the betf .

icth cf IMk-M, e... of 3d-.v Ajeo, a:I: «jora, ea h -

.Hl m «r ail fera'iie· Apply to J W GEORGE, lo. J.J

2d I· weat earner of ? »h at._

T~~O LEI'-.The large BMOOMMBt, koowoa. Nee ? I k »f* B*»1»ay. a..«lalaa_;«a· «¦£¦·

beta· i, íaetwtc. by 110 fact daep. wtlj he laatai ?* a

Be*»,,.n.. Bowka/ia^n, a- aCTetBSaiaaa. hw»ea« alla. accomroodatioc. wei edeptae B*roMpa^Vtcaee?lie. Cretoe water, »ater ci*«:», »nd a very nae *"«¦·*«Vptiy M D ? MACFARLVS. Nj 1 < K. '"· 6 «_?AV »rd 5 to ? G M . or No. 3 Name *, f.* » *- ¦¦

tilf.M_. -

TO LET in HOBOKEN.-Tb.· wholeor part of a O.? »nd baremen» Beaaa, ayQBOj

I rwllimr walk of MM ferry. hmWel or «J«*·*.»i.t c. til th- IM of May ? «aw t. »t eia»«; »;;*£>?,tit» heA W IH M» «*· wool· or part of tie rhaOllltfW ted ?? . per«»» wentirr the wbol. o- part *··£¦»·, re .ddreMeTto ? Box No 1.5 <-. Senior» Port Off.c·.w.i. recel.e ;r irpt a.tecnoa-_

TcTlÈT.At No. l·' North Williams*.,between Frankfort aad Chatham e lerg. !·«)¦

«wJ door ila front!, g«oi >·** 'aay M cecee·· »a takle"r^-Är. C..tMar. V.',^. or ..y light <»«·«·*.

?,??, W ? H BROWN. No. 71 Wall from 1 to ? ? M

TO LET.Several verv delightful rooms.fe-euled or :r.fortl»hed. o-'adrniraMy adepMlaw of¬

fice, being tn th. new and çpacloo. butleing S L. corner

Bioadwey and Broom*·«. Apply to H. MILLER, No. HO


TO LET.To small genteel families.Mveral epartmeet« in Ea«t BkOja^ aMM *>· »'

Fach i'iltect Romibutv· Ro mi two l.ed-oomiand .wo

ranti-a Facti family »ill have the Croton water Mparate.keqa:retfG J HAMILTON, Ho, l*'1 Eat .'lot et,

T~O LET.Unfurnished, to a sniali re-»oecrabl· family, a Second Kloer and Raiment. Rent

$130 iothe t»t of May. Apply »I No S3 K.enklio «I , threedoor» tat rI Broadway_

TO LET.With or without steam pow¬er tie «r»t eeeond or third Store« of the lerge brick

building on 27th M near 11th av. SuiUbl* for heavy wort.

Inquire I« the office of Foundry._. ?? LET.Well-lighted ROOMS, withI orwiihcat Steam Tower, of any «Ue. Inqnireof

C M SIMONSONT ?a 131 U»iMt

Donee· CDunttò.

FIRN.SHED HOUSE WANTED.o Ml MAY Nt.XTo» LGNGF.a-The llaoti melt he

in e food neigMxirhood anJ in good order, and mnet be well,U ik lti»»-dnot be eletantlj furn.i.V d A llBeral pricewi'l be paid, aid the family will take proper care of thepremura. AddreM Sox No. 1 MB


HOUSE WANTED IT TOWN.TOleaMfira·· ill fumi, ? Situ»tion. JkC. mart be fir»t-

r»te Addreat with deeeriptun and term«. J.N Genera'.PcitOffce. ?

PART of a HOUSS WAN l'ED-ln ?

ren'-el neifhhrrh. ad. by a Gentlemen, Wife. Childend ALy one having tkaaaar· epa-tineoU in·,tod a foct tenant by eddrtt-ing D L I., Tribun· >ffi:e.Tent* notti evocad ».."«· per annum.

WANTED.By a snmll Family, with¬out cluldren. for »ix month», from tiret November

next, a genteel turniahed houM. Location tn the neitohor-hood of Washington ijuare pre'erred. AddreM Box 1,1'MPoet-OrtVe.

W"ANTED.«yä Physician, the Innerpart, or fr <nt beeernert and three mom· in ili» upper

fart of a genteel Heine Lceation eatt of Boaery, between»ivulcn and ??????'?? ·:¦. Addri«» ?. ?-, Box ?" 1,1.'-,Lo» » ? Poet Office.

WANTED to HIRE.A small tooteolHome, fhrniihed or no». Sit at on weet o' Ji-ev

net above30th-«t Add-eMj S, Box No. 1,111 Poet 0«.:·.ttatir g term« ted dtuaHon

WANTED.Four or five Boors· in Iquiet ntiihUrl red, In tl. wnatern i>: central pert

cf it· city above Catai »t, ? ¦ a »mal, qnl*t tamilj ot atulttRent not to »xcee«, or atout, y " Ad em C L II, atthe ??.1 iir*GSice

\\I ANTED.On«· half of a two-storyW y ar·! hwa.inr r. t llotra. re·' Br.radaay, l.-t«e.-n Leon¬

ard »nd 4th »t a la-re (lied one preferred. A note to?). ? M Tririuue OSaer, »tatirit termi and pertiealar». willbe ettemlrd to.

WANTED to RENT.For ? imslaml'y pari of a »erteel ilnuer w;'.,.in about t»o

mirute·' walk oi the Bawery. near Deeaacay ft, Twi> room«aid twi< he<ir(«.DP* with hn.-ien, won .1 be required. Ad¬di·»· MAUISGN, No |7i E'uwerv.'- ¦.»- ¦ "¦ ¦

Heal estate for Öalr

A CHANCE for a HOUSE an LO f-\v ( ¡th Si.???, wtil he «?-i ro each aajfeOaaaf leo», ro

txc-ti ne thou»aiid)of e butti« of l "l'i«ne, fu: $:, at If Ale8EY S Ding atore, at the cornar if Paul aad R »te-it». Alarge pro|»i(tloa have already lieen told.

AT PRIVATE SALE..Th·» Execotorsf va'uable R--»l P»t«»e, bel ingfn« t ?? -m loon,

oece»ted-a Ka-m of ¿in air>·· about ico ara areale aad lid! ? «idow Iv'rgpart ) on Weat Neck and partly on LittleNeck, at SoutJi Oyrter B»y, L I TI e land n fer.le and ;:i

apic^ie'.ive »tate, »nd combine· many advantag·» fir a»a ·coantry reatdaoeeor ¦ i'v

cil«ra »rply t.. W M vVrlKKS and ANTHONY J.BUECBEB, Wo- 7 Bioal-M

AT PRIVATE SALft^A taro-storyHome, with *i\ deairable ??? of ground, «ttuaed on

Kotaiuak»-it, UrKalo av , lietwe. ? Mercy cod Tnipkiniav·., eoa»a»»acia« .'· feet koaaToaaakliM-at For u-t ·,tirili» did ri.' paincnlaia, apjly to ANTHONY i.BLEECRJ ? · No : Bn*a«t

CEDAR GROVE for SALE-ArSteten lile^d. ftinttu« on tte New-Vo-k B»y. »ear

t»e loci':c a "t »taa Oil | bjB Pree, ablft SI mile» he. w tiieN·· ».· en'irtclng ¿?· ae.rc· </f Land Including ÜtaCecVaia,Ballalacg jrd D· ck, with letier· patent fr I've grant ti.· .-·-

1 - ,ea»e of thl« pn.peny U ihoaa Urinne:.':», lawcarne hav.i t ka »»·. five yea,-· d.ino« ther-miner ·· «*·?». u» place of reaor» f/r»e» bathing aad puS-lie ei te-rtitinii "¦'Furf irfber par'.fciiri ????'1.· of I BILL, c-·' or M¦

H"t\ES. .? the area ? ' V ?. LORO, S^. 1. JF.onttt.Nrw-York-Hated

FOR SALE.The three atonr Brick? u»a ant L<it No VVe»t ,;«¦«·., f" irth U0«M

?»·-·: *¦¦ replet· »,-.·. - ¦¦- o-.---r,---nce.barin,v. :¦ ' ?·· « ·¦ ' , ·,? ¡ ,'.on the aneahw« ?.- to t'li IIaKO ?? MERMAN, tilthW.i-0. Bir n P· »«¦

COUNTRY SEAT f»r SALE.Tii«V> render;a ot ti·· late Fowler Oftaaa, of Cornwall,0:*ic- t'ourty. N. Y, wlti. :.ft»-n «y.r-t ol land, walltl.icked wllh ahie v-ar.ety of t.-uita, la great ahundance t»i.ierd .'or ··'» rrcuiit» ,|»ilv eoe ¦ t,y «team-koat aal rairroad »un N»w Ycr«, aid it« hwuntul hyeltiiatior. belnga: iheeniiaLce to the fligh aeJa onili» bank»of the ili dton Rner. ot nhlth it hat a c >m axr.iter view, reeden it very *«_raaie ai a ?enn»nent or· irnne:

a. rorpartULar» a^rt to M·*·«. C. M ."<\\il?·ß,,?? ·· - ... I Ah) - itaSM Em, No II Mhav .r.dBELk IAT HOGS, ? ... IVaVh!Ne« Y., k. urr.M.GRI J(,S,C.rn*e.l

D'tESIRACLE PCILDINíí LOTS-Ine beautiful vl|l»:a of Yonker«, on the hank» of tn-

I 1 ' >nigne,l otter» f>r »ale·· * G r. ;'?« di:.gLj'«in that permf the llageof./aa«;-'ailed «lienwo.d.. ej llataly aa the kaahg».f the llueam K:\ertn tie m-tt neauttfol pait of ·

·.· law. ThtM lot. ? th. moet d- .Irai le of any now Metre·!lor·«· axd frm their *«·.,·! uj-iat rapidly kg -··-va e. Tt ?.aer» :i the neat -ooveaieat pi«ee ui i-in the visitu> of :·.· .-iky. ¡c ?. < nly h»¡f aa hoc--U - Htwoc Biver Baiiroad. from »a 3l*t »t. «ta tt.alr« «r« raunag both wiyi eootie'ialiy it cana«, ,rraciiedey »t«»i ? at aeveral Urne» a day It ¡aprop-jeed toéltpoMof tt-e above Lof» on the following term* ffgood.»- vac·, w and weil baili Hou«ooerc to be built onLot« No 7 ar d >. at a coat ci Sl.*i)ea»h ? «aieenntl.«·will h. revive,! , ,fc, . ¡jUt tA J*^ {ne^Se'î_ïk-rete »ubacr.btd fotjtke eoba.-i,*,, w,;j meet tcg«¡,erera divide the U. mm tk.*»..(T,a, 1B ricn ._,*.*,they^ahaU egree upoo. a--C wh-iver euajj obtiin Lot« Nj 7

... ato be emit ed tu i_.e Houae» to be ouiit oe «ai b. -- io be pudatuj. .· .,'iaaa;npu. ? a.-.n ÉSaag-t.uiDoof th« Lo-utoe risacca

n.ay remain on u od and mortgaj·« for three year» Mejjieiine croacrtj v»i. be ahoem and further pa/ticelari n.adaknowa ty »rplj'cg'.o:henirj*en''e?r.

» « . .¿''BKR* ? NICOL AY.AUCl r»er, Ke«| Cetat» and In. ir.r-. a>^-·« ¦ -a No i U a r fornTTA*^ _,¦'._ A._ v

¿llGratdat turn iP.MMJp.kl "*

DESI RABLEHmOOKLYN~PROP^BT^ KOR SALE-Twenty eirtt ayjeM*e_| |a*arAwtaataaM G?? ,ty Big» nx»v-roarlou m t«M».th

? Tia.« ee»v Apply te Í H <>LPEN. No ;'tate«

EAST M0RR1SANIA M Loe (remaining «na Id) raryla· la atre.1c«: cae^ig.ith of m e«· to f.« aerea are offered fcr SALE

>t a>Saa»M av.-; ai.« Tea aer arni. crrwe «ad c·»-aaee ? v,r balere March, 1 -4 TfUaaerf;««. ThcM baiaTÏL! r7L.VÍÍ-T."í .«"O'»' Gaa-?ß, e*earandM flrw m the r aet B:r»r. and ,n the tm jiediata vici-ite:.'ue t*-?-ß,-e of aeveral of the rnoet wealthy »ad'ra-«T-·» a-i-Licf U.,t«heea»t County. Aiao n-o tu G?«. ¦x:n teoeaiter of a arie Several boum· ara maî.a-Jdliif, ani lof MOha ._*,, ?^5?·_*«52k_2| HP-, a» D. B. VA ?G?G??, No »Trroa^?__Hariea» Ba¿xoad Orice, opp.«iu City Haü ' *mt

FOR SALE.On accommodstinfc! t^ of Ite meet vafee: ¡e corser» io the Xl'h Wardwilt two »nhetantlal, al mort tee, three «tory Brink __C

ir g* thereon The corner ho_, kj oae of the heelMaaawAwe hakary, groeenr, drug, or eny other bt^iaaM At oTs_ntooaopied m . baíery- Ifkfkfi at No, HI A. SkoT «SSF)R SALE.Falrmount. Upper Mor-rlaao-?. lot Na. 6 .. aa Woodrad ee |oux't.»(_, ?

TaSeatB faSÄ "»- aWWS»«

FOR SALE.A rery plea «ant 3H£_!COTTAOI Ht»· U .oneoitbebeABeUbhorhooûi

BÌ ·,*· b Krtw.-B'TB ernieeient to stage rontM from Bfl tae

l.-jakly» h-toa L_p_N « No. l_ *"*·$'$m,km.FOR SALE or to LET.A Tery de»irt;g ble three »tory buck dwelling Ho··*. »*»_»»*.*__'¿7fry wibbIibii eme .« bet ho, gaa he - " ·_*¦ **_nee." iou«, VV.i»_ab..rgh. e nveateat to i.reno« ano

rVfcñfhrrkfl W.uld be «old oa reosooa I- term* or

let low t » .too tenant t"t furCber parceniarE, app'J *°

r METTLER. No ¿"C G octet. _

LV)R aALE..Twtwttfiünew BmmiG on Orfbid et. Brooklyn, sear the residente of Rev Dr

l \ G?·-»· boasee «and on rarrsce«, bave large dlt'.ng?. dumb w«t«r» fc< t air fcrna-e«, n«. water, v.«. rnc«

¦·¦ Apply to BRADLEY. MILL· k VVOODHULU? A Bfl it. N. Y.


FOR SALE.A Farm or Country S*atof 1 ¦ «crea nea' Plalnfield. New-Jersey, of which S*

te in a .BE tta'e of euitivMtoe, ".he ha'enoe woodlandand re d a«;ir». The newly-euM-ged Houee eonta ni 11

ipoc'ooe rooi « -v:y one with · cloMt and foor la-se pea-i-,e an e\t a-oe ¿itohen Oarden aad a beeunful OreVeVd w :lh fine apple aad pear tree«, are aett »o the boaas,. hich lay· on the road The outbuilding· a-d ten«· ars (n

g.vd reñir. Apply under letter· ? ? C. Po« Orhoe, Plaia-

ueld.N. J. _ _

FOR SALE.Four a<res of (¿round in

2ft¿ pappÍ » aIòistJs r. wooDRLrr, w«.Panna, adjoining the premll.?_,Í^OR SALE.With Immediate posses-

1Bon. the larra threo-«ory brick dwelling House end

L ("fee No *« Weot ¿¡.tot, delightfully «»oat*« »P~>

Bte the Palk of _. Theological Seminary. jBTtT.Ja t&*.e7. well· all peduted ; pTnnibtn« ver, railjn¿ *__|l^J·bathe, water elcoeta bol «r furnaces, lie. For key and per

mianon to view the bons, mpiJ '0.¿A2L_· >¡rS»Eo», lt7 ?1?·«? or to WILLIAM HARSELL. « cua «·

'CÌOR SALE-HOUSE Rtid LOT, Nos.G 12? aad 1~ Lewie«., and No. i* Broome et, Lot & byR Oood property for lr_prove_en«t. A·*·, two or three

vacant Lot* £> by HB. Inquire of E. tALCONk-R. ¡No. S

Mangln«., near liquid-« . >'.. R_

FOR SALE or to LET.Two ¦pïendid-I- las. HOl'SEB. Not Ml and «_eV«»f*

berweea 1_ and Stb-ava They are repleta with all the

modern IBISIU.Eg and now ready for ????^????. Mf^fto T. CHARTKUS, Stiver V\ are Mauufaclnrer. >1 Mereer-«

FOR SALE.A first-class House on a

fall lot, BB-ftSS in modern «yla. No. » fcMft «-

¦o three fu« da« Houses, built on two fuU lots, with ?

re¿·hcpTid amali tenement In 4th« between

1« «id Fd-av and «serai newly louhed tenement«, rooms

.nd bedroom., and «ore* In 1 Mb·« between Averse A aad? and In 3 it. between tith and IHh-avs, to let. tpply¿¿TUEUR, No ITI Kwex-rt, ?. Y. Odice hour· (tornb to y A M. «id from 1 to *> P. M._T70R SALE.Lot in 17th st., 100 fret_G we« of Irvlnr-place: I Lot« south-west corner ofR7ead»*y and .(.lit; Lou In'lid. iid, 3-lth, Wth. kith,37th to «nd dUth-iM-, MurT«y Hill ; ¡ Lot« corner Broad¬way and STtb>Bt| b Lot· citner eto«d^av and 41d·«; o

Loti correr Stii-av and 4«Met.: Loti on ólh «id Madison·

E-andReMtvolr,,^ .f^glf. l,WI«sJ*f.

FOR SALE.? ??p? of « bct··, Í<Jmile« funi Biund Bioih R«ilri>«d D prtt and Canel.

?;«y farm of ffl tcr.-a ·^;,v, three »plendiia n I or I"·· acres each Il ree f«rtneof ti·· artel each; tliroe'tin a t-)" aeieiea !i ; all g<«>! iminnetnem« «nd near rail·

td l,ui f«BBOt3 aciee; four ¡«nus of lilacrc·; a'leoldno met tarma H.miei «na ¡ot«. St.'re«, H 'tei«, Tannen*·,.nd reel e«tate of nil kind« 1>.I'na S V AIL, Pacific. Hotel.Saiuid«·, ? frii 11 uW; other davi at Plaisfield DC·pot. Aheaatiful traetforbì ildirgon at Plaintiald t> be eold low.J

FOR SALE.The two story House andLot (pletsaotiy iltoafd) in Cuml-srland rt.. Brooklyn,

?"i l-.ouiei Berth of Lafayette av on the eut tide On toe

fintile·'! there are two ptrlori tea-mo in, kitchen, bv.h pjaa¦ndtaatne·: on lecond itoty. i rooms and bediooni; alsobedioom in the attic Tbe Iioum has bieu built two year«,and i« In enoiplsta -irder Th« |>reMat owner tell« in conM-qoet.ce rt teno.irg nut of the 8t«>. la.iitiro ot Mr.coOHaI.L, ninth hoiiae north, in t'nie atreet.

14^OR SALE.Three hundred Acni orle«· m excellent land. In Itealthy lecat in, it s Rail¬

road (i-'pot, wltbia an ho<ir« rltie of th« city- A-ld'c«KAItMLR. thisoitce ?

OR SALE."in the beatrtlfal riUage ofS'ng-Slt«, one mil·; from the Depot, a two etorv vidH » kttel ·p a.iijheJ. marb.e mantlet, ilidine

Ed well of water, fcg , and M nere« if luid, i'art ofthe pun he».· n ouey «au leinain on bond and moiteage. Korf iitfier pailicular« eminire ol JOHN U. SHAW, No l.v;Il .., ..

tllic H


Íj^OR SALE .»r to LET.At Klleboth-town N. J a eo-nmodmn» ll»nm. and large Lit of

nd, on tie MM af Catharine end l,a"aYet*»-it·. wuli'nfive>.,te·' ? at of the ialina·! depiite Premiane In e ·> dcondili ? and eligibly »ttua''-d. Pi^seMion rven lunii-d aiely Apply to WÍLLI AM ». DAY, dmnseiici at Law,h aí-e h;i>an N J.

LOTS in the CITVuf BRÔOKLVN,?? ttie »h V. ard and ·,tinted between the three piln·

, elpal tboroughfim «nd butine«« «reell of Bnxiklyn, vuthe Pulti'u-sv, Atlantic« or Hail-·?? and the Plant ll ,iThi« hlehly ftv. uhle l.icttluD ot Hie lots luau.e to the seineoí J.eni an Ihcrcast heynnd Eomparlson. A greet many ofthe lot« have been »old lately, and ill th ne d ai. ibi af pur·«haaing with a amai! capital a :heap and finely «itut'ed ho-naeboo'd on ro account ne<hct todo Mit ooje ai necee» in lyt' e L'i «III tue In ???µ????.,? to tbe ii^pruveiiienti Mutaion at the pille The prlEEE differ at pree,-nt fromBUJtu$i7d, with the exc»pl!.<n of corner lots. M< G ihvi IS houaeshire been erected there, s. nrare now lu hand, and over>K)ow ner»rfln'a Intend b. bun.I d.irlng thi« end tbe follow·legjear. Since the first of Repten. Vtr il loi al »'««top

roan ?» t· las, itti a: d ¿o'.-lock, b? wbleh all bu«lne«s«an nrfn to the South P'iiy In le.ti «1.»n ten tntn'ifr»

A; Il /ri..·«. ? ? and at 7 0'c eck, P.M. la irsm leave·the South Kerry fur New-Brooklyn.The map rf N< w Brtuklyn can ilwiyi be leen at the

bo.ik«*ore of Fidai» It Krledenthal, No £i1 Bowery, is alsuat Mr H E. Hv-kmaiin'i. Re M V esey-«

r· r Strthar partMobBB IbeoIio « Mr ALEX. EYD*.MSI ar.1 ( itfice In ih« Hill·, ad Hoote, V-w-Bmoklyn. or e|»e ofWM RAODK. No USHroadwar. ? V: M( ORIl.SVCK.MAN, Ea« New York; C. L. RtDEMACHER, No. ¿13Arch-«., Philadelphl«

PR 1 VATE SALE..Hotel and Ü (Un Cara, etMed t_ Sii- j tal, with al Ito Sor·

rm-ard Kn'nre« App.y to A J. BLEIXKE2, Anc-tioLí.r, No. 7 Broad «t.

.«rTTHl FARMERS LIEE IS ?'??JL Ufi r*OR ME.".So rang the poet, «nd io rings

the n an at the K*rm Afncy, No 16 'V a'l «., where aa at·Burtmeot of tie great«« *_iety >s guuuntl* on b*ud, wait-lag fi'r ojifiiaeeia. L. E. MILES.

?? » HOL I)ERS ofWESTERN LA ? D.Aov ore wlil mg to MBBttE ol a «ood Trart of Lir.d

la Miel gen or WiscBBaia. in eich»r<e for o'h-r eojl, pr >

dnc-tlvs piuseily, wi.l tied a favoiatie .tiuortiullv bï ai-d..tirg rLi .Tut, ? ii

VALLARLE MILL PROPER PV andFARM for BALE« rfflllaHTlW I But irta sitai

i-lngand ??_?et?1?1, nearly bullt, lu^hevery ?ß«??/?·. w ;hlb ee p?? of atone· w»t»r and «team power. ??.« M Humfnllüper»;:on, w lb ? goad bou« mark« and witbintwoaii? l.tif nouie ol N.-w.Voia. wt_ «very fi-.ihcy fortABspai'tUaB bo watsi »nd uUiotd Theretro 160aer«ol 11, j atachtd, ? uh a eoo _adlao« DaroUiaf tod Oflbeüemg·, pi.siti.r.; a detlrai.'e tltutn.n I ,t ao e ·?t?·1«:?tnon Iff.tne.iia'e < «ß··.'??? iniv be litil for BtVtlEllUri.pplj to C L. DENNINOTON, Bu.,d r, No 11 > Wate: «:?·:» I ilk.

VILLAGE RESIDENCE for SALE.Theiuberrlberot.'erafirii'e his homefeeJ. utua'ed la

.-: C.nton Oueidt County. N. Tf. Itaom. ,_uf. jood h.tuM «nd about Mveo ac-M ..f the Met laid in theState, with a tin-orchard ol euttiva'ed frnlt, a goxl guden,atd a mi «t everything m a ri'lage pr .petty. It it. quarter of a mile dorn the center of the village, in trU Maie uve charcliM, ? mile fioai Hoaalltoa College, «ud ire«q- arter» ut a mile from ttie Clintoti Liberal Inautute. both?BE · and fe'iale depnttmeLU, and ?· trai other rnaJecid¦B ai« «chi.'j». with all of it n eoniected by tineplank walks. Toe gentleman a family of aoa« ordsagbtarsto ? a:-, or w hu Jetir-« a re.idence lai fthe moat r'eei«nt and fhii'.inrvi.läge» in the Suie, thtt of¬fene very fevMible oppoi-.uuity.tnoiJMAS J. SAWYER.

1.01?I AIRES of LAND tor SALEIn Mlfd'OBT County. Mew· JerMy. -T ie

.nbeciiberof? r» f>i »ileteveral Earn:«, My from M U> ¿llacrnaacb, in a : «A state of roltiv« ui, and pleustntiyntsatod near Jamenitg, on tue Cantden ·?·1 Atnbiy 11 ¦.;.mad. |*«g f.rtner inOnnetion apply to R. RIO dt. V, No.1£5 Wa.bins:i,n It, N. Y or to Ul· «abscrlber. a'. J ? nes-


*^OR BALE.St.mbeat NAUSHON.J_ ttttte- known :a New Y ra a« tie New« Boy,) nowlv'ng in AtlsaU« Doafe, Br oklva Said vet», lev-a ye..-«'.!.'. Pi ? utbsr particuUiilne'i'i· ofCRO »VKLL, ? ?1??*- CO, No. UCoei .leeblip, New-York, or of tbe Captainoo betid.

School!.A S. V1LLEPLA1T continues to eive

jTJL· lcatraer.oa in 'lie Kreuch languire, and literature atti e rettseoee of hi· pupil·, or at bla owe. No. U We«Tweoty-«gh_,-«t ..oear Broadway.

A LADY i-OLed in the French Lin-rctge. h»·. eg tome leiiure hour·, wi-ifies aa opaortii-

K^^°. *«ve k·0·· le .ae.Uiet or ?a stiio-iU. Sbó Imef»ug!.t in fifí, «od for Uiree vein In tau cotntry. Tbe bort.f ,"·^*?:?«.??? given. Addre« by letter A. M-, No. 37HaJke»-«t.

A LADY, wiio has had iev«'ral yearsexp«j.« des la teaching tbe Piana-Korts. Is de«.r jb« of

'-¦ainiBiafewntaraaajfk, levilrsat No. 15 Orove »t, ortfMr WM \ ANOERBfXK. «bl-musit wa--«ot_», No.4 Brcadway.

AHOME in_the "COUNTRY forBOYS, witbla «xtseo miles of HARTfORD -Thetuer will take only four boya, and throes ander tea

pears of age, aad will devote bis whole time judiclouelv totheir moral, ? bytleal end Intellectual training. Term» flit? »an p?. Add-« Boa ?a MS P·« Office, HarUWd Ct

terrece, C. C. Beaa, Esq., al th« »Ess of iba Boaro efBdaaattoa, ta thu«ty._

BOND-ST. ACADEMY, No. 59 Bond-.t. W PARKER, AM, PrlndMl -Tbe aexteeesloB

ar.ll coaemenco t_« 7tb of Saat. Circular».mSm tarât,b-.-._m ita; :. rofcroBiEB, Rt, may bo nhaBlaii at the**k*A,rt of L. rREISCa. No. itó Nasaawot. ? a, N> 71»Bjtìki^ì

CUMMINGS'S SCHOOL of DESIGNI« now opaa «ot the reoeftioa of rapile C4eaaaa «*·

atteniaaa« ¿a eehoobm heretofore.

ËM C MMINIIS. No in .·_».

XCELSIÖRT.Pejent· wiahinfc· to fiai._aa leentor!oa la which good order it maialata·« ha

r-a· klndaea» end rapid tmproveoeat, eecorel by t." >rn2liafruetloa, will baplaeeea ead cerrad al Bal i ~~>»rekeiand riaafical Sebeo!. ? j 7a Henry «c"· K-Mm<m mvmo »OLOMON JENNEB, Principal


oren for the reception of PnpiU. Thoee eeekin« a plaaa (orthe etucailoo ol their eoa« or war·!«, are lanca·to make tbamaelve· ecuueioted with toe eovautagaaof thuSohecl lu ?.mitad number*. It* beautiful aad ed _tageoaeIn.itlr lb« huh character of the leetructioe ad^rdad. andaeree tao y lb* weioùful care aad »o, ait .de «aerala»» ovar

thTl'ui.:!·. and the mora: ead religion» influença* by whichthey are «urrooeded, are believed to orlar luducemeaaof aa

common k'nS For cirralar» and further»alw»a ape.,to the auheeriber. «t Feirbeve*. tonn, or lo A RF.Ed,EN offiM No. 2i8 Ballonet, radiane· No » Mwieral,Newt ork City. .,

». a. aggi TU.

Felrhavea. S»pt 15. ISA


b· »eeo fern II to I and from J to 4 o'eloc* r-4M_¡| ?·» *Murray it. durlrg the preecnt week B. A BfllTH.

t^KENcH L*N(.UAUE.C. EREMINI At fioen Pan», ·· forming »raatn« claaMe, etriotly

I r> ue.i to tit member·. For particular« epply el No. U? »ad··» aliereoone ot areait ;«, or et Mr. Roe Lock-WO>«t'· .«I G»


MARSH'S COURSE of BOOK-REEP-ING.-A complete, beautiful aad practical «Oft,

(printed in color«) adapted to pinate tnetructloa Ü" ppoctavo. Price $1 S3. Lei thoee who cannot avail t*taaa-Mlvee of * cource of wool under the eothor, bay tut» book,e good teacher la Itaeif. Sold «t C C. M ArUU S CuaiuagRoom* for the Practice of Book keeping, No. * · Broadway.Piratage, ondar .'«vi tuiiee, 2·' cant«.

MADAME SEIBERT, Profesarof th·French Lerrnage, aad Teacher at Mede.e Caegav

ra.'i celebrated School, wtahe» to ail up aune of her ¡«laurehoure by tulticn. either la a private family or ta a Sehoui.Madame CeMfeM will kindly give eli aeceeeary reAveacea,

S. SEIBEBT. No. i."-i Broadway, eurner AKh ea,


ieaayel-M on vVaahington »euere. (GEO W. CLARKE, A.M. and JAMK.S FANNING. A M Prnelpalalccnmeaec·Ite tenth«chcolyeer on MONDAY the I ith o'Sept. liaiThe Prlncipef» having refitted the furniture and r-\>er»

fer recitation and lecture, throughout the Irtet.ltUoa. 't ailbe la complete order for the reception of lu Froietaora,Teacher»end pupil· oa the 1 >tb of Sept

Peiaonal interview· wttb tne fnucipal», end Catalogue«mtalclcg name« of paf eia-d pnplUof peat year, togetherith plan* of tnafruetio·. regulation», terina, Ac, may ka

bad at the Boom» of the loot itute? Pupil· icceived from 7 to li' jaar» of aje._

M~rTJ()HN M A C M U L L KfTbuopened a Day School fot Boy· at ?a 3»> Bowary,

one block froa Bnedwey aad ft - doore ebove Bund-ct. HU terni* if» per quarter) will oe-eeaarily haep DBMhool very amali Having redded more Uta» two year« haEurope, and having etudud and taoghl for maay yean kthe city of New-York, ha taelfhimaelf qualitiel todo Jua-tice to tii< «e who may be plaoed In hi* hand« Beat*·· Speil-tap, Riadiug, Writing, and Arithmetic, there will be taughtwithoutextre charge, Greek, Latin, French, SpeaUh, Get-man, Italian, Drawing, Mud« and GymnuUce. Clrtaiar«at Lockwooo·, No. 411, and Crowe? a. No. V*» Broadway.

Play Ground for Bi v». Twcnty-hve tttha-rlber* wanteATermi Aló a year. Ala**» I. MAC MULLEN, No. til

Ch'yatie-el»_MISS TOWNSENDS School, No. 4«

EMilKh.i. «oia«r Itvlag-pla··, will reopea a«Monday. Sept. 6.

R. S. LEHMANN, Tendier of theCiernan and Engltih Lan gI ase·, bega III Inforni ha»

friend« »nd the pnMio that li· ha« returned to New-Yorkaad will return« hi« tnitnirtion« Sept M, et 4SI Broadway

MRS. CARROLL'S rKMKDlÑli endDAT SCHOOL. No. 21« Weet l"i «t. betwaaa tBt

aul ¦.!;*·, will reopen on Monday, Sept. 13, W >i.

MISS DWKiHTS SCHOOL of DE-SION, No Vi Broedaay, where the bMt laafruetiua

Will be given In the aiU of Drawing and fainting, at ? ·term. rayuieoUadveneed

Kami Mad. NOEL HERHIER cob-_tmjp to give inatraction in the French Liageage tal

literature, and in Muclc on the I'tcno-Eorfa. at the radi·dence* < ' th»tr pation· or at thalr own. No. IH «tn-e»./reach < »?? fer Ladt-i and Geatlemeo.

MUalC..A Ltviy, who lute gr«Rt expe-rleccein teecllng Plennand Accordeon, with Slat¬

ing and who·* exertion« with nor pnplit bava met with

ri ficee·*, can at'end to a few tujie pupil«. StdJea··¿ViTth-it

OSSINOlN(»SCH()OL,Siri«6liñf.Ñ.Y.Rt JOHN I' LtlNDY r«ey)erira_ miwib».·that the lext term ol hi* ??.??'? lia » AHOI NO SCHOOLfor BOYS a*ill liepin on the lint Monday of November.Five vi. ancle· occur wl.lcn may be tilled on immediateapp'tcailon to the Pi in· lpt1. ( neniar» con tal ni ig full pertlculare can lie liei by epplylng ?, S ? ????,???,?, ?

?' »? à ? lac«, or to the l'ilnctpal at Sing Hin«. ? Y.

OAK OROVE FEMALE SEMINARV,YONKEKS, ? ? -The winter term of thle iMdtn-

taca will commence, Nov lit. Circular«, cootainmg tuli perticai ir», Tei m* te, liirnielied ? application tatf·- H.lncipal. oi a: the ILmk alore oi CUrfe Anatin ? Smith,No. I, fVk Bow, New Ycrk WM. C. FOÜTE, Pilaclpal.

ïonk. ri. Sep: .';. ????,_OR(ÍAN ???'????»..A Li.iy whrì

Basata lettirnonitliof ahihlv to lni|>art iiutiuctlon ou

tt at inirum-nt. wialiet a >ew aaata pupil, Any p. r- »ri da.i.inj It will be waited upon, wb.-e partícula·* end terni·,a liich will I« moderale, will be made kaewe bv a; iieetuia line to ORGAN, Tithune ?" e

1RATION'S INSTITUTION ft* theEDI CATION of BOYS, ?.. M Oree.v-it, betwe«·

Ciint. ., «nd Waveily-pUce, J. ?. ?" \ ? ? IN, A M., Prla-«ipal. The *wo Depaiunente, Collegiate and Primary, opeaou MONDAY, SaVt.B P-ii>ll«ere prepared firth* countinghi'H»e,r | r ainii'«ion to any c liege. The number of pa¬nili )¦ limited. Circular· containing further Informauoatrey he oai.iued at the bo ikttaret, CKI'MSIE'S drucglet

. -Hi il»t-,r,r uh it. or at the lottltutua.

PRIVATE INaTRUCnoN in I _¥-MANS II IP The tubaci in« r I* prepared to give privan

lettriictii o m thwart of penti.a?.a Ip ¡ ladle« or gan' I..· itoooi». Mo ...') Bmadway, !ir»t corner above the Irr¬iti». For »e'e, mi elegant Copy Rook with Incrur'loa.piicea««»oU. UL1\ER ? GOLDSMITH

PRIVATE CLA88IC8 la FACHCBand bl'ANISH.-Prof. A. BASSET will reopea bto

F.ecch and rip-n>ii Cianea on the L»ih in»t. He will ahaorganize anew claM for heginoor» oa or ab.)nt the l5tbolOctohar. For the pai tlcular» apply at I. » «aid«oca, No. MlBroadway, bafore I A. M. and altar ? P. M.


a*y. u now op»n for the iec»cti' ? of papiu. Particular at*tenuon Í» p»:d to Painting and Drawing from Plotter Cea·.ud from NaOtr·! Patulli-g in Water Color·, in PavtliDrawing ou Stana end Pirntieg in Oil CMor». Hpe-lmM>by hi* p: j. at well a* by blmaalf, may b* examined at kwht .ci-..j.

.- ?»-afe ? ?» · for Judie·,'lectieoiet'j Ciaf· fiora 4 to ß o'clock P.M.braciai Ccurta for F*· Tearhem on Sai'irdey afer-

bo n. and one in the forenoon for .Matter».Ev-n'n/ CU·» fur Gentlemen frooi 7 to ? o'clockInt»ituaon», School« and Private Inetriictlon promptlyF

tended to. Pcrtrct'· pelaUid to order .a lb* above rueniloe·ed iij ? For penicular» »ea circular.

S. SCHI STER, Pr .'-nor.oppoelte the American Art I/o aa

SCHOOL tor BOT*, Ko. 147 ?µß»-.t .Mr ?'»?? M BEB Lt!M invitee tit» a-e.·, "..? -if ?·"

rent« who delire e School entirely under the care ead i«-

«Uactlon of 'he pria<-ip«l. Mr. C eoetteaM to give taftrn·-tion. »ireriieon and evening, la Arithmetic, Bookxecptog,Eoglith <. »ni', tí«.


at No. kl Ean 1' t.'i-at.. on MONDAY, th- 6th of September,w.'iea Mr T. will be happy toeee hi» tonner pupil« aalany new one* who may propMc to flil th« inr«i 1»iftiita>BJ.?:*:.- New-Ywik, Sept. J.

SCHOOL foi YOUNG MISSES, No.0 # tati »t, between >h ead Cth ava..The Fall Ter*»arti! commence 0p MONDAV, Sept S.

Mix COOK, PrincipalA »e.par»'e d-partment for.Sn ali Boy» under««·* aie»»·

of .??«. ? COOa.

TARRYTOWN INSTITUTE..iTthlsleatitancn young tec tlernen ire Inermeted in all th«

bunehll req-'t'.Ce tor commerdai porauiU or «otaria« Col-lepe. The Winter Term commence« ob the tat of NO»/.MBEB. Circular«, containing VttmM, raf»raeee«, ka,ean ·»« obta-ucd at C. SHEPABD fc CO S B^Uatore. ?*G-. Kalton-?.. or of ?. ? WILCoX, No. «fJ Broaieray.N.Y < r by «d. reattng A. NEWMAN, Prlaaipal.

TO PARENTS..A Lndy keeping ßrt- a.. »·¦.·* School, leaeairoaauf Uking intonar 'emlly

two or three Hueca from ¡. to i year» oil Boari, W efbiMar:i ? ??·?. »¦ -rteiej ila Engliah I,ranchea Muti· U*»'iato e o. ta »¿'»' a y-er BarereaeM ut the BigheW rxp'Hebuity «iven Kilror.v- groanda wttala tee mn· Uf* a>la01 a leo y to th· city. Feil pettieaiir* will b* glvea by «d-d.'»a;ag PARENTI KM l.fil PrwtGfHM.

ITjNIVERSITYORAMMAR SCHOOL; -Frof. E. A Jchnaoa, Beeivr. The tire· Dwaft'menu, the Juakr, the l paar Eagluh, aal the (.la·*··».'··oftea ftDiultaaeoiui« oa Monday, S->pt. e. PupiU *t*> a>

.alved at the aga othtii yeart ani upward. eoJ a^aaartafor the eoantii g booee, or for admiàdea to aay CaSaj·Circular· may bo obtain«! at Appletoca, Locharocca*Crowea* bookatora, la Broadway, and at Bayaofa, ¦?1»Bowarr. OKO. a rABKEB, *<**^_\ ocal Mugit iiaWOfM ijr? CHAB L. BARNES will open aa Elemeetary »·»*

.M0.UCI«*. f.r Ltdlei and Geathtmen. tt v ardaek. «Tl ESDAY E^ ENlNO. Oct \ in B!*^fc«r Btüa*k| HaJ.In Bleecker at, corner of Morton.


WHrDÍsRROwTÑo. UO 4? if»e would r-eaectfally lafere hU Papia,afh- "J

aot flalabed their ¿Jji| Ce«·»·» at ttecUae ef»ePM·**··"·. that b«wili ha Lappy '" aara them '··»·»·¦*"¡..Ma· at their earJett ooe?eal»dca m ao üetet« ? aw

paMvrprai' ue»ae,-i artUha raiiaeod »Ser ti» Ut H m.MbOK