New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1842-08-02....kästle/ Ja do " 1841.176 do " 1842.227 I do "...

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Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1842-08-02....kästle/ Ja do " 1841.176 do " 1842.227 I do "...

ft "bommereeof the Port of New-York.I Kcporied tor the New-York Tribune.

/ Foreign arrivals in July, 1S42, 159; of which

jnjnberlO l wore American. 40 British, 5 Bremen,Swedish, 2 Hamburg, 2 Dutch. Belgian, Ven-yüdian and Spanish each 1.

foreign arrivals. Jaly, 1811.171foreign t-]Camn«cs, July, 1842.1G1/ Ja do " 1841.176kästle do " 1842.227I do " 1S41.245

Thu (reno.The Wheat Harvest in this County is nowball' through with, and never was there

tf«rn*o delightful weather, or a fairer prospect of a

I ^ntirmance of the same blessing. There will beI jjt cue short crop this year.Corn.whUu Wheat,g.r!rv, Oats, Gtass, Potatoes, &c., are prolific al-5»st beyond example. [Rochester Adv.

i {rjf* The farmers of this island are now guthcr-finj in their Harvest, and there will doubtless be a

f are crop. Hay, Wheat, Oats, are all first-rate.I Cero i> extremely promising. The only drawback

fjjj he upon the Rye, which will afford but timid-j Jjngcrop. [Brooklyn (L. I.) Star.

\0' We regret to learn tbut tin: fear cnter-

piied lor the safety of the Wheat is in manyMes too fully roalized. Some fields of fine growth,reare told, will not yield over one-fourth of a

t top, and nearly all are more or less injured fromOats wili be good. Corn is coming for-

/ raril pretty weil, und may yet produce an average.lil. Potatoes bit! fair. The ground begins to

~; for rain. [Eric (Pa.)Gazette.(Cr* The little that appeared likely to be saved

of the Coin crop from the effects of the wet season,biii fair to be lost by the drought which has suc¬

ceeded it, the ground being suddenly hatduncd to

la degree which denies moisture to the plant undFauses blight. [Norfolk (Va.) Herald.

/ |^ The annual commencement at Rutgers Col-lle*c took place on Wednesday. On TuesdayImorning, Corneliu* L. Hardenburg delivered the?adtlrr.-< to the Alui-««i. Iiis .subject being ttio Steps.which led to the formation attd citühliäbrat'tit ofMfC Federal Constitution. In the afternoon, theanniversary oration before the two societies was

';' lelivered by Robert J. Brcckenridge. His subjectras Liberty.On Wednesday after the usual exercises by the

iraduating class, the degree of A. B. was confer^yl oo 19 young gentlemen.The degree of 1) D. was conferred upon Prof.

John Fursytb, iNewburgh, N. Y., and the Rev.David Abecl, Missionary in China.

pr']n order tu correct many erroneous im-] pr»sions,wlnch are afloat in relation to our region,j iti* necessary to state that out of 'i or 40(W work-| injtnen engaged in ibis region not more than 1500S were actively participating in the late turn out, and

.i a large proportion of that number was composedI of men wanting employment at the time. It isj true tbut nearly allot' them ceased work, but thativas in consequence of fearing in jury from the rest

ild tbe\ pursue-their labors. [Miners'dour.ISanos's Sarsaparilla..As tin- ineilical profession donot act as their own Pharmaceutists, but rely upon the skillof the Apothecary for compounding different formula it isa natter of the utmost importance ibai ibrre should 6ei«correct standard preparationof-Sarrapa'illa, on which th<' Faculty " and public generally can relywith implicit con-cure Such is the article nov offered. U combines thenie cum Dulce, nod in many instances has given speedy

lehef and made a perfect cure when the patient wasappar-»Uly fast verging to the giave. The essential principles ofilie Sarsapanltn, or that principle on which hs restorativerinues depend, is extracted by ttie construction of an en-tirely new, ingenious and costly apparatus.Prepared and sn|<( wholesale and retail, and Ibrexporta-tlnn, by A. K. V D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists,tiraniie Buildings, 273 Broadway, comer Chamber street

I SolJ.also by A B. 1 D. Sands, Fulton street, corner ofGold; and 77 Bast Broadway. 'Price $1.

-««D» Professor Lyell intorms ns that in the earlier ages of

the world the bull frogs were; large us elephants, and rat-tie stakes as Ion? as liberty poles. We bave no surb w«n-d«r» trow-a-d.iys.but in place of them we have Peters" Loz-eogefthat cure tea-sickbess, worms, headaches, coughs, low

I ipidtiahd dyspepsia in.muchJe;siime than any thine theauciestocould boast 01. Principal offices -löu Broadway

J .md IS Fulton street It need scarcely Ue remarked thatI Peter»'Vegetable PilN ap- die, best Of all general familyJ medicines; or that bis Vegetable Tooth Paste is superior toI auything for cleaning the teeth that has been heretofore

distorered. Conviction follows triaL17Read tin- following, as 11 is important to all..Kx.ract

ol a lecture delivered by Dr. Beimel before the medical stu-.lentiol Ute College01 Lake Erie, touching the valuable"operties of the Kxtract of TOMATOES. Dr. Beimel.jail is ore of Ibe most powerful alteratives of the ninteria

ineiica, and all affections of the liver and other organs,wtrre calomel is indicated. It is probably the best uicdici-raiageni known by the medical profession.When used in a concentrated state, it is a sovereign rem-

riy for dyspepsia and indigestion.lie bassncceasfuUy treated various diseases with it alone,aid when persons are removing to the South or West, they.Itould be iure to make use ol it There can be no doubtthat, when used in connection w ith the SarsapahUa, it isHie best medicine that can be used in the spring or summerseasons.As a universal remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion, loss

nf appetite, dizziness, headache, depression of spirits, cos-

tiveoess, piles, weakness of the stomach and limbs, rheuma¬tism, to purify the bloood, curing bad humors, where alloilier medicines have laded. The Sarsaparilla and TomatoBitters is mainly composed of the pure Kxtract of Sarsapa-nIIa and Tomatoes, which make llietn a most valuable al¬terative to a weak and debilitated system, impurities of theWood, and an unhealthy stale of the bowels.Sold by tile Agents. A. B. k D. SANDS, Druggists, No79 Puliou-street, comer of tiold; 100 Falton-sireet, 273

Broadway, 77 East Broadway, N Y. Also, sold by Wil-liuus, 243 Broad-street, Newark, N. J., and by Druggistsgeaerally. Price $1."More Hi'Mhuc".Humbug and deception have so pre-

jatlired the most respectnble part of the community againstMuedies, thnt, no natter how genuine an article may be,ih>-.!Ust exclamation in, on its its introduction, " more hum¬bug.*' Bui such is not the case with Sir Asitey Cooper'sCorn Salve. Physiclaus unite with hundreds in the opinionthat this is a specific for Corns. Sold and warranted atmost of the Drug stores and most respectable shoe stores inthis city and throughout the country.IT A gallantVazing with rapture the other evening, on

oh-pale placid features of a beautiful young girl sittingvwaiüiu the drawing room of an up town mansion, ex¬claimed in the traasport of the moment:

Ah ! wure I but a lily fairIn virgin tints arrayed,

Placed on thy heck, new whiteness thereWould all my leaves pervade.

This witness, fair lady reader, was imparted by using Dr.r'tiix Gouraud's Vegetable Blanc D'Espagne, or SpanishLily White; a prepaiaiion warranted free from all deleteri¬ous substances, and which elicits a freshly, glowing &mooth,alabaster whiteness, such as Sidney describes 1

.' Her blood durst not yet come to her lace, to take awaytin- same of paleness from her most pine whiteness."Put up carefully in boxes 25 cents each, and to be had only

it! B7 Walker-street, one door from Broadway.U'One Thousand Four hundred and Seventy Persons

luve fallen victims to that terrible destroyer Consumptionyilii'm the last year in this City, yet notwithstanding thisimmense mortality, the disease attracts but little attention.T!ii» alarming-fact ought to awaken inquiry as to remediesliest calculated to check its fearful progress. " ProfessorBnckholtz'i C<»mpouHd Syrup of Capilaria" Ins effectedpermanent eures in many Vases afier they have been pro¬nounced beyond recovery by physicians. "When the virtuesof this invaluable remedv are more fully known loathe pub-he, it will be the first resorted to by alt affected with pul¬monary cannot fail to become the most popu-hr remedy ever discovered for that fearful disease. Pre¬pared only in America bv R. E. DIBBLE, N. Y- Agents»I '.his City. H. Everett". Druggist,£67 Greenwich-st; J.C. Hart, Druggist, S48 Gnma.' cor Norfolk-st In New-i'lirgh, N. Y., J. D. Philips. New Brunswick, N. J., C P.Strong, Burnett-su

1 rOsK TitoessND Dollars.An Advertisement head¬ed" An Extraordinary Ca»e." (which statement can be seen

Jtt the store of Mr. Bürger.50 Ceirtlandt-strrei,) haying bscninserted in several of the city papers, and as I understand thetruth of the matter has been ijne.tioncd, therefore t offer tobe;tr any gentleman's expenses to this city, convey hiin 10the residence of the person, pay him two dollars per day forhis lime, and give him OIK thousand dollars, it he will provesaj material part of the statement to be untrue. Any per¬son desirous of testing this matter can, by calling «01 Mr.ourger, receive satisfactory evidence that the money willbe ready. 1 would hero fake occasion to slate, that theirutli oi the hUtemeius ot cures pet formed by Bristol's Sar-«pariiU can be substantiated in everv instance. The pub¬lic w ill uoi confound this article wtih' the many article* ofSarsaparilla advertised. C. C. BRISTOL,

i>'25 i.u _(2)Buffalo.D" The following recommendaiioool a popular niedi-

caie, i> published lor the information of ihosf whom n mayInvwest Nr.w-York, July 12,1S42.Mr, Vortue.Sir.I*p->n the recommendation of myphysician, 1 cturtutenved, almut liiree weeks since. 10 lakeyour Kestorativr Cordial as a remedy for Dyspepsia,wnh which coiuplaiut I have been for some time a'rlecled.and 1 think it my duty to state that I have found it ex¬tremely benehcial in my particular case. Before the u*eo! your mediciue my digestiv,- organs were Osten torpidand niacuve: and this state of things occasioned a frequentsuspension of the action ol the heart, one of the mosi death¬like feelings w ith which a mortal can be visited. YoorCordial seems lo have been precisely the kind of stomachicthat 1 required: it has warmed and excited those organs,and imparted to them a proper tone and vigor of action..Previous lo its use 1 could not eat many tilings which 1 nowtake with impunity. I especially mentiou raspberries andcurrants. 1 have not yet taken two bottlesof it.

Yourob'i se.-v't, JAS. SMITH,Counsellor at Law, No. 4 WaltstSold at476 Broadway._jy8 tornTJY We call the atten-iou of our leader-- to the adverlbr

aent o) the " Youth's Temperance Society," which appearsa another part of our columns.IT The greatest collection of Curiosities tu Araeric? m iybe >«en at the American Maseuim Great ddbigs lb* £ :d-

light. Admittance only 25 ceuis.

Mela.vcholt Accident..We learn from afriend that a lad, the son of Mr. John Andy, near

Reading, while engaged on Saturday in gatheringblackberries, dropped his hat into a small pond.He stepped into the water to regain the hat, butfinding himself detained by the mud, into whichhe was sinking, he called out for help. Mrs.Andy, hts mother, hearing the 07, rushed to hisrescue, hut found herself also unable to save thelad, or to aid herself. Her cries brought to herassistance her married daughter, Mrs. Buyer, whosprung into the water, but was unable to effect anygood, and they all perished in the pond, mother,daughter and son. [Phil. 0. S. Gaz.

Louisiana...We are happy to announce the re¬election of Hon. .John Moore Representative inCongress of the Third District. Mr. Moore's ma¬

jority is about GO. The Congressional Delegationfrom Louisiana stands, dierefore. precisely as be¬fore, viz: White and Moore, Whigs; and Daw-son, Loco-Foco. [N. 0. Bee.

Bankrupts.-Aug. 1.Burritt Sherwood, (late 6nn of Gray, Sherwood k Co.)

N. Y., Sept. 3.Theo. R. De Foreest, (late tinn De Forcest, Sons io Co )

merchant, N. V'., Sept. 3.John A. Dc Foree»t, (Intc firm De Foreest, Sous k Co.)

merchant, N. V.. Sept. 3.Nathaniel IL Fowler, N. V., Sept 3.Charles Lawrence, merchant tailor, N. V.James Jarvis, shoe dealer, N. Y., Sept 3.Horatio Dewey, (firm H. k C. Dewey, Catskill,) Sept. 3.Sherman Griswotd, Austerlitz, Columbia Co.

The District Court will take a recess on the 6th inst. to the1st of next month. Petitions cau be fled as usual in theClerk's office, but they.will not be acted upon till the re¬

opening of the Court.


Board ok Assistant Aldermen..TheBoardmet at 5 o'clock. Present, the President and eleven of theother members.The minutes were read and approved.A message was received from his Honor the Mayor tra»h-

mitt nu a repoi 1 of an examination marie at his request, byDrs. Post, Hossack and Chilton, on the subject ot poisonedbeet, and to make provision for paying those gentleman fortheir expenses and services.referred.PETITIONS presented and referred..Of Gardner

Cushman, and 100 otber«, for nn additional day Police Officein the 1 Ith Ward. Ot A. Cbainberiin and S. Parsons for icefrom the Crotou Reservoirs. Of inhabitants of Harlaem, to

have dilapidated buildings on Harlaem Market Square re¬

moved.referred fo the Alderman and Assistant ol the Wardto carry into effecL Of members of Hose Company No. at;,formerly No. 23, to have »aid hose carriage restored. Ol J.J. McCabe &: Co. for n license for their wagons. Of WilliamLivingston (or the award of money for road, kc. OfPeterGasquin and A. Lyon for the purchase of a gore ef land. 01owners of properly on the 9th avenue to have said avenue

watered from 12th-street to the Bloomingdate road. Oftbe11 tli Regiment lor payment of a hill of $49 öo for music on

the occasion of the introduction of the Croton Water en the27tb June.and also IC !or other purposes. Of Mrs. Be-thune for rel ef from tax. Of Harlaem Railroad for renewalof lease.Reports Adopted..In favor of transferring stall No. i~

Clinton Market to George Goodheart. In favor of erectingnn additional building between the Fast an>l We.-t wings "ithe Washington .Market, -;t an expense <*f some $4,500, iorthe accommodation of the country people to sell their produce. In.lavorof paying Gerry Walker $60 for the loss olhis horse by falling .through a bridge. In lavor of payin»Timothy McMahon $*y> lor injuries sustained by fälliglbrough a hole in n bridge at pier No. 1 North River. Infavor of rebuilding pier No. '7 Fast River, loot ofMarket-street, ami repairing pier No. 35 East River.lai'_t on the us-

blc. In favor of granting exclusive use of two berthson theNorth side of pier foot of Cedar-street, North River, to thesteamboat Westchesierand freight barges. In favor ofpay-ing John Hillyer $48 for his services as acting.Street In¬spector oftbe 1st Ward. In favor of permitting William C.Rhi.K lander to lay a C inch pipe,at his own expense, fromhisct liar in the North River. Adverse to

relieving Francis Blair from his contract for building a sewciin 7th street.

Report of D. Graham, Esq. Ci»un>elof the Corporation, onthe communication of P. A. Cowdrey, Esq, late CorporationAbjoroey, relative to the judgements, amounting to $2,5on,obtained by Judge Lynch for salary against the Corporation,w ith a resolution for having all such suits discontinued.forpaying the costs oftbe same, and paying the Judges theirsalaries. Ordered to lay on tho table and to be printed.From the Street Commissioner, with a resolution that

leases be executed forthwith for lauds sold for nssessmeiitsin 1810 and not redeemed.adopted.Resolutions..For the appointment of a special commit¬

tee with pow er to enter into contracts for cleaning the streetsfor a term not longer than five years.adopted, and Alder¬men Balis, Davies and Marlin were appointed the Com¬mittee.Unfinished Business..The ordinance to define the du¬

ties of Mayor's Clerk, to abolish the office of Mayor's FirstMarshal, and to repeal the ordinance granting them salarieswas taken up and adopted.Adjourned to Wednesday next at 5 o'clock.Court of Sessions..Bofore the Recorder,

Judge Lynch and Alderman Purdy and Lynch.The Court commenced ils August term ibis day with the

following cases ob the calendar, viz: Murder 2, forgery li,robbery 1st degree 3, burglary 10, grand larceny 21, petitlarceny 2d offence 1, misdemeanor 44; Indicted be¬fore "jo; convicted before 26.grand total of old andnew cases 70.Grand Jurors..The names of persons summoned as

grand jurors were called over, und only 7 appearing of thes3 summoned, 14 others were ordered to be summoned..Fines were imposed on three grand jurors tor non-attendance of $25 each.Fetit J urors..Out ot 0-1 petit jurors, only 19 appeared

to serve. Fines ol $2-5 each were imposed on 9 defaultingpetit jurors.Confession of Guilt..A boy of 1G, named Hat man B.

Gore, withdrew his plea of not guilty and pleaded guiltyto an indictment for grand larceny, in stealing a watchand other articles worth $74, from Michael Kelly, of No. 68Broome-street, on the 13th June last Plea received and re¬

corded, and the court sentenced him to the House of Refuge.Trial for Burglary..Henry Hawkins and Theodore

Shields, colored men, were put upon their trial for burgla¬ry in the 3d degree, in breaking into the store of Messrs.Busneckeri-. Chautra, 187 Broadway, on the night of the20th ofMay last and stealiug 57 pair of boots, and severalpair of shoes, worlh upwards of $400. The store was en¬

tered by means of a false key applied to the lock sf the base¬men l door. The boots were brought by Hawkins to thehouse No. 150 Anthony-street in trunks and left. Shieldcoming there Ihe uext night to inquire after them, where32 pair oftbe boots aud two pair of theshoes were found byofficers J. L. Smiüi aud Staaten, through information deri-eed from a colored woman. Hawkins had whitewashed thestore prior to the burglars* and theft, The jury found themboth guilty, and the court sentenced them to the State Pris¬on, Hawkins, being an old offender, for 5years,and Shields,a vounger felon, forSyears.Adjourned to Tuesday at 11 o'clock:Police Office..Theft and an attempt to

Sti*al..William Jones, a boy, was arrested and committedfor attempting to steal 'some change, and bronze and silverleal", from the desk of Frederick Simonson, in his countinghouse, No. 244 Greenwich-sLJobuNash was arrested and committed for stealing a scar*

worth $1 50 from William Knowlcs, 67 James st-

Coroner's Office..Death from DeliriumTremens..The Coroner on Sunday evening held an in¬quest at the house of John Nott, No. 68 Lewis street, on thebody of Rosannn, his wife, aged 27, a native ofIreland. Thedeceased was a woman of **ery intemperase habits, aadhad been ill for the last two weeks, but continued to indulgeher daily potations as usual until her reason was drowned,and she died ou Sunday at 12£ o'clock, a victim of the vilehabits she had indulged. Verdict.died ef Delirium Tre¬mens.

DO*New Nnval Talc..THE CAPTAIN'S WIFE,by |thtt author of 1 Cavenüish,' -The Flying Dutchman,'. Naval Surgeon,'' Port Admiral,' i.e. kc This is a touch¬ing story of humble life, showing what strict integrity andindomitable industry, combined with almost unlimited am-

bitiou may do for a man. We doubt not it will prove to bethe most popular work of its highly gifted author. It willbe published in a


Price 12$ cents, or 10 copies far $1. The usual discountto newsmen. WILSON k COMPANY, Publiker»,

au22 162 Nassau-street, New-York.d-JiMt i»uMi»hed-No. 1 of the LIFE AND

SPEECHES OF HENRY CLAY. Subscriptions receivedat ihe OtBce of the New-York Tribune, and by the Pub-liiwr, No. 63 Barclay--street. Price One Shilling per num¬

ber._au22tD" Democratic Clay C2ui» of the Eighth

Ward..The Monthly Meeting of this Club will be held«m Wednesday Evening, 3d inst. at 8o'clock at the HowardHouse.Every friend of" Harrv of the West" in the Ward is in¬

vited to attend. WILLIAM IL SWEET, PresidentGeo. B. Rollins,G. G.Stacy,Ezra Smith,Robert Honey,Jereeiah CoorER,Geo. A. Steele,Isaac W. Concklin,Thos. Creighton, Vice-Presidents.

Charles W. Ward, > _.Theodore Kelley, < a2 2tis.rr Notice..The packe^T'ip Ontario, for Loodau, will

sail Thi* Day, at 12 o'clock precisely, at wbich time tbe pas-Dgers me requested to be on board the steamer Mutualttety, foot of Maiden Laue.The Letter-Bags will close at 114 o'clock. au2

MONEYJVIARKET,Sales at the Stock Exchange, Aag. 1.

25 Farmer** Loan. 18§t 50 <lo.bSftd 15*150 4o.bSfld 18* 100 do.bSd 15?25 MohawkR. 38 200 do. 15i25 do.»6fld 33 50 rio.sl5d 15+75 do.38 [ 5 Ohio TrustCo. 6025 Harlem. 15*;

Commercial and Money Matters.Monday P. M.

The sales nt the Board this morning were very small..Harlem Railroad closed at a decline of {, and KentuckySixei at an advance oi" J upen our final quotations «f Satur¬

day.The sales of State Securities as follows:

$2,000 Kentucky 5s, '71.. 71.1!$ 1,000 do do. 77Jin Foreign Exchange we continue the quotations at 6 a

SA, prem. for sterling bills.The StwVork and Albany Railroad have called fur an in¬

stalment of five per cent payable Sept- 5.The banki of Tennessee resume to-Way. It is probable

that they will be able to maintain tbe resumption. Theircirculation amounts to about a million a half, while theyhave in their vaults over a million in specie, and no incon¬siderable amount of Eastern funds.During the past month, the banks of Nashville lia\e made

it a point to furnish specie to note holders whenever de¬sired. This policy has greatly tended to inspire confidencein their ability to sustain themselves.

In Alabama, the excitement about the banks continues to

increase, and but little ehre is thought of. The branch¬es at Huntsvifle and Montiromery have begun to check likethe Decator Bank, on the North at 15 per cent, premium,receiving their own hills.Tfce difference in exchange at Mobile has increased to

nearly sixty.At Louisville, the banks are drawing on the East very

sparingly, and only in small amounts, at previous rat**. Thebrokr-rs charge 1* per cent, premium. Alabama continuesat37j and Tennessee nt 8 pere«nt. discount.Closing Pricks ok Stocks at Philadelphia, July 30. j

United States Bank 2 bid, 3 asked; North America 165 bid;Pennsylvania 50bid, 65asked: Philadelphia 32 bid, 35asked;Farmers' and Mechanics' 20} bid, 214 asked; Mechanics' 10ibid, 11 asked- Commercial 30 bid; Girard 1 hid, 2} asked:Western 22bid; Pen.i Township 10 bid, j2A. asked; South-wnrk <o hid; Moyamensiog 20 bid; Manutacturr-rs' ami Me¬

chanics' 12} asked; Ken*instou 3>> nshetl: Stute 5s 35 bid, 37

Kskpd; City 5s 31 bid, 05 asked: Schuylkill Navigation 30

bid. 3-1 asked; Camder. and Amboy Railroad 60 bid; Wil¬mington 10J bid, 103 asked; Reading 20J asked; Commer¬cial Bank, Cincinnati 13 asked; Louisville 58 asked: North*era, Kentucky. 60 asked; Union of Tennessee 25 bid: Plan¬ters' of Tenn. 25 bid, 1T7 asked; Kentucky 42J bid, « asked.

New Counterfeit..We have before us a counterfeitthat we believe has never been described, and executed ina style well calculated to deceive. It is n 2 of the Bank ofAuburn, letter A, No. .569, payable to D. Davis, dated Feb.I, 1842, and signed J. S. Seymour, Casbr., E. Beach, PresLOn tbe It-it hand margin is a figure of Liberty seated, hold¬ing a spear in one hand, with ihe other thrown over iheneck'ot an ratio. This parlol the plate is coarsely execu¬

ted, and if examined will satisfy anyone accust med to han¬dle money that the bill is a couuterleiL The paper is lieht-er and thinner than that of the true bills.The following are the most important sections of the

Pennsylvania Tax Bill as it passed both branches of the Leg¬islature:Sec. 2. Authorities the Governor to borrow the sum of

$870,000, at an interest n<>t exceeding sb per cent, whichsum is to be specifically appropriated lo the payment oltheinterest due on the tirsi ol August, and lo the pHymentoftbe interest guaranteed lo railroad and navigation com¬

panies.Sec. 4. Authorizes the Governor to sell at public sale nil

the stocks belonging in the Commonwealth, provided iheyshall brinu an amount which at ihe rate of 5 per cenL inter¬est, would produce an interest equal to the dividend re¬

ceived by the Slate on said stocks lor the year, 1811.oec. 6. Provides that no private act of assembly shall be

enrolled in the office of the Secretary of the Common-wealth, air have the force and efTect of law, the par¬ties interested shall pay into the Treasury the followingsums:For erery act incorporating or reeharterine; any bank,

with a capital not exceeding the sum of $200,00*1, the sum ol"$200; over $200,000, and not exceeding $400,000, the sum of§400; over $400,000, and not exceeding §600,000, ihe sum of$50(1; over $600,000, and not exceeding $l,oon,ooo, the sum«>f.«:8U0; over $1,000,000, the sum ol $1,000; on every iaw in¬corporating a canal or railroad company, §100; on everylaw incorporating a coal wr iron company, $2no.

fcsec. 7. Authorues the levying of an additional tax 01 onemill on the dollar of the actual value ot all real and person¬al properly now taxable lor State purposes.

New-York Cattle Murket.Aug. 1.

[Reported fer The Tribun?.]BEEF.The number of Beeves in market for the last two

weeks has been comparatively small, and a better feelinghas begun to prevail, though the improvement in prices is

not sufficient to be definitely staled. It w ill bring the aver¬

age price up to about $6 per 100 lbs. dead weight. Muchihe largest number of the Cattle are sold now by ihe head,and the price per 100 lbs. can only be estimated. Therewere a few cases in which ii would more lhari equal §6 50.There were 75 kead left over from last week, and 78y re¬

ceived since. About 350 of the fresh received came dawnihe North River, but wrre mostly from the Western pan ol"

the State. A few were from Connect icut and about 400from the South orthe West, via Pennsylvania and New-Jer¬sey. 50 head were sent to Brighton and all the rest sold ex¬

cept 29.MILCH COWS.There were 55 Cows and Calves in

market, inclading 10 left over last week; 40 were sold at $20a §38. according to quality.SHEEP.In market 4200 head, including 200 left over last

week. All but 300 were sold. Sheep at $1 50 a $4 andLambs mostly ai $1 n §2, superior at $2 50, and the best inmarket at §2 75.PORK.There has been during the week a good supply

of North River Sholes at 31 cents, and ihf advance of 1 cent

realized tup previous week has not been sustained. Still fed

hogs from the neighborhood of Albany were contracted for

al 3 cents lb. live weight. There is, of course, but littletrade iu dressed bogs at this season, but the few which are

sold by the large butchers to the smaller dealer* command41 a 41 cents lb. per whole hog.HAY.Is still dull, and a large supply coming to market,

prices fell. The rang** at the close was 37} a 75 cts. per loo

lbs. loose by the load ; new hay 37} a .56 cents. New Strawis brought in, though not to any great extent, and sells ai $3a §3.50 per loo bundles, generally $3 50.

(CT The Life and Speeche» of Henry Clay,No. 1.price 12* cents.for sale at the office ot The Tribune.Agents supplied at §1 per dozen.

CP The First Annirernaryof the ' Youth'sTem-peranre Society' of the Carmine-street Church (oppositeVarick-street) will be celebrated This I.Tuesday) Evening,at 4 before 8 o'clock precisely.The Annual Report will be read, and several interestin?

Addresses, Recitations, itc. may be expected from the mem¬bers of the Society and others.The exercises of the evening will also be interspei-sed

with appropriate Music by the Choir of ihe Church.The Youth of the City, and all who feel interested in the

advancement of ihe cause of Juvenile Temperance, are in¬vited to nttend.A collection will be taken up in aid of the funds of the

Society. au2 It*

XT IVcw Botanical Text Book..The Botani¬cal Texi-Bc>ok for Colleges, Schools, and Private Students,comprising, I»Part 1. An introduction to Structural and PhysiologicalBotany.Part 11. The principles of Systematic Botany; with an

account of the chief natural families of the vegetable king¬dom, and notices oftbe principal officinal or otherwise use¬

ful plants. Illustrated with numerous engravings on wood.By Asa Grav, M. Ü. Fisher, Proiessor of Natural Historyin Harvard University, kc. Just published and for sale byjy20 (2) DAYTQN k NEWMAN, 199Broadway.XT Boarders Wanted..A few respectable board¬

ers wanted atH9 Walker-street, near Broadway. jy2 lm*

XT Good Board and pleasant Rooms can be obtainedat No. 26 Cliff.i (2)


jel7tfXT The JTnly No. oftbe Southern litera¬

ry Messenger is received, and for sale at tins office.Agents supplied. Single numbers50 cents.

XT Photographic .L«keiies*.c.h, hy an improvedDaguerreotvpe process, by M. D. VAN LOAN, corner ofChambers-street and Broadway. (2) j'yl8 lm

XT Sewers and Vaults made of Hydraulic Limemorur will be as strong and durable as if made ot the best

Hydraulic Cement, at much saTing of lime and but one-

fourth «f the expense. Hydraulic Lime costs but aboutone-halfand will make twice a< much mortar as the Hydrau¬lic cement- (2)


jel8 It tf

XT For Sale.A Whig Newspapf.r, in one of tbe

most populoj« villacresoB ihe Hudson P.iver. Subscriptiongtod.advertisi .cellent.job printing valuable. A

practical printer would find it a lucrative investment The

only reason of the proprietor for wishing to dispose oltheestablisument is tbe state of his health, which requires a

more active occupation. Terms cash. For particulars in¬

quire of H. GREELEY, Editor of New-York Tribune

jy29 lwdlfw_

XJ' Wanted to borrow, me sum of $t>00on a first mort

gage of a fertile and productive Farm, of 160 acre's in Erie

Co., Pa.,now underwood cultivation, and worth at least

$2,090. The advertiser has an uuincumbered warrantee

deed direct from the State, anil will pay any reasonablerate for the loan, repaying it in four annual paymeels, or

alt at the end of three years, as may be preferred. Inquireof the Editor of the Tribune, who is well acquainted w iththe advertiser and bis premises. jy7 tf

0*Gonrand's Hair EradicatingPowder.Gouraud's Freckle and Piraple Lotion.Gocraco's Vegetable Liquid Rouge.Gol-raud*5 Vegetable Face Powder.At Original Office, 67 Walker-sL, 1 door from Broadwayjy 15 InnsO" Spencer's Iniitarion Moleskin Hat..

This popular article is commended to the public as pecn-uarly desirable, at the present time, for its economy. For

elegance and durability, it competes successfully with tiemost costly Hats worn. Price $3 25. SPENCER,al6 U' Fashionable HaUer. No. 245 Broadway.O* To Printers..A Printing-office suitable for

newspaper, !»ook and job work, including presses, type,i.e. for sale at a bargain, in this city. The location is ex¬

cellent, and the entire cost not over $S,500. Payment maybe made in werk. Address 'Box 125,' Park Poil-Offiee.

jyll lm

TT To mariners..The cast iron Light House madein this city by James Rödgen for the Spanish Government,has been erected at the entrance »1 th* harbor ofSantiagode Cuba on the Table Land, about 3c0 yards East of MoroCastle. Tbe Lantern was lit on the firct of June, and willcontinue to be so from sun-down ta san-nse. It is a Revolv¬ing Light, and performs its complete revolutions in two

minutes and a half; is 270 feet above the level of tbe sea,and may be seen at tbe distance nf a to 25 miles.

Fanscnser* ArrivedIn the bark Abby Baker, from Cienfugos, Cuba.William

Brown, o( Philadelphia; L Boynton anil laay, of Boston.In the ship Vickswurg, from New Orleans.MrJas Pinna-

ger. andJC in thesteerage.In the brig Hobomok, from Savannah.Rev Mr Fox,

Judge N Prentice, Col E Peckbam, Con: D E Hull, Maj DAllan», C;apt J B How ell, Dr Snodgrsss.In tue brig Edward, from Charleston.Rev J K Lawrence

and lady, Mr C W Schaffer and it-day, Mr E L Trenholmami lady, N M Porter and lady, 31r Dibble, lady at d 2 chil¬dren ; Mr* Copeland. Mrs Coller. Miss M Elder, Mis- MaryM Askmead, Messers Currunt, Wilson, Nopie, .Murrav. Pe¬nin. Hearney, Allen, Clack, McGregor, Dasher, Wolley,Gelson, Root Lnpard and BeaL



THE SUN i THE moon full St \

Rises 4 56 I Sets 7 4!Morn 0 18 Mom 8 111 4 13

Latest Dates.London.July 16]Havre .July 14Liverpool.July IGinhw-orleans.July 23

cleared yesterday.Ship Baltimore, Funk, Havre, Boyd k. Hinchen.Barks La Grange, Porter, Savannah. John Ogden: Ho¬

ben, Cevllin. Sooth America; Brem lurk Cawiine., Bremen, E Nbtenius; Sw bark Gotteoburir. Nahock-day, Cadiz, Schmidt k ßalchen; Brem Bark Auna, Kori-lang, Bremen, G k F Schumaker.Brig G B Lainar, Sannemand, Savannah, Sturgi» k Clear-

man.Sclirs U Slates. York, Philadelphia, Nesmith, Leeds k

Co: Dan sehr Johann, Clauson. Rotterdam. Schmidt St 3nl-clii-n; Expedition. Mahn, Frederick>burg. Va, A B Cooleyk Co; Tarry Not, Mclntyre, Texas, J H Brower.

arrived yesterday.Brig Freeman, Kiliman, 8 ds fm Bucksport, Me, lumber,

kc to R P Buck &: Co.Brig Nhnrod. Brien, 29 ds fm St John», NF, bnllist to

?[oK''< a. .nnuiony.Br brig Buffalo, McBride, I2*ds fm Windsor. NS, plaster,

kc to Soule k Whitney.Brig James Drummond, Young, 10 ds fm Lubrc, with Chief Sachem, Johnson, 1? ds fm Eastport, Me, lath,

kc tn captain.Sehr Win Wallace, Smith, 6 ds fm Thomaston, limej kcto master.Sehr Spring Bird. Nic'k.-rson. Bwston, with tish.Sehr Antiiracophin, Parker, Va, with wood.Wrhr Ruih. Cbas, Norfolk, wheat to Rrvant k MaitlantLBBLOW.3 ships and the bark Huron reported yesterday.

TT The Augns« namber of the AmericanLaborer i* now ready. It containsHon. HARM ER DENNY'S REPORT ON AGRICUL¬

TURE to the Home Industry Convention; (original.)A HISTORY OF THE POLICY OF OUR GOV¬ERNMENT with REGARD TO REVENUE ANDPROTECTION, by an eminent writer who has been manyyears in Congress, and in the President's Cabinet; (ori¬ginal )

Extracts from the Messages of the Governor's of New-York.GEORGE CLINTON. DANIEL D.TOMPKINS.DE WITT CLINTON, ISAAC C. YATES, WILLIAML. MARCY, i.e. in favor of the Protection of American In¬dustry, with the responses ofsuccessive Legislatures thereto.Also a varie ty of editorial and other mailers.)The first No. was published in April. It will be comple¬

ted in 12 Nos. Subscription price 75 cent*, or twenty copiesfor $10. The back numbers tnav still be procured.


IT The Southern Literary Itleaaeuger..The August No. of ihs valuable and very popular periodi¬cal has promptly made its appearance, and may he had at

this otfice this morning. Persons about leaving the City andtravelers passing through, will find this work both a usefulan.l an entertaining companion. Price for single numbers30 cents Agents supplied on the usual terms.

The «ontents of the August No. are 1. Mrs. a

Young Lady of Virginia. This is an admirable tale ofFashionable Life. 2. journalOfan American Naval officer.3. Northern Rambles. 4. Blindness and the Blind, No. IIx The Patriotism of Sl Paul, his character as a Reformeriind as h Scholar considered, his care for books: his travelsIiis conduct, ice. fi. Our Younger Poets.hy G. Livingston;Tallmadge. 7, The Rights of Women. 8. History of the

Knights of William W. Andrews, Consul at MaltaPOETRY on a variety of subjects.TT Mr. Clay>. Speech at the Festival at Lexing¬

ton, Ky., Mr. Chief Jusüce Robertson's Address as thePresident at the Mveting, ami Mr. Clay's FarewellSpeech on his retiring from the United States Senate, is

published in a neat Pamphlet and for sale at this otfice.Price 12j cents, or $1 per dozeu. Postmasters who remit$1 00 will receive 13 copies. Clay Clubs supplied at $6per hundred.


J0r Doctor Lardner'* Lecture*..The secondedltlODkOf DocUir Lardner's Course «I Lectures delivered a

Nlblo's Ls just published au« lor sale at this ollice. Price,l?5 cents. The subjects embraced in the Lectures are :

Electricity.The Sun.Galvanism.The Fixed Stars.Mag.netic Needle.Latitude and Longitude.Bleaching, Tan¬ning.Popular Fallacies.Light.Falling Stars.Temporar JStars.Historical Sketch of Astronomy- Dew.Science aid¬ed by Art.Scientific Discoveries.Sound.Vibrations of theRetina-Voltaic Battery.Steam Engines of Great Britainand America.


TT Richard Adams Locke'* Celebrated Lertureon Maonetis.m and Astronomy, as reported for The Trib¬une, is published in a neat pamphlet and for sale at ibis of¬fice. Price 61 cents, or .50 cents per dozen.

Read Ulis!TT To Clergymen, Parent*, and Teacher*.

The following editorial notice of Mr. Sears' new and ele¬gant work on the Bible.too well known to require descrip¬ copied from the New-York Observer, of this day, one

of the oldest, most respectable, and best conducted religiousnewspapers published in the United Statei. An opinioncoming from this high quarter, is worth a thousand of theephemeral pufis thai are published in the papers ofthe day" We have just received this work, published under the ed¬

itorial auspices of Mr. Sears, the publisher of the " PictorialIllustrations." It is brought oul with great neatness, thepaperand typography of the first quality, and the engraving.-,many of them, lor wood cuts, are very' tine. The frontis¬piece, by Lossing, is particularly worthy of.conmendaunn,being one of ihe finest specimens of wood engraving wb hwe have lately seen." The reading matterconsisLsof well drawn biographies ol

distinguished Scripture personages, and written for lli*>special instruction of the young, who will be pleased withthe general appearance of the book. The Appeudix con¬

tains a series of selected Biblival articles carefully condensedand compiled from the most distinguished writers, consti¬tuting altogether the most valuable part of the work. Pub¬lished and for sale at 122 Nassau-street."

July 29 jy30 4teod is*

TT To Traveler*..Gentlen:?n vu:ii=g this City are

respectfully invited to stop at the GRAHAM HOUSE, G3Barclay-street, where a quiet home, pleasant rooms, cleanbeds, wholesome food, snd an atmo«p,»»*e unpoisoned byalcohol or tobacco, await their acceptance. Those who be¬lieve il impossible lo live ">« a rigidly temperate and purely-Vegetable Dit i without severe privation are requested to

give it one trial. The house is very convenient to the busi¬ness part of the City and to all the Steamboat Landings..Terms moderate. Gentlemen visiting the City with a partof their Families -.rill find such a home vastly more agreea¬blethan a Hotel Shower-Baths free. jyl9 if

TT Gray** Agriculture .Elements of Scientificand Practical Agriculture, or the applications of Biology,Geology and Chemistry to Agriculture and Horticulture,intended as a Text-Book for Farmers and Students in Agri¬culture, by Alonzo Gray, A M., author of Elements ofChemistry, etc" We hail the appearance of this work as not only useful to

the public, but in its execution honorable to the country..For real utility to the agricultural interest, the volume be¬fore us is unrivaled by any of the numerous European pub¬lication* on the same'subjects. [Cultivator lor July.Published by DAYTON k NEWMAN.

Jy*0_190 Broadway.O" PARTICULAR NOTICE..Those persons having

furniture of any d--scription to dispose of, or who are break¬ing np house-keeping, will find a ready sale for any portionor all of their goods, by sending their address, or caiiinjupon the subscriber. Goods to any amount purchased.

F. COLTON k CO.. PVJ Ch,t>am-s'.At Private Sale.2 first rate Piano Fortes, that will he sold

very low. d3n

TT Remember the Removal of the RealCumphine Oil. Spirit* and Improved Burner, to LaFayetle HaLI, 597 Broadway, opposite Nlblo's, at prices re¬duced nearly 5ü per cenc G. W. McCREDY, Jr.jy 14 lm_ (2)TT The Great Secret, or How to be Happy.By

the author of *. Chas. Linn".I vol. 13iuo. This day pub¬lished by DAYTON k NEWMAN,

jr27_199 Broadway.TT mechanic*' Institute..Th- rrgular monthly

meeting of the Institute will be held on Tuesday eveuing,August 21, at 8 o'clock.aul JOHN N. SAY RE, Recording Secretary.TT Ci »Itivalor for Angu*t is received and ready

for delivi ry. Subscribers wiU please call and take theirnumbers. DAYTON k NEWMAN,

aul 199 Broadway.


On Saturday evening last, bv tbe Rev. F. Messenger, 3Ir.John E. Earle to Miss Mary M. Donet, daughter of thelate James Dorset, all of this city.

DIED:In Jersey City, on Sunday evening, July 31, Isabella,

aged 6 years aud 1 nso*ih, daughter of the late SydneySmith, ot Nottingham, England^ and daugbi er-in-law ofPeter Wilson, Bookbinder, also late of Nottingham.On Monday morning, between 9 and 10 o'clock, tbe in¬

fant son of George ana Elizabeth Bijotat, aged II months.Tbe friends ami relatives of the family are respectfully

invited to attend the funeral this morning at 11 o'clock, attheir residence, 563, Honsion, corner of Hancock-street.At Brooklyn, on Saturday evening, July 3*. after a lin¬

gering illness, which she bore with Christian tortitade andresignation, Delia, the daughter of Doctor Linus Steven«,in the 43d y«ar of her age.July 31, Madame Barges, late of France.July 31, Mrs. Rosamia Geflers, aged 28.July 30, Mrs. Margaret Ryley, aged 84.


By F. Cotton k Co.

ON WEDNESDAY. 3d iust.. at 10 1-2oYtock, at No 21 Catharine.ireet, the r umltnre of

the bouse, consisting of every article for hoose-keenine,such a> Bureaus, Tables, Chsirs with Curl M.tple -mil RushSeats,B«fIs and B :d steads, CarpeU, I>.)oking-G!r-ssr-,

Sofa, M-utei Ornaments. C ockery and Glass Ware, to¬

gether with Cm Kitchen Furniture.* rtui 2t*

By F. Cohen k Co.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.--On THURSDAY, August 4tb, at 10 o'clock, at the

fool of r'ike-sire?t, 3 Pump Log4, and at 11 o'clock. 27 ihe foot of Tw.;,.s¦»«*«¦:.tb-l. North R:\t-r. xi;? 3tv

OX m\ DA^/S^Tt 10 1-2 o'clock, atthe Store 137 Chatham Square, a large and generai

assortment of Furniture, such as Bureaus, Tables, Bid-steads, Chairs Lookinsr-Glass--», Carpets, Beds and Bed¬dings, Crock- ,y and Gla.-s Ware, Silver Ware, Jewelry.Chests of Clothing, Trunks, &c. itc.

,aa2 u*'

Office of Jeffersos Ins. Company, jNew-York. Au*;. 1. IS42. j

TDK HOARD OE DIRECTORS oftilts Institution have this day declared a Sem ;-An-

aual Dividend o: <even per cent,payable to the Stuckhold-ers or tbeii !r_r;ii representatives on and after the 10th inst

ao2GEO. T. HOPE, Secretary.The Croton Celebration.

SUTTON, JOB PRINTER, No. 4 LittleGreen .' ". el. bi tween -Maiden lane and Libert}*, office

of the Ritstr, ,.'.irj Freu, where all orders are thankfullyreceived an executed at the lowest prices, in the neateststy!-. Prir' i» in geld, silver, or ruby bronze; also, in thvarious c- ed inks, Badges for the approaching CrotonCelebration, printed lo order, at reduced prices.au2 eod3P

ILDERS PATENT SALAMAN-DER SÄV2S..These safes area perfect non-con¬

ductor to h- ,;r, and cannot be destroyed, nor iheir contentsinjured by any irdinary lire, as numerous trial- have proved,'.*>> are :>:> <t burglars, being well secured bvthe nuist celebrated patent loess now io use. A large as¬sortment, of various s./cs. constantly on hand, and for sale by

SILAS C. HERRING, Agent, No. IS1.' Water-st'Also, as above, an assortment of second-hand Iron Chest*,

(made b\ different manulacturers) with good locks, suitableto protect plate .jewelry, and other valuables against thieti -.

for sale at from 50 to w per cent below the first ce-st. au2 i

CHEAP..All articles in the Saddle orCoach line can be had at very reduced prices at lite

>;.... oi'the subscriber, consisting in part of India RubberCloth. Wehl« Serge, hod and sheep Skins, Skirtings, PatentLenlher,Sad Irons,Harnes, Buckels, Bits, Stirup«, RawHides, Laces, Carpeting, Bands. Hubs, Axles, common andpatent Top Lealber,MouIding, Bore.., Sleo Springs, kc.

a US 3m J NI >. S. SI" MM ERS. 272 Pcn.rl-t

METALLIC PENS, at two, three amifour shillings a ciwe. together with an assortment

of Gillon's and Wright it Co's. celebrated Pens.Tor >:i|e :::

reasonable prices, by J. C. BARN ET,aui It- 2S John-»l.. near Nassau.

R. JNO. W. S. HOWS begs respect-lul'.y to inform his triends and the public that, in¬

consequence ot the encouragement he has received a* aProfessor or Elocution since his return to the city, he hasrelinquished bis other engagements', and will in future de¬vote himselfexclusively to private instruction in Elocution,and the principles of English Composition. For terms, ,V<.apply to Mr. HOWS, No. 6 Bench-street, near St John'sPark.

_ _

au2 3r

P- H I VAT E LESSONS are {riven at 2»?Beekroan dreet in Reading and Writing.also in the

higher branches el English, with French, Latin and PiaiFnne music.The primary object is to give a respectable class of fe¬

males, who have not had early opportunities to acquire an

education, the privilege of so doing, without attending a

public seminary.Honrs from nine in the morning to nine in the evening

may best suit the pu;>.ls. r2 Im


Opposite St. Pain'- Church, Broadway..P. T. Barnim,Manager..Increased Novelties .Mr. WINCHELL. the un¬

rivaled comic dr Jl list WHITLOCK and DIAMOND intheir Banjo Extravngamas. The wonderful GIPSY GIRLcan be privately consulted as an oracle throughout the day,without extra charge The Model of the CITY of DUB¬LIN. OLD and t OI'NG NICK, in which Mr. Winchedsustains six characters: A spleadid DROP CURTAIN,representing 'Byron's Dream,' painted by Mr."Oscar F.Almv. a native- ir>>st. Experiments in ANIMAL MAG"NETISM! Miss llOSALLE, the peculiar Vocalist; theALBINO L VDY ; i" ¦. v GLASS BLOWING and Gram!Cosmoraina B.-iLLOON ASSENSIONS every night atlen o'clock. Day performn rc< every Wednesday and Sat-tuday afternoons at 4 o'clock. D;;y visiters admitted freein the eveia'ng.Admission to the whole, Museum, Garden and entertain¬

ments, 25 rents. Children half price.

WANTED.A place by a nice girl forgeneral work. Apply at 241 Mott-street Good

referenci -. au2 it*

ANTED.A sitHation as Chamber-v » maid and Waiter, or to do housework, by a girl

who can give the be«t M city reference for capability, hon¬esty, industry. ,vc. Apply at 21.5 Elizabeth-it. au2 If

\\rANTED.A clerk in a Lawyer'*o111ee? v ..» student of good habits, and who can write * fair

hand, will l ave ibe usual advantages of an office with suila-ble compensation for his sei sices. Address box 4B3 UpperPo>t Office, * real name and address. aul 2l"

WANTED.By a Canadian, a situa¬tion re Porter in a store, or Coachman in a private

family. The rest recommendations as to character and ca

pacittes can be riven. Please address J J. at this office, or

tili Court Und street. jy23 5t*

WANTED.50 euterprising young go e-n wlialing voyages, in firsl

class vessels. To young men of good habits the above is a

very desirable opportunity. All clothing and other neces¬

sary articles fun* tshed on the credit of tlie voyage. ForfurtherInformation apply to WM. LUCKEY k CO., Ship¬ping Agents, MG S?u!h-slreet, upstairs. jy27 5m*

WANTED.Ten or twelve active, iu-telligent men to procure subscribers in the country

lor the popular periodicals oftlie day. Men who have been

engaged id leaching ami literary pursuits will be preferred.No foreigners ue* d apply. Undoubted testimonials of cha¬racter win be required.

BRaD BUjR , SOD EN it Co. 127 Nassau-sL N. Y.,jelK if and 10 School-st Bosioi

ANEAT, good-huoiored,industrious girlwants i *; nation as chambermaid or child's nurse.

would prKer th? latter, having been in that capacity forseveral years. pply at 18 Howartl-st. au2 It"

O OPSE K EEPE R WANTED.A res-.JL JL pectttble middle -«ged woman of good education andwitliout incumbn > e. and who is healthy and active and a

thorough housekeeper, and perfectly qualified to tak* tlieentire1 cbargä il u imall iMinily.h memeer of the Preshyt*rinn church would be prelerred. Applv at No. 2fi Pine-st,at from 'j to 10 A. M.au2 3l*

S"~TERE0TYWE FOUNDER Wanted.An experienced hand fully competent to work at all

¦aacbesol the business Apply toaul3t- WM. HAGAR k. CO. 74 Folton-st.A R'PN E't WANTED.The writer


PJL would hike a partner with a cash capital offrom $3,000to $5,0oo. The business is in the wholesale line, already es¬

tablished and doing a fair perfectly safe undpermanent, not liable lo tluctuation, as many kinds ot hu*i-ne>s arehi bad times,and with aüttle of cashcapital could bemade profitable. So person need apply that has not at least$2,000 in cash.wo'ild prefer a person ot religious character,and he must !>e least a person ot good morals. AddressA. D.,by letter, attbU office, which will be promptly at¬tended to, and ev< .. explanation made. jy!9 2w*

BOARDINsi -A tew single Cientlemencan obtd tli single rooms, at 55 FrankIhi-St.

between Broac «>' 5::im.t Terms from |4 to $5.au2 iw*

OARPr WANTED IN a r;, f ii Kin ^,«1 lady, in a family where there are

lew or mo bo'.rdi r -. The neighborhood of the Rights wouldbe prefer!- i. A ;s Bot J72 Lower Post Office. j30 3ti»'

BOARDING..Two single gentlemenan- leiir^^.« of obtaining board in a genteel private

family, where'Her?? are no other boarders;.location notalKivr? Canal «:i Address J. L. Cook, through the P»stOffice.

_j>'30 3t«

BOARD!. R S WANTED in a PrivateFamily, or w)>»=re there are but few boarders.two or

three respectable "tmog men in a genteel house.rooms fur¬nished or unfurnistred. Price iow to suit the times. Refer¬ence required, .'.noly No. 9 Dover-st, a few doors fromFraoklin-Sqoar-_jyia 2w

BOARIMrVG..Very desirable Rooms,jnst v..-e-d. w-itii eood a private family,

can be ob'.j :.e .«n reasonable terms, by applying at No ll! r- -ni- >i. John's Park. jyl3 II

HO'I'EI S. Steamboats and Familiessap; '¦ ;.! with good servant! at Hutson's Office, .560j

Peart-stree'. '"^terintr plaees supplied with Cooks, Wait¬ers, Cham! vrr>; >;d> and male and female servants of allkimls. _IStfisJOHN JVU-CABE & CO.'S Intellige"üce

0£ce,99N«SMa-st. References.Hon. M. u.Grin-r.eil.H. Brevor. .V- ;. W. Irving. Prof. Renwirk. a* tt

A DIE:} I'jE'STOREDJ/HTm-_i le-r's, 142 C-owW. -Ladies who intend going into tlie

country, and «» »h n» their supply of Shoes, can find a com¬

plete and *'.'p» rior as-ortmenl of .Ladies' and Children'sBouts and 3H>«SOf i'l the different styles, both single anddouble soles .»iso Linen Gaiter Boots, at J2 per pair.Ladies' lir a,.- S^ow.-rs at six shiliiurs per pair, warrantedgood. Every artie'* is warranted of his own manufacture,and sold at die low. si jiossible price, by

J. B. MILL LR. 142 Canal-ot.jy2tJ öi.seo.- . between TLompson and Sallivan-st<.

TO PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE.-^The snbsc/iber i« bidding in connection with'his Gar¬

den, corner of Third and Vine streets, Cincinnati, «Jhio. a

neat little Theatre <u>d Concert Boom. 100 by 50 feet, to becompleted about the middie of September, and would bepleased to hear fcom anv uiented professional people wLsbmg to visit the W esiern Country. Letters postpaid t* ill re¬

ceive immediate attention. WILLIAM SHIRES.N. B. A < orrer agravrnf of the establishment can lie

seen at tkj> office. - _al 2wb*

INFALLIBL'-!.No Cur?, no Pay! Fk-kiü'mg Paper kilF- dies iestantly, and sells for 3 cts. a sheetFly Poison kills liisj and cockroaches.Berlbug P.-i^on kiBstbem after one npplicatiou.Ant Poison kills, the red, black and white ants.Travelers COmfoct, keeping from your body, fltas, mt v

«hitoe. in bed, or sporting and fishing.Caterp-I'r,-* ami Hutterflies desuoye<l by the Compound

Chen-ical W|jaie Oil Soap.All the a-.i)Ti- n srranted and sold cheap by

Dr. LEWIS FEUCHTWANGER.jy2Sis Im No. 1 Wall-street, near Broadway.

AUCTION SALES.Bv ~ . J^** ^«rtl«. Atcooneer.y bangs, richards & PLATT,

More 1*; BroariwivTr JFS1AYtSW *****1 cape BAUC.The next rejju ar Trad.- s^L .,.

meoce at the .bore date, it w.nVÄSS SlrTome regulation, and und-r the direction of ibe Cm mit eeot toe 1 :;.,de. as hempfoi e. Convgmnems of nS?Sturnery, stereotype Plate« and any other utk 1m mrr^iwith toe B. ok Tr.-'.-. are respectfully i3kÄ*8SSvoicesshould be turri.-Jied by the i^h ol July. wKjr. theCatalogue wUJ be put to press. Liberal cash advances wülhe made 00 receipt o! soods.ÄT PatviTE S.»i ..--The following valuable Stereotype

Plates hi!! be sold low tor account of the Mortgages, six.

Nonpariel Bible, :;o<xl order, Marryatt's Work», 2 vjlsroy-¦I 8vb, nearlv new ami in complete order; Marryatt's Not-els. 21 vob>3*i'mo nearly new ami incomplete order; Thad-teusof Warsaw..' \ols32mo; Goldsmith'sHistoryot Rome,2 Tots 32mo; Watts' Select Hymns; Barou Muncaausen;Alonzo 4: Melissa.

AT PRIVATE SALE,A volume of the Tribune, bound, containing the russtyeer


By s. DRaTEr. Jr..Store 54 WM-liam-street. corner of Pine-street

TUESDAY, A u trust 30th.At 1ft o'clock, at the Auction Roem.

Package Sale of HARowAaa.on a liberal credit.4(0packages of Birmingham, Sheffield, German and AmericanHardware. Peremptory sale.

Particulars hereafter.. Catalogues and samples die Way

W. c. H«ggerty, Auctioneer.


5oi) superior Panama Hats. assorted site*.Two pews in St Mn:Church Nos 103 and 104.

PIEeASE"'^^BARKER i CO.. 2S1 Grand-street, are detennlnedro reduce their large stock of Dry" Goods by selling at pri¬ces that must command immediate sale.Their stock consisfsof a large and extensive assortment of

plain and figured, colored, black aud blue black Silks,w hich will bo sold very cheap.Also, De Lai: rs, Challies, Printed Lawns and Muslins,

Bombazines, AJpacca, Lustres, kc. kc. kc., which will besold at decided bargains.Together with a full assortment of French, English and

American Print?, Shirtings and Sheetings, of all styles andkinds, at less prices than ever have been otiered before.We would invite the attention of all who are in want of

Dry Goods to »i»e us a call, and we will endeavor to paytfc*»m for their trouble.aul Otis_S. BARKER k CO., Ill Grand -street.

tyfew GOODS;.Selected from the lat-_L 1 est Importations, at; cash tailoring establishment,

142 Fulton-street, near Broadway.Strangers ami others arriving in the city, wishing to re-

plenijh their wardrobe, are invited to call and examine our

stock before leaving their orders, as we are now maltingdaily pin chases for cash, and we offer great inducements to

ca-h customers; Our assortment comprisesn great variety ofFrench ami English wool black and taticy colored Clothsand Cassimeres, the best quality and ,latest styles Frenchelastics, so ilesirubfe for fancy pants. A choice selection ofFrench and English Silks for vesting). Also a good assort¬

mentofdrapd'etci, and fancy French drillings for summerwear. The suh-cribers pledge themselves that every articlemanufactured :it ih»'ir establishme'jt shall be equal in styleand workuiui »up to thai of any house in trnde, and atn great reduction from credit prices.

Kull suits furnished ai 24 hours' notice. Strict punctualityobserved in tilling orders.Cash ondelherv, and no abatement in price,

at_J. C. BOOTH k CO.

SUMMER GOODS..The undersignedis prepared, with his usual extensive assortment of Sea¬

sonable Goods, to execute orders for Garments in a stylewhich will comport with any house in the Trade, at priceswhich must offer inducements to those paying ready money.Attention Is solicited to the style of Pantaloons furnished

.it this establishment, as particular care is directed to thisdepartment, with the view of giving entire satisfaction.

Drillings, Gambroons, French ami English Elastic Cassi-meres, In great variety.Fancy Dress articles; including Silk aud Satin Scarfs, Cra-

vats, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, ShirtsCollars, kc, at usual moderate prices.

WM. T. JENNINGS,jy2Imis 220 Broadway, American Hote

H~AIR ARTIST^MÜtlw^e^iTÄladies' and gentlemen's hair in rive hundred diffeient

designs; necklaces, bracelets, watch-guards, earrings,(low '

ers, rings, wigs, scalps, ice. Sec. Ladies or gentlemen hav¬ing hair of a livn.g or deceased friend can »et it formed byhim into any design the mind can conceive, in such a formit will be a keepsake invaluable. A. C. BARRY,146 Broadway, corner of Liberty street, up stairs.rim pre-

minin. Jyl6 ttb

QOÜTHERN L7LFE INSURANCE andVJ TRUST COMPANY..Notice is hereby given üiot E.11. Ludlow will sell for account of whom it may concern,at public auction, at the Merchant.-' Exchange in t^e city ofNew York, on Monday, the 1st day oi'August, between thehours of 12 M. and 2 o'clock P. M.. F;ve Certificates of De-positeofihe Southern Life Insurance and Trust Companytor One Thousand D; liars each, with interest due ihcreonfrom October 27J 1333. principal and interest of said certifi¬cates payable in the city of New-York. jy29 3lis


sbuare.where will be found onr of die largest and best as-

or ted stocks in the city, including many new patterns ofDinner and Tea Sets, cut and plain Glass, tin II, Astral amiother Lamps, \.r. China Tea Sets, ot' new skape, a verysuperior article. Those in want will rind it nn object tocall and examine before purchasing, jy 14 lmis

f^HEAJ? CROCKERY STORE, 100\^,/ Bowery, between Hes'er anil Grand streets.wherewill be found one of the largest and best assorted stocks inthe city, comprising every style and quality of China Teaand Dinner ware, white and printed Slone do do,cut,plainand pressed Glass, Hull, Astral ami Mantel Lamps, Giran-doles, English Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Jtc. kc

jyl.'J 3wis

SHSÄllS^liTBÜ^With .500 new ami beautiful Kngravings.8vo, ele¬gantly bound in -jilt and lettered.price only $2 50. Cler¬gymen, Teachers and Parents are respectlully requested t«>call and examine this n«-w mid elecant volume. Agentswanted. R. SEARS, 122 Nassau-street,jy20Imis*


New-York City.

WATCHES AND JEWELRY verylow..The subscriber is selling all descriptions of

eold and silver lever, anchor, escapement, lepine and vergeWatches, Diamond Rings, I'm., Gold Pencils, Keys, kc atretail, lower than ut any other place m Uie city. GoldWajtches as low as 30 to 40 dollars each. Watches and Jew¬elry exchanged or bought

All watches warranted, to keep good time or the moneyrctnrned. G. C. ALLEN,Importer of Watches am IfJewelry, wholesale and retail. 30

w »11 street, up .lairs. dSO iirT

AIR COLORING..J. P. MABY'Scelebrated Hair Dye for changing red or grey hair

to a permanent brown or black, for sale wholesale and retail at 76 Division-street, at 25 cents, 50 cenoi and 1 dolla-per package. References given though not publishedAlso for sale, Anti-DandrutT Hair Restorative, at 50 centsper bottle, or 5 dollars for restoring a head of hair. Payadie when restored. jy8 Im*

a LUXURY FOR PENMEN.Knight's^"jV.Patent Back Spring Pen, which by its peculiar con¬struction is prevented from scratching or runaing into thepaper. In writing with this pen, any increased pressureupon the paper brings the points of the pen proportionatelyinto a horizontal position, thus securing an uninterruptedrlow of ink. and affording the utmost latitude for the motionof the hand, and consequently a free and easy writing,which cannot be attained by any other pattern of pen. Alarge number of gentlemen who have been accustoned tothe quill, have u-ed this as the only steel pen with whichthey could write with facility, and a still largernumber havegiven it di» preference over quills. For sale wholesale andretailhy DAVID FELT k CO.

Importers of Foreign Stationery,aa2 245 Pearl street and 34 Wall street.

P~ARR'S LIFE PILLS.To the Public.The proprietors of *.h^ extraordinary medicines known

by the name of PARR'S LIFE PILLS have established a

wholesale branch of their house in New-York, at the Clar¬endon House, corner of Duane-street and Broad way.The value of this medicine in bilious complaints, blotches

on the skin, cholera morbus, dysentery', faintings, foul breath,heart-burn, headache, inflammation, indigestion, languor,liver complaint*,'pik-, scrofula, and numerous other dis-

eases, may be judged when it is known that the sale in Eu¬

rope has increased lo the enormous amount of 3S,0SO boxesweekly, equal to more than a trillion and a half yearly.From its great celebrity it is now told in almost all part« ofthe globe? No medicine ever yet offered to the world,has so rapidly obtained such distinguished notoriety, and itisso "entle in its nature that it may be taken by the invalid,however weakly, being composed of the mosi innocent

herbs . ... ,.

For particulars of this aston slung medicine, togetherwith die accountof it- remarkable and renowned discoverer.Thomas Parr, who lived to toe extraordinary age of 150vears.see the book of hLs life, which may be bad gratis ofall the agents i-.i New-York and other parts of lhe; UnitedStates



Tbv following are die duly appointed agents mN. York.Rusbton k AspiuwnlJ, druggists ;md chemi*u, 36 William-st

110 Broaitw*v, and 10 AsUir Hou«e.Abraham Sands'it Co.. druggists and chemists, granite

buildin^s.273 Broadway, comer of Chimbers-stP. Dickie, 413 Broadway, corner o! Lispenard-et.Job» B- D'xld, druggist Broadway, corner of Bleecker-st.A. W. Badeau, Bowery' Medicine Store. 260 Bowery.J. k J. Coddington, apothecaries, 227 Hudson st corner of

Spring-st.E. L. Cottou, chemist and apothecary, 263 Bleecfcer-street

corner of Jooevstreet.J. WVndover, druggistaad apothecary, lil Eighdi avenue.Dr. Sym« 63 Bowery, cor. Walker-st,Brooklyn.Wm. Armstrong, seed, drug and patent medi¬

cine warehouse, 134i Fultonst_ _ao2 lm*

rTg^r^CTRAEXCPRglOW^TO^M^xAulL THE FJSH^G BANKS OF FIRE1SLANSSs inUe> beb.w Rockawny..Th*eteamerUTICA,CaDt Hancox, will make two excumions to the afjoye place.n'Wednesday and Thursday. Augusts and 4. and leave as

follows: lUmnvmd-ct S{, Canal 8*. Pike 9. Pur Na 1, »J.In consequence of the great sp^ed of the L üca, ü»pt. n~,at the reqnetref a number of sentlemen, b« gon-en.ed to

make the two trips to Fire Island where the Pougees arc

now caucht by the smacks in abundance, andjwve ini the

City by 8 o'clock. Capt Peacock will be oa board w,^ huharpoons, kc. Fare 25 cents each way. au2 4us