New THE POTTING SHED · 2018. 11. 1. · You'll notice the cute paths leading to the lower part of...

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Transcript of New THE POTTING SHED · 2018. 11. 1. · You'll notice the cute paths leading to the lower part of...






Well, it’s Halloween again! How quickly did that come round? In

this edition we pay a courteous welcome to Halloween festivities

and a celebration with children and animals!

Talking about festivities… if you really want to know, there are 61

days left to Christmas at the time of writing this editorial and that

translates as 5,240,789 seconds until Christmas! And the really good news

of course…… is there will be considerably less than that by the

time you get to read this.

Panic Ye Not! There is help at hand….. This year I am running an art

& crafts stall at the Newhampton Road, Arts Centre on Sunday

December 9th to raise funds to keep the crafts groups going. I

understand Maureen will also have a stall there too. This has

inspired me to set up a digital ‘Crafts Fayre’ online for all our

Potting Shed artisans. Every week between now and Christmas week,

I shall be updating and adding new art cards, jewellery and crafts

items made by our artisan community, for Christmas Gifts with a

difference! So if you want to email any details of your arts & crafts

across to me, to put online into the Christmas Fayre Please let me

know. There is a paypal facility available.


Please check out our link regularly and support our artisans.

Remember 10% of our sales is tithed to supporting craft groups

with vulnerable and valuable communities.

Well, we’re all going to be pretty busy in the run up to Winter

Solstice / Christmas /New Year, so I am hoping to

get the next edition out for the New Year when we

can all put our feet up and catch up with ourselves!

A FREE Bi-Monthly Ezine dedicated

to Creative Thinkers & Do-ers

October 2018 Halloween Edition




Amerdeep takes you on her

meditation travel guide,

‘Wish you were here’ 2

PG 5

Maureen wraps us in

‘Angel’ Wings!

PG 7

Feature Article: Pat’s Garden.. Alive! Lin

& Billy share a story of strange

synchronicity and ‘New Beginnings’.

Also inside this issue:

Regular features: Chill out zone; monthly

competition; Heal With Cards; Inner Child

corner; Kitchen Pharmacy; Home; Nature

Speaks and more…..








A meditational travel guide By Amerdeep

In this series, I introduce you to some special places where you can

walk and meditate. Through my writings and pictures, I hope you

get a sense of what these places are like. I will be your eyes and




Did you try the walking meditation from the last article? How did you

get on?

This piece is dedicated to Autumn walks meditations.

What's your favourite season? Mine is definitely Autumn. There is

something almost magical about the way the leaves fall from the trees.

Watch them bounce on the pavement and dancing with the wind.

Links to Amerdeeps

meditational photos are

available from www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/amerdeep


I love walking in autumn. I love feeling the crunch of the leaves


This autumn walk takes place in Bridgnorth. It's a hop skip and a jump

away from Wolverhampton. On an easy bus route too, plenty of parking

if you drive.

I start at the old curiosity shop and walk past the tram on the Ieft.

There is a stone wall on your right. As you carry on walking you'll see it

has wooden doors cut into the side. Hmmm…… now I love a good

mystery and my imagination runs wild. I long to see what's on the other

side but no amount of peering through a small hole in one of the doors

reveals anything to satisfy my curiosity.

Ivy on the walls. It adds to the quirky appeal of this place.

I completely follow the path ahead. You can sit on one of the benches

on route and take a moment. Enjoy the view, breathe it in

➢ Tip: breathe in and out. Imagine your lungs and tummy filling up

with air, pause and release.

➢ Tip: Close your eyes listen to the winds. Today they are fierce,

yet the sun is shining, so it's still warm. Listen to the wind

rustling in the trees, the leaves scuttling on the path and feel

the sun on your face.

Acorns littering the floor.

You'll notice the cute paths leading to the lower part of town. Follow

one if you wish, it's your journey.

You'll come to a stop at a wider clearing of the path that has a view

over the Severn valley railway and more hills. Opposite this is an

entrance to a small park that leads to the castle ruins.

I walk up to the steps and happily greet my peaceful place. The last

time I was here I sat on a bench and a little robin came out to say


I wonder what magic the park holds today?

The magnificent majestic trees sway in the wind, making a sound as if

they're talking to each other, an ancient language people can't hear


The park slopes up and there are different paths to take. They converge

to the same point...the castle ruins.


➢ Tip: Explore mindfully. How? Be in the moment. Look, listen and

concentrate on your breathing if it helps.

To the left is views over Shropshire hills. In the middle a well and a

small bridge. To your right you'll see the ruins and a path to the church.

➢ Tip: Stop and look around you. What do you see? What beauty

surrounds you?

I see a beautiful array of colour from the flower beds that are exploding

with colour, to the rainbow colours of the trees. They go from red to

green to yellow to orange. Magnificent.

The sunlight filtering through the trees and creating shadows on the


This garden must hold meaning for people. It's so peaceful. There are

benches dedicated to people long gone. An old couple sit on a bench

quietly looking at the garden.

There's a man with his grandchildren, he's watching the little girl run


There are people walking their dogs.

Star rating: **** 4.

Beautiful. A really special place with

bags of history, charm and magic.

*Please let me know of your

experience with this meditation.

Email me with your star rating on If

getting out to visit these places is

difficult, you can use the images to

picture yourself there.

Meet Amerdeep on



Meet Maureen on http://www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/maureen

The Plant, pictured is now in its winter residence in ‘The Potting Shed’.

The plant name is SENECIO ‘ANGEL WING’


By Maureen



The word ’Angel’ is frequently around us in our daily lives, for example – Angel fish, Angels Trumpet (birthday

flower for October 1st) - ‘the flower resembles the robes of their namesakes and herald joy’. We have Angel Hair

products, Angels Delight – strawberry my favourite! Statues are in churchyards and Angel statues available to

purchase. Belief by some people, Angels do exist and Angels are mentioned within Spiritual poems and within

Scriptures. When a good deed is done it maybe said ‘Oh! ‘You’re an Angel’

So what is an Angel?

The word ‘Angel’ derives from the Greek word angelos meaning messenger. Angels are often viewed as the

personification of God’s will and are depicted with wings to signify their celestial origins. Along with our guardian

angels, there are a variety of angels that guard us, heal us and minister to many different needs in the Universe.

They are divided into nine orders; Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities,

Archangels and Angels.

There are also elemental spirits - Devas, Fairies, Gnomes and Elves that, act as Angels to the plant kingdom, and

watch over all nature.

I would have enjoyed adding a poem, ‘Tenants of Life’s Garden from ‘The flowers in Life’s Garden’ by John

Osbourne, unfortunately there is Copyright to consider, but if anyone would like to read it, I’ll make sure I have

the book with me when next in ‘Pats Garden’


I have in the past shared a story with Pat’s Garden LifeScapers who were interested, about a time in my

life (about 16 years ago), when I was in a challenging situation and had to make a decision to give up

my healing centre. I couldn’t see how the work, that I was so passionate about, could possible carry on.

Until one day that is, when I was putting some things from the Centre into the garage at my home. At

this point I asked with my heart and mind “What should I do now?” Now. this isn’t the first time in my

life that words came and synchronicites followed. At this point the words that echoed through me and

around me said: “When you can’t see your way around a situation, through it, or over it, then change the

way you see it.”

I did that very thing. I looked at my garage and then converted it into a healing studio with some money I

had left over from the sale of my property. The healing work continued and still does until this day!

BEFORE. When angels spoke AFTER. When an Angel appeared.




Please email to





It was over a year ago, when I ran the first Pat’s Garden Workshop at

Equinox. Billy drew a LifeScape Pat’s Garden and what a story it told! The

future zone passed through an arch into a beautiful house and garden,

where she and her family were so happy.

Follow up drawings were done in which flower beds, meditation houses and

trees were prominent. Wind chimes denoting a move in the future zone,

appeared in an oracle card reading.

A few months passed by and Billy went on a sunny June, family day outing to

Sandwell Valley. On that day she experienced some amazing synchronicities.

Imagine my amazement when she posted a picture of a Well that she had taken that

day. The Well had the words “Pat’s Garden 2012” written on it. 2012 of course,

heralded the start of a new era. Other synchronicities happened that day too. Billy

also took a picture of the sky and saw a portal open (a hidden rainbow, although it

wasn’t raining!) Alongside that a lace border had been drawn across the sky that

merged into her drawing of previous months past.

By this time, she was receiving direction and guidance that she was to move home.

Her guides told her to “Wait a while”. Time zones collapsed and merged for Billy

during this process and in what seems a miraculous period of time, she and her

family found themselves in a dream home with a garden, more beautiful than

words could describe.

Billy researched the history of her beautiful garden and invited me and my camera over

to record the magic and hear the story. Just to summarise, her beautiful garden was a

very famous garden. It was nationally renowned for its amazing collection of rare and

beautiful trees and plants, that the previous owner had planted with

her husband many years ago and had since passed over. Her name? Pat!

This magical place is where Billy spends her spare time now and

shares her wonderful pictures on the Pat’s Garden App. The garden is

huge and planted out with some of the rarest and most beautiful

plants, I have ever seen. Not to mention a Well….. and Meditation

houses… and Willow trees and……..

Needless to say, the Faerie realm put in an appearance on the day of

that visit. The realm are very protective of their babies and children and

usually they are not shown to the human realm, for obvious reasons.

However on that day, a beautiful Faerie creature appeared, holding out

her baby and with a message of :

“ New beginnings.”

The Well that Billy found

in Sandwell Valley in


The portal in the sky that

Billy photographed that


Meditation House that was in Billy's Pat's

Garden drawing in November 2017 and was

manifested in her Own Pat' Garden home in

August 2018


Now Billy and I had previously and tentatively spoken of running a

herbal course from Equinox. But the time had now come and after

the visit to ‘A Pat’s Garden’, for the next 3 days I was constantly

connecting with one of my guides. A 16th Century Herbalist, who

I hadn’t worked with for many years, since I ran my Healing Centre

in Penn and who had guided me through creating essences and

photographic portals.

To cut a very long story short, the information that I have been

given, is the structure of not only a new way of working with the

healing power of plants, but also, a new ( or rather very old way),

of learning through the Akashic records. This led to producing an

intuitive holistic herbal course. Like no other programme before it,

and I have produced and accredited so many, through my years

as an educational consultant. This

programme will now be run from

Billy’s amazing new garden and the

overlooking ‘garden room’ and will

start in the New Year!

New Beginnings. A Faerie Realm

being, showing her infant in her


Spirit lights dancing around the Well in

Billy's new Garden

An incredible portal in the new garden,

that when you walk through, well you have

just entered the new zone, leaving

everything that held you back behind you!

Meet Billy on:



Details of the new intuitive

herbalism programme can

be downloaded from this



“I particularly enjoy creating ‘Faerie pot

pourri’ containers. These are small baskets

or garden metaphor ornaments, that can be

left appropriately around the home.

I also wear ‘ LifeScape’ jewellery designs. These

contain mini pot pourri blends which are ideal to

wear when connecting with the nature realm for

meditations with the ‘Nature Speaks’ cards.”

See our artisan range of Christmas designs on:


Meet Lin on




This feature is about bringing nature into

the home. Flowers are expensive this time

of year and it always more gratifying to

utilise what you have at hand. A good habit

to get into is to dry flowers from your own

garden. This can make the base of a

beautiful seasonal pot pourri.

Here is how you can make a bowl of pot

pourri for Christmas:

In a small bowl, place 2 teaspoons

cinnamon powder and ½ teaspoon of

grated nutmeg. Add 6 drops of your

favourite essential oils. (I use tree oils for

this e.g. pine, frankincense, cypress,

eucalyptus, sandalwood or cedarwood etc.)

Add some fixative (to hold the scent) 25g /

1oz of orris root powder). Thoroughly mix

the spices, oils and fixative between your

fingers,like rubbing fat into flour!

(Bake Off – eat your heart out!)

In a separate bowl, place approx 1 litre of

dried flower petals, flower heads; 25g

dried lavender; 20z mixed sweet herbs;

½ teaspoon of whole cloves; ¼ vanilla pod.

Pour the mixture of fixative, spices and oils

into the bowl that holds the dry ingredients.

Mix together thoroughly .Place the mixture

into an air tight container and leave in a

dark place for approximately six weeks.

Shaking the container regularly.

After this time transfer the pot pourri mix

into a decorative bowl.Decorate with flower

heads, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, twigs, etc

Sprinkle with glitter or seasonal decorations

for a lovely Christmas display



Animals have always played such a wonderful and significant part of my

life, as well as providing so much inspiration for my writing and art work,

especially with children!

In this edition, I just had to include one of my seasonal specials from

when one of my ‘Dyanmic duo’ decided to ‘act out’ on Halloween!

When I set up a centre in Glastonbury 10 years ago, part of it was an

animal sanctuary where I came by my pet rescue pig, Daisy, when she was

only a baby! She came home with me when I returned to

Wolverhampton. She also enjoyed Halloween!

Here is a link to one of the films that Daisy and I made together on

‘Trick or Treat!’

I hope you enjoy it!

I have attached below a ‘Daisy Halloween story’ for young children.

There is also a set of instructions on how to make a zipper /bag charm / keyring with your child that

accompanies this little story. If anyone would like more

information on this or other children’s projects: please email

me at: Editor@PottingShed.Online

Inspire the inner Child - Always best when read with a child!


When all is dark and very quiet,

Daisy goes to sleep at night.

This is when she starts to dream

Of spiders, bats and Halloween.

Lin had told her she might meet

Girl Cat, pretending to be totally Halloween Scary!

And this is what she does to her brother, when she

thinks I'm not looking!


Some special friends for ‘Trick or Treat’.

BUT….Eating ‘spiders’ makes ‘inside tickle’,

Though very nice with Branston Pickle.

Bats look tasty as they fly high,

But catching them? …. When Pigs Don’t Fly?


in Daisy’s dreams she sorts it out,

Finding cobwebs with her ‘Daisy Snout’.

Catching bats proves more tricky.

Unless they land in something sticky?

So, with sticky honey and a bit of luck……..

A passing bat might just get stuck!

Something new for Daisy to eat!

Now, that would be a Trick AND Treat!

……Perhaps a witch will fly past soon,

A black cat riding on her broom.

Daisy’s friends are two black cats.

They’d look good in tall black hats.



As Daisy’s dreams just float away,

She wakes up to a brand new day,

There Is NO food! This is NOT funny,

As Daisy listens to her tummy.

“Only dreams!” Poor Daisy sighs


Then she can’t believe her eyes,

Lin left her a great surprise.

A Halloween dish FULL of pumpkin pies!

This story makes a beautiful printed out card. You can ask your child to draw a picture of Daisy Pig for the cover and print out

the story inside. You can also make an art project to go with it.

A download of the art /craft project relating to this story, to make with a child is available. Please email

Editor@PottingShed.Online and I will send you the link.

Meet Lin on http://www.PottingShed.Online/index.php/linda



I have included here another peaceful slice of inspiration! Taking Time out Activity:

Taken from the Pat’s’ Garden: Oracle pack: Here is the cottage card. This seems particularly relevant as

we head into the season of colder weather, busier days and darker nights.

The cottage metaphor card represents a structure and a foundation in life. It can denote an idyllic

opportunity or time out from life’s hustle and bustle.

Perhaps there is a need for a holiday or time out

being indicated by this card? Perhaps a longing to

escape from a particular situation and be in a

secure, protected and healing environment?

As this metaphor represents a structure,

foundation, protection and security, it can also

denote an opportunity for cottage industry and

achieving a vision to successfully work from home.

‘LifeScape’ Artisans take note!!

The pathway traversing the front of the picture and may well signify that we need to come off our pathway

at this point, to enjoy this time out . We can come back and re-join the direction in which we need to go

later. The flowers signify the gifts that this time would bring to us.

It is interesting to note that the cottage is called ‘Willow Cottage’. Willow heals past hurts and resentments

and thoughts / feelings that linger around issues of ‘unfairness’ and injustice.

It would tell us that time spent in relationship with nature is indicated, along with opportunities to relax and

appreciate beauty and to focus on the needs of oneself for a while. This is always relevant in the run up to

the Christmas season.

Christmas time can often challenge us when we might get stuck in an over romanticised and nostalgic view of

the past, which can prevent us from making the most of present circumstances. Often our feelings can block

us from getting past this.

This meditation might be helpful:



BY Linda

This is taken from the Pat’ Garden: Scented Garden workshop run on 29th October at Equinox Wolverhampton


From a scented garden! Well from Maureen’s scented garden to be precise. If you have never tried any

of Maureen’s home made honey then you have missed a trick and once you do, you won’t be

disappointed, I assure you. Apart from eating Maureen’s honey in my home made muesli every day,

which is extremely beneficial nutritionally, I get my beeswax from her as well for my artwork and also

making herbal ointments and salves. Sourcing good local honey can be a

challenge, but it is so worthwhile pursuing the good cause, especially if you

get hay fever. Local honey is worked by local bees in local areas (forgive the

nod to an old TV comedy sketch here!).

So the thing is….. once this is processed into the honey, it will help to

desensitise you to local pollens next season, if you take it regularly. Obviously

you are not advised to follow this regime if you have a severe reaction to

honey or any bee products! If you are unsure, you can always do a ‘spot’

test. Rub enough honey to cover a 5p piece on the inside of your elbow.

Leave it on for 3-4 hours. If you have any redness or itchiness come up,

then DO NOT use it. For those who know kinesiology techniques, of course

will get your answer much quicker.

A honey face mask is a great beauty treatment and excellent for your skin if

you follow a regular beauty routine with it.

Honey is ‘humectant’, this means that it draws water to itself, helping to keep

your skin moisturised. It is also anti- bacterial, anti-fungal, anti- viral and

therefore an ideal facial treatment.

Here’s how:

• You will need to use about 1 tablespoonful of honey.

Apply this to your face after cleansing. Start by dabbing some on your forehead and on both cheeks. Slowly

begin to massage this into your skin, taking care around the eye area. Massage your face for a couple of

minutes to help the circulation and then let the mask set for at last 5 minutes, before washing it off. Ideally,

leave it to sit for about 15 – 20 minutes.

An excellent opportunity then to take time out, read a book; write a novel, paint a masterpiece, compose a

symphony ?



In the sixteenth century manuscript of

the 'Tractattus de Herbis’, by

Dioscorides, A woman is shown

collecting honey for medicinal use!

Looks like an early form of the

honey face mask??


Here’s a meditation routine to focus you, whilst you apply the treatment:



This is the side to ourselves that we never see, but everyone else does.

It mirrors our inside world to our outside world of family, friends,

colleagues and strangers.

This is the interface between our inner and outer worlds.

How many times in a day do we put on a brave face? Face up to things? Or turn the other cheek?

Our face cannot lie – It contains 10 different groups of muscles, which are unlike any other in your

body, as they are attached to the skin so that you can change your expression with just a slight

muscle movement. All of these muscles are working together, to mirror back to those around us

the joys, tribulations, pain and triumph of life.

Every fleeting second of the day, our face captures and reflects our unique expression of

humanity’s experience.

What is that we first remember about people? What do we photograph? THE FACE!

So now we can take time to honour this precious gift.

Please use the Honey Face Mask, prepared by thousands of bees with love

and dedicated to you, to honour the love that your face portrays within you.

Use it regularly and as you rub it into your skin, mentally thank and

emotionally respect (Respect means to: LOOK AGAIN) at the wonderful work

that your face achieves each day.

With your fingertips, gently ease out the cares and concerns, worries, pressures and tensions of

the day.

Replace them with the warmth and tenderness that your gentle fingertips radiate through the

honey face mask and allow the sensation to absorb in to your skin.

And repeat the following words either in your mind or out loud.

“Thank you for facing the world for me

And radiating the love within, to those without.

Thank you for sensing so much beauty

That surrounds and enfolds my every doubt.”

Repeat this at least once a week before bedtime for 4 weeks and see what happens!



Please note that items are added weekly and updated until the week before Christmas by our Pat’ Garden

LifeScape artisans. We also have a paypal facility

MAUREEN has got a GOOD EYE for Christmas gifts with a difference! Her latest collection may help you to

GOGGLE rather than GOOGLE your EYE DEAL gift for someone this Christmas

More Information on Maureen’s latest collection is available from her page:



Following on from the Encaustic art meditation feature last month, Maureen has included a recent piece of

‘Encaustic’ art, dedicated to Remembrance Day. The artwork contains RED only, regarding remembrance and

intuitive thoughts of ‘our troops’.

What can you see in this artwork?


An update from Maureen:

When you look at it from this

point of view:

There is a helmeted soldier, bottom

left and through the porthole a

sinking ship, the stars (below) in

the poppies represent loved ones

in spirit, looking down on their

loved ones.




Congratulations to Angela Aranda for winning the New Subscription of the month Prize of a FREE Pat’s Garden

interpretation report and focus LifeScape Jewellery. As soon as I can discover how Amanda found us, her

sponsor will receive their piece of themed Autumn LifeScape Jewellery

The purpose of our Ezine is to inspire like-minded fellow creatives to collaborate with their inner child

moments and engage in creative expression and thinking outside of the box!

The Potting Shed carries that message to share and empower. It also showcases the creative outcomes of

our contributors and for each purchase you make through this site and our sister sites www.jewellery.Life

and 10% of the sales are donated to support vulnerable craft groups…

Anyone interested in setting up and running a craft group within the community, please contact me on:


So…… we have a win / win / win potentially happening now. But for this to take off, we need to have as

many subscribers / new contributors as possible for our next edition, due out at Christmas.

Please encourage all your friends and family to subscribe by emailing editor@PottingShed.Online and include

a reference with your initials in it and the word Pottingshed. E.g. for me, my friend would email

‘LPPottingShed.’ The person who gets the most subscribers will win the themed Pat’s Garden LifeScape

jewellery for the month!

There will also be a draw that all new subscribers will be entered for. The prize for them will be a free

Pat’s Garden consultation and matching piece of LifeScape jewellery. I shall ask Billy to pull out the winner

for the draw and the results will be in the next edition.