New syllabus... · Web viewSYLLABUS w.e.f. 2012-13 MASTER OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION (MJC)...

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Transcript of New syllabus... · Web viewSYLLABUS w.e.f. 2012-13 MASTER OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION (MJC)...

SYLLABUS w.e.f. 2012-13




Course Code Title Credits LTPC Total CreditsCMJ C 121 History of Mass Media 04 4004 04CMJ C 122 Reporting & Editing 04 4004 04CMJ C 123 Assignment &Practical 04 0044 04CMJ E 124 Communication 03 3003 03


Course Code Title Credits LTPC Total CreditsCMJ C 221 Media Laws & Ethics 04 4004 04CMJ C 222 Radio Journalism 04 4004 04CMJ C 223 Assignment &Practical 04 0044 04CMJ E 224 Advertising and Public Relation 03 3003 03


Course Code Title Credits LTPC Total CreditsCMJ C 321 e-Journalism 04 4004 04CMJ C 322 Corporate Communication 04 4004 04CMJ C 323 Assignment &Practical 04 0044 04CMJ E 324 TV. Journalism 03 3003 03


Course Code Title Credits LTPC Total CreditsCMJ C 421 Media Management 04 4004 04CMJ C 422 Communication Research 04 4004 04CMJ C 423 Assignment &Practical 04 0044 04CMJ C 424 Dissertation 06 6006 06CMJ E 425 Media & Society 03 3003 03

Credits - - 54 , E-12+6 Open Electives from Other Department=72

(Dr. Lalit Mohan)


History of Mass Media MJC-1st Semester

CMJ-C-121 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04

Traditional Mass Media

Traditional Mass Media –An Introduction Types of Traditional Mass Media Folk and Traditional Mass Media Street Theatre


Brief History of Journalism in U.S.A. and U.K. History Of Journalism in India since 1870 to Till Date The’ Business ‘ of News : New Trends Alternative Journalism


Development of Radio Impact of Radio as a Mass Radio Programs Issues and Challenges of Radio

Television and Cinema

Origin and Development of Television Impact of Television as a Mass The Early Experiments in Cinema: The Limier Brothers and Others A Brief History of Indian Cinema

New Mass Media

Development of Internet and The Internet in India History and Development of Mobile Communication Blogs and E-Mail Online Gambling Industry

*********************************************************************************************Books for Reference:

The Press in India By M. Chalapathi Rao, N.B.T. India, New Delhi The SAGE Handbook of Film Studies By James Donald and Michel renov Mass Communication in India By Keval J Kumar By Jaico Publishing House,N.Delhi Patrakarita ka Itihas By Alok Mehata, NBT, New Delhi.

Reporting and Editing MJC-1st Semester

CMJ-C-122 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04


News as Views and Product News Sense and Values News Sources and Wires News Style, Structure and News packaging

Reporting Skill

Fundamentals of Reporting Categories of Correspondent Qualities and Duties of Reporter Developing Own Official and Un-Official News Sources

Types of Reporting

Political and Parliamentary Reporting Crime and Judicial Reporting Health, Science , Sports and Entertainment Reporting Business and Finance Reporting


Principles of Editing Qualities and Duties of Editor Editing For Print Media Editing for Television and Radio News and Programs

Layout and Design

Elements of Design and Layout Format Layout and Design as Visuals Communication Layout and Design as Packaging News Product General Introduction to Layout and Design Software

*********************************************************************************************Books for Reference:

News Writing Skill By Bruce Jarrison, Kanishka Publication, New Delhi Samachar Sankalan , Lekhan Evam Sampadan by Dr. Arjun Tiwari Sansadeeya Patrakarita aur Hindi Press By Dr. Lalit Mohan Media Lekhan By N.C. Pant

Assignment and Practical MJC-1st Semester

CMJ-C-123 LTPC-0044 CREDIT-04

Print Media

Title Allotments of Marks

Associate with Samay (Project of Departmental Newspaper) 20 Translation 20 Reporting, Editing and Proof Reading 20 Clipping File 20 Local Press Visit with Report 20


Communication MJC-1st Semester

CMJ-E-124 LTPC-3003 CREDIT-03

Communication: An Introduction

Meaning, Process and Essence of Communication Elements and Types Of Communication Feedback and Barriers of Communication Theoretical Contribution (Fayola, Bernard, Simon Weiner and Millet)

Models of Communication

Aristotle’s Model of Communication Shannon and Weaver’s Model of Communication Lass well’s Model of Communication Schramm’s Model of Communication

Communication Theories and behavior

Hypodermic Needy Theory Medium Theory and Gatekeeper Theory Dependency Theory Selective Perception , Selective Exposure and Selective Retention

Development Communication

Issues of Development and Scope of Media Rostov’s Model of Development Lerner’s Model of Development Mc Cleland’s Model of Development

New Communication System

The Information Revolution and Information Super Highway SITE and Satellite Communication in India Mobile Communication Role of Communication in Modernization and Social Development

******************************************************************************************** Books for Reference:

Mass Media and National Development By Wilbur Schramm, Stanford University Press Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communication By Danis Mc Quail and Sven Windahl, Sanchar Ke Sat Sopan By Dr. Anil K. Rai ‘Ankit’ Communication for Development and Social Change (Edtd.) By Jan Servaes, Sage Publication.

Media Laws and Ethics MJC-2nd Semester

CMJ-C-221 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04

Constitution of India

Constitutional Development and Features of Indian Constitution Parliamentary Government Freedom of Speech and Expression Declaration of Emergency and its effect

Media Laws in Pre Independence

Censorship Act of 1799 Press and Books Registration Act of 1867 Vernacular Act of 1878 and Indian Press Act of 1910 Official Secret Act of 1923

Media Laws in Post Independence

Privileges of Legislative and Press Working Journalist Act of 1955 Contempt of Court and Press Libel and Law of Defamation

Media Regulations in India

Prasar Bharati Act and Press Council of India and its Guidelines Cable and Satellite Regulation Issues and Provisions of Copyright Media Autonomy (A.K.Chanda Committee, B.G.Verghies Committee and

P.C.Joshi Committee)

Media Ethics

The Concept of Ethics Media Ethical Problems Media and Code of Ethics Councils and Ombudsmen

*********************************************************************************************Books for Reference:

Our Constitution By Subhash Kashyap ,N.B.T. India, New Delhi Media Ethics by K.M. Shrivastava, Publication Division, Govt. of India Press Vidhi By Dr. NandKishore Trikha

Law of the Press in India By D.D.Basu ,Prentice Hall, New DelhiPress Law By Dr. NandKishore Trikh

Radio Journalism MJC-2nd Semester

CMJ-C-222 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04

Radio: An Introduction

Introduction and Characteristics of Radio Development of Radio in World Perspective Various Programs of Radio (Music, Stories, Features, Drama, Talks, Interviews

etc. Terminology of Radio

Writing for Radio

Radio Language Script Writing for various Programs Radio News Programs based on Current Affairs

Development, Structure and Functions of All India Radio

Indian Broadcasting : The Early Years All India Radio at Independence and Post Independence All India Services :National, Regional, Local and External Organizational Structure and Functions of A.I.R.

Radio Program Production

Types of Programs Recording Dubbing Editing and Mixing

New Trends in Radio and Issues of Development

Infotainment F.M. Radio, Community Radio and Social Concern Radio and Environment Radio Commercials

****************************************************************************** ************** Books for Reference:

Radio Journalism By A.K.Singh Electronic Madhyam Radio Evam Doordarshan By Prof. Ram Mohan Pathak Radio Prasaran Ki Nai Technique By Dr. Kishor Sinha Radio aur Doordarshan Patrakarita By Prof. Harimohan

Assignment and Practical MJC-2nd Semester

CMJ-C-223 LTPC-0044 CREDIT-04

Radio, Advertising and Public Relation

Title Allotments of Marks

Associate With SAMAY (Departmental News Paper) 20 Writing for Radio 20 Ad-File 20 Press Release & Art of Interview 20 Educational Tour with Report 20


Advertising and Public Relation MJC-2nd Semester

CMJ-E-224 LTPC-3003 CREDIT-03

Advertising: An Introduction

Evolution of Advertising, Definition, Types and Its Functions Advertising and Account Planning The Role of Advertising Agencies in Account Planning Advertising Budget and Methods of Allocation

Advertising: Creativity, Copy Writing & Design

Ad-Creativity, Creativity Thinking Process & Paradigm shift Advertising Copy Writing Elements of Design and Layout Formats and Visual Communication Storyboard, Script, Shooting and Recording and Editing of Radio & TV


Message Placements: Communication/Message Support Media

Elements of Media Planning Measurements Techniques of Media Other Promotional Instruments Media Buying and Scheduling

Public Relation: An Introduction

PR: Concept and Principles Origin and Development of PR Public Meeting, Press Release, Press Conference PR in Public Sector and PR in Private Sector

Writing and Strategy in Public Relation

Writing and Editing Skills Preparation of Multi News Release Press Note, House Journal, Bulletin Board, Backgrounders etc. \Media Tracking, Content Analysis and Campaign Evaluation


Books for Reference:

Aadhunik Vigyapan By Dr. Premchand Patanjali, Vanee Prakasan ,New Delhi Advertising Theory and Practice By S.A. Chunawala, Keval J Kumar and K.C.Sethia Public Relation By J.Jethawaney, N.D.Phinix, New Delhi Jansampark By Gulab Kothari, Patrika Publication, Jaipur.

e-Journalism MJC-3rd Semester

CMJ-C-321 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04

e-Journalism: An Introduction

Origin and Development of e-Journalism Reach and Importance Issues and Challenges of e-Journalism Development of e-Journalism in India

Online Journalism

Traditional Journalism Vs. Online Journalism News Collection and Regulation of Online Journalism Merits and Demerits of Online Journalism Challenges of Online Journalism

Blogs Journalism

Origin and Development of Blogs Blogs and Blogging Terminology Blogs Popularity Challenges of Blogs Journalism


General Introduction Graphics and Animation Reach and Importance of Multimedia in Indian Context Regulation and Legal concern of Multimedia

e-Journalism and Social Concern

Education and Entertainment Political and Social Willingness Protection of Human Values Environment and Protection of Wild Lives


Books for Reference:

Internet and Multimedia By Ritendra Goel e-Journalism By Dr. Arjun Tiwari, Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, Varanasi Internet and World Wide Web How To Program By H. M. Deitel, T.M.H. Publication, New Delhi Uttar Adhunik Media Vimarsh By Sudhish Pachouri

Corporate Communication MJC-3rd Semester

CMJ-C-322 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04

Corporate Communication: An Introduction

Evolution and Growth of Corporate Communication Market Scenario and Corporate Communication Media and Corporate Communication Tools of Corporate Communication

Corporate Communication Application

Towards Building Corporate Identity Image Management and Brand Equity Financial Communication Event Management and Media Tracking

Corporate Communication: Crisis Management

Defining Crisis and Disaster Management Crisis Handling Theories and Models Role of Corporate Communication in Crisis Management Media Handling in Critical Time and Case Studies

Corporate Communication: Strategic Management

Strategy in Corporate Communication Campaign Planning: Management &Execution Corporate Social Responsibility Investor Relation and Corporate Reputation

Corporate Communication: Issues and Challenges

Globalization Consumerism Social Concern and Social Values New Trends in Corporate Communication


Books for Reference:

Excellence in Business Communication ByThill, Book Base, Mumbai Essentials of Operations Management By Scott T Ypoung, Sage Publication Management and Organisation By L.A. Allen Managing People in Organizations By B.R. Virmani

Assignment and Practical MJC-3rd Semester

CMJ-C-323 LTPC-0044 CREDIT-04

Television and Computer

Title Allotments of Marks

Writing for TV Programs 20 Art of Announcement & Anchoring 20 Basic Knowledge of Computer 20 Emails, SMS, MMS 20 E-Paper, E-Newsletter, 20


T.V. Journalism MJC-3rd Semester

CMJ-E-324 LTPC-3003 CREDIT-03

Television: An Introduction

Introduction and Characteristics of Television Development of Television Telecast in India and Set - up of Doordarshan Kendra and its Functions Various Programs of Television (T.V. Documentaries, Interviews, Features, Talk

Shows, Reality Shows, Serials etc.)

Television Programme Production

Production Team and Television Studio Various Stages of Program Production Video Space and Audio Space Terminology of Television

Television Program Production Techniques

Electronic News Gathering Production and Electronic Field Production High Definition Television Grammar and Technique of Video Editing T.V. Receiver

Television Camera

Studio Camera and Portable Camera Camera Mounting Equipment Special Purpose Mounting Equipment Terminology of Photography

New Trends in Television and Issues of Development

Infotainment Television and Social Concern Television and Environment Political Economy of Television

****************************************************************************** *************** Books for Reference:

Namaskar By Santi Svaroop Agrawal T.V. Production Hand Book By Zettle Horbart Doordarshan Dasha Evam Disha By Sudhish Pachauri Khabaren Vistar Se , Vanee Prakashan , N.Delhi

Media Management MJC-4th Semester

CMJ-C-421 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04

Media Management

Basic Concept and Principles of Management

Types of Media Nature and Scope of Management Importance of Management in Media

Theories of Management

Scientific Management (Taylor and the Movement) Formal Theory of Organization (Fayol) Ideas of Mary Parker Follet Ideas of C.I. Barnard

Media Ownership

Issues and Importance of Ownership in Media Organization Types of Ownership Issue of Media Monopoly-Cross Media Ownership Media Organization in India

Media and Market

Media Branding Market and Trends Analysis Psychology and Sociology of Media Audiences Media Product and Consumerism

New Trends in Media Management

Media Content Analysis and E-Management Media Culture Information Technology, Telecommunication and the Internet Issues and Challenges of Globalization


Books for Reference:

Management and Organisation By L.A. Allen Managing People in Organizations By B.R. Virmani The Indian Media Business By Vanita Kohali – Khandeker, Sage Publication Samachar Madhyamon Ka sangthan Evam Prabandhan By Dr.Sanjeev Bhanawat

Communication Research MJC-4th Semester

CMJ-C-422 LTPC-4004 CREDIT-04 Introduction to Research

Meaning, Scope, Types and Importance Hypothesis Research Design

Step of Scientific Research

Communication Research

Meaning, Nature and Scope Communication Research and Social Science Research Selection of Area in Communication Research The Importance of Social and Historical Context

Research Methodology in Mass Media

Analysis of Data (Primary and Secondary Data) Observation, Content Analysis and Case Studies Participant Observation Policy and Archival Research

Research Tools and Techniques

Sampling and Survey Interviews Data Analysis Techniques and Application of Statistics Result Forecasting, Bibliography, Index, Reference and Research Paper Design

Area of Communication Research

Media and Market Research Public Opinion Research Message and Channel analysis Media Effect and Audience Analysis


Books for Referenc

Understanding The Research Process By Paul Oliver, Sage Publication Introducing Communication Research By Donald Treadwell, sage Publication Sanchar Shodh By Dr. Manoj Dayal Research Journals

Assignment and Practical MJC- 4th Semester

CMJ-C-423 LTPC-0044 CREDIT-04

Social Issues and Journalism

Title Allotments of Marks

Rural & Urban Areas 20 Socio –Political Area 20 Education 20

Crime and Legal Issues 20 Health, Wild Lives, Environmental and Others 20


Dissertation MJC-4th Semester

CMJ-C-424 LTPC-6006 CREDIT-06

Every student will have to do a Dissertation (project report with Vi-Va) in an area Communication and Journalism detailed in the curriculum under the guidance of regular faculties. The objective of the Dissertation is to enable students to have an in-depth knowledge of the subject of their own choice. It should be a research based effort and should endeavor to knowledge in any area of mass communication. The topic will be decided with consent of the H.O.D.

Media and Society MJC-4th Semester

CMJ-E-425 LTPC-3003 CREDIT-03


General meaning of Society Community, Association and Institution Social Groups (Primary Groups and Secondary Groups) Social Structure (Family and Kinship)

Media and Society

Origin and Development of Indian Society Demographic and Sociological Impact of Media in Indian Context The Mass Media and Indian Family Concept and Development of Community media

Mass Media and Social Control

Forms and Types of Social Control Role of Media in Social Control Social Values, Norms and Sanctions Rhetoric, Persuasion and Manufacturing consent

Media Convergence

New Technology and Development of Media Convergence Scope and Importance of Media Convergence Application of Media convergence Impact and Future Aspects of Media convergence in Indian Society

Social Issues and Mass Campaigns

Social Concern Environment Human Rights and Gender Equality Peace and Non-Violence


Books for Reference:

Sociology (Vol.-1 and Vol.-2), By M.L. Gupta and Dr. D.D. Sharma, Sahitya Bhavan Publications, Agra Understanding Community Media by Kevin Howley, Sage Publication Bharatiya Samajik Samsayen By Prof. Gupta/Sharma , Sahitya Bhavan Publications, Agra Indian Society By S.C.Dubey