New Special Education Coordinator Training; day 2

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New Special Education Coordinator Training; day 2. August 1, 2013. Icebreaker . Agenda. Day 1 Reflections IEP meeting types and requirements Invitation Participation PWN Meeting Type Alternatives Excent Confidentiality Enrollment through the 1 st 30 days Records - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of New Special Education Coordinator Training; day 2


August 1, 2013


AGENDA Day 1 Reflections IEP meeting types and requirements Invitation Participation PWN Meeting Type Alternatives Excent Confidentiality Enrollment through the 1st 30 days Records Comparable Services IEP Meeting 30-day meeting Student Intervention Teams Child Find


District/School Relationship

Regional Coordinators

Expectations of the school coordinator?

Any other questions?


MEETING TYPES Full IEP Meeting IEP Meeting with non-essential person dismissed IEP Meeting with essential person dismissed Agreement to Amend IEP Meeting Special Reviews versus Annual Reviews

3 PARTS TO A STANDARD MEETING Pre-meeting (notification)

During the meeting

Post-meeting (Summary/PWN)

LETTER OF NOTIFICATION IEP meeting notifications must include the purpose, time, and

location of the meeting and who will be in attendance. This is why an email asking the parent to attend a meeting doesn’t suffice (even if they attend).

Use the invitation out of Excent (handout)

LETTER OF NOTIFICATION Team Membership The public agency must ensure that the IEP Team for each child with a disability includes--

(1) The parents of the child;(2) Not less than one regular education teacher of the child (if the child is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment);(3) Not less than one special education teacher of the child, or where appropriate, not less then one special education provider of the child;(4) A representative of the public agency who--

(i) Is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities;(ii) Is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; and(iii) Is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the public agency.

(5) An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, who may be a member of the team described in paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(6) of this section;(6) At the discretion of the parent or the agency, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel as appropriate; and(7) Whenever appropriate, the child with a disability.


(4) A representative of the public agency who--(i) Is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities;(ii) Is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum; and(iii) Is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the public agency.

For students that receive speech services: An SLP must be in attendance

For a student that receives OT: An OT must be in attendance

For a students that receives PT: A PT must be in attendance

For a child that has a VI or HI: A teacher of the VI or HI must be in attendance


LETTER OF NOTIFICATION Parents must be provided enough notice for them to make a

decision about attending.

If parents do not attend, there must be evidence that two separate attempts using two different methods was made.

Kids 12* and up need to have “to discuss transition services” checked too and be invited to the meeting.

LETTER OF NOTIFICATION So there has to be documentation that a formal invite including all of the

above was provided.

Which one shows that proper notification was provided: “Email” “Email with invitation attached?”

Does this make sense? One notification method that says “phone.” What if the parent does not attend and one of the two notifications was


Even if the parent attends, the meeting could be determined null and void if proper notification wasn’t provided.


What are your alternate options to ensure participation?Conference CallWeb-based

DURING THE MEETING Things to think about:

How will you make changes during the meeting: On paper copies On Excent On Excent with a projector

Do you have an agenda?

How many “draft” handouts?

Capturing signatures

MEETING SUMMARY Required per District Policy

Not meant to be a transcription Purpose is to capture the gist/flow of an IEP meeting Purpose is to discuss requests/disagreements and resolutions of these Every parental request needs to have closure

Parent asked for an in-home teaching assistant. The team discussed and determined that based on present level data, the child is able to receive FAPE through the proposed services of virtual services and did not need an in-home assistant.

Common mistakes noted: Wrong date of the meeting Not noting proper meeting membership Meeting attendance not matching the signature page

Tips for Taking Notes – See Handout


Prior written notice is provided to the parent PRIOR to the implementation of the changes decided upon by the


PWNS Top 5 things found on PWNs:

We considered sending the kid back to his home school. We considered blank. We considered discontinuing services. We proposed to conduct an annual review. Meeting letter says “invite to special review,” but PWN says “conducted

annual review.” We made changes to the present levels, but nothing in section C was

checked. Considered but rejected requiring the child to take medication.


Let’s talk about what these questions mean: As a result of the IEP/Staffing meeting, the IEP/Staffing Team proposes or

refuses to…

Explanation of why the school district/agency proposes or refuses to take this action.

Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the school district used in deciding to propose or refuse the action.

Description of any other choices that the IEP team considered and the reasons why those choices were rejected.

Description of any other reasons why the school district proposed or refused the action.

PWNS The parent MUST have a copy of the PWN prior to implementing the IEP.

If the parents attends the meeting and does not leave with a copy of the PWN, the IEP cannot be implemented until after the PWN has been sent.

If parents did not attend, the IEP cannot be implemented until after the PWN has been sent to the parents.

What does this mean? Give the PWN at the meeting (along with the IEP) Wait 5 – 7 days after the meeting to initiate the proposed FAPE

Initiation date must reflect this on the cover page of the IEP Cannot extend past the expiration date of the IEP to “wait” to give the PWN

AFTER THE MEETING What are your plans for retaining copies of the IEP documents

after the meeting?

Files scanned/uploaded into Excent (signed copies)

Are you keeping hard copies?


THE IEP FOLDER Simply put, EVERY CHILD who has/had an IEP at your school needs

to have an IEP folder.

These files need to be kept for 5 years after the child exits.

Things that are embarrassing: 2 years in and the only paper in the folder is a meeting notification

from 18 months ago. The only files are non-signed IEPs.


What happens with the “signed IEP” (hand-written one with markups)?

What happens to your signature page?



Special Review Can be done with an

agreement to amend an IEP

Only update certain areas of present levels or certain goals (not everything)

Something needs to be changed (updated) for EVERY special review (most likely in the PLOP)

Annual Review Updated 100% of the

present levels with CURRENT present level data and the entire IEP

Can’t be done through “amendment”


EXCUSING A TEAM MEMBER A member of the IEP team whose area of expertise IS NOT

being discussed may be excused from an IEP meeting if: The LEA rep and parent agree in writing prior to the meeting There’s a form for that

A member of the IEP team whose area of expertise IS being discussed may be excused from an IEP meeting if:

The parent gives informed, written consent prior to the meeting AND

The team member provides written input for the meeting that

IEP team members (including the parent) can review prior to the meeting and prior to the parent giving consent

There’s a form for that also Agreement to Amend IEP meeting

Signed by school’s LEA For anything except annual reviews


EXCENT Role Level:

School – can see everyone at the school Staff – can only see assigned caseloads

Rights: Coordinator – full rights assigned to 1 person at the school* Teacher – “IEP process” rights

*if you have a special circumstance and more than one person needs “coordinator” rights, contact Robbie.

EXCENT Excent and PowerSchool work off something called a SIF agent (don’t ask me to describe

this . . . . If you ask, I will tell you it’s magic).

Once entered into PowerSchool (after a certain sequence of data has been entered), the SIF agent will add the person into Excent as a regular education student.

Things I’ve observed this past year: Data flows one way: PowerSchool Excent Once entered, the child never leaves Every once in a while a “referred” child shows up that you know nothing about A change in school (in PowerSchool) from one of our schools to another, will trigger a change too.

EXCENT Excent Resources:

Adding Students in Excent Adding Attachments Assessment Accommodations Report in Excent (PASS/HSAP) Assigning Case Managers  Indicator 11 and Placemeht History Indicator 11 (placement history) for unique situations Running Reports in Excent Transfer a student out of Excent Request Excent Rights


EXCENT If you’re new to Excent or need a refresher, your regional rep will

be more than happy to assist.

CONFIDENTIALITYConfidentiality/FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) and

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)


A child’s educational records often contain private personal information about the child and the family


In the course of determining a child’s eligibility for special education services and designing a program to meet the child’s needs, schools collect a good bit of information about a child.

This information includes social and developmental history as well as medical and other personal information about the student and other members of the family


Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Key Legal Terms

“Need to Know” those with “legitimate educational interest”. This is

considered to be those who act in the student’s educational interest, including faculty, administrators, clerical and professional employees, and other persons who manage student record information.

“Personally Identifiable Information” anything that identifies a specific child.

Example: If there is only one blond boy in the school and you say, “That blond kid in my class did this,” you have violated FERPA.

“Educational Record” Must be connected in some way to personally identifiable

information and must be shared with another school district employee or placed in an filing system owned by the district. Beware, even sometimes, personal notes may be subpoenaed.


Must have a need to know in order to view student records The superintendent cannot look at student files

unless he or she has a need to know, even though he or she is the highest ranking official of the district.

When in doubt, don’t! It’s okay to ask for help and support.

SHARING STUDENT RECORDS Use the “need to know” standard

Some people do not need permission Examples of people who do not need permission:

School Districts in which a student is seeking to enroll. Biological parents Adoptive parents Legal guardian

Individual acting as a parent in the absence of a natural parent or guardian

DSS, when reporting abuse or neglect. Some people need written permission

Examples of people who do need permission: Outside private agencies Family members not meeting the definition of a parent. Physicians

When in doubt, don’t!

FERPA VIOLATION EXAMPLES Casual conversation in the teacher’s lounge, hall,


Sharing with your friends or family members Sharing with the student’s friends or non-guardian

family members Can’t talk to grandma, aunt, etc. unless they are

acting as the custodial parent or guardian

The South Carolina Public Charter School District keeps a record of parties obtaining access to education records collected, maintained or used under Part B of the IDEA (except access by parents and authorized employees of the participating agency), including the name of the party, the date access was given and the purpose for which the party is authorized to use the records. The South Carolina Public Charter School District, including each school within, maintains a list of authorized employees who have access to educational records.

Each school needs to maintain a list of “authorized employees” (district’s – to be used as a sample))

For everyone else who is not “authorized” he will need to sign showing access to the file.

SAMPLE SCHOOL FILE “CHECK OUT” PROCEDURES Complete the orange “check out” sheet included in every

active district file by providing… The date the file was removed The name of the person removing and keeping the file The reason the file was removed Place the orange card in the student’s empty hanging file

To return files… Provide the date Cross out the entire line Return the orange “check out” card to the front of the file Place the file in the student’s hanging file

A Sample Form is included on SharePoint

FERPA Additional FERPA training and resources will be discussed and

made available during the monthly coordinator meetings.

CONFIDENTIALITY AND IDEA Confidentiality and IDEA – see handout



Regardless of how the parent completes the enrollment information regarding previous special education services, it is the responsibility of the new school to verify whether or not the student received special education and related services in the previous district.

Since this is a transfer of educational records from the child’s previous LEA to the South Carolina Public Charter School District, no consent for release of documents is required.

WRITTEN, SCHOOL-LEVEL PROCEDURESHow to you identify newly-enrolled students who have IEPs?

How/who requests records?What happens if you don’t get records within 5 days?

Once you get records, what happens?

COMPARABLE SERVICES “Comparable” services”

Not going from 1950 minutes of special education services to 60

Not dropping the behavior/counseling goal because “we don’t do that here”

Not dropping the fine motor goal because “we don’t have an OT”

How do you determine comparable services?

COMPARABLE SERVICES An IEP team determines comparable services. It involves two things:

The transfer IEP Parental Input

There are two meeting options: Full IEP meeting Agreement to amend IEP

2 options = 1 form

Comparable services meeting must take place within 5 days of enrollment.



Gather data . . . . . Monitor/adjust . . . . Try interventions . . . . . Monitor/adjust . . . . Gather Data . . . .


Team can only make changes if there are new data to support

making changes


Within thirty calendar days from the date of enrollment the South Carolina Public Charter School District will:

adopt the child’s IEP from the previous LEA, amend the child’s IEP from the previous LEA, or develop and implement a new IEP.


Every one of your charters says you will have some sort of method to identify and teach struggling learners, differentiate instruction, teach diverse populations, identify and reach students with varied learning needs/styles,….


With RtI, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor

student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and

nature of those interventions depending on a student’s responsiveness, and identify

students with learning disabilities or other disabilities. (NCRTI, 2010)

• RTI integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems.

• With RTI, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions, and adjust the intensity and nature of those interventions based on a student’s responsiveness.

• RTI may be used as part of the determination process for identifying students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities.

RtI BY ANY OTHER NAME Student Intervention Team Student Assistance Team Student Support Team Child Study Team Behavior Intervention Team School Support Team

My favorite: Behavior Assistance Team

RtI is NOT A special education initiative

A hoop to jump through to get to special education

Preferential seating and a peer tutor

A way to delay a referral to special education

Something you order from a company that comes in a pretty package

RtI ISA method to get high quality instruction to all students quickly

Preventive in nature

School-wideAn effective approach to instruction

A methodology and philosophy for effective instruction for ALL students


There is a requirement for all disability categories that the team has documentation that the child’s problems are not due to:A lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math

Limited English proficiency


To ensure that underachievement in a child is not due to lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math, the group (team determining eligibility) must consider:

Data that demonstrate the child was provided with appropriate instruction in regular education settings, delivered by qualified personnel; and

Data-based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals, reflecting formal assessment of student progress during instruction, which was provided to the child’s parents.

RtIIt’s just plain old good teaching

It’s not a special education responsibility



The school must have in effect policies and procedures to ensure that all children with disabilities enrolled in the school are identified, located, and evaluated (§300.111)

The obligation is on the school to “find” these children


Referrals come from Parents Teachers Other school staff

Even if the parent says “No, I don’t want my child evaluated” the school is obligated to pursue the referral if there is reason to suspect the child may have a disability under IDEA.


The school is obligated to refer if there is reason to suspect the child may have a disability under IDEA

The parent can always refuse to give consent to evaluate

The school/district has the option to take the parent to a Due Process Hearing to obtain consent to evaluate (but probably won’t)

If the school refers and the parent refuses consent to evaluate or, even farther down the road, refuses consent for services, the school has fulfilled its Child Find obligation (you’re covered)



To determine eligibility (meets criteria and as a result needs special education)

ANDTo determine educational needs


Meets eligibility criteria under 1 or more of 12 disability categoriesStandards for Evaluation and Eligibility Determination (SEED), formerly known as the RedBook

ANDBecause of the disability, needs special education services to receive a FAPE


Medical diagnosis of ADHD + adequate performance (with classroom accommodations such as preferential seating,

prompts for attention and medication) = no IEP


Information from a variety of sources (reviews of existing data, parent and teacher input, formal and informal testing, observations,…)

Determination made by multidisciplinary team (not just a school psychologist or SLT or parent or doctor)

Direct link between disability and need for special education

The evaluation must be sufficientlyMust be comprehensive enough so as to identify all of the child’s special education and related services needs, whether or not they are commonly linked to the disability category

This does not mean the team has to “test” in every area.


Referral/Procedural Safeguards

Evaluation Planning Meeting

Review of Existing Data

Additional Data Are Needed

Parent Consent to Evaluation/PWN

Gather Additional Data within 60 calendar days

Review all data/Determine


Parent consent for initial provision of special education


Develop IEP within 30 calendar days of


Implement IEP as soon as possible


From parent, teacher, other school staff

Reason to suspect Difference between “concern” and “reason to suspect child may have a disability”


On top of, in addition to, along with general education curriculum (what everyone else is getting

Instructional component, not just accommodations

More intensiveProgress monitoring data (how did the student respond to these interventions)

REFERRAL PACKET Teacher Referral (always) Parent Referral (if applicable) Vision Screen Hearing Screen Social/Developmental History Grades Attendance Intervention and progress monitoring information Other relevant data (work samples, PASS scores, MAP scores, 504 plan, previous IEP or

evaluations) Discipline data, if behavior is a concern

Discipline referrals Behavior intervention plan and response data

REFERRAL PACKET Ensure it’s an appropriate referral

Review for completeness and appropriateness Look for mitigating factors

ESL Excessive absences Discuss with Regional Coordinator

Submit to Regional Coordinator

EVALUATION PLANNING Schedule evaluation planning meeting with

members “similar to an IEP team” School psych LEA rep General education teacher of the child Special education teacher Parent Others as needed (OT, PT, Vision teacher, school

nurse) Send Meeting Notice from Excent Send Procedural Safeguards

EVALUATION PLANNINGReview existing data (what do you already know about the child)

Do you have enough to determine eligibility? Meets all eligibility requirements from SEED As a result needs sp ed

Two paths – Yes, we already have EVERYTHING we need (rare)

No, we need more information

YES, WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED Evaluation planning and eligibility determination take place during the

same meeting Have all required eligibility components from SEED* Have all information needed to determine that due to disability, student needs

special education services Get parent consent for the initial provision of special education services Provide parent with a signed copy of the Evaluation /Eligibility

Determination Report Develop IEP within 30 calendar days of eligibility determination Provide parent with PWN prior to implementing IEP Implement IEP as soon as possible

*Might have this situation if parent provides you with an outside evaluation (but typically this won’t contain all educational requirements (like observations during instruction).

Referral/Procedural Safeguards

Evaluation Planning Meeting

Review of Existing Data

Additional Data Are Not Needed

Determine eligibility

Parent consent for initial

provision of special

education services/PWN

Develop IEP within 30

calendar days of


Implement IEP as soon as possible



Determine what areas team needs additional information in and who will gather

Give parent PWN so he/she will know what he/she is giving consent to do

Get parent consent for evaluation Gather additional information requested by team WITHIN 60

calendar days of receiving signed consent Once all information is gathered, schedule eligibility determination

meeting with members “similar to an IEP team” School psych LEA rep Gen ed teacher of the child Sp ed teacher Parent Others as needed (OT, PT, Vision teacher, school nurse)

Send Meeting Notice from Excent

ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION Review all information and determine if child meets all

required eligibility components from SEED* and as a result of the disability, needs special education services

Get parent consent for the initial provision of special education services

Provide parent with a signed copy of the Evaluation /Eligibility Determination Report

Develop IEP within 30 calendar days of eligibility determination

Provide parent with PWN prior to implementing IEP Implement IEP as soon as possible


Referral/Procedural Safeguards Evaluation Planning

MeetingReview of Existing

DataAdditional Data Are


Parent Consent to Evaluation/PWN

Gather Additional Data within 60 calendar days

Review all data/Determine


Parent consent for initial provision of special education


Develop IEP within 30 calendar days of


Implement IEP as soon as possible

If YES If NODetermine eligibility Determine what additional

info is needed to determine eligibility

Get consent for initial provision of sp ed signed by parent and give PWN

Get consent to eval signed by parent; give PWN

Give Eval/Eligibility Report to parent

Gather additional info requested

Develop IEP within 30 calendar days; give PWN before implement

Meet to review additional data

Implement IEP as soon as possible

Determine eligibility

Get consent for initial provision of sp ed signed by parent and give PWNGive Eval/Eligibility Report to parentDevelop IEP within 30 calendar days; give PWN before implementImplement IEP as soon as possible

RESPONSIBILITIES Ensuring referral packet is complete Scheduling evaluation planning and eligibility determination meetings

Including the required people Ensuring all required paperwork (Meeting Notices, PWNs, signature pages, …)

is completed and given to appropriate people (parents, staff, attached in Excent)

Ensuring ALL information requested by the team is gathered within the 60 day timeline. This means coordinating any outside assessment the team has requested (OT, speech, doctor’s documentation for OHI, school psychologist)

Completing the Evaluation/Eligibility Determination Report

NOTE: These are duties typically completed by a school psychologist

REEVALUATION Every 3 years or sooner if requested/needed Answers 4 questions:

Does the student continue to have a disability or to have an additional disability?

Does the student continue to need special education? What are the student’s present levels of educational need? Do any changes need to be made to the IEP?

Doesn’t require the school psychologist unless a different/additional disability is suspected

Must occur prior to discontinuing/dismissing from special education (including related services)

REEVALUATION Same process as initial evaluations Review existing information Determine if have enough information to answer

the 4 reevaluation questions If yes, answer the questions and make any changes

needed in IEP Give parent copy of Reevaluation Report, IEP, and PWN

If no, determine what is needed Get parent consent for reevaluation and give PWN Gather additional information Meet to answer 4 questions and make any changes

needed in IEP Give parent copy of Reevaluation Report, IEP, and PWN

REMINDERS You can’t get parent consent to evaluate until you’ve had the

evaluation planning meeting to decide what additional information you need; otherwise, the parent doesn’t know what he/she is giving consent for.

Likewise, do not assess in areas that were not requested by the evaluation planning team and not listed on the parent consent

The Evaluation/Eligibility Report gets signed after eligibility is determined (not at the evaluation planning meeting, unless you also determine eligibility at that same meeting)

All eligibility determinations require completion of this report (even “Speech-only” evaluations)

Report must be completed in all situations even when When no additional information is needed When student is determined not eligible for special education

FUN FACTS You must have a school psychologist at all evaluation planning

meetings unless you are sure the referral is for only speech concerns (in which case you’ll need a speech-language therapist)

You must have a school psychologist at all eligibility meetings unless the referral was only for speech concerns (in which case you’ll need a speech-language therapist)

You must have a school psychologist at all reevaluation planning and continuation meetings where there is reason to suspect the child may have an additional/different disability unless the “new” disability is speech-language (in which case you’ll need a speech-language therapist)

FUN FACTS Work out up front with the school psychologist about who (the

school or the school psychologist) will provide test kits and protocols. The District does not provide either (kits or protocols). If the school is going to purchase test kits, you will have to work with

the school psychologist on the purchase of cognitive processing kits (this requires special certification/training)

Talk to Beckie before purchasing any test kits Decide how you’re going to handle completed test protocols – is

the school psychologist going to keep them, but make them readily accessible when needed (parent or district request, for example) or are you going to get them back from the school psychologist and store them

The same is true for OTs, PTs, and SLTs – the District does not provide any test kits or protocols Work these details out with your related service providers BEFORE the

first evaluation/reevaluation

FUN FACTS There is a list of school psychologists on SharePoint who have

worked with the District in the past If you’re using someone not on that list, have that person send Beckie

a copy of his/her certification Just because someone is certified as a school psychologist in Maine,

doesn’t mean he/she is certified in SC Webinar about how to complete the Evaluation/Eligibility Report –

September 12th Samples on SharePoint MUST be professional and comprehensive/inclusive

QUICK CHECKS/SAMPLES Process checklists Reminders Sample reports Always pull forms from SharePoint

Don’t download and copy from your Desktop; forms change


NEXT STEPS Continue to request records of your transfer students. Continue to make “related services” contacts. Once issued a school email address, submit your online request to

Zenobia for Excent access. Midlands (virtual) and Lowcountry regional coordinators will be in touch

by August 19th. Until the 19th, please direct your questions to Robbie or Beckie Upstate: Contact Mariann Pee Dee: Contact Mr. V

Any questions about transfer IEPs (in-state or out-of-state), please ask. Any questions from “pushy” parents, please ask.

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION Robert Compton, Director of Federal Program

803-734-8067 (o) 803-230-9593 (c)

 Beckie Davis, Director of Special Services 803-734-8050 (o) 803-312-2491 (c)

 Vamshi Rudrapati (Mr. V), Assistant Director of Federal Program (Pee Dee Regional Coordinator) 803-734-1105

Mariann Carter, Upstate Regional Coordinator 803-960-9686

Nichole Adams (Midlands/Virtual Regional Coordinator (8/15) Phone TBD

Debbie Dawsey-Davis (Lowcountry Regional Coordinator (8/15) Phone TBD