New Practical English 1 Follow the Samples Act Out Put in Use Talking Face to Face Data Bank.

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Transcript of New Practical English 1 Follow the Samples Act Out Put in Use Talking Face to Face Data Bank.

New Practical English 1

Follow the Samples

Act Out

Put in Use

Talking Face to FaceTalking Face to Face

Data Bank

New Practical English 1

Sample One

Sample Two

New Practical English 1

A Flight Timetable

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Beijing8:45 a.m.

(departure)9:20 a.m. (departure)

Guangzhou11:50 a.m. (arrival) 12:50 a.m. (departure)

Hong Kong 1:55 p.m. (arrival)

New Practical English 1

B: Yes. Is there a flight to Hong Kong on Tuesday, the 16th?

R: CAAC information. Can I help you?

R: yes, there is.

B: Is that a direct flight ?

Bob is calling a receptionist for information about flights from Beijing to Hong Kong.


R=receptionist B=Bob

Sample 1Sample 1Sample 1Sample 1 Click here to listen

New Practical English 1

R: No, you have to change in Guangzhou.

B: Oh, how long does it stop over in Guangzhou?

R: From 11:50 to 12:50.

B: 11:50 to 12:50. That’s almost an hour. Well, I prefer a direct flight.

New Practical English 1

R: 8:45 a.m. And the arrival time in Hong Kong is 11:45 in the morning.

R: I’m sorry, but there’s no direct flight on Tuesday.

B: What about Wednesday, the 17th?

R: There’s one on Wednesday, the 17th.

B: Good. What’s the departure time?

New Practical English 1

Mark’s Schedule

Morning Afternoon

Monday 15 Write business reportDiscuss business report with general manager at 1:30

Tuesday 16Have sales meeting at 9:00 a.m.

See Mr. Black at 3

Wednesday 17

Appointment with Mr. Anderson at 8:30 a.m.

Fly to Hong Kong, departure time, 4:45


Thursday 18 10:00a.m. conference 2:00 p.m. conference

Friday 19Travel around Hong Kong

Fly back, departure time: 2:15 p.m.

New Practical English 1

M: Yes, and I have a busy schedule this week, too. This morning I need to write a business report

and this afternoon at 1:30 I’ll discuss the report with the general manager.

J: Have you been busy recently?

Talking about Mark’s scheduleSample 2Sample 2Sample 2Sample 2

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J = Joe M = Mark

New Practical English 1

M: I’ve got an appointment at 8:30 with Mr. Anderson, the bank manager. In the afternoon I’m taking the 4:45 flight to Hong Kong for the conference.

M: Tomorrow is Tuesday. I’m attending the sales meeting at 9:00 in the morning. And in the

afternoon at 3:00 I’m seeing Mr. Black, the marketing manager.

J: What’s your schedule for tomorrow?

J: What about Wednesday?

New Practical English 1

M: I’ll take the 2:15 flight back on Friday afternoon.

M: Oh, yes, at 10:00 in the morning and 2:00 in the afternoon. After the conference, I’ll be free. I’ll be enjoying my weekend in Hong Kong.

J: When are you coming back?

J: The conference is on Thursday, right?

New Practical English 1

Act Out

Task One

Task Two

Task Three

Task Four

Task Five

New Practical English 1

Here is a group of short dialogues. Follow the examples

to make more conversations with your partner.  

A: Miss Wang, is there a direct train from

here to Chengde?

B: No, I’m afraid not. You have to change

the train at Beijing.

A: How many trains are there for Beijing

every day?

B: There are several, but the fastest is t

he Special Express.  


A: Miss Wang, is there a direct train from

here to Chengde?

B: No, I’m afraid not. You have to change

the train at Beijing.

A: How many trains are there for Beijing

every day?

B: There are several, but the fastest is t

he Special Express.  


Task 1Task 1Click here to listen

New Practical English 1


A: When does it leave here? And when

does it arrive in Beijing?

B: The departure time is 8:37 p.m. and t

he arrival time is 6:08 a.m. There are severa

l trains from Beijing to Chengde.


Task: Ask for information about the special

Express to Chengde.  


A: When does it leave here? And when

does it arrive in Beijing?

B: The departure time is 8:37 p.m. and t

he arrival time is 6:08 a.m. There are severa

l trains from Beijing to Chengde.


Task: Ask for information about the special

Express to Chengde.  

Task 1Task 1

New Practical English 1

A: What are the office hours?B: Well. The office hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  A: Do you work on weekends?B: On Saturdays the office is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., but on Sundays we are closed.A: What about lunch time?B: Lunch begins at 1 p.m. and lasts one hour.  Task: Ask about the working hours of the ticket office.

A: What are the office hours?B: Well. The office hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  A: Do you work on weekends?B: On Saturdays the office is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., but on Sundays we are closed.A: What about lunch time?B: Lunch begins at 1 p.m. and lasts one hour.  Task: Ask about the working hours of the ticket office.

Task 2Task 2

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New Practical English 1

A: What time does the next train to

Guangzhou leave?

B: It leaves at 7:10.

A: How long does it take to get there?

B: It takes four hours.

A: Do I have to change the train anywhere?

B: No, it will take you straight to Guangzhou.


Task:Ask for information about the time your train leaves the station. 

A: What time does the next train to

Guangzhou leave?

B: It leaves at 7:10.

A: How long does it take to get there?

B: It takes four hours.

A: Do I have to change the train anywhere?

B: No, it will take you straight to Guangzhou.


Task:Ask for information about the time your train leaves the station. 

Task 3Task 3

Click here to listen

New Practical English 1

A: Excuse me, is the 5:30 flight from Hong Kong on


B: No, it’s been delayed.

A: Delayed? For how long?

B: For about an hour. There has been a bad fog in

Hong Kong. 

Task: Ask for the explanation of the delay of the

flight you are meeting.


A: Excuse me, is the 5:30 flight from Hong Kong on


B: No, it’s been delayed.

A: Delayed? For how long?

B: For about an hour. There has been a bad fog in

Hong Kong. 

Task: Ask for the explanation of the delay of the

flight you are meeting.


Task 4Task 4

Click here to listen

New Practical English 1

A: When do you have flights for Macao?  

B: We have only one flight for Macao each

week, at 1:40 p.m. Wednesday.

A: When does it arrive in Macao?

B: At 3:40 p.m. 

Task: Inquire about the flight to Macao, which

happens to be once a week.


A: When do you have flights for Macao?  

B: We have only one flight for Macao each

week, at 1:40 p.m. Wednesday.

A: When does it arrive in Macao?

B: At 3:40 p.m. 

Task: Inquire about the flight to Macao, which

happens to be once a week.


Task 5Task 5

Click here to listen

New Practical English 1

Put in Use

Exercise 1Exercise 1

Exercise 2Exercise 2

Exercise 3Exercise 3

New Practical English 1

Miss Wang, I want to ___________

an evening train to Harbin so that I can

get there the next morning. Do you know

the schedule?

Mark is going to Harbin to see the Ice Lantern Exhibition. He is asking Miss Wang to help him to find out about the train timetable. Complete the conversation with our partner by filling in the blanks.

Yes, I have got a ___________ here.



Mark :

Wang :

Exercise 1Exercise 1

New Practical English 1

Is there a train leaving around 6?

__________ one at 6:15.

When will it get there?

______________at about 8 next morning.

That’s the one I need. Thank you very much.

You are __________welcome.

There is

It will get there

Mark :

Wang :

Mark :

Wang :

Mark :

Wang :

New Practical English 1

Hi, Ann. What’s your plan for this weekend?

Imagine that you are Ann. You are telling your

friend Kate about your trip to Hangzhou.

(我要去杭州。 )

Oh, how interesting!

(我在那里有一些朋友,我很想念他们。 )I have some friends there, and I miss them very much.

You :

Kate :



I’m going to Hangzhou.

Exercise 2Exercise 2

New Practical English 1

I guess your friends would arrange

your trip there.



听音乐会。 )

Yes. On Saturday one of my friends will drive me around the city. We will have lunch with some friends at noon. In the evening we’ll go to a concert.

You :

Kate :

New Practical English 1

How wonderful. When are you coming back?

(星期天晚上。我坐晚上的飞机回来。 )

I hope you have a nice weekend.

On Sunday evening. I’m taking an evening

flight back.




New Practical English 1

Excuse me, can I have Western

meal here in this hotel?

Now imagine you are a receptionist in a restaurant. Mr. Johnson is asking about the opening hours. Fill the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets.

Yes, sir. ( 告诉他有中餐厅和西餐厅。 )

We have a Chinese restaurant and

a Western-style restaurant.

You :

Mr. Johnson:

Exercise 3Exercise 3

New Practical English 1

Oh, really?

(告诉他中餐厅在八层,西餐厅在九层。 )

I’d like to try some Chinese

food today.(告诉他现在营业。 )

The Chinese restaurant is on the eighth floor and the Western-style restaurant is on the ninth floor.

You :

Mr. Johnson:

Mr. Johnson:

You :

It is open now.

New Practical English 1

Would you tell me the business


Certainly, sir. ( 告诉他早餐、午餐

和晚餐的时间分别为 6:30 到 9:00 ,

11:30 到 2:00 , 5:30 到 9:00 。 )

That’s rather convenient.

Thank you

(回答说不必客气。 )

Breakfast is from 6:30 to 9:00, lunch is from 11:30 to 2:00, and dinner is from 5:30 to 9:00.

You are welcome.

You :

Mr. Johnson:


Mr. Johnson:

New Practical English 1

I’m going to Hong Kong on business the day after tomorrow.


I’d like to take the 12:15 flight for Beijing.

我想乘 12 点 15 分去北京的飞机。

The flight leaves at 3:50, but you must check in one hour before departure.

这个航班是 3 点 50 分起飞,但你得提前 1 小时办理登机。

I plan to leave for Shanghai on an early morning flight.


Please tell me the departure times and arrival times.


Data BankData Bank

New Practical English 1

There’s a flight to Dalian at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow.

明天早上 7 点有航班飞往大连。

My flight leaves at 7:50 a.m. and due to arrive at about 3:30 p.m. local time.

我乘坐早上 7 点 50 分的飞机,当地时间下午 3 点 30 分到达。

I’m catching an evening flight at 9:30 and arriving back at 4:50 a.m.

我赶晚上 9 点 30 分的班机,早上 4 点 50 分回来。

The next train to Shenyang is at 8:20.

下一班发往沈阳的火车是在 8 点 20 分。

The train is due to arrive at 9 o’clock, but it has been delayed for one hour.

火车正点到站时间是 9 点,可是已经晚点 1 小时了。

Data BankData Bank