New l3 - l4 -textual analysis of 2 soap opera trailers - template

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of New l3 - l4 -textual analysis of 2 soap opera trailers - template

Soap Opera Genre – Independent Textual


Name: Keir Speirs Candidate Number: 4131Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Trailer 1 – Coronation Street -

Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Dialogue, Voiceover, Sound Effects or Soundtrack

Non-diegetic soundtrack – The happy upbeat soundtrack is contrapuntal to the visual imagery. The happy soundtrack clashes with the sound of the sirens which is being played over the happy music, connoting an enigma clue (Barthes) to something bad is about to happen or a potential ‘disequilibrium’ (Todorov). At the end of the trailer there is some text denoting through a caption “four funerals and a wedding” which makes the audience wonder what is going to happen and who will be involved, knowing there is going to be a death and a wedding in a multi-stranded narrative format. The verbal code of the non-diegetic sound track “the street where you live” and “knowing” ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) how the audience are familiar with the characters on the street and – in line with the multi-stranded narrative of a soap opera – the audience are left playing a guessing game as to who will cause chaos or whether something bad is going to happen to their favorite character(s). The lack of a voice over in this trailer leaves the audience wondering what is going to happen as the music eerily fades out.

Non-Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Setting, Lighting, Costumes, Facial Expressions and Characters

The non-verbal code of the high key lighting throughout most of the trailer contrast to the short cuts of low key lighting. The high key lighting represents a utopian feeling within the trailer where nothing seems to go wrong. However, when it cuts to the low key lighting the audience get a sense of things are going wrong as the shots are of the emergency services. The setting represents a strong community as all the characters are in the same street. Also their facial expressions represent a strong community as they are looking at each other making the audience think they are all friendly. This is reinforced by the soft focus high key lighting. However, some of the facial expressions of the characters make the audience wonder what is going to happen as they don’t look as though they are happy. The majority of characters are wearing red or black clothing. These colours are usually associated with death and/or danger. This is a binary opposite (Levi Strauss) to the high key lighting and the soundtrack. The use of a red fire engine connotes that something bad is going to happen. When the audience see this they associate the fire engine with danger.

Technical Codes – Comment on the use of Camera Angles, Shot Types and Camera MovementThere is mostly mid shots and close ups throughout the trailer. The technical code of a close up of some of the characters denote them looking at something – which is an example of an eye line match - which is followed by a cut to another character or characters. This connotes to the audience that they are looking or spying on the other characters giving the audience a sense of mystery. Being filmed in slow motion lets the audience see everything for example facial expression. This is then contrasting to the normal pace of the emergency services which is a lot faster so the audience don’t have time to see what it actually is. This connotes that no one is ready for what is about to happen including the audience.

Trailer 2 – EastEnders -

Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Dialogue, Voiceover, Sound Effects or Soundtrack

The beginning of the trailer starts with a scary, non diegetic soundtrack which play while looking at what looks like a deserted street. The scary non-diegetic music connotes something bad is going to happen. Also with the western style of music it gives the audience the feeling that there is going to be conflict with some characters relating with Todorovs theory of there being a ‘disequilibrium’. Finally at the end of the trailer there is the use of non diegetic voice over denoting “its all kicking off in the square”, which connotes to the audience that again something bad is going to happen. The diegetic sound of the gun loading when Kat opened up her mirror connotes that she is like a weapon and uses that to get what she wants. Even though she takes care of her appearance this which is a stereotypical thing to do as a woman, she also likes to show her dominance by being volatile towards other characters. The diegetic dialogue “Where d’you get a drink round ‘ere?” connotes that Kat is new to the community and wants to make a impression on the other characters. The verbal code ‘ere’ is also colloquial and something the viewers will expect from a soap opera set in the East End.

Non-Verbal Codes – Comment on the use of Setting, Lighting, Costumes, Facial Expressions and Characters

The deserted street with all the characters running away from the one main character connotes that they are scared of her. The deserted street connotes that there is going to be trouble between the characters as most of them have hid away from Kat. The high key lighting but with a dark filter over the top adds to the western style. This connotes that there is going to be trouble as westerns are associated with fights and dangers. The non-verbal code of the facial expression of the characters connote that they are all scared of this one main character who is shown to own the square. With the costume the two main characters are made to look menacing and dangerous. This is reinforced by the dark clothing worn by both Kat and Alfie.

Technical Codes – Comment on the use of Camera Angles, Shot Types and Camera Movement

When the first character she walks into the frame of the camera and then the camera starts to tilt up from her feet to her face. This connotes that she is the main character in this trailer as they want the audience to see all of her. With the other male character there is a low angle when he walks out of the shadows. This connotes that he is mysterious and also superior to other characters. When establishing the other characters there is mainly a high angle looking down at them. This ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) that they are not the main focus in this trailer and also that they are less significant than the other two main characters.

Evaluation of Textual Analysis – Compare and Contrast

Trailer 1) – Areas of Strength and what you would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale) or “exploit” (Abercrombie – 1995)

From the first advert I liked how everything was given the idea of a utopian world with the high key lighting, which was then contrasted greatly with the low key quick cuts of the emergency services. This gave the audience something to wonder about as they are shown a happy seen but then also a rushed scene of the emergency services which usually means something bad is going to happen. From this advert I would like to use a contrast of good and bad to make the audie3nce wonder what is happening which will make them watch the episode.

Trailer 2) – Areas of Strength and what you would ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale) or “exploit” (Abercrombie – 1995)

In the second trailer I liked the soundtrack. I thought that this gave a creepy feel which went really well with the shots of the deserted streets. I also liked how they used a minimum amount of words and the voice over at the end which left the audience wondering making them want to watch the episode. From this advert I would like to include a creepy soundtrack which will go with a creepy scene maybe. This would make the trailer more interesting to the audience as they both go well together and create tension.