New ground based instrument initiatives for solar and...

Post on 31-Jul-2020

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New ground based instrument initiatives for solar and solar terrestrial physics

Alexei A. Pevtsov (National Solar Observatory, USA)

New ground based instrument initiatives for solar and solar terrestrial physics

Alexei A. Pevtsov (National Solar Observatory, USA)

Information about projects was provided by:

Dale Gary (NJIT, USA) Gregory Fleishman (NJIT, USA) Hui Li (Purple Mountain Observatory, China)Andrey Tlatov (Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station, Russia)Mikhail Demidov (Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russia)Yihua Yan (National Astronomical Observatories, China)Zhong Liu (Fuxian Solar Observatory, China),Thomas Rimmele (National Solar Observatory, USA)Mei Zhang (National Astronomical Observatories, China)Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen (U.K. and Hungary)Markus Roth (KIS, Germany)

Summary of new instrument developments• Long-term synoptic networks (full disk, multi-wavelength, magnetic

field, imaging and helioseismology)• Coronal magnetic fields (radio, He10830)• Super high-resolution (large aperture) instruments• Sun-as-a-star instruments, Brazilian magnetograph project, existing

facilities etc.

Full disk and synopticmagnetograms

Imaging data High resolution Off-limb/on disk coronal magnetic field

Future Synoptic Networks• EU: SPRING network (future replacement for GONG): 4-6 sites,

0.5-m telescopes, SOLIS-type mount, multi-wavelength helioseismology and vector magnetography (Solarnet during the EU FP7).

• US: GONG refurbishing and upgrade (October 1, 1995, 2001 –GONG++)

• Japan: CHAIN - Continuous Hα Imaging Network• Russia: restoration of “Solar Service” Program (1932-1998, 16

stations); STOP network; network of small telescopes• Hungary: SOMNET (Solar Activity MOF Monitor)• Greece: Ionospheric and solar SW facility (Hα + ionospheric

TEC using DIGISONDE station).

FP7 Horizon 2020

Presentation Notes
Proposal was submitted for Horizon 2020; on US side we also submitted RFI to NSF

Continuous Hα Imaging Network (CHAIN)Japan




+ Algeria?

Lat. 52N Long 104E deg.Lat. 44N Long 42E deg.


Polar fields



Network of automatic telescopes/spectro-heliographs for universities for observing in Hαand Ca II K.



Synoptic solar telescope based on Magneto Optical Filter (MOF) technology: SAMM

MOF technology

2 observation lines at 2 altitudes in the solar atmosphere:

Na D2 (600-700 km)K I (300-400 km)

Future: Ca I (1000 km), He 1083Synoptic

Fixed wavelength but high stability and sensitivity

Full-disk or near-full-disk monitoring of solar activity


SAMM: Realisation – Gyula SO

Hungarian Solar Physics

Future SAMNet:

Photo-/Chromosphere/Coronal Magnetic Field

• The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) – 4m• He I 10830 magnetic field measurements (DST/Sac Peak) • SOLIS – 0.50m (relocated to BBSO)• SOLar SYnoptic Telescope (SOLSYT) – 0.35m


Coronal magnetic field (He10830, radio)

• HAO’s the COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO, – 1.5m

• The Coronal Magnetism Telescopes of China (COMTEC) – 1.5m (Full Stokes profiles in three coronal forbidden lines (5303Å, 10747Å & 10798Å) and two chromospheric lines (5876Å & 10830Å); ~ 1 Gauss precision and 5" spatial resolution in about 10 minute cadence

• Full Stokes Polarimetry in He10830 (GREGOR, Dunn Solar Telescope)• Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVA), A 13-antenna interferometer

array operating over frequency range 1-18 GHz. Provides dynamic (1 s) “imaging spectroscopy” (at more than100 frequencies)

• Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph (MUSER)

Freq range: 0.4-15 GHzFreq resolution:

64 chan(0.4-2.0GHz)~500 chan(2.0-15GHz)

Spatial resolution: 1.3˝-50 ˝ Time resolution: ~100 msMax. baseline: 3.0 km


40-antenna Array

60-antenna Array

Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph (MUSER)

Station Construction Progress (May 2015 – Present)

Solar Flares (e.g. 2017-Sep-10 X8.2)

SCOSTEP Toronto Gary et al. (2018), ApJ, submitted

EOVSA radio emission for this flare is distributed in three locations:1. Above bright EUV loops2. At sources flanking both sides,

associated with a larger loop that may be the legs of a CME

3. Along the plasma sheet connecting the rising cavity with the bright EUV loops.

The multi-frequency images form a data cube that provides spatially-resolved microwave spectra at each point in the source, which can be fit with multi-parameter theoretical spectra to provide B field and other parameters.

Fitting of Evolving Imaging Spectroscopy Data• Key 1: use of physically meaningful objective function

(GS + free-free)• Key 2: fast algorithms and codes

Presentation Notes
The algorithm used is shown in this slide. As soon as the task is over for the given time frame, we move to the next time frame and at the end obtain the movies of the parameter maps. These coronal parameter maps represent a huge advance compared with the currently available state-of-the-art. However, they represent only an intermediate product from the perspective of 3D Solar Modeling.

Derived parameter maps and accuracy evaluation

Unfolded Folded Unfolded Folded

Unfolded Folded Unfolded Folded

Presentation Notes
This fitting is done for all the pixels one-by-one. Apparently, the fast GS codes are vitally needed to perform the task over a reasonable time. As a result, we obtain 2D `Parameter Maps’ for both unfolded and folded data. Although the recovery is almost perfect for the unfolded data, it is also remarkably well for the folded data. The quantitative assessment of the recovery quality is shown in the left column for the spine of the loop. In particular, the magnetic field strength is recovered particularly well.

High-resolution ground based instruments

• McMath Pierce telescope – 1.7m• Goode Solar Telescope (GST) – 1.6m (• GREGOR Solar Telescope – 1.5m (• Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) – 1m

(• New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) – 1m (• Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) – 0.45m (mothballed)

Large Aperture ground based instruments

• The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) – 4m (• The European Solar Telescope (EST) – 4m (• Chinese Giant Solar Telescope (CGST) – 5m/8m

22m2 (5m) collecting area & 8m resolution diameter

1. High resolution observations of solar atmosphere(Photosphere & Chromosphere)2. High-accuracy measurement of Solar magnetic field(Photosphere & also Chromosphere)

0.03 arc-second @1.0 microns ( ~20km )0.04 arc-second @1.5 microns ( ~30km )

The Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope years of construction; 80% complete


0.7N10−0.4mo τΔλQφ2px texp

SNR ≈104

φpx ≈ 0.1arcsec texp ≈10 s

DKIST: a transformational facility

Weak quiet sun magnetic fields

DKIST as a coronagraph

High-grade polished M1 (~ 1 nm)


DKIST as a coronagraph


Coronal observat i ons and diagnost i c s in the IR (and visible) for DKIST first light

• Emphasis on bright line observations with greatest magnetic field sensitivityand IR.

• Corresponding peak temperature coverage: 1 to 1.6 MK.

Cryo-NIRSP Spectropolar.

Fe XIII λ10747Fe XIII λ10797He I λ10830Si X λ14300Si IX λ39350

Cryo-NIRSP Context Imager

Fe XIII λ10747He I λ10830Si IX λ39340

Maximum FOV: 5 arcmin Maximum FOV: 2.8 arcmin -- MulF -Instrument OperaF ons

DL-NIRSP Spectropolarimetry

Fe XI λ7892Fe XIII λ10747Fe XIII λ10797 He I λ10830Si X λ14300

VBI Imaging

Fe XI λ7892

VISP Spectropolarimetry

Various lines: 380 to 900 nm

DKIST Instrument Suite OverviewInstrument Name Acronym Wavelength Range AnalogsVisible Broadband Imager VBI

(blue, red)390 – 550 nm600 – 860 nm

Hinode/BFI; ROSAHigh cadence, high spa4al


Visible Spectro-Polarimeter ViSP 380 – 900 nm SPINOR, Hinode/SP, IRIS

Scanning spectrograph, high spectral fidelity

Diffraction-Limited Near IR Spectro-Polarimeter

DL-NIRSP 500 – 900 nm900 – 1350 nm1350 – 1800 nm

SPIES, GRIS-IFUTrue IFU, variable spa4al

resolu4on / FOV

Visible Tunable Filter VTF 520 – 870 nm IBIS, CRISP, GFPI, HMIImaging spectro-polarimeter

Cryogenic Near IR Spectro-Polarimeter (with context imager)

Cryo-NIRSP 1000 – 5000 nm CYRA (BBSO)Cryogenic, scanning

spectrograph, novel IR diagnos4cs

What needs to be done (international collaboration)

• Leverage international collaboration (share expenses and responsibilities, prevent duplication, data sharing policies/international agreements, broaden international involvement)

• Ensure strong support from international societies (IAU, SCOSTEP/ICSU, WMO etc).


• New groundbased instrument projects had been proposed in several countries (e.g., Brazil, China, EU, India, Hungary, Russia, USA)

• Several synoptic, long-term networks for research and space weather forecast are under development. Strong emphasis on space weather (but should we emphasize science aspects more?)

• Significant progress in derivation of coronal and chromosphericmagnetic field measurements (high resolution imaging and full Stokes Polarimetry in visible and near IR, full vector field in the chromosphere and corona; role of modeling in “inversion” of radio observations to derive magnetic field information).

• Close international collaboration is a key!

Thank you!

Sun CME Earth