New France

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New France. Where it ALL began!. What questions will we answer?. 1) Why did France decide to settle along the St. Lawrence River? 2) What kind of society did New France have? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of New France

New France

New FranceWhere it ALL began!1

What questions will we answer?1) Why did France decide to settle along the St. Lawrence River?

2) What kind of society did New France have?

3) What were the relationships between the First Nations and the French fur traders like? How was this different than the English fur traders?

4)Who won the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, and why was this important?3Question #1:Why did France decide to settle along the St. Lawrence River?4There were a couple of reasons...Reason #1: GOLD AND RICHES

5Jacques Cartier: explorer

6In 1534, Jacques Cartier was sent by the King of France to find two things: a shipping route to China, and gems and gold to make France rich.

He explored the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, but in the winter of 1535, his ship was trapped in ice and almost all of the 110 crewmen became sick with scurvy!

1541: Cartier returned to France with what he thought were diamonds, but they were actually just quartz.


Cartiers Travel Routes8Samuel de Champlain: Explorer

Samuel de Champlain explored North America between 1603 and 1635. He was a CARTOGRAPHER, meaning he was trained in map drawing, which helped others to follow his voyages.

10Samuel de Champlain founded (created) a settlement at Quebec City. It took him 20 years to build enough buildings and bring enough settlers to make it work.

Many of the settlers were soldiers who came to protect the settlement, and decided to stay

11Reason #1: Gold and riches?Neither Cartier nor Champlain actually found gold and riches, but they DID encourage settlement in the areas along the St. Lawrence River.

12Reason #2: ReligionFrance was mainly a Catholic empire. If you were not Catholic, you were not welcomed.

Many people in France wanted to make sure that New France would be Catholic too, so they came and settled in the colony.13Jesuit PriestsSome of the men who left France in 1611, were known as Jesuit Priests.They had two goals:1) spread religion to the First Nations2) establish schools for boys in New France

1634: they built Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons, as a place where they could teach and worship in peace.

1648: it was attacked by Iroquoian warriors and 6 priests were killed. 1649: The priests abandoned the site, because it was unsafe.Ursuline NunsA group of devoted women who taught reading, writing, arithmetic and homemaking in New France.

They worked to prepare young women for either motherhood or for joining the church.

This group still exists and they do many religious and charitable work throughout Canada.Reason #2: Religion?Jesuit Priests and Ursuline Nuns settled along the shores of the St. Lawrence River so that they could share their religion with the First Nations, and help to educate the people of New France.Reason #3: FurIn the 1600s, fur was greatly valued ($$).As settlers in New France began to trade with First Nations, they began to collect more and more, top quality furs.The fur trade was very regulated, until 1663 when king Louis XIV of France declared anyone could trade or trap for fur.

Traders would exchange hatches, metal pots, and other supplies for furs with the First Nations.Enter the COUREURS de BOISCoureur de bois left the colony of New France to trade with trappers in the back-country.These men operated ILLEGALLY, and had to be very careful.

1670s, there were between 300-400 of them.Unfortunately, they collected more fur than was needed.1696, King Louis XIV put an end to the free-trade, and ended the success of the Coureur de bois.

Reason #3: Fur?There was a great demand for fur in France, and because there was an abundance of fur in New France, people wanted to settle there to begin trading.Reason #4: FARMS Most newcomers to New France were farmers.

There were two groups:1) Seigneurs2) Habitants1) SeigneursThese were men who had won the kings favour and were in charge of a large area of land, called a seigneurie.

Seigneuries were long areas of land, along the main waterways. These were divided up into smaller pieces and farms.

A seigneur could keep a portion for himself, but he had to get farm families (HABITANTS) to settle on the rest of it

2) Habitants These were farming families who worked hard to maintain the land.

They would grow crops and raise animals, but they had to share a portion of their crop with the seigneur.

They also worked for 10 days a year without pay for the seigneur, and they had to pay taxes to the church and government.Filles du RoiThere was one major problem in New France: there were not enough SINGLE WOMEN!!The King imported young women to New France, many of whom were orphans with no family.They were given free transport, settlement expenses and a dowry ($$).Filles du Roi helped develop New France by providing stable families.Reason #4: FARMS?There was good farm land in New France along the St. Lawrence, so many seigneurs and habitants decided to settle there.

Filles du Roi helped to farm the land and to settle the colony itself.Why did France decide to settle along the St. Lawrence River?

4 ReasonsThere could be riches and goldTo make sure New France would be a Catholic community.There were lots of good fursThere was very good farmland

Question #2: What kind of society did New France have?

New France was a HIERARCHIAL societySociety: community

Hierarchy: a society in which there are distinct levels that are all fairly separateLike the School System!Minister of EducationSchool BoardSuperintendentsPrincipalsTeachersStudentsNew France had two HierarchiesA) Civil Hierarchy: everyday people

B) Religious Hierarchy: the Churcha) Civil Hierarchy everyday peopleA hierarchy of general citizensThis structure was the same in both France and New France

KEY POINT: There were NO elections!Everyone was selected for their role.

Viceroy: person who runs colony on behalf of king/queen

Sovereign Council: made rules and laws about day-to-day things in colony

Governor: appointed members to council

Intendant: made sure rules and laws were obeyedThe GovernmentKey person in the government was the GOVERNORHe was a symbol of the King and was expected to act a bit like oneHe had big parties and dances for the top people in New France and he travelled around the colony each summer.The governor was also responsible for relationships between New France and other European countries.Louis de Buade. COUNT FRONTENACHe was one of the most famous governorsKing Louis XIV sent him to make sure New France stayed close to trade routes with FranceHe was supposed to develop the seigneuries; NOT the fur trade because it would upset the British and Dutch to the south

But He Ignored His Orders!Count Frontenac saw the fur industry as an opportunity to make himself richHe sent out military parties to explore the region for more fur, and to build forts to defend the colony

Frontenacs push for fur caused First Nations to fight amongst themselves

The Iroquois had supplied the Dutch, and soon began to fight with the Huron, Illinois and Abenaki peoples

King Louis XIV was angry that Frontenac had ignored him, and so called him back to France in 1682.

However, Frontenac was able to persuade Louis XIV to send him back to New France.

Frontenac continued to profit from the fur trade, and by the late 1690s had out-lived his favour with the King.

He was recalled to France, but died suddenly in 1698.

B) Religious Hierarchy: The ChurchIn the beginning, all of the CLERGY came from FranceClergy: people trained to lead religious groups

Once New France was really established, the Church began to build its own local organization

BishopThe ClergyLay OrganizationsThe Bishop: a high ranking Church official usually in charge of a districtFrancois de Laval: arrived in New France in 1659

He was given the job of organizing all aspects of the Churchs work in the colony

In 1674, he was appointed first bishop of New France

In 1663, de Laval set up the Seminary school of Quebec, which was to train men for priesthood

The Clergy: group of people involved with the ChurchOnce Laval was appointed as bishop of Quebec, he could divide the area into parishesParish: area served by a local church

Priests were able to expand the influence of the Church as the population of the colony increased

This is how the Roman Catholic Church became a key influence throughout New FranceLay Organizations: religious organizations run by people who are not clergyThese groups helped extend the influence of the Church, by providing opportunities for working, learning and participation in the life of New France.

They brought the church into everyday life!The Citizens of New FranceRead pages H34- H37

Answer the questions on the handout IN FULL SENTENCES

Submit when done.The Economy of New France New France was a colony which meant it was not an independent entity.It belonged to the mother countryA colonys main job is to support the mother country and provided it with riches.

Economy contd2 main goals:1. Provide new raw materials for France2. Provide useful markets for goods produced in the mother country eg. Cloth, hardware.Economy contdWhat is mercantilism?New France provided France with the raw materials and then sent them to France where they became manufactured goods. France then sold the manufactured goods back to the colony.This system made the colonies a profitable economic enterprise.Advantages and Disadvantages to MercantilismAdvantage: -produced wealth and consumed goods for the mother countryDisadvantage: - the development of the colony was always in the interest of the mother country and not the colony. Trade with other places was forbiddenTriangular Trade North Atlantic Triangle New France France

AntillesFurs wood, FishManufactured goodsSugarRumTobaccoFishFlourWoodManufactured GoodsSugar, rum, tobaccoThe Economy Of New FranceLets Work Together!

Read pgs H38-H 41 as a classUsing the organizer provided, pick out the key points and words from each section

QUESTION:Why did New France not really make France as rich as Champlain hoped it might?

2) What kind of society did New France have?Hierarchial societyCivil and ReligiousGovernor and Bishop were very importantCitizens all had specific roles

The Economy was fairly strong- based around MERCHANTILISM- set up as TRIANGULAR TRADE - Fish and Furs economy

Assignment: A Letter from a New France CitizenImagine you are a settler in New France around 1700.Write a letter to relatives in France, telling them what your life is like and what it is like to live in New France.Include:Your trade or role in the colonyAge, male/femaleSome everyday things you may do At least 3 key terms/ people we have learned aboutCategoryGuiding QuestionsLevel/ Comments4 3 2 1Knowledge/Understanding- key terms, events, names, used correctly-Did I look up the names key terms from my notes? How do I know they are right? Did I follow a proper letter structure?Thinking- letter is original - makes connections between characters position in the society and how he/she would experience everyday lifeWhat connections have I made between what I know about New France and what I think it would be like to live there?Have I written from the perspective of someone living in New France in the 1700s?Application- follows instructions to finish- includes all MUST HAVEs from list- final product is visually pleasingDid I follow all the instructions from start to finish?So I have all the MUST HAVEs from the list?Did I get creative with my final product? Is it pretty?Communication- little or NO spelling or grammatical errorsDid I, a peer, or an adult, edit my work for spelling or grammatical errors?Do I understand what I have written?Question #3What were the relationships between the First Nations and the French fur traders like? How was this different than the English fur traders?

Working in GroupsRead The French and the First Nations Peoples, pgs H46-H 49.

Gathering key points and information, come up with an answer for the key question: What were the relationships between the First Nations and the French fur traders like? How was this different than the English fur traders?

Write points on the paper provided to be displayed in the classroom!Question #4Who won the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, and why was this important?

SHOW VIDEO with QUESTIONSREVIEW DAY! Whoop Whoop!YOUR jobs for today, include:

1) Finish any OUTSTANDING assignments or Tasks!!

2) Start making study notes USING the LOVERLY review sheet I gave you before the break.You can work QUIETLY with a partner, if need be!