New Exploration and Mining - HAUSHERR · 2011. 9. 12. · Exploration and Mining. We offer...

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Transcript of New Exploration and Mining - HAUSHERR · 2011. 9. 12. · Exploration and Mining. We offer...

Exploration and MiningEquipment


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Rotary drilling rig BG 36 drills holes with a diameter of 2,5 m to a depth of 60 m in Kimberlite pipes (Australia)

Equipment for the Exploration and Mining Industry

BAUER Maschinen GmbH is theleading company in developing andmanufacturing of specializedfoundation equipment. Based on their world wide experienceover many years, Bauer Maschinen isalso actively involved in the field ofExploration and Mining.

We offer equipment and systems in the following fields: • Onshore exploration• Offshore exploration• Bulk Sampling• Groundwater control• Cut-off systems• Mine development

In addition to developing andmanufacturing suitable equipment, weare designing new solutions togetherwith our clients for special challenges.

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Mineral exploration is theprocess of finding ore(commercially viableconcentrations of minerals)to mine.

(Definition Wikipedia)

Drilling core samples

Our daughter company PRAKLA Bohrtechnik provides drillingrigs for drilling diameters of up to 1000 mm. RB rigs are mainlyused for sampling and coring to a depth of 500 m and more.To accurately investigate rock sequences – for which therecovery of drill cores is necessary – rotary wireline core drillingwith a double tube core barrel is applied. The most commonborehole diameter is 146 mm with a core diameter of 101 mm.To perform core drilling with these dimensions rotary powerswivels are needed that can achieve speeds of up to 240 rpm.

Exploration activity is conducted inbrownfield areas (an area where there iscurrent or past mining of a particularresource) as well as in greenfield areas(an area where there are no currentmining operations or known mineralresources).

Methods for exploration can be dividedinto:• Drilling core samples that intersect

a mineral deposit• Bulk Sampling• Sea floor exploration

RB 40 kimberlite RC sampling andcoring in Angola


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Bulk sampling

“Bulk sampling” is a commonly usedindustry term to describe thepractice of the removal of relativelylarge quantities of a mineral bearingsubstance for the purpose of testingmineral content. Bulk samplinglocations are selected at randomwith the necessity of using mobilebut powerful equipment which iscapable of fast and easy self-travelling between samplinglocations and extracting up toseveral hundred tons of ore at onesampling position. Equipment, whichoriginates from the foundationbusiness, are excellent tools for thispurpose.

Typical examples of equipmentwhich is normally used forconstructing bored piles ordiaphragm walls are:• Rotary drilling rigs with kellybar

system. (intermittent dry or slurrysupported process)

• Rotary drilling rigs with RCDattachment (continuous reversecirculation drilling)

• Hydraulically operated and wire-rope suspended grabs (intermittentdry or slurry supported process)


GB 50 base carrier with a hydraulicallyoperated grab, drilling pocket beachesalong the Atlantic Ocean in Namibia

Rotary drilling rigs Bauer BG systemand hydraulic grabs Bauer DHGThey are excellent tools for the exploration industry.The capacity of forming holes with diameters up to 3 m and depth to 100 m even in very hardground conditions makes it ideal for bulk sampling.The holes can either be cased or for greater depthsstabilized by drilling mud.

Crawler crane MC 64 with grab DHG

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BG 48 kelly rig, drilling in theMegalodon alluvial depositin Kleinzee area, South Africaborehole diameter 2,5 m and max. depth 140 m

Bulk sampling of mine dumps is an ideal application forthe BG 36 kelly drilling rig 2,5 m diameter sample holes in Kimberly, South Africa

Rotary drilling rig BG 36 RCfor the sampling of deepKimberlites in Saskatoon,Canada with diameter of 1200mm to a depth of 360 m.Installation of long top casingwith oscillator to 40 m andkelly bar drilling to 100 m. Thereafter drilling system ischanged over to RC drilling.The unit is derived from thestandard Bauer BG series.

Reverse circulation drilling rigs

Reverse circulation drillingwith Bauer BBA 100 in anopen pit mine, Germany

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Sea floor exploration

Sea floor bulk sampling for diamondswith trench cutter technologyOver 4000 samples wereextracted from the seabed to adepth of 5 m and 200 m belowsea waterlevel off the coast ofNamibia by a sampling tooldesigned for BHPB.


MeBo – Sea floor core drillingMeBo is a sea floor core drilling rig,working in water depth up to 2000 m(tests are running for 4000 m). It is deployed on the sea bed and it isremotely controlled from the vessel viaumbilical (survey by video cameras andsensors). The drill rig is powered byfour hydraulic pumps that are drivenwith electric motors.The MeBo stores drilling rods, casingtubes, and rotary barrels on tworotating magazines. With a storingcapacity of 17 barrels, 16 rods and 15casing tubes, the MeBo has thecapability to drill up to 50 m into thesea floor, to recover cores with 74 – 84mm diameter. The preferred samplingmethods are push coring (softsediments) and rotary drilling (wirelinecoring) for rock.MeBo was developed by the MarumCenter for Marine EnvironmentalSciences (University of Bremen). Mostof the mechanical and hydraulic partsof the drill rig are developed,manufactured, and assembled byPrakla Bohrtechnik.

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Mine Development

Bauer Maschinen offers machinery for working steps which are associated with mine development, such as• Blast hole drills • Drill rigs for additional exploration • Trechn cutter technology for mining• Costumized solutions• Machinery for the control of ground water.

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Blast hole rigsThe BAUER Maschinen Group offers blast hole drill rigs in various sizesfrom two of their daughter companies. The machines of HAUSHERR (Germany) can be used in blast hole andexploratory drilling in all scopes of open cast mining. They are not onlysuitable for rotary drilling but also for DTH drilling. A slew ring with 90ºpivoting angle allows the machine to travel parallel and with enoughsafety clearance to the quarry wall. Each rig has an on-boardcompressor, a rod magazine and a FOPS cabin. The rigs are powered by CATERPILLAR-diesel engines with sufficientpower reserves. Optionally an electric drive is possible. If required therig can be mounted on a wheeled chassis instead of a crawler base. The service free hydraulic rod handling magazine operates withoutsensors' technology. Depending on the machine type usable lengths ofthe rods vary from 4 to 8 meters, with different rod diameters andmagazine set-up.

Mine Development

The “RHINO 220” is another type of alarge blast hole drill. It ismanufactured by the daughtercompany BAUER-DEWET (Botswana).It is 60-tonne crawler-mounted,hydraulic top-head drive, double-passrotary drilling rig, that can beconfigured in many different ways tocompliment a wide variety of rotaryand DTH drilling operations.It can handle drill bits from 6" up to16" and drill rods from 4" up to 10",and is capable of single-pass blasthole drillings to a depth of 11 m,double pass of 20 m, and can beconfigured to 60 m by means of anoptional carousel. It is equipped withtwo air compressors and two dustcollectors. An extendable FOPScontrol cabin with integrated air-conditioning and heating provides theoperator with full visibility in drillingand travelling modes.

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Uranium “Hotspots”

Canadian shield (granite/gneiss)

100 – 300 m

Mining with trenchcutter technologyThe well-proven trench cuttertechnology of Bauer – which isnormally used for constructingunderground walls – can also beused for special miningactivities. A good example is theintroduction of the system in adiamond mine in Sierra Leone.There are areas whereKimberlite is present in narrowbut long and deep veins withingranitic base rock. With thetrench cutter technology it ispossible to excavate theKimberlite dykes without theneed of large scale rockexcavation.

Special systems for miningFor its Mclean Lake project, AREVA Resources Canada Ltd.addressed BAUER Maschinen GmbH for the development of analternative mining method for small, pocket-shaped, high-gradeuranium deposits, embedded in sandstone.BAUER Maschinen GmbH designed and manufactured a systemto mine the uranium ore: the High Pressure Reverse Circulation(HPRC) system in close cooperation with AREVA ResourcesCanada Ltd. and BAUER Resources.

Inserted in a pre-drilled and fully casedborehole, the system uses a 3-phasewater jet with a pressure feed of up to600 bars to loosen the ore in the targetdepth of 150 to 180 m and the reversecirculation technology to feed into adewatering system.The system is a viable, special andcustomized solution whenever themineral deposits are too small to bemined with an open pit or withunderground operation.

Customized solutionsMany problems in mining canbe solved when finding newand economic solutions. Basedon the world wide experienceover many years in designingand constructing of specializedfoundation equipment, it is thestrategy of Bauer Maschinen todesign new customizedsolutions and machinery forsolving problems in a new way.Such an approach will alwaysbe made in close cooperationwith the customer withincorporating their ideas andwishes.

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Kimberlite dyke (Sierra Leone)

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Water control in open mining

Cut-off wallCut-off wall systems are ideally suited as waterbarriers around excavation pits, mining pits orsimilar. A variety of cut-off systems is availablefor almost each type of soil and site condition,for temporary or for permanent use. Cut-offwalls are constructed with techniques of thespecialist foundation industry like trenchcutters, slurry wall grabs or soil-mixingtechniques. Wall material ranges from plasticconcrete, standard concrete to in-situ mixedsoil-cement material.

A huge cut-off wall on the DIAVIK DiamondMine in Canada serves as an impressiveexample for a complicated cut-off wall. Thekimberlite pipes were sealed off with dikes andcut-off walls installed with BAUER equipmentand technical support. More than 40.000 m2

had to be sealed in water depths up to 25 munder extremely harsh conditions.

Mine Development

Continuous cut-off wallFor sealing off big lignite open pits in Germany,the energy company Vattenfall created a systemof a continuous cut-off wall. The soil isexcavated with a special cutter – designed andsupplied by Bauer Maschinen. The excavatedsoil, mixed with clay slurry is pumped into thecontinuous trench behind the cutter. Aftersedimentation, an impervious clay crust isformed on both sides of the trench.



Guide andairlift pipe

Discharge pipe




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For many operations slurry is required for stabilizing holes or astransport medium for cuttings.

Slurry mixers are essentialcomponents when constructingboreholes, wells or cut-offwalls. MAT mixers are capableof mixing bentonite slurries,cement slurries or bentonite-cement slurries. They can beprovided as fully automatic andelectronically controlled units,or as manually operated batchmixers, especially suitable inremote areas.

Slurry Handling/Mixing and Recovery Plants

Desanding and separation units are required when workingwith reverse circulation methods (well drilling, wall constructionwith BC cutters) to separate soil cuttings out of the slurrybackflow.A variety of systems is available depending on the particle size ofthe cuttings and the volume stream to be cleaned. Bauer BEdesanders can treat volume streams from 50 – 1000 m3/h.

Slurry desanding plant BE 500(capacity 500 m3/h) at DIAVIK, Canada

Desanding plant and kimberlite recovery system

BEK 375

Automatic slurry mixingsystem SCC 40 in Kleinzee,South Africa

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„Buffalo 90“ BAUER-DEWET

Well drillingA standard method for groundwater control isthe installation of wells. Wells are constructedoutside of cut-off walls to relieve waterpressure on the cut-off wall and they areinstalled in the open pit to lower thegroundwater table for ensuring dry operation.Our daughter company PRAKLA Bohrtechnikas well as BAUER-DEWET provide drillingrigs for drilling diameters of up to 1.000 mm.

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Design developments and process improvements may require thespecification and materials to be updated and changed withoutprior notice or liability. Illustrations may include optional equipmentand not show all possible configurations.These and the technical data are provided as indicative informationonly, with any errors and misprints reserved.

BAUER Maschinen GmbHBAUER-Straße 1D-86529 SchrobenhausenTel. +49 (0)82 52/97-0Fax +49 (0)82 52/97-1135e-mail:

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