New College English. Unit Six I Preparation II Reading Activities III Further Development IV...

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Transcript of New College English. Unit Six I Preparation II Reading Activities III Further Development IV...

New College English

Unit Six

I Preparation II Reading Activities

III Further Development IV Translation & Writing

Part I Preparation

1. Word association

2. The pet show

Activity 1 Word association

Directions: Work in groups to list as many animal names as possible and write them on the chalkboard. The group who gets the most animal names wins.

Activity 1 Word association

ant, antelope, bat, bear, beaver, bee, bird, bull, butterfly, camel, cat, chicken, cod, cow, crab, crocodile, cuttlefish, deer, dog, dolphin, donkey, dragonfly, duck, eagle, eel, elephant, fish, fly, fox, frog, goat, goose, giraffe, hippo, horse, lion, lizard, mandarin duck, monkey, mosquito, mouse, mule, ostrich, owl, panda, parrot, peacock, paenuim, pig, pigeon, pony, rabbit, rat, rhino, salmon, scorpion, sea, lion, shark, sheep, shrimp, skunk, snail, snake, spider, squirrel, swallow, tiger, tortoise, turkey, turtle, weasel, whale, worm, zebra


Activity 2 The pet show

Directions: Work in groups to find the solution. May, Beth, and Kim all entered their pets in the annual pet show. Each

animal did a trick and won a prize. Read the following hints and then match each girl with her pet, its trick and its prize. Use the process of elimination.

1) May’s pet took third place

2) The bird does not speak

3) The snake can roll over and play dead

4) The first place pet jumps.

5) Beth had a bird.

6) The snake was second.

May: dog, speak, thirdBeth: bird, jump, firstKim: snake, roll over and play dead, second

Activity 2 Interpreting Body language


Part II Reading Activities

1. Pre-reading Questions

2. Text Organization

3. Sentence Study

4. Words & Phrases

Directions: Work in groups and answer the following questions.

Pre-reading Questions

Are you frightened of dogs? If so, Why?When are animals aggressive?When do people become aggressive?

Pre-reading Questions

SampleYes. I’m terrified of them because I feel they can ea

sily become fierce and nasty. They attack and bite people. They also carry diseases.

---when they are threatened; ---when they are attacked or hurt ---when they want to protect their youngWhen they are put in certain situations: --- in war ---in self-defense ---when tjey are extremely angry ---when they lack space and freedom.

Text OrganizationText Organization

Man must be the most aggressive and cruel of all living creatures

The comparison of aggression in animals and human Beings.




Only if hostility and aggression can be expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition, will the human race be able to survive..

1. Normally one animal will only kill another for food, and rarely does an animal kill a member of its own species. (Line 6)

2. Only if hostility and aggression can be expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition, will the human race be able to survive. (Line 61)

Sentence Study

【例句】(1) Beijing has reiterated that under no circumstances will Chin

a use nuclear weapons first.


2. It is not surprising if in these conditions people behave aggressively towards each other. (Line 31)

Sentence Study

【句型】 It is not surprising if sth. happens 如果发生了什么事,人们不会感到吃惊。


(1) It is not surprising in Japan if a woman quits her job permanently after having a child.

Sentence Study

3. A tiger that once came out of the jungle into a village and attacked a man was later found to have an injured paw that had evidently prevented it from hunting its usual prey. (Line 10)

【句型】此句中两个 that 从句都是定语从句。本文作者多用主从复合句来表达事物内部错综复杂的逻辑关系,体现了文章逻辑思维缜密的特点。


Words & Phrases

1. aggressive adj. 好争吵的;有进取心的;有冲劲的 aggressively adv.

【例句】 He appeared to be now in a less aggressive mood.

An aggressive young man can go far in this university.

Words & Phrases

2. assert v. 1) (assert oneself) say clearly what you think 坚持自己的想法、 权利、意见 2) state or declare forcefully 断言,宣称,声明


Don’t be so shy. You need to learn to assert yourself.

Words & Phrases

3. centralized adj. 集中的 centralize v. 集中 centralization n. 集中


Under the old political system power was centralized in the hands of one person.

The project centralizes the technical elites of the country.

Words & Phrases

4. intrude v. 闯入 , 侵入

【例句】 I don’t want to intrude on them if they are busy.

The memory of her childhood kept intruding itself into her mind.

1. Debate

Part III Further Development


Directions: The class is to divided into two groups and debate on whether animals should be trained to help humans. Support your arguments with convincing and clear evidence.

Animals should be trained to help humans because:

Group Discussion

---in this way we can make better use of the resources on the earth;

---we can develop a closer relationship between humans and animals;

---we can protect them better by giving them food and shelter.

---animals are saving and wild and thus should not have the same rights as humans;

---some animals have to be trained, for example, dogs


Animals should not be trained because:

---animals should have the right to live freely; ---animals shouldnot be enslaved as the blacks used to be; ----animals are not personal belongings of human beings; ---animals should live peacefully in nature; Humans are selfish in doing so.

Group Discussion


1. Translation Skills

2. Writing Practice

Part IV Translation & Writing

Translation Skills


Translation Skills

名词性从句翻译( 1 )



1. What is hard is to do good all one’s life and never do anything bad.


Translation Skills

1. 以“ what” 、“ whatever” 、“ whoever” 等代词引导的主语从句的翻译方法


What/Whatever/Whoever+ 从句谓语( + 从句其他成分) + 主句谓语( +主句其他成分),可以分别翻译成“所……的 ( 东西 )” 、“所……的一切”、“一切……的人”,有时也可将“所”省略。


1. These scientists decided to find out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to “think and concentrate”.


Translation Skills

2 .以“ that” 、“ what” 、“ how” 等引导的宾语从句

Writing Practice

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Should Animals Be Trained to Help Humans? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

1) 我们通常训练动物帮我们干活;

2) 不应该让动物帮助人类工作;

3) 动物应该拥有与人类同样的平等生存权利。

Sample Writing

Writing Practice

For thousands of years many animals have been trained to do all sorts of jobs for human beings all over the world. Horses and cows help farmers with their farming. Elephants and camels are often seen carrying heavy load for their human masters. Monkeys are trained as servants, dogs as hunters and sniffers, and dolphins as soldiers.

Should Animals Be Trained to Help Humans ?Sample

Writing Practice

We should not train animals to work for humans, for we have no right to take advantage of them. When we force them to serve us, they have no freedom and are like slaves. What’s more, a lot of animals lose their lives when they work for humans. But, it seems that human beings don’t care about their lives at all. We show no mercy to animals when they have done so much for us. We are cold-blooded creatures and we should criticize ourselves.

Writing Practice

As we know, both humans and animals are creatures of nature and we are equals. Life belongs to us only once and therefore it is priceless, and it is also true with animals. If we have the right to choose our fate, so do animals. Beasts should be allowed to run freely over great distances and birds fly freely in the blue sky. When they are in nature, they are active and able to live a normal life. In summary, we should treat animals in the same way we treat other people, and furthermore, we should give animals their freedom.