New Cold War 1

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of New Cold War 1


Caspian basin Conflict

It is the second largest oil reserve in the world

‘Great Game II’

NATO and all nations in the alliance share Britain’s interests

The Nabucco Pipeline

Georgia signed a deal to be a part of the Nabucco pipeline

the war of South Ossetia in August of 2008

EU and the US want to see Georgia as a Partner

Russia’s Dream of controlling the oil flow in complete Europe

NATO Exercises in GEORGIA

EU says that Georgia is not a good guarantor of security to a possible pipeline that would be essential to Europe’s import of energy sources.

Russia cut off the gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine in 2009

EU needs a second pipeline going around so that the fear of something like this shouldn’t be there.

NATO’s exercises to support and aid Georgia

they need someone friendly to them in power in order to have a foothold in the Caspian basin.

NATO is reluctant to let Georgia join because it would truly anger Russia and ruin any sort of cooperation that the West was planning to get from Moscow.

Georgia is now under NATO

Europe’s energy dependence is a trump in Moscow’s hands.

Georgia is a strategic partner to the West because it lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

If Georgia becomes the secular state, It becomes the Jwel of the west

America vs. RussiaBush, Obama VS Putin

U.S. missile “defense” shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.

The current bout of rhetoric between the two former Cold War foes and world superpowers has descended into a clash of immature sociopathic titans, but is there any real danger?

For instance, when Putin threatened on June 3 to retarget his missiles at Europe should the defense shield go ahead, he said:

"We disclaim responsibility for our retaliatory steps, because (he started it) - it is not we who are the initiators of the new arms race, which is undoubtedly brewing in Europe."


Bush responded by disregarding Putin's threat, saying: "Russia's not going to attack Europe." He also said that Putin had "derailed" democratic reforms in Russia, - no doubt further inflaming Putin's anger - before attempting to make Russia look like the (bad guys) who are out to escalate the situation, by saying that the U.S. would not respond militarily to Putin's threat

To be fair, Putin is right, Russia did not start the current chain of events, but they have played their part in its arriving at this point.

The proposal for a U.S. missile defense shield right on Russia's doorstep.

Russia burns in anger when invited for the same.

Chechenya And DagestanAlmost 90% of population is Muslim

Want Independence from Russia right after the desolvement of USSR

First Chechen War was fought in December 11, 1994 – August 31, 1996 (1 year, 264 days)

Second Chechen War was fought in Battle phase: 26 August 1999 – May 2000

Current Russia Russia is on its way towards integration into the

world's economy and stable economic development.

after experiencing great dificulties, in 1999 Russian economy began to recover and the country entered the period of steady rise in economy.

By the end of 2006 the GDP growth amounted to 6.8%

Industrial production rose by one third, machine building output increased 1.5 times.

The most attention is paid to strategic industries: metallurgy (3.4 thousand enterprises) and machine-building. Defence industry comprises 1,700 enterprises. 370 enterprises (over 150 plants and 200 research institutes) constitute aviation-engineering complex.


During the crisis years of the Russian economy, the country's defence industry survived mainly on exports of arms.

In 2008, the combined revenue of Russia's top 10 defense companies grew by 26% from the previous year, amounting to almost $12 billion

Russian Weapons have an edge on US weapons

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev ending the Cold WAR

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