NEW BY LAWS.docx  · Web view3. The associate member may vote and hold office. 4. Any exceptions...

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Tau Beta SigmaEta Nu

Chapter By-Laws

Updated Spring 2011By Alicia Elrod

PreambleTo the Constitution of

Tau Beta SigmaEta Nu Chapter

Be it known that Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Sorority for members of collegiate bands is an organization exclusively in the field of college and university bands, for the following purposes:

To promote the existence and welfare of the collegiate bands and to create a respect and appreciation for band activities among the listening public everywhere. 2. to honor outstanding members of the band through privilege of membership, in the sisterhood, extended in recognition of musical achievement, demonstrated leadership, and an enthusiastic approach to band activities. 3. to encourage a close relationship between collegiate bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects. 4. to provide a meaningful and worthwhile social experience for all engaged in collegiate band work, and to cooperate with other organizations and societies in every manner consistent without mutual purposes and those of the institution which chapters are located.

Tau Beta Sigma Mission Statement:Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority provides service to collegiate bands, encourages the advancement of women in the band profession, and promotes and enrichs an appreciation of band music through recognition, leadership, development, and education of its members.

Article I. Name    The name of this organization shall be Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Sorority for College and University Band Members. Tau Beta Sigma was incorporated under the laws of the sovereign state of Oklahoma as of March 26, 1946. This chapter shall be known as the Eta Nu Chapter, founded on March 13, 1986.

Article II. Purpose    The purpose of Eta Nu Chapter is to provide support and assist the band program at Tarleton State University. This is accomplished through the dedication and devotion of its members.

Article III. Membership    There are seven categories of membership: active, conditional, inactive, associate, honorary, alumni, and life.        a. Active Membership

        1. The active member must have completed the chapter’s membership education program or have their membership transferred from a chapter in good standing with National Headquarters.        2. The active member must be enrolled in school at Tarleton State University and be in good standing.        3. The active member must be enrolled or actively participating in band and attend meetings each semester. In the event an active member is unable to enroll or actively participate in band due to a class conflict or a medical reason, the member may continue as an active member for the semester upon approval by the chapter and sponsor. District headquarters must approve all those who are voted active by the chapter and sponsor.         4. The active member must maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA). If the GPA falls below a 2.0 the member is placed on probationary status. If after one semester the member does not meet this GPA requirement, the member must go before the executive council for action to be decided. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the chapter may suspend or lift suspension on any probationary member.         5. The active member must pay membership dues by the required date; which is determined by the president and treasurer and approved by the executive council. See disciplinary action for dues that are not paid on-time.         6. A member of Kappa Kappa Psi who has ever held active status in Kappa Kappa Psi is not eligible for active membership in Tau Beta Sigma.         7. The active member is eligible to hold office, serve on committees, take part in all business and social affairs and vote.

    b. Conditional Membership        1. A formerly active member in good standing may obtain conditional status for one academic year totaling any two (2) semesters.         2. Conditional status may be requested by any active member, in writing, from the chapter when conflicts arise because of work or class schedules and thus prevent the student from fulfilling the requirements of active membership.        3. Members who meet the criteria shall be granted conditional status upon payment of the current semester’s membership dues.        4. After two full semesters, the conditional member must reclaim active status or become an alumni or life member, or the member will be classified as inactive with the chapter.         5. The conditional member is eligible to attend all meetings and functions, however are ineligible to hold office or vote.

    c. Inactive Membership        1. Inactive members are formerly active members that have not paid membership dues.        2. Inactive members are not considered in good standing and have no active membership privileges, which includes wearing and/or displaying of any Tau Beta Sigma paraphernalia.        3. An active member may be reviewed and reinstated with a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the chapter upon payment of membership dues and chapter fees. An inactive member may be reviewed and reinstated with a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the chapter upon payment of membership dues and chapter fees.         4. An inactive member must obtain active status before alumni status can be given.

    d. Associate Membership        1. Associate membership is granted to a member of Kappa Kappa Psi who is a transfer student to a college or university that as no active chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.        2. The associate member must be educated in the ritual and traditions of tau Beta Sigma.

        3. The associate member may vote and hold office.        4. Any exceptions must be approved by the National Council.

    e. Honorary Membership        1. Honorary membership is given in recognition of outstanding ability, accomplishment, or devotion to the best interest of the Sorority.        2. Honorary membership shall be the highest honor which can be conferred by a chapter.        3. Undergraduates are ineligible for honorary membership.

    f. Alumni Membership        1. Active, associate, or conditional members become alumni members of the sorority when they graduate or terminate their affiliation with their college or university.         2. Alumni members shall have the same privileges as active members except voting, introducing business or holding an office.         3. An alumni member may serve as a non-voting member of any active committee.        4. An alumni member may be reactivated upon enrolling/actively participating in band, paying membership dues and chapter fees, and petitioning the membership annually for active status to be approved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of active membership. An alumni member may be reactivated upon enrolling or actively participating in band, paying membership dues and chapter fees, becoming a currently enrolled student at the university, and petitioning the membership with the chapter. The chapter must vote to approve the member’s petition by a three-fourths (3/4) vote.         5. An active member may become alumni after completing four active years (8 semesters) in a college or university

    g. Life Membership        1. Alumni or senior members, upon payment of Life Membership fees together with an application to the National Headquarters shall be entitled to Life Membership privileges in the Sorority providing their addresses are available at National Headquarters.        2. If application for Life Membership is requested within two years of graduation, it must have chapter approval.        3. Purchase of Life Membership does not exempt a person from payment of annual membership dues during the senior year.

Article IV. Disciplinary Action Disciplinary Action may be taken against a member for the following reasons but is not limited to purposeful or accidental loss or destruction of chapter property, disruption of a meeting (which includes but is not limited to: the use of cell phones for text messages and calls in a meeting, outbursts, throwing objects, foul language, raising voice above normal conversational speech level, exiting a meeting for reasons not involving an emergency and exiting a meeting for more than 10 minutes at a time) and being asked to leave a meeting after disruption continues.    Upon proper voting procedure:

    a. Probation        1. Executive council and the sponsor decide the terms of probation which include the terms of probation, how long the probation will last, the terms in which the member under review may be allowed to come off probation, and if the probation should be extended. The member under review, Sponsor, and District Councilor will be notified in writing off all the above decisions.         2. A member may be placed on probation for...

            I. Failing to meet chapter grade point average (GPA) of 2.0            II. Becomes delinquent in any obligation(s) to the chapter or who displays conduct in violation of National, District, or Chapter policies.            III. Presence and/or consumption of drugs and/or alcohol at any Tau Beta Sigma and band function which includes any function set up by the chapter and/or advertised in a meeting, on school property, or in the presence of letters is cause for automatic probation with terms set by the executive council.            IV. Presence includes possession and exhibiting the effects of drugs and/or alcohol, including altered behavior and smell of alcohol on their person.             V. For a description of actions to be taken, refer to article 6.618 of the National Constitution            VI. Being asked to leave a meeting twice in a semester.             VII. If a member goes on probation with the school            VIII. Inappropriate actions with a Membership Candidate which includes but is not limited to: hazing, the consumption of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs.

IX. Inappropriate actions in an ensemble or towards a faculty.

    b. Suspension        1. A member on probation who does not successfully make restitution or any member who violates any policies or procedures of the National, District or local Chapter may be placed on suspension.        2. The member will be considered not in good standing and will have no active privileges.

    c. Expulsion        1. A suspended member who does not successfully meet the obligations specified pursuant or article on Article IV B, or any member who repeatedly violates the National, District, or local Chapter policies of procedures, may be expelled.         2. Prior to a vote on expulsion, the member has a right to a hearing before the active chapter membership and Chapter Sponsor. At least one week prior to the hearing, the member, Chapter Sponsor, District Counselor, and National Headquarters shall be notified of the reason for the disciplinary action        3. The vote on expulsion shall be by secret ballot and the member will be informed of the vote totals.         4. Having been expelled, the member shall return to the chapter all regalia and property of the Sorority being held, and the expulsion shall be noted in the Master Chapter Roster at National Headquarters.        d. Fines    Fines may be put in place by the executive council for the following reasons:        1. Disruption of a meeting.            I. Members will be fined $1 for each foul word that is uttered during a meeting.        2. Missing a meeting or band function will warrant a $10 fine for the second unexcused offense and further disciplinary actions will be determined by executive council for further offenses.        3. Missing a mandatory function or ritual will warrant a $20 fine for the first unexcused absence and further disciplinary actions will be determined by executive council for further offenses.        4. Not paying dues in the time period set forth by the President and Treasurer. (See dues section for more details)

        5. Missing a performance of a band you are enrolled in warrants a $40 fine unless approved by the director.

6. The second (2nd) unexcused absence will result in a fine dollar ($5) fine. 7. The third (3rd) unexcused absence will require the member to explain their actions

before executive council. The executive council will recommend to the chapter further action to be taken.

8. Absences from rituals and official functions will result in a ten dollar ($10) fine.

        e. Offices        1. In the case that an officer or chairperson is not doing the proper duties assigned to them in the manner that the chapter deems correct, any member may call them into question and they will go before the executive council to be reviewed.        2. In the case that an officer or chairperson is relinquished of their duties the office or chair will then be re-voted on using normal voting procedure.         f. Hazing         1. Hazing includes but is not limited to: any injury to any person or damage of property, mental or physical discomfort, both intentionally or unintentionally.

2. For more information and guidelines on hazing and what the definition of hazing is, see the Chapter Operational Handbook, National Constitution 1.109, and the Tarleton State University Student Handbook.

Article V. Officers

The officers of Eta Nu Chapter shall be: President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Special Projects, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian.

    a. President        1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the chapter and shall be a non-voting ember of all chapter committees.        2. the President shall sign all checks for monies disbursed and shall sign all contracts and other instruments of business incurred by the chapter.        3. The President shall be responsible for filing a Fall Activity Report and Chapter Summary Report (following the term as President) to National Headquarters.        4. The President shall be designated as the official representative of the chapter whenever such representation is required.         5. The President shall serve as head of the Scholarship and Convention committees.

    b. Vice-President of Membership        1. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President of Membership shall preside at meetings of the chapter and shall advance the purpose of the Sorority as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution.         2. The Vice-President of Membership shall be responsible for the education, training, and initiation of all members of the chapter.         3. The Vice-President of Membership shall be responsible for the maintenance and care of all ritual materials.         4. The Vice-President of Membership shall serve as chairperson of the Membership and

Ritual and regalia committees.

    c. Vice-President of Special Projects        1. The Vice-President of Special Projects shall hold the head of the Activities and Reception Committees.        2. The Vice-President of Special Projects presides over all functions such as receptions, banquets, fundraising events, and all other occasions that represent the chapter.        3. The Vice-President of Special Projects shall create and lead all functions that involve the service to the band, the school and the community.

    d. Treasurer        1. The Treasurer shall control the receipts and disbursements of all monies of the chapter.         2. The Treasurer shall sign all checks for money disbursed along with the president.         3. The Treasurer shall submit recommendations concerning the financial policies of the chapter.         4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for a weekly report of monies owed to and disbursed by the chapter.        5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of the monies for and the ordering of all regalia from the National Executive Director of the Sorority.         6. The Treasurer shall serve as chairperson of the Ways, means, and Service Committee, and supervise all fundraisers conducted by the chapter.

    e. Secretary        1. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and keep them in a chronologically ordered notebook.        2. The Secretary shall sign all contracts and other instruments of business incurred by the chapter.         3.The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a permanent record of each chapter member, including name, address, phone number, and instrument played.         4. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording absences and tardies at all meetings, band practices, and mandatory events and shall warn members after one (1) unexcused absence. See Disciplinary Action for further discipline.         5. The Secretary will be responsible for notifying members of all incurred fines in a monthly report. See section on fines for amounts.

6. The Secretary shall keep a recently updated list of all alumni of the chapter including as much contact information as possible, and maintain alumni records.        7. The Secretary shall prepare a newsletter each semester to be sent to alumni.        8. The Secretary serves as chairperson of the Alumni Relations Committee.

  f. Parliamentarian        1. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for keeping order and privacy during meetings and official ceremonies.         2. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for knowing and demonstrating knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, chapter by laws, and national constitution ensure that the business of chapter is conducted in accordance with those rules.        3. The Parliamentarian shall serve as chairperson of the By-Laws committee.         g. Executive Council        1. The Executive Council shall consist of only officers.         2. The Executive Council shall meet weekly as a specified time before chapter meetings to

determine business to be presented at the next appointed meeting.        3. The Executive Council shall review all absences and deem them excused or unexcused as it sees fit.        4. The Executive Council shall present all business discussed to the chapter for approval

Article VI. Chairpersons - a chairperson is an elected official and heads the committee that they are named for. A chairperson is elected and cannot hold an office at the time of holding the chair position. Each chairperson must hold a workshop every other semester to keep the chapter up to date on their subject matter.

    a. Historian        1. The Historian shall be responsible for the history of the chapter by compiling an annual scrapbook to be displayed at the District Convention each spring. The scrapbook shall remain in the possession of the chapter.        2. The Historian shall be responsible for any visual presentation on behalf of the chapter.         3. The Historian shall be responsible for the Kappa Kappa Psi-Tau Beta Sigma slide show when it applies.        4. The Historian shall be responsible for updates twice a semester of the Chapter bulletin board.         5. The Historian shall be responsible for holding a history workshop every other semester to keep history of the chapter alive.

    b. Sisterhood        1. The Sisterhood chairperson is in charge of creating events geared directly towards keeping the bond between sisters and brothers in the chapter.         2. Sisterhood activities shall be held at least twice a semester.

    c. Webmaster        1. The Webmaster chairperson is in charge of keeping the chapter web site up to date and running properly.        2. The web site shall at all times contain information on the history of our chapter, our current bylaws, our current members, conditional members, and sponsors, information about upcoming events involving the TSU ensembles and Tau Beta Sigma events, and our current chapter contact information.         3. The web site shall at all times remain under control of the chapter and is chapter property.

Article VII. Elections - Elections shall be held during the spring semester at least two weeks prior to restricted activities. Officers and chairpersons serve for a period of one year beginning June 1 and ending May 31 of the next year except in the case of special elections where the officer serves a period ending May 31. All officers shall serve without compensation. If a person is removed or removes themselves from an office, that office cannot be regained by that person until the next election period at the end of the spring semester unless no other person fits the qualifications for the office. Officers and chairpersons cannot be appointed unless a person would win by acclimation and this is deemed appropriate by the entire chapter.

    a. Officer and Chairpersons Qualifications        1. To run for an office or Chair, a member must have active membership status, possess outstanding business ability, and be capable of positively representing the chapter.

        2. Candidates running for the office of President and Vice-President must have at least one full year of active membership status, not counting he membership education semester, except in the case where there is no one fitting the description. Candidates running for the offices of President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Special Projects, and Treasurer must have at least two semesters of active membership status, not counting the membership education semester, except in the case where there is no one fitting the description.         3. A member may hold only one office or chair at a time.        4. All officers and Chairpersons must be in a band during the semester that they would hold the office. If the officer or chairperson elected does not enroll in band for the semester they are in term they are automatically dropped from the office. (constitution 6:2: 6.203)

    b. Nominations        1. Nominations for each office and chairperson, starting with President, shall be made from the floor of the meeting.        2. Nominations for each office shall be made one meeting prior to the meeting that speeches, question answer periods, and elections are held.

    c. Voting        1. Each member running for a particular office or chair shall stand before the chapter and present their qualifications for that position in a three (3) minute speech and a predetermined question and answer session. The other candidates running for the same office will step out and wait for their turn to speak before the chapter.         2. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for election.        3. All voting in the Eta Nu Chapter shall be done by secret ballot unless otherwise specified.         4. Each active and associate member, except President, shall have one vote. In the case of a tie, a brief question period will be held and another vote will be taken. If there is still a tie, the President will vote.         5. If possible, the Chapter sponsor shall count the votes. Otherwise, two members chosen by the chapter shall count the votes.        6. The order of officer and chairperson voting is taken from the above list in the officer and chairperson articles.

Article VIII. Committees - All committees shall be appointed by the chapter President and shall consist of as many members as the President deems necessary. The Chapter may vote to add duties to each committee as deemed necessary. Standing committees of the Eta Nu Chapter shall be History, Activities, By-Laws, Reception, Ways, Means, and Service, Ritual and Regalia, Scholarship, Membership, and Publications. Additional committees may be established as deemed necessary by the needs of the chapter. The office or chair associated with a committee shall automatically become the only head of the committee. If a person is removed from and office or chair, the committee head position would automatically be appointed to the new officer or chairperson.

    a. Activities Committee        1. The Vice-President of Special Projects shall serve as committee head of the Activities committee.        2. The activities committee is responsible for planning social functions and activities.

    b. Scholarship Committee        1. The President and Treasurer shall be the co-heads of the Scholarship Committee.

        2. The Scholarship committee shall be a closed committee consisting of the President and the Treasurer.         3. The Director of Bands, Scholarship Committee, and Sponsor will choose a recipient of the Dr. Christian Rosner Memorial Scholarship and The Lauren Green Scholarship.        4. The committee shall announce be scholarship publicly at a concert or banquet.        5. The requirements are as follows:            i. The scholarships shall be called the Dr. Christian Rosner Memorial Scholarship and The Lauren Green Scholarship.            ii. The recipient must be a student of sophomore level or above at the time of the scholarship is applied and not a member of Tau Beta Sigma for both scholarships and a low brass player for The Lauren Green Scholarship.             iii. The recipient must have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 at the time the scholarship is applied.            iv. The recipient must be a full-time student carrying at least twelve (12) semester hours.            v. The recipient must be enrolled in band during the semester the scholarship is presented as well as the semester following the presentation of the scholarship.            vi. The recipient may not receive the scholarship in consecutive years.            vii. The amount of the scholarship is to be determined by the Chapter before applications are distributed.        6. The scholarships must be given out once a year. They will be announced in the spring semester and come into effect in the following fall semester.

7. Any items mentioning the Lauren Green Scholarship will not go into effect until after all funds are raised to begin the distribution of the Scholarship.

8. Any funds raised by fines go to the Lauren Green Scholarship fund until it is completed.

    c. Membership Committee        1. The Vice President of Membership shall serve as head of the Membership committee.        2. The Membership committee shall be responsible for all recruiting for the chapter         3. The Membership committee shall be responsible for setting up booths at the Organizational Fairs.        4. The Membership committee will plan at least three (3) informational parties each semester that the membership candidacy process is not taking place and one (1) each semester that a membership candidacy process is taking place.

    d. Ritual and Regalia Committee        1. The Vice-President of Special Projects shall serve as head of the Ritual and Regalia Committee.        2. The Ritual and Regalia committee shall be responsible for maintaining all ritual material, keeping their secrecy, and keeping them safely under lock and key until needed.         3. The Ritual and Regalia committee shall be responsible for scheduling and preparing all rituals.

    e. Ways, Means, and Service        1. The Treasurer shall be head of Ways, Means, and Service committee.         2. The Ways, Means, and Service committee shall be responsible for organizing fundraisers and service projects for the chapter.         3. The Ways, Means, and Service committee is responsible for creating a budget for the year and having it approved by the chapter at the first meeting in the fall.

4. Fundraisers may be done throughout the semester for various reasons.        5. Ten percent (10%) of fundraising monies shall go towards the Dr. Christian Rosner scholarship fund and the Lauren Green Scholarship fund; five percent (5%) going towards each with exception to the monies raised for membership dues. All other deviations from this plan shall be approved by a majority vote of the chapter.

f. Publications Committee1. The Secretary shall be the head of the Publications committee.2. The Publications committee shall be responsible for at least one form of

correspondence between the Eta Nu Chapter and all other chapters.3. The Publications committee shall be responsible for composing and

sending a newsletter of publication to the Podium and New Alto when they are due.

g. Alumni Relations Committee

1. The Secretary shall be head of the Alumni Relations committee.2. The Alumni Relations committee shall be responsible for putting together

and maintaining a recording of all alumni members, including their full name, current address, big brother/sister, little brother/sister, and birthday.

3. The Alumni Relations committee shall be responsible for putting together alumni newsletter and sending them out at least once per semester.

h. History Committee

1. The Historian shall serve as head of the History committee2. Committee shall be responsible for a pictorial and written history of the

Eta Nu Chapter by compiling information and pictures for a scrapbook to be displayed at District Convention in the spring semester.

3. The History committee shall be responsible for updating the bulletin board twice a semester.

4. The History committee shall be responsible for the Kappa Kappa Psi Tau Beta Sigma or band slideshow when it applies.

i, Reception Committee

9. The Vice-President of Special Projects shall serve as the head of the Reception Committee.

10. The reception committee shall be responsible for preparation for all receptions including purchase of supplies and contacting building manager at least -eight (48) hours in advance.

11. The Reception committee shall be responsible for setup, serving, and clean up at all functions deemed necessary by the Chapter or Director of Bands.

j. By-Laws Committee

1. The Parliamentarian shall serve as head of the By-Laws committee.2. The By-Laws committee shall be responsible for revising this constitution

and all amendments every two years or four semesters, unless need arises with a three-fourths (3/4) vote prior to next revision. All members shall be provided with a copy of the by-laws at the beginning of each semester.

k. Convention committee

1. The President shall serve as head of the convention committee.

2. The convention committee is in charge of turning in all paperwork and making sure all payments for convention are turned in to National or District Headquarters before the deadlines.

3. All details involving convention will be relayed to the chapter and compiled by the committee.

Article IX. Meetings

a. Meetings will be presided over by the President. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President of Membership shall take his or her place for that meeting.

b. Meetings will be held weekly at a date, time and place to be determined by the chapter on which letters or pin with pin attire will be worn all school day and until after the meeting. After one (1) offense the member will be fined $5 for the first offense and $10 for every offence thereafter.

1. Meeting attire consists of casual attire with easily visible letters on a clothing item or attire accompanied by a pin.

c. Special chapter meetings may be called upon favorable vote of three-fourths (3/4) of active members of the chapter or upon recommendation of the chapter President approved by a fifty percent (50%) to seventy-five (75%) percent vote of the chapter officers.

d. Three-fourths (3/4) of all active members in the chapter, together with at least two chapter officers shall constitute a quorum at all meetings.

e. In general, the order of business of all chapter meetings shall be:1. Opening Ceremonies2. Reading of Minutes3. Report of Chapter Officers4. Report of Committees5. Unfinished Business6. New Business7. Closing Ceremonies

f. The President may change the order of the meeting as he or she deems necessary.

Article X. Attendance

a. Policies1. Active members shall be allowed one (1) unexcused absence from chapter

meetings/ activities/ band.

2. Rituals and other functions that the chapter has deemed official by a three-fourths (75%) vote will carry a higher fine. A member’s one unexcused absence cannot be applied under these circumstances.

3. Members unable to attend a meeting/ activity/ band function must notify the President or Recording Secretary twenty-four (24) hours in advance. If the member is unable to give twenty-four (24) hours notice, the member must notify either the President or Recording Secretary at least one hour prior to the event.

4. Any member not informed of a specially called meeting or activity at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance is automatically excused.

5. Three tardies (entering after roll call) constitute one un-excused absence.

Article XI. Tau Beta Sigma Eligible Band Ensembles – The following ensembles are recognized by the Eta Nu Chapter:

a. Wind Ensembleb. Symphonic Bandc. Marching Bandd. Instrumental Chamber Ensemblese. Jazz Bandf. Basketball Band (Foul Play)

Article XII. Membership Candidacy – Refer to National Constitution and the Chapter Operations Handbook for all official hazing rules and guidelines for the Membership Candidacy process.

a. Qualifications1. The maintenance of the tradition of quality membership shall be

the sole responsibility of the initiating chapter. 2. Prospective members must possess outstanding character. They

must also be outstanding leaders in the band and on campus.3. Membership candidacy into the sorority may be offered to

students enrolled and actively participating in a tau Beta Sigma approved ensemble at the time of candidacy.

4. Any member of the sorority may propose the name of a prospective member eligible to become a membership candidate at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting. A three-fourths (75%) vote of the total active membership shall be required to elect a prospective member into membership candidacy.

5. No person having been active in Kappa Kappa Psi will be considered for membership candidacy.

b. Membership Education Program1. Before becoming an active member, the membership candidate

must complete a Membership Education Program prescribed by the chapter.

2. The length of the Membership Education program shall be decided by the chapter and will not exceed 6 weeks.

3. The membership candidate must score ninety percent (90%) or better on a membership education test that is created by the President and Vice-President of Membership and approved by the chapter with a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote.

4. If continual problems arise with an individual membership candidate, the chapter may deem it necessary to request that individual come before the chapter and present their case.

5. A membership candidate may be suspended from the process by a three-fourths (75%) vote of the active membership.

6. The president and Vice-President of Membership will be the only active members present while the membership candidates are being tested over material.

7. The membership candidates will be held to the same standards as active members.

8. The membership education process must be documented and approved in advance by the chapter, sponsor, and district councilor.

9. The candidates will be asked to complete a class project during their process that is decided on by the chapter and consulted with the class that benefits the band or the chapter.

c. Receiving a Little Sister or Brother1. To have eligibility to receive a little with both Tau Beta Sigma

membership candidates and Kappa Kappa Psi membership candidates, each member must pass a continuing education test with at least a 90% which is created by the President and Vice-President of Membership.

2. If the membership candidate class is larger than members who passed the continuing education test, the highest scoring members will take precedence.

3. The order is as follows:i. Oldest member without a little that held active status

(alphabetical by last name)ii. Members who transferred from another school without a little

that held active status (alphabetical by last name)iii. The newest class to receive active status beginning with the

president, treasurer, and historian then alphabetical by last name.

iv. The oldest class (alphabetical by last name)v. If you receive a little during the previous membership

candidacy process you are not eligible to receive another unless the membership candidates exceed the number of actives.

Article XIII. Membership Dues

a. Membership dues must be paid to and received by National Headquarters by the stated deadline each fall semester. Any member who does not pay membership dues or chapter membership fees shall be considered an Inactive member unless other arraignments were made in advance between the member and the Treasurer.

b. The national initiation fee for newly initiated member shall be paid to the treasurer who will ensure that it will be sent to National Headquarters along with the completed initiate form. Upon receipt of payment of initiate dues, the initiate will receive a membership shingle, membership card, and gold recognition pin.

c. Each member- active, associate, or conditional shall be required to pay a local membership fee of forty dollars ($40) during each spring semester.

d. The deadline for payment of National dues and chapter membership fees will be determined by the President and treasurer and approved by the chapter with a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote at the start of each semester.

e. If a member fails to pay Membership fees or national dues by the allotted day at 5:00PM or the end of the meeting to the Treasurer the member will be fined $5 for each week the payment is not made and the member will become inactive.

f. The member may seek council with the Treasurer if personal reasons prevent the payment of National dues or Membership fees on time. That meber will be asked to sign a contract with the determined payment plan. If the payment plan is not followed the member will be fined $5 each week the payment is delinquent and the member will become inactive.

g. The chapter may at any time vote by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote to raise Membership fees to benefit a certain cause.

h. National Headquarters may raise national dues without notice.

XIV. Reports

a. All reports to National Headquarters shall be typewritten and duplicate copy maintained in the chapter file and with the sponsor.

b. The fall activity report shall be prepared and submitted by the President to National Headquarters by December 1.

c. The Chapter Summary Report shall be prepared by the President and submitted to national Headquarters by June 1.

d. The Chapter Constitution shall be submitted with the Chapter Summary report when it is revised.

XV. Constitution

a. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at a regularly scheduled meeting. A three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the active membership is needed to amend this constitution.

b. This constitution is a revised version of the previous Eta Nu Chapter constitution. All previous constitutions shall become void.

c. The National Constitution of Tau Beta Sigma shall preside over this constitution.d. Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedure shall preside over all aspects of the Eta

Nu Chapter.