New · 2017. 9. 18. · CONTENTS COLUMNS No. 54-Friday, May 6, 1966;Vai.

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Transcript of New · 2017. 9. 18. · CONTENTS COLUMNS No. 54-Friday, May 6, 1966;Vai.



    Vol. LV, Ifj66/I888 (SaAa)

    (April 30 hi May 14, 1966fJ'l1isakhl1 10 To 24, 1888 (Saka)j

    Fourteenth Sellin, 1965-66/1887-88 (sUa)

    (Y 01. LV contains Nos. 51 to 60)

    WK :.ABHA s};


    No. 54-Friday, May 6, 1966;Vai.

  • ii


    Resolution Re. Proclamation of Emergency and Defence of India Act-Negatived .

    Shri Surendranath Dwivedy Shri Sham Lal Saraf

    15136-43, IS200-o1 IS143-47

    Shri Daji Shri Shree Narayan Das Shri N. C. Chatterjee Shri D. C. Sharma Shri Ranga . Shri Harish Chandra Mathur Shri Madhu Limaye Shrimati Lakshmikanthamma Shri Muhammad Ismail Shri Sezhiyan Shri Nanda

    Resolution Re. Indo-U.S. Foundation-Shri H. N. Mukerjee .

    Half-on-Hour Discussion Re. Expulsion of Rajasthan M.L.As. from Vidhan Sabha .

    Dr. L. M. Singhvi

    IS147-S3 ISIS3-S9 151S9-63 ISI63-67 tSI~1

    15 171-76 IS 176-8o 15180-82 IS182-8S 15185-88 IS189-99



    ~·riday. May 6. 1966/Vaisakha 16. 1888 (Saka>

    The Laic Sabl,a met at Eleven of the Clark.

    [M •• SPEAKE. in the Chair]


    Mr. S_ker: I have to inform th,· House of the ""d demise of Shri Dayal Das Bhagat who passed away at Kanpur on the lsI May. 1966 at the age of 92.

    Shri DaYBl Dos Bhng.1 was n Member of the Constituent Assembly of Indi. during the yeBrs 1946 to 1950. We d"",ply mourn the loss of this friend and I am sure the Hou~e will join me in convt'y ing our condolences 1 () the bereaved family.

    The House may stand in silence for a short while to express iLc; SOlTOW.

    The Member,q then stood in sll4."ftce fOT a .hMt whil_


    II," ~ "'"" ~ ~

    + • 1513. ~ """ ~ :

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    ("') aRW 'llmfrll" tifn ~


  • Oral Answers MAY 6, 1966 Oral Answers

    Shrl Subodh Hansela: The state-ment says that the role of the small~ Bcale industries is taken into account. I would like to know, particul'arly in the automubile industry for the manu-facture of these automobile accessories what steps have the government taken or what encouragcment h'as been given to the small-s.Ble industries for the manufacture of these accessories?

    Shri Blbudbendra Misra: There are quite a l'ar~e number of units spread over the whole country and when-ever they make any application for import licenccs or other things they arp givl"n prrfcrenC'c and 45 units have taken ben {"fit out of it.

    Shrl S, C. Samanta: May 1 know whether in ('ompari~on with ancillary industries the smaH-s: alc industries are able 'manufacture thos{' components of the same quality and price and if so, whether any preferenc(' is given to tht'm?

    Shrl Blbudbeadra Misra: Yes, Sir.

    Shrl R. Barua: May I know whe-her the report of the sub committee for anciUary industries has been received and jf So what is the posi-tion now?

    The Mlnl.ter of Industry (Shrl D. SaD,jlvayya 1: Several sub committees have been appointed for ancillary industries 'at the ratl' of one for each state and most of thcm have met quite n number of times but they have not yet finalised their report.

    Shrl P. C. Borooab: To what extent is the demand for automobile .. omponents at present met by the ancinarv industries and how far will the p;oduction of automobiles be inC'rl'8st"d by leaving this ty~ of manu-facture of romponentl to the anelllary industry?

    SIaI'\ Bib_nil .. _: The deve-lopment rouncfi for automobile indus-try tentntively fixed the .nnual pr0-duction lor \88$.f6 at Ra. 311 crores

    but the a,tual production has been to the tune of Rs. 40 crores-

    1Ift~ II'WR: ~ m itm l!T1iT'f ~ ~ m... 'I>T .nfit; ~ ~ ~ ""'ffi ~ ~, ~ ~ " ~ 'F~ ~~

  • 14965 Oral Amwers VAISAKHA 16. 1888 (SAKA) Oral Answers 14966

    (b) whether there is also a proposal to start a Deluxe train service bet-ween Bombay and Howrah; and

    (c) if so, when the proposal will be implemented.

    The MblWer of State In the MiDIs-try 01 IIaIJ_JII (Dr, ..... Saliba, SiDrb): (8)to (c). It has been decided to acquire four additional air-conditioned rakes with the intention of increasing the frequency or New Delhi-Bombay and New Delhi-Howrah biweekly air-conditloned expresses to triweekly serivces and for the intro-duction of a weekly .. Ir-conditioned service between Bombay and Madras, Madras and Howrah and HOWI9h and Bombay via Nagpur. On present indi-cations, the additional .. ir-conditioned rakes are ex.pected to be ready for use by the end of 1966. or early 1967. The aforementioned proposal is ~x· pected to be given etrect to in early 1967.

    11ft 111J fioItIi: IIW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OfT -.:% lIlT q'lwnrnH ~q~it~:JI"I1lolIlT~

    it IitrTif ~, "'"' ~ it IitrTif ~q.r m '3"f 'til fiI>7 ~~ f~r 'NT ~-~ if; ~?

    WTo ~ 'J'f" fq . lfif ~'1 ~~~tm m ~ "I'm " lIfq ~ ~ torr til; ~ If~lf" ~ Pr. iff fi(;;;;fi ~ m.rr R:V!lf on: JIf ~ ii 3f'Ti! 'I ~ ~ 'til7"r ,,1ITii 1ITit' ri 78: -;rrit ~ III It q;n 'm'IT t til; qt ~

  • OraL Answers MAY 6, 1966 Oral Answers

    Just nOW the hon. Minister says that thl'~e coaches ("an be prepared in the IeF. If thot is '0, why is there so mtl: h delay? Why should there be dpiny in its manufacture, especially when no forpign cx('hange is needed?

    Dr. Ram Subbag Singb: WhIm I s.lid that it would be manufaC'turcd hl're, at the Inte!:r.l Coach Factory, Perambur, it did not mC'lln that the air-conditioned plant would not be import~d. All components that arc requil'(>d 'and whieh have to b(, import-l'd will be imporled. (/nter1'"ption).

    ~ "'1 ft'PIii . irn "l''Wl'1 ~ If V., ~ I ff.f ';{'iYT rn f~ .

    ~~"''' "I!m: ,H ~ 'Tr;'fl if'l'R 05~ .,tt '11 I o;ri[ 'f~ ,,;r ~ ol'f; ~, ,~ ~I

    Dr. Ram Subhag Singb: Please hear Jnl'. So, it will be manufactured here, amI as Vall know. in our plants some lompon~nts ore imported but most of thp C'omponf"nt~ will be indigenolls, and so, it did not me-an that all th(~ ('ompoJ1(.'nts-lOO per cent-will be indigenolls. Hut this is going to be manufs('turNI hrTf' (It the leFt PNRm-bur.

    ~ "'! f~ : ¥tit 'flftil''l'.n o;r~'IT(f ifr f.;rn; ;;r • .,5 it o;rTio: ~'ll ;;rnt'lT, (fiT;ri[;;mii ~ f,,~(f "l'ilIT fil''l'1 Jl'nt'lT I

    ~ f"lifll r"lf ¥t;rl >r~il'r~T, it' f~""1 ~ 'V-'l'T ~~ g'1; ~T "'" f'1'i«1 ITITI ~I Ff;;rTIi !iTifT i!; I 'Ii iffl f","," it i\'T •• T 'fT'l'T ,!1T1f'fIfU'1' ~ El'" .. I. '1T~ Jl'RrI ~ I ~'f~nr tr(l'f ij-900 1fI'f ~ ~ 'll' i!; !lit>: ~I'f'llf ~if 'f>rt 24, 25 '*~ if 'T~'f'l'1 i!; I ,If '!1t '!'f'll if 'T':ifl trr;r ~ ~"'f 6 0 0 >rl" 'r' i!;, ilrr~if 'fi!f 'T~if't if 22, 2 3 ~~ 'fIT 1I'1't ~ I ~ 'T~ Jl'TififT "lnT ~ fitif T~ ~ I

    '1'10 ~;r 'llflT fiti! ~lil (f'f; TI'f~1f >f; !fT'l'1 'flIT:not '!1t ilTff ~ I JI'~f (f'f; 'T~'fT ~ Jf~ ~, ~'l:'l'''>: ~ l'[T~r .n 'fT'!'1 lI'T'T[ i!;, "If if ~'l'l'-'

    Dr. Ram Sabhq Slap: So rar, as you know, it goes once a week from

  • 14969 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) Oral Answer. '4970

    Delhi to Amritsar. When conditions imporve, th'at wi! lbe examined.

    wt .. : ~~~~ m 'Iroft ~ I >it ~ fl:m " ~ ~ fu:;;fT (111; T~ t-r "I

  • 14971 MAY 6, 1966

    Sbrl Bade: For how ItUlny years is it pending before you? This matter is pending for a long time.

    Mr. Speaker: He says the pl'ace has not been decided upon. I cannot allow him a second question,

    Shrl M. R. Krishna: What is thl' total number of complicated machine tools required in the next 10 years in the country? What percentage of it i. the miniilry going to meet by expanding the existing machine tOOlS and whot percentage by starting new machine tool factories?

    Shrl Blblldhendra Misra: The fae-tories set up flO far are producing different types of machines. So rar as the publi(' seclO!' i!t concerned, the idea is- it has not yet been finaliscd-that by the end of the fourth plan, the production will be R!t. 63 crores.

    TIle Mhlioter 01 tHustr, (Shrl D. SanJlvayYal: If I may supplement it. today we are producing machine tools worth Rs. 25 crares and we are import-ing machine tools worth about Rs. 32 croro,. By the end of the fourth plan. we hope to produce machme tOUil't worth Rs. 108 erore8 per year. We would be able to produce machine tools worth Rs. 63 crares in the public sector and the rest will ,be manufal'-lured in the private sector.

    ,sll.1 D. C .. Sharma: May I know it the government hB~ made Bny Qsst;'ssment of the different kinds of machine too)! n£'Med for the fourth phm and if '0. has it lIeen able to allocate the rabri:ating or these dirre-rt'nt tools bf>tw~n the private and public sectors or i~ the gtatement of the minister only wishful thinking'!

    Sbrl D. SanJlva"a: No. Sir. The W"hole question has b~n ~tudied very dosely in consuitoation with the plan-ning Commis~ion and then these targtkts have MPn ftxed.

    Shrl Harl Vishnu Kamatb: Is it not 8 tact that the government have taken a ftrm decision to have at least anf!

    machine tools factory in every State during the fourth plan and if so, has the government dctermin~d the priori_ ties inter se bet ween the States for .!letting up these factories'!

    Shrl D. SanJlJvayya: We have not decided to have one machine tool fac-tory in the public sector in each State. All that we have decided is we will have two new machine tool pl'ants in the public sector during 1he fourth plan. One will be in M.P. and the other in V.P. In addition, the {'xisting units in Kalamassery in K(-'rala, in Pinjore in Punjab and the unit in Hydera17ad will be doubled. As for inler se priority, the dou.bling programme will huve precedence over the sf'Uing up of new plants.

    Shrimatl Savitri Nisa .. : Is he aware that some of the machine tools ure produced i'n great .!lurplus and others are in great scarcity? It seems there is no coordination ar1d no pro~r production phm, Is there a proper committee to plan the production in !'uch a way that we m'ay not have this existing situation Dnd we ruay be able to export some of the machine tools?

    Sb.1 D .. Sanjlvayy.: AS'a matter of fact, we aTe exPOrting some machines and proba bly We will have to import (ertain !!ophisticated machinery. It is not correct to ,s'a.y that there is no planning. There is a Development Council which sits constantly to go mto thiS question. The experts in the Planning Commission also help them.

    ~ ~"". ~ ~lf, it 'l7. 'lTT'RT "I1f.ffi R f~ ~, tr.l'IT, :JT>t;fT ~ ~ ~ ~ l!lflT ~ ;rm- r. IRf >NT IRf ~ ~ m 'IIT1:lft't< 'lI'l1'!T";! ~ 1fTII'fT ~~~~~~l

  • 1497~ Oral An.we,.. VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) Or., Ans",PTR 8br1 D. s....t"'.:rra: As I said a

    little while aro. we are exporting some of our nrachine tools. Unless the qua-lity is ,Dod, we cannot compete in tho international market. So far, we have not received any complaint with regard to the quality of machinE:' tools which wo have supplied.

    ~~~: ~ ~{Il',

    1m tw, lIV'I' ~ 'fT, itu lr'"

  • 14975 Oral Answers MAY 6, 1M6 Ora I A nsWe.,

    in the United States and other ~ountries and there ..... ms to be a big revivDi of the demand for manganese ore. From the figure of 2.8 million tons 1 think the world demand will go up to 41 million tons. The main re-quirements are for high grade rn811-aanesc ore, what is called oriental mixture, which is very popular. But there is an admixture of the low grade caUed, black iran of Goa. All these arc now coming up.

    Shrl B. K. Das: May 1 know whe-ther the recommendations of the cam-mittee On manganese OTe have been considered; if so, with what results?

    Shrl Manubhal Shah: Yes, Sir; the Committee recommended that the .. c should be a Consultative Committee of advisory capacity nttach('d to the MMTC. We have constituted that committee. Then, We had made stu-dies in the Board at Trade in con-sultation with the Ministry of Mines and Metals. Therefore very Uberal assistance is now being provided for development of and modernising the manganese ore mines and for opening up new areas for manganese mining.

    Shrl Thlmmalah: 1 understand very recently that the exploitation of man-ganese orc is the exclusive right of the State. May 1 know whether Jny target has been fixed for the export of manganese ore both for the private mine-owners and for the State?

    Shrl Manubhal Shah: That is what ~xplalncd in the earlier answer that

    the potentialities of development them-selves are now being activated; so, no target as such has yet been fixed. It will all depend on the availability of different grades of manganese orc to be produced both in the

    sector and jn the public se. Due to the current foreign exchange difficulties, the re-quirements of imported plant and components and raw materials cannot in all cases be met to the full extent. Su,ne factories are having difficulties in running their units to their full capacity, primarily due to shortage of imported raw materials.

    (c) Continuous eflorls are being made to make the economy self-re-liant and to reduce the dependence on r,nported mal.'hinery ~nd componentl as far as pructicahle.

    ~~~: ~~IA~ ",",~~!fIlT~irr...r~f~

    "7iW ~ 'liT aqit ~ 'to) ~1.rn'ffir ~ IITi'I' ~ 'I>Ifi if; ~ ~fi l1l1«'I1 ~ m .rr.r i\' ~ it ~ ~ I" it ~;u.m~~~mr~~~

  • 14977 Oral Amwers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) Oral Amwcrs 14978

    ~~,f~~~~~r ~~,lTf~~~gll;~it~:t~ ;f.t aTlfiIT ~

  • 14979 Ora! Answers MA"Y 8, 1986 Ora! Anstl>e ..

    ~ ~!r fIl~ : ~ ~ ~ 'Iift-f ~m~ ~~~..rr~ ~'t~~1

    Shrl D. Sanjlvayya: At the mument, will not be able to say but the

    other day my colleague, the Commerce Minister, was saying that as much as Rs. 700 crares is to be spent On the import of raw materials.

    Shrl S. N. Chaturvedl: May I know whether the capacity for the manu-facture of these components and parts and machine tools had continued to expand while thert' wa~ not sufficient material available for the existing plants?

    Shrl D. SanJlvayya: That is true. We do not have adequate quantities of raw materials for the existing indus-tries. But all the same, we cannot become stagnant. We have to slart more industries and try to find out import substitution.

    ShTlmati Renu Chakravartty: Has the Government any idea of the main items of imported spare parts and components used in the largest Quanti-ties and whether. at end of this year, with the Special Alloy Steel Plant and the Heavy Electrical Plant, we can reduce these Quantities and, if !'O, to what extent.

    Shrl D. sanjlvana: At the moment, will not be .bl,' to gIve figures. I

    will collect tht'm and givp them.

    Shrl S. Kandappan: The hon. MinIs-ter had talked of creating a reserve pool of essential raw materials for small and medium scale industries sometime back. I would like to know Whether anything has materialised In that regard.

    8hrl D. 8an.I1 ..... yya: I do not think I ever said that there will be a .werve

    pool. So far as the "mall-scale sector is concerIled, the Development Com-mission, Small-scale Industries, gert~ a bulk allotment and in his turn, he allocates to various State Govern-ments.

    Shrl Sham Lal Sara!: May I know, apart from getting scarce raw mate-rials which are necessary for the manufacture of theSe components and other articles, how far it is correct that the setting up of these ancillary industries has not been done in & planned manner with the result that So far as the main industries are can-cern.ed, they suffer fl·om different angles, say. for instance, fram the point of view of th{" location and also the transport facilities and also in respc2t of getting things at the nearest possible place.

    Sh'l D. Sanjlvayya: It is, to .ome extent, correct that ancillary indu:ri-tries huve not been started. Take, for instance, the Heavy Electricals, Bhopal. We need qUite a large num-ber of spare-parts and components which could conveniently be manufac-tured in an industrial esta~ where :\n_ ciliary industries could be started. We tried our best to attract entreprene-urs but we could not get them. Take another case. the H.M.T., Hyderabad. It h86 been recently started and We have given instructions to all the managements in the public sector to start industrial estates for the sake of ancillaries SO that small parts and components may be manufactured. But the management of the H.M.T., Hyderabad. say that it is very difficult in th(' intial stages to l@t Us know as to how many CO'mponents and how many spare· parts would b. needed. So, after 8 year, thE'Y will b(. able to indkate it. Meanwhile, We will also take steps to have ancillary indus-tri@s.

    Apart from that. a little while ago I was saying tbat lub-committees for the aake of ancillary industries have been constituted tor each State nn~ th.... .ub-committees have met quite a r.UJ1Iber of times. They have not

  • Oral Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) enal Answers 1498~

    yet given us a final report. When they give a final report, we will be able to glve the information.

    oft Ill: nril';ft;;r M\li~ ~ omit it rofiril' rf ~ ~ "~ ~ thl' consciousneaa again sO that indi· genously the componenh and spare parts etc. could be produced'

    Sbrl D. Sanllvay)'a: I quite agree with the hon. Member. A few days ago I myself made a statement that while We encouraged scientists and technologists in the matter of inven-tion, and there was a National Inven-tiona Promotions Board, and every six 'months they gave some award, what I felt WIiB that those who worked hal'd and who devoted attention to this matter of import-substitution should aho be nrwarded.

    Trade Plct with JordaD

    + ·1511. Sbrl P. C. Borooab:

    Sbri V ..... w. Nath Pander: Sbrl HhulBl ....... : Shrl .. mesb ..... Tantla: Sbrl Ram Harkb Tadav: Sbrl T .... psl Shirl!: IIbn R. II. Pander: IIhrl FIrodIa:

    Will the Minister of c-.e_ be pleased to state:

    (a) whE'ther the GovermTK"nt:q of India and Jordan recently .igned trade agreement at Delhi; and

    (b) if II

  • Orol Answers MAY 6, 1966 Oral Answers

    The Minister of Commerce (8hrl Manubhal 8hah): (a) and (b). No fresh trade agreement was recently signed. However, the existing trade agreement with Jordan was signed i" JUly 1963 and was extended by a Pro-toeol dated 15th November J 964 signed in Amman for 8 period of 3 years cooing 31st December, 1967. India imports from Jo:dan mainly rock phosphate required for the manufac-ture of phoophatic fertilizer and ex-ports itt.!ffiS like, jute. tea, engineer-ing items, pharmaceauticals, textiles etc. During the rE-cent visit of the Jordan Delegation to Delhi in March, 1966, n review of the progress "f trade between the two countries was made by the Joint Committee set up unck!r Article 8 of the Trade Agree-ment,

    Shrl P. C. Borooah: What is the balance of trade position with Jordan?

    Shrl Manllbhal Shah: The balance of trade is nearly Rs. 1 crore each way. as campared with Rs. 40 to 45 1akhs, four yeaTS before.

    Shrl P. C. Uorooah: ; i it also fact that We ore going to import some machinery from Jordan, and if so. how the prices of those machinery compare with those supplied by other countries?

    Shrl Manubhal Shah: Jordan does not produce any machinery. Only rock phosphale is being imported from JO;'dan.

    Shrl FIrodla: What arc the non-traditional items that would be cover-ed by this agreement for export?

    Shrl Manu.,.. .. 1 Shah: The nun-traditioo81 items are worth a.bout RB. 20 lakhs; and \hey afe: engineer-ing goods. some ceiling fans, some sewing machlnea, some machine-tools and some electrical equipment.

    Sbrl Hem Barua: In view or the r.ct that .Jordan has supported Pakis-tan in a very blat.ant manner over the Io-calle

    the la.t conRict, do Government take into account these political considera-tions while formulating trade relations with countries?

    Sbrl Manubhal Shabo We do take note of all the developments.

    Shrl Narendra Slnrh Mahlda: Do Government prupose to send a deieua-tion to J o:'dan consisting oC business-men?

    Shrl Manllbhal Shabo Ye., We .tJ'e expel'img a Jordanian delegation vei.'.)' soon, m the next few weeks.

    Mr. Speaker: Do we propose to s~nd some businessmen from here?

    Shrl Manubhal Shah: That we are also thinking. But just now the Jor-dcmian Government desires very rapid expansion of trade between the two countries and therefore they would prefer to send a delegation here. We had sent a delegation last ye::.r, We now expect their 'business-men here.

    8hrl Har! V1lIhnu Itamalb: Con-side'ing that Government has conclud_ ed trade agreements, may be rightly so, with Jordan and Borne other Arab count"ies in West Asia, what stands or comes in the way o[ Govermncnt concluding; a trade agreement with friendly IS'ael which might be more bcn~ficial to both countries?

    Shrl Manubhal Shah: This matter hit!' been debated several time!o; h('r~.

    Shrl Harl Vishna Kamalb: No, nO.

    Shrl Manubhal Shah: The foreign policy.

    Mr. Speaker: It i. a matter or policy. It has been debated. Gov-ernment has to takt> a decision He cannot say about it.

    Sbrl Hart Vishnu Kamath: Does that meRn that he bas no say in the matter?

  • 14985 Oral Answer. VAISAKHA 16. 1888 (SAKA) Oral Anawrr. 14986

    Mr. Speaker: During question hour. matters of policy cannot be gone into and clarified.

    Sh,1 Kapur SIDKh: I want to know whether in the event of another Indo-Pakisbn conniet, which every sane

    "man wants to avoid, Jordan-keeping in view its past conduct-has 8SSurrod us thut she will adhere to the terms of the agreement?

    Shrl Mauubhal Shah: The trade agreement does not take into account these matters. These are matter! of general and political nature.

    Shrt Hart Vishnu Kamath: On a point of order. He said it is a matler of policy. If We can have a trade agre€'Jllent with East Gennany. with whOm we have no diplomatic relations. and no oonsular relations either-I am not quite sure about the latter-why can't we have a trade agreement with Israel? What is this policy. this stupid, idiotic policy?

    Mr. Speaker: We cannot go on arguin~. It may be 6 wrong policy.

    Shrl Su.eildranalll Dwlv0d7: There is no argument. He is evading the reply. If there could be a trade agree-ment with East Germany. with whom we have no diplomatic relations, what prevents Government from having a trade agreement with Israel?

    Biliri Bar! V ........ ·Kama&h: I do not say anything about diplomatic relations.

    Shrt Manabhal Shah: As the hon. House is aware, there are stagell in regard to trade or """nomic or poli-tical relations with oIlher countrie •. Whether you havC' or do not hove depends. There are dit!erent 'hades. Some countries fan In one shade. some others in another. The HoUR is aware that foreign Trade agreements are Integral part of the foreign polley.

    Shrl Bar! Kamath: I am sure the Minister I, in favour of It. be want. il. but some people hleber up do not.

    Mr. Speaker: Next question.

    .tI "i\ .. (, .... : ~fi II(RIJ, Ifll' ~ ~ lI'Of ~ I '!'l ~ !ITol ~ AA ~I

    VURI' ~: ~~, ~ It 1If1I~ ~ q~ ~I'II 'l'ff ri I ~ 11'1 1fT ~~~~I ~f~m ~!fT~.rtf;Irit1ll1

    Shrl J. B. KrlpalaDl: Our foreign policy is non~lignment. How does il come in the way?


    oft (liI ... II .... : III "' :ui ... m ~ii1t~~I~~'lft;ri

    'f1'1f 'I/T I'ff'm' ~ f~ ~~I

    Surplus Stock of Klaadl

    ·1511. Sbr\ma.1 Bundu'art Sinha: Will the Ministar of Comm_ be pleased \0 state:

    (a) whether Government propo ... to pu",hase surpl us stock of Kluldl and hand-spun yarn produced by khadi irultitulionft in tht- various States; and

    (b) if so. the \erm. and conditions thereof?

    Th. Depa', Min'" In til. Min ... ,.,. of C_ree (Shri Shall Ql!rea.d): (a) and (b). The proposal I, under the conaideration of Gove--rnment.

    IIbrl..... Ra ..... larl Sinha: What i. the quantity ot .urplUJ stock In each State?

  • Oral Answers MAY 6, 1966 Oral AlISwers

    Shrl Shal QurNhI: According (0 the Fourth Plan working group rc-port, on khadi and village indus!ri"", the totol s\r>ek of khadi with the in-.• btutions on 31st March )964 Was valued at Rs. 13 CJores, of which Hs. 7--~H nore worth nre of cotton khudi and Its, 4-4j crores worth of woollen khudi.

    ShrlmaU Ramdula'i Sinha: Has there been an ad hoc arr:mgeomen t or some policy in this regard which will bE' followed in future?

    Shrl Shaft Quresbl: As I have al-ready ::;tated, the lll'[T"l IIr. ~ r", .. ~ ,'1''1'' If '!ir .. n~'r "'I Wr1f'1' i5T "', !flit r~ ~ 1

    'lit mit fbft: 'lit 'fi\', ~'1' r~\If;rop:r p;, .m mOf~ {ff'f ~ 'f if. .oTU 'iii """r ~lIT 'TifT i q .rr fW!; ~ ~, It ~flf'fT..,.tm~ f1I; IfIfT ~ ",,'nT .rr {If m", if '1~ f1I;lIT~?

    Shr! MIUWliIbal Shah: I would like to supplement the lln:'''''l'l of my han. colleague, which inc Iud,,. the all.'owt>J:

    to the hon. M.ember. \Vhiit: these ale the stoL'ks in the nonJlCtl l'OUl~e ol things. it is felt that thlrc is LI ~tock of Rs. 3 crores whico will have to lle :lold at a concession. I would hot Eke to leave the House under tlle impres-sion that it is only a small quantity.

    TheSe Rs. 3 crores .. !t'C lJl;!ing nego-liated for the last 12 mont.ns between the Khadi Commission and the Gov-ernment as to how it ~hould be cils-pO!'lcd of.

    cit (Iii .......... : ~I ~ m it ~'l'fT "I'R ittr 'I{\' mr, ~ 'iJ'If pr ~, m~ ~ .rr iii': ~ ... ~ ~ fiI; iiiT u.'I ORIi'\'lT g ,

    11ft II'f'1lf mll : ft'r ~ f'lt lIT'f-;f\1f ~ '!iT 'lTif ~ ~ if'It ~ ~, v.t lI't't 'fl!'f ~ , It 'l'flf'fTII !I'~ if>'[ .:IIT'f mmr "lTiPITlf f'f; ¢vf it ~~ ~ ~~ >lIl'litOfT..m ~>iT~f1I;"", ~,o..". 1 4 ~ ~ ott uit for.r rtft ~,

    iff.' firir.r.~'f

  • 14989 Oral A1I8wers VAISAKHA 16. 1888 (SAKA) Oral A.13we.. 14990

    'tiT ~ .,.ril' I "IT.rr'1'.ro ~/t «"i\"~r!l'iiTfiI;~.m.n ffifuit ;;mft "IT 11:Y il' I i'ffif;'f IT,," f1fm lIlT I it't mr ~ ~ iI: f very high. Today the durability of the khadi cloth is less than the mill-mude cloth.

    Shrl Manubhai Shabo 1 urn grateful to the han. member for the broad support, strong support he has giv-en to the concept of khadi. Coming to the second part, I totally disagree with him that the tensile strength has gone down. But it is tru(' that as we train new entrant~ on ambar charkha. due to the VLlst organisa-tion. there may be human weaknesses creeping in, and I assure the hen. Members that with the permission and consent of the Khadi CommL.-sion we are constituting 8 review committee which will go into the entire working of the khadi pro-gramme and the village industrie'! programme. in which I am going to invite the han. members of the House and some of the Ministers of !he State Government!! and !lOme of the Chairmen of the Khadi Board. and independent economists, so that the committee 01 20 or 25 people can 110 into the whole aspect.

    -ft ~ "'"' • ~, 'I'rof 1m; ~~l'm 'I'rof~.n ptt

  • Oral Amw.".. MAY 6. 1966 Oral A I\&wer. '4992

    ~ ~ Ifll:T ~ ~ ~ ~ q.,jt ~ if ~, i' ~ it. "!llf.l o;n[ ~7f,T~1

    Khadi has been the livery oJ. Indian freedom and it ha~ been one of the vital objet:tives of the party in power (Interruptions).

    Sbri Ranca: AI! this we do not want.

    Mr. Speaker: Let him explain.

    Sbrl Ranca: Let him answer what he, been said in the Public Accounts committee's report.

    Shri Manllbhal Shah: I urn coming to that . . . (Interruptions.)

    Sbrj Ran,a: As if we need all this lecture from him.

    Sbrl Kapur Sin&'b: Why is public money drained down the drain? Answer that.

    Sbri Ra,bunatb SbIIgb: It is not go-ing down the drain; it is going to the villages (Interruptions.)

    Mr. Speaker: The minister might be allowed to answer the questions.

    Shri Surendranath Dwlvedy: But will you tel! him to reply to the question put? lIe says that khadi had been the livery of freedom, etc.

    Sbrl Manubbai Shah: I can assure the hon. Hous. that any amount of dissociation with the government policy on which w(, take a complete review both financially and economi-cally is not going 10 deter Us from lhe palh that we have adopted.

    (Interruptions. )

    Mr. Speaker: He must bp heard. After he has fini~;l1('d, ~,hen of course some objection can be taken but be-fore he has flni~hed, he is interrupt-ed. LC't him complete and if it is not satisfactory. if something more is required, then (·ertainly I will allow.

    Sbri Manllbhai Shab: Regardin~ the Public Accounts Committee com_ mE-nts from YNtr to year we have-placed the arbon taken before the house through • formal resolution of the government. The latest report is in our hands: it was Tf'C'cived only • week back. I assured the House already that as far as the general working ot the commission is con-cerned. in addition to the PAC Tf:"port, We are our(lille1ves anxious to view and review ('ritically and sym-patheti('ally th(, entire working of the khadi programme and therefore a very high powered committee ill being constitutro in consultatiOD with the Khedi Commission to go over the entire working of the KhBdi

  • 14993 Oral AlI8wers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA.) OTal Answer. 14994

    Commission plus future policy. (Interruptions) .

    Mr. Speaker: Shri A. P. Sharma.


    !!'ffi'TiMm"ITf.!;~~ if;1t"tr r1t ~ sft m ;;rr;,-r ~, m fn!;

  • '4995 Oral AnaweTs MAY 6, 1966 Oral Answers

    Mr. Speaker: It might be placed on the Table.

    "'" ""l fioroItl : ~ ;;it lrV'f ~ ~ ~~'f'1'ifiI; ~WR~ ~ lIT 'tlfl: Ur>rr ~ '" 'If~ 'l"'\' lIT '3'

    Shri Surendranath Dwivedy: It i, not only the lAC. Is it not a fnet t hat the ('ommiHee on Public Under-takings have r~commended that the appointment of secrC'taries to minis-tries to the' chairmanship or mam~ging directorship of public corporntions if.; undE"sirnblc nnd imprOpf'T and it should be discontinued by the govern-ment? Has the gavernme-nt taken any derision..,

    Shri D. SaJljlvayya: I stuted in my Hnswer that not only the Estimates Committee but the committee on 'PLiblic Undertakings also made a simi. 1.1:' recommendation,

    Shrt Surendranath Dwlvedy: Not on this, purticular matter but in regard to the other appointments.

    Shrl D. SanJlvaYya: With regard 10 thb' ahm, whp.rever 5el'retaries are appointd as chairman of the V8Tiou!; public sector undertakings, that ques-tion i~ being eXaplined by the gov-ernment in Ihe light of the recom-mendations made by both the EC and PUC.


    Export of Tea

    + S.N.Q. 26. Shrl P_ C. Borooah:

    Shrl IDdrajit Gupta:

    Will the Minister of Commerce be pleused to stat(':

    (,,) whether it is a faot that India has lost to Ceylon the position of the leading supplier of tea in the world market last year;

    (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and

    (c) tht, st('ps proposed to be taken 10 regain the position this year'?

    The Mini ... ter of Commerce (Sbri Mallubhai Shah): (a) to (c). A state-ment is laid on the Table of the House. I Placed in Librurl!. See No. LT-6242/66J.

    Shri P. C. Borooah: Ever since tea has been accepted as an international drink, India and Chinu were fighting Clgainst each other for the leadership f)f the world so far as tea supply is concerned, and after the fall of China to India in the year 1918. India was reigning supreme in the world so far as the tea market is concerned. After enjoying this good position f'Of the last 50 yearg Or so, India ha~ lost to Ceylon. a country which is infinitely smaller than ours in area and also in population. That is why thi. question is very important. Viewing it in "~lis context in the statement that has been laid beiore the House, in one part 01 the stutement, it has been stated that "durin~ these eight years, both pro-duction and exports from India have been steadily rising". But then, if reference is made to t he other part of the statement. it will be found that in the year 1965.

    Mr. Speaker: What is the- question'

    Shrl P. C. Borooah: There is a dis-crepancy. In one part of the statement. it has been said that production and exports have been increasing. But

  • 14997 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 16. 1888 (SAKA) Oral A .... "'.,·., 14998

    in the same statement, there is another remark by which I want to show ....

    Mr. Speaker: He knows the state-ment that has been placed on the Table of the House. He can only put a supplementary.

    Shrl P. C. Borooah: That is why I want an explanation for the discre-panty The hon. Members do not know this.

    Mr. Speaker: The Members may nol know that, but the Minister knows It.

    Shr! P. C. Borooah: In the year 1956. we had raised our production by 15 million kilograms, while Ceylon also had the same amount of increase. But so far as the export of tea is concern-ed ..

    Mr. Speaker: The Minister has not mnde the statement orally but has placed it on the Table of the House. And the han. Member is reading the whole statement.

    Shri P. C. Borooah: There is a dis-crepancy in the statement, Sir. In export. we have lost to thE: extent of 38 million kilogtnms. BUI the state-ment says the olher way. While Cey-lon is 50 milJion kilograms up, India is about 38 million kilograms down. In the first part of the statement. it soUys that We are increasing our ex-port. •. while .

    Shri Manobhal Shah: I have placed all the filnlres of the last 10 years of production.

    Mr. Speaker: The part that J could hear was that in one part of the state· ment. it is ~Clid that thC'rC' is some stepping up of our production, while, in the other part. it is said we have lost to other countrje~. Tha1 can he explainpd.-the contradiction can be explained.

    Shr! Manobhal Shah: The two are not contradicto'"V. I haVE given in the statement the flgurc~ of produc-tion for the last 10 years; for the in-

    formatiOn of the House, be{,8use the statement is not with them, I may point out that production has increas-ed by 59 million kilograms over what it waS before a decade with 308 mil-lion kilograms. The production last year was 367 million kilograms. So, the statement is right in indicating to thp House that production has gone up. The real problem is one of inter-na I consumption. If the hon. House sees the second col umn, it will find thal from 71 million kilograms in 1956, before a decade, the consumption has jumped up 10 168 million kilo-grams during the past 10 years. This makes Ihe export of surplus difficult. and Ihat is why our exports, when compared to Ceylon in 1965. arc on the smaller fringe.

    Shri P. C. Borooah: The discrepancy i:-:: that the export is not rising.

    Mr. Speaker: He has finished now.

    Shrl P. C. Borooah: The second question is this. The main reasons haVe been shown for the fall in ex-port and the loss in production and the rise in internal consumption. If that is 'So, may I know why the Gov-ernment has not been able to giv(' thought 10 Ihe question ot IiberaUsa-t ion of the tea plantation Joan scheme which aims particularly at an inC'resB-ed production of tea. Bnd also, in re· ~ard to the fiscal policy, may I know why it has not possible to see that Indian tea is not priced out in the world market?

    Shri MaaubhaJ Shah: The.e are re-levant questions. Government have now accord~d to the tea industry a priority stutu.."l in the re,ent Financ/? Bill. Over and above that. depreria· t ion has been allowed by the Fin-ance' Mini-str in the curr!?nt y(>~r's budget only to thi. industry and to no oth

  • 14999 Oral Answers MAY 6, 1966 Oral Answers

    Ceylonese tea and il so, what steps do government intend to takE to counter-act this?

    Shri Manubhai Shah: It is a fact that slightly, by 5 per cent Or so, Indian tea is more expensive than the ('Dunlerpart quality in Ceylon. The f('ason is obvious. India is a country when:> tea is in short supply because {)f rising internal demand. In Ceylon with a population of 8 million, 9U.7 pl'l cent of the tea is surplus. So, it is bound to be dl·presscd.

    Sbrl lIari Vishnu Kamath: There is n disconcerling, father iJ,·tuunding Ob:

  • 'SOOI Oral Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) ISOO2

    vity pcr acre in the existing planta-tions. Secondly, We want to replant the old bushes which are more than 40 or 50 year. old, because when they are rejuvenated we are getting belter Y;elds. That is all what we can do. Here 1 would like to say this much. So far Be; productivity of tea is con-cerned, we are the biggest producers in the world, 1200 lb •. per acre, as against 900 lb •. in Ceylon and 850 lb •. in Kenya. But that is not enough. We have to get more land for tea and also to replant in the existing areas. So far as Andamans is concerned, whether the climatic and other can-dition!; are suitable for tea cultivation has to be provided before we can have tea plantations there in a minor way.

    'I{" Im'mI" ~: W m:iT ~ iii ..,. ~ ~ ~ ? i!'I!!II'A" ~ if ~lft 'Iftf1nr ~~~l

    '" '"" om'IIIIII : ~ ~" ~ "'fIT'IlT iIr If.': ~ If.': ~ t I


    ManufalClture of Tractor.

    '1521. Shri R. Barua: Will the Minis-ter of Industry be pleased to state:

    (a) whether any steps are being taken to have cheap and light tractors for use for small holdings;

    (b) whether any meaSures arc bl'ing taken to manufacture tractors and ploughs suitable fOr varying climatic ('ondition~ of India; and

    (e) If so. the nature thereof!

    The Minister ot Illdastry (ShU D, Sanjivayya): (a) to (c). Agricultural troctors fall into three different broad categories; viz:

    (i) Below 20 H.P. range

    (ii) Between 20 and 35 HP range; and

    (iii) Above 35 HP range.

    The demand for tractors in all the ranges is estimated at 40,000 Nos. per annum by the end of the Fourth Five Year Plan. ~'ive firm. have already been licensed for the manufacture of tractors abOve 20 HP, with matching implements, for a total capacity of 30,000 Nos. per annum. All the licen-sed units are in production. To meet the demand for tractors below 20 HP, it is proposed to set up a public sector project with an annual capacity of 12.000 Nos. with matching implements. For this purpose, an agreement lor the preparation of a Detailed Project Report was entered into with MIs. Motokov of Czech06lovakia in August last year. The report is expected to be ready by the end at this year.

    Two wheeled tractors generally known as Power Tillers are usually in the range below 10 HP. It is estimat-cd that the demand for Power Tille ... would be around 80,000 N 08. per an-num by the end of the Fourth Five Year Plan. One unit with an annual capacity of 3,000 No.. i. already in production, and this unit is hein, per-mitted to etrect sUhstantial expanoioa

  • Written An8wers MAY 6. 1966 Written Answers

    10 as to produce 6,000 tillers per annum. In addition, Letters of In-tent have been issued to 5 parties for a total capacity ot 57,000 NOB. per annum. Two other schemes for a total capacity of 27,000 Nos. have also been approved in principle.

    1522. 111ft pi""'~: 1IIft~

    Ifl!T ;nhtr 110fT I m, 1966 it. ~lI1"flil;!rr 902 it.~ it. R!l'if~~;f.t'l"!Trofif;:

    (1fT) ~T ~ ;rorm moo ~-.mmr it ~ '"'" I!I'1"ll ~ ~ ~~;

    (Ii) llf~ ret, '11;>1l if ,;r 'It fi:J'liTf11IT 1f,"T 11m O!WT Ifl!T r.; o;ITr

    (ll) 'R it; m if ~ it Ifl!T fir>lll'fiIm~?

    ;nhtr '"" (111ft ~o ~"IWr) :(1fT) oft, ~ I ~ lJflIfu ,;r ~

  • '5005 Written Answl!Ts VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SA~A) Written Answl!Ts 15006

    of only one make of car, nanlely, Ambassador. has increased since Feb-ruary 1966. The increased availability will, to 8 certain extent, reduce the period of delivery of this make. of car. The period of delivery varies for different makes of cars and from place to place.

    Manufacture of Scooters

    -1526. Shrl Solankl: Will the of Indusrty be pleased to ,1ate:

    (a) whether it is a fact !hat Messrs Birla Indu.

  • Written Answers MAY 6, 1966 Written Afl8tUers 15008

    (C) the method, if any devised to ensure fnir allocation of this margin between the wholesale Bnd the rC'tail tradf'?

    The Deputy MlInIster in the Minis-try or Commerce (Shrl Shall Qurc:~hi) (0) to (c). Having regard to the Increased cost of distnbution, hIgher interest charges, enhanced railwuy surchagc, cost of transport, financing etc., Government have rais-ed the margin for the textile trade, in respect of controlled varieties 01 doth, from 18 pt'r ecnt over tht, ex-mill priCe to 20 per c(>n{ over the ex-mill price, the intention hl'ing that the retail cloth dealers should l~pt at least 10 P~'I' cent of the ex-ruii! price as their margin. How 'lhi~ int(,lltion is to be implemented is bel1Lg ex-amined by a Committee under the chairmanship of Shri n. G. Saraiya. The Committee's recommcndutltl115 are awaited.

    New Government Electrical Factory, Bana:alorc

    ·1530. Shri Uari Vishnu Kamath: Shrl P. C. Borooah:

    Will the MinL.ler of Industry be pleased to state:

    (a) whether Government, have de-cided to hand over the l1UI.nagement of the New Government Electrical Factory Ltd.. Bangalore to u West German firm;

    (b) it SO, thf' reasons therefor; .:md

    (c) the name of th~ German firm together with the tenns and "cndi-tions of the deal?

    The Minister of lDdustry (Sbrl D. SanjivaY7a): (8) There is a proposal '" entrust the manallement 01 the New Government Electrical Far.:tory Ltd .. Bangalore to a new Company in whi~h the State Government, Mis, A.E.G. of West: Germany. Interna-tional Finance Corporation. Washing-ton and the pUblic will hold shares

    in the following manner:

    AEG Mysore Govt. IFC, Washington Public

    4()% 3()'lo 11% 19%

    (h) and (c). The Government 01 M,vsore have been findiJlJ that "'he New Govl'I'nment ElectrIcal Factory. Ballg'ulore owned by the State IS a heavy financial burden on theil- re-sources. The day-ta-day manage-ment of the new Company will rf'st in a Commit toe of Managemeat con-sisting of three directors of AEG and two directors nominated by the My. sOre Govl'rnmenl.

    The Chail'mnll being a I1omim.'c of the Mysorc Government.

    The propO~ills arc under the consi-deration of the Government of India at present.

    ~:3'filtT ~

    1531. "'" 'fo \'ITo ~ "'" 110 'llio n!Q'T: ~T l'I~ ~T ",",T{:

    "1l ~1" ~: ~T '!fo .0 ~ ... :

    '!lIT '""" l1"ii\ ~ ifflf.t ott ~ ~~ fi!;:

    ('I') "f'! '3littr f';r

  • I~009 Written A""tOeTS VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKAl W,.itten A1lstOerBl50IO

    ~ ~ f.Im>n /1If1~ i!; ~ '" ~T .mrr ~ I ~/'i"fu" if; ~ '" .n 'If lIlft;ff 'liT ~ lIfii' ~ ~ ~ :

    ( 1) o;frmf'1" Ull"if 'Ilf~ if; mfTl!T ~ ~ "" ~o lffi'f1l['f I!IfirIr "!'l"'Wr if; "'l it ~'iT 'WIT ~, tpft;ft 'l> "!"" "" 2 0 Iff'! VI'I I!IfirIr 'I!!f'fr" ir: ""l if f"llf!

    'WIT ~?

    ( 2) 7 Iff'fVI'I n GT it om' ffI!l1'''lT'f'l'i~h'~ 'f!IiT;fi 'l> f~ 5 I 'Il'ffi'r ft, ~, ~ ~it ~ :T I 25

  • 15011 WTitten ATlBweT8 MAY 6, 1966 Written Answers 15012

    ~ Wff1i

  • 15013 Written Answer. VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (S004.KA) Written Answer. 15014

    for setting up Industries in the Kan .. daIB Free Trade Zone out of which 54 have taken possession of ,the plots, J:i'actories of three partie$ are nearing completion out of which ouC will go into production during h~j r;wnlh.

    (c) and (d)' The> main C,IU~~~S for delay in establishing i.ndustries:n the Zone are (i) hesitancy on t.he p'lI~1 of entrepren('uTs to makl' new in\'cstments bccausp uf uordcl' skir-mishes in the Rann of KUtC:l in J..lay-J lAne. 1965 and also recen I Inc.1o-Pakis-tall conflict (iil difficullle:.; in S,,:oCUT' ing foreign exchange for machinery and raw ma1erials and (.ii} lllck oj regular shipping sc-rvice3 hI' G(~ncrJJ Cargo traflk. The businc'.:, elimut(' is. how('ver, changing with }J:J.sst:..gc of time and entrepl'eneurs ar~ now tClk· ing more intere:-."'t. A sch;,.:me of He-\'ol\rjng Foreign Exchange- Credit Fund is also bping finalised to enhblC' 1 hp units to import their Il.-~quir(' mlmts of l raw material.s etc. Dircf'lO! Gl'neral of Shipping has also bf'Pll requested to arrange for prQvi~lIm 01 necessary shipping facilities for Gt-~nerill Cargo traffic a'i KandJ ... Pl,rt.

    A list of the approved applicants 11(4) is laid on the Table uf the Hlluse. [Placed in Library. See No

    L T-6245!66J.

    Ex('..e5S WarOD Capacity

    "'1538, Shri Madhu Lima)'" Will the Minister of Railways be "leased to state:

    (a) wheter there is any excess wagon capacity with 'the Indhm Rail ... ' ... ·ays;

    (b~ whether it has affected the wagon production In India;

    (C) if so, to what extent;

    (d) whether Government have also seCn reports about the fear .• of col-lieries that the Railway. may not be able to handle movements of coal for 1 he steel plants and other purposes in t he next few years; and

    (~,) it so, the steps taken to dispel these fears?

    The MlDJater of state ~ the Minis-try of Railways

  • Written Amwe •• MAY 6, 1966 Written A",weT. 150 t f>

    (b) the precise tenns of the loan; and

    (c) the projects to be financed therewith?

    The Deputy Minister in the Min· lotry of RaIlways (Shrl Sham Nath): (a) to (e). Assistance has been sought from the International Development Association (an affiliate of the World Bank) to cover the foreign exchange payments necessary for the Railway PI'OL(ramme, mainly during 1966. Inti-mation has· not yet been received of the precise amount, the period and term... of the credit -and the list of goods 10 be financed under the credit.

    Land along Railway Lines In Kerala

    4883. Shrl A. K. Gopalan: Will th" Minister of RailwayS be pleased 10 state:

    (0) whethcr it is a fact that till' land near the Payangadi (Kerala) Railway station has been gIven for cultivation;

    (b) how many acres of land ndjoining the Railwav lines in Kerala art.' kept idle; Bnd .

    ! (') whether Government propose to least' out these lands for cultivation?

    The Minister of State In the Mln-t,try of Railways !Dr. Ram Subha;: Singh): (a) Yes.

    (b) About 171 acres.

    (c) Yes, Permission to cultlvat" Railway land up to the current fie3s0n by adjacent land owners and RailwaYemployee. IS being given as and when applications therefor ar£' received.

    Manufacture of Agricultural Implements

    41184. Shrlmatl Ramdularl Sinha: Will the Minister of Industry ue pl£'3~t'd to state the steps taken S.J far to manufaC'ture agricultural im-plements in the Co··operative Sector in eoC'h State1

    The MiDlster 01 1Dd1U&rJ (8hrl D. SaDjlvayya): The infonnation is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the House.

    Rail Link between BaUadlUa anll Visbakbapatnam

    4885. Shri R..m Harth Yadav: WilJ the Minister of RaIlways be pleased to state:

    (8) which of the new Railway Hne connecting Bailadilla and Vlshakha-patnam to caSe shipment of Iron ore to Japan has been completed and cJmmissioned to work recently;

    (b) the details uf the' new Railway line;

    (e) th .. detail,; of the track; and

    (d) the total expenditure on \Iw layout?

    The Deputy Minister in the MIn-istry of Railways (Shri Sham Nath): (a) to (d). The new BG railway line from Bailadilla to Kottavalasa (44!.l KMs) via J agudalpur-Jeypore and Koraput for movement of iron ore [OJ export tlla Visakhpatnam Port IS nearing completion. The track IS being laid with 90 lb •. rails on N I 3 wooden, steel and cast iron sleepers. The line is estimated to cost I\s. 56.67 croreS.

    Cotton Textile Consultative Board

    4886. Shrl Ram Harkh Yadav: Will the Minister of Commerce be pleased to state:

    (8) whether Government have re--cently reconstituted the Cotton Textile Consultative &lard; and

    (b) it so, the reasons therefor anO the composition and functions of tn,· new Board?

    The Deputy Mlnls(er In'tbe Min· Istry of Comllle"," (Shrl Khall Qnreshl): (a) Yes. Sir.

    (b) A statement is iaid on the Table of the House. [Placed in Library. See No. LT-6246/661.

  • ISOI7 Written Answers VAlSAKHA 16. 1888 (SAKA) Written Answer&l5018

    Pne1Ull&tlc Instl'Umellt Factory

    4847. Sbri Manoharan: Sbrl A. V. Ra,.van:

    Will the Minister ot Industry be pleased to state:

    (a) the progress made so tar in the setting up of the mechanical hydraulic and pneumatic instrument factory in Kerala; -

    (b) the cost of tlie project; and

    (c) the amount spent SO far; and when the plant will be commissioned?

    Tbe MIDister of Industry Hlbrl D. Sanjlvayya): (a) Land has been acquired. The scheme has been in-cluded in thc annual plan by the Planning Commission and necessary budget provis16n ha. been made. The Detailed Project Report wa. examined by the Technical Committee and a final decision is expected to be taken shortly.

    (b) Rupees 7.55 erores as per tenta-tive estimates.

    (c) The only expenditure Incurred so far is an amount of Rs. 3.70 lakhs paid to Mis. Prom mash export towards the cost of Detailed Project Report. The Plant is expected to be commis-sioned sometime in 1968-69.

    IfnT m it ,~ ('!II; ~ I'mlf 4888. ~ "" ~: 'Ill"T ~

    1i; iI'ff.\" ,.;r FIT 'fi"111 fir. : ('fi") ~1fT 1!roI"-~!t'fTf ~

    ~m :remft lffiITlfI?! 'fi"iIn""JT If.lT1IT'!T

  • 15019 Written Answers MAY 6. 1966 Written Answers 15020

    Coal Advisory Counell

    4890. Sbrl II.aJn Barkb Yadav: Will the Minister of MInes and Metals be pleDsedto state:

    (a) whether the Coal Advisory Council has been reconstituted;

    (b) if so, the constitution of the neW Committee and its tenure of o(f\('e~ and

    (e) its powers and functions"

    The Minister of Mines and Metal, (Shrl S. K. Dey): (n) TIll' compositIOn of the Council has b('en enlarged tly inclusion of all the coul producing S\l1tc~ and ~utnl' lnore l'l)a\ States;

    (b) The present composition of thf' Council is given in the statement Inid on the Tnblp of thE' Houst'. rPlaced in Lihrary. See No. LT-6247/661. The term of the Council haS been C'xtended for a further term of two years from March, 1966; and

    ((') The functions of the CouJ)(' iI llrc to advise' Government in regard to all matters of general character relating to eoal. and in partIcular to problems pertaining to planmng fur the development, utilisation and dUf' conservation of the coal resources of the country.

    Tlck.tI.... Travel

    4891. Sbri Dhulesbwar Meena: Sbri 'Ram.chandra Ulaka:

    Will the Minister of RaHway. be pleased fo state:

    (a) the names of sections of the South-Eastern Railway, where the largest number of ticketless travel-lers were detected during 1965-66: and

    (b) the steps taken in the matter?

    Th. Mlnis!er of State In the Min· htry of Railway. (Dr. Ram Snbllac Slnl'b): (.) Howrah-Kharagpur, Rai-pur-Kantabanji and BiIaspur-Anupur S('l't ions.

    (b) Checks in the sections have been intensified.

    Concentrated cross-country surpnse checks, in' which pOlice force are also associated, ar~ bemg conducted.

    Thefts In Khad! Gramudyol' BhawaD, Deihl

    4.119Z. Shri Lakhmu Bbawanl: Will the Minister of Commerce be pleased 10 state:

    (u) the total number of theftts com-mitted durin~ the period from April, 1955 tu April, 1966 in Khadi Grarnu-dyog Bhawan, New Delhi and the 'ota.\ amount involved in those thefts; and

    (b) the steps taken in thts regard lind the result thereof?

    The Deputy MInister In the Min-istry of Commerce (Sbri Shall QureshI): (a) Total number of thefts during the period from April, 1955 to largest number of ticketless travel~ April. 1966-Four. Total amount in-volved-Rs. 15,338.10.

    (b) The cases were reported to the Police who made investIgations. The stolen goods could not, however. be traced so far.

    """"J; !11fT .r~~ Ii: '"' m ~'R~1III'h

    4893. ,,) ~'"' ~ : ""T m *ft >w, ~ "'I ~ 'f,~ fife .

    ("') ~ 'I"fT 'fl'1'Jm1 if; ;fr;f '!~ "lWf qT fi!;

  • 15021 Written Answers VAISAKHA Hi, 1888 (SAKA) Written AILswerSI5023

    ~ JiJA" 'n: ~T ott

  • 1502 3 Written Answers MAY 6, 1966 \Vrittcn AnsweTs

    SISh includiug Extcnsicn Centres

    ---------------Cut tack NcwDl!'lhi ( iauhati lIydcrabad Indore Jaipur Kanpur Ludhiana Madras l'atna Srinagar Trkhur LI(lij

    Headquarlcl ~

    No. of Tech_ No. of Tech. non-G~cucd Officers Gazetted Officeu

    8 6 35 32

    13 14 15 10 14 12 13 25 26 16 '4 2/, 35

    14 2

    19 31 l 4

    30 10

    •• (l

    -- ¥.---- -----The above staff is the fixed 5t rength

    of the In!-1titutes subject to minor variations according to the require-ments of the Institutes. Besides this, there are also some vacant posts; action fur filling up thuse posts i::; b..:'ing taken. As soon 8~ men become available against thes(' VH('anCIl'S. tht'.\' will b(, pnstl~.i in the Institutes according to the rC'quircmt!nls.

    (c) The regional S(~t up wa ... rCp1

  • lS025Wntt"" Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) Wrilll'n Ans,"ers 15026

    : c) The old British practice is nuw hl'ing discardej, Th['re may be some retailers who may be still adhering to the old practice.

    ((1) As thp Stalldards of Wf'ights and Measures Act. 19~6 applies anI .... ' to weights and m('a~ures and not to numbers, it is not possihle to tuk(' )('gal action to strictly enforce the renm of 500 shee-ts in retail trade. Tht' Govf"l'nment can unly impn.~5s on the trade the desirabllity of adopting th., ream of 500 sheets,

    Cyclostyled Notices in the llailway Compartment.

    4897, Sbri Jedbe: Will the Mini'ter of Railways be pleased tn st.tte:

    (a) whether it i. a fact that 1he cyclostyled notices displayed l!1 the Railwav Compartments in vanlUS languages are illegible as every ~lphabet is broken at 3 to 4 places;

    (b) if SO, thl' reasons for this ll('fec-tive sl('n('iIlin~: and

    (el the !'=tf'PS taken in thi5 regard?

    The Minisler or Stale In Ihe Mlni.-try of Railways 'ATf~~ ~1~t?

    M *-lI'I1f .r ~ (11ft ~~ 'I'l'II) : (if;) ;ff ~ I

    (li) ~"THr ~R ~ If>R'IT ~ ~ ~ Tf'.''l' '1""r7 ;r 'l'r .. ;mti ~'{ !lI7!Ill'IT q;r mm""

  • Written Answ('rs MAY 6. J966 Wrtth:'JI. Answers ]5028

    Export of Coconut

    4nOO. Shri V. V. Thevar: Will the MinIster of Commerce be pl':!a!wct to refel to the reply given to Un~tarrccJ Question No. 3218 on the 5th .'\pril, 1906 and sta te:

    U.I) whether there is any proposal to gi\'(, licences to growers of coconut on {'o-operative basis for pxporting (,OCOllut, copra and c.)conut }il tr foreign f.:ountnes in view o[ the dec-lint· jn prices of these commcdlhes during the last one year; and

    (b) the names of c.Juntries where thl' dC'mand for these commo{htles is high?

    The Minister of Commerce (!lbrl Manub'hal Shah): (a) No, Sir.

    (b) Principal importIng Countr!e. of Copra and C.Jconut oil nre U.S.A., W p,t Germany, U.K., Italy, India, France, Sweden Bnd Norway.

    WcUare Inspectors on RailWays

    4901. Sbrl Sezhlyan: Will the Minis-ter of Railways be pleased to state:

    (a) the total number of p·,.ts of Wellare In.pect~rs on the RaIlway eX-('cpt the ex-cadre posts of Inspectors for Sports and Cooperative \Vul'k;

    (b) the number of Welfare lnsp"C' tors working in the scaJe of Rs. 45C-575(AS) and Rs. 370-475(AS) and ulso their percentuge to the total;

    (c) the basis of fixation of the number of higher grades on each zonal Railway, and

    (d) whet h('r the same principle is adopted in flxing the cadre 01 Welfare In~pf"ctors in the Railway Board also"!

    Th" MlnJ.ter of Stale In the MinIS-try c( RaHway, (Dr. Ram Sobbag Slngb): (8) 627.

    (b) 21 (3.4 per cent). Ie) On the basis 01 the worth of


  • 15029,",'ritten AnSWf'l'S VAISAKHA Ifi. 1688 (SAK.1) 'Vrittf'n Am:u'('T8150?O

    in it;:'ms (ii) to (v) are ellgi· hIe:' only on compktlOn uf 3 years' scrvicf' after !'e:'achiT1g till' stag" of Rs. 335

    (c) No such" proposal is under con-sideratiDn.

    Remodelling of Stations on S.E. Ibilway

    490:'. Sbrl Subodb Han"ad diver~uon and extra lines.

    (d) The earth waS mMtiy taken from waste and arable lands outside railway limits, arranged by Ihe Con-tractor!'!: themselves. In a few cases, however, where sufficient raIlway land was available, earth was taken from within the cixsting laiJ"A'a:v land,

    Development 01 HandloDIJI industries In U.P.

    4904. Sbrl Vishwa Nalh Ponder: \\'111 thp Minister of Commerce b6 pleased to state:

    (a) the total output of hondlOOI1\ pr,)ollcts manufactured in UttCif Pra .. desh during 1965.66;

    (b) Ille to!'al consumption o! yarn C'luring thl" same period; and

    (c) the total amount granted to Uttar Pradesh for t.he development ot handl,lom inrlthtrie. in the Slute dur-mg 1965·66?

    The Deputy Minister In the Mini •. try 01 Commeree (Shrl Sbaft. Qureshi): (a) 465.2 million metres

    (b) 32.1 million kg .. (c) Rs. 873 lakhs.

    G.C. Sheet. for U.P.

    4905. Shrl Vishwa Natb Paadcy_ Will the Minister or Iron and ISteol be pleased to state:

    (a) the totai requirements of G.C Sheets for Ultar Pradesh. dunng 1965. 66;

    (b) the quantity aiiDlted tn thaI State during the same pp.rjocJ: tllJd

    (e) the quantity actually supplied to the St.te during 1965.66?

    The Minister or Iron and l!teel' (Shrl T. N. SlD&'h): (a) 25,940 tonne.

    (b) DUring 1966·66 no leneral allo. cations of G, C. sheets were made to any State undpr the 'Slatc, Pooled Quota' due to heavy bacj

  • Written Answers MAY 6, 1066 Written Answers

    SlAinle!lS Steel requirements tor V,P,

    4906. Sbri Visbwa !IOatil Pandey: Will lhe Mini,lc!" ol il"Oli .lId Ijteel be pleased to slate:

    (a) the requirements v!' Uttar Pra· desh for Stainless Steel durmg J965-66; and

    (b) the quantity of stain~es~ steel actually allotted to that ~tnte dvrmg 1965-66?

    The Mintster of Iron and Steel (Shri T. N. Slnrh): (a) The requirements of .stainlcs~ ~teel for Uttar Pradesh for the year UW5-(Hi, 3{'

  • 15033 Written Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKAl Wriltrt'~ r,f, 1'fT >lFf ~ lfm Rit 'Ii! llfu~~'f ~;r 'J.'I'f-,!lIIf ~ IflfT ~ ('[flT "",t ;rr'r i:i '1T'I:TT "'I lflI'T 1Ifu~'fT ~ ?

    niItl Ii," (-it ~ 0 p).IIT) : ("') .. IflTor.T if; ifoTrr.r -,'ll1Tr if; f;gj'Uli '" !'-9' 1'f~ if, fifo'll "'I "" if f;;m: '" ~'m 'JtT w.'1l OfT I 1:'1' lRo'n: if; f\{~'f 1;. iwi 'lTS1r'f ~hf"f1'l ~Jf~ 1'f'l1 ~'l if; Iltffi fw ti~'1''''' i 4'1 f'r.l'itil'f it finj'l1il '" ".'; ..-.; YlTT.-f ~1lIT 'IT t.'l'i! for~TT ~ :rir'T ~,..r 'U'il!T i:i ~I>; ~OfT'fi 'R ~m f'folIT lilT I

    ('it) '3~~" it f1:'l'ri fl!~ .r.t melT >f.t 'IT >:(1 ~ I

    fla, Station at BrnbmpOr 4911. Shrl DallJt Singb: WI;i th~

    Minister of Railways h~ plC'llsc-cl til refer to the reply ~iven to Unst.arred Question No. 2426 on the IUlh March, 1966 and ~tatc:

    (a) whether' It is a fact that tht.' Bhakra Dam has been completed and the G...,vernment of Punjab do nllt require the Rupar-Nangal D,m lI"il-way line for their use:

    (b) whctht"r it i.!l ulso d faC't tJ:at th(' Railway line from Rupar to Nan2u: Dam is In profit and :nonthl;,r jncomr from Nangal Dam statIon amuuntS' to ab,)ut R •. 10 to 12 lBkhs; anl!

  • 15035 Written Ans'Wers MAY 6, 1966'n Answers

    (Cj if so. the reasons a; to why the HaiIway Administration are not ready to undertake the job ror jJToviding a Ilag :~tation at BrahmtJur between Nang::1j Dam nnd Bhanupali on the Rupar-Nangal Dam :ectwn'!

    The Deputy Minister in the Minis· try of Railways (Shr; Sham Nath): (a) No. Some portion of the HhakrR Dam works i.e. the Right Bank Power Plant, are still in progress.

    (b) The Rupar-Nangal Dam Section is running at a loss,

    (c) The questi.:m of providing 8 .:iag: station at Bl'ahmpur lS being re-con-sidered taking into account the latest d(~velopments In the arca.

    Public Sector Undertakln,.

    4912. Shri Yashpa1 Slngb: Sbrl Mah"sbwar Nalk:

    Will th~ Minister of Industry bo pleased to state:

    (a) whether it is 8 'act that the idle capacity in certain Public Sector Undertakings is increasi'lg;

    (b) if so, the nRmeS of those under-takings; and

    (e) the measures ~ontcmp]ated in the matter?

    The Minister of Industry (Shrl D. Sanjlvayya): (a) Of the IH units which were working below Cull cap,,~ city, at the end of 1965, 10 unill; nave subsequently reported improvement in the productiJn level.

    (b) The remaining 8 .,nit •• re: 1. Rourkel. FeMilizer Plant of

    Hindustan Sleel.

    2. Rourkela PIpe Plant of Hindustan Steel.

    3. National Coal Development Corporation.

    4. Heavy Water Plant, Nangol Vnil of Fertilizer Corporation.

    5. Alwaye Vnif of Hindu.tan In. secticides.

    6. Walch Unit of Hmduslan Machine Tools.

    7. Hinduslan Salts. 8. Mining and A1I:ed Machinery


    (c) Every elIor! i. being mad,. to step up production by '.ckIillg the-problems in each undertaking.

    'Ifmo~~~iim~ ~ '111 mil!

    4913. ~ pM 'IA ~~ ~ mil' : on ... :

    'l'!T ~ 'lit ~ iIn; "" ~ for. '!1f'l CI'n ii1i\'i{f it; ffi ,,~ omft ~ 'l''IT :!T'3"I mr.r ~ if ~ 'lOfT f~ '!"iT ~ it; ift" ij

  • 150 37 Written An.wers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SAKA) Written A7Isw('rSf503!(

    5 'r~'Fii 'liT ~'"' 1965 it f~1': 'Ii, fi:r'1T 'I1lT ~h: a-'!it m~ ~-"" 'II" fif.i

  • Written Answers MAY 6, 1966 Written Answers

    Plywood Industry In Assam

    4915. Shrl R. Borua: Will thc Mini.ter of Industry be pleased ta state:

    (U) Iho growth potential of plywood industry in A.ssam and the l:.'

  • 150~1 Written ,1nsUJers VAISAKHA 16. IBOll (SAK,A) Written An",werS150.j2.

    491 7. ~ "TIm" !'1m ~ -it f'i'" ~ ~ ",1., :

    '!'IT ~ w, lI"!: iIrl mat1£'r! h"ld in November, 1963, the esl'abJish-ment of fell mongering industry in Indio w~s eunsidcrl·d. This item was also discussed at the Indo-Austrulian talks held In October, 1965. The mat1er i~ still under t'onsider.ltlon in cunsultation with 1I1l~ industJ"y and the Austr.llian Government.

    Hunger Strike by Ex. A('counts Clerk, Bbavnar3r DlvlslDn

    4920. Shrl Madhu Llmayo: Shrl V.shpsl Sinrh: Shrl Hukam Chand

    Ka,'hhavalya: Shrl S. M. Banerle., Shrl Dalmlkl: Shrl Dadp: Dr. Ram !II.nohar LolIta: Shrl Kishen Pattna".k: Shrl Sar.ndra SIDrb Mahlda:

    '/ Sbrlmati Ganlr" Dfovl: Shrl N, :-., PaUl: Shrl r, M, Trivedi: Shri lIem Barua:

  • \VriLUm A JlSlV(,1S MAY G, 19GIi \Vrinet! Ansu;('1''''

    Shrimati Basant Kunwar lIa: Shri Solankl: SlIri Prlya Gupta: Shri Yajnlk: Shri Bagri:

    Will Ihe Ministor of Railways b. plcasctl to state:

    (a) whelher it is a f'act that letters and or representations from u number nf Members of Parliament have been submitted to him during the period from 1959 to 1965 in connection with some Railway employee who contest-ed Municipal elections in 1957 at Bh'avnagar (Guiaral);

    (b) if so, the main ('Onlents and the nnture of the representations;

    (C) whe-ther Government have consi. rlefed the matter mentioned in those representations and the replies to indi ... vidual M,P, given; and

    (d) if so, the ('onlents of thos€' replies?

    Tile Minister or State In the Minis-try or Railways

  • fSo-t5 Wr,lt:·" Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1388 (SAKAl W"ittcn Aliswersl5046

    q'\ zmtm'! f~ : q'\~~

    151'" : q'\ rIP« '"" :

    'fln tri 'l';;ft 'if, iI''lTit oit ~'lT '!>'Tir f~

    ( ... ) 'IllT 'if, "1'1' ~ ~ 1 ~ ri\'!', 19fifi 1f,r ~ tnm flfT ~ it "fr':r ~ tTn'lllT~7

    m ~mtf "m1I-~ (.-ro ~ 'Jl'''~) (~) if (II). 'fT'Ti'f W~~iI'R'rffWf"!f.tif; '!i~ '3''fT ~ if; ~r~"1'

  • Written Allswer.~ MAY 6, 1966 Writt('n Answers

    considered by the Cement Corporation I Government;

    (L) if so, the reasons why nothing has been done to pro. eed with the project for which Bokapn was selected as a sUltable site; and

    (e) when the (',-ment factory is likely to be cstablished and to start produc-tion?

    The Minister of Industry (Shrl D. Sanjlvayya): ('a) to (el. A cement factory with a daily (apacity of 250 tanneR i~ expected to bf' commissioned at Chen'apunji in June, 1966. TIll' Govcrnnwnt of Assam also propose to f'xp'J.nd the unit by another 500 tonnes per day. They have submitted an application for the issue of a IcttC'T of intl'nt for this expansion, and it is IUHiL'1' consid£'ralion. As regards Boka,i;:lll. the Cement Corporation is '11 ('on!-itant touch wHh the Govern-n1C'nl of Assam. Detailed investiga-tions by gf'ological mapping and dril-Jinc of the limestone depo~its in the Mikir Hills area of Assam ',jl'e being carric~ out by the State Directorate of Geologv and Mining. 10 bore hole::; have b~en drilled over a tolal of 448.10 rllnn;n~ metres. Analysis of the core samples is being done in the Oeld I'd horatory. A decision to set up a c-emen1 factory can be taken only after the full investigation5 hCive been carried out.

    Trade Commissioners Abroad

    4916. Dr. P. Srinivasan: Will the Minisler or Commerre be pleased to sl'ale:

    (0) whether there are any .:ountrie~ whC"rc India has not post.ed any Trade Commi~sioner; and

    (b) if so, thp names of such coun-trie~ I:Ind tht' reasons for not posting a Trade ComrnissionpI" then"?

    The Minister of Commerce (Shrl Manabhal Sbah): (al and (bl. There are some countries where India has not yet posted Irade representatives. Two Hsla giving the names of coun-

    tries where India. has commereial representatives and where commercial work is looked after by Indiu's dip-lomatic Missions are attached. Having regard to the volume of trade, trade potential, Our limited foreign exchange resources and other politico-etonomic considerations it has not yet been found practicable to post commercial )"('presentatives in the other countries. laid on the Table of the House. [Placed in Library. See No. LT-6249/(j6 J.

    India Productivity Year

    4928. Shri D. C. Sbarma: Will the Minister of IndlL. ... try bC' plcasl;;'d to state:

    (al Ihe imp. t of the Indi" Produc-tivity Year 1966 so far; and

    (b) the delails thereof?

    The Minist .. of Induotry (Shn D. Sanjivayyal: (a) and (b). The information is furnished in the stfate~ ment laid on the Table of tile House. [Pluc{'d in Library. SCe No. LT-6250/661.

    Reservation and Enquiry Cle,Q[.

    4929. Shrl Onkar Lal Berwa: Shrl Roam Chand


    Will the Minister of Railways be pleased to state:

    (a) whether it is a fact that the se}(·ctions on the Western Railway for the posts of Reservation and Enquiry Clerks, grade Rs. 150-240 and class III ratering slaff grade Rs. 110-180 were held in 1965;

    (b) if SO. whether the results have been decla red; and

    (c) if not, the reasons therefor, and the action taken against the officral concerned?

    The Mlnlster of State In the Minis-try of Railways (Dr. Kam Sallha, Slnp): (a) No.

    (bl and (c). Do not .rbe.

  • 150~9 Written Answers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 (SA.KA) WrittcTI Answers 15050

    Demoslralion at Talandu Siallon (E. R.ll1way)

    4930. Shri Panna Lal: Shrl Vishwa Nath Pandey: Shrl D. C. Sharma:

    Will the Minister of Railways he ph-a sed to state:

    (a) whether it is a fact that the train services on the IIowrah division of the Eastern Railway were badly disrupted for about eight hOUfS on the 19th April. 1966 following a squettinl( demonstration on the track by a sec-tion of pas!';C'ngC'J's at Talandu Station:

    (b) if so. the reasons therefor; and

    (c) the action taken in this regard?

    Tbe Minister or State In Ihe 5Ilais-try or Railways (Dr. Ram Subhalr Sinlrh): (a) Yes.

    (b) Due to No. M138 Dn. Burdwan-Howrah Local heing detained at TdlandlJ station after its arrival there i-:lt 08-48 hrs, owing 10 the section ahead heing blocked due to an a __ ei-dent ('8USE'd by the parting of a goods train between Talandu and M,",ra,

    (e) Squatting by the passen~ers resulted in suspension of train services on Bandel~Burdwan section. Civil and polle£' authorities were immediately 'apprised. Long distance gervices sc:hedulcd to run On this section were diverted via Howl'ah-Burdwan ('hord. Normal ~f'ri\'{'t.':;; weI'£" resumed at 16-47 hours after the track was cleared by the passengers.


    '931. Sbrl VL.bram PI'lI5IUI: Slui Hukam Chand

    Kaehllaval,.a: Shri Moban Sw ...... p: Shrl YubpaJ SiDcb:

    Will the Minisler of bn",.,.o be plea!;ed to state:

    (a) whether it is Q fact that ~he selection for the past of P.W.Is. was held in July, 1965, on the Northern Railway;

    (u) if so, when the result is going to be dl'ciared; and

    ((') the numbt."'r of va("jnric~ and th(~ posts reserved fOr thf' S, hf'duled Castl'.'i: and Schenukd Trihf's?

    The Minister of State in tbe Minis-try of Railway. (J)r. Ram Subhar Singh): (a )Yes.

    (b) Th!' proceedings of the selec-tion honl'd C

  • Writ/en Aw;w('"rs MAY 6, 1966 Writt(~n AnsweTs

    (c) Selection for the I.O.Ws. will be held after the expiry of the exist-ing panel. As regards P.W.!s .. action will be taken ufter the stay order i~ vHcated.

    Manulacture 01 lIeavy Ga. Cylinders

    4933. Shrl Jashvln! Mehta: Will the Mi'nister of Industry be pleased to state:

    (a) the number of licences issued by Government during the last two years for the manufacture of heavy gas cylinders which are not useful for domestic purposes; and

    (b) the present installed capacity in that regard?

    The Minister 01 Industry (Shrl D. Sanjlvayya): (a) and (b). Manufac-ture of Gas Cylinders does not attract the prOVISlOns of the Industries (Development and Regulation) Art, 1951 and only approval of the Govern-ment is ne(:f"ssary. No capacity has yet been installed, for the manufac-ture of Hlllh Pressure Gas Cylinders. but two schemes for an aggregate capacity of 127,000 nosiannum have been approved about four years ago and these are under implementatior

    4934· ':'A ~ trn' ~ fiI;lrr '1'n ~ r"" ~ l\'l'R: '!i't '31l~ ~ 'iotT'f on: it OAT m ron- ;;rill' I

    Paper Mills In Orl ....

    4935. Shrl Ramachandra Ulaka: Shrl Dhuleshwar MeeDa:

    Will the Mini.ler of Industry be pleased to stale:

    (a) whether there is any proposal to establish new paper mills or to E'xpand the exi~ting paper mills in Oris«, State during 1966-67; and

    (b) if so, the dE"tails thE-reo!?

    The Minister of IDdDstry (Sbri D. Sanllva)'ya): (a) No, Sir.

    (b) Does not arise.

  • 15053 Written Answers VAISAKHA 16. 1388 (SAKA) Written Answers [5054

    Industrial Development of Orissa

    4!)36. Shri Kamaehandra Ulak.: Shri Dhulesb_r Meena:

    Will the Minister of IndU5try be ple~lsed to state:

    (a) whether it is a fact that the pace of the industrial development of Orissa StatE" has been very slow and ul1:-;alisfactory; and

    (b) if so. the reasOns therefr?

    Tbo Minl!lter of .ndllSU'y (Sbrl D. 'SanJivayya): (a) and (b). The pace 'of indw::trial development of any State or region is dependent upon a num-ber of factors, including the efforts of th,' Government of India, the State G(l\.'e-rnment, as well as of private parties. Every effort has been made by the Government of India to secure rapid and balanced industrial deve-lupment of Orissa State, as well as of other States and regions in the


    Pas""nger Fare and Goods FreI~Jjt

    4931. Sbrlmati Johraben Chavclr. Will the Minister of RalJway. b. plca~ed to state:

    I a) whether it is a fact that the pas~wnger fare and goods freight is

    'Charged at I~ per cent on the 'Bhildi-Raniwara' s~'tion of the Nortbern Railway;

    (b) whether there is a pressing public demand to decrease that freight so as to bring it in line with the other normally running railway routes; and

    (c) wh,.n Government propose to take a decision to reduce tbe freight?

    The Minister of State 'In the MInIs-try of aaUways (Dr. Bam SIIbbac 8_rb): (.) Passenger fares and good. freight on 'Bhildi-Raniwara' secuon ~f the Northern Railway are charged on the actual distance inflated by 90 per cent.

    (b) Some representations request-ing this were received. 563 (Ai) LS--.4.

    (c) It has been decided to remove the inflation in respect of coaching traffic nnd to reduce the inflation on goods traffic to half its present level i.e. to 45 per cent with effect from I st A "gust, 1966.

    Artisan Staft oa tile Northern RaUway

    4938. Shri Omkar Sinrb: Will the Minimer of RaIlways be pleased to :'II10lte:

    (0) whether It is " fact that the Norlhern Railway Administration has fixed 33 1/3 per cent quota of posts of Sub-Overseers Ministries Grade I for promotion in the Engineering Department tor the Anisnn stall';

    (b) whether Ihe promotion of arti-san stall' of the Delhi division hu been mode according to the above quota;

    (e) whether direct recruits are be· ing given preference for promotion by the Northern Railway Adminl.otra-lion; and

    (d) if 50, the realOns therefor?

    The Minister of Stale In tile MIaIa-try ttl Radlw.,. (Dr. Ram Sabbac Stach) (a) Yes.

    (-b) and (c). No.

    (d) Doe. not arise.

    Trasfer of Commerdal Clerlla on tbe weste ... RaIlway

    .939. Sbrt Solankl: Will the IId:" of Railway. be pleased to .' ate:

    (a) whether it I. a fact that ('om-mercial Clerks on the Western Rall-woy are being transferred anDuaily regardless of the availability of hav-ing accommodation at the place of trRnsfer;

    (b) how many such transte", took place in Baroda Division during 19G5; ond

  • Written Answers MAY 6. 1966 Written Answel's

    «.) whether this Ministry propose to discard thi~ rule?

    The Minister of state in the Mi1lIs. try 01 Railways COr. Ram Subhag S~h): (al No.

    (bl None during 1965.

    (c) Policy regarding periorlic~1 tran~(eJ'~ ('very five year~ is under rcvi£'w.

    Railway Guards of N.E. Railway

    4940. Shri Ram Harkb Yadav: Will the Minister of Railways b~. plea.ed to state:

    18) whether the Guards of the N.E. Railway have fanned an Assocition to vC'ntiiate their grievan('e~ toward. thpir emoluments and status;

    (b) if so, the precise nUlIIre of lheil' d('mandR;

    (c) Government's I'eaction there-to?

    The MiDlster of State In the Mbais-lory of RaIlways (Dr. Ram Snilbal Siqh): (a) Government have no in· formation.

    Ib) nnd (e). Do not arise.

    Small Scale ludutrles In Kuala

    4941. Shrt A. V. Raghavan: Will I h~ Min;'ter of bldustry be pleased 10 state:

    (a) whether Government are aware of the difficulties of ,,",all scale en-trepreneurs in Kerala in making re-payments under the Hire Purchases Scheme due to the closure of facto· ries fOr want of power;

    (b) if so, whether National Small Industries Corporation propose to ex-tend ·the period 01 repayment with· out charging penal interest; and

    (c) the number 01 sma\) scale unita in Kernla whOSe power connections have been disronnected bv the Kerala Electricity Board during 1966·67 so far'!

    The Minister of Industry (Shri D. Sanjivayya): (n) Government are' ;:1\.\ are that due to shortag of £,jeclri-('il.y small scale unit...:; in Kerala are fa(,ing difficulties.

    (b) The matter is unde:' ('on::;idcra-lion of the Nationa1 Small Industrie~ CorpoJ'

    (b) and (c). It is a fact that th progress made So far by some of the licencees is not satisfactory. Govern-ment is in constant touch with these parties and makes a periodical revi~\" of the progress. Extension of validity. of letters 01 intentllicences is granted' only after detailed examination of the for delay. All possible steps have already been ioken to avoid delay in executing t he projects.

    Madllne Tool Plants iD Gujarat

    4941. Shrl Juhvant M.hta: Will the Minister of lDdutry be pleased to state:

    I a) the up-to-date steps taken to 'Set up the Machine Too1 P1ant at Shavna,ar in Gujarat State;

  • 15057 Writtell An..wers VAISAKHA 16, 1888 fSAKAl W"itten An.,wer. J50SH

    (b) the tol • .} tost of the project; (c) the reaction oi Guv(>rnment and thereto?

    (c) the type 01 machine that .. \'ill be ffiilnufactured tl)ere?

    The Minister of Industr~' (8bri D. 8aDjlvayya): (a) In April, 1965 Ull agreement was t~nt('rt'd intu with Messrs Te('hnot'xpon of Czechoslo· vakili for the preparation ot a de1ail-ed project report for the machine tool plant to be set up a1 Bhavnagsr in GUJnrst. Tht, rppor't i~; .'xperled to be n'('cived shortly. FUJ"thpr action can bf" taken only i:Jitf'r the report is r('('C'i\'cd und ("xamincd. Meanwhile, th(' Go\'crnmenl of Gujarut have taken steps to HCQuire the necessary land for the project. The question of fOm1ing a company to implement the projc('t is under ('on~idcration.

    (b) Th(' capital eost of the Bhav-nagar project (including a foundry) is estimated to be Rs. 11.16 crores.

    (e) The details of the machine tool. to !)(' manufacturf'd in the factory are yet to be finalised. Th. following production programme has been tentatively propooed:

    Centre Lathes-450 numbers a year

    Turret Lathes-250 numbers a year

    Horizontal Bonne; and Milling Machines-150 numbel'S

    a year.

    AU lndIa Haadloom Fabriea ..... ket.. In, eoo.-atJve Society

    "M4. Sbri P. C. aor-II: Will the Miniater of Commerce be pleased to state:

    (a) whether it is a fact that a delegation led by the President of the All-India Handloom Fabrics Market-ing Co-operative Society recently call~ on Government to explain their difficulties;

    (b) it so, what dilllculllea were put forth and the demands made by them; and

    The Deputy MInIster In the Minis-of Co~rce (Sbrl 8baJ1 Qureshil:

    fa) Yes, Sir.

    I b) The delegation lUld requested:-

    (i) lifting of excise duty on yarn NF :H (old -lOs) ond below nnd TPstoration of duties in r~sp.:'("t of Nf 34 to last yelJr's !t'\'cls;

    (ii) n'vt'rtin~ to the old mt·thod of levying duties on art sik. rayon and wollen fabrics at th{· l'ioth Sl"g~ insteod of at 1h~ yarn stage;

    (ill) ~'ilhdl'awul of ("c)ll

  • Written An.~WeTS MAY 6. 1966 Wyitten Anstl'c1".';' 15060

    The question of reservation of cer· tain lines for Handlooms is already under consideration and Govern-ment's decision on this is expected to be announced shortly.

    Stay of Officers or Northe.... Railway In Delhi

    4945. 8hri Vishram Prasad: Will t h" Ministcr of raUways be pleased to state:

    (a) whether it is a tact that some of the Officers in the Northern Rail· way Headquarters office are stationed in Delhi alone, though in various capacities in various branches for the past 10 to 15 years and. if so. the rea!KJns therefor;

    (b) what is their number; Sind

    (c) how many such officers are working in the Stores Department?

    The MlnJster of state In the Minis· try or Jl,allway. (Dr. Bam Subitar Slnrh): (a) Yes. They have been kept in Delhi keeping in view the administrative requirements:

    (b) Eleven.

    (e) Nil.

    FIr. I. Dlnlnc car of Calcutta-Bom· bay Mall

    4946. Shrl Jl,amachandra Ulaka: Shrl DhDleshwar Meena: Shrl Ram Rarkh Yadav:

    Will the Minister of Railways be pleased to stllte:

    (j:~) whether it is a fact that thp Dining Car of the Calcutta-Bombay I via Allahabad) Mail caught flre between Banapura and Pagdhal Stu· tions on the Itarsi-Bhusnwnl section of the Central Railway on the 24th April. 1966;

    (b) if so, the cau~es of thr a

  • 15061 Written An.,wers VAISAKHA 16. 1888 (SAKA) Writt"" A,,, .,', " I'

    (iv) Inspeclllriai and Depot staff in scale Rs. 250-380(AI; and

    (V) Office Clerks in scale Rs. 210-380(A).

    Staff referred to in items (ii) to (v I are eligible only on completion of 3 years' service after reaching t.he stage of R.~. 335/-,

    (b) No,

    (t J Does not arise.

    Tine>elvell-Kanyakun.rl-Trivaudrwn RaIlway Lhle

    4NII. Shrl P. Mlltblah: Will the Minister of Railways be pleased to refer to the reply given to UnstalTed Question No. 1115 on the 2~th Feb-ruary, 1966 and state:

    (a) whether the survey reports on the Tirunelvoeli-X.anyakumari-ll'rivan-drum Railway line have been submit-ted to the Railway Board;

    (b) if so, whether the Railway Board have t"Onsidered the reports and approved them; and

    (c) whether the Railway Ministry propos., to take the necessary steps to construct the first stage of the line, that is, from Tirunelveli to Kanya-kumari in the Fourth Plan?

    The Depa,ty MiaIstet' ill tbe MiaIa-try of Railway. (Sbri Sham Natb): (a) Yes.

    (b) The survey reports arc under examination.

    (C) A decision regarding lhe cons-truction of this line will be taken emly after n detailed examination vf the survey reports. InclusioD of this line in the 4th Plan is dependent on the results of the survey. the extent of funds that will be earmarked for ('onstruction of new lines in the IV Plan and the relative priority thai this liop will merit amon(! v;:;rious such proposals.

    Over-brld&''' at n ... 1 SIaUDn 4949, Shrl Harl Vishnu Kamath:

    Sbri Vlshwa Nuh PaDdey;

    Will til. Miniswr of RaUwa18 be p!eH&ed to statl':

    (a \ whether any progress h .... been ulade with regard to the construction of ov(~r-bridge at the two level cross-int(" near ltarsi Railway Station on the Centrai Railway SO lIS to obviate inconvenience and inordinate delays to the movement of the growing vt~hiculnr traffic there;

    I b) the reaoons why the implemen-til lion of the thme year old proposal has not Ix'en even taken up; and

    I (') when the over-bridll" I. likely to be commissioned?

    The Deputy MiIIIIrUIr Ia tile ...... try 01 Railways (8bri Sh.... Nath): (a) No.

    (bl Coru;truction of road oY",r/ under bridg"" at the exlstiDc t.Yel crossing. is the joint responaibility of the Railway as well as the Road Authority.

    The Government of Madhya Pra-desh propo!ied construction or Il road overbridge .t the north end 01 lwei station. in place of the existing level ero.sing lit mil,· 463/12-13 only during 1963-64. No proposal has been re-ceived either from ~hc Stat., Govern-ment or from ihe local Municipal Body for th(' ('on~truction of the over-bridt({' in Iif'U of fw{'ond It-vel cro~~ing fit Jtand.

    Th(, qll('~ti{Jll of locating thf~ bnd,l!I', howcv("r, remained under the consi· deration of ihe Staff" Governm!'nt for a long periOd .and it Wa.~ only in Fehruary 1964 that final proposal ;,nd nf>('Pssary t.cchniNd oata were rp.ct'jv('ri hy thl' "Railway, Tht' Schmw h.1 C a)r~tldy lx'('ll inrludC'J in thp Rnil-wCly'5 Programme sinC'f: 1965-66 Thl' gencrO:ll layout plan tor the S::h('mp sent to the State Govl'rnm~nf in April 1965 WaH ""C

  • Wntten An.swers MAY ti, 1966 Written Answers

    No;ember 1965. The detailed estimate has also been finalised and sent to the State Govermnent in February 196ti for acceptance of their share of cost, Despite issue of a reminder, Stat.f> Government's acceptance is still pf'uding.

    ((') The Railway's portion of the \\'ork will be taken up on receipt of Stah' Government'~ acceptance to the estimate alld completed within about ~ yea!'. The Road over-hridge will, bo ..... ever, be brought into comm.iasion only ~Iftl'l' the approuchefl are com· p!ded Ov Ihl' St~lll' Govf:>rnment at their work-i11M at a profit and in('ome of only one

    RailwAY station of Nangal Dam is about &. 10 lakhs to 12 l~khs per month; and

    (b) if so, why a demand is made from the Punjab Government for ~uch a small a-mount keeping in vit"w the interest or the general public':

    The Deputy Miniloter In tbe MIals-try or Railways (Shri Sham Natb): (a) No. 'The Section Rupar to Nangal Dam as a whOle is running at 10."18.

    (b) The question ot prov iding a station at Brahmpur is being reconsi-dered taking Into account the latest developments in the area.

    Cement FactorieS in My"ore State

    4esZ. Sbri LIlI,a Reddy: Will the Minister of indUstry be pleased to state:

    (a) the number of cement factories working at present in Mysore State with their names, production capacity and the periOd from which they are working;

    (b) the quantity of cement required by the Mysore State and the quantity or cement these factories are capable at producing and are actually produc-ing:

    (C) the names and number of places reomnmended by the' State Govern· ment for sanction to locate the new cement plants in the State; and

    (d) the action taken thereon?

    The MiDIRU>r 01 Industry (Shrl D. Sanjln,.,.a): (a) to (d). A statement i~ laid on the TablE" of the House. [Placed in Lihrary. See No. LT-5952/ 66).

    Manufacture of Wlae In BaftItIlore

    4953. Shrl LiDCa Becldy: Will the Minister of 'lad_try be pleased to reter to the reply given to Unstarred Question No. 4272 on the 22nd April, 1966 and otate:

  • Quc.,tion VAISAKHA 16. 1886 (SAKAl of Privilege

    (a) the acreage of land on which gapes are grown in and around Bangalore;

    fb) whether thc::e is a Grape Grow-ing Cooperative Society in Bangalore. assisting the grape growers in st:'v~raJ ways encpt in markehng;

    (c) whetht'r the Stale and Central Govt~rnments have So far issued Jjren~ to any industrialists to manu-;.Jctur(. WinE' ilnd if So, the names of thas,' belonging to the State and ot .u)(JS~' from outsid,f:' th~ State: and

    (d I whether any winl' is already bc'ing manufactured out. of grapes und if !'O, how mut'h?

    Th. Minister 01 Industry (Shrl D. SanJlv~1a): (a) \0 (d). The informa-tion is being collected and wiJl he 1aid on the Table of the Hou.~e.

    12.12 hrs.




    Mr." On the 3rd May. 1966. Serdar Kapur Singh had gi ven a notice of question of priviJE"ge rClill d· ing publication 01 an allegl'd factually ineorre('t repon and t"O'nunent on hi!ll • __ h in the Lok Sabha on the 27tl\ Aprli. 1966. by the Stat •• man. dated 1.Ill' 28th April. 1966. The rna tIer wa. refC"rred. under my dlrcction~, to the

    Editor of the Statesman. New Delhi, for stating what he had to say in thl' mattt'r.

    1 have' now ret'(-,Ived the followin&' TPply from th~ Editor of the States-man:

    "Mr. Kupur Singh's letter cor-recting our story appt'afed in the Calc-utt., {'dilion of the Stafesma'i on May 3 and in the Delhi edition on May 4.

    We hOPe thaI Mr. Kapur Singh '9t'ill b(" saiisned WIth the fact that

    his letter was published without any avoidable delay, considerin, (hat he POSted it on the 28th and it had to be sent to Calcutta also. But it remains fo!' me to assure the hon. Speaker Ihat no dIsres-pect was intended either towards the Houst> or Mr. Kapur Slnllh.

    What OUf neWs story attempted I bring out was thot Members' interest in the Home Minister', statement was less pronolJnced during the debate than whUe Mr. Nand. was speaking .

    Mr. Kapur Singh conllrm.. in his letter that he uaed only on. senlence .t the start of his speech. with reference \0 Mr. Nand.'. statement. The u.e of the word "altogether" by WI WBB factually incorrect and is regrelled. But il will be seen that the unoe ot Mr. IUpur Sineh'. speech or any other Member's haa not b •• n mis-r~pre5ented in Iny way."

    hope that in view of tw. explana· tion received tram the Editor at the Statesman. the House will agree to treal the mailer lUI closed.

    So ..... bon. Members: Yes.

    SIu1 Kapur SIDp, (Ludhiana): No .. thaI yOU have a.ked U8 \0 close the matler. the matter should be cla.ed and J would raise no further objec-t ion to that. AItbol1llh the letter, a. it stands, is not what I would havl!> liked il \0 be. in view of your recom-mendation~, in view ot What thf~ letter says. in view of the tact that

    We hold the Statesman in high ."Irem. all of U~.

  • Re. POTtTait MAY 6.1966 of PI. Nehru. 15068.

    Slarl Kapili' SIDIb: I want to say that although our relations with the pres. have been Very correct and thi