Never Mind The Bee Sting. Part 1.2

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Never Mind The Bee Sting. Part 1.2

'This is so boring, Dylan. Can't we go

bully Xanthe?'




Welcome back one to Never

Mind the Bee Sting, the Queen Bee Challenge that

invites you to keep your own mean,

unhelpful comments to yourself. Last time

our Queen Beatrix Havar and her first drone Crystal had

four children, Xanthe, Emerald, Dylan and Nolan.

Two more and we're onto the next drone and free of Crystal's


'Cute little Nolan. You won't be as

mean as the others, will you?'

Poor Rootie is over her head with all

these mean sims. Xanthe has the most nice points, with six. Dylan has three and

Emerald is a run away winner with

only one.

Guess who I love the most.

Okay, it's a tie for my favour between

Dylan and Emerald. They're both so cute!

Plus my simself has a soft spot for Dylan.

She calls all the time for him.

'Isn't this totally barbaric?'

I guess. But, like locking sims in

doorless rooms or stealing their pool

ladders, it's not something I'm likely to ever stop doing.

Rootie is a really good mother. Not

surprising really, given how many

younger siblings she has.

Emerald is her favourite. Both of them are almost

always on the beach, building sandcastles and sunbathing etc.

It's nice.

Better than Xanthe, anyway.

'Dylan, as my little brother it is your

duty to serve me. I am your queen and if this challenge had an heir, it would be


'Don't forget who rocks the mean

points around here. Plus, I'm a nerd, and

can kick your ass with Maths as well

as cruelty.'

I love him!


Whoops. Seems that Crystal got preggers

this time. I didn't mean for that to


Oh wells. Rootie could use a break.


Poor little thing. Lack of sunlight.

Feeling better now?

'I guess. And happy that I can wear my

swimsuit without looking like a

beached whale.'

That would be a plus.

I have never seen a kid do this before, but lo and behold

the other day I was waiting for Emerald

and she did this.

So freaking cool!

This is possibly the best part of the

challenge, when compared to the 26

pregnancy challenge; in the Queen Bee

there is no pressure to make the kids skill

all the time. They can just be kids.

It's nice.

Though the girls are more into it than


...who would still rather skill. He is a

total nerd.

But that's okay. Because he's cute.

'Sup Crystal.

'I had the craziest dream that I was

pregnant and part of some sadistic


Look down.


Good morning, by the way.

Great. Is there a headmaster in my game who is not a


Anyways, Dylan and Emerald got in,

which was good, because that pirate

guy, who I usually love, was creeping me out more than

the guy with the mancrush on Klaus.


Must we really have to do this every dew


So, he's baldish and in a tux. WTF?

To the Banana Republic!

Sorry, I was watching the episode of The

Simpsons with NSync in it as I played. That

is my fav episode ever.

Okay, he's cute.

And a personality clone of Emerald.

He's cute and mean! *fans self*

I luffs him. Not as much as the twins,

but more than Xanthe.

Speaking of Xanthe...

'Listen, kid. I rule this house. Okay? I'm a

freaking princess, and what I say goes.

Got that?'

'If you talk to me again, I will kick you

in the face.'


'You heard me. I have one nice point

and will use it to send you to the

bottom of the beach sediment. Now leave


Go Nolan.


Just another bump, Crystal. Don't worry

your pretty little head about it.


'What? You finally found Fanta? Thank

God! We've been missing him for

almost half a chapter!'

Yay! He's back. I still haven't forgiven

Tango for chasing him away.

Everyone, this is Merlin.

He is so cute.

I love Merlin.

Yeah, so he is likely to be drone two, so I

had Rootie get her relationship with him


Then I hit an issue. I assumed that Crystal was already at work

when I had Rootie flirt. However,

Crystal was in the process of driving to work, caught Rootie

and all hell broke loose.

I suck so much.

But at least Fanta is back.

Oh yay.


They're now in love. It's cute. So as soon as the last two kids are out, Merlin had

move in and more kidlets can be made.

And I don't think either party are

against that fate.

'Shh Alice. I'm scoring here.'

Sorry Merlin.

Nolan, being the only other sim at

home, is now furious at Rootie.

But still demands huggles.

'I'm a complex being.'

You can say that again, little guy.

'What's this Alice?'

I got bored of the green. Prepare to be

human again!

' tastes like sunshine and

dandelion seeds.'

That's great, Rootie, but hurry this up.

I've got other sim's lives to ruin today,

you know.

'Ack! Oh the-'

The pain, the pain! Yes, yes, we've read it all before. Please,

hurry this up. I'm getting bored and

we know what happens when I get

bored. Can we all say "neighbourhood


'I'm home! I didn't get promoted and

my wife cheated on me, but isn't it good

to be alive?'

We are two very different people, you

know that, Crystal?

Hmm...I has an idea. I could have Rootie grovel to bring the

relationship back up, or I could leave it low, feed Crystal

cheesecake and be out of this whole

mess easily.

What to do, what to do...

'Dylan! I want to play!'

'I'm creating here, Emerald. Go annoy

someone else!'

The twins are so close, but so

different. Crystal's all active and water

balloon throwing, and Dylan's a skilling


Rootie tries to redeem herself in

the eyes of her son by teaching Nolan his toddler skills.

'Mummy a bad, bad lady.'

'Now then, Nolan-'

'No worries. I like that.'

Sweet little evil kid.

'OWWWWWW!!! This hurts more than falling off the top of the human pyramid

at cheerleading practice!'

I'm sure it does. Now spin, twirl and we can all go back to

doing more important things.

It's twins! But no cheesecake. I

checked and she was already pregnant

with twins, so all is chill. Doesn't matter,

really, as I'm not playing for points,

but it's nice to know.

Both boys, both brown hair, both skin

tone three, both with Rootie's blue

eyes that she inherited from her


This is Nathaniel, a name that I am

obsessed by and overuse, and his

brother is called Leo.


'Look, a star to show my greatness.


He looks so much like Crystal at this

moment, it's scary.

Quick, kid! Go skill before you loose

brain cells!

Time for Xanthe to get bigger.

'And I want a castle, and a pony, and a

car, and a prince to marry and a-'

Kick up the arse?


Shame. I would happily give you that


Not to flame her ego anymore, but isn't

she cute?

'I know, right?'

She's a Pleasure sim, her LTW doesn't matter and she's really pretty. I'm

surprised. But she did grow into her

chin a bit more. It's no longer scary.

Poor Nolan. Does he really need an

audience to his potty time?

'Ewww! Nolan made a stinky!'

'Dylan, you're such a doof! What else

would he be doing?'


Oh, Dylan. What happened to you?

Even more shocking than Dylan's

decreasing brain power is this; Xanthe

taking care of her baby brothers

without being told.

'Babies are like so cute!'

Closet family sim! The horror!

Grrr. ACR spoilt my plans. These two got

their relationship back up all on their



But sweet. It was nasty having them

mad at each other.

'So, Nolan, I'm all big now. Still disputing

my rule over the house?'

'I've seen you with the stinky twins.

You're no threat to me.'

'MUM! Nolan's being mean to me!'

'Little busy here, Xanthe. Did you see

where the butler hid Leo?'

Every time, Jerry?

'I want a baby that stays as a baby for a while! Not one that changes into a child

within hours!'

Poor thing. Never gunna happen.


Nolan, Nathaniel and Leo!

Here's Nolan.


Isn't he the cutest thing since sliced


'Are we done? I have people to threaten,

deal to make and abuse. That kinda


By all means, go.

This is...umm...I've forgotten. Wait, this

is Leo. He's cute, in a chipmunk kinda way.

And here's Nathaniel. He's got

the Havar mouth thing going on, but it

cute despite that.

Xanthe? What are you doing? Why

aren't you out chatting up boys and

jumping on sofas?

'Nathaniel needs hugging.'

*sigh* She is the worst Pleasure sim ever. Where's that annoying princess

attitude now? Hmm?

'He's so cute!'


But Nathaniel is rather cute. Not as

cute as the other Nathaniels I have in

my game, but few sims are as cute as

them. Very few people will

understand that last bit, but whatevers.

Meanwhile, outside, Crystal comes up

with a genius ploy to get more time with


'If I don't have six kids, I don't have to

leave. So I will throw them off the lot and


If you're going to even try that, I don't

recommend using my favourite. Leo's

boring. Throw him.

Another LTW done. Now she wants to

become a Media Magnet, and, of

course, as is my luck that job refused to

come up. Ever.


Neither of the new twins have much of a

personality, and since they're leaving in a few days I'm too

lazy to write them one.

Their one defining feature; they're

stoopid as Crystal. Great.


Rootie gotted all fat.

'You try having six kids.'

You only had four of them.

'And your point is? I'm allowed a bit of

baby weight!'

No. Now pump it! PUMP IT PUMP IT


'Hey, Emerald. Mind leaving. Your mother

and I need some special time.'

'No. I'm staying here because I know it

will annoy you.'

I do love Emerald. So much.

After getting Fanta back again (yes, he

ran away for a second time) I

decided to get rid of both cats. They were

way too much hassle.

To get her on the right (and winning) path (Pleasure and

Romance sims FTW), I have Xanthe ask for a date. I shell out the full amount, because Rootie is loaded and

I'm nice.

And this is what we get?!?!?! They have negative chemistry and he looks like a

beaten baboon!

I demand a refund!

'Xanthe? Why does your boyfriend look like that poo eating

gorilla we saw at the zoo the other day?'

'He's not my boyfriend!'

'But he does look like a poo gorilla.'

'Yes, he does. Thanks for pointing it out,


'A pleasure.'

I love him!

Xanthe isn't the only one making friends.

Emerald brought one of her aunts home

from school.

'It's so messed up that I'm older than

my aunts and uncles.'

That's just how things work around


Here's Harley, Rootie's youngest

sibling (other than an alien called

Hydrus who barely counts) and one of

triplets. She's rather cute, huh?


She's also rather shallow.

'I can't believe that a hottie like you would

go on a date with me.'

'Trust me, I never agreed to this. In fact, I'm debating

smashing your face in at the moment,

but that would require contact, so

maybe not.'

Poor Xanthe.

Nice outfit, Rootie.

'I hate being a Criminal

Mastermind. Do I look evil to you?'

I would actually expect you to turn

yourself in. Well, as soon as Journalism

comes up, you're out of the crime

business, hopefully forever. It suits you like a potato sack.

'Listen. I never agreed to go on a

date with you, and if you touch me with

those banana peelers again, I will let Nolan kill you!'


'Shh Nolan.'

Oooh...*pops pop corn* Seems the old

Xanthe is re-emerging.


'As an evil genius I have to keep in prime physical


By jumping on the bed?

'It's not like you have any gym equipment

for kids.'

Just don't do that for too long. Last thing I

need is you guys being taken away because you got


Poor Nathaniel.

'Want screen time.'

You get more than Leo. That's

something, right?


Well, grow a personality and we'll




'How much would you pay me to drink

these bubbles?'

I wouldn't pay you.

'Did I hear fifty quid? Okay then.'


Oh, and a quid is slang for pound, the

English currency. Just in case you didn't

know that.

'It tastes like pain!'

Serves you right.

Ooooh, poor little guy. Here take my



HEY! That's the last time I care about any

of you.

Since I'm bored waiting for both sets of twins to grow up later today, I invite

over Harley and her brothers. The pale

one is Heath and the other one is Harry.

Now for an epic water balloon fight!

Even Dylan joined in.

And yes, that monkey guy Xanthe

had that one disastrous date with

is still here. WTH is up with him?

And now it's birthday time.

You'll see them all grown up at the very end, so let's get this

show on the road.

First Emerald.

'It tickles!'


Then Leo.

'I'm so tall.'


Next it's Dylan.

'The sparkles match my jammies.'

That's nice, kid.

And, finally, little Nathaniel.

So here they are, Crystal and her


L-R, B-F it's;

Dylan, Cystal, Xanthe, Emerald,

Nathaniel, Nolan and Leo.

So, now for the divorce. We invite

Merlin over, he and Rootie flirt, slapping

ensues, all the kids get pissed off and,

short and short, Crystal and the kids



Okay, this about broke my heart.

I now hate myself for breaking up this

happy family.

Oh wells. On with the show before

people start to think I have emotions.

'Though I don't look it, I'm really sad.'

Me too, Root.

Well, that's it for now. Join us next

time for Merlin's ride of the pony, and more cute kids (I
