Networks of knowledge. Social Media in the [Foreign Language] Classroom

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Álvaro Llosa Sanz y Mónica Poza Diéguez. LECNY-NYSAFLT REGIONAL MEETING November 2, 2013. Verona, NY. Verona-Sherrill Central School. The Littera Project (

Transcript of Networks of knowledge. Social Media in the [Foreign Language] Classroom

Networks of Knowledge Social Media and the Foreign Language Classroom

Mónica Poza DiéguezÁlvaro Llosa Sanz

Hobart and William Smith Colleges


The Littera Project

We are social beings“Human beings are social creatures–not occasionally or by accident but

always. Sociability is one of our core capabilities, and it shows up in almost every aspect of our lives as both cause and effect. Society is

not just the product of its individual members; it is also the product of its constituent groups”

(Clay Shirky, Here comes everybody, 2008)

Social Media as a global phenomenon

Internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site.

(Nielsen, State of the Media: the Social Media Report, 2012)

Social Media as a Space to Learn

We need to live and teach and learn where the students live and teach and learn. That means that we have to stop blocking to their spaces and go to their spaces. So we explore their world.

(Stephen Downes, Groups vs Networks, 2007)

What is Social Media?

Social media refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

(Toni Ahlqvist, Social Media Roadmaps, 2012)

A combination of three elements


user communities,

and Web 2.0 technologies.

(Toni Ahlqvist, Social Media Roadmaps, 2012)

Social Media and the Classroom

Media: The Extensions of Man (M. McLuhan)

Social Media: The Extensions of the Classroom

Building Communities of KnowledgeToday, we should learn languages not only to communicate with other individuals and groups, BUT to build communities and networks of knowledge.

Stephen Downes, Groups vs Networks, 2007

Groups vs Networks

Building Communities of KnowledgeToday, we should learn languages not only to communicate with other individuals and groups, BUT to build communities and networks of knowledge.

Stephen Downes, Groups vs Networks, 2007

Groups vs Networks

Why Use Social Media in the Classroom?

Student centered & Personalization of Learning

Networking and collaboration enhanced (they meet others and others’ ideas)

Synchronous and Asynchronous work (flexible time, multiple opportunities to participate)Hypermedia literacyGlobal and local (Glocal) & encourages diversity

BUT Social Media should be integrated in a variety of other modes of learning and building knowledge (Adopt a transmedia perspective)

Practical uses, enhancing skills

· Generating new projects and communities

· Remote Office hours or feedback in real time! (If you want to :-)

· Critical Thinking and reading comprehension · Curation on multimedia materials

· Feedback and discussion on writing assignments · Discussions and conversations on materials and topics

· Narrating live events · Collaborative work for assignments and projects

· Engaging in conversations about small pieces, reflections, quotes, materials, personal likes and dislikes· Connecting people abroad and out of the academia

Peer-reviewing and feedback on writing

Peer-reviewing and feedback on writing

Collaborative Writing

Discussions on topics and materials

Curation of Social Media Content

Learning to summarize

Engaging in conversations and reflections

Covering live events in real time

Building CommunitiesExploring Identities

Building CommunitiesExploring Identities

Building CommunitiesCrossing disciplines and learners

Building CommunitiesConnecting with people abroad and out of the academia

Building CommunitiesConnecting with people abroad and out of the academia

Building CommunitiesSharing Experiences and Networking

Building CommunitiesDiscovering together a new talent

and make your social media services the center of your class.

To Be Successful building a community...

Don’t be afraid of experimentation,

Discover with your students how to use social media meaningfully,

Fail, and try it again!

Thank you very much!

The Littera Project