Network Security Report - Thuong Vo

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Network Security Report - Thuong Vo

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Vo T.

Tấn công mạng

Phương thức tấn công

Active attack

Passive attack


Information Transferring


Attack: Interruption

Cut wire lines,Jam wireless signals,Drop packets,


Attack: Interception

Wiring, eavesdrop


Attack: Modification

intercept Replaced info


Attack: Fabrication

Also called impersonation

Sniffing attack

Trong một hệ thống mạng đơn giản, ví dụ như PC A muốn gửi gói tin đến PC B và nó chỉ biết được địa chỉ IP của PC B. Khi đó PC A sẽ phải gửi một ARP broadcast cho toàn mạng để hỏi xem "địa chỉ MAC của PC có địa chỉ IP này là gì ?" Khi PC B nhận được broadcast này, nó sẽ so sánh địa chỉ IP trong gói tin này với địa chỉ IP của nó. Nhận thấy địa chỉ đó là địa chỉ của mình, PC B sẽ gửi lại một gói tin cho PC A trong đó có chứa địa chỉ MAC của B. Sau đó PC A mới bắt đầu truyền gói tin cho B.

Sniffing attack

Sniffing attack

Sniffing attack



DDoSA Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is when multiple computers make repeated requests for data to one computer or device, overwhelming its ability to process those requests efficiently, causing it to slow down or even crash in some cases.

DDoS attacks are often performed against web sites by bots acting on instructions from a Command and Control server by criminal gangs seeking to either extort money or as a form of retaliation.

Backdoor, Remote Access Tool/Remote Access Trojan (RAT)

A backdoor is an application allowing remote access to a computer. The difference between this type of malware and a legitimate application with similar functionality is that the installation is done without the user’s knowledge.Typical backdoor functionality includes the capability to send files to the host computer and execute files and commands on it, and to exfiltrate (send) files and documents back to the attacker. Often this is coupled with key-logging and screen-grabbing functionality for purposes of spying and data theft.The term “RAT” (Remote Access Tool) can be considered a synonym to “backdoor”, but it usually signifies a full bundle including a client application meant for installation on the target system, and a server component that allows administration and control of the individual ‘bots’ or compromised systems.


A portmanteau word combining MALicious and softWARE, malware is used as an umbrella term to cover all forms of malicious code, regardless of how that code spreads or is installed, how it targets or identifies computer systems, or what sort of damage it causes.


A particular kind of malicious software used for extortion. When activated, ransomware prevents access to a device or the data on it until the victim pays a fee.

What Is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser, or a mail server and a mail client (e.g., Outlook).

What Is SSL?SSL allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials to be transmitted securely. Normally, data sent between browsers and web servers is sent in plain text—leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. If an attacker is able to intercept all data being sent between a browser and a web server, they can see and use that information. SSL allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials to be transmitted securely.

What Is SSL?More specifically, SSL is a security protocol. Protocols describe how algorithms should be used. In this case, the SSL protocol determines variables of the encryption for both the link and the data being transmitted.

TLSHowever, when the time came to update from SSLv3.0, instead of calling the new version SSLv4.0, it was renamed TLSv1.0. We are currently on TLSv1.2.

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