Netiquette & telephone etiquette

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Netiquette (email) and Telephone etiquette ....

Transcript of Netiquette & telephone etiquette

Informal Communication: Email and Telephone EtiquetteLehigh University ESL Department

International English Language Center Seminar

Ms. Candice Quiñones, Spring 2012


Discussion Questions

Email Etiquette

Telephone Etiquette

Netiquette: Emails

Discussion Questions: Email What is “etiquette”?

What is “netiquette”? 

How does email differ from face to face communication? Discuss at least 3 differences between these two forms of communication.

Have you ever received a poorly written email? How did you know? What was your impression of the author who sent it to you? 

Why does it matter what we say in an email?

Quiz: Are You Email Etiquette Savvy?

Go to the following link and take the quiz:


32 Email Etiquette Tips/Rules

These are some of the most important ones.

Go thru the list and discuss those that you were not familiar with before.

32 Most Important Email Tips: 1-81. Be concise and to the point.

2. Answer all questions and pre-empt further questions.

3. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

4. Make it personal.

5. Use templates for frequently used responses.

6. Answer Swiftly.

7. Do not attach unnecessary files.

8. Use proper structure and layout.

32 Most Important Email Tips: 9-169. Do not overuse the high priority option.

10. Do not write in CAPITALS.

11. Don’t leave out the message thread.

12. Add disclaimers to your emails.

13. Read the email before you send it.

14. Do not overuse “reply to all”.

15. Mailings-- use the bcc: field or do a mail merge.

16. Take care with abbreviations and emoticons.

32 Most Important Email Tips: 17-24

17. Be careful with formatting.

18. Take care with rich text and HTML messages.

19. Do not forward chain letters.

20. Do not request delivery and read receipts.

21. Do not ask to recall a message.

22. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission.

23. Do not use email to discuss confidential information.

24. Use a meaningful subject.

32 Most Important Email Tips: 25-32

25. Use active instead of passive voice.

26. Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT.

27. Avoid long sentences.

28. Don’t send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene remarks.

29. Don’t forward virus hoaxes.

30. Keep your language gender neutral.

31. Don’t reply to spam.

32. Use the cc: field sparingly.

Model Emails

Analyze the following emails for good and bad qualities.

Sample 1 (Student-Teacher)Subject Line: I UPLOADED THE HOMEWORK TODAY TUESDAY



Sample 2 (Student-Teacher) Subject Line: Hi!


Dear Professor Quinones,


Yesterday, I sent my draft to you, and this is my new annotation.

Can you check this and give me some comments?

Thank you!

Sincerely,J***** S*******

Sample 3 (Teacher-Student)Subject Line: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yo yo yo students – WHAT’S HAPPENING!?!?

Can u believe the semester’s over? Me either. I’m gonna take time off to sleep and go party with my friends. It’s going to be AWESOME!

Here’s my phone number if you wanna hang out some time – (717) 555-2020 so call me anytime of the day or nite cuz I’d love to see you outside of class and get to know you better. ;)

Peace Out!

Sample 4 (Teacher-Student)Subject Line: Reminders for Tomorrow’s Class


Dear Students,

Since we didn't get to finish all the presentations, we will begin with the last group. (Presenters, please be a little early to set up). We need to begin on time.

See you tomorrow,

Ms. Quinones

Sample 5 (Friend-Friend)Subject Line: Can you give me a ride?


Dear Joe,

I hope you are well. My car broke down yesterday and is still in the shop, but I need to work tomorrow and don’t have a way to get there.

Since you work right down the street from my office, I was wondering if you would be able to give me a ride to work tomorrow morning. I would really appreciate it.



Sample 6 (Friend-Friend)Subject Line: Re: Can you give me a ride?



Sure, no problem. What time should I pick you up?


Videos about Netiquette Proper Email Etiquette with Corporate Comedian Greg



How to Follow Proper Netiquette Rules

Email Protocol for Contacting Your Professor

Emailing Your Professor

Create Your Own Practice writing your own emails for the following

situations. Email a professor about missing class. Email a professor to make an appointment. Email a classmate to ask about what you missed. Email a friend to schedule a lunch next week. Email someone to thank them for a favor they did you.

Remember to consider the audience and the purpose of your email.

Telephone Etiquette

Discussion Questions: Telephone Do you know how to talk on the phone?

Are there any areas about telephone communication that concern you (that you worry about)? If so, discuss this with your partner or group and list 3 here.

Do you think you possess courteous telephone communication skills? Share your strongest skill with your group.

Do you know what time is proper or improper to telephone someone?

Aspects of Telephone Etiquette

Cell Phone Etiquette

Making a Call

Answering a Call

Leaving a Message

Cell Phone Etiquette: Top 10 Rules

1. Your cell phone doesn’t have to go with you everywhere you go.

Movie theaters, restaurants, and plays are examples of places where they are not usually welcome.

2. Don’t let your cell phone control you. Just because it rings doesn’t mean you have to answer it.

I.E. Driving and talking on a cell phone is dangerous.

3. Be alert while using a cell phone. Watch where you are going.

4. Use your quiet, inside voice. Do not yell into your cell phone. Respect the environment around you.

5. Know your ringtone so you don’t have to check it every time you hear a phone ring. (Program a unique, but tasteful one).

Cell Phone Etiquette: Top 10 Rules6. Save certain discussions for later, i.e. arguments.

Be aware of who is around you and don’t discuss sensitive, personal, or graphic conversations in public.

7. Excuse yourself before starting a cell phone conversation and politely turn away from others to complete your call.

8. Keep your conversations short. Especially if you are entertaining friends or clients in person, let

them know that you value their time.

9. Let the phone ring if you are busy with something important.

10. Listen to the flight attendant. Obey signs and directives that prohibit cell phone use. They are

there for a reason!

Videos about Cell Phone Etiquette

Business Dress & Etiquette: Cell Phone Calls During Business

Cell Phone Etiquette

Cell Phone Etiquette Are you addicted to your cellphone?

Take this quiz and find out.

Making a Call

Time of day


Getting Through

Purpose for the Call

Clarity of speech

Tone of voice

Making a Call

Time of Day Calling too early or late can be considered rude.

What is too early or too late? Guideline: don’t call at a time where the person may

likely be asleep(before 7:00 am or after 9:00-10:00pm).

Avoid calling around the usual times people would be eating. This is considered common courtesy.

Also, avoid calling a business around closing time.

Making a Call

Self Identification It is considered good manners to identify yourself after

the person on the other end picks up the phone. Example phrases:

“This is _______” “_________ here…” “(Hey) It’s ______” “My name is _______...” “I’m calling from _______”

Making a Call

Getting Through to the Right Person Ask to speak with the person you intended to call

(If you know that it is a shared number or office phone number)

Sample Phrases: “May I please speak with _________” “Could you please put me through to _____” “ Could I be connected with _______” “Is ______ available?” “Is ______ home/there” “Can I talk to ______” “Put ______ on the phone”

Making a Call

Purpose for the Call Once you have identified yourself and are speaking to

your target audience, it is time to state your reason for calling.

Be direct and to the point. One or two sentences maximum.

After you’ve stated the purpose of your call, be sure to ask if it is a convenient time. Let the person know how much time you will need for

the call. Be honest.

Making a Call

Clarity of Speech Be sure to speak clearly and enunciate your words. It can be hard to understand a caller if they are not trying

to speak clearly. This creates the need for repetition and can sometimes

be frustrating for both the listener and the caller. It may also be necessary to adjust your normal rate of

speech while on the phone.

Making a Call

Tone of Voice Remember: The person you are speaking to cannot see

you so your voice reflects your courtesy. If you smile while speaking on the phone, it will be

reflected in your tone. Short words or responses can sound rude on the phone if

they aren’t carefully inflected.

Answering a Call

Letting it ring Greeting Self-identification Putting People on Hold Taking a Message

Answering a Call

Letting it Ring Let the phone ring a reasonable length of time. Don’t wait too long or you will miss the call Don’t pick up on the first ring

It can startle the caller, they may not be ready for you If you rush, you may sound out of breath or impatient

Answering a Call

Greeting The standard greeting for answering the phone is “hello”.

“Yes” is considered to short and sounds rude. In an office or at a business it is typical to answer the

phone by identifying the company and then the speaker i.e. “ESL Department, Clara speaking. (How may I help


Answering a Call

Self Identification Once the standard greeting has been given, it is standard

for the speaker to identify themselves *unless it is their personal phone line, in which case

they assume the caller knows who they are calling. Examples:

“Hello, this is John. With whom am I speaking?” “HR department, Ray speaking. How can I help


Answering a Call

Putting People on Hold If you have an incoming call, you may choose to ignore it

or put the person you are speaking with on hold. If you must put someone on hold, explain to them why.

Be sure to do this diplomatically and politely. People are more likely to be patient if you explain the

reason for their inconvenience.

Answering a Call

Taking a Message If the person that the caller seeks is not in, ask if you can

take a message. i.e. “May I take a message?” Ask for their name, purpose of their call, the desired

response (would they like to be called back) and their phone number.

Repeat the information back the the caller to make sure it is correct.

Leaving a Message

With a Person

On Voicemail

Leaving a Message

With a Person Ask to leave a message for the person you are calling Leave your name, the reason for your call, and let them

know the desired response to your call. Ask to be called back, or specify if you will call back.

Leave your phone number if you are not sure if they have it.

Leaving a Message

On Voicemail Wait for the beep. Be brief and to the point. Identify yourself Tell them why you called. Leave a call back number.

Videos about Phone Etiquette Professional Phone Etiquette: Phone Etiquette for

Making a Call

Professional Phone Etiquette: Recording a Voicemail Greeting

Professional Phone Etiquette: What NOT to Do When Leaving a Phone Message

Professional Phone Etiquette: Taking Good Phone Messages


Practice making a call, answering a call and leaving a message for the following situations: Telling your boss you need to reschedule a meeting. Telling your husband or wife you will be late coming home. Asking a professor if they are available to meet with you

tomorrow. Asking your friend if they want to have dinner with you
