Netex learningMaker | What's New v3.1 [En]

Post on 14-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Netex learningMaker | What's New v3.1 [En]

What’s New in 3.1.0 Improvements in the Editor

Improvements in the Basic template Improvements in Quizzes

Improvements in communication

01 What have we added ?

Improvements in the Editor You will have now available another way to select the components on the scren, by using the upper breadcrumb.

01 What have we added?

Improvements in the Basic template You may also include in the Basic template the following components: Slider, Accordion group and Tabs group.

01 What have we added?

Hiding elements in quizzes You can decide the components to be included in the quiz to customise its look and feel

01 What have we added?

Changing colours in quizzes You can change the colours associated to the quiz, by customising the background, buttons, header…

01 What have we added?

Viewing solutions and my responses in quizzes You may allow users to view the correct answers when they give the wrong one.

01 What have we added?

Notifications system The system will notify the user once the publishing of the projects in queue is finished.

01 What have we added?

Request for resources when inserting components The tool will automatically request the selection of a resource when Audio, Video and Image components are added.

01 What have we added?

Feedback tab in the administration section to share ideas with Netex The tool will make the communication with our technical and support team easier through the included tab.

01 What have we added?

02 What are we working on ?

• Repository of quizzes, referable from any project

• Managing user and group permissions from their details

• Permission to manage a project or a folder

• Publishing in PDF format for all templates

02 What are we working on?

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