Net Democracy Foundation - Year 2013

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Net Democracy Foundation - Year 2013



We want to share with you all the achievements of our first year!

In 2012, an idea brought us together:

Our current democracies had become stale, unable to attend the demands of a more complex society.

We asked: How can we update democracy to the challenges of modern society?

We proposed to empower the citizen through technology so he could get informed,

debate and vote every day.

Our vision: change the tool. Build an operating system for a more open and accessible democracy.

We created a system with 2 elements. An online app & another one offline: a new kind of political party.

The candidates of The Net Party are committed to always vote according to the decisions made by citizens online.

We got 22.000 votes, around 1.2% and were the 2nd most voted local force in the city of Buenos Aires.






PRO FIT Partido de la Red PLL Bandera Vecinal Partido Nacionalista Unir

We were the first political party to do collective financing in latinamerica through the site ideame.

We developed DemocracyOS where citizens can get informed, debate and take the decision

they want their representative to make.

The application works in any kind of device.

More than 3000 citizens registered, debated and voted over 40 bills from congress.


The Net Democracy Foundation develops and provides support so other parties can adapt the app and use it.

An active community of developers contribute to the free and open source code at

We are preparing a global campaign on Kickstarter to collectively finance the development of DemocracyOS.

With great effort, in 12 months we were able to create an incredible team of 200 volunteers.

The full list of media coverage:,_Television,_Diarios_y_Blogs

And we had a great impact on

national and international media.

We presented our idea at the World Economic Forum (Davos), World Justice Project (The Hague),

Transparency Camp (Washington) and over 30 conferences in Latinamerica.

Met with Prime Minister of the UK; received a letter of support from US Supreme Court, Justice Kennedy; and

our app is used by democracy activists in Tunisia.

It’s all just getting started! !

The received support was key to achieve all the goals we have set for this year.


We have a long road ahead! !

We are looking for office space (or co-work) for a team of 5 developers and good internet access.

We need to maintain a full-time staff:Executive direction and project management.

Three senior engineers for DemocracyOS Research teams.

We want to carry on with projects that foster the use of technology in marginal places and promotional campaigns.

We hope that in 2014 you can be part of these efforts to update democracy worldwide!

Stay in touch:



Pia Mancini – Executive Director

Net Democracy Foundation / @piamancini

Follow The Net Party in social media @partidodelared and facebook.

¡Thanks… y que despierte la red!