Nest plus download steps

Post on 21-Jul-2015

57 views 3 download

Transcript of Nest plus download steps

NEST PLUS Download Steps

• Step 1: Visit

• Step 2: Click on Download

• Step 3 (a): Please select your Nest Trader “ My Nest Trader version is above”

• Step 3 (b) : Please select your NOW Trader “MY NOW Trader version is above”

• Step 4: Save the file

• Step 1: Enter the mentioned URL

• Step 5: Run the file and follow the instruction. Note: While installing NEST plus please log out from your Now/NEST trader.

NEST PLUS Download StepsStep 1: Enter the mentioned URL

Step 2: Click on Download

Step 3: a) Select the highlighted version ( For NEST)

b) Select NOW version is above (For NOW)

Step 4: Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions