NERVOUS SYSTEM MCGONIGLE Intro to Psychology. Nervous System Made up of the spinal cord and the...

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Transcript of NERVOUS SYSTEM MCGONIGLE Intro to Psychology. Nervous System Made up of the spinal cord and the...


Intro to Psychology

Nervous System

Made up of the spinal cord and the brain

Neurons : Nerve cell – the neurons transmit messages to the spinal cord and to the brain. ( knee reflex)

3 types of neurons.

Types of Neurons

Sensory Neurons

Motor Neurons

Interneurons – found between other neurons.


Branches that extend from the cell body to most neurons.

Receive information and transmit impulses toward the cell body. (hot stove/step on a nail)

Cell Body of Nucleus

Cell Body: Contains nucleus, control center of the cell.

Regulates production of protein within the cell.

Neurons – limited ability to repair damaged cells. (Pat’s story)


Long tubelike structure attached to a neuron

Transmits impulses away from cell body + toward another neuron, muscle cell or gland.

Spinal Cord

Long column of nerve tissue about as thick as your index finger.

Generally speaking – 18” long (c shaped) Vertebra - bones that make up back (6 C) Connective tissue- spinal meninge – help

protect spinal cord.


Cerebrum: largest and most complex part of the brain.

Billions of neurons– conscious thought, learning, memory ( long + short)

Brain cells – do not reproduce

Left Hemisphere

Right side of the body

Language Thinking Reasoning Analyzing

Right Hemisphere

Music Talents ( singing/ playing instruments)

Art ( painting/ drawing)

Spatial Relationships ( Maps/ Graphs)

4 Lobes of the Brain

Frontal Lobe

Parietal Lobe

Occipital Lobe

Temporal Lobe

Frontal Lobe

All voluntary movements ( hand/eye coordination)

Use of language – foreign languages.

Parietal Lobe

Sensory Information :

Heat Cold Pain Touch

Occipital Lobe

Vision – eyes-

Optic nerve

Do we see w/ our eyes or brain?

Temporal Lobe

Hearing + Smell (connected- memory)





2nd largest part of the brain.

Coordinates movement of skeletal muscles (jock/nerd)

Receives messages from sensory neurons in the inner ear.

Maintains body posture + balance.

Brain Stem

3” stalk of nerve cells and fibers that connect spinal cord to the rest of the brain.

Incoming and outgoing messages pass through the brain stem.

Medulla Oblongata

Lowest part of the brain stem

Regulates heartbeat + respiratory rates

Reflexes: coughing, sneezing, vomiting


1” in length

Above the medulla

Pathway- connects nerve impulses to other parts of the brain.

Helps regulate breathing.

Midbrain Highest part of the brain stem

Controls eyeball movement and pupil size

Turning your head at an unexpected noise

Thalamus Page 60 in textbook Important Relay center for incoming

impulses ( nail/ hot stove)

Receive info from eyes and ears.

Above the hypothalamus..


Controls and balances body processes to regulate: ( means under the thalamus)

Body temp (sweat) Appetite Regulate Sleep Pituitary Glands

Hypothalamus controls

Metabolism (discuss disturbances)

Sexual Development (behavior)

Emotional Responses (aggression)

Peripheral Nervous System

Consists of all nerves that are not part of the Central Nervous System

Carries messages between CNS and the rest of the body

2 Parts: Autonomic + Somatic

Autonomic Nervous System

Consists of Network of nerves divided into 2 smaller networks.

“Fight/Flight responses”

Reflex- spontaneous response of body to stimulus.

Somatic Nervous System

Sensory Neurons

Relay messages from receptors to:EyesEarsNoseTongueSkin

Parasympathetic Nervous System

During rest and relaxation

Opposes actions of sympathetic system

Slows down body functions: heartbeat, lowers blood pressure, opens blood vessels.

Vocab Quiz on Thursday

From Central Nervous System to the Pons

Terms 1-15