
Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Neptune


AND ESTELAMusic by b.s.o “Avatar”

It was discovered in 1.846 from the

observatory of Berlin by……….

…the german astronomer Johann Galle.

It was called so, in honor of the roman God of sea Neptune.For this reason its astronomical symbol is represented with a trident.

It´s the fourth planet of the Solar system in size and eighth respect its distance from the sun .

Its distance from the sun , is 4500 millions of kms and its diameter is about 49.400kms.(four times that of our planet).

It´s a very cold planet.Its temperature is -218 ºc Along with Uranus are called “ ice giants”

It´s a big ball of gas (hydrogen and helium) with a metal core

Its day (rotation)is 16 hours and its year (revolution) lasts 60.268 days

Eleven satellites are known , the largest and brightest is Triton..

Triton measured 2.705 kms less than our moon and it has many geysers.

Neptune is surrounded by five rings

Its color is that its surface contains methane and large dark spot is actually a major


THE ENDThe end