Nepal And Kapilvastu- Two Important Buddhist Destinations To Attain Salvation

Post on 15-May-2015

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Find Great offers with Buddhist Nepal tours all of packages. You Can See here the merely practice of Buddhism that teaches us about the ‘way of life’. It is a philosophy to lead a moral life and develop wisdom and understanding. More info about visit us:

Transcript of Nepal And Kapilvastu- Two Important Buddhist Destinations To Attain Salvation

Nepal And Kapilvastu Buddhism is merely a practice that teaches us the ‘way

of life’. It is a philosophy to lead a moral life and

develop wisdom and understanding. This code of

practical living leads to true happiness.

Buddhism focuses on the teachings of Gautama Buddha

who teaches man to follow the path to enlightenment

and his philosophies are the key to human happiness.

This tradition focuses on personal spiritual

development. The basic tenet of Buddhism revolves

round the concept- nothing is permanent, change is

possible. The Buddhist followers strive for deeper

insight knowledge. This true nature of life can be

explored through the religious tour to Nepal and


Nepal Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour

Nepal is considered to be an ideal pilgrimage

destination to experience the aspects of Buddhism and

its other branches. Nepal, a multi religious country, is

dominated by the Buddhist and Hindu residents.

Kathmandu, the major capital of the country is the

most appreciated as it houses some small Buddhist

school and this site mainly follows the tradition of

Tibetan Buddhism. Your trip to Nepal will be

accomplished with age old monasteries in and outside

the Kathmandu valley.

This Buddhist pilgrimage site is not only famous for

sightseeing tours but also teaches us the way of living

through the Buddhist meditation. There are ample of

Gumpa and Monesteries here and they reflect the

culture of the region. Some of them are

Swyambhunath, Pharphing Gumpa, Kopan Gumpa,

Seto Gumpa and many others. Through the exploration

of Buddhist culture, travelers can witness the true

beauties of Nepal. The Crystal Himalayan View,

Elephant Back Safari and a glimpse of Pokhara are

worth visiting and worth watching. Nepal holiday is

most appreciated among peace loving people.

Kapilvastu Tourism

Kapilvastu is a small village and a historic

town of Nepal. Approximately located at a

distance of 25 kms from Lumbini, this

sacred pilgrimage destination is believed to

be the capital of Shakya republic. Your

Buddhist pilgrimage tour cannot be

completed unless

you visit Kapilvastu. This opulent site is the

destination where prince Siddhartha grew up and spent

his childhood. This is the place where he experienced all

sorrows and pain, decided to abandon all worldly

pleasures and devote all his life towards the path of

salvation and truth. The attractions of the place

include the Stupas that have been built by the Ashoka

and the Gupta kings. The city has such a pristine effect

that it can soothe the minds of the traveler.

The Buddhist tours to Nepal and Kapilvastu makes the

visitors visualize the bygone days of Lord Buddha who

had contributed much to humanity.

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