Near Infrared Tunable Filter System for ATST

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Near Infrared Tunable Filter System for ATST. Big Bear Solar Observatory & Solar Research Center, NJIT. Aug. 25, 2003. NIR Tunable Filter System. CCD1. Polarization Analyzer. FP. CCD2. Prefilter. Lyot-filter. Design Requirements. Spectral coverage: 1.0~1.7 m Resolving power: 150,000 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Near Infrared Tunable Filter System for ATST

Near Infrared Tunable Filter System for ATST

Big Bear Solar Observatory &

Solar Research Center, NJIT

Aug. 25, 2003

NIR Tunable Filter System



Prefilter Lyot-filter


Design Requirements

• Spectral coverage: 1.0~1.7m• Resolving power: 150,000• FOV: 1~3 arcmin• Bandpass: ~ 0.1Å• Spatial resolution: ~ 0.1 arcsec• Multi-operation: narrow, medium, and broad• Filter aperture: Lyot filter~36mm, FP~150mm• Tunable range 1.0~1.7m• High optical quality• High throughput: ~40% for polarized light• Stray light: ~ 10-3

• Stability: ~ 0.05Å/hour

Operation Mode I - Narrow passband

• Configuration: Interference Filters + Lyot Filter + NIR FP • Passband FWHM: 0.1Å• FOV: ~ 1 arcmin• Observation Mode: Imaging Spectrograph /

Spectropolarimetry• Interested Lines:

FeI 11607.6, 11783.3, 11882.8, 11884.1, 12879.8, 15207.5, 15219.6, 15245.0, FeI 15648.5, 15652.9, 1566.0, 15723.6H 12818, Cont 16300HeI 10830.34, 10830.25, 10829.08CI 10683.1, 10685.4, 10691.2, 10729.5MgII: 10952, 10914, FeXIII 10747, 10798CN at J-band, OH at H-band: OH 15422.4, 15419.6, 15409.3, 15407.4

• Peak Transmission: ~40% for polarized light

• Configuration: Interference Filters + Lyot Filter • Passband FWHM: 2~3Å• FOV: ~ 1-3 arcmin• Observation Mode: Filtergram• Interesting Spectral Lines:

FeI 15648.5, 15652.4

HeI 10830.34, 10830.25, 10829.08

Continuum 1.63m

H (P) 12818

CN at J-band, OH at H-band• Peak Transmission: ~ 40% for polarized light

Operation Mode II - Medium passband

Operation Mode III - Broad passband

• Configuration: Interference Filters• Passband FWHM: 20~50Å• FOV: ~ 1-3 arcmin• Observation Mode: Active Region Evolution and

Morphology Analysis• Peak Transmission: >80%

Instrument I — NIR Lyot Filter

• Tunable ability: 1.0~1.7 m• Clear Aperture: ~ 36 mm• Bandpass FWHM: 2.5 ~ 3.0 Å• Peak Transmission: ~ 40% for polarized light• Internal Structure: 3-module or 4-module• Temperature Controller: 45 ± 0.05°C• Achromatic Components: waveplates, polarizers• Wavelength Tuning Methods:

I. Calcite + 1/4 waveplate + Rotating 1/2 waveplate

II. Calcite + LC variable retarder

Sketch of the NIR Tunable Birefringent Filter





(cos 4312






P: Polarizer. C: Calcite. ½: Half waveplate. ¼: Quarter waveplate.

d1 is the thickness of the thickest calcite, i is the rotated angle of the rotating half

waveplates, is the birefrinegent index of calcite, is wavelength.

C C ½ ½ ½ C C ½

P ½ ¼ P C ½ C ¼ P C ½ C ¼ P ½ ¼ P

Research on the FOV of Birefringent Filter



Module I Module II Module III Module IV

















1.042 1 01 1 27 1 27 2 03 2 03 2 54 2 54 4 06

1.097 1 00 1 26 1 26 2 02 2 02 2 52 2 52 4 04

1.159 1 01 1 26 1 26 2 02 2 02 2 53 2 53 4 05

1.220 1 01 1 26 1 26 2 02 2 02 2 53 2 53 4 04

1.273 1 00 1 25 1 25 2 00 2 00 2 52 2 52 4 03

1.307 1 00 1 25 1 25 2 01 2 01 2 51 2 51 4 00

1.497 1 00 1 25 1 25 2 01 2 01 2 51 2 51 4 01

1.541 1 00 1 25 1 25 2 01 2 01 2 51 2 51 4 01

1.609 1 00 1 25 1 25 2 01 2 01 2 51 2 51 4 01

1.682 1 00 1 25 1 25 2 01 2 01 2 51 2 51 4 01

The FOV allowed for 0.05Å and 0.1Å Shifting of Passband

Compared to the FWHM (2.4 Å) of each module of IR Lyot Filter, these shifting are negligible.

Instrument II — NIR Fabry-Perot

• Tuning Range: 1.0~1.7 m• Clear Aperture: ~ 150 mm• Bandpass FWHM: ~ 0.1 Å @ 15648 Å• Peak Transmission: > 90%• Effective Finesse: ~ 60• FOV: ~ 1 arcmin for spectropolarimeter

Instrument III — CCD Cameras

NIR camera(CCD2)• Candidate: HgCdTe &

InGaAs• Format: 10241024• A/D: 14 bit or 16 bit• Readout: 4 quadrant output• Fill factor: 100%• FOV: 60 diffraction limit 0.1@1.56m

sampling 0.058• QE: > 60%• LN2 Cooling

Visible camera(CCD1)for image alignment

• Si CCD• Format: 20482048• A/D: 14 bit or 16 bit• Readout: frame transfer• Fill factor: 100%• FOV: 60 diffraction limit

0.03@5000Åsampling 0.029

• QE: >1%


• Design of achromatic waveplates from 1.0 to 1.7m

An example of 3-component achromatic half-waveplate design in NIRAchromatic Range: 1.0 to 1.7 m


Compared to single Waveplate, the new design is practically “achromatic”.

The threshold of retardation variance is set to be 1% of the final retardation. This is basically the limit of machinery sensitivity.

Retardation Variance


Single Waveplate


• Measurement of birefringent index of calcite from 1.0 to 1.7m










0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80







Comparison of the values of birefringent index in the literature with the measured values. Diamond: values in the literature, triangle: measured values.


• 3-module design of Lyot filter to increase transmission

3-module detailed Lyot filter transmission at FeI 1.5648 mSidelobe contamination for 3-module is ~0.54%, compared with 0.40% for 4-module;

transmission increase by21% from 37% to 45% for polarized light

External Requirement

• Room temperature control.• Pressure and vibration monitoring and controlling.• Frequency stabilized infrared laser source.• Polarization modulator system handshake.• Telescope control system handshake.• CCD cameras capture system control.• AO system on-off control.• ………..

On Going…...

• Simulation of match between Lyot filter and Fabry-Perot• Experiment of liquid crystal variable retarder • Design of near infrared polarization analyzer• Calculation of ghost image of near infrared filter system• Consideration of dual near infrared Fabry-Perot system• Study of stability and repeatability of NIR Fabry-Perot• Optical design for NIR tunable filter system• Optimization of NIR tunable filter system

Thank You !