Neanderthal Nutrition

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Transcript of Neanderthal Nutrition

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By Simon Lacouline

This copy of NEANDERTHAL ATHLETICS NUTRITION is a gift from Simon Lacouline

and is strictly reserved to the members of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowned Heart. 

Non-members must purchase the official book at 

Members of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowed Heart should keepthis document for themselves, in respect for the author and his gift.

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Don’t have the time to eat right ? Tired of eating the same old food day in day out? You don’t

know which expert to listen to when it comes to nutrition? Yet, eating well is so simple and

the “rules” of proper and healthy eating are already known to all.

Many people are looking for the very latest discoveries made yesterday in the field of 

dietetics, and yet neglect the basics. This guide goes back to those basics, takes all the

guesswork out of preparing varied, healthy meals and, most importantly, presents you with a

method on how to do it in record time! So if you're confused about what the basics of proper

eating are, if you're always pressed for time or if you feel that eating healthy is boring, you

need this guide!

Complete with an introductory no-nonsense discussion about modern nutrition and over 80

recipies easily prepared in 5 minutes or less, Neanderthal Athletics Nutrition will shift your

nutrition into high gear!

Light a fire, sharpen your spears and re-discover how easy sound eating should really be!

Simon Lacouline - Simon has pursued University studies in Kinesiology and has been

working in this field since 1991, for major health clubs and gym chains at first, as a trainer as

much as a manager. In 2000 he launched his own fitness consultation and training business,

buying his own gym equipment. In January 2005, having always had an interest in publishing

and graphic arts, he has co-launched and developed Drako Medias and it’s numerous

networks in various fields.

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Would you have the necessary endurance and physical strength to go into the woods or atop a

maintain to harvest your food or to hunt it? Many will say: "Why? We don't need to do that

nowadays to survive!"

They're right. They don't need to harvest nor hunt nowadays to survive.

The modern man survives, even if he is less and less active and even if the quality of his

nutrition has deteriorated quite a bit over the last decades. In fact, he survives so well that,

despite poorer and poorer health, the modern man's lifespan increases. It is very sad, however,

that those extra years aren't always quality ones...

No, to survive, we don't need to run anymore, nor do we need to swim, climb, work hard

physically, nor to eat healthy food. However, to FULLY live, our bodies still need to remain

active and to feed off quality food, rich in good nutrients.

Imagine yourself back in a time when grains weren't refined like they are today, when the

plants we ate were naturally grown and the meat came from animals that were vigorous and

leaner which lived free and needed to be hunted down. Human beings needed to move and

perform, and so our bodies became the very tools needed for our survival.

Well, those times aren't that far behind us considering the history of mankind, and our genes

haven't really evolved since those last couple milleniums. What HAS changed way faster than

our genes is our lifestyle. The modern man doesn't walk for long kilometers looking for food

anymore. He doesn't climb trees to escape predators. He doesn't really have to make much

effort to push, pull or move objects. He doesn't work hard physically at all.

Modern life is easy. It sedates us. We seldom move, we seldom explore, we are much less

resilient than we used to. There are escalators everywhere despite the fact that 95% of those

who use them could very well do without. We don't even have to get out of the house to get

our food: we can have it delivered!

The mere fact of walking seems like torture to many, despite the fact that our physiological

make up is surprisingly well adapted for that exact purpose. Our bodies have gotten soft and,

with it, our will and strength of character.

Is it really that surprising that the modern man has a tendency to eat for fun rather than forhealthy nourishment? Balance is off.

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Back to the 21st Century

It is no big surprise that nutrition and physical activity are two component of healthy living

that are probably the easiest to manipulate and put into practice.

What's more, it is nutrition which has the greatest impact on overall health and on quality of life in the short, medium and long term, and it is also nutrition that will yield the greatest

gains for those long hours you spend exercising.

Unfortunately, it is this component that is most often neglected, either by ignorance, by lack 

of know-how or by pure laziness.

This booklet addresses these issues precisely. One can still remain ignorant, incompetent and

lazy if such is his/her desire, by simply follow what's in this booklet verbatim, that person will

have all his/her nutritional needs covered.

Joking aside, not only will you learn how to eat healthier and more efficiently all the whilekeeping an eye on your athletic goals without having to cook for days on end, but I have

added a bunch of recipies that you will be able to prepare in 5 minutes or less!

This guide is divided in 3 sections:

BODY-PLATE SYMBIOSIS : A no-nonsense discussion about nutrition and food. The few

general guidelines contained therein will allow you to kiss goodbye to all those never ending

and complicated theories and recommendations about how to eat.

KITCHEN LOGISTICS: Time for a plan of attack. Take out your stopwatch, I'll show you

how to hop in and out of the kitchen in less than 120 minutes to take care of all your food for

the week, all that with less than 10 basic foodstuff!

MAY I TAKE YOUR ORDER? Here you will find a bunch of recipies, easy to prepare in less

than 5 minutes, which will allow you to eat healthy without being labeled as a "granola health

nut" by your colleagues.

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The human way of feeding is the one that has changed the most compared to that of any other

animal specie over the last 10 thousand years, and even more so during the last century.

Taking into account that human genetics has very slightly evolved during mankind history, 10

thousand years is very little time.

A while back, the meat that was eaten by men came from healthier animals. Those animals

were more active than today's, since we force them to overeat and stay as immobile as

possible (much like modern men, in fact). Those ancient animals' meat was leaner than the

one you find in groceries nowadays. Without over blowing the issue, we can't ignore either

the "supplements" given to modern animals. Last time i checked, syringes loaded with

anabolics and other chemicals didn't grow on trees 10 thousand years ago.

Back then, people ate more whole plants, which provided a wider range of nutrients and more

fiber. Soft drinks didn't stream down rocky walls, the beverage of choice was water. Sweets

like honey were scarce (and you had to face whole armadas of bees to get it) and availableonly shortly in the year. So the ancient man ate healthier more by necessity than by choice.

With all those "restrictions", one could believe that it is the perfect setup for healthy eating,

right? Not so fast. Even if the food was more natural and less "poisoned" and transformed, life

was not easy back then.

In order to eat, one had to work hard! No nicely saran-wrap pre-packaged juicy steaks. No

buckets of fruits preserved by pesticides. No oatmeal by the pound. No protein powder. Only

plants (some of which were poisonous) and undomesticated animals who probably thought

that, you too, could be a nice meal.

Not enough protein? No problem: go chop some fresh meat from that cave bear while it sleeps

and, if you succeed to rip it off and escape, you can either eat it as is (raw, bloody and with a

bit of hair), or cook it on an open fire: burnt on the outside and still raw on the inside.

Scared of bears? Well, there must be some buffalo carcass laying around somewhere that

hasn't totally rotted yet, which you can share with a few hyenas, if the stench doesn't make

you puke too much.

A bit low on blood sugar? Not enough carbs in your diet? Easy solution: guess which one of 

those colorful berries isn't poisonous and help yourself.

You lack some minerals? No need to panic! Just reach down to the ground, cup some dirt and

eat it. It contains all the minerals you need.

As you can see, our ancestors lifestyle didn't have only advantages. However, today, we can

take advantage of many good sides of this ancient diet as well as do without much of it's

inconveniences. The main "rule" we should strive to follow and imitate from back then is to

eat a lot of nutritionally-dense foods, but which provide less total calories (the modern man

does the exact opposite: few nutrients and way too many calories).

Nothing in our environment is dangerous or bad in itself. A computer, a gun, a tv set,

alcohol... EVERYTHING that surrounds us is totally neutral. The root of many problems isthe misuse or abuse of those things.

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Of course, the same applies to food. I am not breaking any news to you by saying that our

industrial world's diet is way too high in bad (trans and saturated) fats and refined

carbohydrates (often accompanied by excessive calorie intake in general), while the amount

of fibers, water and micro-nutrients is sorely lacking. Seldom did our ancestors have the

luxury to eat 1 500 calories in a single meal, while we can do it easily (and many do soregularly). Add to that the increasing number of sedentary people and you have the two main

factors for the current obesity crisis.

It is a fact that we don't have to work very hard to eat. The whole tedious tasks of hunting,

killing, butchering, cooking, harvesting, preserving, etc our food has already been done for us.

No more milk? Butter? Chocolate chip cookies, potato chips, soft drinks? The only effort we

need to do is to drag our feet to our car. Want a meal already prepared, which includes all the

dressings, drinks and even those little paper napkins? You don't even need to walk to your

car: a simple phone call and you're set!

Very often, after a big meal, not only do we feel lethargic and sleepy, but our blood is loadedwith glucose, fats and insulin, a devastating combination for whomever tries to remain healthy

and lean. The body simply cannot use this much energy in one single "dose", so what does it

do? It stores it.

There is such a thing as essential amino acids (amino acids are the building blocks of protein).

There also exists what are called essential fats. But there is no such thing as an essential

carbohydrate. There are many ways to look at this issue, but to keep things simple: the

amount of energy, especially in the form of carbohydrates, should be dictated by our level of 

physical activity. The less an individual is active, the less he will need carbohydrates in his

daily diet.

Carbohydrates (carbs for short) have a humongous impact on appetite and food intake, which

makes them a double edge sword. Fats and proteins affect blood glucose levels only slightly.

Carbs however, especially if they're of the high-glycemic kind (most refined carbs are), can

send your blood sugar levels soaring. Zig-zaging blood glucose is not an optimal situation to

be in.

Please don't get me wrong: carbs are NOT bad, far from it! See them as a source of fuel,

which is what they are. Many experts will recommend up to 55% of calories from carbs

(sometimes even more!). Others will claim that such a number is a bit high for most people

(and I agree), even those moderately active. Again, it depends on the total amount of energyconsumed.

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Effects You Can Expect from Proper Nutrition

First, you should keep one thing in mind when you "hunt" your food: Your health. To be

intensely active, you need to be healthy, right? Even if your sole goal right now is your looks,

or your performance, and that your health is not a priority for you at this moment, it would be

sad if your progress came to a halt, or was delayed, because your health is not optimal orsuffers from any given deficiency.

Your diet should also contribute to keep your metabolism high, provide you a steady flow of 

energy and increase the amount of energy spent in the form of heat thru digestion. A diet high

in protein, fibers and essential fats will go a long way towards reaching these goals. Those

macro-nutrients slow down digestion and energy is then slowly released into your

bloodstream. The impact they have on blood sugar is thus less important, which allows for

much more stable energy levels.

To process proteins, the body must spend about 25% of the calories that they provide, making

them the most "costly" nutrient to metabolize. In fact, proteins are the LEAST susceptible tobe stored as fat.

Because of this, proteins allow you to eat more (up to a point), making you feel lees like

you're depriving yourself, as well as limiting the amount of energy available for storage. This

is a great advantage for those trying to control or lower their body fat. Indeed, many people

trying to lose weight and who give up do so because of the constant need to deal with hunger.

By eating a variety of lean proteins, essential fats as well as vegetables in their most

unprocessed form possible, it is almost impossible to eat too much: the urge is simply not

there. Blood glucose is stable, so is energy and hunger is easily managed. Portion control

follows naturally without having to think about it.

Very often, here is what you will see if you analyze someone's diet logbook:

- Chaotic meal schedule

- Protein deficiency

- Essential fats deficiency

- Excessive carbs (very often of the high glycemic kind)

It is not only a question of how many calories are eaten. The source of those calories is a

cornerstone for any diet or nutritional program. In fact, many people could even lose weightby eating slightly more calories than they currently are by simply manipulating their macro-

nutrient (protein-carbs-fats) ratio.

Below is a summary of the advantages mentioned above. You have the right to request that

your diet delivers all this, which would not be the case if you followed the "average man's"

current diet:

- Lower caloric density

- Lower glycemic index

- Lower consumption of chemicals

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- Increased energy expenditure thru thermogenesis

- Increased feeling of satiety

- Increased consumption of fibers

- Increased consumption of micro-nutrients

- Increased blood glucose stability

- Increased or maintained metabolic rate- Increased or maintained muscle mass

You can also pretty much forget about calculating portions. Your appetite will be linked more

to your level of activity rather than being slave to an uncontrollable blood glucose roller

coaster. The more you are active the hungrier you'll be. The amount of food you will eat will

reflect your needs, not your gluttony.

How Many Times per Day?

This subject is beggining to be beaten to death, but since so many people still inquire about it(influenced by the traditional "3 square meals a day") we'll briefly talk about it here.

Meal frequency is a key element that has a huge impact on your progress, and it is easy to

manipulate. A while ago, people "in the know" discovered that eating more frequent, smaller

meals was better than eating fewer, bigger meals, and this applies to ANY physical goal

(performance OR aesthetics). What we're looking at here are 5 to 7 feedings per day.

By reading these words, many will be surprised, wondering how it is possible to ingest that

much food in a single day! The reason they are doubtful is because they thing according to

their old habit patterns. For many people, eating to satiety means eating until one is filled up

to the lid! HOWEVER, the 5 to 7 meals I'm talking about here are rather light meals. The idea

is not only to eat less, but to eat less MORE OFTEN. (Keywords: less more often).

If you follow this "less more often" nutrition philosophy, you will never really go hungry

(since you will be constantly providing nourishment to your body). By having more stable

energy levels, you will be able to perform at a steady rate thru out the day, and your training

goals will be easier to be met, whether they be to lose weight, to maintain your weight, to gain

weight or to perform efficiently in the field.

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Prepare the Hunt

Just like your neanderthal ancestor, you are about to go hunting. In the following pages, we

will discuss what "preys" will best serve your interests.

The method I suggest you to adopt is surprisingly simple, and yet surprisingly efficient andbeneficial. Forget what you have read in the "Nutritional Food Guide" (which is as influenced

by true science as it is by lobbies).

Foods can (should) be categorized in 5 main categories:

- Fruits and vegetables

- Beans

- Nuts and seeds

- Meats and eggs

- Dairy Products

That's it. And if you can forget whatever you learned from "modern" eating habits, those 5

"food groups" probably look a lot like the ones our ancestors have eaten for thousands of 

years, those on which our very specy has evolved and developed. Fruits, veggies, nuts, meats,

and sometimes eggs and milk.

Think about it. Potatoes and rice (we're not even talking about pasta!) were probably

available, but not by the kilo, and not every day, like we have now. Sweets (like honey) were

seasonal commodities, IF you could find it.

Bread as we know it has been invented only around 3 000 BC, and even then, the flower to

make it must have been pretty coarse indeed (not as refined). So, if you MUST have bread,

downsize your servings and choose multi-grain products. Rule of thumb: the more your food

seems to be containing woodchips, the healthier it is for you.

Beans are also great and are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Also, we

find whole varieties of them at the grocery store, pre-cooked and canned, very easy to


Vegetables are also a must. The main thing that seems to discourage people with vegetable

however is their preparation. Washing, cutting, peeling, cooking... In fact, it can be very

simple. In the next section, I will tell you about how to prepare a week's worth of food,including salads and vegetables.

Mixed nuts also have many advantages: they taste great, are easy to carry around, are loaded

with essential fats, vitamins and minerals. They can very well be used as a quick snack, and

their glycemic index is very low, which prevents blood sugar peaks and crashes that are so

common with most refined snacks. Given that they are still calorically dense, it is wise to

consume them in moderation. As a rule of thumb, a handful of nuts is a reasonable amount.

Fruits, nuts, meats, vegetables, eggs and milk or cheese. If you only have those food stuff 

handy, you won't be tempted by "glow in the dark" or other "radioactive", overly transformed

foods, like pizza, chips, candies and cold cuts. (Please note: those foods are not bad bythemselves, abusing them is). For some of you, the cultural shock may be a bit harsh; before

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long however, not only will you notice that you're not dying because you don't have your

usual junk, but I guarantee you will get to appreciate your new way of eating and you won't

want to go back to your old habits of your own free will!

So, let's summarize: healthy foods, more protein, more vegetables and fruits, less bad fats and

less concentrated carbs. All this is very neat, but preparing all this can become a realnightmare, right?

Nope. Enters the "magic" with this little method here. The following infos is a real goldmine

for those pressed by time. Also, you will find a whole slew of quick recipies classified by

source of protein (chicken, tuna, eggs, etc...). All those recipies are ultra simple, low in bad

fats, rich in proteins and made with healthy foods. While it is not a gourmet menu, if you use

your imagination just a little you can spice and season your meals to make them perfectly


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The Hunt

I will pretend that your fridge and cupboard are both empty and that you're just about to leave

to do the groceries. Of course, quantities will depend on you. Based on your experience,

estimate how much you need to buy and prepare.

Grocery List


- Chicken breasts

- Extra-lean ground beef 

- Water packed tuna

- Eggs (and or egg whites, in cartons)

- Lean cheese


- Onions- Peppers

- Hot peppers

- Crushed tomatoes (canned)

- Tomato sauce

- Tomato paste

- Frozen and or dehydrated vegetables

- Salad vegetables (celery, carrots, radishes, spinach, cabbage, cucumbers, etc.)


- Pasta

- Rice

- Potatoes

- Pita bread

- Tortillas

- Whole wheat (or multi-grain) bread

- Fruits (varied)


- Salsa

- Ketchup

- Relish- Mustard

- BBQ Sauce

- Tomato paste

Tips on How to Choose Your Game

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Buy skinned and boned chicken breasts. Choose the leanest ground beef that you can get your

hands on, or you may have to defat it (here's how to do it*). For tuna, choose the water packed


For cheese, you have some choices: there are quite a few relatively lean cheeses to choose

from in grocery stores. However, the leaner they are, the more rubbery they get, save for

cottage cheese. That said, it's easy to get used to the taste and texture, and the advantages are

worth it.

For eggs, I suggest you to buy whole eggs as well as egg whites that come in cartons. Both

will be handy for you.


Do not choose the pre-cooked variations, ideally pick brown or wild rice. For pasta, pita

breads and tortillas, choose the whole wheat or multigrain variety. Read the labels! A quick 

look to the ingredient listing will show you if it's genuine multigrain bread or a junk bread

"disguised" as a healthy one. Is the main ingredient (first or second one on the list)

ENRICHED wheat flour? If so, leave the bread for someone else to buy it: you deserve better

nutrition than this, even if the bread's color is brown. It's too easy to add coloring to bread and

call it "brown bread", giving it a healthier look. See it this way: the softer the bread, the softer

it makes you.


Save for canned tomatoes (crushed, paste, sauce...) other vegetables should ideally be bought

fresh. That said, frozen vegetables are very handy when pressed for time or there's no other

veggies left. You can buy them in big bags in grocery stores: California mix, Asian mix, peas,

carrots, green beans, etc. A cup or two tossed in water and brought to a boil in the microwave

and ta-daaa! A nice helping of hot vegetables! In some dishes, dehydrated vegetables are also

handy and quite tasty, and can sometimes even be used as seasoning because their flavor

tends to be stronger.

*How to Defat Your Beef 

If you couldn't buy very lean beef, there's an easy way to take the fat out of it. Once it is

cooked, throw it in a big bowl filled with very hot water. Stir a little and let sit for about 30

seconds. Notice what rises to the top: this my friend is saturated fat, almost identical to the

one that graces society's midsection. Please give our warmest regards to your arteries who

won't have to deal with it, since all you need to do now is to drain the water the same way as

you would pasta. You can repeat the process once if you wish. Once this is done, throw the

beef back into the pan, pepper some garlic over it and cook it a couple more minutes. This

step is not essential, but it will GREATLY enhance the meat's flavor and won't give you the

impression that you're eating boiled meat.

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Grinding, Cooking, Preparing…

OK, now that you're back from a generous hunting quest and that you have everything handy,let the fun begin. Choose a time when you have two free hours at your disposal (you won't

believe how quickly they'll go by!) Those two hours will not only save you a lot of time later

in the week, but they'll also save you a lot of hassle. The goal is to prepare and cool enough

meat, vegetables, rice, pasta, etc., to last the week. With some coordination, preparation and a

test-drive or two, you will easily be able to do all that all at once.

You will need 4 boiling pans, one frying pan and a big cookie tray. Save a little meat, some

potatoes and vegetables as is, in the fridge or the freezer: you never know. Pop in your

favorite CD (whatever inspires you). Ready?

1- Pre-heat the over at 350 degrees Farenheit. Drop the beef in the frying pan (if you don'thave non-stick pans, use some cooking spray).

2- Fill 3 boiling pans with water and turn up the fires to the max. In the first pan, put your

eggs while the water is still cold. The best way to hard cook eggs is to start them in cold water

and as it begins to boil, turn off the heat. The water will remain quite hot for a while and the

eggs will keep cooking. Once the water has cooled down, you'll have perfect hardboiled eggs.

Not too hard yet is it? Soon you'll be able to join your fellow nanderthal buddies and play at

guessing what the weather will be like tomorrow by throwing squirrel bones on the ground.

But for now, take out your stone cutting board and ivory knife (or food processor): time for

some chopping!

3- Wash your potatoes and slice them in thick slices (do not peel them).

4- Display the chicken breast on the cookie tray, without butter nor margarine nor oil. The

oven should be hot enough now, throw the chicken in. it will need to cook for about an hour

to be ready.

5- In theory, the water in the boiling pans should be boiling (or about to). Once it is, throw in

your potatoes and rice (We'll do pasta last).

Make sure nothing spills over, burns or sticks to the pans! he

6- Fill your sink with water and throw all your veggies in it to wash them. Simply rub all

accessible surfaces either with a soft brush or with your hands.

7- Peel your onions and chop them. Chop some peppers. Store them in the fridge in separate


8- Do the same with your various salad vegetables: radishes, carrots, cucumbers, etc. A food

processor comes in handy here, but it can be done with a knife too (practice makes perfect,

and perfect is pretty quick!) Throw them all together in a big plastic container and store themin the fridge.

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9- Potatoes should be cooked by now. Drain the water and put them in a container to let them

cool (don't burn yourself!) Put some water back into this pan and set it to boil: when it does,

throw in the pasta.

10- When your pasta is cooked, drain it.

Almost done! The remaining step is to store the food.


Now that everything is cooked, we'll need to store the food, but not any ol' way. You'll need

to let everything cool down first, otherwise the food that goes into the freezer will get floury

and mushy when you'll de-freeze it. Place your food in several small containers, ideally one or

two servings per container, instead of one big one. That way, you can take out only what you

need at any given time, as you need it. Empty 250 grams cottage cheese containers are greatfor this, and will allow you to pack about 1 serving of food. Leave a few servings in the fridge

for the next couple of days, and put the rest in the freezer. If you want to be picky, pasta, rice

and potatoes should be measured at about a half cup, and meat at about 2/3 of a cup.


At last! The step many were waiting for. In the following pages you will find quite a few

quick and easy to prepare recipies that should help you answer the eternal "What are we

eating?" that drives mums crazy.

Keep a head of lettuce (ideally make it Romaine lettuce) in the fridge. With most meals, chip

off a couple of leaves and throw in a handful or two of the vegetable mix you did earlier. With

a little light salad dressing (better yet: balsalmic vinegar and some olive oil) you'll be able to

make yourself pretty decent, vitamin and minerals packed, fiber rich salads daily, and very

quickly at that.

About Ratios and Quantities

What seems like too little for someone may seem like a lot for someone else. Don't go believe

that those general guidelines are tailor-made for everyone, BUT, for the needs of most

moderatly active people, try to keep an equal ratio of protein to carbohydrates for all your

meals. Again, for the sake of simplicity:

1 portion of carb: 1/2 cup of rice, pasta or potato; 1 slice of bread, 1 pital; 1 tortilla.

1 portion of protein: 2/3 cup of lean meat. A cup of uncooked egg whites, an ounce of cheese.

Again, keep your goal in mind. As mentioned earlier, the amount of carbs that you consume

should reflect your level of activity. If you are into physical performance, you should increase

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your carbs slightly (2/3 cup or about). If you are VERY physically active (marathon runner,

etc.) you can double your carb intake.

If, however, you are training to lose weight and maintain your muscles but don't do much

more activity than that, you can go by the general rules outlined therein.

Lastly, if you have a lot of bodyfat to lose, or if you gain fat easily, you can start with the

guidelines given here, and see what happens. You "should" lose fat (since your weight is

probably the result of foodstuff not recommended here, combined with lack of physical

activity). If not, try reducing slightly your carb intake.

There is no such thing as eating too much salad vegetables, so indulge at will. The more the

better (within reason). 2 nice, big salads a day is a pretty good start!

About Dressings

There is a limit to the amount of dressing you can "safely" consume. Since they're usually

made with sugar and/or fats, they can easily supply a lot of the wrong kind of calories. Here

are a few suggestions.


Ketchup Pickled beets, onions, etc.

Sweet Relish Salsa

BBQ sauce Light "clear" salad dressings

Light "creamy" salad dressings Mustard

About Seasonings

Like dressings, they aren't necessary but greatly enhance the taste of the food. The difference

with dressings is that they don't supply much calories at all. They can be, however, loaded

with salt, so moderation is still key here. Also, only small quantities are needed, so they can

be used relatively freely (save the salty ones).

"Liquid spices"Worcestershire sauce, tabasco, soy sauce, vinegar (balsalmic, etc.)

"Dry spices"

Garlic, basilic, chili powder, curi, oregano, pepper, parsley...

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Other Tips

- I have purposely avoided the subject of food supplements as supplementation is not the

subject of this booklet, nutrition is. It is true that milk that has been lactose reduced,

vaporized, dried up, powdered and flavored is not the most "unrefined" foodstuff there is, but

if you have the choice between one such protein shake and a half dozen glazed donuts, thepick is easy. Very decent protein shakes are available nowadays and can be pretty

convenient when traveling or when time is really short (even for those with a week's worth of 

food already prepared!)

- Even with all this food already prepared: prepare in advance! It's too easy to take 5 to 10

minutes the night before and prepare meals for the coming day. That way you won't have to

rush in the morning (as is the case with most people.) The next day, all you'll have to do will

be to grab your thermos bag and leave for school or work (I suggest getting dressed first


Another bonus if this is that the food will taste better! You probably already noticed howsometimes re-heated dishes taste a bit better than when they were just prepared, as if the

various ingredients "shared" their respecive flavors, making the meal taste richer. This is

particularly true for beans since their taste is rather bland and a bt hard to cover.

- Marinate meats, even if they're already cooked. Cover them with some light salad dressing,

tomato sauce with balsalmic vinegar or some other dressing (lemon juice, hot mustard, etc.)

The meat will absorb some flavor.

- You know that tuna is an excellent food but you can't stand the taste nor the smell of the

canned variety? No problems: here's a little trick that will make the smell and the taste vanish.

Simply boil it for about 2 minutes, then drain it and let cool or rinse it with cold water. You'll

end up with extra lean protein that's almost tasteless and odorless.

- 0% Cottage cheese is great with almost any recipies.

- For a lean "mayonnaise", mix some plain yogurts, garlic powder, a few drops of vinegar and

a little sugar. You'll be surprised with the taste, and it can be used with about any recipies.

- For cooked meats, always choose roasted meat over fried meat. If you absolutely need to

cook your meat in a frying pan and don't have the non-stick kind, use a little cooking spray.

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You are now ready to make any of the following recipies in 5 minutes or less! You'll quickly

discover that with a little imagination, you'll come up with a whole array of your own

recipies, and you'll be able to make up your own varied menu containing very tasty, healthy

meals, even if your grocery list doesn't contain cream cheese, chocolate spread, hot dogsausages or the like.


1- Chicken Fajita



Sweet peppers


Tomato sauceOPTIONAL : Cheese, hot peppers, lemon juice

Cut all ingredients in strips, heat and place in a tortilla.

2- Soup Chicken & Noodles



Sweet peppers


OPTIONAL : Chicken broth.

Finely dice all ingredients and put them in a bowl of water. Heat in microwave.

3- Chicken Cajun



Tomato paste

Chili powder

OPTIONAL : Hot peppers

Dice chicken. Heat ingredients in a pan.

4- Chicken Sauce Potato

Chicken breast (shredded)


Chicken broth


Mix chicken, onions and chicken broth in a frying pan. Place on a sliced potato.

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5- Chicken Creole

Chicken breast (shredded)


Canned tomatoes


OPTIONAL : Chili powderMix ingredients in a pan and heat.

6- Chicken Marinara Pasta

Chicken breast (shredded)

Canned tomatoes

Tomato sauce


OPTIONAL : Oregano, basil and garlic

Mix ingredients in a boiling pan, pour over hot pasta.

7- Chicken Sandwich

Chicken breast (shredded)



OPTIONAL : Vegetables, salad dressing

Place ingredients in pita.

8- Chicken & Tomato Rice

Chicken breast (shredded)


Canned tomatoes


OPTIONAL: Cayenne pepper, garlic

Mix ingredients in a boiling pan and heat.

9- Chicken & Fries

Chicken breast

PotatoSlice potato in strips and place on cookie tray. Broil in oven until brown.

10- Sloppy Joe Chicken Pita

Chicken breasts (shredded)


Tomato sauce


OPTIONAL: Chili powder, hot peppers

Mix chicken, onions and tomato sauce in a pan (along with spices) Heat and place in pita.

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11- Chicken Burrito

Chicken breast (shredded)


Hot peppers


OPTIONAL : low fat cheeseHeat ingredients and place in tortilla.

12- Italian Chicken & Potato

Chicken breast


Italian dressing

Marinate chicken and potato in dressing for about an hour. Heat.

13- Chicken & Rice SoupChicken breast (shredded)



Chicken broth

Mix ingredients in a pan and heat.

14- Spanish Rice & Chicken

Chicken breast (shredded)


Canned tomatoes

OPTIONAL: Chili powder

Mix ingredients and heat in a pan.

15- Hot Pepper Chicken Stew

Chicken breast (shredded)



Hot pepper

Chicken brothMix ingredients in a pan and heat.

16- Pasta & chicken salad

Chicken breast (shredded)



OPTIONAL : Dressing and vegetables

Mix ingredients in a bowl.

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17- Chicken paprika

Chicken breast (shredded)


Tomato sauce


PaprikaHeat ingredients and serve on rice.

18- Egg & Chicken Soup

Chicken breast (shredded)

Chicken broth

Egg whites (in carton)


Bring broth to a boil, pour in egg whites white stirring vigorously. Add chicken.

19- Chicken & potato casserole

Chicken breast (shredded)



Chicken broth

Heat ingredients in a pan.

20- Sauteed Chicken Pita

Chicken breast (shredded)




Heat ingredients in a pan and place in pita.

21- Spanish Omelette

Chicken breast (shredded)


Canned tomatoes

Tomato sauceEgg whites

Pour egg whites frying pan and cook as an omelette. Add other ingredients and fold.

22- Chicken Casserole

Chicken breast (shredded)


Canned tomatoes


OPTIONAL : Cayenne peppers, garlic

Mix ingredients in pan and heat.

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23- Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken breast (shredded)


Hot peppers

TortillasOPTIONAL : Low fat cheese

Place ingredients in tortilla, then roll and eat.

24- Spicy Chicken Dish




Canned tomatoes

Chicken broth

Cayenne pepperMix ingredients in a pan and heat.

25- Potato and Sauce

Chicken breast (shredded)


Canned tomatoes

Tomato sauce


Mix ingredients and pour over a baked potato (4 minutes in microwave), sliced and opened.

26- Garden Chicken Soup

Chicken breast (shredded)

Dehydrated vegetables


OPTIONAL: Vegetable broth

Place ingredients in water and bring to a boil. Add shredded chicken.

27- Simply Chicken & RiceChicken


OPTIONAL: Basil, Olive oil

Mix ingredients.

28- Turbo Chicken and Beans Salad



Light dressing to taste

Mix ingredients.

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29- Pepper Lemon Chicken



Lemon juice

PepperOPTIONAL: Garlic

Place ingredients in as small a container as possible and leave in fridge overnight. Heat in pan

the next day.

30- Mediteranean Chicken



Diced Tomatoes (canned)

Diced onions

OPTIONAL: Pesto, garlic, olive oilMix ingredients in a pan.


1- Meat loaf 

Ground beef 


2 egg whites


Tomato sauce

OPTIONAL : Worcestershire sauce, pepper.

Dice potatoes and mix all ingredients and make into a loaf in a pyrex pan. Cook in oven until

eggs are cooked.

2- Steak-Fries

Ground beef 


OPTIONAL : Ketchup (better : Tomato sauce)

Slice cooked potatoes in strips, put them on a cookie tray and put in oven until golden. Eatwith steak.

3- Pasta sauce with meat

Ground beef 


Tomato sauce

Tomato paste

Sweet peppers


OPTIONAL : Basil, Parsley.Cook onions and parsley in frying pan. Add other ingredients.

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4- Pasta With Meat Sauce

Ground Beef 


Sweet PepperCanned tomatoes

Tomato sauce


OPTIONAL : Oregano, basil, garlic

Mix tomatoes, tomato sauce, beef and spices and pour over pasta.

5- Country Pie

Ground Beef 


Sweet pepperOnions

Diced tomatoes (canned)

Low-fat cheese

Place ingredients in a microwaveable pan, in layers in the order in which they appear above

(meat at the bottom, cheese on top). Heat until cheese is melted.

6- Chili

Ground beef 

Kidney beans

Diced tomatoes (canned)

Tomato paste

OPTIONAL: Chili powder, cayenne pepper.

Mix ingredients in pan and heat.


1- Egg sandwich

Hard boiled egg (1 yolk for 5 whites)

Sweet peppers

OnionsPita bread

OPTIONAL : light mayonnaise (better : the one described earlier)

Dice sweet peppers and onions. Put ingredients in pita bread.

2- Hen’s Burrito

Egg whites



Hot peppers

OPTIONAL : Chili powderSlightly cook onions. Add in egg whites and stir. Put in tortilla.

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3- Huevos Picantes

Egg whites


Hot peppersOPTIONAL : Tabasco

Cook egg whites in a pan while stirring. Add rice and hot peppers.

4- Egg Dish


Egg whites


Tomato sauce

Mix ingredients in pan until eggs are cooked and cover with tomato sauce.

5- Egg Enchilada

Egg whites



Low fat cheese

Cook eggs while stirring lightly. Put ingredients in tortilla.

6- Garden Omelette

Egg whites (1 yolk)

Mix of varied vegetables, diced.

Cook ingredients in pan. Flip to cook evenly on other side.

7- Egg Dip


Egg whites


Hot peppers

Diced onionsBroil pita in oven until crispy. Cook eggs and mash. Add other ingredients.


1- Tuna Giovanni



Tomato sauce

OPTIONAL : Olive oil, basil, parsley.

Mix ingredients.

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2- Pepper Tuna on Bed of Rice



Hot peppers

Sweet peppersOPTIONAL : Lemon juice

Mix tuna and peppers and place on rice.

3- Pasta and Tuna Salad



OPTIONAL : Light Italian salad dressing or light mayonnaise.

Mix ingredients in a salad bowl.

4- Tuna Burrito



Hot peppers


OPTIONAL : Low-fat mayonnaise, low-fat cheese

Heat ingredients in pan and pour over tortilla.

5- Tuna and Rice Casserole




Optional : low-fat mayonnaise

Mix ingredient in pan and heat.

6- Tuna & Pasta Salad



PastaOPTIONAL : Vegetables, low-fat Italian dressing or mayonnaise.

Mix ingredients in salad bowl.

7- Tuna Sandwich




OPTIONAL: Low-fat mayonnaise

Place ingredients in pita bread.

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8- Tuna on Rice and Pepper Bed



Hot peppers

Sweet peppers

Put tuna on rice and peppers.

9- Tuna patty




Egg white

OPTIONAL: pepper, parsley

Mix ingredients and make into patties. Cook on both sides in pan.

10- Akino Tuna





OPTIONAL: Low-fat mayonnaise

Mix ingredients. Place in tortilla.

11- Tuna & Beans


Diced tomatoes (canned)


OPTIONAL: Olive oil

Heat in pan while stirring.

12- Sweet & Sour Tuna





OPTIONEL: Lemon juice, artificial sweetener

Mix ingredients and place in pita.

13- Texan Tuna




BBQ sauceMix ingredients and place in tortilla.

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14- Roma Tuna



Diced tomatoes (canned)OPTIONAL: Olive oil

Heat ingredients in pan.

15- Atlantic Fried Rice


Egg (1 whole)


Diced onions

Mix ingredients, except tuna. Spray non-fat cooking spray in pan and heat ingredients while

stirring often, until the egg is almost cooked. Add tuna and finish cooking.

16- Tuna Fiesta



Diced tomatoes (canned)


Hot peppers

OPTIONAL: Lemon juice

Mix ingredients.


1- Cheese Mexican sandwich



Hot peppers


OPTIONAL : Tomato sauce

Put ingredients in tortilla and microwave until cheese has melted. Careful : it’s hot!

2- Amino Fruit Salad

Cottage cheese

Diced fruits

OPTIONAL : Artificial sweetener to taste

Mix ingredients in a bowl.

3- Country Salad


Salad (various vegetables)OPTIONAL : Light salad dressing

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Dice cheese and mix with other ingredients.

4- Potato Dressing


Cottage cheeseSpices (to taste: parsley, oregano, basil...)

OPTIONAL: Lemon juice

Mix ingredients, serve on cooked, sliced open potato.

5- Cottage Cheese Pasta

Cottage cheese


Diced tomatoes (canned)

OPTIONAL : Basil, garlic and olive oil

Mix and heat. Place on pasta.

6- Turbo Yogurt

Cottage cheese


Diced fruits

OPTIONAL : Artificial sweetener

Mix ingredients.

7- Fruit Dip

Cottage cheese

Diced fruits

OPTIONAL: Vanilla, cinnamon and artificial sweetener.

Mix cottage cheese in blender, dip on fruit pieces.

8- Lasagna

Cottage Cheese


Ground beef Tomato sauce

OPTIONAL: Low-fat cheese, spaghetti spices (parsley, oregano, basil…)

Place pre-cooked ingredients in layers in over suitable pan.

9- Cottage Pancakes


Cottage cheese


OPTIONAL: cinnamon, vanilla

Mix ingredients in blender (in that order) until texture is smooth.

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10- Nachos

Cottage cheese

Ground beef 


Sweet peppersOnions

OPTIONAL: Tomato sauce.

Place tortilla in over. Mix cottage cheese and tomato sauce in blender. When tortilla is crispy,

break it into pieces and pour cottage cheese mix over it. Add other ingredients.

11- Cheese Chocolate

Cottage cheese


Artificial sweetener

OPTIONAL: Vanilla, ground nutsMix with hand mixer.

12- Cotta-jell

Sugarless Jell-O

Cottage cheese

Mix equal part of either with a fork.

13- Indu Cottage

Cottage cheese


Shredded spinach

OPTIONAL: Curry, garlic, pepper

Mix ingredients and heat in microwave.

14- Cottage Desert

Cottage cheese

Apples, diced (as finely as possible)

OPTIONAL: Artificial sweetener, cinnamon

Mix ingredients.

15- Tapioca Pudding

Cottage Cheese


Artificial sweetener

OPTIONAL: Field berries

Mix fruits in blender. Add to other ingredients and mix with fork.

16- Bruschettas

Low fat cheese, gratedPita

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Diced tomatoes, canned

OPTIONAL: Parsley, basil, olive oil.

Mix tomatoes and spices, place on tortilla, ad grated cheese. Grill.


1- Chicken Omelette Tortilla

Chicken breast (shredded)

Egg whites


Hot peppers


Cook eggs and place in tortilla. Mix other ingredients and place on eggs. Roll.

2- Hot Chicken OmeletteChicken breast (shredded)

Hot peppers


Tomato sauce

Brown onions and chicken. Pour in egg whites. Place omelette in plate, pour some tomato


3- Olé Chicken

Chicken breast (shredded)


Low fat cheese, grated


Tomato sauce


OPTIONAL: Chili powder

Brown chicken and onions. Beat eggs and pour over chicken, without stirring, until eggs are

cooked. Flip over with spatula, add grated cheese until melted. Place on tortilla.

4- Calypso EggsCottage cheese

Egg whites


Sweet peppers


OPTIONAL: Pepper or Tabasco sauce

Brown onions and peppers. Mix other ingredients with hand mixer and cook with onions and


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5- Egg Casserole

Egg whites (1 or 2 yolks)

Cottage cheese


Mix and cook in pan.

6- Presto Breakfast



Low fat cheese, grated

Mix eggs and oatmeal and cook in pan. Flip over, ad grated cheese until melted.

7- Oriental Eggs



OPTIONAL : Soy sauce

Mix eggs and tuna and cook while stirring. Place on rice.

8- Amino Shreddy

Hard boiled eggs

Chicken breast (shredded)



OPTIONAL: Ultra light mayonnaise

Shred all ingredients. Mix.

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By Simon Lacouline

This copy of NEANDERTHAL ATHLETICS NUTRITION is a gift from Simon Lacouline

and is strictly reserved to the members of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowned Heart. 

Non-members must purchase the official book at 

Members of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowed Heart should keepthis document for themselves, in respect for the author and his gift.