Ncic Index

Post on 12-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Ncic Index


Indexability to repay (loans) 46Aboriginal law 89absolute majority 228acceptance (contract) 19, 110accessing the law 92–3accommodation

arranging a lease 206–7finding the right place 204shared 204–5types of 204

accounting equation 313accused 77, 256action plans 295active citizenship 222, 232–3

keeping informed 222–3youth citizenship in action 223

Acts of Parliament 82, 86development from Bills 86–7

actus reus 256–7adult (legal capacity) 254adversarial system 76advertising 154–5, 311advertising media 155Affirmative Action (Equal Employment

Opportunity for Women) Act 1986 (Cth) 119

age, and consumer decisions 14agenda 296air travel 240All Ordinaries Index 187amendments (to a motion) 296anarchy 70anti-discrimination 118–19Anti-Discrimination Act 1977

(NSW) 119appeals 74appreciation (currency) 196, 283arbitration 125, 267arms trade 291arrest, police procedure 260–1assets 313association campaign 299AusAID 198–9Australian Chamber of Commerce and

Industry (ACCI) 123Australian citizens, rights and

responsibilities 232–3Australian Competition and Consumer

Commission (ACCC) 22, 160, 174

Australian Constitution 75, 84, 85, 220

Australian Consumers’ Association (ACA) 22–3, 174

Australian Customs Service 174, 244Australian Democrats 231

Australian Electoral Commission 230

Australian Federation of Travel Agents, code of ethics 243

Australian Financial Services Directory 178

Australian Greens 231Australian Labor Party 230–1Australian passport 244, 248

application 249Australian Retailers Association 123Australian Securities and Investments

Commission (ASIC) 22, 58, 138, 175

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) 127Australian Workplace Agreement

(AWA) 111–12Australian Workplace Relations Act

1996 111Australia’s international trade 188–9awards 110–11

bail applications 74bait and switch advertising 16balance of trade 271balance sheet 313ballot papers 228bank overdraft 27, 45banking, Internet 178–9bankruptcy 54bar graphs 106barter 32below-the-line promotions 155beyond reasonable doubt 76bicycles and the law 254Bill, how it becomes law 86–7bill payment, electronic payment

system 178Billabong International

Limited 192–3, 194, 195blue chip shares 142book up 28–9boom (economy) 272, 275borrowing money 44–6, 276

ability to pay 46credit rating 46for investment 136getting a loan 45going guarantor 46reasons for/against 44

BPAY 28, 178brands, comparing different 9budgets 6, 48, 238Business Activity Statement

(BAS) 312business cycle 272–5

fluctuations 274

business decisions 6affecting the community 224

business opportunities 304–5business-to-business (B2B)

transactions 168business-to-consumer (B2C)

transactions 168businesses, social

responsibility 194–5, 225buying a car 212–13buying decisions

choosing what to buy 9choosing where to buy 10–13

Canon Australia and the environment 139

capital punishment 250, 258car insurance 50, 210car purchase 12–13CARE Australia 198Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.

(1893) 19cartoons, analysis 16–17, 94, 95, 112case law 82cash 26cash flow statement 314cash payment 213casual work 102casualisation of the labour force 106caveat emptor 21Centrelink 203Certified Agreement (CA) 111chairperson 296Chamber Magistrate 96changing laws 90, 91Chappell & Co. v Nestle Co. Ltd.

(1960) 19charged with an offence 261charity campaign 298cheques 27child slavery 291children, rights of 264–5Children’s Court 74civil law 80, 262–3club campaign 299Coca-Cola, selling techniques 162–3collective wants 286commerce, and choice 4–7commission 38committal hearings 74committee stage (Bill) 87common law 82–3

beginnings 82common law contracts 112Commonwealth of Australia 220Commonwealth Privacy Act 1990 181


communitycontributing to the 217organisations which make decisions

affecting the 224–7community concerns 222community conferencing 267community organisations 286–7

achieving community outcomes 298–9

achieving objectives 296–7, 298impact on quality of life 288individual’s role 298lobbying 297meetings 296negotiation 297providing support 203range of 287roles and functions 288using the political process 297

community participation 284, 290–1benefits of 292global citizenship 290–1how to be an effective

participant 292–3limits of individual action 290

community services, accessing 216comparison shopping 8–9competition 304conciliation 125, 267condition report 206consideration (contract) 19, 110constitution 75, 84, 85, 220constitutional monarchy 220Consumer Affairs Division,

Department of Treasury 172, 174consumer credit file 55consumer decisions 4–5

factors affecting 14–15consumer information, government

and non-government wesbites 174–5

consumer legislation 20–1, 172, 176consumer organisations 22–3Consumer PING 172, 175Consumer Price Index 280consumer prices 280consumer protection

and e-tailers 172, 176need for 16–17

consumer redress 24–5Consumer, Trader and Tenancy

Tribunal 24–5, 207consumers 4

caveat emptor 21global 186–7implied conditions 21legal rights 20protective legislation 20–1

consumers online 172continuing credit contract 213contract 7, 18–19, 262

elements 18–19formation, e-tailer purchase 176what is it? 18

contraction (economy) 272convenience

and consumer decisions 14in product differentiation 152–3

convenience ‘corner’ stores 10Convention on the Rights of the

Child 264–5conviction 256cookies 181copyright, Internet materials 181Coroners Court 74corporate social responsibility 194–5,

225Corporations Act 2001 138councils 220, 221

business regulation 310–11counsel for the defence 77court hierarchy 74–5court personnel, role of 76–7courts 267

interpreting laws 73punishing law breakers 72statutory interpretation 84

credit 26–7credit bureaus 55credit cards 26, 27, 28, 45credit payment 213credit rating 46credit sales contract 213creditors 54crimes

common penalties for 259punishment for 258

criminal law 80–1, 256criminal liability 256–7criminal offences, and young

people 256criminal trial 76–7cultural diversity 194cultural issues, overseas travel 250currency

depreciation/appreciation 196, 282–3

currency fluctuations, impact of 282–3

currency risks, global business 196customer service

and consumer decisions 14in product differentiation 152

customers, targeting 158–9cybermalls 170–1

databases, for record keeping 31debentures 141debit cards 28debt finance 307debtors 54decision-making process 227decisions

affecting our lives 4–7that affect the community 224–6

defamation, on Internet 181default notice 54defendant 80

defensive assets 145democratic process

participation in 228–9rights and responsibilities of

individuals and groups 232–3demographic changes in

workforce 106demographic factors, and business

opportunities 304Department of Foreign Affairs and

Trade 238, 244, 248, 249department stores 11departure tax 244depreciation (currency) 196, 282–3depression 272, 274diagrams, interpreting 241dial and pay 33direct debit 27direct mail catalogues 155discount variety stores 11discrimination 92

in the workplace 118–19dispute resolution 266–7

in the workplace 124–5District Court 74dividends 140domestic trade, relationship with

international trade 187double dissolution of Parliament 87drawee 27drawer 27drug trafficking 250

e-commerce 166, 168, 186advantages/disadvantages 168–9consumer issue advice 174–5financial services 178–9laws relating to young people

using 180–1online shopping 170–3scope of 168–9use for commercial purposes 168

e-consumer protection issues 176–7conduct of organisations 177formation of a contract 176

e-tailers 168, 172, 187and formation of a contract 176conduct of organisations 177

e-tickets 250economic development, and

international trade 188–9, 271economy

and global trade links 271and levels of interdependence 270flow of money 270–1specialisation within the 270

econsumer 174education, benefits of for

employment 108–9educational expenses 41electronic funds transfer at point of

sale (EFTPOS) 28, 33, 178electronic transfers 43


employees 108employment contract 110–12rights and entitlements 112safety of 119

employers 108, 110workplace safety 118

employers’ associations 123employment

benefits of education and training for 108–9

full 114types of 102–3see also unemployment

Employment Advocate 112employment contract 110

types of 110–12employment decisions 6employment declaration 127encryption technology 171enterprise agreements 111entitlements of employees 112entrepreneurs 302

skills required and personal characteristics 302–3

environmental decisions 7environmental disasters 290environmental factors

and consumer decisions 15in product differentiation 153

environmental issues, transnational corporations 196

environmental standards 194equities 62equity finance 307escrow account 173establishment costs 208ethical investment 138–9ethics 88

international trade 194–5product placement 161product promotion

strategies 160–1sponsorship deals 160

exchange rates 196, 250, 282–3exclusions (insurance) 210Executive Council 86, 87expansion (economy) 272expenditure 40–1expenses 313

types of 40–1exports, Australia 188, 189, 271extra income 61ezines 180

Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW) 16, 17, 20, 176

fairness in using the law 94–6false advertising 16federal government

business regulation 310consumer protection

commissions 22responsibilities 220

federal parliament 220, 221

Federation 220fees for service 39finance

and consumer decisions 15for small business 307

financial advice, sources of 56–7financial consequences, of poor

financial management 52–3financial considerations, overseas

travel 250financial counselling 54Financial Counsellors’ Association of

NSW (FCAN) 54financial decisions 6financial factors, and travel

destination 238financial institutions

accessing practical information and services 178

interest on deposits/borrowings 276

financial managementpoor 52–5responsible 48–9

financial planners, responsibilities and legal obligations 57

financial problems, avoiding 208financial records 312–14

importance of 314financial services, online 178–9financial services industry 56

laws regulating and monitoring 58–9

professionalism 59Financial Services Reform Act

2001 58–9financing investment 136–7financing major purchases 213–14fingerprinting 261first past the post voting 228first reading (Bill) 86fixed incomes, inflation effects 281fixed interest rates 136, 277, 278flexible working conditions and

hours 107flexitime 107foreign aid

role of 198–9sources of 198types of 198

foreign exchange earnings 271foreign exchange market (forex) 282foreign exchange rates 196, 250, 282–3

fluctuation effects 282–3foreign trade 271formal cautions 267formal interview (following

arrest) 261formal meeting procedures 296formal votes 228forms, analysis 245franchise 308, 309full employment 114full-time work 102

garnisheed (wages) 52gender

and consumer decisions 15role in product promotion 156–7

get-rich-quick schemes 17global businesses 192–3

and environmental issues 196cultural diversity 194labour standards 193management issues 194risks 196–7staffing 193

global citizenship 290–1global consumers 186–7global investors 190–1global markets 186–7

risks associated with 196–7global media networks 226global shopping 13, 186–7globalisation 184, 187goal-setting

producing action plans 295starting with the end in mind 294

good behaviour bonds 258goods 4goods and services, types of 9Goods and Services Tax (GST) 40,

127goodwill 308government, structure of 220–1government aid 198government decisions, affecting the

community 224government organisations, providing

support 203government youth-related

websites 180Governor-General 87graphs, analysis 169Great Depression 273Greens party, Australian 231grievance procedures 124gross profit/loss 312growth assets 145guarantor 46, 262guilty act 256–7guilty mind 257Gunning, NSW, rural community,

voluntary labour 288–9

health insurance 50, 210High Court 75, 85home contents insurance 210home insurance 51, 210home loans 276

repayment schedule 279House of Representatives 86, 87, 221

ballot paper 228preferential voting system 228,

229household budget 208–9household insurance 210


human rights code of conduct 195human rights violations 291hunger and poverty 290hyperlinks 176

implied conditions (contract) 21imports, Australia 188, 189, 271impulse buying 8, 43inclusions (insurance) 210income 6, 43

extra 61spending and saving 40–1types of 38–9

income and expenditure account 136–7

income assets 145income protection insurance 51income tax return 127incoming passenger card 245incorporation 307independent living

arranging a lease 206–7arranging accommodation 204–5buying a car 212–13community involvement 216–17establishment costs 208insurance 210–11issues involved 202lifestyle issues 217major purchases 212–14managing finances 208–9ongoing costs 208organisations providing

support 203reasons for 202

individual workplace agreement 111–12

Industrial Relations Commission 111, 125

inflation 208, 275, 280–1effects of 281measuring 280

institutional fees 40insurance 50, 210–11

as a contract 210cost of 50types of 50–1, 210–11, 244

insured 210insurer 210intellectual property 197interdependence 270interest 15, 26, 27, 44interest rates 276–7

and personal investment strategy 278

and repayment of debt 278, 279effect of rising and falling 278–9fixed and variable 136, 277, 278short-term and long-term 276

international aid programs 198–9international shares 191international trade

and Australia’s economic development 188–9, 271

Australia’s main customers 189Australia’s main suppliers 189ethical issues 194–5relationship with domestic

trade 187Internet

advantages/disadvantages of using for commercial purposes 168–9

and working from home 182–3copyright 181defamation 181government youth-related

websites 180information and advice 180–1spam 181

Internet auctions 173Internet banking 178–9Internet marketing 155Internet shopping 11–12, 170–3, 186

consumer protection laws 172online auctions 173risks associated with 170–1sites to search 172

Internet transactions, privacy of 181interstate shopping 13investment 43

borrowing for 136categories of 145ethical 138–9in global financial market 190–1rate of return 144–5reasons for investing 61, 134–5risk assessment 145saving for 136what is it? 60–1

investment accounts 140investment decisions 134–5investment financing 136–7investment options 62–4, 140–2investment portfolio 145investments

choosing with care 63inflation effects 281maintaining records and

monitoring 148–9modifying to maximise long-term

gains 149reasons for failure 64risk and return 62, 144–5selecting a mix of 146–7spreading the risk 146–7types of 62

involuntary redundancy 120itinerary, interpreting an 247

job sharing 107judge-made law 82–3judges 74, 77judge’s associate 76juries 74, 76, 77, 78–9jurors 76, 78, 79jury system, arguments

for/against 78justice 94

symbols of 94

Kelly, Ned 95

labour force 6, 102casualisation 106demographic changes 106transnational corporations 193

labour standards 193Labor Party, Australian 230–1landlord 206law

accessing the 92–3and procedures 93and society 68–96areas of 80–1contact with the 254–5cost of the 92fairness in using the 94–6language of the 93protection provided by 264–5related to bicycles 255related to pets 255rights and responsibilities 264time for the trial 93

law-breakers 70, 72law enforcement 73, 260LawAccess NSW 96LawLink NSW 96laws

based on English legal system 89changing 90–1development from Bills 86–7how they are made 82–5reason for 70–1relationship to values, morals and

ethics 88–9lay-by 28, 213leadership skills 292–3leaving home see independent livinglegal advisers 72legal aid 92Legal Aid Commission (NSW) 96legal capacity 254legal consequences, of poor financial

management 54legal decisions 7legal information 95–6Legal Information Access Centre

(LIAC) 96legal issues

overseas travel 250product promotion strategies 160workplace 118–21

legal rights, of consumers 20legal risks, global business 197legal system 72–3, 89

and justice 94and unequal access 96fair and unbiased hearing 95

Legislative Assembly 221Legislative Council 221lending institutions 45

responsibilities and legal obligations 57

liabilities 313


Liberal Party of Australia 230life insurance 51, 210limited liability 306line graphs 114loan contract 213loan repayments 40

and interest rates 278, 279options if you can’t repay the loan 54

loansability to repay 46types of 45

lobby groups 223, 232lobbying 222, 297Local Court 74, 81local government 221

business regulation 310–11responsibilities 220

local shopping 12location of business 304long-term interest rates 276lost passport 248

McConnell v R 1977 257magistrate 74, 76mail order 12major purchases 61, 212–14

buying a car 212–13financing 213–14

managed funds 62, 141, 191manufacturers 10market research 304market segmentation 158marketing, and consumer

decisions 15materialism 160–1maxiflex 107media, investigating consumer

complaints 23media decisions, affecting the

community 226mediation 124–5, 267meetings 296mens rea 257merchantable quality 7, 21minimum age requirements 254Ministerial Council on Consumer

Affairs 175minor (legal capacity) 254minutes 296misleading advertising 16, 160mission statement 294mobile phone contracts 262mobile phone related debt 52, 53money 4, 32

borrowing 44–6flow of 270–1investing 60–1management 48–9purchasing power 280

morality 88mortgage loans 45motion, making or putting a 296motor vehicle insurance 50, 210moving from home see independent


National Australia Bank 174National Party of Australia 230needs 4negligence 263negotiation 124, 297net income 43net investing 178net profit/loss 312niche markets 159non-government aid 198non-profit organisations 286–7

need for 286range of 287roles, functions and impacts 288–9

NSW Legal Aid Commission 96

oath 256objectives 295

strategies for achieving 296–7, 298occupational health and safety 119Occupational Health and Safety

(OH&S) Act 2000 (NSW) 118offer (contract) 18, 110Office of Fair Trading (NSW) 22, 24,

174Ombudsman 22ongoing costs 208online financial resources 178online share markets 178online shopping 11–12, 170–3Opposition 86outsourcing 106, 120overdraft 27, 45overtime payments 38owner’s equity 313

paid work 102Parliament

as law-making institution 72, 84–5beginnings of 84double dissolution 87how a Bill becomes law 86–7

part-time work 102participation rate 106partnership 306passport 244, 248

application 249lost or stolen 248

payee 27PAYG Income Tax Rates 127payment choices 26–9, 32technology impact 32–3penalty-rate work 43perpetual succession 307personal finance 36–64personal insurance 210personal loans 45, 276personal preference, over travel

destination 238personal search (arrest) 260personal selling 154, 311pets and the law 255

Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemist Ltd (1953) 18

phone call (following arrest) 261photo interpretation 290piecework 120–1plaintiff 76police

arrest procedure 260–1formal cautions 267law enforcement 73, 260warnings 266

political action 218, 222–3how to take action 222–3issues that concern the

community 222political parties, role and

function 230–1political risks, global business 196–7political situation, and travel

destination 238politician-made laws 72poor financial management,

consequences 52–5precedent 83preferences 228preferential system of voting 228,

229premium (insurance) 50pressure groups, role and

strategies 223, 232price, and consumer decisions 14prison officer 77privacy 120

and telecommuters 183Internet transactions 181

private law 80product differentiation 152

factors 152–3product placement, ethics 161product promotion strategies 154–7,

311ethical issues 160–1legal issues 160

products, comparing different 9profit 39

inflation effects 281promotion 154–7, 311promotion mix 154property 62, 140property rental 206–7proportional representation/optional

preferential system of voting 228proprietary (private) company 306prosecutor 76protection provided by the law 264–5public company 307public law 80public relations 156publicity 156, 311punishment for crimes 258–9purchasing power of money 280pyramid schemes 17


quality of life 288quota 228

rail transport 240rate of return (on investment) 144real income 281recession 272, 274record keeping 30–1

for small business 312–14redress, consumer 24–5redundancy 120referral selling 16regional shopping centres 12religious organisations, providing

support 203rent 39, 40renting a property 206–7repossesion 52reservation fee 206Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) 278residential tenancy agreement 206responsible financial

management 48–9retail outlets, types of 10–11retirement 61retraining 120revenue 312revenue statement 312right to vote 228rights and responsibilities

of Australian citizens 232–3of telecommuters 182under the law 264

rights of children 264–5rights of employees 112rip-offs 16risk and return (from

investment) 144–5risk management 316–17road transport 240royalties 39

salary 39sales promotion 311saving 42, 276

for investment 136for major purchases 61inflation effects 281reasons for 42responsible spending and

saving 43savings plan 43scams 16, 17sea travel 240search engine 168second reading (Bill) 86secured loans 45self-employed 102

advantages/disadvantages 302selling process 152–3selling products 311selling techniques

Coca-Cola 162–3monitoring and evaluating 154–5

semi-skilled jobs 108Senate 87, 221

ballot paper 228proportional voting system 229

services 4share tables 63shared accommodation 204–5

avoiding financial problems 208major costs 208

shares 62, 140international 191steps to follow in investing in 142

short-term interest rates 276sickness and accident insurance 210skilled jobs 108small business

arranging finance 307balance sheet 313being an entrepreneur 302–3cash flow statement 314importance of financial records 314operating a business 317purchasing an existing

business 309records management 312–14regulations 310–11revenue statement 312risk management 316–17running a 302–17selecting business

opportunities 304–5selling products 311setting up from scratch 308steps in establishing 308–9structure of 306–7success and failure 305taxation requirements 312

social and cultural risks, global business 197

social consequences, poor financial management 54

social issues, in product differentiation 153

social responsibility of businesses 194–5, 225

social welfare payments 38sole trader 306spam 181Spam Act 2003 181SPC Ardmona Limited 139special prizes and offers 17specialisation in the economy 270specialty stores 11sponsorship deals, ethics 160spreadsheets, for record keeping 30,

31State Constitution 84, 85state government

business regulation 310consumer protection agency 22responsibilities 220

state parliament 221statute law 82, 84

statutory interpretation 84stockbrokers 140stockmarket reports, reading 63stolen passport 248sue (law) 74sugging 161superannuation 39, 41, 62, 128–9,

141advantages/disadvantages of as

saving/investment 129what is it? 128

superannuation fund 141Superannuation Guarantee Act

1992 128supermarkets 11Supreme Court 75symbols of justice 94

tablesanalysis 277interpreting 5, 214, 259

target market 158–9, 305targeting customers 158–9tax file number (TFN) 127taxation 40, 126–8, 312taxes

process of paying 127–8reasons for 126types of 127

technology, and payment choices 28, 32–3

telecommutersand privacy 183rights and responsibilities 182

telecommuting 182telemarketing 155tenant 206third reading (Bill) 87time management 217timetables, interpreting 240tipstaff 77total labour force 114trade

Australia’s pattern of 188–9, 271domestic and international 187

Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) 16, 20, 160

trade union campaign 298trade unions 112, 230

early beginnings 122role of 122

traineeships 109training, benefits of for

employment 108–9transnational corporations

(TNC) 192–5corporate social

responsibility 194–5employment issues 193–4environmental issues 196management issues 194operations 192


travelfinancial considerations 250legal and cultural issues 250types of 240

travel advice 238, 244travel arrangements,

organising 242–3travel destinations

choosing 236factors influencing 238

travel documentation 244, 248travel information, sources of 236travel insurance 244, 250travel itinerary 246–7travel planning,

considerations 245–6travel problems 248–50

legal issues 250lost or stolen passport 248problems with tickets/baggage 250

travellers cheques 250trial 74, 76trial by ordeal 82tribunals 267

unconscionable conduct 16–17unemployed 114unemployment 114, 273

personal costs 115–16social costs 117

unemployment rate 114unfair dismissal 119

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 264–5

unordered or unsolicited goods 16–17

unpaid work 103unsecured loans 45unsecured notes 141unskilled jobs 109utilities 40utmost good faith (insurance) 210

vaccinations 245value for money 153values, and laws 88variable interest rates 136, 277, 278victims 256video games, violence in 90–1Vienna Convention 250Virtual Web Tours 175Visa (card) 174visas (travel documents) 244, 248voluntary employment 117voluntary redundancy 120voluntary work 103volunteers 286, 288–9voting methods 228–9voting rights 228

wage rates, inflation effects 281wages 38wants 4, 61war and conflict 291

warnings 266warranty 212web browsing in the

workplace 183welfare organisation decisions,

affecting the community 226wholesalers 10WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information

and Rescue Service) 286witnesses 256women in the workforce 106work

and technological change 107flexible working conditions and

hours 107work patterns, changing 104–7workplace

dispute resolution 124–5legal issues in 118–21union and employer groups

role 122–3web browsing and emails,

guidelines 183working from home 182–3

workplace learning 108workplace safety 118World Wide Web (WWW) 168

young people, and criminal offences 256

youth citizenship in action 223Youth.NSW 180