NCheck Bio Attendance Brochure - Fulcrum Biometrics€¦ · Ready-to-use attendance control...

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Transcript of NCheck Bio Attendance Brochure - Fulcrum Biometrics€¦ · Ready-to-use attendance control...

Face, fingerprint & iris biometrics for attendancemanagement

NCheck Bio Attendance


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

NCheck Bio Attendance is an end-user biometric system designed to automate attendance control in a wide range of business applications, from employee time tracking to check-in at events, clubs, clinics, public and commercial facilities. The NCheck software is designed for installation on a desktop computer or laptop or tablet (PC) that is running under Microsoft Windows. Also can be used on Android-based smartphones or tablets.

Ready-to-use attendance control automation system. Face, fi ngerprint and iris biometrics protect against errors or user fraud. GPS logging for remote employee location tracking. RFID/barcode can be optionally used with biometrics. Employee groups and confi gurable shifts. Reports generation for users’ attendance. Cloud, client-server and stand-alone architectures. Database synchronization for remote locations. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) support. Webcams, major models of fi ngerprint and iris scanners supported. 30-day trial with full functionality available for download.

CONTENTSApplication details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Technical details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Supported fi ngerprint scanners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Supported face capture cameras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Supported iris scanners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9NCheck Bio Attendance Trial and related products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Licensing model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

NCheck Bio AttendanceFace, fi ngerprint & iris biometrics for attendance management

Document updated on September 29, 2017

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NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Application Details

Full control on user attendance. The NCheck software allows to register all arrival and departure events for every registered person. There are no software limitations on how many times a user checks with the system, so all leaves can be registered with the systems. Face, fi ngerprint and iris biometrics ensure attendance accuracy and prevent user fraud. Optionally, RFID or barcodes can be used for two-factor authentication together with biometrics.

GPS logging. NCheck can optionally determine and store user location during checking. This feature is useful for remote employee attendance tracking and is available on devices which have geolocation functionality. User position is automatically stored in the database as street address or as geographic coordinates if the street address is unavailable.

Employee groups and shift schedules. Users can be arranged into groups according to organization’s structure. Shifts can be created and assigned for each group.

Reports generation. Time and attendance reports with daily summary times for all or selected users can be automatically generated and printed. Optionally, the reports may include location information for the check events. The reports can be generated for current day, week, month or for a custom time interval.

External applications call. NCheck Bio Attendance can be confi gured to call external applications after users check-in and/or check-out. This feature can be used for unlocking doors or notifying staff about arrivals or departures.

Multiple architectures support: Cloud architecture. NCheck may be installed as a light-weight client app on an Android device. Users

need only to create an account ar the NCheck Cloud and enter the account credentials to the installed app to start using it. All biometric recognition is performed at NCheck Cloud, as well as all attendance data is stored there. Note that NCheck Cloud supports only face biometrics at the moment. Try NCheck Cloud for free (

Client-server. NCheck may be installed on multiple PCs and/or Android devices, which are on the same network. One PC will act as a server, which stores users’ data and performs biometric identifi cation, while the others can be confi gured to connect it as clients. The system may be scaled up anytime by just adding more computers or Android devices with NCheck to the existing network. This mode is suitable for organizations or events, which require to ensure users’ data privacy.

Stand-alone mode. NCheck may run on a PC, laptop or an Android device in a stand-alone mode, which means that all biometric data will be stored on that computer or device, as well as all operations will be also performed locally. The computer or device with NCheck installation may operate without network connection, except for the fi rst launch just after installation. This mode is suitable for smaller businesses, organizations or events, where low peak numbers of attendees are expected.

Database synchronization. A device with a client-side NCheck Bio Attendance installation can be confi gured to perform automatic synchronization of the attendance data with a server-side NCheck once a network connection is available. This option is useful for attendance control in a scenario where there are no network coverage at remote location.


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). NCheck Bio Attendance may be used in BYOD scenario, when employees or other users install a small Android app on their personal smartphones or tablets and perform check-in orcheck-out by making selfi e photos. There are two BYOD scenario options:

Cloud client app is available. Users will need to create an account at NCheck Cloud. The app is available at Google Play (

NCheck Personal ID. This app should be used when a user has one NCheck installation running on his/her own PC or device, which acts as a server. Client app users should be in the same local network with the server (i.e. being present at the offi ce) while checking in or out. The app is available at Google Play (

Data export. The time and attendance reports and log entries can be exported to XLS, PDF or CSV fi les. The data is exported for a selected month or custom time interval as daily summaries.

Notifi cations via email. A notifi cation is sent to a user who forgot to check with the system or in case of other issues. Optionally, a copy of the notifi cation can be also sent to a dedicated user like HR manager or system administrator.

Screenshots are available at:


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Technical Details

Fingerprint image size. The NCheck software performance and usage convenience strongly depends on the used fi ngerprint scanner, as the fi ngerprint image size has direct infl uence on the software performance and reliability. Using larger fi ngerprint images results in higher identifi cation reliability but lower response time and vice versa. Usually, the optimal fi ngerprint image size for NCheck software is about 300 x 400 pixels.

Recommendations for facial recognition. 640 x 480 pixel or better native camera resolution is recommended. Users may enroll several face images, especially with differences in appearance (i.e. beard or mustache grown or shaved off).

Iris image requirements. An iris on an image should be at least 64 pixels wide to provide full iris texture for iris template extraction. A specialized iris scanner, which captures eye images in near-infrared spectral region, is recommended.

Employee enrollment and identifi cation. The enrollment process for an employee requires to put one’s fi nger on a fi ngerprint scanner, or to show up in front of a camera and to enter employee name, meaning that the enrollment process is fast and simple. Later the employee has to just put his/her fi nger on the fi ngerprint reader or to show up in front of the camera for checking in or out. The NCheck software assures fast response during employee identifi cation within a recommended database size.

Several fi ngers for each user. The system allows to enroll more than one fi nger for each user to avoid user rejections if an incorrect fi nger was placed. Later, during the everyday check-in/check-out, employees can conveniently put any of their fi ngers on the fi ngerprint reader and be accurately recognized.

Identifi cation reliability. The NCheck Bio Attendance software is based on our own biometric identifi cation technologies which reliability has been proved by multiple tests:

VeriFinger fi ngerprint identifi cation technology has received awards for its high reliability in competitions since 2000. The VeriFinger technology has been successfuly used in more than1,500 end-user product brands over the past 19 years, ranging from small business-oriented solutions to national-scale systems.

VeriLook facial recognition technology has been tested on public face image datasets and showed decent identifi cation reliability. The technoloogy has millions of end-user deployments worldwide over the past 13 years.

VeriEye iris identifi cation technology has shown excellent reliability results in numerous NIST-organized evaluations since 2009.

Managed by an administrator. An “administrator” user can log in to the NCheck with a password and perform these actions:

manage the list of the users; add or edit check-in/check-out events for a selected users; manage the connected fi ngerprint scanners and face cameras; generate attendance reports; manage multiple installations in a networked systems; confi gure other features of the application.


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

System RequirementsWe recommend to install NCheck Bio Attendance software on a dedicated PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone, which does not run any non-related applications. Such confi guration is required for stable and optimal system performance.

To install and run NCheck Bio Attendance software your system should meet the following requirements: Microsoft Windows specifi c:

A PC or laptop or tablet with x86 32- or 64-bit processor. Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 10, 32-bit or 64-bit.

Android specifi c: A tablet or smartphone with ARM-based processor. At least 1.5 GHz clock rate recommended for

convenient performance. Slower processors may be also used, but the fi ngerprint or face processing will take longer time.

The device should have at least 512 MB of RAM. At least 2 GB of free storage space on a build-in fl ash or external memory card. Android 4.4 or newer.

One of the following devices for capturing fi ngerprints, faces or irises: A fi ngerprint scanner that is supported by NCheck software.

300 x 400 pixels fi ngerprint image size is recommended; you may fi nd more details in the comparison table of the supported scanners on the next page.

A webcam, smartphone or tablet built-in camera, or other camera with at least 640 x 480 pixel native resolution.Smartphone and tablet users should note that we recommend to use front camera in most cases, whereas the rear camera is more suitable, when an operator scans and checks attendees.

An iris scanner: We highly recommend to use specialized iris scanners, which capture eye images in near-infrared

spectral region and provide appropriate illumination and image quality for the most accurate iris recognition. Usage convenience is also assured as these scanners do not have any exceptional usage constraints. See the list of supported iris scanners on the next pages.

A smartphone or tablet build-in camera may be also used for iris capture, but proper illumination, focus and environment should be assured. Usually an operator should perform eye image capture with a smartphone or tablet camera.


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Supported fingerprint scannersWindows 7 / 8 Windows 10

Android32 bit 64 bit 32 bit 64 bit

• ACS AET62 / AET65 + + • Aratek BM5510 / BM7500 + • Athena ASEDrive IIIe Combo Bio F2 + + • BioLink U-Match MatchBook v.3.5 + + • Biometrika Fx2000 / Fx2100 / Fx3000 / HiScan-PRO + • Credence ID Credence One + • Cross Match Verifi er 300 / 320 + + + + • DERMALOG LF10 / F1 / ZF1 + + • DigitalPersona U.are.U 4000 / 4500 / 5100 / 5160 / 5200 / EikonTouch 710 + + • Futronic FS50 / FS80 / FS80H / FS82 / FS88 / FS88H + + + + + • Futronic FS10 / FS26 + + + + • Futronic FS28 + • Green Bit DactyID20 / DactyScan40i + + • HFSecurity HF-4000 / HF-7000 + + • Integrated Biometrics Columbo + + + + + • Integratec Biometrics Curve + + + + • Koehlke KIAU-5110B3 + • Lumidigm Mercury / Venus series sensors + + • Miaxis SM-2BU + • NeuBio MARS 02 + + • NEXT Biometrics NB-3010-U + + + + + • NITGEN Fingkey Hamster / Fingkey Hamster II / Fingkey Mouse III + + • NITGEN eNBioScan-F / eNBioScan-C1 / eNBioScan-D Plus + + • SecuGen Hamster III + • SecuGen Hamster Plus / Hamster IV / Hamster Pro 20 / Pro Duo CL/SC/PIV / iD-USB SC + + + + + • Shanghai Fingertech BIOCA-111 + • SMUFS BT + • Startek FC320U / FM220U / FPC360U + • Suprema BioMini / BioMini Plus2 / BioMini Slim / BioMini Slim 2 / SFU-S20 + + + + + • Suprema RealScan-G1 / RealScan-D + + • Tacoma CMOS + • TENBIO TOUCH ONE + • Testech Bio-i + • TopLink Pacifi c BLUEFiN + + + • UPEK Eikon / Eikon Solo / Eikon To Go / EikonTouch 300 / 500 / 700 / TouchChip + + • ViRDI FOH02SC + • ZKSoftware ZK4000 / ZK4500 / ZK6000 / ZK7000 / ZK8000 + • Zvetco Verifi P5100 + +


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Supported Face Capture Cameras

Several cameras can be installed and connected to the same PC allowing to process several users in parallel thus eliminating peak hour queues. A camera can be assigned to be used only for checking in, checking out or for both events.

These cameras are supported by NCheck Bio Attendance: Any webcam or camera that is accessible using DirectShow.

The camera should have at least 640 x 480 pixel native resolution.

Any built-in smartphone or tablet camera that is supported by Android OS. The camera should have at least 0.3 MegaPixel (640 x 480 pixels) resolution.

Any IP camera, that supports RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol): Only RTP over UDP is supported. H.264/MPEG-4 AVC or Motion JPEG should be used for encoding the video stream.

These models of still cameras are supported on Microsoft Windows: Canon EOS family still cameras Nikon DSLR still cameras (a specifi c camera model should support video capture and should be listed at

These specifi c models of high-resolution IP cameras are supported on Microsoft Windows: Axis M1114 camera Basler BIP2-1600-25c-DN IP camera Cisco 4500 IP camera CMITech EMX-30 – face & iris camera Mobotix S14D and DualNight M12 IP cameras PiXORD N606 camera Prosilica GigE Vision camera Sony SNC-CS50 camera Uniview IPC2322EBR-DPZ28 camera VistaFA2 / VistaFA2E / VistaEY2 face & iris cameras


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 10Android

32 bit 64 bit

• CMITech BMT-20 / EMX-30 + +

• Credence ID Trident +

• Cross Match I Scan 2 + +

• Iritech IriShield USB MK 2120U / IriShield-USB BK 2121U + + +

• Iritech IriMagic1000BK + +

• VistaFA2 / VistaFA2E / VistaEY2 / VistaEY2-02 / VistaEY2R iris & face cameras + +

• VistaEY2H iris camera + +

Supported iris scanners


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

NCheck Bio Attendance Trial and Related Products

NCheck Bio Attendance 30-day Trial application is available for downloading at trial applications has full functionality and allows to evaluate the capabilities of NCheck Bio Attendance in real environment. Constant Internet connection is required during the trial period.

These software development products are related to NCheck Bio Attendance: VeriFinger SDK – for development of PC-based, embedded and mobile fi ngerprint identifi cation systems;

NCheck Bio Attendance fi ngerprint identifi cation functionality is based on VeriFinger algorithm. VeriLook SDK – for development of PC-based, embedded and mobile facial identifi cation systems; NCheck

Bio Attendance face identifi cation functionality is based on VeriLook algorithm. VeriEye SDK – for development of PC-based, embedded and mobile iris identifi cation systems; NCheck Bio

Attendance iris identifi cation functionality is based on VeriEye algorithm. Free Fingerprint Verifi cation SDK – a freeware SDK for adding fi ngerprint verifi cation functionality into

various applications. See our web site for more information.


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16

Licensing NCheck Bio Attendance

This licensing model is intended for client-server and stand-alone architectures. For cloud architecture, see NCheck Cloud Terms of Use ( license for NCheck Bio Attendance application is required for each PC or each Android-based device that runs this application.. The license is called single computer license.Additional licenses for NCheck Bio Attendance application can be purchased at any time. Prices for the NCheck Bio Attendance licenses can be found on the next page.

Licensing Agreement

The Licensing Agreement ( contains all licensing terms and conditions.Note that you unambiguously accept this agreement by placing an order using Neurotechnology online ordering service or by email or other means of communications. Please read the agreement before making an order.

Single computer licenseA single computer license allows to install and run a NCheck Bio Attendance application installation on a single Personal Computer or a single Android-based device. The license will not be lost if computer will be reinstalled.The installation license should be activated before starting using an NCheck Bio Attendance software installation. A deactivation is available in case the license needs to be moved to another PC or device.The following license activation options are available:

automatic activation – the NCheck Bio Attendance application will communicate with Neurotechnology’s server and perform all actions needed for activation. Note that this method requires Internet connection when activating or deactivating the license for a PC or device with the NCheck Bio Attendance software; after the license is activated, the PC or device no longer need to be connected to the Internet.

manual activation – this method is suitable when the PC with NCheck Bio Attendance software is not connected to the Internet. The manual activation requires to generate a hardware ID for the PC running the NCheck Bio Attendance software and request a license at Neurotechnology web site or by email. See NCheck Bio Attendance documentation for detailed instructions.

use a dongle – this method requires to purchase a dongle (special hardware token) that needs to be connected all the time to the USB port of the PC that runs the NCheck Bio Attendance software. No online registration required.

Single computer license activated over Internet or by email is not suitable for virtual environments. The dongle will be required.


NCheck Bio Attendance

CONTACT INFORMATION NEUROTECHNOLOGY Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16 Laisves av. 125A, Vilnius 06118, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 277 33 15 Fax: +370 5 277 33 16


These prices are effective from July 13, 2016. The prices may change in the future, so pleasedownload and review the latest version of the brochure before making an order.

Quantity discounts do not accumulate over time. Prices do not include local import duties or taxes. Product shipping costs depend on delivery country

NCheck Bio Attendance single computer licenses

Quantity Price per license1-9 € 95.00

10-19 € 69.0020-49 € 62.0050-99 € 54.00

100-199 € 48.00200 and more Please contact us for more information

License management

USB Dongle (optional) € 16.00

NCheck Bio Attendance licenses can be ordered: online, at via a local Neurotechnology distributor; the list of distributors is available
