NBD Authority

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Transcript of NBD Authority

  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority



    N a t io n a l B io d iv e r s i t y Au t h o r i t y

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113

    Biodiversity.. . . .Biodiversity.. . . .

    Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 | Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.o

    Futu re Se cu re dFutur e Se cu re d


  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority


    National Biodiversity Authority

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113


    Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 | Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.o

    Future SecuredFuture Secured

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    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

    Number of State Biodiversity Boards established 26

    Number of Biodiversity Management Committees formed 32,796

    Number of States that have notified state-wise Rules 14

    Number of States that have notified lists of plants & animals which are on theverge of extinction.


    Number of Peoples Biodiversity Registers documented 1121

    Number of Biodiversity Heritage Sites notified 4

    Number of Guidelines / Notifications issued 4

    Current list of Normally Traded Commodities 190

    Number of Benefit Sharing Agreements signed 93

    Number of Publications by NBA 27

    Biological Diversity Act (enacted in 2002)

    Biological Diversity Rules (Notified in 2004)

    Biological Diversity Act (enacted in 2002)

    Biological Diversity Rules (Notified in 2004)

    Status of ImplementationDecember 2011

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    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

    iodiversity encompasses the variety of all life on earth including terrestrial, marine

    aquatic ecosystems. It comprises diversity at three levels: genetic diversity (w

    Bspecies), species diversity (between species) and ecosystem diversity.

    India is one of the 17 mega-biodiversity countries with 2.4 per cent of the global land area an

    per cent of water. It accounts for 7 to 8 per cent of the recorded species of the world. So

    45,968 species of plants and 91,364 species of animals have been documented. Over 5

    microbial species have been described. India is one of the eight primary centers of origi

    cultivated plants with about 375 closely related wild species including rice, pulses, mil

    vegetables, fruits and fiber plants. There are nearly 255 breeds of animals such as cattle, sh

    goat, camel, horse and poultry found in India. India is also rich in cultural diversity and

    traditional knowledge available with tribal communities.

    Economic potential of Biodiversity

    (Source: ABLE, 2008)

    Segment 2009 - 10 2010-11

    Exports Rs Crore(US $ Million)

    PercentageShare (%) in

    Biotech industry

    Exports Rs Crore(US $ Million)

    PercentageShare (%) i

    Biotech Indus

    Bio Pharma 4767.7(1081.7) 54 5535.4(1255.6) 52

    Bio Services 2507(569)

    95 2986.3(677.4)


    Bio Agri 58.1(13.2)

    3 74.4 3

    Bio Industrial 124.1(28.2)

    22 150.2(34.1)


    Bio Informatics 73.9(16.8)

    32 106.02(24)


    Total 170.9(38.8)

    53 8852.3(2008)


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    he Government of India enacted the Biological Diversity Act in 2002 and notified th

    Biological Diversity Rules in 2004. The Biological Act has 12 Chapters and 65 SectioTand was published on 5 February, 2003. The Biodiversity Rules were notified on April, 2004.

    The Act is implemented at national, State and local levels, through a decentralized three ti

    system. At the National level, the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) was established

    Government of India under Section 8 of the Act. The NBA is an autonomous and statuto

    body performing enabling / facilitative, regulatory and advisory role to relevant agencies an

    Ministries of Government of India on issues of conservation of biodiversity, its sustainable us

    and ensuring fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of such use. The NBA operate

    through consultative process involving expert committees and stakeholders.

    At State level, State Biodiversity Boards (SBBs) are established by the State Governments per Section 22 of the Act, while at local level the Biodiversity Management Committee

    (BMCs) are constituted by the Local Bodies as per Section 41 of the Act.

    National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)

    The functions of NBA include:

    Creating an enabling environment, as appropriate, to promote conservation and sustainab

    use of biodiversity.

    Advising the Government of India on matters relating to conservation of biodiversit

    sustainable use of its components and equitable sharing of benefits arising out

    utilization of biological resources.

    Regulating activities and issue guidelines for access to biological resources and for fa

    and equitable benefit sharing in accordance with the Sections 3, 4 and 6 of the Biologic

    Diversity Act, 2002.Certain individuals / nationals / organizations require prior approval

    NBA for obtaining biological resources and/or associated knowledge for use.

    Taking necessary measures to oppose the grant of intellectual property rights in a

    country outside India on any biological resource obtained from India or knowledg

    associated with such biological resource derived from India illegally.

    Advising the State Governments in the selection of areas of biodiversity importance to

    notified as heritage sites and suggest measures for their management.

    The Act

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The Rule

    Biological Diversity Rules, 2004

    o implement the Biological Diversity Act 2002, Rules have been notified in 2004. Tsalient features of the BD Rules 2004 are:

    T Procedures for appointment of Chairperson and Members of the Authority, conduct

    authority meetings, and general functions of the authority are described in the Rules 3-8,

    and 12 respectively.

    The process to regulate activities for access to biological resources and associated traditio

    knowledge in accordance with the Sections 3 (Access to Biological Resources), 4 (Transfer

    Research Results) and 6 (Seeking 'No objection Certificate' for obtaining patent) under Biological Diversity Act, 2002, are given in Rule 14, 17 and 18 respectively.

    The Procedure to revoke written agreements, action in prohibiting access and recovery

    damages (Rule 15)

    Restricting access of endangered, endemic and rare species, restricting access incase

    adverse environmental impact, genetic erosion, ecosystem function and purposes contrary

    national interest as well as international agreements (Rule 16)

    Imposing terms and conditions for ensuring equitable sharing of benefits on access, trans

    of results of research, application for patent / IPR claims (Rule 20)

    Constitution of Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) and Preparation, maintenance a

    validation of People's Biodiversity Register (PBR) in consultation with the local people sho

    be done as per Rules 22(2) and 22(6) respectively .

    Appeal for settlement of disputes between NBA and SBB or between SBBs are dealt un

    Rules 23.

    The Rules also have prescribed formats viz, Form-I (Access to Biological resources a

    associated traditional knowledge), Form-II (Transfer of Research results), Form-III (Seeking

    objection Certificate for obtaining patent) and Form-IV (Seeking approval for Third Party Transf

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The SBBs

    he SBBs are established by the State Governments by official gazette notification

    accordance with Section 22 of the Act. For the seven Union Territories, NBA or iTauthorized body exercises the powers and functions of SBB.The SBBs are established by the State Governments with a Chairperson, five ex offic

    members representing the concerned departments and five members appointed from experts

    matters relating to conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of biological resource

    and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources.

    The functions of SBBs include:

    FAdvising the State Governments, subject to guidelines issued by the Central Governmen

    on matters relating to conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components anequitable sharing of benefits arising out of utilization of biological resources.

    F Regulating by granting approvals or otherwise requests for commercial utilization or bio

    survey and bio-utilization of any biological resource by Indians.

    F Performing such other functions as necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act or a

    prescribed by the State Government.

    So far, 26 States have established the Biodiversity Boards and 14 States have notified th

    Rules as of December 2011.

    State Biodiversity Boards (SBBs)

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The BMC

    ccording to Section 41 of the Act, every local body shall constitute the BMC within its

    for the purpose of promoting conservation, sustainable use and documentation of bioloAdiversity including preservation of habitats, conservation of landraces, folk varieties cultivars, domesticated stocks and breeds of animals and microorganisms and chronicling

    knowledge relating to biological diversity.

    The functions of BMCs include:

    F Preparing, maintaining and validating People's Biodiversity Register (PBR) in consultation

    the local people.

    F Maintaining a Register giving information about the details of access to biological resou

    and traditional knowledge granted, details of the collection fee imposed and details of

    benefits derived and the mode of their sharing.

    FAdvising on any matter referred to it by the State Biodiversity Board or Authority for gran

    approval, to maintain data about the local vaids and practitioners using the biolo


    So far 32,796 BMCs have been constituted across India. National guidelines for BMC are b

    finalized to facilitate effective functioning of the BMCs. So far, only two states have notified BM

    Guidelines and Rules.

    Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs)

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The Fund

    ational, State and Local level biodiversity funds are established under Sections 27,

    and 43 of the Act respectively. The funds are intended for channeling benefits Nbonafide claimers and for conservation and promotion of biological resources and / or associated knowledge and socio-economic development of these areas.

    National Biodiversity Fund (NBF)

    As per the Section of 27(1) of the Act any grants and loans, all charges, royalties received the NBA may be called National Biodiversity Fund. The fund shall be applied for channel

    benefits to the benefit claimers, conservation and promotion of biological resources a

    development of areas from where such biological resources or knowledge associated thereto h

    been accessed and for socio-economic development of areas in consultation with the lo


    State Biodiversity Fund (SBF)

    The State Biodiversity Fund created as per Section 32(1) of the Act receives any grants a

    loans made to the SBB / any grants or loans made by the NBA / all sums received by the S

    from other sources may be decided upon by State Government as State Biodiversity Fund. T

    SBF shall be used for the management and conservation of heritage sites, compensating

    rehabilitating any section of the people economically affected by notification, conservation a

    promotion of biological resources and socioeconomic development of areas from where su

    biological resources or knowledge associated thereto has been accessed.

    Local Biodiversity Fund (LBF)

    The Local Biodiversity Fund is created at every area notified by the State Governments wh

    any institution of self-Government is functioning and there shall be credited thereto, any grants

    loan made by NBA, fees / levy charges by way of collection fees from any person for access

    or collecting any biological resources for commercial purposes. The LBF shall be used

    conservation and promotion of biodiversity in the areas falling within the jurisdiction of

    concerned local body and for the benefit of the community.

    Biodiversity Fund

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The PBRs

    he main function of the BMC is to prepare People's Biodiversity Register in consultatio

    with local people. The Register shall contain comprehensive information on thTavailability and knowledge of local biological resources, their medicinal or any other usor any other traditional knowledge associated with them.

    The PBRs focus on participatory documentation of local biodiversity, traditional knowledge an

    practices. They are seen as key legal documents in ascertaining the rights of local peop

    over the biological resources and associated traditional knowledge.

    So far, 1121 PBRs are developed in India in 10 states with the participation of range o

    stakeholders. National Biodiveristy Authority has issued guidelines on PBRs in 2009.

    Step - wise PBR Preparation Process

    Step 1 : Formation of Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC)

    Step 2 : Sensitization of the public about the study, survey and possible


    Step 3 : Training of members in identification and collection of data on biological

    resources and traditional knowledge

    Step 4 : Collection of data. Data collection includes review of literature on the

    natural resources of the districts, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRAs) at

    village level, household interviews, individual interviews with village

    leaders and knowledgeable individuals, household heads, key actors of

    the Panchayat raj institutions and NGOs and direct field observations

    Step 5 : Analysis and validation of data in consultation with technical support grou

    and BMC

    Step 6 : Preparation of People's Biodiversity Register

    Step 7 : Computerization of information and resources

    People's Biodiversity Registers (PBRs)

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The Heritag

    nder Section 37 of Biological Diversity Act, 2002 the State Government in consultat

    with local bodies may notify in the official gazette, areas of biodiversity importance

    UBiodiversity Heritage Sites. The National Biodiversity Authority issued guidelines for

    selection and management of BHS in 2009.

    Definition of BHS

    Biodiversity Heritage Sites are well defined areas that are unique, ecologically frag

    ecosystems - terrestrial, coastal and inland waters and, marine having rich biodiver

    comprising of any one or more of the following components: richness of wild

    well as domesticated species or intra-specific categories, high endemism, presence of rare a

    threatened species, keystone species, species of evolutionary significance, wild ancestors

    domestic/cultivated species or their varieties, past pre-eminence of biological compone

    represented by fossil beds and having significant cultural, ethical or aesthetic values and

    important for the maintenance of cultural diversity, with or without a long history of hum

    association with them. Areas having any of the following characteristics may qualify for inclus

    as BHS.

    Criteria for BHS

    Areas that contain a mosaic of natural, semi-natural, and manmade habitats, which together contai

    significant diversity of life forms.

    Areas that contain significant domesticated biodiversity component and /or representative a

    ecosystems with ongoing agricultural practices that sustain this diversity.

    Areas that are significant from a biodiversity point of view as also are important cultural spaces such

    sacred groves/trees and sites, or other large community conserved areas.

    Areas including very small ones that offer refuge or corridors for threatened and endemic fauna a

    flora, such as community conserved areas or urban greens and wetlands.

    All kinds of legal land uses whether government, community or private land could be considered un

    the above categories.

    As far as possible those sites may be considered which are not covered under Protected Area netw

    under the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 as amended.

    Areas that provide habitats, aquatic or terrestrial, for seasonal migrant species for feeding a


    Areas that are maintained as preservation plots by the research wing of Forest department.

    Medicinal Plant Conservation Areas.

    Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHS)

    h Floor, Ticel Bio Park, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113 Tel: 044 2254 1075 / 2777 Fax: 2254 1200 | Web: www.nbaindia.org

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    The Role

    The important roles of the Central and State Governments

    s per Section 36 of the Act the important duties of the Central and StateGovernments are:

    ADeveloping national strategies, plans, programmes for the conservation, promotio

    and sustainable use of biological diversity.

    Issuing directives to the concerned State Governments to take immediate

    ameliorative measures for protection of biodiversity rich habitats, threatened by overuse,

    abuse or neglect.

    Integrating of the conservation, promotion and sustainable use of biological divers

    into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies. Endeavour to

    respect and protect the knowledge of local people relating to biological diversity, as

    recommended by the NBA.

    Assessing the impact of projects on environment and biodiversity, and regulate,

    manage or control the risks or adverse impact of use and release of living modified

    organisms on conservation; and sustainable use of biological diversity and human health

    The Central Government may, in consultation with NBA:

    (a) notify threatened species and prohibit or regulate their collection, rehabilitation

    and conservation;

    (b) designate institutions as repositories for different categories of biological

    resources; and

    (c) exempt certain biological resources as normally traded as commodities.

    State Governments, in consultation with the local bodies, may notify biodiversity heritage sit

    and frame Rules for management and conservation of all the heritage sites (in consultation w

    Central Government) and launch schemes for compensation / rehabilitation of affected people.

  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority


    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.k

    ka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

    tSo fofo/krk ---Hkfo"; lqjf{kr

    tSo fofo/krk ---Hkfo"; lqjf{kr

  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority

    14/23jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.k


    Lfkkfir jkT; tSo fofo/krk cksMksZa dh la[;k28

    Lfkkfir tSo fofo/krk izca/ku lfefr;ksa dh la[;k 32,796

    mu jkT;ksa dh la[;k tgka fu;e vf/klwfpr fd, x, gSa 14

    mu jkT;ksa dh la[;k ftUgksaus yqIr gksus dh dxkj ij ikS/kksa vkSj tarqvksa dh lwphvf/klwfpr dh g


    tu tSofofo/krk iathdj.k nLrkost la[;k 1121

    vf/klwfpr tSo fofo/krk fojklr LFkyksa dh la[;k 4

    tkjh fn'kkfunsZ'kksa @ vf/klwpukvksa dh la[;k 4

    vke rkSj ij dkjksckj oLrqvksa dh orZeku lwph 190

    ykHk lk>snkjh le>kSrksa ij gLrk{kj dh la[;k 93

    ,uch, }kjk izdk'kuksa dh la[;k 27

    tSfod fofo/krk vf/kfu;e 2002 esa ykxwtSfod fofo/krk fu;e 2004 esa vf/klwfpr

    dk;kZUo;u dh fLFkfr] fnlacj 2011

    tSfod fofo/krk vf/kfu;e 2002 esa ykxwtSfod fofo/krk fu;e 2004 esa vf/klwfpr

    dk;kZUo;u dh fLFkfr] fnlacj 2011

    ka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority


    tSofofo/krtSOk fofo/krk esa iFoh ds lHkh izdkj ds thou dh fdLeksa dks 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS] tks gSa LFkyh;] leqnzh vkSj tikfjfLFkfrdh ra=A blesa rhu Lrjksa ij fofo/krk 'kkfey gS % vkuqoaf'kd fofo/krk iztkfr ds vanj] iztkfr fofo

    iztkfr;ksa ds chp vkSj ikfjfLFkfrd ra= fofo/krkA

    Hkkjr oSf'od Hkwfe {ks=Qy ds 2-4 izfr'kr rFkk ikuh ds 4 izfr'kr ds lkFk 17 fo'kky tSo fofo/krk ns'kksa esa ls ,d gSnqfu;k dh ntZ iztkfr;ksa dk 7 ls 8 izfr'kr ik;k tkrk gSA vc rd ikS/kksa dh 45]968 rFkk tarqvksa dh 91]364 iztkfr;izys[ku fd;k x;kA ;gka 5650 ls vf/kd lw{e tho iztkfr;ksa dk o.kZu fd;k x;k gSA Hkkjr laof/kZr ikS/kksa ds mn~HkoizkFkfed dsUnzksa esa ls ,d gS tgka pkoy] nkykas] eksVs vukt] lfCt;ksa] Qyksa vkSj Qkbcj ikS/kksa lfgr yxHkx 375 vkilacaf/kr oU; iztkfr;ksa 'kkfey gSaA blesa i'kqvksa dh yxHkx 255 uLysa tSls eos'kh] HksM+] cdjh] aV] ?kksM+s vkSj eqfxZ;kaHkkjr esa ikbZ tkrh gSaA Hkkjr lkaLfrd fofo/krk esa Hkh le) gS vkSj ;gka tutkrh; leqnk;ksa ds ikl ikjaifjd miyC/k gSA

    (Source: ABLE, 2008)

    [kaM 2009 - 10 2010-11

    fu;kZr djksM+ #i,vesfjdh MkWyj


    izfr'kr 'ks;jizfr'kr tSoizkS|ksfxdh

    fu;kZr djksM+ #i,vesfjdh MkWyj


    izfr'kr 'ks;jizfr'kr tSoizkS|ksfxdh

    tSo HkS"kftdh 4767.7(1081.7)

    54 5535.4(1255.6)


    tSo lsok,a 2507(569)

    95 2986.3(677.4)


    tSo f"k 58.1(13.2)

    3 74.4 3

    tSo vkS|ksfxd 124.1(28.2)

    22 150.2(34.1)


    tSo lwpukfoKku 73.9(16.8) 32 106.02(24) 42

    dqy 170.9(38.8)

    53 8852.3(2008)


    tSo fofo/krk dh vkfFkZd laHkkO;rk

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority


    Hkkjr ljdkj us tSo fofo/krk vf/kfu;e 2002 esa ykxwfd;k vkSj tSo fofo/krk fu;e 2004 esa ykxwfd,A tSfod fofo

    vf/kfu;e esa 12 v/;k; vkSj 65 vuqHkkx gSa rFkk bls 5 Qjojh 2003 dks izdkf'kr fd;k x;k FkkA tSo fofo/krk fu;vizSy 2004 dks vf/klwfpr fd, x, A

    ;g vf/kfu;e fodsfUnzr rhu Lrjh; iz.kkyh ds ek/;e ls jk"Vh;] jkT; vkSj LFkkuh; Lrjksa ij dk;kZfUor fd;k tkrjk"Vh; Lrj ij Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 8 ds rgr jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.k ,uch, LFkkfir x;k FkkA ,uch, ,d Lok;k vkSj lkafof/kd fudk; gS tks Hkkjr ljdkj ds ea=ky;ksa rFkk laxr ,tsafl;ksa ds leFkZudkjh @ lqfo/kk iznkudrkZ] fofu;ked vkSj lykgdkj Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gS vkSj ;g tSo fofo/krk laj{k.k] bLFkk;h mi;ksx vkSj mDr mi;ksx ls mRiUu ykHkksa dks leku :Ik ls ckaVus rFkk fu"i{k :Ik ls dk;Z lqfuf'pr djus dij dsfUnzr gSA ,uch, fo'ks"kK lfefr;ksa vkSj i.k/kkfj;ksa lfgr ijke'kZ izf;k }kjk dk;Z djrk gSA

    jkT; Lrj ij jkT; tSo fofo/krk cksMZ ,lchch dh LFkkiuk jkT; ljdkjksa }kjk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 22 ds vuqlktkfr gS] tcfd vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 41 ds vuqlkj LFkkuh; fudk;ksa }kjk tSo fofo/krk izca/ku lfefr ch,elh dk fd;k tkrk gSA

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.k ,uch,,uch, ds dk;ksZa esa 'kkfey gSa %

    tSo fofo/krk ds LFkk;h mi;ksx rFkk laj{k.k dks ckuk


    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

  • 7/29/2019 NBD Authority


    fu;etSfod fofo/krk fu;e] 2004

    tSo fofo/krk vf/kfu;e 2002] dk;kZfUor djus ds fy, 2004 esa fu;e vf/klwfpr fd, x, gSaA tSo fofo/krk fu;e 2004eq[; fo'ks"krk,a gSa %

    u izkf/kdj.k ds v/;{k vkSj lnL;ksa dh fu;qfDr gsrqizf;k] izkf/kdj.k dh cSBdksa dk vk;kstu vkSj izkf/kdj.lkekU; dk;Z] tSlk e'k% fu;e 3&8] 10 vkSj 12 esa crk;k x;k gSA

    u tSo fofo/krk vf/kfu;e 2002 ds rgr tSfod lalk/kuksa rFkk blls laac) ikjaifjd Kku rd igqap dh xfrfo

    dks fofu;fer djus dh izf;k /kkjk 3 tSfod lalk/kuksa rd igqap] pkj vuqla/kku ifj.kkeksa dk LFkkukarj.k visVsaV izkIr djus ds fy, ^vukifk izek.ki=** izkIr djuk e'k% fu;e 14] 17 vkSj 18 esa fn, x,A

    u igqap lanfer djus ds dk;Z] fyf[kr djkj dks iqu% dk;Z'khy cukus vkSj {kfr;ksa dh izfriwfrZ dh izf;k fu;e 15

    u ladVkIkUUk] nqyZHk vkSj [krjs esa iM+h iztkfr;ksa dh igqqap lhfer djuk] izfrdwy i;kZoj.k izHkko ds ekeys esaizfrcaf/kr djuk] jk"Vh; fgr ds foijhr vkSj varjjk"Vh; djkjksa ds fo#) ikfjfLFkfrd dk;Z rFkk iz;kstu f16A

    u isVsaV @ vkbZihvkj nkoksa ds fy, igqap ds ykHk dks leku :Ik ls ckaVuk] vuqla/kku ds ifj.kkeksa dk varj.k] lqfufdjus ds fy, 'krsZa vkSj fuca/ku ykxwdjuk fu;e 20A

    u tSo fofo/krk izca/ku lfefr ch,elh dk xBu vkSj rS;kjh] LFkkuh; yksxksa ds ijke'kZ ls tu tSo fofo/krk jftihchvkj dk j[kj[kko vkSj lR;kiu e'k% fu;e 22 2 vkSj 22 6 ds vuqlkj djuk pkfg,A

    u ,uch, vkSj ,l,lch ;k ,l,lch ds chp fooknksa ds fuiVku dh vihy fu;e 23 ds rgr dh tkuh pkfg,A

    fu;eksa esa izk:Ik Hkh fufnZ"V fd, x, gSa vFkkZr izi= & 1 tSfod lalk/kuksa rFkk blls laac) ikjaifjd Kku rd] izi=vuqla/kku ifj.kkeksa dk LFkkukarj.k] izi= & 3 isVsaV izkIr djus ds fy, ^vukifk izek.ki=** izkIr djuk] izi= & 4 ri{k LFkkukarj.k ds fy, vuqeksnu izkIr djuk

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

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    jkT; tSo fofo/krk cksMZ

    jkT; tSo fofo/krk cksMZ dh LFkkiuk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 22 ds vuqlkj vkf/kdkfjd jkti= vf/klwpuk ds ek/;e ls jljdkjksa }kjk dh xbZ gSA ,uch, ;k blds vf/kr fudk; lkr la?k jkT; {ks=ksa ds fy, vf/kdkjksa dk mi;ksx rFkk ,lchcdk;ZA

    jkT; ljdkjksa }kjk ,lchch dh LFkkiuk v/;{k] ikap insu lnL;ksa }kjk dh tkrh gS tks laacaf/kr foHkkxksa dk izfrfuf/kRo dgSa rFkk fo'kskKksa esa ls 5 lnL;ksa dh fu;qfDr tSo fofo/krk ds laj{k.k] tSfod lalk/kuksa ds LFkk;h mi;ksx vkSj tSfod lalds mi;ksx ls mRiUu ykHkksa dks leku :Ik ls ckaVk tkrk gSA

    ,lchch ds dk;ksZa esa 'kkfey gSa %

    tSo fofo/krk ds laj{k.k] blds ?kVdksa ds LFkk;h mi;ksx] tSfod lalk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ls ykHkksa dks leku :Ik ls cds ekeys esa dsUnz ljdkj }kjk tkjh fn'kkfunsZ'kksa ds rgr jkT; ljdkjksa dks lykg nsukA

    okf.kfT;d mi;ksfxrk ;k tSo losZ{k.k vkSj tSo mi;ksfxrk ds fy, fdlh Hkkjrh; }kjk fdlh tSfod lalk/kuvuqeksnu ;k vU;Fkk vuqjks/k }kjk fofu;euA

    jkT; ljdkj }kjk fufnZV bl vf/kfu;e ds izko/kkuksa ds fy, vfuok;Z ,sls vU; dk;ksZa dk fuiknu djukA

    vc rd] 26 jkT;ksa esa tSofofo/krk cksMZ dh LFkkiuk dh xbZ gS vkSj 14 jkT;ksa us fnlacj 2011 rd fu;eksa dks vf/klwfpr fd

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

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    tSofofo/krk izca/ku lfefr ch,elh

    vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 41 ds vuqlkj izR;sd LFkkuh; fudk; }kjk laj{k.k] LFkk;h mi;ksx tSfod fofo/krk ds izys[ku dks cnsus ds iz;kstu ls blds {ks= ds rgr ch,elh dk xBu fd;k tk,xkA ftlesa vf/koklksa dk laj{k.k] Hkwfe uLyksa dk layksd fdLeksa vkSj Qlyksa dk laj{k.k] ?kjsywHkaMkj vkSj i'kqvksa rFkk lw{e thoksa dh uLysa] tSfod fofo/krk ls laacaf/kr Kk

    izlkj fd;k tkuk gSA

    ch,elh ds dk;ksZa esa 'kkfey gSa %

    LFkkuh; yksxksa ds ijke'kZ ls tu tSo fofo/krk jftLVj ihchvkj dks rS;kj djuk] j[kj[kko vkSj lR;kiuA

    tSfod laLFkkuksa rd igqap vkSj lkSais x, ikjaifjd Kku ds fooj.k] yxk, x, 'kqYd laxzg dk fooj.k vkSj mykHkksa ds fooj.k rFkk buds ckaVus dh fof/k ds ckjs esa lwpuk nsus okys jftLVj dk j[kj[kkoA

    jkT; tSo fofo/krk cksMZ ;k izkf/kdj.k }kjk tSfod lalk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ls LFkkuh; oS|ksa vkSj izsfDV'kujksa ds cvkadM+ksa dk j[kj[kko djus ds fy, vuqeksnu iznku djukA

    vc rd iwjs Hkkjr esa 32] 796 ch,elh dk xBu fd;k x;k gSA ch,elh ds fy, jkVh; fn'kk funsZ'kksa dks ch,elh dh izdk;Z'kSyh gsrqvafre :Ik fn;k tkrk gSA vc rd dsoy nks jkT;ksa esa ch,elh fn'kkfunsZ'kksa rFkk fu;eksa dks vf/klwfpr fd;

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

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    tSo fofo/krk fuf/k

    vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 27] 32 vkSj 43 ds rgr e'k% jkVh;] jkT; vkSj LFkkuh; Lrj dh tSo fofo/krk fuf/k;ka LFkkfir dhgSA bu fuf/k;ksa dk vk'k; vf/koklh nkokdrkZvksa ds ykHkksa ds ,d fn'kk iznku djuk vkSj tSfod lalk/kuksa ds vkSj @blds lkFk lac) Kku rFkk bu {ks=ksa ds lkekftd & vkfFkZd fodkl ds laj{k.k rFkk lao/kZu gsrq dk;Z djuk

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk fuf/k

    vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 27 1 ds vuqlkj fdlh vuqnku vkSj _.k] lHkh izHkkjksa] jkW;YVh vkfn dks ,uch, esa izkIr fd;k tk

    vkSj bls jkVh; tSo fofo/krk fuf/k dgk tk,xkA ykHk ds nkokdrkZvksa ds ykHkksa dks fn'kk iznku djus] mu {ks=ksa ds fodrFkk tSfod lalk/kuksa ds laj{k.k vkSj lao/kZUk gsrqmi;ksx fd, tk,axs] tgka ls mDr tSfod lalk/ku ;k buls lac) izkIr gqvk gS vkSj LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds ijke'kZ ls bu {ks=ksa dk lkekftd & vkfFkZd fodkl gksxkA

    jkT; tSo fofo/krk fuf/k

    vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 32 1 ds vuqlkj l`ftr jkT; tSo fofo/krk fuf/k dks izkIr gksus okys fdlh vuqnku vkSj _.k,lchch esa Hkstk tk,xk @ ,uch, }kjk fn, x, fdlh vuqnku ;k _.k @ vU; lzksrksa ls ,lchch }kjk izkIr lHkh /ku jdk fu.kZ; jkT; ljdkj }kjk jkT; tSo fofo/krk fuf/k ds :Ik esa fd;k tk,xkA ,lch,Q dk mi;ksx fojklr LFky

    izca/ku vkSj laj{k.k] eqvkot+k nsus ;k mu yksxksa ds iquokZLk esa fd;k tk,xk tks vf/klwpuk }kjk vkfFkZd :Ik ls izHkkfor gqtSfod lalk/kuksa ds laj{k.k vkSj lao/kZu rFkk mu {ks=ksa dk lkekftd vkSj vkfFkZd fodkl] tgka ls ;s tSfod lalk/kubldk lac) Kku izkIr gqvk gSA

    LFkkuh; tSo fofo/krk fuf/k

    LFkkuh; tSOk fofo/krk fuf/k dk l`tu jkT; ljdkjksa }kjk vf/klwfpr izR;sd {ks= esa fd;k tk,xk tgka jkT; ljdkj dk laLFkku dk;Zjr gS vkSj bUgsa ,uch, }kjk fn, x, fdlh _.k ;k vuqnku dk Js;] 'kqYd @ ysoh izHkkj gsrqokf.kfTiz;kstu ds fy, fdlh tSfod lalk/ku rd igqap ;k laxzg ds fy, fdlh O;fDr ls 'kqYd vf/kHkkfjr fd;k tk,xkA ,ych

    dk mi;ksx mu {ks=ksa dh tSo fofo/krk ds laj{k.k vkSj lao/kZu gsrq fd;k tkuk pkfg, tks lacaf/kr LFkkuh; fudk;vf/kdkj {ks= esa vkrs gSa rFkk blls leqnk; dks ykHk feyuk pkfg,A

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

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    tu tSo fofo/krk jftLVj

    ch,elh dk eq[; dk;Z LFkkuh; yksxksa ds ijke'k ls tu tSo fofo/krk jftLVj cukuk gSA bl jftLVj esa LFkkuh; tSflalk/kuksa dh miyC/krk vkSj Kku ij O;kid tkudkjh j[kh tk,xh] buds fpfdRlh; ;k vU; fdlh mi;ksx ;k vU; fdikjaifjd Kku dh tkudkjh 'kkfey dh tk,xhA

    ihchvkj LFkkuh; tSOk fofo/krk] ikjaifjd Kku vkSj izFkkvksa ds izfrHkkfxrkiw.kZ izys[ku ij dsfUnzr gSA bUgsa eq[; dkunLrkostksa ds :Ik esa ysdj tSfod lalk/kuksa rFkk bls lac) ikjaifjd Kku ij LFkkuh; yksxksa ds vf/kdkjksa dks lqfuf'fd;k tk,xkA

    vc rd Hkkjr ds 10 jkT;ksa esa 1121 ihchvkj dk fodkl i.k/kkfj;ksa dh Hkkxhnkjh ls fd;k x;k gSA jkVh; tSo fofoizkf/kdj.k us 2009 esa ihchvkj ij fn'kkfunsZ'k tkjh fd, gSaA

    pj.kokj & ihchvkj rS;kjh dh izf;k

    pj.k 1 % tSo fofo/krk izca/ku lfefr dk fuekZ.k ch,elh

    pj.k 2 % Hkze.k vkSj laHkkfor izca/ku

    pj.k 3 % izf'k{k.k ds fy, izekf.kr lnL; vkSj tSofofo/krk lalk/ku vkSj ikjaifjd Kku ds fy, vkadM+s ,df=rfd, x,

    pj.k 4 % vkadM+ksa dk laxzgA vkadM+ksa ds laxzg esa ftys ds izkfrd lalk/kuksa ij lkfgR; dh leh{kk] izfrHkkfxrkiw.xzkeh.k ewY; fu:i.k ihvkj, xzke Lrj ij] ifjokjksa ds lk{kkRdkj] O;fDrxr lk{kkRdkjksa ds lkFk xzkeLrj ds usrk vkSj Kkuh O;fDr] ifjokjksa ds izeq[k] iapk;r jkt laLFkkuksa ds eq[; vfHkdrkZ vkSj xSj ljdlaxBu rFkk izR;{k {ks= fujh{k.k

    pj.k 5 % rduhdh leFkZu lewg rFkk ch,elh ds lkFk ijke'kZ esa vkadM+ksa dk fo'ys"k.k vkSj lR;kiu

    pj.k 6 % tu tSo fofo/krk jftLVj rS;kjh

    pj.k 7 % lw puk vkSj lalk/ku daI;wVjhdj.k

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

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    fojklrtSo fofo/krk fojklr LFky ch,p,l

    tSOk fofo/krk vf/kfu;e] 2002 dh /kkjk 37 ds rgr jkT; ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds ijke'kZ ls bUgsa tSo fofo/krk fojkLFkyksa ds :Ik esa tSOk fofo/krk egRo ds {ks= dks vkf/kdkfjd jkti=ksa dks vf/klwfpr fd;k tk ldrk gSA jk"Vh;

    fofo/krk izkf/kdj.k }kjk 2009 esa ch,p,l ds p;u vkSj izca/ku ds fy, fn'kkfunsZ'k tkjh fd, x, gSaA

    ch,p,l dh ifjHkk"kk

    ^^tSo fofo/krk fojklr LFky** lqifjHkkf"kr {ks= gSa tks fof'k"V] ikfjfLFkfrdh dh n`f"V ls Hkaxqj ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= gSLFkyh;] rVh; vkSj varnsZ'kh; ty rFkk leqnzh] tgka fuEUkfyf[kr ?kVdksa esa ls ,d ;k vf/kd le`) tSOk fofo/krk gS % OvkSj ?kjsywiztkfr;ksa dh lef) ;k varjk fof'k"V Jsf.k;ka] dqN ladVkiUu] nqyZHk vkSj tksf[ke xzLr iztkfr;ksa dh mifLFdhLVksu iztkfr;ka] fodkl egRo okyh iztkfr;ka] ?kjsyw @ laof/kZr iztkfr;ksa ds oU; iwoZt ;k mUkdh fdLesa] thok'e L}kjk tSfod ?kVdksa ds izfrfuf/kRo dh iwoZ mifLFkfr rFkk lkaLfrd] uSfrd ;k lkSan;Z ewY; ,oa ekuo lac)rk dsbfrgkl ds lkFk ;k blds fcuk lkaLfrd fofo/krk ds j[kj[kko gsrqegRoiw.kZ gSaA bu {ks=ksa esa fuEUkfyf[kr fo'ks"krk,a

    ij ch,p,l ds :Ik esa 'kkfey djus ij fopkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA

    ch,p,l ds ekun.M

    os {ks= tgka izkfrd] v/kZ izkfrd vkSj ekuo fufeZr vf/kokl gSa] tks dqy feykdj thou ds :iksa dh mYys[kufofo/krk fufgr djrs gSaA

    ,sls {ks= tks mYys[kuh; ?kjsywtSo fofo/krk ?kVdksa vkSj @ ;k f"k ikjfLFkfrdh ra=ksa ds izfrfuf/k gksus ds ltgka bl fofo/krk ds LFkkf;Ro okyh f"k izFkk,a tkjh gSaA

    tSfod fofo/krk ds fopkj ls egRoiw.kZ {ks= ftuesa ifo= xqQk,a @ o`{k vkSj LFky ds egRoiw.kZ lkaLfrd LFkkuvU; cM+s leqnk; lajf{kr {ks= 'kkfey gSaA

    vR;ar NksVs {ks= tgka ladVkiUu vkSj tksf[ke xzLr isM+ ikS/ks rFkk tarqvksa ds fy, vkJ; miyC/k gS] tSls leq}kjk lajf{kr {ks= ;k 'kgjh gfj;kyh vkSj oSV ySaMA

    lHkh izdkj ds dkuwuh Hkwfe mi;ksx] pkgs ljdkjh gksa ;k lkeqnkf;d ;k futh Hkwfe] mijksDr Jsf.k;ksa ds fy, bufopkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA

    tgka rd laHko gks mu LFkyksa ij fopkj fd;k tk, tks la'kksf/kr oU; thou laj{k.k vf/kfu;e 1972 ds rlajf{kr {ks= usVodZ ds varxZr ugha fy, x, gSaA

    ,ssls {ks= tks pkjs vkSj iztuu ds fy, ekSle dh izoklh iztkfr;ksa gsrqtyh; ;k LFkyh; vf/kokl iznku djrs gSa

    os {ks= tks ou fOkHkkx ds vuqla/kku Lda/k }kjk laj{k.k Hkw[k.M ds :Ik esa j[ks x, gSaA

    vkS"k/kh; ikni laj{k.k {ks=

    jk"Vh; tSo fofo/krk izkf/kdj.kka ry frly ck;ks ikdZ] lh,lvkbZvkj jksM] rkjke.kh] psUubZ 600113 Vsyh % 044 2254 1075@2777] QSDl %2254 1200] web:www.nbaindia.org

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    fu;edsanzh; vkSj jkT; ljdkjksa ds egRoiw.kZ fu;e

    dsUnz vkSj jkT; ljdkjksa ds egROkiw.kZ drZO; vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 36 ds vuqlkj fuEukuqlkj gSa %

    jk"Vh; dk;Zuhfr;ksa] ;kstukvksa] dk;Zeksa ds fodkl }kjk tSfod fofo/krk dk laj{k.k] lao/kZu vkSj LFkk;hmi;ksx

    lacaf/kr jkT; ljdkjksa dks tSo fofo/krk le`) vf/koklksa ds laj{k.k ds fy, rRdky lkSgknZiw.kZ mik; djdk funsZ'k tkjh djuk] ftUgsa vR;f/kd mi;ksx] mis{kk ;k nq#i;ksx ds dkj.k tksf[ke gS

    tSo fofo/krk ds laj{k.k] lao/kZu vkSj LFkk;h mi;ksx ds lesdu }kjk laxr {ks= ;k fo"ke {ks= ;kstuk,a]dk;Ze vkSj uhfr;ka cukukA tSfod fofo/krk ls lacaf/kr LFkkuh; yksxksa ds fy, Kku dk vknj vkSj lqjds iz;kl djuk] tSlk ,uch, }kjk larqr gS

    i;kZoj.k vkSj tSOk fofo/krk ij ifj;kstuk ds izHkko dk vkdyu djuk rFkk laj{k.k ij thfor la'kksf/krthoksa ds mi;ksx vkSj fueqZfDr ds tksf[keksa ;k izfrdwy izHkkoksa dk fofu;eu] izca/ku ;k fu;a=.k ,oa tSofofo/krk ,oa ekuoh; LokLF; dk LFkk;h mi;ksx

    dsanzh; ljdkj] ,uch, ds lkFk ijke'kZ lfgr %

    d ladVkIkUu iztkfr;ksa dks vf/klwfpr djuk rFkk buds laxzg] iquokZl vkSj laj{k.k dk fu"ks/k ;k fofu;eu

    [k tSfod lalk/kuksa dh fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa ds fy, laxzgky; ds :Ik esa laLFkkuksa dks ukefufnZ"V djuk vkSj

    x lkekU; O;kikj enksa ds :Ik esa dqN tSfod lalk/kuksa dks NwV iznku djuk

    jkT; ljdkjsa LFkkuh; fudk;ska ds ijke'kZ ls tSfod fofo/krk LFkyksa dks vf/klwfpr dj ldrh gSa vkSj lHkh fojklLFkyksa ij izca/ku vkSj laj{k.k ds fu;e cuk ldrh gSa dsUnzh; ljdkj ds ijke'kZ ls vkSj izHkkfor yksxksa ds iquo@ eqvkot+s dh ;kstuk,a vkjaHk dj ldrs gSaA