Naturopathic Treatments - Why Acupuncture Works

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Naturopathic Treatments - Why Acupuncture Works


Acupuncture is a naturopathic treatment that has been used worldwide by many cultures, theoretically originating in China thousands of years ago. It is based upon the premise that the human body is electrical, and that there are certain points on our body, called meridian points, where you can change the flow of energy.

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The energy, according to the Chinese, is called Chi or Qi, and is representative of our life force. When we have imbalances within our body, by inserting needles into the meridian points, you can change the flow back to normal.

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What Acupuncture DoesThe reason that people get sick, or perhaps have mental disorders, is because they have an electrical imbalance within their brain. Not so much in the form of electricity, per se, but the life force that allows us to exist.

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By changing the flow of Chi, using acupuncture needles, many people have had unbelievable changes in the way that they feel. It is able to reduce the amount of pain that a person feels, and also help them feel more balanced, all as a result of balancing our internal energy.

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Locating a Great AcupuncturistIt is possible to find an acupuncturist in your area, one that comes highly recommended. Although your doctor may not have one on his or her Rolodex, your chiropractor, or friends that you associate with that have used one before, will be able to recommend one to you.

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Although inserting needles into your body may not be at the top of your list, if you really want to have better health, have less pain, and also be more mentally balanced, acupuncture is a naturopathic treatment that you should definitely consider using.

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