Nature Deficit Disorder By Sue Martin, Papakura District Council.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Nature Deficit Disorder By Sue Martin, Papakura District Council.

Nature Deficit DisorderBy Sue Martin , Papakura District Council

Nature Deficit Disorder, Louv describes this term as “the human costs of alienation from nature”.

Sir David Attenborough:

“…..that children who lack any understanding of the natural world would not grow into adults who cared about the environment.”

weak connections that residents may have with nature that may affect participation in effective home composting.

1. The Benefits of Nature

1a Physical Health benefits Ulrich’s gall bladder surgery patients

…….. The Benefits of Nature

1b Social and Communication Skills Benefits e.g. No Child Left Outside Coalition

…….. The Benefits of Nature1c Mental and Spiritual health Benefits e.g. Framework Trust

…….. The Benefits of Nature1d Connection or relationship with nature e.g. Outward Bound

2- Why Do We Have So Little Quality Time In Nature?

• parental fears

• restricted public access to natural areas

• lure of the (television/ computer/ Nintendo) screen

Effects of So Little Quality Time In Nature?

degradation of child physical and mental health in relation the lack of unscheduled time in nature.

Effects of So Little Quality Time In Nature?

• rapid disengagement between children and direct experiences in nature

• Obesity• Worsened behavioral problems e.g. in ADD

sufferers• Depression• Children who don't have time in nature are more

prone to anxiety,• Vitamin D deficiency

….So Little Quality Time In Nature?

• Dickens’ book called “Reconstructing Nature: Alienation, Emancipation and the Division of Labor

….So Little Quality Time In Nature?

HEBS (apparent) barriers:• Being overweight• Not enjoying exercise• Being too old• Lack of suitable facilities• Skills • Confidence • Money• Transport• Fears over safety• Concern about the environment OR unpredictable weather


3. Discussion

• in-door and in-vehicle lifestyle choices separate us from nature


• assurance of control indoors- misleading ?

Disconnection from Nature

• Dickens book - disconnection of people from primary and secondary production

• Little public access to landfills• Irony- information era = lack of knowledge

about both where food comes from and where waste food goes

Barriers to composting

Lack of knowledge of:• the value of the food and garden waste• how to make compost• the value of the compost (Rodriguez, 2004)• Don’t want to touch food waste (Ali, 2004)• Council’s issue is waste reduction but

resident’s issue is gardening

Engaging residents in Home Composting

Historically we have held demos at retailers…..

Consider increasing engagement with nature by:

• Holding demos at school gardens

• Create teaching gardens for those lacking skills

• Develop community gardens for tenants

ConclusionResearch and evaluate options to produce best outcomes for diversion of food waste from landfill