Natural Lighting

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Natural Lighting

  • 1. Natural Lighting Madelyn Valenzuela Arch 2321 Prof. Calhoun

2. What is Natural Lighting?Grand Central Terminal. 1871 3. 1900-Present 4. 1900-10sCasa Mila. Antonio Gaud, 1912 5. 1920-30sLovell Health House. Richard Neutra, 1929 6. 1940-50sFarnsworth House. Van der Rohe, 1951 7. 1960-70sIndian Institute of Management. Louis Kahn, 1962-74 8. 1980-90sJewish Museum. Daniel Libeskind, 1998 9. 2000-10Disney Concert Hall. Frank Gehry, 2003 10. NowT Space Gallery. Steven Holl, 11. Summary From the past to the present, natural lighting has proven to be an important, if not the most important, aspect of design. It contributes to our well-being, creates an atmosphere, and gives architecture an aesthetic feel. 12. Citations Phillips, Derek. Daylighting. Oxford: Architectural Press, 2004. Book. Steane, Mary Anne. The Architecture of Light. New York: Routledge, 2011. Book. Boubekri, Mohamed. Daylighting, Architecture and Health. Massachusetts: Architectural Press, 2008. Book