Natural approach

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Among all the methods and approaches to language teaching there is one that may not have a strong basis on its Theory of Language but an excellent background on its Theory of Learning, the Natural Approach, based on the principles of the Theory of Language Acquisition proposed by Stephen Krashen.

Transcript of Natural approach

  • 1. Alexis Martnez-Ramrez

2. BackgroundTracy Dale Terrel Spanish Teacher in California 1977 A proposal for a newphilosophy of languageteaching called the NaturalApproach Attemp to incorporate thenaturalistic principlesidentified in L2 Acquisition 3. Stephen Krashen Applied linguist at the University ofSouthern California. They both elaborated a Theoretical Rationale for theNatural Approach. Krashens influential theory of L2 acquisition. The Natural Approach: Languageacquisition in the classroom (1983). 4. Book, two parts: Theoretical sections by Krashe on L2Acq Sections on implementation and classroom procedures by Terrell 5. Natural Approach as a Traditional Approach based on the use of languages in communicativesituations without recourse to the native language Therefore, with no reference to grammar analysis,grammatical drilling, or to a particular theory ofgrammar. Such approaches have been callednatural, psychological, phonetic,new, reform, direct, analytic,imitative and so forth. 6. Natural Approach Natural Method Natural in the Direct Method: Emphasized the principles of naturalistic language learning inyoung children. Similarly, the NA is believed to conform to the naturalisticprinciples found in succesful second language acquisition. However, it places less emphasis on T monologues, directrepetition, and formal questions and answers, and less focuson accurate production of target language sentences.. 7. In the Natural Approach there is anemphasis on: Exposure , or input, rather than practice, Optimizing emotional preparedness forlearning, A prolonged period of attention to whatthe language learners hear before they tryto produce language and, A willingness to use written and othermaterials as a source of comprehensibleinput. The Natual Approach is one of theComprehension-based Approaches 8. ApproachTheory of Language The essence of languages is meaning. Vocabulary,not grammar, is the heart of language. (Brown, 2007) Krashen & Terrell Communication, as primaryfunction of language. So the Natural Approach, is a Communicative Approach. And they were against earlier methods that had focusedon grammar. Because they were built not around actual theories oflanguage acquisition, but on theories of something else,e.g. the structure of language (Krashen & Terrell, 1983). 9. CLT NA little attention to a Theory of Language. In a recent critic they are said not to have a theory of language. Their emphasis on vocabulary may suggest a view oflanguages as its lexicon and the grammar the way to exploit itto produce messages. The quantity of information in the lexicon far outweighs that in anyother part of the language, and if there is anything to the notion ofredundancy it should be easier to reconstruct a message containingjust words than one containing just the syntactic relations. Thesignificant fact is the subordinate role of grammar. The mostimportant thing is to get the words in. (Bolinger, in Terrell, 1977) 10. Language is a vehicle for communicating meaningsand messages. Acquisition can take place only when peopleunderstand messages in the target language(Krashen & Terrell, 1983) The NA assumes linguistic hierarchy of structuralcomplexity that on masters through encounterswith input containing structures at the I+1level. Lexical items in messages are necessarilygrammatically structured, and more complexmessages involve more complex grammaticalstructure. But there is no need for teachers, learners norlanguage teaching materials to pay attention togrammatical structures. 11. Theory of Learning Krashens Language Acquisition Theory The NA is based on an empirically grounded theory of second languageacquisition, which has been supported by a large number of scientificstudies in a wide variety of language acquisition and learning contexts(Krashen & Terrell, 1983).The Acqusition/Learning Hypothesis Acquisition: The natural unconscious process to languageproficiency through meaningful communication. Learning: Conscious process in which language rules are developedthrough formal teaching and correction of errors. Therefore, Learning cannot lead to Acquisition. 12. The Monitor Hypothesis Conscious learning can function only as a monitor or editorthat checks and repairs the output of the acquired system. Limits to success: Time. There must be sufficient time for a learner to chooseand apply a learned rule. Focus on form. The language user must be focused oncorrectness or on the form of the output. Knowledge of rules. The performer must know the rules. Themonitor does best with rules that are simple in two ways. Theymust be simple [0 describe and they must not require complexmovements and rearrangements. 13. The Natural Order Hypothesis The acquisition of grammatical structures proceeds in a predictableorder. Research has shown a certain order in first language acquisition ofEnglish, and a similar natural order is found in second languageacquisition. Errors are signs of naturalisticdevelopmental processes. 14. The Input Hypothesis It explains the relationship between what the learner is exposed to of alanguage (the input) and language acquisition. The hypothesis relates to acquisition, and not to learning. People acquire language best by understanding input that is slightly beyondtheir current level of competence by understanding language containing I + 1(Krashen & Terrell, 1983). Clues based on the situation and the context, extralinguistic in formation, andknowledge of the world make comprehension possible. The ability to speak fluently cannot be taught directly; it "emerges"independently in time, after the acquirer has built up linguistic competence byunderstanding input. If there is a sufficient quantity of comprehensible input, I+1 will usually beprovided automatically. Comprehensible input refers to utterances that thelearner understands based on the context in which they are used. Input need not to be tuned to a learners current level of linguistic competenceand in fact cannot be so finely tuned in a language class, where learners will beat many different levels of competence. 15. The Affective Filter Hypothesis Krashen sees the learner's emotional state or attitudes as an adjustable filterthat freely passes, impedes, or blocks input necessary to acquisition. Motivation. Learners with high motivation generally do better. Self-confidence. Learners with self-confidence and a good self-image tend to bemore successful. Anxiety. Low personal anxiety and low classroom anxiety are moreconducive to second language acquisition. Acquirers with a low affective filter seek and receive more input, interact withconfidence, and are more receptive to the input they receive. The affective filter is said to rise in early adolescence, and this may account forchildren's apparent superiority to older acquirers of a second language. 16. Implications of these hypotheses As much comprehensible input as possible must hepresented. Whatever helps comprehension is important. Visual aidsare useful, as is exposure to a wide range of vocabularyrather than study of syntactic structure. The focus in the classroom should be on listening andreading; speaking should be allowed to "emerge. In order to lower the affective filter, student work shouldcenter on meaningful communication rather than on form;input should be interesting and so contribute to a relaxedclassroom atmosphere. 17. DesignObjectives The Natural Approach "is for beginners and is designed to help them becomeintermediates in communicative skills. Specific objectives depend upon learner needs and the skill (reading, writing,listening, or speaking) and level being taught. Krashen and Terrell feel it is important to communicate to learners what they canexpect of a course as well as what they should not expect. After 100-150 hours of Natural Approach Spanish, you will be able to: "get around" inSpanish; you will be able to communicate with a monolingual native speaker ofSpanish without difficulty; read most ordinary texts in Spanish with some use of adictionary; know enough Spanish to continue to improve on your own.After 100- 150 hours of Natural Approach Spanish you will not be able to: pass for anative speaker, use Spanish as easily as you use English, understand native speakerswhen they talk to each other; use Spanish on the telephone with great comfort;participate easily in a conversation with several other native speakers on unfamiliartopics. (Krashen & Terrell, 1983) 18. The syllabus Based on selection ofcommunicative activities andtopics derived from learner needs. Krashen and Terrell (1983)classified in four areas those goalsin language courses that areaimed by the Natural Approach. The NA is primarily designed todevelop basic communicationskills both oral and written On the other side, it holds thatthe purpose of a language coursewill vary according to the needs ofthe students and their particularinterests. 19. The purpose of a language course will vary according to theneeds of the students and their particular interests (Krashen &Terrell, 1983) We do not expect the students at the end of a particular courseto have acquired a certain group of structures or forms. Insteadwe expect them to deal with a particular set of topics in a givensituation. It is difficult to specify communicative goals that necessarily fitthe needs of all students. Any list of topics and situations must be understood as syllabussuggestions rather than as specifications. 20. Input is provided "over a wider variety of topics whilepursuing communicative goals, the necessarygrammatical structures are automatically provided inthe input Krashen & Terrell, 1983 21. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities Activities allowing comprehensible input, aboutthings in the here-and-now. Focus on meaning, notform (Brown, 2007). From the beginning, emphasis is on presentingcomprehensible input in the target language. E.g. objects in the classroom and the content of pictures. Learners are not required to speak until they feelready, but they are expected to respond to teachercommands and questions in other ways. 22. The teacher talks slowly and distinctly, askingquestions and eliciting one-word answers. "Acquisition activities" Those that focus onmeaningful communication rather than languageform. Pair or group work may be employed, followed bywhole-class discussion led by the teacher. 23. Techniques recommended by Krashen and Terrell areoften borrowed from other methods and adapted tomeet the requirements of Natural Approach theory. Total Physical Response, command-based activities Direct Method, activities in which mime, gesture, andcontext are used to elicit questions and answers; andeven situation-based practice of structures and patterns. Communicative Language Teaching, Group-workactivities 24. Learning Roles They should not try to learn the usual sense, butshould try to lose themselves in activities involvingmeaningful communication (Brown, 2007). The language acquirer is seen as a processor ofcomprehensible input. Learners' roles are seen to change according to theirstage of linguistic development. 25. Pre-Production Stage: Students "participate in thelanguage activity without having to respond in the targetlanguage" (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 76). (e.g. they can actout physical commands, point to pictures, and so forth.) Early-Production Stage, students respond to either-orquestions, use single words and short phrases, fill in charts,and use fixed conversational patterns (e.g., How are you?What's your name?). Speech-Emergent Phase, students involve themselves inrole play and games, contribute personal information andopinions, and participate in group problem solving. 26. Learners Four Responsibilities Provide information about their specific goals so that acquisitionactivities can focus on the topics and situations most relevant totheir needs. Take an active role in ensuring comprehensible input. Theyshould learn and use conversational management techniques toregulate input. Decide when to start producing speech and when to upgrade it. Where learning exercises (i.e. grammar study) are to be a part ofthe program, decide with the teacher the relative amount of timeto be devoted to them and perhaps even complete and correctthem independently. 27. Teacher Roles The teacher is the primary source of comprehensible input.Must create positive low-anxiety climate. Must choose andorchestrate a rich mixture of classroom activities (Brown, 2007). Source: The teacher is the generator of a constant flow oflanguage input. Environmenter: The teacher creates a classroom atmospherethat is interesting, friendly, and in which there is a low affectivefilter for learning. Director: The teacher is seen as responsible for collectingmaterials and designing their use, based not just on teacherperceptions but on elicited student needs and interests. 28. The Role of Instructional Material Materials come from realia rather than fromtextbooks. Primary aim is to promote comprehensionand communication (Brown, 2007). They make classroom activities as meaningful aspossible by supplying "the extra- linguistic contextthat helps the acquirer to understand and thereby toacquire Pictures and other visual aids facilitate the acquisitionof a large vocabulary within the classroom. 29. Recommended materials include schedules,brochures, advertisements, maps, and graded books. Games, in general, are seen as useful classroommaterials since "games by their very nature, focus the student on what itis they are doing and use the language as a tool forreaching the goal rather than as a goal in itself . 30. Video 31. Conclusions The Natural Approach belongs to a tradition of languageteaching methods based on observation and interpretationof how learners acquire both first and second languages innon formal settings. Such methods reject the formal (grammatical)organization of language as a prerequisite to teaching. A focus on comprehension and meaningfulcommunication as well as the provision of the right kindsof comprehensible input provide the necessary andsufficient conditions for successful classroom second andforeign language acquisition. 32. The Natural Approach is hence evolutionary ratherthan revolutionary in its procedures. Its greatest claim to originality lies in its use as amethod that emphasizes comprehensible andmeaningful practice activities, rather than productionof grammatically perfect utterances and sentences. 33. Bibliography Brown, H.D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: An InteractiveApproach to Language Teaching. USA: Pearson Longman. Krashen, S.D. & Terrell, T.D. (1983). The Natural Approach:Language Acquisition in the Classroom. Oxford: Pergamon. Lightbown, P.M. (2006). How Languages are Learned. China:Oxford University Press. Richards, J.C. & Rodgers, T.S. (1997) Approaches and Methodsin Language Teaching: A description and analysis. USA:Cambridge University Press