NationalTrackingPoll#190618 June07-09,2019 ...

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Transcript of NationalTrackingPoll#190618 June07-09,2019 ...

National Tracking Poll #190618June 07-09, 2019

Crosstabulation Results

Methodology:This poll was conducted between June 7-June 9, 2019 among a national sample of 1991 RegisteredVoters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a targetsample of Registered Voters based on age, educational attainment, gender, race, and region. Resultsfrom the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Table Index

1 Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in theright direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? . 12

3 Table Q172NET:Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President? 16

4 Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on yourmind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress? . . . . . . . 20

5 Table POL1: How likely is it that you will vote in the 2020 presidential primary or caucus inyour state? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6 Table POL2: Now, thinking about the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state,would you vote in the Democratic primary or caucus, the Republican primary or caucus, orare you not likely to vote in a primary or caucus at all? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

7 Table POL3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues onyour mind when you cast your vote in the Democratic primary or caucus in your state? . . . 33

8 Table POL4_1: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Joe Biden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

9 Table POL4_2: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Bernie Sanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

10 Table POL4_3: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Elizabeth Warren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

11 Table POL4_4: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Cory Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

12 Table POL4_5: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Kamala Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

13 Table POL4_6: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Beto O’Rourke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

14 Table POL4_7: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-electDonald Trump, or vote for… Pete Buttigieg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

15 Table POL5_1: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

16 Table POL5_2: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

17 Table POL5_3: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A person of color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019

18 Table POL5_4: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A female person of color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

19 Table POL5_5: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A liberal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

20 Table POL5_6: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A moderate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

21 Table POL5_7: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? Under the age of 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

22 Table POL5_8: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? Under the age of 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

23 Table POL5_9: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? Has decades of political experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

24 Table POL5_10: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A political outsider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

25 Table POL5_11: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A political insider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

26 Table POL5_12: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A veteran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

27 Table POL5_13: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidentialelection be each of the following? A Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

28 Table POL6: Do you think the Republican party should nominate Donald Trump as theparty’s candidate for president in 2020, or do you think the Republican party should nom-inate a different candidate for president in 2020? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

29 Table POL7: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you de nitely vote tore-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote for someoneelse or de nitely vote for someone else? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

30 Table POL8: If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of thefollowing candidates are you most likely to vote for? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

31 Table POL9_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? The economy 129

32 Table POL9_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Jobs . . . . . 133

33 Table POL9_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Health care . 137

34 Table POL9_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Immigration . 141

35 Table POL9_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? The environment145

36 Table POL9_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Energy . . . . 149


Morning Consult

37 Table POL9_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Education . . 153

38 Table POL9_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? National security157

39 Table POL9_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Sexual harass-ment and misconduct in the workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

40 Table POL9_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? Gun policy . 165

41 Table POL9_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues? ProtectingMedicare and Social Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

42 Table POL10_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

43 Table POL10_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

44 Table POL10_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

45 Table POL10_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

46 Table POL10_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office . . . . . . . . . 189

47 Table POL10_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

48 Table POL10_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

49 Table POL10_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally whenthey were children, often with their parents, protection from deportation . . . . . . . . . . . 201

50 Table POL10_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget de cit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

51 Table POL10_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

52 Table POL10_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

53 Table POL11: As you may know, the rst step toward removing a president from office isimpeachment. Do you believe Congress should or should not begin impeachment proceedingsto remove President Trump from office? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

54 Table POL12_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Democraticpresidential candidate Joe Biden saying he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, whichmostly bans the use of federal funding for abortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221


National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019

55 Table POL12_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? PresidentDonald Trump threatening to impose a 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports . . . . . . . . . 225

56 Table POL12_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Reports thatHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told other Democrats that she wants to see PresidentTrump ’in prison’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

57 Table POL12_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Trumpadministration informing migrant shelters to scale back or discontinue services such as legalaid, English classes and recreational activity for unaccompanied children who have come intothe United States from Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

58 Table POL12_5: Howmuch have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Border Patrolapprehending more than 132,000 migrants at the U.S. - Mexico border in May, the highestmonthly total since 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

59 Table POL12_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? PresidentTrump’s state visit to the United Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

60 Table POL13: Do you think abortion should be… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

61 Table POL14: As you may know, the Hyde Amendment is a congressional provision passedin 1976 that prevents federal funding through government programs for low-income familieslikeMedicaid from being used for abortion except in cases where pregnancies endanger the lifeof the mother or occurred because of rape or incest. Based on what you know, do you supportor oppose banning federal funding for abortion except in those cases? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

62 Table POL15: As you may know, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently saidhe no longer supports the Hyde Amendment. Based on what you know, does Biden’s positionon this issue make you more or less likely to vote for him in the Democratic primary or caucusin your state, or does it make no difference either way? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

63 Table POL16: As youmay know, President Trump has said he will impose a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports if Mexico does not take more aggressive steps to reduce illegal immigrationacross the U.S. - Mexico border. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose imposinga 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

64 Table POL17_1: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? Reducing illegal immigration into the United States fromMexico261

65 Table POL17_2: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? The U.S. economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

66 Table POL17_3: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? The Mexican economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

67 Table POL17_4: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? U.S. businesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

68 Table POL17_5: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? Mexican businesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277


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69 Table POL17_6: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? U.S. consumers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

70 Table POL17_7: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? Mexican consumers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

71 Table POL17_8: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? The upper class in the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

72 Table POL17_9: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? The middle class in the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

73 Table POL17_10: Do you think that imposing tariffs onMexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? The lower class in the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

74 Table POL17_11: Do you think that imposing tariffs onMexican imports to the United Stateswill help or hurt the following? U.S. job creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

75 Table POL18: As you may know, President Trump has said he will impose up to 25 percenttariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico does not take more aggressive steps to reduce illegal im-migration across the U.S. - Mexico border. How much con dence do you have in PresidentTrump to use the threat of tariffs in order to in uenceMexico’s policies that could reduce illegalimmigration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

76 Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump raised tariffs to 25 percent on $200 billionworth of Chinese goods in May. China responded by increasing tariffs on $60 billion worthof American products. Trump has since said that he’s considering raising tariffs on China byanother $300 billion. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose increasing tariffs onChina by $300 billion? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

77 Table POL20: As youmay know, Congress is planning to provide a cost-of-living pay increaseof $4,500 for its members next year, the rst increase since 2009, which would bring theirannual salary to roughly $178,500. Based on what you know, would you support or opposeproviding members of Congress with a cost-of-living pay increase? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

78 Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a longlist, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer foreach name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, SomewhatFavorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard ofthe person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have notheard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

79 Table POLx_2: Favorability for Nancy Pelosi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

80 Table POLx_3: Favorability for Charles Schumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

81 Table POLx_4: Favorability for Mike Pence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

82 Table POLx_5: Favorability for Donald Trump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

83 Table POLx_6: Favorability for Republicans in Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337


National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019

84 Table POLx_7: Favorability for Democrats in Congress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

85 Table POLx_9: Favorability for Kevin McCarthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

86 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349



Morning ConsultTable P1

Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (767) 61% (1224) 1991Gender: Male 44% (411) 56% (521) 932Gender: Female 34% (356) 66% (703) 1059Age: 18-29 32% (111) 68% (234) 345Age: 30-44 35% (160) 65% (297) 458Age: 45-54 44% (158) 56% (202) 361Age: 55-64 42% (153) 58% (211) 364Age: 65+ 40% (184) 60% (279) 463Generation Z: 18-22 37% (49) 63% (85) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 32% (161) 68% (342) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 42% (220) 58% (307) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 40% (285) 60% (437) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 13% (105) 87% (682) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 33% (198) 67% (395) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 76% (463) 24% (147) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 18% (61) 82% (271) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 10% (44) 90% (411) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 37% (107) 63% (184) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 30% (91) 70% (211) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 78% (242) 22% (67) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 73% (221) 27% (81) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 15% (91) 85% (512) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 25% (125) 75% (367) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 69% (478) 31% (219) 697Educ: < College 39% (490) 61% (763) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 36% (170) 64% (301) 471Educ: Post-grad 40% (107) 60% (161) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (767) 61% (1224) 1991Income: Under 50k 36% (390) 64% (697) 1087Income: 50k-100k 41% (257) 59% (378) 636Income: 100k+ 44% (119) 56% (149) 268Ethnicity: White 43% (686) 57% (925) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 35% (67) 65% (126) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 16% (41) 84% (212) 252Ethnicity: Other 31% (40) 69% (88) 128All Christian 47% (441) 53% (490) 931All Non-Christian 36% (28) 64% (49) 77Atheist 9% (8) 91% (83) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 32% (289) 68% (603) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 41% (41) 59% (59) 99Evangelical 50% (289) 50% (285) 574Non-Evangelical 38% (276) 62% (449) 725Community: Urban 32% (149) 68% (318) 467Community: Suburban 38% (385) 62% (617) 1002Community: Rural 45% (233) 55% (289) 522Employ: Private Sector 41% (278) 59% (393) 671Employ: Government 38% (49) 62% (79) 128Employ: Self-Employed 42% (71) 58% (98) 169Employ: Homemaker 38% (43) 62% (69) 112Employ: Student 32% (29) 68% (60) 89Employ: Retired 38% (192) 62% (314) 505Employ: Unemployed 27% (42) 73% (115) 157Employ: Other 40% (64) 60% (96) 160Military HH: Yes 44% (158) 56% (199) 357Military HH: No 37% (608) 63% (1025) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 100% (767) — (0) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track — (0) 100% (1224) 1224Trump Job Approve 82% (662) 18% (145) 807Trump Job Disapprove 7% (83) 93% (1034) 1117

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Morning ConsultTable P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (767) 61% (1224) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 89% (390) 11% (47) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 73% (272) 27% (98) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 22% (53) 78% (194) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (30) 97% (839) 869Favorable of Trump 81% (657) 19% (150) 808Unfavorable of Trump 7% (77) 93% (1021) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 87% (424) 13% (62) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 72% (233) 28% (89) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 28% (51) 72% (131) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (27) 97% (891) 917#1 Issue: Economy 41% (193) 59% (279) 472#1 Issue: Security 68% (263) 32% (125) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 26% (86) 74% (248) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 38% (114) 62% (189) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 17% (29) 83% (143) 172#1 Issue: Education 34% (41) 66% (80) 121#1 Issue: Energy 23% (23) 77% (76) 98#1 Issue: Other 17% (18) 83% (85) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 11% (94) 89% (741) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 76% (496) 24% (158) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 29% (26) 71% (64) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (148) 64% (262) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (77) 90% (664) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 77% (521) 23% (155) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 22% (35) 78% (128) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (132) 68% (275) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 39% (539) 61% (829) 1367Voted in 2014: No 37% (228) 63% (396) 624

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off onthe wrong track?

Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N

Registered Voters 39% (767) 61% (1224) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 19% (164) 81% (706) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 69% (349) 31% (158) 5062012 Vote: Other 47% (48) 53% (53) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 40% (206) 60% (306) 5134-Region: Northeast 35% (125) 65% (231) 3554-Region: Midwest 37% (169) 63% (289) 4574-Region: South 43% (321) 57% (422) 7434-Region: West 35% (152) 65% (283) 435Strong Republican 83% (338) 17% (67) 405Not Very Strong Republican 61% (125) 39% (80) 205Strong Democrat 11% (54) 89% (436) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 17% (51) 83% (246) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit


Morning ConsultTable Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (437) 19% (370) 12% (248) 44% (869) 3% (68) 1991Gender: Male 25% (236) 20% (187) 11% (103) 41% (381) 3% (25) 932Gender: Female 19% (201) 17% (182) 14% (145) 46% (488) 4% (43) 1059Age: 18-29 11% (38) 18% (63) 17% (57) 47% (163) 7% (24) 345Age: 30-44 20% (91) 18% (84) 13% (62) 44% (202) 4% (19) 458Age: 45-54 25% (92) 19% (68) 13% (48) 40% (144) 2% (9) 361Age: 55-64 24% (87) 21% (75) 11% (41) 41% (148) 4% (13) 364Age: 65+ 28% (129) 17% (80) 9% (40) 46% (212) 1% (3) 463Generation Z: 18-22 11% (15) 23% (30) 12% (17) 47% (63) 7% (9) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 16% (79) 17% (84) 17% (84) 46% (231) 5% (24) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 24% (126) 19% (101) 13% (66) 41% (215) 4% (19) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 25% (178) 19% (136) 10% (70) 45% (323) 2% (16) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (23) 8% (61) 14% (109) 72% (571) 3% (23) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 14% (86) 21% (124) 16% (96) 42% (251) 6% (36) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 54% (329) 30% (185) 7% (42) 8% (47) 1% (8) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (13) 9% (31) 13% (42) 71% (236) 3% (11) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (10) 7% (30) 15% (68) 74% (335) 3% (13) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 16% (46) 24% (71) 15% (45) 41% (118) 4% (11) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 13% (40) 17% (53) 17% (52) 44% (133) 8% (25) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 58% (178) 28% (85) 5% (17) 9% (26) 1% (3) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 50% (151) 33% (100) 8% (25) 7% (20) 2% (5) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (25) 6% (35) 13% (76) 75% (451) 3% (16) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (46) 19% (95) 19% (95) 49% (241) 3% (16) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 48% (333) 30% (207) 7% (51) 15% (102) 1% (6) 697Educ: < College 23% (292) 18% (228) 12% (154) 42% (522) 5% (57) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (91) 18% (85) 13% (60) 48% (228) 1% (6) 471Educ: Post-grad 20% (54) 21% (57) 13% (34) 44% (119) 2% (4) 268

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Table Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (437) 19% (370) 12% (248) 44% (869) 3% (68) 1991Income: Under 50k 21% (224) 18% (196) 13% (142) 43% (470) 5% (55) 1087Income: 50k-100k 22% (143) 19% (118) 13% (81) 44% (282) 2% (12) 636Income: 100k+ 26% (70) 21% (55) 9% (25) 44% (117) — (1) 268Ethnicity: White 26% (415) 20% (323) 12% (197) 39% (632) 3% (44) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (29) 16% (31) 17% (32) 49% (95) 3% (7) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (10) 9% (21) 13% (32) 68% (171) 8% (19) 252Ethnicity: Other 10% (13) 20% (26) 15% (19) 51% (66) 4% (5) 128All Christian 29% (273) 22% (200) 11% (104) 36% (337) 2% (17) 931All Non-Christian 11% (8) 20% (15) 6% (5) 56% (43) 7% (5) 77Atheist 6% (6) 8% (7) 11% (10) 75% (68) — (0) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17% (150) 16% (147) 15% (130) 47% (420) 5% (46) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12% (12) 22% (22) 7% (7) 51% (51) 8% (8) 99Evangelical 34% (194) 21% (122) 12% (70) 29% (168) 3% (20) 574Non-Evangelical 21% (156) 18% (128) 13% (96) 46% (332) 2% (13) 725Community: Urban 18% (85) 14% (68) 11% (53) 51% (239) 5% (22) 467Community: Suburban 21% (212) 18% (180) 14% (145) 44% (437) 3% (28) 1002Community: Rural 27% (140) 23% (122) 10% (50) 37% (193) 3% (18) 522Employ: Private Sector 21% (139) 22% (146) 12% (84) 42% (285) 3% (18) 671Employ: Government 23% (29) 22% (28) 14% (18) 40% (51) 1% (1) 128Employ: Self-Employed 23% (38) 17% (29) 17% (28) 38% (65) 6% (9) 169Employ: Homemaker 26% (29) 13% (14) 12% (14) 43% (48) 6% (7) 112Employ: Student 7% (6) 20% (18) 18% (16) 49% (44) 6% (5) 89Employ: Retired 28% (142) 16% (83) 9% (48) 45% (229) 1% (3) 505Employ: Unemployed 12% (20) 17% (27) 16% (25) 46% (72) 8% (13) 157Employ: Other 22% (34) 16% (26) 9% (15) 47% (74) 7% (11) 160Military HH: Yes 26% (94) 21% (74) 11% (40) 40% (142) 2% (8) 357Military HH: No 21% (343) 18% (296) 13% (208) 44% (727) 4% (60) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 51% (390) 35% (272) 7% (53) 4% (30) 3% (22) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (47) 8% (98) 16% (194) 69% (839) 4% (46) 1224Trump Job Approve 54% (437) 46% (370) — (0) — (0) — (0) 807Trump Job Disapprove — (0) — (0) 22% (248) 78% (869) — (0) 1117

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Morning ConsultTable Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (437) 19% (370) 12% (248) 44% (869) 3% (68) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 100% (437) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve — (0) 100% (370) — (0) — (0) — (0) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove — (0) — (0) 100% (248) — (0) — (0) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove — (0) — (0) — (0) 100% (869) — (0) 869Favorable of Trump 53% (427) 41% (330) 3% (21) 3% (23) 1% (6) 808Unfavorable of Trump — (4) 3% (29) 20% (217) 75% (826) 2% (22) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 83% (403) 12% (59) 1% (6) 4% (19) — (0) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (25) 84% (271) 5% (15) 1% (4) 2% (6) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 1% (1) 14% (25) 77% (140) 3% (5) 6% (11) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump — (3) — (5) 8% (77) 90% (821) 1% (11) 917#1 Issue: Economy 20% (96) 25% (117) 16% (77) 35% (165) 4% (17) 472#1 Issue: Security 52% (201) 23% (88) 10% (37) 14% (55) 2% (7) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 11% (35) 15% (49) 12% (39) 61% (202) 2% (8) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17% (53) 19% (58) 10% (29) 50% (151) 4% (12) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 6% (10) 9% (15) 9% (16) 73% (125) 3% (4) 172#1 Issue: Education 14% (17) 18% (22) 23% (28) 42% (51) 2% (3) 121#1 Issue: Energy 8% (8) 11% (11) 11% (11) 66% (65) 4% (4) 98#1 Issue: Other 15% (15) 10% (10) 10% (10) 52% (54) 13% (13) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (18) 6% (53) 12% (104) 77% (639) 3% (21) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 53% (347) 31% (205) 7% (47) 7% (47) 1% (9) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 18% (16) 22% (20) 36% (33) 12% (11) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 15% (63) 23% (94) 19% (77) 37% (150) 7% (27) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (12) 4% (32) 12% (92) 79% (588) 2% (16) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 55% (370) 32% (218) 5% (36) 7% (45) 1% (7) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 3% (5) 17% (28) 25% (41) 48% (79) 6% (10) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 12% (49) 22% (90) 19% (78) 38% (156) 8% (34) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 24% (331) 17% (234) 10% (143) 46% (625) 3% (35) 1367Voted in 2014: No 17% (106) 22% (136) 17% (105) 39% (244) 5% (33) 624

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table Q172

Table Q172: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?





Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (437) 19% (370) 12% (248) 44% (869) 3% (68) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (62) 10% (84) 13% (115) 67% (585) 3% (24) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 50% (254) 28% (142) 8% (42) 12% (61) 1% (7) 5062012 Vote: Other 31% (31) 28% (29) 8% (8) 31% (31) 3% (3) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (90) 22% (115) 16% (82) 37% (192) 7% (34) 5134-Region: Northeast 19% (67) 17% (61) 12% (44) 49% (175) 2% (8) 3554-Region: Midwest 20% (94) 21% (94) 13% (59) 42% (190) 4% (20) 4574-Region: South 27% (201) 19% (138) 13% (94) 38% (285) 3% (26) 7434-Region: West 17% (76) 18% (76) 12% (51) 50% (218) 3% (14) 435Strong Republican 70% (283) 21% (86) 3% (11) 5% (20) 1% (5) 405Not Very Strong Republican 22% (46) 48% (99) 15% (31) 13% (26) 2% (3) 205Strong Democrat 3% (13) 4% (21) 8% (41) 82% (404) 2% (12) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 3% (10) 14% (40) 23% (69) 56% (167) 4% (11) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit


Morning ConsultTable Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (807) 56% (1117) 3% (68) 1991Gender: Male 45% (423) 52% (484) 3% (25) 932Gender: Female 36% (383) 60% (633) 4% (43) 1059Age: 18-29 29% (101) 64% (220) 7% (24) 345Age: 30-44 38% (175) 58% (264) 4% (19) 458Age: 45-54 44% (160) 53% (192) 2% (9) 361Age: 55-64 45% (163) 52% (189) 4% (13) 364Age: 65+ 45% (209) 54% (252) 1% (3) 463Generation Z: 18-22 34% (45) 59% (79) 7% (9) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 32% (163) 63% (315) 5% (24) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 43% (227) 53% (281) 4% (19) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 43% (314) 54% (393) 2% (16) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (84) 86% (680) 3% (23) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 35% (209) 59% (348) 6% (36) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 84% (514) 15% (89) 1% (8) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 13% (44) 84% (278) 3% (11) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (40) 88% (402) 3% (13) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 40% (117) 56% (163) 4% (11) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 31% (93) 61% (185) 8% (25) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 85% (263) 14% (43) 1% (3) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 83% (251) 15% (46) 2% (5) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 10% (60) 88% (528) 3% (16) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (140) 68% (336) 3% (16) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 77% (539) 22% (152) 1% (6) 697Educ: < College 41% (519) 54% (676) 5% (57) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 37% (177) 61% (288) 1% (6) 471Educ: Post-grad 41% (111) 57% (153) 2% (4) 268

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (807) 56% (1117) 3% (68) 1991Income: Under 50k 39% (420) 56% (612) 5% (55) 1087Income: 50k-100k 41% (261) 57% (362) 2% (12) 636Income: 100k+ 47% (126) 53% (142) — (1) 268Ethnicity: White 46% (737) 51% (829) 3% (44) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 31% (59) 66% (127) 3% (7) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (31) 80% (202) 8% (19) 252Ethnicity: Other 30% (38) 66% (85) 4% (5) 128All Christian 51% (473) 47% (441) 2% (17) 931All Non-Christian 31% (23) 62% (48) 7% (5) 77Atheist 14% (13) 86% (78) — (0) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 33% (297) 62% (550) 5% (46) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 34% (34) 58% (57) 8% (8) 99Evangelical 55% (316) 41% (238) 3% (20) 574Non-Evangelical 39% (284) 59% (428) 2% (13) 725Community: Urban 33% (152) 63% (292) 5% (22) 467Community: Suburban 39% (393) 58% (582) 3% (28) 1002Community: Rural 50% (261) 46% (242) 3% (18) 522Employ: Private Sector 42% (285) 55% (368) 3% (18) 671Employ: Government 45% (57) 55% (70) 1% (1) 128Employ: Self-Employed 39% (67) 55% (93) 6% (9) 169Employ: Homemaker 38% (43) 55% (62) 6% (7) 112Employ: Student 27% (24) 67% (60) 6% (5) 89Employ: Retired 44% (225) 55% (277) 1% (3) 505Employ: Unemployed 30% (46) 62% (97) 8% (13) 157Employ: Other 38% (60) 56% (89) 7% (11) 160Military HH: Yes 47% (168) 51% (182) 2% (8) 357Military HH: No 39% (639) 57% (935) 4% (60) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 86% (662) 11% (83) 3% (22) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (145) 84% (1034) 4% (46) 1224Trump Job Approve 100% (807) — (0) — (0) 807Trump Job Disapprove — (0) 100% (1117) — (0) 1117

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Morning ConsultTable Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (807) 56% (1117) 3% (68) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 100% (437) — (0) — (0) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 100% (370) — (0) — (0) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove — (0) 100% (248) — (0) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove — (0) 100% (869) — (0) 869Favorable of Trump 94% (757) 5% (44) 1% (6) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (33) 95% (1043) 2% (22) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 95% (461) 5% (25) — (0) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 92% (296) 6% (19) 2% (6) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 14% (26) 80% (144) 6% (11) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 1% (8) 98% (898) 1% (11) 917#1 Issue: Economy 45% (213) 51% (242) 4% (17) 472#1 Issue: Security 74% (289) 24% (92) 2% (7) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 25% (85) 72% (241) 2% (8) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37% (111) 60% (181) 4% (12) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15% (26) 82% (142) 3% (4) 172#1 Issue: Education 33% (39) 65% (79) 2% (3) 121#1 Issue: Energy 18% (18) 78% (77) 4% (4) 98#1 Issue: Other 25% (26) 62% (64) 13% (13) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (70) 89% (743) 3% (21) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 84% (551) 14% (93) 1% (9) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 29% (26) 59% (53) 12% (11) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 38% (156) 55% (227) 7% (27) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (44) 92% (680) 2% (16) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 87% (588) 12% (81) 1% (7) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 20% (33) 73% (120) 6% (10) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 34% (138) 58% (234) 8% (34) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 41% (565) 56% (768) 3% (35) 1367Voted in 2014: No 39% (242) 56% (349) 5% (33) 624

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table Q172NET

Table Q172NET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as President?

Demographic Total Approve Total DissaproveDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (807) 56% (1117) 3% (68) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (146) 80% (700) 3% (24) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 78% (396) 20% (103) 1% (7) 5062012 Vote: Other 59% (59) 38% (39) 3% (3) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 40% (205) 53% (274) 7% (34) 5134-Region: Northeast 36% (128) 62% (219) 2% (8) 3554-Region: Midwest 41% (188) 55% (250) 4% (20) 4574-Region: South 46% (338) 51% (379) 3% (26) 7434-Region: West 35% (152) 62% (269) 3% (14) 435Strong Republican 91% (369) 8% (31) 1% (5) 405Not Very Strong Republican 70% (144) 28% (58) 2% (3) 205Strong Democrat 7% (34) 91% (444) 2% (12) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 17% (50) 79% (236) 4% (11) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit


Morning ConsultTable P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010 healthcare law,Medicaid,other


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 24%(472) 19%(388) 17%(333) 15%(303) 9%(172) 6% (121) 5% (98) 5%(102) 1991Gender: Male 26%(242) 24%(224) 16%(154) 16%(147) 2% (21) 5% (49) 6% (57) 4% (39) 932Gender: Female 22%(231) 15%(164) 17%(180) 15%(157) 14% (151) 7% (73) 4% (41) 6% (63) 1059Age: 18-29 25% (87) 14% (48) 14% (47) 1% (3) 20% (68) 11% (39) 10% (35) 5% (17) 345Age: 30-44 31%(144) 15% (67) 18% (80) 4% (17) 12% (55) 11% (51) 5% (21) 5% (23) 458Age: 45-54 27% (98) 19% (69) 22% (80) 9% (33) 6% (23) 5% (17) 6% (23) 5% (18) 361Age: 55-64 24% (86) 21% (78) 22% (82) 20% (72) 4% (16) 4% (13) 1% (5) 4% (14) 364Age: 65+ 12% (57) 27%(126) 10% (44) 38%(178) 2% (10) — (2) 3% (15) 7% (31) 463Generation Z: 18-22 18% (25) 12% (16) 17% (23) — (1) 21% (28) 12% (16) 13% (17) 6% (8) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 30%(149) 14% (70) 14% (72) 2% (11) 17% (83) 13% (64) 7% (36) 3% (17) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 30%(155) 19% (98) 21% (112) 8% (42) 7% (35) 5% (27) 5% (26) 6% (32) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 18%(127) 23%(169) 16% (119) 29%(207) 4% (26) 2% (14) 2% (17) 6% (43) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 22%(172) 6% (51) 21%(168) 19%(152) 13%(102) 6% (45) 8% (64) 4% (33) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 25%(147) 18%(105) 17%(100) 12% (73) 9% (53) 7% (43) 5% (28) 7% (44) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 25%(153) 38%(232) 11% (65) 13% (78) 3% (17) 5% (33) 1% (6) 4% (25) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 26% (88) 9% (31) 21% (69) 20% (67) 5% (15) 3% (10) 12% (39) 4% (13) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 19% (84) 4% (20) 22% (99) 19% (85) 19% (87) 8% (36) 5% (25) 4% (20) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 25% (73) 21% (60) 20% (58) 15% (43) 2% (5) 8% (22) 5% (14) 5% (14) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (74) 15% (45) 14% (41) 10% (30) 16% (47) 7% (21) 5% (14) 10% (30) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 26% (81) 43%(133) 8% (26) 12% (36) — (0) 6% (17) 1% (5) 4% (11) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 24% (73) 33% (99) 13% (40) 14% (42) 6% (17) 5% (16) 1% (2) 4% (14) 302

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010 healthcare law,Medicaid,other


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 24%(472) 19%(388) 17%(333) 15%(303) 9%(172) 6% (121) 5% (98) 5%(102) 1991Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (111) 6% (35) 25%(149) 14% (84) 15% (93) 6% (36) 9% (54) 7% (41) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 32%(158) 12% (57) 17% (82) 20% (96) 6% (32) 7% (32) 4% (20) 3% (16) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (161) 39%(270) 12% (81) 14% (97) 3% (19) 5% (32) 2% (12) 4% (25) 697Educ: < College 22%(276) 21%(261) 16%(202) 17%(214) 9% (110) 5% (66) 4% (56) 5% (68) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 26%(123) 18% (83) 17% (82) 11% (54) 9% (43) 7% (31) 7% (33) 5% (22) 471Educ: Post-grad 27% (73) 17% (44) 19% (50) 13% (36) 7% (20) 9% (24) 3% (9) 5% (12) 268Income: Under 50k 22%(242) 19%(203) 16% (171) 19%(202) 9% (93) 6% (64) 4% (48) 6% (65) 1087Income: 50k-100k 25% (161) 20%(129) 18% (114) 12% (73) 9% (56) 6% (38) 6% (40) 4% (23) 636Income: 100k+ 26% (69) 21% (56) 18% (49) 10% (28) 9% (23) 7% (19) 4% (10) 5% (14) 268Ethnicity: White 23%(369) 22%(355) 16%(266) 16%(266) 7%(120) 5% (75) 5% (80) 5% (80) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 23% (44) 16% (32) 23% (44) 11% (22) 14% (28) 6% (12) 1% (3) 5% (10) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 29% (73) 7% (18) 18% (44) 10% (24) 13% (32) 15% (37) 4% (11) 5% (13) 252Ethnicity: Other 23% (30) 12% (16) 18% (23) 11% (14) 15% (19) 7% (10) 6% (7) 8% (10) 128All Christian 24%(222) 24%(221) 15% (141) 19%(175) 6% (56) 5% (43) 3% (29) 5% (43) 931All Non-Christian 25% (19) 12% (10) 19% (14) 15% (11) 11% (8) 5% (4) 9% (7) 4% (3) 77Atheist 23% (21) 6% (5) 20% (18) 5% (4) 13% (12) 8% (7) 15% (13) 10% (9) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 23%(209) 17%(152) 18%(160) 13% (113) 11% (96) 8% (67) 6% (49) 5% (47) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 25% (25) 12% (12) 17% (17) 17% (17) 10% (10) 6% (6) 8% (8) 4% (4) 99Evangelical 26%(147) 26%(148) 15% (84) 15% (87) 6% (37) 6% (32) 2% (11) 5% (29) 574Non-Evangelical 24%(172) 21%(150) 16% (118) 17%(125) 8% (56) 6% (41) 3% (25) 5% (38) 725Community: Urban 24% (111) 17% (80) 17% (82) 16% (75) 10% (47) 7% (32) 4% (19) 5% (21) 467Community: Suburban 25%(250) 20%(198) 16%(165) 13%(130) 9% (87) 7% (66) 6% (56) 5% (51) 1002Community: Rural 21% (111) 21% (110) 17% (87) 19% (99) 7% (38) 4% (23) 4% (23) 6% (31) 522

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Morning ConsultTable P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010 healthcare law,Medicaid,other


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 24%(472) 19%(388) 17%(333) 15%(303) 9%(172) 6% (121) 5% (98) 5%(102) 1991Employ: Private Sector 29%(193) 19%(129) 20%(137) 7% (50) 9% (59) 7% (45) 6% (39) 3% (19) 671Employ: Government 24% (31) 15% (19) 12% (15) 3% (4) 15% (19) 22% (28) 3% (4) 5% (6) 128Employ: Self-Employed 29% (48) 17% (29) 21% (35) 10% (16) 8% (13) 4% (7) 6% (11) 5% (9) 169Employ: Homemaker 23% (25) 22% (25) 15% (17) 6% (7) 13% (15) 6% (6) 3% (4) 12% (13) 112Employ: Student 23% (21) 10% (9) 13% (12) — (0) 21% (19) 20% (18) 8% (7) 4% (4) 89Employ: Retired 14% (69) 25%(128) 11% (58) 39%(195) 2% (10) 1% (4) 3% (16) 5% (25) 505Employ: Unemployed 28% (44) 13% (20) 20% (31) 7% (11) 15% (23) 4% (7) 4% (7) 9% (14) 157Employ: Other 25% (40) 18% (29) 18% (28) 13% (20) 8% (13) 4% (6) 7% (11) 7% (12) 160Military HH: Yes 20% (73) 28% (99) 14% (49) 16% (58) 7% (23) 6% (22) 3% (11) 6% (22) 357Military HH: No 24%(399) 18%(289) 17%(284) 15%(245) 9%(149) 6% (99) 5% (87) 5% (81) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 25%(193) 34%(263) 11% (86) 15% (114) 4% (29) 5% (41) 3% (23) 2% (18) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 23%(279) 10%(125) 20%(248) 15%(189) 12%(143) 7% (80) 6% (76) 7% (85) 1224Trump Job Approve 26%(213) 36%(289) 10% (85) 14% (111) 3% (26) 5% (39) 2% (18) 3% (26) 807Trump Job Disapprove 22%(242) 8% (92) 22%(241) 16% (181) 13%(142) 7% (79) 7% (77) 6% (64) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 22% (96) 46%(201) 8% (35) 12% (53) 2% (10) 4% (17) 2% (8) 4% (15) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 32% (117) 24% (88) 13% (49) 16% (58) 4% (15) 6% (22) 3% (11) 3% (10) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 31% (77) 15% (37) 16% (39) 12% (29) 7% (16) 11% (28) 4% (11) 4% (10) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 19%(165) 6% (55) 23%(202) 17% (151) 14%(125) 6% (51) 8% (65) 6% (54) 869Favorable of Trump 25%(204) 37%(295) 11% (87) 14% (111) 3% (28) 5% (38) 2% (18) 3% (26) 808Unfavorable of Trump 23%(249) 8% (83) 21%(230) 17%(187) 12%(137) 7% (75) 7% (78) 5% (60) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 21%(100) 45%(217) 10% (47) 13% (64) 2% (11) 3% (17) 3% (13) 4% (17) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32%(103) 24% (78) 12% (40) 15% (47) 5% (17) 7% (21) 2% (6) 3% (9) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 36% (66) 13% (24) 14% (25) 17% (30) 4% (8) 10% (17) 3% (5) 3% (6) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 20%(183) 6% (59) 22%(205) 17%(157) 14%(129) 6% (57) 8% (72) 6% (55) 917

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010 healthcare law,Medicaid,other


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 24%(472) 19%(388) 17%(333) 15%(303) 9%(172) 6% (121) 5% (98) 5%(102) 1991#1 Issue: Economy 100%(472) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 472#1 Issue: Security — (0) 100%(388) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 388#1 Issue: Health Care — (0) — (0) 100%(333) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(303) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(172) — (0) — (0) — (0) 172#1 Issue: Education — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100% (121) — (0) — (0) 121#1 Issue: Energy — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100% (98) — (0) 98#1 Issue: Other — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(102) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 22%(186) 5% (43) 22%(188) 19%(157) 12% (101) 6% (49) 7% (62) 6% (49) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 23%(152) 40%(265) 10% (67) 14% (94) 3% (17) 5% (32) 1% (9) 3% (19) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 25% (22) 18% (16) 18% (16) 16% (15) 5% (4) 7% (6) 2% (2) 9% (8) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (111) 16% (65) 15% (63) 9% (37) 12% (49) 8% (33) 6% (25) 6% (27) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 19%(144) 6% (47) 23% (171) 20%(145) 13% (99) 6% (41) 8% (58) 5% (37) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 24%(160) 38%(260) 10% (70) 15%(104) 2% (17) 5% (31) 1% (9) 3% (24) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 33% (54) 13% (21) 18% (29) 10% (17) 5% (9) 9% (15) 3% (5) 8% (13) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (111) 14% (59) 15% (63) 9% (38) 12% (48) 8% (34) 6% (26) 7% (29) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 23%(321) 21%(282) 17%(229) 17%(238) 7% (97) 5% (75) 4% (57) 5% (69) 1367Voted in 2014: No 24% (151) 17%(106) 17%(105) 10% (65) 12% (75) 7% (47) 7% (41) 5% (33) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 23%(200) 9% (81) 21% (181) 20% (171) 11% (97) 5% (48) 6% (49) 5% (43) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 24% (119) 37%(188) 10% (50) 16% (81) 3% (15) 5% (24) 1% (5) 5% (24) 5062012 Vote: Other 28% (28) 25% (25) 16% (17) 12% (12) 4% (4) 5% (5) 4% (4) 6% (6) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24%(123) 18% (95) 17% (86) 8% (39) 11% (55) 9% (45) 8% (40) 6% (29) 513

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Morning ConsultTable P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such asU.S. Senate or Congress?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

HealthCare Issues– like the2010 healthcare law,Medicaid,other


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Women’sIssues –like birthcontrol,abortion,and equal


EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 24%(472) 19%(388) 17%(333) 15%(303) 9%(172) 6% (121) 5% (98) 5%(102) 19914-Region: Northeast 23% (80) 19% (69) 18% (62) 14% (49) 11% (40) 3% (10) 7% (25) 6% (20) 3554-Region: Midwest 24% (111) 18% (84) 17% (77) 16% (72) 9% (43) 4% (20) 6% (27) 5% (24) 4574-Region: South 25%(186) 22% (161) 17%(128) 14%(104) 7% (52) 8% (62) 3% (20) 4% (30) 7434-Region: West 22% (94) 17% (74) 15% (67) 18% (78) 9% (37) 7% (30) 6% (26) 7% (29) 435Strong Republican 23% (92) 44%(179) 10% (41) 12% (49) 2% (9) 5% (21) 1% (5) 2% (10) 405Not Very Strong Republican 30% (61) 26% (53) 12% (25) 14% (29) 4% (8) 6% (12) 1% (2) 7% (15) 205Strong Democrat 18% (87) 4% (20) 23% (115) 21%(102) 14% (70) 5% (26) 9% (46) 5% (24) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 28% (85) 10% (31) 18% (54) 17% (49) 11% (32) 6% (19) 6% (18) 3% (9) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL1

Table POL1: How likely is it that you will vote in the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state?


certain to vote Very likely About 50-50 Not too likely Not likely at all Total N

Registered Voters 72% (1429) 14% (287) 8% (163) 3% (52) 3% (60) 1991Gender: Male 72% (670) 13% (126) 9% (80) 2% (23) 4% (34) 932Gender: Female 72% (759) 15% (162) 8% (83) 3% (29) 2% (26) 1059Age: 18-29 62% (215) 20% (67) 13% (44) 3% (10) 3% (9) 345Age: 30-44 72% (329) 14% (63) 10% (45) 1% (6) 3% (14) 458Age: 45-54 73% (263) 15% (53) 8% (29) 3% (10) 1% (5) 361Age: 55-64 72% (261) 13% (49) 7% (25) 3% (11) 5% (18) 364Age: 65+ 78% (361) 12% (55) 4% (19) 3% (14) 3% (14) 463Generation Z: 18-22 59% (78) 24% (32) 11% (15) 4% (6) 2% (3) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 69% (348) 15% (75) 12% (62) 1% (5) 2% (12) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 72% (381) 15% (77) 8% (41) 3% (15) 3% (13) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 75% (540) 12% (86) 6% (43) 3% (24) 4% (30) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 77% (603) 14% (108) 7% (52) 2% (14) 1% (11) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 56% (333) 17% (99) 15% (92) 5% (28) 7% (42) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 81% (493) 13% (81) 3% (19) 2% (10) 1% (7) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 78% (258) 13% (42) 8% (27) 1% (2) 1% (2) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (344) 14% (65) 5% (25) 2% (11) 2% (9) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 54% (156) 15% (44) 16% (46) 7% (19) 9% (26) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 59% (177) 18% (55) 15% (46) 3% (9) 5% (16) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 83% (255) 13% (39) 2% (7) — (2) 2% (6) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 79% (238) 14% (41) 4% (12) 3% (9) — (1) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 79% (474) 12% (71) 7% (41) 1% (6) 2% (12) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 66% (327) 15% (76) 10% (50) 4% (19) 4% (21) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 78% (542) 14% (97) 5% (34) 2% (17) 1% (8) 697Educ: < College 68% (846) 17% (209) 10% (124) 3% (35) 3% (38) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 76% (359) 12% (55) 7% (31) 2% (10) 4% (16) 471Educ: Post-grad 84% (224) 9% (24) 3% (8) 3% (7) 2% (5) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL1

Table POL1: How likely is it that you will vote in the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state?


certain to vote Very likely About 50-50 Not too likely Not likely at all Total N

Registered Voters 72% (1429) 14% (287) 8% (163) 3% (52) 3% (60) 1991Income: Under 50k 66% (713) 17% (188) 11% (115) 3% (34) 3% (38) 1087Income: 50k-100k 78% (493) 12% (74) 6% (41) 3% (16) 2% (11) 636Income: 100k+ 83% (223) 10% (26) 3% (7) 1% (2) 4% (11) 268Ethnicity: White 74% (1186) 13% (215) 7% (119) 2% (40) 3% (50) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 74% (143) 12% (23) 11% (21) 2% (4) 1% (3) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 64% (161) 20% (50) 11% (27) 4% (10) 2% (5) 252Ethnicity: Other 64% (82) 17% (22) 13% (17) 2% (2) 4% (5) 128All Christian 76% (706) 13% (118) 6% (60) 2% (17) 3% (30) 931All Non-Christian 77% (59) 16% (12) 3% (3) 2% (2) 1% (1) 77Atheist 80% (73) 11% (10) 5% (5) 2% (2) 2% (2) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 66% (592) 16% (147) 11% (96) 3% (31) 3% (27) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 69% (69) 19% (19) 6% (6) 2% (2) 4% (4) 99Evangelical 72% (415) 17% (96) 7% (42) 2% (14) 1% (7) 574Non-Evangelical 75% (542) 12% (85) 8% (55) 3% (18) 3% (25) 725Community: Urban 73% (343) 13% (61) 9% (40) 3% (13) 2% (11) 467Community: Suburban 73% (735) 13% (135) 7% (74) 2% (24) 3% (34) 1002Community: Rural 67% (351) 18% (91) 9% (49) 3% (15) 3% (15) 522Employ: Private Sector 76% (507) 14% (91) 6% (43) 2% (14) 2% (16) 671Employ: Government 78% (99) 11% (15) 5% (7) 2% (3) 3% (4) 128Employ: Self-Employed 68% (115) 18% (31) 10% (16) 2% (3) 3% (5) 169Employ: Homemaker 60% (68) 19% (21) 15% (17) 4% (5) 2% (2) 112Employ: Student 58% (51) 22% (19) 14% (12) 5% (5) 1% (1) 89Employ: Retired 77% (387) 13% (65) 4% (22) 2% (12) 4% (19) 505Employ: Unemployed 57% (90) 16% (25) 18% (29) 4% (6) 4% (6) 157Employ: Other 70% (112) 13% (21) 11% (18) 2% (4) 4% (6) 160Military HH: Yes 74% (263) 16% (56) 4% (15) 3% (12) 3% (11) 357Military HH: No 71% (1166) 14% (231) 9% (148) 2% (40) 3% (49) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 71% (548) 15% (112) 8% (65) 3% (22) 3% (20) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 72% (881) 14% (175) 8% (98) 2% (30) 3% (40) 1224Trump Job Approve 72% (577) 16% (129) 7% (58) 3% (23) 2% (19) 807Trump Job Disapprove 74% (826) 13% (142) 8% (88) 2% (27) 3% (33) 1117

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL1

Table POL1: How likely is it that you will vote in the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state?


certain to vote Very likely About 50-50 Not too likely Not likely at all Total N

Registered Voters 72% (1429) 14% (287) 8% (163) 3% (52) 3% (60) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 81% (354) 11% (50) 4% (19) 2% (8) 1% (6) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 60% (223) 22% (80) 11% (39) 4% (15) 4% (13) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 63% (155) 18% (44) 12% (29) 5% (12) 3% (8) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 77% (672) 11% (98) 7% (58) 2% (16) 3% (25) 869Favorable of Trump 72% (582) 15% (122) 7% (59) 3% (24) 3% (21) 808Unfavorable of Trump 75% (819) 13% (145) 7% (79) 2% (23) 3% (33) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 79% (384) 12% (60) 5% (24) 2% (11) 1% (6) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 61% (198) 19% (62) 11% (35) 4% (13) 4% (14) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 60% (109) 16% (29) 15% (28) 3% (6) 5% (10) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 77% (710) 13% (116) 6% (51) 2% (17) 3% (23) 917#1 Issue: Economy 68% (319) 15% (71) 10% (49) 4% (20) 3% (14) 472#1 Issue: Security 75% (292) 13% (52) 7% (26) 2% (9) 2% (9) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 74% (247) 12% (41) 10% (32) 2% (7) 2% (6) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 76% (230) 14% (41) 6% (18) 1% (3) 4% (11) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 76% (131) 14% (24) 4% (6) 2% (3) 5% (9) 172#1 Issue: Education 63% (77) 20% (24) 14% (17) 1% (2) 2% (2) 121#1 Issue: Energy 76% (75) 14% (14) 8% (8) 2% (2) — (0) 98#1 Issue: Other 58% (59) 20% (20) 8% (8) 6% (6) 8% (9) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 82% (684) 10% (81) 5% (41) 1% (12) 2% (18) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 82% (534) 13% (86) 3% (19) 1% (5) 1% (9) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 69% (62) 18% (16) 6% (6) 1% (1) 6% (5) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (146) 26% (105) 24% (98) 8% (34) 7% (27) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 81% (603) 11% (80) 5% (35) 1% (11) 2% (12) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 79% (535) 14% (93) 4% (26) 2% (11) 2% (12) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 77% (125) 10% (17) 8% (13) 2% (3) 3% (6) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 40% (164) 24% (98) 21% (87) 7% (28) 7% (30) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 82% (1116) 12% (160) 3% (48) 1% (18) 2% (26) 1367Voted in 2014: No 50% (313) 20% (127) 18% (115) 5% (34) 5% (34) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL1

Table POL1: How likely is it that you will vote in the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state?


certain to vote Very likely About 50-50 Not too likely Not likely at all Total N

Registered Voters 72% (1429) 14% (287) 8% (163) 3% (52) 3% (60) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 77% (671) 14% (118) 5% (45) 2% (18) 2% (18) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 80% (405) 14% (70) 3% (15) 1% (7) 2% (9) 5062012 Vote: Other 73% (74) 11% (11) 9% (9) — (0) 6% (6) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 54% (278) 17% (88) 18% (94) 5% (27) 5% (26) 5134-Region: Northeast 72% (255) 16% (57) 8% (28) 2% (5) 3% (10) 3554-Region: Midwest 73% (336) 15% (68) 6% (30) 2% (11) 3% (12) 4574-Region: South 71% (526) 14% (102) 9% (67) 3% (24) 3% (24) 7434-Region: West 72% (312) 14% (60) 9% (38) 3% (11) 3% (13) 435Strong Republican 87% (353) 11% (45) — (1) — (1) 1% (5) 405Not Very Strong Republican 68% (140) 18% (36) 9% (18) 4% (9) 1% (2) 205Strong Democrat 82% (403) 12% (57) 4% (18) 2% (8) 1% (5) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 67% (200) 17% (51) 12% (35) 2% (6) 2% (6) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL2

Table POL2: Now, thinking about the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state, would you vote in the Democratic primary or caucus, theRepublican primary or caucus, or are you not likely to vote in a primary or caucus at all?


Vote inDemocratic

primary or caucusVote in Republicanprimary or caucus

Not likely to votein primary or

caucusDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (877) 35% (659) 4% (69) 15% (275) 1879Gender: Male 44% (382) 39% (344) 5% (45) 12% (104) 875Gender: Female 49% (495) 31% (314) 2% (23) 17% (171) 1004Age: 18-29 52% (169) 27% (89) 3% (9) 18% (59) 326Age: 30-44 50% (217) 29% (129) 3% (15) 18% (77) 438Age: 45-54 44% (154) 37% (128) 4% (13) 15% (51) 345Age: 55-64 42% (139) 38% (127) 6% (19) 15% (50) 335Age: 65+ 45% (198) 43% (186) 3% (13) 9% (39) 435Generation Z: 18-22 48% (61) 28% (36) 3% (4) 20% (25) 125Millennial: Age 23-38 52% (253) 27% (132) 3% (14) 18% (87) 485Generation X: Age 39-54 45% (227) 36% (179) 4% (19) 15% (75) 499Boomers: Age 55-73 45% (300) 39% (260) 5% (31) 12% (78) 669PID: Dem (no lean) 91% (691) 3% (23) 1% (11) 5% (38) 763PID: Ind (no lean) 31% (164) 20% (103) 9% (49) 40% (208) 524PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (22) 90% (533) 1% (8) 5% (29) 593PID/Gender: DemMen 90% (296) 4% (14) 2% (7) 3% (11) 328PID/Gender: DemWomen 91% (395) 2% (8) 1% (4) 6% (27) 435PID/Gender: Ind Men 30% (73) 21% (51) 15% (36) 35% (86) 246PID/Gender: Ind Women 33% (91) 19% (52) 5% (14) 44% (122) 278PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (13) 93% (279) 1% (3) 2% (7) 301PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (9) 87% (254) 2% (6) 8% (22) 292Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 83% (485) 6% (37) 2% (13) 9% (50) 585Ideo: Moderate (4) 53% (238) 19% (88) 7% (33) 21% (94) 453Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (98) 75% (503) 3% (20) 8% (51) 672Educ: < College 46% (537) 35% (412) 3% (32) 17% (199) 1179Educ: Bachelors degree 49% (220) 34% (149) 6% (26) 11% (50) 445Educ: Post-grad 47% (120) 38% (98) 5% (11) 10% (26) 255

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Morning ConsultTable POL2

Table POL2: Now, thinking about the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state, would you vote in the Democratic primary or caucus, theRepublican primary or caucus, or are you not likely to vote in a primary or caucus at all?


Vote inDemocratic

primary or caucusVote in Republicanprimary or caucus

Not likely to votein primary or

caucusDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (877) 35% (659) 4% (69) 15% (275) 1879Income: Under 50k 48% (490) 31% (315) 2% (24) 18% (187) 1016Income: 50k-100k 47% (286) 37% (228) 6% (35) 10% (60) 608Income: 100k+ 40% (102) 45% (116) 4% (10) 11% (29) 256Ethnicity: White 42% (633) 41% (620) 4% (62) 14% (206) 1520Ethnicity: Hispanic 56% (104) 27% (49) 2% (5) 16% (29) 187Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 75% (179) 6% (15) 1% (2) 18% (42) 238Ethnicity: Other 53% (65) 20% (24) 4% (5) 23% (28) 121All Christian 39% (348) 47% (417) 4% (34) 10% (84) 883All Non-Christian 72% (53) 14% (10) 4% (3) 10% (7) 74Atheist 71% (62) 10% (9) 6% (5) 13% (12) 87Agnostic/Nothing in particular 50% (414) 27% (223) 3% (26) 21% (172) 835Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 61% (57) 19% (18) 5% (5) 15% (14) 93Evangelical 34% (185) 50% (279) 2% (12) 14% (77) 553Non-Evangelical 49% (334) 36% (248) 4% (28) 11% (72) 682Community: Urban 60% (268) 26% (115) 2% (10) 12% (51) 444Community: Suburban 46% (438) 33% (316) 5% (48) 15% (143) 944Community: Rural 35% (171) 46% (228) 2% (11) 16% (81) 492Employ: Private Sector 48% (309) 36% (230) 6% (36) 10% (66) 641Employ: Government 48% (57) 35% (42) 5% (6) 12% (15) 120Employ: Self-Employed 39% (63) 39% (63) 3% (5) 19% (31) 161Employ: Homemaker 42% (44) 36% (38) 3% (3) 19% (20) 106Employ: Student 58% (48) 21% (17) — (0) 21% (17) 83Employ: Retired 44% (211) 42% (197) 3% (14) 11% (51) 474Employ: Unemployed 53% (76) 21% (30) 3% (4) 24% (35) 144Employ: Other 46% (69) 27% (41) — (0) 27% (40) 150Military HH: Yes 38% (126) 44% (146) 4% (13) 15% (49) 334Military HH: No 49% (751) 33% (512) 4% (56) 15% (226) 1545RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (105) 69% (500) 4% (31) 12% (89) 725RD/WT: Wrong Track 67% (772) 14% (158) 3% (37) 16% (187) 1155

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL2

Table POL2: Now, thinking about the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state, would you vote in the Democratic primary or caucus, theRepublican primary or caucus, or are you not likely to vote in a primary or caucus at all?


Vote inDemocratic

primary or caucusVote in Republicanprimary or caucus

Not likely to votein primary or

caucusDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (877) 35% (659) 4% (69) 15% (275) 1879Trump Job Approve 10% (79) 74% (567) 4% (32) 11% (87) 764Trump Job Disapprove 74% (782) 8% (85) 3% (34) 15% (156) 1056Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (20) 87% (366) 2% (7) 7% (30) 423Trump Job Somewhat Approve 17% (59) 59% (201) 7% (25) 17% (57) 342Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 53% (120) 19% (44) 4% (9) 24% (55) 228Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 80% (661) 5% (41) 3% (25) 12% (101) 828Favorable of Trump 10% (78) 75% (575) 4% (30) 10% (80) 763Unfavorable of Trump 74% (773) 7% (74) 4% (37) 15% (159) 1043Very Favorable of Trump 6% (29) 85% (399) 3% (14) 6% (27) 469Somewhat Favorable of Trump 17% (50) 60% (176) 5% (16) 18% (53) 294Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 48% (79) 20% (33) 7% (11) 26% (43) 166Very Unfavorable of Trump 79% (694) 5% (41) 3% (26) 13% (116) 877#1 Issue: Economy 41% (181) 37% (162) 5% (24) 16% (72) 439#1 Issue: Security 16% (60) 71% (264) 2% (8) 10% (37) 369#1 Issue: Health Care 62% (197) 20% (64) 5% (16) 13% (43) 320#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 56% (162) 30% (86) 2% (5) 13% (37) 289#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71% (113) 12% (20) 2% (4) 15% (24) 161#1 Issue: Education 45% (53) 26% (31) 2% (3) 26% (31) 118#1 Issue: Energy 69% (66) 13% (12) 7% (7) 12% (11) 97#1 Issue: Other 50% (44) 24% (21) 3% (3) 23% (20) 872018 House Vote: Democrat 86% (690) 3% (24) 4% (32) 7% (60) 8052018 House Vote: Republican 4% (27) 84% (538) 2% (16) 9% (58) 6392018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (14) 16% (14) 6% (5) 61% (51) 842018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 42% (147) 23% (81) 5% (16) 30% (106) 3492016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 87% (624) 3% (21) 3% (20) 7% (53) 7182016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (43) 81% (530) 3% (22) 9% (58) 6532016 Vote: Someone else 39% (60) 23% (36) 8% (12) 30% (46) 1552016 Vote: Didnt Vote 42% (147) 21% (72) 3% (12) 34% (117) 349

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Morning ConsultTable POL2

Table POL2: Now, thinking about the 2020 presidential primary or caucus in your state, would you vote in the Democratic primary or caucus, theRepublican primary or caucus, or are you not likely to vote in a primary or caucus at all?


Vote inDemocratic

primary or caucusVote in Republicanprimary or caucus

Not likely to votein primary or

caucusDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (877) 35% (659) 4% (69) 15% (275) 1879Voted in 2014: Yes 48% (639) 38% (500) 3% (43) 11% (141) 1324Voted in 2014: No 43% (238) 28% (158) 5% (26) 24% (134) 5562012 Vote: Barack Obama 76% (633) 10% (85) 3% (26) 11% (90) 8342012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (36) 79% (387) 4% (20) 10% (47) 4912012 Vote: Other 23% (21) 43% (41) 5% (5) 29% (27) 942012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 41% (187) 32% (145) 4% (17) 24% (110) 4594-Region: Northeast 51% (175) 29% (97) 5% (18) 15% (50) 3404-Region: Midwest 46% (198) 35% (151) 3% (14) 16% (71) 4344-Region: South 43% (301) 42% (290) 2% (17) 13% (87) 6964-Region: West 50% (204) 29% (120) 5% (19) 16% (68) 410Strong Republican 2% (7) 95% (377) 1% (4) 3% (10) 399Not Very Strong Republican 8% (15) 80% (156) 2% (4) 10% (19) 194Strong Democrat 96% (459) 1% (7) 1% (3) 2% (8) 477Not Very Strong Democrat 81% (232) 5% (16) 3% (8) 10% (30) 286Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL3

Table POL3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote in the Democraticprimary or caucus in your state?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

Health CareIssues – likethe 2010health care

law, Medicaid,and


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Socialissues –like equalpay, gunregulationand racerelations

EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 22%(197) 7% (58) 27%(240) 18%(159) 9% (78) 6% (51) 7% (60) 4% (34) 877Gender: Male 24% (92) 8% (32) 27%(105) 19% (72) 6% (25) 4% (17) 8% (30) 2% (9) 382Gender: Female 21%(105) 5% (26) 27%(135) 18% (87) 11% (53) 7% (34) 6% (30) 5% (25) 495Age: 18-29 31% (52) 5% (8) 22% (37) 3% (5) 17% (28) 6% (10) 14% (23) 3% (5) 169Age: 30-44 27% (59) 8% (17) 30% (65) 4% (8) 10% (21) 13% (27) 7% (15) 2% (5) 217Age: 45-54 22% (34) 5% (7) 35% (54) 10% (15) 10% (15) 6% (10) 8% (12) 4% (7) 154Age: 55-64 23% (32) 7% (10) 37% (51) 23% (32) 4% (6) 1% (1) 1% (2) 4% (6) 139Age: 65+ 10% (20) 8% (15) 17% (33) 50% (99) 4% (8) 2% (3) 4% (8) 6% (12) 198Generation Z: 18-22 24% (14) 2% (1) 31% (19) 4% (2) 14% (9) 8% (5) 14% (8) 2% (1) 61Millennial: Age 23-38 31% (79) 8% (19) 21% (52) 3% (7) 15% (37) 10% (26) 10% (26) 2% (6) 253Generation X: Age 39-54 23% (53) 5% (12) 37% (85) 8% (18) 8% (18) 7% (16) 7% (15) 4% (10) 227Boomers: Age 55-73 15% (46) 8% (25) 26% (78) 37% (110) 4% (12) 1% (3) 3% (8) 6% (17) 300PID: Dem (no lean) 22%(149) 6% (40) 27%(189) 20%(138) 10% (68) 6% (40) 7% (46) 3% (21) 691PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (42) 9% (15) 27% (45) 11% (18) 6% (10) 7% (11) 7% (11) 8% (13) 164PID/Gender: DemMen 22% (66) 7% (22) 29% (85) 21% (62) 7% (20) 5% (13) 8% (22) 2% (6) 296PID/Gender: DemWomen 21% (84) 5% (18) 26%(104) 19% (76) 12% (48) 7% (26) 6% (24) 4% (15) 395PID/Gender: Ind Men 29% (21) 13% (9) 24% (18) 12% (9) 6% (5) 5% (4) 7% (5) 3% (2) 73PID/Gender: Ind Women 23% (21) 6% (5) 30% (27) 10% (9) 6% (5) 8% (7) 6% (6) 11% (10) 91Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (86) 4% (20) 32%(157) 15% (75) 11% (56) 5% (24) 8% (41) 5% (26) 485Ideo: Moderate (4) 32% (76) 8% (18) 24% (58) 19% (45) 5% (12) 6% (15) 4% (9) 2% (5) 238Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 24% (23) 14% (14) 18% (17) 28% (27) 4% (4) 4% (4) 6% (6) 3% (3) 98

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Morning ConsultTable POL3

Table POL3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote in the Democraticprimary or caucus in your state?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

Health CareIssues – likethe 2010health care

law, Medicaid,and


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Socialissues –like equalpay, gunregulationand racerelations

EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 22%(197) 7% (58) 27%(240) 18%(159) 9% (78) 6% (51) 7% (60) 4% (34) 877Educ: < College 23%(123) 7% (40) 27%(145) 21% (114) 9% (46) 5% (28) 4% (24) 3% (17) 537Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (47) 6% (12) 28% (62) 12% (26) 9% (20) 7% (15) 11% (24) 5% (12) 220Educ: Post-grad 23% (27) 5% (6) 27% (33) 16% (19) 9% (11) 6% (7) 10% (12) 4% (5) 120Income: Under 50k 23% (111) 7% (35) 26%(128) 22%(108) 8% (41) 6% (31) 4% (20) 3% (15) 490Income: 50k-100k 20% (58) 6% (18) 29% (84) 15% (42) 10% (29) 5% (15) 10% (28) 4% (11) 286Income: 100k+ 27% (28) 4% (5) 28% (28) 9% (9) 7% (7) 4% (4) 12% (12) 8% (8) 102Ethnicity: White 20%(128) 7% (45) 28%(176) 21%(130) 8% (48) 5% (31) 8% (48) 4% (26) 633Ethnicity: Hispanic 24% (25) 10% (10) 30% (31) 10% (10) 10% (10) 9% (9) 7% (7) 2% (2) 104Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 29% (51) 4% (7) 27% (49) 13% (23) 12% (22) 8% (14) 4% (8) 3% (5) 179Ethnicity: Other 27% (17) 9% (6) 23% (15) 8% (5) 12% (8) 9% (6) 8% (5) 4% (2) 65All Christian 20% (71) 9% (33) 23% (81) 26% (89) 8% (28) 3% (12) 6% (20) 4% (15) 348All Non-Christian 24% (13) 4% (2) 31% (16) 17% (9) 12% (7) 5% (2) 7% (4) 1% (1) 53Atheist 21% (13) — (0) 29% (18) 5% (3) 13% (8) 4% (2) 19% (11) 11% (7) 62Agnostic/Nothing in particular 24% (101) 5% (23) 30%(126) 14% (58) 8% (35) 8% (34) 6% (25) 3% (12) 414Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 25% (14) 4% (2) 30% (17) 18% (10) 12% (7) 4% (2) 6% (4) 1% (1) 57Evangelical 25% (46) 8% (14) 28% (51) 22% (40) 8% (15) 4% (8) 4% (8) 2% (4) 185Non-Evangelical 21% (71) 9% (31) 24% (81) 20% (68) 8% (28) 6% (19) 5% (17) 6% (20) 334Community: Urban 26% (69) 4% (10) 30% (80) 17% (45) 7% (19) 7% (20) 6% (15) 4% (10) 268Community: Suburban 20% (86) 7% (31) 28%(123) 16% (72) 11% (49) 6% (24) 8% (34) 5% (20) 438Community: Rural 24% (42) 10% (17) 22% (38) 25% (42) 6% (9) 4% (7) 7% (12) 3% (4) 171

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL3

Table POL3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote in the Democraticprimary or caucus in your state?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

Health CareIssues – likethe 2010health care

law, Medicaid,and


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Socialissues –like equalpay, gunregulationand racerelations

EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 22%(197) 7% (58) 27%(240) 18%(159) 9% (78) 6% (51) 7% (60) 4% (34) 877Employ: Private Sector 26% (81) 8% (25) 31% (97) 7% (22) 10% (30) 6% (20) 8% (25) 3% (11) 309Employ: Government 24% (14) 3% (2) 19% (11) 2% (1) 20% (11) 23% (13) 6% (4) 3% (1) 57Employ: Self-Employed 22% (14) 3% (2) 39% (25) 12% (8) 10% (7) 2% (1) 6% (4) 5% (3) 63Employ: Retired 11% (22) 7% (15) 20% (43) 50%(106) 3% (6) 1% (2) 3% (6) 5% (10) 211Employ: Unemployed 23% (18) 5% (4) 38% (29) 8% (6) 12% (9) 6% (5) 4% (3) 4% (3) 76Employ: Other 26% (18) 9% (6) 18% (13) 15% (11) 10% (7) 3% (2) 13% (9) 6% (4) 69Military HH: Yes 23% (28) 5% (6) 24% (30) 22% (27) 9% (11) 5% (6) 9% (11) 4% (5) 126Military HH: No 22%(169) 7% (52) 28%(210) 17% (131) 9% (66) 6% (45) 7% (50) 4% (29) 751RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (24) 13% (14) 26% (27) 25% (26) 2% (3) 6% (6) 5% (5) — (0) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 22%(173) 6% (44) 28%(213) 17%(133) 10% (75) 6% (45) 7% (55) 4% (34) 772Trump Job Approve 31% (25) 14% (11) 24% (19) 21% (16) 1% (0) 8% (6) 2% (1) — (0) 79Trump Job Disapprove 21%(167) 6% (45) 28%(219) 18%(138) 10% (77) 5% (43) 8% (59) 4% (34) 782Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (21) 6% (4) 28% (16) 20% (11) 1% (0) 9% (5) 1% (1) — (0) 59Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 27% (33) 8% (9) 26% (32) 16% (20) 5% (6) 11% (13) 5% (6) 2% (2) 120Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20%(134) 6% (36) 28%(187) 18% (118) 11% (71) 4% (30) 8% (53) 5% (32) 661Favorable of Trump 29% (22) 16% (12) 25% (20) 20% (16) 4% (3) 6% (5) 1% (1) — (0) 78Unfavorable of Trump 21%(165) 6% (45) 28%(214) 18%(138) 10% (75) 6% (44) 8% (59) 4% (33) 773Somewhat Favorable of Trump 33% (17) 8% (4) 30% (15) 19% (9) 1% (0) 9% (5) — (0) — (0) 50Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 25% (20) 10% (8) 26% (20) 21% (17) 3% (2) 8% (7) 6% (5) — (0) 79Very Unfavorable of Trump 21%(145) 5% (37) 28%(193) 18%(122) 10% (73) 5% (38) 8% (54) 5% (33) 694

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Morning ConsultTable POL3

Table POL3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote in the Democraticprimary or caucus in your state?


EconomicIssues –like taxes,wages,jobs,

unemploy-ment, andspending

SecurityIssues –like


policy, andbordersecurity

Health CareIssues – likethe 2010health care

law, Medicaid,and


SeniorsIssues –like

Medicareand SocialSecurity

Socialissues –like equalpay, gunregulationand racerelations

EducationIssues – like

schoolstandards,class sizes,

school choice,and student


Energy Issues– like carbonemissions,cost ofelectric-

ity/gasoline,or renewables Other: Total N

Registered Voters 22%(197) 7% (58) 27%(240) 18%(159) 9% (78) 6% (51) 7% (60) 4% (34) 877#1 Issue: Economy 82%(149) 3% (5) 4% (7) 1% (2) 6% (11) 3% (6) 1% (1) — (0) 181#1 Issue: Security 9% (6) 66% (40) 5% (3) 8% (5) 11% (7) — (0) 1% (1) — (0) 60#1 Issue: Health Care 3% (6) — (1) 85%(168) 6% (11) 2% (4) — (1) 2% (5) 1% (2) 197#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (5) 3% (5) 8% (12) 83%(134) 1% (2) 1% (1) 1% (1) — (0) 162#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 13% (14) 7% (8) 31% (35) 3% (3) 33% (37) 6% (7) 5% (6) 3% (3) 113#1 Issue: Education 25% (13) — (0) 12% (7) — (0) 5% (3) 57% (30) 1% (1) — (0) 53#1 Issue: Energy 2% (1) — (0) 11% (7) 1% (1) 18% (12) 2% (2) 66% (44) — (0) 662018 House Vote: Democrat 21%(145) 6% (40) 28%(193) 19%(129) 9% (60) 6% (44) 7% (48) 4% (30) 6902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (38) 7% (11) 30% (44) 12% (18) 12% (18) 4% (6) 7% (10) 2% (3) 1472016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 20%(125) 6% (38) 28%(172) 20%(124) 10% (64) 5% (32) 7% (44) 4% (25) 6242016 Vote: Someone else 38% (23) 4% (2) 23% (14) 9% (6) 5% (3) 7% (4) 7% (4) 7% (4) 602016 Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (40) 6% (9) 29% (43) 11% (16) 7% (10) 9% (14) 8% (12) 2% (3) 147Voted in 2014: Yes 22%(140) 7% (43) 26%(168) 20%(130) 8% (53) 5% (34) 7% (42) 5% (29) 639Voted in 2014: No 24% (57) 6% (15) 31% (73) 12% (29) 10% (25) 7% (17) 8% (19) 2% (5) 2382012 Vote: Barack Obama 22%(137) 6% (39) 27%(170) 21%(132) 9% (58) 5% (31) 7% (42) 4% (25) 6332012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (49) 8% (14) 29% (55) 10% (18) 9% (17) 8% (14) 9% (17) 2% (4) 1874-Region: Northeast 23% (41) 6% (10) 26% (46) 13% (22) 12% (20) 4% (7) 9% (17) 6% (11) 1754-Region: Midwest 19% (37) 7% (14) 28% (55) 21% (41) 10% (21) 5% (10) 8% (16) 2% (4) 1984-Region: South 22% (66) 8% (24) 30% (91) 16% (48) 8% (24) 7% (22) 5% (15) 4% (11) 3014-Region: West 26% (53) 5% (10) 24% (49) 23% (47) 6% (13) 6% (12) 7% (14) 4% (7) 204Strong Democrat 18% (82) 5% (23) 29%(135) 20% (94) 11% (48) 5% (24) 8% (35) 4% (18) 459Not Very Strong Democrat 29% (67) 7% (17) 23% (54) 19% (44) 8% (19) 7% (16) 5% (11) 2% (4) 232Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_1

Table POL4_1: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Joe Biden

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (655) 44% (867) 24% (469) 1991Gender: Male 40% (377) 41% (378) 19% (178) 932Gender: Female 26% (278) 46% (490) 27% (291) 1059Age: 18-29 23% (80) 51% (175) 26% (90) 345Age: 30-44 30% (139) 46% (210) 24% (108) 458Age: 45-54 36% (131) 38% (139) 25% (90) 361Age: 55-64 36% (132) 41% (149) 23% (84) 364Age: 65+ 37% (173) 42% (194) 21% (96) 463Generation Z: 18-22 22% (29) 44% (59) 34% (46) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 26% (130) 51% (255) 23% (118) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 36% (191) 40% (211) 24% (125) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 36% (261) 42% (304) 22% (157) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (50) 73% (578) 20% (160) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (159) 38% (228) 35% (206) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 73% (446) 10% (61) 17% (103) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (28) 75% (250) 16% (54) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (21) 72% (328) 23% (106) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (99) 36% (104) 30% (88) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 20% (60) 41% (125) 39% (118) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 81% (249) 8% (24) 12% (36) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 65% (197) 12% (37) 22% (68) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (46) 72% (436) 20% (121) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (98) 53% (263) 27% (131) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 67% (471) 14% (101) 18% (126) 697Educ: < College 32% (401) 40% (507) 27% (344) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (157) 49% (231) 18% (83) 471Educ: Post-grad 36% (97) 48% (129) 16% (42) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_1

Table POL4_1: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Joe Biden

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (655) 44% (867) 24% (469) 1991Income: Under 50k 29% (316) 42% (458) 29% (313) 1087Income: 50k-100k 36% (228) 45% (287) 19% (120) 636Income: 100k+ 41% (111) 45% (122) 13% (35) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (612) 40% (646) 22% (352) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 24% (46) 40% (77) 36% (70) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (22) 64% (162) 27% (69) 252Ethnicity: Other 16% (21) 47% (60) 37% (48) 128All Christian 43% (403) 38% (357) 18% (171) 931All Non-Christian 20% (16) 56% (43) 23% (18) 77Atheist 11% (10) 70% (64) 20% (18) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25% (227) 45% (403) 29% (262) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26% (26) 48% (48) 26% (26) 99Evangelical 45% (260) 30% (171) 25% (143) 574Non-Evangelical 33% (241) 47% (339) 20% (145) 725Community: Urban 25% (116) 47% (220) 28% (130) 467Community: Suburban 32% (322) 46% (461) 22% (219) 1002Community: Rural 42% (217) 36% (186) 23% (119) 522Employ: Private Sector 34% (230) 46% (312) 19% (129) 671Employ: Government 37% (47) 45% (57) 18% (23) 128Employ: Self-Employed 34% (58) 41% (69) 25% (42) 169Employ: Homemaker 31% (35) 32% (36) 36% (41) 112Employ: Student 20% (18) 46% (41) 34% (30) 89Employ: Retired 36% (183) 41% (209) 22% (113) 505Employ: Unemployed 23% (36) 46% (72) 31% (49) 157Employ: Other 30% (47) 44% (70) 26% (42) 160Military HH: Yes 43% (152) 36% (129) 21% (76) 357Military HH: No 31% (503) 45% (738) 24% (393) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 67% (513) 13% (99) 20% (155) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (142) 63% (769) 26% (314) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_1

Table POL4_1: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Joe Biden

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (655) 44% (867) 24% (469) 1991Trump Job Approve 75% (603) 9% (72) 16% (131) 807Trump Job Disapprove 4% (49) 70% (780) 26% (288) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 84% (366) 5% (23) 11% (48) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 64% (238) 13% (49) 22% (83) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10% (25) 51% (126) 39% (97) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (23) 75% (654) 22% (191) 869Favorable of Trump 76% (610) 8% (67) 16% (130) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (39) 71% (782) 25% (277) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 81% (393) 6% (30) 13% (63) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 68% (217) 12% (37) 21% (67) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10% (19) 47% (85) 43% (77) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (21) 76% (697) 22% (200) 917#1 Issue: Economy 35% (166) 44% (206) 21% (100) 472#1 Issue: Security 68% (265) 14% (55) 18% (68) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 20% (66) 52% (173) 28% (94) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 26% (80) 48% (145) 26% (78) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (16) 67% (115) 24% (42) 172#1 Issue: Education 23% (28) 50% (60) 27% (33) 121#1 Issue: Energy 10% (10) 71% (70) 18% (18) 98#1 Issue: Other 23% (23) 42% (43) 35% (36) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (48) 74% (621) 20% (166) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 74% (483) 10% (63) 16% (107) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 20% (18) 29% (26) 50% (45) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (103) 38% (157) 37% (150) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (31) 77% (571) 19% (138) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 73% (493) 10% (65) 17% (118) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 18% (30) 43% (70) 39% (63) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (100) 39% (160) 36% (147) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (476) 46% (626) 19% (265) 1367Voted in 2014: No 29% (178) 39% (241) 33% (204) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_1

Table POL4_1: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Joe Biden

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (655) 44% (867) 24% (469) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 12% (103) 68% (592) 20% (174) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 69% (347) 13% (68) 18% (91) 5062012 Vote: Other 53% (54) 16% (16) 31% (31) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (151) 37% (191) 33% (171) 5134-Region: Northeast 26% (94) 51% (183) 22% (78) 3554-Region: Midwest 34% (154) 47% (216) 19% (88) 4574-Region: South 38% (282) 39% (289) 23% (172) 7434-Region: West 29% (125) 41% (180) 30% (130) 435Strong Republican 81% (328) 6% (24) 13% (52) 405Not Very Strong Republican 57% (118) 18% (37) 25% (51) 205Strong Democrat 6% (28) 78% (383) 16% (79) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 7% (21) 66% (195) 27% (81) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_2

Table POL4_2: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Bernie Sanders

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (647) 42% (827) 26% (517) 1991Gender: Male 39% (367) 40% (376) 20% (189) 932Gender: Female 26% (280) 43% (451) 31% (328) 1059Age: 18-29 22% (75) 56% (192) 23% (78) 345Age: 30-44 32% (145) 45% (207) 23% (106) 458Age: 45-54 36% (131) 38% (137) 26% (92) 361Age: 55-64 36% (131) 34% (124) 30% (109) 364Age: 65+ 36% (166) 36% (166) 28% (132) 463Generation Z: 18-22 22% (30) 51% (69) 26% (35) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 25% (127) 52% (261) 23% (114) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 37% (193) 39% (207) 24% (126) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 35% (255) 36% (263) 28% (205) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (41) 68% (535) 27% (211) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (158) 40% (238) 33% (197) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 73% (448) 9% (54) 18% (108) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (25) 72% (241) 20% (66) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (16) 65% (295) 32% (145) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (98) 37% (107) 29% (85) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 20% (60) 43% (131) 37% (112) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 79% (243) 9% (28) 12% (37) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 68% (205) 9% (26) 24% (71) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (38) 72% (434) 22% (131) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (100) 50% (245) 30% (147) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 67% (471) 12% (85) 20% (142) 697Educ: < College 32% (400) 39% (483) 30% (370) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (153) 48% (225) 20% (93) 471Educ: Post-grad 35% (94) 45% (119) 20% (54) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_2

Table POL4_2: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Bernie Sanders

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (647) 42% (827) 26% (517) 1991Income: Under 50k 28% (308) 40% (435) 32% (344) 1087Income: 50k-100k 35% (224) 44% (280) 21% (131) 636Income: 100k+ 43% (114) 42% (112) 15% (41) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (608) 39% (621) 24% (381) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (43) 47% (90) 31% (60) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (16) 58% (146) 36% (90) 252Ethnicity: Other 17% (22) 47% (60) 36% (46) 128All Christian 43% (404) 33% (303) 24% (224) 931All Non-Christian 17% (13) 57% (44) 26% (20) 77Atheist 10% (9) 79% (72) 11% (10) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25% (221) 46% (408) 29% (262) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (21) 47% (47) 31% (31) 99Evangelical 45% (256) 26% (149) 29% (168) 574Non-Evangelical 33% (240) 41% (299) 26% (187) 725Community: Urban 24% (112) 48% (225) 28% (130) 467Community: Suburban 32% (320) 43% (432) 25% (250) 1002Community: Rural 41% (215) 33% (170) 26% (137) 522Employ: Private Sector 34% (230) 46% (306) 20% (135) 671Employ: Government 39% (50) 39% (50) 22% (28) 128Employ: Self-Employed 36% (62) 39% (66) 25% (42) 169Employ: Homemaker 31% (34) 33% (37) 37% (41) 112Employ: Student 17% (15) 53% (47) 31% (27) 89Employ: Retired 36% (182) 35% (175) 29% (149) 505Employ: Unemployed 18% (28) 52% (82) 30% (46) 157Employ: Other 29% (46) 41% (65) 31% (49) 160Military HH: Yes 41% (147) 32% (113) 27% (97) 357Military HH: No 31% (499) 44% (715) 26% (420) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 66% (503) 13% (103) 21% (161) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (144) 59% (724) 29% (356) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_2

Table POL4_2: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Bernie Sanders

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (647) 42% (827) 26% (517) 1991Trump Job Approve 73% (587) 10% (77) 18% (143) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (56) 66% (736) 29% (325) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 83% (361) 5% (21) 13% (55) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 61% (226) 15% (56) 24% (88) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 13% (32) 42% (104) 45% (111) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (24) 73% (631) 25% (214) 869Favorable of Trump 74% (594) 9% (70) 18% (143) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (47) 68% (746) 28% (306) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 81% (393) 5% (26) 14% (67) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 62% (201) 14% (45) 24% (76) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15% (27) 38% (68) 47% (86) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (20) 74% (677) 24% (220) 917#1 Issue: Economy 34% (162) 39% (184) 27% (126) 472#1 Issue: Security 65% (254) 13% (49) 22% (86) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 20% (67) 51% (172) 29% (95) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27% (82) 43% (131) 30% (91) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11% (19) 68% (118) 21% (35) 172#1 Issue: Education 22% (26) 47% (57) 31% (38) 121#1 Issue: Energy 14% (14) 73% (72) 12% (12) 98#1 Issue: Other 22% (23) 44% (45) 34% (35) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (41) 72% (601) 23% (193) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 74% (485) 7% (48) 18% (120) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 29% (26) 54% (48) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (103) 37% (152) 38% (155) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (29) 73% (540) 23% (172) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 74% (497) 9% (60) 18% (119) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 17% (27) 42% (69) 41% (66) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (93) 39% (158) 38% (156) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 34% (472) 43% (582) 23% (313) 1367Voted in 2014: No 28% (175) 39% (245) 33% (204) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_2

Table POL4_2: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Bernie Sanders

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (647) 42% (827) 26% (517) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (92) 64% (555) 26% (223) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 71% (357) 9% (48) 20% (101) 5062012 Vote: Other 47% (48) 22% (22) 31% (31) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (150) 39% (202) 31% (161) 5134-Region: Northeast 25% (88) 50% (176) 26% (91) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (153) 44% (201) 22% (103) 4574-Region: South 37% (276) 36% (266) 27% (201) 7434-Region: West 30% (130) 42% (183) 28% (122) 435Strong Republican 81% (327) 6% (26) 13% (52) 405Not Very Strong Republican 59% (121) 14% (28) 27% (56) 205Strong Democrat 4% (19) 73% (356) 24% (115) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 7% (22) 60% (179) 32% (96) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_3

Table POL4_3: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Elizabeth Warren

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (661) 32% (643) 35% (687) 1991Gender: Male 41% (381) 33% (312) 26% (240) 932Gender: Female 26% (280) 31% (332) 42% (448) 1059Age: 18-29 24% (83) 35% (121) 41% (141) 345Age: 30-44 32% (144) 34% (155) 35% (158) 458Age: 45-54 37% (133) 30% (109) 33% (118) 361Age: 55-64 36% (131) 30% (109) 34% (124) 364Age: 65+ 36% (169) 32% (148) 32% (146) 463Generation Z: 18-22 24% (32) 35% (47) 41% (55) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 27% (138) 35% (178) 37% (187) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 36% (191) 31% (161) 33% (175) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 36% (259) 32% (231) 32% (232) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (47) 55% (435) 39% (305) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 29% (170) 28% (168) 43% (256) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 73% (444) 7% (41) 21% (126) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (28) 64% (212) 28% (93) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (19) 49% (223) 47% (213) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 36% (106) 28% (80) 36% (104) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 21% (64) 29% (87) 50% (152) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 80% (247) 6% (19) 14% (43) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 65% (197) 7% (21) 28% (83) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (50) 61% (365) 31% (188) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 19% (93) 37% (182) 44% (218) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 68% (477) 9% (64) 22% (156) 697Educ: < College 32% (402) 28% (355) 40% (495) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 35% (163) 39% (185) 26% (122) 471Educ: Post-grad 36% (95) 38% (103) 26% (70) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_3

Table POL4_3: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Elizabeth Warren

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (661) 32% (643) 35% (687) 1991Income: Under 50k 29% (321) 28% (307) 42% (460) 1087Income: 50k-100k 35% (222) 38% (239) 27% (175) 636Income: 100k+ 44% (118) 36% (98) 20% (52) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (612) 31% (497) 31% (502) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (43) 33% (63) 45% (87) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 10% (25) 41% (104) 49% (124) 252Ethnicity: Other 19% (25) 33% (43) 47% (61) 128All Christian 44% (406) 27% (252) 29% (272) 931All Non-Christian 18% (13) 48% (37) 34% (26) 77Atheist 13% (12) 73% (67) 14% (13) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26% (229) 32% (287) 42% (376) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (21) 38% (37) 41% (41) 99Evangelical 46% (266) 18% (102) 36% (205) 574Non-Evangelical 33% (242) 35% (250) 32% (233) 725Community: Urban 25% (115) 35% (165) 40% (187) 467Community: Suburban 33% (334) 35% (346) 32% (322) 1002Community: Rural 41% (212) 25% (132) 34% (179) 522Employ: Private Sector 35% (236) 35% (237) 30% (199) 671Employ: Government 40% (51) 33% (42) 28% (35) 128Employ: Self-Employed 39% (66) 29% (49) 32% (55) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (34) 25% (28) 45% (50) 112Employ: Student 15% (13) 36% (32) 49% (43) 89Employ: Retired 35% (176) 31% (157) 34% (172) 505Employ: Unemployed 25% (39) 33% (51) 43% (67) 157Employ: Other 29% (47) 29% (47) 41% (66) 160Military HH: Yes 41% (146) 27% (98) 32% (113) 357Military HH: No 31% (514) 33% (546) 35% (574) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 68% (518) 8% (58) 25% (190) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (142) 48% (585) 41% (497) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_3

Table POL4_3: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Elizabeth Warren

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (661) 32% (643) 35% (687) 1991Trump Job Approve 74% (600) 5% (40) 21% (167) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (58) 53% (595) 42% (464) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 83% (361) 3% (12) 15% (64) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 64% (239) 8% (29) 28% (103) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 13% (33) 23% (57) 63% (157) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (25) 62% (537) 35% (307) 869Favorable of Trump 75% (608) 5% (42) 19% (157) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (45) 54% (594) 42% (459) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 80% (389) 4% (22) 15% (75) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 68% (219) 6% (21) 25% (82) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15% (27) 19% (35) 66% (119) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (19) 61% (559) 37% (340) 917#1 Issue: Economy 36% (172) 28% (134) 35% (166) 472#1 Issue: Security 66% (258) 11% (44) 22% (86) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 20% (68) 41% (137) 39% (129) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (76) 34% (103) 41% (124) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (21) 54% (93) 34% (58) 172#1 Issue: Education 26% (32) 30% (36) 44% (53) 121#1 Issue: Energy 10% (10) 63% (62) 28% (27) 98#1 Issue: Other 25% (25) 33% (34) 42% (43) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (48) 59% (492) 35% (296) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 75% (488) 6% (38) 19% (127) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 19% (17) 21% (19) 60% (54) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (106) 23% (94) 51% (210) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (32) 61% (454) 34% (255) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 73% (495) 6% (43) 20% (138) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 19% (31) 31% (50) 50% (82) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (100) 23% (96) 52% (211) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (477) 35% (477) 30% (413) 1367Voted in 2014: No 29% (183) 27% (166) 44% (274) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_3

Table POL4_3: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Elizabeth Warren

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (661) 32% (643) 35% (687) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 12% (105) 53% (458) 35% (307) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 70% (354) 7% (34) 23% (119) 5062012 Vote: Other 50% (51) 20% (20) 30% (30) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (151) 26% (131) 45% (230) 5134-Region: Northeast 25% (88) 39% (137) 36% (129) 3554-Region: Midwest 35% (159) 31% (144) 34% (155) 4574-Region: South 38% (285) 28% (207) 34% (252) 7434-Region: West 30% (128) 36% (156) 35% (151) 435Strong Republican 80% (322) 4% (18) 16% (65) 405Not Very Strong Republican 59% (121) 11% (23) 30% (61) 205Strong Democrat 5% (23) 64% (314) 31% (154) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (25) 41% (121) 51% (152) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_4

Table POL4_4: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Cory Booker

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (642) 28% (563) 39% (786) 1991Gender: Male 40% (371) 30% (282) 30% (279) 932Gender: Female 26% (271) 27% (281) 48% (507) 1059Age: 18-29 24% (82) 29% (99) 48% (164) 345Age: 30-44 29% (134) 30% (138) 41% (186) 458Age: 45-54 37% (132) 28% (100) 36% (128) 361Age: 55-64 35% (129) 25% (92) 39% (143) 364Age: 65+ 35% (164) 29% (134) 36% (164) 463Generation Z: 18-22 25% (33) 27% (36) 48% (65) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 26% (131) 29% (148) 45% (224) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 35% (184) 29% (153) 36% (190) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 35% (254) 28% (206) 36% (263) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (45) 51% (402) 43% (341) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (160) 23% (134) 50% (299) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 72% (437) 5% (27) 24% (146) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (27) 61% (201) 31% (105) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (18) 44% (201) 52% (236) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (98) 25% (72) 42% (121) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 20% (62) 21% (62) 59% (179) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 80% (246) 3% (9) 17% (54) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 63% (191) 6% (18) 31% (92) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (41) 57% (342) 36% (220) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 19% (94) 30% (146) 51% (252) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 66% (463) 7% (51) 26% (183) 697Educ: < College 32% (395) 24% (300) 44% (556) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (155) 37% (176) 30% (140) 471Educ: Post-grad 34% (91) 32% (87) 33% (89) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_4

Table POL4_4: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Cory Booker

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (642) 28% (563) 39% (786) 1991Income: Under 50k 28% (309) 24% (257) 48% (521) 1087Income: 50k-100k 34% (213) 34% (214) 33% (209) 636Income: 100k+ 45% (120) 34% (92) 21% (56) 268Ethnicity: White 37% (597) 26% (426) 36% (587) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (43) 24% (46) 54% (104) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (22) 42% (105) 50% (126) 252Ethnicity: Other 18% (23) 25% (32) 57% (73) 128All Christian 42% (390) 23% (211) 35% (330) 931All Non-Christian 17% (13) 51% (39) 32% (25) 77Atheist 13% (12) 60% (55) 27% (25) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25% (226) 29% (259) 46% (407) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (21) 40% (39) 39% (39) 99Evangelical 44% (252) 18% (102) 38% (220) 574Non-Evangelical 33% (240) 29% (209) 38% (276) 725Community: Urban 24% (111) 32% (147) 45% (209) 467Community: Suburban 33% (326) 30% (299) 38% (377) 1002Community: Rural 39% (204) 22% (117) 38% (200) 522Employ: Private Sector 34% (230) 31% (206) 35% (236) 671Employ: Government 38% (49) 30% (38) 32% (41) 128Employ: Self-Employed 36% (62) 28% (48) 35% (60) 169Employ: Homemaker 32% (35) 19% (21) 50% (55) 112Employ: Student 16% (14) 22% (20) 62% (55) 89Employ: Retired 34% (173) 28% (141) 38% (192) 505Employ: Unemployed 20% (31) 31% (48) 49% (78) 157Employ: Other 30% (48) 26% (42) 44% (70) 160Military HH: Yes 40% (142) 25% (89) 35% (127) 357Military HH: No 31% (500) 29% (474) 40% (660) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 68% (521) 5% (41) 27% (205) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 10% (120) 43% (523) 48% (582) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_4

Table POL4_4: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Cory Booker

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (642) 28% (563) 39% (786) 1991Trump Job Approve 74% (597) 3% (22) 23% (187) 807Trump Job Disapprove 4% (42) 48% (532) 49% (543) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 82% (360) 3% (11) 15% (66) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 64% (237) 3% (11) 33% (121) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (21) 20% (50) 71% (177) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (21) 55% (481) 42% (366) 869Favorable of Trump 74% (599) 4% (29) 22% (180) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (36) 48% (530) 49% (533) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 81% (392) 3% (15) 16% (79) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 64% (206) 4% (14) 32% (102) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 11% (20) 19% (34) 70% (128) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (16) 54% (496) 44% (405) 917#1 Issue: Economy 35% (164) 26% (123) 39% (185) 472#1 Issue: Security 65% (254) 8% (32) 26% (102) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 19% (65) 37% (123) 44% (146) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (76) 30% (90) 46% (138) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (20) 44% (76) 44% (76) 172#1 Issue: Education 27% (33) 24% (29) 49% (60) 121#1 Issue: Energy 11% (10) 61% (60) 28% (27) 98#1 Issue: Other 20% (21) 30% (30) 50% (51) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (39) 54% (449) 42% (347) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 74% (485) 4% (26) 22% (143) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 12% (11) 71% (64) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 24% (100) 19% (78) 57% (232) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (27) 57% (419) 40% (295) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 73% (494) 4% (28) 23% (154) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 14% (22) 23% (38) 63% (102) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 24% (97) 19% (76) 57% (233) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 34% (465) 31% (427) 35% (476) 1367Voted in 2014: No 28% (177) 22% (136) 50% (311) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_4

Table POL4_4: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Cory Booker

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (642) 28% (563) 39% (786) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (98) 47% (406) 42% (367) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 68% (344) 6% (32) 26% (130) 5062012 Vote: Other 49% (50) 11% (12) 39% (40) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (150) 22% (115) 48% (248) 5134-Region: Northeast 25% (90) 38% (136) 36% (129) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (150) 25% (115) 42% (193) 4574-Region: South 37% (272) 25% (184) 39% (288) 7434-Region: West 30% (130) 29% (128) 41% (177) 435Strong Republican 79% (320) 3% (11) 18% (74) 405Not Very Strong Republican 57% (116) 8% (17) 35% (72) 205Strong Democrat 4% (21) 59% (289) 37% (180) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (23) 38% (113) 54% (161) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_5

Table POL4_5: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Kamala Harris

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (657) 30% (588) 37% (746) 1991Gender: Male 41% (384) 30% (283) 28% (265) 932Gender: Female 26% (273) 29% (305) 45% (481) 1059Age: 18-29 24% (83) 34% (117) 42% (145) 345Age: 30-44 31% (144) 31% (142) 37% (171) 458Age: 45-54 37% (133) 28% (100) 35% (127) 361Age: 55-64 35% (128) 25% (92) 40% (145) 364Age: 65+ 37% (169) 29% (137) 34% (158) 463Generation Z: 18-22 25% (33) 30% (40) 45% (61) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 27% (137) 34% (171) 39% (196) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 36% (191) 28% (149) 36% (187) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 35% (252) 29% (207) 36% (264) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (49) 53% (418) 41% (320) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 28% (166) 23% (136) 49% (292) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 72% (442) 6% (34) 22% (134) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 10% (32) 60% (200) 30% (100) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (17) 48% (218) 48% (220) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 36% (104) 23% (68) 41% (119) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 20% (61) 22% (68) 57% (173) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 80% (248) 5% (15) 15% (46) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 64% (194) 6% (19) 29% (88) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (47) 58% (350) 34% (206) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (100) 31% (154) 48% (238) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 67% (470) 9% (60) 24% (168) 697Educ: < College 32% (398) 26% (319) 43% (535) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 35% (163) 37% (176) 28% (131) 471Educ: Post-grad 36% (95) 35% (92) 30% (80) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_5

Table POL4_5: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Kamala Harris

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (657) 30% (588) 37% (746) 1991Income: Under 50k 29% (316) 25% (277) 45% (494) 1087Income: 50k-100k 35% (222) 35% (222) 30% (192) 636Income: 100k+ 44% (118) 33% (90) 22% (60) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (611) 27% (435) 35% (564) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 23% (45) 29% (56) 48% (93) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (23) 44% (112) 47% (118) 252Ethnicity: Other 18% (22) 32% (41) 50% (64) 128All Christian 43% (399) 23% (215) 34% (317) 931All Non-Christian 18% (14) 51% (39) 31% (24) 77Atheist 13% (12) 59% (54) 28% (25) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26% (233) 31% (280) 43% (379) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (21) 40% (40) 39% (38) 99Evangelical 44% (254) 19% (108) 37% (211) 574Non-Evangelical 34% (246) 30% (221) 36% (258) 725Community: Urban 25% (114) 36% (168) 40% (185) 467Community: Suburban 34% (336) 30% (304) 36% (362) 1002Community: Rural 40% (206) 22% (116) 38% (199) 522Employ: Private Sector 35% (235) 33% (220) 32% (216) 671Employ: Government 39% (50) 30% (39) 30% (39) 128Employ: Self-Employed 38% (64) 29% (50) 33% (56) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (33) 22% (25) 48% (54) 112Employ: Student 17% (15) 29% (26) 54% (48) 89Employ: Retired 36% (181) 28% (142) 36% (183) 505Employ: Unemployed 21% (33) 30% (47) 49% (77) 157Employ: Other 29% (46) 25% (41) 46% (74) 160Military HH: Yes 40% (143) 26% (93) 34% (122) 357Military HH: No 31% (514) 30% (495) 38% (624) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 68% (523) 6% (43) 26% (201) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 11% (134) 45% (545) 45% (545) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_5

Table POL4_5: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Kamala Harris

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (657) 30% (588) 37% (746) 1991Trump Job Approve 75% (608) 3% (21) 22% (178) 807Trump Job Disapprove 4% (46) 50% (557) 46% (513) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 83% (362) 2% (8) 15% (67) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 66% (246) 3% (13) 30% (111) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10% (26) 21% (52) 69% (170) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (21) 58% (505) 39% (343) 869Favorable of Trump 76% (618) 3% (22) 21% (168) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (32) 51% (556) 46% (510) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 81% (393) 3% (14) 16% (79) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 70% (225) 2% (8) 28% (89) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (21) 19% (35) 69% (125) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 1% (11) 57% (521) 42% (385) 917#1 Issue: Economy 36% (171) 26% (123) 38% (178) 472#1 Issue: Security 65% (254) 9% (35) 25% (99) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 20% (68) 38% (126) 42% (140) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 26% (78) 32% (97) 42% (129) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (21) 47% (81) 40% (69) 172#1 Issue: Education 28% (34) 27% (33) 45% (54) 121#1 Issue: Energy 11% (10) 58% (57) 31% (31) 98#1 Issue: Other 21% (21) 34% (35) 45% (46) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (44) 56% (468) 39% (323) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 74% (485) 4% (27) 22% (141) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 18% (16) 15% (14) 67% (60) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (109) 19% (80) 54% (222) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (28) 57% (426) 39% (287) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 74% (501) 4% (29) 22% (146) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 16% (26) 26% (43) 58% (94) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 24% (98) 22% (91) 54% (218) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 34% (468) 33% (447) 33% (453) 1367Voted in 2014: No 30% (189) 23% (141) 47% (293) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_5

Table POL4_5: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Kamala Harris

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 33% (657) 30% (588) 37% (746) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (96) 49% (422) 40% (352) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 70% (354) 6% (30) 24% (122) 5062012 Vote: Other 50% (51) 15% (16) 34% (35) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (155) 23% (120) 46% (238) 5134-Region: Northeast 26% (92) 35% (123) 39% (140) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (153) 27% (122) 40% (182) 4574-Region: South 38% (282) 27% (199) 35% (263) 7434-Region: West 30% (130) 33% (144) 37% (162) 435Strong Republican 81% (326) 3% (12) 17% (67) 405Not Very Strong Republican 56% (116) 11% (23) 32% (67) 205Strong Democrat 5% (25) 61% (298) 34% (167) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (24) 40% (120) 51% (153) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_6

Table POL4_6: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Beto O’Rourke

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (638) 28% (559) 40% (795) 1991Gender: Male 40% (369) 30% (279) 30% (284) 932Gender: Female 25% (268) 26% (280) 48% (511) 1059Age: 18-29 23% (79) 31% (106) 47% (161) 345Age: 30-44 30% (136) 30% (138) 40% (183) 458Age: 45-54 36% (129) 26% (94) 38% (138) 361Age: 55-64 35% (129) 24% (89) 40% (147) 364Age: 65+ 36% (165) 28% (131) 36% (167) 463Generation Z: 18-22 23% (30) 27% (36) 50% (67) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 26% (133) 31% (154) 43% (215) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 34% (180) 28% (148) 38% (199) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 35% (253) 28% (202) 37% (268) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (52) 48% (379) 45% (356) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (153) 24% (141) 50% (299) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 71% (433) 6% (38) 23% (139) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 10% (34) 57% (188) 33% (110) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (18) 42% (191) 54% (246) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (96) 25% (73) 42% (122) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 19% (57) 22% (68) 59% (178) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 78% (239) 6% (17) 17% (52) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 64% (193) 7% (21) 29% (87) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (48) 55% (335) 37% (220) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 19% (92) 30% (146) 52% (254) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 65% (455) 9% (63) 26% (179) 697Educ: < College 32% (396) 23% (286) 46% (570) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 32% (152) 39% (182) 29% (137) 471Educ: Post-grad 33% (90) 34% (90) 33% (88) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_6

Table POL4_6: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Beto O’Rourke

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (638) 28% (559) 40% (795) 1991Income: Under 50k 28% (307) 23% (247) 49% (533) 1087Income: 50k-100k 33% (210) 34% (217) 33% (209) 636Income: 100k+ 45% (120) 36% (95) 20% (53) 268Ethnicity: White 37% (598) 27% (440) 36% (572) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 21% (41) 28% (53) 51% (98) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (18) 32% (82) 60% (153) 252Ethnicity: Other 17% (21) 29% (37) 55% (70) 128All Christian 42% (390) 23% (217) 35% (323) 931All Non-Christian 18% (14) 49% (37) 33% (26) 77Atheist 11% (10) 65% (59) 24% (22) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25% (224) 27% (245) 47% (423) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23% (22) 40% (40) 37% (37) 99Evangelical 44% (254) 15% (88) 40% (232) 574Non-Evangelical 32% (232) 30% (215) 38% (278) 725Community: Urban 25% (115) 30% (139) 46% (213) 467Community: Suburban 32% (317) 31% (308) 38% (377) 1002Community: Rural 39% (205) 22% (112) 39% (204) 522Employ: Private Sector 34% (225) 32% (217) 34% (229) 671Employ: Government 39% (50) 28% (35) 33% (42) 128Employ: Self-Employed 35% (59) 32% (54) 33% (56) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (34) 18% (20) 52% (58) 112Employ: Student 18% (16) 17% (15) 65% (58) 89Employ: Retired 34% (174) 27% (136) 39% (196) 505Employ: Unemployed 20% (31) 31% (49) 49% (77) 157Employ: Other 31% (49) 21% (33) 49% (78) 160Military HH: Yes 40% (141) 23% (84) 37% (132) 357Military HH: No 30% (496) 29% (475) 41% (662) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 67% (510) 6% (44) 28% (213) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 10% (128) 42% (515) 48% (582) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_6

Table POL4_6: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Beto O’Rourke

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (638) 28% (559) 40% (795) 1991Trump Job Approve 73% (593) 4% (31) 23% (183) 807Trump Job Disapprove 4% (41) 47% (521) 50% (554) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 81% (355) 3% (14) 15% (68) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 64% (238) 5% (17) 31% (115) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9% (22) 22% (54) 69% (172) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (20) 54% (467) 44% (382) 869Favorable of Trump 74% (597) 4% (33) 22% (178) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (33) 48% (522) 49% (543) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 80% (388) 3% (15) 17% (83) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 65% (209) 5% (17) 30% (96) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10% (18) 20% (36) 70% (128) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (15) 53% (486) 45% (416) 917#1 Issue: Economy 34% (160) 26% (124) 40% (188) 472#1 Issue: Security 65% (252) 8% (32) 27% (104) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 19% (65) 36% (121) 44% (148) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (77) 28% (84) 47% (142) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10% (18) 45% (77) 45% (77) 172#1 Issue: Education 26% (31) 25% (31) 49% (60) 121#1 Issue: Energy 12% (12) 58% (57) 30% (29) 98#1 Issue: Other 22% (23) 32% (32) 46% (47) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (40) 53% (446) 42% (349) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 73% (476) 6% (38) 21% (139) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 19% (17) 15% (13) 67% (60) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (102) 15% (61) 60% (247) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (27) 54% (402) 42% (312) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 73% (492) 5% (34) 22% (150) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 14% (23) 27% (44) 59% (96) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (95) 19% (77) 58% (235) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 34% (463) 31% (427) 35% (478) 1367Voted in 2014: No 28% (175) 21% (132) 51% (317) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_6

Table POL4_6: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Beto O’Rourke

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (638) 28% (559) 40% (795) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (94) 46% (400) 43% (377) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 68% (347) 7% (37) 24% (123) 5062012 Vote: Other 49% (50) 14% (14) 37% (37) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (148) 21% (108) 50% (257) 5134-Region: Northeast 24% (86) 33% (118) 43% (152) 3554-Region: Midwest 32% (144) 26% (120) 42% (193) 4574-Region: South 38% (279) 26% (195) 36% (270) 7434-Region: West 30% (128) 29% (126) 41% (180) 435Strong Republican 78% (316) 5% (19) 17% (69) 405Not Very Strong Republican 57% (116) 9% (19) 34% (70) 205Strong Democrat 5% (23) 56% (274) 39% (193) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 10% (29) 35% (105) 55% (163) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_7

Table POL4_7: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Pete Buttigieg

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (618) 27% (545) 42% (828) 1991Gender: Male 39% (360) 31% (285) 31% (287) 932Gender: Female 24% (258) 25% (260) 51% (541) 1059Age: 18-29 23% (79) 29% (101) 48% (165) 345Age: 30-44 28% (128) 30% (136) 42% (194) 458Age: 45-54 35% (126) 26% (93) 39% (141) 361Age: 55-64 34% (125) 23% (85) 42% (155) 364Age: 65+ 35% (160) 28% (130) 37% (173) 463Generation Z: 18-22 21% (28) 32% (43) 47% (63) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 26% (129) 28% (143) 46% (231) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 33% (176) 27% (144) 39% (207) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 34% (248) 27% (197) 38% (278) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (46) 46% (366) 48% (376) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (143) 24% (143) 52% (307) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 70% (430) 6% (36) 24% (145) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (30) 56% (188) 35% (115) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (16) 39% (178) 57% (261) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 31% (89) 28% (80) 42% (121) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 18% (54) 21% (62) 62% (186) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 78% (241) 6% (17) 16% (50) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 63% (189) 6% (19) 31% (94) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (46) 54% (324) 39% (233) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (80) 29% (143) 55% (269) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 65% (452) 8% (58) 27% (187) 697Educ: < College 31% (385) 22% (275) 47% (592) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 31% (146) 36% (172) 33% (154) 471Educ: Post-grad 33% (88) 36% (98) 31% (82) 268

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Table POL4_7: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Pete Buttigieg

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (618) 27% (545) 42% (828) 1991Income: Under 50k 28% (306) 22% (241) 50% (540) 1087Income: 50k-100k 31% (198) 33% (212) 35% (225) 636Income: 100k+ 43% (114) 34% (91) 23% (63) 268Ethnicity: White 36% (576) 27% (431) 37% (603) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 21% (41) 22% (43) 56% (109) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (19) 32% (80) 61% (154) 252Ethnicity: Other 18% (23) 26% (34) 56% (71) 128All Christian 40% (376) 25% (228) 35% (327) 931All Non-Christian 17% (13) 48% (37) 35% (27) 77Atheist 11% (10) 58% (53) 31% (28) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25% (220) 25% (226) 50% (446) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (21) 37% (37) 42% (42) 99Evangelical 43% (245) 14% (80) 43% (249) 574Non-Evangelical 31% (227) 31% (222) 38% (277) 725Community: Urban 24% (112) 29% (135) 47% (220) 467Community: Suburban 31% (307) 30% (297) 40% (398) 1002Community: Rural 38% (199) 22% (113) 40% (210) 522Employ: Private Sector 33% (224) 30% (200) 37% (247) 671Employ: Government 35% (45) 27% (35) 38% (48) 128Employ: Self-Employed 34% (57) 30% (51) 36% (60) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (33) 18% (20) 52% (58) 112Employ: Student 15% (13) 29% (25) 57% (50) 89Employ: Retired 34% (169) 27% (135) 40% (201) 505Employ: Unemployed 20% (32) 27% (42) 53% (83) 157Employ: Other 28% (45) 22% (35) 50% (80) 160Military HH: Yes 37% (133) 24% (87) 39% (138) 357Military HH: No 30% (486) 28% (458) 42% (690) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 65% (498) 6% (49) 29% (220) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 10% (120) 41% (496) 50% (608) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL4_7

Table POL4_7: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Pete Buttigieg

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (618) 27% (545) 42% (828) 1991Trump Job Approve 71% (575) 4% (35) 24% (197) 807Trump Job Disapprove 4% (41) 45% (500) 52% (576) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 81% (356) 4% (18) 15% (63) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 59% (219) 5% (17) 36% (134) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (20) 19% (46) 73% (181) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (20) 52% (453) 45% (395) 869Favorable of Trump 72% (583) 5% (38) 23% (187) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (29) 46% (503) 52% (567) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 80% (389) 4% (18) 16% (79) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 60% (194) 6% (20) 33% (108) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 8% (15) 19% (34) 73% (132) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 1% (14) 51% (468) 47% (435) 917#1 Issue: Economy 32% (153) 26% (123) 42% (196) 472#1 Issue: Security 63% (246) 9% (34) 28% (108) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 18% (61) 34% (113) 48% (159) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24% (74) 28% (86) 48% (144) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10% (18) 44% (76) 46% (78) 172#1 Issue: Education 28% (34) 22% (27) 50% (61) 121#1 Issue: Energy 12% (12) 58% (57) 30% (29) 98#1 Issue: Other 21% (21) 29% (30) 50% (51) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (40) 51% (429) 44% (366) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 71% (467) 5% (35) 23% (152) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 18% (17) 13% (11) 69% (62) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (93) 17% (69) 61% (248) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (25) 53% (395) 43% (321) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 70% (476) 6% (37) 24% (163) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 14% (23) 25% (40) 61% (100) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 22% (91) 18% (73) 60% (243) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 33% (447) 30% (417) 37% (503) 1367Voted in 2014: No 27% (171) 20% (128) 52% (325) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL4_7

Table POL4_7: If the 2020 presidential election was held today, would you vote to re-elect Donald Trump, or vote for…Pete Buttigieg

Demographic Donald Trump CandidateDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (618) 27% (545) 42% (828) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 10% (85) 45% (390) 45% (395) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 67% (338) 7% (36) 26% (132) 5062012 Vote: Other 47% (48) 13% (13) 40% (41) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (148) 21% (106) 50% (258) 5134-Region: Northeast 24% (85) 36% (126) 41% (144) 3554-Region: Midwest 30% (137) 27% (122) 43% (199) 4574-Region: South 37% (274) 23% (173) 40% (295) 7434-Region: West 28% (122) 28% (123) 44% (189) 435Strong Republican 79% (320) 4% (18) 17% (68) 405Not Very Strong Republican 54% (110) 9% (18) 37% (77) 205Strong Democrat 4% (21) 53% (262) 42% (208) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (25) 35% (104) 57% (168) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_1

Table POL5_1: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A man

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (153) 10% (190) 22% (433) 50% (1004) 11% (212) 1991Gender: Male 9% (86) 11% (104) 23% (212) 47% (438) 10% (92) 932Gender: Female 6% (67) 8% (86) 21% (221) 53% (566) 11% (120) 1059Age: 18-29 7% (25) 8% (27) 19% (65) 55% (190) 11% (38) 345Age: 30-44 9% (41) 8% (39) 20% (91) 51% (234) 12% (53) 458Age: 45-54 8% (29) 11% (41) 18% (64) 51% (182) 12% (45) 361Age: 55-64 8% (29) 10% (36) 27% (97) 45% (163) 11% (40) 364Age: 65+ 6% (30) 10% (48) 25% (116) 51% (234) 8% (36) 463Generation Z: 18-22 7% (9) 7% (9) 18% (24) 56% (74) 13% (17) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 10% (48) 8% (41) 20% (99) 51% (258) 11% (57) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 7% (38) 11% (56) 18% (97) 52% (274) 12% (62) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 7% (50) 10% (69) 25% (182) 49% (351) 10% (71) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 8% (61) 10% (80) 26% (203) 49% (388) 7% (55) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 4% (25) 6% (37) 21% (126) 54% (318) 15% (87) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (66) 12% (73) 17% (104) 49% (298) 11% (70) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 12% (39) 12% (40) 28% (92) 44% (145) 5% (17) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (23) 9% (40) 24% (111) 53% (243) 8% (38) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (14) 7% (19) 22% (63) 53% (154) 14% (41) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 4% (11) 6% (18) 21% (64) 54% (163) 15% (47) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 11% (33) 14% (45) 19% (58) 45% (139) 11% (35) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 11% (33) 9% (28) 15% (46) 53% (159) 12% (35) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (45) 5% (32) 24% (143) 57% (342) 7% (42) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (29) 13% (64) 24% (117) 49% (244) 8% (39) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9% (64) 11% (80) 20% (141) 49% (343) 10% (69) 697Educ: < College 8% (104) 10% (127) 21% (269) 48% (595) 13% (157) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (36) 9% (42) 22% (106) 54% (252) 7% (35) 471Educ: Post-grad 5% (12) 8% (21) 22% (58) 58% (156) 7% (20) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_1

Table POL5_1: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A man

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (153) 10% (190) 22% (433) 50% (1004) 11% (212) 1991Income: Under 50k 9% (96) 10% (110) 21% (227) 48% (521) 12% (134) 1087Income: 50k-100k 6% (39) 9% (60) 23% (148) 52% (329) 9% (59) 636Income: 100k+ 7% (18) 8% (20) 22% (58) 57% (154) 7% (19) 268Ethnicity: White 7% (114) 9% (144) 21% (337) 52% (845) 11% (170) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 10% (19) 8% (15) 20% (39) 51% (98) 11% (21) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 11% (27) 14% (36) 26% (67) 38% (96) 11% (27) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (12) 7% (9) 23% (30) 49% (63) 11% (15) 128All Christian 9% (82) 10% (97) 22% (202) 50% (470) 9% (80) 931All Non-Christian 15% (11) 9% (7) 23% (17) 45% (34) 8% (6) 77Atheist 2% (2) 4% (4) 19% (17) 69% (63) 6% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 6% (58) 9% (81) 22% (196) 49% (436) 13% (120) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13% (13) 9% (9) 24% (23) 44% (44) 11% (11) 99Evangelical 10% (58) 14% (81) 21% (120) 42% (241) 13% (74) 574Non-Evangelical 8% (55) 8% (58) 24% (175) 52% (378) 8% (59) 725Community: Urban 8% (39) 9% (43) 26% (123) 45% (211) 11% (52) 467Community: Suburban 7% (69) 9% (89) 21% (208) 53% (534) 10% (102) 1002Community: Rural 9% (45) 11% (58) 19% (102) 50% (259) 11% (58) 522Employ: Private Sector 7% (45) 10% (68) 20% (132) 55% (370) 8% (57) 671Employ: Government 7% (9) 13% (17) 18% (23) 53% (68) 9% (11) 128Employ: Self-Employed 10% (18) 5% (9) 24% (41) 51% (86) 9% (15) 169Employ: Homemaker 13% (15) 4% (5) 17% (19) 50% (56) 15% (17) 112Employ: Student 11% (10) 9% (8) 15% (13) 54% (48) 10% (9) 89Employ: Retired 6% (29) 10% (51) 26% (133) 48% (242) 10% (50) 505Employ: Unemployed 8% (12) 10% (16) 17% (27) 48% (75) 17% (26) 157Employ: Other 10% (15) 10% (15) 28% (44) 37% (59) 16% (26) 160Military HH: Yes 7% (24) 12% (41) 21% (76) 51% (184) 9% (32) 357Military HH: No 8% (128) 9% (148) 22% (357) 50% (820) 11% (180) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 10% (78) 12% (96) 16% (122) 48% (367) 14% (104) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (75) 8% (94) 25% (311) 52% (637) 9% (108) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_1

Table POL5_1: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A man

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (153) 10% (190) 22% (433) 50% (1004) 11% (212) 1991Trump Job Approve 10% (78) 13% (102) 17% (141) 49% (396) 11% (91) 807Trump Job Disapprove 6% (66) 7% (83) 26% (286) 53% (592) 8% (90) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 11% (48) 12% (52) 15% (65) 50% (219) 12% (54) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (30) 13% (50) 21% (76) 48% (177) 10% (38) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (21) 12% (29) 22% (55) 47% (117) 11% (26) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (46) 6% (54) 27% (231) 55% (475) 7% (63) 869Favorable of Trump 11% (87) 12% (100) 17% (139) 49% (394) 11% (86) 808Unfavorable of Trump 5% (59) 8% (86) 26% (285) 54% (591) 7% (77) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 12% (60) 12% (60) 16% (78) 47% (229) 12% (60) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (28) 13% (41) 19% (61) 51% (165) 8% (27) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (13) 10% (19) 23% (41) 49% (89) 11% (20) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (46) 7% (67) 27% (245) 55% (502) 6% (56) 917#1 Issue: Economy 8% (38) 12% (54) 19% (91) 53% (251) 8% (39) 472#1 Issue: Security 11% (41) 12% (46) 16% (61) 49% (191) 13% (50) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (20) 7% (24) 29% (95) 47% (156) 12% (38) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (19) 9% (28) 25% (75) 49% (150) 10% (31) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (13) 6% (10) 21% (36) 56% (96) 9% (16) 172#1 Issue: Education 8% (9) 7% (8) 24% (29) 49% (60) 12% (15) 121#1 Issue: Energy 5% (5) 10% (10) 26% (25) 51% (50) 8% (8) 98#1 Issue: Other 7% (7) 9% (9) 21% (21) 49% (50) 14% (15) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (48) 8% (67) 26% (218) 54% (454) 6% (49) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 9% (62) 12% (79) 17% (111) 51% (331) 11% (71) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 5% (4) 10% (9) 15% (14) 47% (42) 23% (21) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (39) 8% (34) 22% (90) 43% (175) 17% (71) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (50) 8% (62) 27% (200) 52% (385) 6% (43) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 9% (60) 12% (84) 18% (124) 49% (331) 11% (78) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 3% (6) 8% (13) 21% (34) 55% (89) 13% (21) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (37) 8% (31) 18% (72) 48% (197) 17% (70) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (93) 10% (135) 24% (322) 51% (692) 9% (126) 1367Voted in 2014: No 10% (60) 9% (55) 18% (111) 50% (311) 14% (86) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_1

Table POL5_1: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A man

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (153) 10% (190) 22% (433) 50% (1004) 11% (212) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (63) 10% (83) 27% (234) 49% (430) 7% (60) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (38) 10% (52) 19% (95) 52% (262) 12% (59) 5062012 Vote: Other 8% (8) 3% (3) 17% (17) 58% (58) 15% (15) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (45) 10% (51) 17% (86) 49% (253) 15% (77) 5134-Region: Northeast 6% (21) 6% (22) 22% (79) 59% (208) 7% (25) 3554-Region: Midwest 7% (33) 12% (54) 23% (104) 48% (221) 10% (46) 4574-Region: South 10% (74) 11% (83) 20% (146) 47% (351) 12% (89) 7434-Region: West 6% (25) 7% (30) 24% (104) 51% (224) 12% (52) 435Strong Republican 13% (52) 13% (52) 14% (56) 47% (191) 13% (54) 405Not Very Strong Republican 7% (15) 10% (20) 23% (48) 52% (107) 8% (16) 205Strong Democrat 9% (42) 9% (44) 26% (128) 51% (248) 6% (28) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (19) 12% (36) 25% (75) 47% (140) 9% (27) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_2

Table POL5_2: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A woman

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (180) 13% (254) 24% (477) 44% (875) 10% (206) 1991Gender: Male 5% (47) 12% (109) 24% (228) 48% (449) 11% (99) 932Gender: Female 12% (132) 14% (145) 24% (249) 40% (427) 10% (106) 1059Age: 18-29 16% (56) 19% (64) 16% (55) 38% (132) 11% (39) 345Age: 30-44 12% (55) 12% (56) 21% (98) 45% (204) 10% (45) 458Age: 45-54 8% (29) 10% (36) 23% (83) 47% (169) 12% (44) 361Age: 55-64 5% (17) 13% (48) 31% (113) 41% (150) 10% (36) 364Age: 65+ 5% (22) 11% (49) 28% (129) 48% (220) 9% (42) 463Generation Z: 18-22 19% (25) 19% (25) 13% (18) 36% (49) 13% (17) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 15% (74) 15% (76) 21% (104) 40% (202) 9% (46) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 8% (41) 10% (55) 22% (113) 48% (254) 12% (64) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 5% (37) 12% (85) 29% (206) 45% (325) 10% (69) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 14% (112) 20% (154) 27% (213) 32% (250) 7% (58) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (44) 11% (65) 24% (140) 45% (265) 13% (80) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (24) 6% (34) 20% (124) 59% (360) 11% (68) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (26) 21% (71) 30% (101) 33% (111) 7% (23) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 19% (86) 18% (83) 25% (112) 31% (140) 8% (35) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (11) 7% (21) 23% (66) 52% (152) 14% (41) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (32) 15% (44) 24% (74) 37% (113) 13% (39) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (10) 5% (17) 20% (61) 60% (187) 11% (35) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (14) 6% (18) 21% (64) 58% (174) 11% (33) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (82) 22% (131) 28% (172) 30% (180) 6% (38) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (42) 12% (61) 25% (123) 47% (230) 7% (36) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (28) 5% (37) 22% (151) 58% (408) 11% (75) 697Educ: < College 10% (129) 12% (149) 22% (279) 43% (538) 13% (158) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (34) 14% (64) 27% (125) 46% (217) 6% (30) 471Educ: Post-grad 6% (17) 15% (40) 27% (73) 45% (120) 7% (18) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_2

Table POL5_2: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A woman

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (180) 13% (254) 24% (477) 44% (875) 10% (206) 1991Income: Under 50k 11% (123) 13% (147) 22% (239) 41% (440) 13% (138) 1087Income: 50k-100k 7% (44) 11% (70) 27% (172) 46% (295) 9% (54) 636Income: 100k+ 5% (13) 14% (36) 25% (66) 52% (140) 5% (14) 268Ethnicity: White 6% (104) 11% (182) 25% (395) 47% (757) 11% (172) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (33) 15% (29) 22% (43) 37% (72) 9% (17) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (56) 21% (53) 22% (54) 27% (68) 8% (21) 252Ethnicity: Other 15% (19) 14% (18) 22% (28) 39% (50) 10% (13) 128All Christian 7% (61) 10% (98) 25% (229) 50% (465) 8% (78) 931All Non-Christian 15% (12) 12% (9) 30% (23) 36% (27) 7% (6) 77Atheist 7% (7) 26% (24) 24% (21) 37% (34) 6% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11% (101) 14% (122) 23% (203) 39% (349) 13% (117) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13% (13) 10% (10) 29% (29) 37% (37) 10% (10) 99Evangelical 9% (52) 11% (61) 20% (116) 47% (269) 13% (77) 574Non-Evangelical 8% (58) 13% (92) 27% (197) 44% (321) 8% (58) 725Community: Urban 14% (68) 15% (69) 25% (116) 36% (166) 11% (49) 467Community: Suburban 8% (80) 13% (134) 24% (239) 45% (454) 9% (95) 1002Community: Rural 6% (32) 10% (51) 23% (122) 49% (255) 12% (61) 522Employ: Private Sector 8% (52) 12% (78) 23% (154) 50% (338) 7% (50) 671Employ: Government 17% (21) 10% (13) 26% (33) 37% (48) 10% (12) 128Employ: Self-Employed 7% (12) 16% (27) 22% (37) 43% (73) 12% (20) 169Employ: Homemaker 10% (11) 13% (15) 15% (17) 50% (56) 12% (13) 112Employ: Student 21% (19) 17% (15) 19% (17) 34% (30) 8% (7) 89Employ: Retired 5% (25) 12% (59) 29% (147) 44% (220) 11% (55) 505Employ: Unemployed 14% (22) 19% (30) 18% (29) 33% (52) 16% (25) 157Employ: Other 12% (19) 10% (16) 27% (43) 36% (58) 15% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 7% (26) 12% (43) 26% (93) 45% (162) 9% (34) 357Military HH: No 9% (154) 13% (210) 23% (384) 44% (714) 11% (172) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (40) 7% (52) 20% (156) 54% (412) 14% (107) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 11% (139) 16% (201) 26% (321) 38% (464) 8% (99) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_2

Table POL5_2: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A woman

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (180) 13% (254) 24% (477) 44% (875) 10% (206) 1991Trump Job Approve 4% (30) 6% (48) 21% (169) 58% (469) 11% (90) 807Trump Job Disapprove 13% (140) 17% (195) 27% (302) 35% (396) 8% (84) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (17) 5% (20) 18% (78) 62% (271) 12% (52) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (14) 8% (28) 25% (92) 54% (198) 10% (38) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (16) 19% (47) 21% (52) 43% (107) 11% (26) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 14% (124) 17% (148) 29% (250) 33% (289) 7% (58) 869Favorable of Trump 4% (33) 6% (48) 21% (169) 58% (471) 11% (87) 808Unfavorable of Trump 12% (137) 18% (197) 28% (303) 35% (389) 7% (73) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 5% (23) 5% (22) 20% (95) 59% (285) 12% (60) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (10) 8% (26) 23% (73) 58% (186) 8% (27) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (11) 17% (30) 22% (41) 44% (80) 11% (19) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 14% (126) 18% (166) 29% (263) 34% (309) 6% (54) 917#1 Issue: Economy 7% (34) 12% (55) 21% (97) 52% (248) 8% (38) 472#1 Issue: Security 6% (24) 7% (27) 17% (65) 59% (231) 11% (41) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (35) 17% (58) 28% (92) 33% (110) 12% (39) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (14) 12% (35) 32% (97) 39% (119) 13% (38) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26% (45) 15% (26) 27% (46) 25% (42) 7% (12) 172#1 Issue: Education 10% (12) 14% (18) 24% (29) 40% (48) 12% (14) 121#1 Issue: Energy 5% (5) 21% (20) 32% (31) 33% (33) 9% (9) 98#1 Issue: Other 10% (11) 14% (14) 18% (18) 44% (45) 15% (15) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 12% (102) 18% (152) 28% (234) 35% (292) 7% (55) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 4% (24) 6% (41) 20% (133) 59% (388) 10% (67) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 13% (12) 15% (13) 37% (34) 23% (21) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (44) 12% (49) 24% (97) 39% (159) 15% (62) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 13% (94) 20% (146) 30% (221) 31% (230) 7% (50) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (20) 5% (33) 22% (146) 60% (402) 11% (75) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 6% (10) 10% (16) 23% (37) 50% (81) 12% (19) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 14% (56) 14% (58) 18% (72) 39% (158) 15% (63) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 8% (111) 12% (170) 25% (346) 45% (611) 10% (130) 1367Voted in 2014: No 11% (69) 13% (83) 21% (131) 42% (264) 12% (76) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_2

Table POL5_2: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A woman

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (180) 13% (254) 24% (477) 44% (875) 10% (206) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (95) 18% (161) 28% (246) 35% (305) 7% (62) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (13) 5% (23) 22% (113) 59% (301) 11% (56) 5062012 Vote: Other 5% (5) 3% (3) 16% (17) 59% (60) 17% (17) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (67) 13% (66) 20% (101) 41% (209) 14% (71) 5134-Region: Northeast 11% (40) 11% (40) 23% (82) 49% (175) 5% (18) 3554-Region: Midwest 7% (34) 13% (60) 24% (108) 46% (210) 10% (46) 4574-Region: South 9% (70) 13% (100) 22% (165) 43% (322) 12% (87) 7434-Region: West 8% (36) 12% (53) 28% (122) 39% (169) 13% (55) 435Strong Republican 4% (15) 4% (17) 18% (72) 62% (249) 13% (51) 405Not Very Strong Republican 4% (9) 8% (17) 25% (52) 54% (111) 8% (16) 205Strong Democrat 16% (79) 21% (103) 29% (141) 28% (138) 6% (29) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 11% (33) 17% (51) 24% (71) 38% (113) 10% (29) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_3

Table POL5_3: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 9% (185) 26% (513) 47% (927) 11% (227) 1991Gender: Male 6% (52) 8% (72) 26% (240) 50% (462) 11% (106) 932Gender: Female 8% (87) 11% (113) 26% (274) 44% (465) 11% (121) 1059Age: 18-29 16% (56) 14% (47) 16% (54) 41% (141) 13% (46) 345Age: 30-44 9% (39) 12% (54) 22% (102) 45% (207) 12% (56) 458Age: 45-54 5% (19) 9% (34) 21% (77) 52% (188) 12% (42) 361Age: 55-64 4% (16) 5% (17) 38% (140) 41% (150) 11% (42) 364Age: 65+ 2% (10) 7% (33) 30% (140) 52% (240) 9% (41) 463Generation Z: 18-22 22% (29) 9% (12) 12% (16) 40% (54) 17% (23) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 11% (56) 15% (75) 21% (104) 41% (206) 12% (61) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 5% (28) 9% (49) 22% (113) 52% (276) 11% (60) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 3% (23) 5% (38) 35% (250) 46% (335) 11% (76) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (91) 14% (109) 33% (262) 33% (259) 8% (66) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (28) 9% (55) 23% (134) 49% (292) 14% (85) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (20) 3% (21) 19% (117) 62% (376) 12% (76) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 11% (36) 12% (40) 35% (115) 34% (112) 9% (29) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (55) 15% (70) 32% (146) 32% (147) 8% (37) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 1% (3) 8% (24) 22% (65) 55% (159) 13% (39) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (25) 10% (30) 23% (69) 44% (132) 15% (46) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (13) 3% (8) 19% (59) 62% (190) 12% (38) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (8) 4% (12) 19% (58) 62% (186) 13% (38) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (57) 16% (99) 34% (203) 33% (197) 8% (47) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 7% (34) 10% (47) 28% (140) 47% (233) 8% (39) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (27) 4% (30) 19% (134) 62% (431) 11% (75) 697Educ: < College 8% (101) 9% (114) 24% (307) 45% (562) 13% (169) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (24) 9% (43) 28% (132) 50% (234) 8% (38) 471Educ: Post-grad 6% (15) 11% (28) 28% (75) 48% (130) 7% (20) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_3

Table POL5_3: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 9% (185) 26% (513) 47% (927) 11% (227) 1991Income: Under 50k 9% (94) 11% (116) 24% (258) 43% (466) 14% (153) 1087Income: 50k-100k 6% (40) 8% (50) 29% (184) 48% (305) 9% (57) 636Income: 100k+ 2% (6) 7% (19) 27% (72) 58% (156) 6% (16) 268Ethnicity: White 4% (69) 8% (123) 26% (424) 50% (810) 11% (185) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (28) 13% (25) 21% (40) 40% (78) 11% (22) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (55) 18% (45) 23% (58) 26% (66) 11% (29) 252Ethnicity: Other 12% (16) 13% (17) 24% (31) 39% (50) 11% (14) 128All Christian 6% (51) 7% (62) 25% (231) 53% (496) 10% (91) 931All Non-Christian 10% (8) 8% (6) 30% (23) 39% (30) 13% (10) 77Atheist 8% (7) 15% (14) 31% (28) 40% (37) 6% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (73) 12% (103) 26% (231) 41% (364) 13% (120) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10% (9) 9% (9) 26% (26) 41% (41) 14% (14) 99Evangelical 7% (39) 9% (51) 22% (124) 48% (276) 15% (84) 574Non-Evangelical 6% (46) 10% (69) 26% (191) 49% (355) 9% (64) 725Community: Urban 11% (53) 11% (52) 26% (120) 40% (187) 12% (55) 467Community: Suburban 6% (64) 9% (91) 26% (262) 47% (476) 11% (110) 1002Community: Rural 4% (23) 8% (41) 25% (132) 50% (263) 12% (62) 522Employ: Private Sector 6% (39) 9% (59) 25% (171) 52% (346) 8% (57) 671Employ: Government 13% (17) 9% (12) 27% (34) 40% (51) 11% (14) 128Employ: Self-Employed 10% (17) 9% (15) 22% (37) 46% (77) 14% (23) 169Employ: Homemaker 5% (6) 8% (9) 15% (17) 53% (60) 18% (20) 112Employ: Student 16% (14) 16% (14) 16% (14) 40% (35) 12% (11) 89Employ: Retired 3% (16) 6% (30) 33% (169) 47% (238) 10% (52) 505Employ: Unemployed 13% (20) 16% (25) 19% (30) 34% (54) 18% (28) 157Employ: Other 7% (11) 12% (19) 26% (42) 40% (65) 14% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 4% (13) 7% (26) 28% (99) 50% (179) 11% (40) 357Military HH: No 8% (126) 10% (158) 25% (414) 46% (748) 11% (187) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (38) 5% (37) 19% (145) 57% (435) 15% (111) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (102) 12% (147) 30% (368) 40% (491) 9% (115) 1224

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Table POL5_3

Table POL5_3: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 9% (185) 26% (513) 47% (927) 11% (227) 1991Trump Job Approve 3% (26) 3% (28) 20% (162) 62% (496) 12% (94) 807Trump Job Disapprove 9% (106) 14% (152) 31% (345) 37% (415) 9% (99) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (14) 2% (11) 16% (71) 66% (290) 11% (50) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (12) 5% (17) 25% (91) 56% (206) 12% (44) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (17) 10% (26) 25% (62) 47% (115) 11% (28) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10% (90) 14% (126) 33% (283) 34% (299) 8% (71) 869Favorable of Trump 4% (30) 4% (32) 19% (157) 61% (494) 12% (95) 808Unfavorable of Trump 9% (104) 13% (148) 32% (348) 38% (418) 7% (81) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 4% (18) 3% (14) 18% (87) 62% (303) 13% (63) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (12) 5% (17) 22% (69) 59% (191) 10% (33) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (8) 11% (19) 25% (45) 49% (89) 11% (20) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 10% (96) 14% (129) 33% (303) 36% (328) 7% (62) 917#1 Issue: Economy 5% (23) 9% (43) 24% (115) 54% (253) 8% (37) 472#1 Issue: Security 4% (17) 4% (14) 16% (64) 65% (253) 11% (41) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (17) 11% (37) 32% (105) 39% (130) 13% (45) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (16) 8% (23) 34% (102) 41% (126) 12% (36) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (34) 18% (30) 28% (48) 25% (43) 10% (17) 172#1 Issue: Education 14% (17) 9% (11) 26% (32) 36% (44) 15% (18) 121#1 Issue: Energy 9% (9) 15% (14) 29% (28) 36% (36) 11% (11) 98#1 Issue: Other 7% (7) 11% (11) 19% (20) 42% (43) 21% (22) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (79) 15% (123) 33% (276) 36% (301) 7% (57) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 3% (22) 3% (19) 20% (129) 63% (412) 11% (72) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 11% (10) 18% (16) 45% (40) 26% (23) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (40) 8% (32) 22% (92) 42% (172) 18% (75) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (75) 15% (108) 34% (252) 34% (253) 7% (53) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (16) 3% (19) 20% (137) 63% (424) 12% (80) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 3% (5) 11% (18) 22% (35) 50% (81) 14% (24) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (43) 9% (38) 22% (89) 41% (167) 17% (71) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 6% (85) 9% (129) 27% (367) 48% (650) 10% (135) 1367Voted in 2014: No 9% (55) 9% (55) 23% (146) 44% (276) 15% (92) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_3

Table POL5_3: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 9% (185) 26% (513) 47% (927) 11% (227) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (78) 13% (117) 33% (291) 37% (318) 7% (65) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (8) 2% (12) 20% (100) 64% (322) 13% (64) 5062012 Vote: Other — (0) 7% (7) 21% (21) 57% (57) 15% (15) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (53) 9% (48) 20% (101) 44% (228) 16% (82) 5134-Region: Northeast 9% (32) 7% (25) 26% (92) 51% (183) 7% (24) 3554-Region: Midwest 6% (29) 10% (44) 24% (112) 49% (223) 11% (49) 4574-Region: South 8% (58) 11% (79) 25% (184) 44% (330) 13% (93) 7434-Region: West 5% (20) 8% (36) 29% (126) 44% (192) 14% (61) 435Strong Republican 4% (16) 3% (10) 15% (62) 65% (262) 14% (55) 405Not Very Strong Republican 2% (5) 5% (10) 27% (55) 56% (114) 10% (21) 205Strong Democrat 12% (59) 17% (83) 34% (166) 30% (148) 7% (35) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 11% (33) 9% (26) 32% (96) 37% (111) 10% (31) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_4

Table POL5_4: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A female person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 10% (200) 22% (445) 48% (963) 12% (238) 1991Gender: Male 5% (47) 9% (87) 22% (206) 52% (481) 12% (111) 932Gender: Female 9% (98) 11% (113) 23% (239) 46% (482) 12% (127) 1059Age: 18-29 12% (42) 19% (66) 14% (48) 42% (145) 13% (44) 345Age: 30-44 11% (51) 12% (55) 20% (89) 46% (210) 11% (52) 458Age: 45-54 8% (28) 8% (27) 19% (69) 53% (191) 13% (46) 361Age: 55-64 3% (10) 6% (22) 31% (111) 47% (171) 14% (50) 364Age: 65+ 3% (14) 7% (30) 28% (128) 53% (245) 10% (46) 463Generation Z: 18-22 15% (20) 13% (18) 13% (17) 41% (55) 18% (24) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 12% (61) 17% (84) 18% (91) 42% (210) 11% (56) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 8% (40) 9% (46) 19% (98) 53% (280) 12% (63) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 3% (21) 6% (45) 29% (209) 50% (360) 12% (87) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (94) 16% (126) 29% (225) 34% (267) 10% (76) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (31) 9% (53) 20% (121) 51% (302) 14% (86) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (20) 3% (21) 16% (100) 64% (393) 13% (77) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (30) 16% (55) 30% (98) 36% (119) 9% (30) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 14% (64) 16% (72) 28% (127) 33% (148) 10% (45) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 2% (5) 7% (21) 21% (60) 57% (164) 14% (40) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (26) 10% (32) 20% (61) 46% (138) 15% (45) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (12) 4% (11) 15% (48) 64% (197) 13% (40) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (8) 3% (10) 17% (52) 65% (196) 12% (37) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (68) 17% (102) 30% (181) 34% (202) 8% (49) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 7% (35) 11% (53) 24% (121) 49% (241) 9% (43) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (27) 4% (26) 17% (119) 64% (443) 12% (82) 697Educ: < College 8% (98) 10% (122) 21% (264) 47% (584) 15% (183) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 6% (28) 11% (51) 24% (113) 52% (245) 7% (34) 471Educ: Post-grad 7% (19) 10% (26) 25% (68) 50% (133) 8% (21) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_4

Table POL5_4: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A female person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 10% (200) 22% (445) 48% (963) 12% (238) 1991Income: Under 50k 9% (102) 11% (119) 21% (224) 45% (484) 15% (158) 1087Income: 50k-100k 5% (34) 10% (61) 24% (152) 51% (325) 10% (63) 636Income: 100k+ 3% (9) 7% (19) 26% (69) 57% (153) 7% (18) 268Ethnicity: White 5% (80) 8% (133) 22% (359) 53% (846) 12% (192) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 14% (27) 17% (33) 19% (36) 40% (78) 10% (20) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 19% (49) 19% (47) 22% (56) 27% (67) 13% (33) 252Ethnicity: Other 13% (16) 15% (20) 23% (30) 38% (49) 10% (13) 128All Christian 5% (49) 7% (64) 23% (212) 55% (514) 10% (93) 931All Non-Christian 9% (7) 13% (10) 19% (15) 42% (32) 16% (13) 77Atheist 8% (8) 16% (14) 26% (24) 44% (40) 6% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9% (81) 13% (112) 22% (194) 42% (377) 14% (128) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (9) 11% (11) 20% (20) 43% (43) 17% (17) 99Evangelical 7% (38) 9% (50) 18% (103) 52% (300) 14% (83) 574Non-Evangelical 7% (51) 9% (69) 26% (190) 47% (344) 10% (72) 725Community: Urban 13% (59) 14% (66) 22% (105) 38% (177) 13% (60) 467Community: Suburban 6% (64) 9% (88) 23% (231) 50% (506) 11% (113) 1002Community: Rural 4% (22) 9% (46) 21% (110) 54% (280) 12% (65) 522Employ: Private Sector 7% (44) 10% (68) 22% (150) 53% (355) 8% (55) 671Employ: Government 15% (19) 10% (13) 19% (25) 44% (56) 11% (14) 128Employ: Self-Employed 6% (10) 13% (23) 17% (29) 50% (84) 14% (23) 169Employ: Homemaker 6% (6) 8% (9) 18% (20) 51% (57) 18% (20) 112Employ: Student 14% (12) 19% (17) 12% (11) 44% (39) 12% (10) 89Employ: Retired 3% (15) 7% (34) 29% (148) 49% (249) 12% (59) 505Employ: Unemployed 13% (21) 14% (23) 22% (35) 31% (49) 19% (30) 157Employ: Other 11% (18) 8% (13) 18% (28) 46% (73) 17% (27) 160Military HH: Yes 4% (15) 10% (35) 23% (81) 53% (188) 11% (39) 357Military HH: No 8% (131) 10% (165) 22% (364) 47% (774) 12% (199) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (34) 5% (40) 17% (127) 59% (452) 15% (114) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (111) 13% (160) 26% (319) 42% (511) 10% (124) 1224

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Table POL5_4

Table POL5_4: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A female person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 10% (200) 22% (445) 48% (963) 12% (238) 1991Trump Job Approve 3% (25) 4% (32) 17% (137) 64% (515) 12% (98) 807Trump Job Disapprove 10% (113) 14% (157) 27% (307) 39% (432) 10% (108) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (18) 3% (15) 12% (53) 67% (294) 13% (57) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (7) 5% (18) 23% (84) 60% (221) 11% (40) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (18) 11% (28) 21% (51) 48% (119) 13% (32) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 11% (95) 15% (129) 29% (256) 36% (312) 9% (77) 869Favorable of Trump 3% (28) 5% (36) 16% (130) 64% (515) 12% (98) 808Unfavorable of Trump 10% (112) 14% (152) 28% (309) 39% (431) 9% (94) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 4% (18) 4% (20) 14% (68) 64% (313) 14% (67) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (10) 5% (16) 19% (62) 63% (203) 9% (30) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (9) 10% (18) 21% (38) 51% (93) 13% (24) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (104) 15% (134) 30% (271) 37% (338) 8% (70) 917#1 Issue: Economy 5% (24) 8% (40) 23% (110) 54% (257) 9% (41) 472#1 Issue: Security 5% (21) 5% (19) 12% (48) 66% (256) 11% (44) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (25) 13% (42) 26% (88) 40% (132) 14% (46) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (13) 6% (19) 30% (91) 44% (135) 15% (46) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (34) 22% (37) 17% (30) 32% (54) 10% (17) 172#1 Issue: Education 12% (14) 11% (13) 26% (31) 38% (47) 14% (16) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 22% (22) 26% (26) 39% (38) 8% (8) 98#1 Issue: Other 10% (10) 7% (7) 21% (21) 42% (43) 20% (21) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 10% (86) 15% (122) 30% (249) 38% (313) 8% (65) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 3% (23) 4% (23) 15% (100) 66% (429) 12% (78) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (3) 12% (11) 16% (14) 44% (39) 24% (22) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (33) 11% (44) 20% (82) 44% (179) 18% (73) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11% (82) 15% (113) 31% (233) 34% (253) 8% (59) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (18) 3% (22) 16% (109) 65% (440) 13% (86) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 3% (5) 12% (19) 16% (26) 56% (91) 13% (22) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (40) 11% (43) 19% (75) 44% (177) 18% (72) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (92) 10% (138) 24% (325) 49% (668) 11% (144) 1367Voted in 2014: No 9% (53) 10% (62) 19% (120) 47% (294) 15% (94) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_4

Table POL5_4: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A female person of color

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 10% (200) 22% (445) 48% (963) 12% (238) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 10% (83) 14% (122) 30% (263) 37% (324) 9% (78) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (10) 2% (11) 17% (84) 66% (336) 13% (64) 5062012 Vote: Other 1% (1) 7% (7) 16% (16) 61% (61) 15% (15) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (51) 12% (60) 16% (81) 47% (242) 16% (80) 5134-Region: Northeast 8% (28) 9% (31) 23% (82) 54% (191) 7% (23) 3554-Region: Midwest 7% (30) 8% (37) 22% (100) 51% (235) 12% (55) 4574-Region: South 8% (60) 12% (93) 21% (153) 45% (334) 14% (104) 7434-Region: West 6% (27) 9% (39) 25% (111) 47% (203) 13% (56) 435Strong Republican 4% (15) 3% (11) 12% (49) 67% (273) 14% (56) 405Not Very Strong Republican 2% (5) 5% (9) 24% (50) 58% (120) 10% (21) 205Strong Democrat 12% (59) 18% (89) 31% (151) 30% (149) 9% (43) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 12% (35) 12% (37) 25% (74) 40% (118) 11% (33) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_5

Table POL5_5: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A liberal

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (240) 18% (356) 17% (348) 36% (723) 16% (323) 1991Gender: Male 12% (108) 17% (160) 16% (151) 42% (393) 13% (121) 932Gender: Female 13% (133) 19% (196) 19% (197) 31% (331) 19% (203) 1059Age: 18-29 16% (54) 21% (74) 18% (62) 25% (86) 20% (70) 345Age: 30-44 15% (67) 19% (86) 16% (72) 35% (161) 16% (72) 458Age: 45-54 13% (46) 18% (64) 15% (52) 37% (135) 18% (63) 361Age: 55-64 9% (32) 14% (51) 22% (80) 38% (139) 17% (62) 364Age: 65+ 9% (41) 18% (81) 18% (81) 44% (202) 12% (57) 463Generation Z: 18-22 15% (21) 17% (23) 21% (28) 24% (32) 22% (30) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 16% (78) 21% (106) 17% (84) 30% (149) 17% (85) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 13% (68) 18% (93) 14% (75) 38% (201) 17% (90) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 9% (67) 16% (115) 19% (140) 41% (297) 14% (105) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 23% (179) 28% (224) 19% (153) 15% (115) 15% (117) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (36) 17% (103) 20% (119) 37% (220) 20% (116) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (25) 5% (29) 13% (77) 64% (389) 15% (90) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (79) 29% (98) 18% (60) 17% (56) 12% (40) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (100) 28% (126) 21% (93) 13% (59) 17% (77) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (14) 15% (45) 20% (57) 45% (130) 16% (45) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (22) 19% (58) 20% (61) 30% (90) 23% (71) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (15) 6% (17) 11% (34) 67% (207) 11% (35) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (11) 4% (12) 14% (42) 60% (182) 18% (55) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 31% (190) 38% (232) 15% (90) 7% (44) 8% (48) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (17) 14% (71) 30% (148) 37% (182) 15% (74) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (28) 5% (32) 12% (84) 65% (454) 14% (100) 697Educ: < College 11% (137) 17% (209) 17% (211) 35% (443) 20% (253) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 13% (60) 22% (102) 19% (89) 37% (173) 10% (46) 471Educ: Post-grad 16% (43) 17% (45) 18% (48) 40% (108) 9% (24) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_5

Table POL5_5: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A liberal

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (240) 18% (356) 17% (348) 36% (723) 16% (323) 1991Income: Under 50k 12% (127) 18% (193) 17% (184) 33% (360) 21% (224) 1087Income: 50k-100k 14% (87) 19% (121) 18% (114) 37% (238) 12% (75) 636Income: 100k+ 10% (27) 16% (42) 19% (50) 47% (125) 9% (24) 268Ethnicity: White 12% (188) 16% (262) 17% (279) 40% (643) 15% (238) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (30) 15% (29) 22% (43) 32% (61) 16% (31) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 14% (35) 28% (70) 15% (37) 20% (49) 24% (60) 252Ethnicity: Other 13% (17) 19% (24) 25% (32) 24% (31) 19% (25) 128All Christian 9% (84) 15% (136) 19% (173) 45% (421) 13% (117) 931All Non-Christian 21% (16) 26% (20) 19% (15) 20% (16) 14% (11) 77Atheist 33% (30) 30% (27) 13% (12) 17% (16) 7% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 12% (110) 19% (173) 17% (149) 30% (271) 21% (190) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 17% (17) 20% (20) 19% (19) 28% (28) 15% (15) 99Evangelical 7% (41) 13% (73) 16% (90) 45% (260) 19% (110) 574Non-Evangelical 11% (80) 19% (136) 20% (145) 37% (268) 13% (97) 725Community: Urban 17% (80) 19% (89) 19% (87) 29% (136) 16% (75) 467Community: Suburban 12% (120) 19% (190) 17% (168) 37% (368) 16% (156) 1002Community: Rural 8% (40) 15% (77) 18% (94) 42% (219) 18% (92) 522Employ: Private Sector 12% (82) 20% (132) 17% (116) 40% (267) 11% (76) 671Employ: Government 18% (23) 14% (17) 23% (29) 31% (40) 14% (17) 128Employ: Self-Employed 15% (26) 18% (30) 16% (27) 36% (61) 15% (25) 169Employ: Homemaker 8% (9) 10% (11) 19% (21) 35% (40) 28% (31) 112Employ: Student 15% (13) 17% (15) 24% (21) 24% (22) 20% (18) 89Employ: Retired 10% (49) 18% (91) 17% (85) 40% (204) 15% (76) 505Employ: Unemployed 14% (21) 18% (29) 15% (24) 28% (43) 25% (39) 157Employ: Other 11% (17) 19% (30) 16% (25) 29% (47) 25% (41) 160Military HH: Yes 7% (25) 15% (55) 20% (73) 42% (148) 16% (56) 357Military HH: No 13% (215) 18% (301) 17% (275) 35% (575) 16% (268) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (52) 7% (55) 14% (104) 54% (416) 18% (140) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 15% (189) 25% (301) 20% (244) 25% (307) 15% (183) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_5

Table POL5_5: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A liberal

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (240) 18% (356) 17% (348) 36% (723) 16% (323) 1991Trump Job Approve 5% (38) 7% (53) 14% (110) 60% (486) 15% (120) 807Trump Job Disapprove 18% (199) 26% (295) 21% (231) 21% (233) 14% (159) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (27) 4% (18) 8% (37) 67% (291) 14% (63) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (11) 9% (34) 20% (73) 53% (195) 16% (57) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (18) 26% (64) 21% (52) 29% (71) 17% (43) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 21% (181) 27% (231) 21% (179) 19% (162) 13% (116) 869Favorable of Trump 5% (43) 7% (54) 13% (108) 60% (482) 15% (121) 808Unfavorable of Trump 18% (195) 27% (295) 21% (230) 21% (233) 13% (145) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (30) 5% (26) 10% (51) 63% (307) 15% (73) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (13) 9% (28) 18% (57) 54% (175) 15% (49) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (11) 22% (41) 22% (40) 33% (59) 17% (31) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 20% (184) 28% (254) 21% (190) 19% (174) 12% (114) 917#1 Issue: Economy 11% (50) 16% (75) 21% (99) 40% (189) 13% (60) 472#1 Issue: Security 4% (14) 9% (35) 9% (33) 63% (244) 16% (61) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 18% (59) 23% (77) 16% (54) 27% (89) 16% (54) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 11% (32) 18% (56) 21% (64) 31% (95) 19% (57) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22% (38) 26% (45) 19% (32) 14% (24) 19% (33) 172#1 Issue: Education 10% (12) 16% (20) 27% (33) 29% (35) 18% (22) 121#1 Issue: Energy 25% (24) 22% (22) 22% (22) 19% (19) 12% (12) 98#1 Issue: Other 10% (10) 27% (28) 11% (11) 28% (28) 24% (25) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (177) 28% (236) 21% (174) 18% (148) 12% (100) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 4% (23) 5% (34) 13% (83) 65% (423) 14% (90) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (3) 20% (18) 14% (13) 29% (26) 34% (30) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (36) 17% (68) 19% (79) 30% (125) 25% (102) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22% (164) 29% (212) 20% (149) 17% (123) 13% (93) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (28) 6% (37) 14% (95) 62% (421) 14% (95) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 9% (15) 17% (27) 16% (27) 42% (68) 16% (26) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (34) 19% (76) 19% (77) 27% (111) 27% (108) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 13% (184) 18% (244) 17% (228) 38% (525) 14% (186) 1367Voted in 2014: No 9% (56) 18% (112) 19% (120) 32% (198) 22% (137) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_5

Table POL5_5: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A liberal

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (240) 18% (356) 17% (348) 36% (723) 16% (323) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 19% (165) 27% (234) 21% (180) 21% (183) 13% (110) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (16) 6% (29) 12% (63) 64% (325) 14% (73) 5062012 Vote: Other 7% (7) 10% (10) 17% (17) 46% (46) 20% (20) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (52) 16% (83) 17% (89) 33% (169) 23% (119) 5134-Region: Northeast 12% (42) 19% (66) 20% (70) 36% (126) 14% (51) 3554-Region: Midwest 13% (61) 16% (74) 18% (84) 34% (154) 18% (84) 4574-Region: South 10% (77) 20% (148) 16% (119) 38% (284) 16% (116) 7434-Region: West 14% (60) 16% (68) 17% (75) 37% (159) 17% (72) 435Strong Republican 5% (20) 4% (17) 9% (35) 67% (273) 15% (60) 405Not Very Strong Republican 3% (5) 6% (12) 20% (42) 57% (116) 15% (30) 205Strong Democrat 32% (155) 30% (149) 16% (80) 9% (45) 12% (61) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (24) 25% (74) 24% (73) 24% (70) 19% (56) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_6

Table POL5_6: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A moderate

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (310) 29% (572) 20% (389) 20% (394) 16% (327) 1991Gender: Male 17% (161) 28% (265) 20% (185) 22% (203) 13% (118) 932Gender: Female 14% (149) 29% (306) 19% (204) 18% (191) 20% (209) 1059Age: 18-29 17% (60) 31% (108) 12% (42) 15% (51) 24% (85) 345Age: 30-44 17% (79) 24% (109) 18% (84) 22% (102) 19% (85) 458Age: 45-54 15% (55) 27% (99) 20% (73) 21% (77) 16% (57) 361Age: 55-64 13% (49) 29% (105) 23% (85) 18% (66) 17% (60) 364Age: 65+ 15% (68) 33% (152) 23% (105) 21% (98) 9% (41) 463Generation Z: 18-22 15% (20) 33% (44) 7% (9) 19% (25) 27% (36) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 19% (97) 25% (126) 17% (88) 17% (88) 21% (104) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 14% (76) 28% (146) 19% (102) 22% (117) 16% (86) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 14% (99) 31% (224) 23% (164) 20% (142) 13% (92) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 14% (110) 29% (232) 25% (196) 18% (142) 14% (108) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (108) 30% (178) 17% (103) 14% (80) 21% (125) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 15% (92) 27% (163) 15% (90) 28% (172) 15% (94) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (51) 27% (91) 26% (88) 22% (72) 9% (31) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 13% (59) 31% (140) 24% (109) 15% (70) 17% (77) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (55) 29% (84) 19% (54) 16% (46) 17% (51) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 17% (53) 31% (93) 16% (49) 11% (34) 24% (74) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 18% (55) 29% (90) 14% (43) 28% (85) 12% (36) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 12% (38) 24% (73) 16% (47) 29% (87) 19% (58) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 13% (79) 33% (201) 24% (145) 18% (109) 11% (69) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 22% (107) 34% (168) 19% (95) 14% (67) 11% (55) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (112) 26% (179) 16% (111) 27% (187) 15% (107) 697Educ: < College 13% (164) 26% (325) 19% (238) 21% (265) 21% (260) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 20% (96) 33% (156) 20% (94) 16% (77) 10% (48) 471Educ: Post-grad 18% (49) 34% (91) 21% (56) 20% (52) 7% (19) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_6

Table POL5_6: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A moderate

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (310) 29% (572) 20% (389) 20% (394) 16% (327) 1991Income: Under 50k 13% (143) 26% (279) 20% (216) 20% (217) 21% (233) 1087Income: 50k-100k 19% (118) 31% (199) 19% (119) 20% (127) 11% (72) 636Income: 100k+ 18% (49) 35% (94) 20% (53) 19% (50) 8% (22) 268Ethnicity: White 15% (234) 29% (475) 20% (319) 21% (335) 15% (248) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 18% (35) 27% (51) 19% (36) 21% (41) 15% (29) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 21% (53) 24% (61) 18% (46) 14% (35) 23% (57) 252Ethnicity: Other 18% (23) 28% (36) 18% (24) 19% (24) 17% (22) 128All Christian 19% (178) 28% (265) 18% (165) 23% (210) 12% (113) 931All Non-Christian 15% (11) 39% (30) 20% (15) 13% (10) 14% (11) 77Atheist 12% (11) 22% (20) 26% (24) 30% (27) 10% (9) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 12% (109) 29% (257) 21% (185) 16% (146) 22% (195) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 18% (18) 33% (33) 18% (18) 14% (14) 17% (17) 99Evangelical 14% (83) 25% (143) 18% (104) 23% (132) 19% (111) 574Non-Evangelical 19% (138) 32% (231) 19% (136) 17% (126) 13% (94) 725Community: Urban 12% (56) 31% (144) 23% (106) 18% (83) 17% (78) 467Community: Suburban 18% (182) 30% (301) 17% (175) 19% (192) 15% (152) 1002Community: Rural 14% (71) 24% (127) 21% (108) 23% (119) 19% (97) 522Employ: Private Sector 16% (106) 29% (196) 20% (134) 22% (149) 13% (87) 671Employ: Government 24% (31) 32% (41) 19% (24) 16% (21) 9% (11) 128Employ: Self-Employed 16% (27) 25% (42) 21% (36) 21% (36) 17% (29) 169Employ: Homemaker 13% (14) 27% (30) 10% (11) 20% (23) 30% (34) 112Employ: Student 24% (21) 29% (26) 9% (8) 18% (16) 20% (18) 89Employ: Retired 14% (73) 32% (164) 22% (111) 20% (99) 12% (58) 505Employ: Unemployed 12% (18) 23% (36) 19% (29) 17% (27) 29% (46) 157Employ: Other 12% (19) 24% (38) 23% (36) 15% (23) 27% (43) 160Military HH: Yes 14% (48) 31% (112) 21% (77) 20% (73) 13% (47) 357Military HH: No 16% (261) 28% (460) 19% (312) 20% (321) 17% (280) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 15% (112) 26% (201) 16% (125) 24% (187) 18% (141) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 16% (198) 30% (370) 22% (264) 17% (206) 15% (186) 1224

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Table POL5_6

Table POL5_6: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A moderate

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (310) 29% (572) 20% (389) 20% (394) 16% (327) 1991Trump Job Approve 15% (122) 26% (207) 18% (141) 25% (205) 16% (131) 807Trump Job Disapprove 16% (181) 32% (361) 21% (240) 17% (186) 13% (149) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 16% (71) 20% (86) 15% (63) 32% (139) 18% (78) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (52) 33% (121) 21% (78) 18% (67) 14% (53) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 17% (42) 35% (86) 19% (47) 12% (30) 17% (43) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 16% (140) 32% (275) 22% (193) 18% (155) 12% (106) 869Favorable of Trump 14% (114) 26% (208) 18% (144) 26% (209) 16% (132) 808Unfavorable of Trump 17% (188) 32% (355) 22% (240) 16% (178) 13% (137) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 14% (70) 22% (107) 16% (77) 30% (145) 18% (88) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 14% (44) 32% (101) 21% (68) 20% (64) 14% (44) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 19% (35) 34% (61) 17% (31) 12% (22) 17% (32) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 17% (153) 32% (294) 23% (209) 17% (156) 12% (106) 917#1 Issue: Economy 18% (85) 31% (144) 18% (83) 20% (96) 13% (63) 472#1 Issue: Security 16% (62) 28% (110) 13% (52) 25% (98) 17% (66) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (48) 31% (102) 20% (66) 19% (62) 17% (55) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 13% (39) 26% (79) 29% (88) 17% (52) 15% (46) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14% (24) 30% (52) 19% (33) 18% (31) 19% (33) 172#1 Issue: Education 22% (27) 22% (27) 23% (27) 13% (15) 20% (24) 121#1 Issue: Energy 11% (10) 32% (32) 22% (22) 20% (20) 15% (15) 98#1 Issue: Other 14% (14) 25% (26) 18% (18) 19% (19) 25% (25) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 17% (141) 33% (276) 23% (194) 17% (142) 10% (83) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 17% (114) 27% (174) 16% (102) 26% (168) 15% (96) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 34% (31) 13% (12) 14% (13) 27% (24) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (44) 22% (90) 20% (81) 17% (71) 30% (125) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 16% (122) 32% (237) 25% (186) 16% (117) 11% (79) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 16% (105) 25% (171) 17% (115) 26% (176) 16% (109) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 25% (41) 31% (51) 13% (21) 18% (30) 12% (20) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (42) 27% (110) 16% (66) 17% (70) 29% (118) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 17% (235) 29% (399) 20% (276) 21% (289) 12% (168) 1367Voted in 2014: No 12% (75) 28% (173) 18% (112) 17% (104) 25% (159) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_6

Table POL5_6: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A moderate

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (310) 29% (572) 20% (389) 20% (394) 16% (327) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 16% (138) 32% (280) 25% (218) 15% (133) 12% (100) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 19% (98) 26% (134) 13% (66) 26% (134) 15% (74) 5062012 Vote: Other 20% (20) 17% (17) 16% (17) 30% (30) 17% (17) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (53) 27% (140) 17% (88) 19% (97) 26% (134) 5134-Region: Northeast 16% (56) 29% (103) 20% (70) 21% (76) 14% (50) 3554-Region: Midwest 16% (71) 32% (144) 18% (82) 19% (86) 16% (73) 4574-Region: South 17% (124) 27% (198) 18% (136) 20% (148) 19% (139) 7434-Region: West 14% (59) 29% (127) 23% (101) 19% (83) 15% (64) 435Strong Republican 16% (66) 23% (91) 12% (50) 33% (133) 16% (65) 405Not Very Strong Republican 13% (26) 35% (72) 19% (40) 19% (39) 14% (29) 205Strong Democrat 14% (70) 29% (140) 24% (119) 21% (102) 12% (59) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 13% (40) 31% (91) 26% (78) 13% (39) 17% (49) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL5_7

Table POL5_7: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 70

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (399) 26% (511) 21% (409) 24% (479) 10% (192) 1991Gender: Male 20% (185) 23% (215) 22% (202) 26% (247) 9% (84) 932Gender: Female 20% (214) 28% (297) 20% (207) 22% (233) 10% (108) 1059Age: 18-29 26% (89) 22% (74) 18% (62) 23% (78) 12% (41) 345Age: 30-44 21% (96) 26% (118) 19% (85) 25% (116) 9% (43) 458Age: 45-54 19% (69) 30% (108) 15% (53) 24% (86) 12% (44) 361Age: 55-64 23% (82) 24% (86) 26% (94) 20% (72) 8% (30) 364Age: 65+ 14% (63) 27% (124) 25% (115) 27% (127) 7% (34) 463Generation Z: 18-22 26% (35) 21% (28) 18% (24) 20% (27) 15% (20) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 24% (121) 26% (131) 17% (85) 23% (118) 10% (48) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 19% (99) 27% (142) 17% (90) 26% (136) 11% (60) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 18% (130) 25% (181) 25% (178) 25% (179) 7% (54) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 22% (172) 27% (209) 24% (185) 21% (167) 7% (55) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (121) 25% (150) 20% (119) 22% (128) 13% (75) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 18% (107) 25% (152) 17% (105) 30% (185) 10% (62) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 22% (73) 23% (76) 25% (84) 24% (81) 6% (19) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (99) 29% (133) 22% (102) 19% (86) 8% (35) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 21% (60) 25% (72) 20% (58) 23% (66) 12% (35) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 20% (61) 26% (78) 20% (61) 21% (62) 13% (40) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 17% (53) 22% (67) 19% (60) 33% (100) 10% (29) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (54) 28% (86) 15% (45) 28% (84) 11% (33) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 21% (128) 28% (170) 25% (150) 20% (121) 6% (34) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 23% (112) 29% (142) 21% (105) 21% (104) 6% (30) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (113) 24% (165) 19% (133) 31% (218) 10% (68) 697Educ: < College 21% (258) 24% (306) 20% (244) 23% (293) 12% (151) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (102) 28% (131) 21% (99) 24% (111) 6% (28) 471Educ: Post-grad 15% (39) 28% (75) 25% (66) 28% (75) 5% (13) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_7

Table POL5_7: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 70

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (399) 26% (511) 21% (409) 24% (479) 10% (192) 1991Income: Under 50k 20% (219) 24% (266) 18% (200) 25% (270) 12% (133) 1087Income: 50k-100k 20% (124) 26% (167) 24% (150) 24% (150) 7% (44) 636Income: 100k+ 21% (56) 29% (78) 22% (59) 22% (59) 6% (15) 268Ethnicity: White 18% (288) 26% (414) 22% (348) 26% (415) 9% (145) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 21% (40) 27% (52) 18% (35) 25% (49) 9% (18) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 29% (72) 26% (65) 16% (40) 17% (43) 13% (32) 252Ethnicity: Other 30% (39) 25% (32) 16% (20) 17% (22) 12% (15) 128All Christian 18% (166) 28% (261) 21% (192) 26% (240) 8% (71) 931All Non-Christian 26% (20) 22% (17) 25% (19) 18% (14) 8% (6) 77Atheist 23% (21) 20% (18) 21% (19) 32% (29) 5% (4) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 22% (192) 24% (215) 20% (178) 22% (197) 12% (110) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (21) 29% (29) 20% (20) 20% (20) 10% (10) 99Evangelical 18% (105) 26% (151) 18% (103) 25% (142) 13% (73) 574Non-Evangelical 20% (145) 27% (197) 23% (169) 23% (166) 7% (48) 725Community: Urban 20% (95) 23% (106) 24% (110) 24% (110) 10% (46) 467Community: Suburban 21% (212) 27% (267) 20% (203) 23% (227) 9% (93) 1002Community: Rural 18% (93) 27% (139) 18% (95) 27% (142) 10% (53) 522Employ: Private Sector 18% (123) 27% (179) 22% (147) 26% (175) 7% (47) 671Employ: Government 24% (30) 35% (45) 17% (22) 20% (25) 4% (5) 128Employ: Self-Employed 20% (33) 26% (44) 18% (30) 23% (40) 13% (22) 169Employ: Homemaker 20% (23) 27% (30) 12% (14) 25% (28) 15% (17) 112Employ: Student 25% (22) 24% (21) 19% (17) 23% (20) 9% (8) 89Employ: Retired 18% (90) 25% (128) 25% (126) 24% (120) 8% (42) 505Employ: Unemployed 26% (41) 14% (22) 18% (28) 25% (39) 17% (27) 157Employ: Other 22% (36) 27% (43) 16% (26) 20% (33) 14% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 18% (63) 29% (103) 22% (78) 23% (84) 8% (30) 357Military HH: No 21% (337) 25% (409) 20% (331) 24% (395) 10% (162) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (136) 24% (185) 18% (136) 27% (211) 13% (99) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (263) 27% (327) 22% (272) 22% (269) 8% (93) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_7

Table POL5_7: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 70

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (399) 26% (511) 21% (409) 24% (479) 10% (192) 1991Trump Job Approve 16% (131) 25% (202) 19% (153) 29% (236) 10% (85) 807Trump Job Disapprove 23% (257) 27% (299) 22% (248) 21% (236) 7% (77) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 16% (70) 19% (82) 18% (79) 35% (155) 12% (52) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 17% (61) 32% (120) 20% (75) 22% (81) 9% (33) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 21% (52) 33% (82) 19% (48) 19% (46) 8% (20) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 24% (205) 25% (217) 23% (200) 22% (189) 7% (57) 869Favorable of Trump 16% (132) 25% (201) 18% (149) 30% (244) 10% (81) 808Unfavorable of Trump 23% (257) 27% (301) 23% (252) 20% (225) 6% (64) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 17% (82) 20% (97) 17% (84) 34% (167) 12% (56) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15% (49) 32% (104) 20% (65) 24% (78) 8% (25) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 23% (42) 33% (60) 20% (36) 15% (28) 8% (15) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 23% (214) 26% (240) 24% (216) 21% (197) 5% (49) 917#1 Issue: Economy 18% (86) 27% (127) 21% (99) 27% (128) 7% (32) 472#1 Issue: Security 17% (66) 24% (93) 15% (58) 32% (125) 12% (46) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 23% (76) 26% (87) 23% (75) 19% (62) 10% (33) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18% (54) 26% (79) 27% (81) 20% (61) 9% (28) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27% (46) 26% (45) 17% (29) 21% (37) 8% (14) 172#1 Issue: Education 30% (37) 26% (32) 20% (24) 14% (17) 9% (11) 121#1 Issue: Energy 13% (13) 24% (23) 27% (26) 26% (25) 11% (11) 98#1 Issue: Other 20% (21) 24% (24) 15% (15) 23% (24) 18% (18) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (174) 28% (231) 24% (203) 21% (178) 6% (48) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 18% (118) 24% (155) 18% (120) 30% (196) 10% (65) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (23) 23% (20) 16% (15) 17% (16) 18% (16) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (83) 25% (105) 17% (71) 22% (89) 15% (63) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 21% (156) 28% (210) 24% (178) 21% (156) 6% (41) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 18% (120) 23% (155) 20% (136) 28% (192) 11% (72) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 24% (39) 25% (40) 17% (28) 25% (42) 8% (14) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (83) 26% (105) 16% (65) 22% (89) 16% (64) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 19% (264) 26% (355) 22% (301) 25% (341) 8% (107) 1367Voted in 2014: No 22% (135) 25% (157) 17% (108) 22% (139) 14% (85) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_7

Table POL5_7: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 70

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 20% (399) 26% (511) 21% (409) 24% (479) 10% (192) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 22% (192) 28% (246) 24% (207) 20% (178) 5% (46) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 17% (86) 24% (120) 19% (97) 29% (149) 11% (54) 5062012 Vote: Other 19% (20) 23% (23) 18% (18) 26% (26) 13% (13) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (101) 24% (121) 17% (87) 25% (127) 15% (77) 5134-Region: Northeast 18% (64) 20% (71) 26% (93) 28% (98) 8% (29) 3554-Region: Midwest 19% (87) 30% (136) 20% (93) 23% (107) 8% (35) 4574-Region: South 21% (159) 25% (189) 18% (135) 24% (176) 11% (84) 7434-Region: West 21% (89) 27% (115) 20% (88) 23% (98) 10% (44) 435Strong Republican 18% (74) 20% (82) 16% (64) 34% (137) 12% (47) 405Not Very Strong Republican 16% (32) 34% (70) 20% (41) 23% (47) 7% (15) 205Strong Democrat 23% (114) 26% (126) 22% (110) 23% (113) 6% (27) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 19% (57) 28% (84) 25% (75) 18% (54) 9% (27) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_8

Table POL5_8: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 50

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 15% (306) 28% (567) 38% (748) 12% (230) 1991Gender: Male 7% (67) 16% (150) 28% (260) 39% (360) 10% (94) 932Gender: Female 7% (73) 15% (157) 29% (307) 37% (388) 13% (135) 1059Age: 18-29 10% (36) 22% (77) 21% (72) 30% (105) 16% (55) 345Age: 30-44 9% (41) 18% (81) 26% (120) 36% (164) 11% (52) 458Age: 45-54 7% (27) 14% (50) 21% (76) 45% (164) 12% (44) 361Age: 55-64 5% (17) 15% (55) 35% (128) 35% (126) 10% (38) 364Age: 65+ 4% (18) 9% (44) 37% (172) 41% (189) 9% (40) 463Generation Z: 18-22 10% (13) 24% (32) 20% (26) 25% (34) 22% (29) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 11% (53) 19% (93) 26% (130) 34% (169) 11% (58) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 7% (39) 16% (83) 21% (111) 44% (230) 12% (65) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 4% (29) 12% (87) 36% (261) 38% (275) 10% (70) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (72) 18% (145) 34% (269) 30% (236) 8% (66) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (37) 16% (96) 27% (161) 36% (216) 14% (83) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (31) 11% (65) 23% (137) 48% (296) 13% (81) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 10% (32) 20% (68) 33% (111) 30% (99) 7% (23) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (40) 17% (77) 35% (158) 30% (136) 9% (43) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 6% (17) 19% (54) 26% (76) 37% (109) 12% (35) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (20) 14% (43) 28% (85) 36% (107) 16% (47) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (19) 9% (28) 24% (73) 49% (152) 12% (37) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (12) 12% (37) 21% (64) 48% (144) 15% (45) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 10% (58) 19% (115) 32% (194) 32% (196) 7% (41) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 7% (35) 18% (86) 33% (164) 34% (169) 8% (38) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (31) 10% (69) 25% (171) 48% (338) 13% (88) 697Educ: < College 7% (88) 16% (203) 28% (351) 35% (434) 14% (177) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (36) 15% (69) 30% (141) 41% (191) 7% (34) 471Educ: Post-grad 6% (16) 13% (34) 28% (76) 46% (123) 7% (19) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_8

Table POL5_8: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 50

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 15% (306) 28% (567) 38% (748) 12% (230) 1991Income: Under 50k 8% (82) 16% (173) 28% (303) 34% (366) 15% (164) 1087Income: 50k-100k 7% (46) 15% (97) 29% (184) 41% (260) 8% (49) 636Income: 100k+ 4% (12) 14% (37) 30% (81) 46% (122) 6% (17) 268Ethnicity: White 6% (91) 15% (235) 29% (469) 40% (640) 11% (175) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 8% (15) 23% (43) 23% (45) 35% (68) 11% (21) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 13% (33) 20% (50) 26% (65) 27% (69) 14% (36) 252Ethnicity: Other 13% (16) 17% (22) 26% (33) 30% (39) 14% (18) 128All Christian 6% (53) 15% (143) 28% (263) 41% (380) 10% (92) 931All Non-Christian 11% (9) 19% (15) 30% (23) 30% (23) 10% (7) 77Atheist 9% (8) 16% (15) 28% (26) 41% (38) 6% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (70) 15% (134) 29% (256) 34% (307) 14% (125) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10% (10) 19% (19) 28% (27) 33% (33) 11% (10) 99Evangelical 7% (38) 13% (73) 28% (158) 38% (218) 15% (86) 574Non-Evangelical 6% (46) 17% (120) 31% (226) 37% (269) 9% (64) 725Community: Urban 9% (43) 15% (69) 31% (143) 34% (160) 11% (53) 467Community: Suburban 7% (71) 16% (155) 28% (282) 38% (383) 11% (111) 1002Community: Rural 5% (26) 16% (82) 27% (143) 39% (205) 13% (66) 522Employ: Private Sector 7% (46) 16% (107) 26% (177) 42% (281) 9% (60) 671Employ: Government 12% (16) 15% (19) 29% (38) 38% (48) 6% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 9% (15) 13% (22) 25% (43) 41% (69) 12% (20) 169Employ: Homemaker 5% (6) 16% (18) 16% (18) 45% (51) 18% (20) 112Employ: Student 6% (6) 34% (30) 23% (20) 25% (22) 12% (11) 89Employ: Retired 5% (25) 13% (64) 36% (179) 37% (186) 10% (51) 505Employ: Unemployed 8% (13) 16% (24) 28% (43) 29% (46) 20% (31) 157Employ: Other 9% (14) 14% (22) 31% (49) 29% (46) 19% (30) 160Military HH: Yes 6% (22) 12% (45) 31% (110) 40% (141) 11% (39) 357Military HH: No 7% (118) 16% (262) 28% (457) 37% (606) 12% (190) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (52) 13% (98) 23% (175) 43% (333) 14% (109) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 7% (88) 17% (208) 32% (393) 34% (414) 10% (121) 1224

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Table POL5_8

Table POL5_8: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 50

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 15% (306) 28% (567) 38% (748) 12% (230) 1991Trump Job Approve 5% (40) 13% (102) 25% (200) 45% (367) 12% (98) 807Trump Job Disapprove 9% (95) 17% (194) 32% (363) 33% (369) 9% (95) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (24) 11% (46) 22% (95) 49% (215) 13% (57) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (16) 15% (56) 28% (105) 41% (152) 11% (41) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (16) 20% (50) 27% (68) 35% (88) 10% (25) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (79) 17% (144) 34% (295) 32% (281) 8% (70) 869Favorable of Trump 5% (40) 14% (110) 24% (191) 46% (372) 12% (94) 808Unfavorable of Trump 9% (94) 17% (192) 33% (364) 33% (364) 8% (84) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (31) 12% (58) 22% (105) 48% (231) 12% (61) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (9) 16% (52) 27% (86) 44% (141) 10% (34) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (12) 18% (33) 30% (55) 34% (61) 12% (21) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (82) 17% (158) 34% (310) 33% (303) 7% (63) 917#1 Issue: Economy 6% (28) 14% (64) 28% (132) 45% (210) 8% (39) 472#1 Issue: Security 7% (27) 10% (41) 21% (83) 48% (187) 13% (51) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (20) 20% (66) 33% (109) 29% (97) 13% (42) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (13) 13% (40) 37% (113) 33% (99) 13% (39) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15% (26) 26% (44) 23% (39) 27% (46) 10% (17) 172#1 Issue: Education 8% (10) 19% (23) 25% (31) 37% (45) 10% (12) 121#1 Issue: Energy 7% (7) 8% (8) 40% (40) 36% (35) 9% (8) 98#1 Issue: Other 9% (10) 20% (21) 21% (22) 28% (28) 21% (22) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (64) 18% (148) 34% (286) 34% (282) 7% (55) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 5% (34) 11% (73) 23% (151) 49% (318) 12% (78) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 17% (16) 22% (20) 27% (25) 23% (21) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (33) 17% (69) 27% (110) 30% (122) 19% (76) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (55) 18% (135) 34% (250) 34% (252) 7% (48) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (32) 11% (75) 26% (174) 47% (314) 12% (82) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 10% (16) 17% (27) 27% (43) 35% (57) 11% (19) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (36) 17% (69) 24% (98) 30% (122) 20% (81) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (91) 15% (201) 29% (396) 41% (555) 9% (124) 1367Voted in 2014: No 8% (49) 17% (105) 27% (171) 31% (193) 17% (105) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_8

Table POL5_8: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Under the age of 50

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (140) 15% (306) 28% (567) 38% (748) 12% (230) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (69) 19% (163) 33% (288) 33% (290) 7% (60) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (19) 9% (44) 25% (124) 50% (256) 12% (63) 5062012 Vote: Other 10% (10) 14% (14) 19% (19) 44% (44) 13% (13) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (41) 16% (85) 26% (136) 31% (157) 18% (94) 5134-Region: Northeast 6% (21) 17% (59) 29% (103) 40% (143) 8% (29) 3554-Region: Midwest 6% (27) 16% (75) 27% (124) 39% (181) 11% (50) 4574-Region: South 8% (59) 16% (116) 27% (200) 36% (267) 14% (102) 7434-Region: West 8% (34) 13% (56) 32% (140) 36% (157) 11% (49) 435Strong Republican 5% (21) 9% (37) 20% (82) 51% (206) 15% (59) 405Not Very Strong Republican 5% (10) 13% (28) 27% (56) 44% (90) 11% (22) 205Strong Democrat 11% (55) 18% (88) 34% (167) 29% (144) 7% (36) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (17) 19% (57) 34% (102) 31% (92) 10% (30) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_9

Table POL5_9: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Has decades of political experience

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (384) 29% (586) 21% (419) 20% (407) 10% (195) 1991Gender: Male 16% (153) 26% (246) 22% (204) 26% (242) 9% (87) 932Gender: Female 22% (231) 32% (340) 20% (215) 16% (166) 10% (108) 1059Age: 18-29 26% (91) 32% (111) 16% (56) 12% (40) 13% (46) 345Age: 30-44 20% (93) 30% (139) 20% (92) 18% (83) 11% (50) 458Age: 45-54 18% (64) 31% (113) 19% (68) 21% (77) 11% (38) 361Age: 55-64 19% (70) 27% (97) 22% (80) 23% (84) 9% (33) 364Age: 65+ 14% (66) 27% (125) 27% (123) 26% (122) 6% (28) 463Generation Z: 18-22 21% (28) 31% (41) 16% (21) 14% (19) 18% (25) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 27% (133) 32% (159) 19% (94) 13% (65) 10% (51) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 16% (87) 31% (163) 19% (101) 22% (117) 11% (58) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 17% (120) 27% (194) 24% (172) 25% (181) 8% (55) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 25% (195) 35% (279) 23% (179) 11% (84) 6% (50) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 17% (103) 29% (171) 21% (125) 19% (114) 13% (80) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 14% (85) 22% (136) 19% (115) 34% (209) 11% (65) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 22% (73) 34% (113) 24% (80) 14% (46) 6% (21) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 27% (122) 36% (166) 22% (100) 8% (38) 6% (29) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 14% (41) 28% (80) 23% (65) 24% (70) 12% (34) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 21% (62) 30% (91) 20% (59) 15% (44) 15% (46) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 12% (38) 17% (53) 19% (59) 41% (126) 11% (33) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 16% (47) 27% (83) 19% (57) 28% (83) 11% (32) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 23% (137) 36% (216) 25% (149) 11% (67) 6% (34) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 21% (101) 34% (169) 21% (103) 17% (84) 7% (36) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (100) 22% (156) 20% (141) 34% (234) 10% (67) 697Educ: < College 21% (260) 29% (363) 19% (241) 19% (235) 12% (152) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 17% (81) 31% (146) 24% (111) 22% (104) 6% (28) 471Educ: Post-grad 16% (43) 28% (76) 25% (67) 25% (68) 5% (14) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_9

Table POL5_9: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Has decades of political experience

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (384) 29% (586) 21% (419) 20% (407) 10% (195) 1991Income: Under 50k 21% (233) 28% (304) 19% (208) 19% (203) 13% (139) 1087Income: 50k-100k 20% (124) 31% (198) 23% (147) 20% (130) 6% (37) 636Income: 100k+ 10% (26) 31% (84) 24% (64) 28% (74) 7% (19) 268Ethnicity: White 17% (267) 29% (465) 22% (358) 23% (371) 9% (151) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 34% (65) 25% (48) 16% (31) 14% (27) 11% (22) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 31% (79) 32% (80) 16% (41) 9% (22) 12% (30) 252Ethnicity: Other 30% (38) 32% (41) 16% (20) 11% (14) 12% (15) 128All Christian 18% (166) 27% (247) 22% (208) 25% (235) 8% (74) 931All Non-Christian 25% (19) 37% (28) 20% (15) 12% (9) 6% (4) 77Atheist 9% (8) 34% (31) 33% (30) 20% (18) 4% (4) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21% (190) 31% (279) 19% (165) 16% (145) 13% (112) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23% (23) 32% (32) 21% (21) 16% (16) 8% (8) 99Evangelical 21% (121) 24% (137) 16% (92) 28% (158) 11% (66) 574Non-Evangelical 19% (137) 32% (235) 23% (168) 18% (132) 8% (55) 725Community: Urban 23% (107) 31% (145) 21% (97) 16% (75) 9% (44) 467Community: Suburban 18% (178) 30% (304) 23% (226) 20% (198) 10% (96) 1002Community: Rural 19% (99) 26% (137) 18% (96) 26% (135) 11% (55) 522Employ: Private Sector 20% (132) 30% (204) 19% (128) 23% (156) 8% (51) 671Employ: Government 18% (23) 36% (46) 16% (21) 22% (28) 7% (9) 128Employ: Self-Employed 21% (35) 25% (42) 25% (43) 20% (33) 9% (15) 169Employ: Homemaker 24% (27) 28% (32) 15% (17) 19% (21) 14% (16) 112Employ: Student 21% (18) 36% (32) 19% (17) 11% (10) 13% (11) 89Employ: Retired 17% (84) 27% (136) 26% (130) 23% (118) 7% (37) 505Employ: Unemployed 19% (30) 30% (47) 18% (28) 12% (20) 20% (31) 157Employ: Other 21% (34) 29% (46) 22% (35) 13% (21) 15% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 15% (52) 30% (106) 20% (73) 26% (92) 10% (35) 357Military HH: No 20% (332) 29% (480) 21% (346) 19% (316) 10% (160) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 15% (114) 21% (160) 21% (160) 30% (230) 13% (102) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 22% (270) 35% (425) 21% (259) 14% (177) 8% (93) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_9

Table POL5_9: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Has decades of political experience

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (384) 29% (586) 21% (419) 20% (407) 10% (195) 1991Trump Job Approve 13% (107) 21% (173) 21% (167) 33% (268) 11% (92) 807Trump Job Disapprove 23% (261) 36% (401) 22% (248) 12% (136) 6% (71) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 13% (55) 16% (70) 19% (83) 41% (178) 12% (52) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (53) 28% (103) 23% (84) 25% (91) 11% (40) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 26% (64) 37% (92) 17% (42) 13% (32) 8% (19) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 23% (197) 36% (309) 24% (206) 12% (104) 6% (52) 869Favorable of Trump 13% (104) 21% (173) 21% (170) 34% (271) 11% (89) 808Unfavorable of Trump 24% (263) 36% (398) 22% (243) 12% (132) 6% (62) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 14% (66) 17% (85) 19% (92) 38% (185) 12% (57) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 12% (38) 28% (89) 24% (78) 27% (86) 10% (32) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 24% (44) 35% (63) 17% (31) 14% (26) 9% (16) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 24% (218) 36% (335) 23% (212) 12% (106) 5% (46) 917#1 Issue: Economy 20% (93) 30% (140) 20% (95) 21% (100) 9% (44) 472#1 Issue: Security 12% (47) 24% (92) 19% (72) 34% (132) 11% (45) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 24% (81) 34% (114) 18% (61) 14% (46) 9% (31) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23% (71) 27% (82) 25% (76) 17% (53) 7% (22) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 21% (36) 33% (58) 26% (44) 11% (19) 9% (15) 172#1 Issue: Education 22% (26) 31% (38) 19% (23) 19% (23) 9% (11) 121#1 Issue: Energy 16% (15) 30% (29) 30% (30) 15% (15) 9% (9) 98#1 Issue: Other 14% (15) 31% (32) 18% (19) 18% (19) 18% (18) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 22% (183) 37% (311) 24% (200) 12% (96) 5% (44) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 13% (83) 21% (138) 21% (134) 35% (228) 11% (70) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (24) 24% (21) 13% (12) 20% (18) 17% (16) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (94) 28% (116) 18% (72) 15% (63) 16% (65) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 23% (171) 36% (270) 25% (186) 10% (75) 5% (38) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (76) 22% (147) 21% (140) 35% (236) 11% (76) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 20% (32) 33% (54) 16% (27) 23% (37) 8% (13) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (103) 28% (112) 16% (66) 14% (58) 17% (68) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 18% (251) 29% (397) 22% (297) 23% (313) 8% (109) 1367Voted in 2014: No 21% (133) 30% (188) 20% (122) 15% (94) 14% (86) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_9

Table POL5_9: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?Has decades of political experience

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (384) 29% (586) 21% (419) 20% (407) 10% (195) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 23% (202) 34% (292) 24% (207) 13% (116) 6% (53) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 11% (56) 24% (124) 20% (99) 34% (171) 11% (57) 5062012 Vote: Other 15% (15) 15% (15) 20% (21) 39% (39) 11% (11) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (109) 30% (154) 18% (93) 16% (82) 14% (74) 5134-Region: Northeast 20% (70) 32% (115) 21% (76) 20% (71) 7% (24) 3554-Region: Midwest 16% (71) 28% (128) 24% (111) 22% (102) 10% (44) 4574-Region: South 21% (159) 29% (218) 18% (132) 20% (147) 12% (87) 7434-Region: West 19% (83) 29% (125) 23% (100) 20% (87) 9% (40) 435Strong Republican 13% (53) 20% (79) 18% (74) 38% (156) 10% (42) 405Not Very Strong Republican 15% (32) 27% (56) 20% (41) 26% (54) 11% (22) 205Strong Democrat 26% (128) 36% (176) 23% (112) 10% (50) 5% (24) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 23% (67) 35% (103) 23% (67) 11% (34) 9% (26) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_10

Table POL5_10: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political outsider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (146) 18% (359) 26% (513) 31% (619) 18% (354) 1991Gender: Male 8% (79) 19% (181) 26% (241) 33% (308) 13% (123) 932Gender: Female 6% (67) 17% (178) 26% (272) 29% (311) 22% (231) 1059Age: 18-29 9% (31) 17% (60) 27% (93) 25% (85) 22% (75) 345Age: 30-44 9% (41) 20% (90) 25% (114) 30% (135) 17% (77) 458Age: 45-54 7% (25) 18% (66) 24% (88) 31% (111) 20% (71) 361Age: 55-64 6% (20) 15% (56) 26% (96) 35% (127) 18% (65) 364Age: 65+ 6% (28) 19% (86) 26% (123) 35% (161) 14% (66) 463Generation Z: 18-22 9% (11) 15% (20) 24% (32) 25% (33) 28% (37) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 10% (52) 19% (93) 27% (136) 27% (138) 17% (84) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 6% (34) 20% (104) 24% (126) 30% (160) 19% (102) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 6% (42) 16% (119) 27% (194) 35% (250) 16% (118) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (54) 16% (123) 33% (263) 29% (227) 15% (120) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (45) 17% (101) 26% (151) 28% (166) 22% (130) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (46) 22% (135) 16% (99) 37% (226) 17% (104) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (25) 15% (51) 36% (121) 29% (98) 11% (38) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (29) 16% (72) 31% (142) 29% (130) 18% (83) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (23) 18% (53) 26% (77) 33% (95) 15% (43) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (22) 16% (48) 25% (75) 23% (70) 29% (87) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 10% (31) 25% (77) 14% (44) 37% (115) 14% (43) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (16) 19% (58) 18% (55) 37% (111) 20% (61) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (38) 16% (96) 33% (199) 32% (195) 12% (75) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (25) 17% (82) 32% (157) 31% (152) 16% (77) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10% (68) 22% (155) 17% (121) 34% (240) 16% (113) 697Educ: < College 8% (98) 17% (219) 24% (301) 29% (357) 22% (278) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (32) 19% (90) 30% (143) 33% (156) 11% (50) 471Educ: Post-grad 6% (16) 19% (50) 26% (69) 40% (106) 10% (27) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_10

Table POL5_10: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political outsider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (146) 18% (359) 26% (513) 31% (619) 18% (354) 1991Income: Under 50k 7% (80) 19% (209) 25% (274) 26% (285) 22% (239) 1087Income: 50k-100k 8% (48) 17% (111) 26% (166) 36% (227) 13% (84) 636Income: 100k+ 7% (18) 15% (40) 27% (73) 40% (107) 11% (31) 268Ethnicity: White 7% (106) 18% (288) 25% (410) 33% (529) 17% (278) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 9% (18) 19% (36) 23% (45) 32% (63) 16% (31) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (31) 18% (46) 26% (65) 23% (58) 21% (53) 252Ethnicity: Other 7% (9) 20% (25) 30% (38) 26% (33) 18% (23) 128All Christian 7% (68) 19% (175) 26% (240) 33% (309) 15% (139) 931All Non-Christian 8% (6) 14% (11) 22% (17) 35% (27) 21% (16) 77Atheist 4% (4) 17% (16) 29% (26) 42% (39) 7% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (67) 18% (157) 26% (230) 27% (245) 22% (192) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (9) 16% (16) 19% (19) 35% (35) 22% (22) 99Evangelical 8% (45) 22% (127) 22% (128) 28% (161) 20% (112) 574Non-Evangelical 7% (51) 16% (117) 30% (214) 32% (233) 15% (109) 725Community: Urban 7% (32) 19% (89) 29% (135) 27% (125) 18% (86) 467Community: Suburban 7% (67) 18% (181) 26% (256) 33% (332) 17% (167) 1002Community: Rural 9% (47) 17% (89) 23% (122) 31% (163) 19% (101) 522Employ: Private Sector 7% (44) 17% (117) 28% (190) 35% (233) 13% (87) 671Employ: Government 6% (7) 25% (32) 31% (39) 28% (36) 10% (13) 128Employ: Self-Employed 15% (26) 16% (27) 23% (39) 30% (50) 16% (27) 169Employ: Homemaker 4% (4) 17% (19) 11% (12) 32% (36) 36% (40) 112Employ: Student 13% (12) 18% (16) 29% (26) 20% (18) 19% (17) 89Employ: Retired 6% (30) 20% (101) 25% (127) 33% (167) 16% (81) 505Employ: Unemployed 5% (8) 15% (24) 24% (38) 25% (39) 31% (48) 157Employ: Other 9% (15) 15% (23) 26% (42) 25% (40) 25% (40) 160Military HH: Yes 5% (20) 22% (77) 25% (90) 31% (109) 17% (61) 357Military HH: No 8% (126) 17% (282) 26% (423) 31% (510) 18% (293) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (69) 22% (171) 18% (141) 32% (242) 19% (143) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (77) 15% (188) 30% (373) 31% (377) 17% (210) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_10

Table POL5_10: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political outsider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (146) 18% (359) 26% (513) 31% (619) 18% (354) 1991Trump Job Approve 8% (65) 24% (192) 19% (153) 33% (264) 16% (133) 807Trump Job Disapprove 7% (77) 14% (161) 32% (353) 31% (345) 16% (180) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 12% (52) 22% (94) 15% (65) 35% (153) 17% (72) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (13) 26% (98) 24% (88) 30% (111) 16% (60) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (13) 22% (54) 29% (71) 23% (56) 22% (55) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (64) 12% (107) 33% (283) 33% (289) 14% (125) 869Favorable of Trump 8% (64) 24% (195) 19% (157) 33% (263) 16% (128) 808Unfavorable of Trump 7% (76) 14% (159) 31% (345) 32% (349) 15% (170) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 11% (53) 23% (110) 16% (76) 35% (168) 16% (78) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (11) 26% (85) 25% (81) 30% (95) 15% (50) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (8) 19% (34) 29% (52) 25% (46) 23% (41) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (68) 14% (125) 32% (293) 33% (303) 14% (129) 917#1 Issue: Economy 8% (37) 21% (97) 24% (116) 33% (156) 14% (66) 472#1 Issue: Security 10% (39) 22% (84) 17% (68) 33% (130) 17% (68) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 7% (24) 16% (52) 28% (94) 30% (100) 19% (63) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (15) 16% (48) 29% (87) 30% (92) 20% (61) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (12) 14% (24) 31% (53) 29% (49) 20% (35) 172#1 Issue: Education 7% (8) 21% (26) 28% (34) 28% (34) 17% (20) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 13% (12) 40% (39) 29% (29) 14% (14) 98#1 Issue: Other 7% (7) 16% (16) 22% (23) 29% (29) 27% (27) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (47) 15% (123) 34% (286) 32% (268) 13% (112) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 8% (55) 24% (157) 17% (114) 34% (222) 16% (105) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (14) 18% (17) 19% (17) 22% (19) 25% (23) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (30) 15% (63) 23% (95) 26% (107) 28% (115) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (53) 15% (109) 33% (247) 32% (235) 13% (98) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (56) 23% (159) 19% (127) 33% (225) 16% (109) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 8% (13) 17% (28) 26% (43) 35% (56) 14% (23) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (23) 16% (63) 23% (93) 25% (103) 31% (124) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 8% (106) 19% (255) 26% (354) 33% (457) 14% (196) 1367Voted in 2014: No 6% (40) 17% (104) 25% (159) 26% (162) 25% (158) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_10

Table POL5_10: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political outsider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (146) 18% (359) 26% (513) 31% (619) 18% (354) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 6% (53) 16% (139) 32% (282) 31% (274) 14% (123) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (41) 22% (110) 17% (85) 36% (184) 17% (86) 5062012 Vote: Other 11% (11) 23% (23) 20% (20) 29% (29) 17% (17) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (41) 17% (86) 25% (126) 26% (132) 25% (128) 5134-Region: Northeast 6% (21) 15% (54) 28% (99) 36% (127) 15% (55) 3554-Region: Midwest 7% (32) 20% (93) 25% (114) 29% (132) 19% (86) 4574-Region: South 8% (63) 20% (148) 23% (168) 30% (222) 19% (141) 7434-Region: West 7% (29) 15% (64) 30% (132) 32% (138) 17% (72) 435Strong Republican 9% (35) 21% (84) 15% (60) 38% (153) 18% (72) 405Not Very Strong Republican 5% (11) 25% (51) 19% (39) 35% (73) 15% (32) 205Strong Democrat 8% (37) 16% (77) 33% (163) 31% (153) 12% (60) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (17) 15% (45) 34% (100) 25% (75) 20% (60) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_11

Table POL5_11: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political insider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 18% (368) 23% (466) 33% (663) 16% (320) 1991Gender: Male 8% (78) 15% (141) 24% (223) 39% (364) 14% (126) 932Gender: Female 9% (97) 21% (227) 23% (243) 28% (299) 18% (194) 1059Age: 18-29 13% (46) 23% (80) 19% (67) 25% (85) 19% (67) 345Age: 30-44 11% (52) 22% (99) 21% (98) 29% (133) 17% (77) 458Age: 45-54 9% (31) 19% (67) 23% (85) 32% (116) 17% (61) 361Age: 55-64 5% (17) 16% (57) 23% (82) 39% (141) 18% (66) 364Age: 65+ 6% (28) 14% (64) 29% (134) 40% (187) 11% (49) 463Generation Z: 18-22 10% (13) 24% (33) 14% (19) 27% (37) 24% (33) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 15% (73) 23% (114) 21% (104) 26% (130) 16% (82) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 8% (43) 19% (100) 24% (127) 32% (167) 17% (89) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 5% (37) 15% (110) 25% (184) 40% (288) 14% (104) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (97) 25% (199) 27% (211) 23% (180) 13% (100) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (42) 14% (82) 25% (149) 33% (194) 21% (127) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (36) 14% (87) 17% (106) 47% (288) 15% (93) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 13% (44) 22% (72) 30% (98) 24% (81) 11% (38) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (53) 28% (127) 25% (113) 22% (100) 14% (63) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 6% (17) 12% (35) 23% (68) 42% (122) 16% (48) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (24) 15% (47) 27% (81) 24% (72) 26% (79) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (17) 11% (34) 18% (56) 52% (161) 13% (41) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (20) 18% (53) 16% (49) 42% (127) 17% (52) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (64) 23% (141) 30% (179) 26% (154) 11% (64) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (49) 24% (116) 23% (116) 30% (147) 13% (65) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (45) 12% (84) 20% (138) 47% (329) 15% (101) 697Educ: < College 10% (121) 19% (239) 22% (271) 31% (382) 19% (239) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (39) 17% (79) 27% (125) 38% (177) 11% (51) 471Educ: Post-grad 5% (14) 19% (51) 26% (69) 39% (104) 11% (30) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_11

Table POL5_11: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political insider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 18% (368) 23% (466) 33% (663) 16% (320) 1991Income: Under 50k 10% (108) 19% (210) 22% (242) 29% (313) 20% (215) 1087Income: 50k-100k 9% (54) 18% (115) 25% (158) 37% (238) 11% (71) 636Income: 100k+ 5% (13) 16% (44) 25% (67) 42% (112) 12% (33) 268Ethnicity: White 7% (108) 17% (273) 24% (390) 37% (595) 15% (243) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (33) 20% (38) 24% (46) 24% (46) 16% (30) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 19% (47) 23% (57) 21% (54) 17% (42) 21% (53) 252Ethnicity: Other 16% (20) 29% (37) 17% (21) 20% (26) 19% (24) 128All Christian 8% (71) 17% (155) 24% (222) 39% (359) 13% (124) 931All Non-Christian 14% (10) 20% (16) 28% (22) 19% (14) 19% (15) 77Atheist 1% (1) 17% (16) 25% (23) 50% (46) 6% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10% (93) 20% (181) 22% (199) 27% (243) 20% (176) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12% (12) 20% (20) 26% (26) 22% (22) 19% (19) 99Evangelical 11% (63) 17% (97) 17% (100) 37% (210) 18% (104) 574Non-Evangelical 8% (57) 20% (148) 26% (187) 32% (230) 14% (103) 725Community: Urban 11% (51) 20% (92) 25% (115) 28% (129) 17% (81) 467Community: Suburban 8% (83) 18% (183) 24% (239) 34% (344) 15% (154) 1002Community: Rural 8% (41) 18% (92) 22% (112) 36% (190) 16% (86) 522Employ: Private Sector 10% (64) 20% (135) 22% (149) 37% (246) 11% (77) 671Employ: Government 9% (12) 19% (24) 29% (36) 31% (40) 12% (15) 128Employ: Self-Employed 12% (20) 16% (27) 19% (32) 33% (56) 20% (34) 169Employ: Homemaker 3% (4) 18% (20) 18% (21) 32% (36) 28% (31) 112Employ: Student 13% (12) 27% (24) 17% (15) 25% (22) 18% (16) 89Employ: Retired 7% (33) 15% (74) 28% (141) 38% (192) 13% (66) 505Employ: Unemployed 9% (13) 21% (33) 22% (35) 23% (36) 25% (39) 157Employ: Other 11% (17) 19% (31) 23% (37) 21% (34) 25% (41) 160Military HH: Yes 5% (19) 18% (63) 27% (97) 34% (121) 16% (57) 357Military HH: No 10% (156) 19% (304) 23% (369) 33% (541) 16% (263) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (62) 14% (104) 18% (142) 42% (320) 18% (138) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (113) 22% (263) 26% (324) 28% (343) 15% (182) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_11

Table POL5_11: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political insider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 18% (368) 23% (466) 33% (663) 16% (320) 1991Trump Job Approve 7% (54) 13% (106) 19% (151) 46% (370) 16% (126) 807Trump Job Disapprove 10% (117) 23% (253) 28% (311) 26% (287) 13% (149) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (33) 10% (42) 16% (72) 50% (220) 16% (70) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 6% (21) 17% (63) 21% (79) 41% (150) 15% (56) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 11% (28) 28% (68) 24% (60) 19% (48) 17% (43) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10% (88) 21% (185) 29% (251) 27% (239) 12% (106) 869Favorable of Trump 7% (53) 14% (109) 19% (153) 46% (372) 15% (121) 808Unfavorable of Trump 11% (118) 23% (249) 28% (307) 26% (282) 13% (143) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 9% (42) 11% (53) 17% (81) 48% (234) 16% (77) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (11) 18% (56) 22% (72) 43% (138) 14% (44) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10% (18) 25% (45) 26% (48) 22% (39) 17% (32) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (100) 22% (204) 28% (259) 26% (242) 12% (111) 917#1 Issue: Economy 11% (51) 19% (88) 24% (113) 33% (157) 13% (64) 472#1 Issue: Security 7% (28) 12% (46) 15% (58) 51% (197) 15% (59) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 11% (35) 23% (76) 22% (75) 26% (87) 18% (61) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (21) 17% (52) 30% (92) 29% (88) 17% (50) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 13% (23) 21% (36) 26% (45) 24% (41) 15% (26) 172#1 Issue: Education 9% (11) 23% (27) 23% (28) 27% (33) 18% (22) 121#1 Issue: Energy 5% (4) 21% (21) 36% (35) 28% (28) 10% (10) 98#1 Issue: Other 1% (1) 20% (21) 20% (20) 32% (33) 27% (28) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 10% (82) 22% (187) 30% (249) 27% (224) 11% (93) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 6% (41) 12% (81) 19% (124) 47% (310) 15% (97) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 15% (13) 16% (14) 33% (30) 26% (23) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (41) 21% (86) 19% (78) 24% (98) 26% (106) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11% (78) 24% (176) 30% (221) 25% (183) 11% (82) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (38) 12% (79) 20% (132) 48% (324) 15% (103) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 9% (14) 18% (30) 21% (34) 38% (63) 14% (22) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (44) 20% (82) 19% (76) 23% (92) 28% (112) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 8% (113) 17% (237) 24% (335) 37% (510) 13% (172) 1367Voted in 2014: No 10% (61) 21% (131) 21% (131) 25% (153) 24% (148) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_11

Table POL5_11: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A political insider

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 18% (368) 23% (466) 33% (663) 16% (320) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (92) 23% (199) 29% (256) 26% (222) 12% (101) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (23) 12% (60) 19% (96) 49% (249) 16% (79) 5062012 Vote: Other 7% (7) 7% (7) 18% (18) 53% (53) 16% (16) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (53) 20% (101) 19% (96) 27% (139) 24% (124) 5134-Region: Northeast 7% (25) 20% (72) 24% (86) 34% (120) 15% (52) 3554-Region: Midwest 7% (31) 17% (79) 25% (116) 34% (154) 17% (78) 4574-Region: South 11% (78) 20% (147) 21% (155) 31% (234) 17% (129) 7434-Region: West 9% (40) 16% (70) 25% (109) 36% (155) 14% (61) 435Strong Republican 7% (27) 12% (47) 15% (60) 51% (207) 16% (64) 405Not Very Strong Republican 5% (10) 19% (40) 22% (46) 39% (81) 14% (29) 205Strong Democrat 14% (70) 23% (115) 28% (139) 23% (112) 11% (54) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 9% (27) 28% (84) 24% (72) 23% (68) 15% (46) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_12

Table POL5_12: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A veteran

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (222) 22% (441) 26% (512) 30% (595) 11% (220) 1991Gender: Male 10% (96) 21% (197) 26% (238) 33% (311) 10% (90) 932Gender: Female 12% (126) 23% (244) 26% (274) 27% (284) 12% (131) 1059Age: 18-29 7% (25) 21% (71) 22% (77) 34% (119) 16% (54) 345Age: 30-44 12% (56) 22% (99) 24% (112) 30% (139) 11% (52) 458Age: 45-54 12% (43) 24% (88) 22% (78) 31% (111) 11% (41) 361Age: 55-64 12% (42) 22% (81) 28% (102) 26% (96) 12% (43) 364Age: 65+ 12% (56) 22% (103) 31% (143) 28% (131) 7% (30) 463Generation Z: 18-22 7% (10) 15% (20) 21% (28) 37% (49) 20% (27) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 10% (49) 22% (110) 24% (121) 32% (161) 12% (62) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 12% (65) 24% (128) 22% (118) 30% (159) 11% (57) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 11% (79) 23% (165) 29% (210) 28% (200) 9% (68) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 10% (78) 20% (158) 31% (246) 29% (229) 10% (76) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 9% (52) 22% (129) 26% (153) 28% (168) 15% (91) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 15% (91) 25% (155) 19% (114) 32% (197) 9% (53) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 11% (37) 17% (57) 31% (104) 32% (107) 8% (28) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (42) 22% (102) 31% (142) 27% (122) 11% (48) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 7% (20) 21% (61) 26% (74) 34% (98) 13% (37) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (32) 22% (67) 26% (78) 23% (70) 18% (55) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (39) 26% (79) 19% (60) 34% (106) 8% (25) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 17% (52) 25% (75) 18% (54) 30% (91) 9% (28) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (51) 18% (111) 33% (196) 34% (204) 7% (42) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (48) 24% (118) 30% (148) 28% (139) 8% (40) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (94) 26% (184) 20% (137) 30% (212) 10% (70) 697Educ: < College 13% (157) 22% (280) 24% (299) 28% (345) 14% (170) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 9% (41) 21% (98) 28% (134) 35% (166) 7% (33) 471Educ: Post-grad 9% (24) 24% (63) 30% (80) 31% (84) 6% (17) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_12

Table POL5_12: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A veteran

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (222) 22% (441) 26% (512) 30% (595) 11% (220) 1991Income: Under 50k 13% (143) 22% (243) 23% (251) 28% (300) 14% (151) 1087Income: 50k-100k 10% (63) 21% (136) 27% (174) 33% (209) 8% (54) 636Income: 100k+ 6% (16) 23% (63) 33% (87) 32% (86) 6% (16) 268Ethnicity: White 11% (171) 23% (371) 25% (409) 31% (499) 10% (160) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 16% (32) 16% (31) 23% (45) 33% (64) 11% (20) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (30) 20% (52) 26% (67) 23% (59) 18% (45) 252Ethnicity: Other 16% (20) 14% (18) 28% (36) 29% (38) 12% (16) 128All Christian 12% (111) 24% (226) 27% (251) 29% (271) 8% (73) 931All Non-Christian 14% (11) 17% (13) 28% (22) 29% (22) 11% (8) 77Atheist 1% (1) 7% (6) 18% (16) 66% (60) 9% (8) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11% (99) 22% (196) 25% (223) 27% (242) 15% (132) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13% (13) 20% (20) 28% (28) 28% (27) 11% (11) 99Evangelical 13% (76) 28% (158) 20% (116) 25% (144) 14% (80) 574Non-Evangelical 12% (85) 22% (159) 30% (221) 29% (209) 7% (52) 725Community: Urban 13% (60) 23% (108) 24% (113) 28% (133) 11% (53) 467Community: Suburban 10% (96) 20% (200) 28% (276) 33% (326) 10% (104) 1002Community: Rural 13% (66) 26% (134) 24% (124) 26% (136) 12% (63) 522Employ: Private Sector 8% (54) 21% (141) 27% (180) 36% (244) 8% (52) 671Employ: Government 17% (22) 28% (36) 22% (28) 27% (34) 6% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 9% (15) 30% (50) 24% (40) 25% (43) 12% (20) 169Employ: Homemaker 15% (17) 15% (17) 20% (22) 32% (36) 18% (20) 112Employ: Student 11% (10) 18% (16) 21% (19) 28% (25) 22% (19) 89Employ: Retired 14% (71) 22% (112) 30% (150) 26% (129) 8% (43) 505Employ: Unemployed 10% (16) 21% (32) 18% (28) 30% (47) 21% (34) 157Employ: Other 10% (17) 22% (36) 29% (46) 23% (37) 15% (24) 160Military HH: Yes 16% (57) 29% (104) 25% (91) 22% (80) 7% (25) 357Military HH: No 10% (165) 21% (338) 26% (421) 32% (515) 12% (195) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 15% (115) 25% (189) 18% (139) 30% (233) 12% (91) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (107) 21% (252) 31% (374) 30% (362) 11% (129) 1224

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Table POL5_12

Table POL5_12: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A veteran

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (222) 22% (441) 26% (512) 30% (595) 11% (220) 1991Trump Job Approve 14% (110) 26% (213) 19% (157) 31% (250) 9% (77) 807Trump Job Disapprove 9% (105) 19% (215) 31% (351) 30% (338) 10% (107) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 16% (71) 24% (105) 16% (68) 33% (145) 11% (47) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 11% (39) 29% (108) 24% (88) 28% (105) 8% (30) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (20) 26% (65) 28% (70) 27% (68) 10% (25) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10% (84) 17% (150) 32% (282) 31% (270) 10% (83) 869Favorable of Trump 14% (110) 26% (211) 19% (157) 31% (252) 10% (77) 808Unfavorable of Trump 10% (105) 20% (217) 32% (347) 30% (331) 9% (98) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 17% (83) 25% (121) 15% (75) 31% (152) 11% (54) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (27) 28% (90) 25% (82) 31% (100) 7% (23) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10% (17) 28% (50) 27% (49) 26% (47) 10% (19) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 10% (88) 18% (167) 33% (299) 31% (285) 9% (79) 917#1 Issue: Economy 11% (50) 23% (107) 25% (118) 33% (157) 9% (41) 472#1 Issue: Security 13% (52) 25% (98) 15% (59) 35% (136) 11% (43) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (27) 23% (76) 28% (93) 29% (97) 12% (41) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 15% (47) 21% (64) 33% (101) 21% (63) 9% (29) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11% (19) 15% (26) 29% (50) 32% (54) 13% (22) 172#1 Issue: Education 9% (11) 29% (35) 25% (30) 24% (29) 13% (16) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 14% (14) 34% (33) 38% (37) 9% (9) 98#1 Issue: Other 12% (12) 20% (21) 27% (28) 21% (22) 20% (20) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (73) 20% (165) 32% (271) 32% (264) 7% (62) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 14% (89) 27% (176) 20% (130) 30% (196) 10% (63) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 27% (24) 16% (14) 25% (23) 22% (20) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 12% (49) 19% (76) 24% (97) 27% (112) 18% (76) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (69) 19% (142) 34% (255) 29% (217) 8% (57) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (90) 26% (176) 21% (145) 30% (200) 10% (65) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 13% (21) 20% (32) 23% (38) 33% (53) 12% (19) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (42) 22% (88) 18% (74) 30% (123) 19% (78) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 12% (161) 23% (313) 27% (366) 29% (402) 9% (124) 1367Voted in 2014: No 10% (60) 21% (128) 23% (146) 31% (193) 15% (97) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_12

Table POL5_12: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A veteran

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (222) 22% (441) 26% (512) 30% (595) 11% (220) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 10% (90) 21% (187) 32% (283) 27% (238) 8% (72) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (66) 25% (127) 21% (106) 32% (160) 9% (47) 5062012 Vote: Other 15% (15) 17% (17) 18% (18) 35% (35) 15% (15) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (51) 22% (111) 21% (106) 31% (161) 17% (85) 5134-Region: Northeast 11% (39) 20% (70) 28% (100) 34% (120) 7% (26) 3554-Region: Midwest 10% (44) 23% (104) 28% (126) 29% (132) 11% (51) 4574-Region: South 12% (87) 24% (180) 22% (164) 29% (218) 13% (94) 7434-Region: West 12% (52) 20% (88) 28% (122) 29% (124) 11% (49) 435Strong Republican 17% (69) 25% (101) 16% (63) 33% (132) 10% (40) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (22) 26% (54) 25% (51) 32% (66) 7% (13) 205Strong Democrat 10% (48) 19% (92) 35% (171) 28% (138) 8% (41) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 10% (30) 22% (66) 25% (75) 31% (91) 12% (35) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL5_13

Table POL5_13: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A Christian

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 21% (423) 18% (366) 15% (308) 36% (710) 9% (184) 1991Gender: Male 19% (180) 19% (173) 15% (136) 39% (366) 8% (77) 932Gender: Female 23% (243) 18% (193) 16% (173) 33% (344) 10% (107) 1059Age: 18-29 14% (50) 13% (45) 16% (56) 45% (154) 12% (40) 345Age: 30-44 20% (91) 17% (78) 16% (71) 37% (170) 10% (48) 458Age: 45-54 23% (84) 17% (62) 15% (55) 33% (118) 12% (42) 361Age: 55-64 23% (83) 23% (85) 15% (56) 30% (111) 8% (29) 364Age: 65+ 25% (115) 21% (96) 15% (71) 34% (157) 5% (24) 463Generation Z: 18-22 13% (18) 11% (14) 14% (19) 46% (62) 15% (20) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 17% (85) 16% (82) 17% (87) 39% (196) 10% (53) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 23% (122) 17% (88) 14% (76) 35% (183) 11% (58) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 24% (170) 22% (159) 15% (109) 33% (237) 7% (47) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 15% (121) 17% (132) 18% (144) 41% (326) 8% (65) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (90) 14% (82) 17% (99) 41% (245) 13% (77) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 35% (212) 25% (152) 11% (65) 23% (139) 7% (43) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 17% (55) 16% (52) 16% (53) 46% (151) 6% (22) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 14% (66) 18% (80) 20% (91) 38% (175) 9% (43) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 12% (34) 14% (40) 16% (47) 46% (132) 13% (37) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 19% (56) 14% (42) 17% (52) 37% (113) 13% (40) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (91) 26% (81) 12% (36) 27% (82) 6% (19) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 40% (121) 23% (70) 10% (29) 19% (57) 8% (24) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (69) 14% (84) 18% (107) 51% (308) 6% (35) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (78) 16% (81) 22% (106) 39% (192) 7% (36) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 34% (236) 25% (174) 11% (75) 22% (155) 8% (57) 697Educ: < College 22% (279) 18% (223) 16% (198) 33% (410) 11% (141) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 20% (96) 19% (88) 14% (65) 42% (198) 5% (25) 471Educ: Post-grad 18% (47) 20% (55) 17% (45) 38% (102) 7% (18) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_13

Table POL5_13: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A Christian

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 21% (423) 18% (366) 15% (308) 36% (710) 9% (184) 1991Income: Under 50k 24% (259) 16% (177) 15% (164) 33% (360) 12% (127) 1087Income: 50k-100k 19% (118) 22% (137) 16% (102) 37% (235) 7% (43) 636Income: 100k+ 17% (46) 20% (52) 16% (42) 43% (114) 5% (14) 268Ethnicity: White 21% (345) 18% (290) 15% (242) 37% (595) 9% (138) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (33) 19% (37) 19% (36) 34% (66) 11% (21) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 21% (53) 22% (56) 17% (43) 27% (68) 13% (32) 252Ethnicity: Other 19% (25) 16% (20) 18% (23) 36% (46) 11% (14) 128All Christian 28% (264) 25% (228) 15% (139) 26% (243) 6% (56) 931All Non-Christian 7% (5) 7% (5) 11% (9) 62% (48) 13% (10) 77Atheist 1% (1) — (0) 3% (3) 89% (81) 7% (7) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17% (153) 15% (132) 18% (158) 38% (337) 12% (111) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10% (10) 14% (14) 13% (13) 50% (49) 13% (13) 99Evangelical 46% (264) 26% (151) 9% (49) 11% (65) 8% (45) 574Non-Evangelical 16% (113) 22% (156) 22% (161) 33% (238) 8% (56) 725Community: Urban 20% (93) 17% (81) 17% (81) 35% (166) 10% (46) 467Community: Suburban 17% (171) 18% (175) 16% (162) 41% (407) 9% (86) 1002Community: Rural 30% (158) 21% (110) 12% (65) 26% (137) 10% (52) 522Employ: Private Sector 18% (121) 19% (129) 15% (101) 41% (275) 7% (46) 671Employ: Government 27% (34) 21% (26) 21% (26) 26% (34) 6% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 22% (38) 18% (31) 16% (28) 34% (58) 9% (15) 169Employ: Homemaker 19% (21) 19% (21) 15% (16) 33% (37) 15% (16) 112Employ: Student 16% (14) 19% (17) 15% (14) 39% (34) 11% (10) 89Employ: Retired 23% (118) 20% (103) 16% (83) 33% (165) 7% (37) 505Employ: Unemployed 17% (26) 12% (19) 12% (19) 43% (67) 17% (26) 157Employ: Other 31% (49) 13% (21) 14% (22) 25% (41) 17% (27) 160Military HH: Yes 23% (83) 18% (65) 16% (59) 34% (122) 8% (29) 357Military HH: No 21% (340) 18% (301) 15% (250) 36% (588) 9% (155) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 29% (225) 21% (162) 14% (104) 25% (189) 11% (86) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 16% (198) 17% (204) 17% (204) 43% (521) 8% (98) 1224

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Table POL5_13

Table POL5_13: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A Christian

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 21% (423) 18% (366) 15% (308) 36% (710) 9% (184) 1991Trump Job Approve 31% (247) 22% (177) 14% (112) 25% (205) 8% (66) 807Trump Job Disapprove 15% (163) 16% (179) 17% (192) 44% (496) 8% (87) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 36% (158) 21% (90) 10% (43) 25% (108) 9% (38) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 24% (89) 24% (87) 19% (69) 26% (97) 8% (28) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 19% (47) 23% (57) 18% (44) 33% (81) 8% (19) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 13% (116) 14% (122) 17% (148) 48% (415) 8% (68) 869Favorable of Trump 31% (251) 22% (178) 14% (113) 25% (202) 8% (64) 808Unfavorable of Trump 14% (155) 17% (184) 17% (189) 45% (493) 7% (78) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 36% (176) 21% (100) 12% (57) 23% (112) 8% (41) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 23% (74) 24% (78) 18% (57) 28% (90) 7% (23) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (32) 23% (41) 16% (29) 34% (62) 9% (16) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 13% (123) 16% (142) 17% (159) 47% (431) 7% (62) 917#1 Issue: Economy 22% (102) 21% (98) 16% (74) 36% (172) 6% (26) 472#1 Issue: Security 29% (114) 23% (89) 13% (49) 27% (103) 8% (32) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (48) 16% (55) 17% (58) 39% (131) 13% (42) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (77) 20% (60) 16% (50) 29% (89) 9% (27) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14% (24) 11% (19) 20% (34) 44% (76) 11% (19) 172#1 Issue: Education 27% (33) 11% (13) 17% (21) 35% (42) 10% (12) 121#1 Issue: Energy 7% (7) 17% (16) 12% (12) 53% (52) 11% (11) 98#1 Issue: Other 17% (17) 15% (15) 10% (10) 43% (44) 15% (15) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 13% (111) 15% (123) 18% (152) 47% (394) 7% (55) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 34% (223) 24% (157) 12% (75) 23% (153) 7% (46) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 14% (13) 15% (13) 14% (13) 36% (33) 20% (18) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 19% (76) 17% (72) 17% (68) 31% (129) 16% (65) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 13% (95) 15% (113) 19% (137) 47% (345) 7% (50) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 33% (221) 23% (154) 13% (90) 23% (158) 8% (53) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 19% (31) 20% (33) 11% (18) 40% (65) 10% (16) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 19% (76) 16% (66) 15% (60) 35% (140) 16% (65) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 23% (310) 20% (269) 15% (202) 36% (492) 7% (95) 1367Voted in 2014: No 18% (113) 16% (97) 17% (107) 35% (218) 14% (89) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL5_13

Table POL5_13: How important is it that the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election be each of the following?A Christian

Demographic Very importantSomewhatimportant

Not tooimportant

Not importantat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 21% (423) 18% (366) 15% (308) 36% (710) 9% (184) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 16% (138) 18% (159) 18% (155) 41% (355) 7% (63) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 36% (181) 24% (121) 9% (47) 24% (122) 7% (35) 5062012 Vote: Other 19% (19) 12% (12) 21% (21) 39% (39) 9% (9) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17% (85) 14% (73) 16% (84) 38% (194) 15% (77) 5134-Region: Northeast 12% (43) 12% (44) 18% (63) 49% (173) 9% (32) 3554-Region: Midwest 21% (97) 20% (93) 13% (60) 36% (165) 9% (42) 4574-Region: South 29% (218) 21% (154) 13% (97) 28% (209) 9% (66) 7434-Region: West 15% (64) 17% (75) 20% (88) 38% (164) 10% (44) 435Strong Republican 41% (168) 21% (85) 9% (38) 21% (85) 7% (29) 405Not Very Strong Republican 21% (44) 32% (67) 13% (27) 26% (54) 7% (14) 205Strong Democrat 17% (81) 17% (83) 17% (84) 44% (214) 6% (29) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 13% (40) 17% (49) 20% (60) 38% (112) 12% (36) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL6

Table POL6: Do you think the Republican party should nominate Donald Trump as the party’s candidate for president in 2020, or do you think theRepublican party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2020?






Somewhatsupport adifferentcandidate’snomination

Stronglysupport adifferentcandidate’snomination

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 67% (439) 17% (114) 6% (37) 7% (49) 3% (20) 659Gender: Male 69% (237) 18% (64) 4% (13) 5% (18) 3% (12) 344Gender: Female 64% (202) 16% (50) 7% (24) 10% (31) 3% (8) 314Age: 18-29 46% (41) 29% (26) 10% (9) 11% (10) 5% (4) 89Age: 30-44 65% (84) 19% (24) 7% (9) 5% (6) 5% (6) 129Age: 45-54 79% (101) 12% (15) 3% (4) 5% (6) 1% (2) 128Age: 55-64 67% (85) 15% (19) 6% (7) 9% (12) 3% (3) 127Age: 65+ 69% (128) 16% (29) 5% (8) 8% (15) 3% (5) 186Millennial: Age 23-38 55% (73) 26% (34) 7% (10) 7% (9) 5% (7) 132Generation X: Age 39-54 77% (138) 12% (21) 5% (8) 5% (8) 2% (3) 179Boomers: Age 55-73 68% (177) 17% (44) 5% (12) 9% (23) 2% (4) 260PID: Ind (no lean) 59% (61) 20% (20) 3% (3) 14% (14) 5% (5) 103PID: Rep (no lean) 69% (368) 16% (86) 6% (34) 5% (29) 3% (15) 533PID/Gender: Ind Men 66% (34) 20% (10) 2% (1) 5% (2) 8% (4) 51PID/Gender: Ind Women 53% (27) 20% (10) 3% (2) 23% (12) 2% (1) 52PID/Gender: Rep Men 71% (198) 17% (48) 4% (12) 5% (13) 3% (8) 279PID/Gender: Rep Women 67% (170) 15% (38) 9% (22) 7% (17) 3% (8) 254Ideo: Moderate (4) 47% (41) 22% (20) 9% (8) 21% (19) 1% (1) 88Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 71% (358) 17% (84) 5% (24) 5% (24) 3% (13) 503Educ: < College 71% (291) 15% (63) 6% (23) 6% (24) 3% (10) 412Educ: Bachelors degree 61% (91) 18% (27) 7% (10) 9% (14) 5% (7) 149Educ: Post-grad 59% (57) 23% (23) 4% (4) 11% (11) 3% (3) 98Income: Under 50k 68% (216) 16% (51) 4% (13) 8% (24) 4% (12) 315Income: 50k-100k 68% (154) 17% (38) 8% (18) 5% (12) 2% (5) 228Income: 100k+ 59% (69) 21% (25) 5% (6) 11% (12) 3% (3) 116

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Morning ConsultTable POL6

Table POL6: Do you think the Republican party should nominate Donald Trump as the party’s candidate for president in 2020, or do you think theRepublican party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2020?






Somewhatsupport adifferentcandidate’snomination

Stronglysupport adifferentcandidate’snomination

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 67% (439) 17% (114) 6% (37) 7% (49) 3% (20) 659Ethnicity: White 68% (422) 17% (103) 5% (33) 7% (41) 3% (20) 620All Christian 68% (283) 16% (68) 6% (26) 8% (32) 2% (7) 417Agnostic/Nothing in particular 65% (145) 20% (45) 4% (8) 7% (15) 4% (10) 223Evangelical 75% (208) 12% (35) 6% (17) 4% (12) 3% (8) 279Non-Evangelical 61% (152) 20% (50) 7% (17) 10% (25) 2% (4) 248Community: Urban 67% (76) 18% (21) 4% (5) 8% (9) 4% (4) 115Community: Suburban 65% (204) 17% (55) 6% (19) 9% (27) 3% (10) 316Community: Rural 69% (158) 17% (38) 6% (13) 6% (13) 3% (6) 228Employ: Private Sector 65% (150) 21% (49) 6% (13) 7% (15) 1% (3) 230Employ: Self-Employed 57% (35) 20% (12) 4% (2) 11% (7) 9% (6) 63Employ: Retired 69% (136) 14% (27) 6% (11) 10% (19) 2% (5) 197Military HH: Yes 69% (101) 19% (28) 3% (5) 6% (9) 2% (3) 146Military HH: No 66% (338) 17% (86) 6% (32) 8% (40) 3% (18) 512RD/WT: Right Direction 77% (385) 15% (74) 4% (18) 2% (9) 3% (14) 500RD/WT: Wrong Track 34% (54) 25% (39) 12% (19) 25% (39) 4% (7) 158Trump Job Approve 75% (425) 18% (103) 4% (20) 1% (8) 2% (11) 567Trump Job Disapprove 15% (13) 13% (11) 20% (17) 45% (39) 7% (6) 85Trump Job Strongly Approve 95% (348) 4% (14) 1% (2) — (1) — (1) 366Trump Job Somewhat Approve 38% (77) 44% (89) 9% (18) 3% (7) 5% (10) 201Favorable of Trump 75% (433) 18% (104) 4% (23) 1% (6) 2% (10) 575Unfavorable of Trump 3% (2) 12% (9) 18% (13) 59% (43) 8% (6) 74Very Favorable of Trump 92% (369) 6% (24) 1% (3) — (1) 1% (3) 399Somewhat Favorable of Trump 37% (65) 45% (79) 12% (20) 3% (5) 4% (7) 176

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL6

Table POL6: Do you think the Republican party should nominate Donald Trump as the party’s candidate for president in 2020, or do you think theRepublican party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2020?






Somewhatsupport adifferentcandidate’snomination

Stronglysupport adifferentcandidate’snomination

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 67% (439) 17% (114) 6% (37) 7% (49) 3% (20) 659#1 Issue: Economy 60% (97) 20% (32) 7% (11) 9% (15) 4% (7) 162#1 Issue: Security 77% (203) 15% (40) 5% (12) 2% (7) 1% (2) 264#1 Issue: Health Care 65% (42) 14% (9) 3% (2) 15% (9) 3% (2) 64#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 63% (54) 21% (18) 3% (3) 9% (8) 4% (4) 862018 House Vote: Republican 72% (389) 15% (82) 5% (27) 5% (27) 2% (13) 5382018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 48% (38) 31% (25) 5% (4) 11% (9) 6% (5) 812016 Vote: Donald Trump 75% (398) 15% (77) 4% (23) 4% (19) 2% (13) 5302016 Vote: Didnt Vote 45% (33) 33% (24) 5% (4) 9% (6) 8% (6) 72Voted in 2014: Yes 70% (348) 15% (73) 5% (27) 7% (37) 3% (15) 500Voted in 2014: No 57% (91) 26% (41) 6% (10) 8% (12) 3% (5) 1582012 Vote: Barack Obama 59% (50) 18% (15) 6% (5) 16% (14) 1% (1) 852012 Vote: Mitt Romney 71% (273) 15% (60) 5% (21) 5% (21) 3% (13) 3872012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 57% (83) 24% (34) 6% (9) 9% (13) 4% (6) 1454-Region: Northeast 67% (65) 13% (12) 8% (8) 11% (11) 1% (1) 974-Region: Midwest 60% (91) 23% (34) 6% (9) 7% (11) 4% (6) 1514-Region: South 72% (211) 14% (41) 5% (15) 6% (16) 3% (8) 2904-Region: West 61% (73) 22% (26) 4% (5) 9% (11) 4% (5) 120Strong Republican 82% (308) 10% (37) 3% (12) 3% (12) 2% (9) 377Not Very Strong Republican 39% (61) 32% (49) 14% (22) 11% (17) 4% (7) 156Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit


Morning ConsultTable POL7

Table POL7: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you de nitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or de nitely vote for someone else?


De nitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

De nitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (550) 9% (181) 7% (137) 49% (971) 2% (40) 6% (112) 1991Gender: Male 33% (307) 10% (92) 7% (65) 44% (410) 2% (17) 4% (40) 932Gender: Female 23% (242) 8% (89) 7% (72) 53% (561) 2% (24) 7% (72) 1059Age: 18-29 18% (63) 8% (27) 10% (35) 53% (183) 4% (13) 7% (23) 345Age: 30-44 23% (105) 10% (44) 8% (37) 50% (227) 2% (10) 8% (36) 458Age: 45-54 33% (117) 6% (23) 7% (25) 48% (172) 2% (7) 5% (17) 361Age: 55-64 29% (107) 12% (43) 5% (18) 46% (167) 2% (8) 6% (21) 364Age: 65+ 34% (158) 9% (42) 5% (22) 48% (222) 1% (3) 3% (16) 463Generation Z: 18-22 19% (25) 8% (11) 14% (19) 48% (65) 2% (3) 8% (11) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 20% (100) 9% (43) 8% (41) 52% (264) 4% (18) 8% (38) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 30% (160) 8% (41) 7% (37) 48% (253) 2% (9) 5% (27) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 31% (224) 10% (73) 5% (35) 48% (346) 2% (11) 5% (34) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (31) 3% (20) 6% (48) 81% (636) 3% (21) 4% (31) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 19% (113) 11% (65) 8% (50) 48% (286) 3% (18) 10% (61) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 66% (406) 16% (96) 6% (39) 8% (49) — (1) 3% (20) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (15) 4% (14) 8% (27) 78% (261) 2% (7) 3% (10) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (16) 2% (7) 5% (22) 83% (376) 3% (14) 5% (21) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 24% (69) 12% (36) 8% (23) 44% (127) 3% (10) 9% (25) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (44) 10% (29) 9% (27) 52% (158) 3% (9) 12% (36) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 72% (224) 14% (43) 5% (15) 7% (22) — (0) 2% (5) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 60% (182) 17% (53) 8% (24) 9% (27) — (1) 5% (15) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (29) 2% (13) 6% (35) 83% (498) 1% (8) 4% (21) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 13% (64) 9% (42) 10% (52) 60% (294) 3% (17) 5% (24) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 60% (420) 16% (111) 5% (36) 15% (105) 1% (5) 3% (21) 697

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Cameron Easley

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL7

Table POL7: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you de nitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or de nitely vote for someone else?


De nitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

De nitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (550) 9% (181) 7% (137) 49% (971) 2% (40) 6% (112) 1991Educ: < College 29% (365) 8% (100) 7% (82) 47% (591) 2% (31) 7% (84) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 23% (108) 12% (56) 8% (36) 51% (241) 2% (9) 4% (20) 471Educ: Post-grad 28% (76) 9% (25) 7% (19) 52% (139) — (1) 3% (9) 268Income: Under 50k 26% (282) 8% (87) 6% (64) 49% (534) 3% (29) 8% (90) 1087Income: 50k-100k 29% (185) 8% (52) 9% (57) 49% (314) 1% (6) 3% (21) 636Income: 100k+ 31% (83) 16% (42) 6% (16) 45% (122) 2% (5) 1% (2) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (521) 10% (163) 7% (109) 45% (717) 1% (22) 5% (79) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% (37) 6% (11) 9% (18) 53% (103) 3% (5) 10% (19) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (13) 3% (6) 6% (16) 72% (181) 7% (16) 8% (20) 252Ethnicity: Other 12% (16) 9% (12) 10% (12) 57% (73) 1% (2) 11% (14) 128All Christian 37% (345) 11% (101) 6% (56) 40% (370) 1% (13) 5% (47) 931All Non-Christian 12% (9) 7% (5) 11% (8) 63% (48) 2% (2) 5% (4) 77Atheist 9% (8) 6% (5) 7% (6) 74% (68) 2% (2) 3% (2) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21% (188) 8% (70) 7% (67) 54% (485) 3% (24) 7% (58) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 14% (14) 8% (8) 9% (8) 58% (58) 3% (3) 9% (9) 99Evangelical 42% (243) 11% (63) 4% (24) 35% (202) 2% (9) 6% (33) 574Non-Evangelical 27% (193) 9% (66) 7% (53) 50% (362) 3% (18) 5% (33) 725Community: Urban 22% (104) 7% (31) 7% (33) 56% (262) 3% (16) 4% (21) 467Community: Suburban 27% (268) 9% (92) 7% (69) 50% (501) 2% (18) 5% (54) 1002Community: Rural 34% (177) 11% (58) 7% (36) 40% (208) 1% (6) 7% (37) 522

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Morning ConsultTable POL7

Table POL7: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you de nitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or de nitely vote for someone else?


De nitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

De nitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (550) 9% (181) 7% (137) 49% (971) 2% (40) 6% (112) 1991Employ: Private Sector 28% (185) 10% (64) 8% (56) 49% (327) 2% (13) 4% (26) 671Employ: Government 29% (37) 11% (14) 5% (6) 48% (61) 3% (3) 6% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 28% (47) 11% (19) 3% (6) 50% (84) 2% (4) 6% (10) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (33) 10% (11) 5% (6) 44% (49) 2% (2) 9% (10) 112Employ: Student 10% (9) 10% (8) 16% (14) 56% (50) 3% (3) 6% (5) 89Employ: Retired 33% (168) 8% (42) 5% (27) 48% (245) 1% (5) 4% (18) 505Employ: Unemployed 17% (26) 8% (13) 10% (16) 50% (78) 4% (6) 11% (18) 157Employ: Other 28% (45) 6% (9) 4% (6) 48% (77) 2% (3) 12% (19) 160Military HH: Yes 36% (127) 12% (44) 4% (14) 42% (149) 2% (6) 5% (18) 357Military HH: No 26% (423) 8% (137) 8% (123) 50% (821) 2% (34) 6% (95) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 62% (473) 17% (127) 8% (61) 7% (56) 1% (7) 6% (43) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (77) 4% (54) 6% (76) 75% (914) 3% (33) 6% (69) 1224Trump Job Approve 65% (527) 20% (163) 7% (55) 3% (24) — (4) 4% (34) 807Trump Job Disapprove 2% (19) 1% (16) 7% (74) 83% (927) 3% (31) 4% (50) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 91% (396) 7% (29) — (2) 1% (5) — (0) 1% (6) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (132) 36% (134) 14% (53) 5% (19) 1% (4) 8% (29) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (4) 6% (15) 23% (56) 55% (136) 3% (8) 11% (27) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (14) — (1) 2% (17) 91% (791) 3% (23) 3% (22) 869Favorable of Trump 67% (540) 20% (165) 5% (43) 3% (20) 1% (7) 4% (33) 808Unfavorable of Trump 1% (6) 1% (13) 8% (88) 85% (934) 2% (20) 3% (38) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 87% (423) 8% (38) 1% (7) 2% (9) — (1) 2% (8) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 36% (117) 39% (126) 11% (36) 4% (11) 2% (6) 8% (24) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 1% (2) 6% (11) 33% (59) 44% (79) 3% (6) 13% (23) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump — (3) — (2) 3% (28) 93% (854) 2% (14) 2% (15) 917

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL7

Table POL7: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you de nitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or de nitely vote for someone else?


De nitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

De nitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (550) 9% (181) 7% (137) 49% (971) 2% (40) 6% (112) 1991#1 Issue: Economy 27% (128) 12% (55) 11% (51) 43% (201) 3% (15) 5% (22) 472#1 Issue: Security 61% (237) 13% (50) 4% (16) 17% (66) 1% (3) 4% (16) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 16% (54) 6% (21) 4% (14) 64% (214) 3% (9) 6% (21) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24% (72) 8% (25) 6% (18) 56% (169) 1% (3) 6% (17) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (13) 3% (5) 8% (14) 76% (130) 2% (4) 4% (7) 172#1 Issue: Education 19% (24) 11% (13) 7% (8) 50% (61) 5% (6) 8% (9) 121#1 Issue: Energy 7% (7) 4% (4) 8% (8) 74% (73) 1% (1) 5% (5) 98#1 Issue: Other 15% (16) 8% (8) 7% (7) 55% (56) 1% (1) 14% (14) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (22) 2% (18) 6% (53) 84% (705) 1% (12) 3% (24) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 67% (437) 16% (104) 5% (35) 8% (53) — (0) 4% (25) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (11) 8% (7) 8% (7) 48% (43) 3% (3) 21% (19) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 19% (79) 12% (50) 10% (42) 41% (169) 6% (25) 11% (45) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (13) 2% (13) 5% (39) 87% (648) 1% (8) 3% (21) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 68% (460) 17% (114) 5% (32) 6% (43) — (0) 4% (26) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 4% (7) 7% (11) 17% (28) 59% (96) 3% (4) 10% (16) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 17% (68) 11% (43) 9% (37) 45% (183) 6% (26) 12% (49) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 30% (414) 8% (113) 6% (80) 50% (690) 1% (11) 4% (60) 1367Voted in 2014: No 22% (136) 11% (68) 9% (58) 45% (280) 5% (30) 8% (52) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (72) 4% (39) 6% (57) 75% (653) 2% (14) 4% (35) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 63% (318) 15% (76) 5% (24) 14% (68) — (0) 4% (20) 5062012 Vote: Other 43% (43) 9% (9) 2% (2) 36% (36) — (0) 10% (11) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (117) 11% (57) 10% (54) 41% (213) 5% (26) 9% (47) 5134-Region: Northeast 23% (82) 8% (27) 10% (35) 52% (184) 1% (5) 6% (23) 3554-Region: Midwest 28% (127) 10% (44) 7% (32) 49% (225) 2% (7) 5% (23) 4574-Region: South 32% (241) 10% (75) 6% (42) 44% (328) 3% (22) 5% (34) 7434-Region: West 23% (100) 8% (35) 6% (28) 54% (233) 1% (6) 7% (32) 435

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Morning ConsultTable POL7

Table POL7: If the 2020 presidential election were held today, would you de nitely vote to re-elect Donald Trump, probably vote to re-elect DonaldTrump, probably vote for someone else or de nitely vote for someone else?


De nitelyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote tore-electDonaldTrump

Probablyvote for

someone else

De nitelyvote for

someone elseWould not

voteDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (550) 9% (181) 7% (137) 49% (971) 2% (40) 6% (112) 1991Strong Republican 83% (338) 6% (26) 3% (13) 4% (16) — (0) 3% (11) 405Not Very Strong Republican 33% (68) 34% (69) 13% (26) 16% (33) 1% (1) 4% (9) 205Strong Democrat 3% (13) 1% (4) 4% (21) 88% (431) 2% (12) 2% (10) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (18) 6% (17) 9% (27) 69% (205) 3% (9) 7% (20) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL8

Table POL8: If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of the following candidates are you most likely to vote for?


Republicancandidate Would not vote

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (935) 35% (703) 2% (30) 16% (322) 1991Gender: Male 44% (414) 41% (378) 1% (11) 14% (128) 932Gender: Female 49% (521) 31% (325) 2% (19) 18% (194) 1059Age: 18-29 55% (189) 25% (88) 3% (11) 17% (57) 345Age: 30-44 49% (225) 30% (137) 1% (6) 20% (90) 458Age: 45-54 43% (155) 40% (145) 2% (7) 15% (54) 361Age: 55-64 44% (161) 37% (136) 1% (3) 18% (65) 364Age: 65+ 44% (205) 43% (198) 1% (3) 12% (57) 463Generation Z: 18-22 52% (70) 27% (36) 4% (5) 17% (23) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 52% (262) 26% (131) 2% (8) 20% (102) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 45% (237) 38% (203) 2% (11) 14% (76) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 45% (325) 39% (281) 1% (6) 15% (110) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 89% (704) 4% (28) 1% (6) 6% (49) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 35% (207) 22% (133) 4% (21) 39% (232) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (24) 89% (542) 1% (3) 7% (42) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 91% (301) 4% (15) — (1) 5% (16) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 89% (403) 3% (14) 1% (5) 7% (33) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 35% (102) 27% (79) 3% (9) 34% (100) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 35% (105) 18% (54) 4% (12) 44% (132) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (11) 92% (284) — (1) 4% (12) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (13) 85% (257) 1% (2) 10% (29) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 85% (510) 6% (33) 1% (5) 9% (55) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 55% (271) 21% (101) 1% (7) 23% (113) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (97) 77% (534) 1% (5) 9% (62) 697Educ: < College 45% (568) 35% (445) 2% (20) 17% (219) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 51% (241) 33% (155) 2% (8) 14% (67) 471Educ: Post-grad 47% (125) 39% (104) 1% (3) 13% (36) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL8

Table POL8: If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of the following candidates are you most likely to vote for?


Republicancandidate Would not vote

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (935) 35% (703) 2% (30) 16% (322) 1991Income: Under 50k 48% (523) 31% (339) 2% (23) 19% (203) 1087Income: 50k-100k 47% (298) 38% (240) 1% (6) 14% (91) 636Income: 100k+ 42% (114) 46% (124) — (1) 11% (29) 268Ethnicity: White 42% (676) 41% (660) 1% (17) 16% (257) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 57% (110) 28% (53) 1% (2) 14% (27) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 75% (189) 6% (15) 4% (9) 16% (40) 252Ethnicity: Other 55% (71) 22% (28) 4% (5) 20% (25) 128All Christian 40% (375) 48% (446) — (3) 11% (107) 931All Non-Christian 72% (55) 14% (11) 1% (1) 13% (10) 77Atheist 71% (64) 11% (10) 4% (3) 15% (14) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 49% (440) 27% (237) 3% (23) 22% (192) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 61% (61) 20% (20) 1% (1) 18% (18) 99Evangelical 33% (192) 51% (291) 1% (5) 15% (86) 574Non-Evangelical 51% (368) 37% (266) 1% (6) 12% (85) 725Community: Urban 58% (270) 27% (124) 1% (6) 14% (67) 467Community: Suburban 47% (474) 34% (344) 2% (16) 17% (168) 1002Community: Rural 36% (190) 45% (236) 2% (8) 17% (87) 522Employ: Private Sector 49% (329) 37% (246) 2% (11) 13% (86) 671Employ: Government 47% (60) 39% (50) 1% (1) 12% (16) 128Employ: Self-Employed 41% (70) 37% (63) 4% (8) 17% (29) 169Employ: Homemaker 37% (42) 38% (42) 1% (1) 25% (28) 112Employ: Student 65% (57) 19% (17) 2% (2) 14% (12) 89Employ: Retired 44% (225) 41% (206) 1% (4) 14% (71) 505Employ: Unemployed 54% (85) 18% (29) 1% (2) 26% (42) 157Employ: Other 42% (67) 32% (52) 1% (2) 24% (39) 160Military HH: Yes 38% (137) 44% (158) 1% (4) 16% (59) 357Military HH: No 49% (798) 33% (545) 2% (27) 16% (264) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (108) 70% (538) 2% (12) 14% (108) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 68% (827) 13% (165) 1% (18) 17% (214) 1224Trump Job Approve 10% (77) 77% (622) 1% (10) 12% (98) 807Trump Job Disapprove 75% (840) 7% (75) 2% (18) 16% (184) 1117

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Table POL8

Table POL8: If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of the following candidates are you most likely to vote for?


Republicancandidate Would not vote

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (935) 35% (703) 2% (30) 16% (322) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (16) 89% (390) 1% (4) 6% (27) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (61) 63% (232) 2% (6) 19% (71) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 49% (120) 19% (46) 2% (5) 31% (76) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 83% (720) 3% (28) 1% (12) 12% (108) 869Favorable of Trump 10% (78) 78% (629) 1% (12) 11% (89) 808Unfavorable of Trump 75% (828) 6% (68) 1% (14) 17% (188) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 5% (27) 88% (429) 1% (4) 5% (26) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 16% (51) 62% (200) 2% (8) 20% (63) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 44% (79) 21% (38) 3% (6) 32% (58) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 82% (748) 3% (30) 1% (8) 14% (130) 917#1 Issue: Economy 42% (201) 39% (184) 2% (11) 16% (77) 472#1 Issue: Security 15% (60) 72% (279) — (2) 12% (48) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 64% (214) 20% (65) 2% (5) 15% (48) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 56% (170) 30% (91) 1% (2) 14% (41) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71% (122) 10% (17) 3% (5) 17% (28) 172#1 Issue: Education 48% (58) 27% (32) 2% (2) 24% (29) 121#1 Issue: Energy 66% (65) 13% (13) 2% (2) 19% (18) 98#1 Issue: Other 45% (46) 22% (23) 1% (1) 32% (33) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 88% (736) 2% (20) 1% (5) 9% (74) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 3% (22) 87% (571) — (2) 9% (60) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 9% (8) 1% (0) 74% (66) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (161) 25% (102) 6% (24) 30% (123) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 88% (653) 3% (19) — (3) 9% (66) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (49) 83% (559) 1% (4) 9% (63) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 40% (66) 19% (32) — (0) 40% (66) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 40% (165) 22% (91) 6% (24) 31% (127) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 49% (673) 38% (524) — (3) 12% (167) 1367Voted in 2014: No 42% (262) 29% (179) 4% (27) 25% (155) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL8

Table POL8: If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of the following candidates are you most likely to vote for?


Republicancandidate Would not vote

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 47% (935) 35% (703) 2% (30) 16% (322) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 76% (662) 11% (96) 1% (6) 12% (105) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (41) 81% (408) — (0) 11% (56) 5062012 Vote: Other 24% (24) 43% (44) 1% (1) 31% (31) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 40% (207) 30% (154) 4% (23) 25% (129) 5134-Region: Northeast 51% (182) 28% (101) 1% (3) 20% (70) 3554-Region: Midwest 47% (215) 36% (164) 2% (11) 15% (68) 4574-Region: South 42% (316) 41% (306) 2% (15) 14% (107) 7434-Region: West 51% (223) 31% (133) 1% (2) 18% (77) 435Strong Republican 2% (8) 96% (387) — (0) 2% (10) 405Not Very Strong Republican 8% (16) 75% (155) 2% (3) 15% (32) 205Strong Democrat 95% (468) 1% (6) 1% (3) 3% (13) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 79% (236) 7% (22) 1% (3) 12% (36) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_1

Table POL9_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (794) 40% (801) 20% (396) 1991Gender: Male 40% (368) 45% (422) 15% (142) 932Gender: Female 40% (426) 36% (379) 24% (254) 1059Age: 18-29 45% (155) 32% (109) 23% (80) 345Age: 30-44 42% (192) 39% (179) 19% (87) 458Age: 45-54 37% (135) 42% (150) 21% (75) 361Age: 55-64 36% (131) 42% (153) 22% (80) 364Age: 65+ 39% (181) 45% (209) 16% (73) 463Generation Z: 18-22 41% (54) 32% (43) 27% (36) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 45% (225) 35% (174) 21% (104) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 39% (203) 42% (221) 19% (103) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 38% (276) 43% (308) 19% (138) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 74% (586) 11% (83) 15% (118) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 31% (182) 33% (196) 36% (215) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (26) 85% (521) 10% (63) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 78% (259) 11% (36) 11% (37) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 72% (327) 10% (47) 18% (81) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (95) 40% (115) 28% (81) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 29% (87) 27% (81) 44% (134) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (14) 88% (270) 8% (24) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (12) 83% (251) 13% (39) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 75% (451) 12% (71) 13% (81) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 41% (203) 33% (165) 25% (125) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (88) 76% (528) 12% (81) 697Educ: < College 40% (505) 38% (475) 22% (273) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 41% (192) 43% (202) 16% (77) 471Educ: Post-grad 36% (98) 46% (124) 17% (46) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_1

Table POL9_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (794) 40% (801) 20% (396) 1991Income: Under 50k 42% (453) 34% (373) 24% (261) 1087Income: 50k-100k 40% (254) 45% (283) 15% (98) 636Income: 100k+ 32% (87) 54% (144) 14% (37) 268Ethnicity: White 35% (561) 46% (735) 20% (315) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 43% (84) 32% (63) 24% (47) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 69% (173) 12% (30) 20% (50) 252Ethnicity: Other 47% (60) 29% (37) 24% (31) 128All Christian 32% (300) 52% (483) 16% (148) 931All Non-Christian 56% (43) 23% (18) 21% (16) 77Atheist 70% (63) 18% (16) 13% (11) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 43% (388) 32% (284) 25% (220) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 48% (48) 26% (26) 26% (26) 99Evangelical 29% (164) 52% (299) 19% (110) 574Non-Evangelical 40% (290) 43% (315) 17% (120) 725Community: Urban 50% (232) 31% (146) 19% (89) 467Community: Suburban 39% (391) 41% (408) 20% (203) 1002Community: Rural 33% (172) 47% (247) 20% (103) 522Employ: Private Sector 39% (262) 43% (290) 18% (119) 671Employ: Government 33% (42) 51% (64) 17% (22) 128Employ: Self-Employed 41% (69) 41% (70) 18% (30) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (33) 41% (46) 29% (33) 112Employ: Student 53% (47) 29% (26) 17% (15) 89Employ: Retired 38% (192) 43% (220) 18% (93) 505Employ: Unemployed 51% (80) 20% (31) 30% (47) 157Employ: Other 43% (68) 34% (54) 23% (38) 160Military HH: Yes 34% (120) 48% (172) 18% (65) 357Military HH: No 41% (674) 39% (629) 20% (331) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 11% (86) 74% (564) 15% (117) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 58% (708) 19% (237) 23% (279) 1224

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Table POL9_1

Table POL9_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (794) 40% (801) 20% (396) 1991Trump Job Approve 8% (61) 79% (634) 14% (112) 807Trump Job Disapprove 64% (712) 14% (162) 22% (243) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (16) 88% (386) 8% (35) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12% (45) 67% (248) 21% (77) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 34% (84) 33% (81) 33% (83) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 72% (628) 9% (81) 18% (160) 869Favorable of Trump 9% (69) 79% (638) 12% (100) 808Unfavorable of Trump 64% (704) 14% (153) 22% (241) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (29) 86% (416) 8% (41) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 13% (40) 69% (222) 18% (59) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 29% (53) 36% (66) 35% (63) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 71% (651) 10% (88) 19% (178) 917#1 Issue: Economy 36% (168) 46% (215) 19% (89) 472#1 Issue: Security 16% (61) 70% (273) 14% (55) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 54% (179) 26% (88) 20% (67) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 44% (132) 37% (111) 20% (60) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 60% (104) 15% (27) 24% (42) 172#1 Issue: Education 43% (52) 29% (35) 28% (34) 121#1 Issue: Energy 59% (59) 23% (23) 17% (17) 98#1 Issue: Other 39% (40) 29% (29) 32% (33) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 73% (609) 12% (96) 16% (130) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 5% (30) 84% (552) 11% (71) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (12) 28% (26) 58% (53) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 35% (143) 30% (125) 35% (142) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 76% (564) 9% (67) 15% (110) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (40) 83% (558) 12% (78) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 30% (48) 34% (56) 36% (59) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 34% (139) 29% (119) 37% (149) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 42% (572) 42% (580) 16% (215) 1367Voted in 2014: No 36% (222) 35% (221) 29% (181) 624

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Table POL9_1: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The economy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 40% (794) 40% (801) 20% (396) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (579) 16% (136) 18% (155) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (22) 83% (419) 13% (65) 5062012 Vote: Other 21% (21) 56% (56) 24% (24) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 34% (172) 37% (189) 30% (152) 5134-Region: Northeast 46% (164) 35% (125) 19% (66) 3554-Region: Midwest 39% (181) 41% (190) 19% (87) 4574-Region: South 36% (267) 45% (332) 19% (144) 7434-Region: West 42% (182) 35% (154) 23% (99) 435Strong Republican 2% (7) 91% (370) 7% (28) 405Not Very Strong Republican 9% (19) 74% (151) 17% (35) 205Strong Democrat 87% (424) 6% (29) 7% (37) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 54% (162) 18% (54) 27% (82) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_2

Table POL9_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (819) 40% (800) 19% (372) 1991Gender: Male 40% (369) 47% (435) 14% (128) 932Gender: Female 42% (450) 34% (365) 23% (244) 1059Age: 18-29 48% (166) 33% (115) 19% (64) 345Age: 30-44 44% (201) 37% (168) 19% (89) 458Age: 45-54 36% (130) 41% (150) 22% (81) 361Age: 55-64 39% (143) 41% (151) 19% (70) 364Age: 65+ 38% (178) 47% (217) 15% (68) 463Generation Z: 18-22 45% (60) 34% (46) 21% (28) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 48% (240) 33% (166) 19% (97) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 37% (197) 42% (221) 21% (109) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 39% (284) 43% (310) 18% (129) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 77% (609) 8% (66) 14% (113) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 31% (183) 35% (207) 34% (203) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (27) 87% (528) 9% (55) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 79% (263) 10% (34) 11% (35) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (345) 7% (31) 17% (78) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 32% (92) 42% (122) 27% (77) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 30% (91) 28% (85) 42% (126) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (14) 90% (279) 5% (16) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (13) 83% (249) 13% (40) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (460) 11% (66) 13% (77) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 43% (212) 33% (161) 24% (119) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (93) 76% (530) 11% (75) 697Educ: < College 41% (515) 38% (478) 21% (259) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 43% (204) 43% (202) 14% (65) 471Educ: Post-grad 37% (99) 45% (120) 18% (48) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_2

Table POL9_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (819) 40% (800) 19% (372) 1991Income: Under 50k 43% (464) 35% (384) 22% (239) 1087Income: 50k-100k 41% (262) 42% (267) 17% (106) 636Income: 100k+ 34% (92) 55% (149) 10% (27) 268Ethnicity: White 36% (572) 46% (737) 19% (301) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 51% (97) 29% (56) 21% (40) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 73% (185) 11% (27) 16% (40) 252Ethnicity: Other 48% (61) 28% (36) 24% (31) 128All Christian 33% (310) 52% (485) 15% (137) 931All Non-Christian 66% (50) 21% (16) 14% (10) 77Atheist 64% (59) 22% (20) 14% (13) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 45% (400) 31% (279) 24% (212) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 54% (54) 28% (28) 18% (18) 99Evangelical 30% (171) 54% (308) 17% (95) 574Non-Evangelical 42% (305) 41% (296) 17% (124) 725Community: Urban 52% (245) 29% (136) 18% (86) 467Community: Suburban 40% (403) 42% (422) 18% (177) 1002Community: Rural 33% (170) 46% (243) 21% (109) 522Employ: Private Sector 40% (269) 43% (291) 17% (111) 671Employ: Government 40% (51) 44% (57) 16% (20) 128Employ: Self-Employed 44% (75) 44% (74) 12% (20) 169Employ: Homemaker 33% (37) 36% (40) 31% (35) 112Employ: Student 58% (51) 26% (23) 17% (15) 89Employ: Retired 38% (190) 45% (228) 17% (87) 505Employ: Unemployed 49% (78) 23% (36) 28% (44) 157Employ: Other 43% (68) 33% (52) 25% (39) 160Military HH: Yes 36% (129) 49% (174) 15% (54) 357Military HH: No 42% (689) 38% (626) 19% (318) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 13% (97) 73% (559) 14% (111) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 59% (721) 20% (242) 21% (262) 1224

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Table POL9_2

Table POL9_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (819) 40% (800) 19% (372) 1991Trump Job Approve 9% (71) 78% (629) 13% (107) 807Trump Job Disapprove 65% (727) 15% (164) 20% (226) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (18) 89% (387) 7% (32) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (53) 65% (242) 20% (75) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 38% (94) 30% (75) 32% (79) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 73% (633) 10% (89) 17% (148) 869Favorable of Trump 10% (79) 79% (637) 11% (92) 808Unfavorable of Trump 65% (718) 14% (155) 20% (225) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (31) 85% (415) 8% (40) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15% (49) 69% (222) 16% (51) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 29% (52) 35% (64) 36% (65) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 73% (666) 10% (91) 17% (160) 917#1 Issue: Economy 37% (177) 45% (212) 18% (83) 472#1 Issue: Security 14% (56) 72% (278) 14% (54) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 55% (183) 26% (86) 19% (64) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (136) 36% (109) 19% (58) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 66% (113) 14% (25) 20% (34) 172#1 Issue: Education 46% (56) 32% (39) 22% (26) 121#1 Issue: Energy 61% (60) 20% (20) 19% (19) 98#1 Issue: Other 37% (38) 31% (31) 33% (33) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 75% (628) 10% (85) 15% (123) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 5% (31) 85% (557) 10% (66) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (11) 30% (27) 58% (52) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (147) 32% (131) 32% (132) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 78% (577) 10% (71) 13% (93) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (43) 82% (553) 12% (79) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 28% (46) 33% (54) 38% (63) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (148) 30% (121) 34% (137) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 43% (587) 43% (585) 14% (196) 1367Voted in 2014: No 37% (232) 35% (215) 28% (176) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_2

Table POL9_2: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Jobs

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (819) 40% (800) 19% (372) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (587) 17% (144) 16% (139) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (26) 83% (421) 12% (60) 5062012 Vote: Other 21% (21) 56% (57) 23% (23) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36% (185) 35% (178) 29% (150) 5134-Region: Northeast 48% (170) 35% (125) 17% (60) 3554-Region: Midwest 39% (178) 41% (189) 20% (91) 4574-Region: South 39% (291) 43% (319) 18% (133) 7434-Region: West 41% (180) 38% (166) 20% (89) 435Strong Republican 2% (9) 92% (374) 5% (22) 405Not Very Strong Republican 9% (18) 75% (154) 16% (33) 205Strong Democrat 89% (434) 4% (19) 8% (37) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 59% (175) 16% (47) 26% (76) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_3

Table POL9_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 32% (639) 19% (383) 1991Gender: Male 48% (451) 36% (337) 15% (144) 932Gender: Female 49% (517) 29% (303) 23% (240) 1059Age: 18-29 57% (198) 22% (75) 21% (72) 345Age: 30-44 51% (234) 30% (137) 19% (86) 458Age: 45-54 42% (151) 37% (133) 21% (76) 361Age: 55-64 46% (169) 33% (119) 21% (76) 364Age: 65+ 47% (216) 38% (175) 16% (72) 463Generation Z: 18-22 55% (73) 24% (32) 22% (29) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 55% (275) 24% (121) 21% (106) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 45% (235) 36% (192) 19% (99) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 47% (342) 34% (245) 19% (135) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 86% (674) 4% (30) 11% (83) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 40% (240) 23% (136) 37% (217) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (55) 77% (473) 14% (83) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 87% (289) 6% (19) 7% (24) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 85% (385) 2% (11) 13% (59) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 43% (124) 28% (81) 30% (86) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 38% (115) 18% (56) 43% (131) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 12% (38) 77% (237) 11% (34) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (17) 78% (236) 16% (49) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 84% (508) 7% (44) 8% (51) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 56% (277) 19% (95) 24% (121) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18% (127) 66% (460) 16% (110) 697Educ: < College 47% (588) 32% (405) 21% (260) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 54% (253) 30% (143) 16% (75) 471Educ: Post-grad 48% (128) 34% (91) 18% (48) 268

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Table POL9_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 32% (639) 19% (383) 1991Income: Under 50k 49% (533) 29% (311) 22% (243) 1087Income: 50k-100k 50% (319) 34% (215) 16% (101) 636Income: 100k+ 43% (116) 42% (113) 14% (39) 268Ethnicity: White 43% (700) 37% (593) 20% (317) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 56% (107) 22% (43) 22% (43) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 77% (194) 9% (22) 15% (37) 252Ethnicity: Other 58% (74) 19% (24) 23% (30) 128All Christian 40% (374) 43% (402) 17% (155) 931All Non-Christian 70% (53) 17% (13) 14% (10) 77Atheist 77% (70) 8% (7) 15% (14) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 53% (470) 24% (218) 23% (204) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 58% (58) 23% (23) 19% (19) 99Evangelical 34% (194) 48% (273) 19% (107) 574Non-Evangelical 50% (364) 32% (235) 17% (127) 725Community: Urban 60% (278) 23% (110) 17% (79) 467Community: Suburban 49% (491) 32% (316) 19% (195) 1002Community: Rural 38% (199) 41% (214) 21% (109) 522Employ: Private Sector 50% (334) 33% (225) 17% (113) 671Employ: Government 45% (58) 38% (49) 16% (21) 128Employ: Self-Employed 45% (77) 38% (64) 17% (28) 169Employ: Homemaker 36% (41) 32% (36) 32% (36) 112Employ: Student 66% (58) 17% (15) 18% (16) 89Employ: Retired 47% (236) 36% (180) 18% (90) 505Employ: Unemployed 57% (90) 17% (26) 26% (41) 157Employ: Other 47% (75) 28% (45) 25% (40) 160Military HH: Yes 45% (160) 36% (128) 19% (69) 357Military HH: No 49% (809) 31% (511) 19% (314) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (126) 65% (496) 19% (145) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 69% (843) 12% (143) 19% (238) 1224

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Table POL9_3

Table POL9_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 32% (639) 19% (383) 1991Trump Job Approve 12% (101) 68% (549) 19% (157) 807Trump Job Disapprove 76% (849) 7% (79) 17% (189) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (27) 82% (360) 11% (50) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (74) 51% (189) 29% (107) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 51% (127) 17% (43) 32% (79) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 83% (722) 4% (37) 13% (110) 869Favorable of Trump 13% (108) 69% (559) 17% (140) 808Unfavorable of Trump 77% (840) 6% (70) 17% (188) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 9% (44) 79% (385) 12% (57) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (65) 54% (174) 26% (83) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 43% (77) 19% (35) 38% (69) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 83% (763) 4% (35) 13% (119) 917#1 Issue: Economy 45% (210) 36% (168) 20% (94) 472#1 Issue: Security 20% (78) 61% (235) 19% (75) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 64% (215) 19% (63) 17% (56) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 53% (159) 28% (86) 19% (58) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 73% (126) 9% (15) 18% (31) 172#1 Issue: Education 49% (59) 29% (36) 22% (27) 121#1 Issue: Energy 73% (72) 13% (12) 14% (14) 98#1 Issue: Other 48% (49) 24% (25) 28% (29) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 86% (718) 4% (34) 10% (83) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 10% (67) 74% (483) 16% (103) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (21) 14% (12) 63% (57) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (162) 26% (109) 34% (140) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 88% (653) 4% (27) 8% (61) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (72) 72% (488) 17% (115) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 46% (74) 17% (28) 37% (61) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 41% (167) 23% (95) 36% (145) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 51% (692) 35% (477) 14% (198) 1367Voted in 2014: No 44% (276) 26% (162) 30% (185) 624

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Table POL9_3: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Health care

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 32% (639) 19% (383) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 76% (664) 10% (85) 14% (121) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 11% (55) 73% (372) 16% (80) 5062012 Vote: Other 27% (27) 40% (41) 33% (33) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 43% (222) 27% (141) 29% (150) 5134-Region: Northeast 55% (196) 28% (99) 17% (60) 3554-Region: Midwest 47% (214) 33% (150) 20% (94) 4574-Region: South 43% (322) 38% (282) 19% (139) 7434-Region: West 54% (235) 25% (109) 21% (91) 435Strong Republican 5% (19) 86% (348) 9% (37) 405Not Very Strong Republican 17% (36) 60% (124) 22% (46) 205Strong Democrat 93% (454) 2% (12) 5% (25) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 74% (220) 6% (19) 20% (58) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_4

Table POL9_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (835) 39% (786) 19% (370) 1991Gender: Male 39% (368) 46% (427) 15% (137) 932Gender: Female 44% (467) 34% (359) 22% (233) 1059Age: 18-29 50% (173) 30% (104) 20% (68) 345Age: 30-44 45% (204) 36% (167) 19% (86) 458Age: 45-54 37% (132) 43% (154) 21% (74) 361Age: 55-64 38% (140) 40% (146) 21% (78) 364Age: 65+ 40% (185) 46% (214) 14% (64) 463Generation Z: 18-22 47% (63) 35% (47) 18% (24) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 48% (243) 31% (154) 21% (106) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 39% (203) 43% (224) 19% (99) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 39% (284) 42% (305) 18% (133) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 76% (601) 9% (68) 15% (118) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 33% (195) 33% (197) 34% (201) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (38) 85% (521) 8% (52) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 76% (254) 11% (37) 13% (42) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (347) 7% (32) 17% (76) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 32% (92) 42% (122) 26% (77) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (104) 25% (75) 41% (124) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (22) 87% (268) 6% (19) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (16) 84% (253) 11% (33) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (458) 11% (65) 13% (80) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 48% (234) 29% (144) 23% (114) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12% (84) 77% (534) 11% (80) 697Educ: < College 40% (504) 39% (488) 21% (260) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 47% (223) 39% (182) 14% (66) 471Educ: Post-grad 40% (107) 43% (116) 17% (45) 268

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Table POL9_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (835) 39% (786) 19% (370) 1991Income: Under 50k 42% (459) 35% (386) 22% (243) 1087Income: 50k-100k 43% (275) 42% (264) 15% (97) 636Income: 100k+ 38% (101) 51% (136) 12% (31) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (605) 44% (716) 18% (289) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 55% (107) 27% (52) 18% (34) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 66% (167) 13% (34) 20% (52) 252Ethnicity: Other 48% (62) 29% (37) 23% (30) 128All Christian 33% (310) 52% (486) 14% (135) 931All Non-Christian 61% (47) 18% (14) 21% (16) 77Atheist 69% (63) 13% (12) 18% (16) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 46% (414) 31% (274) 23% (204) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 52% (51) 25% (24) 24% (24) 99Evangelical 27% (153) 55% (314) 19% (107) 574Non-Evangelical 44% (322) 41% (296) 15% (108) 725Community: Urban 53% (247) 29% (135) 18% (85) 467Community: Suburban 41% (412) 41% (407) 18% (184) 1002Community: Rural 34% (176) 47% (245) 19% (101) 522Employ: Private Sector 43% (288) 40% (270) 17% (114) 671Employ: Government 41% (52) 44% (56) 16% (20) 128Employ: Self-Employed 41% (70) 44% (74) 15% (26) 169Employ: Homemaker 32% (35) 37% (41) 32% (35) 112Employ: Student 55% (49) 30% (27) 15% (13) 89Employ: Retired 40% (203) 44% (223) 16% (79) 505Employ: Unemployed 49% (77) 22% (34) 29% (46) 157Employ: Other 39% (62) 38% (61) 23% (37) 160Military HH: Yes 37% (134) 49% (174) 14% (50) 357Military HH: No 43% (701) 37% (612) 20% (321) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 12% (91) 73% (561) 15% (115) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 61% (743) 18% (225) 21% (256) 1224

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Table POL9_4

Table POL9_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (835) 39% (786) 19% (370) 1991Trump Job Approve 8% (67) 78% (631) 13% (109) 807Trump Job Disapprove 67% (750) 13% (145) 20% (222) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (16) 88% (384) 8% (37) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (52) 67% (246) 19% (72) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 37% (92) 31% (76) 32% (80) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 76% (658) 8% (68) 16% (142) 869Favorable of Trump 9% (75) 79% (638) 12% (94) 808Unfavorable of Trump 68% (745) 12% (135) 20% (219) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (28) 85% (415) 9% (43) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15% (47) 69% (223) 16% (51) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 30% (55) 36% (65) 34% (62) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 75% (690) 8% (70) 17% (157) 917#1 Issue: Economy 37% (173) 44% (207) 19% (92) 472#1 Issue: Security 13% (52) 75% (289) 12% (46) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 59% (197) 24% (79) 17% (57) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (137) 35% (107) 20% (60) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 68% (118) 13% (22) 19% (32) 172#1 Issue: Education 42% (51) 32% (38) 27% (32) 121#1 Issue: Energy 65% (64) 15% (15) 20% (20) 98#1 Issue: Other 43% (44) 27% (27) 30% (31) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 77% (639) 9% (78) 14% (118) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 6% (37) 84% (552) 10% (65) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 14% (13) 23% (21) 63% (57) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (146) 33% (134) 32% (130) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 78% (580) 8% (59) 14% (102) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (46) 82% (554) 11% (77) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 34% (55) 29% (48) 37% (60) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 37% (151) 30% (123) 33% (132) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 44% (596) 42% (568) 15% (204) 1367Voted in 2014: No 38% (239) 35% (218) 27% (167) 624

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Table POL9_4: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Immigration

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 42% (835) 39% (786) 19% (370) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (583) 16% (139) 17% (149) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (39) 81% (411) 11% (56) 5062012 Vote: Other 23% (23) 55% (55) 22% (22) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (189) 35% (180) 28% (144) 5134-Region: Northeast 48% (172) 35% (126) 16% (58) 3554-Region: Midwest 39% (179) 42% (192) 19% (86) 4574-Region: South 40% (295) 43% (320) 17% (129) 7434-Region: West 43% (189) 34% (148) 23% (98) 435Strong Republican 4% (16) 91% (369) 5% (20) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (22) 74% (152) 15% (32) 205Strong Democrat 87% (428) 4% (22) 8% (41) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 58% (174) 16% (47) 26% (77) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_5

Table POL9_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (1027) 27% (537) 21% (428) 1991Gender: Male 52% (481) 31% (284) 18% (166) 932Gender: Female 51% (545) 24% (252) 25% (261) 1059Age: 18-29 60% (207) 19% (66) 21% (72) 345Age: 30-44 57% (259) 24% (111) 19% (87) 458Age: 45-54 46% (167) 27% (99) 26% (95) 361Age: 55-64 45% (164) 30% (108) 25% (93) 364Age: 65+ 50% (230) 33% (152) 17% (81) 463Generation Z: 18-22 57% (76) 19% (25) 24% (33) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 60% (299) 20% (102) 20% (102) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 49% (257) 28% (149) 23% (120) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 48% (345) 31% (221) 22% (156) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 82% (649) 5% (36) 13% (102) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 47% (278) 17% (101) 36% (214) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 16% (100) 65% (400) 18% (111) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 83% (276) 7% (23) 10% (34) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 82% (374) 3% (13) 15% (69) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 50% (145) 19% (57) 31% (89) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 44% (133) 15% (45) 41% (125) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 20% (61) 66% (205) 14% (43) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 13% (39) 65% (195) 23% (68) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 86% (516) 6% (38) 8% (50) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 60% (298) 15% (71) 25% (123) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (161) 56% (390) 21% (147) 697Educ: < College 47% (593) 28% (349) 25% (310) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 60% (280) 26% (120) 15% (70) 471Educ: Post-grad 57% (153) 25% (68) 18% (47) 268

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Table POL9_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (1027) 27% (537) 21% (428) 1991Income: Under 50k 50% (538) 25% (276) 25% (273) 1087Income: 50k-100k 54% (346) 28% (176) 18% (113) 636Income: 100k+ 53% (142) 32% (85) 15% (41) 268Ethnicity: White 47% (764) 31% (499) 22% (347) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 56% (109) 22% (42) 22% (43) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 76% (191) 6% (15) 18% (46) 252Ethnicity: Other 56% (72) 17% (22) 27% (34) 128All Christian 44% (413) 36% (334) 20% (184) 931All Non-Christian 74% (57) 10% (8) 15% (12) 77Atheist 81% (74) 9% (8) 10% (9) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 54% (483) 21% (186) 25% (223) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 65% (64) 14% (14) 22% (21) 99Evangelical 35% (200) 42% (241) 23% (133) 574Non-Evangelical 55% (398) 27% (193) 19% (135) 725Community: Urban 61% (287) 19% (88) 20% (92) 467Community: Suburban 53% (530) 26% (264) 21% (209) 1002Community: Rural 40% (210) 35% (185) 24% (127) 522Employ: Private Sector 52% (349) 28% (185) 20% (137) 671Employ: Government 61% (78) 26% (33) 13% (17) 128Employ: Self-Employed 51% (87) 30% (51) 18% (31) 169Employ: Homemaker 40% (45) 25% (28) 35% (39) 112Employ: Student 66% (58) 14% (13) 20% (18) 89Employ: Retired 50% (254) 31% (158) 19% (94) 505Employ: Unemployed 55% (86) 18% (27) 28% (44) 157Employ: Other 44% (70) 26% (42) 30% (48) 160Military HH: Yes 45% (162) 31% (111) 24% (85) 357Military HH: No 53% (865) 26% (426) 21% (343) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (173) 54% (416) 23% (177) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 70% (853) 10% (121) 20% (250) 1224

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Table POL9_5

Table POL9_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (1027) 27% (537) 21% (428) 1991Trump Job Approve 18% (149) 58% (466) 24% (192) 807Trump Job Disapprove 77% (861) 5% (58) 18% (197) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 10% (46) 73% (319) 17% (73) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (104) 40% (147) 32% (119) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 60% (149) 11% (27) 29% (72) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 82% (712) 4% (32) 14% (125) 869Favorable of Trump 19% (150) 60% (481) 22% (176) 808Unfavorable of Trump 78% (856) 4% (47) 18% (196) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 13% (62) 70% (341) 17% (83) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 27% (88) 43% (140) 29% (94) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 57% (102) 9% (16) 35% (63) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 82% (753) 3% (31) 15% (133) 917#1 Issue: Economy 52% (244) 26% (125) 22% (103) 472#1 Issue: Security 24% (93) 53% (206) 23% (89) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 66% (220) 15% (49) 19% (64) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 51% (156) 26% (80) 22% (68) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71% (121) 12% (20) 18% (31) 172#1 Issue: Education 54% (65) 24% (29) 22% (27) 121#1 Issue: Energy 76% (75) 7% (7) 16% (16) 98#1 Issue: Other 51% (52) 20% (20) 30% (30) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 87% (724) 3% (28) 10% (84) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 17% (111) 63% (413) 20% (131) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 29% (26) 12% (11) 59% (53) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 41% (167) 20% (84) 39% (160) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 87% (646) 3% (24) 10% (71) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 18% (119) 61% (415) 21% (142) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 54% (87) 12% (20) 34% (55) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 42% (172) 19% (78) 39% (157) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 53% (728) 30% (411) 17% (229) 1367Voted in 2014: No 48% (299) 20% (126) 32% (199) 624

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Table POL9_5: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?The environment

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 52% (1027) 27% (537) 21% (428) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 76% (665) 8% (73) 15% (132) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 18% (91) 61% (309) 21% (106) 5062012 Vote: Other 32% (32) 37% (37) 31% (31) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 46% (238) 23% (117) 31% (158) 5134-Region: Northeast 60% (213) 22% (79) 18% (63) 3554-Region: Midwest 50% (228) 29% (134) 21% (96) 4574-Region: South 48% (355) 30% (225) 22% (163) 7434-Region: West 53% (231) 23% (99) 24% (106) 435Strong Republican 11% (43) 75% (306) 14% (56) 405Not Very Strong Republican 28% (57) 46% (94) 27% (55) 205Strong Democrat 92% (449) 2% (11) 6% (30) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 67% (200) 8% (25) 24% (72) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_6

Table POL9_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (904) 33% (658) 22% (429) 1991Gender: Male 45% (417) 39% (363) 16% (152) 932Gender: Female 46% (487) 28% (295) 26% (277) 1059Age: 18-29 56% (193) 23% (79) 21% (74) 345Age: 30-44 49% (223) 29% (135) 22% (100) 458Age: 45-54 40% (146) 37% (133) 23% (82) 361Age: 55-64 39% (142) 36% (129) 25% (93) 364Age: 65+ 43% (201) 39% (181) 17% (81) 463Generation Z: 18-22 53% (71) 25% (33) 23% (30) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 52% (263) 25% (124) 23% (116) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 43% (227) 36% (190) 21% (110) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 42% (305) 36% (261) 22% (156) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 79% (620) 7% (54) 14% (114) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (225) 24% (145) 38% (224) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 10% (59) 75% (459) 15% (92) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 82% (272) 9% (28) 10% (32) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (348) 6% (25) 18% (82) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 38% (111) 31% (89) 31% (91) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 38% (114) 19% (56) 44% (133) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 11% (34) 80% (246) 9% (29) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (25) 71% (214) 21% (63) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 81% (490) 7% (45) 11% (68) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 51% (249) 22% (109) 27% (134) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (111) 67% (470) 17% (117) 697Educ: < College 44% (550) 32% (407) 24% (296) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 50% (237) 32% (150) 18% (84) 471Educ: Post-grad 44% (117) 38% (102) 18% (49) 268

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Table POL9_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (904) 33% (658) 22% (429) 1991Income: Under 50k 46% (498) 30% (322) 25% (268) 1087Income: 50k-100k 46% (292) 35% (223) 19% (120) 636Income: 100k+ 43% (115) 42% (112) 15% (41) 268Ethnicity: White 41% (660) 38% (610) 21% (341) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 50% (97) 23% (45) 26% (50) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 69% (175) 9% (24) 22% (54) 252Ethnicity: Other 54% (70) 19% (25) 27% (34) 128All Christian 36% (337) 44% (411) 20% (183) 931All Non-Christian 66% (51) 13% (10) 21% (16) 77Atheist 78% (72) 10% (10) 11% (10) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 50% (445) 26% (227) 25% (220) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 58% (58) 19% (19) 23% (23) 99Evangelical 30% (170) 48% (274) 23% (130) 574Non-Evangelical 46% (332) 35% (250) 20% (143) 725Community: Urban 54% (253) 25% (118) 20% (96) 467Community: Suburban 46% (459) 33% (332) 21% (212) 1002Community: Rural 37% (192) 40% (208) 23% (122) 522Employ: Private Sector 45% (305) 36% (243) 18% (124) 671Employ: Government 45% (57) 36% (46) 19% (25) 128Employ: Self-Employed 47% (79) 34% (57) 20% (33) 169Employ: Homemaker 34% (38) 31% (35) 35% (39) 112Employ: Student 61% (54) 22% (19) 18% (16) 89Employ: Retired 43% (215) 37% (186) 21% (104) 505Employ: Unemployed 57% (89) 15% (24) 28% (44) 157Employ: Other 42% (67) 30% (48) 28% (44) 160Military HH: Yes 38% (137) 40% (141) 22% (79) 357Military HH: No 47% (767) 32% (516) 21% (350) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (120) 64% (491) 20% (156) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 64% (784) 14% (167) 22% (273) 1224

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Table POL9_6

Table POL9_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (904) 33% (658) 22% (429) 1991Trump Job Approve 12% (98) 68% (551) 20% (157) 807Trump Job Disapprove 70% (785) 9% (99) 21% (233) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (24) 82% (359) 12% (54) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (74) 52% (192) 28% (104) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 47% (115) 19% (46) 35% (86) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 77% (670) 6% (52) 17% (147) 869Favorable of Trump 13% (107) 69% (557) 18% (144) 808Unfavorable of Trump 71% (777) 9% (94) 21% (228) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 9% (44) 79% (382) 12% (60) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (63) 54% (175) 26% (84) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 40% (73) 23% (42) 37% (67) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 77% (705) 6% (51) 18% (161) 917#1 Issue: Economy 42% (200) 36% (170) 22% (103) 472#1 Issue: Security 17% (67) 62% (242) 20% (79) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 58% (192) 21% (70) 21% (71) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 49% (148) 30% (92) 21% (64) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 69% (119) 10% (18) 21% (36) 172#1 Issue: Education 43% (52) 31% (38) 26% (31) 121#1 Issue: Energy 80% (79) 6% (6) 13% (13) 98#1 Issue: Other 47% (48) 22% (23) 31% (32) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 79% (661) 6% (54) 14% (120) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 11% (69) 74% (486) 15% (99) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (20) 21% (18) 57% (51) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 37% (153) 24% (97) 39% (160) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 81% (597) 6% (43) 14% (101) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (75) 71% (483) 17% (118) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 42% (69) 22% (37) 35% (58) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (160) 23% (95) 37% (152) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 46% (631) 36% (499) 17% (238) 1367Voted in 2014: No 44% (273) 26% (159) 31% (191) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_6

Table POL9_6: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Energy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 45% (904) 33% (658) 22% (429) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 70% (607) 11% (100) 19% (163) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 10% (51) 72% (366) 18% (89) 5062012 Vote: Other 29% (29) 49% (49) 23% (23) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 42% (216) 28% (143) 30% (154) 5134-Region: Northeast 52% (186) 28% (100) 19% (69) 3554-Region: Midwest 44% (200) 35% (158) 22% (99) 4574-Region: South 40% (298) 38% (279) 22% (166) 7434-Region: West 50% (220) 28% (120) 22% (96) 435Strong Republican 6% (22) 84% (341) 10% (42) 405Not Very Strong Republican 18% (37) 58% (119) 24% (49) 205Strong Democrat 88% (433) 3% (16) 8% (41) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 63% (187) 13% (37) 24% (73) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_7

Table POL9_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 48% (965) 30% (595) 22% (431) 1991Gender: Male 48% (447) 35% (327) 17% (158) 932Gender: Female 49% (518) 25% (268) 26% (273) 1059Age: 18-29 56% (192) 21% (73) 23% (80) 345Age: 30-44 53% (243) 27% (122) 20% (92) 458Age: 45-54 44% (158) 33% (121) 23% (82) 361Age: 55-64 44% (160) 33% (121) 23% (84) 364Age: 65+ 46% (212) 34% (159) 20% (93) 463Generation Z: 18-22 52% (70) 18% (24) 30% (40) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 56% (281) 23% (116) 21% (105) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 46% (243) 33% (175) 21% (109) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 46% (329) 33% (235) 22% (159) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 83% (651) 4% (29) 14% (107) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 42% (249) 20% (117) 38% (228) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (66) 74% (449) 16% (96) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 84% (278) 7% (23) 10% (32) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 82% (373) 1% (6) 17% (76) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 44% (129) 23% (67) 33% (95) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 39% (119) 17% (50) 44% (133) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (40) 77% (238) 10% (32) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (26) 70% (211) 21% (64) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 84% (504) 6% (37) 10% (63) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 57% (282) 16% (79) 27% (131) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19% (131) 63% (440) 18% (126) 697Educ: < College 45% (565) 30% (379) 25% (309) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 54% (253) 29% (135) 18% (82) 471Educ: Post-grad 55% (147) 30% (81) 15% (39) 268

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Table POL9_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 48% (965) 30% (595) 22% (431) 1991Income: Under 50k 47% (508) 27% (292) 27% (288) 1087Income: 50k-100k 52% (329) 31% (196) 17% (110) 636Income: 100k+ 48% (129) 40% (107) 12% (32) 268Ethnicity: White 43% (698) 35% (559) 22% (353) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 56% (108) 22% (42) 22% (43) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 77% (193) 5% (13) 18% (47) 252Ethnicity: Other 57% (74) 18% (24) 24% (31) 128All Christian 41% (382) 40% (376) 19% (173) 931All Non-Christian 73% (56) 12% (9) 15% (12) 77Atheist 79% (73) 9% (8) 12% (11) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 51% (455) 23% (201) 26% (236) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 62% (61) 16% (16) 23% (23) 99Evangelical 34% (194) 45% (260) 21% (120) 574Non-Evangelical 51% (367) 30% (218) 19% (140) 725Community: Urban 58% (270) 22% (103) 20% (95) 467Community: Suburban 49% (495) 29% (295) 21% (213) 1002Community: Rural 39% (201) 38% (197) 24% (124) 522Employ: Private Sector 49% (329) 31% (207) 20% (136) 671Employ: Government 55% (71) 33% (42) 12% (15) 128Employ: Self-Employed 46% (77) 33% (56) 22% (36) 169Employ: Homemaker 37% (42) 34% (38) 29% (32) 112Employ: Student 64% (57) 10% (9) 26% (23) 89Employ: Retired 45% (225) 34% (171) 22% (109) 505Employ: Unemployed 57% (89) 16% (25) 27% (42) 157Employ: Other 47% (76) 29% (47) 23% (37) 160Military HH: Yes 43% (152) 34% (122) 23% (83) 357Military HH: No 50% (813) 29% (473) 21% (348) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (139) 60% (462) 22% (166) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 67% (826) 11% (133) 22% (265) 1224

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Table POL9_7

Table POL9_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 48% (965) 30% (595) 22% (431) 1991Trump Job Approve 14% (114) 64% (519) 22% (173) 807Trump Job Disapprove 74% (832) 6% (66) 20% (219) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (29) 80% (351) 13% (57) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (85) 46% (169) 31% (116) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 56% (140) 13% (33) 30% (75) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 80% (692) 4% (34) 17% (143) 869Favorable of Trump 15% (118) 66% (529) 20% (160) 808Unfavorable of Trump 75% (827) 5% (56) 20% (216) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 9% (43) 77% (374) 14% (69) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (76) 48% (155) 28% (91) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 52% (95) 14% (25) 34% (62) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 80% (732) 3% (31) 17% (154) 917#1 Issue: Economy 47% (223) 33% (154) 20% (95) 472#1 Issue: Security 19% (74) 59% (230) 22% (84) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 63% (209) 17% (58) 20% (66) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 51% (155) 26% (79) 23% (69) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 72% (124) 7% (12) 21% (36) 172#1 Issue: Education 49% (59) 26% (32) 25% (30) 121#1 Issue: Energy 70% (69) 9% (9) 21% (20) 98#1 Issue: Other 51% (52) 20% (20) 29% (30) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 83% (696) 3% (25) 14% (114) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 11% (75) 70% (460) 18% (118) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (20) 17% (15) 61% (55) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 42% (174) 23% (92) 35% (144) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 85% (626) 3% (25) 12% (89) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (92) 68% (456) 19% (128) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 46% (75) 17% (27) 37% (61) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 41% (169) 21% (86) 37% (152) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 49% (674) 34% (463) 17% (230) 1367Voted in 2014: No 47% (291) 21% (132) 32% (201) 624

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Table POL9_7: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Education

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 48% (965) 30% (595) 22% (431) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 75% (648) 10% (83) 16% (139) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 14% (69) 68% (345) 18% (91) 5062012 Vote: Other 28% (28) 41% (41) 31% (31) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 43% (218) 24% (125) 33% (170) 5134-Region: Northeast 55% (197) 23% (83) 21% (75) 3554-Region: Midwest 46% (212) 32% (148) 21% (97) 4574-Region: South 45% (334) 35% (264) 20% (145) 7434-Region: West 51% (222) 23% (100) 26% (114) 435Strong Republican 6% (24) 83% (336) 11% (45) 405Not Very Strong Republican 20% (41) 55% (113) 25% (51) 205Strong Democrat 91% (444) 2% (8) 8% (38) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 70% (207) 7% (21) 23% (69) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_8

Table POL9_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 37% (732) 43% (863) 20% (396) 1991Gender: Male 35% (325) 50% (465) 15% (142) 932Gender: Female 38% (407) 38% (398) 24% (254) 1059Age: 18-29 42% (146) 34% (118) 24% (81) 345Age: 30-44 37% (170) 42% (194) 20% (93) 458Age: 45-54 34% (124) 46% (168) 19% (69) 361Age: 55-64 33% (120) 46% (167) 21% (78) 364Age: 65+ 37% (173) 47% (216) 16% (74) 463Generation Z: 18-22 42% (56) 31% (42) 27% (36) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 39% (199) 38% (191) 23% (113) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 35% (186) 47% (247) 18% (94) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 35% (255) 45% (327) 19% (140) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 72% (568) 13% (99) 15% (121) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (142) 39% (234) 37% (218) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (23) 87% (530) 9% (58) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 73% (244) 15% (51) 11% (37) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 71% (324) 10% (47) 18% (84) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (66) 47% (137) 30% (87) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 25% (75) 32% (97) 43% (130) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (15) 89% (276) 6% (18) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (8) 84% (254) 13% (40) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 70% (420) 15% (93) 15% (90) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 38% (186) 36% (178) 26% (128) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11% (79) 78% (543) 11% (76) 697Educ: < College 37% (463) 42% (521) 21% (269) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 38% (177) 46% (217) 16% (77) 471Educ: Post-grad 35% (93) 47% (125) 19% (50) 268

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Table POL9_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 37% (732) 43% (863) 20% (396) 1991Income: Under 50k 38% (409) 38% (414) 24% (264) 1087Income: 50k-100k 38% (241) 46% (293) 16% (102) 636Income: 100k+ 31% (82) 58% (156) 11% (30) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (518) 49% (786) 19% (307) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 46% (89) 29% (55) 25% (48) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 63% (159) 15% (38) 22% (55) 252Ethnicity: Other 43% (55) 30% (38) 27% (35) 128All Christian 31% (284) 54% (505) 15% (142) 931All Non-Christian 52% (40) 27% (21) 20% (15) 77Atheist 56% (51) 23% (21) 22% (20) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 40% (357) 35% (316) 24% (219) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 46% (46) 29% (29) 25% (25) 99Evangelical 25% (144) 56% (323) 19% (106) 574Non-Evangelical 39% (281) 44% (318) 17% (125) 725Community: Urban 46% (216) 34% (160) 20% (91) 467Community: Suburban 36% (362) 45% (446) 19% (194) 1002Community: Rural 30% (155) 49% (256) 21% (111) 522Employ: Private Sector 37% (248) 46% (308) 17% (115) 671Employ: Government 31% (40) 52% (66) 17% (21) 128Employ: Self-Employed 35% (60) 46% (78) 19% (32) 169Employ: Homemaker 27% (30) 44% (49) 30% (33) 112Employ: Student 51% (46) 26% (23) 22% (20) 89Employ: Retired 36% (182) 47% (237) 17% (87) 505Employ: Unemployed 47% (74) 26% (41) 27% (42) 157Employ: Other 33% (53) 38% (61) 29% (46) 160Military HH: Yes 31% (112) 52% (184) 17% (61) 357Military HH: No 38% (621) 42% (678) 20% (335) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (72) 75% (578) 15% (116) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 54% (660) 23% (285) 23% (279) 1224

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Table POL9_8

Table POL9_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 37% (732) 43% (863) 20% (396) 1991Trump Job Approve 6% (46) 80% (649) 14% (111) 807Trump Job Disapprove 60% (669) 18% (203) 22% (245) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (13) 89% (389) 8% (35) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (34) 70% (260) 20% (76) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 33% (82) 35% (86) 32% (80) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 68% (587) 13% (117) 19% (165) 869Favorable of Trump 7% (57) 81% (653) 12% (97) 808Unfavorable of Trump 60% (659) 18% (197) 22% (242) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 5% (24) 87% (422) 8% (40) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10% (33) 72% (231) 18% (58) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (47) 41% (75) 33% (60) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 67% (613) 13% (122) 20% (182) 917#1 Issue: Economy 31% (146) 48% (228) 21% (98) 472#1 Issue: Security 12% (47) 76% (293) 12% (48) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 51% (169) 28% (92) 22% (73) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 43% (132) 38% (114) 19% (58) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 58% (100) 18% (30) 25% (42) 172#1 Issue: Education 35% (42) 41% (50) 24% (29) 121#1 Issue: Energy 60% (59) 24% (24) 16% (16) 98#1 Issue: Other 37% (38) 31% (31) 32% (33) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 69% (572) 15% (124) 17% (139) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 4% (24) 87% (571) 9% (59) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 33% (30) 57% (51) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 31% (127) 33% (136) 36% (147) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 73% (539) 12% (91) 15% (111) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (26) 85% (578) 11% (72) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 23% (37) 41% (67) 36% (58) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 31% (128) 31% (125) 38% (154) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 39% (534) 46% (625) 15% (209) 1367Voted in 2014: No 32% (198) 38% (238) 30% (187) 624

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Table POL9_8: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?National security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 37% (732) 43% (863) 20% (396) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 62% (536) 20% (173) 19% (161) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (19) 84% (427) 12% (60) 5062012 Vote: Other 16% (17) 63% (64) 20% (21) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31% (161) 39% (199) 30% (153) 5134-Region: Northeast 43% (153) 39% (137) 18% (65) 3554-Region: Midwest 35% (160) 45% (204) 20% (93) 4574-Region: South 34% (252) 47% (352) 19% (140) 7434-Region: West 39% (168) 39% (169) 23% (98) 435Strong Republican 3% (10) 93% (376) 5% (19) 405Not Very Strong Republican 6% (13) 75% (154) 19% (38) 205Strong Democrat 83% (406) 8% (38) 9% (46) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 54% (162) 20% (61) 25% (75) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL9_9

Table POL9_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (911) 25% (502) 29% (578) 1991Gender: Male 45% (419) 28% (263) 27% (250) 932Gender: Female 47% (493) 23% (239) 31% (328) 1059Age: 18-29 59% (203) 19% (66) 22% (76) 345Age: 30-44 49% (224) 25% (113) 26% (120) 458Age: 45-54 41% (148) 26% (93) 33% (119) 361Age: 55-64 41% (148) 25% (92) 34% (125) 364Age: 65+ 40% (187) 30% (138) 30% (138) 463Generation Z: 18-22 54% (73) 20% (26) 26% (35) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 55% (276) 21% (106) 24% (121) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 43% (228) 27% (140) 30% (159) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 42% (301) 26% (190) 32% (231) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 77% (606) 5% (41) 18% (140) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (225) 16% (96) 46% (273) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 13% (80) 60% (365) 27% (165) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 77% (256) 8% (26) 15% (50) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 77% (350) 3% (15) 20% (90) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 40% (116) 17% (48) 43% (126) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 36% (108) 16% (47) 49% (147) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 15% (46) 61% (189) 24% (74) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 11% (34) 58% (176) 30% (91) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 79% (478) 7% (39) 14% (85) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 51% (253) 13% (64) 36% (175) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19% (132) 52% (361) 29% (205) 697Educ: < College 42% (531) 26% (330) 31% (391) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 52% (245) 23% (108) 25% (118) 471Educ: Post-grad 50% (135) 24% (64) 26% (69) 268

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Table POL9_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (911) 25% (502) 29% (578) 1991Income: Under 50k 44% (478) 24% (259) 32% (350) 1087Income: 50k-100k 49% (311) 26% (165) 25% (159) 636Income: 100k+ 45% (122) 29% (77) 26% (69) 268Ethnicity: White 42% (675) 28% (457) 30% (478) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 51% (98) 22% (43) 27% (53) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 67% (169) 8% (21) 25% (63) 252Ethnicity: Other 52% (67) 18% (24) 29% (38) 128All Christian 38% (355) 33% (306) 29% (270) 931All Non-Christian 70% (53) 11% (9) 19% (15) 77Atheist 74% (68) 7% (6) 19% (17) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 49% (435) 20% (181) 31% (276) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 59% (58) 15% (15) 26% (26) 99Evangelical 33% (188) 39% (223) 28% (163) 574Non-Evangelical 46% (333) 25% (179) 30% (214) 725Community: Urban 56% (260) 19% (89) 25% (119) 467Community: Suburban 47% (468) 24% (242) 29% (293) 1002Community: Rural 35% (184) 33% (171) 32% (167) 522Employ: Private Sector 47% (315) 26% (173) 27% (183) 671Employ: Government 49% (63) 26% (33) 25% (32) 128Employ: Self-Employed 47% (79) 30% (50) 24% (40) 169Employ: Homemaker 34% (38) 27% (30) 39% (44) 112Employ: Student 64% (57) 14% (13) 21% (19) 89Employ: Retired 41% (208) 27% (139) 31% (158) 505Employ: Unemployed 50% (78) 17% (26) 33% (53) 157Employ: Other 46% (74) 23% (36) 31% (50) 160Military HH: Yes 37% (134) 29% (103) 34% (121) 357Military HH: No 48% (777) 24% (399) 28% (457) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (139) 49% (379) 32% (249) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 63% (772) 10% (123) 27% (330) 1224

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Table POL9_9

Table POL9_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (911) 25% (502) 29% (578) 1991Trump Job Approve 15% (119) 53% (427) 32% (261) 807Trump Job Disapprove 69% (771) 6% (68) 25% (278) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (28) 68% (296) 26% (113) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 25% (91) 36% (132) 40% (147) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 47% (117) 13% (33) 39% (97) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 75% (653) 4% (35) 21% (181) 869Favorable of Trump 16% (127) 54% (436) 30% (245) 808Unfavorable of Trump 69% (761) 5% (57) 26% (280) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 9% (43) 65% (317) 26% (126) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 26% (84) 37% (119) 37% (118) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 43% (78) 12% (22) 45% (82) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 74% (683) 4% (35) 22% (199) 917#1 Issue: Economy 44% (206) 26% (122) 31% (144) 472#1 Issue: Security 21% (81) 48% (184) 32% (122) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 58% (192) 14% (48) 28% (94) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 44% (135) 22% (68) 33% (101) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 70% (121) 12% (21) 18% (30) 172#1 Issue: Education 48% (59) 26% (31) 26% (31) 121#1 Issue: Energy 75% (73) 8% (8) 17% (17) 98#1 Issue: Other 43% (44) 19% (20) 37% (38) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 77% (642) 5% (38) 19% (155) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 13% (87) 58% (379) 29% (188) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (23) 11% (10) 63% (57) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 39% (159) 18% (73) 43% (178) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 79% (582) 3% (25) 18% (134) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (87) 57% (383) 30% (206) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 44% (72) 12% (19) 44% (71) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 41% (168) 18% (73) 41% (166) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 47% (636) 29% (391) 25% (341) 1367Voted in 2014: No 44% (275) 18% (111) 38% (237) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_9

Table POL9_9: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 46% (911) 25% (502) 29% (578) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 68% (595) 9% (79) 22% (195) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (65) 56% (284) 31% (158) 5062012 Vote: Other 30% (30) 33% (33) 37% (37) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 43% (219) 21% (105) 37% (188) 5134-Region: Northeast 53% (188) 22% (78) 25% (89) 3554-Region: Midwest 46% (210) 25% (116) 29% (132) 4574-Region: South 41% (306) 30% (225) 28% (212) 7434-Region: West 48% (207) 19% (83) 33% (146) 435Strong Republican 10% (39) 71% (286) 20% (81) 405Not Very Strong Republican 20% (42) 39% (79) 41% (84) 205Strong Democrat 85% (418) 4% (20) 11% (53) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 63% (188) 7% (22) 29% (87) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL9_10

Table POL9_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (814) 39% (771) 20% (406) 1991Gender: Male 39% (361) 44% (409) 17% (162) 932Gender: Female 43% (453) 34% (362) 23% (244) 1059Age: 18-29 46% (159) 33% (115) 20% (71) 345Age: 30-44 43% (198) 37% (169) 20% (91) 458Age: 45-54 35% (126) 42% (151) 23% (83) 361Age: 55-64 38% (140) 40% (145) 22% (80) 364Age: 65+ 41% (191) 41% (190) 18% (82) 463Generation Z: 18-22 47% (62) 29% (39) 24% (32) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 44% (221) 35% (176) 21% (106) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 38% (200) 42% (221) 20% (106) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 41% (293) 39% (283) 20% (147) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 75% (593) 8% (60) 17% (134) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 32% (187) 35% (205) 34% (201) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (34) 83% (506) 12% (71) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 76% (252) 9% (30) 15% (51) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 75% (341) 7% (31) 18% (83) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 31% (89) 42% (121) 28% (81) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 32% (98) 28% (84) 40% (120) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (20) 84% (259) 10% (30) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (14) 82% (247) 14% (41) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (461) 11% (65) 13% (78) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 45% (220) 29% (144) 26% (128) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (90) 74% (516) 13% (92) 697Educ: < College 37% (463) 40% (498) 23% (292) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 49% (230) 35% (165) 16% (76) 471Educ: Post-grad 45% (122) 40% (108) 14% (39) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_10

Table POL9_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (814) 39% (771) 20% (406) 1991Income: Under 50k 39% (421) 37% (402) 24% (264) 1087Income: 50k-100k 44% (281) 39% (249) 17% (106) 636Income: 100k+ 42% (112) 45% (121) 13% (35) 268Ethnicity: White 36% (584) 44% (710) 20% (316) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 40% (78) 31% (60) 29% (55) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 68% (171) 12% (31) 20% (50) 252Ethnicity: Other 45% (58) 24% (30) 31% (40) 128All Christian 34% (315) 50% (468) 16% (148) 931All Non-Christian 65% (50) 14% (11) 21% (16) 77Atheist 65% (59) 21% (19) 15% (13) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 44% (390) 31% (274) 26% (228) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 55% (55) 21% (21) 23% (23) 99Evangelical 27% (154) 53% (302) 21% (118) 574Non-Evangelical 42% (307) 40% (292) 17% (126) 725Community: Urban 51% (238) 30% (138) 20% (91) 467Community: Suburban 42% (421) 38% (378) 20% (203) 1002Community: Rural 30% (155) 49% (255) 21% (112) 522Employ: Private Sector 41% (278) 41% (276) 17% (117) 671Employ: Government 41% (53) 45% (57) 14% (18) 128Employ: Self-Employed 36% (61) 47% (80) 17% (29) 169Employ: Homemaker 33% (37) 32% (36) 35% (40) 112Employ: Student 58% (51) 25% (22) 17% (15) 89Employ: Retired 41% (208) 41% (207) 18% (90) 505Employ: Unemployed 41% (64) 24% (38) 35% (55) 157Employ: Other 39% (62) 34% (55) 27% (43) 160Military HH: Yes 36% (127) 46% (163) 19% (67) 357Military HH: No 42% (686) 37% (608) 21% (339) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 11% (85) 71% (541) 18% (140) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 60% (729) 19% (230) 22% (266) 1224

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Table POL9_10

Table POL9_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (814) 39% (771) 20% (406) 1991Trump Job Approve 8% (63) 76% (613) 16% (131) 807Trump Job Disapprove 66% (735) 13% (147) 21% (235) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (18) 85% (373) 11% (46) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12% (45) 65% (240) 23% (85) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 37% (92) 27% (68) 35% (87) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 74% (643) 9% (79) 17% (147) 869Favorable of Trump 9% (73) 77% (619) 14% (116) 808Unfavorable of Trump 66% (727) 13% (140) 21% (232) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (27) 82% (400) 12% (58) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 14% (46) 68% (218) 18% (58) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 31% (56) 31% (56) 38% (69) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 73% (670) 9% (84) 18% (163) 917#1 Issue: Economy 36% (171) 41% (196) 22% (105) 472#1 Issue: Security 15% (59) 69% (268) 16% (61) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 54% (179) 25% (83) 21% (71) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (137) 35% (105) 20% (61) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 66% (114) 16% (27) 18% (31) 172#1 Issue: Education 39% (47) 42% (50) 19% (23) 121#1 Issue: Energy 64% (63) 15% (14) 21% (21) 98#1 Issue: Other 41% (42) 27% (28) 31% (32) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 75% (629) 10% (82) 15% (124) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 6% (37) 81% (528) 14% (88) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 18% (17) 28% (25) 54% (48) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (131) 33% (134) 36% (146) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 79% (585) 8% (56) 13% (100) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (45) 80% (541) 13% (90) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 35% (57) 28% (46) 37% (60) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 31% (125) 31% (126) 38% (155) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 43% (588) 41% (559) 16% (220) 1367Voted in 2014: No 36% (226) 34% (212) 30% (186) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_10

Table POL9_10: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Gun policy

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (814) 39% (771) 20% (406) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (581) 16% (135) 18% (154) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (44) 77% (392) 14% (70) 5062012 Vote: Other 24% (25) 53% (54) 22% (23) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32% (165) 37% (189) 31% (159) 5134-Region: Northeast 49% (176) 32% (115) 18% (64) 3554-Region: Midwest 41% (186) 41% (185) 19% (86) 4574-Region: South 37% (275) 44% (323) 20% (145) 7434-Region: West 41% (178) 34% (147) 25% (110) 435Strong Republican 4% (15) 89% (360) 8% (30) 405Not Very Strong Republican 9% (19) 71% (146) 20% (40) 205Strong Democrat 88% (429) 4% (20) 8% (41) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 55% (164) 14% (41) 31% (92) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL9_11

Table POL9_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (987) 31% (613) 20% (391) 1991Gender: Male 50% (466) 34% (314) 16% (152) 932Gender: Female 49% (521) 28% (299) 23% (240) 1059Age: 18-29 55% (191) 21% (72) 24% (82) 345Age: 30-44 53% (242) 28% (126) 20% (90) 458Age: 45-54 44% (158) 34% (123) 22% (80) 361Age: 55-64 45% (165) 33% (121) 22% (79) 364Age: 65+ 50% (231) 37% (171) 13% (61) 463Generation Z: 18-22 53% (71) 21% (28) 26% (35) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 54% (273) 22% (113) 23% (117) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 47% (247) 34% (180) 19% (100) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 48% (347) 34% (245) 18% (130) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 85% (667) 4% (30) 11% (90) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 43% (256) 21% (123) 36% (215) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (65) 75% (460) 14% (86) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 87% (291) 5% (15) 8% (26) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 83% (376) 3% (15) 14% (64) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 47% (136) 24% (69) 30% (87) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 40% (120) 18% (55) 42% (128) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (40) 75% (230) 13% (39) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (25) 76% (229) 16% (48) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 84% (504) 6% (39) 10% (61) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 59% (291) 18% (88) 23% (114) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19% (136) 64% (447) 17% (115) 697Educ: < College 46% (582) 31% (391) 22% (279) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 56% (262) 30% (142) 14% (67) 471Educ: Post-grad 53% (143) 30% (80) 17% (45) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_11

Table POL9_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (987) 31% (613) 20% (391) 1991Income: Under 50k 49% (531) 27% (294) 24% (262) 1087Income: 50k-100k 52% (327) 33% (211) 15% (97) 636Income: 100k+ 48% (128) 40% (108) 12% (32) 268Ethnicity: White 45% (721) 36% (577) 19% (313) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 55% (107) 21% (41) 24% (46) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 75% (189) 6% (15) 19% (48) 252Ethnicity: Other 60% (77) 16% (21) 24% (30) 128All Christian 42% (390) 41% (385) 17% (156) 931All Non-Christian 71% (55) 14% (10) 15% (11) 77Atheist 75% (69) 12% (11) 12% (11) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 53% (474) 23% (206) 24% (212) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 60% (60) 19% (19) 21% (21) 99Evangelical 33% (189) 47% (271) 20% (113) 574Non-Evangelical 53% (381) 31% (224) 17% (120) 725Community: Urban 61% (287) 20% (95) 18% (85) 467Community: Suburban 50% (499) 31% (308) 19% (195) 1002Community: Rural 39% (201) 40% (209) 21% (111) 522Employ: Private Sector 48% (324) 32% (217) 19% (130) 671Employ: Government 54% (69) 32% (41) 13% (17) 128Employ: Self-Employed 49% (83) 32% (54) 19% (32) 169Employ: Homemaker 38% (42) 34% (38) 29% (32) 112Employ: Student 67% (60) 16% (15) 16% (15) 89Employ: Retired 49% (247) 36% (179) 16% (79) 505Employ: Unemployed 55% (86) 16% (24) 30% (46) 157Employ: Other 47% (75) 28% (45) 25% (40) 160Military HH: Yes 44% (157) 38% (137) 18% (64) 357Military HH: No 51% (830) 29% (476) 20% (327) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (139) 61% (471) 20% (157) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 69% (848) 12% (142) 19% (234) 1224

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Table POL9_11

Table POL9_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (987) 31% (613) 20% (391) 1991Trump Job Approve 15% (118) 65% (527) 20% (162) 807Trump Job Disapprove 76% (847) 7% (79) 17% (190) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (33) 80% (347) 13% (57) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (86) 48% (179) 28% (105) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 55% (135) 16% (40) 29% (72) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 82% (712) 4% (39) 14% (118) 869Favorable of Trump 15% (125) 67% (541) 18% (142) 808Unfavorable of Trump 77% (841) 6% (64) 18% (193) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 10% (49) 77% (374) 13% (64) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (76) 52% (167) 24% (78) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 49% (90) 15% (28) 35% (64) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 82% (752) 4% (37) 14% (129) 917#1 Issue: Economy 46% (219) 32% (153) 21% (100) 472#1 Issue: Security 21% (80) 62% (239) 18% (69) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 65% (216) 16% (53) 19% (65) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 56% (169) 27% (83) 17% (51) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 70% (120) 10% (17) 20% (35) 172#1 Issue: Education 49% (60) 28% (34) 23% (28) 121#1 Issue: Energy 73% (72) 9% (9) 18% (18) 98#1 Issue: Other 50% (51) 25% (25) 26% (26) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 86% (720) 4% (32) 10% (82) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 12% (78) 72% (471) 16% (105) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (23) 15% (13) 60% (53) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 40% (165) 23% (95) 37% (150) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 87% (647) 4% (28) 9% (66) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (86) 70% (474) 17% (116) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 48% (78) 15% (24) 37% (61) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 42% (172) 21% (87) 36% (148) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 52% (704) 34% (461) 15% (202) 1367Voted in 2014: No 45% (283) 24% (152) 30% (189) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL9_11

Table POL9_11: Who do you trust more to handle each of the following issues?Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Demographic Democrats in CongressRepublicans in

CongressDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (987) 31% (613) 20% (391) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 77% (667) 10% (83) 14% (121) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (65) 71% (359) 16% (82) 5062012 Vote: Other 33% (33) 37% (38) 30% (30) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 43% (221) 26% (133) 31% (159) 5134-Region: Northeast 55% (194) 27% (95) 19% (66) 3554-Region: Midwest 49% (223) 33% (153) 18% (82) 4574-Region: South 45% (338) 35% (261) 19% (145) 7434-Region: West 53% (232) 24% (104) 23% (99) 435Strong Republican 6% (26) 84% (341) 10% (39) 405Not Very Strong Republican 19% (39) 58% (119) 23% (48) 205Strong Democrat 92% (450) 2% (10) 6% (30) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 73% (216) 7% (20) 20% (60) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_1

Table POL10_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 54% (1075) 27% (537) 8% (151) 3% (57) 9% (170) 1991Gender: Male 53% (497) 27% (252) 10% (98) 3% (31) 6% (54) 932Gender: Female 55% (578) 27% (286) 5% (54) 2% (26) 11% (116) 1059Age: 18-29 45% (154) 28% (95) 9% (31) 3% (12) 15% (52) 345Age: 30-44 54% (248) 27% (123) 5% (24) 3% (12) 11% (50) 458Age: 45-54 54% (196) 26% (95) 9% (31) 3% (11) 8% (28) 361Age: 55-64 60% (217) 24% (86) 8% (29) 2% (8) 7% (24) 364Age: 65+ 56% (259) 30% (137) 8% (36) 3% (15) 4% (16) 463Generation Z: 18-22 46% (61) 26% (34) 7% (10) 3% (4) 18% (24) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 51% (257) 25% (128) 7% (34) 3% (15) 14% (68) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 53% (280) 29% (152) 8% (43) 3% (15) 7% (38) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 58% (422) 26% (187) 8% (58) 2% (18) 5% (38) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 58% (456) 24% (188) 7% (54) 3% (25) 8% (65) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 52% (308) 26% (155) 7% (43) 3% (15) 12% (72) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 51% (311) 32% (195) 9% (54) 3% (17) 5% (34) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 57% (188) 24% (79) 11% (35) 3% (11) 6% (19) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 59% (268) 24% (109) 4% (19) 3% (14) 10% (46) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 51% (149) 28% (80) 10% (29) 2% (7) 9% (25) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 53% (159) 25% (75) 5% (14) 3% (8) 15% (47) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 52% (160) 30% (92) 11% (33) 4% (13) 3% (10) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 50% (151) 34% (102) 7% (21) 1% (4) 8% (23) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 61% (367) 23% (138) 6% (36) 4% (23) 6% (39) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 53% (260) 29% (142) 9% (46) 2% (11) 7% (33) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 52% (366) 31% (219) 9% (61) 3% (22) 4% (29) 697Educ: < College 54% (677) 26% (327) 7% (86) 3% (34) 10% (129) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 53% (248) 29% (137) 10% (46) 3% (13) 6% (27) 471Educ: Post-grad 56% (150) 28% (74) 7% (20) 4% (10) 5% (14) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_1

Table POL10_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 54% (1075) 27% (537) 8% (151) 3% (57) 9% (170) 1991Income: Under 50k 55% (599) 24% (263) 6% (70) 3% (32) 11% (124) 1087Income: 50k-100k 54% (343) 29% (187) 8% (49) 3% (18) 6% (40) 636Income: 100k+ 50% (134) 33% (88) 12% (33) 3% (7) 3% (7) 268Ethnicity: White 54% (864) 29% (460) 8% (123) 3% (47) 7% (116) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 53% (102) 24% (46) 8% (15) 1% (2) 14% (28) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 58% (146) 18% (44) 7% (17) 3% (7) 15% (38) 252Ethnicity: Other 50% (64) 26% (33) 9% (12) 2% (3) 13% (16) 128All Christian 53% (496) 30% (278) 8% (75) 3% (31) 5% (50) 931All Non-Christian 62% (47) 17% (13) 7% (6) 1% (1) 13% (10) 77Atheist 57% (52) 26% (24) 8% (7) 3% (3) 6% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 54% (479) 25% (222) 7% (63) 3% (23) 12% (105) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 57% (57) 19% (19) 10% (10) 2% (2) 12% (12) 99Evangelical 54% (309) 28% (158) 7% (42) 3% (18) 8% (46) 574Non-Evangelical 55% (399) 28% (204) 8% (56) 3% (19) 7% (47) 725Community: Urban 58% (271) 21% (99) 6% (27) 5% (21) 11% (49) 467Community: Suburban 53% (530) 29% (288) 8% (84) 2% (24) 8% (77) 1002Community: Rural 52% (274) 29% (150) 8% (41) 2% (13) 8% (44) 522Employ: Private Sector 54% (359) 27% (184) 10% (64) 2% (13) 8% (51) 671Employ: Government 50% (64) 36% (47) 7% (9) 2% (3) 4% (6) 128Employ: Self-Employed 62% (105) 21% (36) 5% (8) 4% (6) 8% (14) 169Employ: Homemaker 50% (56) 31% (35) 3% (3) — (1) 15% (17) 112Employ: Student 40% (36) 23% (21) 9% (8) 7% (6) 20% (18) 89Employ: Retired 55% (280) 27% (136) 9% (43) 4% (22) 5% (24) 505Employ: Unemployed 57% (90) 21% (32) 6% (10) — (1) 16% (24) 157Employ: Other 53% (85) 29% (46) 4% (6) 4% (7) 10% (16) 160Military HH: Yes 50% (178) 31% (111) 8% (29) 3% (11) 8% (28) 357Military HH: No 55% (897) 26% (426) 7% (122) 3% (47) 9% (142) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 50% (381) 31% (238) 9% (66) 2% (17) 8% (64) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 57% (693) 24% (299) 7% (86) 3% (40) 9% (107) 1224

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Table POL10_1

Table POL10_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 54% (1075) 27% (537) 8% (151) 3% (57) 9% (170) 1991Trump Job Approve 50% (402) 32% (255) 9% (75) 3% (21) 7% (53) 807Trump Job Disapprove 58% (653) 25% (274) 7% (74) 3% (36) 7% (80) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 53% (233) 30% (131) 8% (37) 3% (12) 5% (24) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 46% (169) 34% (124) 10% (38) 3% (9) 8% (29) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 52% (130) 30% (75) 8% (19) 2% (6) 7% (18) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 60% (523) 23% (199) 6% (55) 3% (30) 7% (62) 869Favorable of Trump 51% (409) 32% (257) 9% (75) 3% (21) 6% (47) 808Unfavorable of Trump 59% (646) 25% (271) 7% (73) 3% (36) 7% (73) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 54% (262) 30% (144) 9% (43) 3% (14) 5% (23) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 46% (147) 35% (113) 10% (32) 2% (7) 7% (23) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 49% (89) 32% (58) 8% (15) 2% (3) 9% (16) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 61% (557) 23% (212) 6% (58) 4% (33) 6% (57) 917#1 Issue: Economy 51% (242) 31% (148) 9% (41) 3% (13) 6% (28) 472#1 Issue: Security 43% (168) 35% (137) 10% (38) 3% (12) 8% (33) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 72% (240) 11% (38) 6% (21) 3% (8) 8% (26) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 62% (187) 24% (74) 5% (15) 4% (11) 5% (16) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50% (85) 27% (46) 6% (11) 3% (5) 14% (25) 172#1 Issue: Education 52% (63) 27% (33) 9% (10) 3% (3) 9% (11) 121#1 Issue: Energy 50% (49) 29% (29) 7% (7) 1% (1) 12% (12) 98#1 Issue: Other 40% (40) 32% (33) 7% (7) 3% (3) 18% (19) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 58% (484) 26% (217) 6% (52) 3% (29) 6% (53) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 52% (342) 30% (194) 10% (67) 3% (20) 4% (29) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 45% (41) 25% (22) 6% (6) 1% (1) 22% (20) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 50% (207) 25% (104) 6% (26) 2% (7) 16% (68) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 59% (436) 25% (187) 7% (53) 3% (25) 5% (40) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 53% (355) 30% (205) 9% (62) 3% (20) 5% (35) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 56% (91) 22% (36) 8% (13) 4% (7) 10% (16) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 47% (190) 27% (109) 6% (23) 1% (5) 19% (79) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_1

Table POL10_1: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a healthcare reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 54% (1075) 27% (537) 8% (151) 3% (57) 9% (170) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 56% (766) 27% (374) 8% (107) 3% (44) 6% (76) 1367Voted in 2014: No 49% (308) 26% (164) 7% (45) 2% (13) 15% (94) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 60% (518) 25% (218) 6% (52) 4% (31) 6% (52) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 52% (262) 32% (164) 10% (50) 2% (9) 4% (21) 5062012 Vote: Other 44% (44) 25% (25) 12% (12) 10% (10) 10% (10) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 49% (251) 25% (130) 7% (38) 1% (7) 17% (87) 5134-Region: Northeast 59% (209) 27% (97) 6% (21) 1% (2) 7% (26) 3554-Region: Midwest 53% (242) 30% (139) 5% (24) 2% (10) 9% (43) 4574-Region: South 56% (413) 25% (187) 8% (60) 3% (26) 8% (58) 7434-Region: West 48% (211) 26% (115) 11% (46) 4% (20) 10% (43) 435Strong Republican 54% (218) 30% (123) 9% (36) 3% (14) 4% (15) 405Not Very Strong Republican 45% (93) 35% (72) 9% (18) 2% (4) 9% (19) 205Strong Democrat 62% (304) 21% (103) 6% (30) 4% (20) 7% (34) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 51% (152) 29% (85) 8% (25) 2% (5) 11% (31) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_2

Table POL10_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (714) 26% (526) 18% (349) 12% (233) 8% (169) 1991Gender: Male 33% (307) 26% (241) 19% (176) 16% (148) 7% (61) 932Gender: Female 38% (407) 27% (285) 16% (173) 8% (86) 10% (108) 1059Age: 18-29 46% (158) 21% (73) 12% (41) 5% (19) 15% (53) 345Age: 30-44 35% (161) 26% (121) 18% (81) 10% (45) 11% (50) 458Age: 45-54 33% (119) 27% (97) 19% (70) 15% (54) 6% (20) 361Age: 55-64 29% (105) 31% (112) 21% (76) 12% (44) 7% (27) 364Age: 65+ 37% (171) 26% (122) 17% (81) 15% (71) 4% (18) 463Generation Z: 18-22 52% (69) 15% (20) 9% (11) 8% (10) 18% (24) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 39% (194) 25% (127) 16% (81) 7% (35) 13% (66) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 33% (175) 28% (145) 19% (100) 14% (73) 6% (34) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 33% (237) 30% (215) 19% (137) 13% (92) 6% (41) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 54% (428) 27% (211) 9% (71) 1% (11) 8% (67) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 35% (210) 26% (152) 17% (101) 11% (63) 11% (67) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 13% (76) 27% (162) 29% (177) 26% (159) 6% (35) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 55% (182) 25% (84) 12% (38) 1% (5) 7% (24) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 54% (245) 28% (128) 7% (33) 1% (7) 9% (43) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 31% (90) 28% (80) 20% (58) 13% (38) 9% (25) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 40% (120) 24% (72) 14% (43) 8% (26) 14% (42) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 11% (35) 25% (77) 26% (79) 34% (105) 4% (13) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 14% (42) 28% (86) 33% (98) 18% (53) 8% (23) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 64% (387) 20% (122) 9% (56) 2% (12) 4% (25) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (180) 36% (177) 16% (78) 5% (24) 7% (34) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (98) 27% (191) 27% (186) 27% (187) 5% (36) 697Educ: < College 35% (433) 25% (313) 19% (232) 11% (142) 11% (132) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 38% (177) 30% (143) 16% (75) 11% (52) 5% (24) 471Educ: Post-grad 39% (104) 26% (70) 16% (42) 15% (39) 5% (13) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_2

Table POL10_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (714) 26% (526) 18% (349) 12% (233) 8% (169) 1991Income: Under 50k 36% (388) 23% (249) 17% (189) 11% (124) 13% (137) 1087Income: 50k-100k 37% (233) 30% (192) 18% (113) 11% (70) 4% (28) 636Income: 100k+ 35% (93) 32% (84) 18% (47) 15% (39) 2% (4) 268Ethnicity: White 35% (557) 27% (428) 19% (301) 13% (214) 7% (111) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 42% (81) 23% (44) 11% (21) 10% (19) 14% (28) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 42% (107) 24% (61) 13% (32) 4% (9) 17% (43) 252Ethnicity: Other 39% (50) 29% (37) 13% (16) 8% (10) 12% (15) 128All Christian 29% (265) 29% (271) 20% (188) 16% (146) 7% (61) 931All Non-Christian 41% (31) 28% (22) 14% (10) 6% (4) 12% (9) 77Atheist 69% (63) 14% (12) 8% (8) 7% (7) 2% (1) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 40% (354) 25% (221) 16% (143) 8% (76) 11% (98) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 36% (35) 29% (29) 11% (11) 11% (11) 13% (13) 99Evangelical 24% (135) 27% (155) 21% (119) 19% (111) 9% (54) 574Non-Evangelical 36% (260) 29% (208) 19% (134) 10% (73) 7% (50) 725Community: Urban 43% (199) 26% (122) 13% (61) 7% (34) 11% (51) 467Community: Suburban 36% (359) 28% (280) 16% (160) 13% (128) 8% (75) 1002Community: Rural 30% (156) 24% (124) 25% (128) 14% (71) 8% (42) 522Employ: Private Sector 36% (239) 30% (200) 19% (126) 8% (56) 7% (49) 671Employ: Government 34% (44) 30% (38) 17% (22) 14% (18) 5% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 35% (60) 24% (40) 14% (23) 20% (35) 7% (11) 169Employ: Homemaker 24% (27) 31% (34) 19% (21) 11% (13) 15% (17) 112Employ: Student 47% (42) 21% (19) 11% (9) 5% (4) 16% (15) 89Employ: Retired 36% (182) 26% (133) 18% (90) 15% (74) 5% (26) 505Employ: Unemployed 44% (69) 17% (26) 17% (27) 5% (8) 17% (27) 157Employ: Other 32% (51) 22% (35) 19% (30) 16% (25) 11% (17) 160Military HH: Yes 33% (118) 24% (85) 17% (62) 18% (66) 7% (26) 357Military HH: No 36% (595) 27% (441) 18% (287) 10% (168) 9% (143) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (105) 28% (212) 27% (204) 24% (185) 8% (61) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 50% (609) 26% (314) 12% (145) 4% (48) 9% (107) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_2

Table POL10_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (714) 26% (526) 18% (349) 12% (233) 8% (169) 1991Trump Job Approve 11% (91) 28% (223) 29% (231) 26% (209) 7% (53) 807Trump Job Disapprove 54% (605) 27% (297) 10% (114) 2% (24) 7% (77) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (38) 25% (107) 27% (119) 35% (152) 5% (21) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (53) 31% (116) 30% (112) 15% (56) 9% (32) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 34% (85) 38% (93) 17% (43) 3% (7) 8% (19) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 60% (520) 23% (204) 8% (71) 2% (17) 7% (57) 869Favorable of Trump 11% (93) 28% (225) 29% (231) 26% (212) 6% (47) 808Unfavorable of Trump 55% (604) 26% (290) 10% (114) 2% (21) 6% (70) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 10% (47) 25% (123) 28% (137) 32% (158) 5% (22) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 14% (46) 32% (102) 29% (95) 17% (54) 8% (25) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 32% (58) 35% (64) 19% (35) 2% (4) 12% (21) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 60% (546) 25% (226) 9% (79) 2% (17) 5% (49) 917#1 Issue: Economy 31% (145) 31% (147) 19% (92) 13% (62) 6% (28) 472#1 Issue: Security 15% (58) 22% (84) 25% (95) 29% (111) 10% (39) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 43% (145) 30% (99) 15% (51) 3% (10) 8% (28) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 36% (108) 32% (97) 18% (54) 7% (22) 7% (22) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 55% (95) 22% (37) 11% (18) 3% (5) 10% (17) 172#1 Issue: Education 37% (45) 31% (37) 13% (16) 11% (13) 8% (10) 121#1 Issue: Energy 73% (72) 10% (10) 7% (7) 3% (2) 8% (7) 98#1 Issue: Other 44% (45) 16% (16) 17% (17) 7% (7) 16% (17) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 57% (477) 27% (228) 8% (66) 2% (17) 6% (47) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 13% (86) 25% (165) 30% (195) 28% (180) 4% (28) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 24% (22) 26% (23) 20% (18) 8% (7) 22% (19) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 31% (129) 27% (110) 17% (69) 7% (29) 18% (74) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 58% (427) 28% (206) 7% (55) 2% (12) 5% (41) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 12% (83) 26% (175) 30% (203) 27% (181) 5% (35) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 37% (61) 26% (43) 16% (27) 8% (14) 11% (18) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 35% (143) 25% (102) 16% (64) 6% (26) 18% (73) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_2

Table POL10_2: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to address climate change

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (714) 26% (526) 18% (349) 12% (233) 8% (169) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (494) 27% (369) 18% (248) 13% (182) 5% (74) 1367Voted in 2014: No 35% (220) 25% (157) 16% (101) 8% (51) 15% (94) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 51% (440) 30% (258) 10% (91) 3% (28) 6% (52) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (63) 27% (139) 29% (148) 26% (134) 5% (23) 5062012 Vote: Other 32% (32) 12% (12) 25% (25) 24% (24) 7% (7) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35% (179) 23% (117) 16% (84) 9% (48) 17% (86) 5134-Region: Northeast 44% (156) 24% (86) 16% (58) 9% (31) 7% (23) 3554-Region: Midwest 34% (153) 26% (119) 20% (91) 12% (55) 8% (39) 4574-Region: South 30% (223) 30% (220) 19% (139) 13% (96) 9% (66) 7434-Region: West 42% (181) 23% (100) 14% (62) 12% (51) 9% (41) 435Strong Republican 11% (43) 23% (95) 30% (121) 33% (134) 3% (13) 405Not Very Strong Republican 16% (34) 33% (67) 27% (56) 12% (25) 11% (23) 205Strong Democrat 63% (309) 22% (109) 6% (28) 2% (9) 7% (36) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 40% (119) 34% (103) 14% (43) 1% (2) 10% (31) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_3

Table POL10_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (608) 32% (645) 15% (299) 11% (229) 11% (210) 1991Gender: Male 27% (249) 32% (300) 18% (168) 16% (145) 7% (70) 932Gender: Female 34% (359) 33% (346) 12% (131) 8% (84) 13% (140) 1059Age: 18-29 32% (112) 34% (118) 12% (40) 6% (22) 15% (53) 345Age: 30-44 36% (167) 31% (144) 11% (52) 8% (37) 13% (58) 458Age: 45-54 32% (117) 32% (114) 15% (55) 14% (51) 7% (24) 361Age: 55-64 26% (96) 34% (122) 15% (55) 13% (46) 12% (45) 364Age: 65+ 25% (117) 32% (147) 21% (96) 16% (74) 6% (30) 463Generation Z: 18-22 34% (45) 28% (37) 10% (13) 7% (10) 21% (29) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 35% (178) 34% (169) 11% (54) 7% (37) 13% (64) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 33% (172) 32% (170) 15% (81) 12% (62) 8% (42) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 27% (192) 33% (235) 18% (128) 13% (95) 10% (72) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 43% (340) 36% (287) 10% (78) 1% (9) 9% (73) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (176) 31% (186) 13% (80) 11% (64) 15% (87) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 15% (92) 28% (173) 23% (141) 25% (155) 8% (50) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 42% (138) 36% (121) 14% (48) 1% (4) 7% (22) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 44% (202) 36% (166) 7% (30) 1% (6) 11% (51) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 24% (71) 36% (104) 13% (39) 14% (41) 13% (37) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 35% (106) 27% (82) 14% (41) 8% (24) 17% (50) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (41) 24% (75) 26% (81) 33% (101) 4% (11) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 17% (51) 32% (98) 20% (60) 18% (54) 13% (39) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 50% (299) 36% (220) 8% (47) 2% (9) 5% (28) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 31% (153) 36% (178) 16% (80) 7% (36) 9% (45) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (104) 29% (204) 22% (155) 25% (178) 8% (57) 697Educ: < College 31% (390) 33% (410) 14% (174) 9% (116) 13% (163) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 29% (137) 33% (155) 18% (84) 14% (66) 6% (29) 471Educ: Post-grad 30% (81) 30% (81) 15% (41) 18% (47) 7% (18) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_3

Table POL10_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (608) 32% (645) 15% (299) 11% (229) 11% (210) 1991Income: Under 50k 32% (353) 31% (337) 14% (147) 9% (98) 14% (152) 1087Income: 50k-100k 31% (196) 35% (219) 15% (97) 12% (74) 8% (49) 636Income: 100k+ 22% (59) 33% (89) 20% (55) 21% (57) 3% (9) 268Ethnicity: White 27% (438) 34% (543) 17% (270) 13% (210) 9% (150) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 35% (67) 40% (76) 7% (13) 5% (10) 13% (25) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 51% (128) 23% (59) 7% (17) 3% (8) 16% (40) 252Ethnicity: Other 33% (42) 33% (43) 10% (13) 8% (11) 15% (20) 128All Christian 24% (220) 34% (318) 18% (171) 15% (141) 9% (81) 931All Non-Christian 30% (23) 30% (23) 16% (12) 9% (7) 15% (11) 77Atheist 50% (45) 29% (27) 9% (8) 8% (7) 4% (4) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 36% (320) 31% (277) 12% (108) 8% (73) 13% (114) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26% (26) 31% (31) 16% (16) 10% (9) 18% (18) 99Evangelical 27% (154) 32% (182) 17% (96) 14% (78) 11% (64) 574Non-Evangelical 28% (203) 34% (248) 17% (120) 13% (92) 9% (62) 725Community: Urban 38% (176) 31% (147) 13% (59) 6% (29) 12% (56) 467Community: Suburban 28% (279) 35% (346) 15% (154) 13% (126) 10% (97) 1002Community: Rural 29% (154) 29% (153) 16% (86) 14% (73) 11% (56) 522Employ: Private Sector 32% (215) 34% (229) 15% (104) 10% (64) 9% (59) 671Employ: Government 36% (45) 26% (33) 19% (24) 13% (16) 7% (8) 128Employ: Self-Employed 30% (51) 32% (54) 11% (19) 19% (32) 8% (13) 169Employ: Homemaker 24% (27) 37% (41) 10% (11) 9% (10) 20% (23) 112Employ: Student 33% (29) 36% (32) 8% (7) 7% (6) 16% (15) 89Employ: Retired 27% (134) 32% (163) 18% (91) 15% (78) 8% (39) 505Employ: Unemployed 35% (54) 23% (37) 18% (28) 4% (7) 20% (31) 157Employ: Other 32% (51) 35% (56) 9% (14) 9% (15) 14% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 28% (99) 29% (105) 20% (70) 14% (51) 9% (32) 357Military HH: No 31% (509) 33% (541) 14% (228) 11% (178) 11% (178) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (135) 29% (223) 22% (167) 20% (156) 11% (85) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 39% (473) 35% (423) 11% (131) 6% (73) 10% (125) 1224

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Table POL10_3

Table POL10_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (608) 32% (645) 15% (299) 11% (229) 11% (210) 1991Trump Job Approve 16% (127) 30% (242) 23% (182) 23% (186) 9% (70) 807Trump Job Disapprove 42% (464) 36% (397) 10% (116) 4% (43) 9% (97) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 15% (67) 28% (124) 22% (97) 28% (120) 7% (29) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (61) 32% (118) 23% (84) 18% (65) 11% (42) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 26% (65) 39% (98) 19% (47) 6% (15) 9% (23) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 46% (399) 34% (299) 8% (69) 3% (27) 8% (74) 869Favorable of Trump 15% (125) 31% (249) 23% (183) 23% (185) 8% (65) 808Unfavorable of Trump 43% (468) 35% (384) 10% (113) 4% (42) 8% (92) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 17% (82) 28% (137) 22% (107) 26% (125) 7% (34) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 13% (43) 35% (111) 24% (76) 19% (60) 10% (31) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 27% (49) 32% (57) 21% (38) 9% (16) 11% (21) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 46% (418) 36% (327) 8% (75) 3% (26) 8% (71) 917#1 Issue: Economy 32% (152) 34% (161) 15% (73) 12% (57) 6% (29) 472#1 Issue: Security 9% (35) 27% (105) 23% (89) 29% (112) 12% (47) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 36% (120) 36% (120) 12% (40) 4% (15) 11% (38) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37% (112) 30% (92) 14% (43) 6% (19) 12% (38) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 44% (76) 35% (60) 6% (10) 3% (5) 12% (20) 172#1 Issue: Education 42% (51) 30% (36) 11% (13) 9% (11) 9% (10) 121#1 Issue: Energy 40% (39) 38% (37) 10% (10) 2% (2) 10% (10) 98#1 Issue: Other 22% (22) 32% (33) 20% (20) 8% (8) 18% (18) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 44% (367) 37% (305) 10% (84) 2% (15) 8% (64) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 15% (99) 28% (184) 22% (146) 27% (177) 7% (48) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (20) 31% (28) 11% (10) 9% (8) 26% (24) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (121) 31% (129) 14% (59) 7% (28) 18% (74) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45% (335) 36% (269) 9% (70) 2% (12) 7% (55) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (96) 30% (200) 24% (161) 25% (170) 7% (49) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 28% (46) 32% (53) 14% (24) 10% (16) 15% (24) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (130) 31% (124) 10% (42) 7% (29) 20% (82) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_3

Table POL10_3: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill to reduce economic inequality

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 31% (608) 32% (645) 15% (299) 11% (229) 11% (210) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 31% (426) 32% (436) 16% (219) 13% (182) 8% (105) 1367Voted in 2014: No 29% (182) 34% (210) 13% (80) 8% (47) 17% (105) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 42% (370) 35% (304) 11% (100) 3% (28) 8% (69) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15% (78) 26% (134) 23% (117) 27% (139) 8% (38) 5062012 Vote: Other 23% (23) 32% (32) 13% (13) 23% (24) 9% (9) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 27% (137) 34% (175) 13% (69) 7% (38) 18% (94) 5134-Region: Northeast 37% (130) 31% (110) 13% (47) 10% (36) 9% (33) 3554-Region: Midwest 27% (122) 33% (149) 16% (75) 13% (61) 11% (50) 4574-Region: South 32% (238) 32% (238) 14% (103) 11% (82) 11% (82) 7434-Region: West 27% (119) 34% (148) 17% (73) 11% (50) 10% (45) 435Strong Republican 14% (56) 28% (113) 22% (89) 29% (119) 7% (27) 405Not Very Strong Republican 17% (35) 29% (59) 25% (52) 18% (36) 11% (23) 205Strong Democrat 50% (244) 35% (171) 6% (30) 1% (3) 8% (41) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 32% (96) 39% (116) 16% (48) 2% (6) 11% (31) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_4

Table POL10_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (760) 37% (728) 11% (227) 2% (38) 12% (238) 1991Gender: Male 46% (425) 35% (330) 10% (95) 1% (14) 7% (68) 932Gender: Female 32% (335) 38% (398) 12% (132) 2% (24) 16% (170) 1059Age: 18-29 21% (74) 36% (124) 17% (60) 4% (12) 22% (76) 345Age: 30-44 35% (159) 35% (158) 12% (56) 3% (15) 15% (69) 458Age: 45-54 42% (153) 37% (133) 11% (41) 1% (4) 8% (29) 361Age: 55-64 41% (150) 38% (140) 9% (32) — (2) 11% (41) 364Age: 65+ 48% (224) 37% (173) 8% (38) 1% (4) 5% (23) 463Generation Z: 18-22 18% (23) 34% (45) 17% (23) 4% (6) 27% (36) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 29% (146) 35% (177) 15% (74) 3% (15) 18% (90) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 41% (217) 37% (193) 11% (59) 2% (11) 9% (47) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 44% (315) 38% (278) 9% (64) 1% (4) 9% (62) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 41% (319) 36% (283) 10% (82) 1% (10) 12% (93) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (225) 34% (203) 11% (64) 2% (12) 15% (89) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 35% (215) 40% (242) 13% (81) 3% (16) 9% (56) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 48% (159) 34% (113) 10% (34) 1% (3) 7% (23) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 35% (160) 37% (170) 10% (48) 2% (7) 16% (71) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 48% (139) 33% (95) 7% (21) 2% (5) 11% (31) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 29% (87) 36% (108) 14% (43) 2% (7) 19% (58) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 41% (127) 40% (122) 13% (40) 2% (6) 4% (14) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 29% (88) 40% (120) 14% (41) 3% (10) 14% (42) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44% (268) 37% (221) 11% (64) 2% (10) 7% (41) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 37% (182) 40% (198) 12% (57) 2% (9) 9% (46) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39% (272) 38% (268) 12% (85) 2% (14) 8% (58) 697Educ: < College 36% (449) 35% (440) 12% (149) 2% (26) 15% (188) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 42% (200) 39% (183) 10% (46) 2% (8) 7% (34) 471Educ: Post-grad 42% (112) 39% (105) 12% (31) 1% (4) 6% (16) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_4

Table POL10_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (760) 37% (728) 11% (227) 2% (38) 12% (238) 1991Income: Under 50k 37% (401) 33% (361) 11% (124) 2% (24) 16% (178) 1087Income: 50k-100k 38% (239) 42% (265) 12% (75) 2% (11) 7% (46) 636Income: 100k+ 45% (121) 38% (102) 10% (27) 1% (3) 5% (15) 268Ethnicity: White 39% (623) 38% (611) 11% (183) 2% (26) 10% (167) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 37% (72) 25% (49) 15% (29) 4% (8) 18% (34) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 37% (95) 29% (74) 9% (23) 4% (10) 20% (50) 252Ethnicity: Other 33% (42) 34% (44) 16% (20) 2% (2) 16% (20) 128All Christian 40% (373) 38% (354) 12% (111) 2% (17) 8% (76) 931All Non-Christian 37% (28) 34% (26) 11% (9) 3% (2) 15% (11) 77Atheist 38% (35) 51% (46) 5% (5) — (0) 6% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 36% (324) 34% (302) 12% (103) 2% (19) 16% (144) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 32% (32) 36% (36) 12% (11) 2% (2) 18% (18) 99Evangelical 36% (205) 36% (208) 13% (76) 2% (13) 13% (73) 574Non-Evangelical 40% (289) 37% (269) 12% (87) 2% (13) 9% (68) 725Community: Urban 41% (193) 33% (154) 10% (47) 2% (9) 14% (64) 467Community: Suburban 37% (374) 37% (372) 13% (128) 2% (16) 11% (112) 1002Community: Rural 37% (193) 39% (203) 10% (51) 2% (13) 12% (62) 522Employ: Private Sector 36% (240) 39% (260) 13% (86) 2% (10) 11% (75) 671Employ: Government 44% (56) 38% (48) 12% (16) 2% (2) 4% (6) 128Employ: Self-Employed 42% (71) 38% (64) 6% (10) 4% (6) 11% (18) 169Employ: Homemaker 24% (27) 35% (39) 14% (16) 3% (4) 24% (27) 112Employ: Student 28% (25) 32% (29) 17% (15) 5% (4) 18% (16) 89Employ: Retired 47% (235) 36% (182) 10% (50) 1% (5) 7% (33) 505Employ: Unemployed 31% (48) 36% (57) 10% (16) 1% (1) 22% (35) 157Employ: Other 36% (58) 31% (50) 11% (18) 4% (6) 18% (28) 160Military HH: Yes 41% (146) 39% (138) 9% (33) 2% (8) 9% (32) 357Military HH: No 38% (614) 36% (590) 12% (194) 2% (30) 13% (206) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 35% (268) 39% (297) 13% (96) 3% (19) 11% (86) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 40% (492) 35% (431) 11% (131) 2% (18) 12% (152) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_4

Table POL10_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (760) 37% (728) 11% (227) 2% (38) 12% (238) 1991Trump Job Approve 35% (282) 41% (328) 13% (103) 2% (18) 9% (76) 807Trump Job Disapprove 42% (467) 35% (390) 11% (123) 1% (15) 11% (120) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 41% (178) 40% (174) 10% (45) 2% (10) 7% (30) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (103) 42% (154) 16% (58) 2% (8) 12% (46) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 35% (87) 36% (89) 17% (42) 1% (3) 11% (26) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 44% (380) 35% (302) 9% (81) 1% (12) 11% (94) 869Favorable of Trump 36% (294) 40% (326) 13% (102) 2% (18) 8% (66) 808Unfavorable of Trump 42% (456) 35% (389) 11% (116) 2% (18) 11% (120) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 42% (204) 39% (191) 9% (44) 3% (13) 7% (34) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 28% (90) 42% (135) 18% (59) 2% (5) 10% (32) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 34% (62) 33% (60) 14% (26) 2% (4) 16% (29) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 43% (394) 36% (329) 10% (89) 1% (14) 10% (91) 917#1 Issue: Economy 37% (174) 40% (188) 12% (58) 2% (10) 9% (42) 472#1 Issue: Security 37% (144) 38% (147) 10% (38) 1% (5) 14% (54) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 37% (124) 36% (121) 12% (41) 2% (7) 12% (40) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 48% (147) 33% (100) 8% (23) 2% (6) 9% (27) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 28% (48) 37% (64) 17% (29) 2% (3) 17% (28) 172#1 Issue: Education 40% (48) 30% (36) 16% (19) 2% (2) 13% (15) 121#1 Issue: Energy 44% (44) 35% (34) 6% (6) 2% (2) 13% (13) 98#1 Issue: Other 30% (31) 37% (38) 12% (12) 3% (3) 17% (18) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 45% (377) 36% (297) 9% (78) 2% (13) 8% (70) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 38% (249) 40% (262) 12% (80) 2% (15) 8% (49) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 27% (24) 26% (23) 21% (19) 3% (3) 24% (21) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (111) 35% (145) 12% (51) 2% (7) 24% (97) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 44% (327) 34% (254) 10% (73) 2% (12) 10% (74) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 37% (253) 42% (282) 12% (80) 2% (14) 7% (47) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 41% (66) 35% (57) 11% (18) 2% (3) 12% (20) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 27% (111) 33% (134) 14% (55) 2% (9) 24% (97) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_4

Table POL10_4: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an infrastructure spending bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (760) 37% (728) 11% (227) 2% (38) 12% (238) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 42% (571) 38% (518) 11% (145) 2% (21) 8% (112) 1367Voted in 2014: No 30% (190) 34% (210) 13% (81) 3% (17) 20% (126) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 45% (392) 35% (301) 10% (85) 2% (14) 9% (78) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 37% (189) 41% (209) 12% (63) 2% (9) 7% (36) 5062012 Vote: Other 46% (46) 35% (35) 10% (10) 2% (2) 7% (7) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (133) 36% (183) 14% (69) 2% (12) 23% (116) 5134-Region: Northeast 42% (148) 40% (142) 7% (23) 1% (4) 11% (38) 3554-Region: Midwest 39% (180) 35% (160) 14% (64) 1% (3) 11% (51) 4574-Region: South 36% (269) 37% (276) 11% (82) 3% (22) 13% (95) 7434-Region: West 37% (162) 35% (151) 13% (58) 2% (9) 13% (55) 435Strong Republican 38% (152) 39% (160) 13% (54) 3% (12) 7% (27) 405Not Very Strong Republican 31% (64) 40% (83) 13% (27) 2% (3) 14% (29) 205Strong Democrat 45% (222) 37% (179) 6% (32) 1% (6) 10% (51) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 33% (98) 35% (103) 17% (50) 1% (4) 14% (42) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_5

Table POL10_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (551) 13% (259) 10% (192) 40% (796) 10% (193) 1991Gender: Male 22% (205) 15% (143) 11% (104) 44% (409) 8% (71) 932Gender: Female 33% (345) 11% (116) 8% (89) 37% (387) 12% (122) 1059Age: 18-29 34% (118) 14% (50) 13% (44) 23% (78) 16% (55) 345Age: 30-44 30% (136) 13% (61) 9% (43) 34% (157) 13% (61) 458Age: 45-54 28% (101) 11% (40) 10% (36) 44% (159) 7% (25) 361Age: 55-64 27% (99) 12% (42) 8% (30) 46% (168) 7% (26) 364Age: 65+ 21% (96) 14% (67) 9% (40) 50% (234) 6% (27) 463Generation Z: 18-22 34% (45) 13% (17) 13% (17) 20% (26) 21% (28) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 33% (168) 14% (71) 9% (47) 30% (149) 14% (68) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 27% (142) 12% (62) 11% (58) 42% (219) 9% (45) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 25% (181) 13% (93) 9% (63) 47% (338) 6% (46) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 46% (363) 21% (169) 12% (96) 10% (80) 10% (79) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (162) 10% (59) 12% (71) 36% (212) 15% (89) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (25) 5% (32) 4% (25) 82% (504) 4% (25) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 37% (124) 28% (95) 15% (51) 10% (33) 9% (30) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 53% (239) 16% (74) 10% (45) 10% (47) 11% (49) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (65) 10% (29) 15% (43) 42% (121) 12% (34) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 32% (98) 10% (30) 9% (28) 30% (91) 18% (55) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (16) 6% (20) 3% (10) 83% (255) 3% (8) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (9) 4% (12) 5% (15) 82% (249) 6% (17) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 46% (276) 21% (128) 14% (85) 11% (66) 8% (48) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (145) 16% (78) 15% (72) 31% (151) 9% (46) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10% (67) 6% (45) 4% (27) 77% (535) 3% (24) 697Educ: < College 30% (382) 10% (131) 9% (107) 39% (490) 11% (143) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 23% (109) 18% (86) 13% (63) 39% (182) 7% (31) 471Educ: Post-grad 22% (60) 16% (43) 8% (22) 46% (124) 7% (19) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_5

Table POL10_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (551) 13% (259) 10% (192) 40% (796) 10% (193) 1991Income: Under 50k 29% (320) 12% (127) 8% (91) 37% (404) 13% (145) 1087Income: 50k-100k 27% (174) 14% (91) 11% (72) 41% (258) 6% (40) 636Income: 100k+ 21% (57) 15% (40) 11% (30) 50% (133) 3% (8) 268Ethnicity: White 24% (385) 12% (197) 9% (150) 46% (743) 8% (135) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 37% (72) 13% (25) 9% (18) 27% (52) 13% (26) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (116) 18% (46) 11% (27) 9% (23) 16% (40) 252Ethnicity: Other 38% (49) 13% (16) 12% (15) 23% (30) 14% (18) 128All Christian 21% (194) 13% (120) 7% (69) 52% (483) 7% (66) 931All Non-Christian 38% (29) 17% (13) 16% (13) 19% (15) 9% (7) 77Atheist 39% (36) 19% (17) 13% (12) 26% (24) 3% (3) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 33% (292) 12% (109) 11% (99) 31% (275) 13% (118) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33% (33) 15% (15) 14% (14) 27% (27) 11% (11) 99Evangelical 21% (123) 9% (50) 7% (40) 54% (310) 9% (51) 574Non-Evangelical 27% (196) 15% (105) 10% (73) 41% (296) 8% (55) 725Community: Urban 34% (158) 14% (65) 13% (60) 28% (129) 12% (56) 467Community: Suburban 27% (267) 14% (136) 10% (99) 41% (408) 9% (93) 1002Community: Rural 24% (126) 11% (58) 6% (34) 50% (259) 9% (45) 522Employ: Private Sector 27% (179) 15% (99) 11% (74) 39% (260) 9% (60) 671Employ: Government 28% (35) 12% (16) 8% (11) 45% (58) 6% (8) 128Employ: Self-Employed 31% (52) 12% (20) 11% (18) 39% (67) 7% (13) 169Employ: Homemaker 27% (31) 13% (15) 10% (11) 39% (44) 11% (12) 112Employ: Student 35% (31) 11% (9) 18% (16) 21% (19) 15% (14) 89Employ: Retired 23% (117) 12% (62) 9% (43) 49% (249) 7% (34) 505Employ: Unemployed 31% (49) 15% (23) 9% (13) 28% (43) 18% (28) 157Employ: Other 36% (57) 10% (15) 4% (6) 36% (57) 16% (25) 160Military HH: Yes 23% (82) 12% (43) 7% (24) 51% (184) 7% (24) 357Military HH: No 29% (468) 13% (216) 10% (168) 37% (612) 10% (170) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (41) 5% (40) 5% (40) 75% (577) 9% (68) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 42% (509) 18% (219) 12% (152) 18% (219) 10% (125) 1224

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Table POL10_5

Table POL10_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (551) 13% (259) 10% (192) 40% (796) 10% (193) 1991Trump Job Approve 3% (28) 4% (34) 4% (32) 83% (666) 6% (46) 807Trump Job Disapprove 46% (514) 20% (224) 14% (156) 11% (124) 9% (99) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (14) 3% (14) 1% (3) 90% (392) 3% (14) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (14) 5% (20) 8% (30) 74% (274) 9% (32) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 17% (42) 21% (52) 23% (57) 26% (64) 13% (32) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 54% (472) 20% (172) 11% (99) 7% (60) 8% (66) 869Favorable of Trump 4% (29) 4% (34) 4% (29) 84% (679) 5% (37) 808Unfavorable of Trump 46% (508) 20% (224) 14% (156) 10% (111) 9% (99) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 4% (21) 3% (16) 2% (11) 88% (425) 3% (13) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 2% (8) 6% (18) 6% (18) 79% (254) 8% (24) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 11% (20) 18% (32) 21% (38) 33% (59) 18% (32) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 53% (488) 21% (192) 13% (118) 6% (53) 7% (66) 917#1 Issue: Economy 23% (109) 14% (64) 12% (57) 43% (204) 8% (38) 472#1 Issue: Security 11% (41) 6% (22) 3% (12) 73% (283) 8% (30) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 37% (124) 14% (48) 14% (47) 23% (76) 11% (38) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 30% (90) 14% (42) 7% (20) 41% (125) 8% (26) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 51% (89) 15% (25) 5% (8) 17% (28) 13% (22) 172#1 Issue: Education 27% (33) 18% (22) 14% (17) 29% (35) 12% (14) 121#1 Issue: Energy 39% (38) 23% (23) 12% (12) 16% (15) 10% (10) 98#1 Issue: Other 27% (27) 13% (13) 17% (18) 28% (28) 15% (15) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 45% (377) 21% (177) 13% (112) 11% (92) 9% (78) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 5% (34) 4% (29) 4% (24) 84% (546) 3% (20) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (23) 9% (8) 13% (11) 30% (27) 23% (20) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (117) 11% (43) 11% (45) 32% (130) 18% (75) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 48% (356) 20% (147) 15% (108) 9% (66) 9% (64) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (34) 4% (30) 3% (19) 85% (571) 3% (22) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 24% (39) 21% (34) 12% (19) 30% (48) 14% (22) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (121) 12% (47) 11% (46) 26% (107) 21% (85) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_5

Table POL10_5: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Beginning impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 28% (551) 13% (259) 10% (192) 40% (796) 10% (193) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 28% (377) 13% (183) 9% (126) 43% (591) 7% (91) 1367Voted in 2014: No 28% (174) 12% (76) 11% (66) 33% (204) 16% (103) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 42% (367) 19% (165) 13% (110) 18% (156) 8% (72) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (32) 6% (28) 4% (23) 81% (408) 3% (15) 5062012 Vote: Other 11% (11) 8% (8) 9% (10) 64% (64) 7% (7) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 27% (141) 11% (57) 10% (49) 33% (167) 19% (99) 5134-Region: Northeast 32% (112) 16% (57) 11% (41) 33% (119) 7% (26) 3554-Region: Midwest 29% (132) 13% (60) 8% (37) 40% (185) 9% (43) 4574-Region: South 25% (185) 11% (83) 9% (67) 44% (330) 11% (78) 7434-Region: West 28% (121) 13% (59) 11% (47) 37% (163) 10% (46) 435Strong Republican 4% (16) 4% (16) 1% (4) 89% (362) 2% (7) 405Not Very Strong Republican 5% (9) 8% (16) 10% (21) 69% (141) 9% (18) 205Strong Democrat 50% (244) 26% (127) 11% (53) 6% (30) 7% (37) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 40% (119) 14% (42) 14% (43) 17% (51) 14% (43) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_6

Table POL10_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (882) 30% (605) 11% (229) 4% (78) 10% (197) 1991Gender: Male 48% (446) 31% (285) 11% (106) 4% (36) 6% (59) 932Gender: Female 41% (436) 30% (321) 12% (123) 4% (42) 13% (138) 1059Age: 18-29 30% (102) 32% (111) 13% (46) 6% (22) 19% (65) 345Age: 30-44 35% (159) 34% (156) 13% (59) 6% (26) 12% (57) 458Age: 45-54 47% (171) 29% (104) 13% (48) 2% (8) 8% (30) 361Age: 55-64 45% (163) 31% (112) 12% (45) 3% (11) 9% (34) 364Age: 65+ 62% (287) 26% (122) 7% (31) 2% (11) 3% (12) 463Generation Z: 18-22 35% (47) 28% (38) 9% (12) 5% (7) 23% (31) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 31% (154) 34% (172) 14% (71) 6% (32) 15% (74) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 44% (232) 31% (161) 13% (70) 3% (17) 9% (46) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 52% (376) 30% (214) 10% (69) 3% (21) 6% (42) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 38% (302) 34% (264) 14% (109) 4% (33) 10% (79) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (224) 29% (173) 14% (84) 4% (27) 14% (85) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 58% (356) 28% (168) 6% (35) 3% (18) 5% (33) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 40% (134) 36% (120) 14% (46) 4% (14) 6% (19) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 37% (168) 32% (144) 14% (63) 4% (19) 13% (60) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 41% (120) 30% (86) 14% (40) 5% (14) 10% (29) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (104) 29% (87) 15% (44) 4% (12) 18% (55) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 62% (192) 26% (79) 6% (20) 2% (7) 3% (11) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 54% (164) 30% (89) 5% (15) 3% (10) 7% (22) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 38% (226) 35% (208) 15% (89) 5% (29) 8% (50) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 40% (195) 35% (174) 14% (68) 4% (21) 7% (34) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 58% (406) 27% (190) 7% (51) 3% (20) 4% (30) 697Educ: < College 43% (534) 29% (360) 12% (148) 4% (55) 12% (155) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 47% (222) 32% (149) 12% (56) 3% (15) 6% (29) 471Educ: Post-grad 47% (127) 36% (96) 9% (25) 3% (8) 5% (13) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_6

Table POL10_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (882) 30% (605) 11% (229) 4% (78) 10% (197) 1991Income: Under 50k 43% (463) 28% (300) 12% (128) 4% (44) 14% (152) 1087Income: 50k-100k 45% (288) 33% (211) 12% (73) 4% (28) 6% (36) 636Income: 100k+ 49% (131) 35% (94) 10% (28) 2% (7) 3% (9) 268Ethnicity: White 46% (746) 30% (486) 12% (186) 4% (60) 8% (132) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 37% (71) 29% (57) 14% (26) 4% (8) 16% (31) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 36% (91) 31% (78) 10% (25) 4% (11) 18% (46) 252Ethnicity: Other 35% (44) 32% (41) 14% (18) 5% (7) 15% (19) 128All Christian 50% (469) 31% (285) 9% (88) 4% (38) 5% (51) 931All Non-Christian 42% (32) 28% (21) 15% (12) 3% (2) 12% (9) 77Atheist 43% (39) 30% (27) 20% (18) 1% (1) 7% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 38% (342) 30% (272) 12% (111) 4% (37) 15% (131) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 38% (38) 31% (31) 16% (16) 3% (3) 12% (12) 99Evangelical 48% (276) 27% (155) 10% (55) 5% (30) 10% (58) 574Non-Evangelical 47% (343) 32% (231) 10% (72) 4% (29) 7% (51) 725Community: Urban 43% (200) 27% (128) 13% (61) 3% (16) 13% (62) 467Community: Suburban 43% (434) 32% (324) 11% (114) 4% (42) 9% (88) 1002Community: Rural 48% (248) 29% (153) 10% (54) 4% (20) 9% (46) 522Employ: Private Sector 39% (263) 37% (249) 11% (74) 5% (31) 8% (54) 671Employ: Government 47% (60) 34% (44) 14% (17) 1% (1) 5% (6) 128Employ: Self-Employed 42% (71) 29% (48) 13% (21) 5% (9) 11% (19) 169Employ: Homemaker 43% (48) 24% (27) 12% (14) 3% (3) 18% (20) 112Employ: Student 29% (26) 27% (24) 16% (14) 7% (6) 21% (19) 89Employ: Retired 57% (289) 26% (133) 9% (48) 3% (13) 4% (22) 505Employ: Unemployed 37% (57) 30% (47) 11% (17) 4% (6) 19% (30) 157Employ: Other 42% (67) 21% (34) 15% (23) 5% (9) 16% (26) 160Military HH: Yes 52% (187) 28% (100) 10% (37) 3% (10) 6% (23) 357Military HH: No 43% (695) 31% (505) 12% (192) 4% (68) 11% (174) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 54% (412) 27% (208) 6% (47) 4% (33) 9% (66) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 38% (470) 32% (397) 15% (182) 4% (44) 11% (131) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_6

Table POL10_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (882) 30% (605) 11% (229) 4% (78) 10% (197) 1991Trump Job Approve 57% (461) 27% (219) 6% (47) 4% (29) 6% (51) 807Trump Job Disapprove 37% (411) 34% (379) 16% (178) 4% (41) 10% (107) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 67% (293) 19% (81) 5% (22) 5% (20) 4% (20) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 45% (168) 37% (138) 7% (24) 2% (9) 8% (31) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 38% (93) 34% (84) 15% (37) 3% (8) 10% (25) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 37% (318) 34% (295) 16% (141) 4% (33) 9% (81) 869Favorable of Trump 58% (472) 27% (215) 6% (45) 4% (34) 5% (42) 808Unfavorable of Trump 36% (396) 35% (382) 16% (176) 4% (40) 10% (104) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 66% (322) 21% (101) 5% (25) 4% (21) 4% (17) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 47% (150) 35% (114) 6% (21) 4% (13) 8% (25) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 34% (62) 37% (66) 13% (24) 2% (4) 14% (25) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 36% (334) 34% (316) 17% (152) 4% (36) 9% (80) 917#1 Issue: Economy 43% (204) 34% (161) 11% (54) 4% (19) 7% (35) 472#1 Issue: Security 62% (242) 22% (84) 4% (14) 4% (16) 8% (32) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 36% (121) 34% (114) 15% (50) 3% (12) 11% (37) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 50% (152) 27% (83) 13% (38) 3% (10) 7% (21) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 34% (58) 31% (53) 13% (23) 5% (9) 17% (29) 172#1 Issue: Education 31% (38) 34% (42) 22% (26) 6% (7) 7% (8) 121#1 Issue: Energy 37% (36) 38% (37) 8% (8) 3% (3) 14% (14) 98#1 Issue: Other 31% (31) 31% (32) 15% (16) 2% (2) 20% (21) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 38% (319) 34% (288) 15% (121) 4% (36) 8% (70) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 62% (403) 25% (165) 5% (35) 4% (25) 4% (25) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 31% (28) 24% (21) 20% (18) 3% (3) 22% (19) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (131) 31% (129) 13% (54) 3% (14) 20% (82) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 38% (280) 35% (258) 16% (116) 4% (31) 8% (57) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 62% (421) 25% (170) 5% (33) 3% (23) 4% (28) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 40% (65) 34% (56) 14% (23) 2% (3) 10% (16) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (113) 30% (122) 14% (57) 5% (20) 23% (95) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_6

Table POL10_6: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing an immigration reform bill

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (882) 30% (605) 11% (229) 4% (78) 10% (197) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 48% (656) 31% (430) 11% (147) 4% (54) 6% (80) 1367Voted in 2014: No 36% (226) 28% (175) 13% (82) 4% (24) 19% (117) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 40% (352) 35% (301) 14% (121) 4% (32) 7% (63) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 62% (312) 26% (132) 7% (33) 2% (12) 3% (17) 5062012 Vote: Other 47% (47) 31% (31) 7% (7) 6% (6) 10% (10) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (171) 27% (141) 13% (67) 5% (27) 21% (107) 5134-Region: Northeast 47% (165) 33% (117) 8% (30) 2% (8) 10% (35) 3554-Region: Midwest 44% (200) 30% (139) 12% (56) 4% (19) 9% (43) 4574-Region: South 46% (343) 28% (211) 11% (80) 5% (38) 10% (72) 7434-Region: West 40% (173) 32% (139) 14% (63) 3% (13) 11% (47) 435Strong Republican 65% (262) 23% (94) 5% (20) 4% (15) 3% (13) 405Not Very Strong Republican 46% (94) 36% (74) 7% (15) 1% (3) 10% (20) 205Strong Democrat 40% (195) 34% (167) 13% (66) 3% (17) 9% (45) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 36% (106) 33% (97) 15% (44) 6% (16) 11% (34) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_7

Table POL10_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (543) 13% (262) 15% (290) 37% (739) 8% (157) 1991Gender: Male 33% (304) 13% (117) 15% (141) 34% (312) 6% (58) 932Gender: Female 23% (239) 14% (145) 14% (149) 40% (427) 9% (99) 1059Age: 18-29 13% (46) 11% (39) 17% (60) 46% (159) 12% (41) 345Age: 30-44 23% (105) 10% (48) 16% (73) 41% (189) 10% (44) 458Age: 45-54 32% (115) 14% (51) 14% (52) 32% (117) 7% (26) 361Age: 55-64 30% (108) 16% (60) 15% (54) 32% (116) 8% (27) 364Age: 65+ 37% (170) 14% (65) 11% (51) 34% (159) 4% (18) 463Generation Z: 18-22 15% (20) 8% (11) 16% (22) 45% (60) 16% (21) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 17% (87) 11% (55) 17% (83) 45% (226) 10% (53) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 30% (159) 14% (71) 15% (80) 34% (179) 7% (38) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 32% (232) 15% (111) 13% (96) 33% (240) 6% (43) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (55) 10% (77) 17% (135) 58% (459) 8% (61) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (137) 12% (71) 16% (92) 37% (222) 12% (72) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 58% (351) 19% (114) 10% (63) 10% (58) 4% (24) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (28) 9% (31) 19% (65) 56% (186) 7% (23) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (28) 10% (46) 15% (70) 60% (274) 8% (38) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 29% (84) 12% (34) 14% (42) 35% (102) 10% (28) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 17% (53) 12% (36) 17% (50) 39% (119) 14% (44) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 62% (192) 16% (51) 11% (34) 8% (25) 2% (7) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 53% (159) 21% (63) 10% (29) 11% (34) 6% (17) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (44) 7% (44) 13% (76) 68% (408) 5% (31) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 17% (81) 14% (70) 24% (117) 39% (190) 7% (33) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 55% (384) 19% (130) 11% (75) 12% (86) 3% (23) 697Educ: < College 29% (367) 12% (154) 15% (192) 34% (421) 9% (118) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 24% (111) 15% (69) 13% (64) 43% (204) 5% (23) 471Educ: Post-grad 24% (65) 15% (39) 13% (34) 43% (114) 6% (16) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_7

Table POL10_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (543) 13% (262) 15% (290) 37% (739) 8% (157) 1991Income: Under 50k 26% (281) 13% (143) 16% (169) 35% (380) 10% (114) 1087Income: 50k-100k 28% (181) 13% (83) 13% (83) 40% (252) 6% (37) 636Income: 100k+ 30% (82) 13% (35) 14% (37) 40% (108) 2% (6) 268Ethnicity: White 31% (497) 13% (217) 14% (219) 35% (569) 7% (109) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (32) 11% (21) 21% (41) 38% (74) 12% (24) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 11% (27) 11% (27) 17% (42) 48% (122) 13% (34) 252Ethnicity: Other 15% (19) 14% (18) 22% (28) 37% (48) 12% (15) 128All Christian 35% (330) 15% (142) 14% (134) 29% (270) 6% (55) 931All Non-Christian 13% (10) 9% (7) 14% (10) 51% (39) 13% (10) 77Atheist 10% (10) 6% (5) 3% (3) 79% (72) 1% (1) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 22% (193) 12% (108) 16% (142) 40% (358) 10% (91) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16% (16) 11% (11) 14% (14) 49% (48) 11% (11) 99Evangelical 38% (219) 16% (95) 13% (76) 23% (134) 9% (50) 574Non-Evangelical 29% (208) 13% (93) 17% (120) 36% (260) 6% (45) 725Community: Urban 21% (100) 11% (49) 15% (71) 43% (199) 10% (48) 467Community: Suburban 27% (270) 13% (130) 15% (146) 39% (388) 7% (67) 1002Community: Rural 33% (173) 16% (82) 14% (72) 29% (152) 8% (42) 522Employ: Private Sector 24% (163) 14% (96) 16% (105) 38% (258) 7% (49) 671Employ: Government 24% (31) 17% (22) 16% (21) 39% (50) 4% (5) 128Employ: Self-Employed 30% (51) 10% (18) 13% (22) 39% (66) 8% (13) 169Employ: Homemaker 30% (34) 18% (20) 10% (11) 29% (32) 13% (14) 112Employ: Student 14% (13) 11% (9) 22% (20) 43% (38) 10% (9) 89Employ: Retired 37% (184) 12% (62) 11% (58) 34% (174) 5% (27) 505Employ: Unemployed 15% (24) 11% (17) 18% (29) 40% (63) 15% (24) 157Employ: Other 27% (43) 11% (17) 15% (25) 36% (58) 10% (17) 160Military HH: Yes 35% (124) 15% (52) 13% (45) 32% (113) 6% (23) 357Military HH: No 26% (419) 13% (210) 15% (244) 38% (626) 8% (135) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 54% (418) 18% (142) 13% (97) 7% (56) 7% (54) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 10% (126) 10% (120) 16% (192) 56% (683) 8% (103) 1224

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Table POL10_7

Table POL10_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (543) 13% (262) 15% (290) 37% (739) 8% (157) 1991Trump Job Approve 58% (465) 21% (171) 12% (98) 4% (31) 5% (41) 807Trump Job Disapprove 6% (71) 8% (90) 17% (185) 62% (698) 7% (73) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 79% (344) 11% (48) 6% (26) 1% (4) 3% (14) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 33% (121) 33% (123) 20% (72) 7% (27) 7% (27) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10% (24) 17% (43) 29% (72) 36% (89) 8% (20) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (47) 5% (47) 13% (113) 70% (609) 6% (53) 869Favorable of Trump 59% (476) 20% (166) 12% (95) 4% (36) 4% (36) 808Unfavorable of Trump 5% (59) 8% (91) 17% (187) 63% (689) 7% (73) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 75% (366) 14% (70) 6% (29) 2% (9) 3% (13) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 34% (110) 30% (96) 21% (66) 8% (26) 7% (23) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 11% (20) 17% (31) 30% (55) 29% (53) 13% (23) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (39) 7% (60) 14% (132) 69% (636) 5% (50) 917#1 Issue: Economy 24% (115) 15% (73) 20% (94) 35% (166) 5% (25) 472#1 Issue: Security 62% (242) 13% (51) 8% (30) 9% (36) 8% (29) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 15% (49) 9% (31) 18% (60) 48% (161) 10% (33) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 26% (80) 16% (50) 13% (39) 38% (114) 7% (21) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (20) 7% (11) 11% (19) 61% (105) 10% (16) 172#1 Issue: Education 11% (13) 19% (23) 22% (27) 44% (53) 4% (5) 121#1 Issue: Energy 11% (11) 9% (9) 7% (7) 62% (61) 11% (11) 98#1 Issue: Other 14% (15) 13% (13) 14% (14) 43% (44) 16% (17) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (50) 8% (71) 15% (126) 64% (537) 6% (52) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 62% (408) 18% (117) 10% (65) 6% (42) 3% (22) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (14) 15% (14) 19% (17) 28% (25) 23% (20) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 17% (71) 15% (60) 20% (82) 33% (135) 15% (62) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (45) 8% (61) 17% (123) 63% (466) 6% (46) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 63% (429) 19% (126) 8% (55) 6% (39) 4% (27) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 9% (14) 9% (14) 20% (33) 52% (85) 10% (17) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 13% (54) 15% (60) 19% (77) 37% (149) 17% (67) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_7

Table POL10_7: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Constructing a wall along the U.S. / Mexico border

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 27% (543) 13% (262) 15% (290) 37% (739) 8% (157) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 30% (417) 13% (174) 13% (181) 38% (520) 5% (74) 1367Voted in 2014: No 20% (126) 14% (87) 17% (108) 35% (219) 13% (83) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 12% (108) 10% (84) 16% (138) 55% (482) 7% (58) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 57% (291) 17% (89) 10% (53) 12% (59) 3% (14) 5062012 Vote: Other 34% (35) 18% (18) 15% (15) 25% (25) 8% (8) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (109) 14% (71) 16% (83) 33% (172) 15% (78) 5134-Region: Northeast 25% (87) 12% (44) 17% (61) 38% (134) 8% (29) 3554-Region: Midwest 27% (122) 13% (60) 14% (63) 39% (180) 7% (32) 4574-Region: South 31% (228) 15% (114) 12% (92) 33% (248) 8% (62) 7434-Region: West 24% (106) 10% (44) 17% (74) 41% (177) 8% (34) 435Strong Republican 73% (296) 13% (54) 7% (28) 5% (21) 2% (7) 405Not Very Strong Republican 27% (55) 29% (60) 17% (35) 18% (38) 8% (17) 205Strong Democrat 7% (34) 8% (40) 16% (80) 63% (310) 5% (27) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 7% (21) 13% (38) 18% (55) 50% (150) 11% (34) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_8

Table POL10_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (641) 27% (528) 15% (303) 16% (321) 10% (198) 1991Gender: Male 26% (242) 27% (250) 18% (172) 21% (194) 8% (74) 932Gender: Female 38% (400) 26% (278) 12% (132) 12% (127) 12% (123) 1059Age: 18-29 42% (145) 23% (78) 12% (40) 9% (31) 15% (51) 345Age: 30-44 37% (167) 24% (108) 15% (70) 13% (60) 12% (53) 458Age: 45-54 26% (95) 28% (102) 15% (53) 21% (76) 10% (35) 361Age: 55-64 26% (94) 32% (115) 16% (60) 16% (57) 10% (38) 364Age: 65+ 30% (140) 27% (125) 17% (81) 21% (96) 5% (21) 463Generation Z: 18-22 45% (60) 16% (22) 13% (17) 9% (11) 18% (24) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 40% (200) 25% (123) 12% (63) 10% (48) 14% (68) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 28% (146) 27% (143) 16% (83) 20% (108) 9% (47) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 28% (203) 29% (212) 17% (126) 17% (126) 8% (56) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 49% (385) 29% (229) 9% (75) 4% (31) 9% (67) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (176) 25% (149) 16% (94) 16% (95) 14% (80) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 13% (81) 25% (150) 22% (135) 32% (195) 8% (50) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 43% (142) 32% (106) 12% (41) 5% (18) 7% (24) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 53% (243) 27% (123) 7% (33) 3% (13) 9% (43) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (65) 27% (78) 18% (53) 21% (61) 12% (34) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 37% (111) 23% (71) 13% (41) 11% (34) 15% (47) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 11% (34) 21% (66) 25% (77) 37% (115) 5% (16) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 15% (46) 28% (84) 19% (57) 26% (80) 11% (34) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 56% (335) 28% (168) 8% (50) 2% (15) 6% (35) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 30% (150) 32% (160) 15% (76) 13% (66) 8% (41) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (105) 24% (169) 23% (158) 31% (216) 7% (49) 697

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_8

Table POL10_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (641) 27% (528) 15% (303) 16% (321) 10% (198) 1991Educ: < College 33% (408) 25% (311) 15% (189) 16% (194) 12% (150) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 31% (146) 28% (131) 16% (77) 18% (83) 7% (34) 471Educ: Post-grad 32% (87) 32% (85) 14% (37) 16% (44) 5% (14) 268Income: Under 50k 34% (365) 23% (253) 14% (152) 16% (173) 13% (145) 1087Income: 50k-100k 32% (202) 30% (193) 17% (109) 14% (90) 6% (41) 636Income: 100k+ 28% (75) 30% (82) 16% (42) 21% (58) 5% (12) 268Ethnicity: White 29% (459) 28% (454) 16% (258) 18% (295) 9% (145) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 43% (84) 24% (47) 10% (20) 10% (19) 13% (24) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 53% (133) 19% (47) 10% (25) 4% (10) 15% (37) 252Ethnicity: Other 38% (49) 21% (27) 16% (20) 13% (16) 12% (16) 128All Christian 26% (240) 29% (268) 17% (156) 21% (192) 8% (75) 931All Non-Christian 44% (33) 24% (18) 11% (9) 8% (6) 13% (10) 77Atheist 51% (47) 23% (21) 9% (9) 11% (10) 5% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 36% (321) 25% (221) 15% (130) 13% (113) 12% (107) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 36% (35) 26% (26) 13% (13) 10% (10) 15% (15) 99Evangelical 26% (148) 24% (135) 20% (113) 21% (118) 11% (60) 574Non-Evangelical 32% (234) 29% (212) 13% (96) 17% (120) 9% (63) 725Community: Urban 42% (195) 25% (116) 13% (59) 11% (50) 10% (48) 467Community: Suburban 30% (298) 29% (287) 16% (161) 16% (159) 10% (97) 1002Community: Rural 28% (148) 24% (125) 16% (83) 22% (112) 10% (53) 522Employ: Private Sector 31% (208) 28% (190) 17% (112) 15% (102) 9% (59) 671Employ: Government 37% (47) 29% (37) 13% (16) 16% (21) 6% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 28% (47) 27% (46) 17% (28) 15% (26) 13% (22) 169Employ: Homemaker 32% (36) 27% (30) 12% (14) 14% (16) 15% (16) 112Employ: Student 45% (40) 23% (20) 7% (6) 14% (12) 12% (10) 89Employ: Retired 30% (150) 27% (137) 17% (86) 21% (104) 6% (29) 505Employ: Unemployed 36% (57) 23% (36) 15% (24) 7% (11) 18% (28) 157Employ: Other 35% (56) 20% (33) 11% (17) 18% (29) 16% (25) 160

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_8

Table POL10_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (641) 27% (528) 15% (303) 16% (321) 10% (198) 1991Military HH: Yes 29% (103) 24% (85) 17% (61) 20% (71) 10% (37) 357Military HH: No 33% (538) 27% (443) 15% (242) 15% (250) 10% (161) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (107) 25% (190) 21% (163) 30% (228) 10% (79) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 44% (534) 28% (338) 11% (141) 8% (93) 10% (119) 1224Trump Job Approve 12% (94) 26% (207) 24% (191) 31% (251) 8% (64) 807Trump Job Disapprove 48% (533) 28% (313) 10% (112) 6% (68) 8% (90) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 11% (49) 21% (92) 21% (94) 40% (174) 6% (27) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12% (44) 31% (114) 26% (97) 21% (77) 10% (37) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 32% (78) 34% (85) 17% (42) 9% (23) 8% (19) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 52% (455) 26% (228) 8% (70) 5% (46) 8% (71) 869Favorable of Trump 12% (93) 26% (207) 24% (192) 32% (255) 8% (61) 808Unfavorable of Trump 48% (530) 29% (316) 10% (105) 6% (62) 8% (86) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 12% (56) 22% (105) 24% (115) 38% (185) 5% (25) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 11% (37) 32% (102) 24% (77) 22% (70) 11% (36) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 25% (45) 35% (63) 17% (30) 11% (19) 13% (24) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 53% (485) 28% (253) 8% (74) 5% (43) 7% (62) 917#1 Issue: Economy 29% (137) 29% (136) 19% (90) 14% (68) 9% (41) 472#1 Issue: Security 17% (66) 20% (76) 18% (71) 36% (139) 9% (37) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 40% (132) 31% (102) 10% (34) 10% (32) 10% (33) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28% (85) 31% (95) 15% (47) 16% (48) 9% (29) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 57% (97) 22% (38) 9% (15) 3% (5) 9% (16) 172#1 Issue: Education 38% (46) 29% (35) 11% (13) 13% (16) 10% (12) 121#1 Issue: Energy 45% (44) 22% (21) 18% (18) 3% (3) 12% (12) 98#1 Issue: Other 33% (34) 24% (25) 15% (16) 10% (10) 18% (19) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 48% (404) 31% (255) 10% (83) 5% (38) 7% (55) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 13% (82) 24% (160) 22% (141) 35% (226) 7% (45) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 18% (16) 25% (22) 13% (12) 21% (19) 24% (21) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 34% (138) 22% (91) 16% (67) 9% (38) 19% (76) 410

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_8

Table POL10_8: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing a bill that grants young people who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children, often with their parents, protectionfrom deportation

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 32% (641) 27% (528) 15% (303) 16% (321) 10% (198) 19912016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 50% (371) 29% (215) 9% (65) 5% (38) 7% (51) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 12% (81) 25% (170) 22% (149) 34% (233) 6% (43) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 28% (45) 32% (52) 14% (22) 14% (22) 13% (21) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 35% (144) 22% (90) 16% (64) 7% (28) 20% (80) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 32% (434) 28% (388) 15% (207) 18% (249) 6% (89) 1367Voted in 2014: No 33% (207) 22% (140) 15% (96) 12% (72) 17% (109) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 46% (403) 29% (249) 11% (98) 7% (63) 7% (57) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (62) 30% (151) 20% (100) 32% (160) 7% (33) 5062012 Vote: Other 18% (18) 19% (19) 21% (21) 34% (34) 9% (9) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31% (158) 21% (109) 16% (83) 12% (64) 19% (98) 5134-Region: Northeast 40% (141) 26% (92) 11% (39) 13% (47) 10% (37) 3554-Region: Midwest 30% (138) 28% (129) 15% (69) 17% (78) 10% (44) 4574-Region: South 30% (221) 27% (204) 16% (115) 17% (130) 10% (74) 7434-Region: West 33% (142) 24% (104) 18% (80) 15% (66) 10% (43) 435Strong Republican 12% (47) 23% (91) 22% (87) 38% (155) 6% (24) 405Not Very Strong Republican 16% (34) 29% (59) 23% (48) 19% (39) 13% (26) 205Strong Democrat 57% (278) 29% (143) 6% (27) 2% (10) 7% (32) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 36% (107) 29% (86) 16% (48) 7% (21) 12% (35) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_9

Table POL10_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget de cit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (992) 33% (652) 7% (145) 1% (24) 9% (178) 1991Gender: Male 52% (480) 33% (307) 8% (78) 1% (8) 6% (58) 932Gender: Female 48% (512) 33% (345) 6% (67) 1% (15) 11% (120) 1059Age: 18-29 36% (126) 34% (116) 9% (30) 3% (10) 18% (63) 345Age: 30-44 48% (222) 31% (142) 7% (32) 2% (7) 12% (54) 458Age: 45-54 50% (180) 31% (111) 10% (37) 1% (4) 8% (28) 361Age: 55-64 53% (195) 36% (130) 4% (15) — (0) 7% (25) 364Age: 65+ 58% (270) 33% (153) 7% (31) — (2) 2% (8) 463Generation Z: 18-22 34% (46) 35% (46) 7% (9) 4% (5) 21% (27) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 44% (222) 32% (159) 7% (35) 2% (10) 15% (76) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 49% (260) 31% (164) 10% (55) 1% (6) 8% (42) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 56% (405) 34% (247) 5% (37) — (2) 4% (31) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 44% (350) 36% (280) 10% (75) 2% (12) 9% (70) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 51% (303) 29% (170) 7% (40) 1% (7) 12% (74) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 56% (339) 33% (202) 5% (30) 1% (4) 6% (34) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 42% (138) 38% (126) 13% (44) 1% (3) 6% (21) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 46% (211) 34% (154) 7% (31) 2% (9) 11% (49) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 57% (167) 27% (78) 6% (17) 1% (3) 9% (26) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 45% (136) 30% (92) 7% (22) 1% (4) 16% (48) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 57% (175) 33% (103) 5% (16) 1% (3) 4% (11) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 54% (164) 33% (99) 5% (14) — (1) 8% (23) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44% (266) 38% (229) 11% (65) 1% (8) 6% (34) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 52% (257) 30% (150) 8% (41) 2% (8) 8% (38) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 57% (400) 33% (230) 5% (32) 1% (5) 4% (31) 697Educ: < College 51% (638) 31% (384) 6% (79) 1% (14) 11% (137) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 47% (219) 38% (178) 9% (43) 1% (5) 5% (25) 471Educ: Post-grad 50% (135) 34% (90) 8% (22) 2% (4) 6% (16) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_9

Table POL10_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget de cit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (992) 33% (652) 7% (145) 1% (24) 9% (178) 1991Income: Under 50k 47% (512) 32% (346) 8% (86) 1% (14) 12% (129) 1087Income: 50k-100k 52% (334) 33% (213) 6% (41) 1% (8) 6% (40) 636Income: 100k+ 55% (147) 35% (93) 7% (18) 1% (2) 3% (9) 268Ethnicity: White 51% (825) 34% (540) 7% (116) 1% (16) 7% (114) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 43% (82) 34% (66) 5% (9) 3% (5) 16% (30) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (115) 27% (68) 7% (18) 2% (5) 18% (46) 252Ethnicity: Other 41% (52) 35% (44) 9% (11) 2% (2) 14% (18) 128All Christian 54% (507) 33% (304) 6% (58) 1% (7) 6% (55) 931All Non-Christian 47% (36) 26% (20) 8% (6) 4% (3) 15% (11) 77Atheist 38% (35) 42% (39) 16% (15) — (0) 4% (3) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 46% (414) 32% (290) 7% (66) 2% (14) 12% (108) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53% (52) 23% (23) 6% (6) 3% (3) 15% (15) 99Evangelical 58% (331) 28% (159) 5% (28) 1% (3) 9% (53) 574Non-Evangelical 49% (353) 36% (262) 7% (53) 1% (6) 7% (51) 725Community: Urban 48% (223) 31% (147) 9% (41) 2% (8) 11% (50) 467Community: Suburban 49% (496) 34% (343) 7% (69) 1% (13) 8% (81) 1002Community: Rural 52% (274) 31% (162) 7% (36) — (3) 9% (47) 522Employ: Private Sector 49% (327) 34% (227) 9% (59) 1% (5) 8% (53) 671Employ: Government 55% (70) 34% (43) 5% (6) 1% (1) 5% (7) 128Employ: Self-Employed 51% (86) 29% (49) 8% (14) 3% (5) 9% (15) 169Employ: Homemaker 46% (52) 27% (30) 9% (10) 3% (4) 14% (16) 112Employ: Student 37% (33) 38% (34) 7% (6) 1% (1) 17% (15) 89Employ: Retired 55% (280) 35% (176) 6% (32) — (1) 3% (17) 505Employ: Unemployed 47% (73) 26% (40) 6% (10) 1% (1) 20% (32) 157Employ: Other 44% (71) 33% (53) 5% (8) 3% (5) 15% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 54% (192) 34% (120) 6% (21) — (2) 6% (23) 357Military HH: No 49% (800) 33% (532) 8% (124) 1% (22) 10% (156) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 51% (391) 34% (263) 5% (41) 1% (7) 8% (64) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 49% (602) 32% (389) 8% (103) 1% (16) 9% (114) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_9

Table POL10_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget de cit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (992) 33% (652) 7% (145) 1% (24) 9% (178) 1991Trump Job Approve 54% (434) 34% (277) 5% (41) 1% (8) 6% (48) 807Trump Job Disapprove 48% (539) 33% (367) 9% (102) 1% (16) 8% (92) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 56% (244) 35% (153) 3% (15) 1% (3) 5% (21) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 51% (189) 33% (124) 7% (25) 1% (4) 7% (27) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 48% (118) 35% (88) 7% (17) 2% (5) 9% (21) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 49% (422) 32% (279) 10% (85) 1% (11) 8% (71) 869Favorable of Trump 55% (440) 34% (276) 5% (41) 1% (6) 5% (44) 808Unfavorable of Trump 49% (535) 33% (362) 9% (101) 1% (15) 8% (85) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 57% (277) 34% (164) 4% (22) 1% (5) 4% (19) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 51% (163) 35% (113) 6% (19) — (1) 8% (25) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 49% (89) 31% (56) 6% (11) 2% (4) 12% (21) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 49% (447) 33% (305) 10% (90) 1% (11) 7% (64) 917#1 Issue: Economy 55% (261) 31% (145) 6% (28) 1% (6) 7% (32) 472#1 Issue: Security 51% (198) 33% (130) 6% (24) 1% (3) 9% (33) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 44% (147) 35% (117) 9% (29) 2% (7) 10% (33) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 54% (162) 35% (105) 6% (19) — (1) 5% (15) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39% (68) 36% (62) 11% (19) 2% (3) 12% (21) 172#1 Issue: Education 58% (70) 24% (29) 4% (5) 3% (3) 11% (13) 121#1 Issue: Energy 43% (42) 35% (34) 9% (9) 1% (1) 13% (12) 98#1 Issue: Other 43% (44) 28% (29) 11% (12) — (0) 18% (18) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 48% (402) 34% (285) 10% (82) 1% (10) 7% (56) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 58% (381) 32% (208) 5% (34) 1% (6) 4% (25) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 43% (38) 31% (28) 7% (6) — (0) 19% (17) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 41% (170) 32% (130) 5% (22) 2% (8) 19% (80) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47% (351) 35% (259) 10% (75) 1% (7) 7% (49) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 57% (382) 33% (223) 6% (40) 1% (3) 4% (28) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 56% (91) 27% (44) 7% (12) 1% (1) 9% (15) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 41% (168) 31% (126) 4% (18) 3% (11) 21% (84) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_9

Table POL10_9: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Reducing the federal budget de cit

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 50% (992) 33% (652) 7% (145) 1% (24) 9% (178) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 54% (732) 33% (448) 8% (104) 1% (11) 5% (71) 1367Voted in 2014: No 42% (260) 33% (204) 7% (41) 2% (12) 17% (107) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 49% (424) 35% (303) 9% (79) 1% (11) 6% (53) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 60% (306) 31% (156) 5% (23) — (2) 4% (19) 5062012 Vote: Other 55% (55) 30% (30) 8% (9) — (0) 6% (7) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 40% (207) 32% (163) 7% (34) 2% (10) 19% (99) 5134-Region: Northeast 51% (180) 32% (112) 8% (28) 1% (5) 8% (30) 3554-Region: Midwest 50% (229) 34% (157) 7% (30) 1% (7) 7% (34) 4574-Region: South 51% (382) 32% (236) 6% (45) 1% (9) 10% (71) 7434-Region: West 46% (201) 34% (146) 9% (41) 1% (3) 10% (43) 435Strong Republican 57% (230) 33% (134) 5% (22) 1% (3) 4% (16) 405Not Very Strong Republican 53% (109) 33% (69) 4% (8) — (1) 9% (18) 205Strong Democrat 44% (217) 35% (173) 11% (56) 1% (5) 8% (39) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 45% (133) 36% (107) 6% (19) 2% (7) 10% (31) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_10

Table POL10_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (723) 21% (427) 12% (244) 22% (442) 8% (155) 1991Gender: Male 33% (305) 20% (187) 14% (133) 28% (263) 5% (45) 932Gender: Female 39% (418) 23% (240) 11% (111) 17% (180) 10% (110) 1059Age: 18-29 36% (124) 22% (75) 12% (41) 16% (55) 14% (50) 345Age: 30-44 35% (161) 22% (102) 12% (56) 20% (92) 10% (47) 458Age: 45-54 34% (124) 21% (74) 12% (43) 27% (98) 6% (22) 361Age: 55-64 33% (121) 23% (84) 14% (51) 23% (85) 7% (24) 364Age: 65+ 42% (193) 20% (92) 11% (53) 24% (113) 3% (13) 463Generation Z: 18-22 37% (50) 22% (30) 9% (12) 14% (19) 17% (23) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 36% (180) 22% (110) 13% (64) 17% (87) 12% (62) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 34% (179) 21% (112) 12% (64) 26% (139) 6% (33) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 38% (276) 22% (157) 12% (88) 23% (169) 5% (33) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 58% (454) 23% (182) 8% (60) 4% (32) 8% (59) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 28% (168) 24% (141) 13% (76) 23% (137) 12% (71) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 16% (101) 17% (105) 18% (108) 45% (272) 4% (24) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 55% (184) 25% (83) 11% (37) 3% (11) 6% (18) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 59% (270) 22% (99) 5% (23) 5% (22) 9% (41) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 27% (78) 19% (55) 16% (46) 30% (88) 8% (23) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 30% (90) 28% (86) 10% (29) 16% (49) 16% (48) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 14% (43) 16% (49) 16% (49) 53% (164) 1% (4) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 19% (57) 18% (56) 20% (59) 36% (109) 7% (21) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 60% (360) 24% (144) 8% (46) 5% (29) 4% (24) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 40% (195) 29% (142) 12% (60) 13% (66) 6% (29) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17% (119) 17% (118) 17% (120) 45% (313) 4% (27) 697Educ: < College 34% (429) 21% (261) 12% (154) 23% (285) 10% (122) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 41% (194) 20% (95) 13% (62) 21% (98) 5% (22) 471Educ: Post-grad 37% (100) 26% (71) 10% (27) 22% (59) 4% (11) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_10

Table POL10_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (723) 21% (427) 12% (244) 22% (442) 8% (155) 1991Income: Under 50k 34% (375) 20% (216) 12% (126) 23% (248) 11% (122) 1087Income: 50k-100k 41% (258) 23% (144) 13% (81) 20% (124) 4% (28) 636Income: 100k+ 34% (90) 25% (67) 13% (36) 26% (70) 2% (5) 268Ethnicity: White 33% (533) 22% (359) 13% (212) 25% (403) 6% (104) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 39% (76) 21% (41) 11% (22) 16% (30) 13% (25) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 51% (128) 19% (47) 7% (17) 8% (21) 15% (39) 252Ethnicity: Other 49% (63) 17% (21) 11% (14) 14% (18) 10% (12) 128All Christian 33% (303) 21% (194) 14% (130) 28% (257) 5% (47) 931All Non-Christian 55% (42) 20% (15) 4% (3) 8% (6) 13% (10) 77Atheist 52% (47) 23% (21) 12% (11) 12% (11) 2% (1) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 37% (331) 22% (197) 11% (99) 19% (168) 11% (97) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 46% (46) 19% (19) 4% (4) 18% (18) 13% (13) 99Evangelical 28% (162) 18% (101) 15% (88) 31% (179) 7% (43) 574Non-Evangelical 38% (277) 23% (165) 13% (93) 20% (146) 6% (43) 725Community: Urban 43% (203) 21% (100) 12% (56) 14% (66) 9% (42) 467Community: Suburban 37% (374) 22% (222) 12% (123) 21% (215) 7% (68) 1002Community: Rural 28% (146) 20% (105) 12% (65) 31% (161) 9% (44) 522Employ: Private Sector 37% (251) 24% (163) 13% (90) 19% (129) 6% (38) 671Employ: Government 37% (47) 23% (30) 20% (25) 16% (21) 4% (5) 128Employ: Self-Employed 30% (51) 19% (33) 15% (26) 28% (48) 7% (12) 169Employ: Homemaker 27% (31) 22% (24) 11% (12) 27% (30) 14% (15) 112Employ: Student 40% (35) 17% (15) 7% (6) 18% (16) 18% (16) 89Employ: Retired 40% (203) 19% (95) 10% (50) 27% (136) 4% (22) 505Employ: Unemployed 35% (55) 23% (36) 11% (18) 14% (22) 17% (27) 157Employ: Other 32% (50) 20% (31) 11% (18) 25% (40) 12% (20) 160Military HH: Yes 33% (118) 17% (61) 9% (32) 35% (124) 6% (23) 357Military HH: No 37% (605) 22% (366) 13% (212) 19% (318) 8% (132) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (137) 18% (141) 17% (131) 39% (300) 8% (58) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 48% (586) 23% (287) 9% (113) 12% (142) 8% (97) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_10

Table POL10_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (723) 21% (427) 12% (244) 22% (442) 8% (155) 1991Trump Job Approve 16% (132) 18% (146) 17% (136) 43% (350) 5% (43) 807Trump Job Disapprove 52% (579) 25% (277) 9% (103) 8% (86) 6% (70) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 13% (59) 14% (60) 16% (70) 53% (231) 4% (18) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (73) 23% (86) 18% (66) 32% (119) 7% (25) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 33% (81) 33% (82) 16% (39) 11% (27) 8% (20) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 57% (498) 23% (196) 7% (65) 7% (59) 6% (51) 869Favorable of Trump 16% (131) 18% (145) 17% (139) 44% (352) 5% (41) 808Unfavorable of Trump 53% (578) 25% (272) 9% (98) 8% (86) 6% (64) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 15% (74) 16% (79) 14% (67) 51% (248) 4% (17) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18% (57) 21% (66) 22% (72) 32% (103) 7% (23) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 31% (56) 29% (52) 17% (31) 13% (23) 10% (19) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 57% (522) 24% (220) 7% (67) 7% (63) 5% (45) 917#1 Issue: Economy 29% (137) 29% (138) 14% (66) 23% (107) 5% (24) 472#1 Issue: Security 21% (82) 13% (51) 14% (54) 44% (171) 8% (30) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 45% (150) 23% (76) 14% (47) 9% (31) 9% (29) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (136) 20% (61) 9% (26) 20% (62) 6% (18) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 56% (96) 17% (29) 7% (12) 7% (12) 13% (22) 172#1 Issue: Education 38% (46) 19% (23) 11% (14) 27% (33) 5% (6) 121#1 Issue: Energy 48% (48) 25% (25) 6% (6) 9% (8) 12% (12) 98#1 Issue: Other 28% (28) 23% (24) 18% (18) 17% (18) 14% (14) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 57% (476) 24% (203) 8% (67) 5% (45) 5% (44) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 16% (103) 18% (117) 18% (115) 46% (300) 3% (19) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 19% (17) 19% (17) 18% (16) 23% (20) 21% (19) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 31% (125) 22% (89) 11% (45) 19% (77) 18% (73) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 59% (438) 24% (177) 7% (54) 4% (32) 5% (40) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 17% (114) 18% (122) 17% (115) 45% (301) 4% (24) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 31% (51) 21% (34) 18% (30) 20% (32) 10% (16) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (119) 23% (92) 11% (45) 18% (75) 18% (75) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_10

Table POL10_10: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Passing legislation placing additional restrictions on gun ownership

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (723) 21% (427) 12% (244) 22% (442) 8% (155) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 38% (522) 21% (285) 12% (168) 24% (329) 5% (63) 1367Voted in 2014: No 32% (201) 23% (142) 12% (76) 18% (114) 15% (92) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 54% (469) 25% (215) 8% (70) 7% (65) 6% (51) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 19% (95) 17% (84) 19% (94) 44% (222) 2% (12) 5062012 Vote: Other 20% (20) 16% (17) 8% (8) 49% (49) 7% (7) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 27% (139) 22% (112) 14% (71) 21% (105) 17% (85) 5134-Region: Northeast 45% (159) 19% (68) 11% (39) 16% (57) 9% (32) 3554-Region: Midwest 35% (159) 25% (115) 12% (53) 22% (101) 6% (28) 4574-Region: South 33% (245) 23% (174) 13% (93) 23% (173) 8% (58) 7434-Region: West 37% (160) 16% (70) 13% (58) 25% (110) 8% (36) 435Strong Republican 15% (60) 14% (57) 18% (71) 51% (207) 2% (9) 405Not Very Strong Republican 20% (40) 23% (48) 18% (37) 32% (65) 7% (15) 205Strong Democrat 68% (334) 19% (95) 4% (20) 2% (12) 6% (29) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 40% (120) 29% (87) 13% (40) 7% (20) 10% (30) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_11

Table POL10_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 35% (703) 28% (550) 6% (122) 14% (270) 1991Gender: Male 20% (185) 33% (310) 30% (279) 8% (76) 9% (81) 932Gender: Female 15% (160) 37% (393) 26% (271) 4% (46) 18% (189) 1059Age: 18-29 13% (46) 25% (87) 32% (112) 6% (21) 23% (80) 345Age: 30-44 18% (82) 36% (166) 25% (114) 5% (21) 16% (74) 458Age: 45-54 22% (79) 36% (129) 26% (93) 7% (26) 9% (34) 361Age: 55-64 14% (53) 37% (135) 29% (105) 7% (24) 13% (49) 364Age: 65+ 19% (86) 40% (187) 27% (127) 7% (30) 7% (33) 463Generation Z: 18-22 14% (19) 14% (19) 40% (54) 5% (7) 26% (34) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 16% (82) 32% (162) 25% (128) 6% (30) 20% (101) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 20% (105) 38% (201) 26% (137) 6% (31) 10% (53) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 16% (117) 39% (280) 28% (201) 7% (48) 11% (76) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (152) 39% (308) 24% (188) 4% (33) 14% (107) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (105) 32% (188) 27% (161) 5% (32) 18% (107) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 14% (88) 34% (208) 33% (201) 9% (56) 9% (57) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 20% (67) 37% (125) 28% (93) 5% (17) 9% (30) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 19% (85) 40% (183) 21% (95) 3% (16) 17% (76) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 21% (60) 31% (90) 28% (82) 6% (17) 14% (42) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (45) 32% (97) 26% (79) 5% (16) 22% (65) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 19% (58) 31% (95) 34% (104) 14% (42) 3% (9) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 10% (30) 37% (112) 32% (97) 5% (15) 16% (47) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 23% (136) 40% (241) 26% (158) 3% (17) 8% (50) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (80) 36% (175) 31% (151) 6% (31) 11% (56) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (114) 35% (247) 29% (205) 10% (67) 9% (65) 697Educ: < College 17% (217) 34% (422) 26% (329) 6% (80) 16% (204) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 20% (95) 38% (180) 28% (134) 5% (22) 9% (40) 471Educ: Post-grad 13% (34) 38% (101) 33% (87) 7% (19) 10% (26) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_11

Table POL10_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 35% (703) 28% (550) 6% (122) 14% (270) 1991Income: Under 50k 17% (186) 33% (360) 26% (283) 6% (67) 18% (191) 1087Income: 50k-100k 19% (118) 37% (237) 28% (181) 6% (39) 10% (61) 636Income: 100k+ 15% (41) 40% (106) 32% (87) 6% (17) 7% (18) 268Ethnicity: White 16% (258) 37% (592) 29% (473) 6% (104) 11% (184) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (38) 33% (63) 20% (39) 7% (14) 20% (39) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 24% (61) 27% (68) 21% (54) 3% (7) 24% (62) 252Ethnicity: Other 21% (27) 33% (43) 18% (23) 9% (11) 19% (25) 128All Christian 15% (140) 38% (354) 30% (282) 7% (65) 10% (89) 931All Non-Christian 18% (14) 37% (28) 21% (16) 7% (5) 16% (13) 77Atheist 19% (17) 35% (32) 26% (23) 14% (13) 7% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (174) 32% (289) 26% (229) 4% (38) 18% (162) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16% (16) 34% (34) 21% (21) 10% (10) 18% (18) 99Evangelical 17% (98) 33% (187) 29% (169) 6% (36) 15% (84) 574Non-Evangelical 16% (119) 38% (275) 29% (213) 5% (40) 11% (79) 725Community: Urban 21% (96) 32% (150) 27% (125) 6% (28) 15% (68) 467Community: Suburban 16% (162) 37% (366) 27% (274) 7% (67) 13% (133) 1002Community: Rural 17% (87) 36% (187) 29% (152) 5% (26) 13% (69) 522Employ: Private Sector 17% (111) 37% (251) 29% (198) 5% (35) 11% (77) 671Employ: Government 19% (25) 41% (52) 22% (28) 8% (10) 10% (12) 128Employ: Self-Employed 22% (37) 37% (62) 22% (36) 7% (12) 13% (21) 169Employ: Homemaker 8% (9) 38% (43) 24% (26) 7% (8) 23% (26) 112Employ: Student 18% (16) 16% (14) 35% (31) 6% (5) 25% (22) 89Employ: Retired 18% (93) 38% (193) 29% (144) 6% (32) 9% (44) 505Employ: Unemployed 16% (26) 29% (45) 25% (40) 5% (8) 24% (37) 157Employ: Other 18% (29) 27% (42) 29% (46) 7% (12) 19% (31) 160Military HH: Yes 15% (55) 36% (127) 30% (108) 7% (23) 12% (44) 357Military HH: No 18% (290) 35% (576) 27% (443) 6% (98) 14% (226) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (121) 33% (250) 31% (240) 8% (64) 12% (92) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (225) 37% (453) 25% (310) 5% (58) 15% (178) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL10_11

Table POL10_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 35% (703) 28% (550) 6% (122) 14% (270) 1991Trump Job Approve 15% (123) 36% (287) 31% (250) 9% (69) 10% (78) 807Trump Job Disapprove 19% (214) 37% (412) 27% (297) 4% (48) 13% (145) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 16% (70) 36% (157) 31% (137) 10% (42) 7% (31) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (54) 35% (130) 30% (113) 7% (27) 13% (47) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 12% (31) 37% (92) 32% (79) 6% (15) 13% (32) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 21% (183) 37% (320) 25% (218) 4% (34) 13% (113) 869Favorable of Trump 15% (122) 35% (285) 32% (260) 8% (68) 9% (73) 808Unfavorable of Trump 19% (211) 37% (411) 26% (285) 5% (52) 13% (139) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 17% (85) 35% (169) 31% (152) 9% (45) 7% (35) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 11% (37) 36% (116) 34% (108) 7% (23) 12% (38) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (21) 37% (67) 30% (54) 5% (9) 17% (30) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 21% (190) 37% (344) 25% (231) 5% (43) 12% (109) 917#1 Issue: Economy 18% (87) 37% (173) 26% (123) 9% (42) 10% (47) 472#1 Issue: Security 14% (56) 31% (122) 32% (125) 8% (33) 14% (53) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 18% (60) 36% (119) 29% (96) 4% (13) 13% (45) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 20% (60) 40% (122) 23% (70) 4% (13) 13% (39) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15% (26) 31% (54) 31% (54) 5% (8) 17% (30) 172#1 Issue: Education 20% (24) 29% (35) 31% (37) 4% (5) 16% (20) 121#1 Issue: Energy 20% (20) 45% (44) 15% (15) 5% (4) 15% (15) 98#1 Issue: Other 12% (13) 34% (34) 29% (30) 4% (4) 21% (21) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (174) 40% (334) 25% (207) 3% (29) 11% (90) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 17% (112) 34% (221) 32% (212) 9% (60) 7% (49) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (14) 25% (22) 24% (21) 8% (8) 28% (25) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (45) 31% (125) 26% (109) 6% (26) 26% (105) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 21% (154) 40% (298) 25% (183) 3% (24) 11% (81) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 17% (116) 34% (229) 33% (224) 8% (54) 8% (54) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 19% (30) 35% (56) 20% (32) 10% (16) 17% (28) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (45) 29% (119) 27% (108) 7% (28) 26% (107) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL10_11

Table POL10_11: How important of a priority should each of the following be for Congress?Regulation of tech companies

Demographic A top priority

An important,but lowerpriority

Not tooimportant apriority

Should not bedone

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 35% (703) 28% (550) 6% (122) 14% (270) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 19% (256) 38% (522) 28% (380) 6% (86) 9% (123) 1367Voted in 2014: No 14% (89) 29% (181) 27% (170) 6% (36) 24% (147) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 21% (182) 40% (348) 24% (213) 3% (30) 11% (97) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 14% (73) 35% (178) 34% (173) 8% (42) 8% (40) 5062012 Vote: Other 23% (23) 37% (38) 17% (17) 14% (14) 9% (10) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (67) 27% (140) 28% (146) 7% (36) 24% (124) 5134-Region: Northeast 21% (75) 34% (121) 29% (102) 4% (16) 12% (42) 3554-Region: Midwest 13% (59) 37% (169) 32% (147) 6% (26) 12% (56) 4574-Region: South 18% (133) 36% (266) 25% (189) 6% (48) 14% (108) 7434-Region: West 18% (79) 34% (147) 26% (112) 7% (32) 15% (65) 435Strong Republican 14% (59) 34% (137) 34% (139) 10% (41) 7% (29) 405Not Very Strong Republican 15% (30) 34% (70) 30% (62) 7% (15) 14% (28) 205Strong Democrat 23% (115) 41% (199) 22% (106) 2% (12) 12% (58) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 12% (37) 37% (109) 27% (82) 7% (21) 16% (49) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL11

Table POL11: As you may know, the rst step toward removing a president from office is impeachment. Do you believe Congress should or should notbegin impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office?


Yes, Congress shouldbegin impeachment


No, Congress shouldnot begin impeachment

proceedingsDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 48% (955) 14% (287) 1991Gender: Male 34% (318) 53% (497) 13% (116) 932Gender: Female 41% (430) 43% (458) 16% (170) 1059Age: 18-29 47% (163) 34% (118) 18% (64) 345Age: 30-44 42% (193) 40% (184) 18% (82) 458Age: 45-54 36% (130) 54% (195) 10% (36) 361Age: 55-64 34% (122) 51% (188) 15% (54) 364Age: 65+ 30% (141) 59% (271) 11% (51) 463Generation Z: 18-22 47% (63) 37% (50) 15% (21) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 45% (226) 35% (177) 20% (100) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 37% (197) 51% (270) 11% (60) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 33% (239) 54% (391) 13% (92) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 65% (513) 18% (142) 17% (132) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 34% (199) 45% (269) 21% (125) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (36) 89% (544) 5% (30) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 64% (213) 20% (66) 16% (54) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 66% (300) 17% (76) 17% (78) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 29% (84) 53% (153) 18% (54) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 38% (116) 38% (115) 24% (72) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (22) 90% (277) 3% (9) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (14) 88% (267) 7% (20) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 65% (391) 20% (121) 15% (91) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 42% (208) 40% (198) 18% (87) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12% (81) 83% (580) 5% (37) 697Educ: < College 38% (482) 46% (573) 16% (198) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 36% (171) 51% (241) 13% (59) 471Educ: Post-grad 36% (96) 53% (141) 11% (30) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL11

Table POL11: As you may know, the rst step toward removing a president from office is impeachment. Do you believe Congress should or should notbegin impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office?


Yes, Congress shouldbegin impeachment


No, Congress shouldnot begin impeachment

proceedingsDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 48% (955) 14% (287) 1991Income: Under 50k 39% (421) 44% (474) 18% (192) 1087Income: 50k-100k 38% (240) 51% (321) 12% (74) 636Income: 100k+ 33% (87) 60% (160) 8% (21) 268Ethnicity: White 33% (528) 54% (867) 13% (215) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 45% (87) 34% (66) 21% (40) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 63% (160) 18% (46) 18% (46) 252Ethnicity: Other 47% (61) 33% (42) 20% (25) 128All Christian 30% (275) 60% (559) 10% (97) 931All Non-Christian 54% (41) 30% (23) 16% (12) 77Atheist 60% (55) 33% (30) 7% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 42% (378) 38% (343) 19% (171) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 48% (48) 37% (36) 15% (15) 99Evangelical 29% (165) 60% (342) 12% (67) 574Non-Evangelical 37% (272) 50% (364) 12% (90) 725Community: Urban 44% (206) 37% (173) 19% (88) 467Community: Suburban 37% (375) 49% (494) 13% (133) 1002Community: Rural 32% (168) 55% (288) 13% (66) 522Employ: Private Sector 38% (254) 50% (335) 12% (82) 671Employ: Government 34% (43) 54% (69) 12% (15) 128Employ: Self-Employed 39% (66) 45% (76) 16% (27) 169Employ: Homemaker 35% (39) 44% (49) 21% (24) 112Employ: Student 53% (47) 34% (30) 13% (12) 89Employ: Retired 32% (160) 56% (285) 12% (60) 505Employ: Unemployed 43% (68) 35% (55) 22% (34) 157Employ: Other 45% (72) 35% (56) 20% (32) 160Military HH: Yes 33% (118) 56% (201) 11% (38) 357Military HH: No 39% (631) 46% (754) 15% (249) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (61) 83% (637) 9% (68) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 56% (687) 26% (318) 18% (219) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL11

Table POL11: As you may know, the rst step toward removing a president from office is impeachment. Do you believe Congress should or should notbegin impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office?


Yes, Congress shouldbegin impeachment


No, Congress shouldnot begin impeachment

proceedingsDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 48% (955) 14% (287) 1991Trump Job Approve 5% (37) 89% (718) 6% (51) 807Trump Job Disapprove 63% (699) 20% (226) 17% (191) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (9) 95% (415) 3% (13) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (28) 82% (303) 10% (38) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 31% (78) 39% (97) 29% (73) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 72% (622) 15% (129) 14% (118) 869Favorable of Trump 5% (40) 90% (724) 5% (44) 808Unfavorable of Trump 63% (690) 20% (219) 17% (189) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 5% (24) 92% (449) 3% (13) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (16) 85% (275) 10% (31) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 23% (43) 44% (80) 32% (59) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 71% (648) 15% (139) 14% (131) 917#1 Issue: Economy 33% (155) 52% (247) 15% (70) 472#1 Issue: Security 14% (53) 78% (304) 8% (31) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 53% (176) 33% (108) 15% (49) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 38% (115) 47% (142) 15% (46) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 61% (106) 19% (33) 19% (33) 172#1 Issue: Education 37% (44) 44% (53) 20% (24) 121#1 Issue: Energy 62% (61) 28% (27) 11% (11) 98#1 Issue: Other 37% (38) 40% (41) 23% (24) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 63% (523) 21% (171) 17% (140) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 6% (39) 89% (584) 5% (31) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 36% (33) 34% (30) 30% (27) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 38% (154) 41% (169) 21% (88) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 65% (485) 19% (140) 16% (116) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (39) 90% (607) 4% (30) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 36% (59) 37% (61) 26% (43) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 40% (164) 36% (145) 24% (98) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL11

Table POL11: As you may know, the rst step toward removing a president from office is impeachment. Do you believe Congress should or should notbegin impeachment proceedings to remove President Trump from office?


Yes, Congress shouldbegin impeachment


No, Congress shouldnot begin impeachment

proceedingsDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 48% (955) 14% (287) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 38% (519) 51% (692) 11% (156) 1367Voted in 2014: No 37% (229) 42% (263) 21% (131) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 57% (500) 26% (228) 16% (142) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (38) 87% (441) 5% (27) 5062012 Vote: Other 23% (23) 66% (67) 11% (11) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (188) 43% (219) 21% (106) 5134-Region: Northeast 43% (153) 41% (147) 15% (55) 3554-Region: Midwest 38% (173) 49% (222) 14% (62) 4574-Region: South 34% (254) 53% (391) 13% (98) 7434-Region: West 39% (169) 45% (195) 16% (72) 435Strong Republican 3% (13) 94% (381) 3% (11) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (23) 80% (163) 9% (19) 205Strong Democrat 74% (363) 13% (63) 13% (64) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 50% (150) 27% (80) 23% (68) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL12_1

Table POL12_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden saying he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, which mostly bans the use of federal funding forabortion

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 24% (468) 27% (528) 22% (434) 28% (561) 1991Gender: Male 28% (261) 29% (268) 22% (200) 22% (203) 932Gender: Female 20% (207) 25% (260) 22% (233) 34% (359) 1059Age: 18-29 20% (69) 23% (79) 21% (74) 36% (123) 345Age: 30-44 19% (88) 26% (118) 21% (98) 34% (153) 458Age: 45-54 23% (85) 26% (93) 23% (84) 27% (99) 361Age: 55-64 23% (83) 25% (92) 26% (93) 26% (97) 364Age: 65+ 31% (143) 32% (147) 18% (84) 19% (89) 463Generation Z: 18-22 24% (32) 19% (25) 21% (28) 36% (49) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 19% (95) 24% (120) 23% (113) 35% (174) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 22% (115) 27% (145) 22% (114) 29% (153) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 27% (196) 28% (203) 22% (156) 23% (168) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 27% (215) 29% (232) 20% (154) 24% (186) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (106) 24% (140) 25% (149) 33% (198) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 24% (146) 26% (156) 21% (131) 29% (177) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 34% (114) 29% (95) 21% (70) 16% (54) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (101) 30% (137) 18% (84) 29% (133) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (56) 28% (80) 26% (76) 27% (78) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 16% (50) 20% (60) 24% (73) 40% (120) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (90) 30% (93) 18% (55) 23% (71) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 19% (56) 21% (63) 25% (76) 35% (106) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30% (181) 31% (187) 19% (113) 20% (122) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (98) 27% (133) 28% (139) 25% (122) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 24% (170) 26% (179) 21% (150) 28% (199) 697Educ: < College 22% (274) 24% (297) 23% (292) 31% (389) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 26% (122) 32% (152) 20% (94) 22% (102) 471Educ: Post-grad 27% (72) 29% (79) 18% (47) 26% (70) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_1

Table POL12_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden saying he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, which mostly bans the use of federal funding forabortion

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 24% (468) 27% (528) 22% (434) 28% (561) 1991Income: Under 50k 21% (230) 24% (263) 22% (243) 32% (351) 1087Income: 50k-100k 25% (162) 31% (194) 22% (137) 22% (142) 636Income: 100k+ 28% (76) 26% (71) 20% (53) 25% (68) 268Ethnicity: White 24% (386) 27% (437) 21% (340) 28% (447) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 28% (55) 22% (42) 17% (32) 33% (64) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 24% (60) 23% (59) 25% (62) 28% (71) 252Ethnicity: Other 17% (22) 25% (32) 25% (32) 33% (43) 128All Christian 26% (244) 28% (257) 22% (205) 24% (225) 931All Non-Christian 25% (19) 25% (19) 18% (14) 32% (25) 77Atheist 31% (29) 27% (25) 20% (18) 21% (20) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20% (177) 26% (227) 22% (196) 33% (292) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19% (19) 25% (25) 23% (22) 33% (33) 99Evangelical 18% (106) 25% (146) 25% (143) 31% (179) 574Non-Evangelical 28% (203) 29% (208) 20% (148) 23% (167) 725Community: Urban 25% (115) 24% (114) 21% (98) 30% (140) 467Community: Suburban 26% (258) 26% (258) 21% (212) 27% (274) 1002Community: Rural 18% (95) 30% (157) 24% (123) 28% (147) 522Employ: Private Sector 24% (160) 26% (175) 21% (144) 29% (193) 671Employ: Government 25% (32) 25% (32) 25% (32) 25% (32) 128Employ: Self-Employed 24% (40) 30% (50) 22% (37) 25% (42) 169Employ: Homemaker 11% (12) 21% (24) 29% (32) 39% (44) 112Employ: Student 18% (16) 16% (14) 29% (26) 37% (33) 89Employ: Retired 29% (149) 30% (151) 21% (104) 20% (102) 505Employ: Unemployed 20% (31) 24% (38) 16% (25) 40% (63) 157Employ: Other 18% (29) 27% (44) 21% (34) 33% (53) 160Military HH: Yes 24% (84) 31% (112) 19% (68) 26% (93) 357Military HH: No 23% (384) 25% (416) 22% (366) 29% (469) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 24% (184) 24% (181) 22% (172) 30% (230) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 23% (284) 28% (347) 21% (262) 27% (331) 1224

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Table POL12_1

Table POL12_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden saying he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, which mostly bans the use of federal funding forabortion

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 24% (468) 27% (528) 22% (434) 28% (561) 1991Trump Job Approve 24% (197) 24% (198) 23% (185) 28% (227) 807Trump Job Disapprove 24% (263) 29% (324) 21% (237) 26% (292) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 31% (137) 24% (103) 20% (88) 25% (108) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (60) 26% (94) 26% (97) 32% (119) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 13% (32) 23% (58) 26% (63) 38% (95) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 27% (231) 31% (267) 20% (174) 23% (197) 869Favorable of Trump 24% (196) 25% (205) 23% (185) 27% (221) 808Unfavorable of Trump 24% (266) 29% (315) 21% (233) 26% (284) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 29% (143) 25% (120) 21% (103) 25% (120) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 17% (53) 26% (85) 26% (82) 31% (101) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15% (27) 22% (41) 21% (37) 42% (76) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 26% (239) 30% (275) 21% (196) 23% (208) 917#1 Issue: Economy 23% (108) 26% (122) 24% (114) 27% (128) 472#1 Issue: Security 25% (95) 26% (101) 18% (71) 31% (121) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 25% (82) 28% (93) 23% (76) 25% (82) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (76) 27% (83) 22% (67) 26% (79) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (35) 25% (42) 24% (41) 31% (54) 172#1 Issue: Education 19% (23) 27% (33) 25% (30) 29% (35) 121#1 Issue: Energy 31% (30) 29% (29) 17% (17) 23% (23) 98#1 Issue: Other 18% (18) 24% (25) 19% (19) 39% (40) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 29% (240) 29% (242) 21% (171) 22% (182) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 26% (168) 28% (182) 22% (145) 24% (159) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (14) 22% (19) 24% (21) 40% (36) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (46) 21% (85) 23% (95) 45% (184) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 30% (219) 28% (209) 21% (153) 22% (160) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 25% (169) 25% (168) 24% (161) 27% (179) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 18% (29) 35% (58) 25% (40) 22% (36) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 12% (50) 22% (91) 20% (80) 46% (185) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (374) 28% (390) 21% (288) 23% (315) 1367Voted in 2014: No 15% (94) 22% (139) 23% (145) 39% (246) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_1

Table POL12_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden saying he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, which mostly bans the use of federal funding forabortion

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 24% (468) 27% (528) 22% (434) 28% (561) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 28% (244) 29% (250) 20% (174) 23% (201) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 24% (121) 26% (132) 23% (116) 27% (137) 5062012 Vote: Other 23% (23) 28% (29) 26% (26) 23% (23) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (79) 23% (117) 23% (118) 39% (199) 5134-Region: Northeast 26% (93) 27% (97) 18% (64) 28% (100) 3554-Region: Midwest 22% (100) 28% (128) 23% (104) 28% (126) 4574-Region: South 23% (173) 26% (191) 23% (168) 29% (212) 7434-Region: West 23% (102) 26% (112) 22% (98) 28% (123) 435Strong Republican 28% (113) 26% (107) 21% (84) 25% (101) 405Not Very Strong Republican 16% (34) 24% (49) 23% (47) 37% (76) 205Strong Democrat 33% (160) 31% (150) 16% (81) 20% (100) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 19% (56) 28% (82) 25% (73) 29% (86) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL12_2

Table POL12_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Donald Trump threatening to impose a 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 49% (976) 29% (579) 11% (214) 11% (221) 1991Gender: Male 56% (519) 28% (258) 9% (81) 8% (74) 932Gender: Female 43% (457) 30% (321) 13% (134) 14% (147) 1059Age: 18-29 39% (135) 27% (94) 15% (51) 19% (66) 345Age: 30-44 39% (177) 32% (147) 14% (63) 15% (70) 458Age: 45-54 53% (191) 27% (98) 11% (41) 9% (31) 361Age: 55-64 49% (177) 32% (116) 10% (38) 9% (33) 364Age: 65+ 64% (296) 27% (124) 5% (22) 4% (21) 463Generation Z: 18-22 42% (56) 27% (36) 13% (17) 18% (24) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 36% (182) 31% (156) 15% (74) 18% (91) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 50% (265) 28% (147) 12% (63) 10% (52) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 57% (410) 29% (208) 8% (56) 7% (49) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 55% (433) 24% (186) 12% (93) 10% (75) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 41% (244) 32% (189) 11% (67) 16% (93) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 49% (299) 33% (204) 9% (54) 9% (53) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 60% (200) 20% (68) 11% (38) 8% (26) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 51% (233) 26% (118) 12% (55) 11% (49) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 48% (140) 31% (92) 9% (26) 11% (33) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 34% (103) 32% (98) 14% (42) 20% (60) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 58% (178) 32% (99) 6% (17) 5% (15) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 40% (121) 35% (105) 12% (37) 13% (38) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 62% (376) 22% (135) 9% (53) 6% (39) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 44% (218) 33% (163) 13% (62) 10% (50) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 49% (343) 33% (229) 9% (65) 9% (61) 697Educ: < College 46% (575) 29% (358) 12% (151) 13% (168) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 54% (255) 28% (132) 10% (47) 8% (36) 471Educ: Post-grad 55% (146) 33% (89) 6% (16) 6% (17) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_2

Table POL12_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Donald Trump threatening to impose a 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 49% (976) 29% (579) 11% (214) 11% (221) 1991Income: Under 50k 44% (483) 29% (311) 12% (135) 15% (159) 1087Income: 50k-100k 53% (335) 31% (197) 9% (56) 8% (48) 636Income: 100k+ 59% (158) 27% (72) 9% (23) 6% (15) 268Ethnicity: White 51% (820) 29% (474) 10% (161) 10% (155) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 54% (105) 20% (39) 13% (25) 12% (24) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 42% (105) 25% (63) 15% (37) 19% (48) 252Ethnicity: Other 39% (50) 33% (43) 13% (17) 14% (18) 128All Christian 54% (499) 31% (286) 8% (71) 8% (75) 931All Non-Christian 48% (37) 24% (18) 14% (11) 14% (11) 77Atheist 53% (49) 30% (28) 10% (9) 6% (6) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 44% (391) 28% (247) 14% (123) 15% (130) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39% (39) 30% (30) 17% (16) 14% (14) 99Evangelical 42% (240) 34% (193) 11% (63) 14% (78) 574Non-Evangelical 57% (415) 28% (203) 8% (58) 7% (50) 725Community: Urban 49% (231) 25% (117) 13% (60) 13% (60) 467Community: Suburban 52% (526) 29% (291) 9% (91) 9% (94) 1002Community: Rural 42% (219) 33% (172) 12% (64) 13% (67) 522Employ: Private Sector 48% (323) 31% (211) 10% (64) 11% (73) 671Employ: Government 47% (60) 36% (46) 11% (14) 6% (8) 128Employ: Self-Employed 51% (86) 29% (49) 10% (17) 10% (17) 169Employ: Homemaker 28% (31) 33% (37) 17% (19) 22% (25) 112Employ: Student 36% (32) 25% (22) 16% (14) 23% (21) 89Employ: Retired 63% (319) 26% (132) 7% (34) 4% (20) 505Employ: Unemployed 36% (56) 25% (40) 17% (26) 22% (35) 157Employ: Other 43% (68) 27% (43) 16% (26) 14% (23) 160Military HH: Yes 54% (193) 27% (96) 9% (32) 10% (36) 357Military HH: No 48% (783) 30% (483) 11% (182) 11% (185) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 47% (360) 30% (227) 11% (84) 12% (96) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 50% (616) 29% (352) 11% (131) 10% (125) 1224Trump Job Approve 47% (382) 32% (254) 11% (92) 10% (78) 807Trump Job Disapprove 52% (583) 28% (313) 10% (114) 10% (106) 1117

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Table POL12_2

Table POL12_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Donald Trump threatening to impose a 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 49% (976) 29% (579) 11% (214) 11% (221) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 55% (242) 28% (122) 7% (32) 9% (41) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 38% (140) 36% (133) 16% (60) 10% (37) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 35% (88) 38% (95) 13% (31) 13% (33) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 57% (495) 25% (218) 9% (82) 8% (73) 869Favorable of Trump 48% (386) 32% (259) 11% (88) 9% (74) 808Unfavorable of Trump 53% (578) 28% (303) 11% (118) 9% (99) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 57% (278) 26% (128) 8% (37) 9% (42) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 34% (108) 41% (131) 16% (51) 10% (32) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 38% (69) 33% (59) 16% (29) 14% (25) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 56% (509) 27% (244) 10% (89) 8% (75) 917#1 Issue: Economy 50% (236) 28% (134) 12% (55) 10% (48) 472#1 Issue: Security 53% (206) 29% (112) 8% (33) 10% (37) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 51% (169) 27% (91) 10% (35) 11% (38) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 53% (160) 30% (90) 11% (34) 6% (20) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (78) 25% (43) 15% (26) 15% (25) 172#1 Issue: Education 28% (33) 46% (55) 9% (11) 18% (21) 121#1 Issue: Energy 51% (50) 31% (30) 11% (11) 7% (7) 98#1 Issue: Other 43% (44) 23% (24) 10% (10) 24% (24) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 57% (478) 26% (214) 10% (80) 7% (62) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 54% (350) 30% (199) 9% (57) 7% (48) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 32% (28) 35% (32) 12% (11) 20% (18) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 29% (119) 33% (134) 16% (65) 22% (92) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 58% (427) 24% (181) 10% (74) 8% (59) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 52% (353) 30% (204) 10% (66) 8% (54) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 44% (72) 42% (68) 6% (9) 9% (14) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 30% (122) 31% (127) 16% (63) 23% (94) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 55% (749) 28% (390) 9% (118) 8% (111) 1367Voted in 2014: No 36% (227) 30% (190) 15% (96) 18% (111) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_2

Table POL12_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Donald Trump threatening to impose a 5 percent tariff on Mexican imports

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 49% (976) 29% (579) 11% (214) 11% (221) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 56% (484) 26% (224) 10% (89) 8% (73) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 48% (244) 35% (175) 10% (52) 7% (36) 5062012 Vote: Other 58% (58) 28% (28) 5% (5) 10% (10) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (189) 30% (152) 13% (69) 20% (103) 5134-Region: Northeast 49% (173) 31% (109) 11% (40) 9% (32) 3554-Region: Midwest 48% (218) 31% (144) 11% (49) 10% (47) 4574-Region: South 47% (352) 28% (209) 12% (87) 13% (96) 7434-Region: West 54% (233) 27% (117) 9% (39) 10% (46) 435Strong Republican 54% (217) 32% (129) 7% (28) 8% (30) 405Not Very Strong Republican 40% (82) 36% (75) 13% (26) 11% (23) 205Strong Democrat 61% (297) 21% (104) 10% (49) 8% (40) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 46% (136) 28% (82) 15% (43) 12% (35) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL12_3

Table POL12_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told other Democrats that she wants to see President Trump ’in prison’

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 31% (624) 28% (554) 18% (368) 22% (445) 1991Gender: Male 35% (328) 29% (268) 18% (163) 18% (172) 932Gender: Female 28% (296) 27% (286) 19% (205) 26% (273) 1059Age: 18-29 25% (87) 27% (92) 21% (72) 27% (94) 345Age: 30-44 25% (116) 28% (127) 22% (99) 25% (115) 458Age: 45-54 33% (119) 27% (96) 19% (68) 22% (78) 361Age: 55-64 33% (121) 29% (105) 18% (64) 20% (74) 364Age: 65+ 39% (181) 29% (134) 14% (65) 18% (83) 463Generation Z: 18-22 29% (38) 29% (39) 12% (17) 30% (40) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 24% (121) 24% (123) 24% (121) 28% (139) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 31% (163) 29% (153) 19% (102) 21% (109) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 36% (260) 29% (210) 15% (112) 19% (141) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 35% (276) 25% (196) 20% (154) 21% (162) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (142) 28% (166) 19% (113) 29% (173) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 34% (207) 31% (192) 17% (101) 18% (111) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 42% (138) 24% (81) 17% (56) 17% (57) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 30% (138) 25% (114) 22% (98) 23% (105) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 25% (74) 29% (85) 21% (61) 24% (71) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 22% (68) 27% (81) 17% (52) 34% (102) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 38% (116) 33% (102) 15% (46) 14% (44) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 30% (90) 30% (90) 18% (55) 22% (66) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 39% (233) 25% (152) 18% (111) 18% (107) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 25% (123) 30% (146) 22% (108) 24% (116) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 34% (238) 32% (221) 16% (112) 18% (126) 697Educ: < College 28% (356) 27% (332) 19% (241) 26% (323) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 36% (167) 32% (149) 19% (88) 14% (67) 471Educ: Post-grad 38% (101) 27% (73) 14% (39) 21% (55) 268

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Table POL12_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told other Democrats that she wants to see President Trump ’in prison’

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 31% (624) 28% (554) 18% (368) 22% (445) 1991Income: Under 50k 29% (313) 25% (275) 20% (213) 26% (286) 1087Income: 50k-100k 32% (201) 32% (200) 18% (114) 19% (120) 636Income: 100k+ 41% (110) 29% (78) 15% (41) 15% (39) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (512) 28% (448) 19% (300) 22% (350) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 36% (69) 20% (39) 21% (40) 24% (45) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 33% (83) 28% (70) 16% (41) 23% (59) 252Ethnicity: Other 23% (30) 28% (35) 21% (27) 29% (37) 128All Christian 35% (328) 30% (276) 17% (158) 18% (169) 931All Non-Christian 27% (20) 25% (19) 24% (18) 25% (19) 77Atheist 25% (23) 31% (28) 23% (21) 21% (19) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 28% (253) 26% (231) 19% (171) 27% (238) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23% (23) 25% (25) 24% (24) 28% (27) 99Evangelical 28% (161) 27% (157) 21% (119) 24% (137) 574Non-Evangelical 38% (274) 29% (212) 16% (115) 17% (124) 725Community: Urban 32% (151) 22% (101) 22% (102) 24% (113) 467Community: Suburban 34% (337) 29% (294) 17% (169) 20% (202) 1002Community: Rural 26% (136) 30% (158) 19% (97) 25% (131) 522Employ: Private Sector 31% (206) 30% (202) 19% (130) 20% (133) 671Employ: Government 32% (41) 26% (33) 19% (25) 23% (29) 128Employ: Self-Employed 33% (57) 25% (42) 20% (33) 22% (37) 169Employ: Homemaker 20% (23) 27% (30) 23% (26) 30% (33) 112Employ: Student 23% (21) 32% (28) 14% (12) 31% (27) 89Employ: Retired 38% (193) 29% (148) 14% (73) 18% (92) 505Employ: Unemployed 24% (38) 22% (34) 20% (32) 34% (53) 157Employ: Other 29% (46) 22% (35) 23% (37) 26% (41) 160Military HH: Yes 36% (129) 27% (98) 18% (65) 18% (65) 357Military HH: No 30% (495) 28% (456) 19% (303) 23% (380) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 33% (250) 28% (218) 18% (139) 21% (159) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 31% (374) 27% (336) 19% (228) 23% (286) 1224Trump Job Approve 34% (271) 29% (236) 18% (141) 20% (159) 807Trump Job Disapprove 31% (343) 28% (307) 20% (219) 22% (248) 1117

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Table POL12_3

Table POL12_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told other Democrats that she wants to see President Trump ’in prison’

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 31% (624) 28% (554) 18% (368) 22% (445) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 41% (180) 30% (130) 13% (55) 17% (72) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 25% (91) 29% (106) 23% (86) 23% (87) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 17% (42) 28% (69) 26% (64) 30% (73) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 35% (301) 27% (238) 18% (155) 20% (175) 869Favorable of Trump 34% (274) 30% (239) 18% (143) 19% (151) 808Unfavorable of Trump 31% (340) 28% (306) 20% (214) 22% (239) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 40% (196) 28% (134) 14% (68) 18% (88) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (78) 33% (105) 23% (75) 20% (63) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 17% (31) 26% (46) 26% (46) 31% (57) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 34% (308) 28% (259) 18% (168) 20% (182) 917#1 Issue: Economy 27% (126) 30% (142) 22% (102) 22% (102) 472#1 Issue: Security 39% (153) 28% (107) 14% (53) 19% (75) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 31% (105) 27% (91) 19% (64) 22% (74) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 32% (98) 29% (89) 17% (51) 21% (65) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25% (43) 24% (41) 26% (45) 25% (42) 172#1 Issue: Education 27% (32) 26% (32) 19% (23) 28% (34) 121#1 Issue: Energy 39% (38) 29% (29) 13% (13) 19% (19) 98#1 Issue: Other 29% (30) 21% (22) 16% (17) 33% (34) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 35% (289) 27% (225) 19% (158) 20% (164) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 36% (235) 32% (209) 16% (103) 16% (107) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 22% (20) 21% (19) 17% (16) 39% (35) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (81) 24% (100) 22% (92) 34% (138) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 36% (266) 26% (195) 19% (140) 19% (140) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 36% (243) 31% (211) 15% (103) 18% (119) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 25% (41) 30% (49) 20% (33) 24% (40) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 18% (72) 24% (97) 22% (91) 36% (147) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (489) 29% (394) 16% (225) 19% (258) 1367Voted in 2014: No 22% (135) 26% (159) 23% (142) 30% (187) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_3

Table POL12_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told other Democrats that she wants to see President Trump ’in prison’

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 31% (624) 28% (554) 18% (368) 22% (445) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 34% (295) 28% (244) 19% (163) 19% (168) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 36% (180) 32% (164) 16% (79) 16% (83) 5062012 Vote: Other 38% (38) 18% (18) 17% (17) 27% (27) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (111) 25% (127) 21% (108) 32% (166) 5134-Region: Northeast 37% (132) 27% (94) 18% (63) 19% (66) 3554-Region: Midwest 28% (126) 28% (130) 20% (91) 24% (110) 4574-Region: South 30% (227) 28% (205) 18% (135) 24% (177) 7434-Region: West 32% (140) 29% (125) 18% (78) 21% (92) 435Strong Republican 40% (161) 31% (125) 15% (60) 14% (59) 405Not Very Strong Republican 22% (45) 32% (67) 20% (41) 25% (52) 205Strong Democrat 40% (198) 25% (125) 17% (83) 17% (84) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 26% (78) 24% (71) 24% (71) 26% (78) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL12_4

Table POL12_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?The Trump administration informing migrant shelters to scale back or discontinue services such as legal aid, English classes and recreational activityfor unaccompanied children who have come into the United States from Mexico

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 20% (394) 28% (561) 22% (447) 30% (589) 1991Gender: Male 20% (186) 29% (269) 24% (226) 27% (251) 932Gender: Female 20% (208) 28% (292) 21% (221) 32% (338) 1059Age: 18-29 24% (82) 24% (82) 23% (79) 29% (102) 345Age: 30-44 19% (85) 27% (122) 24% (108) 31% (143) 458Age: 45-54 24% (87) 27% (98) 21% (77) 27% (98) 361Age: 55-64 12% (42) 35% (126) 23% (83) 31% (113) 364Age: 65+ 21% (97) 29% (133) 22% (100) 29% (133) 463Generation Z: 18-22 27% (37) 22% (30) 21% (29) 29% (39) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 21% (103) 25% (127) 25% (126) 29% (147) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 22% (114) 28% (146) 21% (109) 30% (157) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 17% (122) 31% (223) 22% (161) 30% (217) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 26% (202) 30% (235) 21% (169) 23% (182) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 16% (93) 27% (158) 22% (130) 36% (213) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 16% (99) 28% (169) 24% (148) 32% (194) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 27% (90) 27% (89) 25% (84) 21% (69) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 24% (111) 32% (146) 19% (84) 25% (113) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 13% (38) 27% (77) 25% (72) 36% (103) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 18% (55) 27% (81) 19% (58) 36% (109) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 19% (58) 33% (103) 23% (70) 25% (78) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 14% (42) 22% (66) 26% (79) 38% (116) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30% (181) 30% (183) 19% (117) 20% (121) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (97) 27% (134) 25% (122) 28% (140) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (107) 30% (208) 24% (168) 31% (214) 697Educ: < College 19% (235) 27% (334) 22% (278) 32% (405) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 20% (93) 32% (149) 24% (112) 25% (117) 471Educ: Post-grad 24% (66) 29% (78) 22% (58) 25% (67) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_4

Table POL12_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?The Trump administration informing migrant shelters to scale back or discontinue services such as legal aid, English classes and recreational activityfor unaccompanied children who have come into the United States from Mexico

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 20% (394) 28% (561) 22% (447) 30% (589) 1991Income: Under 50k 18% (193) 27% (291) 23% (247) 33% (356) 1087Income: 50k-100k 22% (139) 30% (193) 22% (138) 26% (166) 636Income: 100k+ 23% (62) 29% (77) 23% (62) 25% (67) 268Ethnicity: White 19% (301) 29% (461) 23% (369) 30% (479) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 31% (59) 21% (40) 18% (35) 30% (59) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 25% (62) 26% (66) 20% (51) 29% (73) 252Ethnicity: Other 23% (30) 27% (34) 21% (27) 28% (37) 128All Christian 21% (195) 27% (251) 23% (218) 29% (268) 931All Non-Christian 22% (16) 34% (26) 15% (11) 29% (23) 77Atheist 25% (23) 31% (28) 21% (19) 23% (21) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 18% (160) 29% (255) 22% (199) 31% (278) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 17% (17) 29% (28) 21% (20) 34% (33) 99Evangelical 18% (101) 27% (155) 24% (135) 32% (183) 574Non-Evangelical 22% (162) 29% (212) 22% (157) 27% (194) 725Community: Urban 23% (106) 30% (139) 19% (88) 29% (135) 467Community: Suburban 21% (212) 27% (268) 23% (231) 29% (292) 1002Community: Rural 15% (76) 30% (154) 25% (128) 31% (163) 522Employ: Private Sector 19% (129) 30% (204) 23% (153) 28% (185) 671Employ: Government 21% (27) 28% (35) 24% (30) 28% (35) 128Employ: Self-Employed 25% (42) 27% (46) 26% (43) 22% (38) 169Employ: Homemaker 11% (13) 28% (31) 22% (24) 39% (44) 112Employ: Student 23% (20) 24% (21) 25% (23) 28% (25) 89Employ: Retired 20% (99) 28% (143) 22% (113) 30% (150) 505Employ: Unemployed 16% (26) 24% (38) 27% (42) 32% (51) 157Employ: Other 23% (37) 27% (43) 11% (18) 38% (61) 160Military HH: Yes 22% (77) 27% (97) 21% (77) 30% (106) 357Military HH: No 19% (317) 28% (464) 23% (370) 30% (483) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (135) 27% (203) 24% (181) 32% (247) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (258) 29% (358) 22% (267) 28% (342) 1224

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Table POL12_4

Table POL12_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?The Trump administration informing migrant shelters to scale back or discontinue services such as legal aid, English classes and recreational activityfor unaccompanied children who have come into the United States from Mexico

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 20% (394) 28% (561) 22% (447) 30% (589) 1991Trump Job Approve 16% (126) 27% (221) 24% (193) 33% (267) 807Trump Job Disapprove 23% (259) 30% (330) 22% (244) 25% (284) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 22% (98) 28% (121) 19% (83) 31% (135) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (28) 27% (100) 30% (110) 36% (133) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 12% (30) 27% (67) 33% (81) 28% (69) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 26% (229) 30% (263) 19% (163) 25% (214) 869Favorable of Trump 16% (132) 27% (221) 24% (193) 32% (262) 808Unfavorable of Trump 23% (251) 30% (331) 22% (240) 25% (276) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 22% (105) 28% (136) 20% (97) 31% (149) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (27) 27% (86) 30% (96) 35% (113) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (17) 25% (46) 35% (64) 30% (54) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 26% (235) 31% (285) 19% (176) 24% (222) 917#1 Issue: Economy 16% (76) 32% (153) 25% (117) 27% (125) 472#1 Issue: Security 17% (64) 28% (107) 19% (75) 37% (143) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 24% (81) 29% (98) 21% (72) 25% (83) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17% (52) 27% (82) 27% (81) 29% (88) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27% (46) 24% (40) 18% (31) 32% (55) 172#1 Issue: Education 20% (24) 26% (31) 28% (34) 26% (31) 121#1 Issue: Energy 28% (28) 30% (30) 18% (18) 24% (24) 98#1 Issue: Other 22% (22) 19% (19) 20% (20) 40% (41) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 28% (233) 30% (251) 20% (166) 22% (185) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 17% (112) 28% (183) 24% (159) 31% (199) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 23% (21) 22% (20) 44% (39) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (39) 26% (106) 25% (101) 40% (164) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 26% (195) 30% (222) 21% (158) 22% (166) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 18% (123) 27% (179) 23% (156) 32% (217) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 16% (25) 32% (53) 25% (41) 27% (44) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 12% (48) 26% (105) 22% (91) 40% (162) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 22% (308) 29% (391) 22% (302) 27% (367) 1367Voted in 2014: No 14% (86) 27% (171) 23% (145) 36% (222) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_4

Table POL12_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?The Trump administration informing migrant shelters to scale back or discontinue services such as legal aid, English classes and recreational activityfor unaccompanied children who have come into the United States from Mexico

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 20% (394) 28% (561) 22% (447) 30% (589) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 24% (209) 30% (260) 22% (191) 24% (209) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15% (78) 26% (130) 24% (122) 35% (177) 5062012 Vote: Other 21% (21) 27% (27) 24% (24) 28% (28) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17% (86) 28% (143) 21% (109) 34% (175) 5134-Region: Northeast 22% (79) 33% (118) 17% (61) 27% (97) 3554-Region: Midwest 20% (93) 25% (114) 24% (108) 31% (143) 4574-Region: South 19% (143) 27% (201) 23% (174) 30% (225) 7434-Region: West 18% (80) 29% (128) 24% (103) 29% (125) 435Strong Republican 19% (77) 28% (113) 23% (92) 30% (123) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (22) 27% (56) 27% (56) 35% (72) 205Strong Democrat 29% (144) 31% (153) 19% (92) 21% (101) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 19% (58) 27% (81) 26% (77) 27% (81) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL12_5

Table POL12_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Border Patrol apprehending more than 132,000 migrants at the U.S. - Mexico border in May, the highest monthly total since 2006

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 34% (680) 33% (662) 17% (340) 16% (309) 1991Gender: Male 39% (365) 31% (290) 16% (153) 13% (124) 932Gender: Female 30% (315) 35% (372) 18% (187) 18% (185) 1059Age: 18-29 34% (118) 30% (105) 16% (56) 19% (66) 345Age: 30-44 29% (133) 34% (154) 18% (80) 20% (91) 458Age: 45-54 39% (139) 28% (102) 18% (64) 15% (55) 361Age: 55-64 33% (119) 35% (129) 18% (64) 14% (52) 364Age: 65+ 37% (170) 37% (172) 16% (76) 10% (45) 463Generation Z: 18-22 39% (53) 24% (32) 18% (25) 18% (25) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 29% (147) 34% (173) 16% (78) 21% (104) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 36% (191) 29% (155) 18% (97) 16% (84) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 33% (240) 38% (272) 17% (121) 12% (90) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 33% (261) 35% (278) 18% (139) 14% (109) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 28% (167) 32% (192) 17% (104) 22% (131) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 41% (252) 31% (192) 16% (97) 11% (69) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 36% (119) 33% (108) 20% (65) 12% (40) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 31% (142) 37% (170) 16% (74) 15% (69) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 31% (90) 31% (89) 19% (54) 20% (57) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 25% (77) 34% (102) 16% (50) 24% (74) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 50% (156) 30% (93) 11% (34) 9% (27) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 32% (96) 33% (99) 21% (63) 14% (43) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 35% (214) 37% (220) 16% (95) 12% (74) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 30% (147) 36% (176) 18% (89) 16% (81) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 41% (284) 33% (230) 16% (112) 10% (72) 697Educ: < College 32% (400) 34% (420) 17% (216) 17% (216) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 40% (186) 31% (146) 16% (77) 13% (62) 471Educ: Post-grad 35% (93) 36% (96) 18% (47) 12% (31) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_5

Table POL12_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Border Patrol apprehending more than 132,000 migrants at the U.S. - Mexico border in May, the highest monthly total since 2006

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 34% (680) 33% (662) 17% (340) 16% (309) 1991Income: Under 50k 32% (344) 32% (350) 18% (198) 18% (195) 1087Income: 50k-100k 36% (230) 37% (234) 14% (89) 13% (82) 636Income: 100k+ 39% (105) 29% (78) 20% (53) 12% (32) 268Ethnicity: White 35% (556) 34% (548) 17% (269) 15% (237) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 42% (80) 27% (52) 16% (30) 16% (31) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 35% (88) 30% (76) 18% (45) 17% (44) 252Ethnicity: Other 27% (35) 30% (38) 21% (26) 22% (29) 128All Christian 38% (351) 34% (312) 17% (156) 12% (112) 931All Non-Christian 37% (28) 28% (22) 12% (10) 22% (17) 77Atheist 40% (37) 33% (30) 15% (14) 12% (11) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 30% (263) 33% (298) 18% (161) 19% (170) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 32% (32) 30% (29) 20% (20) 18% (18) 99Evangelical 31% (180) 34% (197) 18% (102) 16% (95) 574Non-Evangelical 39% (284) 32% (231) 18% (129) 11% (81) 725Community: Urban 35% (163) 30% (139) 18% (85) 17% (79) 467Community: Suburban 36% (362) 33% (326) 17% (167) 15% (147) 1002Community: Rural 29% (154) 38% (197) 17% (88) 16% (83) 522Employ: Private Sector 36% (244) 35% (236) 14% (94) 15% (97) 671Employ: Government 30% (38) 36% (46) 19% (24) 15% (20) 128Employ: Self-Employed 37% (63) 33% (55) 18% (30) 12% (21) 169Employ: Homemaker 19% (21) 34% (39) 22% (24) 25% (28) 112Employ: Student 41% (36) 22% (19) 20% (18) 17% (15) 89Employ: Retired 36% (180) 37% (186) 16% (83) 11% (57) 505Employ: Unemployed 28% (44) 26% (41) 22% (34) 24% (37) 157Employ: Other 34% (55) 25% (39) 20% (32) 21% (34) 160Military HH: Yes 39% (139) 35% (125) 13% (46) 13% (48) 357Military HH: No 33% (541) 33% (536) 18% (295) 16% (262) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 39% (300) 30% (232) 16% (122) 15% (113) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 31% (379) 35% (430) 18% (219) 16% (197) 1224Trump Job Approve 39% (313) 34% (270) 15% (117) 13% (107) 807Trump Job Disapprove 32% (352) 34% (384) 19% (214) 15% (167) 1117

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Table POL12_5

Table POL12_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Border Patrol apprehending more than 132,000 migrants at the U.S. - Mexico border in May, the highest monthly total since 2006

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 34% (680) 33% (662) 17% (340) 16% (309) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 48% (210) 30% (131) 10% (45) 12% (51) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (102) 38% (139) 19% (72) 15% (56) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 25% (63) 33% (81) 24% (59) 18% (45) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 33% (289) 35% (303) 18% (155) 14% (122) 869Favorable of Trump 39% (312) 34% (274) 15% (124) 12% (96) 808Unfavorable of Trump 33% (357) 34% (373) 19% (206) 15% (161) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 47% (230) 30% (146) 12% (57) 11% (52) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 25% (82) 40% (129) 21% (67) 14% (44) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 31% (57) 24% (43) 23% (41) 22% (40) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 33% (300) 36% (330) 18% (166) 13% (121) 917#1 Issue: Economy 33% (158) 34% (162) 18% (84) 15% (69) 472#1 Issue: Security 47% (181) 29% (114) 12% (46) 12% (46) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 31% (103) 35% (116) 18% (59) 17% (56) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 30% (91) 35% (105) 22% (67) 13% (39) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 30% (51) 33% (57) 22% (37) 16% (27) 172#1 Issue: Education 34% (41) 27% (33) 13% (16) 26% (31) 121#1 Issue: Energy 30% (29) 44% (44) 12% (12) 14% (14) 98#1 Issue: Other 24% (25) 31% (32) 19% (19) 26% (27) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 32% (269) 36% (304) 18% (151) 13% (111) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 43% (282) 33% (213) 15% (98) 9% (60) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (20) 28% (25) 16% (15) 33% (30) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (107) 29% (120) 18% (75) 26% (108) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 33% (243) 36% (264) 18% (132) 14% (102) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 41% (279) 32% (216) 15% (104) 11% (77) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 27% (44) 42% (69) 14% (22) 17% (28) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 28% (113) 27% (112) 20% (80) 25% (102) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (495) 35% (483) 15% (210) 13% (180) 1367Voted in 2014: No 30% (185) 29% (179) 21% (130) 21% (130) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_5

Table POL12_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?Border Patrol apprehending more than 132,000 migrants at the U.S. - Mexico border in May, the highest monthly total since 2006

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 34% (680) 33% (662) 17% (340) 16% (309) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 32% (282) 37% (318) 17% (148) 14% (122) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 38% (193) 33% (166) 17% (87) 12% (61) 5062012 Vote: Other 42% (43) 33% (33) 8% (8) 16% (16) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32% (162) 28% (144) 19% (97) 21% (110) 5134-Region: Northeast 35% (124) 35% (124) 15% (52) 16% (56) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (149) 31% (142) 19% (89) 17% (77) 4574-Region: South 34% (256) 35% (258) 15% (113) 16% (116) 7434-Region: West 35% (151) 32% (137) 20% (87) 14% (60) 435Strong Republican 49% (198) 29% (117) 13% (53) 9% (37) 405Not Very Strong Republican 26% (54) 36% (75) 22% (45) 16% (32) 205Strong Democrat 36% (176) 36% (176) 16% (79) 12% (60) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 29% (85) 35% (103) 20% (60) 16% (49) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL12_6

Table POL12_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 33% (655) 15% (306) 14% (281) 1991Gender: Male 43% (399) 32% (302) 14% (131) 11% (100) 932Gender: Female 33% (350) 33% (354) 17% (175) 17% (180) 1059Age: 18-29 28% (98) 26% (91) 20% (68) 26% (88) 345Age: 30-44 28% (126) 36% (165) 19% (85) 18% (81) 458Age: 45-54 40% (146) 31% (112) 14% (50) 15% (53) 361Age: 55-64 37% (135) 37% (133) 16% (57) 11% (40) 364Age: 65+ 53% (244) 33% (154) 10% (46) 4% (19) 463Generation Z: 18-22 34% (45) 21% (28) 22% (30) 24% (31) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 24% (121) 34% (173) 19% (97) 22% (111) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 39% (203) 32% (167) 15% (77) 15% (80) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 44% (320) 35% (252) 13% (94) 8% (55) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 38% (300) 33% (259) 15% (117) 14% (111) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 32% (191) 33% (198) 15% (86) 20% (118) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 42% (258) 32% (198) 17% (102) 8% (52) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 42% (140) 31% (102) 16% (54) 11% (36) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 35% (160) 35% (157) 14% (63) 16% (75) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 37% (107) 36% (105) 12% (34) 16% (45) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 28% (84) 31% (93) 17% (52) 24% (73) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 49% (152) 31% (94) 14% (43) 6% (19) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 35% (107) 34% (104) 20% (59) 11% (33) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 46% (277) 32% (192) 12% (71) 10% (63) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 33% (163) 37% (183) 15% (74) 15% (72) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 41% (288) 33% (233) 17% (120) 8% (58) 697Educ: < College 33% (412) 32% (399) 18% (220) 18% (222) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 44% (209) 35% (167) 12% (57) 8% (38) 471Educ: Post-grad 48% (129) 34% (90) 11% (29) 8% (20) 268

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Table POL12_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 33% (655) 15% (306) 14% (281) 1991Income: Under 50k 32% (346) 32% (350) 18% (195) 18% (196) 1087Income: 50k-100k 42% (268) 35% (222) 12% (77) 11% (68) 636Income: 100k+ 50% (135) 31% (83) 12% (34) 6% (16) 268Ethnicity: White 40% (639) 34% (541) 15% (238) 12% (192) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 38% (73) 28% (55) 16% (31) 18% (34) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 31% (78) 25% (64) 18% (46) 26% (64) 252Ethnicity: Other 26% (33) 39% (50) 17% (22) 19% (24) 128All Christian 43% (403) 34% (316) 14% (126) 9% (86) 931All Non-Christian 41% (32) 29% (22) 15% (11) 15% (11) 77Atheist 50% (46) 36% (33) 11% (10) 2% (2) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 30% (269) 32% (284) 18% (158) 20% (181) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 36% (36) 33% (33) 20% (19) 12% (11) 99Evangelical 32% (186) 36% (206) 17% (100) 14% (82) 574Non-Evangelical 43% (312) 32% (235) 13% (96) 11% (82) 725Community: Urban 37% (175) 30% (138) 17% (77) 16% (77) 467Community: Suburban 41% (413) 33% (333) 13% (135) 12% (122) 1002Community: Rural 31% (162) 35% (184) 18% (94) 16% (82) 522Employ: Private Sector 37% (246) 35% (234) 16% (105) 13% (87) 671Employ: Government 33% (42) 40% (52) 15% (20) 11% (14) 128Employ: Self-Employed 41% (69) 30% (50) 14% (24) 15% (25) 169Employ: Homemaker 22% (25) 34% (38) 25% (28) 19% (21) 112Employ: Student 27% (24) 25% (22) 20% (18) 28% (25) 89Employ: Retired 50% (251) 33% (168) 11% (57) 6% (29) 505Employ: Unemployed 30% (46) 28% (45) 13% (21) 29% (45) 157Employ: Other 29% (46) 29% (47) 21% (33) 21% (34) 160Military HH: Yes 45% (159) 29% (105) 15% (55) 11% (38) 357Military HH: No 36% (590) 34% (550) 15% (251) 15% (243) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 38% (293) 32% (244) 16% (123) 14% (107) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 37% (456) 34% (412) 15% (183) 14% (174) 1224Trump Job Approve 39% (312) 34% (270) 17% (134) 11% (91) 807Trump Job Disapprove 38% (428) 33% (374) 15% (167) 13% (148) 1117

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Table POL12_6

Table POL12_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 33% (655) 15% (306) 14% (281) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 46% (201) 32% (138) 14% (59) 9% (38) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 30% (111) 36% (132) 20% (74) 14% (53) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 25% (61) 38% (93) 18% (46) 19% (48) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 42% (367) 32% (281) 14% (122) 11% (100) 869Favorable of Trump 40% (319) 33% (267) 17% (135) 11% (87) 808Unfavorable of Trump 39% (423) 34% (379) 14% (157) 13% (139) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 47% (228) 30% (148) 15% (71) 8% (39) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 28% (91) 37% (119) 20% (64) 15% (48) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 24% (43) 37% (67) 17% (31) 22% (41) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 42% (381) 34% (311) 14% (127) 11% (99) 917#1 Issue: Economy 34% (163) 35% (165) 15% (72) 15% (72) 472#1 Issue: Security 45% (176) 30% (116) 13% (51) 12% (46) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 38% (126) 34% (114) 17% (55) 12% (39) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 40% (122) 34% (102) 15% (47) 11% (33) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 29% (50) 33% (58) 17% (30) 20% (34) 172#1 Issue: Education 28% (34) 34% (42) 19% (23) 19% (23) 121#1 Issue: Energy 46% (45) 30% (30) 14% (14) 9% (9) 98#1 Issue: Other 33% (34) 29% (29) 14% (14) 24% (25) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 43% (358) 35% (289) 12% (96) 11% (92) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 45% (297) 34% (219) 15% (97) 6% (41) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 19% (17) 33% (30) 21% (19) 27% (24) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 19% (77) 28% (115) 23% (94) 30% (124) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 44% (324) 31% (233) 14% (102) 11% (82) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 44% (299) 34% (229) 13% (90) 9% (58) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 28% (46) 46% (75) 15% (24) 11% (18) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 19% (79) 29% (116) 22% (90) 30% (121) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 43% (588) 34% (458) 14% (194) 9% (128) 1367Voted in 2014: No 26% (162) 32% (197) 18% (112) 25% (153) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL12_6

Table POL12_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following?President Trump’s state visit to the United Kingdom

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (749) 33% (655) 15% (306) 14% (281) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 40% (351) 34% (294) 14% (124) 12% (101) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 43% (220) 35% (178) 14% (72) 7% (36) 5062012 Vote: Other 43% (44) 34% (35) 11% (11) 11% (11) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (135) 29% (148) 19% (98) 26% (132) 5134-Region: Northeast 38% (137) 35% (124) 15% (52) 12% (43) 3554-Region: Midwest 37% (167) 35% (158) 15% (70) 14% (62) 4574-Region: South 37% (275) 32% (236) 15% (114) 16% (119) 7434-Region: West 39% (171) 31% (137) 16% (71) 13% (57) 435Strong Republican 47% (190) 32% (128) 15% (61) 6% (25) 405Not Very Strong Republican 33% (68) 34% (70) 20% (41) 13% (26) 205Strong Democrat 45% (218) 33% (164) 11% (53) 11% (56) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 28% (82) 32% (96) 22% (64) 19% (55) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL13

Table POL13: Do you think abortion should be…

DemographicLegal in all

casesLegal in most

casesIllegal in most

casesIllegal in all

casesDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (523) 29% (572) 24% (476) 11% (224) 10% (196) 1991Gender: Male 23% (215) 29% (271) 27% (250) 11% (103) 10% (93) 932Gender: Female 29% (308) 28% (301) 21% (226) 11% (120) 10% (103) 1059Age: 18-29 33% (113) 27% (93) 19% (66) 10% (34) 12% (40) 345Age: 30-44 29% (132) 28% (128) 22% (99) 11% (50) 10% (48) 458Age: 45-54 25% (89) 31% (110) 22% (81) 11% (41) 11% (40) 361Age: 55-64 23% (83) 30% (111) 27% (97) 10% (38) 10% (36) 364Age: 65+ 23% (107) 28% (129) 29% (134) 13% (61) 7% (33) 463Generation Z: 18-22 34% (45) 22% (29) 23% (30) 9% (12) 13% (17) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 30% (153) 28% (140) 20% (100) 10% (49) 12% (61) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 26% (136) 31% (162) 22% (115) 12% (64) 9% (50) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 24% (171) 30% (219) 26% (190) 12% (86) 8% (56) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 40% (316) 33% (258) 11% (88) 6% (48) 10% (77) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 25% (151) 31% (184) 23% (137) 7% (44) 13% (77) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (56) 21% (130) 41% (251) 22% (132) 7% (42) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 35% (116) 36% (121) 11% (38) 7% (23) 11% (35) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 44% (200) 30% (137) 11% (50) 6% (25) 9% (42) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (68) 31% (90) 28% (81) 7% (20) 11% (32) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 27% (83) 31% (94) 18% (55) 8% (25) 15% (45) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 10% (31) 19% (60) 42% (131) 20% (61) 9% (27) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (25) 23% (70) 40% (120) 23% (71) 5% (15) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44% (265) 35% (214) 10% (57) 4% (27) 7% (40) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 28% (139) 35% (172) 19% (93) 9% (46) 9% (42) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10% (71) 20% (141) 42% (294) 19% (131) 9% (60) 697Educ: < College 25% (311) 26% (331) 24% (302) 13% (159) 12% (150) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 30% (139) 32% (152) 24% (111) 8% (38) 6% (31) 471Educ: Post-grad 27% (73) 33% (88) 24% (63) 10% (27) 6% (16) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL13

Table POL13: Do you think abortion should be…

DemographicLegal in all

casesLegal in most

casesIllegal in most

casesIllegal in all

casesDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (523) 29% (572) 24% (476) 11% (224) 10% (196) 1991Income: Under 50k 23% (254) 28% (299) 24% (263) 12% (133) 13% (138) 1087Income: 50k-100k 29% (184) 29% (186) 24% (153) 11% (71) 7% (42) 636Income: 100k+ 32% (85) 33% (87) 22% (60) 8% (20) 6% (16) 268Ethnicity: White 25% (409) 28% (454) 26% (413) 12% (191) 9% (144) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 32% (61) 25% (49) 17% (34) 11% (22) 14% (27) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 33% (82) 30% (75) 15% (37) 8% (20) 15% (39) 252Ethnicity: Other 25% (32) 33% (43) 21% (27) 10% (13) 11% (14) 128All Christian 20% (185) 26% (247) 30% (282) 15% (141) 8% (77) 931All Non-Christian 33% (26) 42% (32) 9% (7) 6% (5) 9% (7) 77Atheist 59% (54) 30% (28) 4% (4) 3% (2) 4% (3) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 29% (259) 30% (265) 21% (183) 8% (76) 12% (109) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26% (26) 37% (37) 21% (21) 7% (7) 9% (8) 99Evangelical 13% (74) 17% (99) 36% (206) 23% (135) 10% (60) 574Non-Evangelical 28% (201) 33% (239) 23% (166) 8% (56) 9% (63) 725Community: Urban 29% (136) 28% (129) 20% (94) 11% (51) 12% (57) 467Community: Suburban 28% (278) 30% (305) 23% (234) 9% (95) 9% (90) 1002Community: Rural 21% (109) 26% (138) 28% (149) 15% (78) 9% (49) 522Employ: Private Sector 29% (192) 30% (200) 22% (150) 11% (75) 8% (54) 671Employ: Government 29% (37) 30% (38) 21% (26) 14% (18) 7% (9) 128Employ: Self-Employed 25% (42) 28% (47) 26% (45) 10% (17) 11% (18) 169Employ: Homemaker 25% (28) 22% (25) 23% (26) 21% (23) 9% (10) 112Employ: Student 34% (30) 24% (22) 20% (18) 6% (5) 16% (14) 89Employ: Retired 23% (116) 30% (151) 28% (141) 11% (53) 9% (44) 505Employ: Unemployed 27% (42) 30% (47) 23% (36) 7% (11) 13% (21) 157Employ: Other 22% (36) 26% (41) 22% (35) 13% (21) 17% (27) 160Military HH: Yes 24% (87) 27% (97) 27% (97) 11% (40) 10% (36) 357Military HH: No 27% (436) 29% (475) 23% (379) 11% (184) 10% (160) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 13% (97) 22% (171) 37% (281) 18% (139) 10% (77) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 35% (425) 33% (401) 16% (195) 7% (85) 10% (119) 1224Trump Job Approve 12% (95) 21% (166) 41% (328) 18% (149) 9% (69) 807Trump Job Disapprove 37% (417) 35% (392) 13% (141) 6% (62) 9% (104) 1117

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Table POL13

Table POL13: Do you think abortion should be…

DemographicLegal in all

casesLegal in most

casesIllegal in most

casesIllegal in all

casesDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (523) 29% (572) 24% (476) 11% (224) 10% (196) 1991Trump Job Strongly Approve 10% (45) 16% (72) 45% (196) 21% (93) 7% (31) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 13% (50) 25% (94) 36% (132) 15% (56) 10% (38) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20% (50) 37% (91) 23% (57) 8% (20) 11% (28) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 42% (367) 35% (300) 10% (84) 5% (41) 9% (76) 869Favorable of Trump 12% (100) 20% (162) 40% (321) 19% (155) 9% (69) 808Unfavorable of Trump 37% (410) 36% (395) 13% (143) 6% (61) 8% (89) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 10% (48) 17% (83) 43% (211) 23% (111) 7% (33) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 16% (51) 25% (79) 34% (110) 14% (44) 11% (37) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (33) 36% (65) 26% (47) 8% (15) 12% (21) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 41% (377) 36% (330) 10% (96) 5% (46) 7% (68) 917#1 Issue: Economy 20% (95) 33% (154) 27% (127) 10% (45) 11% (52) 472#1 Issue: Security 14% (54) 19% (72) 39% (152) 20% (77) 9% (33) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 32% (106) 34% (114) 16% (52) 8% (25) 11% (36) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28% (84) 30% (91) 23% (69) 12% (37) 7% (22) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50% (85) 29% (49) 5% (9) 9% (16) 8% (13) 172#1 Issue: Education 31% (38) 26% (32) 25% (30) 6% (7) 12% (14) 121#1 Issue: Energy 35% (34) 35% (34) 16% (15) 7% (7) 8% (8) 98#1 Issue: Other 26% (27) 26% (26) 22% (22) 9% (9) 18% (18) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 40% (337) 36% (300) 10% (80) 5% (45) 9% (74) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 11% (75) 20% (130) 43% (279) 19% (125) 7% (46) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 16% (15) 31% (28) 20% (18) 11% (10) 21% (19) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 23% (96) 28% (114) 24% (98) 11% (44) 14% (58) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 42% (309) 37% (275) 7% (54) 6% (46) 8% (57) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (72) 20% (138) 43% (292) 18% (125) 7% (48) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 26% (43) 23% (38) 22% (36) 9% (15) 19% (31) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 24% (99) 29% (119) 22% (91) 9% (38) 15% (60) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 28% (382) 28% (376) 25% (337) 11% (152) 9% (121) 1367Voted in 2014: No 23% (141) 31% (196) 22% (140) 12% (72) 12% (75) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL13

Table POL13: Do you think abortion should be…

DemographicLegal in all

casesLegal in most

casesIllegal in most

casesIllegal in all

casesDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (523) 29% (572) 24% (476) 11% (224) 10% (196) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 36% (309) 35% (306) 13% (115) 7% (58) 10% (83) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (61) 20% (102) 42% (214) 19% (94) 7% (35) 5062012 Vote: Other 19% (19) 25% (25) 31% (31) 14% (14) 11% (11) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (133) 27% (138) 23% (116) 11% (58) 13% (68) 5134-Region: Northeast 30% (108) 28% (101) 23% (81) 7% (24) 12% (42) 3554-Region: Midwest 25% (114) 33% (153) 24% (109) 11% (48) 7% (34) 4574-Region: South 22% (167) 26% (194) 26% (191) 16% (116) 10% (75) 7434-Region: West 31% (134) 29% (124) 22% (95) 8% (36) 10% (46) 435Strong Republican 7% (30) 17% (67) 44% (179) 26% (104) 6% (25) 405Not Very Strong Republican 13% (26) 30% (63) 35% (73) 13% (28) 8% (17) 205Strong Democrat 43% (210) 36% (175) 7% (34) 5% (24) 10% (47) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 36% (106) 28% (83) 18% (54) 8% (24) 10% (30) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL14

Table POL14: As you may know, the Hyde Amendment is a congressional provision passed in 1976 that prevents federal funding through governmentprograms for low-income families like Medicaid from being used for abortion except in cases where pregnancies endanger the life of the mother oroccurred because of rape or incest. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose banning federal funding for abortion except in those cases?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (571) 20% (398) 11% (228) 21% (425) 19% (369) 1991Gender: Male 29% (274) 22% (203) 13% (120) 20% (188) 16% (148) 932Gender: Female 28% (297) 18% (195) 10% (109) 22% (237) 21% (221) 1059Age: 18-29 25% (86) 16% (56) 11% (37) 22% (77) 26% (89) 345Age: 30-44 29% (133) 18% (81) 10% (48) 23% (103) 20% (92) 458Age: 45-54 30% (110) 20% (72) 10% (34) 23% (83) 17% (62) 361Age: 55-64 27% (99) 25% (90) 13% (48) 17% (61) 18% (67) 364Age: 65+ 31% (142) 22% (100) 13% (61) 22% (102) 13% (59) 463Generation Z: 18-22 25% (34) 11% (15) 9% (13) 24% (33) 29% (39) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 25% (127) 19% (96) 12% (58) 23% (114) 21% (107) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 32% (169) 18% (97) 9% (48) 22% (116) 18% (96) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 28% (205) 23% (167) 14% (99) 20% (142) 15% (109) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (151) 18% (146) 13% (105) 30% (237) 19% (149) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (143) 19% (116) 14% (85) 20% (116) 22% (133) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 45% (277) 22% (137) 6% (38) 12% (72) 14% (87) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 16% (52) 18% (61) 18% (60) 31% (104) 16% (55) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (98) 19% (84) 10% (45) 29% (133) 21% (94) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 24% (71) 25% (71) 14% (41) 18% (51) 19% (56) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (72) 15% (44) 14% (44) 21% (65) 26% (77) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 49% (150) 23% (71) 6% (18) 10% (32) 12% (37) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 42% (127) 22% (66) 7% (20) 13% (39) 17% (50) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (108) 18% (107) 15% (89) 37% (223) 13% (76) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 22% (109) 25% (122) 15% (73) 20% (98) 18% (91) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 45% (315) 21% (147) 8% (53) 10% (72) 16% (110) 697Educ: < College 28% (350) 20% (246) 10% (123) 20% (247) 23% (286) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 30% (141) 22% (102) 15% (71) 24% (114) 9% (43) 471Educ: Post-grad 30% (80) 19% (50) 13% (34) 24% (64) 15% (40) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL14

Table POL14: As you may know, the Hyde Amendment is a congressional provision passed in 1976 that prevents federal funding through governmentprograms for low-income families like Medicaid from being used for abortion except in cases where pregnancies endanger the life of the mother oroccurred because of rape or incest. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose banning federal funding for abortion except in those cases?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (571) 20% (398) 11% (228) 21% (425) 19% (369) 1991Income: Under 50k 28% (303) 18% (198) 12% (128) 19% (204) 23% (255) 1087Income: 50k-100k 29% (181) 22% (141) 12% (79) 24% (151) 13% (82) 636Income: 100k+ 32% (86) 22% (59) 8% (21) 26% (70) 12% (32) 268Ethnicity: White 30% (490) 21% (339) 12% (191) 20% (330) 16% (260) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 28% (54) 14% (28) 12% (23) 16% (30) 30% (58) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 21% (54) 14% (34) 10% (25) 27% (67) 28% (72) 252Ethnicity: Other 21% (27) 19% (25) 9% (12) 22% (28) 29% (37) 128All Christian 36% (334) 22% (206) 9% (88) 15% (142) 17% (161) 931All Non-Christian 13% (10) 20% (15) 22% (17) 26% (20) 19% (14) 77Atheist 16% (15) 15% (14) 13% (12) 53% (49) 2% (2) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 24% (212) 18% (163) 12% (111) 24% (215) 21% (192) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19% (19) 19% (19) 17% (17) 20% (20) 26% (25) 99Evangelical 41% (238) 19% (109) 6% (37) 14% (82) 19% (108) 574Non-Evangelical 28% (202) 23% (168) 13% (97) 19% (136) 17% (123) 725Community: Urban 23% (110) 22% (101) 11% (52) 22% (103) 22% (101) 467Community: Suburban 27% (274) 20% (203) 12% (124) 23% (229) 17% (173) 1002Community: Rural 36% (187) 18% (94) 10% (52) 18% (93) 18% (95) 522Employ: Private Sector 29% (195) 21% (138) 12% (81) 22% (148) 16% (109) 671Employ: Government 25% (32) 30% (39) 5% (7) 27% (34) 12% (16) 128Employ: Self-Employed 32% (54) 22% (37) 8% (14) 21% (36) 17% (28) 169Employ: Homemaker 32% (36) 10% (11) 9% (10) 16% (18) 33% (37) 112Employ: Student 27% (24) 15% (13) 11% (9) 20% (18) 27% (24) 89Employ: Retired 29% (148) 22% (111) 15% (74) 22% (111) 12% (61) 505Employ: Unemployed 25% (39) 14% (22) 13% (21) 15% (23) 33% (52) 157Employ: Other 26% (42) 17% (27) 8% (13) 23% (37) 25% (40) 160Military HH: Yes 33% (118) 24% (85) 10% (35) 20% (71) 13% (48) 357Military HH: No 28% (453) 19% (313) 12% (193) 22% (354) 20% (321) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 42% (319) 23% (174) 7% (53) 11% (83) 18% (137) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (252) 18% (224) 14% (175) 28% (342) 19% (232) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL14

Table POL14: As you may know, the Hyde Amendment is a congressional provision passed in 1976 that prevents federal funding through governmentprograms for low-income families like Medicaid from being used for abortion except in cases where pregnancies endanger the life of the mother oroccurred because of rape or incest. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose banning federal funding for abortion except in those cases?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (571) 20% (398) 11% (228) 21% (425) 19% (369) 1991Trump Job Approve 43% (349) 22% (180) 7% (57) 12% (93) 16% (128) 807Trump Job Disapprove 19% (209) 19% (216) 15% (167) 29% (328) 18% (197) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 50% (219) 20% (89) 6% (25) 10% (45) 13% (58) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 35% (130) 25% (91) 9% (32) 13% (48) 19% (70) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 22% (53) 30% (74) 17% (42) 13% (33) 18% (45) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 18% (155) 16% (143) 14% (125) 34% (295) 17% (151) 869Favorable of Trump 44% (356) 22% (176) 8% (62) 12% (95) 15% (120) 808Unfavorable of Trump 19% (208) 20% (216) 15% (165) 30% (326) 17% (184) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 50% (241) 19% (90) 7% (34) 12% (56) 13% (65) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 36% (115) 27% (86) 9% (27) 12% (39) 17% (55) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 21% (38) 31% (56) 13% (23) 17% (30) 18% (33) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 18% (169) 17% (160) 15% (142) 32% (296) 16% (150) 917#1 Issue: Economy 30% (144) 23% (106) 12% (58) 19% (88) 16% (76) 472#1 Issue: Security 41% (160) 20% (76) 7% (26) 13% (50) 20% (77) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 22% (72) 25% (83) 12% (41) 22% (73) 19% (65) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28% (84) 19% (59) 15% (45) 19% (59) 19% (57) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25% (43) 14% (24) 10% (18) 37% (63) 14% (24) 172#1 Issue: Education 28% (34) 17% (20) 10% (12) 22% (27) 23% (28) 121#1 Issue: Energy 14% (14) 19% (19) 12% (12) 38% (37) 17% (17) 98#1 Issue: Other 19% (19) 12% (12) 17% (17) 27% (28) 25% (26) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 17% (143) 19% (157) 15% (124) 32% (271) 17% (140) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 47% (310) 21% (136) 7% (43) 11% (72) 14% (92) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 26% (23) 14% (13) 15% (13) 28% (25) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 25% (101) 20% (81) 12% (48) 17% (68) 27% (111) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 16% (121) 18% (136) 16% (116) 33% (247) 16% (121) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 45% (303) 23% (152) 7% (47) 11% (74) 15% (100) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 24% (39) 24% (39) 10% (16) 21% (35) 21% (34) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (107) 17% (67) 12% (49) 17% (70) 28% (114) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL14

Table POL14: As you may know, the Hyde Amendment is a congressional provision passed in 1976 that prevents federal funding through governmentprograms for low-income families like Medicaid from being used for abortion except in cases where pregnancies endanger the life of the mother oroccurred because of rape or incest. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose banning federal funding for abortion except in those cases?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (571) 20% (398) 11% (228) 21% (425) 19% (369) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 32% (432) 20% (279) 10% (142) 22% (307) 15% (206) 1367Voted in 2014: No 22% (139) 19% (119) 14% (86) 19% (118) 26% (162) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 21% (184) 20% (172) 14% (123) 28% (244) 17% (147) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 47% (240) 22% (109) 7% (35) 11% (54) 14% (68) 5062012 Vote: Other 35% (35) 18% (18) 14% (14) 19% (19) 14% (14) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (111) 19% (98) 11% (57) 21% (107) 27% (139) 5134-Region: Northeast 22% (78) 20% (72) 12% (42) 25% (87) 22% (77) 3554-Region: Midwest 32% (148) 21% (95) 12% (53) 21% (95) 14% (66) 4574-Region: South 31% (230) 22% (162) 9% (70) 20% (148) 18% (134) 7434-Region: West 27% (116) 16% (69) 14% (63) 22% (95) 21% (92) 435Strong Republican 51% (206) 20% (81) 5% (22) 12% (50) 11% (46) 405Not Very Strong Republican 35% (71) 27% (56) 8% (16) 11% (22) 20% (40) 205Strong Democrat 19% (95) 16% (77) 13% (65) 36% (176) 16% (77) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 19% (55) 23% (68) 14% (41) 21% (61) 24% (72) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL15

Table POL15: As you may know, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently said he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment. Based onwhat you know, does Biden’s position on this issue make you more or less likely to vote for him in the Democratic primary or caucus in your state, ordoes it make no difference either way?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

No differenceeither way

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (148) 12% (236) 8% (164) 16% (327) 41% (813) 15% (302) 1991Gender: Male 7% (62) 13% (125) 7% (66) 19% (173) 42% (391) 12% (115) 932Gender: Female 8% (86) 11% (111) 9% (98) 15% (154) 40% (423) 18% (188) 1059Age: 18-29 11% (38) 13% (45) 12% (41) 13% (46) 28% (96) 23% (79) 345Age: 30-44 10% (44) 16% (72) 8% (37) 14% (65) 33% (152) 19% (88) 458Age: 45-54 5% (17) 13% (48) 9% (32) 14% (50) 46% (166) 13% (48) 361Age: 55-64 6% (21) 9% (32) 7% (25) 21% (76) 45% (166) 13% (46) 364Age: 65+ 6% (29) 8% (39) 6% (29) 20% (91) 51% (234) 9% (41) 463Generation Z: 18-22 11% (15) 11% (14) 13% (17) 12% (16) 27% (36) 27% (36) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 10% (50) 16% (81) 10% (50) 14% (72) 30% (148) 20% (103) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 6% (34) 13% (70) 8% (44) 14% (74) 43% (228) 15% (77) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 6% (41) 9% (64) 7% (51) 20% (143) 48% (349) 10% (74) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 13% (106) 17% (130) 10% (75) 9% (72) 36% (284) 15% (120) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (33) 11% (66) 8% (47) 17% (100) 40% (238) 19% (110) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (9) 7% (40) 7% (42) 26% (156) 48% (291) 12% (73) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (51) 20% (66) 9% (31) 9% (31) 33% (110) 13% (43) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (55) 14% (64) 10% (44) 9% (40) 38% (174) 17% (78) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 3% (8) 12% (35) 5% (16) 18% (53) 46% (135) 15% (45) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (25) 10% (31) 10% (31) 16% (47) 34% (104) 21% (65) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 1% (3) 8% (24) 6% (20) 29% (90) 47% (145) 9% (27) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (6) 5% (16) 8% (23) 22% (66) 48% (145) 15% (45) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (84) 21% (129) 9% (55) 8% (50) 37% (223) 10% (61) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 8% (40) 9% (44) 13% (64) 13% (66) 42% (209) 14% (70) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (17) 7% (49) 5% (37) 26% (179) 49% (339) 11% (76) 697Educ: < College 7% (87) 10% (127) 8% (100) 16% (200) 40% (496) 19% (243) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (36) 16% (73) 12% (55) 17% (78) 42% (197) 7% (32) 471Educ: Post-grad 10% (26) 13% (36) 3% (9) 18% (49) 45% (121) 10% (28) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL15

Table POL15: As you may know, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently said he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment. Based onwhat you know, does Biden’s position on this issue make you more or less likely to vote for him in the Democratic primary or caucus in your state, ordoes it make no difference either way?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

No differenceeither way

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (148) 12% (236) 8% (164) 16% (327) 41% (813) 15% (302) 1991Income: Under 50k 7% (71) 11% (120) 7% (77) 16% (176) 40% (433) 19% (211) 1087Income: 50k-100k 9% (55) 12% (78) 10% (66) 17% (106) 40% (255) 12% (76) 636Income: 100k+ 8% (22) 14% (38) 8% (22) 17% (45) 47% (126) 6% (16) 268Ethnicity: White 6% (99) 12% (187) 8% (136) 18% (289) 43% (687) 13% (212) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 11% (21) 17% (33) 8% (15) 15% (29) 26% (50) 23% (44) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 14% (37) 13% (32) 8% (20) 9% (22) 33% (84) 23% (58) 252Ethnicity: Other 10% (13) 13% (16) 7% (9) 12% (16) 33% (43) 25% (32) 128All Christian 6% (55) 10% (94) 9% (87) 20% (184) 44% (413) 11% (98) 931All Non-Christian 11% (9) 24% (19) 9% (7) 12% (9) 29% (22) 15% (12) 77Atheist 10% (9) 21% (19) 7% (6) 10% (9) 47% (43) 4% (4) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (75) 12% (105) 7% (63) 14% (125) 38% (335) 21% (189) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (9) 21% (21) 7% (7) 14% (14) 33% (32) 17% (17) 99Evangelical 5% (31) 10% (58) 7% (42) 22% (124) 41% (238) 14% (82) 574Non-Evangelical 9% (63) 11% (79) 10% (73) 16% (115) 42% (308) 12% (87) 725Community: Urban 9% (42) 13% (60) 9% (44) 15% (70) 33% (155) 21% (96) 467Community: Suburban 7% (73) 13% (128) 9% (89) 14% (144) 44% (440) 13% (128) 1002Community: Rural 6% (33) 9% (48) 6% (31) 22% (113) 42% (218) 15% (79) 522Employ: Private Sector 6% (42) 13% (87) 10% (67) 16% (108) 41% (273) 14% (94) 671Employ: Government 10% (13) 13% (17) 9% (12) 16% (21) 41% (53) 10% (13) 128Employ: Self-Employed 5% (9) 12% (20) 9% (15) 15% (25) 44% (74) 16% (27) 169Employ: Homemaker 5% (6) 9% (10) 6% (7) 16% (18) 42% (47) 22% (24) 112Employ: Student 23% (21) 19% (17) 8% (7) 13% (12) 17% (15) 19% (17) 89Employ: Retired 7% (35) 8% (42) 7% (34) 20% (103) 48% (245) 9% (46) 505Employ: Unemployed 8% (13) 12% (19) 6% (10) 17% (26) 31% (49) 26% (41) 157Employ: Other 6% (10) 15% (25) 8% (13) 10% (16) 36% (57) 25% (39) 160Military HH: Yes 8% (30) 9% (33) 5% (17) 16% (58) 50% (179) 11% (40) 357Military HH: No 7% (118) 12% (203) 9% (147) 16% (269) 39% (635) 16% (262) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (21) 8% (64) 7% (51) 24% (187) 44% (335) 14% (107) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 10% (127) 14% (172) 9% (113) 11% (140) 39% (478) 16% (195) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL15

Table POL15: As you may know, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently said he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment. Based onwhat you know, does Biden’s position on this issue make you more or less likely to vote for him in the Democratic primary or caucus in your state, ordoes it make no difference either way?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

No differenceeither way

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (148) 12% (236) 8% (164) 16% (327) 41% (813) 15% (302) 1991Trump Job Approve 2% (15) 7% (56) 6% (50) 26% (209) 46% (373) 13% (103) 807Trump Job Disapprove 11% (128) 16% (175) 10% (111) 10% (116) 38% (428) 14% (158) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (7) 5% (20) 2% (10) 30% (131) 51% (223) 11% (46) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (8) 10% (36) 11% (41) 21% (78) 41% (151) 15% (57) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (17) 17% (42) 15% (36) 13% (32) 30% (74) 18% (46) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 13% (111) 15% (133) 9% (75) 10% (83) 41% (355) 13% (112) 869Favorable of Trump 2% (15) 7% (60) 5% (40) 27% (217) 47% (381) 12% (94) 808Unfavorable of Trump 11% (125) 16% (172) 11% (119) 10% (107) 38% (422) 14% (153) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 1% (7) 6% (28) 2% (7) 29% (141) 51% (246) 11% (56) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 2% (8) 10% (32) 10% (33) 24% (76) 42% (135) 12% (38) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (12) 14% (25) 19% (34) 12% (21) 28% (50) 21% (39) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 12% (113) 16% (147) 9% (86) 9% (86) 40% (371) 12% (114) 917#1 Issue: Economy 7% (32) 12% (59) 12% (56) 14% (64) 41% (194) 14% (67) 472#1 Issue: Security 2% (9) 6% (24) 4% (16) 28% (108) 45% (175) 14% (55) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (25) 14% (47) 9% (29) 12% (40) 41% (136) 17% (57) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (21) 10% (32) 6% (19) 17% (53) 44% (134) 15% (44) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 19% (33) 17% (29) 11% (18) 12% (20) 27% (46) 15% (26) 172#1 Issue: Education 8% (9) 13% (16) 9% (10) 19% (23) 34% (42) 17% (21) 121#1 Issue: Energy 13% (13) 17% (16) 8% (8) 7% (7) 42% (41) 14% (13) 98#1 Issue: Other 5% (5) 13% (13) 7% (7) 12% (13) 43% (44) 19% (19) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 13% (112) 17% (143) 9% (77) 9% (72) 39% (327) 12% (104) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 2% (10) 6% (41) 6% (39) 27% (178) 49% (322) 10% (63) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (2) 18% (16) 7% (6) 18% (16) 28% (25) 27% (24) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (23) 9% (36) 10% (42) 15% (61) 34% (139) 27% (110) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14% (106) 18% (130) 9% (70) 7% (54) 40% (293) 12% (89) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 1% (9) 6% (43) 5% (34) 29% (196) 48% (321) 11% (73) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 6% (10) 13% (21) 9% (15) 14% (23) 44% (72) 14% (23) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 6% (24) 10% (41) 11% (45) 13% (53) 31% (127) 29% (117) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL15

Table POL15: As you may know, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently said he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment. Based onwhat you know, does Biden’s position on this issue make you more or less likely to vote for him in the Democratic primary or caucus in your state, ordoes it make no difference either way?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

No differenceeither way

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (148) 12% (236) 8% (164) 16% (327) 41% (813) 15% (302) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 8% (113) 11% (156) 8% (108) 17% (236) 44% (599) 11% (157) 1367Voted in 2014: No 6% (35) 13% (80) 9% (56) 15% (92) 34% (215) 23% (146) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 12% (108) 15% (133) 9% (79) 10% (85) 40% (350) 13% (115) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (9) 6% (32) 6% (31) 28% (141) 49% (248) 9% (46) 5062012 Vote: Other 5% (5) 8% (8) 6% (6) 26% (26) 43% (43) 12% (12) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (26) 12% (62) 9% (49) 15% (76) 34% (172) 25% (129) 5134-Region: Northeast 10% (37) 11% (38) 12% (44) 15% (53) 38% (134) 14% (49) 3554-Region: Midwest 9% (39) 12% (54) 8% (36) 17% (77) 39% (179) 16% (72) 4574-Region: South 7% (53) 11% (85) 7% (53) 16% (117) 44% (325) 15% (111) 7434-Region: West 5% (20) 14% (59) 7% (31) 18% (80) 40% (175) 16% (71) 435Strong Republican 2% (6) 6% (24) 4% (15) 30% (121) 50% (204) 9% (35) 405Not Very Strong Republican 2% (3) 8% (16) 13% (27) 17% (35) 42% (86) 18% (38) 205Strong Democrat 16% (79) 16% (78) 8% (40) 8% (39) 39% (193) 12% (60) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 9% (27) 17% (52) 12% (35) 11% (32) 31% (91) 20% (60) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL16

Table POL16: As youmay know, President Trump has said he will impose a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports ifMexico does not takemore aggressivesteps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose imposing a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 18% (354) 11% (222) 33% (664) 13% (268) 1991Gender: Male 29% (272) 17% (161) 10% (93) 34% (316) 10% (89) 932Gender: Female 20% (211) 18% (193) 12% (129) 33% (348) 17% (179) 1059Age: 18-29 11% (37) 18% (61) 13% (46) 34% (118) 24% (83) 345Age: 30-44 20% (93) 18% (83) 12% (53) 33% (149) 17% (80) 458Age: 45-54 33% (118) 18% (65) 8% (30) 29% (105) 12% (43) 361Age: 55-64 26% (94) 20% (74) 11% (40) 33% (120) 10% (37) 364Age: 65+ 31% (141) 16% (72) 12% (54) 37% (172) 5% (24) 463Generation Z: 18-22 11% (15) 20% (27) 11% (14) 31% (41) 27% (37) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 14% (70) 18% (92) 13% (65) 35% (175) 20% (101) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 31% (163) 17% (89) 9% (49) 30% (157) 13% (69) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 27% (195) 19% (134) 11% (82) 36% (259) 7% (52) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (44) 11% (90) 13% (100) 55% (434) 15% (120) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (121) 18% (107) 13% (78) 32% (191) 16% (97) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 52% (319) 26% (157) 7% (45) 6% (39) 8% (50) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (23) 13% (43) 11% (37) 58% (193) 11% (36) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (20) 10% (46) 14% (63) 53% (241) 19% (85) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (67) 17% (49) 11% (32) 35% (102) 14% (41) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 18% (54) 19% (58) 15% (45) 29% (89) 19% (56) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 59% (182) 22% (69) 8% (24) 7% (21) 4% (12) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 45% (137) 29% (88) 7% (21) 6% (18) 13% (38) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (45) 8% (48) 11% (69) 62% (375) 11% (66) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 13% (65) 21% (106) 17% (83) 35% (171) 14% (68) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 48% (338) 25% (175) 8% (55) 11% (77) 8% (52) 697Educ: < College 26% (321) 17% (212) 10% (124) 31% (392) 16% (203) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (101) 20% (96) 14% (68) 36% (168) 8% (38) 471Educ: Post-grad 23% (61) 17% (46) 11% (30) 39% (104) 10% (27) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL16

Table POL16: As youmay know, President Trump has said he will impose a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports ifMexico does not takemore aggressivesteps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose imposing a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 18% (354) 11% (222) 33% (664) 13% (268) 1991Income: Under 50k 24% (260) 15% (167) 11% (117) 31% (339) 19% (205) 1087Income: 50k-100k 25% (156) 20% (128) 12% (74) 37% (235) 7% (43) 636Income: 100k+ 25% (67) 22% (59) 12% (32) 34% (90) 8% (20) 268Ethnicity: White 28% (450) 18% (292) 11% (175) 32% (510) 11% (183) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 16% (31) 12% (24) 15% (30) 37% (71) 19% (38) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 8% (20) 13% (32) 13% (33) 42% (106) 25% (62) 252Ethnicity: Other 10% (12) 23% (30) 12% (15) 38% (48) 18% (23) 128All Christian 32% (302) 20% (186) 10% (95) 27% (254) 10% (94) 931All Non-Christian 5% (4) 13% (10) 15% (12) 44% (33) 22% (17) 77Atheist 6% (5) 9% (8) 14% (13) 69% (63) 2% (2) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (171) 17% (150) 11% (102) 35% (314) 17% (155) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (8) 14% (14) 14% (14) 39% (39) 24% (24) 99Evangelical 35% (202) 22% (128) 10% (56) 19% (109) 14% (79) 574Non-Evangelical 25% (181) 17% (126) 12% (88) 35% (255) 10% (76) 725Community: Urban 19% (89) 15% (68) 12% (58) 37% (173) 17% (78) 467Community: Suburban 24% (236) 19% (186) 12% (122) 34% (338) 12% (120) 1002Community: Rural 30% (157) 19% (100) 8% (42) 29% (153) 13% (69) 522Employ: Private Sector 22% (149) 20% (135) 12% (77) 35% (234) 11% (76) 671Employ: Government 27% (34) 20% (25) 14% (18) 26% (33) 13% (17) 128Employ: Self-Employed 25% (42) 21% (35) 10% (17) 31% (53) 13% (21) 169Employ: Homemaker 27% (30) 20% (22) 14% (16) 19% (21) 21% (23) 112Employ: Student 14% (13) 19% (17) 7% (6) 36% (32) 24% (21) 89Employ: Retired 31% (154) 15% (77) 11% (58) 37% (186) 6% (30) 505Employ: Unemployed 15% (24) 13% (21) 10% (15) 33% (52) 28% (45) 157Employ: Other 23% (37) 14% (22) 9% (14) 33% (53) 21% (34) 160Military HH: Yes 32% (116) 16% (56) 11% (38) 31% (110) 10% (37) 357Military HH: No 22% (367) 18% (298) 11% (184) 34% (554) 14% (231) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 49% (377) 27% (204) 8% (60) 5% (37) 12% (88) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (106) 12% (150) 13% (163) 51% (627) 15% (180) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL16

Table POL16: As youmay know, President Trump has said he will impose a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports ifMexico does not takemore aggressivesteps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose imposing a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 18% (354) 11% (222) 33% (664) 13% (268) 1991Trump Job Approve 52% (423) 29% (234) 7% (54) 2% (20) 9% (76) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (54) 10% (114) 15% (162) 57% (639) 13% (147) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 73% (318) 18% (79) 2% (9) 1% (4) 6% (26) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (105) 42% (154) 12% (45) 4% (16) 14% (50) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (21) 24% (59) 28% (70) 20% (50) 19% (48) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (34) 6% (55) 11% (92) 68% (589) 11% (100) 869Favorable of Trump 54% (435) 28% (229) 6% (51) 3% (27) 8% (66) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (43) 10% (115) 15% (169) 58% (632) 13% (140) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 69% (337) 19% (93) 3% (15) 3% (13) 6% (27) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 30% (98) 42% (136) 11% (35) 4% (14) 12% (39) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 11% (20) 20% (36) 33% (60) 15% (26) 22% (39) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (23) 9% (79) 12% (109) 66% (605) 11% (101) 917#1 Issue: Economy 21% (98) 23% (110) 14% (65) 30% (141) 12% (58) 472#1 Issue: Security 55% (215) 18% (71) 7% (25) 10% (37) 10% (40) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 15% (49) 13% (42) 13% (44) 44% (147) 15% (51) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23% (69) 18% (54) 11% (34) 37% (114) 11% (32) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (13) 9% (15) 12% (21) 53% (92) 18% (31) 172#1 Issue: Education 9% (11) 28% (34) 13% (16) 32% (39) 17% (20) 121#1 Issue: Energy 10% (10) 15% (15) 13% (13) 52% (51) 10% (10) 98#1 Issue: Other 16% (17) 13% (13) 4% (4) 42% (43) 25% (25) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (34) 11% (92) 13% (107) 61% (507) 11% (95) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 54% (354) 25% (165) 8% (50) 7% (43) 6% (42) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 18% (16) 24% (21) 13% (12) 23% (20) 23% (20) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 19% (79) 18% (75) 13% (53) 23% (94) 27% (109) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (28) 10% (76) 13% (94) 62% (461) 11% (82) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 56% (377) 25% (170) 7% (50) 5% (33) 7% (46) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 9% (15) 22% (36) 12% (20) 40% (66) 16% (26) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 15% (61) 17% (70) 14% (57) 26% (105) 28% (114) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL16

Table POL16: As youmay know, President Trump has said he will impose a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports ifMexico does not takemore aggressivesteps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose imposing a 5 percent tariff onMexican imports?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 24% (483) 18% (354) 11% (222) 33% (664) 13% (268) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (365) 17% (229) 11% (150) 37% (501) 9% (122) 1367Voted in 2014: No 19% (117) 20% (125) 12% (73) 26% (163) 23% (145) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (81) 11% (100) 13% (113) 54% (469) 12% (108) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 50% (256) 25% (129) 8% (41) 9% (45) 7% (37) 5062012 Vote: Other 42% (43) 19% (20) 7% (7) 22% (22) 9% (9) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (103) 21% (105) 12% (61) 25% (128) 22% (114) 5134-Region: Northeast 19% (67) 16% (57) 11% (40) 38% (135) 16% (56) 3554-Region: Midwest 24% (112) 19% (87) 10% (46) 34% (154) 13% (59) 4574-Region: South 27% (203) 18% (137) 13% (93) 28% (210) 13% (100) 7434-Region: West 23% (102) 17% (73) 10% (43) 38% (165) 12% (53) 435Strong Republican 64% (260) 21% (85) 5% (21) 4% (15) 6% (24) 405Not Very Strong Republican 28% (58) 35% (72) 12% (24) 12% (25) 13% (26) 205Strong Democrat 5% (23) 9% (42) 8% (41) 67% (327) 12% (58) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 7% (21) 16% (48) 20% (58) 36% (107) 21% (63) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Reducing illegal immigration into the United States from Mexico

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (386) 22% (430) 13% (257) 13% (264) 33% (654) 1991Gender: Male 23% (212) 23% (214) 14% (126) 13% (121) 28% (258) 932Gender: Female 16% (173) 20% (217) 12% (131) 13% (143) 37% (395) 1059Age: 18-29 17% (57) 15% (53) 16% (55) 16% (55) 36% (125) 345Age: 30-44 17% (77) 22% (99) 12% (54) 16% (72) 34% (156) 458Age: 45-54 24% (86) 22% (80) 13% (46) 10% (37) 31% (112) 361Age: 55-64 22% (80) 22% (81) 12% (43) 12% (45) 32% (116) 364Age: 65+ 19% (87) 25% (118) 13% (59) 12% (56) 31% (145) 463Generation Z: 18-22 20% (27) 16% (21) 14% (19) 13% (18) 36% (48) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 14% (72) 20% (99) 15% (74) 16% (83) 35% (174) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 23% (120) 21% (111) 12% (62) 12% (63) 32% (170) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 20% (146) 24% (170) 13% (90) 13% (91) 31% (224) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (67) 17% (130) 18% (140) 20% (160) 37% (290) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (92) 22% (133) 13% (76) 12% (74) 37% (219) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 37% (227) 27% (168) 7% (41) 5% (30) 24% (145) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 11% (36) 18% (59) 17% (56) 21% (68) 34% (113) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 7% (31) 16% (71) 19% (85) 20% (91) 39% (176) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 16% (46) 23% (68) 16% (48) 13% (38) 31% (90) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (45) 21% (65) 9% (28) 12% (36) 42% (128) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 42% (130) 28% (87) 7% (23) 5% (15) 18% (54) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 32% (97) 27% (80) 6% (18) 5% (15) 30% (91) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (51) 15% (89) 19% (112) 23% (142) 35% (209) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 12% (61) 22% (110) 16% (80) 14% (67) 35% (175) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 34% (239) 29% (202) 8% (56) 5% (37) 23% (163) 697Educ: < College 21% (264) 20% (250) 12% (145) 13% (163) 34% (430) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 18% (83) 25% (120) 15% (72) 14% (66) 28% (130) 471Educ: Post-grad 15% (39) 23% (60) 15% (39) 13% (35) 35% (94) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Reducing illegal immigration into the United States from Mexico

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (386) 22% (430) 13% (257) 13% (264) 33% (654) 1991Income: Under 50k 20% (220) 19% (209) 12% (126) 13% (140) 36% (392) 1087Income: 50k-100k 18% (112) 24% (151) 16% (104) 14% (89) 28% (180) 636Income: 100k+ 20% (54) 26% (71) 10% (27) 13% (35) 30% (81) 268Ethnicity: White 21% (332) 23% (371) 12% (195) 12% (194) 32% (518) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 18% (35) 14% (28) 15% (30) 15% (29) 37% (72) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (30) 15% (38) 16% (41) 19% (47) 38% (96) 252Ethnicity: Other 18% (23) 17% (21) 17% (22) 17% (22) 31% (40) 128All Christian 23% (218) 25% (229) 12% (110) 11% (103) 29% (271) 931All Non-Christian 16% (12) 17% (13) 14% (10) 16% (12) 38% (29) 77Atheist 6% (5) 13% (12) 19% (17) 23% (21) 39% (35) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17% (151) 20% (176) 13% (119) 14% (128) 36% (318) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16% (16) 20% (20) 16% (16) 12% (12) 36% (36) 99Evangelical 25% (146) 25% (143) 10% (59) 11% (62) 29% (164) 574Non-Evangelical 19% (140) 23% (169) 13% (94) 14% (99) 31% (223) 725Community: Urban 18% (85) 19% (87) 12% (55) 16% (77) 35% (164) 467Community: Suburban 20% (201) 22% (219) 13% (132) 12% (119) 33% (331) 1002Community: Rural 19% (100) 24% (125) 14% (70) 13% (68) 30% (159) 522Employ: Private Sector 17% (117) 22% (148) 15% (104) 13% (86) 32% (217) 671Employ: Government 20% (25) 23% (29) 14% (18) 14% (18) 29% (37) 128Employ: Self-Employed 24% (41) 25% (41) 14% (24) 12% (20) 25% (43) 169Employ: Homemaker 27% (31) 18% (21) 6% (6) 10% (11) 39% (43) 112Employ: Student 20% (18) 14% (13) 16% (14) 14% (13) 35% (31) 89Employ: Retired 19% (96) 25% (126) 11% (57) 13% (65) 32% (163) 505Employ: Unemployed 12% (19) 18% (27) 12% (18) 17% (27) 42% (65) 157Employ: Other 24% (39) 16% (25) 10% (15) 15% (25) 35% (56) 160Military HH: Yes 20% (73) 24% (87) 13% (47) 12% (41) 30% (108) 357Military HH: No 19% (312) 21% (343) 13% (210) 14% (223) 33% (545) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 38% (289) 28% (211) 7% (54) 4% (34) 23% (178) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (96) 18% (219) 17% (203) 19% (230) 39% (476) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Reducing illegal immigration into the United States from Mexico

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (386) 22% (430) 13% (257) 13% (264) 33% (654) 1991Trump Job Approve 38% (306) 31% (247) 7% (54) 3% (24) 22% (175) 807Trump Job Disapprove 7% (74) 16% (179) 18% (202) 21% (231) 39% (430) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 51% (222) 27% (120) 3% (14) 3% (12) 16% (69) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (85) 34% (127) 11% (40) 3% (12) 29% (106) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 12% (29) 27% (67) 16% (40) 9% (21) 36% (90) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (45) 13% (112) 19% (162) 24% (210) 39% (340) 869Favorable of Trump 39% (313) 31% (247) 7% (58) 3% (25) 20% (165) 808Unfavorable of Trump 6% (66) 16% (181) 18% (197) 21% (229) 39% (426) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 50% (243) 27% (129) 6% (29) 3% (14) 15% (71) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 22% (69) 37% (118) 9% (29) 3% (11) 29% (94) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10% (19) 31% (55) 17% (31) 6% (11) 36% (65) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (48) 14% (126) 18% (165) 24% (218) 39% (360) 917#1 Issue: Economy 17% (80) 27% (126) 16% (78) 13% (60) 27% (129) 472#1 Issue: Security 38% (149) 25% (97) 7% (26) 5% (21) 25% (95) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (33) 21% (69) 13% (45) 18% (58) 38% (128) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18% (55) 23% (70) 11% (35) 11% (34) 36% (110) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (16) 16% (27) 18% (30) 21% (36) 36% (62) 172#1 Issue: Education 18% (22) 16% (19) 15% (18) 15% (18) 36% (44) 121#1 Issue: Energy 18% (18) 9% (9) 14% (13) 20% (20) 38% (38) 98#1 Issue: Other 13% (13) 12% (12) 13% (13) 16% (16) 47% (48) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (53) 17% (141) 19% (156) 22% (186) 36% (298) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 38% (247) 30% (194) 7% (45) 4% (26) 22% (141) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (12) 18% (16) 12% (11) 13% (12) 44% (39) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 18% (73) 19% (80) 11% (44) 10% (39) 43% (174) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (46) 16% (116) 18% (135) 24% (178) 36% (265) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 38% (256) 31% (209) 6% (40) 3% (23) 22% (148) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 10% (17) 17% (27) 19% (30) 12% (20) 42% (68) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 16% (66) 19% (76) 12% (50) 10% (42) 42% (172) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 19% (265) 22% (306) 13% (181) 14% (195) 31% (420) 1367Voted in 2014: No 19% (121) 20% (124) 12% (77) 11% (69) 37% (233) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Reducing illegal immigration into the United States from Mexico

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (386) 22% (430) 13% (257) 13% (264) 33% (654) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (81) 17% (149) 17% (147) 20% (174) 37% (319) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 34% (170) 31% (156) 8% (39) 4% (20) 24% (121) 5062012 Vote: Other 28% (28) 25% (25) 8% (8) 12% (12) 26% (26) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (106) 19% (99) 12% (63) 11% (57) 37% (187) 5134-Region: Northeast 16% (57) 23% (82) 11% (40) 13% (47) 37% (130) 3554-Region: Midwest 19% (85) 20% (91) 15% (69) 13% (59) 33% (153) 4574-Region: South 20% (152) 23% (169) 13% (94) 12% (88) 32% (241) 7434-Region: West 21% (92) 20% (89) 12% (54) 16% (70) 30% (130) 435Strong Republican 45% (182) 26% (105) 5% (20) 5% (22) 19% (76) 405Not Very Strong Republican 22% (45) 30% (62) 10% (20) 4% (9) 34% (69) 205Strong Democrat 8% (38) 13% (62) 20% (97) 23% (114) 37% (179) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 10% (29) 23% (69) 15% (43) 15% (45) 37% (111) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The U.S. economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (237) 18% (355) 26% (518) 26% (514) 18% (367) 1991Gender: Male 14% (131) 18% (168) 29% (266) 26% (241) 13% (126) 932Gender: Female 10% (106) 18% (187) 24% (252) 26% (273) 23% (241) 1059Age: 18-29 10% (33) 20% (71) 20% (69) 23% (81) 27% (92) 345Age: 30-44 14% (64) 17% (79) 26% (118) 21% (95) 22% (102) 458Age: 45-54 14% (49) 23% (83) 24% (85) 25% (89) 15% (53) 361Age: 55-64 11% (39) 19% (69) 26% (94) 27% (97) 18% (65) 364Age: 65+ 11% (52) 11% (53) 33% (152) 33% (152) 12% (54) 463Generation Z: 18-22 11% (15) 23% (31) 16% (21) 16% (21) 35% (47) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 11% (55) 19% (97) 23% (116) 24% (119) 23% (115) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 14% (76) 20% (105) 26% (135) 24% (126) 16% (86) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 12% (86) 15% (110) 28% (200) 30% (218) 15% (109) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (51) 9% (73) 27% (216) 40% (318) 16% (130) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 11% (63) 19% (111) 25% (149) 25% (150) 20% (121) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (123) 28% (172) 25% (154) 8% (46) 19% (116) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (26) 9% (29) 29% (96) 43% (143) 12% (39) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (25) 10% (44) 26% (119) 39% (176) 20% (91) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 10% (29) 19% (55) 29% (85) 26% (76) 16% (46) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (34) 18% (56) 21% (64) 24% (74) 25% (75) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 25% (76) 27% (84) 28% (85) 7% (22) 13% (41) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 15% (47) 29% (88) 23% (69) 8% (24) 25% (75) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (39) 8% (50) 30% (179) 44% (264) 12% (71) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 8% (42) 16% (78) 27% (131) 32% (159) 17% (82) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19% (135) 27% (189) 27% (185) 9% (66) 18% (123) 697Educ: < College 13% (159) 19% (239) 23% (283) 24% (306) 21% (265) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 11% (53) 15% (71) 32% (149) 29% (134) 13% (63) 471Educ: Post-grad 9% (25) 17% (45) 32% (86) 27% (73) 14% (39) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The U.S. economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (237) 18% (355) 26% (518) 26% (514) 18% (367) 1991Income: Under 50k 13% (143) 17% (184) 24% (258) 25% (267) 22% (235) 1087Income: 50k-100k 10% (65) 20% (124) 29% (183) 27% (174) 14% (90) 636Income: 100k+ 10% (28) 18% (47) 29% (77) 27% (74) 16% (42) 268Ethnicity: White 13% (210) 18% (283) 27% (431) 25% (401) 18% (286) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 12% (23) 16% (31) 18% (34) 31% (60) 23% (44) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (16) 17% (44) 23% (59) 31% (78) 22% (55) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (11) 23% (29) 21% (27) 27% (35) 20% (26) 128All Christian 14% (134) 19% (180) 28% (257) 23% (217) 15% (143) 931All Non-Christian 8% (6) 11% (8) 28% (21) 35% (27) 18% (14) 77Atheist 8% (7) 4% (4) 37% (33) 39% (36) 13% (12) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10% (89) 18% (164) 23% (207) 26% (234) 22% (199) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 8% (8) 14% (14) 30% (30) 28% (28) 20% (20) 99Evangelical 17% (99) 23% (129) 26% (147) 14% (79) 21% (120) 574Non-Evangelical 11% (79) 16% (119) 26% (188) 31% (221) 16% (118) 725Community: Urban 11% (51) 16% (75) 23% (106) 32% (148) 19% (87) 467Community: Suburban 11% (114) 17% (168) 28% (279) 26% (259) 18% (182) 1002Community: Rural 14% (72) 21% (112) 25% (132) 21% (107) 19% (98) 522Employ: Private Sector 12% (78) 19% (124) 28% (189) 23% (156) 18% (124) 671Employ: Government 14% (18) 18% (23) 31% (39) 25% (32) 12% (15) 128Employ: Self-Employed 10% (17) 20% (34) 28% (48) 25% (42) 17% (28) 169Employ: Homemaker 15% (17) 21% (23) 15% (17) 19% (21) 30% (33) 112Employ: Student 15% (13) 23% (20) 21% (18) 19% (17) 22% (20) 89Employ: Retired 11% (55) 14% (68) 31% (154) 33% (169) 12% (58) 505Employ: Unemployed 9% (14) 21% (33) 17% (26) 28% (44) 26% (40) 157Employ: Other 15% (24) 18% (29) 16% (26) 20% (32) 30% (48) 160Military HH: Yes 13% (48) 16% (57) 32% (116) 23% (83) 15% (53) 357Military HH: No 12% (189) 18% (298) 25% (402) 26% (431) 19% (314) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 22% (167) 29% (219) 25% (188) 6% (46) 19% (147) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (70) 11% (136) 27% (330) 38% (468) 18% (219) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The U.S. economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (237) 18% (355) 26% (518) 26% (514) 18% (367) 1991Trump Job Approve 22% (181) 30% (246) 24% (195) 4% (34) 19% (152) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (53) 9% (103) 28% (316) 42% (470) 16% (174) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 30% (132) 30% (132) 20% (86) 2% (10) 18% (77) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 13% (49) 31% (114) 30% (109) 6% (23) 20% (75) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (20) 16% (41) 37% (91) 20% (49) 19% (47) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (33) 7% (63) 26% (225) 48% (421) 15% (126) 869Favorable of Trump 23% (187) 30% (239) 25% (203) 5% (37) 18% (141) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (47) 10% (111) 28% (309) 42% (466) 15% (166) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 30% (146) 29% (143) 21% (104) 3% (14) 16% (78) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 13% (41) 30% (96) 31% (98) 7% (22) 20% (63) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (9) 21% (37) 37% (68) 17% (30) 20% (37) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (38) 8% (73) 26% (241) 47% (435) 14% (130) 917#1 Issue: Economy 13% (59) 22% (102) 29% (138) 23% (111) 13% (62) 472#1 Issue: Security 23% (89) 23% (89) 23% (91) 9% (36) 21% (83) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (20) 13% (44) 27% (90) 34% (114) 19% (65) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 9% (28) 16% (47) 26% (80) 33% (100) 16% (49) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (12) 14% (24) 21% (36) 33% (57) 24% (41) 172#1 Issue: Education 11% (14) 21% (26) 27% (33) 20% (24) 21% (25) 121#1 Issue: Energy 5% (4) 10% (10) 29% (29) 40% (39) 16% (16) 98#1 Issue: Other 10% (10) 12% (13) 21% (22) 32% (33) 25% (25) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (48) 7% (60) 29% (239) 46% (382) 13% (106) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 22% (141) 28% (181) 27% (179) 6% (42) 17% (111) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (11) 13% (12) 24% (21) 25% (22) 26% (23) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (37) 25% (102) 19% (77) 17% (68) 31% (126) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (39) 8% (56) 28% (210) 47% (349) 12% (88) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 23% (153) 28% (187) 27% (179) 6% (42) 17% (115) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 9% (15) 11% (18) 29% (47) 30% (49) 21% (34) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (29) 23% (95) 19% (79) 18% (75) 32% (130) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 13% (179) 15% (206) 28% (376) 29% (403) 15% (203) 1367Voted in 2014: No 9% (58) 24% (149) 23% (142) 18% (111) 26% (164) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The U.S. economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (237) 18% (355) 26% (518) 26% (514) 18% (367) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (62) 10% (86) 28% (241) 41% (353) 15% (128) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 20% (102) 25% (124) 29% (145) 9% (48) 17% (87) 5062012 Vote: Other 21% (21) 19% (20) 27% (27) 19% (19) 13% (13) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (50) 24% (126) 20% (104) 18% (94) 27% (139) 5134-Region: Northeast 12% (44) 15% (55) 25% (87) 29% (104) 18% (65) 3554-Region: Midwest 11% (49) 17% (78) 28% (126) 27% (122) 18% (82) 4574-Region: South 12% (92) 21% (153) 27% (197) 20% (150) 20% (152) 7434-Region: West 12% (52) 16% (70) 25% (107) 32% (138) 16% (68) 435Strong Republican 25% (101) 29% (116) 23% (94) 5% (18) 19% (76) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (22) 28% (57) 29% (59) 13% (28) 20% (40) 205Strong Democrat 6% (27) 7% (33) 27% (132) 48% (237) 13% (61) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (24) 13% (40) 28% (84) 27% (81) 23% (68) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The Mexican economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 7% (140) 33% (658) 33% (667) 22% (440) 1991Gender: Male 5% (50) 8% (79) 37% (341) 32% (296) 18% (167) 932Gender: Female 3% (37) 6% (61) 30% (317) 35% (371) 26% (273) 1059Age: 18-29 4% (14) 8% (27) 26% (89) 35% (120) 28% (96) 345Age: 30-44 6% (27) 7% (32) 32% (148) 30% (136) 25% (115) 458Age: 45-54 5% (18) 6% (23) 33% (119) 34% (123) 22% (78) 361Age: 55-64 5% (19) 7% (25) 35% (127) 31% (112) 23% (83) 364Age: 65+ 2% (10) 7% (32) 38% (176) 38% (176) 15% (69) 463Generation Z: 18-22 6% (8) 6% (7) 24% (32) 32% (43) 33% (43) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 5% (24) 9% (43) 30% (151) 31% (157) 26% (129) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 5% (26) 6% (32) 33% (173) 34% (180) 22% (116) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 4% (27) 7% (51) 36% (260) 34% (245) 19% (139) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (34) 6% (49) 28% (221) 40% (316) 21% (168) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (17) 7% (43) 34% (202) 31% (181) 25% (150) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (35) 8% (48) 39% (236) 28% (170) 20% (122) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (14) 8% (25) 31% (102) 38% (128) 19% (63) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (20) 5% (24) 26% (119) 41% (188) 23% (104) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (11) 10% (30) 39% (113) 28% (82) 19% (56) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (6) 5% (14) 29% (89) 33% (99) 31% (95) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 8% (25) 8% (24) 41% (126) 28% (86) 15% (48) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (10) 8% (24) 36% (110) 28% (84) 25% (74) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (28) 8% (48) 28% (171) 44% (265) 15% (90) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (14) 5% (27) 37% (181) 36% (176) 19% (94) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (38) 9% (61) 38% (266) 27% (190) 21% (143) 697Educ: < College 6% (71) 6% (80) 30% (370) 32% (406) 26% (325) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 2% (11) 10% (46) 36% (169) 37% (175) 15% (69) 471Educ: Post-grad 2% (4) 5% (13) 44% (119) 32% (86) 17% (45) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The Mexican economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 7% (140) 33% (658) 33% (667) 22% (440) 1991Income: Under 50k 5% (54) 7% (81) 30% (321) 31% (340) 27% (291) 1087Income: 50k-100k 4% (25) 7% (47) 37% (234) 35% (225) 16% (105) 636Income: 100k+ 3% (7) 4% (12) 39% (104) 38% (103) 16% (43) 268Ethnicity: White 4% (60) 7% (112) 35% (566) 34% (545) 20% (327) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 10% (19) 4% (8) 25% (49) 33% (64) 27% (53) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (14) 8% (20) 22% (56) 33% (84) 31% (79) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (12) 6% (8) 28% (36) 30% (39) 26% (33) 128All Christian 5% (46) 7% (67) 36% (334) 33% (308) 19% (176) 931All Non-Christian 3% (3) 8% (6) 30% (23) 36% (27) 23% (18) 77Atheist 4% (4) 5% (4) 37% (34) 41% (37) 13% (12) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (34) 7% (63) 30% (267) 33% (294) 26% (234) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 3% (3) 10% (10) 32% (32) 31% (31) 24% (24) 99Evangelical 6% (34) 7% (39) 35% (202) 30% (171) 22% (128) 574Non-Evangelical 4% (31) 7% (48) 32% (236) 36% (264) 20% (147) 725Community: Urban 5% (25) 6% (27) 27% (127) 38% (175) 24% (112) 467Community: Suburban 4% (38) 8% (80) 35% (349) 32% (325) 21% (211) 1002Community: Rural 4% (23) 6% (33) 35% (183) 32% (167) 22% (117) 522Employ: Private Sector 5% (30) 7% (48) 37% (247) 32% (213) 20% (133) 671Employ: Government 4% (6) 8% (10) 40% (51) 28% (36) 20% (25) 128Employ: Self-Employed 3% (4) 9% (15) 32% (54) 37% (63) 19% (32) 169Employ: Homemaker 7% (8) 7% (8) 25% (28) 25% (28) 36% (40) 112Employ: Student 8% (7) 5% (5) 31% (27) 33% (30) 23% (21) 89Employ: Retired 3% (14) 7% (35) 35% (175) 40% (201) 16% (80) 505Employ: Unemployed 4% (7) 6% (9) 29% (45) 28% (44) 33% (52) 157Employ: Other 7% (11) 6% (9) 20% (32) 32% (51) 35% (56) 160Military HH: Yes 4% (14) 7% (23) 36% (129) 33% (116) 21% (75) 357Military HH: No 4% (73) 7% (116) 32% (529) 34% (551) 22% (365) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (44) 10% (74) 37% (285) 25% (194) 22% (170) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (43) 5% (66) 31% (374) 39% (473) 22% (269) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The Mexican economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 7% (140) 33% (658) 33% (667) 22% (440) 1991Trump Job Approve 5% (44) 9% (72) 41% (331) 24% (194) 21% (166) 807Trump Job Disapprove 3% (39) 6% (67) 29% (320) 41% (462) 20% (228) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (30) 10% (46) 36% (158) 26% (115) 20% (89) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (14) 7% (26) 47% (173) 21% (79) 21% (78) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (9) 9% (22) 36% (89) 29% (71) 23% (57) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (30) 5% (45) 27% (232) 45% (391) 20% (171) 869Favorable of Trump 6% (45) 9% (74) 42% (336) 24% (195) 20% (158) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (37) 6% (66) 29% (318) 42% (459) 20% (218) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 7% (35) 11% (52) 37% (182) 26% (125) 19% (92) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (10) 7% (22) 48% (154) 22% (70) 21% (66) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (5) 8% (15) 36% (66) 29% (52) 24% (43) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (32) 6% (51) 28% (253) 44% (406) 19% (175) 917#1 Issue: Economy 7% (31) 8% (38) 34% (159) 35% (166) 17% (79) 472#1 Issue: Security 4% (17) 9% (36) 36% (139) 27% (106) 23% (90) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (6) 7% (23) 31% (105) 37% (122) 23% (78) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (13) 6% (18) 31% (95) 37% (113) 21% (63) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (8) 6% (10) 33% (56) 34% (59) 23% (40) 172#1 Issue: Education 5% (6) 5% (7) 36% (44) 29% (35) 25% (30) 121#1 Issue: Energy 2% (2) 7% (7) 29% (29) 37% (37) 24% (23) 98#1 Issue: Other 3% (3) 2% (2) 31% (32) 29% (30) 35% (36) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (30) 6% (53) 30% (254) 42% (355) 17% (144) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 5% (33) 9% (58) 40% (262) 27% (179) 19% (122) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (3) 6% (6) 32% (29) 29% (26) 30% (27) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (21) 6% (23) 28% (113) 26% (107) 36% (146) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (23) 7% (48) 29% (214) 43% (320) 18% (136) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (40) 9% (59) 40% (271) 27% (182) 18% (125) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 4% (6) 7% (12) 34% (55) 30% (49) 25% (40) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (18) 5% (20) 29% (117) 28% (113) 34% (139) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 5% (62) 7% (99) 33% (457) 36% (496) 18% (252) 1367Voted in 2014: No 4% (25) 6% (40) 32% (201) 27% (171) 30% (187) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The Mexican economy

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 7% (140) 33% (658) 33% (667) 22% (440) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (32) 7% (60) 31% (265) 39% (338) 20% (174) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (26) 7% (37) 40% (201) 30% (152) 18% (91) 5062012 Vote: Other 8% (8) 11% (11) 34% (34) 31% (32) 16% (16) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (20) 6% (31) 31% (159) 28% (145) 31% (159) 5134-Region: Northeast 4% (14) 8% (28) 31% (110) 35% (126) 22% (77) 3554-Region: Midwest 3% (13) 5% (24) 35% (160) 34% (153) 23% (107) 4574-Region: South 3% (23) 9% (63) 33% (245) 31% (233) 24% (179) 7434-Region: West 8% (36) 6% (24) 33% (143) 36% (155) 18% (77) 435Strong Republican 7% (29) 9% (35) 37% (152) 27% (111) 19% (78) 405Not Very Strong Republican 3% (6) 6% (13) 41% (84) 29% (59) 21% (44) 205Strong Democrat 4% (18) 6% (32) 26% (129) 46% (226) 18% (86) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (17) 6% (17) 31% (92) 30% (90) 27% (82) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (229) 17% (342) 26% (518) 24% (483) 21% (419) 1991Gender: Male 12% (116) 21% (194) 27% (248) 24% (220) 16% (153) 932Gender: Female 11% (113) 14% (148) 25% (270) 25% (263) 25% (266) 1059Age: 18-29 11% (37) 21% (74) 17% (58) 24% (83) 27% (93) 345Age: 30-44 16% (72) 14% (66) 24% (110) 21% (97) 25% (113) 458Age: 45-54 13% (48) 16% (59) 28% (102) 24% (85) 18% (66) 361Age: 55-64 10% (36) 19% (69) 27% (99) 22% (79) 23% (83) 364Age: 65+ 8% (36) 16% (74) 32% (150) 30% (138) 14% (65) 463Generation Z: 18-22 14% (18) 23% (31) 12% (16) 18% (24) 33% (44) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 13% (66) 18% (89) 21% (107) 24% (119) 24% (121) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 14% (72) 15% (79) 28% (147) 23% (122) 20% (107) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 9% (68) 17% (126) 29% (209) 26% (188) 18% (131) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (51) 11% (85) 25% (196) 39% (305) 19% (150) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 11% (63) 18% (106) 26% (153) 23% (138) 23% (134) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 19% (116) 25% (150) 28% (169) 7% (40) 22% (135) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (21) 15% (49) 23% (78) 40% (134) 15% (51) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 7% (30) 8% (36) 26% (118) 38% (171) 22% (100) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (25) 21% (61) 29% (84) 24% (71) 17% (50) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 12% (37) 15% (45) 23% (69) 22% (67) 27% (83) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 23% (70) 27% (84) 28% (87) 5% (16) 17% (52) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 15% (46) 22% (66) 27% (83) 8% (24) 28% (83) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (45) 11% (64) 26% (158) 42% (255) 14% (82) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (44) 14% (71) 32% (159) 27% (134) 17% (85) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17% (120) 26% (182) 25% (176) 10% (69) 21% (149) 697Educ: < College 13% (161) 17% (211) 23% (293) 22% (281) 24% (306) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 10% (48) 18% (86) 30% (141) 27% (128) 15% (68) 471Educ: Post-grad 8% (20) 17% (45) 31% (84) 28% (74) 17% (44) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (229) 17% (342) 26% (518) 24% (483) 21% (419) 1991Income: Under 50k 12% (127) 16% (172) 24% (262) 23% (251) 25% (276) 1087Income: 50k-100k 12% (76) 19% (120) 29% (183) 24% (155) 16% (102) 636Income: 100k+ 10% (27) 19% (50) 27% (74) 29% (77) 15% (41) 268Ethnicity: White 12% (199) 18% (288) 27% (433) 23% (370) 20% (321) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 12% (23) 15% (29) 20% (38) 30% (59) 22% (43) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (17) 12% (30) 23% (59) 30% (76) 28% (69) 252Ethnicity: Other 10% (13) 19% (24) 21% (26) 28% (36) 22% (29) 128All Christian 14% (127) 19% (181) 27% (247) 22% (200) 19% (175) 931All Non-Christian 11% (8) 12% (9) 33% (25) 25% (19) 19% (15) 77Atheist 7% (6) 8% (8) 33% (30) 37% (34) 15% (13) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10% (87) 16% (144) 24% (216) 26% (229) 24% (216) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10% (10) 16% (16) 33% (32) 21% (21) 20% (20) 99Evangelical 16% (90) 20% (115) 27% (155) 15% (83) 23% (130) 574Non-Evangelical 11% (77) 16% (116) 26% (189) 28% (205) 19% (138) 725Community: Urban 9% (42) 14% (66) 25% (115) 30% (140) 22% (104) 467Community: Suburban 12% (119) 18% (180) 25% (254) 25% (246) 20% (204) 1002Community: Rural 13% (68) 18% (96) 28% (148) 19% (97) 21% (112) 522Employ: Private Sector 14% (92) 16% (109) 27% (180) 23% (157) 20% (134) 671Employ: Government 10% (12) 14% (18) 36% (46) 23% (29) 17% (22) 128Employ: Self-Employed 9% (16) 26% (43) 24% (41) 23% (40) 17% (29) 169Employ: Homemaker 19% (21) 15% (17) 15% (17) 18% (20) 33% (37) 112Employ: Student 14% (12) 23% (20) 19% (17) 21% (19) 24% (21) 89Employ: Retired 8% (40) 17% (88) 29% (149) 30% (152) 15% (76) 505Employ: Unemployed 9% (14) 14% (23) 18% (28) 24% (38) 34% (54) 157Employ: Other 13% (21) 15% (24) 25% (39) 17% (28) 30% (48) 160Military HH: Yes 12% (42) 18% (63) 30% (109) 22% (80) 18% (64) 357Military HH: No 11% (187) 17% (279) 25% (410) 25% (403) 22% (356) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 20% (156) 26% (201) 26% (196) 6% (42) 22% (171) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (73) 11% (141) 26% (322) 36% (440) 20% (249) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (229) 17% (342) 26% (518) 24% (483) 21% (419) 1991Trump Job Approve 21% (169) 27% (214) 27% (220) 3% (28) 22% (175) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (58) 11% (117) 26% (294) 40% (450) 18% (198) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 28% (121) 27% (120) 23% (100) 3% (13) 19% (83) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 13% (48) 26% (95) 33% (121) 4% (15) 25% (92) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (19) 20% (49) 31% (77) 19% (46) 23% (57) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (39) 8% (69) 25% (216) 46% (404) 16% (141) 869Favorable of Trump 21% (171) 28% (224) 27% (216) 4% (33) 20% (165) 808Unfavorable of Trump 5% (56) 10% (111) 27% (297) 40% (442) 18% (193) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 27% (130) 29% (139) 22% (109) 4% (18) 19% (90) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 13% (41) 26% (85) 33% (107) 5% (15) 23% (75) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (6) 18% (32) 35% (63) 16% (29) 28% (51) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (50) 9% (79) 25% (234) 45% (413) 15% (142) 917#1 Issue: Economy 12% (59) 19% (90) 30% (144) 24% (111) 15% (69) 472#1 Issue: Security 18% (72) 24% (95) 23% (88) 10% (39) 24% (94) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 7% (23) 13% (44) 28% (94) 31% (102) 21% (70) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (25) 16% (49) 26% (79) 28% (84) 21% (65) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (14) 10% (17) 24% (42) 30% (52) 27% (47) 172#1 Issue: Education 17% (21) 18% (21) 21% (25) 23% (28) 21% (25) 121#1 Issue: Energy 8% (8) 17% (17) 22% (22) 38% (38) 14% (14) 98#1 Issue: Other 7% (7) 8% (8) 23% (23) 28% (29) 34% (35) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (50) 10% (84) 28% (232) 42% (347) 15% (122) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 19% (126) 25% (166) 29% (192) 7% (43) 19% (126) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (7) 14% (12) 25% (22) 21% (19) 33% (29) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (46) 19% (80) 17% (71) 18% (74) 34% (140) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (36) 9% (68) 27% (196) 44% (323) 16% (118) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 21% (139) 26% (178) 28% (190) 5% (35) 20% (134) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 6% (9) 14% (23) 31% (51) 27% (45) 22% (35) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (45) 18% (72) 20% (80) 19% (78) 33% (132) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 11% (156) 16% (225) 28% (383) 27% (371) 17% (232) 1367Voted in 2014: No 12% (73) 19% (117) 22% (135) 18% (111) 30% (187) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (229) 17% (342) 26% (518) 24% (483) 21% (419) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (60) 11% (98) 27% (236) 38% (326) 17% (149) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 17% (85) 24% (121) 30% (152) 8% (43) 21% (106) 5062012 Vote: Other 18% (18) 18% (18) 33% (33) 17% (17) 15% (15) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (66) 20% (104) 19% (97) 19% (96) 29% (149) 5134-Region: Northeast 10% (37) 16% (57) 25% (87) 26% (91) 23% (83) 3554-Region: Midwest 11% (51) 17% (79) 26% (119) 25% (113) 21% (95) 4574-Region: South 13% (93) 17% (126) 27% (200) 22% (162) 22% (162) 7434-Region: West 11% (49) 18% (80) 26% (112) 27% (116) 18% (79) 435Strong Republican 23% (93) 27% (110) 25% (102) 6% (23) 19% (77) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (23) 19% (40) 33% (67) 8% (17) 28% (59) 205Strong Democrat 5% (25) 9% (44) 26% (128) 46% (223) 14% (71) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 9% (26) 14% (41) 23% (68) 28% (82) 27% (80) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (80) 6% (128) 32% (636) 35% (700) 22% (447) 1991Gender: Male 5% (46) 7% (67) 34% (314) 35% (325) 19% (179) 932Gender: Female 3% (34) 6% (61) 30% (321) 35% (375) 25% (268) 1059Age: 18-29 5% (17) 7% (24) 24% (83) 37% (128) 27% (93) 345Age: 30-44 6% (26) 6% (28) 29% (133) 33% (151) 26% (119) 458Age: 45-54 3% (10) 6% (22) 32% (114) 35% (125) 25% (89) 361Age: 55-64 4% (14) 6% (22) 36% (132) 31% (114) 23% (83) 364Age: 65+ 3% (13) 7% (32) 38% (174) 39% (181) 14% (64) 463Generation Z: 18-22 6% (9) 8% (11) 21% (28) 33% (45) 31% (42) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 5% (26) 6% (31) 27% (134) 36% (179) 26% (132) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 4% (19) 6% (32) 32% (168) 35% (182) 24% (126) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 4% (26) 6% (44) 38% (272) 34% (248) 18% (133) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (31) 6% (46) 28% (218) 41% (321) 22% (172) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (21) 5% (31) 34% (201) 32% (193) 25% (147) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (28) 8% (51) 36% (217) 30% (186) 21% (128) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (16) 8% (27) 30% (100) 38% (125) 19% (64) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (15) 4% (19) 26% (117) 43% (196) 24% (107) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 3% (9) 7% (20) 38% (109) 31% (92) 21% (61) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 4% (11) 4% (12) 30% (92) 33% (101) 29% (86) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (20) 7% (21) 34% (105) 35% (109) 17% (54) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (8) 10% (30) 37% (112) 26% (77) 25% (74) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (30) 6% (39) 28% (167) 45% (271) 16% (96) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (10) 4% (17) 36% (177) 38% (187) 20% (101) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (33) 9% (60) 36% (251) 30% (210) 21% (143) 697Educ: < College 5% (62) 6% (79) 29% (357) 34% (423) 26% (331) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (14) 8% (36) 35% (166) 38% (181) 16% (74) 471Educ: Post-grad 1% (4) 5% (13) 42% (112) 36% (96) 16% (42) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (80) 6% (128) 32% (636) 35% (700) 22% (447) 1991Income: Under 50k 5% (53) 7% (74) 29% (317) 32% (351) 27% (293) 1087Income: 50k-100k 3% (20) 6% (40) 35% (223) 38% (242) 17% (110) 636Income: 100k+ 3% (8) 5% (15) 36% (96) 40% (106) 16% (44) 268Ethnicity: White 4% (60) 6% (100) 34% (554) 35% (563) 21% (332) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 9% (17) 2% (4) 24% (47) 38% (73) 26% (51) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (11) 7% (18) 17% (43) 38% (95) 33% (84) 252Ethnicity: Other 7% (8) 7% (9) 30% (38) 33% (42) 24% (31) 128All Christian 5% (43) 6% (60) 36% (334) 33% (308) 20% (185) 931All Non-Christian 1% (1) 7% (5) 29% (22) 38% (29) 25% (19) 77Atheist 2% (2) 6% (5) 35% (32) 43% (40) 14% (13) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (35) 6% (58) 28% (247) 36% (323) 26% (230) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 1% (1) 8% (8) 34% (34) 30% (30) 27% (27) 99Evangelical 5% (28) 8% (44) 33% (189) 31% (176) 24% (137) 574Non-Evangelical 4% (30) 5% (33) 33% (238) 39% (280) 20% (144) 725Community: Urban 5% (23) 5% (25) 25% (116) 41% (190) 24% (114) 467Community: Suburban 4% (36) 7% (74) 34% (337) 34% (345) 21% (210) 1002Community: Rural 4% (21) 6% (29) 35% (183) 32% (166) 24% (123) 522Employ: Private Sector 3% (22) 6% (39) 35% (234) 35% (235) 21% (141) 671Employ: Government 3% (4) 5% (7) 33% (42) 37% (47) 22% (29) 128Employ: Self-Employed 4% (7) 8% (14) 28% (48) 41% (69) 18% (31) 169Employ: Homemaker 5% (6) 9% (10) 27% (30) 22% (24) 37% (42) 112Employ: Student 9% (8) 10% (9) 24% (21) 33% (29) 24% (21) 89Employ: Retired 3% (18) 6% (31) 36% (181) 40% (200) 15% (75) 505Employ: Unemployed 2% (4) 7% (10) 28% (43) 29% (45) 35% (54) 157Employ: Other 6% (10) 6% (9) 22% (36) 32% (51) 34% (54) 160Military HH: Yes 4% (15) 5% (19) 33% (117) 36% (128) 22% (78) 357Military HH: No 4% (65) 7% (109) 32% (519) 35% (572) 23% (369) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (43) 9% (71) 36% (277) 27% (204) 23% (173) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (37) 5% (58) 29% (359) 41% (496) 22% (274) 1224

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Table POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (80) 6% (128) 32% (636) 35% (700) 22% (447) 1991Trump Job Approve 6% (45) 9% (69) 38% (307) 27% (215) 21% (171) 807Trump Job Disapprove 3% (31) 5% (59) 29% (324) 43% (477) 20% (226) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (34) 8% (34) 36% (158) 29% (128) 19% (82) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (11) 9% (34) 40% (149) 24% (87) 24% (88) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (8) 5% (13) 42% (104) 27% (66) 23% (56) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (23) 5% (46) 25% (220) 47% (411) 20% (170) 869Favorable of Trump 6% (46) 9% (74) 39% (314) 26% (212) 20% (162) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (31) 5% (53) 29% (315) 44% (481) 20% (219) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 7% (35) 9% (43) 36% (177) 28% (138) 19% (93) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (11) 10% (31) 42% (137) 23% (74) 21% (69) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (3) 3% (5) 40% (73) 31% (57) 24% (43) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (28) 5% (49) 26% (242) 46% (424) 19% (175) 917#1 Issue: Economy 6% (26) 9% (42) 31% (147) 37% (176) 17% (79) 472#1 Issue: Security 4% (16) 7% (25) 36% (139) 30% (115) 24% (92) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (8) 5% (18) 34% (112) 36% (121) 22% (75) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (11) 7% (20) 32% (96) 38% (116) 20% (61) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 6% (10) 5% (9) 30% (51) 37% (64) 23% (39) 172#1 Issue: Education 3% (3) 4% (5) 31% (38) 31% (37) 31% (37) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 6% (6) 24% (24) 40% (40) 25% (25) 98#1 Issue: Other 2% (2) 2% (2) 28% (29) 30% (31) 37% (38) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (27) 5% (45) 29% (245) 44% (370) 18% (147) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 5% (33) 9% (58) 37% (243) 31% (201) 18% (119) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (3) 6% (5) 30% (27) 31% (28) 30% (27) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (17) 5% (20) 29% (119) 25% (101) 37% (153) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (20) 5% (40) 29% (217) 46% (338) 17% (126) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (37) 8% (56) 38% (258) 29% (196) 19% (128) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 4% (7) 5% (8) 31% (50) 30% (50) 30% (48) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (16) 5% (22) 27% (109) 28% (115) 36% (144) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (58) 7% (96) 32% (439) 39% (532) 18% (243) 1367Voted in 2014: No 4% (22) 5% (32) 32% (197) 27% (168) 33% (204) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican businesses

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (80) 6% (128) 32% (636) 35% (700) 22% (447) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (34) 6% (50) 30% (261) 41% (358) 19% (167) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (21) 7% (38) 37% (188) 32% (161) 19% (98) 5062012 Vote: Other 8% (8) 10% (10) 31% (31) 34% (34) 17% (17) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (17) 6% (29) 30% (156) 29% (147) 32% (164) 5134-Region: Northeast 3% (10) 8% (30) 28% (99) 37% (130) 24% (87) 3554-Region: Midwest 4% (17) 5% (22) 35% (162) 35% (161) 21% (95) 4574-Region: South 3% (23) 6% (46) 31% (231) 34% (256) 25% (187) 7434-Region: West 7% (31) 7% (30) 33% (144) 35% (152) 18% (78) 435Strong Republican 6% (25) 9% (37) 34% (136) 31% (124) 21% (84) 405Not Very Strong Republican 2% (3) 7% (14) 39% (81) 30% (63) 21% (44) 205Strong Democrat 3% (15) 6% (31) 26% (127) 46% (226) 19% (91) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 5% (16) 5% (15) 31% (91) 32% (95) 27% (80) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (197) 14% (275) 27% (547) 30% (588) 19% (384) 1991Gender: Male 12% (108) 16% (147) 28% (263) 30% (281) 14% (133) 932Gender: Female 8% (90) 12% (128) 27% (284) 29% (307) 24% (250) 1059Age: 18-29 7% (24) 21% (72) 18% (61) 27% (93) 28% (95) 345Age: 30-44 12% (55) 12% (54) 28% (127) 23% (106) 25% (115) 458Age: 45-54 13% (48) 13% (47) 27% (99) 30% (109) 16% (58) 361Age: 55-64 9% (34) 14% (52) 29% (106) 30% (111) 17% (61) 364Age: 65+ 8% (37) 11% (50) 33% (154) 36% (168) 12% (54) 463Generation Z: 18-22 6% (8) 25% (33) 17% (22) 21% (28) 32% (43) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 10% (52) 15% (74) 23% (114) 26% (132) 26% (131) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 13% (68) 12% (65) 29% (151) 28% (149) 18% (94) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 9% (66) 13% (93) 29% (211) 35% (249) 14% (104) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (54) 8% (66) 23% (179) 45% (357) 17% (132) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (45) 12% (73) 29% (170) 30% (177) 21% (128) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 16% (98) 22% (136) 33% (199) 9% (54) 20% (124) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (24) 11% (38) 22% (72) 47% (155) 13% (43) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (30) 6% (28) 23% (106) 44% (202) 20% (90) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (23) 11% (32) 32% (93) 33% (96) 16% (47) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (23) 14% (41) 26% (77) 27% (81) 27% (80) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 20% (61) 25% (77) 32% (98) 10% (29) 14% (44) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 12% (37) 20% (59) 33% (101) 8% (25) 27% (80) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (38) 8% (48) 25% (148) 50% (302) 11% (67) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (30) 11% (56) 32% (158) 35% (172) 15% (76) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (115) 21% (148) 32% (222) 12% (81) 19% (132) 697Educ: < College 11% (132) 15% (192) 24% (298) 28% (350) 22% (281) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 10% (45) 12% (54) 35% (163) 32% (149) 13% (59) 471Educ: Post-grad 7% (20) 11% (29) 32% (86) 33% (89) 16% (43) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (197) 14% (275) 27% (547) 30% (588) 19% (384) 1991Income: Under 50k 10% (107) 14% (153) 25% (270) 28% (302) 23% (255) 1087Income: 50k-100k 10% (63) 14% (88) 31% (198) 31% (199) 14% (87) 636Income: 100k+ 10% (27) 13% (34) 29% (79) 32% (87) 15% (41) 268Ethnicity: White 10% (167) 14% (225) 29% (464) 29% (462) 18% (292) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 10% (20) 12% (23) 20% (39) 34% (65) 24% (46) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (18) 13% (32) 22% (55) 34% (87) 24% (61) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (12) 15% (19) 22% (28) 31% (39) 23% (30) 128All Christian 12% (111) 15% (143) 30% (280) 26% (241) 17% (157) 931All Non-Christian 8% (6) 11% (8) 28% (22) 35% (27) 18% (14) 77Atheist 5% (4) 6% (6) 29% (26) 47% (43) 14% (12) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9% (77) 13% (118) 25% (219) 31% (278) 22% (201) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 7% (7) 12% (12) 30% (30) 31% (31) 19% (19) 99Evangelical 13% (75) 18% (102) 30% (173) 17% (97) 22% (127) 574Non-Evangelical 9% (68) 14% (99) 27% (197) 32% (235) 17% (126) 725Community: Urban 10% (46) 11% (53) 22% (102) 36% (169) 21% (97) 467Community: Suburban 9% (94) 14% (143) 30% (302) 29% (288) 17% (175) 1002Community: Rural 11% (57) 15% (79) 27% (142) 25% (131) 21% (111) 522Employ: Private Sector 11% (71) 14% (97) 28% (189) 30% (200) 17% (115) 671Employ: Government 13% (16) 9% (12) 37% (48) 26% (33) 15% (19) 128Employ: Self-Employed 10% (16) 20% (34) 27% (46) 28% (47) 15% (25) 169Employ: Homemaker 13% (14) 16% (18) 19% (21) 15% (17) 37% (42) 112Employ: Student 10% (9) 19% (17) 24% (21) 24% (21) 24% (21) 89Employ: Retired 8% (39) 12% (63) 31% (157) 36% (182) 13% (64) 505Employ: Unemployed 7% (11) 13% (20) 20% (31) 28% (44) 32% (50) 157Employ: Other 13% (20) 9% (15) 22% (35) 27% (43) 29% (47) 160Military HH: Yes 12% (43) 14% (49) 29% (103) 30% (107) 16% (55) 357Military HH: No 9% (154) 14% (226) 27% (444) 29% (481) 20% (328) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 18% (137) 21% (164) 32% (248) 7% (54) 21% (163) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (60) 9% (111) 24% (299) 44% (534) 18% (221) 1224

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Table POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (197) 14% (275) 27% (547) 30% (588) 19% (384) 1991Trump Job Approve 18% (143) 23% (188) 32% (260) 6% (50) 21% (166) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (51) 7% (81) 25% (282) 48% (532) 15% (171) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 25% (107) 24% (104) 29% (125) 3% (14) 20% (86) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 10% (36) 23% (83) 37% (135) 10% (35) 22% (80) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (14) 13% (33) 37% (92) 25% (63) 18% (46) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (37) 6% (48) 22% (190) 54% (469) 14% (125) 869Favorable of Trump 18% (147) 24% (191) 32% (259) 6% (50) 20% (161) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (49) 7% (78) 26% (284) 48% (531) 14% (158) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 24% (118) 23% (112) 29% (140) 6% (27) 18% (89) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (29) 24% (79) 37% (119) 7% (23) 22% (72) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (9) 14% (26) 39% (71) 22% (41) 19% (35) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (40) 6% (52) 23% (212) 53% (490) 13% (123) 917#1 Issue: Economy 9% (43) 16% (76) 32% (150) 28% (133) 15% (70) 472#1 Issue: Security 19% (72) 19% (75) 30% (116) 9% (37) 23% (89) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (20) 9% (31) 26% (88) 39% (128) 20% (65) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 9% (27) 15% (44) 26% (79) 36% (109) 14% (44) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (13) 8% (14) 25% (43) 37% (64) 22% (38) 172#1 Issue: Education 10% (13) 15% (18) 23% (28) 31% (37) 21% (26) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 9% (9) 21% (20) 48% (47) 19% (19) 98#1 Issue: Other 5% (5) 8% (8) 22% (22) 33% (34) 33% (34) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (45) 6% (52) 26% (220) 49% (413) 13% (105) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 17% (111) 22% (141) 34% (221) 10% (63) 18% (117) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (8) 11% (10) 27% (24) 24% (22) 29% (26) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 8% (33) 18% (72) 20% (81) 22% (89) 33% (135) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (37) 6% (43) 24% (181) 52% (388) 13% (93) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 18% (122) 21% (143) 34% (231) 8% (55) 18% (124) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 6% (10) 9% (15) 28% (46) 35% (57) 22% (35) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (28) 18% (72) 22% (88) 22% (88) 32% (131) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 11% (150) 12% (167) 29% (391) 33% (446) 16% (214) 1367Voted in 2014: No 8% (47) 17% (109) 25% (156) 23% (142) 27% (170) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (197) 14% (275) 27% (547) 30% (588) 19% (384) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (59) 7% (61) 27% (231) 45% (395) 14% (124) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15% (75) 20% (102) 33% (169) 14% (69) 18% (92) 5062012 Vote: Other 21% (22) 14% (14) 32% (32) 17% (17) 16% (16) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (42) 19% (98) 22% (115) 21% (107) 29% (151) 5134-Region: Northeast 9% (31) 14% (49) 26% (93) 31% (110) 20% (72) 3554-Region: Midwest 9% (41) 14% (62) 29% (130) 30% (137) 19% (87) 4574-Region: South 11% (85) 15% (112) 28% (208) 25% (186) 21% (152) 7434-Region: West 9% (41) 12% (52) 26% (115) 36% (155) 17% (73) 435Strong Republican 20% (81) 25% (100) 31% (126) 7% (26) 18% (71) 405Not Very Strong Republican 8% (17) 18% (36) 35% (72) 13% (28) 26% (53) 205Strong Democrat 6% (27) 7% (33) 22% (105) 53% (262) 13% (63) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 9% (26) 11% (33) 25% (73) 32% (95) 23% (70) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_7

Table POL17_7: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (78) 8% (163) 31% (611) 29% (570) 29% (569) 1991Gender: Male 4% (41) 10% (91) 33% (306) 28% (263) 25% (231) 932Gender: Female 4% (37) 7% (71) 29% (305) 29% (307) 32% (338) 1059Age: 18-29 4% (14) 7% (23) 26% (90) 31% (107) 32% (110) 345Age: 30-44 6% (25) 9% (40) 26% (120) 27% (122) 33% (150) 458Age: 45-54 3% (11) 9% (31) 29% (104) 32% (114) 28% (101) 361Age: 55-64 3% (12) 10% (38) 36% (130) 23% (85) 27% (99) 364Age: 65+ 3% (15) 7% (30) 36% (167) 31% (141) 24% (109) 463Generation Z: 18-22 6% (8) 5% (6) 24% (32) 29% (39) 36% (49) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 4% (21) 9% (46) 26% (130) 29% (147) 31% (158) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 4% (22) 8% (42) 29% (152) 30% (157) 29% (154) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 3% (25) 8% (60) 36% (260) 27% (192) 26% (186) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (38) 7% (58) 27% (212) 36% (285) 25% (194) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (17) 8% (50) 31% (183) 26% (152) 32% (192) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (24) 9% (55) 35% (216) 22% (132) 30% (183) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (18) 9% (31) 28% (91) 37% (123) 21% (69) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (20) 6% (27) 26% (121) 36% (163) 27% (125) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 2% (6) 12% (34) 34% (99) 25% (73) 27% (79) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (11) 5% (16) 28% (84) 26% (79) 37% (113) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (17) 9% (26) 37% (115) 22% (67) 27% (82) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (6) 10% (29) 33% (101) 22% (65) 33% (101) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (27) 9% (54) 27% (162) 39% (233) 21% (128) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (13) 7% (34) 32% (159) 33% (162) 25% (124) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (33) 9% (64) 36% (254) 20% (140) 30% (206) 697Educ: < College 5% (63) 8% (95) 28% (355) 28% (347) 31% (392) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 2% (11) 11% (52) 33% (154) 31% (146) 23% (107) 471Educ: Post-grad 1% (4) 6% (16) 38% (102) 29% (77) 26% (70) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_7

Table POL17_7: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (78) 8% (163) 31% (611) 29% (570) 29% (569) 1991Income: Under 50k 5% (51) 8% (84) 29% (316) 26% (286) 32% (350) 1087Income: 50k-100k 3% (22) 10% (63) 33% (207) 30% (193) 24% (150) 636Income: 100k+ 2% (6) 6% (15) 33% (89) 34% (90) 25% (68) 268Ethnicity: White 3% (55) 8% (130) 33% (524) 28% (452) 28% (449) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 9% (17) 10% (20) 22% (42) 29% (56) 30% (58) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (15) 8% (19) 21% (52) 31% (78) 35% (87) 252Ethnicity: Other 6% (8) 11% (14) 27% (35) 30% (39) 25% (33) 128All Christian 4% (39) 8% (78) 32% (296) 27% (255) 28% (264) 931All Non-Christian 3% (3) 12% (9) 31% (23) 27% (20) 27% (21) 77Atheist 1% (1) 10% (9) 30% (28) 34% (31) 24% (22) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (35) 8% (67) 30% (264) 29% (263) 29% (262) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 3% (3) 13% (13) 33% (32) 21% (21) 31% (30) 99Evangelical 5% (28) 8% (48) 31% (179) 25% (143) 31% (176) 574Non-Evangelical 5% (34) 6% (46) 31% (222) 31% (227) 27% (197) 725Community: Urban 6% (26) 7% (31) 26% (122) 33% (154) 29% (134) 467Community: Suburban 3% (31) 9% (93) 31% (309) 29% (290) 28% (280) 1002Community: Rural 4% (21) 7% (39) 35% (180) 24% (126) 30% (155) 522Employ: Private Sector 3% (18) 9% (61) 34% (228) 26% (174) 28% (190) 671Employ: Government 3% (3) 7% (9) 29% (36) 30% (38) 32% (40) 128Employ: Self-Employed 6% (11) 7% (12) 33% (56) 32% (54) 21% (36) 169Employ: Homemaker 7% (8) 8% (9) 23% (26) 22% (25) 40% (44) 112Employ: Student 8% (7) 11% (10) 33% (29) 24% (21) 25% (22) 89Employ: Retired 4% (18) 7% (34) 34% (171) 33% (166) 23% (116) 505Employ: Unemployed 2% (3) 11% (17) 22% (34) 29% (45) 36% (57) 157Employ: Other 6% (10) 6% (10) 19% (30) 28% (45) 40% (64) 160Military HH: Yes 2% (9) 7% (26) 33% (119) 30% (108) 27% (96) 357Military HH: No 4% (70) 8% (137) 30% (493) 28% (462) 29% (473) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (44) 10% (79) 34% (261) 19% (148) 31% (234) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (35) 7% (83) 29% (350) 34% (421) 27% (335) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_7

Table POL17_7: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (78) 8% (163) 31% (611) 29% (570) 29% (569) 1991Trump Job Approve 5% (40) 10% (84) 37% (297) 18% (144) 30% (242) 807Trump Job Disapprove 3% (35) 7% (76) 28% (307) 38% (421) 25% (278) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (29) 9% (40) 33% (146) 21% (92) 30% (130) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (11) 12% (44) 41% (151) 14% (52) 30% (111) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (6) 10% (25) 38% (95) 25% (61) 25% (62) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (29) 6% (52) 24% (212) 41% (360) 25% (216) 869Favorable of Trump 5% (39) 11% (90) 37% (299) 18% (146) 29% (234) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (36) 6% (69) 28% (309) 38% (413) 25% (271) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 6% (30) 11% (52) 35% (168) 20% (99) 28% (137) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (9) 12% (38) 40% (130) 15% (48) 30% (97) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (3) 9% (16) 40% (72) 22% (40) 28% (50) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (32) 6% (54) 26% (237) 41% (373) 24% (221) 917#1 Issue: Economy 6% (26) 10% (49) 33% (154) 30% (141) 22% (102) 472#1 Issue: Security 3% (13) 8% (31) 37% (144) 19% (75) 32% (126) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 1% (5) 8% (28) 29% (96) 33% (109) 29% (96) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (15) 6% (19) 30% (92) 30% (90) 28% (86) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (12) 7% (12) 25% (43) 33% (57) 27% (47) 172#1 Issue: Education 3% (3) 7% (9) 25% (30) 29% (36) 36% (43) 121#1 Issue: Energy 3% (3) 10% (10) 25% (24) 38% (37) 24% (24) 98#1 Issue: Other 2% (2) 4% (4) 27% (27) 24% (25) 44% (45) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (32) 7% (57) 27% (224) 38% (320) 24% (201) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 4% (26) 10% (65) 37% (241) 21% (138) 28% (184) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 10% (9) 28% (25) 25% (23) 37% (33) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (20) 8% (31) 29% (121) 22% (89) 37% (150) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (22) 7% (50) 27% (203) 40% (300) 22% (166) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (30) 10% (71) 36% (241) 20% (137) 29% (198) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 3% (6) 9% (14) 27% (43) 27% (44) 35% (56) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 5% (20) 6% (26) 30% (123) 22% (89) 37% (149) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (50) 8% (115) 31% (427) 31% (425) 26% (349) 1367Voted in 2014: No 4% (28) 8% (48) 30% (184) 23% (144) 35% (220) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_7

Table POL17_7: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?Mexican consumers

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (78) 8% (163) 31% (611) 29% (570) 29% (569) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 4% (36) 8% (67) 28% (240) 35% (308) 25% (218) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (19) 9% (45) 37% (186) 22% (111) 29% (145) 5062012 Vote: Other 4% (5) 7% (8) 34% (34) 26% (27) 28% (28) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (18) 8% (43) 29% (151) 24% (123) 35% (178) 5134-Region: Northeast 3% (11) 11% (38) 27% (97) 31% (109) 28% (100) 3554-Region: Midwest 2% (9) 5% (23) 33% (150) 29% (132) 31% (144) 4574-Region: South 4% (28) 8% (61) 30% (225) 29% (213) 29% (217) 7434-Region: West 7% (30) 10% (41) 32% (140) 27% (116) 25% (108) 435Strong Republican 5% (22) 10% (39) 33% (132) 21% (86) 31% (125) 405Not Very Strong Republican 1% (2) 8% (16) 41% (84) 22% (46) 28% (58) 205Strong Democrat 4% (22) 6% (32) 27% (132) 40% (198) 22% (108) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (17) 9% (26) 27% (80) 29% (88) 29% (86) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_8

Table POL17_8: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The upper class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (278) 16% (326) 19% (388) 8% (151) 43% (849) 1991Gender: Male 15% (136) 16% (151) 22% (208) 8% (74) 39% (363) 932Gender: Female 13% (142) 17% (175) 17% (180) 7% (77) 46% (486) 1059Age: 18-29 14% (48) 16% (56) 12% (42) 12% (41) 46% (158) 345Age: 30-44 17% (79) 15% (70) 18% (83) 6% (28) 43% (198) 458Age: 45-54 16% (57) 16% (59) 20% (72) 8% (29) 40% (144) 361Age: 55-64 10% (38) 17% (62) 20% (73) 7% (26) 46% (167) 364Age: 65+ 12% (57) 17% (80) 25% (118) 6% (27) 39% (183) 463Generation Z: 18-22 13% (18) 18% (24) 7% (10) 8% (11) 53% (71) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 16% (81) 16% (80) 16% (80) 9% (47) 43% (215) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 16% (85) 15% (80) 20% (108) 8% (41) 40% (213) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 12% (83) 17% (123) 22% (160) 7% (47) 43% (308) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 16% (127) 15% (114) 23% (177) 10% (78) 37% (291) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 13% (79) 16% (93) 17% (99) 9% (51) 46% (271) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 12% (71) 19% (119) 18% (111) 4% (22) 47% (287) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (49) 15% (49) 26% (85) 10% (35) 34% (115) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 17% (78) 14% (66) 20% (92) 10% (43) 39% (176) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 12% (35) 16% (45) 21% (61) 10% (28) 42% (121) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (44) 16% (48) 13% (38) 8% (23) 49% (149) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 17% (52) 19% (57) 20% (61) 4% (11) 41% (127) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (20) 20% (61) 17% (50) 3% (11) 53% (160) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16% (98) 15% (93) 25% (149) 10% (60) 34% (204) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 12% (61) 19% (92) 19% (93) 9% (45) 41% (200) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (95) 18% (122) 19% (133) 5% (35) 45% (312) 697Educ: < College 15% (192) 17% (210) 16% (200) 7% (92) 45% (558) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 12% (55) 16% (76) 27% (129) 8% (39) 37% (172) 471Educ: Post-grad 11% (30) 15% (41) 22% (59) 7% (19) 44% (118) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_8

Table POL17_8: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The upper class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (278) 16% (326) 19% (388) 8% (151) 43% (849) 1991Income: Under 50k 15% (167) 16% (171) 16% (176) 8% (85) 45% (488) 1087Income: 50k-100k 13% (80) 18% (116) 23% (146) 7% (45) 39% (249) 636Income: 100k+ 11% (30) 15% (39) 25% (66) 8% (21) 42% (113) 268Ethnicity: White 13% (206) 18% (284) 20% (321) 6% (101) 43% (699) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (30) 11% (22) 21% (40) 10% (20) 43% (82) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (51) 9% (23) 17% (42) 13% (34) 41% (103) 252Ethnicity: Other 16% (20) 15% (20) 20% (25) 12% (16) 37% (47) 128All Christian 13% (121) 18% (164) 20% (190) 7% (61) 42% (396) 931All Non-Christian 12% (9) 12% (9) 25% (19) 13% (10) 39% (30) 77Atheist 16% (14) 14% (13) 21% (19) 13% (12) 36% (33) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15% (134) 16% (140) 18% (159) 8% (69) 44% (391) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12% (12) 13% (13) 25% (25) 10% (10) 41% (40) 99Evangelical 15% (86) 16% (94) 18% (101) 6% (35) 45% (258) 574Non-Evangelical 13% (92) 17% (121) 20% (146) 8% (57) 43% (310) 725Community: Urban 15% (68) 14% (63) 20% (94) 9% (42) 43% (199) 467Community: Suburban 12% (125) 17% (172) 21% (213) 7% (74) 42% (419) 1002Community: Rural 16% (85) 17% (91) 16% (81) 7% (35) 44% (231) 522Employ: Private Sector 14% (91) 18% (118) 21% (144) 6% (43) 41% (276) 671Employ: Government 12% (15) 13% (17) 23% (30) 6% (7) 46% (58) 128Employ: Self-Employed 16% (27) 20% (34) 18% (31) 11% (18) 35% (59) 169Employ: Homemaker 17% (19) 17% (19) 13% (15) 5% (5) 49% (54) 112Employ: Student 16% (14) 14% (13) 8% (8) 16% (14) 45% (40) 89Employ: Retired 13% (63) 17% (84) 22% (111) 8% (38) 41% (210) 505Employ: Unemployed 14% (22) 13% (20) 18% (28) 7% (11) 49% (77) 157Employ: Other 17% (27) 13% (22) 14% (23) 9% (14) 47% (74) 160Military HH: Yes 12% (44) 18% (66) 18% (65) 9% (31) 43% (153) 357Military HH: No 14% (234) 16% (260) 20% (323) 7% (120) 43% (696) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 13% (103) 20% (155) 18% (134) 3% (26) 46% (349) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 14% (175) 14% (171) 21% (253) 10% (125) 41% (500) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_8

Table POL17_8: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The upper class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (278) 16% (326) 19% (388) 8% (151) 43% (849) 1991Trump Job Approve 14% (113) 21% (168) 17% (140) 3% (22) 45% (363) 807Trump Job Disapprove 14% (161) 14% (154) 22% (243) 11% (119) 39% (439) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 18% (77) 20% (87) 15% (66) 4% (18) 43% (188) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 10% (36) 22% (81) 20% (74) 1% (4) 47% (175) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 11% (27) 18% (44) 18% (46) 5% (12) 48% (119) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 15% (134) 13% (110) 23% (197) 12% (107) 37% (320) 869Favorable of Trump 13% (107) 22% (176) 18% (143) 3% (27) 44% (354) 808Unfavorable of Trump 15% (169) 13% (144) 22% (240) 11% (116) 39% (430) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 18% (86) 21% (102) 16% (77) 4% (18) 42% (203) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (21) 23% (75) 21% (66) 3% (9) 47% (151) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (21) 15% (27) 18% (33) 2% (4) 53% (96) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 16% (148) 13% (117) 23% (207) 12% (111) 36% (334) 917#1 Issue: Economy 16% (77) 19% (89) 21% (100) 8% (39) 36% (168) 472#1 Issue: Security 14% (54) 17% (67) 14% (55) 5% (18) 50% (194) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (34) 14% (48) 22% (75) 11% (36) 42% (141) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 14% (43) 16% (50) 22% (66) 6% (19) 42% (126) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 17% (29) 15% (26) 17% (28) 9% (16) 42% (72) 172#1 Issue: Education 13% (16) 17% (20) 19% (23) 5% (7) 46% (55) 121#1 Issue: Energy 17% (17) 13% (13) 21% (21) 8% (8) 41% (40) 98#1 Issue: Other 9% (9) 12% (12) 20% (21) 9% (9) 50% (52) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 16% (134) 14% (119) 23% (196) 10% (85) 36% (301) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 13% (82) 19% (126) 20% (130) 5% (31) 44% (286) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 14% (12) 22% (20) 9% (8) 44% (39) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 13% (51) 17% (69) 10% (41) 7% (27) 54% (222) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14% (102) 15% (108) 24% (177) 11% (83) 36% (270) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (91) 20% (139) 18% (125) 3% (21) 44% (301) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 14% (23) 10% (16) 21% (34) 11% (18) 44% (72) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 15% (61) 15% (62) 13% (52) 6% (26) 50% (205) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 14% (192) 17% (232) 22% (297) 8% (111) 39% (535) 1367Voted in 2014: No 14% (85) 15% (94) 15% (91) 6% (40) 50% (314) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_8

Table POL17_8: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The upper class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (278) 16% (326) 19% (388) 8% (151) 43% (849) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (145) 16% (138) 21% (182) 9% (82) 37% (324) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 11% (56) 18% (93) 21% (107) 4% (18) 46% (232) 5062012 Vote: Other 14% (14) 14% (14) 27% (27) 12% (12) 32% (32) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (63) 16% (80) 14% (71) 7% (38) 51% (261) 5134-Region: Northeast 10% (34) 15% (53) 20% (72) 9% (33) 46% (163) 3554-Region: Midwest 15% (68) 17% (77) 18% (83) 6% (29) 44% (200) 4574-Region: South 14% (106) 17% (129) 19% (139) 7% (53) 42% (316) 7434-Region: West 16% (68) 15% (67) 22% (94) 8% (36) 39% (170) 435Strong Republican 15% (59) 19% (78) 18% (74) 5% (19) 43% (176) 405Not Very Strong Republican 6% (12) 20% (41) 18% (38) 2% (3) 54% (111) 205Strong Democrat 17% (82) 12% (58) 26% (125) 12% (57) 34% (168) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 15% (45) 19% (56) 17% (52) 7% (21) 41% (123) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_9

Table POL17_9: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The middle class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (181) 15% (301) 26% (510) 25% (493) 25% (506) 1991Gender: Male 10% (96) 17% (156) 27% (255) 25% (232) 21% (193) 932Gender: Female 8% (85) 14% (145) 24% (256) 25% (261) 30% (312) 1059Age: 18-29 10% (35) 12% (42) 22% (76) 21% (73) 35% (120) 345Age: 30-44 11% (52) 16% (72) 25% (113) 20% (90) 29% (131) 458Age: 45-54 10% (35) 19% (70) 22% (81) 25% (90) 24% (85) 361Age: 55-64 7% (26) 17% (61) 25% (90) 24% (89) 27% (98) 364Age: 65+ 7% (34) 12% (56) 33% (151) 33% (151) 16% (72) 463Generation Z: 18-22 10% (13) 14% (18) 17% (22) 15% (21) 44% (59) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 11% (54) 15% (75) 24% (121) 21% (106) 29% (146) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 10% (55) 17% (90) 24% (126) 24% (127) 25% (130) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 8% (57) 15% (106) 27% (192) 30% (214) 21% (153) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (49) 10% (75) 25% (198) 38% (300) 21% (165) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 10% (57) 13% (79) 25% (147) 25% (149) 27% (162) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 12% (75) 24% (146) 27% (166) 7% (44) 29% (179) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (23) 10% (33) 26% (87) 39% (130) 18% (59) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (26) 9% (42) 24% (111) 37% (170) 23% (106) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (27) 15% (44) 25% (74) 28% (82) 22% (64) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 10% (30) 12% (35) 24% (73) 22% (67) 32% (97) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 15% (46) 25% (79) 30% (94) 7% (20) 23% (70) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 10% (29) 22% (67) 24% (72) 8% (24) 36% (109) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (39) 8% (47) 27% (164) 43% (259) 15% (92) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (25) 15% (73) 30% (149) 28% (137) 22% (109) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (104) 22% (155) 26% (178) 10% (67) 28% (193) 697Educ: < College 11% (133) 16% (197) 22% (279) 23% (293) 28% (350) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (35) 14% (65) 30% (140) 28% (131) 21% (100) 471Educ: Post-grad 5% (13) 14% (39) 34% (91) 26% (70) 21% (55) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_9

Table POL17_9: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The middle class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (181) 15% (301) 26% (510) 25% (493) 25% (506) 1991Income: Under 50k 11% (117) 16% (170) 23% (245) 23% (253) 28% (302) 1087Income: 50k-100k 8% (50) 15% (96) 30% (189) 25% (161) 22% (140) 636Income: 100k+ 5% (14) 13% (35) 29% (76) 29% (79) 24% (63) 268Ethnicity: White 9% (138) 16% (255) 27% (431) 25% (395) 24% (391) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 11% (22) 11% (22) 21% (40) 27% (52) 30% (57) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 11% (28) 12% (31) 21% (53) 24% (62) 31% (78) 252Ethnicity: Other 12% (15) 12% (15) 20% (26) 28% (36) 28% (36) 128All Christian 11% (100) 16% (153) 27% (253) 22% (202) 24% (224) 931All Non-Christian 8% (6) 8% (6) 32% (24) 29% (22) 22% (17) 77Atheist 4% (4) 4% (3) 36% (33) 41% (38) 15% (14) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (71) 15% (138) 22% (200) 26% (231) 28% (252) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (8) 10% (10) 32% (32) 25% (25) 25% (25) 99Evangelical 13% (76) 19% (107) 26% (149) 14% (83) 28% (160) 574Non-Evangelical 8% (58) 14% (101) 26% (191) 27% (198) 24% (177) 725Community: Urban 7% (31) 15% (68) 25% (115) 30% (139) 24% (114) 467Community: Suburban 9% (90) 15% (147) 26% (259) 25% (252) 25% (254) 1002Community: Rural 12% (61) 16% (86) 26% (136) 19% (102) 26% (138) 522Employ: Private Sector 8% (52) 15% (103) 26% (178) 25% (166) 26% (173) 671Employ: Government 8% (10) 14% (18) 33% (42) 19% (24) 26% (33) 128Employ: Self-Employed 12% (21) 14% (24) 28% (47) 25% (43) 21% (35) 169Employ: Homemaker 13% (14) 19% (21) 18% (20) 14% (15) 37% (42) 112Employ: Student 16% (14) 16% (14) 20% (17) 17% (15) 31% (28) 89Employ: Retired 7% (33) 15% (74) 31% (155) 31% (157) 17% (86) 505Employ: Unemployed 10% (15) 16% (25) 16% (26) 24% (38) 34% (53) 157Employ: Other 14% (23) 13% (21) 16% (26) 22% (35) 35% (55) 160Military HH: Yes 9% (33) 16% (56) 27% (97) 24% (85) 24% (86) 357Military HH: No 9% (148) 15% (245) 25% (413) 25% (408) 26% (419) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 15% (117) 25% (195) 25% (193) 5% (37) 29% (225) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (65) 9% (106) 26% (317) 37% (456) 23% (281) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_9

Table POL17_9: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The middle class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (181) 15% (301) 26% (510) 25% (493) 25% (506) 1991Trump Job Approve 15% (119) 26% (213) 26% (209) 4% (30) 29% (234) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (58) 7% (83) 26% (294) 41% (457) 20% (225) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 21% (91) 28% (123) 21% (92) 3% (12) 27% (119) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (29) 24% (91) 32% (118) 5% (18) 31% (115) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (19) 15% (36) 33% (82) 17% (43) 27% (67) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (39) 5% (47) 24% (212) 48% (414) 18% (158) 869Favorable of Trump 15% (123) 27% (218) 26% (210) 4% (31) 28% (224) 808Unfavorable of Trump 5% (55) 7% (79) 27% (294) 41% (453) 20% (217) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 20% (97) 29% (139) 22% (106) 3% (16) 26% (128) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (27) 25% (80) 32% (104) 5% (15) 30% (96) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (9) 16% (28) 37% (66) 12% (23) 30% (55) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (46) 6% (51) 25% (228) 47% (431) 18% (161) 917#1 Issue: Economy 10% (47) 18% (86) 29% (135) 23% (109) 20% (95) 472#1 Issue: Security 15% (57) 23% (91) 24% (95) 8% (32) 29% (113) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 7% (24) 8% (26) 25% (85) 32% (107) 27% (91) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (22) 16% (49) 25% (77) 31% (94) 20% (61) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (12) 11% (19) 23% (39) 33% (57) 27% (46) 172#1 Issue: Education 8% (9) 13% (16) 26% (32) 22% (26) 31% (37) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 8% (8) 22% (22) 40% (39) 25% (25) 98#1 Issue: Other 6% (6) 5% (5) 25% (26) 27% (27) 37% (38) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (44) 7% (56) 28% (233) 43% (362) 17% (140) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 14% (94) 25% (162) 27% (177) 7% (45) 27% (176) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 6% (6) 12% (11) 25% (22) 27% (24) 30% (27) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (38) 17% (72) 19% (78) 15% (61) 39% (161) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (33) 7% (52) 26% (193) 45% (336) 17% (128) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 15% (102) 25% (169) 27% (185) 6% (43) 26% (178) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 7% (11) 9% (14) 29% (47) 31% (51) 25% (41) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (36) 16% (65) 21% (84) 15% (62) 39% (160) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 9% (126) 14% (198) 27% (367) 28% (384) 21% (292) 1367Voted in 2014: No 9% (56) 16% (103) 23% (143) 17% (109) 34% (214) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_9

Table POL17_9: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The middle class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (181) 15% (301) 26% (510) 25% (493) 25% (506) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (59) 9% (77) 26% (228) 39% (339) 19% (167) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 10% (52) 23% (118) 28% (140) 10% (52) 28% (144) 5062012 Vote: Other 19% (19) 18% (18) 27% (27) 19% (19) 18% (18) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (52) 17% (87) 22% (115) 16% (83) 34% (176) 5134-Region: Northeast 6% (22) 16% (57) 27% (95) 27% (94) 25% (88) 3554-Region: Midwest 10% (46) 12% (56) 25% (115) 26% (118) 27% (122) 4574-Region: South 9% (69) 18% (132) 24% (182) 21% (156) 27% (204) 7434-Region: West 10% (45) 13% (56) 27% (119) 28% (124) 21% (91) 435Strong Republican 16% (64) 26% (107) 27% (110) 5% (18) 26% (106) 405Not Very Strong Republican 6% (11) 19% (39) 27% (56) 13% (26) 36% (73) 205Strong Democrat 7% (33) 8% (38) 26% (125) 45% (219) 15% (76) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 6% (17) 13% (38) 24% (72) 27% (81) 30% (89) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_10

Table POL17_10: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The lower class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (173) 12% (244) 21% (412) 33% (657) 25% (506) 1991Gender: Male 10% (90) 14% (133) 22% (202) 33% (311) 21% (195) 932Gender: Female 8% (82) 10% (110) 20% (209) 33% (347) 29% (311) 1059Age: 18-29 9% (32) 12% (42) 16% (54) 29% (100) 34% (118) 345Age: 30-44 12% (54) 12% (55) 20% (90) 31% (140) 26% (119) 458Age: 45-54 9% (33) 16% (57) 18% (66) 32% (115) 25% (90) 361Age: 55-64 8% (29) 12% (45) 24% (89) 32% (116) 24% (86) 364Age: 65+ 6% (26) 10% (45) 24% (112) 40% (187) 20% (93) 463Generation Z: 18-22 6% (8) 12% (16) 17% (22) 20% (27) 45% (60) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 11% (56) 13% (66) 17% (85) 32% (161) 27% (134) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 10% (53) 14% (72) 19% (102) 31% (166) 25% (133) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 7% (53) 11% (82) 22% (161) 37% (271) 22% (156) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (56) 6% (49) 19% (148) 48% (377) 20% (157) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (46) 13% (79) 20% (116) 33% (198) 26% (154) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (70) 19% (116) 24% (147) 13% (82) 32% (195) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (26) 8% (28) 18% (58) 48% (159) 18% (61) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 7% (30) 5% (21) 20% (90) 48% (218) 21% (96) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 7% (20) 13% (37) 24% (70) 37% (108) 19% (57) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (27) 14% (41) 15% (47) 30% (91) 32% (97) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 15% (45) 22% (68) 24% (74) 14% (44) 25% (78) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (25) 16% (48) 24% (73) 13% (38) 39% (118) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (37) 6% (38) 20% (120) 53% (320) 15% (89) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (29) 11% (53) 23% (113) 38% (189) 22% (109) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (88) 19% (134) 23% (159) 16% (115) 29% (202) 697Educ: < College 10% (121) 12% (153) 19% (234) 31% (383) 29% (361) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (35) 13% (60) 23% (109) 38% (179) 19% (88) 471Educ: Post-grad 6% (16) 11% (30) 26% (69) 36% (96) 21% (57) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_10

Table POL17_10: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The lower class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (173) 12% (244) 21% (412) 33% (657) 25% (506) 1991Income: Under 50k 10% (113) 11% (124) 19% (205) 31% (338) 28% (308) 1087Income: 50k-100k 7% (43) 13% (82) 24% (153) 35% (225) 21% (133) 636Income: 100k+ 6% (17) 14% (38) 20% (54) 35% (95) 24% (65) 268Ethnicity: White 8% (132) 13% (211) 21% (339) 33% (525) 25% (403) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 11% (21) 6% (12) 15% (29) 39% (75) 28% (55) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 10% (26) 7% (18) 19% (48) 34% (86) 29% (74) 252Ethnicity: Other 12% (15) 11% (14) 19% (25) 36% (46) 22% (29) 128All Christian 11% (98) 13% (123) 23% (212) 29% (268) 25% (231) 931All Non-Christian 3% (2) 8% (6) 18% (14) 48% (36) 24% (18) 77Atheist 4% (3) 9% (8) 19% (17) 53% (48) 16% (15) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (69) 12% (107) 19% (169) 34% (305) 27% (242) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 3% (3) 9% (9) 21% (21) 40% (40) 27% (27) 99Evangelical 12% (71) 15% (88) 22% (126) 22% (124) 29% (165) 574Non-Evangelical 9% (62) 12% (84) 21% (149) 35% (257) 24% (174) 725Community: Urban 9% (44) 9% (41) 17% (79) 41% (192) 24% (112) 467Community: Suburban 7% (73) 13% (133) 21% (213) 33% (329) 25% (254) 1002Community: Rural 11% (56) 13% (70) 23% (120) 26% (136) 27% (140) 522Employ: Private Sector 8% (53) 12% (82) 22% (145) 34% (230) 24% (161) 671Employ: Government 10% (13) 15% (19) 20% (26) 30% (39) 24% (31) 128Employ: Self-Employed 12% (20) 13% (22) 23% (39) 30% (51) 22% (37) 169Employ: Homemaker 13% (14) 16% (17) 16% (18) 23% (26) 33% (37) 112Employ: Student 10% (9) 14% (13) 18% (16) 23% (21) 34% (30) 89Employ: Retired 5% (27) 10% (51) 24% (119) 40% (203) 21% (106) 505Employ: Unemployed 10% (15) 14% (22) 16% (25) 28% (43) 33% (52) 157Employ: Other 13% (21) 11% (17) 15% (25) 28% (45) 33% (52) 160Military HH: Yes 9% (33) 12% (43) 23% (82) 32% (114) 24% (86) 357Military HH: No 9% (140) 12% (200) 20% (330) 33% (543) 26% (420) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 13% (103) 22% (166) 24% (183) 12% (91) 29% (223) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (69) 6% (77) 19% (228) 46% (567) 23% (283) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_10

Table POL17_10: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The lower class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (173) 12% (244) 21% (412) 33% (657) 25% (506) 1991Trump Job Approve 14% (115) 22% (180) 24% (192) 10% (83) 29% (238) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (51) 5% (61) 19% (215) 51% (568) 20% (221) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 19% (83) 24% (107) 20% (87) 6% (26) 31% (134) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (32) 20% (73) 28% (104) 15% (57) 28% (104) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (16) 10% (24) 31% (77) 25% (62) 28% (70) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (36) 4% (37) 16% (138) 58% (506) 17% (151) 869Favorable of Trump 15% (123) 22% (180) 24% (198) 10% (79) 28% (228) 808Unfavorable of Trump 4% (47) 6% (61) 19% (210) 52% (567) 19% (214) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 19% (90) 23% (113) 21% (103) 9% (42) 28% (138) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10% (33) 21% (67) 29% (95) 12% (37) 28% (90) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (8) 12% (21) 27% (49) 26% (48) 31% (56) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (39) 4% (40) 18% (161) 57% (519) 17% (158) 917#1 Issue: Economy 9% (42) 17% (78) 22% (102) 32% (152) 21% (97) 472#1 Issue: Security 13% (50) 20% (78) 21% (81) 15% (56) 31% (122) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 7% (23) 7% (24) 23% (77) 41% (135) 22% (74) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (21) 9% (27) 21% (65) 39% (120) 23% (71) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (13) 8% (14) 20% (34) 41% (71) 24% (41) 172#1 Issue: Education 10% (13) 9% (11) 20% (24) 33% (40) 27% (33) 121#1 Issue: Energy 5% (4) 8% (8) 14% (14) 47% (46) 27% (26) 98#1 Issue: Other 6% (6) 3% (3) 15% (15) 36% (37) 41% (41) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (45) 5% (44) 20% (166) 54% (455) 15% (126) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 12% (81) 21% (134) 25% (165) 13% (82) 29% (191) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 5% (4) 14% (13) 19% (17) 33% (30) 29% (26) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (42) 13% (52) 15% (62) 22% (91) 40% (162) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (35) 5% (37) 19% (141) 56% (413) 16% (115) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (94) 20% (136) 25% (172) 12% (79) 29% (195) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 6% (10) 8% (13) 19% (32) 41% (67) 26% (42) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (35) 13% (54) 16% (65) 24% (99) 38% (154) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 9% (119) 12% (159) 21% (290) 37% (503) 22% (296) 1367Voted in 2014: No 9% (53) 14% (84) 20% (122) 25% (155) 34% (210) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_10

Table POL17_10: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?The lower class in the U.S.

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (173) 12% (244) 21% (412) 33% (657) 25% (506) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (61) 6% (56) 20% (174) 48% (421) 18% (158) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 10% (49) 19% (95) 24% (119) 17% (85) 31% (157) 5062012 Vote: Other 17% (17) 14% (14) 27% (27) 26% (27) 15% (15) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (45) 15% (78) 18% (90) 24% (125) 34% (175) 5134-Region: Northeast 7% (26) 15% (53) 18% (65) 33% (116) 27% (95) 3554-Region: Midwest 8% (38) 10% (45) 23% (107) 32% (148) 26% (119) 4574-Region: South 10% (74) 13% (94) 21% (154) 30% (219) 27% (202) 7434-Region: West 8% (34) 12% (51) 20% (86) 40% (174) 21% (91) 435Strong Republican 15% (59) 22% (89) 24% (97) 9% (38) 30% (122) 405Not Very Strong Republican 5% (11) 13% (27) 24% (50) 22% (45) 36% (73) 205Strong Democrat 6% (31) 5% (24) 19% (91) 55% (268) 16% (76) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 8% (25) 9% (25) 19% (57) 37% (109) 27% (81) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_11

Table POL17_11: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. job creation

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (247) 21% (421) 21% (410) 20% (398) 26% (515) 1991Gender: Male 15% (138) 23% (218) 21% (196) 20% (187) 21% (193) 932Gender: Female 10% (109) 19% (203) 20% (214) 20% (211) 30% (322) 1059Age: 18-29 13% (46) 21% (73) 14% (48) 22% (77) 29% (100) 345Age: 30-44 15% (66) 20% (93) 19% (89) 15% (68) 31% (142) 458Age: 45-54 15% (56) 23% (82) 18% (64) 21% (76) 23% (83) 361Age: 55-64 11% (39) 23% (83) 22% (79) 19% (68) 26% (96) 364Age: 65+ 9% (40) 19% (90) 28% (130) 24% (110) 20% (94) 463Generation Z: 18-22 13% (17) 20% (27) 16% (22) 15% (20) 36% (48) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 13% (68) 23% (116) 16% (79) 20% (98) 28% (141) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 16% (83) 20% (106) 19% (100) 19% (102) 26% (135) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 10% (74) 22% (157) 23% (166) 22% (161) 23% (165) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (58) 13% (104) 25% (196) 32% (251) 23% (178) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 11% (65) 20% (117) 19% (113) 19% (115) 31% (183) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (124) 33% (199) 17% (101) 5% (33) 25% (154) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (29) 15% (50) 25% (83) 34% (112) 18% (59) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (29) 12% (54) 25% (113) 31% (139) 26% (120) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 12% (36) 20% (58) 21% (61) 21% (60) 26% (76) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 10% (30) 20% (60) 17% (51) 18% (55) 35% (107) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 24% (74) 36% (110) 17% (52) 5% (15) 19% (58) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 17% (50) 30% (89) 16% (49) 6% (17) 32% (96) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (44) 11% (68) 25% (153) 38% (227) 18% (111) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (44) 18% (87) 27% (135) 20% (99) 26% (128) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 20% (138) 33% (229) 15% (107) 8% (56) 24% (168) 697Educ: < College 14% (172) 21% (262) 19% (236) 18% (230) 28% (353) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 11% (50) 22% (104) 21% (99) 24% (111) 23% (107) 471Educ: Post-grad 10% (26) 21% (56) 28% (74) 22% (58) 21% (55) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_11

Table POL17_11: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. job creation

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (247) 21% (421) 21% (410) 20% (398) 26% (515) 1991Income: Under 50k 13% (137) 20% (218) 20% (214) 19% (207) 29% (311) 1087Income: 50k-100k 13% (84) 21% (134) 24% (150) 20% (127) 22% (140) 636Income: 100k+ 10% (26) 26% (69) 17% (46) 24% (64) 24% (64) 268Ethnicity: White 13% (209) 22% (355) 21% (344) 18% (295) 25% (407) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 11% (22) 20% (39) 18% (35) 25% (48) 26% (49) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (22) 16% (41) 17% (44) 28% (72) 29% (73) 252Ethnicity: Other 13% (16) 19% (25) 17% (22) 24% (31) 27% (34) 128All Christian 15% (136) 23% (212) 22% (203) 18% (166) 23% (213) 931All Non-Christian 9% (7) 13% (10) 29% (23) 27% (21) 22% (17) 77Atheist 7% (7) 18% (16) 26% (24) 31% (28) 18% (16) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11% (98) 20% (182) 18% (161) 21% (183) 30% (268) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 8% (8) 16% (16) 29% (29) 23% (23) 23% (23) 99Evangelical 19% (110) 25% (142) 18% (103) 11% (66) 27% (153) 574Non-Evangelical 11% (80) 21% (149) 22% (161) 22% (159) 24% (176) 725Community: Urban 12% (58) 17% (77) 20% (93) 26% (120) 26% (119) 467Community: Suburban 11% (114) 22% (220) 21% (206) 20% (199) 26% (263) 1002Community: Rural 14% (75) 24% (124) 21% (111) 15% (80) 25% (133) 522Employ: Private Sector 13% (89) 21% (140) 21% (141) 19% (126) 26% (174) 671Employ: Government 10% (13) 25% (32) 26% (33) 14% (18) 24% (30) 128Employ: Self-Employed 13% (22) 26% (43) 17% (29) 23% (39) 22% (37) 169Employ: Homemaker 15% (16) 23% (26) 11% (13) 17% (19) 35% (39) 112Employ: Student 19% (17) 19% (17) 16% (14) 17% (15) 29% (25) 89Employ: Retired 10% (49) 20% (103) 26% (131) 23% (119) 20% (103) 505Employ: Unemployed 8% (12) 19% (30) 17% (26) 25% (39) 32% (50) 157Employ: Other 18% (28) 18% (29) 14% (22) 15% (24) 35% (56) 160Military HH: Yes 14% (49) 22% (80) 20% (71) 19% (68) 25% (90) 357Military HH: No 12% (198) 21% (341) 21% (339) 20% (331) 26% (425) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 22% (172) 32% (246) 16% (125) 4% (31) 25% (192) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (75) 14% (175) 23% (284) 30% (368) 26% (322) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL17_11

Table POL17_11: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. job creation

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (247) 21% (421) 21% (410) 20% (398) 26% (515) 1991Trump Job Approve 23% (189) 34% (271) 16% (131) 3% (23) 24% (193) 807Trump Job Disapprove 5% (52) 13% (146) 25% (277) 33% (369) 24% (273) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 31% (137) 32% (141) 12% (53) 2% (10) 22% (96) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (53) 35% (130) 21% (78) 4% (13) 26% (97) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (15) 23% (56) 28% (69) 12% (30) 31% (77) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (36) 10% (90) 24% (208) 39% (339) 22% (195) 869Favorable of Trump 24% (191) 34% (277) 16% (132) 3% (23) 23% (185) 808Unfavorable of Trump 5% (51) 13% (139) 25% (272) 34% (370) 24% (266) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 30% (148) 33% (159) 12% (59) 3% (14) 22% (106) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 13% (43) 37% (118) 22% (72) 3% (9) 25% (79) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (11) 21% (38) 27% (49) 11% (20) 35% (64) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (41) 11% (101) 24% (223) 38% (350) 22% (202) 917#1 Issue: Economy 14% (64) 24% (114) 23% (109) 17% (78) 23% (107) 472#1 Issue: Security 22% (87) 29% (114) 15% (56) 7% (26) 27% (105) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 9% (30) 14% (48) 20% (67) 28% (95) 28% (94) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 10% (30) 18% (53) 26% (80) 22% (66) 24% (74) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (13) 19% (33) 23% (39) 27% (47) 23% (40) 172#1 Issue: Education 9% (11) 23% (27) 18% (22) 24% (29) 26% (32) 121#1 Issue: Energy 8% (7) 19% (18) 19% (19) 34% (34) 20% (20) 98#1 Issue: Other 3% (4) 13% (13) 17% (17) 24% (24) 43% (44) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (50) 11% (94) 26% (215) 36% (299) 21% (177) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 23% (151) 33% (213) 16% (108) 5% (34) 23% (148) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 20% (18) 23% (21) 14% (12) 33% (30) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (37) 24% (97) 16% (65) 13% (53) 39% (159) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (37) 10% (70) 26% (194) 38% (282) 21% (158) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 23% (157) 34% (229) 16% (108) 4% (29) 23% (154) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 7% (11) 22% (36) 22% (37) 21% (35) 27% (44) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 10% (42) 20% (83) 17% (71) 13% (52) 39% (159) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 13% (178) 20% (280) 22% (296) 23% (314) 22% (299) 1367Voted in 2014: No 11% (69) 23% (141) 18% (114) 13% (84) 35% (216) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL17_11

Table POL17_11: Do you think that imposing tariffs on Mexican imports to the United States will help or hurt the following?U.S. job creation

Demographic Strongly help Somewhat help Somewhat hurt Strongly hurtDon’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 12% (247) 21% (421) 21% (410) 20% (398) 26% (515) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (67) 14% (120) 24% (212) 31% (274) 23% (197) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 19% (94) 31% (157) 17% (88) 7% (35) 26% (131) 5062012 Vote: Other 24% (24) 26% (26) 21% (21) 13% (13) 16% (16) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (61) 23% (118) 17% (88) 15% (76) 33% (170) 5134-Region: Northeast 10% (35) 20% (70) 19% (67) 21% (74) 31% (109) 3554-Region: Midwest 13% (57) 21% (95) 22% (101) 18% (85) 26% (120) 4574-Region: South 14% (100) 22% (164) 20% (148) 18% (134) 27% (198) 7434-Region: West 13% (55) 21% (92) 22% (94) 24% (106) 20% (88) 435Strong Republican 26% (106) 31% (125) 15% (59) 4% (17) 24% (98) 405Not Very Strong Republican 9% (18) 36% (74) 20% (42) 7% (15) 27% (56) 205Strong Democrat 6% (29) 11% (54) 27% (133) 39% (191) 17% (83) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 10% (29) 17% (50) 21% (63) 20% (60) 32% (96) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, President Trump has said he will impose up to 25 percent tariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico does not take moreaggressive steps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. How much con dence do you have in President Trump to use the threatof tariffs in order to in uence Mexico’s policies that could reduce illegal immigration?

Demographic A lot Some Not much None at all Total N

Registered Voters 30% (589) 23% (467) 20% (393) 27% (541) 1991Gender: Male 35% (326) 23% (219) 16% (153) 25% (233) 932Gender: Female 25% (263) 23% (249) 23% (240) 29% (308) 1059Age: 18-29 15% (51) 21% (71) 27% (93) 37% (129) 345Age: 30-44 27% (122) 22% (101) 20% (92) 31% (142) 458Age: 45-54 38% (137) 24% (86) 15% (54) 23% (84) 361Age: 55-64 32% (115) 31% (113) 15% (56) 22% (81) 364Age: 65+ 35% (164) 21% (96) 21% (97) 23% (106) 463Generation Z: 18-22 14% (18) 20% (26) 32% (43) 35% (47) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 22% (109) 22% (109) 22% (110) 35% (175) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 35% (183) 23% (124) 17% (87) 25% (133) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 33% (237) 26% (184) 19% (136) 23% (165) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 15% (116) 19% (147) 26% (202) 41% (322) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (140) 25% (145) 21% (126) 31% (182) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 54% (333) 29% (175) 11% (65) 6% (38) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 18% (59) 21% (71) 21% (71) 40% (132) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 13% (58) 17% (76) 29% (132) 42% (189) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (82) 24% (70) 18% (53) 29% (85) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 19% (58) 25% (76) 24% (72) 32% (96) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 60% (186) 25% (78) 10% (29) 5% (15) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 49% (147) 32% (97) 12% (35) 7% (22) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (87) 15% (90) 24% (147) 46% (279) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 23% (112) 27% (134) 24% (118) 26% (128) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 50% (350) 29% (205) 12% (84) 8% (58) 697Educ: < College 31% (385) 22% (273) 20% (249) 28% (345) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 29% (135) 25% (117) 19% (91) 27% (127) 471Educ: Post-grad 26% (69) 29% (77) 20% (53) 26% (69) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, President Trump has said he will impose up to 25 percent tariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico does not take moreaggressive steps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. How much con dence do you have in President Trump to use the threatof tariffs in order to in uence Mexico’s policies that could reduce illegal immigration?

Demographic A lot Some Not much None at all Total N

Registered Voters 30% (589) 23% (467) 20% (393) 27% (541) 1991Income: Under 50k 29% (320) 23% (251) 20% (213) 28% (304) 1087Income: 50k-100k 29% (187) 23% (149) 20% (127) 27% (173) 636Income: 100k+ 31% (83) 25% (67) 20% (54) 24% (65) 268Ethnicity: White 32% (512) 25% (396) 19% (301) 25% (401) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% (37) 22% (42) 29% (56) 30% (58) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 21% (52) 18% (44) 24% (60) 38% (96) 252Ethnicity: Other 19% (25) 21% (27) 25% (32) 34% (44) 128All Christian 36% (334) 26% (246) 19% (173) 19% (179) 931All Non-Christian 16% (12) 20% (15) 33% (25) 31% (24) 77Atheist 11% (10) 15% (14) 21% (19) 52% (47) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26% (233) 22% (192) 20% (176) 33% (291) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 14% (14) 22% (22) 33% (33) 31% (30) 99Evangelical 39% (226) 28% (163) 16% (93) 16% (92) 574Non-Evangelical 31% (226) 23% (165) 20% (148) 26% (186) 725Community: Urban 25% (119) 20% (93) 23% (107) 32% (148) 467Community: Suburban 29% (288) 25% (246) 20% (197) 27% (272) 1002Community: Rural 35% (182) 25% (129) 17% (89) 23% (122) 522Employ: Private Sector 29% (197) 24% (158) 22% (144) 26% (171) 671Employ: Government 34% (43) 22% (27) 20% (25) 25% (32) 128Employ: Self-Employed 32% (54) 23% (39) 17% (28) 28% (48) 169Employ: Homemaker 29% (33) 25% (28) 22% (24) 24% (27) 112Employ: Student 16% (14) 29% (25) 22% (20) 33% (30) 89Employ: Retired 33% (166) 23% (117) 21% (107) 23% (116) 505Employ: Unemployed 23% (37) 25% (39) 16% (26) 35% (55) 157Employ: Other 29% (46) 20% (33) 12% (19) 39% (63) 160Military HH: Yes 34% (123) 24% (86) 19% (69) 22% (79) 357Military HH: No 29% (466) 23% (381) 20% (324) 28% (462) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 53% (405) 30% (227) 10% (79) 7% (55) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 15% (184) 20% (241) 26% (314) 40% (486) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, President Trump has said he will impose up to 25 percent tariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico does not take moreaggressive steps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. How much con dence do you have in President Trump to use the threatof tariffs in order to in uence Mexico’s policies that could reduce illegal immigration?

Demographic A lot Some Not much None at all Total N

Registered Voters 30% (589) 23% (467) 20% (393) 27% (541) 1991Trump Job Approve 53% (428) 33% (270) 9% (71) 5% (38) 807Trump Job Disapprove 14% (155) 16% (183) 28% (313) 42% (465) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 71% (311) 22% (97) 3% (13) 4% (16) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 32% (117) 47% (173) 16% (58) 6% (22) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 19% (47) 27% (66) 34% (85) 20% (50) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 12% (108) 13% (117) 26% (228) 48% (415) 869Favorable of Trump 55% (447) 32% (260) 8% (68) 4% (32) 808Unfavorable of Trump 12% (134) 18% (192) 28% (310) 42% (463) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 70% (342) 22% (107) 4% (18) 4% (18) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 33% (105) 48% (153) 15% (49) 4% (14) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 16% (30) 30% (55) 33% (60) 20% (37) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (104) 15% (138) 27% (249) 46% (426) 917#1 Issue: Economy 31% (147) 29% (135) 18% (84) 23% (107) 472#1 Issue: Security 54% (210) 25% (96) 10% (40) 11% (42) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 21% (69) 20% (67) 24% (81) 35% (117) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 29% (88) 27% (81) 23% (69) 22% (66) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15% (26) 16% (27) 26% (45) 43% (74) 172#1 Issue: Education 18% (22) 25% (31) 25% (30) 32% (38) 121#1 Issue: Energy 8% (8) 18% (17) 22% (21) 53% (52) 98#1 Issue: Other 19% (20) 13% (14) 23% (23) 45% (46) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 14% (113) 17% (145) 26% (220) 43% (357) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 57% (374) 29% (191) 8% (54) 5% (35) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 22% (20) 23% (21) 27% (25) 28% (25) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 20% (81) 27% (111) 23% (94) 30% (125) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14% (101) 16% (121) 26% (194) 44% (325) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 57% (384) 29% (198) 9% (60) 5% (34) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 17% (28) 27% (44) 24% (40) 31% (50) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 18% (74) 25% (103) 24% (98) 32% (132) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 33% (457) 22% (299) 19% (253) 26% (359) 1367Voted in 2014: No 21% (133) 27% (169) 22% (140) 29% (183) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, President Trump has said he will impose up to 25 percent tariffs on Mexican imports if Mexico does not take moreaggressive steps to reduce illegal immigration across the U.S. - Mexico border. How much con dence do you have in President Trump to use the threatof tariffs in order to in uence Mexico’s policies that could reduce illegal immigration?

Demographic A lot Some Not much None at all Total N

Registered Voters 30% (589) 23% (467) 20% (393) 27% (541) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (150) 20% (174) 24% (210) 39% (337) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 53% (266) 30% (150) 12% (60) 6% (29) 5062012 Vote: Other 52% (52) 18% (19) 11% (11) 19% (19) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (121) 24% (124) 22% (112) 30% (156) 5134-Region: Northeast 25% (90) 25% (89) 19% (66) 31% (109) 3554-Region: Midwest 30% (137) 23% (107) 22% (101) 24% (112) 4574-Region: South 33% (245) 25% (182) 17% (126) 26% (190) 7434-Region: West 27% (116) 20% (88) 23% (100) 30% (131) 435Strong Republican 64% (259) 24% (98) 9% (34) 3% (13) 405Not Very Strong Republican 36% (73) 38% (77) 15% (30) 12% (24) 205Strong Democrat 16% (77) 16% (77) 23% (115) 45% (221) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 13% (40) 23% (69) 29% (88) 34% (101) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump raised tariffs to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods in May. China responded byincreasing tariffs on $60 billion worth of American products. Trump has since said that he’s considering raising tariffs on China by another $300 billion.Based on what you know, do you support or oppose increasing tariffs on China by $300 billion?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (364) 17% (331) 15% (290) 32% (636) 19% (370) 1991Gender: Male 24% (224) 17% (159) 15% (137) 31% (289) 13% (123) 932Gender: Female 13% (139) 16% (173) 14% (153) 33% (347) 23% (248) 1059Age: 18-29 9% (30) 13% (46) 15% (53) 33% (113) 30% (104) 345Age: 30-44 16% (74) 13% (60) 16% (75) 32% (145) 22% (103) 458Age: 45-54 23% (82) 20% (70) 13% (46) 31% (113) 14% (50) 361Age: 55-64 20% (74) 18% (65) 14% (50) 31% (112) 17% (64) 364Age: 65+ 22% (104) 19% (89) 14% (66) 33% (154) 11% (50) 463Generation Z: 18-22 9% (12) 16% (21) 14% (19) 29% (39) 32% (42) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 10% (52) 12% (61) 17% (85) 33% (168) 27% (137) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 23% (122) 18% (95) 13% (69) 31% (164) 15% (77) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 21% (151) 18% (133) 14% (100) 34% (243) 13% (96) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (34) 9% (72) 16% (129) 51% (404) 19% (147) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (86) 15% (91) 17% (100) 32% (193) 21% (123) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 40% (243) 28% (168) 10% (60) 6% (39) 16% (100) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (19) 10% (32) 16% (55) 52% (174) 16% (53) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (16) 9% (40) 16% (75) 51% (231) 21% (94) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 18% (52) 17% (49) 18% (52) 33% (97) 14% (40) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (34) 14% (42) 16% (48) 32% (96) 27% (83) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 50% (153) 25% (78) 10% (30) 6% (19) 10% (30) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 30% (90) 30% (90) 10% (30) 7% (21) 23% (70) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (32) 7% (43) 18% (107) 56% (339) 14% (82) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (44) 16% (80) 23% (112) 37% (180) 16% (77) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 38% (262) 27% (185) 9% (60) 12% (82) 15% (108) 697Educ: < College 19% (237) 16% (199) 13% (168) 29% (367) 22% (281) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 17% (80) 18% (84) 15% (73) 37% (176) 12% (57) 471Educ: Post-grad 17% (47) 18% (48) 18% (48) 35% (93) 12% (32) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump raised tariffs to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods in May. China responded byincreasing tariffs on $60 billion worth of American products. Trump has since said that he’s considering raising tariffs on China by another $300 billion.Based on what you know, do you support or oppose increasing tariffs on China by $300 billion?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (364) 17% (331) 15% (290) 32% (636) 19% (370) 1991Income: Under 50k 17% (186) 15% (167) 14% (155) 29% (313) 25% (266) 1087Income: 50k-100k 18% (115) 18% (113) 15% (98) 37% (233) 12% (77) 636Income: 100k+ 23% (63) 19% (52) 14% (37) 33% (90) 10% (27) 268Ethnicity: White 21% (340) 18% (287) 14% (231) 30% (483) 17% (269) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 12% (24) 10% (20) 17% (32) 35% (68) 25% (49) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (12) 11% (27) 15% (39) 41% (103) 29% (72) 252Ethnicity: Other 9% (12) 13% (17) 15% (19) 39% (50) 23% (30) 128All Christian 24% (226) 20% (186) 14% (130) 27% (249) 15% (140) 931All Non-Christian 5% (4) 6% (5) 22% (17) 42% (32) 25% (19) 77Atheist 8% (8) 7% (7) 19% (17) 60% (54) 6% (5) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14% (125) 15% (134) 14% (126) 34% (301) 23% (206) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 5% (5) 11% (11) 19% (19) 38% (38) 26% (26) 99Evangelical 25% (145) 21% (121) 13% (72) 22% (126) 19% (110) 574Non-Evangelical 18% (134) 18% (131) 15% (111) 32% (232) 16% (116) 725Community: Urban 15% (71) 15% (69) 14% (66) 35% (163) 21% (98) 467Community: Suburban 19% (188) 16% (158) 15% (148) 33% (327) 18% (182) 1002Community: Rural 20% (105) 20% (104) 15% (76) 28% (146) 17% (91) 522Employ: Private Sector 18% (119) 16% (105) 17% (113) 33% (223) 17% (111) 671Employ: Government 16% (20) 20% (26) 12% (16) 30% (39) 21% (27) 128Employ: Self-Employed 24% (41) 16% (28) 18% (31) 27% (46) 14% (23) 169Employ: Homemaker 19% (21) 17% (19) 16% (18) 24% (27) 24% (27) 112Employ: Student 12% (11) 13% (11) 10% (9) 34% (30) 31% (28) 89Employ: Retired 21% (107) 20% (99) 14% (70) 34% (172) 11% (58) 505Employ: Unemployed 11% (17) 16% (25) 10% (15) 32% (51) 31% (49) 157Employ: Other 17% (28) 12% (19) 12% (18) 30% (47) 29% (47) 160Military HH: Yes 25% (88) 19% (68) 12% (43) 29% (104) 15% (55) 357Military HH: No 17% (276) 16% (264) 15% (247) 33% (532) 19% (316) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 40% (305) 28% (212) 12% (90) 4% (30) 17% (130) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (58) 10% (120) 16% (200) 49% (606) 20% (241) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump raised tariffs to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods in May. China responded byincreasing tariffs on $60 billion worth of American products. Trump has since said that he’s considering raising tariffs on China by another $300 billion.Based on what you know, do you support or oppose increasing tariffs on China by $300 billion?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (364) 17% (331) 15% (290) 32% (636) 19% (370) 1991Trump Job Approve 40% (326) 29% (236) 11% (89) 3% (22) 17% (134) 807Trump Job Disapprove 3% (37) 8% (92) 17% (193) 54% (608) 17% (187) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 60% (261) 24% (105) 5% (23) 1% (4) 10% (45) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 18% (65) 35% (131) 18% (67) 5% (18) 24% (89) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (12) 20% (51) 29% (71) 23% (58) 23% (56) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (24) 5% (41) 14% (122) 63% (550) 15% (131) 869Favorable of Trump 41% (333) 30% (240) 11% (92) 3% (24) 15% (118) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (28) 8% (85) 17% (190) 55% (607) 17% (189) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 57% (276) 26% (128) 6% (27) 2% (8) 10% (47) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18% (57) 35% (112) 20% (65) 5% (16) 22% (72) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (9) 16% (29) 27% (49) 24% (43) 28% (51) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (18) 6% (55) 15% (141) 61% (564) 15% (138) 917#1 Issue: Economy 16% (78) 23% (108) 18% (83) 28% (131) 15% (73) 472#1 Issue: Security 44% (169) 23% (88) 7% (27) 10% (38) 17% (66) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (32) 12% (40) 14% (46) 43% (144) 21% (72) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 16% (48) 16% (48) 17% (50) 37% (112) 15% (45) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (7) 7% (13) 16% (28) 46% (79) 27% (46) 172#1 Issue: Education 9% (10) 12% (15) 19% (24) 37% (45) 23% (28) 121#1 Issue: Energy 9% (9) 8% (8) 22% (22) 47% (46) 14% (13) 98#1 Issue: Other 11% (11) 12% (12) 10% (10) 41% (42) 27% (28) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (29) 8% (69) 18% (147) 56% (470) 14% (120) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 41% (270) 29% (189) 10% (64) 6% (41) 14% (89) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 15% (13) 8% (7) 31% (28) 29% (26) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 12% (49) 14% (59) 17% (72) 24% (96) 33% (134) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (23) 6% (44) 18% (135) 56% (417) 16% (121) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 43% (287) 30% (201) 9% (58) 5% (35) 14% (94) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 11% (18) 12% (19) 18% (29) 42% (68) 18% (29) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 9% (35) 16% (65) 17% (68) 28% (113) 31% (126) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL19

Table POL19: As you may know, President Trump raised tariffs to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods in May. China responded byincreasing tariffs on $60 billion worth of American products. Trump has since said that he’s considering raising tariffs on China by another $300 billion.Based on what you know, do you support or oppose increasing tariffs on China by $300 billion?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (364) 17% (331) 15% (290) 32% (636) 19% (370) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 21% (287) 17% (228) 14% (191) 34% (468) 14% (193) 1367Voted in 2014: No 12% (76) 17% (103) 16% (99) 27% (168) 28% (178) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 6% (54) 11% (95) 17% (149) 50% (437) 15% (135) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 39% (200) 26% (132) 10% (50) 9% (46) 16% (79) 5062012 Vote: Other 41% (42) 15% (15) 9% (9) 24% (24) 11% (11) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (68) 17% (89) 16% (82) 25% (129) 28% (146) 5134-Region: Northeast 14% (51) 17% (60) 18% (63) 34% (121) 17% (61) 3554-Region: Midwest 17% (80) 17% (77) 15% (68) 32% (147) 18% (84) 4574-Region: South 21% (156) 18% (134) 14% (101) 27% (202) 20% (150) 7434-Region: West 18% (76) 14% (59) 13% (58) 38% (166) 17% (76) 435Strong Republican 51% (206) 26% (107) 7% (28) 3% (13) 13% (52) 405Not Very Strong Republican 18% (37) 30% (61) 16% (32) 13% (27) 24% (48) 205Strong Democrat 4% (21) 6% (31) 13% (63) 62% (303) 15% (73) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 5% (14) 14% (41) 22% (66) 34% (101) 25% (75) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL20

Table POL20: As you may know, Congress is planning to provide a cost-of-living pay increase of $4,500 for its members next year, the rst increasesince 2009, which would bring their annual salary to roughly $178,500. Based on what you know, would you support or oppose providing members ofCongress with a cost-of-living pay increase?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (82) 10% (193) 15% (302) 57% (1135) 14% (279) 1991Gender: Male 5% (49) 10% (97) 17% (154) 59% (546) 9% (85) 932Gender: Female 3% (33) 9% (95) 14% (148) 56% (589) 18% (194) 1059Age: 18-29 6% (21) 16% (56) 16% (55) 33% (113) 29% (99) 345Age: 30-44 7% (31) 11% (48) 15% (68) 50% (227) 18% (82) 458Age: 45-54 3% (9) 9% (33) 13% (47) 62% (222) 14% (49) 361Age: 55-64 2% (7) 7% (24) 16% (59) 67% (244) 8% (31) 364Age: 65+ 3% (13) 7% (31) 15% (72) 71% (329) 4% (18) 463Generation Z: 18-22 4% (6) 16% (22) 20% (27) 27% (37) 32% (43) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 6% (30) 14% (68) 15% (77) 42% (212) 23% (115) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 5% (25) 9% (47) 13% (67) 60% (315) 14% (73) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 3% (20) 6% (44) 16% (117) 69% (495) 6% (46) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (32) 11% (83) 20% (158) 49% (384) 17% (131) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (20) 8% (47) 12% (74) 59% (350) 17% (103) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (31) 10% (62) 11% (70) 66% (401) 8% (46) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (19) 13% (43) 23% (75) 48% (160) 11% (36) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (13) 9% (40) 18% (82) 49% (225) 21% (94) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (11) 7% (20) 14% (41) 63% (183) 12% (35) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (9) 9% (27) 11% (33) 55% (166) 22% (68) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (19) 11% (35) 12% (37) 66% (203) 5% (14) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (11) 9% (28) 11% (33) 66% (198) 11% (32) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 2% (15) 12% (72) 22% (132) 52% (312) 12% (73) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (20) 10% (49) 15% (74) 60% (296) 11% (55) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (34) 9% (60) 12% (81) 66% (460) 9% (62) 697Educ: < College 5% (60) 8% (101) 13% (168) 57% (712) 17% (211) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (15) 13% (59) 20% (95) 56% (263) 8% (39) 471Educ: Post-grad 3% (7) 12% (32) 15% (40) 60% (160) 11% (29) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POL20

Table POL20: As you may know, Congress is planning to provide a cost-of-living pay increase of $4,500 for its members next year, the rst increasesince 2009, which would bring their annual salary to roughly $178,500. Based on what you know, would you support or oppose providing members ofCongress with a cost-of-living pay increase?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (82) 10% (193) 15% (302) 57% (1135) 14% (279) 1991Income: Under 50k 5% (49) 8% (91) 14% (155) 53% (577) 20% (216) 1087Income: 50k-100k 4% (25) 11% (67) 17% (106) 61% (390) 7% (47) 636Income: 100k+ 3% (8) 13% (35) 15% (41) 62% (167) 6% (17) 268Ethnicity: White 4% (60) 9% (144) 15% (245) 61% (983) 11% (177) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (4) 13% (25) 9% (18) 51% (98) 25% (48) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (15) 12% (31) 16% (41) 37% (94) 28% (71) 252Ethnicity: Other 5% (7) 14% (18) 12% (16) 45% (57) 24% (31) 128All Christian 5% (42) 10% (92) 12% (115) 64% (597) 9% (85) 931All Non-Christian 1% (1) 6% (5) 26% (20) 45% (35) 21% (16) 77Atheist 3% (3) 14% (13) 18% (16) 57% (52) 7% (7) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (36) 9% (83) 17% (150) 51% (451) 19% (171) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 2% (2) 5% (5) 21% (21) 49% (49) 23% (23) 99Evangelical 4% (23) 12% (67) 12% (68) 59% (340) 13% (76) 574Non-Evangelical 5% (34) 10% (74) 15% (111) 59% (431) 10% (76) 725Community: Urban 5% (25) 12% (54) 15% (72) 50% (233) 18% (83) 467Community: Suburban 3% (34) 10% (96) 16% (165) 58% (578) 13% (130) 1002Community: Rural 4% (22) 8% (42) 13% (65) 62% (324) 13% (67) 522Employ: Private Sector 4% (26) 11% (73) 16% (106) 56% (378) 13% (89) 671Employ: Government 5% (7) 13% (16) 13% (16) 58% (74) 12% (15) 128Employ: Self-Employed 7% (13) 13% (22) 19% (33) 47% (80) 13% (21) 169Employ: Homemaker 1% (1) 9% (10) 20% (22) 50% (57) 20% (22) 112Employ: Student 8% (7) 14% (13) 16% (14) 32% (28) 31% (27) 89Employ: Retired 2% (9) 7% (34) 14% (73) 72% (365) 5% (24) 505Employ: Unemployed 8% (13) 11% (18) 13% (20) 42% (66) 26% (41) 157Employ: Other 4% (7) 5% (8) 11% (18) 55% (88) 25% (40) 160Military HH: Yes 3% (10) 8% (29) 16% (58) 63% (224) 10% (37) 357Military HH: No 4% (72) 10% (164) 15% (244) 56% (911) 15% (243) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (49) 9% (67) 13% (100) 60% (461) 12% (91) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (33) 10% (126) 16% (202) 55% (674) 15% (189) 1224

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POL20

Table POL20: As you may know, Congress is planning to provide a cost-of-living pay increase of $4,500 for its members next year, the rst increasesince 2009, which would bring their annual salary to roughly $178,500. Based on what you know, would you support or oppose providing members ofCongress with a cost-of-living pay increase?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (82) 10% (193) 15% (302) 57% (1135) 14% (279) 1991Trump Job Approve 6% (47) 8% (68) 12% (98) 64% (514) 10% (80) 807Trump Job Disapprove 3% (32) 11% (123) 18% (197) 54% (606) 14% (158) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (31) 7% (32) 9% (39) 70% (307) 6% (28) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (16) 10% (36) 16% (59) 56% (207) 14% (52) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (4) 17% (43) 18% (44) 49% (121) 14% (35) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (28) 9% (80) 18% (153) 56% (485) 14% (123) 869Favorable of Trump 6% (50) 8% (66) 12% (101) 64% (520) 9% (71) 808Unfavorable of Trump 3% (28) 11% (121) 18% (197) 55% (602) 14% (150) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 7% (33) 7% (34) 10% (48) 68% (333) 8% (38) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (17) 10% (32) 16% (53) 58% (187) 10% (33) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 1% (3) 15% (27) 18% (33) 52% (94) 14% (25) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (26) 10% (94) 18% (164) 55% (508) 14% (126) 917#1 Issue: Economy 5% (22) 13% (62) 15% (73) 56% (263) 11% (54) 472#1 Issue: Security 5% (20) 8% (30) 12% (47) 63% (244) 12% (47) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (15) 8% (26) 19% (63) 53% (178) 15% (51) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (6) 5% (15) 15% (46) 70% (212) 8% (25) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% (5) 14% (24) 17% (29) 45% (77) 22% (37) 172#1 Issue: Education 9% (10) 11% (14) 11% (13) 49% (59) 20% (24) 121#1 Issue: Energy 4% (4) 14% (13) 22% (22) 42% (41) 18% (18) 98#1 Issue: Other — (0) 8% (9) 9% (9) 60% (61) 23% (23) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (26) 11% (88) 18% (148) 56% (471) 12% (102) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 4% (26) 8% (54) 12% (75) 69% (452) 7% (46) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 3% (3) 6% (6) 10% (9) 60% (54) 20% (18) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 7% (27) 11% (46) 17% (69) 38% (157) 27% (112) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (30) 11% (78) 19% (138) 53% (396) 13% (98) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (31) 7% (48) 11% (72) 70% (474) 8% (51) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 2% (3) 12% (20) 12% (20) 61% (99) 13% (21) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 4% (18) 11% (46) 17% (70) 40% (164) 27% (109) 407

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Morning ConsultTable POL20

Table POL20: As you may know, Congress is planning to provide a cost-of-living pay increase of $4,500 for its members next year, the rst increasesince 2009, which would bring their annual salary to roughly $178,500. Based on what you know, would you support or oppose providing members ofCongress with a cost-of-living pay increase?





Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (82) 10% (193) 15% (302) 57% (1135) 14% (279) 1991Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (55) 9% (126) 14% (192) 63% (862) 10% (133) 1367Voted in 2014: No 4% (27) 11% (67) 18% (110) 44% (273) 24% (147) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (29) 10% (87) 17% (148) 57% (497) 13% (109) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (26) 8% (41) 11% (57) 70% (354) 6% (28) 5062012 Vote: Other 4% (4) 4% (4) 13% (13) 70% (70) 9% (9) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (24) 12% (61) 16% (82) 42% (213) 26% (133) 5134-Region: Northeast 5% (18) 13% (45) 14% (49) 53% (189) 15% (54) 3554-Region: Midwest 2% (10) 8% (37) 18% (81) 60% (274) 12% (56) 4574-Region: South 5% (35) 11% (80) 14% (102) 56% (415) 15% (111) 7434-Region: West 4% (19) 7% (30) 16% (71) 59% (257) 13% (58) 435Strong Republican 6% (22) 9% (36) 11% (43) 69% (279) 6% (25) 405Not Very Strong Republican 4% (8) 13% (26) 13% (27) 59% (122) 10% (21) 205Strong Democrat 6% (28) 8% (41) 22% (109) 50% (244) 14% (68) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 1% (4) 14% (42) 16% (49) 47% (140) 21% (62) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefullyand give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, SomewhatUnfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ Ifyou have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 21% (419) 44% (879) 20% (406) 14% (288) 1991Gender: Male 27% (249) 51% (474) 14% (132) 8% (76) 932Gender: Female 16% (170) 38% (404) 26% (274) 20% (212) 1059Age: 18-29 12% (41) 32% (111) 23% (79) 33% (113) 345Age: 30-44 17% (78) 41% (188) 20% (92) 22% (99) 458Age: 45-54 22% (81) 42% (151) 25% (90) 11% (39) 361Age: 55-64 21% (77) 49% (177) 23% (84) 7% (26) 364Age: 65+ 31% (142) 54% (251) 13% (59) 2% (11) 463Generation Z: 18-22 11% (15) 28% (37) 24% (33) 36% (49) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 14% (72) 37% (187) 21% (106) 27% (138) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 22% (113) 43% (226) 23% (123) 12% (65) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 25% (180) 52% (378) 18% (130) 5% (34) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (95) 54% (426) 18% (140) 16% (125) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 13% (75) 47% (277) 25% (147) 16% (94) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 41% (249) 29% (175) 19% (118) 11% (69) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 17% (56) 59% (195) 15% (48) 10% (33) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (39) 51% (231) 20% (92) 20% (92) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 13% (37) 62% (180) 19% (55) 6% (19) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 13% (39) 32% (97) 30% (92) 25% (75) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 51% (157) 32% (99) 9% (28) 8% (25) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 30% (92) 25% (76) 30% (90) 15% (44) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (68) 62% (375) 16% (94) 11% (65) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 13% (63) 49% (241) 23% (116) 15% (73) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39% (270) 33% (229) 19% (134) 9% (65) 697

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Morning ConsultTable POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefullyand give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, SomewhatUnfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ Ifyou have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 21% (419) 44% (879) 20% (406) 14% (288) 1991Educ: < College 20% (253) 38% (477) 24% (305) 17% (216) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 23% (108) 53% (248) 14% (66) 10% (48) 471Educ: Post-grad 21% (57) 57% (153) 13% (34) 9% (23) 268Income: Under 50k 20% (214) 38% (415) 23% (249) 19% (209) 1087Income: 50k-100k 22% (139) 50% (316) 18% (117) 10% (64) 636Income: 100k+ 25% (66) 55% (147) 15% (40) 5% (15) 268Ethnicity: White 23% (368) 46% (736) 20% (319) 12% (188) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 21% (40) 34% (66) 21% (41) 24% (46) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 13% (32) 38% (95) 21% (53) 29% (73) 252Ethnicity: Other 15% (19) 37% (48) 27% (34) 21% (27) 128All Christian 29% (274) 42% (396) 18% (171) 10% (91) 931All Non-Christian 20% (16) 54% (41) 12% (9) 14% (11) 77Atheist 4% (3) 78% (71) 7% (7) 11% (10) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14% (126) 42% (371) 25% (219) 20% (176) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23% (22) 50% (50) 10% (10) 17% (17) 99Evangelical 28% (158) 33% (191) 25% (141) 15% (84) 574Non-Evangelical 24% (173) 46% (330) 18% (133) 12% (89) 725Community: Urban 19% (87) 45% (209) 21% (97) 16% (74) 467Community: Suburban 21% (215) 46% (463) 18% (185) 14% (139) 1002Community: Rural 22% (116) 40% (206) 24% (124) 14% (75) 522Employ: Private Sector 21% (140) 44% (297) 22% (149) 13% (86) 671Employ: Government 20% (25) 49% (62) 18% (23) 13% (17) 128Employ: Self-Employed 25% (43) 42% (70) 18% (31) 15% (25) 169Employ: Homemaker 18% (20) 30% (33) 29% (33) 23% (26) 112Employ: Student 13% (11) 32% (28) 27% (24) 29% (26) 89Employ: Retired 26% (132) 55% (280) 16% (81) 3% (13) 505Employ: Unemployed 13% (20) 35% (55) 16% (26) 36% (56) 157Employ: Other 18% (29) 33% (53) 25% (40) 24% (38) 160

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019


Table POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefullyand give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, SomewhatUnfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ Ifyou have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 21% (419) 44% (879) 20% (406) 14% (288) 1991Military HH: Yes 29% (103) 45% (161) 15% (52) 11% (41) 357Military HH: No 19% (316) 44% (717) 22% (354) 15% (247) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 38% (290) 27% (205) 22% (172) 13% (100) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 11% (129) 55% (674) 19% (234) 15% (188) 1224Trump Job Approve 38% (304) 27% (219) 23% (182) 13% (102) 807Trump Job Disapprove 10% (108) 58% (652) 18% (200) 14% (156) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 43% (188) 28% (120) 19% (83) 10% (46) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 31% (116) 27% (99) 27% (99) 15% (56) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 18% (44) 38% (94) 25% (61) 20% (49) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (65) 64% (558) 16% (139) 12% (108) 869Favorable of Trump 39% (316) 28% (225) 21% (169) 12% (98) 808Unfavorable of Trump 9% (100) 59% (649) 18% (194) 14% (155) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 45% (218) 27% (131) 18% (89) 10% (49) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 31% (98) 29% (94) 25% (80) 15% (49) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 19% (35) 35% (63) 25% (45) 21% (39) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (65) 64% (586) 16% (149) 13% (116) 917#1 Issue: Economy 23% (110) 44% (206) 19% (92) 14% (65) 472#1 Issue: Security 36% (138) 33% (127) 20% (78) 11% (45) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 16% (52) 50% (165) 23% (78) 11% (38) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 21% (62) 52% (158) 20% (60) 8% (23) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (14) 47% (80) 18% (32) 27% (47) 172#1 Issue: Education 14% (18) 36% (44) 24% (30) 25% (30) 121#1 Issue: Energy 5% (5) 57% (56) 16% (16) 22% (21) 98#1 Issue: Other 20% (21) 41% (42) 20% (21) 19% (19) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 10% (80) 64% (531) 17% (141) 10% (83) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 42% (278) 32% (210) 19% (122) 7% (44) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (6) 41% (37) 28% (25) 25% (22) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 13% (53) 25% (101) 29% (117) 34% (139) 410

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Morning ConsultTable POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefullyand give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, SomewhatUnfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ Ifyou have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 21% (419) 44% (879) 20% (406) 14% (288) 19912016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (66) 64% (473) 16% (119) 11% (83) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 41% (274) 32% (218) 20% (133) 8% (51) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 11% (18) 56% (91) 23% (37) 10% (16) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 14% (59) 23% (94) 29% (116) 34% (138) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 24% (327) 50% (688) 17% (235) 9% (117) 1367Voted in 2014: No 15% (92) 31% (190) 27% (170) 27% (171) 6242012 Vote: Barack Obama 13% (116) 58% (506) 17% (147) 12% (102) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 40% (204) 34% (173) 19% (95) 7% (34) 5062012 Vote: Other 21% (22) 49% (50) 23% (23) 7% (7) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (76) 29% (150) 27% (141) 28% (146) 5134-Region: Northeast 19% (66) 46% (165) 19% (69) 16% (55) 3554-Region: Midwest 23% (104) 45% (205) 21% (98) 11% (51) 4574-Region: South 23% (168) 39% (293) 22% (164) 16% (118) 7434-Region: West 19% (81) 49% (215) 17% (75) 15% (64) 435Strong Republican 47% (192) 25% (101) 18% (72) 10% (40) 405Not Very Strong Republican 27% (56) 36% (74) 23% (46) 14% (29) 205Strong Democrat 10% (48) 63% (308) 15% (72) 13% (63) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 16% (47) 40% (119) 23% (69) 21% (63) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_2

Table POLx_2: Favorability forNancy Pelosi

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 33% (666) 50% (995) 11% (211) 6% (120) 1991Gender: Male 34% (318) 56% (518) 7% (64) 3% (33) 932Gender: Female 33% (348) 45% (477) 14% (147) 8% (87) 1059Age: 18-29 28% (98) 35% (122) 18% (61) 18% (64) 345Age: 30-44 31% (141) 47% (213) 14% (64) 8% (39) 458Age: 45-54 34% (122) 53% (190) 10% (37) 3% (12) 361Age: 55-64 33% (122) 55% (202) 10% (36) 1% (5) 364Age: 65+ 39% (183) 58% (267) 3% (13) — (1) 463Generation Z: 18-22 23% (31) 31% (42) 18% (24) 28% (37) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 31% (158) 41% (207) 16% (80) 12% (59) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 33% (173) 53% (277) 11% (58) 3% (18) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 36% (263) 56% (405) 7% (48) 1% (6) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 60% (474) 20% (156) 12% (95) 8% (62) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (139) 55% (327) 15% (89) 6% (38) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (52) 84% (512) 4% (27) 3% (20) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 67% (223) 20% (66) 8% (25) 5% (18) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 55% (251) 20% (90) 15% (70) 10% (43) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (67) 63% (184) 10% (30) 3% (9) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 24% (72) 47% (143) 19% (58) 10% (29) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (27) 87% (268) 3% (9) 2% (5) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (25) 81% (244) 6% (18) 5% (15) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 62% (372) 23% (138) 10% (60) 6% (33) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (177) 46% (225) 13% (66) 5% (24) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12% (85) 81% (562) 5% (35) 2% (15) 697Educ: < College 29% (366) 49% (612) 14% (172) 8% (103) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 41% (194) 51% (238) 6% (29) 2% (10) 471Educ: Post-grad 39% (106) 54% (145) 4% (10) 2% (7) 268

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Table POLx_2: Favorability forNancy Pelosi

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 33% (666) 50% (995) 11% (211) 6% (120) 1991Income: Under 50k 32% (344) 46% (501) 14% (149) 9% (93) 1087Income: 50k-100k 36% (231) 51% (327) 8% (54) 4% (23) 636Income: 100k+ 34% (90) 62% (167) 3% (8) 1% (3) 268Ethnicity: White 31% (495) 56% (896) 10% (160) 4% (60) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 37% (71) 38% (74) 11% (21) 15% (28) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 47% (119) 23% (57) 14% (35) 17% (42) 252Ethnicity: Other 40% (52) 33% (42) 13% (16) 14% (18) 128All Christian 30% (278) 60% (557) 7% (61) 4% (35) 931All Non-Christian 57% (44) 29% (23) 10% (8) 3% (2) 77Atheist 56% (51) 34% (31) 7% (7) 3% (3) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 33% (292) 43% (384) 15% (135) 9% (80) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 47% (47) 36% (36) 9% (9) 7% (7) 99Evangelical 22% (126) 62% (355) 10% (55) 7% (38) 574Non-Evangelical 36% (260) 50% (366) 9% (67) 4% (32) 725Community: Urban 40% (186) 40% (185) 12% (58) 8% (39) 467Community: Suburban 33% (333) 52% (517) 10% (99) 5% (53) 1002Community: Rural 28% (147) 56% (293) 10% (53) 5% (28) 522Employ: Private Sector 34% (230) 51% (344) 11% (75) 3% (23) 671Employ: Government 32% (41) 53% (67) 8% (10) 7% (9) 128Employ: Self-Employed 33% (56) 50% (85) 12% (20) 4% (7) 169Employ: Homemaker 16% (18) 51% (57) 22% (25) 10% (11) 112Employ: Student 32% (28) 32% (28) 9% (8) 28% (24) 89Employ: Retired 38% (194) 57% (290) 4% (20) — (1) 505Employ: Unemployed 32% (50) 36% (56) 13% (21) 20% (31) 157Employ: Other 30% (48) 43% (68) 20% (31) 8% (13) 160Military HH: Yes 30% (105) 60% (216) 6% (20) 5% (16) 357Military HH: No 34% (560) 48% (779) 12% (191) 6% (103) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 11% (88) 75% (575) 8% (60) 6% (43) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 47% (578) 34% (420) 12% (150) 6% (77) 1224

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Table POLx_2

Table POLx_2: Favorability forNancy Pelosi

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 33% (666) 50% (995) 11% (211) 6% (120) 1991Trump Job Approve 8% (66) 82% (660) 7% (55) 3% (26) 807Trump Job Disapprove 53% (592) 29% (322) 12% (131) 6% (72) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 6% (25) 88% (383) 4% (19) 2% (9) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 11% (41) 75% (277) 10% (36) 5% (17) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 34% (85) 45% (112) 16% (39) 5% (12) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 58% (507) 24% (210) 11% (92) 7% (60) 869Favorable of Trump 8% (66) 83% (670) 5% (43) 4% (29) 808Unfavorable of Trump 54% (594) 28% (313) 12% (129) 6% (64) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 7% (34) 87% (423) 4% (17) 2% (11) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10% (32) 77% (247) 8% (26) 5% (17) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 30% (54) 47% (86) 16% (28) 7% (13) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 59% (540) 25% (227) 11% (100) 5% (50) 917#1 Issue: Economy 29% (136) 56% (262) 11% (52) 5% (22) 472#1 Issue: Security 10% (40) 78% (303) 8% (32) 3% (13) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 47% (156) 37% (124) 11% (36) 5% (18) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 44% (132) 49% (149) 5% (16) 2% (6) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (77) 25% (43) 15% (25) 16% (27) 172#1 Issue: Education 32% (39) 40% (49) 15% (18) 13% (16) 121#1 Issue: Energy 51% (51) 26% (26) 15% (15) 7% (7) 98#1 Issue: Other 35% (36) 39% (39) 16% (16) 10% (11) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 62% (516) 24% (198) 10% (82) 5% (39) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 8% (51) 87% (566) 5% (30) 1% (7) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (12) 68% (61) 13% (12) 5% (5) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 21% (86) 41% (169) 21% (86) 17% (69) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 66% (489) 19% (142) 10% (74) 5% (35) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (54) 86% (579) 4% (27) 2% (16) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 20% (32) 65% (106) 13% (21) 3% (4) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 22% (88) 41% (166) 22% (89) 16% (64) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 38% (517) 52% (715) 7% (99) 3% (36) 1367Voted in 2014: No 24% (149) 45% (280) 18% (111) 13% (84) 624

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Table POLx_2: Favorability forNancy Pelosi

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 33% (666) 50% (995) 11% (211) 6% (120) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 58% (509) 28% (245) 9% (82) 4% (34) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (40) 87% (443) 3% (15) 2% (9) 5062012 Vote: Other 16% (16) 75% (76) 6% (6) 3% (3) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (100) 45% (231) 21% (108) 14% (74) 5134-Region: Northeast 38% (136) 42% (150) 13% (47) 6% (22) 3554-Region: Midwest 32% (145) 50% (230) 12% (56) 6% (27) 4574-Region: South 31% (233) 53% (396) 9% (69) 6% (46) 7434-Region: West 35% (151) 50% (219) 9% (39) 6% (26) 435Strong Republican 7% (27) 88% (356) 3% (11) 3% (11) 405Not Very Strong Republican 12% (25) 76% (156) 7% (15) 4% (9) 205Strong Democrat 73% (357) 12% (58) 9% (44) 6% (31) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 39% (117) 33% (98) 17% (51) 10% (30) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_3

Table POLx_3: Favorability forCharles Schumer

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 24% (477) 39% (767) 21% (419) 17% (329) 1991Gender: Male 27% (248) 49% (455) 15% (136) 10% (93) 932Gender: Female 22% (229) 29% (312) 27% (282) 22% (236) 1059Age: 18-29 16% (56) 24% (83) 23% (78) 37% (128) 345Age: 30-44 22% (99) 33% (149) 22% (100) 24% (109) 458Age: 45-54 24% (87) 41% (149) 23% (84) 12% (42) 361Age: 55-64 23% (85) 46% (168) 22% (81) 8% (31) 364Age: 65+ 32% (150) 47% (218) 16% (76) 4% (19) 463Generation Z: 18-22 18% (24) 23% (30) 18% (24) 42% (56) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 18% (91) 28% (141) 24% (119) 30% (153) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 24% (127) 40% (210) 23% (119) 13% (70) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 28% (202) 47% (336) 19% (140) 6% (44) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 40% (313) 20% (156) 22% (174) 18% (144) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (108) 40% (236) 23% (138) 19% (112) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (56) 62% (376) 17% (106) 12% (72) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 50% (165) 22% (74) 16% (53) 12% (41) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 33% (148) 18% (82) 27% (121) 23% (103) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (55) 53% (153) 19% (56) 9% (27) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 17% (53) 27% (82) 27% (82) 28% (85) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (28) 74% (228) 9% (28) 8% (25) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (28) 49% (148) 26% (79) 16% (48) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45% (271) 22% (131) 18% (107) 16% (95) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 24% (118) 36% (178) 24% (120) 16% (77) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10% (70) 61% (428) 18% (124) 11% (76) 697Educ: < College 20% (252) 36% (453) 24% (299) 20% (249) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 32% (152) 39% (185) 17% (79) 12% (54) 471Educ: Post-grad 27% (72) 48% (130) 15% (41) 9% (25) 268

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Table POLx_3: Favorability forCharles Schumer

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 24% (477) 39% (767) 21% (419) 17% (329) 1991Income: Under 50k 21% (223) 34% (373) 24% (261) 21% (230) 1087Income: 50k-100k 29% (186) 41% (258) 18% (113) 12% (79) 636Income: 100k+ 25% (67) 51% (136) 17% (45) 7% (20) 268Ethnicity: White 24% (380) 42% (678) 20% (327) 14% (225) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (39) 32% (61) 21% (41) 27% (51) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 27% (68) 21% (52) 23% (58) 29% (74) 252Ethnicity: Other 22% (28) 29% (37) 26% (33) 23% (30) 128All Christian 25% (231) 46% (430) 19% (174) 10% (96) 931All Non-Christian 48% (37) 26% (20) 16% (12) 9% (7) 77Atheist 39% (36) 33% (30) 15% (14) 13% (12) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (173) 32% (287) 24% (218) 24% (214) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 42% (41) 31% (31) 15% (15) 12% (12) 99Evangelical 16% (90) 42% (242) 24% (138) 18% (104) 574Non-Evangelical 26% (189) 42% (307) 19% (135) 13% (93) 725Community: Urban 28% (129) 34% (161) 21% (97) 17% (79) 467Community: Suburban 24% (240) 40% (402) 20% (203) 16% (157) 1002Community: Rural 21% (108) 39% (204) 23% (118) 18% (92) 522Employ: Private Sector 24% (162) 40% (268) 21% (144) 15% (98) 671Employ: Government 26% (33) 38% (48) 19% (25) 17% (22) 128Employ: Self-Employed 23% (39) 45% (76) 19% (33) 13% (22) 169Employ: Homemaker 14% (16) 25% (28) 29% (32) 31% (35) 112Employ: Student 18% (16) 21% (19) 24% (21) 38% (33) 89Employ: Retired 30% (153) 46% (233) 19% (94) 5% (26) 505Employ: Unemployed 22% (34) 25% (40) 19% (30) 34% (53) 157Employ: Other 15% (25) 35% (56) 25% (39) 25% (40) 160Military HH: Yes 25% (91) 47% (167) 16% (56) 12% (44) 357Military HH: No 24% (386) 37% (600) 22% (363) 17% (285) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 12% (91) 55% (420) 20% (150) 14% (106) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 32% (386) 28% (347) 22% (268) 18% (223) 1224

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Table POLx_3

Table POLx_3: Favorability forCharles Schumer

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 24% (477) 39% (767) 21% (419) 17% (329) 1991Trump Job Approve 10% (80) 58% (472) 20% (158) 12% (98) 807Trump Job Disapprove 35% (391) 26% (290) 21% (239) 18% (196) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (36) 67% (295) 15% (65) 10% (42) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12% (44) 48% (177) 25% (93) 15% (56) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 17% (43) 32% (80) 28% (70) 23% (56) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 40% (349) 24% (210) 19% (169) 16% (141) 869Favorable of Trump 10% (82) 59% (479) 19% (153) 12% (94) 808Unfavorable of Trump 36% (393) 26% (283) 20% (225) 18% (198) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 10% (47) 66% (320) 16% (77) 9% (43) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 11% (35) 49% (159) 24% (76) 16% (52) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 21% (39) 32% (59) 19% (35) 27% (49) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 39% (354) 24% (224) 21% (190) 16% (148) 917#1 Issue: Economy 19% (92) 45% (210) 22% (103) 14% (67) 472#1 Issue: Security 10% (40) 62% (239) 17% (65) 12% (45) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 33% (110) 30% (99) 22% (74) 15% (50) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 33% (101) 35% (105) 21% (64) 11% (33) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 28% (48) 17% (29) 21% (36) 34% (59) 172#1 Issue: Education 13% (16) 32% (39) 27% (33) 28% (34) 121#1 Issue: Energy 39% (39) 20% (20) 24% (24) 16% (16) 98#1 Issue: Other 31% (32) 25% (25) 19% (20) 25% (25) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 41% (342) 24% (203) 21% (172) 14% (118) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 9% (61) 66% (429) 16% (106) 9% (57) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 39% (35) 20% (18) 31% (28) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 16% (65) 24% (99) 29% (120) 31% (126) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45% (330) 21% (156) 21% (157) 13% (97) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (57) 66% (448) 16% (110) 9% (61) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 21% (34) 44% (71) 22% (36) 13% (22) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 13% (55) 22% (88) 28% (115) 36% (148) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (374) 43% (592) 19% (256) 11% (146) 1367Voted in 2014: No 16% (103) 28% (175) 26% (163) 29% (183) 624

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Table POLx_3: Favorability forCharles Schumer

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 24% (477) 39% (767) 21% (419) 17% (329) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 40% (349) 27% (234) 20% (170) 13% (117) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (46) 66% (334) 17% (85) 8% (41) 5062012 Vote: Other 15% (15) 58% (58) 20% (20) 7% (8) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (65) 27% (141) 28% (144) 32% (164) 5134-Region: Northeast 32% (114) 38% (137) 20% (71) 9% (33) 3554-Region: Midwest 23% (105) 39% (177) 21% (96) 17% (78) 4574-Region: South 19% (141) 39% (289) 22% (164) 20% (149) 7434-Region: West 27% (116) 38% (164) 20% (86) 16% (68) 435Strong Republican 9% (38) 66% (267) 15% (62) 9% (38) 405Not Very Strong Republican 9% (18) 53% (109) 22% (44) 17% (34) 205Strong Democrat 50% (245) 15% (76) 20% (97) 15% (73) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 23% (69) 27% (80) 26% (77) 24% (72) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_4

Table POLx_4: Favorability forMike Pence

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 38% (762) 43% (862) 13% (250) 6% (117) 1991Gender: Male 43% (405) 43% (404) 9% (79) 5% (44) 932Gender: Female 34% (357) 43% (459) 16% (170) 7% (73) 1059Age: 18-29 26% (88) 45% (155) 17% (57) 13% (45) 345Age: 30-44 34% (155) 43% (197) 13% (61) 10% (45) 458Age: 45-54 39% (139) 41% (148) 16% (59) 4% (15) 361Age: 55-64 41% (150) 43% (156) 14% (50) 2% (9) 364Age: 65+ 50% (230) 45% (206) 5% (23) 1% (4) 463Generation Z: 18-22 28% (37) 42% (56) 16% (22) 14% (19) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 29% (145) 44% (223) 15% (77) 11% (58) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 38% (200) 42% (221) 15% (78) 5% (28) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 44% (318) 45% (324) 10% (69) 2% (11) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 15% (117) 65% (514) 12% (96) 8% (60) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (178) 45% (269) 17% (102) 7% (43) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 77% (467) 13% (79) 8% (51) 2% (13) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 17% (57) 69% (229) 8% (27) 6% (19) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 13% (60) 63% (285) 15% (70) 9% (41) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (96) 47% (136) 14% (41) 6% (17) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 27% (82) 44% (133) 20% (61) 9% (26) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 82% (252) 12% (38) 4% (12) 2% (7) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 71% (215) 14% (41) 13% (39) 2% (6) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12% (71) 76% (458) 7% (44) 5% (30) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (144) 49% (242) 17% (82) 5% (24) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 73% (512) 16% (110) 8% (57) 3% (19) 697Educ: < College 37% (469) 39% (486) 16% (196) 8% (101) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 40% (187) 50% (236) 8% (37) 2% (11) 471Educ: Post-grad 40% (106) 52% (140) 6% (16) 2% (5) 268

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Table POLx_4: Favorability forMike Pence

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 38% (762) 43% (862) 13% (250) 6% (117) 1991Income: Under 50k 35% (383) 40% (439) 15% (165) 9% (100) 1087Income: 50k-100k 40% (255) 47% (300) 11% (71) 1% (9) 636Income: 100k+ 46% (124) 46% (123) 5% (13) 3% (7) 268Ethnicity: White 44% (701) 42% (675) 11% (173) 4% (61) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 33% (63) 38% (73) 17% (33) 13% (24) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (30) 52% (132) 19% (48) 17% (43) 252Ethnicity: Other 24% (31) 43% (55) 22% (29) 10% (13) 128All Christian 51% (473) 36% (337) 10% (90) 3% (31) 931All Non-Christian 26% (20) 59% (45) 8% (6) 8% (6) 77Atheist 20% (18) 77% (71) 3% (2) — (0) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 28% (251) 46% (410) 17% (151) 9% (80) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 28% (28) 56% (56) 7% (7) 9% (9) 99Evangelical 54% (310) 24% (137) 16% (93) 6% (34) 574Non-Evangelical 40% (288) 46% (335) 10% (75) 4% (28) 725Community: Urban 31% (144) 47% (221) 15% (68) 7% (34) 467Community: Suburban 39% (392) 46% (459) 10% (98) 5% (53) 1002Community: Rural 43% (226) 35% (182) 16% (83) 6% (30) 522Employ: Private Sector 36% (240) 48% (324) 13% (88) 3% (20) 671Employ: Government 47% (60) 39% (50) 6% (8) 7% (9) 128Employ: Self-Employed 38% (64) 43% (73) 12% (20) 7% (12) 169Employ: Homemaker 40% (45) 28% (31) 23% (26) 9% (10) 112Employ: Student 23% (20) 44% (39) 17% (15) 16% (15) 89Employ: Retired 48% (241) 45% (225) 7% (35) 1% (5) 505Employ: Unemployed 22% (35) 44% (69) 15% (24) 19% (29) 157Employ: Other 36% (57) 32% (51) 22% (34) 11% (17) 160Military HH: Yes 47% (167) 38% (137) 9% (33) 5% (20) 357Military HH: No 36% (595) 44% (725) 13% (216) 6% (97) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 72% (553) 10% (75) 13% (96) 6% (43) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 17% (209) 64% (787) 13% (154) 6% (74) 1224

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Table POLx_4

Table POLx_4: Favorability forMike Pence

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 38% (762) 43% (862) 13% (250) 6% (117) 1991Trump Job Approve 76% (609) 10% (78) 11% (92) 3% (27) 807Trump Job Disapprove 13% (150) 69% (770) 12% (131) 6% (66) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 85% (369) 6% (28) 8% (33) 1% (6) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 65% (240) 13% (50) 16% (59) 6% (21) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 30% (74) 46% (114) 17% (43) 7% (17) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (75) 76% (656) 10% (88) 6% (49) 869Favorable of Trump 77% (621) 10% (83) 9% (77) 3% (28) 808Unfavorable of Trump 12% (137) 71% (776) 12% (129) 5% (55) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 85% (412) 7% (34) 6% (30) 2% (10) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 65% (208) 15% (49) 15% (47) 5% (17) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 33% (60) 42% (77) 17% (31) 7% (13) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (77) 76% (700) 11% (98) 5% (42) 917#1 Issue: Economy 39% (186) 40% (190) 15% (69) 6% (28) 472#1 Issue: Security 71% (276) 16% (61) 9% (35) 4% (16) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 23% (76) 58% (195) 13% (44) 6% (19) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 36% (110) 48% (144) 13% (38) 4% (11) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 18% (31) 61% (105) 11% (18) 10% (17) 172#1 Issue: Education 34% (41) 42% (51) 15% (18) 9% (11) 121#1 Issue: Energy 10% (10) 72% (70) 17% (16) 2% (2) 98#1 Issue: Other 32% (32) 44% (45) 12% (12) 12% (13) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 12% (97) 73% (613) 10% (87) 5% (38) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 78% (513) 12% (80) 8% (52) 1% (9) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 23% (21) 44% (40) 19% (17) 13% (12) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (130) 32% (129) 23% (94) 14% (58) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11% (78) 74% (549) 10% (73) 6% (41) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 79% (537) 11% (77) 7% (49) 2% (13) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 23% (38) 61% (99) 14% (22) 2% (3) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 26% (107) 33% (135) 26% (105) 15% (59) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 41% (564) 46% (630) 9% (129) 3% (44) 1367Voted in 2014: No 32% (198) 37% (232) 19% (121) 12% (73) 624

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Table POLx_4: Favorability forMike Pence

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 38% (762) 43% (862) 13% (250) 6% (117) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 19% (166) 65% (566) 11% (99) 5% (40) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 77% (389) 14% (71) 7% (38) 2% (8) 5062012 Vote: Other 47% (47) 38% (39) 12% (12) 3% (3) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31% (159) 36% (187) 20% (101) 13% (66) 5134-Region: Northeast 34% (122) 46% (165) 15% (52) 5% (17) 3554-Region: Midwest 40% (183) 45% (204) 11% (50) 4% (20) 4574-Region: South 44% (324) 37% (272) 13% (95) 7% (52) 7434-Region: West 31% (133) 51% (222) 12% (52) 6% (28) 435Strong Republican 84% (340) 8% (32) 6% (26) 2% (8) 405Not Very Strong Republican 62% (127) 23% (47) 12% (25) 3% (5) 205Strong Democrat 10% (49) 73% (358) 9% (44) 8% (39) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 23% (68) 53% (156) 18% (52) 7% (21) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_5

Table POLx_5: Favorability forDonald Trump

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 41% (808) 55% (1099) 3% (61) 1% (24) 1991Gender: Male 46% (433) 51% (471) 2% (17) 1% (11) 932Gender: Female 35% (374) 59% (628) 4% (44) 1% (13) 1059Age: 18-29 28% (95) 63% (218) 6% (19) 4% (13) 345Age: 30-44 37% (168) 57% (260) 4% (20) 2% (10) 458Age: 45-54 44% (158) 53% (192) 3% (10) — (1) 361Age: 55-64 45% (166) 52% (188) 3% (11) — (0) 364Age: 65+ 48% (221) 52% (240) — (2) — (0) 463Generation Z: 18-22 31% (41) 58% (78) 7% (9) 5% (6) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 31% (157) 61% (307) 4% (22) 3% (17) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 42% (223) 54% (285) 3% (17) — (1) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 45% (329) 53% (381) 2% (13) — (0) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (85) 85% (667) 4% (28) 1% (9) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 34% (204) 59% (348) 5% (28) 2% (13) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 85% (519) 14% (83) 1% (6) — (2) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (49) 82% (272) 3% (9) 1% (2) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (36) 87% (394) 4% (19) 1% (7) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 40% (116) 55% (160) 2% (6) 3% (8) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 29% (88) 62% (188) 7% (21) 2% (5) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 87% (268) 12% (38) 1% (2) — (1) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 83% (251) 15% (45) 1% (4) — (1) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12% (71) 85% (514) 2% (11) 1% (7) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 26% (129) 69% (339) 3% (17) 1% (7) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 78% (544) 20% (142) 1% (9) — (2) 697Educ: < College 42% (523) 52% (656) 4% (52) 2% (22) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 37% (175) 61% (288) 2% (7) — (1) 471Educ: Post-grad 41% (110) 58% (154) 1% (3) — (1) 268

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Table POLx_5: Favorability forDonald Trump

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 41% (808) 55% (1099) 3% (61) 1% (24) 1991Income: Under 50k 39% (422) 55% (597) 4% (47) 2% (22) 1087Income: 50k-100k 41% (261) 57% (360) 2% (14) — (2) 636Income: 100k+ 47% (125) 53% (142) — (1) — (0) 268Ethnicity: White 46% (740) 51% (826) 2% (37) — (7) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 29% (55) 60% (116) 8% (16) 3% (6) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 13% (34) 75% (189) 7% (19) 4% (10) 252Ethnicity: Other 26% (34) 65% (83) 5% (6) 5% (6) 128All Christian 52% (482) 46% (425) 2% (21) — (3) 931All Non-Christian 24% (18) 66% (50) 8% (6) 2% (1) 77Atheist 15% (14) 84% (77) 1% (0) — (0) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 33% (293) 61% (546) 4% (33) 2% (19) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 29% (29) 63% (62) 7% (7) 1% (1) 99Evangelical 56% (319) 39% (225) 4% (20) 2% (9) 574Non-Evangelical 40% (293) 57% (412) 2% (16) 1% (4) 725Community: Urban 30% (142) 63% (294) 5% (22) 2% (8) 467Community: Suburban 40% (396) 57% (574) 2% (24) 1% (9) 1002Community: Rural 52% (270) 44% (230) 3% (15) 1% (6) 522Employ: Private Sector 41% (277) 55% (373) 3% (21) — (1) 671Employ: Government 41% (52) 57% (72) 1% (2) 1% (2) 128Employ: Self-Employed 43% (72) 51% (86) 4% (6) 3% (4) 169Employ: Homemaker 42% (47) 47% (53) 9% (10) 2% (2) 112Employ: Student 27% (24) 63% (56) 4% (3) 5% (5) 89Employ: Retired 45% (228) 54% (274) 1% (3) — (0) 505Employ: Unemployed 29% (45) 61% (96) 5% (9) 4% (7) 157Employ: Other 38% (61) 55% (88) 5% (8) 2% (3) 160Military HH: Yes 50% (178) 47% (169) 2% (5) 1% (5) 357Military HH: No 39% (630) 57% (930) 3% (56) 1% (19) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 86% (657) 10% (77) 3% (26) 1% (6) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (150) 83% (1021) 3% (35) 1% (18) 1224

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Table POLx_5: Favorability forDonald Trump

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 41% (808) 55% (1099) 3% (61) 1% (24) 1991Trump Job Approve 94% (757) 4% (33) 2% (14) — (2) 807Trump Job Disapprove 4% (44) 93% (1043) 2% (18) 1% (12) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 98% (427) 1% (4) 1% (6) — (0) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 89% (330) 8% (29) 2% (8) 1% (2) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (21) 88% (217) 3% (7) 1% (3) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (23) 95% (826) 1% (11) 1% (9) 869Favorable of Trump 100% (808) — (0) — (0) — (0) 808Unfavorable of Trump — (0) 100% (1099) — (0) — (0) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 100% (486) — (0) — (0) — (0) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 100% (322) — (0) — (0) — (0) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump — (0) 100% (181) — (0) — (0) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump — (0) 100% (917) — (0) — (0) 917#1 Issue: Economy 43% (204) 53% (249) 3% (15) 1% (4) 472#1 Issue: Security 76% (295) 21% (83) 2% (6) 1% (4) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 26% (87) 69% (230) 4% (14) 1% (2) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37% (111) 62% (187) 1% (3) 1% (2) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 16% (28) 80% (137) 2% (3) 2% (4) 172#1 Issue: Education 31% (38) 62% (75) 5% (6) 2% (3) 121#1 Issue: Energy 19% (18) 79% (78) 2% (2) — (0) 98#1 Issue: Other 26% (26) 59% (60) 11% (11) 5% (5) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (69) 88% (738) 3% (22) 1% (6) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 86% (560) 13% (86) 1% (7) — (1) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 28% (25) 59% (53) 9% (8) 3% (3) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 37% (151) 54% (222) 6% (24) 3% (13) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (42) 91% (676) 3% (19) — (3) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 88% (595) 11% (71) 1% (6) 1% (5) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 20% (33) 75% (122) 5% (8) — (0) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 33% (134) 56% (230) 7% (28) 4% (15) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 42% (569) 55% (756) 2% (33) 1% (10) 1367Voted in 2014: No 38% (239) 55% (343) 5% (29) 2% (14) 624

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Table POLx_5: Favorability forDonald Trump

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 41% (808) 55% (1099) 3% (61) 1% (24) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (145) 80% (697) 2% (18) 1% (10) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 79% (400) 19% (97) 2% (9) — (0) 5062012 Vote: Other 58% (59) 38% (39) 3% (3) — (0) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39% (202) 52% (266) 6% (32) 3% (13) 5134-Region: Northeast 36% (127) 61% (217) 2% (9) 1% (3) 3554-Region: Midwest 41% (189) 55% (250) 3% (13) 1% (5) 4574-Region: South 45% (336) 50% (372) 3% (26) 1% (9) 7434-Region: West 36% (155) 60% (260) 3% (14) 1% (6) 435Strong Republican 94% (379) 5% (22) 1% (4) — (0) 405Not Very Strong Republican 68% (140) 30% (61) 1% (2) 1% (2) 205Strong Democrat 7% (35) 89% (437) 3% (13) 1% (4) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 17% (49) 77% (229) 5% (14) 1% (4) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_6

Table POLx_6: Favorability forRepublicans in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 52% (1031) 9% (179) 4% (78) 1991Gender: Male 39% (361) 54% (500) 5% (45) 3% (26) 932Gender: Female 32% (343) 50% (530) 13% (134) 5% (52) 1059Age: 18-29 31% (107) 47% (163) 12% (42) 9% (33) 345Age: 30-44 30% (139) 51% (235) 12% (56) 6% (27) 458Age: 45-54 38% (137) 49% (176) 11% (40) 2% (7) 361Age: 55-64 37% (135) 52% (191) 9% (32) 2% (8) 364Age: 65+ 40% (185) 57% (266) 2% (8) 1% (4) 463Generation Z: 18-22 30% (40) 49% (66) 9% (12) 12% (16) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 31% (155) 48% (243) 13% (66) 8% (39) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 36% (189) 50% (265) 11% (61) 2% (12) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 37% (270) 56% (404) 5% (38) 1% (10) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 13% (99) 75% (589) 9% (70) 4% (30) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (141) 56% (331) 14% (81) 7% (40) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 76% (464) 18% (110) 5% (28) 1% (8) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 14% (46) 79% (261) 5% (17) 2% (8) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (53) 72% (328) 12% (53) 5% (22) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (76) 60% (176) 8% (23) 5% (16) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 21% (65) 52% (156) 19% (58) 8% (24) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 77% (238) 21% (63) 2% (5) 1% (2) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 75% (226) 16% (47) 8% (23) 2% (6) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 13% (76) 78% (468) 6% (36) 4% (23) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 26% (129) 60% (297) 10% (47) 4% (19) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 65% (457) 29% (199) 5% (38) 1% (4) 697Educ: < College 36% (445) 47% (593) 12% (149) 5% (64) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 37% (176) 55% (260) 5% (24) 2% (11) 471Educ: Post-grad 31% (82) 66% (177) 2% (6) 1% (3) 268

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Table POLx_6: Favorability forRepublicans in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 52% (1031) 9% (179) 4% (78) 1991Income: Under 50k 33% (364) 48% (525) 13% (138) 6% (61) 1087Income: 50k-100k 37% (233) 56% (353) 5% (34) 2% (16) 636Income: 100k+ 40% (107) 57% (153) 3% (7) — (1) 268Ethnicity: White 39% (631) 50% (801) 8% (128) 3% (51) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 34% (66) 45% (87) 15% (29) 6% (11) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 16% (41) 63% (160) 12% (30) 8% (21) 252Ethnicity: Other 25% (32) 54% (69) 16% (21) 5% (6) 128All Christian 46% (424) 46% (427) 6% (59) 2% (20) 931All Non-Christian 23% (18) 68% (52) 6% (4) 3% (3) 77Atheist 8% (8) 86% (78) 5% (4) 1% (1) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 28% (254) 53% (473) 12% (111) 6% (54) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 28% (28) 61% (61) 6% (6) 5% (5) 99Evangelical 48% (274) 36% (209) 12% (68) 4% (23) 574Non-Evangelical 37% (267) 54% (390) 7% (52) 2% (16) 725Community: Urban 30% (141) 55% (255) 10% (46) 5% (25) 467Community: Suburban 35% (346) 54% (542) 8% (80) 3% (35) 1002Community: Rural 41% (216) 45% (234) 10% (53) 3% (18) 522Employ: Private Sector 34% (227) 55% (371) 9% (60) 2% (14) 671Employ: Government 41% (52) 51% (65) 6% (8) 2% (2) 128Employ: Self-Employed 40% (68) 50% (84) 6% (10) 4% (7) 169Employ: Homemaker 35% (39) 34% (38) 24% (26) 8% (8) 112Employ: Student 28% (25) 51% (45) 10% (9) 12% (11) 89Employ: Retired 39% (199) 56% (285) 3% (17) 1% (5) 505Employ: Unemployed 27% (42) 44% (69) 18% (28) 11% (17) 157Employ: Other 32% (52) 47% (74) 13% (20) 8% (13) 160Military HH: Yes 44% (158) 48% (172) 5% (18) 2% (9) 357Military HH: No 33% (546) 53% (858) 10% (161) 4% (69) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 68% (518) 21% (163) 8% (64) 3% (22) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 15% (186) 71% (867) 9% (115) 5% (56) 1224

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Table POLx_6: Favorability forRepublicans in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 52% (1031) 9% (179) 4% (78) 1991Trump Job Approve 69% (555) 24% (190) 6% (50) 1% (12) 807Trump Job Disapprove 13% (141) 74% (824) 10% (107) 4% (45) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 77% (335) 18% (79) 4% (18) 1% (5) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 59% (220) 30% (111) 9% (32) 2% (7) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 31% (77) 48% (118) 17% (43) 4% (9) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (64) 81% (705) 7% (64) 4% (36) 869Favorable of Trump 71% (573) 22% (181) 5% (37) 2% (17) 808Unfavorable of Trump 11% (123) 77% (841) 9% (98) 3% (36) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 79% (383) 17% (85) 2% (11) 1% (6) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 59% (189) 30% (96) 8% (26) 3% (11) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 28% (51) 51% (93) 16% (30) 5% (8) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (72) 82% (749) 7% (68) 3% (28) 917#1 Issue: Economy 36% (170) 51% (241) 10% (48) 3% (13) 472#1 Issue: Security 62% (239) 29% (111) 8% (32) 1% (5) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 25% (84) 59% (198) 9% (32) 6% (20) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 34% (102) 59% (178) 5% (15) 3% (8) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14% (24) 72% (124) 9% (15) 5% (9) 172#1 Issue: Education 33% (40) 49% (59) 12% (14) 6% (8) 121#1 Issue: Energy 18% (18) 70% (69) 8% (8) 4% (4) 98#1 Issue: Other 25% (26) 50% (51) 14% (15) 10% (10) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 10% (85) 81% (680) 6% (47) 3% (22) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 70% (457) 25% (164) 4% (28) 1% (4) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 47% (42) 23% (21) 12% (11) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 35% (144) 35% (144) 20% (82) 10% (40) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (72) 81% (598) 7% (51) 3% (20) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 68% (462) 26% (176) 5% (31) 1% (7) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 23% (38) 62% (101) 11% (18) 4% (6) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 32% (129) 38% (154) 19% (78) 11% (46) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 37% (502) 55% (759) 6% (79) 2% (28) 1367Voted in 2014: No 32% (202) 44% (272) 16% (100) 8% (50) 624

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Table POLx_6: Favorability forRepublicans in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 35% (704) 52% (1031) 9% (179) 4% (78) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (152) 73% (636) 7% (60) 3% (23) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 69% (347) 27% (137) 4% (18) 1% (4) 5062012 Vote: Other 32% (32) 55% (56) 10% (10) 3% (3) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 34% (172) 39% (202) 18% (91) 9% (48) 5134-Region: Northeast 31% (110) 55% (196) 10% (35) 4% (15) 3554-Region: Midwest 33% (153) 54% (247) 9% (41) 4% (16) 4574-Region: South 41% (306) 46% (346) 8% (58) 5% (34) 7434-Region: West 31% (135) 56% (242) 10% (45) 3% (13) 435Strong Republican 84% (342) 13% (51) 2% (7) 1% (4) 405Not Very Strong Republican 59% (122) 29% (59) 10% (20) 2% (4) 205Strong Democrat 8% (38) 83% (405) 6% (31) 3% (17) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 21% (61) 62% (184) 13% (39) 4% (13) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability forDemocrats in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 42% (839) 47% (928) 8% (151) 4% (73) 1991Gender: Male 39% (365) 54% (502) 4% (39) 3% (27) 932Gender: Female 45% (474) 40% (427) 11% (112) 4% (46) 1059Age: 18-29 46% (160) 36% (125) 9% (32) 8% (28) 345Age: 30-44 46% (209) 38% (174) 10% (47) 6% (28) 458Age: 45-54 38% (138) 49% (178) 9% (33) 3% (11) 361Age: 55-64 39% (143) 53% (192) 7% (26) 1% (4) 364Age: 65+ 41% (189) 56% (260) 3% (13) — (1) 463Generation Z: 18-22 45% (60) 37% (49) 9% (12) 10% (13) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 48% (241) 34% (172) 11% (53) 7% (37) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 39% (207) 49% (255) 9% (47) 3% (18) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 40% (291) 54% (392) 5% (36) 1% (4) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 78% (616) 12% (98) 6% (48) 3% (25) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (178) 51% (302) 13% (74) 7% (39) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (46) 87% (529) 5% (28) 1% (8) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 81% (270) 12% (41) 4% (12) 3% (9) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 76% (346) 12% (57) 8% (36) 4% (16) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (77) 62% (180) 6% (17) 6% (16) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 33% (101) 40% (122) 19% (57) 8% (23) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 6% (18) 91% (280) 3% (9) 1% (2) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (28) 82% (248) 6% (19) 2% (7) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 73% (441) 17% (104) 6% (34) 4% (24) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 48% (238) 42% (205) 7% (33) 3% (17) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (103) 80% (559) 4% (31) 1% (5) 697Educ: < College 41% (509) 44% (556) 10% (124) 5% (63) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 46% (217) 48% (227) 4% (19) 2% (8) 471Educ: Post-grad 42% (114) 54% (145) 3% (7) 1% (2) 268

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Morning ConsultTable POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability forDemocrats in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 42% (839) 47% (928) 8% (151) 4% (73) 1991Income: Under 50k 42% (457) 43% (464) 10% (107) 5% (59) 1087Income: 50k-100k 46% (290) 46% (295) 6% (39) 2% (12) 636Income: 100k+ 34% (92) 63% (169) 2% (5) 1% (2) 268Ethnicity: White 38% (608) 52% (840) 7% (114) 3% (48) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 47% (91) 35% (67) 12% (24) 6% (12) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 64% (162) 19% (47) 10% (24) 7% (19) 252Ethnicity: Other 53% (68) 32% (41) 10% (13) 5% (6) 128All Christian 36% (332) 57% (531) 5% (51) 2% (17) 931All Non-Christian 68% (52) 24% (18) 7% (5) 1% (1) 77Atheist 57% (52) 34% (31) 8% (7) 1% (1) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 45% (403) 39% (348) 10% (87) 6% (54) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 60% (59) 30% (30) 6% (6) 4% (4) 99Evangelical 30% (170) 57% (329) 10% (55) 3% (19) 574Non-Evangelical 44% (318) 49% (352) 5% (38) 2% (17) 725Community: Urban 53% (246) 36% (169) 8% (35) 4% (17) 467Community: Suburban 41% (415) 48% (480) 7% (71) 4% (35) 1002Community: Rural 34% (178) 53% (279) 8% (44) 4% (21) 522Employ: Private Sector 44% (299) 47% (316) 7% (44) 2% (12) 671Employ: Government 42% (53) 51% (66) 4% (6) 2% (3) 128Employ: Self-Employed 40% (68) 49% (83) 7% (12) 4% (7) 169Employ: Homemaker 33% (37) 43% (48) 17% (20) 7% (8) 112Employ: Student 53% (47) 31% (28) 7% (6) 9% (8) 89Employ: Retired 38% (194) 57% (288) 4% (19) 1% (3) 505Employ: Unemployed 49% (77) 26% (41) 13% (20) 12% (19) 157Employ: Other 41% (65) 37% (60) 15% (23) 7% (12) 160Military HH: Yes 33% (118) 62% (222) 3% (9) 2% (8) 357Military HH: No 44% (721) 43% (706) 9% (141) 4% (65) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 17% (127) 73% (560) 7% (54) 3% (25) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 58% (712) 30% (368) 8% (97) 4% (47) 1224

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Table POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability forDemocrats in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 42% (839) 47% (928) 8% (151) 4% (73) 1991Trump Job Approve 13% (107) 79% (638) 6% (45) 2% (16) 807Trump Job Disapprove 64% (716) 25% (281) 7% (82) 3% (38) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (34) 87% (381) 4% (15) 1% (6) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (73) 70% (258) 8% (29) 3% (10) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 44% (109) 43% (106) 10% (24) 4% (9) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 70% (607) 20% (175) 7% (58) 3% (29) 869Favorable of Trump 13% (108) 81% (650) 4% (30) 2% (19) 808Unfavorable of Trump 65% (717) 24% (269) 7% (79) 3% (33) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 10% (48) 85% (415) 3% (15) 2% (8) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 19% (60) 73% (235) 5% (15) 4% (11) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 43% (78) 43% (78) 10% (19) 4% (7) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 70% (640) 21% (191) 7% (60) 3% (26) 917#1 Issue: Economy 38% (180) 51% (242) 7% (33) 3% (16) 472#1 Issue: Security 17% (65) 75% (292) 6% (24) 2% (7) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 56% (186) 32% (107) 7% (24) 5% (17) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 48% (146) 43% (132) 6% (19) 2% (6) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 63% (109) 22% (38) 8% (14) 6% (11) 172#1 Issue: Education 42% (52) 43% (52) 10% (12) 5% (6) 121#1 Issue: Energy 65% (64) 22% (22) 9% (9) 4% (4) 98#1 Issue: Other 37% (38) 43% (44) 14% (14) 6% (6) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 75% (624) 19% (159) 4% (33) 2% (18) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 8% (52) 87% (567) 4% (29) 1% (6) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 16% (15) 50% (45) 25% (23) 9% (8) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 36% (148) 38% (157) 16% (65) 10% (40) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 76% (562) 16% (122) 5% (40) 2% (16) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 9% (63) 86% (578) 3% (23) 2% (12) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 36% (59) 50% (82) 10% (16) 3% (6) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 38% (155) 35% (142) 17% (71) 10% (39) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 44% (600) 50% (679) 4% (59) 2% (29) 1367Voted in 2014: No 38% (239) 40% (250) 15% (91) 7% (44) 624

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Morning ConsultTable POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability forDemocrats in Congress

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 42% (839) 47% (928) 8% (151) 4% (73) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 67% (584) 25% (214) 6% (50) 3% (23) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (46) 87% (443) 3% (14) 1% (3) 5062012 Vote: Other 22% (22) 66% (66) 7% (7) 5% (5) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (187) 40% (204) 15% (79) 8% (42) 5134-Region: Northeast 48% (169) 40% (142) 9% (34) 3% (11) 3554-Region: Midwest 42% (194) 48% (217) 7% (31) 3% (15) 4574-Region: South 39% (286) 50% (369) 7% (52) 5% (36) 7434-Region: West 44% (190) 46% (200) 8% (33) 3% (11) 435Strong Republican 5% (22) 91% (367) 3% (11) 1% (5) 405Not Very Strong Republican 11% (23) 79% (162) 8% (16) 2% (4) 205Strong Democrat 88% (429) 5% (26) 5% (24) 2% (11) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 63% (187) 24% (72) 8% (24) 5% (14) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Table POLx_9

Table POLx_9: Favorability forKevin McCarthy

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 15% (305) 24% (476) 30% (600) 31% (610) 1991Gender: Male 19% (175) 32% (300) 26% (241) 23% (216) 932Gender: Female 12% (130) 17% (176) 34% (359) 37% (394) 1059Age: 18-29 11% (38) 22% (75) 24% (82) 44% (150) 345Age: 30-44 14% (62) 20% (90) 26% (120) 41% (185) 458Age: 45-54 18% (66) 21% (76) 32% (115) 29% (104) 361Age: 55-64 12% (44) 29% (104) 35% (127) 24% (89) 364Age: 65+ 21% (95) 28% (131) 34% (156) 17% (81) 463Generation Z: 18-22 11% (14) 22% (29) 23% (30) 45% (60) 134Millennial: Age 23-38 11% (57) 20% (103) 25% (127) 43% (216) 503Generation X: Age 39-54 18% (94) 21% (109) 30% (159) 31% (164) 527Boomers: Age 55-73 16% (113) 29% (211) 34% (248) 21% (151) 722PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (85) 26% (201) 33% (259) 31% (243) 787PID: Ind (no lean) 12% (72) 24% (141) 29% (172) 35% (209) 593PID: Rep (no lean) 24% (149) 22% (134) 28% (169) 26% (158) 610PID/Gender: DemMen 13% (43) 36% (121) 27% (89) 24% (79) 332PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (42) 18% (80) 37% (170) 36% (163) 455PID/Gender: Ind Men 15% (43) 32% (93) 27% (78) 26% (76) 291PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (29) 16% (48) 31% (94) 44% (132) 303PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (89) 28% (85) 24% (74) 19% (60) 309PID/Gender: Rep Women 20% (60) 16% (49) 31% (95) 33% (98) 302Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 10% (62) 30% (179) 29% (177) 31% (184) 603Ideo: Moderate (4) 11% (52) 24% (120) 33% (162) 32% (159) 492Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 24% (168) 23% (159) 29% (204) 24% (167) 697Educ: < College 15% (187) 22% (270) 33% (410) 31% (385) 1252Educ: Bachelors degree 16% (77) 28% (131) 24% (115) 32% (149) 471Educ: Post-grad 15% (41) 28% (75) 28% (75) 29% (76) 268

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Table POLx_9: Favorability forKevin McCarthy

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 15% (305) 24% (476) 30% (600) 31% (610) 1991Income: Under 50k 15% (161) 20% (218) 32% (353) 33% (356) 1087Income: 50k-100k 16% (102) 26% (166) 29% (184) 29% (183) 636Income: 100k+ 16% (42) 34% (92) 24% (63) 27% (71) 268Ethnicity: White 16% (261) 23% (373) 31% (503) 29% (473) 1610Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (39) 20% (38) 30% (57) 31% (59) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 11% (27) 29% (73) 23% (58) 37% (94) 252Ethnicity: Other 13% (17) 23% (30) 30% (39) 33% (42) 128All Christian 20% (182) 22% (200) 31% (286) 28% (263) 931All Non-Christian 27% (20) 24% (19) 22% (17) 27% (21) 77Atheist 6% (5) 32% (29) 25% (23) 37% (34) 91Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11% (97) 26% (228) 31% (275) 33% (292) 892Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 27% (27) 23% (23) 22% (22) 28% (28) 99Evangelical 19% (107) 20% (115) 30% (172) 31% (180) 574Non-Evangelical 16% (117) 23% (164) 32% (229) 30% (215) 725Community: Urban 16% (77) 28% (129) 29% (137) 27% (125) 467Community: Suburban 16% (158) 24% (245) 29% (296) 30% (303) 1002Community: Rural 13% (70) 20% (102) 32% (168) 35% (182) 522Employ: Private Sector 15% (98) 25% (166) 29% (196) 32% (212) 671Employ: Government 16% (20) 20% (25) 28% (35) 37% (47) 128Employ: Self-Employed 18% (31) 31% (52) 25% (43) 25% (43) 169Employ: Homemaker 8% (9) 8% (9) 37% (42) 47% (52) 112Employ: Student 13% (12) 20% (17) 20% (18) 47% (41) 89Employ: Retired 17% (87) 29% (148) 36% (180) 18% (90) 505Employ: Unemployed 14% (22) 21% (33) 26% (41) 40% (62) 157Employ: Other 17% (27) 16% (25) 29% (46) 39% (62) 160Military HH: Yes 16% (56) 26% (93) 32% (115) 26% (93) 357Military HH: No 15% (249) 23% (383) 30% (485) 32% (517) 1634RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (200) 19% (146) 29% (220) 26% (200) 767RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (105) 27% (330) 31% (380) 33% (410) 1224

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Table POLx_9

Table POLx_9: Favorability forKevin McCarthy

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 15% (305) 24% (476) 30% (600) 31% (610) 1991Trump Job Approve 25% (199) 20% (157) 29% (236) 27% (214) 807Trump Job Disapprove 9% (97) 28% (316) 30% (340) 33% (364) 1117Trump Job Strongly Approve 29% (128) 22% (95) 26% (115) 23% (98) 437Trump Job Somewhat Approve 19% (71) 17% (63) 33% (121) 31% (116) 370Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (40) 17% (43) 31% (77) 35% (88) 248Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (57) 31% (272) 30% (263) 32% (276) 869Favorable of Trump 26% (213) 20% (161) 27% (219) 27% (215) 808Unfavorable of Trump 8% (88) 29% (314) 31% (336) 33% (361) 1099Very Favorable of Trump 30% (147) 22% (106) 25% (119) 23% (113) 486Somewhat Favorable of Trump 21% (66) 17% (55) 31% (100) 32% (101) 322Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 14% (26) 19% (34) 30% (54) 37% (67) 181Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (62) 30% (280) 31% (282) 32% (293) 917#1 Issue: Economy 17% (79) 22% (106) 32% (152) 29% (135) 472#1 Issue: Security 23% (91) 24% (92) 27% (104) 26% (101) 388#1 Issue: Health Care 13% (42) 27% (91) 32% (107) 28% (93) 333#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 14% (43) 26% (79) 33% (100) 27% (82) 303#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (13) 21% (36) 24% (41) 48% (82) 172#1 Issue: Education 15% (18) 17% (21) 26% (31) 42% (51) 121#1 Issue: Energy 8% (7) 33% (33) 23% (23) 36% (36) 98#1 Issue: Other 12% (12) 18% (19) 41% (42) 29% (30) 1022018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (75) 29% (241) 33% (276) 29% (243) 8352018 House Vote: Republican 27% (174) 23% (152) 27% (175) 23% (152) 6542018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (7) 24% (21) 24% (22) 44% (40) 902018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 12% (48) 15% (61) 31% (127) 43% (175) 4102016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (68) 29% (217) 32% (237) 30% (220) 7412016 Vote: Donald Trump 27% (181) 22% (147) 28% (187) 24% (161) 6762016 Vote: Someone else 8% (13) 29% (47) 33% (55) 29% (48) 1632016 Vote: Didnt Vote 11% (43) 15% (61) 30% (122) 44% (180) 407Voted in 2014: Yes 18% (241) 27% (374) 30% (407) 25% (346) 1367Voted in 2014: No 10% (64) 16% (102) 31% (194) 42% (264) 624

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Table POLx_9: Favorability forKevin McCarthy

Demographic Total Favorable Total UnfavorableHeard Of, NoOpinion Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 15% (305) 24% (476) 30% (600) 31% (610) 19912012 Vote: Barack Obama 12% (103) 28% (248) 30% (260) 30% (259) 8702012 Vote: Mitt Romney 24% (122) 21% (107) 31% (156) 24% (121) 5062012 Vote: Other 17% (18) 35% (36) 22% (22) 25% (26) 1012012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (62) 17% (85) 31% (161) 40% (205) 5134-Region: Northeast 14% (51) 24% (87) 31% (109) 31% (109) 3554-Region: Midwest 14% (64) 22% (99) 33% (151) 32% (145) 4574-Region: South 16% (119) 23% (168) 28% (212) 33% (245) 7434-Region: West 16% (72) 28% (122) 30% (129) 26% (112) 435Strong Republican 31% (125) 21% (84) 26% (104) 23% (92) 405Not Very Strong Republican 12% (24) 24% (50) 31% (65) 32% (67) 205Strong Democrat 9% (46) 30% (146) 33% (162) 28% (136) 490Not Very Strong Democrat 13% (38) 19% (55) 33% (97) 36% (106) 297Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019Respondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemAll Registered Voters 1991 100%

xdemGender Gender: Male 932 47%Gender: Female 1059 53%

N 1991

age5 Age: 18-29 345 17%Age: 30-44 458 23%Age: 45-54 361 18%Age: 55-64 364 18%Age: 65+ 463 23%

N 1991

demAgeGeneration Generation Z: 18-22 134 7%Millennial: Age 23-38 503 25%

Generation X: Age 39-54 527 26%Boomers: Age 55-73 722 36%

N 1886

xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 787 40%PID: Ind (no lean) 593 30%PID: Rep (no lean) 610 31%

N 1991

xpidGender PID/Gender: DemMen 332 17%PID/Gender: DemWomen 455 23%

PID/Gender: Ind Men 291 15%PID/Gender: Ind Women 303 15%

PID/Gender: Rep Men 309 16%PID/Gender: Rep Women 302 15%

N 1991

xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 603 30%Ideo: Moderate (4) 492 25%

Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 697 35%N 1793

xeduc3 Educ: < College 1252 63%Educ: Bachelors degree 471 24%

Educ: Post-grad 268 13%N 1991

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 1087 55%Income: 50k-100k 636 32%

Income: 100k+ 268 13%N 1991

xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 1610 81%

xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 193 10%

demBlackBin Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 252 13%

demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 128 6%

xdemReligion All Christian 931 47%All Non-Christian 77 4%

Atheist 91 5%Agnostic/Nothing in particular 892 45%

N 1991

xdemReligOther Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 99 5%

xdemEvang Evangelical 574 29%Non-Evangelical 725 36%

N 1299

xdemUsr Community: Urban 467 23%Community: Suburban 1002 50%

Community: Rural 522 26%N 1991

xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 671 34%Employ: Government 128 6%

Employ: Self-Employed 169 8%Employ: Homemaker 112 6%

Employ: Student 89 4%Employ: Retired 505 25%

Employ: Unemployed 157 8%Employ: Other 160 8%

N 1991

xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 357 18%Military HH: No 1634 82%

N 1991

xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 767 39%RD/WT: Wrong Track 1224 61%

N 1991

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National Tracking Poll #190618, June, 2019Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

Trump_Approve Trump Job Approve 807 41%Trump Job Disapprove 1117 56%

N 1923

Trump_Approve2 Trump Job Strongly Approve 437 22%Trump Job Somewhat Approve 370 19%

Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 248 12%Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 869 44%

N 1923

Trump_Fav Favorable of Trump 808 41%Unfavorable of Trump 1099 55%

N 1906

Trump_Fav_FULL Very Favorable of Trump 486 24%Somewhat Favorable of Trump 322 16%

Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 181 9%Very Unfavorable of Trump 917 46%

N 1906

xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 472 24%#1 Issue: Security 388 19%

#1 Issue: Health Care 333 17%#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 303 15%

#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 172 9%#1 Issue: Education 121 6%

#1 Issue: Energy 98 5%#1 Issue: Other 102 5%

N 1991

xsubVote18O 2018 House Vote: Democrat 835 42%2018 House Vote: Republican 654 33%

2018 House Vote: Someone else 90 5%2018 House Vote: Didnt Vote 410 21%

N 1989

xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 741 37%2016 Vote: Donald Trump 676 34%2016 Vote: Someone else 163 8%2016 Vote: Didnt Vote 407 20%

N 1986

xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 1367 69%Voted in 2014: No 624 31%

N 1991

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xsubVote12O 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 870 44%2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 506 25%

2012 Vote: Other 101 5%2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 513 26%

N 1990

xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 355 18%4-Region: Midwest 457 23%

4-Region: South 743 37%4-Region: West 435 22%

N 1991

xdemPidLean Strong Republican 405 20%Not Very Strong Republican 205 10%

Strong Democrat 490 25%Not Very Strong Democrat 297 15%

N 1398

Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-lated with demographic post-stratification weights applied.


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