National Youth Conference 2013 How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

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National Youth Conference 2013 How To Make OUR Life HIS Message. National Youth Conference 2013 How To Make OUR Life HIS Message. Cover Title Here. Master. Introductions. Who? Where? Why?. Objectives. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of National Youth Conference 2013 How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

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National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message



o Who?o Where?o Why?


o Identify our connection with Swami – our Master – and understand the attributes of a Master

o Agree the steps to be taken to develop, sustain and deepen that connection

o Find out how to become Masters ourselves

Workshop ground rules

1. Everyone’s input is equally valued - we are all on this journey together to learn from each other!

2. Respect differences.3. No idea is a bad idea.4. Be open to new concepts and ideas.5. Share your experiences.6. Cut to the chase!7. Only one conversation at a time (unless subgroups are working on a topic).

Setting the scene…

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Cover Title Here

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Objective 1:Build a connection with Swami and understand the attributes of a Master

Click to see video 1

Video 1

What attributes was Swami demonstrating?

What did His facial expressions convey?How did He greet each individual?

Exercise:Identify one attribute

Write it on a sticky note and place on wall

Video 2

What attributes was Swami demonstrating?

Who did He talk to?What did His body language convey?

Exercise:Identify one attribute

Write it on a sticky note and place on wall

Click to see video 3

Video 3

What attributes was Swami demonstrating?

What did He say? How did He say it?

What does this show you?

Exercise:Identify one attribute

Write it on a sticky note and place on wall

Swami speaking about His childhood

Why did Swami tell His students about this aspect of His childhood?

“Grandfather, if I do not work hard now, when else? Start early, drive slowly, and reach safely! This is work that I have to do with pleasure! So long as I am strong in body and mind, I am ready to do any amount of work.”

“The body has to do work. In fact, the body has been given for doing work. If there is no work, laziness would set in and the body would become sick. Work is not all that difficult.”

Which attributes have you seen in Swami that you see in yourselves?

Exercise:Identify one attribute

Write it on a sticky note and place on wall

In groups…

If someone who had never seen, heard, or met

Swami, asked you to describe your Master and

his attributes, how would you do this in 2-3

short sentences?

What are the attributes of the Supreme Master?

Is it possible to describe Him?

• Beyond all notions of good and bad, right and wrong.

• No form, no limbs, no dualities, no preferences, no prejudices, no


• No swaroopa or swabhaava (individual form or individual nature).

• There are no pots, in the clay; but in the pots, there is clay.

• So also there are no characteristics in God; but, in the characteristics

of satya, jnaana and aananda, there is God.

• God is everywhere - He is too subtle - He is too vast.

“Let Me tell you that nothing evil can affect

Me. Nothing can harm Me. I am the Master,

the Shakti (power) that overpowers everything


~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 7 July 1963

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Cover Title Here

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Objective 2:Developing our connection with Swami

Our worldly connections

Worldly connections


Spouse/ Partner

Friends/ Colleagues


Group exercise: connecting with Him

Connecting with Him...

[Insert image here]

Group exercise: connecting with Him

Group devotional



Sai literature

Eating good food

Keeping good


Reciting God’s name


Group exercise: connecting with Him

o Do you feel any closer to Swami by practising this spiritual discipline?

o If so, how can this be made more effective?o If not, why not?o If there is no benefit, how can this be


Group exercise: connecting with Him


[Insert image here]

What Swami says about...GDS

“Bhajan (group singing of devotional songs on Lord's names and glory) is more important than bhojan (meals). Prayer is more desirable than pining for

meals. Birds, beasts, insects and worms, all feed and keep fit. Man is the crown of creation, the monarch and master of all beings in creation. And if he, too, seeks only food and shelter as inferior species do, it is deplorable

indeed. [...] Is this the be-all and end-all of human existence? No. It cannot be. He has the nobler-goal of self-illumination, of lighting the lamp of love inside him, and sharing the light of that lamp with all around him. Kaama (desire) and krodha (anger) are the two enemies that will not allow him to keep that flame burning bright. Bhajan such as this, is a good disciplinary

process by which these two can be kept away.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 4 December 1976

What Swami says about...service

“Convince yourselves that life cannot continue long without others serving you and your serving others. Master-servant, ruler-ruled, guru-disciple,

employer-employee, parents-children, all these are bound by mutual service. Every one is a sevak (one who serves). The farmer and labourer whom you serve produce by their toil your food and clothing as their service to you. Remember that the body, with its senses-mind-brain complex has been awarded to you to be used for helping the helpless--- Paropakaaraartam idam shareeram. Seva is the highest of paths of devotion which wins the

grace of God. It promotes mental purity, diminishes egoism and enables one to experience, through sympathetic understanding, the unity of mankind. Therefore, I bless your seva activities in the villages of your motherland.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 21 November 1986

What Swami says about...reciting God’s name

“Repetition of God’s name and meditation are for acquiring one-pointed attention on the Lord, for casting off sensory attachments,

and for attaining the joy derived from the basis of all sensory objects. The mind should not be wandering in all directions,

indiscriminately, like the fly. The fly dwells in the sweetmeat shop and runs after the rubbish carts; the fly that has such a mind has to

be taught to understand the sweetness of the first place and the impurity of the second place, so that it may not desert the

sweetmeat shop and pursue the rubbish cart. When such teaching is imparted to the mind, it is called meditation!”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Dhyana Vahini, Chapter II

What Swami says about...reading good books

“If you wish to cultivate good thoughts and good behaviour, you must read good books. Many students today consider it a fashion to read cheap literature that is available for a low price. With the result, cheap thoughts and cheap behaviour are generated in them. They look for cheap books and trash distributed free of

cost. They woefully lack a sense of discrimination to judge whether such writings are conducive to their moral, spiritual and character development. They will, however, realise the consequences of their action after their minds are totally

polluted. Then it will be too late for them to retrace their steps. It is only through good books that good thoughts and good behaviour can be cultivated.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 22 October 2005

What Swami says about...keeping good company

“Sometimes, you may get bad thoughts. You should immediately change them into good thoughts. For this, good company is necessary. “Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are,” it is said. When you join good company, you become good. On the other hand, when you are in bad company, you become bad. Hence, always have good company. [...] Human life is most sacred. It is attained as a result of merits earned in many previous births. Thousands of people have

gathered here. For what? Only for God. Many people gather at places like liquor shops also. But there you cannot have good thoughts.

Therefore, we should always have good company.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 7 March 2008

What Swami says about...eating good food

“With regard to food, you have to know certain subtle things and observe some restrictions. You should not consume non-vegetarian food like meat and fish. In fact, foreigners are used to non-vegetarian food only. This type of food

causes diseases like cancer. Hence, give up such food, totally. Not only that. They also like cheese very much. The more you consume cheese, the weaker

you become. You should not also take milk in excess quantity. Too much milk is very bad. It should be in limit. The milk should be diluted with water in equal

proportion. Same is the case with curd. It should not be thick. It should be semi-solid. Thus, you have to control the food you eat daily. Proper food at proper

time is very much necessary for contemplating on God. If you thus take proper food and observe discipline in your habits, you are sure to have God’s darshan

at that very moment.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 28 July 2007


o Identification of methods through which a relationship with God is sustained and strengthened

o Deeper exploration of why such spiritual exercises are done and how to make this more effective on a practical level

How to be His ideal students...


National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

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National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Objective 3:Becoming the Master

Areas to cover

o The need for sense and mind controlo Maintaining sense and mind control in everyday

life – is it really possible?o Continuing mind and sense control beyond the

conferenceo Case scenarios - challenges and obstacles o Swami as the Divine Master

Why control our senses and mind? Surely this is just a restriction or suppression?

“‘Freedom’ is the name that you give to a certain type of bondage. Genuine freedom is obtained only when delusion is

absent, when there is no identification with the body and senses, no servitude to the objective world. People who have escaped from this servitude and achieved freedom in the genuine sense are very few in number. Bondage lies in every act done with the

consciousness of the body as the Self, for one is then the plaything of the senses.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Dharma Vahini, Chapter II

But the senses and mind are so powerful, how do we begin to control it?

“The internal senses are not visible. They are like the steering wheel in a car. The wheels that are external cannot turn unless the steering wheel is

turned. The mind is the steering wheel. It is only when the mind acts that external organs like hands and feet can function. Hence, students should try to control the mind, using the intellect and the discriminating power of the chittha. Uparathi is the process of turning the mind inward and purifying

one's thoughts and feelings. By these means of self-control and self-regulation, one should try to get self-satisfaction. This comes when one lives

up to the dictates of his conscience. Make your conscience your master.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 23 June 1988

Can I maintain sense and mind control in this world, or should I head for the forests…?

“Those who have attachment and hatred, even if they dwell in the forest, cannot escape harm. Those who have conquered the senses, even if they are householders, can be ascetics (tapasvis). If engaged in acts that are not harmful or condemned, they are entitled to be called spiritually wise people (jnaanis). The home is the hermitage

(tapovana) for attaining non-attachment. Liberation cannot be won by progeny, charity, riches, sacrificial rites (yajna), or yoga; what is

wanted for liberation is the cleansing of the self.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Dharma Vahini, Chapter VIII

What about when we go home and get on with our normal lives?

“[...] while you are staying for one month in this summer course, you will be filling your heart to the brim with the essence of spiritual learning.

When you go back to your places, because the external environment is not the same as what exists here, there is a possibility of the level of spiritual learning in the vessel of your heart becoming lower and lower by oozing

out slowly. So you must make an attempt to join satsanga when you go back, and you must see that the external environment is as good as the internal feeling.

Then, the good in your heart does not ooze out. ”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Summer Showers In Brindavan 1973, Chapter 5

“Sometimes it may so happen that you will find yourself in a different company and some among them may be bad. They may even abuse you

and treat you in a bad manner. In such cases, you should make an attempt to communicate the good spiritual essence in your heart to

them as well. When a sharp axe is used to cut a sandalwood tree, the sandalwood tree

does not feel hurt by the axe nor does it get angry with it. On the contrary, the sandalwood tree hands its fragrance to the axe. The

sandalwood is such that even when it is cut to pieces, it gives fragrance. Even when it is rubbed against another stone, it gives fragrance. This is

the quality of good people.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Summer Showers In Brindavan 1973, Chapter 5

What about the times I do not have a choice about my company? How do I manage those situations?

Main barriers to mind and sense control in our everyday lives

o Case scenario

Case scenario – Under-23s

Sai Youth is a recent graduate who has just begun working at a company he has long dreamed of working for. Hardworking and ambitious, Sai Youth is struggling to balance work commitments with attending centre activities and his participation in Sai activities has lessened.

One evening, as Sai Youth is about to go home - a group of more senior colleagues invite Sai Youth out with them for drinks. This is a tightly-knit social group who support each other in the workplace. Making friends with them would promote Sai Youth’s career prospects. However, this group has a strong drinking culture and dubious morals.

Despite choosing friends wisely during university years, Sai Youth has always been drawn towards a ‘worldlier’ lifestyle. With a good understanding of Swami’s teachings, Sai Youth knows that these are negative influences but reasons that ‘you are only young once’. Perhaps, once having used these contacts to establish his career, he could settle down to a more spiritual life later.

Case scenario – Over-23s

Sai Youth is a young mother of a 5 year-old son, juggling a full-time job with her many family commitments. She is keen to enrol her child in SSE classes, and discusses this with her husband who is not a Sai devotee. Whilst he is happy for their son to attend, he will not take turns in bringing their son to classes. He feels, due to long working hours on weekdays, he would like to enjoy his limited time off on weekends.

Sai Youth’s in-laws, who help with childcare during the week, are even less sympathetic. They complain that Sai activities will prevent the couple from attending social events with extended family and friends. They argue that their son never attended SSE and he turned out fine: so why should their grandson? Sai Youth is determined to take her son to SSE classes. However, she is exhausted and feeling under increasing pressure; her job is becoming more demanding and she is finding herself being drawn into conflicts between her colleagues at the office.


o What is the Sai Youth encountering in his/her everyday environment? How is this affecting his/her senses and mind?

o Who and what is good company? How can we ensure we are in good company when our circumstances affect this?

o What can Sai Youth practically do in this situation: what is realistically achievable (not just the ideal we should adhere to)?

‘I am God. And you too are God. The only difference between you and Me is that while I am aware of it, you are completely unaware.’

“You must be clear about the distinction between birth in general and the advent of the Avataar (divine incarnation). Karma is the cause of ordinary birth. Birth in the human body is the reward for the merit acquired by worthy karma...

But, God is not bound or affected by karma. He takes on a role, as a consequence not of any karma, but to reward good karma and impose

retribution for bad karma…To look upon the Avataar as the body it has assumed is not correct. The Guru has, as his duty, to teach mankind this great Truth of the

paramaatma and the aatma and of the glory and compassion of God.”

~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Discourse, 24 July 1983

Why is Swami (as the Divine Master) perceived as being different from us?

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

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National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message


Workshop summary

o Described our Master’s attributes with the intention of identifying our connection with Him.

o Identified methods through which our relationship with Him is sustained and strengthened and discussed why such methods are important and how they could be made more effective.

o Understood that becoming a master requires control over our mind and senses, through limiting sensory distractions and desires.

Over to you!

Write down up to three ways you will make a practical difference to your life as a result of this


National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Cover Title Here

National Youth Conference 2013

How To Make OUR Life HIS Message

Jai Sai Ram