National Scholarships Portal National Scholorshi… ·  · 2015-10-27• Launchedby Honorable...

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Transcript of National Scholarships Portal National Scholorshi… ·  · 2015-10-27• Launchedby Honorable...

National Scholarships Portal

Presentation by

National Scholarships

National Scholarships PortalS.No Modules Description

1 Introduction About National Scholarships Portal

2 Current Mandate Ministries & Schemes on-boarded forPhase I

3 Services available Services made available in NationalScholarships Portal

4 Student RegistrationProcess

Student registration process in NationalScholarships portal

5 Institutional Role Role of school/College/University

6 Role of District & StateOfficer

Responsibilities includeverification/scrutiny, generation of meritlist & digital signature

7 Role of Central Ministry Scheme Configuration

8 Helpdesk

9 Open Discussions

National Scholarships Portal-An initiative of PMO

• Launched by Honorable Prime Minister of India National Scholarship Portal(NSP) is one-stop solution through which various services starting from studentapplication, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of variousscholarships to Students are enabled

• This initiative aims at providing a Simplified, Mission-oriented, Accountable,Responsive & Transparent 'SMART' System for faster & effective disposal ofscholarship applications and delivery of funds directly into beneficiaries account.


§ Ensure timely disbursement of Scholarships to students§ Provide a common portal for various Scholarships schemes of

Central and State Governments§ Create a transparent database of scholars§ Avoid duplication in processing§ Harmonization of different Scholarships schemes & norms§ Application of Direct Benefit Transfer

Benefits of National Scholarships Portal

For States and Ministries

o Saving of Money, Effort and Timeo Can be implemented for State Scholarship Schemes alsoo States need not procure any Hardware and Network Separately.o States need not to develop and maintain separate Softwareo Elimination of duplicates across the schemes and across the countryo Centralized UID Services: States need not have Locallyo Centralized Mobile Services and Mobile APPSo Open APIso Multi Lingual Supporto Centralized application Hosting in CLOUD-No Charges for the stateso Centralized Payment Gateways for Release of the Scholarship Funds.o Easy to Track & Monitoro Configurability in the work flow and ruleso Comprehensive MIS and Dash Boards for all levelso Content Management System (CMS) for States to publish the content

ü Scheme Eligibility

ü Student Registration, Institutional/College Registration

ü Student Status tracking & Grievance Redressal

ü Verification/Scrutiny of student applications

ü Merit list generation wherever applicable

ü Scheme configuration

ü Integration with Public Financial Management system of CGA

& with state treasuries and Banking system (in future)

Services available inNational Scholarships Portal

ü On-boarding of UGC, Ministry of labour & AICTE schemes

ü On-boarding of State Schemes

ü On-boarding of Central sponsored schemes

ü Integration with State treasury or Banking Infrastructure

to facilitate DBT from state to student bank account.

Agenda for next Academic Year

Ø Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

§ Department of Social Justice and Empowerment

§ Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Ø Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Ø Ministry of Human Resources & Development

§ Department of Higher Education

§ Department of School Education

Ø Ministry of Minority Affairs

Ø Ministry of Labour & Employment



Participating Ministries & Departments

S. No Action Stakeholder(s)

1 Selection of schemes for National Scholarships Portal Implementing ministry

2 Confirmation on whether legacy digital system exists? Implementing Ministry

3 Is legacy data needs to be migrated? Implementing ministry

4 Modalities for Legacy Data Migration –Format for

acceptance of data, Discrepancies in renewal data if


Technical team of

Implementing ministry,

Centre for GoodGovernance5 Digital Signature required for Nodal Officer of

Programming Division & Configuration of Digital

Signature Drivers on National Scholarships Portal

Implementing Ministry

6 Configuration of schemes onto National Scholarships

Portal which includes identification of Maker & Checker

role. Maker defines scheme while Checker approves


Implementing Ministry,

Centre for Good


7 Confirmation of Master data of Universities/Colleges Department of Higher

Education or corresponding

nodal officer at State

On-Boarding Checklist

S. No Action Stakeholder(s)

8 Confirmation of Master data of Schools Department of School

Education or corresponding

nodal officer at state9 Confirmation of Top Class Institutions for specific


Implementing Ministry

10 Management of Content displayed on Ministry specific

page include Scheme Name & Description

Implementing Ministry

11 MIS Reports Implementing Ministry,

Centre for Good

Governance12 Access PFMS/State Treasury/Banking system for

sanction & release of scholarship amount

Implementing Ministry,


13 Updating Profile in National Scholarships Portal &

Configuration of Scheduler for receieval of alerts

Implementing Ministry

14 Issuance of DO/GO for states to use National

Scholarships Portal

Implementing Ministry

On-Boarding Checklist continued …

üStudent Registration Process

üScheme Eligibility

üContent Management system

ü Institutional Role and/or District and/or State


üMerit List generation process

üSubmission of proposal by State

üDigital Signature - signing payment file

National Scholarships PortalLive Demonstration

Open the Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox).

Enter the URL:-

Home Page will appear:

Click on Register Here for Student Registration:

SSttuuddeenntt RReeggiissttrraattiioonn

Click on Register for new registration.

Student will fill following fields as shown above & then click onsubmit button.

After, submitting the student registration page,Student will get his/her Temp ID.Then click on Proceed button for further Registration process.

Personal Details

Here, Student has to fill their Personal Details & Press Save &Continue Button for proceed to next tab.

Academic Details

Student has to enter his present Academic Details & Click on “Save &Continue”to proceed to next tab.

Previous Academic Details

Scheme Details

Under Scheme Details tab, Student will get his/her Eligible Schemebased on details provided by him.Press Show required Documents button to upload Required Documents.

Documents Upload

Students have to upload Required DocumentsClick on Save & Continue tab to proceed.

Bank Details

Student enters his Bank DetailsClick on Save & Continue to proceed next tab.

Contact Details

Student enters his Contact Details (Residential Address)Click on Save & Continue to proceed.

Declaration Page

After that Student, will declare that details provided by him/her arecorrect.Click on Confirm & Submit button to submit Application.

Permanent ID

Student will get his/her Permanent ID & click onLogout Button .


SScchhooooll LLooggiinn

Home Page

Enter the Username, Password & Capture Value inOfficial login.

First, You have to select Academic year , scholarship schemeand application type.

Application Verification

Get Application

Institute / School will get the list Registered application that has to beverified by them.

Verification of Documents

Here Institute / school will verify applicant’s details & scanneddocuments then forward it to next level i.e. District Nodal Officer.

Forward Applications

SSttaattee NNooddaall OOffffiicceerr LLooggiinn

Home Page

Enter username, password & capture value.Click on Login button for login.

Application Verification

For Application Verification, Select Academic year, scheme, InstitutionLocation & application type.Click on Get Application.

List of Application to be verified

State Nodal officer get list of application that has to be verified by him.

Forward Verified Application

Here State Nodal Officer will verify applicant’s details & scanned documents.Click on “Forward”application for Merit List Generation.

Merit List Generation

In Merit List Generation, Select Academic year, scheme & Type of VerifiedApplication.Click on Submit button to view application to be sent for Merit ListGeneration.

Send Merit list to Ministry for Confirmation

Click on Generate Merit List to get confirmation from merit liststudent

MMiinniissttrryy LLooggiinn ((CChheecckkeerr))

Home Page

Enter username, password & capture value, then click on Login buttonfor login.

Confirmation of Merit List

Ministry will Click on Confirmation of Merit List.Select Academic year, Scheme & type of Response (Pending forConfirmation/Distribution).Click on “Get List”.

Get the list of Applications in the form of Batch

Ministry will get list of applications in the form of bbaattcchh. It will beconfirmed by Ministry clicking on Confirm All button. Then It willbe sent back to state.

SSttaattee NNooddaall OOffffiicceerr LLooggiinn

Home Page

Enter username, password & capture value.Click on Login button for login.

Generate Payment Request

State Nodal Officer will click on Generate Payment Request.Select Academic Year, Scheme type & Fresh/Renewal (DBT).Press submit button.

List of Applications pending for Response

After clicking on Submit button, State Nodal Officer will get List ofapplication for Generate Payment Request.

Send List of Applications to PFMS

State Nodal Officer will Create Payment Data File & send it to PFMSsigning by Digital Signature.

040-23120500 (For public)

Online complaint management system (For public).

Email : (For Official)

Contact: 9871830965(Official Purpose)

NSP Helpdesk Support and Contacts

TThhaannkk YYoouu