National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. Prepared By Gilbert T. Taylor (Ret) NMPMA Webmaster...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. Prepared By Gilbert T. Taylor (Ret) NMPMA Webmaster...

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

Prepared ByGilbert T. Taylor (Ret)NMPMA Webmaster

Website Brief

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

1. Consistent Updates2. Email Accounts3. Online News4. Obituary Announcements5. PayPal Links6. News and Press Releases7. Anti Virus Programs (Keep Current)8. Acquired Monument Website (.org)9. Commemorative Monument Coin

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

Prepared ByGilbert T. Taylor (Ret)NMPMA Webmaster

PayPal Brief

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

2010: $1,033.582011: $4,215.102012: $13,562.562013: $ 7,950.862014: $ 12,175.78

2015: $1,714.35 (1st Quarter)

At the end of each quarter of the calendar year a complete detailed breakdown withDonors names are submitted to the financial staff for reconciliation, also at the end of each quarter a check for that quarters amount is sent via PayPal Channels to the treasury Secretary for deposit and distribution to various NMPMA accounts.

Respective financial staff:

NMPMA Financial Secretary : Mr. David FortuneNMPMA Treasurer Mr. Charles StallardNMPMA Monument Director

NMPMA PayPal Profit$38,943.88

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

1st Qtr MLP1 Monument Purchases $ 96.69

Monument Donation $ 1,038.07

Coins General Sales $ 48.25

Ribbon $ 9.41

General $ 14.26

T-shirt $ 23.97

Brick $ 485.20

Processing Fee $ (1.50)

Totals $ 1,714.35

2015: $1,715.85 (1st Quarter)

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

Prepared ByGilbert T. Taylor (Ret)NMPMA Webmaster


National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

Twenty years following World War II, during August 1965, a reunion was organized by a group of enterprising Marine veterans and active duty Marines from Philadelphia.

The purpose was to renew old friendships and share experiences of former comrades who received recruit training at Montford Point Camp, Camp Lejeune, New River, N.C.

This group, chaired by then Master Gunnery Sergeant, Brooks E. Gray, USMC, held a meeting in Philadelphia, Pa., and formulated and developed plans for a National Reunion. The response was overwhelming and 400 Marines from all over the country convened at the Adelphia Hotel in Philadelphia.

Consequently the Montford Point Marine Association, Inc was established as a non-profit Veterans organization and was subsequently chartered in Pennsylvania in 1966.

Brooks E. Gray (founding father) was elected as the Association's first National President.

The front of the coin shows the image of Brooks E. Gray with the inscription "50th Anniversary" above his image, below his image the inscription "National Montford Point Marine Association, Incorporated". above his image the inscription Theme " Preserving The Legacy", Inspired By The Past, Focused On The Future. Flanked to the left of Brooks E. Gray Image is inscribed "Montford Point Marine and Founder", and to the right "Brooks E. Gray Master Gunnery Sergeant United States Marine Corps". This coin is also circled with a gray background displaying twenty five stars indicating the first twenty five years of excellence, with the inscription placed at the bottom center "Preserving the Legacy"

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

The back of the coin shows the image of the United States flag and the United States Marine Corps flag crossed with the National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. Logo placed centered on top just below both flags. Flanked to the lower left and right are the dates 1965 and 2015 indicating the 50 years of incorporation. Circling the top and bottom of the flags and logo are the inscriptions "National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. ", and Established in Philadelphia Pennsylvania" also on the outer perimeter is colored with a gray background displaying twenty five stars indicating the second twenty five years of excellence and perseverance, with the inscription placed at the bottom center "Working Together Works

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

This two inch size coin symbolizes the Montford Point Marines in recognition of their personal sacrifice and service to their country and establishment and 50th year celebration of the association which is determined to preserve the legacy of the first Black Americans to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps after President Franklin Roosevelt issued an Executive Order establishing the Fair Employment Practices Commission in June 1941.

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

Like Sergeant Major Gilbert H. Johnson and Sergeant Major Edgar R. Huff, it is without question that the most eloquent and recognizable person and the one of many who participated and helped established the National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and then elected as its first National President of the Association, that Master Gunnery Sergeant Brook E. Gray be placed as the recognizable image on this 50th year anniversary coin.

National Montford Point Marine Association, Inc.

This magnificent coin design is being presented as a keep sake and fundraising item with the proceeds going towards the construction of the Montford Point Monument, and the associations operating funds.

Prepared ByGilbert T. Taylor (Ret)NMPMA Webmaster