National History Day 2016. Categories Enter contest either as an individual or as a group (2-3...

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Transcript of National History Day 2016. Categories Enter contest either as an individual or as a group (2-3...

National History Day 2016


Enter contest either as an individual or as a group (2-3 students)

• Exhibits• Documentaries• Websites• Performances• Papers

1. 20% Development of Theme

2. 20% Quality of Presentation

3. 60% Historical Research

The Annual Theme

• Topics must connect to the annual theme• Think about it: How does the theme connect

to the argument that you are making about your topic?

Exploration, Encounter, Exchange

• Exploration – • Encounter – • Exchange –

• Could be a local or regional topic

• A national topic with a local angle

• A national topic with local resources

• Interviews• Local primary sources• Local experts (secondary


In History• You need to look at the

significance of your topic over time

• Short term and long term legacy

• Topics should not be current events. Choose an event that took place at least 20 years ago

Narrowing Topics

• Choose an event – find the connection to the theme

• Then narrow to a specific event and research legacy over time

• Political, economic, social, cultural impact

• Impact today

• Exploration, encounter, exchange can be found in all areas and time periods of history

• Think about the relationship between the topic and the events that came before and after it:– Why did it happen? (Before)– What happened? (During)– What impact did it have? (After)

Narrowing Topics

Take a big idea and narrow it to a manageable size for National History Day

ThemeArea of History

Broad TopicNarrow Topic


Four Steps to create a History Day project

1. The Idea:

A great research project begins with a great topic idea. Take your first step in the right direction by finding a topic that fits the theme, has plenty of sources, and is interesting to you.

Four Steps to create a History Day project

2. Research:

Research is the most important part of creating a project. Historians depend on research the same way that detectives need clues. This is the evidence you’ll need to prove your “case.”   

Four Steps to create a History Day project

3. Analysis:

Once you’ve found information about your topic, you need to read it carefully and figure out what it’s trying to tell you. Develop your own ideas and thesis about the significance of your topic.

Four Steps to create a History Day project

4. Presentation:

You’ve done all this hard work, now it’s time to share it with others. What is the best way to share your argument and research? What techniques should you use to communicate it well?

Local Topics – use the library!

Mid-Continent Library:

Kansas City Library:

Other resources

• Local historic sites• County historical societies• State historical societies• Sites connected to your event or person• Archives connected to your event or person• Museums connected to your event or person• Experts on your topic(professors, authors, relatives)

National resources

• Library of Congress• National Archives• Digital Public Library• Chronicling America• National History Day

Truman Topics –

• Korean War• Dropping the Atomic Bomb• Japanese Internment• Nuremberg Trials• Desegregation of the Armed Forces• Berlin Airlift

Where can I find more ideas?

• Sample topic lists from NHD• Talk to your parents, teachers, friends• Pick an area of history that interests you

and explore the library• Email: