National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer RADIOACTIVE WASTE...

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Transcript of National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer RADIOACTIVE WASTE...

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Introduction • Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management• Principles of Radioactive Waste Management• Safety of Facilities• Classification of Radioactive Waste• Solid Waste• Liquid Waste• Gaseous Waste• Waste Minimization• Storage• Disposal• Summary


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• All practices that use nuclear and radioactive materials will produce radioactive wastes.

• The nature of radioactive wastes vary from one radioactive waste to another radioactive waste in terms of volumes, chemical and physical compositions and concentration of radioactivity.

• The radioactivity contained in the wastes is hazardous to living organisms.

• The hazardous nature of radioactive wastes to living organisms requires proper radioactive waste management as prescribed by AELB.

• The purpose of proper management of radioactive wastes is to ensure safety and well being of the present and future generations of the general public and the environment.


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Radioactive waste are generated from applications of radionuclide in various fields e.g medical, research, industry, power generation and processes

• These activities lead to enhancement of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM).

Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management

Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Under the Atomic Energy Licensing Act (1984), radioactive waste is defined as any waste, which contains all or part of:

Substance or item which if it is not waste is considered radioactive material; or

Substance or item which was contaminated during production, storage or use of radioactive or nuclear materials or prescribed substance; or

Substance or item which was contaminated by means of contact or by being in the vicinity of any other radioactive waste.

Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management

Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• 3 groups of radioactive waste: liquid; solid; and contaminated materials.

• The main objectives of radioactive waste management are: to protect human and environment from any

undesirable effects of radiation; and to avoid imposing any undesirable effect or

burdens of radiation to the future generations.

Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management

Definition, Objective and Concept of Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Basic principle of radioactive waste management:

Protection of human health - as per recommendations of ICRP, IAEA and AELB.

Protection of the environment through the following means:o The release or disposal of radioactive materials should be

minimised and within the authorised limit.o Assessment should be done on the impact of waste

disposal on human and other species.o Assessment should be done on the impact of waste

disposal on future availability and utilisation of natural resources.

o Protection Beyond National Borders.o Dispose of such waste in a manner consistent with

international safety standards.

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Protection of Future Generation  

Burden on Future Generation - the radioactive waste should be managed in such a way that it will not impose undue burdens on future generations.

This principle is put forward based on ethical consideration that the generations that receive the benefit of a practice should bear the responsibility to manage the resulting waste, and developing the technology constructing and operating facilities, providing a funding system, sufficient control and plans for the management of the waste.

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• The management of the radioactive waste should, to the extent possible, not rely on long term institutional control management or actions as a necessary safety feature.

• The future generations may however decide to utilise such arrangement, for example to monitor waste repositories or retrieve the waste after closure.

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• National Legal Framework - the radioactive waste shall be managed within an appropriate legal framework including clear allocation of responsibilities and provision for independent regulatory functions.

• Separation of regulatory functions from the operating function is required:

to ensure safe operation of licensed facilities; to permit independent review; and to oversee waste management activities.

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Control Radioactive Waste Generation

Generation of radioactive waste should be kept to the minimum practicable.

Such minimum practicable can be achieved by:

o appropriate design measures;o proper planning and implementation of practices such as

decommissioning, selection and control of materials;o recycle and reuse of materials; and o appropriate operating procedures.

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

Principle of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Interdependencies between waste generator and waste management.

• There are relationships on recycled or reused

radioactive waste or materials between waste management and waste generators.

• A balanced overall, safety and effectiveness of radioactive waste management.

Key Principles of Radioactive Waste Management

Key Principles of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• The safety of facilities for radioactive waste management shall be appropriately assured during their lifetime.

 • The following factors to be considered:

Sitting Design Construction Commissioning Operation Decommissioning of a facility or closure of repository

• The main priority should be safety related matters, where throughout this process, public issues are typically taken into account.

Safety of FacilitiesSafety of Facilities

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Radioactive waste is classified according to:

its physical form (solid, liquid and gaseous); its activity (low, medium and high); its half-life (short half-life, medium half-life and long half-life);

and beta-gamma emitters and alpha emitters.

• The classification of radioactive waste is important to allow for easy handling and transportation and enhancement of safety while going through the process of waste management.

Classification of Radioactive WasteClassification of Radioactive Waste

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Solid waste can be divided into beta and gamma emitters and alpha emitters.

• Beta and gamma emitters can be further divided into 4 categories based on its specific activity or the surface dose rate if the specific activity is unknown.

 • Those with known specific activity is categorised

according to the activity levels .

• Radioactive waste containing alpha emitters is categorised according to the activity levels.

Solid WasteSolid Waste

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

Radioactive Waste with Beta and Gamma Emitters

Radioactive Waste with Beta and Gamma Emitters

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Liquid radioactive waste (aqueous and organic) is categorised based on its specific activity.

• Liquid radioactive waste containing alpha, beta and gamma emitters levels is categorised according to specific radioactivity levels.

Liquid Radioactive WasteLiquid Radioactive Waste

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

Solid Waste Containing Beta and Gamma Emitters Based on Specific Activity

Solid Waste Containing Beta and Gamma Emitters Based on Specific Activity

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

Solid Waste Containing Alpha Emitters

Solid Waste Containing Alpha Emitters

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

Liquid Waste Containing Beta and Gamma Emitters

Liquid Waste Containing Beta and Gamma Emitters

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

Liquid Waste Containing Alpha Emitters

Liquid Waste Containing Alpha Emitters

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

Gaseous WasteGaseous Waste

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Waste minimization is strongly encouraged to minimize the problem of waste management, in particular, waste disposal.

• The generation of waste can be minimised via the following 3R steps: Reduce the amount or volume of the radioactive

material being used. Reuse the use of materials or sources or do decontamination

process. Recycle the usage of sources in the same or different fields.

Waste MinimizationWaste Minimization

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Waste management covers the whole process of waste handling:

waste collection; waste segregation and transfer; waste treatment; waste conditioning; waste storage; and waste disposal.

Procedure of Radioactive Waste Management

Procedure of Radioactive Waste Management

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Waste is collected in suitable containers (with adequate shielding) and labeled.

• It is then segregated at source according to its classes/categories to facilitate the treatment process.

• All information on the waste is recorded and a waste inventory is established.

• A written approval to carry out the waste management process should be sought from AELB.

Waste Collection, Segregation and Transfer

Waste Collection, Segregation and Transfer

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Sealed sources are considered as waste: no longer useful to users; taken out of service; and no future use.

• Spent sealed sources with long half-life may be reused or recycled to minimize their quantity or volume.

• The spent sealed sources are encouraged to be returned to their suppliers or manufacturers.

Spent Sealed SourceSpent Sealed Source

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• The principle of waste treatment is to improve safety aspect and to minimize the cost of waste management.

• The basic treatment for small volume of waste includes:

volume reduction, e.g. solid waste can be compacted or incinerated. extraction of radio nuclide - decontamination for surface

contamination, ion exchanging for liquid waste. transformation - liquid waste into solid by precipitation or filtration.

• The process of radioactive waste treatment may produce the secondary waste that require attention and should be managed accordingly.

Principle and Method of Waste Treatment

Principle and Method of Waste Treatment

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• The purpose of conditioning is to convert the treated radioactive waste into a more stable form than can:

provide easier handling, transportation, storage and disposal; and

ensure minimum leakage of radio nuclides into the environment over a long period of time after disposal.

• Conditioning is usually done by mixing the waste with more stable matrix materials, such as, cement, bitumen and glass.

Conditioning of Treated WasteConditioning of Treated Waste

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Storage means storing or keeping conditioned radioactive waste in a proper safe place or facility with intention to retrieve it back at some time in the future.

• The store should be located to minimize radiation risk .

• The location should be selected with due consideration given on the following conditions:

isolated area; low risk of flood and fire; it must be stable in order to secure waste from leakage or

dispersion of radio nuclides to the environment over a period of time; and

free from earthquake threat.


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• The store should be designed:

To limit the radiation risk and radioactive dispersion. With adequate shielding and ventilation. With adequate safety and security features e.g.: o security locks; o label and radiation warning signs; and o a system of heat removal for high activity waste.

• Transportation of radioactive waste to the disposal site should comply with requirements of Radiation Protection (Transport) Regulations 1989.


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Disposal: Final part of radioactive waste management process. Considered only when there is no intention to recycle or reuse

the radioactive material (waste).

• Three basic principles of radioactive waste disposal are: Delay and decay Dilute and disperse Concentrate and contain

• Radioactive waste disposal site should be properly selected to ensure its suitability and safety to members of the public.


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Geological and hydro geological suitability

• Demography and future use of land

• Accessibility

• Flora and fauna

• Mineral and deposit

• Meteorology and seismic

• Options for radioactive waste disposal

Disposal Site AssessmentDisposal Site Assessment

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

• Conditions to dispose at Municipal Disposal Site:

Radioactive wastes which contain radio nuclides with activities below the exemption levels given by the AELB.

The radioactivity involved is of extremely low level and the risk of radiation hazard posed by such disposal to individual member of the public or to the whole population is technically negligible or insignificant.

Disposal Site AssessmentDisposal Site Assessment

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer


• Shallow Land Burial (Near Surface) For wastes containing short to medium half-lived radio

nuclides. Waste to be conditioned first. If waste is of long half-lived radio nuclides, the option can be

considered only for disposal of small quantity. • Deep Geological Burial

The best option for radioactive waste disposal. Suitable for waste containing medium to long half lived radio

nuclides. An example of suitable site for such disposal is salt dome or

granite area.

Disposal MethodsDisposal Methods

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer


•   Deep Ocean / Sea Bed Disposal: Selected due to its high degree of dilution and isolation from

human population. It had been practised by several nations. Not permitted for high activity radioactive waste. No longer being practiced and was banned after the London

Convention (1972).

 • A quality assurance programme for radioactive disposal

site is necessary: To confirm compliance with regulations and legislations. To ensure provision of acceptable and continued protection of

human and environment.

Disposal MethodsDisposal Methods

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer


• Is part of the quality assurance program established for the waste management system.

 • The records that have to be provided and maintained include:

Radioactive waste inventory (activity, exposure rate, source, location, chemical and physical properties).

Disposal/ waste discharges. Records of environmental monitoring and assessments. Records of effluent monitoring. Records of packaging and transport of conditioned radioactive waste.

• Any record required by waste regulations or requested by the AELB.

Record KeepingRecord Keeping

National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer


National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer

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