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JULY 20-21, 2012




July 20-21, 2012

Detroit, Michigan

I. Credentials Report: Linda Patrick, Credentials Chair, presented the credentials report. The

report was accepted and a quorum was established. The meeting began at 2:39 p.m. on July

20, 2012. (Exhibit 1)

II. Adoption of Standing Rules: Standing Rules were adopted as published. (Exhibit 2)

III. Adoption of Agenda: (Exhibit 3)

Motion #1: It was moved and seconded that the Agenda be accepted as amended. Motion


IV. Appointment of Tellers/Pages, Timer, and Minutes Approval Committee: (Exhibit 4)

Teller: Marge Grzeiak and Ann Garber

Pages: Hank Webster and Wilma Huey

Timer: Sharon Roydes

Minutes Approval Committee: Arlena Fitch-Gordon, Chair; Barbara Powell and Carol Jones

V. Approval of Minutes of NBOD Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 17-18, 2012. Minutes

were approved by the Minutes Approval Committee. Minutes stand as approved. (Exhibit 5).

VI. NTP 2013 Welcome to Orlando: Kim Lightbourne

VII. Reports of Elected Officers:

A. National President: Report presented by Michelle Crockett (Exhibit 6)

B. Executive Vice President: Report presented by Wanda Killingsworth (Exhibit 7).

1. Association Management (Talley): Report presented by Sylin Bynoe (Exhibit 8).

C. Vice President for Policy & Planning: Report presented by Brenda Hagar (Exhibit 9).

Motion #1: Brenda Hagar moved that the strategic plan template for chapter and regional

use be approved by the NBOD. Seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #2: Brenda Hagar moved that the strategic plan’s Succession Plan be approved by

the NBOD. Seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

D. Vice President for Congressional Relations: Report presented by Matthew Fogg (Exhibit


E. Vice President for Compliance: Report presented by Melvie Hall-Bellinger (Exhibit 11).

F. Vice President for Diversity: Report presented by Georgia Thomas (Exhibit 12).

G. Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization: Report presented by Dawn

Nester (Exhibit 13).

H. Vice President for Training: Report presented by Suzi Inman (Exhibit 14).

I. National Secretary: Report presented by Joan Chopp (Exhibit 15).

J. National Treasurer: Report presented by Carol Jones (Exhibit 16).

Motion #3: Carol Jones moved that the Board accept the proposed 2013 Budget. Seconded

by Brenda Hagar. Motion Carried.

K. Nominations Chair: Report presented by Bernice Waller (Exhibit 17).

L. Immediate Past President: Report presented by Sue Webster (Exhibit 18).

VIII. Reports of Standing Committees

A. Awards Chair: Report presented by Sapana Patel (Exhibit 19).

B. Bylaws Chair: Report presented by Kimberly Kirkpatrick (Exhibit 20).

C. Communications Chair: Report presented by Shelly McCoy (Exhibit 21).

D. Contracts Co-Chair: Report presented by Annette Cosby (Exhibit 22).

E. Finance Chair Report: Report submitted by Vanessa Hawkins (Exhibit 23)

F. NTP 2013 Committee Chair: Report presented by Rhonda Trent (Exhibit 24).

G. Publications, Policy and Review Committee Chair: Report submitted by Judy Rush

(Exhibit 25).

H. Scholarship Chair: Report presented by Sheryl Coleman (Exhibit 26).

IX. Reports of Regional Managers

A. D. C. Metro Regional Manager: Report presented by Helen Robinson (Exhibit 27).

B. Southeast Regional Manager: Report presented by Barbara Powell (Exhibit 28).

C. Mid-Atlantic Regional Manager: Report presented by Lucinda Wilson (Exhibit 29).

D. Northeast Regional Manager: Report presented by Kristina Tiedke (Exhibit 30).

E. Great Lakes Regional Manager: Report presented by Adrianne Callahan (Exhibit 31).

F. Mid-Continent Regional Manager: Report presented by Gloria Sherman (Exhibit 32).

G. Southwest Regional Manager: Report presented by Rebecca Simmons (Exhibit 33).

H. Rocky Mountain Regional Manager: Report presented by Sherry Henderson (Exhibit


I. Pacific Northwest Regional Manager: Report presented by Cindy Higgins (Exhibit 35).

J. Western Regional Manager: Report presented by Kim Foster (Exhibit 36).

X. Reports of Special Assistants

A. IT Webmaster: Report presented by Karen Rainey (Exhibit 37).

Motion #4: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NBOD adopt and implement the –

acceptable Use Policy for Region and Chapter Microsites (see attached) and that this

policy be added to the NPPM – Section V: Program Policy and Procedures, Publication

Policy and Review: I. National, B. Procedures. Seconded by Brenda Hagar. Motion


B. News & Views Editor: Report presented by Vicki Smith (Exhibit 38).

Motion #5: Brenda Hagar moved that NPPM Section II, Organization and Responsibility,

Appendix Business Rules, Paragraph 2, …minimum of 15 days be waived for the motion

for the News & Views Changes. Seconded by Sue Webster. Motion Carried.

Motion #6: Brenda Hagar moved that NPPM Section V, Program Policies and

Procedures, B Procedures, 3 Publications, d. FEW’s News & Views, 1. i., 2. Paragraph iii

sub (i) and 3. e. Guidelines for Submitting Articles to News and Views and Regional and

Chapter Newsletters, paragraph xii,: Change all from Bi-Monthly to Monthly effective

October 1, 2012. Seconded by Joan Chopp. Motion Carried.

C. Employee Thrift Advisory Council: Report presented by Sharon Roydes (Exhibit 39).

D. Federal Women’s Program (FWP): Report presented by Debra Hobbs (Exhibit 40).

FWP Strategic Planning Committee: Report presented by Debra Hobbs (Exhibit


E. FEW Foundation for Education and Training: Report presented by Dawn Nester

(Exhibit 42).

F. Outreach: Report presented by Arlena Fitch-Gordon (Exhibit 43).

a. Mentorship: Report presented by Marsha Strackany (Exhibit 44).

b. Women’s Health Issues: Report submitted by Lisamarie Rykowski (Exhibit 45).

G. People with Disabilities: Report presented by Jeri Peterson (Exhibit 46).

H. Housing: Report presented by Rachel Combs (Exhibit 47).

I. Sponsorship/Partnership: Report presented by Jeanette McElhaney (Exhibit 48).

XI. Unfinished Business:

NTP 2012 Report. Report presented by Mable Seldon

XII. New Business

Performance Evaluations – Forms were distributed and instructions will be sent via email to

each board member.

XIII. Announcements: Michelle Crockett

A. August 13-16, 2012 BIG 2012 National Training Conference, COBO

Conference Center, Detroit, MI

B. November 3, 2012 Mid-Atlantic RTP, Norfolk, VA

C. October 25-28, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting, Orlando, FL

D. February 21-24, 2013 NBOD Meeting & SE RTP, August, GA

E. October 2013 Northeast Region’s Autumn RTP, Holtsville, NY

F. TBA Great Lakes RTP, Bloomington, IN

XIV. Adjournment : Meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:15pm.

Joan L Chopp



Minutes Approval Committee:*

Arlena Fitch-Gordon __________________________ August 27, 2012

Arlena Fitch-Gordon, Chair Date

Barbara Powell _________________________ August 27, 2012

Barbara Powell Date

Carol Jones __________________________ August 27, 2012

Carol Jones Date

* Signatures per email approval




RULE I—ATTENDANCE The meeting shall be open to the entire FEW membership and persons interested in the purpose of FEW. RULE II—REGISTRATION AND CREDENTIALS a. All Board members shall register with the Credentials Committee and shall be certified as eligible to vote before they may be seated in the section reserved for voting members. b. The Credentials Committee will provide a voting card, signifying the number of votes authorized each eligible voting member, and will assure only voting members are seated in the voting section of the assembly room. c. Any registered member departing the meeting room prior to adjournment shall leave her/his voting card at the Credentials desk. Voting rights of the departing member shall not be transferred to an alternate. d. The Credentials Committee shall report at the beginning of the session and at other times as requested by the President or as may be required. The adopted Credentials Report shall be the official roll of voting Board members present at the meeting. RULE III—SEATING a. There shall be a designated seating area for voting members. b. Attendees shall be seated five minutes before each meeting convenes. c. The doors shall be closed when the meeting convenes; admittance after that time shall be at the direction of the Page(s). RULE IV - DECORUM a. All meetings will be called to order on time.

b. During meetings, members shall refrain from speaking unless entitled to the floor and shall suppress all unnecessary noises.

c. To obtain the floor for any purpose, members shall stand; address the Chair, state name, and office or Region

before speaking. d. There shall be no smoking in the meeting room. e. All communication devices shall be set to silence or turned off.

RULE V—PROCEDURES a. Only members of the Board of Directors may make motions, amendments, and vote. b. All reports shall be submitted in writing and the original provided to the Secretary. c. A motion offered by an individual Board member shall be in writing, signed by the maker and the seconder, each of who shall be a voting member, and provided to the Secretary prior to consideration. RULE VI—MINUTES APPROVAL

a. The Chair shall appoint a Committee of three (3) who shall be authorized to check and approve the minutes. b. Questions not resolved by the Committee shall be referred to the Executive Committee for final decision. RULE VII—COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS

a. All communications for the platform or to members in the assembly shall be written and delivered by official page(s). b. Announcements of concern to the assembly shall be made only from the platform.


These rules shall be adopted, amended, or suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, or by unanimous consent, a

quorum being present.



The purpose of this document is to ensure that the members of the National Executive Committee (EC) and National Board of Directors (NBOD) members fully understand the impact of proposals placed before the body and to assist in making the best decisions for FEW.

All proposals, including key motions and National Policy and Procedures Manual (NPPM) changes, that will require a vote during an NBOD or EC meeting must be sent out for review a minimum of 15 days prior to the meeting. The read-ahead package must include and/or addresses the following:

o Background information and rationale for the change.

Has the proposal been submitted previously? If so, why is it being resubmitted?

Is this a new proposal? If so, what prompted the action?

o Impact on National, Regional and Chapters

Has the proposal been submitted to the Regional Managers for consideration/communication to Chapters/members?

Will the Regional Managers be present at the meeting in which this proposal is to be discussed (having key impact is going to be discussed/considered/made)?

o Financial considerations

What is the financial impact of this proposal?

Has the financial impact been discussed with the Finance Chair and/or Treasurer?

If so, identify the funding sources and the affected budget line item(s).

o Does the proposal require a Bylaws Change?

If so, include the results of discussions with the Bylaws Chair.

Include reference to the affected sections of the Bylaws.

o Does the proposal require an NPPM Change?

If so, include the results of discussion with the Vice President for Policy and Planning.

Include reference to the affected sections of the NPPM

o Does FEW have the resources to accomplish the proposed activity?

How do you know this?

Who is involved; have they been consulted about this proposal and are they in favor of it?

o Other pertinent information relating to the information being considered (studies, committee recommendations, statistical data, etc.)

Participate in discussions of FEW business and fully support decisions made by the board regardless of your own personal point of view.

o At all times certain confidential discussions about business pertaining to FEW or her members that take place in the boardroom or during any other FEW meetings must remain inside that room and not be shared with anyone who wasn’t present during the meeting.


o All NBOD members are responsible for having a home email account. The nature of some NBOD discussion is not always appropriate for transmission to government or office email.

o NBOD members are responsible for checking work and home email messages regularly (minimum every other day), if both email addresses are submitted for publication in the National Directory. There are emails coming to both addresses that pertain to FEW. As board members, we must ensure we are responding to each other and our members at all levels of FEW.

Meeting Decorum

o FEW is an incorporated business, and the EC and NBOD are FEW’s National governing bodies. While meetings provide an outstanding opportunity to network and conduct informal discussions, when we are in session, business is the priority.

o Members are expected to

come to meetings fully prepared to do business

be familiar with meeting rules (including standing rules and Roberts Rules of Order)

bring or have electronic access to the NPPM, National Bylaws and information about Parliamentary Procedure in front of them during the entire meeting

wear business attire at EC and NBOD meetings

refrain from side discussions while business is being discussed and

partake of food only during designated break and lunch periods.

Electronic Communications

o Respond to email as appropriate.

Reply—message goes to sender.

Reply to All—message goes to everyone to whom it was sent.

Forward—sends original message plus any attachments.

o Subject Line

Subject Line should be pertinent to the message.

o Refrain from unnecessary replies

For example, “Thanks,” I agree,” “Good job,” etc.



Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20, 2012 – Agenda = AS AMENDED

I. Credentials – Report to establish quorum Linda Patrick

II. Adoption of Standing Rules

III. Adoption of Agenda

IV. Appointment of Tellers, Timer, Pages and Minutes Approval Committee

V. Approval of Minutes of NBOD Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada

February 17-18, 2012

VI. NTP 2013 Welcome to Orlando: Kim Lightbourne

VII. Reports of National Officers

A. President Michelle Crockett

B. Executive Vice President Wanda Killingsworth

National Oversight – Talley Management Sylin Bynoe

C. Vice President for Policy and Planning Brenda Hagar

Strategic Planning Initiative

D. Vice President for Congressional Relations Matthew Fogg

E. Vice President for Compliance Melvie Hall-Bellinger

F. Vice President for Diversity Georgia Thomas

G. Vice President for Membership & Chapter Organization Dawn Nester

Membership Issues

H. Vice President for Training Suzie Inman

NTP Advisory Committee

I. Secretary Joan Chopp

J. Treasurer Carol Jones

K. Nominations Officer Bernice Waller

L. Immediate Past President Sue Webster

VIII. Reports of Standing Committees

A. Awards Sapana Patel

B. Bylaws Kim Kirkpatrick

C. Communications Shelly McCoy

D. Contracts Management Annette Cosby*

Co-Chair Lisa Ashley

E. Finance Vanessa Hawkins

*Has the vote

F. National Training Program 2013 Rhonda Trent

G. Publications, Policy & Review Judy Rush

H. Scholarships Sheryl Coleman

IX. Reports of Regional Managers

A. DC Metro Region Helen Robinson

B. Southeast Region Barbara Powell

C. Mid-Atlantic Region Lucinda Wilson

D. Northeast Region Kristina Tiedke

E. Great Lakes Region Adrianne Callahan

F. Mid-Continent Region Gloria Sherman

G. Southwest Region Becky Simmons

H. Rocky Mountain Region Sherry Henderson

I. Pacific Northwest Region Cindy Higgins

J. Western Region Kim Foster

X. Reports of Special Assistants

A. IT/Webmaster Karen Rainey

B. FEW News & Views Vicki Smith

C. Employee Thrift Advisory Council Sharon Roydes

D. FWP and FWP Task Force Debra Hobbs

E. FEW Foundation Dawn Nester

F. Outreach Arlena Fitch-Gordon

1) Mentoring Marsha Strackany

2) Women’s Health Lisamarie Rykowski

G. People With Disabilities Jeri Peterson

H. Housing Rachel Combs

I. Sponsorship/Partnerships Jeanette McElhaney

XI. Unfinished Business

Report of NTP 2012 Mable Seldon

XII. New Business

NBOD Performance Evaluations Michelle Crockett

XIII. Announcements Michelle Crockett

A. August 13-16, 2012 BIG 2012 National Training Conference,

COBO Conference Center, Detroit, MI

B. November 3, 2012 Mid-Atlantic RTP – Norfolk, VA

C. October 25-28, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting, Orlando FL

D. February 21-24, 2013 NBOD Meeting, & SW RTP, Augusta, GA

E. October 2013 Northeast Region Autumn RTP – Holtsville,


F. TBA Great Lakes RTP, Bloomington, IN

XIV. Adjournment

Exhibit 4

Appointments of Tellers, Pages, Timer and Minutes Approval


National Board of Directors (NBOD) Meeting

July 20-21, 2012 – Detroit, Michigan

Tellers: Marge Grzeiak

Ann Garber

Pages: Hank Webster

Wilma Huey

Timer: Sharon Roydes

Minutes Approval Committee:

Arlena Fitch-Gordon, Chair

Barbara Powell

Carol Jones

Exhibit 5




February 17-18, 2012

Las Vegas, Nevada

I. Credentials Report: Rachel Combs, for Linda Patrick, Credentials Chair, presented the

credentials report. The report was accepted and a quorum was established. The meeting began at 4:08

p.m. on February 17, 2012. (Exhibit 1)

II. Adoption of Standing Rules: Standing Rules were adopted as published. (Exhibit 2)

III. Adoption of Agenda: (Exhibit 3)

Motion #1: Arlena Fitch-Gordon moved that the Agenda be accepted as amended. Motion

seconded by Elizabeth Perry. Motion Carried.

IV. Appointment of Tellers/Pages, Timer, and Minutes Approval Committee: (Exhibit 4)

A. Teller: Rachel Combs

B. Pages: Sharon Nelson, Helen Robinson

C. Timer: Melvie Hall-Bellinger

D. Minutes Approval Committee: Dawn Nester, Chair; Wanda Killingsworth, Sheryl


IV. Summary of Executive Committee Meeting: Summary of Actions from the Executive

Committee Meeting held in Detroit, MI, October 21-22, 2011, was presented by Joan Chopp,

Secretary. (Exhibit 5)

V. Minutes of February 18-19. 2011, NBOD Meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Minutes were approved by the Minutes Approval Committee. Minutes stand as approved.

(Exhibit 6)

VI. Reports of National Officers:

A. National President: Report presented by Sue Webster (Exhibit 7)

B. Executive Vice President: Report presented by Arlena Fitch-Gordon (Exhibit 8)

National Oversight

Association Management (Talley): Report submitted by Sylin Bynoe. (Exhibit 9)

C. Vice President for Policy & Planning: Report presented by Wanda Killingsworth (Exhibit


Strategic Planning: Report presented by Wanda Killingsworth (Exhibit 11)

Motion #2: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NPPM, Appreciation Resolutions, I.

National, B. Procedures be revised by adding numbers 2-4. Motion seconded by Arlena Fitch-

Gordon. Motion Carried.

Motion #3: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NPPM, Section IV Activity and Procedures

be revised to add a new section for Housing. Motion seconded by Arlena Fitch-Gordon.

Motion Carried.

Motion #4: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NPPM be revised to add a new item under:

Section II: Organizational and Responsibilities, National Board of Directors Code of

Conduct, I. National, A. Policy, 4. to read: “All members of the NBOD in consultation with

the National President must established, discuss, agree to and abide by performance

standards in alignment with their roles on the NBOD. In the case of the National President,

the Executive Vice President, Vice President for Policy & Planning, and National Bylaws

Chair shall establish, discuss, agree to and abide by performance standards in alignment with

her/his role on the NBOD.” Motion seconded by Arlena Fitch-Gordon. Motion Withdrawn.

Motion #5: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NPPM /Section VI, Resources, Anniversary

Celebration, I. National, A. Policy be revised to read as follows: Formal Anniversary

celebrations will take place on milestone occasions, i.e., 50 years, 75 years, 100 years, etc.

Motion seconded by Clara Anderson. Motion Carried.

Motion #6: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the goals and objectives for the current

strategic plan be carried over to the next administration for review. Motion seconded by

Arlena Fitch-Gordon. Motion Carried.

D. Vice President for Congressional Relations: Report presented by Matthew Fogg (Exhibit


E. Vice President for Compliance: Report presented by Michelle Crockett (Exhibit 13)

F. Vice President for Diversity: Report presented by Georgia Thomas (Exhibit 14)

G. Vice President for Membership & Chapter Organization: Report presented by Elizabeth

Perry (Exhibit 15)

1. Membership Issues

Motion #7: Elizabeth Perry moved that the Sunshine Coast Chapter, Southeast Region be

granted a waiver to the minimum membership requirements and that the attached Waiver and

Recovery Plan be approved. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #8: Elizabeth Perry moved that the Fort Monmouth Chapter (#2), Northeast Region

be granted a waiver to the minimum membership requirements and that the attached Recovery

Plan be approved. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #9: Elizabeth Perry moved that the charter for the Nebraska Sandhills Chapter

(#435), Mid-

Continent Region be revoked. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #10: Elizabeth Perry moved that the NPPM be revised as follows: Add a new Section

-9c to Membership, I. National, B. Procedures to read: Members with 30 or more years of

consecutive membership will be recognized with a certificate signed by the national President.

Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #11: Elizabeth Perry moved that the NPPM be revised as follows: III. Chapters, A.

Policy, Insert new paragraph 10 to read “Chapters that complete all four focus area

programs during the year and submit one quarterly report no more than one day late may be

forgiven with the approval of the Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization

thereby making the chapter eligible for National Awards.” Renumber the remaining

paragraphs. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Withdrawn.

Motion #12: (Amendment to Motion made by Cindy Higgins – Seconded by Michelle

Crockett) Elizabeth Perry moved that the NPPM be revised to add the following language to

Training, I. National. A. Policy, 5 – Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for

visits by National Officers. Requests should be sent to the National President and Vice

President for Membership and Chapter Organization. Chapters should seek approval of their

Regional Manager before submitting their request. In order to ensure that FEW’s resources

are used equitably, the following guidelines will be followed when considering requests: 1.

Whether or not the request is to visit a Region or Chapter, an Agency or Non-FEW member.

2. The duration of the visit. 3. Availability of other National Officers in the vicinity. 4.

Frequency of travel by the National Officer, 5. Budgetary constraints, and 6. Consider if task

can be accomplished via electronic means (i.e. video conference or teleconferencing). Motion

seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried as Amended.

Motion #13: (Amendment to Motion made by Cindy Higgins – Seconded by Dawn Nester)

Elizabeth Perry moved that the NPPM be revised as follows: Chapters, III Chapters, A.

Policy – Add a new paragraph 18 to read “The following factors will be considered when

making determinations for Chapter Presidents (and representatives) to attend the Chapter

President’s Leadership Forum (CPLF) and similar training: 1. Attendance at Regional

meetings or sending a representative, 2. Timely submission of regional reports, 3. Timely

submission of quarterly reports, 4. Length of time remaining on term in office (for Presidents

is not less than six months remaining). An appropriate alternate may be considered, and 5.

Record of support of Region sponsored events. Individuals shall be required to refund

transportation costs if they fail to attend without a valid reason. Consideration may be given

to allow vice presidents to attend if funds permit. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth.

Motion Carried as Amended.

- Meeting recessed for the day at 5:35 p.m. -

- Meeting Reconvened at 9:10 a.m. on February 18, 2012 -

H. Vice President for Training: Report presented by Clara Anderson (Exhibit 16)

NTP Advisory Committee (Exhibit 17)

Motion #14: Clara Anderson moved that the NBOD vote by ballot to determine the site for


2015 National Training Program (NTP). Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion

Carried. San Antonio, Texas was selected by secret ballot.

I. Secretary: Report presented by Joan Chopp (Exhibit 18)

J. Treasurer: Report presented by Carol Jones (Exhibit 19)

K. Nominations Officer: Report presented by Mable Seldon (Exhibit 20)

L. Immediate Past President: Report submitted by Rhonda Trent (Exhibit 21)

II. Reports of Standing Committees

A. Awards: Report presented by Shelly McCoy (Exhibit 22)

B. Bylaws: Reported presented by Brenda Hagar (Exhibit 23)

C. Communications: Report presented by Carolyn Malone (Exhibit 24)

D. Contracts Management: Report presented by Annette Cosby (Exhibit 25)

E. Co-Chairs: Report submitted by Karla Rothenberg and Margaret Tse (Exhibit 26)

F. Finance/Budget Review: Report presented by Melvie Hall-Bellinger (Exhibit 27)

Motion #15: Melvie Hall-Bellinger moved that the Board adopt and implement – Credit Card

Policy. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #16: Melvie Hall-Bellinger moved that the Board accept the proposed revised 2012

budget. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

G. Investment Report: Report presented by Melvie Hall-Bellinger (Exhibit 28)

H. National Training Program 2012: Report presented by Mable Seldon (Exhibit 29)

I. Publications, Policy & Review: Report presented by Wilma Huey (Exhibit 30)

Motion #17: Wilma Huey moved that the NPPM be modified to add a new section 2 under:

Program Policies and Procedures, Publication Policy and Review, I. National, B. Procedures,

2 and renumber the current section to 3. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth. Motion


J. Scholarship: Report presented by Sheryl Coleman (Exhibit 31)

Motion #18: Sheryl Coleman moved that the NPPM, National Training Program

Scholarship, I. National, A. Policy be revised. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth.

Motion Carried.

Motion #19: Sheryl Coleman moved that the NPPM, National Training Program

Scholarship, I. National, B. Procedures be revised. Motion seconded by Wanda

Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

Motion #20: Sheryl Coleman moved that the NPPM, National Collegiate Scholarship

Program, I. National, A. Policy be revised. Motion seconded by Wanda Killingsworth.

Motion Carried.

Motion #21: Sheryl Coleman moved that the NPPM, National Collegiate Scholarship

Program, I. National, Policy, B. Procedures be revised to the updated Collegiate Scholarship

procedures, the Scholarship Checklist and Scholarship Forms. Motion seconded by Wanda

Killingsworth. Motion Carried.

III. Reports of Regional Managers

K. D.C. Metro Region: Report presented by Helen Robinson (Exhibit 32)

L. Southeast Region: Report presented by Sylvia Brown (Exhibit 33)

Motion #22: Sylvia Brown moved that the Savannah River and Garden City Chapter of the

Southeast Region be approved to host the February 2013 NBOD meeting to be held in August,

GA. Motion seconded by Clara Anderson. Motion Carried.

M. Mid-Atlantic Region: Report presented by Lucinda Wilson (Exhibit 34)

N. Northeast Region: Report presented by Dawn Nester (Exhibit 35)

O. Great Lakes Region: Report presented by Michele Thrower-Shank (Exhibit 36)

P. Mid-Continent Region: Report presented by Gloria Sherman (Exhibit 37)

Q. Southwest Region: Report presented by Becky Simmons (Exhibit 38)

R. Rocky Mountain Region: Report presented by Marsha Strackany (Exhibit 39)

S. Pacific Northwest Region: Report presented by Cindy Higgins (Exhibit 40)

T. Western Region: Report presented by Kim Foster (Exhibit 41)

IV. Reports of Special Assistants

A. IT & Webmaster: No Report

B. News & Views: Report submitted by Vicki Smith (Exhibit 42)

C. Employee Thrift Advisory Council: No report submitted--Sharon Roydes is in Afghanistan

D. Federal Women’s Program (FWP) Task Force: Report submitted by Debra Hobbs

(Exhibit 43) FWP Strategic Planning Team: Report submitted by Debra Hobbs (Exhibit 44)

E. FEW Foundation for Education & Training: Report presented by Dawn Nester (Exhibit


F. Outreach: Mentoring: Report presented by Cindy Wilson (Exhibit 46)

Women’s Health Report submitted by Lisamarie Rykowski (Exhibit 47)

G. Military Women: Report submitted by Lt. Col. Jean Specht (Exhibit 48)

H. People with Disabilities: Report submitted by Jeri Peterson (Exhibit 49)

I. Housing: Report presented by Rachel Combs (Exhibit 50)

J. Sponsorships/Partnerships: Reported submitted by Bernice Waller (Exhibit 51)

K. Presidential Initiatives: Report submitted by Jaye Miller (Exhibit 52)

V. Unfinished Business

A. 45th Anniversary Update Sue Webster

B. Performance Elements for the NBOD Wanda Killingsworth/Liz


Motion #23: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NPPM be revised to add a new item under:

Section II: Organization and Responsibilities, National Board of Directors Code of Conduct,

I. National, A. Policy, 4, to read: “All members of the NBOD in consultation with the

National President will jointly discuss, agree to and abide by performance standards in

alignment with their roles on the NBOD. In the case of the National President, the Executive

Vice President, Vice President for Policy, and National Bylaws Chair will jointly establish,

discuss agree to and abide by performance standards in alignment with her/his role on the

NBOD. Motion seconded by Shelly McCoy. Motion Carried.

C. Code of Conduct Standards Policy Committee Wanda Killingsworth, Chair

Report from July NBOD meeting

Motion #24: Wanda Killingsworth moved that the NPPM be modified to add a new item

number 2 and subsequent paragraphs to be renumbered under the National Board of

Directors Code of Conduct Section, I. National, B. Procedures, 2 to read: “Upon

elected/appointed to the NBOD, the National President will consult with each NBOD member

to set performance standards for each member’s role.

a. These standards will be established no later than the two months following the

election/appointment of the members into their terms of office.

b. If a member is not performing with the performance standards, the National President (or

Executive Vice President, Vice President and Policy, and National Bylaws Chair in the case of the

National President) shall refer to the National Bylaws Article VIII Section 5 and NPPM for

information and guidance, as necessary. Motion seconded by Arlena Fitch-Gordon. Motion


D. Lessons Learned – National Treasurer EXHIBIT #53 Sue Webster

E. FEW Advocacy Day Matthew Fogg

Motion #25: Matthew Fogg moved that National FEW adopt May 3, 2012, as “FEW

Advocacy Day” in DC at all regions by personal visits to key legislators by calls, by, with a theme of “This Day, You Will Make A Difference”. Motion seconded by

Dawn Nester. Vote was by secret ballot. Motion Carried, as amended.

Motion #26: Brenda Hagar moved that secret ballots be destroyed after 15 days of the vote.

Motion seconded by Elizabeth Perry. Motion Carried.

VI. New Business

VII. Announcements Sue Webster

A. April 4-5, 2012 NCEPS Diversity Summit, Washington, DC

B. March 12-13, 2012 Western Region RTP – Ventura, CA

C. March 14-16, 2012 Southeast Region RTP – Lakeview, Clarksville, IN

D. March 23, 2012 Rocky Mountain Region RTP – Denver, CO

E. March 27-30, 2012 Southwest Region RTP – Houston, TX

F. April 2012 National IMAGE, Inc., Date TBA, Tulsa OK

G. April 20, 2012 Mid-Continent Region RTP – Mayetta, KS

H. April 30-May 4, 2012 FAPAC National Training Program, Atlanta, GA

I. May 3-6, 2012 Advocacy Day and EC Meeting, Washington, DC

J. June 3-8, 2012 SAIGE Tenth Anniversary Celebration

K. June 7-8, 2012 Pacific Northwest Regional RTP, Tacoma, WA

L. June 8-9, 2012 Northeast Region RTP – UMass Inn & Conf. Center,

Lowell, MI

M. June 13-17, 2012 SAIGE National Training Conference,

N. July 16-20, 2012 FEW NTP, Detroit, MI

O. August 13-16, 2012 BIG 2012 National Training Conference, COBO

Conference Center, Detroit, MI

P. October TBA Mid-Atlantic Region RTP TBA

Q. February 21-23, 2013 NBOD Meeting, Augusta, GA

Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn Carried:

Meeting adjourned at 5:45pm.

Joan L Chopp



Minutes Approval Committee:*

Dawn Nester __________________________ March 8, 2012___

Dawn Nester, Chair Date

Wanda Killingsworth _________________________ March 8, 2012___

Wanda Killingsworth Date

Sheryl Coleman __________________________ March 8, 2012___

Sheryl Coleman Date

* Signatures per email approval




Exhibit 6


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Michelle A. Crockett

National President

My vision for the organization will be, “In the Spirit of Excellence”. I pledge to dedicate my time, efforts

and resources to make sure every effort untaken by FEW will be done in the true spirit of excellence.

Success is guaranteed when mediocrity isn’t tolerated. FEW works to advocate for all women in the

federal sector, this is a tremendous responsibility and not one to be taken lightly. The following are my

goals in support of FEW’s mission to end sex and gender discrimination, to encourage diversity for

inclusion and equity in the workplace, and for the advancement and professional growth of women in

federal service.

Organizational Management- I will provide oversight and direction for all areas of the organization; to

include, communications, contracts management, financial operations, strategic planning, policies and

procedures. I will communicate my expectations to the National Board of Directors and hold them

accountable for meeting the elements within their performance plans.

Organizational Development- I will provide oversight and direction to ensure we are working to

develop/provide training opportunities and educational resources for all of the members of FEW. We

must educate the leaders of FEW at the Chapter, Region and National level to ensure they are

knowledgeable about the policies and procedures so they can carry them out effectively.

Consensus Building and Engagement- I will work to build consensus with our coalition partners and

develop relationships with other professional organizations who share our mission. I will continue our

engagement with federal agencies, educating them about our advocacy efforts and request their support. I

will seek out opportunities to develop agreements with organizations and federal agencies to facilitate the

sustainability of FEW.

Exhibit 7


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Wanda V. Killingsworth, Executive Vice President

As Executive Vice President I will work to support this initiative as indicated in my goals.

Goal #1 FEW’s Mission: Continue to support FEW four focus areas: Compliance, Diversity, Legislation

and Training. Continue to work to ensure that FEW has more visibility. Assist the National President

with duties as assigned. Attend and participate in committee meetings assigned and to be responsive to all

requests in a timely manner.

Goal #2 Continue to the oversight of the National office. Continue to hold regular discussions with Talley

Management Association.

Goal #3 Ensure that future sponsorships and partnerships are initiated, and strengthen the current

sponsorships and partnerships already in place. Continue to work to identify organizations that are key to

partnering with FEW (both existing and future partners). Will work with the Partnership/Sponsorship

Chair and the Strategic Planning Committee Fiscal Security Team.

Goal #4 Continue to strengthen our strategic planning efforts to implement change as we grow as an

organization, ensuring we meet the needs of our members and stakeholders into the future. Working with

the Leadership Team to continue our efforts toward a leadership development program that encompasses

all levels of FEW. Continue to develop a strong professional leadership image for FEW, communicating

it effectively across the entire organization.

Goal #5 Support efforts of the Chapters and Regions and to encourage members to recognize the

leadership opportunities at all levels of the organizations.

Exhibit 8


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

TO: FEW National Board of Directors

FROM: Talley Management Group

Association Management Executive Monthly Report – May 2012

National Training Program (NTP) 2012

1. Contact exhibit prospects and sell booth space – ongoing

2. Input exhibitor contract information into ACT! (exhibitor database) 3. Continued negotiations with Freeman for GSC contract

4. Communicate all logistics to exhibitors, service kit, shipping, tax form, floor plan and booth numbers

5. Continue to request contracts and confirm complimentary booth through NTP, with little response.

6. Floor plan revisions based on last minute requests

7. Continue to communicate with Experient regarding payments and reconciliation

8. Gathered spec information for hotels and RenCen

9. Gathered specs for PRG

10. Ongoing requests for needed information regarding specs, F&B and numbers from the NTP contacts.

1. Staff/volunteer offices

2. Membership booth

3. Registration area

4. Training rooms

5. Special events

6. Membership meetings

7. NBOD meetings

11. Working on ASL/Security/Insurance schedules and researching vendors

12. Draft of Risk Management Plan

13. Attended NTP Planning Meeting in Detroit

Online Membership

1. Produced, distributed, and posted FEW monthly membership reports:

Report Name: Distribution:

Chapter Officer Membership Reports Posted to chapter officers report section of website

Chapter Roster Reports (April)

Chapter Deactivation Report (April)

Chapter Special Credits Report (March)

Chapter Reimbursement Report (March)

Regional Manager Membership Reports Posted to chapter officers report section of website

Region Roster Reports (April)

Region Deactivation Report (April)

Region Reimbursement Reports (March)

Monthly Membership VP and Finance Reports FEW Membership VP, FEW Treasurer, FEW Finance Chair, Diener, TMG

Count of Members in each Chapter

Membership Spreadsheet

Chapter Report

Financial Excel Report

Reimbursement Report (All chapters)

Lifetime Report

New Member Report

Deactivation Report

Membership Contest Report (NTP) * Report Group

2. Process May Membership Dues Payments

3. Generated Membership end of the month reports for May

4. Post June Region and Chapter Membership reports (Rosters, Deactivations)

Post May Region and Chapter Reimbursement reports

Generate and send May Manager reports (VPMCO, Treasurer, Finance, Diener, TMG)

May ‘New Member’ Letters

May ‘New Member’ Emails (join via check)

May ‘Thank You for Renewing’ emails (renewals via check)

5. Prepared and sent eblast renewal notifications to expiring members.

6. Distributed June 1, 2012 Deactivation Notices

7. April/May Pay Pal / iMIS Reconciliation

8. News & Views New Member Update

9. Assisted with inquires from Chapter’s filing for group exemption under FEW tax-exempt status.

10. Replacement ID Cards – N/A

11. Bi-weekly registration data to Experient – ongoing

12. Membership Processes Documentation - ongoing

13. Credit Card processing errors - ongoing

14. Renewal date error repairs – ongoing

15. Edit member profiles – ongoing

16. Responded to approx. 350 membership service inquiries

17. May 2012 Opt Outs = 10

18. Processing of “contact us” email submission inquiries

19. Produced and distributed Renewal Notices:

Notice Type Expiration (Paid Thru Date)

Renewal Notices 90 Days to Renew (8/31/2012)

Renewal Notices 60 Days to Renew (7/31/2012)

Renewal Notices 30 Days to Renew (6/30/2012)

Renewal Notices Now Due (5/31/2012)

Renewal Notices 30 Days Past Due (4/30/2012)

Total Renewal Notices

Deactivation Notices

For Members Paid Thru 3/31/2012 Deactivation Date 6/1/2012

20. Total number of active members as of June 1, 2012 = 3,874

a. Annual: 2,949

b. Lifetime: 906

c. Diamond: 19


21. New Joins for February – Total 149

a. Online = 73

b. Paper Applications = 76

22. Renewals for January – Total 180

a. Online = 128

b. Paper Applications = 52

23. Total Dues Processed: 329

24. Members Deactivation on June 1, 2012 = 360

25. Members due for Deactivation on July 1, 2012 = 169

26. May 2012 Comparison to April 2012:

FEW Business Meetings/Events represented by Talley

1. Training Officers Consortium (TOC) – May 8, 2012

2. Coalition for Effective Change (CEC) – May 8, 2012

3. National Council of Women’s Organizations (NCWO) – May 15, 2012

Administrative/Other Activities

1. Process and manage FEW in-box daily

2. Process FEW mail daily and manage distribution

3. Manage FEW National Office phone lines daily

4. Reconciled brochure inventory for the month of May (Publications and Material Use stats are


5. Managed processing, approval and distribution of e-blast requests.

6. Mailed Legislative Updates to all past presidents who do not have email addresses.

7. Updated dates on the FEW Calendar with upcoming events – NTP registration dates, NBOD

activities, RTP information, and Agency Visits, and the News & Views Publication Schedule for


8. Continue to create/update internal FEW Operations Manual for National Office

9. Responded to inquiries in regard to registration, registration costs, hotel information and other

information for NTP 2012.

10. Coordinated FWP Strategic Planning Committee monthly teleconference meeting.

11. Attended EC Meeting on Saturday, May 5, 2012.

12. Responded and answered questions from members in regard to the dues submission technical error.

13. Processed publications and brochure order requests for fulfillment.

14. Assisted with FEW election/balloting

15. Assisted chapter with insurance inquiry/lead

Month New Members Deactivated Total Member Gain/Loss

May 2012 149 360 -211

April 2012 114 54 +60

E-mail Blasts – May 2012*

1. Clarification On: Award Nominations and Scholarship Nominations – 5/1/2012 – FEW Members

2. Legislative Update - May 1, 2012 – 5/2/2012 – FEW Members

3. Survey Results: Gender Gaps and Racial/Ethnic Divides – Webinar: Effective Presentation Skills Where

to Begin? – 5/2/2012 – FEW Members

4. Press Release: Advocacy Day - May 03, 2012 – 5/3/2012 – FEW Members

5. FEW Membership Deactivation Notice (May 3, 2012) – 5/3/2012 – Deactivated Members

6. May 8-11, 2012: League of Black Women Leadership Conference – 5/3/2012 – FEW Members

7. DUE IMMEDIATELY: IRS Group Tax Exempt Authorization Form – 5/3/2012 – CP, TR

8. Payment Confirmation - FEW Annual Membership Dues Collection - Special Submission Request –

5/4/2012 – FEW Members - Dues Submission

9. Time to Renew Your Dues - Now Due (5/2012) – 5/7/2012 – FEW Members

10. Time to Renew Your Dues - 30 Days Past Due (5/2012) – 5/7/2012 – FEW Members

11. Time to Renew Your Dues - 60 Days to Renew (5/2012) – 5/7/2012 – FEW Members

12. Time to Renew Your Dues - 30 Days to Renew (5/2012) – 5/7/2012 – FEW Members

13. Time to Renew Your Dues - 90 Days to Renew (5/2012) – 5/7/2012 – FEW Members

14. Quarterly Reports for January - March – 5/10/2012 – CP, RM, RR

15. 2012 Each One Teach One Essays – 5/14/2012 – CP, RM, RR

16. 2ND REMINDER: FEW Annual Membership Dues Payment Submission Request – 5/14/2012 – FEW

Members - Dues Submission

17. FEW NTP 2012 Advisory #2 – 5/15/2012 – FEW Members

18. NTP 2012 Shadow Program – 5/16/2012 – FEW Members

19. May 2012 Chapter Membership Reports – 5/16/2012 – CP, RM, RR, MC, TR

20. FEW 2012-2014 Election -- Results are In! – 5/17/2012 – FEW Members

21. Legislative Update - May 16, 2012 – 5/17/2012 – FEW Members

22. May 2012: National Asian Pacific American Heritage Month – 5/18/2012 – FEW Members

23. Federally Employed Women (FEW) is on Facebook – 5/25/2012 – FEW Members

24. 3RD REMINDER: FEW Annual Membership Dues Payment Submission Request – 5/30/2012 – FEW

Members - Dues Submission

*FEW distributes NBOD emails directly



CP, RM, RR 260 103 40.08% 154 59.92% 3 1.15%

CP, RM, RR, MC, TR 131 46 35.38% 84 64.62% 1 0.76%

CP, TR 186 116 63.74% 66 36.26% 4 2.15%

Deactivated Members 61 14 25.00% 42 75.00% 5 8.20%

FEW Members - Dues

Submission 599 252 42.14% 346 57.86% 1 0.17%

FEW Members 39,221 7,192 18.66% 31,345 81.34% 684 1.74%

40,458 7,723 19.42% 32,037 80.58% 698 1.73%

Sent – 40,458

Opened –7,723 (19.42%)

Unopened – 32,037 (80.58%)

Bounced – 698 (1.73%)

Publication Material Use – May 2012

Brochures and Membership








BE001 EEO BROCHURES 1,961 75







Legislative Items



Stationery Items



ENVLG5 FEW 10" X 13" ENVELOPES (NEW) 826 50


F001B TWO-POCKET FOLDERS - Chptrs./Regions 1,410 10



NTP Materials

NTP12TF1 2012 NTP Trifold brochure 1,620

NTP12AFA 2012 NTP Agency Forum Application 250

NTP12AFP 2012 NTP Agency Forum Prospectus 260




NTP11TF2 NTP 2011 TRIFOLDS (rev)






NTP12DW Detroit Welcome Flyers

NTP12DD NTP 2012 Discover Detroit

PROCAL11 Promo Calendars for 2011

PROCAL12 Promo Calendars for 2012

MPENORB Orbiter Pens

BAR03 2010 Annual Report

BAR02 2009 Annual Report

CONBAG11 NTP2011 Conference Bags with Portfolios


Exhibit 9


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Brenda Hagar, Vice President for Policy and Planning


1. Maintain FEW’s National Policy and Procedures Manual (NPPM); Develop the National Policy

and Procedures Manual (NPPM); Submit Updates to IT Webmaster for posting to the FEW website

and notify the NBOD and Chapter Presidents of Updates. Prepare and submit motions and related

materials to members of the NBOD for review prior to each meeting.

2. Continue Strategic Plan Initiatives and develop the Annual Report for FEW;

3. Support efforts of the Chapters and Regions and encourage members to recognize the leadership

opportunities at all levels of the organization;

4. Participate in forums, seminars and training programs pertaining to leadership, mentoring and

strategic planning;

Exhibit 10


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012 FROM: Matthew F. Fogg

FEW National Vice President (2012-2014) for Congressional Relations


FEW maintains a dynamic Legislative program at the national, state, and local levels which works in concert

with the organizational mission and goal of representing federally employed women's concerns and interests

before legislative and judicial bodies. FEW's Legislative Program seeks to both pro-actively and defensively

monitor urgent legislative proposals in order to assess the effect on federally employed women and establish

close communication with Members of Congress and the Administration to promote the needs and concerns

of women in the federal service. FEW has developed a strong network at the national, regional, and chapter

levels of the organization to encourage active participation in the legislative process. Finally, FEW joins

forces with other organizations within the women's civil rights, labor, and professional communities with

similar goals and objectives to strengthen its lobbying efforts.

FEW's Board of Directors adopts a national legislative agenda to coincide with each two-year Congressional

session. Designed to be the guiding force behind the organization's public policy activities, the agenda is

basically divided into a three-tier structure.

Tier I issues are considered of utmost importance to female federal workers today and include downsizing of

civilian and military personnel, equal employment opportunity, family member care, retirement, and issues

affecting women in the military.

Tier II issues have an impact on all federal employees, regardless of gender and include compensation,

employee benefits, Hatch Act reform, the National Performance Review, and safety and health.

Tier III issues affect women as a class and include economic empowerment, health care, and violence

against women. The Equal Rights Amendment and voter education and registration activities are given

Overall Priority status as they permeate each and every issue above.

Matthew Fogg - 2012-2014 Goals are as follows;


Develop a 114th Congressional FEW National legislative Agenda that proactively addresses membership

concerns about Anti-Federal legislation presented by Congressional members. This goal will consist of;

(1) FEW national membership survey

(2) Legislative Alerts

(3) Legislative Updates

(4) Press Releases

(5) 114th Legislative Agenda

GOAL # 2

Create a FEW ‘Congressional Member Partners Coalition’ – This coalition will consist of Congressional

members who are willing to be recognized by FEW as partner members mostly aligned with FEW’s

Legislative Agenda.


Create initiatives for (FEW) Legislative Chair involvement in Coalition building with organizations of

mutual legislative concerns;

Paycheck Fairness Act Coalition,


Create a “FEW Good Men” Pamphlet and proactive campaign to encourage men to join FEW and support

its mission


Conduct robust 2013 ‘Lobby Day’ Program in concert with legislative theme and focus for NTP Orlando

Exhibit 11


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Melvie Hall-Bellinger

Vice President of Compliance

GOAL 1: Provide and furnish guidance on compliance issues to FEW members, National Board of

Directors, regions and chapters

GOAL 2: Expand access to compliance information by increasing

member’s access via use of social media

GOAL 3: Develop greater access and understanding to the

compliance process and Federal Women’s Program

GOAL 4: Monitor and assist federal agencies and meet with agency


GOAL 5: Succession Planning

Exhibit 12


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Georgia Thomas, Vice President for Diversity

GOAL 1: Work on strategic plan initiatives toward enhancing Diversity and Inclusion resources and other

information for the membership.

GOAL 2: Furnish special emphasis information and guidance on Diversity and Inclusion

to National, regions and chapters on a continuing basis, including a list of major current regulations,

executive orders, and statutes

GOAL 3: Participate in forums, seminars and training programs pertaining Diversity and Inclusion,

mentoring and leadership

GOAL 4: Work collaboratively with others on National Board and Diversity Advisory Committee to further

the mission of the organization.

Exhibit 13


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Dawn Nester, Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization

Everything I do in the coming year will revolve around four major points:

1. Retention

Review all rosters and discuss issues with the Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents, as needed,

to brainstorm possible solutions and encourage innovation and creativity

Review all quarterly reports and discuss issues with Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents

Conduct a membership trend analysis report based on quarterly data from the rosters to identify key

areas for partnering with the Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents to keep members in FEW

Work closely with Talley Management Company to identify any trends that may be evident to them

from day-to-day operations and address any trends possible through brainstorming and training, if

needed, via webinars and teleconferences

Work closely with Talley Management Company to identify ways in which I can help resolve minor,

time-consuming tasks that pull resources away from the bigger processing issues

2. Recruitment

Work with Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents to identify best practices for recruitment


Publicize best practices on the Chapter Resources page in the Members Only section of the FEW


Work with Karen Rainey as IT/Webmaster and resources are available to develop a blog section for

Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents to discuss recruitment strategies

o If resources do not become available, brainstorm for other low-cost/free means of

information sharing

Hold as-needed webinars and/or teleconferences for all Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents to

focus on recruitment issues to brainstorm solutions

Continue the practice of monthly calls with the Regional Managers to discuss issues and share

information in a timely manner and foster a working environment that encourages innovation and


Review and revise, if needed, the chapter start-up kit and work closely with the potential Chapter

President, Regional Manager, and Talley Management Company to reduce and work toward

eliminating as many processing errors everywhere along the process as possible

Review and revise, if needed, the Regional Manager and Chapter Presidents’ Handbook

Review and revise, if needed, the Regional Manager/Regional Representative and Chapter

Presidents’ training slides for use by the Regional Managers and/or Regional Training Chairs for

Chapter Officer Training for those who were unable to attend the NTP

Work with the Regional Managers and/or Regional Training Chairs to ensure all incoming Chapter

Officers receive training for their positions within 90 days of returning from the NTP

Develop a Membership Committee comprised of Membership Chairs from each of the Regions

and/or Chapters to work one-on-one with the Regions in a resource role (e.g., a Membership Chair

from the Northeast Region might work with the Regional Manager and Chapter Presidents from Mid-

Continent Region, while the Mid-Continent Region Membership Chair might work with the Regional

Managers and Chapter Presidents from Pacific Northwest, while the … well, you get the idea)

o The Membership Committee member would serve as a resource for the region she or he

serves, sharing ideas and best practices as they are discussed in team meetings with me,

encouraging early ordering of supplies for upcoming table display events, meetings, and

outreach, such as organizing an event for “April is Membership Month!” or Women’s

History Month or Women’s Equality Day (which is coming up fast, ladies and gentlemen!

August 26th will be here before you know…what are the plans for celebration in your region?

Send me an e-mail so they can be posted on the Chapter Resource page!)

3. Reactivation

Work with Talley Management Company to review any “exit interview” data that has previously

been collected to identify any trends that may be preventing members from rejoining

Develop a short survey to send to deactivated members inviting them to provide feedback on their

membership experience through an anonymous survey (I have a free account

and started this while RM for the Northeast Region)

Work with the Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents to identify issues they see that prevents

members from rejoining; brainstorm possible solutions; and, implement those that can be

implemented in the short-term, develop a parking lot for those ideas that may not be as quickly

implemented but might be in a year’s time or longer, and develop measurement standards to see

what’s working and what’s not

4. Fostering Collaboration

Recognizing that I am one person and there are multiple facets to the position, I want to invite as

many people to the party as want to come – by that, I mean, invite Regional Managers, Regional and

Chapter Membership Chairs, Chapter Presidents, and anyone else who wants to help the organization

grow through membership to be an active participant, working for one purpose:

Retain, Recruit, and Reactivate!

The thing that stays in the forefront of my thoughts on a daily basis is, “Without our members, we

don’t have an organization.”

Exhibit 14


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Suzi Inman , Vice President for Training

My goals for the upcoming year:

1. Establish and maintain standards for training at all levels.

2. Work with the National Training Program Chairs and Planning Team to assist in the planning process of

the National Training Program.. Giving guidance as requested.

3. Communicate with Regions and Chapters regarding their training programs so that all areas, such as

Diversity, Compliance, Legislative and other type of training programs are provided to their members.

4. Communicate with Chapters making sure that new member training orientation is provided.

5. Work with Strategic Planning Team, other National Board of Directors, Regions and Chapters on ideas

for way forward with National Training Program when cutbacks are so drastic. Do we continue as is, or

make modifications to our current way of doing business? I will be reaching out for ideas from other

organizations along with all of the above.

Exhibit 15


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Joan Chopp, Secretary

My goals as National Secretary are:

To uphold the high standards of the National Board of Directors and to complete all duties and tasks to

the best of my ability.

To provide information and assistance to Federally Employed Women’s membership and the National

President and to the NBOD.

To assist with the National Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings to help make the

meetings run smoothly, by providing NBOD with necessary information prior to all meetings.

To provide minutes of each meeting to the review committee and the board in a timely manner.

To be responsive to all requests in a timely manner and to assist with duties, as assigned.

Exhibit 16


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Carol D. Jones


Oversees the receipt and disbursement of all funds, in accordance with the approved annual budget.

Supervise receipt of all bills for payment.

To review and ensure all bank accounts and investment account statements are reconciled no later

than the 15th working day of the month following the statement closing.

To ensure the posting and balancing of the general ledger by the 21st of each month. Reviews and

issues the monthly financial statements to the NBOD.

To assist and see FEW continue with their strategic planning to grow stronger financially.

Exhibit 17


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20, 2012

FROM: Bernice Waller, Nominations Chair

My goals for 2012-2014 are:

Goal 1: Appoint a committee to establish procedures for receipt of nominations in a timely manner, using

Lessons Learned from the 2012-2014 election process as a measure for success, paying particular attention to

increasing FEW members’ interest in running for an NBOD position.

Goal 2: Solicit nominations from Chapters and Regions for the FEW elected officer positions within 100

days of the Annual Membership Meeting, focusing on the benefits of serving, such as:

Increasing self-confidence,

Developing interpersonal relationships,

Participating in team activities,

o Developing oral and written communication skills,

o Developing strategic planning skills, and,

o Developing project management skills,

Sharing expertise and experience with others,

Developing mentoring opportunities.

Goal 3: Within the established timeframe for submitting nominations, ensure each candidate has the

qualifications for the office.

Goal 4: Work with the News and Views team to prepare an announcement article following the successful

election of FEW officers for 2014-2016; and, work with the Communications Chair to develop a press

release to announce the new officers to the general public for 2014-2016.

Exhibit 18


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Sue Webster, Immediate Past President

TO: FEW National Board of Directors

The following provides a summary of my goals as Immediate Past President for the coming term.

Past President’s Task Force: Per the National Policy and Procedures Manual, Section VI, Resources, C, 24, I

will chair the Past President’s Task Force. This Task Force will provide guidance on the short- and long-

range plans of the organization and undertake special projects as needed by the National President and/or

National Board of Directors.

Youth Outreach: As discussed with the National President, my goal is to continue work with Mr. Roy

Juarez, Jr., and the Special Assistant for Outreach and the VP for Membership and Chapter Organization in

the area of FEW’s outreach to youth and to the chapters and regions. In addition, as discussed with the

National President, we hope to expand the youth outreach to work with agencies.

NTP 2014: As Chair for the NTP 2014, I will be working with the Co-Chair Marion Stevens and Team

Members to begin preliminary planning for this simultaneous training program to be held with FEW and

Blacks in Government. It is now more important than ever to highlight the benefits of shared facilities,

resources, etc, at this time of decreased budgets, etc.

Communications: I will continue discussions with appropriate board members to ensure that

agency/sponsor/other contact info is shared as the transition from one board to the other continues.

I will support the National President and National Board as needed and will mentor board members and other

FEW members as needed.

I look forward to continuing to serve FEW in my new role as Immediate Past President.




Exhibit 19


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Sapana Patel: Awards Chair

Through our national awards program, I will help FEW and our President recognize special achievements of

individuals, chapters, and regions in furthering the purposes of the organization.


1) Along with the Awards Committee, we will publish articles in News & Views, FEW national web page,

encouraging participation in the National FEW Awards Program and referencing existing


2) Upon receipt of each award nomination, I will immediately acknowledge receipt in the best possible


3) I will review nominations, and the Committee will recommend a nominee as award recipient in each

category and present those recommendations at the Spring National Executive Committee Meeting.

4) I will consult with the Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization as well as the following

national board members: Vice President, Training, Vice President, Congressional Relations, Vice President,

Diversity, Vice President, Compliance, Bylaws and Resolutions Chair, and Finance Chair to ensure all

actions from the National Board to the chapters and/or Region have been completed. Additionally, I will be

in contact with the respective Regional Manager, regarding their rating of chapters, as part of the review of

nominations for chapter awards.

5) I will establish a suitable method of communication among the committee members to facilitate review of

nominations and recommendations for awards. I will assure the winning entry in each chapter award

category is filed in a three-ring notebook and placed on exhibit in the National Membership Booth at the


Exhibit 20


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Kimberly Kirkpatrick, National By-Laws Chair

Goal 1: Keep the National Bylaws functional and effective.

• Activity: Review all proposed motions for possible bylaw changes.

• Activity: Ensure the membership receives proposed amendments at least 30-days prior to voting.

Goal 2: Ensure Regional and Chapter bylaws are compliant with the National bylaws.

• Activity: Update Regional and Chapter bylaws based on the National Bylaws.

• Activity: Assist the Regions and Chapters in developing their bylaws, as requested.

Goal 3: Review and approve new Chapter bylaws

• Activity: Provide guidance to new Chapters regarding compliance with National bylaws.

• Activity: Address inquiries on chapter bylaws customization.

Exhibit 21


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

TO: FEW National Board of Directors

FROM: Shelly McCoy, Communications Chair

SUBJECT: 2012 – 2014 Goals

It is an honor to serve on this esteemed board and I will strive to continue the outstanding service as that of

my predecessor. My goals and objectives for my term are as follows:


1. Develop Comprehensive Communication Plan

2. Review Internal/External Standards and modify as needed

3. Analyze current communication methods and make recommendations to streamline process

4. Serve as active member of PPRC

5. Create Communication Committee

6. Serve as member of News & Views (Coordinator)


Develop Comprehensive Communication Plan

1. Work with NBOD to develop a comprehensive communications plan

2. Share and distribute communications to applicable stakeholders

3. Encourage communication at all levels

Establish and maintain standard techniques for internal / external communication Objectives

1. Review current standards and implement changes as needed

2. Create a living User Interface Guideline for all communications as needed

Analyze current communication methods and make recommendations to streamline process

1. Review current communication methods

2. Find alternative methods of posting communication (i.e. government blogs, Yammer, OMB

MaxPortal, etc.

3. Review Best Practices and identify best approaches for FEW

Active member of PPRC

1. Be a positive influence and contributor of the PPRC

2. Create Communication Committee

Create Communication Committee

1. Outreach to all levels of FEW to recruit members of Communication Committee – Complete and

present at October 2012 EC Meeting

Serve as member of News & Views (Coordinator)

1. Continue to serve as News & Views Coordinator

These are my tentative goals as the incoming Communications Chair and will be modified and updated as

needed. I will work closely with the outgoing Communications Chair to garner pertinent information to assist

in the transition to these new duties. I look forward to serving this body for the next two years.

Exhibit 22


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Contracts Co Chair, Annette Cosby



Recompete NTP Registration contract currently held by Experient

Efforts to craft a RFP underway.

Prepare to exercise the last option for the NTP Associate Management contract currently held by

Talley after satisfactory performance review.

Prepare to recompete NTP Meeting and Exhibit contract currently held by Talley

Talley (Meeting & Exhibit Contract expires 9/30/2012. No option period is left to exercise

Personal: Work with new President to ensure my response times and submitted information/reports are

useful and meet organizational goals

Contracts Management: Reorganize and alleviate unnecessary process and paper trails that hinder

expeditious contract management goals.

Exhibit 23


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Vanessa J. Hawkins, Finance Chair

As Finance Chair I plan to work towards the following goals for 2012-2014.

Goal#1 Produce accurate and reliable financial statements for FEW Review Chapter quarterly financial statements for financial concerns, advise and develop effective

conclusions and recommendations.

Review all reports of income and expenditures from the Treasurer and office staff, monitor reports

against approved budgets monthly.

Report the financial position to the National Board of Directors (NBOD) in an accurate, timely,

consistent and reliable manner.

Oversee the budget formulation process, evaluate and analyze budget proposals, prepare preliminary

budget for review by the Finance Committee and present the annual operating budget to the NBOD

for approval.

Assist the Treasurer as needed with review of monthly financial statements and supporting records.

Goal#2 Provide Financial Oversight and make recommendations on financial matters

Monitor FEW’s investment performance to ensure financial stability.

Monitor and review investment statements to ensure investments are secure and made in accordance

with the Investment Policy approved by the NBOD.

Compare performance with the budget on a monthly basis and make recommendations to the NBOD

and committee.

Work closely with Finance Committee, NBOD, Executive Committee and Investment Committee on

all financial matters.

Prepare for the annual audit, coordinate between the CPA firm and FEW for completion of the audit.

Provide guidance to all NBOD members, special assistants and committee chairs for submitting a

request in the support of the annual budget.

Goal#3 Strive to understand my duties as Finance Chair and to perform the responsibilities of my

position to the best of my abilities

Goal#4 Maintain Integrity and accountability

Abide by the Standards of Conduct/Behavior/Ethics and Business Rules as defined in the National

Policy and Procedures Manual (NPPM) and organization Bylaws.

Exhibit 24


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Rhonda Trent, Chair, NTP 2013

Lindsay Mitchell, Co-Chair

Ellen McKenzie, Co-Chair

To date, the NTP2013 team has taken the following actions:

a. Selected and confirmed committee chairs and assigned some committee members

b. Developed project task list/timeline

c. Secured handouts for our NTP 2013 booth at NTP2012

d. Prepared “save the date” flyer for NTP2012 exhibitors

e. Prepared a budget and submitted to the National Finance team

f. Have launched the Theme “Passport to Career Success” in multiple publications

g. Took necessary steps to compose a letter and send to the overflow hotel, Double Tree Orlando, to

cancel room blocks and attrition clauses due to government cutbacks. This was a success and

now we are in discussions with the hotel for services they may be able to provide at no risk to

FEW. They are anxious to continue to work with us.

h. On separate occasions both Rhonda and Lindsay have met with Hilton hotel representative, Kim

Lightbourne, to review training space and discuss details about the contract, food pricing list, and

to ensure a hotel representative will be attending NTP 2012 to help preview the hotel and event.

i. Will meet with President Crockett regarding NTP2013 special events during NTP 2012

j. Met with committee chairs/members in attendance at NTP2012

k. Developed a DRAFT agenda of events for NTP 2013

l. Events have been scaled down considerably due to financial issues and anticipation of fewer

attendees due to Government cutbacks. We also know that most will want to take advantage of

the local attractions and activities in the evenings while in the area.

m. Scheduled first NTP 2013 planning meeting Aug 23 to 25, 2012 at the Orlando Hilton.

n. Made preliminary plans for remaining planning meetings and will confirm with President


o. In the process of developing an alternative publicity strategy to attract more businesses to the

conference to hopefully increase our attendee resource pool.

p. Will launch the NTP 2013 website shortly after NTP 2012.

Exhibit 25


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Judy Rush, National Chair – Publications, Policy and Review Committee

My Goals for the 2012 – 2014 Term include:

1. Provide a transparent transition of the materials documents and records under PPRC review so that all

materials are maintained and the ongoing review process continues seamlessly. I will collaborate with

the prior Publications, Policy, and Review Committee (PPRC) Chair to gain a clear understanding of the

process in order to provide consistent guidance.

2. Utilize the designated PPRC Members, Advisors, and Others with Significant Publishing Interface to

complete reviews of materials sent to the PPRC in accordance with the established time frames of 5 days

or up to 10 days maximum for larger documents (refer to page 2 for a list of the Members, Advisors, and

Others with Publications Interface).

This utilization will provide consistency with FEW’s organizational policies and quality standards as

established in the Publications, Policy and Review section of the National Policy and Procedures Manual


3. Maintain the PPRC Tracking System to record the projects received and reviewed by the PPRC. This

will result in continuity and responsiveness, and useful comments to the authors of these materials.

4. Conduct a review of the current Publications Policy Review Chapter of the NPPM update, as needed.

This review will look for ways to streamline the process, thus resulting in an improved Publications,

Policy and Review process.

Publications Policy and Review Committee

1. Michelle Crockett – National President, Ex Officio Member

2. Wanda Killingsworth – National Executive Vice President

3. Brenda Hagar – National Vice President for Policy and Planning

4. Suzi Inman – National Vice President for Training

5. Joan Chopp – National Secretary (Recorder)

6. Bernice Waller – National Nominations Officer

7. Shelly McCoy – National Chair for Communications

8. Sue Webster – Immediate Past National President

9. Marsha Strackany – Rocky Mountain Region


1. Melvie Hall-Bellinger – National Vice President for Compliance

2. Matthew Fogg – National Vice President for Congressional Relations

3. Georgia Thomas – National Vice President for Diversity

4. Dawn Nester – National Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization

Others with Significant Publishing Interface

1. Current National Training Program (NTP) Chair, Co-Chairs, and/or Chair/Deputy Chair

2. Vicki Smith – News & Views Editor

3. Karen Rainey – Information Technology and Webmaster

Exhibit 26


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012


FROM: Sheryl L. Coleman, National Scholarship Chair

1. To obtain scholarship applications from all ten Regions.

2. To work closely with Regional Managers and Chapter Presidents in promoting the scholarship

application process.

3. To continue to improve upon the online scholarship application process via updates of the NPPM.

4. To provide at least four WEBINAR’s via Grantham University.

5. To consistently provide articles for the News and Views on the scholarship application process.




Exhibit 27


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Helen Robinson, Regional Manager D.C Metro

1. One of my goals for the upcoming year is to increase the visibility of FEW through several

mechanisms which include getting FEW more involved in community activities in the D.C. Metro

Area. I would also like to take the yearly prom dress giveaway program that the Bethesda Chapter

has sponsored during the last 4 years and make it a regional event in order to get all of the chapters

together for a community event that will bring us all together and get us networking with our


2. I would also like to try to get more young people involved in FEW by coming up with a way to offer

a reduced student rate for high school and college students to be able to join FEW. I have come

across a lot of young people who are interested in FEW and would welcome the opportunity to join

the organization, however the $45.00 yearly membership fee keeps them from joining our

organization. I’d like to see FEW have chapters on college campuses here in our region.. I believe

this is a great stepping stone to get more people involved in this organization.

3. I’d like to opportunity to make the position of Regional Manager more visible to all of the chapters

in the Metro area. It is my goal to attend at least one or more meetings/events that each of the

chapters in the region has. By the end of the year, I would like to have visited all of the chapters. I

think the visibility of the Regional Manager to the chapters shows that the Regional Manager has a

vested interest in all of the chapters, the region and FEW as a whole.

Exhibit 28


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit,, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Barbara Y. Powell, Southeast Regional Manager

In my role as the newly elected Southeast Regional Manager, I have identified several goals that are

important for the success of FEW’s Southeast Region


Work with chapters to strengthen them and make them viable.

Offer assistance and guidance to chapter presidents.

Distribute information and follow up on all inquiries on establishing new chapters.

Investigate the possibility of establishing a chapter in the state of North Carolina. This would

be in keeping with the National slogan “a Chapter in every state”.

Review all Quarterly Reports and respond to chapters with suggestions or advise.

I was very pleased to be selected by my Region as the next Regional Manager, and will continue to enhance

the mission of FEW to the best of my abilities.

Exhibit 29


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Lucinda (Cindy) Wilson – Mid Atlantic Regional Manager


As a volunteer, willingly giving my time, money, allegiance, and loyalty to support FEW as a

Regional Manager, I will

o Adhere to the FEW National Bylaws

o Adhere to the National Policy and Procedure Manual

o Adhere to the National Board of Directors Position Performance Review Guide

To the best of my ability and I pledge that if I fall below expected performance, I will resign my

position immediately.


Regional goals will be consisted with National goals

Attend all NBOD, submit monthly reports, and send NEWs and VIEWs to Chapters

All national information will be forward to chapters and their members

Appoint standing committees for nominations/elections, compliance, legislation, and membership

Hold one Regional Training Event each year

Hold Regional Meetings during NBODs, NTPs, and RTPs


Will monitor chapter activities on planned events and required membership

Will assist chapters in finding officers and staying afloat

Will attend at least one chapter meeting each year, by WEBNAR, Phone, or in person

Will review quarterly reports, monthly rosters, and deactivation rosters and follow up to chapters

Will provide training for all new officers


Will continue to work to establish a new chapter in Baltimore and Delaware

Exhibit 30


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Kristina L. Tiedke, Northeast Regional Manager

Open a new Chapter in every State

Maintain existing Chapters

Get one or more FEW members from each Chapter to the next NTP

Get each member to open up Capwiz and write his or her Government Officials at least once a


Exhibit 31


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Adrianne M. Callahan

Incoming Regional Manager

Great Lakes Region


Establish Chapters within the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Implement bi-monthly conference calls with Great Lakes Regional Board to encourage, mentor and

promote active participation and information sharing among regional members.

Work with volunteer host chapters to hold Regional Training Programs in the Fall and Spring.

Help coordinate necessary training and resources for incoming Chapter Presidents in order to equip

them with additional tools to lead their chapters.

Implement Regional Awards Program.

Exhibit 32


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Gloria Sherman, Mid-Continent Regional Manager

The Mid-Continent Region includes the following seven (7) chapters: Carrie Chapman Catt, Ft. Leonard

Wood, Heart of America, Kansas Sunflower, Mid-America, Nebraska Heartland, and Willa Cather.

The goals for the Mid-Continent Region include:

To assist with the chartering of new chapters. Action: Still working with FEW members in the St.

Louis and other areas. Attended St Louis MO agency FWP meeting. Several local people were

interested in chartering a chapter.

To increase FEW visibility and FEW Memberships. Action: Always looking for new members and

continue to use both the National Membership Contest and our Regional Membership Contest to try

to get our members to bring in additional members.

To provide quality-training programs. Action: Be involved in planning for our next RTP.

To support Chapter Presidents and Regional Officers. Action: Attend chapter meeting of not yet

visited chapter. Attend as many chapter events as possible. Be available for discussions.

To serve as a communication conduit to keep all FEW members within region with email and

newsletter. Action: Attend Executive Committee meetings if possible. Participate in Regional

Manager calls and distribute items of National importance and request information from them for

National FEW. Publicize and use Mid-Continent Facebook page. Update our region website and are

build a FEW microsite.

To provide mentoring opportunities. Action: Encourage all regional board members to assist other

members where they can.

To continue involvement in annual, national “Make A Difference Day” and expand to all chapters in

the region and nationally. Action: I request that each chapter do a project for “Make a Difference

Day” for October 27, 2012.

To build Cultural Diversity Awareness Programs. Action: Continue to ask that our Diversity Chair

to provide information for our newsletter and at meetings.

We held our Spring Regional Board Meeting in Mayetta, KS in April 2012 in conjunction with our RTP.

Our Fall Regional Board Meeting will be held October 13th at Osage Beach MO.

Exhibit 33


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Rebecca Simmons - Southwest Regional Manager


Actively participate in the National and Regional Board meetings by

1) reviewing all material prior to the meetings

2) Preparing an agenda for all regional board meetings

3) Follow up on action items from the National and Regional Board meetings

Increase my problem solving and decision making skills by:

1) Reviewing all quarterly reports and suggesting practical, workable improvements to appropriate


2) Supporting the newest chapters in our region – the Sun City Chapter and the Red River Stars

Chapter by ensuring they are aware of all chapter requirements

3) ensure chapters to the best of my ability retain the current minimum level in membership

4) communicate with all of the region chapters on a regular basis not only by email but by telephone

and personal visits when possible

Utilize critical thinking by:

1) Ensuring a strategic plan is developed for the region and all of the chapters within the region

2) Begin a succession plan for the position of SW Regional Manager by utilizing the Regional

Representative more and ensuring that all committee chairs are filled for the SW Region Board so

that future leaders are being developed.

Continue to improve customer service and attitude in the SW Region by:

1) ensuring that all requests from national and SW Region chapters are completed in a timely


2) Continue to perform in a professional manner in dealing with issues at the National, Region and

chapter levels.

Ensure that the SW Region continues its integrity and accountability by:

1) Sponsoring a regional training program of professional training classes and opportunities for

members to network and improve their work skills.

2) Ensuring all chapters are at the current minimum level in membership

3) Increasing membership in all chapters

4) Increasing the number of chapters in the SW Region especially in the Louisiana area

5) Maintain a balanced budget for the Region.

Exhibit 34


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Sherry Henderson

Regional Manager, Rocky Mountain Region

TO: FEW National Board of Directors

As the Regional Manager for the Rocky Mountain Region, the following is a summary of goals

aligned with my Performance Report.

Arrive at all board meetings prior to the stated time and be prepared to actively participate in

Board discussions of reviewed agenda, minutes or other meeting materials.

Work with other Board members through open communication to discuss options, effectively

analyzing potential resolutions to problems provided in order to select resolutions best suited to

the Rocky Mountain Regional Goals 2012-2013.

Demonstrate the ability to think long term.

Will support the organization and the goals/objectives in a positive manner as the Rocky

Mountain Regional Goals are implemented.

Will regularly monitor and evaluate progress toward strategic goals and organization


As the Regional Manager for the Rocky Mountain Region, the following is a summary of goals

pertaining to the Rocky Mountain Region:


a. Suggest to the Board a Youth Mentoring class to be implemented at the 2013 RTP

b. Provide career development, skill building and leadership training at the 2013 RTP

Legislative: Emphasize the importance of representation from each Chapter at their State Level

Congressional Sessions by attending local advocacy day events and attending “Meet your

Congressional Representative Day.

Compliance: Increase knowledge of the Compliance Program process with local EEO Officers

and review and strengthen Compliance Programs of at least three Regional federal agencies.

Diversity: Promote activities of federal Special Emphasis Groups and ensure that Diversity

training is included as part of each Regional Training Program and at the grassroots Chapter

levels. Promote each Chapter having members attend at least two Special Emphasis Group.

Continue pursuit of one new Chapter in the four unchartered states in the Region.

Exhibit 35


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Cindy Higgins, Pacific Northwest Regional Manager

Serving the Pacific Northwest Region as the FEW Regional Manager is both an honor and a responsibility.

As a member of the Regional Board since 2004, I have witnessed the members taking on new challenges

and moving forward in their careers. My personal goal is to bring the “FUN” back into FEW, which in turn

encourages members to bolster their FEW bonds. I continue to seek out the Past RM for her knowledge and

guidance. My goals for the 2012-2014 term are:

Goal #1 – Provide PNW Regional Training

Ensure that the PNW Region conducts at least 8 training sessions on FEW’s focus areas of

Diversity, Compliance, and Legislation.

Provide Regional Officer Training to the incoming Board Members.

Encourage the PNW Officers to provide an RTP Annually; providing workshops for career enhancement,

improved communication, and leadership.

Serve on the upcoming RTP Planning Teams; providing workshops which align with OPM’s Leadership


Goal #2 – Encourage PNW Visibility

Establish another chapter in the PNW Region.

Submit at least 6 Regional articles to the “News & Views” Editor each year.

Publish the PNW Region’s “Summit Express” newsletter on a quarterly basis.

Goal #3 – Provide Support, Guidance, and Leadership to Chapter Presidents

Provide assistance to Chapters as they provide Member Training & Orientation.

Assist Chapters as they develop & publish a Chapter Newsletter.

Encourage Chapters to submit applications for the National Awards Program.

Serve as a Mentor for all Regional Officers.

Goal #4 – Finalize and implement the Regional Policy & Procedures Manual

Continue to work with the Past Regional Manager to develop and refine the RPPM.

Exhibit 36


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Kim Foster, Western Region Manager

Goals for 2012-2014 Term:

Establish a Region Website

Increase Western Region Membership (Use existing Chapters as Best Practices and mentor other Chapters in

nearby cities)

Establish Chapters in the following areas:

- Los Angeles, CA

- Second Chapter on Oahu

- Tucson, AZ

Retain the current FEW Western Region members by finding out what their training and career development

needs are. Conduct an email survey and based on the survey results, form an Action Committee to identify

and resolve the issues.

- Send a small training team to one or more chapters to conduct training there on a weekend.




Exhibit 37


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Karen M. Rainey, IT Webmaster

Performance Plan and Goals for IT Chair Position

I plan to:

improve the performance of the national website by reducing the percentage of downtime.

continually evaluate and improve assigned request made to contractual support, Rome & Gold

implement a process on establishing inquiry timelines for responses to NBOD chairs

coordinate, prioritize and develop projects within established deadlines to meet the goals of FEW.

track assigned projects, correspondence, etc., from initiation to completion and addresses each within

the timeframes.

safeguards and protects the personally identifiable information (PII) from unauthorized use and


provide reliable technical research and advice and assist the NBOD, regions and chapter with

interactions with the national website.

improve all social media communications with members. (facebook, govloop, linkin)

establish and utilize the job bank on the national website.

The goal of this position is to improve the performance of website with our contractual agreement with

Rome and Gold.

Exhibit 38


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Vicki L. Smith, Editor, News and Views

This next term I believe we need to look at the size and frequency of the newsletter. So my first goal is to

work with my team to look at the option of delivering a newsletter more often and have a recommendation to

the NBOD by the October meeting.

I would like to have the advertising policy finalized and presented to the NBOD so we can begin bringing in

revenue by the end of this calendar year.

Finally, I want to develop the procedures and have them documented for the News & Views team. This will

facilitate the transition to new members of the team in the future.

Thanks for the opportunity to work with an exceptional group of individuals!

Exhibit 39


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Sharon Roydes, Employee Thrift Advisory Council

The Employee Thrift Advisory Council (ETAC) advises the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

(FRTIB) and its Executive Director on matters relating to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) for federal

employees. Council members are appointed for a 4-year term, and my current term began April 1, 2011.

My goals are to:

Attend each ETAC meeting and represent the interests of federally employed women on those

proposed policy and legislative changes that will affect the TSP as a whole and women in particular.

Report to the FEW National Board of Directors and Executive Committee on current and

upcoming TSP issues before the FRTIB.

Write articles about the TSP for the News and Views.

Reach out to region and chapters with TSP articles, to solicit more direct feedback about

legislative changes proposed for the TSP; how current TSP policies impact them; and their areas of


Develop a plan to identify potential candidates who could succeed me as the ETAC


Exhibit 40


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Debra Hobbs, Chair, FWP

Goal #1

To continue to work to assure that the FWP Strategic Planning team keeps the visibility on the issues that are

outlined in the FWP Strategic Plan by:

Continuing to make contact with FWPM’s and visit Agencies when necessary.

Continue to work with OPM, EEOC and the NCFWPM concerning matters of FWP.

Have monthly FWP Strategic Planning meetings.

Communicate with FWPM’s utilizing the Communities of Practices IT function MAX.

Exhibit 41


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Debra Hobbs, Chair, FWP Strategic Planning Committee

Goal #1

Continue to promote events aimed at promoting FWP initiatives.

Attend OPM FWPM’s Council meetings.

Collaborate with the White House Council of Women and Girls.

Continue to work with the National Council of Federal Women’s Program (NCFWPM).

Continue to provide training for FWPM’s at the NTP, and during the course of the Year.

Goal #2

Continue to contact FWPM’s from the email list provided at the NTP 2011 FWP class.

Utilize the MAX IT function to communicate with other FWPM’s.

Share info and pertinent info pertaining to FWP roles and responsibilities to FWPM’s that have

entered data into the FEW/FWP database.

Goal #3

To highlight agencies that has an Excellent FWP Program.

Receive reports from FWPM’s on their FWP program.

Make agency visits when requested.

Exhibit 42


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Dawn Nester, President, FEW Foundation for Education and training

Goals for 2012 include, but are not limited to:

1. Continue to develop partnering relationships with colleges and universities that may result in additional

monetary scholarships for FEW members

2. Continue to move the FEW Foundation toward qualification in the OPM national Combined Federal


a. Regions can assist the FEW Foundation in this endeavor by requesting annual Regional

Training Program scholarships for your members

i. The FEW Foundation must grant monetary scholarships to FEW members in at least

fifteen states on an annual basis – without the requests for RTP scholarships, it has

been very difficult for the FEW Foundation to reach members in fifteen different

states within a 12-month period

3. Continue to identify skills-based webinars for FEW members and their guests to offer free on a monthly


4. Continue to support FEW National Board of Directors with free webinars in their areas of expertise to

developing eLearning opportunities for members and their guests

a. Webinars are posted on both the FEW and FEW Foundation website, usually within 48-72

hours after the live presentation

5. Continue to encourage FEW members to take advantage of the FEW Foundation partnership with that offers members, family, friends, or co-workers courses in over 300 topics over a 6-8

week period for $99 per course – visit today to check out the courses that might

interest you! Encourage others to visit the site, too. The FEW Foundation gains approximately $40 from

each registration through the FEW Foundation portal. Thank you to everyone who has already taken a


Exhibit 43


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Arlena Fitch-Gordon

Special Assistant for Outreach

The vision for this position is to help make FEW more visible to the younger women government

worker and help with mentoring and coaching programs. Additionally, assist the National President

with any initiatives.

This program includes a Chair for Women’s Health (Lisamarie Rykowski) and Chair for Mentoring

(Lucinda (Cindy) Wilson.

Outlined below are my goals for 2012-2014:

1) Assist the National President with any special requests, assignments or initiatives.

2) Collaborate with the Chair for Women’s Health for creating possible webinars to provide

Health Living Workshops. Request nutritionists, counselors, and medical professionals to

volunteer to provide these webinars. Notify FEW members when these webinars will be

available and additionally, post information on FEW website to attract potential FEW


3) Collaborate with the Chair for Mentoring for providing webinars on Career Counseling that

will provide leadership development. Again, notify FEW members when these webinars will be

available and additionally, post information on FEW website to attract potential FEW


4) Collaborate with VP for Training to create webinars that would be of interest to our members.

5) Establish a committee that will assist with reaching out to other organizations to assist with

ideas for outreach.

Exhibit 44


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Lucinda Wilson- Mentorship Program Chairman

Goal #1 Answer all inquiries within two days of receipt and send application form.

Goal #2 Match mentors to mentee to their most compatibility

Goal #3 Follow up on matches ensuring progress

Goal#4 Provide quarterly reports to NBOD

Goal#5 Write Mentoring Articles for News and View

Exhibit 45


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Lisamarie Rykowski;

Chair Sub Committee on Women’s Health issues

My vision for this position in the next 2 years is to assist women in understanding the health issues that

affect or can affect them and to provide facts not myths. To also provide healthier alternatives for cooking

and tips on taking a more holistic approach to the care of our bodies,

My specific goals are outlined as follows:

1) Assist the Special Assistant for Outreach on any health issues and concerns to present to the

members. .

2) Collaborate with the FEW foundation, to create webinars that will deliver various health related


a. Signs and symptoms, tips, facts not myths, healthy living, eating and cooking.

b. Working with insurance agencies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield to present some webinars.

c. To make these webinars available not only on the dates they are taught, but also have them

available in archive for future access.

3) Author monthly articles based on various holistic health trends in healing, as well as healthy eating

tips that are easily integrated in our busy lifestyles.

Conduct a survey to be published in the September issue of News & Views, to find out what interests the

members have and to find out what they want to know more about

Exhibit 46


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Jeraldine (Jeri) Peterson, Person With Disabilities (PWD)


1. Be more active in distributing Disability Awareness information and federal resources to Regional

Managers, Representatives, and Chapter Presidents.

2. Ensure Regional and National Training Programs have interpreters at each training session.

Regional PWD Chairs will solicit contracts to support ADA members.

3. Ensure National Training Program (NTP2013) Training venue is readily equipped to accommodate

the needs of PWD

4. Develop a PWD Awards Category to be included in the NPPM with annual accomplishments.

5. Train more Chapters and Regions on Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Compliance to include

Title II regulation, 28 CFR, Section 35 and Title III, Section 36. Training and compliance ADA areas

include employment; transportation; telephone relay services; housing; parks and recreation; small

business and technology access.

Exhibit 47


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Rachel C Combs, Special Assistant for Housing

Special Assistant for Housing Goals for 2012 – 14

Goal # 1 - Plan, coordinate, and execute all meetings of FEW that involve the Ex Committee,

NBOD, and NTP Committees.

Goal # 2 - Publish a schedule of meetings at the beginning of our fiscal year.

Goal # 3 - Schedule meetings to stay within the approved budget.

Goal # 4 – Meet all hotel contract suspense prior to meetings.

Goal # 5 - Work with Treasurer and Finance Chair to settle all billing correctly.

Goal # 6 – Assist the President in other areas as directed.

Exhibit 48


Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center

Detroit, Michigan

July 20-21, 2012

FROM: Jeanette McElhaney


As a new NBOD member I want to accomplish the following things:

1. Establish a committee of working Believers. Would like for the committee members to be

volunteers, because they will get the job done.

2. We want to maintain the support of the Sponsors/Partners that we have and to continue building a

strong bond with them.

3. We would work hard to bring new groups on board. If we have a strong bond with the groups we

have now we can use them to help bring others on board. The more small things and making

them feel like a VIP can go a long way.