National anthem and school song (andrea)

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of National anthem and school song (andrea)


By Andrea, Chelsea, Paul

The Poster of National Anthem and School Song by Paul, Andrea, Chelsea

National anthem

Official San Min Chu-i, Our aim shall be: To found, a free land, World peace, be our stand. Lead on, comrades, Vanguards ye are. Hold fast your aim, By sun and star. Be earnest and brave, Your country to save, One heart, one soul, One mind, one goal

三 民 主 義 , 吾 黨 所 宗 。 以 建 民 國 , 以 進 大 同 。 咨 爾 多 士 , 為 民 前 鋒 。 夙 夜 匪 懈 , 主 義 是 從 。 矢 勤 矢 勇 , 必 信 必 忠 。 一 心 一 德 , 貫 徹 始 終 。 ……

The Author of National Anthem

About the National Anthem Before : In 1924, the national

anthem is written for Guangzhou officer school open ceremony.

Now : In 1937, the government made this school song by founding a state spirit, and it turned into our national anthem.

School song我們是陽明的子弟 我們是陽明的兒女是承先啟後的精英 是發揚光大的一代聖賢之學是世代的薪傳 篤志力行是終身的誓言陽明給我指引 陽明給我力量 努力奮發勇往直前 努力奮發勇往直前 我愛陽明 我愛中華 我愛陽明 我愛陽明 我愛中華我愛陽明 我愛中華 我愛陽明 我愛陽明 我愛中華

We are sons and daughters of Yang Ming. We are the elite who inherit the past and carry on to the future. We are the new generation to develop and carry forward the world. Heritage learning is a lifelong oath. Yangming gave me the direction and the strength. I work hard and go forward with courage. I love Yangming, and I love Taiwan.

About school song The school song is written by Yang Ming

Junior High School’s first principal, Lie-Fan-Rong.

School song is significant to school, because is certainly written about our school’s perfection and our distinguished features.