Nation report

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Nation report

Channing Shattuck


No butts about it, the Argentina people are a vibrant culture – as enthusiastic and

proud of their country as any other nation. Most Argentineans originated from Italy

and Spain with smaller percentages ranging from other European nations and

onwards. It would be safe to say that Argentina is a nation largely made up of



The religion most practiced in Argentina is Roman Catholicism. The official language that is spoken is Spanish, yet Argentinian Spanish is different from original Spanish.

According to, Argentinian Spanish sounds much more

like Italian than Spanish from Spain.


The culture of Argentina is strongly borrowed from the various immigrants that

populated it. The culture is based mainly off a Spanish heritage, with strong Catholic ties.

There is also a name that is given to the populace, a “guacho”, meaning a person from

Southern America with Indian and Spanish decent. The main language of the land is

Spanish. There is a strong fascination from the culture with soccer (better known as futbol in

the country).


Argentina is well-known for it’s variety of foods. It’s cuisine consists of corns, pastries

and meat. The culture is heavily adopted from farm and ranchero life.

Argentina, though known for it’s soccer team, has a national sport called Pato. It is played

by using a six handled ball and on horseback.They are also feverously known for their

music and dance… tango.


Argentina shares borders with Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile. The capital of Argentina is the beautiful riverside city of

Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires has remained the heart of the country, being the hotspot for

economic, political and social life. Some of the main industries of Argentina include meat-

packing, flourmilling, metalcrafting, electrical equipment, chemicals, drugs, leather goods, and

textiles because of the prime location and the resources available.


Argentina has a current population of about 39,144,753 people. The ethnicity that

majorly makes up the population is Hispanic white, mostly originating from Spain and

Italy. The percentage of them? 98%!The climate of Argentina is mostly

temperate, being described as arid in the southeast and subantartic in the south west,

according to


Argentina has several stages of history. The first is known as the Precolumbian time. After that (1500’s to 1800) was

known as the colonial period. Next is post-colonial, then lastly is the modern

Argentina, being from the late 1800’s to now.


Where things started happening was the colonial period, basically this is when the Spaniards

arrived. With the arrival of the Spanish came their form of government, known as Viceroyalty. Wars for independence would rage during the

time of the post colonial age, and the result was a new united nation. Modern Argentina boomed

from improvements in agriculture, foreign investment, and new railroads and ports. Masses

of immigration poured in from Europe.