Narrative project introduction

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Narrative project introduction

November and December 2013

Narrative Writing

Wait, isn't a narrative just like telling a story?

Narrative Project Goals

Writing short stories that:

• Clearly develop a character with personality and flaws

• Correctly uses the plot sequence

• Adapts for different points of view

Goal 1: Developing a Character

• Building a Mind Map of your character to develop a round character.

• Think of the flaw of your character.

Goal 2: Plot Sequence

Goal 3: Point of View

You will be wringing your short story twice, from two different perspectives, or points of view.

Requirements of the Short

• Does not need to be an epic.

• Meets all the goals. (Your character is key.)

• Spelling and Grammar

• Has a defined purpose (P. I. E.)

• Character Mind Map, Plot Sequence Planner, Two Stories (2nd after break) with different POVs.

Let's focus on the process not just the
